Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps

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  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    Thinking Pattern, Mind

    Mapping and MentalMaps

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    4 major thinking patterns aimed to problem solving:A)Logical thinking, B) Correlative thinking,

    C) Lateral or Divergent thinking, D)Non-conceptual thinking

    Sumber: http://!ar"himedes#

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    %ven though the 4main thinkingpatterns tou"h ea"h

    other, as shon inthe diagramopposite, ea"hpattern keeps itsindividual operative

    s&stem 'sphere),be"ause it o""upiesa ver& distin"t(un"tion level!

    Sumber: http://!ar"himedes#

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    Some mental abilities involved b& the 4 hinking *atterns:Fantasy # (rom +reek phantazesthai pi"ture to onesel( # , is the mental (a"ult& ora"tivit& o( imagining things b& an individual or group, hi"h does not "orrespondne"essaril& ith realit&, a"hievabilit&, or estheti"s but e-presses "ertain desires oraims o( its "reator! .antas& t&pi"all& involves situations hi"h are impossible and "analso be o( se-ual nature! *hilosophers assert that (antas& is hat leads to artisti"

    "reation!Invention # (rom atin invenire devise, dis"over, 0nd # is a highl& "reative pro"essthat depends on imagining abilit& and is "omparable to (antas& and "reativit&!1nvention is aimed at produ"ing a"hievable and (un"tional proje"ts, e-"ludinghoever their estheti" aspe"t!1nvention "an be summed#up b& the 2uote o( the 3ungarian ph&siologist AlbertSent#+&org&i: 5!!! "onsists o( seeing hat ever&bod& has seen and thinking hatnobod& has thought6!

    Creativity is a mental and so"ial pro"ess that mat"hes together (antas& ithinvention, involving the produ"tion o( ne ideas or "on"epts, or ne asso"iations o(the "reative mind beteen alread& e-isting ideas or "on"epts! Creativit& is (ueled b&the pro"ess o( either "ons"ious or un"ons"ious insight! Creativit& is aimed atprodu"ing a"hievable and (un"tional proje"ts, in"luding their estheti" aspe"t!A"tuall&, (rom a s"ienti0" point o( vie, the produ"ts o( "reative thought shouldala&s re7e"t originalit& and appropriateness!Imagination # (rom atin imaginari to (orm a mental pi"ture to onesel(, imagine,represent #, also "alled the (a"ult& o( imagining, is the abilit& o( (orming, "asting ormake visible mental images, thoughts, sensations and "on"epts, in a moment henthe& are not per"eived through per"eptive senses! 1magination helps providemeaning to e-perien"e and understanding to knoledge! 1 have imagination, not(antas&! .antas& is not real! 1magination is to be able to imagine (orms in threedimensions said the ar"hite"t +aud8 on"e! 1n (a"t, unlike (antas&, imagination allosus to see things as the& reall& are! 1magination is a purel& intelle"tive pro"ess!

    Insight 'or intuition) is the unpredi"table (a"ult& to dis"ern the true nature o( asituation ithout the use o( rational pro"esses, but through a sudden and deep

    9 ;S

    umber: http://!ar"himedes#

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    hole !ystem

    Sumber: 1.S> '1nternational .ederation S&stem

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    The meaning o"#system$

     here is no "lear agreement onthe de0nition o( the term5s&stem6! =ne broadl& adaptableapproa"h holds that a s&stemmight be "omposed o( things thatare real, but this does not

    ne"essaril& mean the s&stem itsel(has a realit& o( its on! hes&stem is a parti"ular set o(attributes o( a "olle"tion o( thingsthat intera"t or relate to ea"hother in some manner! Sin"e there

    are an in0nite number o( variablesand "onstants asso"iated ith an&one thing or "olle"tion o( things,then it does not make sense thatthe 5s&stem6 is all o( theseattributes! =ne must "hoose hi"h

    attributes are o( interest, hi"h isanother a o( sa in that eSumber: 1.S> '1nternational .ederation S&stem

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    %elationships &et'een !ystems!cience, !ystems (ngineering, )

    !ystems Thinkinge dis"ussed ho the realit& o( s&stems pra-is ala&s "ontains some degree o( ea"h o(our three main areas o( (o"us: s&stems s"ien"e 'SS), s&stems thinking 'S), and s&stemsengineering 'S%)! 1n the past, hen @E o( s&stems engineering proje"ts arguabl&involved (e problem dimensions re2uiring s&stems s"ien"e and s&stems thinking, it aspossible to ignore the need to "ommuni"ate ith those other 0elds, let alone integratethem into a uni0ed s&stems approa"h or s&stems pra-is!

     his no longer seems to be the "ase!

    S% seeks solutions to the orld;s problems but must "onsider the ide range o( (a"torsand s"opes that this solution "ould entail! 3it"hins 'FF) des"ribes the s"ope o( as&stem as dependent on hi"h la&er it prin"ipall& resides in: produ"t, proje"t, business,industr&, or so"iet&! S% also needs to "onsider more than merel& the te"hni"al aspe"ts o(a problem or solution, hi"h "an be represented b& the *%S% (a"tors: *oliti"al,%"onomi", So"ial, e"hnologi"al, %"ologi"al, and egal! his has been e-panded b& some

    to S%%*%D b& addingthe (a"tors o( 5%thi"s6 and 5Demographi"s6!S"ien"e seeks 9truth; hereas engineering is seeking solutions to the orld;s problemsusing the truth (ound b& s"ien"e! As shon in @ Gth 1.S> Conversation ?@? the 0gureat right, s"ien"e seeks to understand and des"ribe properties and relationships o( thingsin the orld hile engineering strives to understand these properties and relationships inorder to appl& them to solutions to engineering problems! %ngineering then ill "reate

    ne properties and relationships in their designed arti(a"ts, properties in"luding su"hthings as behavior, (un"tionalit&, per(orman"e, stru"ture, e"onom&, pra"ti"alit&, and soon!Sumber: 1.S> '1nternational .ederation S&stem

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    (lements o" the Three Cultures 'a(ter Cross,F?)Culture Phenomena Methods *alues

    S"ien"e ationalit&H

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps

    12/28Sumber: 1.S> '1nternational .ederation S&stem

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    13/28Sumber: 1.S> '1nternational .ederation S&stem

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    A mind map is a diagram used tovisuall& outline in(ormation! A mindmap is o(ten "reated around a singleord or te-t, pla"ed in the "enter, to

    hi"h asso"iated ideas, ords and"on"epts are added! Iajor "ategoriesradiate (rom a "entral node, andlesser "ategories are sub#bran"hes o(larger bran"hes


    Mem&uat MindMappin

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps

    17/281llumine: light

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    Cognitive Distortions+!  All or nothing thinking J the tenden"& to think in absoluteterms, like 9ala&s;, 9never; and ever&!?! =vergeneralisation J taking isolated situations andappl&ing them in a ide generalised a&!

    ! Mental flter  J (o"ussing e-"lusivel& on one, usuall&negative aspe"t and ignoring the larger, more positivepi"ture!4! Discounting the positive J "ontinuall& ignoring positiveaspe"ts (or arbitrar& reasons!K!  Jumping to conclusions # assuming something negativehere there is a"tuall& no eviden"e to support it! o spe"i0"

    subt&pes are also identi0ed:  a! Mind reading # assuming the intentions o( others  b! Fortune telling # guessing that things ill turn outbadl&G! Magnifcation J usuall& magni(&ing the negatives andminimising the positives J m& ps&"hiatrist ni"knames it9A(ulisation;!L! Emotional reasoning J making de"isions on ho &ou (eel

    not based on obje"tive realit&!! Should statements J hen &ou "on"entrate on hat &ou(eel &ou should do or ought to be rather than the realit& o(the situation! '=(ten "alled 9ish(ul thinking;)!F! Labeling J related to overgeneralisation, here &ouassign labels to someone rather than spe"i0" behaviour! =nee-ample "ould be rather than sa&ing J 1 made a mistake, &ou

    sa& 1 am a loser be"ause o( the mistake!@! Personalization and blame J assuming &oursel( or othersare the "ause o( thin s hen that ma not have been the

    Cognition is the pro"essb& hi"h the sensor&input is trans(ormed,redu"ed, elaborated,stored, re"overed, andused

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    ThinkingMap .

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps



    g Map/.

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps



    Mental Maps he "on"ept o( a mental map ma& re(er to apersonMs point#o(#vie per"eption o( their area o(intera"tion Iental maps are an out"ome o(the 0eld o( behavioral geograph&

     he mostprominent"ontribution and

    stud& o( mentalmaps as in theritings o( Nevin&n"h! 1n he!mage o" the#it$ , &n"h used

    simple sket"heso( maps "reated(rom memor& o(an urban area toreveal 0veelements o( the

    "it&O nodes,ed es, distri"ts,

    Iental Iaps have been used in a"olle"tion o( spatial resear"h! Ian&studies have been per(ormed that (o"uson the 2ualit& o( an environment in terms

    o( (eelings su"h as (ear, desire and stress

    &n"h asks aparti"ipant to "reatea map as (ollos:5Iake it just as i(

    &ou ere making arapid des"ription o(the "it& to astranger, "overingall the main(eatures! e don;te-pe"t an a""uratedraing# just a


     1n the 0eld o(humangeograph&mental mapshave led to an

    emphasiing o(so"ial (a"torsand the use o(so"ial methodsversus2uantitative or

    positivistmethods!PKQ Iental mapshave o(ten ledto revelationsregarding so"ial"onditions o( a

    parti"ular spa"eor area!

    Bin Riang '?@?) arguedthat the image o( the"it& 'or mental map)arises out o( the s"alingo( "it& arti(a"ts andlo"ations!PLQ 3eaddressed that h& theimage o( "it& "an be(ormed PQ , and he evensuggested a&s o("omputing the image o(the "it&, or morepre"isel& the kind o(

    "olle"tive image o( the"it&, using in"reasingl&

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps




  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


    A Iental Iap is a poer(ul a& o( e-pressing the thoughtpatterns, pi"tures and asso"iations that alread& e-ist in the brain!hen ne in(ormation is "ompatible ith &our knoledgestru"tures it is a""epted, hen it does not mesh ith &our pre#

    "on"eived ideas or past e-perien"e it re"eives little "onsideration,is distorted or ignored!

  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps


  • 8/19/2019 Thinking Pattern, Mind Mapping and Mental Maps
