Page 2 - Criterion Sat.. Sept. 17-23, ll'Go BEGINNING t)F THE END—SOU I HERN POWER S i RUCTURE! THE BUFFALO CRITERION nmisHro w m ir at en vsuxiam *• B rn u o I. X. V. E. MfcftlUS L aTKFR.......................... -OR 4t > " FTK*; amar-tta ak ts.-rrwTnijiteiHi. rj* to Tot- Bt..'.si m M m riil rii. rw — TL »-?*7S TT *-* ->r* »r«* liitKI r„. te T*r Ho*/Hu <Yll»f»lt »' f rhiwt N m U* for j<iiNi<*!lte, <T the . *. t*a,e«- ■ me l*-ar W *A; .tefx Mi Ji 13 ; sad CIwm f'a'-t ft li-ft.r ti w Turk SOMETHING TO THL\.\ ABOUT . :* '* ■■■ •f’ lA -/> iffi O ' .~ -•* *L x ; y . „ f. .» i One o i th*- judgment. his rt>v; As I !(««. worW, tl. ! *tatement*. in Johnson matte ‘a! aio v.ai-: Im fwotul eg <»n the m-tp her nation 1 would a, and we ou#ht to There Via* na*'? ion. Th* i ‘hem it tli-~ .*pf»-jf!*i: a. Hiulivu, najuf'Vt. *-ii •out** 4 0 - luI' ha a. n: r> trsith in this statement. ;. t»een of this eame opin- hvi; miinjzH here, anti one of . ai n ation . But despite some -juwiy hut surely improving. InoiKfw ior the better have been * the iajginning of t h f s paper years ago in this area. In fact, ar ~hmh ‘a as f u s t as tliese improvement < Me e o in i n g about, they may Overtake the reatment and attitudes of Negroes, one t*t ar- ,tbt*r—which are problems Lhe race itself will tnd must resoive to assure its self - improve ment, as. well as that of the nation. 9*’ -; 1. ^ . 5’- 'Si These t A re The Facts .... * VX'jP : • • y ^ A- - ■; •- w .,* '■» “* dy MARK E. O'RILEY (NOTE: The >pin urns etprened Hr'aw *ie (hoie el the e*»- umnist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions nf db*> publication.—Editor). v*A :, c* HW*' t. * / T ’ / r r;. “ 'IT - H (j«>.• $ m a T O m s ' 4* Editor’s Mail ••'lhe opinions expre»^d in letter* stint Co (he Editor, SUPPORT SHOULD MOUNT - ar* <LD of ,r iWr. a J Despite inclement weather, the Annual Ne- 'h'y *» “*> ' nccessw.iy re- pr, American Parade materialized as planned £ * £ v^ ‘ aaUirOay ^e|it. 3rd, under the leadership of wnt« on tv is***.-,. uv.>id...j its founder and president, ltev. John 11. Mon- *"»*!«<-- fK'rwwaf aiiack*. * rot* Of special note was the cooperation of the Buffalo huu M»n«ge.: city police and fire tieparttnenls. which dem- h^ e th^m Lwd u-^T or onstrates t h e i r desire to recognize the fust- ftur t»dr' t-MampicT cf tbe awwinp Negro segment of our Queen ('itv, lv«** ”{ _i V, ... fc * ba\e come in conlact wah ta . tne same as any other ethnic gump*. . PVt1.ai ytillv Ttt0 ore per. Kev. Monroe is to he commended for the *onai «nd tw*. concern pco i -trhlishment of t h i s rather v on n g Negro pUs 1 lov* 'xry T in'ch ®n'f _ , , * ,■* rospen-i However. 1 cannot Ameiican Day ohgeiwance. Such celebrations g, fnoti f3i,h «ny by and ■have been featured bv other ethnic croons for »•** r* 'rn’«’ Wari>ck. nun, manv veais * without speaking up (or ' pntw-pal. dnitcatica, morale 1 lie put post- ol tuc observance Out to and * haiacwr. ;*H tp the group as segregationists, but rather J rni,. and t«j*e Wartkk lo display the accomplishments, contributions are my fronds No one and desires of a racial group, p r o u d of ills nmls B fnrtut *her’ ^ " identity, which aims to keep abreast progres- sivelv in a world of fast-moving activities and ^mvement'5. Each vear its support by Negro - le.adt'rs and organizations should mount. Neighbor Award in J.%4 from of N a v a ! Ptr-onnel ,'Ptrs former Mayor Kowai. 1162 6 1). Uepartment <>f !’ For 25 y e a r s he was a N a v y , Washington, o. c. member of the Commrttve on 28370. Family C a r e of Dependent Clwldren ot ibe Cbildrens A.d Sr.jiety H's e f f o r t s went beyor-4 seeking a p p r o priations. He served on influentud crnninit- tc-s t h a t helped determine apprc^M-ialions. He had be QUOTATIONS WITH A MEANING From Various Author* By ALMA BBOOKS ’'The life we live bo a masterpece to should reflect a rellege graduate. Hciire him when, he is eligible for his pension und give credit to » real gentle- man, a man of courage, a man ded-caled to children and a man who has some thin* tn give Our Cfty Of th» Neigkfcteff. J uj . he decent and hir'd, not fus to Ernie, bin to all our boy* and giils who will lie ihe men and women of tom iwr for a beu-r Buffalo, a better com munity and country for us nil An even break 1or a man we can all be proud al m the ye«r* to come, for all* n „.reive- t» ~ - • . . of ottr vbildrvn who will be w f Evans earned his bjch<- He he!t5s u* t0 ^ opt'm.sUC the men of tamr.rrowr. tetFs deprec in sociology .v ’■r,. a worlt* tJiat fcs,ers P®**1’ Emic and Louise. 1 am f u^c Ifntversity and hir. mas misna.” 0 0 0 with you all the way. I ■ «-r'» dev roe from the Lmvur- . _ kn*’wr nranv more peoplesav of Huffaflo. .^ . rK>7 , , fevl a* 1 do. a* I have re- Vf* was bodi ahigh school ‘7 ?r* look cefvted many colts and many 3nd » rwmhrr of a pe-v.-.V ha-, e • "vnrrssed tbe t jH-tvvT- ar, h:teef»t>n ■! :irm “ ra* OBWWB w u-e. rte.-a h- pMnvd t-tee Cn.c <~ hmged to tbe f i t v touoc:l the beauty of God. Chrst, the CsjtnmttSee on Capital Ex pm Master artist, softens' the diiures and che Committee on rl ,*d«n** and estimates that h u l l F-oypkiymcid and was v?h:ch distracts from God’s il.arm an of tbe CUueo* Com- glory. He helps us to see the m,itee on Redevelop ;en. beauty and good rather than A nrrnvc of LduisviUe. Ky. rl» “ ftly and disappointing. yuteft. hr fn ; wr grow WHITE PGWES It was tluring the period of American im perialist adventure abroad (as today), that most of the state 1a \v s segregating Negroes snd illegally denying them the vote were en acted in the Southern states. Disfranchisement laws were passed in Lou- i'iana in 189S. in North Carolina and Alabama in 1901: Vircir.ia. 1902- Georgia. 19C8: Ok lahoma, 1910. T h e y but codified what was taking place in life. It was during t h i s period, too, in v-hich Negroes still had a remnant of political pow er, that the spurious charge of rape was ele vated into an institution, an extra-legal polit ical instrument for terrorizing all Negroes— particularly those demanding their rights un der the Constitution In November, 1898. during the Span'sh- American War, Colonel A. M. Wadeli said in North Carolina: “We are resolved to win the elections in Wilmington, North Carolina, if we have to choke the current of C * n c Fear with carcasses. The time for smooth words has gone by, the extremest limit of forebear- ance has been reached.” Five days later the colonel le d an armed force against the Ne- rr r o - sv h i t e administration of Wilmington, ilaughtered s c o r e s , and announced himself the new mayor. The Government gave silent consent. In 1900, when both men and newspapers spoke less circuitously than today, The San Francisco Argonaut said: "We do not want Filipinos. We want the Philippines. The is- oid whvr «ir sr./* habitually jr,nf| s are enottnouslv rich. but. unfortunately. ttm n ba.'U to th*» iwwt. The - . 4f , f ,.s. . t * u , they are i n f e s t e d by r llipmof. Then* are to bi 2 feared CURP.Y VOICE RIT1TAL VVEL1. RECEIVED doin;; alright, but a real fr.t-mj ts a friend when the "chips" are down When 1 kn -U and heaid Etnfe say. ■Buffalo has been “tjod to h im " — tr.fi ! know hi* heart is breaking, am! he keeps a » : '( and bis wife does like wise and snmdi t>y his side S mvs him coora^e. I say Buffalo and the Puf.alo Bills have let down one of the Fmest \ounn men I know. Ernie FORTY CHILDREN PARTICIPATE At !«-«-« (0 ch.idivn jij,r t>< ipated !n ihe Sunrmer '!m .t 'iiiii\«nauy.-si in isvkjiwann*. presented Waring AiMF Church. 6ftl) Ernie needs only three ftpta* Curry. ba*j bort?one. Swar. St * g»<ne* for retirernt-M for - __ aKXMkUtfd by hi, wife. The ptottram offeredp~«ic- his pension 1 say no matter ^ wlft^ be Buffalos lost^and Sunday. Sept 4. at licaf help jn Reaikng.Writ- what the Buffalo Bdls offer f know you wili have *e- ear'tv. voudeserve it. and Got) will take core of his pe»*p!e Ti may he J Iona time ownhig. but it will cipi * Keen tbe fartb, the Buffalo H H< have done you an,! manv thousindi of fans a« tnjt-st’ce They have let many yoongst’srs dowr, who coutd and pcrSap* vuit! to!tr* ut your fo*x ;t*vs t shall always he your friend and atay God Ne^r ys'-u' and yearv always. It h»s been _-o«l fast known*?: you and your tamiry. it you fr.fi greener mots elsewhere. eager, forward ours at any age look can be HteUt, 7.30 p. m, mg an«l Amhmetic. Group h-m. could Tlv.- Mi. Olive Uavv Choir act!■/.ties such as games and t00 mUf:h wi-ied lour Mdectioiu under iW duuet'on of Mr William Tung Mrs. Man»:c long wa* puute-t, md Mr* Ronah-e iioueh ofgam-u, a<ct>mpani- ett U*e M an Chotr. The Curry's were warmly t «. < #ve<l bv -s very enthusi- »*jh iwtlienct it i , *e»ai-t.oR« includ'd Mark* i om the pens of Hon- ■hi. .Vwrfwttf, Caldara. Bach, Wlunn.uw. R. Vacjuhn Wll- i ~nt4. Putrefl Cecil Sharp. H'HtPi tjuilter und Bruno . Hrhn. and a I « r> servera I *pttfteM»ls, arranged by Ro land Hayes. Burleigh and Lawrence William*. At !»e - onj-liiston of the {/oi.'ijn, Rev. BushJon, <m t •*T-+w«;r (rf rtie church, ex pew sad sincere apprtKlutlon Inr Hw plug ram presented by th*- Mass Choir und the iUtiU artists, Tbe paator Rev. T. C. Wat -nu, was away attending *tv Pisprist Convention In I-..::. Te* picnic*, vmproved the rela tumshrp between the chit dren. Dr-vot'oni, tours quiet time offered them cultural enrichment. The program was super vised by Mrs. Margaret Kwwnnmtel, Mrs. l/ousss Kel ley. Mrs. Sylvia Griffin «nd the Neighbor htxxl Youth Ct»:p provided 12 young pco (Me to assist. Rov. S Frank Emmanuel pastor of the churrh, feels t*at thi* program offered to the children of the commu nity a.s opportunity for edu cational and social develop ment that otherwise would not have been realized. The N. Y. C. worker* re ceived valuable On-the Job three games be for a man who has given blood, sweat and tears'/ For a man who hdp- an<j ed them wm tbe champion ship? Who was tight end when no rrptaiemeht over your gam ! want and hope vno know that I am your friend, and this i£ the way fc shall alway-; be with me. Mcsf sincerely yours and k:n'i~jt personal regards to Louise. 1-ove, •* ' ‘i all the years he baa piaytd w«!h thc Buffalo Bills? Who is the ’ Best Public Relations Man" on tho team for our boys and girls—yes the The best and most ideal man for race relations m our city, and a "Heart of Gold" lo all. Tb*s is my opinion, and I feci not many people know tin* family any better than I, a;/ they lived in the upper apartment with me until they puichHsed their present home 1 have never heard Ernie complain. He love* LILLIAN J. MEADOWS Supervisor, II Ward WM. L. EVANS (From page I) L’t-ban I rtgum During hr* <"*r years tn Cheaco he be came the first bxfctstriall see- routry o' any I'rban LeagU'- fn the country, The Buffan leagm-’-s s t a f f crew bom two peonle at rtv br-rinnistg t<> It, antf an en- refinierr of ll.«09 cht'drtm at h.v i eticemenf Tiw B.-fft!) Ev*ttbtg *>-,v in I5A1 naw.ef Mr E>..re<i r- i?r. mnetemBi-ig c 'fc -n ft- ' teath r**- p in # cfcart-‘ip t p«*zn rhr-t e-.«—tuvP-- b ’;i- *vrr-> sd-Jkpcr.aj ceibtic hoi- - ing here. In failing beal:h recon'lv. he neitertheless continueti h i s _ . . . , ... ... moy come *>o S 6 v nf naintmg an-i had been working on a book. Surviving are bis w fe. the fiHTrter Theresa G. Greene; a daughter. Mrs. Reger R S;>en- eer; and a son, W Leonard Fvans Jr.. both of Chicago: two stepdaughters. Dr. There- ”Srn is just a three-letter word, and tfce- middle letter “I" is perbsps the key to its men mng. for seifishnevs s* rhe heart of it.” many millioriii t h e r e and it is their extinction will be s I o w.” In the same vein and in the same year Senator Tillman of South Carolina took the floor of the. United States Senate and announced: “We took the Government away. We stuffed ballot boxes. We shot Negroes. We are not ash*met) of it.” Rosaville, August 21, 1948 — A crowd of 7 000 turned out to *'■'* a kian demonstration featuring r o b e d horse*. “No law that will ever be drafted will make us accept the Ne- Zro<?i as onr equals.” Dn»?'*n Green «aid. “If * >;• ji- 1 , «t aK* ontf -xJjKvnA of klan members who “ ft bin one hr* learned Fo master life, he can lake what life throw* at him -md not yield !o tenip-'atien*. He t- a *r> on life Ftett ran it'- Sw pried loose He tn-- I ’ v, in and in him- v-ii a* a rhiM of Oo*L ’ "F "»r—'.+i»-e cVir'-'iani ar* pre-ing iur one another— - . the kingdom o' God routed the carpetbaggers will do the job over that to earth. Truly, ‘hath made of one bleed all nations of men" and we are united in the doir.g of hrs work.’’ ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ra G. Reed, a physician of Charles and son, Clifford Jr., St. Louis, Mrr, and Miss B. Gwendolyn Green of Buffalo; and a brother Arthur P. Ev ans of Louisville. _____ secretary of in* Mayor's Com- inhlee on Humi'r. Re’tUicns, PROTEST MARCH (From page I) pi ede cvsso r of the psesmf the buildirp-. industry bv ;h Human Relatione Comm ssion. State Commission on Himv-n turned wilh the Charles’ and Rights, d a t e d March 1965 " ~ at'ended the wedding of M>ss Gee.rg'a Pollard, R. bl end Marion Thompkins. In New York City, Aug. 27. at the Presbyterian Church of the Master, preformed by the former pastor. Rev. James Robinson. They re spent a week. They visited showed that there were only Niagara Falls, Toron’o and Negro unc Puerto Rican other interesting points in Mr. Evans was aj'sa co.'otmd er of ;p Butfrln V-turb Bisird. an agency which has assisted hundi-tls <»f ywlhi in scrapes apprentices enrolled in Buf- Canada, with tbe law to seiious niKthle. six Training tmtning experience f„0tbt»ll. The end is due. but ANNOUNCEMENT k r s Beauty Andrews an- wi'iM-i,. the re <»pep.li>g of her office .»( 63 S p r u c e S-!. «m iu»s*hiy, Sept. *7, 1*56 at 2 *■ m trtfiee will be in>*n oi T Ksdt/c* and Thuis-Urv*. TL i-nm. m child auporvtfhin and training; ivping. filing ond m^meogrufibing. The inrt* w err g h e n pt>ri- Odtc lectures on persorml ttpprunutce. heaKh habit*. TTic Church Is sponsoring another proeram. priirmrlly personaftfy snd attitudes, for the Working mothers u» bc-irr Sent information TL 2 234J Rm-. S. Frank Emmanuel is past nr, and Mrs Margaret Hmresnnbl, dirn'tor. •ifhhbli * 1 I.. * h, c "three games” must this stand m his way? This is ona of the most unjust, cruel ami worst type of sp-trtsman- s.hip 1 have ever heard of in all my interest and exper ience in sports and this is whtrt I try to teach. He hefped to sponsor the minimum hnutlng law passed in 1932. He had acrt id on the City Plannitig Comm'ssion, avoid more /aio unde union- at that time, tvh'le t h e r e were opproxi- inatc-ly 45* whites. Therefore, we urge every union to open up appren! ice programs so that Negroes and Ruerti Ri- c*ns can earn a living within the Advisory ( t i t * mlttoe of ^ rBti^ . (^ mganired labor. the Buffalo Police fie-partiiient and lhe PuWx RiLitSons Com mittee of the Board of Edu cation. PARTICIPANTS THANKED Evangel *1 Amelia Minyard wishes to thank the partici pants who took p a r t on the ArtlMs* Musicals Benefit Pro gram held at Calvary C.M.F,. Church, ! « * 7 EBIeott St. at Dodge Sunday, June IS, ai 6 p.m again. Columbia, April S. J94R — KKK “white suprpmitcy” |)iopagand i leaflets dropped from airplane over Negro neighborhoods on eve of primary. S e n a t o r Walter F. George of Georgia sooke for Georgia as well as tbe United States as a whole when he wrote: “Why apologize or evade? We have been verv careful to obey the letter of the Federal Constitution—but we have been very diligent and astute ia violat ing the spirit of such amendments and stat utes as would lead the Negro to believe him self the equal of (he white man. And we shall continue to conduct ourselves in that wtv.” So whut shall we answer to you good white folks and Uncle Tom black folks, who would THESE ARE THE FACTS (See page 4) MANY THANKS! — MUCHAS GRACIAS* Mr. Warlick’s replacement 12th Forfurther has someone to back him up you may cull according to tho prois I bu\e nothing nr «ny malice toward thc replacement, but I know that until Ernie was jsaHSui aqi pa.u>|d aq •jaiiq type nf t.mfbaU and is one of the most it-vpected men in our city. He is a real pen l le in til and the kind of tnd Lib- whose example I want — I'o all DemtH-rat* w»l* who voted fm- Art Hurtl- wirk :»r A**«.'ibiym«n in tin JtlM# l*rlinar‘r “. A f* -muni.'r the last day-, fw r*e'«- r»t'.n > Ort 6 jsnd k, are Lot «i<pMmrhinR. There f* W - veal ’ -eas*»n to trade h>v ' t-s i« lha niMdle ni the o voai etmt -we.'ti su>t- fH*i m d vote in lb- Nov, tUh eleens-i a 11 \o he n--fJ it ii* K’ ! !* Iti.rl'ii. V ,-,s \» tu my ncices and ni-phe»s and al! how and girl* of 3u:- f.ilo to follow, for u better tomorrow tor us -ill I sev the eye* of the children at St Mary’s School tot the lto/if and the many ywmg- •le:v in v-sdb centi-rv whom he has he’-jiM <'n>t encourag ed "Because of the history i>! discrimination against N*croes »i»1 Puerto R i c a n s in the building industry, sprcm! ef fort* most be made hy the .ttrions ro ctJmpens.it* tor ttii* —eitH.teti a n d ret'-'iv;*;! t h e untoir prtnti w . Many appar- praise* af nH wbn Leant it. t-r’ly r.nf on'y opptwc n; .k'ng.-j sb* pariientorty tonoki Ml troKinl efjans. hut rt-'uir lo t ’rr miristrri who earns and give Neg'-te* snd Puerto Ri hrttnvbt their *cr.ijr*ga'l«ns, earn any chance rt nil. ItoTt? the pm'ttom «f ih- B'ble He wa-i interested in every sre tnanv qtuHRed InsJhwi*. Frol. D. Zarbaskie. phase of community life. D»»r* men fads' und eager to ap- ____ ; _ in# the dev IW.: ion h«- m rs-ed p»y. , GROfFR EXTENDS on *w«m| woiV r"lje* iom- Wc ibcrefrn'e fee! it tr*res- _ tnrttee* was n nrwrber of a xary to rfemrm.strste in order * HArvtN.T committee an care -md trrafi to dramnt-te >JhEi deptor kRo TcMy Friends in the Ellicott ment ot pt 'xern n . p p e i r m g . gLtun;*-in. and io he ap it to r- s o y « »«n. He h t I t -1 ll t’ve a:;«i"e,i Of fed1r-t! ager- C»er * V- con perxu it-; - ,r«- '.a ,m * to h rv Ncy-roe* a*rd FAITH CHURCH TO PRESENT EXTRAVAGANZA An evening of enjoyment ran be had hv atiemFna the Exiravn g a n /. a "66". at Faith Baptist Church, 626 interesting attraction.*. Th» public is invited.__ M rj, Corine Tuttle "te chairman and the Rev. Ros- eoe M. Mitchell, pastor. Mr. Evans' rok in fmtertog g o o d relations berween Ne groes and white*, and in a- voubnK possible difficuiJ’is ih/u had pMgued other cities. a.-.s publicly recognized. Humboldt Pkwy.. Friday, The program KM very well sent. 23. t»f 7;M p. m Featured on B** propmm MEMORIAL RITES (From page I) Cfitvyrr-ssman Duiski and Governor R ' kefidjM. The Nattonal Srptlsl Con winch wttl be held in the ven'iwi firwvs ftrvm 10.000 !<rvei- auditorium wifi be. to tSOCP delegate* and Alberta Piokard. noted solo- w.-uld m-«an much to tho i*t; Malcolm Emi, noted wc- — ,-J spirrtunl life artist in Chalk Te*k and of rk-r city. Chora! Reading; Singing .u, vorrn, from Trin dad. Fall REV. . 106 poq w. MOORF grouo from fashion :>nd many other paster t hi :h ■ V-k>ooi1 Cc jt;,rr i .md Tmk-. ■:w MteH: J^Sy ttataSS and hvnrf esi p»»etuiin tor yvn-r po'.raai r*r«f frsendlshii you h ;ve Ernie ton-s -.-i t c a re if h** nch. he on , needed. I •m tviu.ed tor •.<»■ . f , t.Vl f<»“ hat!. I Ktt, on the stilt pUy don’t w;.nt !.to. 1 kntwr ; . he i ie U < r.n ■A j -•vi fniT, tto- t -S . i'»c p>\; vrr.tn- fv s-llie lira a-j-.h V w 5 : W -. , !d w. h It. fie --it-*-, p te cr;«d b n m e c * t ,t?med tr/ 11 -.rm it n:her 5 Hum os Tteewffi/tj, \c\. !y. he De " -n ’- in 7. C o v ’rvtce ?a:*nt h"-nn'.-« and >-d 'oe! steil re C r-ttm-- •jstrx ; / •>.* V*_ J &GO .-C Ttorrto Rtcenj. before k v w j vtttted r> rne m.*r j HiJero' coutritCJ a*~ird -4 . fifty yearn. " W- v p a)Wi aim tfv- pule- -■ ic s p n ’ light or pr:v*5»\-fi- le My New •ltnc-d fiuiitons* fhai -U:: he- toftvt: Ing '.-omtnjeved b-, men drawa Tbarri yrrs r - - !«* a Jt-trrMihntthi* labor to v r,.- y<-: t-wA tr, r i . r b y -js. “Vr urge ycte to •..« -n i r n v it.— t'.e m nrrh sn J5o<!trr«f*y S-pt w , pnv V-.-c r" k! If; u- .•«..»}> and fa bt'oe joeie-itm-w . ’ " f r i w- yrju He’p ft* *J*e • -rf • ■h is yv* tvjivf’; » -Jt Or mcst effeenve tw rra Bu faaj t a f t o S*v< haa seen. 7 ,i i r- F-ien-d* and M Vt . - FRIENDS OF JUDGE WM. SIMS SAY — “ If we want to k« -p Negro rrprrsentatton In th e Ci t y Court, *c must rr->«!;■; Tb'irs- day. Oct, 6 and Sat., Or* S, i> order to vole tor Jude William S i m - on Tuesday, N'ovembcr kth. No mc-Mer » ik >bt-h party you hf'iffai»— Democrat. Republican, l.ibr-r -t—>o« can ioofc n-'d vote to- rts- name £>/ Jad?t> b ■•» - *.-■ m s ; H N> '*! h&i Itrsaey, v«n-» mbvr 6th.

These A re The Factsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066599/1966-09-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Page 2 - Criterion Sat.. Sept. 17-23, ll'Go BEGINNING t)F THE END—SOU I HERN POWER Si

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Page 1: These A re The Factsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066599/1966-09-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Page 2 - Criterion Sat.. Sept. 17-23, ll'Go BEGINNING t)F THE END—SOU I HERN POWER Si

Page 2 - Criterion Sat.. Sept. 17-23, ll'Go BEGINNING t)F THE END— SOU I HERN POWER S i RUCTURE!

THE BUFFALO CRITERION n m i s H r o w m i r a t e n v s u x ia m *•

B r n u o I . X. V.E. MfcftlUS LaTKFR.......................... -OR

4t > " F ■ TK*;amar-tta ak ts.-rrwTnijiteiHi. rj* to Tot- Bt..'.si mM m r i i l r i i . rw — TL »-?*7S TT *-* ->r*» r« * liitKI r„. te T*r Ho*/Hu <Yll»f»lt » ' f rhiwt

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eg <»n the m-tp her nation 1 would

a, and we ou#ht to

ThereV ia * na*'? ion. Th* i ‘hem it tli-~ .*pf»-jf!*i: a.

H iu l iv u , n a ju f 'V t . *-ii •out** 4 0 - luI'


n: r> trsith in this statement.;. t»een of this eam e opin- hvi; miinjzH here, anti one of

. ai n a t io n . But despite some -juwiy hut surely improving.

InoiKfw ior the better have been * the iajginning of t h f s paper years ago in this area. In fact,

ar ~hmh ‘a as f u s t as tliese improvement < Me e o in i n g about, they may Overtake the reatment and attitudes of Negroes, one t*t ar- ,tbt*r—which are problems Lhe race itself will tnd must resoive to assure its self - improve­ment, as. well as that of the nation.

9*’ -; 1. ^ . 5’-



A re TheFacts

.... *V X 'jP : •• y ^ A- - ■; •-

w.,*. »'■» “ *

dy MARK E. O'RILEY(NOTE: The >p in urns e tp re n e d Hr'aw *ie (hoie el the e*»- umnist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions nf db*>


v*A:, c* HW*'t . * / T ’ / r

r;. “ 'I T -

H(j«> .• $m

aT O

m s' 4*

Editor’s Mail••'lhe opinions expre» d in

le tte r* stint Co (he Editor,SUPPORT SHOULD MOUNT - ar* < L D of ,r iWr. aJ

Despite inclement weather, the Annual Ne- 'h'y *» “*>' nccessw.iy re-p r , American Parade materialized as planned £ * £ v ‘aaUirOay ^e|it. 3rd, under the leadership of wnt« on tv is***.-,. uv.>id...jits founder and president, ltev. John 11. Mon- *"»*!«<-- fK'rwwaf aiiack*.* • • ♦rot*

Of special note was the cooperation of the Buffalo huu M»n«ge.:

city police and fire tieparttnenls. which dem- h e th m L w d u-^T or onstrates t h e i r desire to recognize the fust- ftur t»dr' t-MampicT cf tbe awwinp Negro segment of our Queen ( 'itv, lv«** ”{ _i

V, . . . fc * b a \e come in conlact w ah ta. tne same as any other ethnic gump*. .PVt1.ai ytillv Ttt0 ore per.Kev. Monroe is to he commended for the *onai «nd tw*. concern pco

i -trhlishment of t h i s rather v o n n g Negro pUs 1 lov* 'xry Tin'ch ®n'f_ , , * ” ,■* rospen-i However. 1 cannotAmeiican Day ohgeiwance. Such celebrations g, fnoti f3i,h «ny by and

■have been featured bv other ethnic croons for »•** r*'rn’«’ Wari>ck. nun,m a n v v e a i s ’ * without speaking up (or

' pntw-pal. dnitcatica, morale1 lie put post- o l tu c observance Out to and * haiacw r.

;*H tp the group as segregationists, but rather J rni,. and t«j*e Wartkklo display the accomplishments, contributions are my fronds No oneand desires of a racial group, p r o u d of ills nmls B fnrtut *her’ ^ "identity, which aims to keep abreast progres-sivelv in a world of fast-moving activities and

^mvement'5. Each vear its support by Negro- le.adt'rs and organizations should mount.

Neighbor Award in J.%4 from of N a v a ! P tr-onnel ,'P trs former M ayor Kowai. 1162 6 1). Uepartm ent <>f !’.«

For 25 y e a r s he was a N a v y , Washington, o . c. m em ber of the Commrttve on 28370.Fam ily C a r e of Dependent Clwldren ot ibe Cbildrens A.d Sr.jiety

H's e f f o r t s went bey or-4 seeking a p p r o priations. He served on influentud crnninit- tc -s t h a t helped determine apprc^M-ialions. He h a d be


From Various Author* By ALMA BBOOKS

’'The life we live bo a masterpece to


a rellege graduate.Hciire him when, he is

eligible for his pension und give credit to » real gentle- man, a man of courage, aman ded-caled to children and a man who has some­thin* tn give Our Cfty Ofth» Neigkfcteff.

J u j . he decent andh i r 'd , not fus to Ernie, bin to all our boy* and giils who will lie ihe men and women of tom iwr for a b e u -r Buffalo, a better com ­munity and country for us nil An even break 1or aman we can all be proud alm the ye«r* to come, for all* n „.reive- t» ~ - • . .of ottr vbildrvn who will be w f Evans earned his bjch<- He he!t5s u* t0 ^ opt'm.sUC the men of tamr.rrowr. tetFs deprec in sociology .v ’■r,. a worlt* tJiat fcs,ers P®**1’

Em ic and Louise. 1 am f u^c Ifntversity and hir. mas misna.” 0 0 0with you all the way. I ■ «-r'» dev roe from the Lmvur- . _kn*’wr nranv m ore people sav of Huffaflo. . . rK>7 , ,fevl a* 1 do. a* I have re- Vf* was bodi a high school ‘7 ? r * lookcefvted many colts and many 3nd » rw m h rr of ape-v.-.V ha-, e • "vnrrssed tbe t jH-tvvT- ar, h:teef»t>n ■! :irm“ ra* OBWWB w u-e. rte.-a h - pMnvd t-tee Cn.c <~

hmged to tbe f i t v to u o c :l the beauty of God. Chrst, the CsjtnmttSee on Capital Ex p m M aster artist, so ftens ' the diiures and che Committee on rl ,*d«n** and estimates that h u l l F-oypkiymcid and was v?h:ch distracts from God’s i l .a rm a n of tbe CUueo* Com- glory. He helps us to see the m,itee on Redevelop ;en. beauty and good ra the r than

A nrrnvc of LduisviUe. Ky. rl» “ ftly and disappointing.

yuteft. hr fn; wr grow

W H I T E P G W E SIt was tluring the period of American im­

perialist adventure abroad (as today), that most of the state 1 a \v s segregating Negroes snd illegally denying them the vote were en­acted in the Southern states.

Disfranchisement l a w s were passed in Lou- i'iana in 189S. in North Carolina and Alabama in 1901: Vircir.ia. 1902- Georgia. 19C8: Ok­lahoma, 1910. T h e y but codified what was taking place in life.

It was during t h i s period, too, in v-hich Negroes still had a remnant of political pow­er, that the spurious charge of rape was ele­vated into an institution, an extra-legal polit­ical instrument for terrorizing all Negroes— particularly those demanding their rights un­der the Constitution

In November, 1898. during the Span'sh- American War, Colonel A. M. Wadeli said in North Carolina: “We are resolved to win the elections in Wilmington, North Carolina, if we have to choke the current of C * n c Fear with carcasses. The time for smooth words has gone by, the extremest limit of forebear- ance has been reached.” Five days later the colonel l e d an armed force against the Ne- rr r o - sv h i t e administration of Wilmington, ilaughtered s c o r e s , and announced himself the new mayor. The Government gave silent consent.

In 1900, when both men and newspapers spoke less circuitously than today, The San Francisco Argonaut said: "We do not wantFilipinos. W e want the Philippines. The is-

oid whvr «ir sr./* habitually jr,nf| s are enottnouslv rich. but. unfortunately.ttm n ba.'U to th*» iwwt. The - . 4f , f ,.s . . t *u ,they are i n f e s t e d by r llipmof. Then* are

to bi2 feared


doin;; alright, but a real fr.t-mj ts a friend when the "chips" are down When 1kn -U and heaid Etnfe say. ■Buffalo has been “tjod to

h im "—tr.fi ! know hi* heartis breaking, am! he keeps a » : ' ( and bis wife does like­wise and snm di t>y his sideS m v s him coora^e. I say Buffalo and the Puf.alo Bills have let down one of theFmest \ounn men I know.



At !«-«-« (0 ch.idivn jij,r t>< ipated !n ihe Sunrmer

' !m . t ' iiiii\«nauy.-siin isvkjiwann*. presented Waring AiMF Church. 6ftl) E rnie needs only threeftp ta* Curry. ba*j bort?one. Swar. St * g»<ne* for retirernt-M for - __aKXM kUtfd by hi, wife. The ptottram offered p~«ic- his pension 1 say no m atter ^ wlft^ be Buffalos lost^and

Sunday. Sept 4. a t licaf help jn Reaikng. Writ- what the Buffalo Bdls offer

f know you wili have *e-ear'tv . vou deserve it. andGot) will take core of his pe»*p!e Ti may he J Iona tim e ownhig. but it willc ip i* Keen tbe fartb, theBuffalo H H< have done you an,! manv thousindi of fans a« tnjt-st’ce They have let m any yoongst’srs dowr, whocoutd and pcrSap* vuit! to!tr* ut your fo*x ;t*vs

t shall always he your friend and atay God Ne^rys'-u' and yearv always. It h»s been _-o«l fast known*?:

you and your tamiry. it you fr.fi greener mots elsewhere.

eager, forward ours a t any age

look can be

HteUt,7.30 p. m, mg an«l Am hm etic. Group h-m. could

Tlv.- Mi. Olive Uavv Choir ac t!■/.ties such a s games and t00 mUf:hw i-ied lour Mdectioiu under iW duuet'on of Mr William Tung Mrs. Man»:c long wa* puute-t, md Mr* Ronah-e iioueh ofgam-u, a<ct>mpani- ett U*e M an Chotr.

The C urry 's were warmly t «. < #ve<l bv -s very enthusi- »*jh iwtlienct

it i , *e»ai-t.oR« includ'd Mark* i om the pens of Hon- ■hi. .Vwrfwttf, Caldara. Bach, Wlunn.uw. R. Vacjuhn Wll-

i ~nt4. Putrefl Cecil Sharp.H'HtPi tjuilter und Bruno

. Hrhn. and a I « r> server a I *pttfteM»ls, arranged by Ro­land Hayes. Burleigh and Lawrence William*.

At !»e - onj-liiston of the{ /o i. 'ijn , Rev. BushJon, <m

t •*T-+w«;r (rf rtie church, expew sad sincere apprtKlutlon Inr Hw plug ram presented by th*- Mass Choir und theiUtiU artists,

Tbe paator Rev. T. C.Wat -nu, was away attending *tv Pisprist Convention InI-..::. Te*

picnic*, vmproved the relatumshrp between the chit dren. Dr-vot'oni, tours quiet time offered them cultural enrichment.

The program was super­vised by Mrs. M argaret Kwwnnmtel, Mrs. l/ousss Kel­ley. Mrs. Sylvia Griffin «nd the Neighbor htxxl Y o u t h Ct»:p provided 12 young pco (Me to assist.

Rov. S Frank Emmanuel pastor of the churrh, feels t*at thi* program offered to the children of the commu­nity a.s opportunity for edu­cational and social develop­ment that otherwise would not have been realized.

The N. Y. C. worker* re ­ceived valuable On-the Job

three games be for a man who

has given blood, sweat and tears'/ F or a m an who hdp-

an<j ed them wm tbe champion ship? Who was tight end when no rrp taiem eht over

your gam ! want and hope vno know that I am your friend, and this i£ the wayfc shall alway-; be with me.

Mcsf sincerely yours and k:n'i~jt personal regards to Louise.

1-ove, •*' ‘iall the years he baa piaytd w«!h thc Buffalo Bills? Who is the ’ Best Public Relations Man" on tho team for our boys and girls—yes t h e

The best and most ideal man for race relations m our city, and a "H eart of Gold" lo all.

Tb*s is my opinion, and I feci not m any people know tin* family any better than I, a;/ they lived in the upper apartm ent with me until they puichHsed their present home 1 have never heard Ernie complain. He love*

LILLIAN J. MEADOWS Supervisor, II Ward

WM. L. EVANS(From page I)

L’t-ban I rtgum D u r i n g hr*<"*r years tn C heaco he be­cam e the first bxfctstriall see- routry o ' any I 'rb an LeagU'- fn the country,

The Buffan leagm-’-s s t a f f crew bom two peonle at rtv br-rinnistg t<> It, antf an en- refinierr of ll.«09 cht'drtm at h.v i eticemenf

Tiw B.-fft!) Ev*ttbtg *>-,v in I5A1 naw.ef Mr E>..re<i r- i?r. mnetemBi-ig c 'fc -n f t - ' teath r**- p in # cfcart-‘ip t p«*zn rhr-t e-.«—tuvP-- b ’;i- *vrr-> sd-Jkpcr.aj ceibtic hoi- -

ing here.In failing beal:h recon'lv.

he neitertheless continueti h i s _. . . , . . . . . . moy come*> o S 6 v nf naintmg an-i hadbeen working on a book.

Surviving are bis w fe. thefiHTrter Theresa G. Greene; adaughter. Mrs. Reger R S;>en-eer; and a son, W LeonardFvans J r .. both of Chicago:two stepdaughters. Dr. There-

”Srn is just a three-letter word, and tfce- middle le tter “ I" is perbsps the key to its men mng. for seifishnevs s* rhe heart of it.”

many millioriii t h e r e and it is their extinction will be s I o w.” In the same vein and in the same year Senator Tillman of South Carolina took the floor of the. United States Senate and announced: “We took the Government away. We stuffed ballot boxes. We shot Negroes. We are not ash*met) of it.”

Rosaville, August 21, 1948 — A crowd of 7 0 0 0 turned out to *'■'* a kian demonstration featuring r o b e d horse*. “No law that will ever be drafted will make us accept the Ne- Zro<?i as onr equals.” Dn»?'*n Green «aid. “If * >;• ji-1, «t aK* ontf -xJjKvnA of klan members who

“ ft b in one hr* learned Fo m aster life, he can lake what life throw* at him -mdnot yield !o tenip-'atien*. Het - a * r > on life Ftett ran it'- Sw pried loose He tn-- I ’ v , in and in him-v-ii a* a rhiM of Oo*L ’

"F "»r—'.+ i» -e c V ir '- 'ia n i a r *pre-ing iur one another— - .

the kingdom o ' God routed the carpetbaggers will do the job overthatto earth. Truly,

‘hath made of one bleed all nations of m en" and we are united in the doir.g of hrs work.’’

ATTEND WEDDINGMr. a n d Mrs. Clifford

ra G. Reed, a physician of Charles and son, Clifford Jr.,St. Louis, Mrr, and Miss B. Gwendolyn Green of Buffalo; and a brother Arthur P. Ev­ans of Louisville.

_ _ _ _ _

secretary of in* M ayor's Com- inhlee on Humi'r. Re’tUicns,


pi ede cvs so r of t h e p sesm f the buildirp-. industry bv ;h Human Relatione Comm ssion. State Commission on Himv-n turned wilh the Charles’ and

Rights, d a t e d March 1965 " ~

at'ended the wedding of M>ss Gee.rg'a Pollard, R. bl­end M a r i o n Thompkins. In New York City, Aug. 27. at the Presbyterian Church of the M aster, preformed by the former pastor. R e v . Jam es Robinson. They re­

spent a week. They visitedshowed that there were only Niagara Falls, Toron’o and

Negro unc Puerto Rican other interesting points in

Mr. Evans was aj'sa co.'otmd er of ;p Butfrln V-turb Bisird. an agency which has assisted hundi-tls <»f y w lh i in scrapes apprentices enrolled in Buf- Canada, w ith tbe law to seiious niKthle.


Training tmtning experience f„0tbt»ll. The end is due. but

ANNOUNCEMENTk r s Beauty Andrews an-

wi'iM-i,. the re <»pep.li>g of her office .»( 63 S p r u c e S-!. «m iu»s*hiy, Sept. *7, 1*56 at 2 *■ m trtfiee will be in>*n o i T Ksdt/c* and Thuis-Urv*. TL i-n m .

m child auporvtfhin and training; ivping. filing ond m^meogrufibing.

The inrt* w err ghen pt>ri- Odtc lectures on persorml ttpprunutce. heaKh habit*.

TTic Church Is sponsoring another proeram . priirmrlly personaftfy snd attitudes, for the Working mothers u» bc-irr Sent informationTL 2 234J

Rm-. S. Frank Emmanuel is past nr, and Mrs Margaret Hmresnnbl, dirn 'tor.•ifhhbli * 1 I.. * h, c

"three gam es” must thisstand m his way? This is ona of the most unjust, cruel ami worst type of sp-trtsman- s.hip 1 have ever heard of in all my interest and exper­ience in sports and this is whtrt I try to teach.

He hefped to sponsor the minimum hnutlng law passed in 1932. He had ac rt id on the C i t y Plannitig Comm'ssion,

avoid more /aio u n d e union- at that time, tvh'le t h e r e were opproxi- inatc-ly 45* whites. Therefore, we urge every union to open up a p p re n ! i c e programs so that Negroes and Ruerti Ri- c*ns can earn a living within

the Advisory ( t i t * mlttoe of ^ rBti^ . (^ mganired labor.the Buffalo Police fie-partiiient and lhe PuWx RiLitSons Com­mittee of the Board of Edu­cation.


Evangel *1 Amelia Minyard wishes to thank the partici­pants who took p a r t on the ArtlMs* Musicals Benefit Pro­gram held at Calvary C.M.F,. Church, ! « * 7 EBIeott St. at Dodge Sunday, June IS, ai 6 p.m

again.Columbia, April S. J94R — KKK “white

suprpmitcy” |)iopagand i leaflets dropped from airplane over Negro neighborhoods on eve of primary.

S e n a t o r W alter F. George of Georgia sooke for Georgia as well as tbe United States as a whole when he wrote: “W hy apologize or evade? W e have been verv careful to obey the letter of the Federal Constitution— but we have been very diligent and astute ia violat­ing the spirit of such amendments and stat­utes as would lead the Negro to believe him­self the equal of (he white man. And we shall continue to conduct ourselves in that w tv .”

So whut shall we answer to you good white folks and Uncle Tom black folks, who wouldTHESE ARE THE FACTS (See page 4)


Mr. Warlick’s replacement 12th For further has someone to back him up

you may cull according to tho prois Ibu\e nothing nr «ny malice toward thc replacement, but I know that until Ernie was jsaHSui aqi pa.u>|d aq •jaiiq type nf t.mfbaU and is one of the most it-vpected men in our city. He is a real pen l le in til and the kind of

tnd Lib- whose example I want— I'o all DemtH-rat* w»l* who voted fm- Art Hurtl- wirk :»r A**«.'ibiym«n in tinJtlM# l*rlinar‘r “.

A f* -m uni.'r the last day-, fw r*e'«- r»t'.n > Ort 6 jsnd k, are Lot «i<pMmrhinR. There f* W - veal ’ -eas*»n to trade h>v' t-s i« lha niMdle ni the

o voai etmt -we.'ti su>t- fH*i m d vote in lb- Nov, tUh eleens-i a 11 ■ \o he n--f J itii* K’ ! !* Iti.rl'ii. V ,-,s \»tu

my ncices and ni-phe» s and al! how and girl* of 3u:- f.ilo to follow, for u better tomorrow tor us -ill I sev the eye* of the children at St Mary’s School tot the lto/if and the many ywmg- •le:v in v-sdb centi-rv whom he has he’-jiM <'n>t encourag­ed

"B ecause of the history i>! discrimination against N*croes »i»1 Puerto R i c a n s in the building industry, sprcm! ef­fort * most be made hy the’.ttrions ro ctJmpens.it* tor ttii* —eitH.teti a n d ret'-'iv;*;! t h e untoir prtnti w . Many appar- praise* af nH wbn Leant it. t-r’ ly r.nf on'y opptwc n; .k'ng.-j sb* pariientorty tonoki MltroKinl efjans. hut r t-'u ir lo t ’rr m iris trr i who earns and give Neg'-te* snd Puerto Ri hrttnvbt their *cr.ijr*ga'l«ns, earn any chance r t nil. ItoTt? the p m 'tto m «f ih - B'ble

He wa-i interested in every sre tnanv qtuHRed InsJhwi*. Frol. D. Zarbaskie.phase of community life. D»»r* m en f a d s ' und eager to ap- ____ ;_ —in# the dev IW.: ion h«- m rs-ed p»y. , GROfFR EXTENDSon *w «m | woiV r"lje* iom - ■ Wc ibcrefrn'e fee! it tr*res- _tnrttee* was n nrwrber of a xary to rfemrm.strste in o rder * H A rvtN .Tcommittee an care -md trrafi to dram nt-te >JhEi deptor kRo Tc My Friends in the Ellicottment ot pt 'xern n . p p e irm g . gLtun;*-in. and io he ap it tor- so y « »«n. He h t I t- 1 ll t’ve a :;« i"e ,i Of fed1 r-t! ager-

C»er * V- con perxu it-; - ,r«- ' . a ,m * to h rv Ncy-roe* a*rd


An evening of enjoyment ran be had hv atiemFna the Exiravn g a n /. a "66". at Faith Baptist Church, 626

interesting attraction.*.Th» public is invited.__M r j , Corine Tuttle "te

chairm an and the Rev. Ros- eoe M. Mitchell, pastor.

M r. E v an s ' rok in fm tertog g o o d relations berween Ne­groes and white*, and in a- voubnK p o s s ib le difficuiJ’is ih/u had pMgued other cities. a.-.s publicly recognized.

Humboldt P k w y . . Friday, The program KM very well sent. 23. t»f 7;M p. m

Featured on B** propm m


Cfitvyrr-ssman Duiski a n d Governor R ' kefidjM.

The N at tonal S rptlsl Con winch wttl be held in the ven'iwi firwvs ftrvm 10.000 !<rvei- auditorium wifi be. to tSOCP delegate* a n d Alberta Piokard. noted solo- w.-uld m-«an much to tho i*t; Malcolm Em i, noted wc- — , - J spirrtunl life artist in Chalk Te*k and of rk-r city.Chora! Reading; Singing .u, vorrn,

from Trin dad. Fall REV. .1 0 6 p o q w . MOORFgrouo fromfashion :>nd many other p a s te r

t hi:h ■ V-k>ooi1 Cc jt;,rr i .md Tmk-.


MteH:■ J^Sy ttataSS and hvnrf esi p»»etuiin tor yvn-r po'.raai r*r«f frsendlshii you h ;ve

Ernie ton-s -.-i t care if h** nch. he o n

, needed. I •m tviu.ed tor

•.<»■ . f , t.Vl

f<»“ hat!. IKtt, on the stilt pUy

don’t w;.nt!.to. 1 kntwr ; . hei ie U < r.n

■A j -•vifniT, tto- t -S. i'»cp>\; v rr .tn - f v s-llielira a-j-.h V w 5 :W-. , !d w.h It. fie--it-*-, ptecr;«d b nm e c* t ,t?med tr/11 -.rm it

n:her 5


os Tteewffi/tj, \c\. !y. he

De" -n ’-

in7. Cov’rvtce

?a :* n t

h"-nn'.-« and >-d 'oe! steil re C r-ttm--

•jstrx ; / •>.*

V*_ J & GO.-C

Ttorrto Rtcenj. before k v w j v tttted r> rne m.*r j HiJero' coutritCJ a*~ird -4 . fifty yearn.

" W- v p a)Wi aim tfv- pule- - ■i c s p n ’ light o r pr:v*5»\- f i - l e My New •ltnc-d fiuiitons* fhai -U:: he- toftvt:Ing '.-omtnjeved b-, men drawa Tbarri yrrs r - - !«* a Jt-trrMihntthi* labor to v r , . - y<-: t-wA tr, r i . rb y -js.

“ V r urge ycte to •..« -n i r n v it.— t'.e m nrrh sn J5o<!trr«f*y S-pt w , pnv V-.-c r" k! If; u- .•«..»}> and fa b t'oe joeie-itm-w .

’ "f r i w- yrju He’p ft* *J*e • -rf •■ h i s yv* tvjivf’ ; » -Jt Or

mcst effeenve tw r ra Bu faaj t a f t o S*v< haa seen. 7 ,i i r -

F-ien-d* and M

Vt . -

FRIENDS OF JUDGE WM. SIMS SAY —“ If we want to k« -p Negro

rrprrsentatton In t h e C i t y

Court, * c must r r - >«!;■; Tb'irs-

day. Oct, 6 and Sat., Or* S,

i> order to vole tor Jude

William S i m - on Tuesday,

N'ovembcr kth. No mc-Mer » ik >bt-h p a r t y you hf'iffai»—

Democrat. Republican, l.ibr-r

-t—>o« can ioofc n-'d vote to-rts- nam e £>/ Jad?t> b ■•» - *.-■m s ; HN> '*!h&i I tr s a e y , v«n-» mbvr 6th.