Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

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Page 1: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Thika Power ProjectOmar Vajeth

Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure


Confidential Presentation

Page 2: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Availability of adequate and reliable power supply is critical for the success of Kenya and achievement of the country’s long term goals


Country Overview

Total installed capacity increased from 1,473MW in 2010, to 1,589MW in 2011. Looking ahead, the peak load is projected to grow to about 2,500MW by 2015 and 15,000 MW by 2030.

Projected installed capacity needs to increase gradually to 19,200 MW by 2030 leaving leave the system with a reserve margin of 15%.

Thika Power Project

Sector Planning

Planning of the Kenyan electric power sub-sector is met via the Least Cost Power Development Plan (“LCPDP”) of which the Project plays an important role

The need for the latest round of medium-speed diesel power plants was anticipated at the end of 2012

The Thika Power Project is the first of these projects to have financial close

Planned Generation Capacity


Located in Thika near the vicinity of an industrial heartland

Geographic Location


Page 3: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Project Overview

Project Overview

Thika Power Limited (“TPL”) successfully bid through a competitive tender process for purpose of designing, constructing and operating a new 87MW heavy-fuel oil fired independent power plant located in Thika, Kenya

TPL is owned 90% by Melec PowerGen (BVI) and 10% by the local Africa Energy Resources Pte Ltd.

The total project cost is Euro 112,4 million and was financed on a limited recourse basis of 75:25

TPL has entered into a 20-year capacity-based Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) with Kenya Power & Lighting Company (“KPLC”)

Moreover, the Government of Kenya issued a Letter of Support (“LOS”) to support KPLC obligations under the PPA

The debt financing, with a tenor of 15 years, is being provided by IFC, AfDB, and ABSA, a consortium comprising of a mix of DFI and commercial bank financing.

This project represents a significant milestone given its numerous success factors

Key Success Factors

Country and sector benchmarking Kenya has a track record of over 16-years in the IPP

field Strong and commercially viable off-taker Strong independent and transparent regulator with

consistent tariff setting

Robust deal structure Robust risk allocation

Committed south-south development

This is the second IPP that Melec PowerGen have developed

Least cost thermal power alternative

Engines are expected to have superior thermal efficiency


Thika Power Project

Page 4: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Robust risk allocation where commercial and political event risks are separated and allocated to the off-taker, through the PPA, and to the GoK, through a LOS

The project made use of the innovative IDA PRG L/C Structure for Credit support. This is where IDA PRG provides a backstop for liquidity payments of the off-taker by providing a guarantee to the L/C bank. This allowed the project to be supported by the GoK despite limitations by KPLC’s balance sheet in terms of offtaker credit worthiness

In addition, MIGA cover was provided for the commercial bank with minimal cost through the MIGA Breach of Contract cover to backstop potential PPA & Letter of Support termination payments to commercial lenders and the swap provider only.

Full interest rate coverage provided through a single interest for the full tenor

Structure Highlights Transaction Structure




Guarantee Agreement

World Bank






Project Agreement

PPA Guarantee

Government of Kenya

KPLCProject Company

L/C Bank

The first project in sub-Saharan Africa to make use of the Industrial Development Association (“IDA”) Partial Risk Guarantee (“PRG”) L/C Structure

Robust Deal Structure

87 MW Fuel Power PlantKenya


Commercial Mandated Lead ArrangerHedge Bank

October 2012



Thika Power Project

Page 5: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

Risk Flow Analysis


The diagram below illustrates the comprehensive nature of the risk strategies used mitigate all Kenyan political risk and KPLC [off-taker] risk associated with the Project. In essence, the only risks that are not covered by the MIGA insurance are specific project risks that include sponsor risk, construction risk, operating risk and fuel

supply risk. These risks are mitigated using standard project finance techniques

The project defaults in terms of the PPA.

Due to a Force Majeure (“FM”) Event

KPLC Default

Standard FM affecting total Project

Due to FM, in short defined as:

Act of God

Epidemics or plagues

Explosions or chemical contamination (other than act of war)

Labour disputes including strikes, works to rule, go slows etc.

Political risk affecting total Project

Due to a Political FM in summary defined as:

Any blockade, embargo, riot, insurrection, civil commotion or any act of sabotage;

Change in Law and/or Change in Tax;

Any expropriation, confiscation etc.

war or act of foreign enemy;

Any FM affecting KPLC’s ability to pay;

Any failure by a Governmental Authority to issue or renew any Authorisation required.

TPL has the option to call under the IDA guaranteed LC up to 3 “Capacity Payments” and 2 “Fuel Payments” Amount capped at EUR32mn plus US$8mn

After LC has been exhausted TPL has the right to terminate the PPA and claim for the “Total Project Cost” from KPLC. “

Total Project Cost” to be agreed within 60 days and payable within 120 days thereafter.

The plant will be transferred from TPL to KPLC on receipt of “Total Project Cost” payment.

KPLC fails to pay “Total Project Costs” and TPL defaults on its payments to Absa,

Absa claims under MIGA Breach of Contract insurance cover.

MIGA has a 180 day waiting period required for a mediation/arbitration process with KPLC.

Once claim is considered complete, MIGA will pay with 30 days (including accrued interest).

Maximum period: 390 days (60+120+180+30).

If FM continues for 180 days and “Capacity Payments” are not being made.

TPL may terminate the PPA and request a “Transfer Amount” under the GoK LoS.

Total Project Cost” to be agreed within 60 days and payable within 120 days thereafter.

The plant will be transferred from TPL to GoK on receipt of “Total Project Cost” payment.

GoK fails to pay “Total Project Costs” and TPL defaults on its payments to Absa,

Absa claims under the MIGA insurance that backstops all the clauses of the GoK LoS.

MIGA has a 180 day waiting period required for a mediation/arbitration process with GoK.

Once claim is considered complete, MIGA will pay within 30 days (including accrued interest).

Maximum period: 570 days (i.e.180+60+120+180+30).

KPLC fails to pay “Total Project Costs” and TPL defaults on its payments to Absa,

Absa claims under MIGA Breach of Contract insurance cover.

MIGA has a 180 day waiting period required for a mediation/arbitration process with GoK.

Once claim is considered complete, MIGA will pay within 30 days (including accrued interest).

Maximum period: 390 days (i.e. 60+120+180+30, no reason to call on facility if lenders are receiving debt repayments during the 270 day period).

If FM continues for 180 days and remains unsolved for an additional 90 days and TPL continues to receive “Capacity, Energy and Fuel Payments”.

TPL may terminate the PPA on the 271st day.

TPL request a “Transfer Amount” from KPLC. (“Transfer Amount” equals “Total Project Cost” less 5% depreciation for each year after commercial operation date).

Total Project Cost” to be agreed within 60 days and payable within 120 days thereafter.

The plant will be transferred from TPL to KPLC on receipt of “Total Project Cost” payment.

Risk Flow Analysis

Thika Power Project

Page 6: Thika Power Project Omar Vajeth Head of Power, Utilities and Infrastructure Absa Confidential Presentation

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