IT THERYAliM,&AZETTE , j PUBLISHED BY - T. CRAWFORD MACDOWELL, Every lVdnclay rUornlnrr. Al FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVAXCE. PorelRn Sahierllitri.S7.0O to 110.00. frhlchincludes postages prepaid Ofmck In the new Post Office Building Uerchant Street, Honolulu, H. L 'X'lie e"lnviiliuri. TJ. K SisCKOXaU. Becftnugen my couch I ley. Awaiting mornior's dawn; relet rays that told of coming day ..S Were co nvy window thrown. And wrtb them cult a mournful sound. !T3.alTuuib'd IruaibMLUi th. groaud- - f t wuVIIIt Tha ood1 ctw loader UH I btird A T Inr 1dlinrf ftivil ltir-- s1 arta, atv utuf vw enaa.e,aa ana ajs. c i, XYKUlmc-- the iVrr nigh: I kiukti nd ctw as d mu Of ubrc toe and Tim wtva, S h0 killed Of with a tlffa. And trC Bnv&rtblj slarw; Hi rUiics dt wboiuotloti toot.' T jc &vUeymt Lli Ure; turm-v- pewr.aa uau, JpatL!k kdBoLO Uuuli told 1 i OIO bGrthuioTtuic x XI .W I am the Obl on Of tli Hawaiian rC, "IJX &w to oouru xaj jopJ cone It. I llairkUan bone beproJ Uu Wad, Hmu: UUtory wriuaa liiid. t C - CeaTH nwtter ouL nor Uacc." a, i. "Alaal X linger old and sere... a a lloruaa-- . nation d.aa. ' M . it f "Beheld lbs last Hawaiian tear - cc Kurereyeo orb that gild, the mora K tWMVMUM W UJJ VVasYa Tbwi bill sad TaUc cra; A fwvicv rACe now till tut plain t. VThre Hariia Lamr Le been r Zbett wrdi cf j&ln miull 1m Sb l!iC & ' l?'T1iatrad?eliicnTrcat Cpa thti alicrei aceat. Dtmlh t dy loam piwnU his dart, UliUtnuE baU welcouiebv; y Senealb IliU foreign Ur; 'jidLcl fair ble wrhar I'Wj born, "Inbeo Im atj IbdTorlaro, And waiUnc to l fre.w Km jfMi u fate, a ltf to dMth, Ktfn.atier what th moSmJ T ' T 1" VAirdHbtnlCllzujatelirMth " - B- o- to the band of God ; -- My init?llicarc I tnut. Baoaalh nij CaU od"'""' & Hi pctr TanUhed from my wight At murciac brighter grt, "- And aooo th beams of flathi&f Iffht Around ay chamber tt; Tct ball xbax drftatn f earl j xaorn OA to my memorj rttarn. With all iU iboobu aaew. Hendale, July, 1S7&. eir uutl Oilier Items, f: " EiltT-oo- e rehoel dutrica ia Xebrxikl .fiiraUh tcxt-bss- grui to pcpili. " Chiriei Dickeai' ttuat clir wu told recently,! for 1150. Itrvrifiaml price wu sboatSi. An eeeeclne Eoghihm&a oeri a prae of $SD0 ta tac big;rcit e&ter that caa be foaad in Fana danaf tae Exposition. In Arueaa there are four raea u one toqu and a church tectable looks like the last street car from theliter. garden. m The Lebaaoa Mop Company hare eoctraeted for lCffMl) map handles and expect this jear to make a iStal or:D,0e0 mops. Heraee Greeler'i estate, which was inventoried at SOC.WS, thortl; after bis death. Tields a little more than $20.00 on the nal settlement. JLdrices from l'aru of Mar lS:b, taj that alread j complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj farmer learned a few dajs ago br losing three rain-ab- le animals which ateaome of the weed with their The Catholics hare boaght teren thonsand acres I or ia&d ia MV1tnbarg coontj, A'a., on which thejr are getag to establish an indnstnal farm for educat- ing Jrcedmea. Last jear lO.OeS hortu, iZS asses and SO males were slaughtered at " iixtj-on- e horse butcheri.'i i citaMM&mcaU in ians, rnc(. An'establlshmenn of the kind is on to be openea ia Loncon! H 3 t the Cincinnati mnsicalXestiral ladies were asl;- - tijto Ieare theirhatsta the dreiiiag-rtma- and en-- J cores poTidveljr tironihited .ft Here ara.twolupg steps forward in the progress of ciriliiation The Gasconada Birer In Mtssonri is corered with learur;'and osessire bodies of shl.soppoted lobe poisoned by eating a worm which falls into the water from orernanging trees. The suit of Bngham Young's heirs has prored scioceeisfal. and hit property, rained at from JiM,-00- 0 U (7it.W, has been restored to the church, being only about half what was due from the late Mormon chief ," ' ' " ar 0 set' A large bailding. known at Eohn'l B'.ock, on Market street, Uartford, Conn., was recently barned An explosion threw down a portion of a W.S, krlKDg three ramea and waanding iix others, two of whom are in a critical condition. Bret Harte has been to the White House, and hat Lad the felicity to shake hands with the President. The uncharitable Golden Era tays it is not informed whether h. struck Ectherford for a loan or not, hat the chances are that he did. The General Conference of the M. E. Church Eonth adopted a resolution pledging the church to do all in iU power to educate negroes in the South. Eer. 0. P. Titsgerald, of San Prancucs. was elected editor of the .Naiirille Adrocatc. In a shop window in London, belongies to a stuff-- r of birds tod animals, is exposed a human skull, Dcantifullyleaawd and bleached, with holes bored ia st-- to reoerre cigars, and xaatehes to light theaai aa ornament for tome one's smoking-roo- rf I I : i "TnV eultiratton aadeiport of pine-appl- it the greatest industry of the Bahama Islands, a large proportion of the tillable area beirx deroted to this frcit3As manT at l.SGC.CM nenadt of the .fruit Larebeea collected from a tingle acre at one crop. Three men left Alameda on Sandtr in a tuncrtr. Betsreeo'Goat Island and Aleabax the oat capsized and two of the tnea John Murphy and Edward Dtntcaoad were drewotd. Th third maa cot on thebouom of the plunger and was toon taken cff. It is rsmoredla mining circles is XewTork that Consolidad YtrgiaU, California, Ophir, Beit A Belcher, Mexican. Gould 4r Carry, Si rare and other siemrill Jbe eonsolidtud, with a riew to creatin: a market on the Atlantic as well at oa the facile tout. Edwin Booth has nerer set foot in Washington since hit brother assassinated President Lincoln, and he'is ttaSerstood to hare takaa a tolean oath nerer to ' rltlt the"eaptil city. ' Icoordiagiy VTath-isgt- plaj-goe- rt are compejled to Tisit Balanore to tee bint. The 'Shah ofPsrtla hatredceei the taxes of bis tsjecs by one-ha- lf for the next fourteen yean. This it owing to the large amount of gold ukenfron tit tseeatly-diteorere- d tnine of Ahsedabad, sear Taiiij; and to the prospect cTfiirtier largt rectipli. THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. I VOL. XIY.-- No. 28.1 BUSINESS NOTICES. tiii:o. ii. davii:s. Lirr Jmos, Ouu k Co.J IKP0STES ASD C0KMISS10S JHEBCHAST, at aorxT rot Lloydtaod theWTerpfllCnJtnrrlters, Brltttb and Foreign M.riec loiurance Coapanr.laad yortawq Jlwrace Comr.nr oCTTIIy rear. .tiacfaui.e m co.."" IHPORTEES ASD C0JIHISSI0X 1TEBCHASTS, BobmkOa Flre-ft- Jlulldlnr. Queen Street, Ilonolatn, H. I. toon roa Tb GIascow end TIOnolDln Llae of racKcta John Hay A Co Liverpool .nil London P.cfceU. The r.Uapa rianUlhn, The Sprncer Plant-lio- ti. III!, Th. Pnsloa Sltrer llanch Company. fCMi, it. iiACKrr.ii &. co.. GTHEBAL C0KKISSI0N AGXJTTS, Qccen Sttcft. Ilcoiolulo. n.I. teC-lj- ti ! A. S. CEEGIIOItA A Co..-larosTta- a axa nuixas xir Gonornl IVZoroxiozidlso, Cnrner Quern aai Caabomaoo Mref ti, CW lyj S.aana at-- , and corner Fort and llot.l Et. IIV.lt.J MKOXIIEKS, m?0ETES AKB WHOtESAli; DEAEESS Ia Fashionable Clatblac;, Ilaia. Cap, UooU, Sboet,and rTry Tariet) of Gentlemen's Fnrnitblne Goodi Snow's Baildiac, MercbaEtStrert.nonolaln. C7S-l- y C ArOIaG. Importer, "Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in General Merchandise and Clilna Gooin. In the Firf-Pro- Store, comer of Qncand nnwin StreeU. CTO ieicii vi:n r. iiiCKEitx'oST" ATT0EKET AKD COTIJISELOE AT LAW 1TI1 aUend the Tertns of Conrts on the otbf r Islands, Money to lend on Mortrai. of Freeholds ... 3 Merchant Street, Z doors ffcm'Pr. 5 taace afald'n-T- Sm SI. S GRUBAVJI A CO.. "IKPOETEES AKD WHOLESALE BEALEBS laTaihlonable ClotLinc IUt. Caps T.ocW, Shoes and eeery Tariety of Geallcmen's snpenor Fnrnisblar: Goods. . Etore la iMitre's Block. Qoeea sueet, Honolulu. II. I. toC99-l- ' ' f C. BREW.EE & CO., f s a. r ciaTxm, rc Jo jl, v f J B. IttTIL -- SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 5i Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 'y jo.a wiixeb, z. s. sraLnzxy. mi. g. rawxx IV 31. G. IRWi:. A; CO., SugarFactors. Shipping and Commission Merchants- - AGENTS rOK Xaalehn rUotaUon BawalL Macee Snrar ManUllon, Manl. Uacee Sosar r.. KanaL West Manl Plantation I- - tJ- - VldatDnJon Mills) Hawaii. nreic Jt Bicknell'R Fannlner's Island) Coco&nnt Od. Kortn Western Life Ins. Co. Swiss Lloyd Marine Ins Co. Cil nonolola H I ly V E. O..HA1.L JC sorv. IHTOBTEBS AND DEALEBB IS. HAEDWAEE Dry Goods.Falcts, Oils and General Slerrbasdie, T y CorperForl.nd KlncSts. I)II.t,IGHAM Jc CO.. IHPOBTEES AHD DEALEES IS HAEDWAEE Cotlery. Dry Goods. Paints and.OIl, and General Mer- - eaaadiae. o. 95. Kinc Street. Ilonolclu. tKl ly s. c Aiua. r. aoasos ALLES .fc ROIinijOX Jit Koblnson's WharC Dealers in Lnrsber and all'Tdn'ds of Binding Materials. Taints, Oils, Kails, 4c, 4c,4e., Asrxts cr scbosxiks H ALEAK ALA. - 7 f '" v : - KCLiMASU, , KEKACLTTOHI. JiAET KLLEX, FAUAUT, rAIET QUEEN. TJILAMA, LEAHI, 76 Hoaolnln, Hawaiian Islands. ly IIOEL.ES Ac CO.. Snip Chandlers and Commission Merchants. ImportersandDealerslu General Mercriandtse.Qoeen-tre- et i ,, I lionoln'n.newalian Islands. tTSIy A. IV. PCIRCE Jt CO.. (Soeeetsors to C. L. Kicaiaus & Co.,) Ship Chandlers and General Commission Merchants. JLLStfAffenit far the PttaOoa SOT TTorit-65- 3 Honolnla, Hawaiian Islands, ly F. A. SCIIAErr.lt afc CO.. importers &. Commission Merchants o6M Honolnio. HawaH.nlslands TJy EO. IfOFrstClIEAEGEK Jc CO.. IMPOEIEES ASD COMMISSIOK MEBCHAKTS, W "HonolalnfOabr:. H. I. oSS ly IOII.- - T 1VAXEKIIOEE. JDiTOBTEE AND DEALEB IN GEKEBAL MEECHJDISE. T Qneen Street. Honolnla. H I. Jy B. F. EntEICS Jc CO.. DEALEES IS DEY GOODS AHD GENERAL ! ' jMEBCHASDISE, Fort Et..aboTeOdd Telfows Hall. 6io-I- y J. O.EICtSOl EOSr. IEWEBS. C. X. COOKE EEWEUS & DICKSOA. IMPORTERS tt DE&.LERS IH LTJM3ER indaUkindsofBnildlnrSlaterials.FortStreet.nonolnln 6N2 ly H.X.U 111:1, ' J. w.sanDiTsox. 1VUITXEY & ROBERTSON, (Snccusort !o B. X. TTAJrney.) lportersr4D'ea!ersin Foreign Books, Stationery, and Periodicals. 67 ilerchaut Street. - Honolnln. ly THOS. C. TUKlin. Stationer, News Dealer and Book- binder. Merchant Street, Houolnlu. Uso Stencil Cutting. and Copying, promptly executed on reasonable terras. If. E. McIVTTRE at BROTHER. GROCERY. TEED STORE and BAKERY, Cornerof Ktnp and Tort streets, nosoLrx,T. 67!' ly X. B. JXJXL- - A. W. HCSE. FRtEL Jc BUSH. GEOCEBIES AKD P EO VI SI OK DEALEES . ramilyaroceryandjeed Store. 6K lyl 50 Fort Street. Hor oleic. C J5. BARIOW, Auctioneer. a'earoom on: Queen Street; oue door from Eaanumaeu 697 Street. ly TV3I- - JTOHXSOX. 3MCozrc3a.iaxi,-- t Tailor. C30 Eaahsmana St.". opposite Mr. G. Ehciea" Store, ly nOLLSSTER &JCO., Jo, CSXanxtma Street, i j t ,: Honolnla, ixrOBsxas xn pzaxixs rx Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. JLCmttiKiacreTi' cf Mineral Waters. tc BISHOP & CO., 33 -- A. JSTJEZ. EB.S, nqspLcxtT. r i t hawaiiajtMjAsiis, , ..DRAW EXCHANGE OX THE E1BT CF aUTORXI)!." : i : : SAH FEAKCISCO , AjrOTSEtaaGrSTttX a Setr-Tori- c, ' 4,' CM is otton, Purls. Auckland, THECHiaULfEWUCORrORATIO!!. : :'-- : LOSOOH ax Tsxra atAXCEXtta Hansr tXonjc, i i Sydney, and .atelbonxxte, J&t transact fc a General tUaadngBatia&sx B J tSl'ly n.jfcjnww mpiMiiiiimtfiB HONOLULU, BUSINESS NOTIUES. X. -- T. BAKER. Practical Architect aid Builder. Plans and srcificationi fcriiUhrd at reasonrble trnns Address Peat OSce, Honolnlo, II. I. 701 ly E. P. ATtAJIS. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. xQeeenStreet.nonofslB.U.l. "" CiMyl c. v. iroijroiArv, (Late of Canadian Pacific Hallway Eurvey,) Ctvil DE3xirliaoo-ar- . OjEcel Orer I)r. Ftancenwald'a, corner of 3m Fort and Merchant Streeis. A. A. aiO.NTAXO, Photographer and Dealer in all kinds of Picture Frames, Mats and Velvet Cases. 97) Comer of Kins: and Fort Streets- -. Honolulu. ly 1V1EUEK at CO., Enccet'oreto Dowsett SVCo., Corner Fort and Qnetn Street Lnmber, Paints, Oils, Kails, Salt and Building (cas-l- y Materials of every land. EDWAIID X. 0nALLOKA, Attorney and Solicitor, Is authorized tolend from $200 to S1U 000, on ISortrtce of at lowest ratea or interest. T57 Agents in London, and la all parts of Australia. OSce on Fort Stre.t, (opposite Mr. Ira Eicbard.ou's Store) Ilonoleln. 686 Sma CASTLE at HATCH, Attorneys set Xaia."cr. W.JL CASTLK, Notary Publlcauend all the Conns of the Kingdom. Particular attention paid u the nejrotlatjon of Loans, Conveyancing. CoUectinc. etc Cir Xoney to loan on Murtca;e. Office r Merchant street, Ird door east of Fort street. Dooolalu.llawallariJslands. .S7Jy. T. CRAWFORD MACPOWELL, Attorney a.t Tjel-w- , Office st office nnlldtiitr- - 3 Special attention lAid to theluTrstmcnt of monies on rood securities. "u CECIL BROWS. ATTOEKEY AND COUKSELLOB AT LAW. XOTAItT PUBLIC. s And Agent for takinc Acknowledgmeuu of Instrnments for the Island efOibu. etti So. S Kaahcmanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. ly jr. 31. iatiiso.-v- . vrrc-i-tJrv-E's- r jv't xia.vc. Office orer Mr. Whitney's Hook More, formerly occupied by Jodce Austin. Honolnln, H. I CO 3m JOI1A II. IAXY, KOTAEY PUBLIC and COMMISSIOHEB of DEEDS. For the State of California. Office at tbeank orBishop & Co.. Kaahnmann Street. Honolnla. oCSO ly EG. IIIXCIICOCK. v ATTOEKEY AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. oCSJJ Bill. Promptly Collected. ly CIIAS. X. GULICK, 3iTtl2?3;" AKD Arcnt to tAlse AcknoYileilfrxnents for Kjibor 57 Interior Office. Honolulu. ly DKS. X I, at C. E. TI.ODALE, Homoopathists, Office and residence Berrtanla street, between Fort St. Chnrch and Queen Erorra's of the Doctors maybe found lalh0C3cent all times. 9- - ProletBional calls will receive prompt attention botii night and day. 681 ly JT. 31. IVIIIXINEY. 31. I., I.. S. Dental Booms on Fort Street, OSce in Brewer's BlocK. comercf Hotel and Fort Streets. CiOl fff Entrance, Hotel street. lly Ir. F. II. EIEUS A J. U.ltE.UIS. PHYSICIANS AHD SURGEONS, 71 OFFICE. WAILEKU. MACT. "V1LHA.U o. .vmxii. ATTO Xt 1ST "E3 "3T 1.0? Is s. "W . ly WAIXDKC, VACI. 677 E. SXItEIIZ. rAPOTHECAEY AKJ) DEtTGOIST-- . Cft Coiner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oabn C3T Keeps open every batunlM) Helilnc;. oC9a 1 S. S. CASTLE. J. B. ATHEBTOS. J. P. COOEI. CASTLE at COOKE. SHIPPIKG AKD COMMISSIOH MEECHAKTS, IMPORTERS ASD Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, ,2(0. SO 1b Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ..AGENTS FOP. The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. The Sew Eogland Mutual Life Insurance Company. Boston. The Oregon Packet Line, (Toe Robala Plantation, Dr.Jayne 1 son's Celebrated The Haikn Plantation, Xedidnes. hCaialua PlanUtlon. Wheeler Wilson's Sewing tlamakua Plantationt' Machines. (o70S ly) I HONOLULU IEON WORKS CO. steah p.m:f.s. smart Mir.r.s. Hollers, Coolers, Iron, Crass and Lead Castings Machinery of Every Description, Sr- - Made to Order, -- tug Partjexlnr attention paid to Ship's Blacks mithing D W0EK executed on the shortest notice. 0660 ly Manufacturing Jeweler! KTotioo. CyDERMOED. rIRJIF.nL,T WITH TITE Kckart. begs to inform dtlrens of Honolulu and the public generally, that be ha? taken Ue store on Fort Mreet opposite Odd Fellows Hall, formerly occupied by Thoa.Tannat,i where he will give special attention to the mxnufactnring aod repairing of &H kinds of Jewelry. Partlcnlar attention given to Shell and KcVni Work. Ear- - wnignaranteeaarUfactioninallhlswork. S en i:m wit. m. wjctxer- - J. M. DAICLE, t Tnc coKxr:it or fort ami kixg X streets, is preoaredto do all kinds of wort In his line at snort notlc and at reasonable charges, such as Grinding Cutlery, Repairing SUusiccd Instru- ments, Clocks, &c, &c. He Is also prepared to furnish a DcUciotu Warm, Old, or Snlpbnr Bntb C37 athseubashmentatanhoura. Im 1 MAX ECKART, MANUFACTUEIN& JEWELEE, BEGS TO AOTirT HIS I'nlEMJS and the public generally, that he has i tne above business in J Hoaoiuiu. In Mr. C. i. WHliams's nre-- 6oiIilin, Fortstreet. All Kinds of Jewelry Manufactured And Repaired to Order. Hooelulu, March Sth.JS7S- - CM Sm PORTEAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY ! THE rXDEESIGSKD 4IAVISG SOW all Apparatus and Conveniences for Traveling, Is prepared to Visit any part of the I'tnd. and do either Portraits or Views to order at short notice. First-clas- s) IVorlc only trill lie done. Terms Cash, or draft on Hondslu, when the negatifes axe made. Address U. X. CHASE, Honolnln. " ' ' Jrae 4tb. lira. an Real Estate for Sale or Lease. SEVEHAX TEST DESIKAELE .FAMILY RESIDENCES XAHGE axd ssall, Located in different parts cf the City. "!& Oardezis, Oot hocsea. and every convenience, and In perfect order. ng,ulreof eo tf HUGO CTANOEif TALD, 3d. S WEDISTSSDAY, JULY 10, 1S7S. BUSINESS NOTICES. S. CXAXT. T. SOStlTSOt. GRAMT at ROItERTSOIY, (Sucetsiort to U.S. CkpXom & Cs.) TleMers In Fnncy and Staple Dry Goods of erery description, Xvllinrnj and Dtpartmrnt AttacJxd. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. TOO Cor. Fort nml lintel Sis- - ly 31. X. DOIVZNEI.I,. CABIKET MAKES AKD FEEKCH POLISHES, C77) i'o. 76 Fort Street, Honolnln, If. I. (ly CARPENTER AND JOINER tti.'Work Done Promptly.-- Shop on Fort St.. p!anade. opposite Houper tlarrel Factory. ogo ly g. sf.(;elkf. ,fc co., TIKSMITHS AND PLUMBERS, .Vo. 3 Xnnniiu Mrcet, KeepcomUntly on hoJ fall vstwrtment ofTla, Shttt Iron, and Copperware, Galvd Iron and Lead Pioe. India Suther Hose, &e oTC3 Sm CHRISTIAN CERTZ, OjaSTJNTEin? T& BEGS TC AXXOBXCE TO TUB PUBLTC of Honolulu, that be has purchased the stock and hnslneas of WILLIAM FISCH- - 1 I EB. Hotel Street, next door to Strehxs Dreg Store, and that In fatnre the business v. Ill be earned on by him in theaame premises. C G. solicits a fair share or the public patronage, and promises his patrons civility, attention and good quality for tbelr money. 6S0 ly jr. ii. ivicke. 2VC j.33Zli., Alaken Street, One door below Hotel Street. Furnlrnre of all descriptions msde and repaired at rea aonable ratea. Best worlvmanahtp guaranteed. o692 ly C E. "VIEEIAJI, KANDFACTTJBEB, IMPOETEE AKD DEALEE In FnTnltureofeverydescrlptlon. Turnltnre In Fire-pro- Building Wort shop at the old stand on notelStreet, 6o4 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. (ly DOMESTIC PRODUCE Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. H3 TITBTOX. PROPRIETOR. Crops of Sugar JalJs of superior quality, now coming In and for sale in quantities to suit by eiaiy H. HACKFELD CO PUULOA EANCH TANNEEY. leather, tansed Soi.E.txnstnni.i; the aboro celebrated Tan- nery, constant!) receited and for sale by 6S6 ly O. W. MACFABLAXE CO. SPENCER PLANTATION. EM" CROP OF SUGAR SUIT COMING IX l?w and for sale by G. W TdACfARLAXE CO,, tgeuuj I WAIKAPU PLANTATION. -- VTE1V CROP OF SF VR JfOW COJII.NG IX jL aod for sale for home consumption only, by Ml) ly O W if tCFAltLANE CO.. Agents. KATJPAKUEA PLANTATION NOW COMI.NG IX and ror sale In quantities to suit porchasers oy Csi lv AFOhO Jt ACHCCK-- UOAOLCLt SOAP WORKa, BY W.J. RAWLINS. The Proprietor of the above Worts f i prepared to f cpplj bl enstomerf , And tbe public la general with the best quality of Yellow .Soap oft Soap alwaya on liand. S72 Iht HighfJt Pncc Jiid for Soap Grtatt. ly HAWAIIAN SOAP WOEKS ! fit art9 1 GREY & CO., Jlauufacturcr and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, itdeo, King .Street. Honolulu Beet Mottoo aod Goat Tallow wanted. Order and Btlla left at Ira Richardson's Boot and Shoe Store, will meet with prompt attention $e0 ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHEE. Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins COXSTAXT7.TOXIIAXD AXD FOR SALE, tValmea Tannery. J. P Parker, Prop'r. Hllo 'annery, F. S Ljunii, Ppoprletor. Wlr A S. CLEGHORN i CO.. Agents. family mabket, Junction of Hotel and Union Streets. O. WALLEU. .... PROPKIETOR. flSPfcf Cljoleeat Jfeats from the Finest VTT V Herds. Fish. Poultry, Vegetables, etc , Mr-.- n "Va. nlshed to order Extras Tuesdays and Thurs- day a, teal; Fridays, Fish ; Suodays, Lamb, onles other- wise ordared The ruprietor having teaaed the neat and commodious Vegetable. Fruit and Poultry Market, adjoining the Family Meat Market, will be prepared to promptly and satisfactorily rill orders for everything re- quisite to fornlsb the tables with all the .ubstantia!s and Delicacies the country affords, oa- - shipping supplied on short notice. Meats, &, delivered to all parts of tbe dry without extra charge 697 ly ,lIETItOPOLlTA. MARKET. g2; C.WALLER, Proprietor Kins Street. CSS ly Honolaln. . , OIL BLACKING.,, a &, $& v NSf-- o 3IAl7FACXtIREI j j BT H G. S. PINKHAM & CO., 35 3 2 SILO, HAWAII. tS Pa IS " 2 ? BOLLES & Co., Agents, S a t Hosorcxu. J -- o & ry 703 y v ? Waipuolo House, i&Esf, PXEASAXTI.Y1VOCS.TED IX TTAIA- - 11! !l LTTA. Island of Oahu, aawaHan Islands, Is open iiiMMtxa theTrsve'lngPuUlc. Horses grained aod fed with hay or pastured. Saddle Horses procured at short notice, on reasonable terms. TERMS Board &nd Lodging, per daj- - 2 00 ein?ie Jtteai, Lodfflnc pf r Dlctt - &0 iJorti per wees: ccarmDg to srtemei3t-Fo-r further partitmlArs applr to tbe underricned, or on the place. 59 ix S. 2f. EilEBSON BOLLES & Co., Sliip onan i 1 efs Commission Merchants, FOR SAJLE AT LOWEST MARKET HATE Hemp and ManSa Cordage, Batlm, Seliirx, Epsn Tarn, Booadmr, etc ,etc, etc. Cotton Dncsr, assorted mrmbers, from 1 to 10, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Canvas, Merchant Xavy, assorted 2fn. from 1 to , Kavy Lox Flax Canvas, assorted Noa. from 1 to 7, Daty paid or ia Bond. INSURANCE NOTICES. Rnston Board of UmicrwritcrSs for the Hawaiian Islands, AGEXTS C. BKKWERiCO. Philadelphia noard of ajiiderwritcrs. AGENTS for the Hairallan qBRKWEKACO. Islands, CALIFORNIA INSUEANCE COMPANY. UNDERSIGNED. AGEXTS OP THE aboTeCompanr. have been authorised to Insnr. risks on Csreoi Freight aod Treasure, from Honolulu to all part, of the world, and vice Teraa. 66 ly IL HACKFELI) CO. E. A. .SOIIAEPEK. AGEXT nrnremen Hoard of Underwriters, of Dreedeu Board of Underwriters, Agent of Vienna Board of Underwriters. Claims agalnt Insurance Companies within th. Jurisdiction of the above Bosrds of Underwriters, will bate to bs certl fled to by the abore agent to make them valid. 6S6 ly IEV3IKIIROIIRE31ErV FIRE IHSUSANOE COMPANY. UXTjERSIGXED having been app- ointed Agents of tbe abose Company, are prepared to insure risks aealnst tire, on Stone and Brick Build- ings. and on Merchandise stored therein, on the most favorable terms, for particulars applr at tbe odce of CSS ly F. A. eCHAKFt.lt Jt CO. TRAXS-ATI.AXTI- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP HAXBGRG. KISKS INSURED OX RUILDI.Vt;S. and Furniture, on liberal terms, by H. HACKFELD 4 CO., Agents. May 10, 1875; -- 1687 ly HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G FLEE INSUEANCE COMPANY, OF HAMBURG. BUIEllIXGS. MERCHANDISE, lusnred against Fire on the most favorable tenns. A. JAEGER, Agentfor the Hawaiian Islands. W7ly UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX FUAXCISCO. "TAflTaajriTio. IKCOEPOEATED, 1805. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS w For the Hasvallan Islands. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LOXDOV AXD'EDIXBURGH. ESTABLISHED 1S09. CAPITA1, i .,.. ...2,000,000 Accumulated and Investcil Fund. 3,838,118 rrniiE vxdersigxed have ueex ap- - M. POIMED AGEN'To for tbe Sandwich Islands, and are authorise,! to insure againflt Fire upon favorable terms. Risks taken In any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings and merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Ilonses and Furn- iture, Timber. Coals, ebipsin harbor with or without cargoes or under repair. J699 ly ED. HQFFSCHLAFaEEl i CO THE New England Mutual life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MASS INCORPORATED, 183 3. Ihe Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United States. Policies Issued on the most favorable Terms. Example orXon.Forfclttire Plan, INSURED AGE. E5 Y LIFE PLAN 1 Annual premium continue. Policy 2 years 3 days 2 Annua preminm continues Policy 4 years 12 days 3 Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 27 days 4 Annual premium coctlnues Policy S years 48 days Annual preminm contlunes Policy 10 years 56 days jajsscts, : : $13,500,000! IVosses Paid through Honolnln Attency, S49.Q00 ! CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 663 FOR. THE HAWAIIAX ISLANDS. ly SAfVI'L G. WILDER, Aeent for the Hawaiian Islands, OF THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF SEW YORK, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WOELD ! Assets ..(1876)...$80,000,000 .XsXa CASH. Now is a Good Time to Insure Kone but First-Cla- Bilks Takes, 70Ur OFFICE TVITH WILDER Co TREG-JLOAN'- S XEW Merchant Tailoriog ESTABLISHMENT, Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. ICAT.I, THE ATTEXTIOX of the Citizens and the other Islands, to the Uct that I have OPENED a large First-Cla- ss Establishment, isbere gentlemen can find a Well-select- ed Stock of Goods, Ciiosen wlUi cret care, aj to style, and adapted 3 to this climate, Harfn? had an exteiulre experience la connection with some of tbe largest Importing honaes In Sew Tort And PlUa&dsilchia, I can auore my customers that thejr trill not only secure the Very Best Materials but will also obtain at ray place tbe BEST EITTLNG GAEHENTS ! that can he tsrned out of any cstahUshment in the Eastern cities. English Hunting Pantaloons ! AXD LADIES' RIDING HABITS HADE A EPECIALrrT. Children's Suits, ia Eastern Styles. ei iy- - "W. TRECLOAX. nonolula. Noon-Da-y Kerosene Oil. CASES OF THE CELEBRATED 50O Soon Day Kerosene Oil per bark Martha Baiix. For sale by BOLLES & CO. Preserved Meats and Vegetables. GOOD ASSORTXEXT. all ofwUleh will i be sold low. ar?r" Tbe public are invited to call and xacuaerox rortxlsby EOIXES t CO. SUM: 'I h I WHOLE STo. 704. INSURANCE NOTICES. Insurance Notice. THE AGEXT FOR TUB BIlITIsn Uarlna Inaurance Company, (Limited), haa Instructions to reduce the rates of lnsuranc. between Honolulu aod Port in the Pacific, and Is now pre-- pareu io issue roilcies at tu. lowest rates, wltb a special reduction bn freight per steamers. TIIEO. II DAVIE?, ly CM Atent Brit. For Mar. Ins. Co., Limited THE Swiss Lloyd. Marine Insurance Co. OF WlXTKItTllTm. USDKRSIOSKD are AUTHORIZED THE On Cargo, Freight and Treasure From Honolulu to all parts of the world, and uplu Counters, by Hpccl-i- l Pcrmlsmloa ! On the most favorable terms. VT. O. IRWIS k CO , 6TJ-l- y Acents for tbe Ilawallan Islands. Rhenish Westphattan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY. OF M. OLAlllIAClI. ItheuUli Prussia. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Go,, Limited, OF AACHEX. (AIX.IiA.CHAPELl.E.1 CL,AI3IS FOR FAUTICfEAR ALL sustained by Ooods arrlvlus; here, and Insured In tne above Companies, have to be made with tbe tobythennderslncd,inonler to be valid. (tsod ly) J. C. (JLADE, Atent. XTKTIOIaT Fire and Marine Insurance Company OF .NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL 10.000,000 ESTARUSIIED AX AGEXCT at HAVIXG for the Hawaiian Islands, the under- signed are prepared to accept risks afalost fire in dwell logs, stores, warehouses, and merchandise, un favorable terms. Marl ne Risk on cargo, freights, bottomary, profits and commissions. Loisen promptly mljusled and pnynble here. CSS ly Wil. O. IRWIN A Co. FlUESIAN'S FOSD INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAK FKAKCISCO, "E1ro a.ixcX lVXarluo, Cash Capl.nl. tiold. 8300,000. RIski n Speciality. Detached dwelllnrs an I contents Insured for a period of tbreeyears, for two pre- miums In adrauco. Dy writluc; small Hues on carefully selectad rtshs well distributed, offers IXDE3IX1TY SBCOXO TO XOXE. Losses Promptly, Adjusted. BISHOP & CO., 673 ly Aceiils for tbe Ilawallan Islands. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 ESTABLISHED AX AOEXCT IX HAVE for the nawallaa Islands, and the undersigned are prepared to write risks against FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHAMSE AND DWELLINGS On favorable terms. Duelling Risks n Special-My- . Detached daelllDga and contents Inanred for a period of tbree Tears, for two premiums In advance Lease promptly suljosted and payable here 6S'.m BISHOP Co. POREIGN NOTICES. BOOKS &' STATIONERY. The Basis of Our Business. BTUllST. To Jin unfa ctil re all such Moots and Sta. IC tfonery as can be done here ss well as elaawhere, aod thereby directly benefit our costomers and oorselscs. SKCOXD To Buy and Sell Boots and Stationery sous to make It to the interest of dealer and consumers to come to us In preference to senrJug ast. "ST" We manufacture and import esery description of Qta tionery. carrying large stocks of Paper. Knrelois and Blank Books of our own manufacture, Inks, Slates, etc. 49- - Over 1,(00 varieties of Blank forms kept In Slock. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., oWJ-l- y Sao Francisco. Ca INDIA RICE MILL, CORSEB OF Mission and Fremont Sts San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. IXDIA RICE MILL IIATIXU nnder. Tnc Material Improvements, Is now In perfect condition for the lulling and Dressing of Paddy AXD UNCLEANED RICE In the Dfit Possible Jinn tier. Tbe price for Hailing and messing faddy has been Kedaced $0 per cent CO.NSIGMiKXTS OF Faddy and Hulled Bice I Will receive prompt and careful attention. WSI Jf. OltEENWOOD, General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India llice MM. 697 m California Elastic liiUOiJtit modem IflTentlonof 1K7 COmtinlnz ueinenUoialL JUcommoia-e- by the leading Ptrjilaa&i aU ihm EUMt ktffielfiil f cr th r.w liefandoireDtBnpttire. 'WriU lor uuiUosToa ftjia Liu. California Elastic ru9 iu - ni, ffaemmrnto Af. nan r Use no more MetaHle RUPTURE Tmsseal Komore suffer-ln- c from Iron Iloor. or Steel Snrmrsl BOWITa PATUfT ELASTIC TfiU-- is worn with ease and ecmfort nl$ht and day. and will aod haajferforiaed radical cures when all others ailed. 20,000 in use. a prenKj reduced. SOLD SY A.LI, JtJt VG OISTH. Bourn XXatlle Trust Co. KZDIXOTON 1. OOL. ABBAMS t CAEUOLL. CRAKE fcEIUGHAM, CIIAS. LANG LEY a CO, WhalaUoAttiia,faiuPraccliCO a ly RUPTURE. FSE XO MORE METAL TltrrMEht Xo snore Snffer-In- tr from Iron Hoops or Steel Springs! PIERCE'S Patent Magnetic Elastic Trnss. Is worn with ease aod comfort XICIIT AXD DAT. and will perform radical cores when all others falL Beader, If ruptured, TRY will gevmegrstlt. C- S- send for Illustrated Book- - and Price List to Xturnetlc Elastic Trnaai Co., Vo. 60s Sacramento San Fraadsco, CaOfarsla. aSar These-Trass- are sent by mail to auy part of the worId.-s- n U2 ly PACIFIC IEON WOEKS, HAS FEAKCISCO, CAL1F0ESIA, A.XKIX, BRlIIOH, CO. R Uarnrfactnre Engines, Boilert,xmd Machinery 4f every - "Tiejtrinltnn. . e r. " "DH-r- " ''"--- " MILLS, VACtrOlf PAIf3, Ac. Befercaee la Eccolula-- E. P. En. . . i . a . . Wijii !. ri" T i n sww rxVJVJC,JSai v-- Jr' jlJrja -- - tpaea MwurrfTnWiAftll, ijp. I w 1 m 5ral n a m! ICO t IMJi 4 01 S Llnes- -1 lneh-tL:- ei w. I ISLInes-iio- ch. ,fe&lt?ES. a av 4t JW :4 2oa i ia -- 00 -- i M Usee 3 locbesa..?.K.Tahs soa S3 tii 11 so 4S Lines 1 lachea.fi, S.g . ton too iS 00 1 CO QoartsrofColuuin i.7 ll'Oj ii eel so w Third of COInmn ,iW . sro 1100 toeo io llslfofColnuu.... . . low 1JM, Column i oo 24 CO saosfaot One Cotomn. ... moo MOO' 41 OOl 00 03- - Bualnrss Cards when prrpatid r oiw year, ass alloweJ a dlsoMint from thes. rairt, which are far uaasas adiertiseoi.nts.whsn paid or vharsed qnaifrly. N. lb All f wtlgn adtettlsameats auat e accowipanlert with the pay when edred In. tf o notice will be lakeaef them The rates of charges are glsetr In the ilm. aeal. ana reeAiltsuces for Kastsra Amerteart adaeniaewenta. c uy be made by bank bills, tvla or t.o cal teal-ag- e stamps. I'OllKIGN NOTICES. BI3ST B. WILUiaS. HtSST T. UICtU WILLIAMS, BL&NCHAED & CO., Shipping and Commission IHerckaBls. SJ 213 California Street, San Franetscc. ly 7. H. GROSSMAN & BRO . COMillSSION ALERCHA.NTS, IIS Chamber Street; Sew Torst. SiTtmet Castla A Cooke, and J. X. Waierhoua. tai ly II. W. SEVEKANCK, COHCL. 310 Callfomlei St.. HA'WAIIAX !5au Francisco. Furchasinr; and Commission Agent FOB . 853 SANDITIC1X ISLANB ASD OI1IXS rRODCCTS. Ir ROBERTON & SYKES COMMISSION MERCHANTS Liverpool, Ens-lan- Consignments received and shipments made, and- the fullest Information risen or produce and .C99 tnanufactariug markets. ly C0RB1TT Shipping anil Coiaaission 3Icrcbants, 13 and IS Front 3 b; 10 and ItTlnt St., ror Used, a SAM FRANCISCO OFFICE. 201 SACKAilCMO STUEET atria to Bank of British Columbia ....Portland. Ore-re- First .National Gold llauk :.. Saa FraaclKV Meurs. II. llactfeld t CO . Haaalnta Messrs' Bishop Bankers . ..... . ..llonolala Messrs. Oie.n.ifscfirUii. A Ca ........ .Uooololu of Island Produce eolidted, oa which CASH ADVANCE3 WILT. UK MADK. oe3o ly HENRY K. CUMMINCS & Co., tVSOXiSIBAZal!! Fruit and Produce Commission House ESTABLISHED 1318. Xo. 424 Ilnttery St , cor of AVaalilojrton, Xear the Post OIHce. HAN FEAXCIiCO, CAI Speclal Attention given to Fruits. Honey, Potatoes. Onions. Poultry, Etc ALSO.... California and Oregon Eggs and Dairy Produte etsT We respectfully solicit your Conslgnmentv Mars all Ooods H. K. 0. t; C- O- 3. F." JJ ly DR. J. C0LL1S BROWSE'S OECLOIIOD "S"3ST3 IS THE OHIOISAL AND ONLY CESOTlfE THE POnLlC ARE CAUnO.IED ACAI5ST unfounded statements freqaaotly made, 'that th. composition of CBtoxonrvi Is known to Cb.mUta and th( Medical professiob." Th. fact's. Chlorod'o was diareaered andlussntedby Dr. J. C0LU3 UP.OU'NE').- -. Army Medical SlalT,) aod so named by him and it baa baflled alt atlsmpts at analysis by the first CheoiUta of tbe day. Tbe raethast and secret of the preparation have n.rer been puUlalaed. It Is obvious, therefore, that anytMne: aold under th. aaa-e- , sase Dr J. COLLIS BROWSE'S ClILOKODYNE. is a spurs, oua imitation. Ior fir W. P. Wo, 4 stated that Dr. Colli Browne was uudoubtedly the Chlorc-dyn- e. RESIEDIAL U3ES ASD ACTIOX. This Insaluable remedy produce, qulst. rtfrcahlng sleep, relieves pain, calms the snleni, restore. thdrrsar4 func- tions, and stimnlatea healthy action of the aeere tsoas ef the body without creating any of thoae uupleaaant results at -- tending the u.e 6t opium. Old and young may take It at all hours aod times when requisite,. Tbonaand, ef persons te. tlfy to Us niarrtlloos good etTectj and wonderful cares, while medical men extol Ita virtues moat extensively, tutor, il la great quantities la the rolliwlng dlaeases: Cholera, Dysca-ter- y, DiarrboM. Collies Ounrh,. Asthma. Rbenmatlim, Sta-ralg- ffhooplug Cough, Cramp Hj.teria. 4c. EXT11ACT3 FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS. The TUsht Hon. Earl Rcss.ll eomnenlcated tath.Cellei or Phj.Iclans.aiiJ J. T. rkoenp-r- t, that he had rMrised in formation to the effact,lbattheasu aecvtc In Chotera was C1I LOKODI.N C Se. lanatlht. 81. 4. Dr Loae, Medical Mls.tonary la India, retata (Dee. IMS) that In nearly (.very .ca. of Cholera io whkhDr J C0LL1A B!'0'VM73 CIILORODTXE was admlnUIarsd. the patient recosered. Estract from JiVoI 7itsr. Jan. IS. lSoo. "ChleradyB. Is prescribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. 01 course It would not thus be singularly popular did It not ' supply a want and fill a p'ace. " Estract from the General Coanj cf Health. Loudon, ss ta Its emeacy In Cholera $n strongly sre weeaavtrtced of the Immense value of this remedy that we cannot toj fsrcaiy urre the neeessity of adopting It In all CAUTION. None geouloe without the words "Dr. J. COLLIS BIIOIVNE" on the aoternm.nt Stamp. Over whelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Solo Manufacturer J. T. DAVEXPORT, M.'e?R"e!l8L,Bl.,o-nsbury- , London. c,,, Bottles at Is. lJfL, U i, ia. oi. AsentslaNsw Tork, li. 11. Scalar ants k Co.aniiJ.C. " cSIBm No Such Word as "Pail!" C3rlexra.,s SULPHUR SOAP la the I.cntllns- - Ilemetly For Diseases, Injuries, and Morbid Con- ditions of the Skin, In the case of Ulenu'a Sulphur Soap, when that Peerless Beaotlfier la used to banish dlsasea of tbe skin and blemiacesaf the complexion, it lnfainhly sneceeds Is producing the desired effect. IT REXDER.H THE COMI'LEXIOX FIR MP0TLE&3. Cures Ithenmstism and Gout In- sures all the remedial advantages of eilphur Hatha. DU. lnfrets Clothing and Bed Linen. Dandruff aud prevents Premature flrayneaa and Loss of tbe Hair There are wretched Imitations ot this standard article la the market. Use no Snlpbnr Soap except Glenn's. For Sale by M. JIcIXEKXT. HAIR AWHISkIr DYE HAIR AS RED AN THE FL4ME OF A U volcano, White the dead Florida or as mow a a V . k.. J tt. . r.f?- -i ... hemlock, ran Hiown or Lcstrons Black by a single appjcatlon of Ulil's Inst.ntinsona Bair and Whisker Dye. e. ana 31. HclSIBXT. Trutli is Mighty and wiUPrevail. TnE UXDERSIOMEB IS XGT THE Sole Agent of the Waltbam or any other American waien co- - nut is preparea to sen all watches, es- pecially these of American manatactore. oa the lowest paaaible terms. To prove, this. h. oaly fcsta th public to price bis Stock: before pore baaing elsewhere. Waltliaxn "Wat.elies, A SPECIALTT. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, and srarraotad. Caargea reasonable. Watch Crystals Inserted for 23 Cents. flaring secured th services of a s Jeweler, I sua. Do-- v prepared to oauufactara all kinds. oX Gold Jewelry, Setts, Chains, loetets, Bracelets, Rings, Cuff and Collar Buttons, . Aloha and Seal Rings, Etc., Etc. Kaknl Nut rr la nay Deiired Style. Shells mounted In Gold or Miser to suit Cssto-aet- Diamond 8ttlng a specialty. , All orders will reeeiva prompt atuntloo. Hlgheatisar-- . ket price lot eld Oold or SJlvtr. Office 17 Xerebaut Street. JtT D,W CLARK. 'jpmiExs axd rbpHbextm of hoxo. V LCLTJtVWuatj friends asd aKaofrrs generaHy are cordlallrlavlted.to .attend Worship atrOETBT. CHOllcn, where Services are held avery at It o'elocX A. M.. and TH P. it. Beata xtn provMed fer all wno may be pleased to attend. There Is a Wadnesday evening- - Prayer Meeting at X o'dock,Jate teeter ttooa.towiucn suiaraweiccstt, Jsslsa?--- -' 77 7 . . t- . a I

THERYAliM,&AZETTE I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj

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Page 1: THERYAliM,&AZETTE I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj



T. CRAWFORD MACDOWELL,Every lVdnclay rUornlnrr.


PorelRn Sahierllitri.S7.0O to 110.00.frhlchincludes postages prepaid

Ofmck In the new Post Office BuildingUerchant Street, Honolulu, H. L

'X'lie e"lnviiliuri.TJ. K SisCKOXaU.

Becftnugen my couch I ley.Awaiting mornior's dawn;

relet rays that told of coming day ..SWere co nvy window thrown.And wrtb them cult a mournful sound.!T3.alTuuib'd IruaibMLUi th. groaud- -

f t wuVIIItTha ood1 ctw loader UH I btird

A T Inr 1dlinrf ftivil ltir--

s1 arta, atv utuf vw enaa.e,aa ana ajs. c i,

XYKUlmc-- the iVrr nigh:I kiukti nd ctw as d muOf ubrc toe and Tim wtva,

S h0 killed Of with a tlffa.

And trC Bnv&rtblj slarw;Hi rUiics dt wboiuotloti toot.' T jc

&vUeymt Lli Ure;turm-v- pewr.aa uau,JpatL!k kdBoLO Uuuli told 1 i OIO

bGrthuioTtuic x

XI .W I am the Obl onOf tli Hawaiian rC,

"IJX &w to oouru xaj jopJ coneIt. I

llairkUan bone beproJ Uu Wad,Hmu: UUtory wriuaa liiid. t C

- CeaTH nwtter ouL nor Uacc." a, i."Alaal X linger old and sere... a a


nation d.aa. ' M . it f"Beheld lbs last Hawaiian tear

- ccKurereyeo orb that gild, the mora


Tbwi bill sad TaUc cra;A fwvicv rACe now till tut plain t.

VThre Hariia Lamr Le been rZbett wrdi cf j&ln miull 1m Sb l!iC &

'l?'T1iatrad?eliicnTrcatCpa thti alicrei aceat.

Dtmlh t dy loam piwnU his dart,UliUtnuE baU welcouiebv;

y Senealb IliU foreign Ur;'jidLcl fair ble wrhar I'Wj born,

"Inbeo Im atj IbdTorlaro,And waiUnc to l fre.w

Km jfMi u fate, a ltf to dMth,Ktfn.atier what th moSmJ T ' T 1"

VAirdHbtnlCllzujatelirMth " -B- o- to the band of God ;

-- My init?llicarc I tnut.

Baoaalh nij CaU od"'""' &

Hi pctr TanUhed from my wightAt murciac brighter grt, "-

And aooo th beams of flathi&f IffhtAround ay chamber tt;

Tct ball xbax drftatn f earl j xaornOA to my memorj rttarn.

With all iU iboobu aaew.Hendale, July, 1S7&.

eir uutl Oilier Items, f: "

EiltT-oo- e rehoel dutrica ia Xebrxikl .fiiraUhtcxt-bss- grui to pcpili. "

Chiriei Dickeai' ttuat clir wu told recently,!for 1150. Itrvrifiaml price wu sboatSi.

An eeeeclne Eoghihm&a oeri a prae of $SD0 tatac big;rcit e&ter that caa be foaad in Fana danaftae Exposition.

In Arueaa there are four raea u one toqu anda church tectable looks like the last street car fromtheliter. garden.

mThe Lebaaoa Mop Company hare eoctraeted for

lCffMl) map handles and expect this jear to makea iStal or:D,0e0 mops.

Heraee Greeler'i estate, which was inventoried atSOC.WS, thortl; after bis death. Tields a little morethan $20.00 on the nal settlement.

JLdrices from l'aru of Mar lS:b, taj that alread jcomplaints are heard of Intense heat beneath theclass roof of the Champs de Mars Palace.

II I i 'TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkjfarmer learned a few dajs ago br losing three rain-ab- le

animals which ateaome of the weed with their

The Catholics hare boaght teren thonsand acres I

or ia&d ia MV1tnbarg coontj, A'a., on which thejrare getag to establish an indnstnal farm for educat-

ing Jrcedmea.

Last jear lO.OeS hortu, iZS asses and SO maleswere slaughtered at " iixtj-on- e horse butcheri.'i icitaMM&mcaU in ians, rnc(. An'establlshmennof the kind is on to be openea ia Loncon! H


t the Cincinnati mnsicalXestiral ladies were asl;- -

tijto Ieare theirhatsta the dreiiiag-rtma- and en-- Jcores poTidveljr tironihited .ft Here ara.twolupg stepsforward in the progress of ciriliiation

The Gasconada Birer In Mtssonri is corered withlearur;'and osessire bodies of shl.soppoted

lobe poisoned by eating a wormwhich falls into the water from orernanging trees.

The suit of Bngham Young's heirs has proredscioceeisfal. and hit property, rained at from JiM,-00- 0

U (7it.W, has been restored to the church,being only about half what was due from the lateMormon chief ," ' ' "ar 0 set'A large bailding. known at Eohn'l B'.ock, onMarket street, Uartford, Conn., was recentlybarned An explosion threw down a portion of aW.S, krlKDg three ramea and waanding iix others,two of whom are in a critical condition.

Bret Harte has been to the White House, and hatLad the felicity to shake hands with the President.The uncharitable Golden Era tays it is not informedwhether h. struck Ectherford for a loan or not, hatthe chances are that he did.

The General Conference of the M. E. ChurchEonth adopted a resolution pledging the church todo all in iU power to educate negroes in the South.Eer. 0. P. Titsgerald, of San Prancucs. was electededitor of the .Naiirille Adrocatc.

In a shop window in London, belongies to a stuff-- rof birds tod animals, is exposed a human skull,

Dcantifullyleaawd and bleached, with holesbored ia st-- to reoerre cigars, and xaatehes to light

theaai aa ornament for tome one's smoking-roo-

rf I I : i"TnV eultiratton aadeiport of pine-appl- it the

greatest industry of the Bahama Islands, a largeproportion of the tillable area beirx deroted to thisfrcit3As manT at l.SGC.CM nenadt of the .fruitLarebeea collected from a tingle acre at one crop.

Three men left Alameda on Sandtr in a tuncrtr.Betsreeo'Goat Island and Aleabax the oat capsizedand two of the tnea John Murphy and EdwardDtntcaoad were drewotd. Th third maa cot on

thebouom of the plunger and was toon taken cff.

It is rsmoredla mining circles is XewTork thatConsolidad YtrgiaU, California, Ophir, Beit A

Belcher, Mexican. Gould 4r Carry, Si rare and other

siemrill Jbe eonsolidtud, with a riew to creatin: amarket on the Atlantic as well at oa the faciletout.

Edwin Booth has nerer set foot in Washingtonsince hit brother assassinated President Lincoln,and he'is ttaSerstood to hare takaa a tolean oathnerer to ' rltlt the"eaptil city. ' Icoordiagiy VTath-isgt-

plaj-goe- rt are compejled to Tisit Balanoreto tee bint.

The 'Shah ofPsrtla hatredceei the taxes of bistsjecs by one-ha- lf for the next fourteen yean.This it owing to the large amount of gold ukenfrontit tseeatly-diteorere- d tnine of Ahsedabad, sear

Taiiij; and to the prospect cTfiirtier largt rectipli.



VOL. XIY.-- No. 28.1


tiii:o. ii. davii:s.Lirr Jmos, Ouu k Co.J


Lloydtaod theWTerpfllCnJtnrrlters,Brltttb and Foreign M.riec loiurance Coapanr.laadyortawq Jlwrace Comr.nr oCTTIIy

rear. .tiacfaui.e m co..""IHPORTEES ASD C0JIHISSI0X 1TEBCHASTS,

BobmkOa Flre-ft- Jlulldlnr.Queen Street, Ilonolatn, H. I.

toon roaTb GIascow end TIOnolDln Llae of racKctaJohn Hay A Co Liverpool .nil London P.cfceU.The r.Uapa rianUlhn,The Sprncer Plant-lio- ti. III!,Th. Pnsloa Sltrer llanch Company. fCMi,


Qccen Sttcft. Ilcoiolulo. n.I. teC-lj-

ti! A. S. CEEGIIOItA A Co..-larosTta- a

axa nuixas xir

Gonornl IVZoroxiozidlso,Cnrner Quern aai Caabomaoo Mref ti,CW lyj S.aana at-- , and corner Fort and llot.l Et.


Ia Fashionable Clatblac;, Ilaia. Cap, UooU, Sboet,andrTry Tariet) of Gentlemen's Fnrnitblne Goodi Snow'sBaildiac, MercbaEtStrert.nonolaln. C7S-l-y

C ArOIaG.Importer, "Wholesale and Eetail Dealer

in General Merchandiseand Clilna Gooin. In the Firf-Pro- Store, comer of

Qncand nnwin StreeU. CTO


1TI1 aUend the Tertns of Conrts on the otbf r Islands,Money to lend on Mortrai. of Freeholds ...3 Merchant Street, Z doors ffcm'Pr. 5 taace afald'n-T- Sm

SI. S GRUBAVJI A CO.."IKPOETEES AKD WHOLESALE BEALEBSlaTaihlonable ClotLinc IUt. Caps T.ocW, Shoes andeeery Tariety of Geallcmen's snpenor Fnrnisblar: Goods.

. Etore la iMitre's Block. Qoeea sueet, Honolulu. II. I.toC99-l- ' 'f

C. BREW.EE & CO.,f s a. r ciaTxm,r c Jo jl, v

f J B. IttTIL-- SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- 5i Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 'y

jo.a wiixeb, z. s. sraLnzxy. mi. g. rawxx

IV 31. G. IRWi:. A; CO.,SugarFactors.

Shipping and Commission Merchants- -


Xaalehn rUotaUon BawalLMacee Snrar ManUllon, Manl. Uacee Sosar r.. KanaLWest Manl Plantation I- - tJ- - VldatDnJon Mills) Hawaii.

nreic Jt Bicknell'R Fannlner's Island) Coco&nnt Od.Kortn Western Life Ins. Co. Swiss Lloyd Marine Ins Co.

Cil nonolola H I ly


Dry Goods.Falcts, Oils and General Slerrbasdie,T

y CorperForl.nd KlncSts.


Cotlery. Dry Goods. Paints and.OIl, and General Mer- -eaaadiae. o. 95. Kinc Street. Ilonolclu. tKl ly

s. c Aiua. r. aoasosALLES .fc ROIinijOX

Jit Koblnson's WharC

Dealers in Lnrsber and all'Tdn'ds of BindingMaterials. Taints, Oils, Kails, 4c, 4c,4e.,

Asrxts cr scbosxiksH ALEAK ALA. - 7 f'" v: -KCLiMASU,




76 Hoaolnln, Hawaiian Islands. ly

IIOEL.ES Ac CO..Snip Chandlers and Commission Merchants.

ImportersandDealerslu General Mercriandtse.Qoeen-tre- et

i , , I lionoln'n.newalian Islands. tTSIy

A. IV. PCIRCE Jt CO..(Soeeetsors to C. L. Kicaiaus & Co.,)

Ship Chandlers and General Commission Merchants.JLLStfAffenit far the PttaOoa SOT TTorit-65- 3

Honolnla, Hawaiian Islands, ly

F. A. SCIIAErr.lt afc CO..importers &. Commission Merchants

o6M Honolnio. HawaH.nlslands TJy


W "HonolalnfOabr:. H. I. oSS ly


MEECHJDISE.T Qneen Street. Honolnla. H I. Jy


! ' jMEBCHASDISE,Fort Et..aboTeOdd Telfows Hall. 6io-I- y



indaUkindsofBnildlnrSlaterials.FortStreet.nonolnln6N2 ly

H.X.U 111:1, ' J. w.sanDiTsox.1VUITXEY & ROBERTSON,

(Snccusort !o B. X. TTAJrney.)

lportersr4D'ea!ersin Foreign Books, Stationery,and Periodicals.

67 ilerchaut Street. - Honolnln. ly

THOS. C. TUKlin.Stationer, News Dealer and Book-

binder.Merchant Street, Houolnlu. Uso Stencil Cutting.

and Copying, promptly executed onreasonable terras.


Cornerof Ktnp and Tort streets,nosoLrx,T. 67!' ly

X. B. JXJXL- - A. W. HCSE.


. ramilyaroceryandjeed Store.6K lyl 50 Fort Street. Hor oleic.

C J5. BARIOW, Auctioneer.a'earoom on: Queen Street; oue door from Eaanumaeu

697 Street. ly

TV3I-- JTOHXSOX.3MCozrc3a.iaxi,-- t Tailor.C30 Eaahsmana St.". opposite Mr. G. Ehciea" Store, ly

nOLLSSTER &JCO.,Jo, CSXanxtma Street, i j t ,: Honolnla,

ixrOBsxas xn pzaxixs rx

Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff.

JLCmttiKiacreTi' cf Mineral Waters. tc


nqspLcxtT. r i t hawaiiajtMjAsiis,, ..DRAW EXCHANGE OX


, AjrOTSEtaaGrSTttXa

Setr-Tori- c, ' 4,' CMisotton,



ax Tsxra atAXCEXttaHansr tXonjc,

i i Sydney, and.atelbonxxte,

J&t transactfc

a General tUaadngBatia&sx B J tSl'ly

n.jfcjnww mpiMiiiiimtfiB



X. --T. BAKER.Practical Architect aid Builder.

Plans and srcificationi fcriiUhrd at reasonrble trnnsAddress Peat OSce, Honolnlo, II. I. 701 ly

E. P. ATtAJIS.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.

xQeeenStreet.nonofslB.U.l. "" CiMyl

c. v. iroijroiArv,(Late of Canadian Pacific Hallway Eurvey,)

Ctvil DE3xirliaoo-ar- .

OjEcel Orer I)r. Ftancenwald'a, corner of3m Fort and Merchant Streeis.

A. A. aiO.NTAXO,Photographer and Dealer in all kinds of Picture

Frames, Mats and Velvet Cases.97) Comer of Kins: and Fort Streets- -. Honolulu. ly

1V1EUEK at CO.,Enccet'oreto Dowsett SVCo., Corner Fort and Qnetn StreetLnmber, Paints, Oils, Kails, Salt and Building

(cas-l- y Materials of every land.EDWAIID X. 0nALLOKA,

Attorney and Solicitor,Is authorized tolend from $200 to S1U 000, on ISortrtce

of at lowest ratea or interest.T57 Agents in London, and la all parts of Australia.

OSce on Fort Stre.t, (opposite Mr. Ira Eicbard.ou'sStore) Ilonoleln. 686 Sma


Attorneys set Xaia."cr.W.JL CASTLK, Notary Publlcauend all the

Conns of the Kingdom.Particular attention paid u the nejrotlatjon of Loans,

Conveyancing. CoUectinc. etc Cir Xoney to loan onMurtca;e.

Office r Merchant street, Ird door east of Fort street.Dooolalu.llawallariJslands. .S7Jy.

T. CRAWFORD MACPOWELL,Attorney a.t Tjel-w- ,

Office st office nnlldtiitr- -3 Special attention lAid to theluTrstmcnt of monies on

rood securities. "uCECIL BROWS.


And Agent for takinc Acknowledgmeuu of Instrnments forthe Island efOibu.

etti So. S Kaahcmanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. ly

jr. 31. iatiiso.-v-.

vrrc-i-tJrv-E's- r jv't xia.vc.Office orer Mr. Whitney's Hook More, formerly occupied

by Jodce Austin. Honolnln, H. I CO 3m


For the State of California. Office at tbeank orBishop &Co.. Kaahnmann Street. Honolnla. oCSO ly


ATTOEKEY AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII.oCSJJ Bill. Promptly Collected. ly

CIIAS. X. GULICK,3iTtl2?3;"


Arcnt to tAlse AcknoYileilfrxnents for Kjibor57 Interior Office. Honolulu. ly

DKS. X I, at C. E. TI.ODALE,Homoopathists,

Office and residence Berrtanla street, between Fort St.Chnrch and Queen Erorra's

of the Doctors maybe found lalh0C3centall times.

9-- ProletBional calls will receive prompt attentionbotii night and day. 681 ly

JT. 31. IVIIIXINEY. 31. I., I.. S.Dental Booms on Fort Street,

OSce in Brewer's BlocK. comercf Hotel and Fort Streets.CiOl fff Entrance, Hotel street. lly



"V1LHA.U o. .vmxii.ATTO Xt 1ST "E3 "3T 1.0? Is s. "W .



Cft Coiner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, OabnC3T Keeps open every batunlM) Helilnc;. oC9a 1




Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise,,2(0. SO 1b Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. The SewEogland Mutual Life Insurance Company. Boston.The Oregon Packet Line, (Toe Robala Plantation,Dr.Jayne 1 son's Celebrated The Haikn Plantation,

Xedidnes. hCaialua PlanUtlon.Wheeler Wilson's Sewing tlamakua Plantationt'

Machines. (o70S ly) I


steah p.m:f.s. smart Mir.r.s.Hollers, Coolers, Iron, Crass and Lead Castings

Machinery of Every Description,Sr- - Made to Order, --tug

Partjexlnr attention paid to Ship's Blacks mithingD W0EK executed on the shortest notice. 0660 ly

Manufacturing Jeweler!KTotioo.CyDERMOED. rIRJIF.nL,T WITHTITE Kckart. begs to inform dtlrens of Honolulu and

the public generally, that be ha? taken Ue store on FortMreet opposite Odd Fellows Hall, formerly occupied byThoa.Tannat,i where he will give special attention to themxnufactnring aod repairing of &H kinds ofJewelry.

Partlcnlar attention given to Shell and KcVni Work.Ear- - wnignaranteeaarUfactioninallhlswork. S

en i:m wit. m. wjctxer- -

J. M. DAICLE,t Tnc coKxr:it or fort ami kixg

X streets, is preoaredto do all kinds of wort In hisline at snort notlc and at reasonable charges, such as

Grinding Cutlery, Repairing SUusiccd Instru-ments, Clocks, &c, &c.

He Is also prepared to furnish aDcUciotu Warm, Old, or Snlpbnr BntbC37 athseubashmentatanhoura. Im


BEGS TO AOTirT HIS I'nlEMJSand the public generally, that he has i

tne above business in JHoaoiuiu. In Mr. C. i. WHliams's nre--

6oiIilin, Fortstreet.

All Kinds of Jewelry ManufacturedAnd Repaired to Order.

Hooelulu, March Sth.JS7S- - CM Sm




Apparatus and Conveniencesfor Traveling,

Is prepared to Visit any part of the I'tnd. and doeither Portraits or Views to order at short notice.

First-clas- s) IVorlc only trill lie done.Terms Cash, or draft on Hondslu, when the negatifes

axe made. AddressU. X. CHASE, Honolnln." '' Jrae 4tb. lira. an

Real Estate for Sale or Lease.SEVEHAX TEST DESIKAELE


Located in different parts cf the City."!& Oardezis, Oot hocsea. and every convenience, and Inperfect order. ng,ulreof

eo tf HUGO CTANOEif TALD, 3d. S



GRAMT at ROItERTSOIY,(Sucetsiort to U.S. CkpXom & Cs.)

TleMers In Fnncy and Staple Dry Goodsof erery description,

Xvllinrnj and Dtpartmrnt AttacJxd.Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to.

TOO Cor. Fort nml lintel Sis-- ly

31. X. DOIVZNEI.I,.CABIKET MAKES AKD FEEKCH POLISHES,C77) i'o. 76 Fort Street, Honolnln, If. I. (ly

CARPENTER AND JOINERtti.'Work Done Promptly.--

Shop on Fort St.. p!anade. opposite Houper tlarrelFactory. ogo ly

g. sf.(;elkf. ,fc co.,TIKSMITHS AND PLUMBERS,

.Vo. 3 Xnnniiu Mrcet,KeepcomUntly on hoJ fall vstwrtment ofTla, Shttt

Iron, and Copperware,

Galvd Iron and Lead Pioe. India Suther Hose, &eoTC3 Sm


BEGS TC AXXOBXCE TO TUBPUBLTC of Honolulu, that be has purchasedthe stock and hnslneas of WILLIAM FISCH- -

1 I EB. Hotel Street, next door to Strehxs DregStore, and that In fatnre the business v. Ill be earned on byhim in theaame premises.

C G. solicits a fair share or the public patronage, andpromises his patrons civility, attention and good qualityfor tbelr money. 6S0 ly

jr. ii. ivicke.2VC j.33Zli.,

Alaken Street,One door below Hotel Street.

Furnlrnre of all descriptions msde and repaired at reaaonable ratea. Best worlvmanahtp guaranteed. o692 ly

C E. "VIEEIAJI,KANDFACTTJBEB, IMPOETEE AKD DEALEEIn FnTnltureofeverydescrlptlon. Turnltnre In

Fire-pro- Building Wort shop at the old standon notelStreet,

6o4 Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. (ly


Pioneer Mill, Lahaina.H3 TITBTOX. PROPRIETOR. Crops of SugarJalJs of superior quality, now coming In and for sale inquantities to suit by


PUULOA EANCH TANNEEY.leather, tansedSoi.E.txnstnni.i; the aboro celebrated Tan-

nery, constant!) receited and for sale by6S6 ly O. W. MACFABLAXE CO.


l?w and for sale byG. W TdACfARLAXE CO,, tgeuuj I

WAIKAPU PLANTATION.--VTE1V CROP OF SF VR JfOW COJII.NG IXjL aod for sale for home consumption only, by

Ml) ly O W if tCFAltLANE CO.. Agents.


quantities to suit porchasers oyCsi lv AFOhO Jt ACHCCK--


The Proprietor of the above Worts f i prepared to f cpplj blenstomerf , And tbe public la general with the best quality of

Yellow .Soap oft Soap alwaya on liand.S72 Iht HighfJt Pncc Jiid for Soap Grtatt. ly


fit art9 1

GREY & CO.,Jlauufacturcr and Dealers In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,itdeo, King .Street. Honolulu

Beet Mottoo aod Goat Tallow wanted. Order and Btllaleft at Ira Richardson's Boot and Shoe Store, will meet withprompt attention $e0 ly


tValmea Tannery. J. P Parker, Prop'r.Hllo 'annery, F. S Ljunii, Ppoprletor.Wlr A S. CLEGHORN i CO.. Agents.

family mabket,Junction of Hotel and Union Streets.


flSPfcf Cljoleeat Jfeats from the FinestVTT V Herds. Fish. Poultry, Vegetables, etc , Mr-.- n

"Va. nlshed to order Extras Tuesdays and Thurs-day a, teal; Fridays, Fish ; Suodays, Lamb, onles other-wise ordared The ruprietor having teaaed the neatand commodious Vegetable. Fruit and Poultry Market,adjoining the Family Meat Market, will be prepared topromptly and satisfactorily rill orders for everything re-quisite to fornlsb the tables with all the .ubstantia!s andDelicacies the country affords, oa-- shipping suppliedon short notice. Meats, &, delivered to all parts of tbedry without extra charge 697 ly


g2; C.WALLER, ProprietorKins Street. CSS ly Honolaln.

. , OIL BLACKING.,, a&, $&v NSf--o


j BT H



"2? BOLLES & Co., Agents, S

a t Hosorcxu. J--o &ry 703 y v ?

Waipuolo House,i&Esf, PXEASAXTI.Y1VOCS.TED IX TTAIA- -11! !l LTTA. Island of Oahu, aawaHan Islands, Is openiiiMMtxa theTrsve'lngPuUlc.

Horses grained aod fed with hay or pastured.Saddle Horses procured at short notice, on reasonable

terms.TERMS Board &nd Lodging, per daj- - 2 00ein?ie Jtteai,Lodfflnc pf r Dlctt - &0

iJorti per wees: ccarmDg to srtemei3t-Fo-rfurther partitmlArs applr to tbe underricned, or

on the place.59 ix S. 2f. EilEBSON

BOLLES & Co.,Sliip onan i 1 efs


Hemp and ManSa Cordage,

Batlm, Seliirx, Epsn Tarn,Booadmr, etc ,etc, etc.

Cotton Dncsr, assorted mrmbers, from 1 to 10,Cotton Canvas. Hemp Canvas,

Merchant Xavy, assorted 2fn. from 1 to ,Kavy Lox Flax Canvas, assorted Noa. from 1 to 7,

Daty paid or ia Bond.

INSURANCE NOTICES.Rnston Board of UmicrwritcrSs

for the Hawaiian Islands,AGEXTS C. BKKWERiCO.

Philadelphia noard of ajiiderwritcrs.AGENTS for the Hairallan



UNDERSIGNED. AGEXTS OP THEaboTeCompanr. have been authorised to Insnr. risks

on Csreoi Freight aod Treasure, from Honoluluto all part, of the world, and vice Teraa.


E. A. .SOIIAEPEK.AGEXT nrnremen Hoard of Underwriters,

of Dreedeu Board of Underwriters,Agent of Vienna Board of Underwriters.

Claims agalnt Insurance Companies within th. Jurisdictionof the above Bosrds of Underwriters, will bate to bs certlfled to by the abore agent to make them valid. 6S6 ly


UXTjERSIGXED having been app-

ointed Agents of tbe abose Company, are preparedto insure risks aealnst tire, on Stone and Brick Build-ings. and on Merchandise stored therein, on the mostfavorable terms, for particulars applr at tbe odce ofCSS ly F. A. eCHAKFt.lt Jt CO.



KISKS INSURED OX RUILDI.Vt;S.and Furniture, on liberal terms, by

H. HACKFELD 4 CO., Agents.May 10, 1875;

--1687 ly



BUIEllIXGS. MERCHANDISE,lusnred against Fire on the

most favorable tenns.A. JAEGER, Agentfor the Hawaiian Islands.





CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTSw For the Hasvallan Islands.




CAPITA1, i .,.. ...2,000,000Accumulated and Investcil Fund. 3,838,118

rrniiE vxdersigxed have ueex ap- -M. POIMED AGEN'To for tbe Sandwich Islands, and are

authorise,! to insure againflt Fire upon favorable terms.Risks taken In any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings

and merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Ilonses and Furn-iture, Timber. Coals, ebipsin harbor with or without cargoesor under repair. J699 ly ED. HQFFSCHLAFaEEl i CO


New England Mutual life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON, MASS


Ihe Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. inthe United States.

Policies Issued on the most favorable Terms.

Example orXon.Forfclttire Plan,INSURED AGE. E5 Y LIFE PLAN

1 Annual premium continue. Policy 2 years 3 days2 Annua preminm continues Policy 4 years 12 days3 Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 27 days4 Annual premium coctlnues Policy S years 48 days

Annual preminm contlunes Policy 10 years 56 days

jajsscts, : : $13,500,000!IVosses Paid through Honolnln Attency,

S49.Q00 !


SAfVI'L G. WILDER,Aeent for the Hawaiian Islands,


Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Largest, Safest and Most



Assets ..(1876)...$80,000,000.XsXa CASH.

Now is a Good Time to InsureKone but First-Cla- Bilks Takes,




Merchant TailoriogESTABLISHMENT,

Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

ICAT.I, THE ATTEXTIOX of the Citizensand the other Islands, to the Uct that I have

OPENED a large

First-Cla- ss Establishment,isbere gentlemen can find a

Well-select-ed Stock of Goods,

Ciiosen wlUi cret care, aj to style, and adapted

3 to this climate,

Harfn? had an exteiulre experience la connection withsome of tbe largest Importing honaes In Sew Tort AndPlUa&dsilchia, I can auore my customers that thejr trillnot only secure the

Very Best Materialsbut will also obtain at ray place tbe


that can he tsrned out of any cstahUshmentin the Eastern cities.

English Hunting Pantaloons !



Children's Suits, ia Eastern Styles.ei iy-- "W. TRECLOAX. nonolula.

Noon-Da-y Kerosene Oil.CASES OF THE CELEBRATED50O Soon Day Kerosene Oil per bark Martha

Baiix. For sale byBOLLES & CO.

Preserved Meats and Vegetables.GOOD ASSORTXEXT. all ofwUleh willi be sold low. ar?r" Tbe public are invited to call and

xacuaeroxrortxlsby EOIXES t CO.


'I h

I WHOLE STo. 704.


Insurance Notice.THE AGEXT FOR TUB BIlITIsn

Uarlna Inaurance Company, (Limited), haaInstructions to reduce the rates of lnsuranc.

between Honolulu aod Port in the Pacific, and Is now pre--pareu io issue roilcies at tu. lowest rates, wltb a specialreduction bn freight per steamers.

TIIEO. II DAVIE?,ly CM Atent Brit. For Mar. Ins. Co., Limited


Swiss Lloyd. Marine Insurance Co.OF WlXTKItTllTm.

USDKRSIOSKD are AUTHORIZEDTHEOn Cargo, Freight and Treasure

From Honolulu to all parts of the world,and uplu

Counters, by Hpccl-i- l Pcrmlsmloa !On the most favorable terms.


6TJ-l- y Acents for tbe Ilawallan Islands.

Rhenish Westphattan Lloyd


Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Go,,Limited,

OF AACHEX. (AIX.IiA.CHAPELl.E.1CL,AI3IS FOR FAUTICfEARALL sustained by Ooods arrlvlus; here, and Insured

In tne above Companies, have to be made with tbetobythennderslncd,inonler to

be valid. (tsod ly) J. C. (JLADE, Atent.

XTKTIOIaTFire and Marine Insurance Company


CAPITAL 10.000,000

ESTARUSIIED AX AGEXCT atHAVIXG for the Hawaiian Islands, the under-signed are prepared to accept risks afalost fire in dwelllogs, stores, warehouses, and merchandise, un favorableterms.

Marl ne Risk on cargo, freights, bottomary, profitsand commissions.

Loisen promptly mljusled and pnynble here.CSS ly Wil. O. IRWIN A Co.



"E1ro a.ixcX lVXarluo,Cash Capl.nl. tiold. 8300,000.

RIski n Speciality. Detached dwelllnrsan I contents Insured for a period of tbreeyears, for two pre-miums In adrauco.Dy writluc; small Hues on carefully selectad rtshs well

distributed, offers

IXDE3IX1TY SBCOXO TO XOXE.Losses Promptly, Adjusted.

BISHOP & CO.,673 ly Aceiils for tbe Ilawallan Islands.


INSURANCE CO.Assets. $26,740,105,70

ESTABLISHED AX AOEXCT IXHAVE for the nawallaa Islands, and theundersigned are prepared to write risks against


DWELLINGSOn favorable terms. Duelling Risks n Special-My- .

Detached daelllDga and contents Inanred for a periodof tbree Tears, for two premiums In advance Leasepromptly suljosted and payable here

6S'.m BISHOP Co.


BOOKS &' STATIONERY.The Basis of Our Business.

BTUllST. To Jin unfa ctil re all such Moots and Sta.IC tfonery as can be done here ss well as elaawhere, aod

thereby directly benefit our costomers and oorselscs.

SKCOXD To Buy and Sell Boots and Stationerysous to make It to the interest of dealer and consumers tocome to us In preference to senrJug ast.

"ST" We manufacture and import esery description of Qtationery. carrying large stocks of Paper. Knrelois and BlankBooks of our own manufacture, Inks, Slates, etc.

49-- Over 1,(00 varieties of Blank forms kept In Slock.

A. L. BANCROFT & CO.,oWJ-l- y Sao Francisco. Ca


Mission and Fremont Sts San Francisco,CALIFORNIA.

IXDIA RICE MILL IIATIXU nnder.Tnc Material Improvements, Is now In perfectcondition for the

lulling and Dressing of PaddyAXD

UNCLEANED RICEIn the Dfit Possible Jinn tier. Tbe price forHailing and messing faddy has been Kedaced $0 per cent


Faddy and Hulled Bice IWill receive prompt and careful attention.

WSI Jf. OltEENWOOD,General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India

llice MM. 697 m

California ElasticliiUOiJtit modemIflTentlonof 1K7 COmtinlnzueinenUoialL JUcommoia-e-

by the leading Ptrjilaa&iaU ihm EUMt ktffielfiil f cr th r.wliefandoireDtBnpttire. 'WriUlor uuiUosToa ftjia Liu.California Elastic

ru9 iu -ni, ffaemmrnto Af. nan rUse no more MetaHle

RUPTURE Tmsseal Komore suffer-ln- cfrom Iron Iloor. or

Steel Snrmrsl BOWITaPATUfT ELASTIC TfiU-- is worn with ease andecmfort nl$ht and day. and will aod haajferforiaedradical cures when all others ailed. 20,000 in use.

a prenKj reduced. SOLD SY A.LI,JtJt VG OISTH. Bourn XXatlle Trust Co.


a ly


TltrrMEht Xo snore Snffer-In- tr

from Iron Hoops or SteelSprings!

PIERCE'SPatent Magnetic Elastic

Trnss.Is worn with ease aod comfort XICIIT AXD DAT.and will perform radical cores when all others falL

Beader, If ruptured, TRY will gevmegrstlt.C-S- send for Illustrated Book- - and Price List to

Xturnetlc Elastic Trnaai Co.,Vo. 60s Sacramento San Fraadsco, CaOfarsla.

aSar These-Trass- are sent by mail to auy part of theworId.-s- n U2 ly


A.XKIX, BRlIIOH, CO.R Uarnrfactnre

Engines, Boilert,xmd Machinery 4fevery- "Tiejtrinltnn. . e r. "

"DH-r- " ''"--- "MILLS, VACtrOlf PAIf3, Ac.

Befercaee la Eccolula-- E. P. En.. . i . a . .

Wijii !. ri" T in sww

rxVJVJC,JSai v-- Jr' jlJrja -- -

tpaea MwurrfTnWiAftll,ijp. I w 1 m 5ral n

a m! ICO t IMJi 4 01S Llnes- -1 lneh-tL:- ei w. IISLInes-iio- ch. ,fe&lt?ES. a av 4t JW:4 2oa i ia -- 00

--iM Usee 3 locbesa..?.K.Tahs soa S3 tii 11 so4S Lines 1 lachea.fi,S.g . ton too iS 00 1 CO

QoartsrofColuuin i.7 ll'Oj ii eel so wThird of COInmn ,iW . sro 1100 toeo iollslfofColnuu.... . . low 1JM,

Column i oo 24 CO saosfaotOne Cotomn. ... moo MOO' 41 OOl 00

03-- Bualnrss Cards when prrpatid r oiw year, assalloweJ a dlsoMint from thes. rairt, which are far uaasasadiertiseoi.nts.whsn paid or vharsed qnaifrly.

N. lb All f wtlgn adtettlsameats auat e accowipanlertwith the pay when edred In. tf o notice will be lakeaefthem The rates of charges are glsetr In the ilm. aeal. anareeAiltsuces for Kastsra Amerteart adaeniaewenta. c

uy be made by bank bills, tvla or t.o cal teal-ag- e





Shipping and Commission IHerckaBls.SJ 213 California Street, San Franetscc. ly


IIS Chamber Street; Sew Torst.SiTtmet Castla A Cooke, and J. X. Waierhoua.

tai ly

II. W. SEVEKANCK,COHCL. 310 Callfomlei St..HA'WAIIAX !5au Francisco.

Furchasinr; and Commission AgentFOB .




Consignments received and shipments made, and- thefullest Information risen or produce and

.C99 tnanufactariug markets. ly


Shipping anil Coiaaission 3Icrcbants,13 and IS Front 3 b; 10 and ItTlnt St., ror Used, a


atria toBank of British Columbia ....Portland. Ore-re-

First .National Gold llauk :.. Saa FraaclKVMeurs. II. llactfeld t CO . HaaalntaMessrs' Bishop Bankers . ..... . ..llonolalaMessrs. Oie.n.ifscfirUii. A Ca ........ .Uooololu

of Island Produce eolidted, oa whichCASH ADVANCE3 WILT. UK MADK. oe3o ly


Fruit and Produce Commission HouseESTABLISHED 1318.

Xo. 424 Ilnttery St , cor of AVaalilojrton,Xear the Post OIHce. HAN FEAXCIiCO, CAI

Speclal Attention given to Fruits. Honey,Potatoes. Onions. Poultry, Etc

ALSO....California and Oregon Eggs and Dairy Produte

etsT We respectfully solicit your Conslgnmentv Marsall Ooods H. K. 0. t; C- O- 3. F." JJ ly



THE POnLlC ARE CAUnO.IED ACAI5STunfounded statements freqaaotly made, 'that th.

composition of CBtoxonrvi Is known to Cb.mUta and th(Medical professiob." Th. fact's. Chlorod'o was diareaeredandlussntedby Dr. J. C0LU3 UP.OU'NE').- -. Army MedicalSlalT,) aod so named by him and it baa baflled alt atlsmptsat analysis by the first CheoiUta of tbe day. Tbe raethastand secret of the preparation have n.rer been puUlalaed. ItIs obvious, therefore, that anytMne: aold under th. aaa-e-,sase Dr J. COLLIS BROWSE'S ClILOKODYNE. is a spurs,oua imitation.

Ior fir W. P. Wo,4 stated thatDr. Colli Browne was uudoubtedly the Chlorc-dyn- e.

RESIEDIAL U3ES ASD ACTIOX.This Insaluable remedy produce, qulst. rtfrcahlng sleep,

relieves pain, calms the snleni, restore. thdrrsar4 func-tions, and stimnlatea healthy action of the aeere tsoas ef thebody without creating any of thoae uupleaaant results at --tending the u.e 6t opium. Old and young may take It at allhours aod times when requisite,. Tbonaand, ef persons te.tlfy to Us niarrtlloos good etTectj and wonderful cares, whilemedical men extol Ita virtues moat extensively, tutor, il lagreat quantities la the rolliwlng dlaeases: Cholera, Dysca-ter- y,

DiarrboM. Collies Ounrh,. Asthma. Rbenmatlim, Sta-ralg-

ffhooplug Cough, Cramp Hj.teria. 4c.EXT11ACT3 FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS.

The TUsht Hon. Earl Rcss.ll eomnenlcated tath.Celleior Phj.Iclans.aiiJ J. T. rkoenp-r- t, that he had rMrised information to the effact,lbattheasu aecvtcIn Chotera was C1I LOKODI.N C Se. lanatlht. 81. 4.

Dr Loae, Medical Mls.tonary la India, retata (Dee. IMS)that In nearly (.very .ca. of Cholera io whkhDr J C0LL1AB!'0'VM73 CIILORODTXE was admlnUIarsd. the patientrecosered.

Estract from JiVoI 7itsr. Jan. IS. lSoo. "ChleradyB.Is prescribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. 01course It would not thus be singularly popular did It not' supply a want and fill a p'ace. "

Estract from the General Coanj cf Health. Loudon, ss taIts emeacy In Cholera $n strongly sre weeaavtrtced of theImmense value of this remedy that we cannot toj fsrcaiyurre the neeessity of adopting It In all

CAUTION. None geouloe without the words "Dr. J.COLLIS BIIOIVNE" on the aoternm.nt Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle.

Solo Manufacturer J. T. DAVEXPORT,M.'e?R"e!l8L,Bl.,o-nsbury- , London.c,,, Bottles at Is. lJfL, U i, ia. oi.

AsentslaNsw Tork, li. 11. Scalarants k Co.aniiJ.C." cSIBm

No Such Word as "Pail!"


la the I.cntllns-- IlemetlyFor Diseases, Injuries, and Morbid Con-

ditions of the Skin,In the case of Ulenu'a Sulphur Soap, when that

Peerless Beaotlfier la used to banish dlsasea oftbe skin and blemiacesaf the complexion,

it lnfainhly sneceeds Is producingthe desired effect.

IT REXDER.H THE COMI'LEXIOX FIRMP0TLE&3. Cures Ithenmstism and Gout In-sures all the remedial advantages of eilphur Hatha. DU.lnfrets Clothing and Bed Linen. Dandruff audprevents Premature flrayneaa and Loss of tbe Hair

There are wretched Imitations ot this standard article lathe market. Use no Snlpbnr Soap except Glenn's.

For Sale by M. JIcIXEKXT.

HAIR AWHISkIr DYEHAIR AS RED AN THE FL4ME OF AU volcano, White the dead Floridaor as mow a a

V . k.. J tt. . r.f?- -i ...hemlock, ran Hiown or LcstronsBlack by a single appjcatlon of Ulil's Inst.ntinsona Bairand Whisker Dye.e. ana 31. HclSIBXT.

Trutli is Mighty and wiUPrevail.

TnE UXDERSIOMEB IS XGT THESole Agent of the Waltbam or any other Americanwaien co- - nut is preparea to sen all watches, es-pecially these of American manatactore. oa the

lowest paaaible terms. To prove, this. h. oaly fcsta thpublic to price bis Stock: before porebaaing elsewhere.

Waltliaxn "Wat.elies,A SPECIALTT.

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, andsrarraotad. Caargea reasonable.

Watch Crystals Inserted for 23 Cents.flaring secured th services of a s Jeweler, I

sua. Do-- v prepared to oauufactara all kinds. oX

Gold Jewelry, Setts, Chains, loetets,Bracelets, Rings, Cuff and Collar Buttons,

. Aloha and Seal Rings, Etc., Etc.Kaknl Nut rr la nay Deiired Style.

Shells mounted In Gold or Miser to suit Cssto-aet-

Diamond 8ttlng a specialty., All orders will reeeiva prompt atuntloo. Hlgheatisar-- .ket price lot eld Oold or SJlvtr.

Office 17 Xerebaut Street.JtT D,W CLARK.

'jpmiExs axd rbpHbextm of hoxo.V LCLTJtVWuatj friends asd aKaofrrs generaHy arecordlallrlavlted.to .attend Worship atrOETBT.CHOllcn, where Services are held avery at Ito'elocX A. M.. and TH P. it. Beata xtn provMed fer allwno may be pleased to attend. There Is a Wadnesdayevening- - Prayer Meeting at X o'dock,Jate teeterttooa.towiucn suiaraweiccstt, Jsslsa?--- -'

77 7. . t- . a


Page 2: THERYAliM,&AZETTE I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj











V uiSiESiE3IS2:, &p$g&S&$& ggaagaMBcaagtaagS' gfi gsifasiSaqsa-e- s jiiTiiimjiMiiH rgrifciMi



li iBBspy mi

, II h pl.aanS Ills M.Jnnr the Klnr to appoint Col., Charin n Jadd Chamberlain to Ills nonsebotd and Ills

IrlVMt Secretary.IoUuI raUn. Joly a, 1 17 Wl

It bii pleased tin Msjutj-- the Kln to make ttappointments: Thrir Excellencies J, M. Kapna,

and hdward rrettoo, to be Commlasiooera of CrownLands.

, Tbr Hoard of Commissioners of Crown Lands nowCOUtits Hf

Hit Excellency J. ST. Kspeoa.HU KzceJleacj Edward PrestonIlia Excellency 3. O. Domlnti.

It hai pleawd HU Majesty tbe Kint; to appoint theUonorable J. Uott Smith to be a member of the Board of

- Immigration, which now constats ofHU ExreSencT t. O. Wilder, rreatdeat.HU Excellency J. M. Kapena.Honorable A. F J odd.Honorable J Mottbmllh.

' 'Honorable W. Jaa. Hmlth.Bosorole W. L. Green.

It baa pleated III Ifajesty tbe Kinr to appoint theirExcellencies 8. K. Eaal and Edward Frestoa to be mem'ben or the Board of Health, which now consists of

HU Excellency S a. Wilder, President.' BlsKxcrllencys. JCKaaL

His Excellency Edward Preston.JLJMcElbbln, M. D.r. B. Hatchlnson, M. D. TM

The rate ot Commissions to be paid to Tax Assessorsand Collectors for the current year will be as follows:Tor

- jHonolnln, tahilns, 'Wsilnko, Matawao, ntlo, Kan,Jlorth Eohalaand Llbue TIIItEE PER CENT.

Ewa and Walanae. Walalua, Eoolaoloa and Eoolanporn, oahn; liana and Molokal and Lanal; Puna,Booth Kona, ;orth Kona. Kooth Konala and flamalcna,Hawaii ; ilanale!, Anahola, Eoloa, ( almea and Xllhan -FOVli PEH CENT.

JOBS It. EArEKA,minister of Finance,

finance Department, Jnly I, IS78. 7M Ha

CAUTION.TTHKasua, letters hare been recelred at the Honolnlo

Post Offlce atamped with stamps purporting to be SixCent Postage Btamps of the Hawaiian Government, someof which stamps are fraudulent.

Tbe public are hereby notlHed that all genuine PostageBtamps are perforated for the pnrposs of separation before iae, and that all stamps not so perforated arefraudulent, and letters stamped therewith will not beforwarded., The public are therefore cautioned against the use ofuch fraudulent Postage Stamps.Otren under my hand this eth dsy of July, A. S. 1I7.

SAMUEL O. WILDER,TM Minister of the Interior.

Department ol the Attorney General.CecU Brown, Kaq , has this day been appointed Clerk

to tbe Attorney General,EDWARD rBESTOS,

Alllolanl Hale, Attorney General.Julytth, ml. 704

The following persons hare been Commissioned as TaxAssessors for the taxatloo districts of the Kingdom forthe jrar 1678:

BlWULHllo. ...., V. U. Hitchcock.Kau G. W. c. Jones.Pnna T. EaalhllLHamatna., .... D T. Saudford.North Eohala Godfrey Brown.Bonth Konala Isaac Yi Dsrls.Jiorth Kona ....D MakalnaLbooth Kona , H.'lfanase. ' rr

MattLahalcs..... .. D. MamaU.Walluku L.AI10I0.Matawao.... Charles H. Dickey.Dana c. E. KskanLUolokal and Lanal B. Enplhea.

OlIIC.Honolulu Charles n. Judd.Ewa and Walanae H. A. Kahann."Walalna J. A man.Xoolauloa ....PaukealanLEoolaopjco.. L. Kelllpla.

Eacu.LJhne B.K.HOU.Xoloa. B K. Euapuo.Anahola P. P. Eanoa.Hasalel S. Kalu.'Walmea..... L H. EapanlaLKllhau R.P. HoU.

JOUN 11. KAPENA. minister of Finance.Department of Finance, July 1, 1S7. 703 Im

IjUt or Uccbbcm Rxplriarr Ib Jtilr.1878.Oahn RETAIL.

I Eor.g'WoCbonr Co, Kaheobe, Eoolaupoko.I Uyman Bros., Merchant street, Honolulu.1 A. McWayne. ort street. 'fi Ion Chuck, 2?nuanu street,t T. 11. Danes, Kaabumanu street,T Ah Low, cor King and Maonanea streets,t VTint Cbong Kal. cor King and Maunakea sts, '

2 John CneeFo, 2vuuanu street,IS D. 2? FUtoer, Kaahnmanu street, m

14 Ahuna, Walslua1) Ah Ha. Brretaula street, Honolulu15 IL 2(ay Cu. Fort street,:i Kong Ou, King street,Si Ah Swan, ruuanu street,K Tal Hon, Hotel street,36 Loo Kgawk, fnuanu street,10 M.B. UUrelra. Kauanu street,

XaaL - ."1"T. A. Dudolt, nonolubaa.

Xolokal. ,

X Aka A Co., Kaluaaha. 'Hawaii.

Han Same A Ayan, KalopibL Eohala.14 Alona, North Eohala.15 H. X. Qreenwell, Kaalualu, Kona.11 Goo Kim & Co , Apuakehau, North Eohala.30 J. D Mills, Hllo.34 Akan, KabanalkL Kona, Akan.34 K. Amu, Hamakna.34 Chalah Eela, Kuknlhnlll37 Alona. PUhonua. HUo.

WHOLESALE.X Hymsn A Bros., Merchant street, Honolnlo6 T H. Darles, Eaabnmanu street.

19 II. iuy 4 Co., fort street.WHOLESALE SPIRITS. 1 I

T. H. Darlas, Kaahumann atrset. r "--' HonoluluVICTUALISO.

I T. C T. Horn, Hotel street, ' Honolulu3 Hop Woo, Merchant street v.

- 31 Hon Kcw, Marinates street, :

LAPAAU.3 Daniel Kasela, Walalna.

"BUTCHER.1 Palekane, Walalna, Oahn. " ' '

13 M. Polapola, Laupahftehoe. HUo. Hawaii.11 lit Sheldon North Konala. Hawaii.31 J. E. Eldarta. UUo, Hawaii.

BILLIARDS., ,1 Gore EsplndA (I Uble), Labalna, ManL r

32 ii. I. Nolte. fi tableau cor Nuuanu and Queen streets,Honolulu.

CAKE FEDDL1NO." Apon, a Aglp. 3 xhj.

PUBUC 6H0W.34 Ctsi. Derby, Eoyal Hawaiian Theatre.

HORSE.3 lokla, Noi U. e. 12 ti W. Clark, Nos T, 77,3 Kekahuna, Ko 70, 7t, 70.a iweaica, so 71 13 T. T. H. WaUrhonse,3 Kahoano. No TZ. No SO.1 Paahao, Ko 73, 13 Onlala. Ko SI,3 Mull. Ko 74. 31 Ah SIka. Ko C,5 Kalllltole, No 75, a Keawe, Ko S3.

70S 34 Walore, Ko St.

Aeocvd tec Would. A trip around tbe worldil becomlnc mere pleasure ezcnraloo. Tboie wbowould bring back rueful Information mast takemuch with tbem. Now we (eel confident that Prof.Alexander and bis brother Samuel Alexander, willretnm burdened with most nsefnl Information.Prof. Alexander's serrlcea it Oabo College and asBurr tjor Ueneral, entitle blm to hold tbe highestposition as s man of letters and science. Biaknowledge of tbe Hawaiian laognage and tbe other dia

, lcctsof Pol jueals Is profound. Hetu aaaoclstedwith Captain Topper on the observations of tbeTransit of Venus. We understand that It is his de-

sign to rlslt Loudon, Paris, Borne, Athena, Jerusa-lem, Egjpt, sod ptsslnj: donn tbe JLci Sea, TiiltBombay, Calcutta, BooKkong. and so return toHoaolnlD, perhaps, bjr one of the China steamersBe U accompanied bj bli brother, wbo has becomeone of onr moat successful lugsr planters. Ue willdoubtless make Talusble observations upon sugarculture In Egypt, India, and China. We trust tbejwill bare a pleasant trip and return in health.

Hf-- Xot baring the facilities necessary to srlrea dinner to our typos ol tbe Gazettc on tbe 4thiniL, e did tbe next best thine under the circnui-Itanc- ea,

by furnithlni; each of our employes withtbe where-wltb-- all to procure good meal wher-ever tbty thought proper. If our boys spent tbetsoneyinany other wty waeasnot help It. Octonly wish was to afford them tbe means of enjoyingthemselres at our expense, and thus testify our desire to contribute to their comfort on tbe gloriousFourth, and to wish tbem a recnrrcBce of manysioro such days la the future.

ilwf,. 5W5SsVTf R ! I siwr5,KT






Tlie Clinnse oftlic .TUnUtry.

TVe received the npwg of the change of theMinistry just as wo were going to press onWednesday last, and therefore, had no time todo more than simply announce the fact. Thechange of a Ministry which means the changeof one set of Constitutional advisers of HisMajesty, for another is an event of so muchimportance that it can hardly be expected to

pass without comment.The people, without exception, in this city,

were taken by surprise, when it was ascer-

tained that it had pleased His Majesty, to askthe late Ministers for their portfolios, andthat their successors had actually been com-

missioned. This surprise was intensified be-

cause the lato Ministry had been sustained bythe Legislative Assembly in the vote on Mr.

Gibson's resolution uf want of confidence, whichwas indefinitely postponed. The vote of theAssembly was looked upon as the expressionof the majority of the people's representatives ;

which established the fact, that the Kingdomand the people had full confidence in the in-

tegrity, patriotism and capacity of the lateMinisters. Hud the resolution been carried,the instantaneous resignation of the "Ministers

would have been expected as a matter ofcourse. Any other course would have beenlooked upon as out of all parliamentary usage,and at variance with a true sense of honor anddignity on the part of the late Ministry.

TVe do not for a moment question the right,nor the prerogative of His Majesty, to changehis Ministry as, and when he pleases, and nodoubt the reasons which moved the King toact with decision and promptness in this in-

stance were sufficiently strong and controllingin their character to justify his action. Whatthose reasons were, we are not only ignorantof, but under, and in view of the circumstances,at a loss to conjecture.

Having said this much wo pass to the per-sonnel of the gentlemen selected, as the newMinistry.

His Excellency Samuel G. Wilder, is welland favorably known to the people of theseIslands, having been long a resident thereon.As a gentleman and good citizen, he stands inthe first rank, fie is a thorough business man,and will bring to the discharge of the impor-tant and respousible duties of the Interior

those qualifications which are essen-tial to the head of the bureau over which hohas been called to preside. Under Mr. Wilder,we doubt not that the Interior Departmentwill receive a thorough overhauling, and thebusiness of the Government, so far as he isconcerned, will bo systematized and put inperfect working order. In our humble judg-

ment the of the business ofthe Interior Department should claim His Ex-

cellency's attertion without delay. If it betrue that "order is Heaven's first law," thenthe Minister of the Interior will agree withus, that by adopting a perfect 83 stem of man-ajeiie-

with the proper checks and balancesto keep that system in perfect working order,lie wjll accomplish all that is required of him,and the interests of the Government will beproperly guarded, whilst he will have thewhole business well in hand, and thus savehimself from the carping of fault-finde-

From the universal testimony of all who knowthe character and qualifications of the newMinister of the Interior, we hazard nothingin predicting for him a successful administra-tion of the Interior Department.

His Excellency J. M. Kapena, is a gentle-man who has filled important positions oftrust, profit and honor heretofore in this, hisnative Kingdom. He is a gentleuan of edu-

cation, intelligence and experience. He com-

menced bis career as a journalist, then becameGovernor of Maui, afterward Minister of Fi-

nance, and now Minister of F01 eign Affairs.This is a high distinction conferred by the par-tiality of his Sovereign, and we know we butexpress the sentiments of the people when wesay that the new Minister of Foreign Affairswill prove himself in the present position, ashe has in all previous ones, equal to all therequirements of the place.

His Excellency Simon K. Kaai, the nowMinister of Finance, is also "native to themanor born," who like his Excellency theMinister of Foreign Affairs, possesses all thenecessary qualifications to make a faithful andconscientious officer. The Minister of Financeis a gentleman of education and intelligence,and of fine natural abilities. He possesses theconfidence and respect of his people in an emi-

nent degree, and worthily so and this fact isan earnest of the good effects of His Majesty'sselection ; because it is a concession to thenative element which is alike creditable to thegood sense of His Majesty, and the wishes ofthe native population.

His Excellency Edward Preston, the newlyappointed Attorney-Genera- l, is a gentlemanpossessing the necessary legal learning andability, to enable him to discharge the dutiesof the law officer of the Crown, and this is allthaj is required. We congratulate the newAttorney-Gener- al, on his promotion to so higha position in tire gift of His Majesty, and wishfor him a successful career as a public officer.

The new Ministers have entered upon theirrespective duties, and arc therefore like alltheir predecessors on trial ; and if they arefound competent and shall carry on the Gov-

ernment in a manner that will redound to the.honor and best interests of the nation, HisMajesty and the people will have cause tocongratulate themselves. Whether frequentchanges of the Ministry are wise or expedient,are questions which time alone must determine;and to that never failing test, so far as weare concerned, we are willing to leave theissue. What this country wants indeed whatevery well regulated country wants is sta-bility in its governmtntt which can only berealized by the exercise of wisdom, prudence,honesty and sound business qualifications onthe part of those entrusted with the arduousand responsible duties of counsellors to HisMajesty, and the faithful administration ofthe laws of the Kingdom.

Let us hope then, that the new Ministrymay come np to the full measure of public expectation, and thus the stability of the Gov

ernment may be maintained, and the interestsof the Kingdom and tbe Hawaiian people promoted in a ratio commensunte with the im-

portance of the interests involved.What we hope for is, that the wisdom of

His Majesty's selections in this latter instance,may be signally manifested in the good re


sults that shall flow from the recent change of

his constitutional advisers, and should thatexpectation be disapoointed, that he will act

with the same decision, by displacing the

present Ministers, for others, who will add

both dignity and efficiency to his Government.This is what the people have a right to ex-

pect at the hands of a wise ruler, whose heart

is moved by proper impulses, and whosehead is cool and clear to perceive hat is betcalculated to promote the happiness of hispeople.

IVcatrris Polyueola.The people of the islands of the Western

Polynesian Group are suffering Irom famine,as we learn from the Australian papers. Thisis a matter of astonishment to many who areat a loss to account for the scarcity of food

on those islands, where everything grows insuch abundance. In addition to the vegeU-Dl- es

indigenous to the soil, it favors withwonderful aptitude the growth of Europeanfruits ai.d vegetables in enormous quantities.But a plague seemB to have smitten the land,(as an exchange paper puts it). Xnture haswithheld her hitherto bounteous hand and

gaunt famine, stark and terrible has stalkedthrough the length and breadth of a desolatecountry, and disease and death have followedin its train.

It is extremely difficult to trace the sourcewhence this most pitiable state of things takesits rise. We have heard of no hurricane orexcessivo rains by which the catastrophe de-

plored could have been brought about or evenassisted. No excess of population or seriesof gluttonous feasts to which semi-sava-

people are prone, are known to have takenplace. The very extent of the infliction for-

bids the idea that any merely causual eventcould have contributed to it. But it hasoccurred, and men have fallen like autumnleaves, and like them have been allowed to

strew the ground from want of strength in

the survivors to buy them.The above is a doleful picture of the inhab

itants of those once fertile islands and

calls loudly to those of the neighboring is-

lands, to institute a careful inquiry to tryand discover the cause or causes of so greata calamity, in order if possible to put a stepto the desolation depicted by our contempo-

rary.The people of New Zealand seem to have

aroused themselves to the work of affordingrelief to the starving Polynesians.

Should the Male ot Opium lieI.iceiiHcd?

The qncstinn of the expediency or policy ofrepealing tbe law now on the statute books ofthis Kingdom, prohibiting the sale of opium toChinese and natives, except for medicinal pur-

poses, has already come up before the pre-

sent Legislative Assembly, and the bill wasindefinitely postponed. We notice, however,that another bill was introduced with thesme object in view. Would it be wise to re-

peal the present law, and permit opium to besold ml libitum or, indeed, in any givenquantities to Chinese and otheri on these Is-

lands ? Our answer is emph itically no. Inorder to understand this question properly,let us enquire what would be the effect of therepeal of the prohibition. We understandthat the advocates of repeal base their argu-

ment upon the fact, that by the repeal a largeamount of revenue would be brought into thecoffers of the Government annually. Wegrant it, for the sake of argument, that suchmight appear to be the case. But have theadvocates of the repeal made any calculationhow much revenue would be lost in the evileffects of such repeal on the plantation laborersof these Islands? From all we can learnfrom the sugar planters, they have no littletrouble and loss arising from the use of opiumamong their laboring hands at present, evenwith all the stringency of the present law onthe subject of opium. It seems that, somehowor other, tho Chinese laborers do get hold oftheir favorite drug, and use it to excess,thereby rendering them unfit to labor as thpyshould do for the benefit of the planters. If,therefore, the prohibition is taken off andopjum is allowed to be sold, tbe inevitable re-

sult will bo a total demoralization of theChinese laboring population, and a consequentdiminution in the production of the sugarcrop annually, which may eventuate in thebreaking up of every sugar plantation on theseIslands. In thaf event, what then becomesof the revenue now derived from this greatindustry? It would be simply lost, and allthrough .the injudicious and short-sight-


policy of seeking to realize a revenue by des-

troying the source from which it can begathered. This, to our mind, would be stoppingat the " spigot" and letting out at the " bung-hole- ."

Viewing the question of the repealof the present prohibition of the sale of opiumin this Kingdom, in this light, we are clear iu

our judgment that it will be wise not to dis-

turb the present law, by making a change. Ifthe desire is to strike down the sugar indus-

try of the Hawaiian Islands, the roost effectualway to do- - so will be to repeal the act pro-

hibiting tbe sale of opium. The plantersshould see to it that the law as it stands onthe statute books should remain intact; andthe sooner they wake up to the danger thatlurks in the act now before the LegislativeAssembly, tbe better for their futnro welfare.We hope the honorable members of the As-

sembly will look at this question iu its truelight, and reject any and all attempts to re-

pealor even mc dify the present law on thesubject of the sale of opium.

Accident from Kerosene Oil.The lamentable frequency of the most dread-

ful accidents to human life from the use ofkerosene oils of an inflammable character, arewell calculated to alarm the people of theseIslands, as they Jiave the people of all othercountries where such oils are in daily commonuse. It is but a few weeks since, we saw aletter from a firm in San Francisco, who dea I

in kerosene oils, to a gentleman of this city, iu

which the firm alluded to solicited the tradein kerosene oils for these Islands through thegentleman. In this letter the San Franciscofirm were unguarded enough to say, that theywere prepared to furnish kerosene oil of anydensity, or quality to the dealer, and that thecaid firm would put upon each package anylabel ho might require. Now what didthis infamous proposition mean ? It meant,that the San Francisco firm regardlessof the consequences to human life and prop-

erty, were willing to furnish to our dealers inoils, any kind of oils, if they were wickedenough to palm n9 on the community a spuri-

ous for a reil article, merely to make money.Such a proposition csuld only emanate fromthe heart of a man, who is desperately wicked,and fatally beat upon mischief.

WaBU rl? "W,,,r

Fortunately for our people, Mr. George 0.McLean, to whom the infamous and diabolicalproposition was made, is an honest, conscien-

tious man, and exposed the infamy of theproposition by exhibiting the letter to the edi-

tors of the newspapers in this city, with aview to have the villainy ratdo public. Toomuch care cannot be taken by our peoplo inthe use of this terribly explnsivo article whichis in daily use in every family on these Is-

lands. Indeed, we had a shocking exampleof the danger to human life in the use of ker-

osene oil, in the death of a native womtn andher infant, a few weeks ago on the other sideofOahu, an account of which we publishedat the lime. We see that the government ofNew Zealand has become alarmed on this subject, and recently steps have been taken to

have all kerosene offere 1 for sale in that coun-

try carefully tested and cxirained by compe-tent Government Officers. This is at it shouldbe. We are led to make these remarks atthis time, in order to bring to the notice of theLegislative Assembly of this Kingdom theimpprativo duty dovolving upon that body, topass a law regulating the inspection and care-

ful examination of all kerosene oils sent herefor sale, before they are taken from the Cus-

tom House.We understand that this rmtter is now be-

fore a Select Committee of the LegislativeAssembly, for their consideration We alsounderstand that the Committee have had achemical analysis made by Dr. Stangenwald,of certain brands of oils now iu the hands ofconsumers, and that the result of this exami-nation is, that some of the most inflammableand dangerous oils are daily sold to the peo-

ple. The Legislative Assembly should see toit, that a law be passed creating an inspector-ship of kerosene oils imported into this King-

dom, so as to guard the people against theconsequences of using oils that are not of thodensity necessary to render them safe in theuse and handling, by innocent people, whoare ignorant of their real character. We learnfrom reliablo information that some of the oilsnow in use here aro as explosive and dangerousas gunpowder itself. This is, to say the least,dreadful, and calls for prompt action by our

and wahope these remarks willlint be lost 011 those fur whom they are espe-cially intended. In this connection we callespeciil attention to an article from the Hon.W. O. Smith. Chairman of the Select Commit-tee, with the accompanping report of Dr.Stangenwald 011 tho above subject, which willbe fuuud iu another column.

DOI.AGS OF TUi: liDUIXLATURK.0a Monday, Mr. W. K. Caitle introduced a bill to

auitnd tbe Stamp Act of 1S78. The Minister uf theInterior gare notice of a bill to regulate water rightsin N'uuaou Valley. A petition from Hamakna wasliretentci, asking for tbe following appropriations,111: $4060 fur roaiii, $31)00 for iinpronn; the har-bor of llauiakua, ami $600 for a buoy at llonokaa;oppropriatly referred. The petition of Mr. J. I.Viriett and Mr. Sumner asking for an appropriati n

ofiZiOO, claimed as due for rent of tbe land ofOibu, was read and appropriately referred.

Tbe cntideration of tbe Approprurion llill occupiedthe remainder of the dsy.

On Tuexlay. .Mr W R. Castle read the Grit timea bill amending the pitatal rate, whieh was orderedto be pruned. The same Kentlenmn off re I u reo-lutio- u

apprupruting the sum of $1,!M6 31 to reim-burse perns wbo bail been doubly Used under tbeUwoflS76; refcrre I to the Committee on b'luatice.Mr Ulegti irn real tbe 0r.it time a but to amend thelaw reipectini; (Internment water right,. Mr Mar-

tin irure uuttce or hi, luienlhin to introduce h billauthorising a loan. Mr. Main read tbe Grit tune abill licencing the na of int aloitlui; iiqa.ir to na-tives; a'so a bit! to lieenre gambling huunes. TlieGrti was referred to tbe proper Committee, and tbeintier rejected Tbe bill repealing jeciin 2 ol Chaptr 53 uthe Penal Cnde (referring to informers) waspanned finally ; alio tho bill amending first seeiijnof raid Chapter. t

On IVedne-da- bii Et J. M. Kapena InformedHie Aisrmlly uf the reugnst on of tbe Ministry onbe prenous day (Tuefday). an I it bad leaded Hi,

Mijety to app nnt Ihe lull iwing name 1 gentlemento tbe occupincy nf the racsncie thui oecaflionel,viz: Hun S. G Wilder, to be Minuter of (be In-

terior; Him & K Kaai, to be Miuister of Fintneo ,Edward Predion. Eq., to be Attorney General ; andhimself ti be .Minister of Foreign Afidiri, alt ofwhom have been installed in Ibe respective pnsilionfor which they hare beeu selected. His Er. theno ored that in eonsidenli m of (July 4)being a national holiday of the Great Kcpubhc ofNorth America, that the Assembly do now adjournuntil Friday, at 10 o'cluck a m., which was agreedto, and the Assembly adjourned ace irdingly.

On Friday, the first p4rt of tbe day whs occupiedin discussing tbe b.ll to repeal the 'Act t Mitigate,'which whs fiually m ids tbe special urder for Mondayurxt. Tbe afternoon session was cmsumed in theconsideration of the Appronrution Bill.

On Saturday and Monday tbe attention of tbeHouse was mainly occupied with the AppropriationBill.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS.comer ok the HawaiianI M audi, Oahu, ss , July Terra, . D. 1678.

Hoc-pal- w. lloelaat, vs. Piol if, libelee. Libet fordivorce.

In tbe iibce entitled libel for divorce, It la now orderedtbat a decree of dlvurct from the bund of matrimony beentered In favor or tbe Bald I loo pale llol w. fur tbecause ui tbe deS-rti- of the laid Plol k, to be made abolute aftr tbe expiration of six months from tbe date ofthis deciet. upon compliance with the terms thereof,

cause shall appear to the c ntrary. ndthe libel laut Is ordered to publish an attested copy ol thisorder in the Hawaiian (IturttP and Kuolcna newspapersfor six soccesKlve weeks : the first publication to be with-in one month from tbe date of this order; that all per-sons Interested miy, within six months, show cftQso whysaid decree should not be made absolute.

By the t ourt, J.NOfdK. BARNARD, Clerk.DMtedStbdnyof July, A. D. I3TS.Honolulu. Oahu. as I hereby certify tbat tbe ti jr

Is a true and faithful omv of the orlclna! decree ofdivorce now on file In the office of the Supreme court oftue uawauan isianas- -

As witness my hand tlits Stb day of July, A. D,18T8. J2SO. E. BAKNAKD,

7M 6t Clerk of supreme Court.

CIHCUIT rOUKT, 3rd JL'IUl'I VL DUtrlct,Islands. Before Mr. Jtmiee Hart.

In the matter of the esiate ofJohn A. Simmons. la.e oflanpimoenoe, illio. deceased.

On reading a d filing the petition and accounts of J.Magnlre, admin strator to tbe estate T John A. Simmons,of Lanp&hueboe, Hllo, Hawaii, wherein hecharges himself with tt323 iuf, and mks tobeallowrd

9 S. snd prajs that Slid accounts may be examinedand approved, and tbat a final distribution of the property remain! a his hands may be made and tbat beand his surety may be discharged from ail further

In the muter.It is ordered tbat Tuesday, tbe 30th day of July, 187,

at lOo'clocka. m.f be ad hereby is appointed fir hearlug said petition befort the sUd Justice. In the CourtKoomof this Court, at Kapjau, North K. hala Hawaiiat which time ajid place all perotis concerned may appear ami show cause If any th-- y hive, whir uM petitionshould not be srranted, nd tb-i- t this order be published la.Ibe Kngilsb and Hawaiian lauguages foi three successivewecAslnthe Hawaiian Gazette and KooLoa newspapersIn Honolulu

Dated at Kohala, Hawaii. lane 14. 1478'CHAS. FOKDKKlf K HART,

701 St Circuit Judge 3rd Indicia! n'striet.

CIBCriT COURT, 3rd JUniCIALCIUClJIT,wall. May Term, 1S78.

Kalabua w, libelant, vs. Mai Kahauanul k, libelee.Libel for divorce.

In the abtue entitled libel for dirorce. It la now orderedthat a decree of dlv. rce from the bond of matrimony beentered la favor of the said Kaiahua w, for thecauaoofthe and f41nre to provide suitable aialmenance of tbe sjJd ilal hat.uuanut. to Le made absolutetVr the expiiatlou if six months from the date of

this dfcree, up .n compliance with the terms the.eof.'unsufficient cause pper to the contrary And

tbe Ilbellaist Is ordered to publish an attested copy of thinurder In tbe Hawaiian (Jazeite and Guokoa newspapersfor six successive weeks the first publication to be with.In one month from tbe date nf this order, that all pet sonsinter sled may, itmn six months, sh w Causa why saidderive thould not be made absolute.

By the Court i. U. HITCHCOCK, Clerk.ivated at Hllo May ft, IST8.I hereby rertlfr that tbe foresolor U a true and faithful

copy of the original decree of divorce now on file in myomce.

J8 fit D. IT. nrmHCOCK, Clerk,

C'OCRr, 3rl JUIlICItl DMtricS,HawaUanJsianrts Before lr Justice Hart,

In the matter of the estate of Keatuha. late of Northtvchala, Hawaii.

On read ne and fiUnsr th petition and accounts of Jaa.Wrurhx, admia-ST- a or to the estate ol fCealoha k, of.North KoMaU. Hawaii, dec ased. wb rem he charg sbmseif with 2&2 Igloo, and ask to be allow I iSi19 100. an. I prays that aUd accounts may be examinedand snd that be aid his surety be dlschtrredfrom all further res onMbitity 1 the matter It Is or ler-e- d

that Tuesday tbe 30th davol July, I 78. at 10 o'clocka. m , be and Is appointed for hearing said p- - tiMm bfrt the said JtwUc-- , In the Court Hom of tblsCourt, at Kansas North Kobala, Hawaii, at which tl naand place at) persons concerned may appearand sbowcause, Ifany they have, why aald should not begrwnted, and that this order b published In th Engilsland Hawaiian !augugts f.r three successive weeks In theHawaiian Gazette aud Knokna newspapers in Honolulu.

Dated at oluJa Hawaii, Jne II. 1571.CHAS. FREDERICK HART.

701 3t CtrccUJadv.slrdJadcUIDUtiict.



Jane A. Falkinburg,llUlIUVitT, Jiiutrr.

Will have Quiet Dispatch for the abo ve FortFor Freight or Passage, apply to-- 0J CASTUKAOIOKE. Jk.ff.nts. -

For San Francisco !

The Amerlcau Bark

Helen W. AlmyFItEEJI V.V. Mnatrr.

Will hive Quick Dispatch for the above PortFor Fralgbt or Passsge, sppljr to

701 CASTLK A COOKE. Artnts.

New York and Honolulu Line..gf Direct Vessels!

srcsms. XT. II. CKOSSttAN A BROS..ITS IIS Chamber Strm. New Tunc, expect to bar

Another Vessel in their New line fromNew York to Honolulu,


Psrttrs having freight for this port and desirous tostU themselves of this favorite route, will please notifytbe above parties as arlr as pslb!e the nmoanl of roomthey will need t Insure tbelr shipments. sst




Will lnve Honolulu for San Francisco.On or about Tuesday, July 23d.




On or about Tuesday, August 6th.



CITY of N eW YORKCOIJB. romniiiiKler.

On or about Tuesday, July 16,For Fre'ght and Passage, apply to77Sm II. IlAC!CFKLDACO.,Agenta.

GoocIS for Shipment per Steamer can nowbe Store,!, Free or Charge. Its the FIroproolWarehouse ou Queen Street, kuunn a Dr.It. W. IVoo.l's Rtilldlnff.


Tuesday July 16th, S p m. moToewlay Joiy23rd, lpm ...Circuit of llawaiTueMtlay, July Sttth.a pm , , . IIoTups lay. Aneiut6th, 5p m Circuit of llanallTne;day, Au nt nth. S p m lliloMonday, ogTm tilth. 5 m... KawalhaaVrHty, Aucmt 1 trd, S p m NawlllwlllMonday, ugiist Mlh Spm Circuit of Hawaii

or So Credit Tor Passage Money. --Wl

We po.It!vely declne to open accnunu for Passacrs.and we ptrtcularly call the attention of he travelingpublic to tbe neo-it- of having Hsgrage and Prelahtpla nly marked ; the Steamer will nnt be reiponilble forany.unmred Irfiimire or fur any Freight orParcelaun.less Receipted for.

Freight Monoy Das on Demand.In all cues nf Freight for p inles not responsible or un.

known, the Freight Money will be required In advance.

PACIItOIlS ori.IQ.UOKS and WINES MLSTue pi.vi.VLY Marked

For the party whom tbey are f ir, or plilnly siat?dtn thereceipt ti whom they are consigned.

All demands for Damage or Loss, must be made with-in onr mmth.

BJT Hac Olivers, Boys, and such like, will not be alloed on board the .Steamer upon arrival, uotll after thepass niters have beeu landed.


Regular Packet forjilo & Kaupakuea.

The Clipper Schooner

SHALEAKALA!For Freight or Passage, apply toCOM im ALLEN & HODINSON", Agents.


CUNARD LINE!Established 1840.

Two Sailings Every "Week,FOB UVEKPOOL:

From 2few York every Wednesday,

From Boston every Saturday,

RATES OF PASSAGE:Calilu.... 8100 and 8130, tiold,

According to Accommodation.


Steerage-- .. .... --828 Currency.Good accommodations can always be secured on appli-


San Francisco.JAS. ALEXANDER,

M State 8W Boston,a O. FRANC1TLT.V,4 Bowling Ureen, New York.

Notice to Passengers from Australia, New Zealand andHonolulu The Cunard Line afi"oids more thsn ususl fa-

cilities to through passengers fmm trans-Pacif- ports, tbefrequency of Iu sailing precluding all possibility or delayIn New Yorfc.

Good accommodations always reserved.C. O FRANCKLYN,

89 ly 4 BowlinsrQreen New York.


C. Browor & Co. Agents, gz.m&d for itor an J thlnmentof Oil. Bcr. Wool. iirdiand otbtr larchaadii to New Bedford. Botton(NfwTork

nfl itherKMUrn Ports. sCtb Advunce- - madt.77-- lr C. BRKWEU CO.


C. Brewer & Co. Agents. &Merchandise received Storage Free VB

and liberal cash advances taade on shipments by tbfsllns.STT-l-y C. BRKWKR t ro.

Administrator's Notice.rVDERIOED 17YTV BEEN ap-

pointed administrator, with tbew'll annexed, ofthe late Isiac Harb tile, deceued. requests that all per-sons Indebted to thesildestite will pay the sam, andall clalm against the aall estat be presented to theunders'rned within six months from the date hereof, orthey will be forever barred.

VT.C. PXR1CE. AdministratorEstate of I. Ilarbottle, deceased, of Klpahula.

Honolulu. Jon 8 I87 Tot (t

Notice.PERStiVS INDEBTED TO tho I.ATEAM, of T-- Moasman a Son are requested to make

I n f'edlat-- pavment to the nndrs!gied at the CrockeryKtir. corner of Klog and Nauana streets

HI tf T J Mf)RH"f.


in requested to make unmsdlata payment to W. F.Mobsman WaUukn. Maul

itf t.j vosnrtN

Crackers, in cases.AFCIX ASSORTMENT.

Salt by BOLLBS A CO.



To MTe tbe



House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Glassware,"Wooden-ware- , Hope, Fencing Wire, dkc, &c,


AgriculturalWill be Sold at the


On or before the 1st day of November next,SjSTO Xlll OI23. 23. tl3L


On Fort Street. Bear the corner of Merchant Street.Our oustomera and the public generally are invited to avail themselves of tha prei ent

opportunity to buy goods in our line at Seduced Prices.

DIJLJLINGHAM & CO.,701 At the Old Stand, 95 and 97 King Street.



HDRSE maiT: MSB HOUPlisat Jr. Korea Hce.



m-- ALSO.

Possible Prices

expanse of retnoYtcr.

-THE- -

TUl 2m


MOLINE CULTIVATORS, EXTRA STOUT!And they also have on hand the Celebrated

Hax.:l9s llRKAiMii Pjlow, 1o. 15KXTIIA STIIOXG STEEL

Of which a Kinsl Planter writes is follows: "I have tried the HALL'S BREAKER, No. 15. and Ilk.It lielter I han any Ol the oilier plows, as II turns the sod belter and a larger farrow, and run ollb. atliast rar lew of oxen than Hie Pari Plow "

AS THIS PLOW WAS DESIGNED BY E. O. HALL A SON, (and is only msde to their order.)with ispeilal H Ibe 60II of thrs.- - I,Und. Il h proeed Itself tnilltled ti.all Ibe praise It hssnol''.oS.11 .'J ''"llllt- - AS A GAiia PLOW. ITS WORK 13 ADMIRABLE, AND ALTOGE-THER SAT1SF ACTORx.

A Full Line or these Extra Thick Steel Plows is shortly expected.



Water Pipes !

Water Pipes !

Water PipWM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents for the Hswhiun Islands.




Furnish Planters and others with this article in sizes ranging from 1 1-- 2 to 8 lnche.and of a strength to resist any pressors tbat Irun Pip.s will itasiL- -

In offering this Pipe fur sale the fullowlog advantages at claimed for It oter an plpa la tho world ilit. It it tbe Cheapest Good Pipe. '2nd. It is the most durable of all Pipes prsotieally tmperiihabls.3rd. It neither expands nor contracts, and eorroiion Is Impossible.4th. It is more easily laid can be tapped with an ordinary anger. 'Stb. It is more easily bandied lighter la weight, and perfectly tight! '8th. It is not liable to get out of order.7th. When used for water It, neither faites of or can be affected by cbemteal ingredient.

Thousands of Jliles of this Pipe harebeen laid down in tbe Eastern State's and on tbe PaiCoast, and in e.ery instance it bas giren entire satisfaction, and flattering testimonials to Us tnriuaJWbeen giren to the Compsny by parties who hate nseJ it. ,

For farther Particulars and Prices, apply to

TOO 3m



And are prrpared to earry ou tbls Brancliol onr Buslaeia Iu at manner sustls

factory to ourf atrona.

OWNERS OP PINE STOCKWill do well to give ni & Call,

Horses sent to our King St, ShopWW bffailhfvxLy attended to.

WEST & CHAYTER.Ilonolnla. April JJ. 1871. 701

Oregon Pilot Bread.





Covcriij Bailers, SteaK rijKSrro. etc

Saves 25 per Cent, of FukPHICE EEDTJCED TO $7.S0 IBS.ta THEO. H. DAVICS,


Uotice.CTSeW AIX 3f EX BY THtsc asasaaaV thlt . th. nnrf.ra ..ut lkl ...

persoosfiom trrspatsma;. or tasta ttfe.t ikTimber from the lands tunia spoiled, to wits

Kaohe. Malopa. Xieaale.Paanhna. Mrmlrils TTaamiinia

Yalkoclioa, Tjlakeav. --- 1 y.on the Island of Hawaii, and all other lands beJo&aisc laor leased er na. Legal pracerdmsea' wSJ b taxes ""all parties lnfrlnrtof oar rights. - "

j p ps, Rx Est.W,I?n: BksiVKL MsVOK.litb. 117s. jjj s,

Xetiee.I IV'KISS Tr ABKtTtCK tiM Ktewr

Page 3: THERYAliM,&AZETTE I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj


Time Table of the P. M. S. S. Co.BETWEEN' - t


From Nitu FnuiclKo.Leave )r. al JiK at ' Zik at

JVame of Steamer. Sin f. Ismefutt JuciTfufl 'Sydney

Oty of w York July July lsuuiy 31 UgZalandla Aug ug Aug --eptutyuf ydoey .. Sept Sept --eptAnatraH.. --ept ct Oct OctCltyof Srw York let Sot Not Not..... Vov ec Dec lcOHyofriluey... Ore Jan lujtnairatla .. Ian an lurtb FebUty uf "New Yart 7eb 'eb Uar liar

From Sydney.

d B ( Due irfJVjmtaimfr. SdHry AeiTndllullu &m 7.Zealandia rjnne luJane SllJaiy J'joiy lgUtyofbidney . Jaly It July U Aug 6 Aug ISAnralla Aog IB. Aug SO epl 3 Sept 12atyorewYorlc. -- pt I2n.pt i; Oct 1 tict loZealandia Oct 10 Oct 14 Oct 29 Not TCity or Sydney.... Not ; not is Not is Dec 5Australia .... Dec t Dec 10 Dec 25 Jan 2

Steamer Wilmington, Tunning, aa an Inttr.madlate boat, will leave Honolulu for ran Francisco onewret after the arrival of the regular eteamer from gasFrancisco


From tbe various lalanda of tli group hear of plentifulboera J rala, moil tlie proni.e 10 tUo planter or a goud

l.turo forhl labor, Hngar U alia coming- - forward freelj,and buaineaa in this dtJ ii niora active In cunirgotoce.

The only fjralgo arrival w b.ve to Dot. la th. MallSteamer Zealandia. from Eydoty as! Auckland, to routeforaitn rrauclaco, with passengers and mercbaodiie to HUadrfaM 4 Co,

Tlie departure daring the week are : Haw brig StormBird, to Ialands In Polynesian Group; Am bark; JennyPitta, for Port Townaand; iiaw achr Maoa, for Fanninglalaod; and tbe Mall flaamcr Zealaodla, for Sao FraocUco,with paasaogera and insrcbandiaa.

Oor cotating Seet, vi learn, will abortly be increased bytbe addition or two smell steamers, which, rumor bis it,are aooo to leave aa Francisco for the scene or their futureoperatioua lu theaa waters.

The llaw bark Kalakaua is loading for San FraocUco,and will sail la a few days. The Am bark Halso on tbe berth for the aame destination, loading withdispatch

The Mall Steamer Zealandia, during ber short stay In

port, received on board some eight honored tons of freightmostly sugar; and sailed yesterday morning about 10

o'cluclcfor can Francisco.Tbe Mail Steamer City of New York, from San Francisco,

wtil be doe bere on Toaaday next.

1'O.C. aist aSll.IJl.L,.

AimircDJaly 4 Stmr KUeoea lloe, Marctiant, from ManL

Self Il.Ieakala, Poaahlaa. from llilo.Schr Iaaalii.?anu, from Hllo.Bcbr Ullama, Pnaahiwa, from Kobala.fccbr Kamalle. PAlmertwn, from KonaandJIau.Schr Jenny, l'ake, from Nawiliwilutxbr Warwick, Jbii Bull, from Kalanpapa.Schr vV allele. Kalauao, from MalikoSchr Marion, Klhtlu. from Koloa and U'aimea

7 6chr Nettle Merrill, HatSeld. rnm Labaina.Schr tCulamanu, Mana, fiom Huliala.Schr Ka Mot, bears, rrom Kaltnlal.

S Schr llauaatil. Nika, from Niibao.Schr Aunte, Kalna. from KoIimlIt M S Zealandia, Chevalier, from (Sydney.

SAILED.July 6 Schr Jenny, Pake, ft Kawlliwili.

Schr Haualit, Mai.u. for Kobala.Bchr Ullama, Puaahfwa. Kohala.Scbr bjrm Bird, Jacaton, fjr Swuth rea IslandsAm bk Jenny Pitta, Sirfert. for Port Towniend.

Ukelike. Miephrrd, for Windward Ports.httur Klianea lluu, Marchant. ftr KauaLScbr Ualeakala, llupu.f.r lliloSchr Mana, D jane, from lor Fauoing Island.Scbr Marioo, Klhlini for Kolua aod Waimea.Sdir Wallele. Kalauao, fa-- Malik.,.

Manuoaawal. Naiwi, for Nawlllwlll.behr Aonie, Kalua, tr Koloa and t aluiea.tkbr Nettie Merrill, llatfielil, for Uhaina.Scbr Kalamano, Mana, fr fatoliala. ' w

K M S Zeslandla, Chevalier, for San Franclsea


Report of steamhlp Zealaudfa, CheTalier. CommenJer.XeftHydoi-yJaoeOt- atSpm; expwrieoCed etrons; d tTgaleifwr,twodas; arrived at Auckland on the 24tll.at 1U.38p uiraud Ull again on theZttb al4.1J p m; bad stfongsWwinds fjr first 18 boars, and eastarly winds and equallyweather up to uly 2od, then moderate and line to thufxirt. arriving Jnly 8tb at p in. On June 28that &45pated and signalled the stesmship Australia, bouo4 toAuckland.

rAsi:.;;it!.For South Sea Islands, per Slonubird, July 6 T Scroggs,

DM rmllb. II Harl.A, P Uecklsy, T Ilonihock, A Wallace,A Uoochton, O Selby, J a Tfuurs, II V Mine, A J llacines,II 11 llajea, W MarrutU

For Kauai, per Kilanra Hon, Jnly 6th J U Kawalnnt, 0Tlcole, Mrs Acosla, Mrs Pervls and 3 duiiter-- Kev Allaciutoab. T It Davles, LAbolo. J IT Crowe!!, Mrs Sain-ton, and Go deck.

For Windward Ports, per Llkelike, July lVT L Orsen,C Terry. 0 W Wilfoog. 1" Speucer, T Cooke. Miss Love.JDeverill, W Smith. Mrs Ueckley and child, itias Parke.W II Cornwell and wifa, J Lergh, J Sllva, S Forties, KErotbertoo, Ml.a Lydgate, O IlKHwltb, D Baldwin. J

J bmltb. II Coaaett, Mias Foster, MiM lUUrarr. WlUwllns. Miss Rawlins, K Kverett. Mils Kverett, Mil.Kalua, S llookaus aud wife, Mr Uardcaatle. Miss Dimoud,Heater Abolo, and about 75 deck,

From Sydney, per Zealandia, July Sth J S Harden, C SMavne, C R Smith and wife, Mr lloUgsoo, W II Mackeuile,J R binart, and C In transit.

For Man Francisco, per Zealandia, Jnly 9 Mrs Pearde,S Betiman, Tonir Yen. Dr Tatee, J 3 Bishop, Mrs Dicksonand child, Strickland, Mrs II Waterhouae, bpreckles wifeand 2 children. Ah llln. Dr Esbleuisn. Miss Lemake,Kalleher, Scbussler. UlssMaraden, Maaa, II MrsDillincusm, Misa Uclntvre. Mrs Smith and 1 children, CliasMcCully, E J Smith, O C Williams and wife, II Jolinson. L 11

J Peterson, Miss Stwsll 11 McJunea, M J Olllmau. J Quin-lau- b

T Alexander, t Comly, W D Alexander, C Wonder,Ltlarn, D Shell.

I.vlI'Oata'.S.From Sydney, per Zealandia, Jnly 6th 810 packages of

general mercband fae.

IaXI'OKTN.For South Sea Islands, per Mtormblrd, Jnly 617 pags dry

goods, 10 pkgs hardware, 4 bbls 11 mr, a gross matches. 7 cabread, lo pkgs groceries, 21S kerosene tins, 11 water casks, 2Legs sugar, si bbls beet.

For San Francisco per Zealandia, Jnly Bth (76IM lbsaugar, s100 lbs rice, 2I2M7 lbs paddy, 5200 lbs coffee, 8bndls goateklns, 16 bndls calfsklus, x budls abeepsltlns.Mo bndls bides, 8 bxa pine apples, s bxs betel leaves,

bananas, 78 bales pnlu

Itcmiirlfti of iV. O. SiultliOn bis motion, on July Stu, to Increase tbe ap-

propriation for maintenance of tbe Leper Establish-ment ou MolokaL

Mu. Chairman, I feel very earnestly tbe Import-

ance of tbe consideration of this item of provisionfor tbe care of lepers. We mutt not forget tbe im-

portance of this subject. It msy come home withterrible lorce to any one of us. None nf us can saythat e are absolutely safe from tbe disease. Weare wont lo think that only Hawatians are liable tobate tbe leprosy or only those foreigners wholead low lives and expose themselves to ils conta-gion. But, Mr. Chairman, who knows bow immi-nent tbe danger is I Ho w soon any oue of us maydiscover that be has contracted tbe disease withunlkuovtlngbow it came. Whatever the future mayreveal of the danger of contagion, and whoever itmay affect, I urge on this Assembly, in all earnest-ness aud solemnity, tbe imparlance of seeing to Itthat tbe existing law, providing fur tbe separationof lepers, be faithfully, diligently snd strictly car-

ried out. Let it be enforced in kindness and withall tbe consideration mat can properly be exercised,but let it be dune nlth tbe utmost Impartiality.Aud bere I would endorse tbe opinion expressedby the Sanlurr Committee, that no oue should becondemned to Mulukai except on the final decisionof not less than three ubysiciana.

1 do not wish to reflect unjustly ou the Board ofHealth, and tbe manner in which it has executedthis law in the list, lor I think that they havetried to do-a- ll which they thought they could 06with tbe fuuds at their disposal. But I do wishthat this Assembly would Insist lust the law shouldbe carried out lu tbe lutnre. We owe it to tbenation, we owe it to strangers who come here, andWe oe it to ourselves.

I am Informed, and know, that the disease Iscontinually appearing in many parts of the Islands.It is appearing on members ol Ismilirs wbereuthershave had it In tbe past. Aud we must be alive lothe danger wbicb is pressing upon us.

I urge tbe increase of the appropriation or thesupport of lepers. I mured that it be Increasedfrom $55,000 to $75,000. I now accept tbe ameud- -,, fV mh t. V r. .u- -. i. a. .mcnivi tucr u ,11. uikmvt-- i iii jauaiua, iusi uucDisced at tCo.000: aud f 10.000 be annnmriated tosecure the er vices ol a ed laithful puj- -slcian to reside part ui tue lime at MolnkaL I JoDot think that it is essential that a phjsiclan or thegreatest repute should be employed; but that acompetent man of judgment aud kindness of brartshould be secured, lie Woqld soon be recognizedas an authority at the settlement, aud would solvemany of tbe difficult qnestious which now arise itithe luanagemeut of tbe Institution, and would helpto .reduce 10 system tbe preaeul irregular plan pur-sued by tbe Board qf, lealtu, in fiodiug.out audremoving those who have the disease.

Mr. Cluirman, in every civilized country, whereleprosy has prevailed, it- - baa uecc-me- - absolutelynecessary that tbe diseased should be removed fromAmong lUe whole, and lu many countries the ravages of the malady have been arrested, ana 11 isnot dreaded u it vas; and we must follow in theirfont-ste- Although tbe prayers of thi-s-

Whose lnends have been taken Irum tbem, mi)ring in our cats, we must dn that which experier.eeand onr reasuu leach us must b: The

and strict enforcement oi tbe prrseut lawop tbe subject Is tbe Jeast Me,can do; and We mustplace sufficient means at Ibe Isouwl'Jjf the Boardto carry '0Bl"lheae wjte proTutana. w - - -

ROTES OP TSIK WEEK.MoosiJaBT Cosczbis. There will "be" mBslc y '

tbe Bnrtl Hswsllan Band it Emma Sqosre, onTbnredtj arid Satnrday erenlngs of this week, attbe osnsl boon.

3"A meetlncol tbe Malle Social Club will bebeld at tbe rooms or tbe Pacific Hose company, to-

morrow (Tbnrtda;) eTenine, at 7f o'clock. A foilattendance U netired.


Cecil Brown, Esq., baa been appointed cleric to Ibenew Attorney General. Tbis it a pood selection,as Mr. Brown is well qualified for tbe position.

137" Mr. Adamt will tell, on Satnrday next avery fine asturtmcnl of household furniture, at tberesidence of Ills Er. Jl. A. fetrce, corner oTJnddand Lillba etreeta. Tbis will be a splendid oppor- -unily for Intending purchasers to secure first class


5y" A sad accident happened on the 9th Inst,off Bitnoiid Hiad. A boat with lour men capsizedaiabout 10 o'clock a. u. Two of the men swamashore, and tbe utbertwo dnttcd off with tbe boatand are supposed to be lost. Tbe steamer Bobble,which went In search for tbe missing people, re-

turned lsst evening, and reported that the twomen and tbe boat were picked up by a schoonerbound for Kauai.

t5?-T-be Schooner Marlon, Klbblln, Master, ar-

rived on Friday morning last from a Hying lour toKauaL She left here on the Snd of July at 5 p.

m.; arrived next day, at S a. m. at Koloa; wentsame day to Hanaprpe and Waimea, and retainedto Koloa on tbe 4th of July ; sailed (or Honolulusame dy at 5 p. m., aud arrived at tbe latter portJuly 5th, at 8 p. m. Gone 3 days and 3 hours!Well done for Captain Kibblin. We bear that theScbooner Mary E. Foster, will be pnt on tbe Kauairoute within the next three months, and we treatour friend Kibblin will be in command of ber.

ST On the 4th lust., there was a spirited boatrace between the three yachts. Pumpkin Seed,Pauline and Julia. The yachts left the harbor ofUonolulu about 20 minutes past 8 o'clock A. it.Pumpkin Seed taking the lead, Pauline second andJulia third. In this order tbey were in sight forsometime. Tbe distance was from Honolulu har-bor to Pearl River aud bick. Tbe Pauline andPumpkin Seed relnrned about 0 o'clock P. if., thePaullue winning tbe race. Tbe Julia having beendisabled on the way down, did not return with theyachts. We did not learn whether there was any-thing at atake in tbe above nice, other than to trytbe respective sailing qualities ol ibeyacbts.

ST The Fourth of Jul) vras celebrated in a be-

coming manner by our citizens. The salutea Acrefired according to tbe programme published in ourIssue of Wednesday last, and tbe picnics at Wa- l-

klki and Dr. Whilnei's were delightful affairsaffording all who participated a full day's entertain-ment, accompanied wltb a substantial dinner. At4 o'clock P. M., IbeKujal Hawaiian Band com-menced to discourse eweet music at Emma Squarewbich n as kept up till sunset, and thus Ibe Fourthof July, 1878, closed, altera day's jolily wbicb wasa pleasure to people of all nationalities iu Honolu-lu. The shipping In tbe harbor, the foreign Con-

sulates and the public buildings di(platd a pro-fusion of bunting In honor of the day, and theGreat Republic ol the nineteenth century.

1ST The Hawaiian brig Stormblrd, Capt. Jack-son commanding, sailed from this port on tbe Giblost, fur the South Pacific Ocean, under directionslrom tbe Board of Immigration to bring back na-

tives of the South Pacilic Islands as laborers ontbe sugar plantations of the Hawaiian Group. TheStormblrd took out ten white men as passengersdestined for Samoa, where Capt. Jackson agrees totouch in order to laud tbem. Tuese passengerspaid $50 00 a bead passage money, thus making500.00 to. the Government on the outward bound

pjtsSsge. We trust tbe Stormblid will be as suc-cessful on her second voyage as she was on thefirst, and that she n 111 return with a full cargo ofnatives for Ibese Islands. If Capt. Jackson realizesbis expectations, such will be the case, and the ex-

periment thus Inaugurated prove a succces. Wealsohope that tbe Slormbird will bring as many femalesas males, aud thus comiueuce a new era in theaugmentation ol the population ol Hdnali.

Cif The Hawaiian Amateur --Minstrel Troupegave an entertainmeut at tbe Royal HanaiianTheatre, on Saturday evening last, to a very fairbouse. The enlertalumeut was well sustainedthroughout, and afforded tbe audience lots ofamusement. The quartette, "Mill Hal Pua," byMessrs. Williams, Molaka, Kalna aud Hiram wasparticularly fine and was encored. The instru-mental music throughout was excellent, and the"double jig," by Messrs. Lyall aud Ryan as usual,was well done. We would suggest to the vocalistsin the troupe to let out their voices more, that Is,pitch tbem on a higher key, and ibe effect n 111 bemuch better and more satisfactory to the audience.All the amateurs want Is more practice and moreconfidence In themselves lo make good perfoimers.Professor Buckle's lecture on Phenology nas amus-ing. Our short band reporter being present tookdowotbeleclure which was in substance as follows:Fellow citizeus aod citizens fellows I comes be-

fore you in de duplicate capacity ob aProfessor ob Prrmonology, Butnpology and extradelinialor ob de cranium ob de human species, andit Is my desire to expatiate Indi higbfutcnest styleob de dramatic art ou de wonders of de thing calledman. In de'first place, firstly, dls thing called inpolite Ulramture, man, is one ob de seven wondersobde world. De fact is, dat de man and de mon-

key, it so much similar, dat Is, day comes Into.such juxtlous position dat It takes a nigger wjdstrait bar to make de calculation dat fixes dedifference as vou see; and it is owing to dls greatdivergence from de common perehelton ob dehemisphere, according to all de known laws obgranatation wbich fixes de milky-w- ay between deearth and de sun wid such osselatlons ob de firm-

ament, dat even Dr. Darwin, de great navigator inin de polar regions obdetimparium obde human andde monkey can't tell. I say even be can't deciphunwhither de fact dat de monkey hab a tall behindhis fore-leg- s, was first made by de Great Creator oball things, before our great great grandfadderAdams. Den fellow citizens and wablnes in gene-

ral, lfde great Dr. Darwin got stuck on de pro-

blem about de man and de monkey, can you ex-

perience more astonishment dan any odder man,dat dis nigger gets diecomboberaled. Ramfuddledand ri&unixated from bis bar down to de finestpoint ob his heel in de great work ob making youtick beaded, waperjaned, specimens obde genushomouum-a- m as Cornelius Christopher ColumbusShakespear says, it can't be did. No, fellow mon-

keys, de t'ng Is just plaid out; den what comesnext ? Iu de second place, secondly, w've got to.apply de great big tellnmcnpum ob de 'great agri-

culturist of Old England, Sir Jonas, Wbalum Ross,who was educated by de great boltaricnm and bug-find-

Sir John Benjamin Franklum, who gotburnt up wld all bis folks at de nnr'f pule wid'a bigshe bar, elcveu pups aud oue at de breast, on thenight ob de grate conflagrashuin, ubicb burnt upall de land aronnd de big pole, and all de Exqui-inous- es

togeder wld all dc Icrburgums, and leftnuffiii but a d. Dai's am de question whostarted dat fire? I say, who started dat tire? an-

swer dat question, ye learned Hawaiians, and goup head, or stay wbar you is and die, and go toHaleakala. or any odder cold country you mind to.Drra's de srntimeutums ob dis darkey. ProfessorBuikledutn, Eequlre. from JJuckledutn. Hawaii nei,who goes up brad by blmsell.

We think Professor Buckle mLjlll repeat theabove lecture at tbe next performance of the troupeWith profit. ED. UAZETTE

Tlcrrj-muUiu- ,; ut Wuiuluu, Oalia.To tie Editor of the Baicaiiax Gazette t

Tbe dull monotony which pervades tbis place wasbroken on the 2Stn ulL by a farenell party bei, ggiven to Mr. Hoar, at th residence of Mr. RobertUalitead. At a little after nven o'clock daneinEcommenced, and was agreeably kept up until afterone, being pleasantly interspersed with nging, etc.At 11 o'clock, all were ushered into the spaciousdining room, where a table was literally loaded downwith every delicacy the Islands afford, and was doneample juilics to by tbe merry assemblage. Everyon twent hum .feeling highly pleased withtbe enjoyment of the evening, hearti'y thankingMr. and Mrs. flslttesd and their estimable familyfor their kind hospitality and untiring efforts inpleasing all. u. A. J.

Waialua, July 1, 1578.

Report ol tbe Hob. II. A. I. Carter.Xcuaxd, JC3E 25, 1S7S.

To Hts Ex. Hetbt A. Peirce.itinitter Fortign Affaire, Howdln.

Six, In response to your Excellency's request'for a brief relume of my late mission to Europe, Ibeg leave to report that I was received with courtesyand rerpect by the Governments of tier BritannicMajesty andf His Imperial and Roval Majesty theEmperor oi Germany and Kirg of Prussia, to wtumI presented the credentials with which I was en-

trusted by (lis Majesty tbe King,With tbe former Government it was hoped that I

should be enabled to conclude an arrangement ontbe basis of a Protocol, signed bere by Her 's

representative Majr Wodehonsej and HisMajesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs, whieb shouldhaimonixe some differences growing out of tbe inter-pretation of tbe n Treaty of 185) ;and further if it seemed practicable to enter into ascheme of East Indian immigration. I was instruct-ed to negotiate, if possible, a Convention with HerMajesty's Government denning the conditions ofsuch immigration from the East Indian possession ofHer Majesty th Queen of Great Britain and Em-

press of India,In regard to the first object, although I had tbe

valued assistance of Major Wodrh"Uie. it was foundupon discussing Ibe Protocol and Declarations basedtherevn, that even with tbe best desires on both sidesto attain tbe object by such means any Declarationwhieh could be accepted by the British Governmentin view of their relations with other countries couldnot be signed by myself without ezceediogtbe limitsof my instructions and infringing the constitutionalrights of tbe Legislative Assembly.

I had, however, the pleasure of receiving the aseurances of Lord Derby, Her Majesty's PrincipalSee etary of State for Foreign Affairs, that my expianations of tbe peculiar circumstances of tbe com-

mercial positiun of tbe Hawaiian Islands ,ed HerMajesty's Government, as an especial mark of friend-ship and good will, to propose a mode of settlement,which he submitted to me. This proposition involv-ed a modification of our tariff laws wbich could onlybe made with the sanction ol the Legislative Assem-bly, and I was obliged 10 point out that objection toit. Owing to these limitations on both sides, it be-

came obvious that we cuuld not meet the wishes oftbe British Government without Legislative action.

On tbe ttth of November 1 bad an interview withLord Derby, in wbich, after poiniing out some of thereasons which bad led tbe Uawaiian Government toadopt tbe interpretation of tbe Treaty of 1851, wbicbit holds aud explaining tbe coostttuiional and otherobjections to the proposed form of Declarations, Isuggested that so much of Article IV. of the Treatyofltl5l,as formed a subject of difference betweenthe two Governments be declared inoperative bymutual consent, thus saving as much as we could ofa Treaty, fur which I assured bis Lordship we had atraditional regard, and had never knowingly violated.

His Lordship expressed bimrelf satisfied with theintentions of the Hawaiian Government, saying thatHer Majes y's Government did not accuse the Ha-

waiian Government of any wilful neglect of itsTreaty obligations, and promising to give mysnggestions eareful consideration.

I subsequently had conferences with Lord Tenter-de- n

and other gentlemen of the Foreign Ofnce, intbe hope that some form of Declaration might bearrived at which would meet our mutual wishes, butwith tbe same result.

Lord Tenterden in a " private " note to myselfdated December 2Sth, ttited that my propositionsbad been carefully considered, but (bat Her Ma-

jesty's Government regretted that they could notentertain them as they were obliged to consider themnot only as regarded their relations with the Ha-

waiian Inlands, but ulso their bearing upon the rela-tions and engagements of Great Britain with otherforeign states. Lord Tenterden courteously assuredme that it was only on general grounds thereforethat tbey were unable to acc pt tbem. He againrepeated Lord Derby's assurances of the friendlyseulimeuu of Her Majesty's Government towardsHawaii, and that tbey lully accepted tbe statementsI had made in regard to the Reciprocity Treaty withthe United States, and staling that Her Majesty'sGovernment bad no wish that tbe friendly relationsnow subsisting between the two nations should beaffected by that treaty.

Lord Tenterueu further stated that, apart fromthe Treaty, there were two subjects with regard toHer Majecty's Government might have ground forcomplaint. First, tbe maintenance of the recentaugmentation of duties upon British goods ; andsecondly, tbe unnecessary denunciation of Articles V.and VI. i.rtbe Treaty of'1851.

With regard to the second matter, I pointed out toLord Tenterden that the withdrawal uf ibe notice oftermination of those articles could not be accom-plished, except by a mutual arrangement, withoutprejudging tbe notice as regarded Article IV., andthat I had already, on November 9tb proposed suchmutual actiun to Lord Derby withjut eliciting an?response. Tbis matter you inform me has beeo ar-

ranged upon tbe assurance of Maj ,r tVudebuafe thatit should not affect the notice regarding Article IV.

With regard to tbe first matter, it depends partial-ly upon tbe action of the Legislative Assemblywhether tbe tariff of 1876 shall be maintained or not.It was clearly byom! the scope of my powers tomake aoy promises regarding it.'

One of tbe bappy results uf my mission was theacceptance by tbe British Guvernmeot of our expla-nations regarding the Reciprocity Treaty with tbeUnited States, and tbe assurance of that Governmentof its desire that the operation of that Treaty shouldnot io any way affect our friendly relations

I am quite convinced that ti long as our legilla.lion and tbe execution of our laws shall continue tobe just and equitable towards that great power, theselneudlt relations can be maintained, and that leislutiun which can be shown to be for tbe best interestof this country will meet with no unfriendly inter-pretation

Through my mission, a clearer understanding hasbeeo arrived at with the British Government uponall poiutt, and it shows every disposition to respectour views, aud there bus been no diminution of thatfriendship and good will, wbich it was my constantdesire to promote. Lord Salisbury, at present HerMajey's Principal Secretary of State for ForeignAffairs, in a despatch as late as tbe 4th of May ofthe preaeut year, while expressing his regret at tbetermination of my mission, informs me that Her Ma-

jesty's Government fully share in my hope that tbetermination of any part of the Treaty of 1851 maynot in any way interfere with the rtlarious of friend-ship which now happily subsists between Great.Britain and the Hawaiian Islan-ls- .

This despatch closed my official intercourse withtbe Government of Her Britannio Majesty.

On my arrival in Berlin, 00 the 8th day of Januaryof the present year, I communicated with the Min-

ister of State fur Foreign Affairs, and was in duecourse of time received, as I advised the Depart-ment, by His Imperial and Koyal Majesty tbe Em-

peror of Germany and King of Prussia, by Her Im-

perial Maj'Sty the Empress, by their Imperial andKoyal Highnesses the Crown Prince and Princess,and all tbe members of the Royal Familyr afterwhicb my official intercourse with the Imperial Government began,

My negotiations with that Government were re-

tarded by its reluctances to mako a CommercialTreaty without providing for the fullest equality inrespect to import duties They, however, finallyacknowledged that tbe peculiar circumstances of ourposition justified them in so doing, and an articlewas frameJ by whicb it was agreed that the specialadvantages granted to tbe Government of the UnitedStates in consideration of equivalent advantagesshould not in any case be invoked in favor of Ger-

many.Certain considerations, which I have explained to

your Excellency, led me to desire that tbe articles ofa projected Treaty framed should not take the formof a definite Treaty until fully approved by Ills Ma-

jesty's Government, and, consequently, a Protocolwas framed, ol wbich they formed a part, providingfor a formal Treaty of wbich tbey should be tbebasts.

This Protocol was duly, signed by tbe GermanPlenipotentiaries and myself on the 23rd day of Aprillaat passed.

By command of His Majesty, I bad tbe honor oftendering to His Imperial and Koyal Majesty theGrand Cross of tbe Ilojal Order of Knmebameha I.,which he graciously received, and consented to allowHis Imperiaj and Royal Highness the Ciown Princeto receive tbe same I was thea informed by UtsExcellency the Minister of S'ate for Foreign Affairsthat it was Hi- - Imperial Majesty's inten ion to sendthe Grand Cross of the First Class of tbe RyalOrder nf the Red Eagle to His Majesty as a mark ofhis high regard and esteem.

To conclusion, I beg to give expression to mygrateful sense o tbe many courtesies which, as HisMajesty's Envoy, I received at the Courts ot St.James and Berliu, and ihe many kindly sentimentsuf regard and esteem which were expressed for theHawaiian Nation. I am deeply imbued with theconviction that by the judicious and dignified exer-cise of Qovernmeni, Hawaii may maintain an honor-ed place among the natioos of the world, whicbeball make it no sUght jhouor to beJtnown as anHawaiian subject.U ith s.entimoutsorhlgh consideration,

I am, your Excellency's bumble obed't serv't,' (Sign d) II CRT A. 1'. Cartes.


Polynesian EncampmentTHERE WILL BE A Sl'KCIAL

.MKfcmSG of this Eucampment, at OddTtilows Had, n athrlay evening, Jnly13tb, at 7:30 o'clock. fur the purpose of con.

fernngr lerrees. A seueral attendance of members re-quested. Vi&IUbsT Brethren Invtted. By order,

701 It J.S cillrUiRJ, Scribe.

Notice.Visa FOBBED COVXECTIOXS WITHHARailway Stock Manufacturers In KOEllllJ and ihe

Hailed fetates,"! am 'prepared to lay dowtf.'N arrow OuaeeRailways aod steam (railways from SIOO per mile andupwards not including r.rides. .r

7M Im CUAS. V. HOCSilAS, Gvll Engineer.




and water laid on. f.r Balls. Parties, Mi-e- tiu.7s, etc. Xnqalre at the Furniture Ware

rooms ot C ii Williams, M Fort street. et?.

FOREIGN NEWS.Bj the arrir&l of tba .Uamship ZeiUndU from

Sjdatj and Aacklaai, i?3 have telegraphic newa

down to the 24th a I to., which is to the effect thatRussia reiaies aoj further conceuiona than thorn?

heretofore made to England, and that Austria andEngland are io aeeord as to the line of policj to bepursued. There is really so definite information asto tbe proceedings of tbe Congress at Beilio, and we

will have to content ourselves till tbe arriral of thenews from the Coajt, which wilt bo doe on the 16th

init. Then it is to be hoped we will recelre some

definite intelligence of tbe doings of the Congreis.The following despatches come to us through theAuckland Evening Star of the 24tb of June last.

Loxdus. It is annnuueed that Russia refutes anjcoaccuiuns bevond tboe granted uuder the agreemeet witn England, arranged by tbe Marquis ot ballsbury aud Count Scbouvaluff.

Berlin. Auitria and England demand an imme-

diate duoonttouanee of the Ku.iac occupation ofBulgaria, end that after the oonelusiua ufTurititfb garrlstods shall occupy the Balkans.

Earl Beaconsfield maiatatus tbat the continuanceof tbe sitting uf tbe Cungrejs must be conditional onRussia's withdrawal of ber troops from Constantino-ple, whereupon the Ru.ian plenipotentiaries ap-pealed to tbe Cxar.

The Titnti tbis morning announces that Russia,England, and Austria have agreed regarding theboundaries of new Bulgaria.

The lolluwing artioJe from the Star gives the views

of the English people of the Colonies pretty fuily on

the war question, which we transfer to our columns,because there, is so much interest felt by our peopleon the impending negotiations at Berlin.

A special cable message from our London corres-pondent, which reached AucitUud shortly before twoo'clock this, moruing (June 24), auuouuocs tbat Rus-sia has declined to make further conceuioo at theCongress than those guaranteed uuder tbe agreementwith England. The despatch of a special courier tothe Cxar. and the unuaual military preparation audmovements in Auctru, confirm, and give broaderoutline to the statement. And altbuugh the conces-sions made to England under tbe ineuiorauJutasigned by tbe Marquis of Salisbury and Count SobuuvitlufT, so far as tbey are known, do not cutnprehendsuch a settlement as was expected from the virulentopponents of Bulgarian autonomy and tbe staunchupholders of O'.luman integrity, there is a retributivejustice about tbe consideration paid to Eugluh in-

terests in Aia and tbeStraits while Austrian acheinmg and shuffling is repaid by a contemptuous indiff-erence. The Austrian game had been repeated toooften and was too palpable to succeed. Count

hoped by playing off England agaiuit Russiato make good terms for Aurlria at a cbcup rate. Itwas openly bwasted in Austrian journals that Russiawould ha e to pay a high price for Austrian neu-

trality, contending, as the Vienna correspondent ofthe "Berne Bund" remarked, tbat "the bolder Eng-land's bearing, the more must Ruisia seek to pro-

pitiate Austria." There was, however, a very largesection of intelligent Austrian and German writerswho doubted whether England would blindly playinto Austria's handi. Tbe German pres, exceptingrecognized uffiicial journals, has on the whole, sincethe close of the war, been itrongly favourable to tbeEnglish open declarations against the Treaty of SanStefano, and opposed to the uncertain courie steeredby Austria. The "Allgewetne Zeituog," one of tbemost influential juurnals of Southern Germany, in alate issue, ventured a prediction respecting tbe issueof the diplomatic tournament, wbich has been re-markably fulfilled in the Anglo Russian agreement:

"Count Audrasty imagines thut Russia does nutsee through his manoeuvre of hecturing and blustering, but taking no further steps to compel cumplt-aisc-

lie wants a Congresa, he says, and then bewill make known his opinions. He is a mere actor,and imagine he is mistaken for a public man. Hewould have no particular objection to England's rescoing Europe all by herself, provided it cost Austrianothing and she were certain that the Iriend of herfriend would stand by her too.' And England alone?England will maintain her own ; she will do whather position as a maritime Puwer and her prettige inAsia demand of ber. She will not quietly loot onwhile Russia takes pesfession of Constantinople andthe Straits. Rather than tbis she will btay thereri.va.lr Chau.ll t u I, a. - u .. .. I IT I : . a. .aavtrvsif. uut nii use VtO VI UCICUil, ICUVIUg IUO I

others to their fate e. t" , their cunnig. If necessary, she will occupy (Jallipoli, and find firm footingon tbe shores of tbe Bospborus. sweep the Black Seaand nestle down iu Trebizond. Where Englandplants her foot, there she stands firm. Sbe comes,but sbe de nctgo away again. She will there havetime to consider Rutian pmpsitions at herense, toponder lung over them, and nay 'No until her udver-sitr- y

is checkmated. She inutt wait awhile for thewiir in Asia : if inevitable, .the will go at it with un-diminished ardor, while tbe Russian army, heldfat in Roumania, Bulgaria and Thrace, will meltsway and shrink into nothing just like the pperroub'e. Pufcsibly the green flag or the prophet maybe unfurled some day by Kugland in Asia. Ouethin.; we must not expect fnitn England that she isto go to war on behalf of Eur pe. In some sort shewill have to do battle for Euppe. but enly becausesome ol berinteieU are inseparable from Europeaninterests. But where thU community of interestsceases, England will defend none but English bloodand money uguinst Mongolian highwaymen. If sbenow provokes war, she knows why, and knows sbeis in tbe right; and if Rnssia concedes to her. and toher alone, all tbat she asks, noonecan feel aggrieved.And if Fogland, by ber language and ber war prep-arations, does really compel peace, no one can takemerit to himself for not having gone with her andhelped ber to screw peace out of Rjssia and stillEngland would have right on her side. She wouldhave been in imminent danger of war; aod only hewho ventures deserves t win."

The terms of settlement in tbe event of the Congressfailing, defined bv Earl Siilisbury md accepted byRussia, relates wholly to Enlaod'a interest lu Asiaand the Dardanelles Everything of consequence toAustria tbe closing of the Danube by tbe retrocession of Roumania, and the erection of a Slav nationality under Russian domination were left untouched.Sioce it became clear that England would simplylook after her own concerns, Austria has adopted amuch more decisive and pronounced attitude, and

telegrams represent her aswarmly with England in limiting thr results of tbewar ibe demand tbat Turkey shall occupy fort-resses on .the Balkan ranges, whieh lie in the heartof new Bulgaria is essential to tbe preservation of thermall slice of Turey left by tbe new partition.However reluctant Russia may be to grant this andother concessions tbat miy be demanded, if Austriaand England are resolute and united in pressingthem, there is very little doubt that the terms wil. beastenteo: to. And warned by tbe danger of beingdropped between two stools it is even possible thatAustria will for once act with firmness and sincerity.

There Is no other Important news from tho Colo


a. s. iiiim'.vi:ll,Oounsollor , Xj x XX7--


Office over Biskop & Co' Bank,701 Honolulu. ijr

Wanted,Bt a pittcricib a.d TiioRounn

M umiN'IST', holdlm; certlficate-- i of competencyfrum tbe American and Canadian Board of Inspectors,a situation as Knglneer and taking chargeMi.I Machinery. nyoae requiring the services of sucha persou will please address T. F. Gazette Office. Hono-lulu. ;04 Im

Tor Sale or Lease.

56 ACRES I.V IH'Il.EI. BtCK OF Prlaon,containing a Fish Pon'l. Tani Patch. Halt Pans,

Kula Land and Fishery. Also, several acres of land InFeieula, consisting of Taro Patches. Kula Lands andFishery. Apply to

703 J. H. COSEV, nonololu

For Sale or Lease.THOSE DESIRABLE PREMISESIn IIIlA fin nil uf If, until, ut nreasnl nr

ilL copied by L. Severance, Em. Thehou!two-sto- (12 rooaiij with bath bouse and aerranuquarteri. suble, etc., Terms liberal. Apply to

703 J. H. UONLT, Uonolulu.

A. P. EVERETT,Forwarding and Commission Merchant,

40S Front Street, Corner of Clay,SAN FRAXCISCO.

ar Particular attention paid to of IslandProduce. 7i)l ly

Notice .

A LL PERSOVS II 1TI.VQ C'LVIHS nsrainX3S the iiiderUmtfd vM plae present them, and all

Indebted will please setUa without further delay.FRIT. sCHULTZ.

VTallnkn, Man!. June g, 1878. 70. Im

NoticeIIEREBT OIVEX THAT THE SOB-scrl&- rsIS hare been duly appointed execatrlx and

the Will of Dunca McBryde, late of Wahl-aw- a.

In the Island of Kauai, deceased, testate, and havetaken upon themselves that trust by eivlasT bonds aa Ux

law directs ; all porsuns havngr demands npon th? estateof the said deceased are reqnired toexnlbti the aame;and all persons Indebted to the said tatate are calll nponto male payment.


JOHN N. WRIGHT, Koloa. KauaiJune 79th, 171. . 703 U


to aatas th Agents of Mwk. MIrleea,Tait CTauon, if , for the sale of their SogarMachinery of all dpacrlptioas, except Weston's PatentCrntnfagal Machines.

a. w. a cfahlaxe v Co.CM W. L. QKEEX.

licroiicne Oil.To VuElieoroftfie ITtticaiian Gatetlt:

Attention baring been called to the supposeddangerous character ol certain brands of kerosene:oil, wbicb bare recently beeu brought to this coun-

try, a committee was appointed by tbe Legislatureto examine into the matter and report to tbe As-

sembly, with a view to protect the public fromImposition.

As chairman of tbe committee, with the assist-

ance uf tbe Marshal, I c.used samples of severalbrands ol kerosene oil to be procured from retaildealers In Honolulu, wbich Dr. Huco Hla'tigetiwaldkindly consented lu analyze. Aud I append beretoaciipyofbis report, wbicb demands publication.Tbe Tabic wbicb be prepared, slalinir In detail tbereeult ol bis labors, is omitted, as tbe accompanyInz report will be sufficient to arouse neutral In-

terest on tbe subject.Dr. Stanigenweid deserves tbe thanks and com-

mendations of tbe wbule comrannlt) lurbls valua-ble services in these luvc.tlallous, whieb havebeen rendered at a sacrifice of much time andpersonal convenience, wuile burdened with theduties ofa respiisihle profession,

Respeetfully, William O. SMITH.

Honolulu, July 8th, 1ST8.W. C. Pabke, Esq ,

itarthaluf the Hawaiian ltlandt, dc.Dear Sib, Enclosed please ttud tbe Report of

theaurlttia ol different samples uf kerosene oil,wnicu 1 received ir.im yua, at tbe bauds ol CaptainFclilbchrof.be Honolulu Police.

Tbe result of tbis iurestlatlon Is somewhatstsrtlint;; for there is not nue specimen amongtbem all, tbat can be called eafe, excepting tbe onemarked No. 1., which nas derived, as you will per-ceive, from a different sourer, aud whicb is said tohave been imported directly trom the manufacturerin Boston.

A number of years ajo, when I examined speci-mens ol the kerosene oils luuud in onr market, thecase was very dltfereut, aud tbu results obtained attbat time were so sails aclory, tbat I came to tbeconclusion that uontt but tbe very best oils wereImported into these Islands by our merchants, andthat our couimuulty was comparatively safe fromexposure lo Ibus-- : tearful accideuts, of wbicb woread so frequently iu tbe newspapers from abroad.

But it seem, that with increasing demand lor thoarticle in question, cupidity has stepped iu to low-er the standard of qu illly lo such au alarming ex-

tent, that we are no longer eae. Aud in lookingover the list, containing specimens raarkid : "adangerous article," " uut a safe oil to use," " ablgblydauutruus specimen," &c, it appears strangetbat we bave nut bad many inure serious aecidents,and loss uf property to record, when such a class ofoil bas boeu III daily use hi tills community.

Some of Ibese, particularly IS". 3." aod No. 7.should be made harmles at once, and forbuuiauity'ssake Ibey should uot eveu be allowed to be ex-

ported again, to prevent their doing mischief Iuother places. Every effort should be made to as-

certain tbe source whence tbey were derived.Tbe specific gravity of all these samples bas

been curelully taken by tbe balance and propetlycorrected for temperature. No. 3. and No. ?., tbetwo most dangerous sampleson Ihe list show really agreater density (apparently) than tbe best specimenNo 1. But on crelul examination ol both samplesI regard tbem as a willful fraud, having been mixedon purpose to suit tbe requirements ol Ihe specificgravity apparatus, and being simply made up byadding a portiou of oils to the more vola-tile and dangerous Gasoline and NaptbJ, of whichtbey are largely composed.

As some of our merchants bave lately receivedoffers from California to supply Kerosene oils atlow prices for our market, stumped and marked vithANT manufacturer name they might choose to hateput upon the aame. it abowaua plainly tbedauttertonblcii wc are exposed, and that it will uo longeravail, to place confidence in tbe firm name, underwhich Ibe article may be sold. To preveut disasterin Ibe future ureal vigilance and care should be ex-

ercised, and all Idoubllul aud spuiious oils shouldbe prohibited from being imported into thin King-dom.

Hoping tbe above report will be found satisfac-tory, I bave tbe honor to remain,

Very respectlully yours,lluao Stanqeswalu, M. D.



M AOHIKTI S T,3io. 40 Fort Street,

wtil attend to all orders In tbe


He will give 8pctal attention to cleaning, repairingand regulating hewing Mae bine, and all other kind? ufLight Machinery aud Meul Work of every description.Ulucksuiltblittf, etc.

Also, on band and for sale cheap,

A Variety of Sewing Machines(inns, IMatolh, Stmt, Ammunition,

Machine Oil, Needles, &c , die., &c.ewtnfc Machine Tuckers R.ndf-rs- and all oth.r extra

and duplicate parts of machines supplied on snort notice.

af Best Machine Twlst.-W- l

Sole Agent in Ihil Kingdom forTbe Florence Sewing Machine, from fll) to fSO.White Sewinir Machine, from 45 to 75Home Shuttle.Scwl g Machine, from (IS to K.fi5r Including all extras. 704 ly


DILI 11, TOMSole Agents for the Islands, for the




HAVE NOW ON HANDAnd to arrive abortly,

2T5,000 FJEET


Wrought IronSteam Pipe!


flalvanizd Water PipeFrom U to 7 Inches In diameter : and are now pre-

pared to sell from the store or to arrive

In Quantities to suit Purchasers.

Carrying a Tjargs Stock on Consignment, shipped to nsdirect from the Works at Lowest Rates of Freight, we are

Prepared to fill orders promptly and at theLowest Possible Bates.



hitherto subsisting between ns, thenndera gned, trading In Uou-ildl- and Wallnka, underthe name or dm of T. Mossman & Son Is hereby

toy mutual consent The undersigned. T J. Moss,man will coniione tbe business iu bis own name, and heIs authorized to receive all monies dne to the late Arm.

Dated this 18th day of January, 1S78THOMAS

W tf T. J. M03MJAS.

Flonr. Flour.GOI.DEX fiTE EXTRS. P4HILY aSDExtra, in ! and X sacks,

Oatmeal, la lo lb bars:Wheat Meal, In .0 lb bags.Corn Heal, In 10 lb bags,E&perfioe Floor, In 3( sacks,

Recarlved per Murray, and for sale byIons SSth, ins. iTQ2; B JLLE3 fe Co.

Nicely Furnished RoomsTO I.ET IX A CENTRAL PAST OF THEIt city. Apply at the warerooms of63i C K. WILLIAMS, Fort street

Notice.IWTT.I. SOT BE RESPOXSIM.E FOB ASTcontracted la my name vrlthoat my writtenorder from this date.

Walohlno, Hawaii, May S. 1171.C. USVfElKE.ecss



IRON PIPES.Ex Hertfordshire, are now offered

Lower than ever before in this MarKet.GALVANIZED SHEET IRON'.



PENCE WIRE!A few tons to arrive per Dorenby from Liverpool.

jCzl Stools. I



We take pleasure la annoandng to our frlenda and thepublic ceneralljr tbat we baT

Received per "Mystic Bell,"Datbfn from New Tork about ifay 1st,

A Lnrse Aaaortuueut of

PLOWS,Horse Hoes,

Cultivators,Planters' fLainf a") TJoes, Shovels,

Spades, Oa's, Scythes, Foras, Axes,Uatchets. Iter. MattocVi, Grub noes.

Broad Axes, WhliSe-Tree- s,

Ox Bows, Ox Yokes,Canal Barrowa, Pics: Axes,

Solid Shank aoose-nrci- c noes.Rakes, etc, etc., etc., etc.

All of vrlileti mill be o He red nt"NIMBLE SIX -- PENCE" PRICES 1

NOTT & CO.,earPractlcal Copper Smltha, Tin, Sheet Ironana Lead Workers.



GEORGE F. 'WELLS,No. 66 Fort Street,

Importer and General AgentTOR Tilt: CELEBRATED

Weber Piano,Decker Bros' Piano,

Esty & Mason & Hamlin OrgansA.1D SEVERAL OF THE

Best German and French Pianos!He would respect! utlv call your attention to hla New

Stock of





Inst received by Steamer, Sir Call and see the splendid

Mannsfeldi & Notni Piano !

Just Received. If you wish anything In the Music UnaI cau furnish It for you

S3 Cheaper than yon can net the aameelsevahere t 1

y. n I keep nothing but first-clas-s goods, andguarantee aaUsficUon. If you want a cheap,

Piano, you v ill not find It at my Music Store.



The Greatest Invention of the Age

A child can run It I

A blind person can thread UtA poor man can afford It !

A good housekeeper wants It I

A dressmaker will have It I--

' A tailor can swear by 111

If you wish to know more about It, call at the MUSICSTORE, or enquire of those who are using them.



jut cm SKirs a STiTcn i

This Is tbe only machine with

SeirThreatlliig Shuttle t

.Self Ileiriilntliis? Tension I

And Sell Setting Xeedle !

Is the Lightest Running, and la In avery respect

Sir THE "64

Best Family Sewing Machine !

PRICESFrom $18 to $1001

Send for Catalogue aud Price List. Orders by mallpromptly attended to.

I am nlso A cent for the

Miles' Double. Lock Money Drawer i

And the World.Renonned

Fairbanks' Scales.GEORGE F. WELLS,

CO FORT STBEET.Honolulu. Mar H, 1S7I. C9 ly

Notice to Sugar Planters!The New American Sewing Machine

Is provided with ao'bverseamlng Attachment


Call and examine. O. F. WELLS,tn ly: No. M Fort street.

Notice.a fish. DITIDE.-V- OP 3 PETt CEMT.

f will ba nald to the creditors of the etuf of L.TUpal & Co.. oa the 1st day of July. IMS. at their olSca,In llilo, Hawaii. BITt'tlCncE' t BRO.,

701 It Assignees estate of L. HapaL

Hotice.lYOTJXF) HEREBTTnE'tTXIJERSiaXEBthat Hills will be Collected

Monthly, Instead of quarterly, aa heretofore.195 lm HOLLISTER ct CO.

To Let.TnE DRY AXD COMMODIOUS Cellarnnder tbe store of 'ess wnrrxET eobiSrtso:'.

Pratt's and Devoe's Kerosene Oil.neB SAXE BT


Stockholm Tar.TX BARRELS.M. tat. For sal by HOLIES ft CO.

Small Chains.I IX tVAXTaTlUt TO SUIT, SlzeuS-ie- ,I A 7'iaanaI ata. ' Vn...l.K BOIXW Cc



By E, P. AHAM8- -



At IO A. 31.. at Salesroom,

An Assortment of CJlothing,

Dry Goods,Fancy Goods,

And it Fine Aaaortmeut or


3000 No. 1 Manila Cigars, i

6 Saddles, &t, ke.9E. 1. ADAMS. Xuct'T.

- 4


i? ifOn Saturday, - July 1 3v 1

iat 10 o'clock: a. m... at. the -- I

Retidtnu of HanorabU Henry A. Peircr,JCDD STREET,

will be told, on account of tisBartura, tie y

Entire Household Furniture!Consisting In part aiJbuowa:

XARBU TOP CEXTBE TABLE,Handsome Cloth Top Card Table,Blact Walnnt Cant Veal Sofa, L AOval Drratcfast Table. BlacE Walnnt Dining Chairs,Two Black Walnnt Chamber Sata, complata, t pes. each.Hair Maitrasses Feather Pillows,Clothes Tlasket, Toilet Sets, Large Carpet Rags,One Black Walnut gla-.-v door Wardrobe,One Blacs; Walnut If ft Pillar Extension Tabts. , ,J tTine Plated Ware, Table and Tea Spna, Knives l6For-- ',

One Fine Cnt Glass Dinner Merries,One Mulberry-patter- Dinner Set,One Breakfast and Tea Sat,Damask Table, Cloth and Sspklns. Pillow Cases Quills,

One New Union Cook Stove, completeOAlTinlxed Tub. CndJ slides, 8nce-pos- ,

Hydros title Lamp, Brotise Stand Lamp,

Tubular Side Lanterns!Door Mats, Wheelbarrow,2,900 lbs Stove Coal, Ice Chast, OU Can, etc, etc


One Buggy, One " New Harnpss)One Carriage Uerse.One Ladies' Saddle and Bridle;One Gentleman's Saddles

OB-T-he nbove anlei of Fnriillure wIU.com-mnn- tlntteutlon, ns tbe rurutliire 1 nil uew

n I thin the laat three tuontha, ud la In perfect order.

E. P. ADIM. Auctioneers





at.t. iDiasonTriPTiOTNrs


PARTIES IN HONOLULUOr other parts of tha I!Qds,


Orders Filled at Lowest Ratesi,a

By application to Mr. E. P AD IMS, Queea Slrtst, whobaa our Descriptive Catalogue with, Prices.

At Store or L W. Hopp, King stf, ."-Blac-

Walnut Bedroom Sets,Black Walnut Sideboards,

Black Walnut Dimnc Chain, )

Oak Cane Seat Oinina; Chairf.Cedar Bedroom Sets,

i'ine Bureaus, etc., etc.L P. ADMHS, AGENT FOR HAWAIIAN '.SURDS..

mim -- is. f

THE CARGOOr tbe Flue British



FOR SAL E !By the undersigned, consisting of


ENGLISH DRY GOODS !' ' .:&- - .., asi ,

Prints, Denims, Shirtings, J f 'j fCmbreBai. Sl! sod Cotton, ' tllfip

Baddies. Qonta, Ladles' Hats,Moleskins, Towtls, Long Cloths,

Clothing, Shirts,Scarves, site., etc.

East kiiia Rice, Iron Bedsteads,Vrnlte tad, 23ec, Boa4 OH, - T - f?

French. Calfitaru, Leather Btltiag;: M

OILMEN'S STORES!CDrrsgated Iron, Bar Iron,

JeDdcg-W!re- t Hotloware,Hardware, Galvaaixedwart, etc.


THEO. H. DAVIMiR. , Fxii; Sale.

mmUf 3 ''CAB OP TAME HTEEBg. BaitF11 able for thai yoke. , olOatm J. &. PABIS, Jr., Eaawaloa.Janet. 1ST. :oo Ira

Bread- - Braal., , .

SALBQX PILOT. IX CASK,! 'Pilot, Medlam, and Prirtin.

A inn assortment In small boxes, for sale byJaoeJilh, lKJ (702) BOLUS t Co.

Hamia lard dca;


Jan Stu. HTS. B0LLE3 t Co.

OniMs .a&dIbtetifi3feR BAEE BT


30 Bilw Califersia Ha?ftECElVEB rEXBWCajTEKT. ASB FtMtIV, Salebr SOLUM) att"-- 7teiet,l.


Page 4: THERYAliM,&AZETTE I HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...complaints are heard of Intense heat beneath the class roof of the Champs de Mars Palace. II I i ' TsbaccoieaTCl ale fatal to cowl, as a Eentnrkj



BfKri ......... TBE......... I

kHi r rn



& J

; i


II i

" . I





I! 1


tf K






RELIEF AND CURE OF C0NST1PRTI0N!And in lttendant Maladies, sneh as

Hemorrhoids, Cerebral, Congestion, Headache, &c.

Prepared y E-- Grilion, Pharmacien de Iere Ciasse, 27 Rue Je Ilambnteau, Paris, nd FOR SALE BY

A.McWAYNE, Honolulu Drug Store,to sm Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets.


IsliS&Stf!!I' If lk


TBiSjnifi1 LJiWffff'




2&iSfc THEY


By almost every arrival !


WIRE. WIRE. WIRE.Efst Annealed and Oiled Fencing Wire, Kos. 4, 5 and 6,

Pence Wire Staples, Galvanized Iron Tubs and Paili, Saucepans, Teakettles, '

White Lead, Whito Zinc, Roiled and Raw Linseed Oil,Full atiorted colon of Paint !n Oil, Carriage and Furniture Tarnishes.

Averill's Chemical Paint, White and Assorted Colors, Mixed ready for Use.BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS.

100 Cases Downer's Genuine Kerosene Oil, Jnst Received from Boston.IDS Colls Manila Cordage, i, J, J, 1, 1, 1, and 1 J inch,

Eest Double Beolc Anvils, Blacksmith's Solid Boxofg Drills, Ratchet Drills,


. PlOWS. PXiOWSWe have a few more of those Celebrated Breuking-u- p Plows,


IMPROVED STEEL PARIS PLOW.ONE OP OUR CUSTOMERS (an Old Plowman) BAYS : Without exception your Improved Steel

Paris Plow is the BEST PLOW I ever handled " Another Customer says : " It is light, scowers well, andworks well In every rcpect, and I could not be better satisfied " It is evident from the orders we have hadfor the "IMPROVED STEEL PARIS PLOW." since we placed it in the market, that it is an Imple-ment of NO ORDINARY MERIT. WeTiave a good supply of


IEON PLOWS, from $6 to $22.50 each.Harrows, Cultivators. Horse Hoes, Wheel and Canal Barrows,

Ox Yokes, of Foreign and Domestio manufacture ; Hames, Mule and Horse Collars,Ox Chains, 5 and J inch, made of the best short link tested topsail chain.

Trace and Back Chains, Double and Single WhiQe-trees- ,

' Planters' Hoes, English and American; Solid Socket Garden noes.Ax Mattocks, Pick Mattocks, Pick Axes, Grub Hoes, OO's,

Shovels, Spades, Forks, Wood, Iron and Steel Rales,


33 TJ I II. I 3E3 DR. S ' EC A. DR. X TV .A. It DE ,


A good stock of Shelf Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Pocket and Table Cutlery,Silver-plate- d Hollow-war- Silver-plate- d Flat-war- viz : Table Knives. Forks, Spoons, etc.

I !


A Splendid Addition to our

iillfII ifNEW GOODS!



be at a figureVises, Bench or Parallel Vises,Et?cts Dies. Portable Forges,Bellows, Horte Shoes, Horse Nails.

JSTcw "STorlx.,

Present Large Stock of Goods !

111 iiililf .


THE- -


Ordered to suit the present requirements of our market, and" Bought at "Hard Pan" Prices for "Spot Cash."

200 Cases of Devoe's Genuine Kerosene, Card Matches, a line of Staple Hardware,

Will he told low the lowest at the " Concrete Block," byDILLINGHAM Sl CO.



fencing Wire, Galvanized and Annealed, Kos. 5 and 6.

Cast Steel, $, f, l, and H inch, Octagon and Square,Hoop Iron, $, , 1, and i inch- -

English Belting, 8 and 4 in.Fence Wire Staples, Spear and Jackson Files,

Saucepans, Tea Kettles, Galvanized Tubs, Galvauized Buckets,L . Hubbuck's 33. L. Oil, White Lead, Red Lead,

White Zinc, Sardines, A and h ; Currie, Mustard,f Of Cream Tartar, Carb. Soda, Jamaica Ginger.

IM' GAL LIKffifl II U W. &., 1 & 8 FIST,'

-- BY- 6

will sold low


and full

as as

BJCartlia Xavis" from Boston.A FEW THE CELEBRATED


f "rt7ilX Too Sold Choao!AXSO.

One Pair of Weston's Patent Hanging Centrifugals, complete,WITH IB05 FBAME A5B 3IIXEKI

Blake's Steam Pumps, Nos. 1.2.3,43 5 and 6.S3-- AJfD TO ABBIVE --sat






--Can Furnlsn the Singer fa Family Sewing Machine! , ,

Equal to any other Double Thread Mutuns, for $50.Singer Tailor Manufacturing Machine, for $55 1

As proof oftha Superiority of the SINGER MACHINES, their tales number MORE than all the ra

la the world, pat together. Also, on hand. -

The Wilcox & Gitfos' Automatic Machine. tThe euUlt ransisg, simplest and only noiseless Msxhlat, the Ladies' favorite, for 50. !m 793






An Affair of 'Honor" Thut Contin-ued nt IntcrrnlH for FourlceuYear.

The French aro eminently a duelling people,and 1 bare lately heard of many carious encoun

ters. Ferbap3 the mim reamrlciiDle aaei on rec-

ord is that related of M. Fournier, a captain of

Hussars at Strasburg, In the latter part of ibe

last century.This Captain Fournier was accustomed to

wantonly provoke a quarrel with any one whom

be might chance to meet in order to gratify bisextraordinary thirst for hluod. which renderedbim ukm to the tiger species. Upon one occa-

sion he bad insulted, fought and killed a yoangman by tbe name ol Blumm, wbo was a greatfavorite with the good citizens of Strasbure, andbis cad and cruel death, resulting from a quarrelso utterly uuprovoked on bis part, exasperatedtbem to tbe highest degree.

Tbe military comininderof tbe place had sometime previously announced a ball, which happened to fall npon tbe night of the burial of theunfortunate Blumm. He knowing tbe state ofexcitement into which tbe bourgco'ise bad workedthemselves over this legalized murder of one ofthe(r class, and fearing tbe consequences whichmight eneue should they meet Cupt. Fournier attbe entertainment, directed one of bis officers bythe name of Duponl to post himself at the en-

trance In tbe ball and prevent tbe admittanceof the doughty duelist. Tbe command was adangerous one to fulbll. neteribeless it wascheerfully undertaken by tbe brave Dupont, whowas himself no mean swordsman, and bad longdesired an opportunity to meet and punish thismuch-feare- d bravo.

To due time Fournier presented himself at thedoor, woere Dupont received bim with the quietremark that by bis General's orders he could notpermit bim to pass. Fournier twirling bis mous- -tacbios and glaring ferociously at the impertur-bable Dupont, exclaimed : "A e'estcal I can-

not Sgbt tbe General fur bis rauk ; you will,perbups, have no objection ? you, who commitimpertinences at second-han- 1"

Tbe challenge was accepted, and, tbe combat-ants meeting a few days after, Dupont succeededin inflicting a severe wouud upon bis nntagon ut ,

but in the act of falling, Fournier called out fora second trial. It was granted, and as soon asho bad sufficiently recovered tbey met again.This time Dupont was wounded Being eurugedat the rough and vicious manner in which hisopponent had thrust bim. Dupont claimed an-

other meeting, to which, of course, the victorreadily assented.

The latter likewise desired that tbe contestsbould be decided by pistols, feeling certain olsuccess with this weapon, as be was known tobe a dead shot, and frequently amused hims-el-

by knocking the pipes out of tbe mouths of tbesoldiers with a bullet. Dupont. however, wastoo wise to grant him this advantage, and tbeswords were still preserved. The third contestresulted in a mutual wound, a duel contentionwas drawn up between them, which is still in ex-

istence and runs in this wise.1. As often as MM. Dupont and Fournier 6nd

themselves within thirty leagues of each other,they shall meet halfway between fur a duel withswords.

2 If either of tbe combatants Gods himselfrestrained by tbe exigencies of the service, theother shall make tbe entire journey in order toeffect a meeting.

3. No excuse, except such as may grow out ofthe exigencies of tbe service, shall be admissible.

This singular compact was executed iu goodfaith, and many curious meetings, strangelybrought about, were the result. .One writes tothe olber upon a certain occasion :

'I am invited to breaklast with a party of ofEcers at Augsburc, and, bearing that you u're intie" neighborhood, would be obliged by your af-

fording me the opportunity for auulher awordthrust. Truly yours, &c."

Again a letter runs in this strain :'Moif Ami I will be passing through Stras-

burg on tbe 3d instant. We will fight."In the course of years one or the oiber would

be promoted ; this destroyed tbe equality of mnkbetween tbem, and according to French eti-quette no duel could take place. As soon, lion-ev-

as tbe advancement of tbe inferior restoredthe balance of rank, tbe contest was renewed inaccordance with tbe terms of tbe contract. Tbeduel appeared likely to last for many, manyyears, as both were experienced swordsmen andadhered rigidly to tbe ruling that nothrusl ebouldbe made alter blood bad been drawn. It is re-

lated that they once met very unexpectedly in aSwiss chalet The fact of its being night timedid Dot prevent their proceeding immediately totheir bloody work. Between the sword thruststbey carried on tbe following conversation ;

"Parbleu ! I thought you were in tbe inte-rior."

"No, I am ordered here.""Bon I We shall ba near by. Are yon lately

arrived ?""This instant.""Very'good to think of me." " ,'flAs'be'utlervd tbe last'words Dupont's'sword-graze-

Fournifer's neck, drawiog blood, and thefight was over fur a while.

Thus continued tbe feud for over 14 longyears, when Dupont was about to unite' himselfin' marriage to a fair demoiiellerwbo, however,made it a condition of their nniou that tbe duel-ist- ic

engagement sbould be positively closedbefore their nuptials. Tbereupon Dupont soughtan interview with his enemy, and agreed to fi-

nally settle tbe dispute with pistols. In order,though, to obviate the great advantage whichFourmer'a skill as a marksman afforded bim.Dupont proposed the following.

"A fneud of .mine has a pleasant copse, sur-rounded by a high nail ; there are two entrances,one to tbe norm, tbe other to the soutb. Letus each enter by u separate gate, pistoi In hand,and seek an opportunity to fire."

As it was proposed was it done. Upon theappointed day each .repaired to the rendezvous;in a few minutes they espied each other, andeach darted quickly behind a tree. About fiveminutes of breathless suspense ensued, when Du-pont closely thrust forth an arm.

A bullet whizzed by, near enough to take tbebark off the tree behind which he was sheltered.A moment later Duponl's hat ventured beyondthe friendly barricade. Fournier's second bulletpierced its crown, but tbe bead which bad plan-ned tbe ruse remained uninjured. Dupont nowstepped boldly and triumphantly from bis con-cealment, while Bis antagonist, throwing downbis now nseless pistol, advanced coolly and un-

dauntedly toward him, prepared to meet tbe fatewhich be bad dealt out to so many others.

Dupont aimed deliberately at bis heart, stop-ped nnd Baid : "I have your life in my band f Igive it to yon on condition tbat if ever you seeka quarrel with me again I shall have the benefitof two balls before you fire."

The "terms' were accepted and thejou'rteenyears oi auei were enaed.

A. Jap Paper.Japan has a number of flourishing daily

papers. Tbe most flourishing of these is tbeDaily News, published in Tukio. Tbe DailyNews as translated is " Nicbi Nicbi Shinbun."Tbe paper pays a thirty-seve- n per cent, dividendannually on a capital of $50 000. Besides itseditor, Mr. G. Fakncbi, the paper employs sixeditorial writers and eignt reporters and localcorrespondents throughout the country ; thereare twenty three hands In tbe composing room,including a foreman and two proof-reader- s ; tbebusines office and press and mailing rooms y

some forty men, and there are forty fivecarriers. The average daily circulation is 8 700.Including tbo job presses, there are elevenpresses employed, one a Hoe cylinder nresr,which, by the way, is operaed by hand, 'laborbeing cheaper at a motive power than steam.

. Emer or taj Exaumos. The .Paris Charivarihas a sketch of a prisoner appearing before tbe Cor-rectional Conrt. "PreslJent," sajiihe convictedman, 'you first only said you would give me threemonths, asd now yon make it siv " The tnajrii-trat-e

gravely replies : " Toa ongbt to know, pris-oner, that every thing is docbled in Exhibition time."


jV,m,J 2

mitimfm ffi5i2t5IAilSSal)l7lihe b""kiv,eCT'?'i!2 1 few""

Tlioiuu Aldihon, tlie luTeator of thePhonograph.

la a lecture on tbe phonograph, in Philadel-

phia, Dr. Clelland, of Chicago, gave a brief sketchof tbe career of its inventor, Thomas Edison.The interest attaching to Edison's career prop-

erly begins with his experience as a telegraphoperator, a pursuit which be learned in Canada.He obtained a position as operator in a railroadoffice in one of the email towns in the Dominion.One night tbe agent at the station was absentand a train was standing on tbe track. EdisontelecraDhed for orders as to what to do with thistrain, and received a reply "to hold it." Beforethe reply bad been received, however, he badallowed the train to depart, and, as a result, twotrains were inotmtr in different directions on a

single track at the same lime. Fortunately, tbeengineers, as the trains were coming together,tuff the danger in time to avert the catastrophe,and thus saved the passengers the necessity olbeing parties to the unpleasant and invariablyunsuccessful experiment of two trains trying topass each other on tbe same track at tbe samelime. Bat it was a serious matter for Edison.How serious be didn't wait to see. but without theformality of tendering his resignation ne startedfor ibe slates swiltly. Another incident thespeaker related, sbon log how Edison perfectedbis first invention. It was tbe custom to signalibe number C and the number of the office toheadquarters every half hour in order to showthat the operator was on tbe alert. Edison con-

trived a machine wbicb performed this serviceautomatically, and enjoyed his nap undisturbed.I ben be made and sold a number of his ingeniouslittle machines lo olber operators, until finallybe was discovered and dismissed. After speaking of Edison's commonplace experiences, thespeaker went on lo tell of ms visa to .Memphis,where bis inventive faculties led him to makingsuch alterations in tbe instruments tbat it wusdeemed desirable to dispense with bis services.He was dispensed with accordingly. After en-

during tbe usual vicissitudes which a telegraphoperator out of work usually experiences, he ar-

rived in Indianapolis. Just at the lime be gotto the railroad city a strike was iu progress, andmen were in demaud. He went into un oGce.i'ress dispatches were coming in. There wasnobody who could take tbem. Edison sal downnnd next morning every paper bad its regularquaulily of Associated Press news to the disgustof the sinkers. Tbat gave Edison a start, andso pleased tbe superintendent that the next dayhe was promoted from a position worth sixty loone worth $1.10 per month. Why Edison leftthai place tbe lecturer did not even explain, butbis next experience was In Boston. He wasanything but a neat looking specimen, and wbenbe applied at an office lur work his agriculturalappearance excited no small degree of merri-ment. He stood tlii-- " like a hero. Tbey tried ajoke on bim. "Sit down and lake tbis dispatch,"said ibu superintendent. One ol tbe fastestoperators on tbo line was at the other end of thewire, and the words were, coming thick and fast.But Edison did it. He had another permanentposition. Next bd appears in New York, andhere he invents the golu and stock or well kuown"tupelioe" telegraph. That made bis name andfame and fortune. He has over 112 patents now,a number of applications for more in, and nobodyknows where he intends 10 stop, 'thirty-on- e

years of age, a master of English, French, Ger-

man, and understanding u little Italian, a dutifulson. tbe inventor oftbe duplex repeater, the tel-

egraphic register, the telephone, the phonograph,and the aerophone, he is a sort of a scientificAdmirable Cruhton, His place down in Jerseyis a woodeiful concern, filled will) inventionscomplete nnd incomplete wheels, guys, pulleys,the thousand nnd one mysterious appliances withwhich this genius Bnrrounds himself.

CouYcrmitioiiw for the Times.First Traveller : I say, old fellow, I should

like to see Cleopatra's N'eedle. We've beennearly all around the world ; let's wind up withtbat.

Second Traveller : Ab, yes, it's in Egypt, ain'tit ? Come on, we'll go.

Third Traveller : I'll comn with you. I oftenthought when a boy I should like to see it.

They go.Second Traveller : Holloh, this is Eg)pt, and

here's tbe place where the Needle used to be;but it ain't there I

Kgyptian : Cleopatra's Needle ? Oh, no, it'sgone lo England months ago. You'll find it atWestminster.

First Traveller : Ab, we've been travellingabi ut and didn't know. Never mind, let's go toItaly and see tbe Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Second Traveller: Come on, then, and see it.They go.

Third Traveller : Well, it's cost us a lot ofmoney to get to Italy, bat here we are. Why,where'e tbe Tower?

Italiun : Tower of Pisa, gentlemen. Ob. yes.some one has bought it and sent it to England.You'll find it opposite the Brewery in Totten-ham Court-road- .

First Traveller: Oh, blow this. Here, let'sgo and see the field of Waterloo.

Second Traveller : Well, it's a long way, andwe've been travelling very quick, but here weore over tbe Belgian frontier. Now we are inBrussels. Here is the field ol . Uullob, Isay. peasant, tbis ain't tbe field of Waterloo?

Peasant : Oh, no, air. Tms is wher it nsedto be. An English gentleman purchased it somemonths ago. It's laid out at tbe back of the Al-

exandra Palace now. I'm sorry it's gone, for itbrought ns such lots of visitors.

Third Traveller : Well, Ibis is a nuisance.Never mind, we'll go to Rome and Paris and seetbe sights. Come on. I'bey go.

First Traveller : Well, here we are in Rume.Now, where is tbe Vatican?

Roman : 'I ho "Vatican has been sent to Lon-don, signor. Mr. Whalley bought it. You willfiud it on Hackney Downs.

Second Traveller; Ob, thanks. And thePope ?

.Roman : He resides at Brompton now, signor.First Traveller : Ab, we'd better get to Paris

I think. I'hey go.Second Traveller : This don't look like Paris

)o me. Where's the gilded dome of the Inva-lide- s


' Parisian : Removed to the Eagnigge We!l3Road.

First Traveller: Ob, itnd the Vendome Col-

umn ?

Parisian : pn the nolborn "Viaduct, monsieur.Third Traveller : Well, then, where, the dick-

ens is Marshal MacMahon?Parisian : Oh, Monsieur, the French people

have sold bim very cheap to Madame Tussaud'sfor Jhe Chamber of Horrors.

All Travellers : Come on. We'd better go toEngland and wait till tbe other sights of theworld come over. It won't be any 'good travel-ling after this. .

First Traveller ; Perhaps Stanley's broughtthe Nile over. Come on.

Anecdote of Horace Greeley During:Office Hourn.

A certain young lady, eays sn old attache ofthe New York Tribune, away up in tbe iu te-

nor of New York State, had written a numberof tellers to the Weekly Tribune on topicsmostly rural. These communications were rath-

er fresh and entertaining, and were all printed,although I very much doubt if Mr. Qreeley badseen any of them personally. One day thisyoaog lady, accompanied by her fatber, was inthe city, when it occurred to ber lo gu and havea chat with the gieat philosopher. He gaveorders to admit the couple, and tbey wereshown np. The old gentleman was very busytbat aflernooo, and as they sat and talked, withno apparent intention of going before daik, bebegun lo fret. After staying some time longer,conversation npon subjects that were far from en-

tertaining to him. tbe Granger, in blissfull ignor-ance of tbe fact that tbe editor's time was valu-

able, laughed out in this strain : " Mr. (Jreeley,my daughter, here, has written several articlesfor your paper, which have been accepted andpublished ; by which fact I suppose they containsome merit. A doubtful grant from Mr. Gree-ley, end a modest blush on the yooog girl'acheek. Now, as she never received any remun-eration in any way or other for her labor, don'tyou think it would be the fair thing fur you tomake herpreseot of a year's subscription for theWeekly?"

Mr. Greeley who, between bis half finishededitorial, his desire to catch tbe 5:40 train, andhis exasperation at being detained so long, wasalmost wild, gave a sarcastic little laugh andreplied :

"Yes. Ill giTe her a subscription for tea

years if she'll promise bot to write' auy moreletters.

The Granger and his daughter left at onceand the editor was soon lost in his writing,utterly oblivious of the fact that a furious r

was down stairs ordering his paper stop-ped.

Tbo ntusbandsi's Ceramics.Some women are loth to credit tnelr husbands

with good intentions, or to give tbem tbe creditdue their genius and enterprise. Such a womanlires hard by. She was fairly crazy about cera-mics, but in the midst ol her pottery decorationsslm was summoned to New England to see asick relative. Her husband, good soul, decidedto ceramic tbat bouse to tbe most complete extent during her absence, and be invested moneyenough in transfer pictures to have bought biswinter's coal. He pasted old Roman beads onthe newal posts, bordered ibe edges oftbe stairs,bad n paper monkey climbing up each leg of theextenlion table, pasted an alligator on each panelof every door, had sailors tumbling over eacbother on tbe water pitcher, ran a border along thebiseboard oftbe parlor, pasted the teapot withred roses, bordered all ibe mirrors with leandugs running after fat rabnits, and gummed thehead of a trotting horse on the back of everychair. Tbe panels, in tho bedsteads blossomedwith giraffes reaching out fur weeping willows,and serpents trained around the legs of the pianoshot mad glances at small mules with their heelsIn the air.

Some men wonld have stopped here, andwaited to oe patted on tbe back, and encouragedlo go ahead. This man waiting only long nnoughto lay in a new supply of pictures and to makesome paste. He whacked a dozen giraffes onthe two or ihreit of which seemed intent oo going np the spout, fastened an elephantto tbe handle of the spider, and made the stoveboiler fairly bowl with its burden of camelsmarching up and down with their backs althumped up. When every door knob had beenornamented with Ibe phiz or Queen Elizabeth,and the familv camphor bottle bad been madeibe ground-wor- k for a Spanish bull fiht thenthe husband threw tbe shears, lour knives,two spoons and bis paste pail over the alleyfence, and waited for bis wire's return.

She arrived tbe olber day. He sent her bornein a carriage from tbe depot, and waited an houror so before following her. Wben be thoughtshe bad time to thoroughly inyect his work, bewent homa. Several boys were playing on tbewalk, and as tbe husband was unlocking tbedoor, tbey saw a woman's band suddenly reachout seize his collar, uad haul in oo him, and ashis heels twinkled in the air a voice filled withemotion called out :

' I'll past rhinoceroses on yon till you can'twink!"

They are in a scrape in that house Ihey arescraping ceramics into oblivion, and engaged ina lively discussion.

A&atifuctory Iteaston.Some time ago the Corporation of Ayr had

acquired some old property, upon which tbey re-

solved to erect new buildings. A bust of Bruceand Wallace toruied tbe springing of tbe archto the main entrance, while the bust of JohnKnox formed tbe key. The sculptor bid giventhe finishing touches to the beard of tbe refor-

mer, wben one of the Bailies passed op thestreet, and remarked thai be thought lhal tbebeard of Knox bung too much to ibe one side."Dear me, Bailie," said the sculptor. ''div you nosee tbe win's blawin doun the street?" "Oh,so it is," replied the Bailie, a new light breakingin upon bim; 'I was shure there was somethingo't ;" and he walked away quite satisfied withthe answer.

Catechising; her Ministkr There wss awoman in a congregation wbo was a bit of acharacter, and she came to call for her minister,as his uncle told him. She paid " You werepreachin' o' Heaven on Sabbath. I canna :ay Iwas salisbed wr you ; you ilidna explain clearenough some difficulties about Heaven." " Whatwas it ?" said he. Well," rejuined she, " oneof my difficulties is that theie are beasts inHeaven. I read in the Revelation ofbeasts." Said the minister ' Oh, but tbe trans-lation is at fault there ; in the origonal it meansliving creatnres." " Well," rejoined she, buthere's another difficultyyouwill not gel so soonover. Peter faw a great sheet let down fromHeaven with four corners, und there were wildbeasts and creeping things and fowls of tbe air."His uncle said "Oh, tbat was only a visioo."1 Vision here or vision there, they a' gaed upagain."


Ootti rftn.-- !

Manufacturers and Importers

All Kinds of Sugar PlantAND


and introduced new and powerful Tools, are nowprepared to undertake tbe construction oftbe most exten-sile sugar Plant and General Machinery required upontbese Islahds. Their Increased futilities en&ble them toolTer greater Inducements to Planters and others, by reduced prices and greater dispatch In tbe execution of or-ders, and will supply


AIR PUMPS-Eit- her home make or of tbe typeknown as " Diane's."

Mill Gearing of all Sizes, '

Water Wheels,Slaeet Ixroxx work,Of every description. Including Sorgbam Pans, Smoke

Stacks, Ou3lera, Tanks, S:c.,

At Considerably Lower Rates- -

Ttavlng been appointed Solo Asents Tor the Ha-waiian Islands for theNational Tubs 'prks Co., of Boston, Mass.,Tbe Farrel Foundry and Machine, Co. Conn., andThe Putnam Machine Co., Fitchburg, Mass.,

TFe shall keep on hand a much larger andmore complete Stock of Best Quality

Steam and Water Pipes and Fittings,Black or Galvanized -.-Kngllfth and American Thread,

which we will furnish at prices hitherto unknown In thismarket

8team and Water Pipe, from 14 to It Inches to'dlameterwltb all fittings for same.

Light Water Pipe for leadlog water for Irrigating purposes.

To Planters Preferring Eastern MachineryWe desire to elate tbat we will furnish Enrtnea and EagerPlant nude by tbe celebrated Foundries whom we reprecent, and will contract If required for the erection of aoyMachinery by the above makers, wben Imported by ua.

An .assortment of Putnam Xiatb.cs.Suitable for Plantations, always on band.


General Merchandise,Bar Iron of all sites. Brass Cocks, Valves, Gauges,

Steam Whistles, Union Couplings, QIass GaugeTubes, Babbitt Metal, Belt Laces, Rubber Packing,Copper and Brass Wire Game, Cotton Waste,Galvanised Wire Cloth, Bailer and Tank Rivets,Angle Iron, Korwa; Iron, Steel, Nuts, Washers,ic, etc., etc


ALargaAsaorunentofBestEnellabandAmerlccaaOalc Tanned Leather lleltlutr.

noiiolulu Iron Works Coaipany,7C3 Iloaolnln. II". T. lm

"Ko Hawaii Pae Jina,"under

the management of tbe undersigned, who for tbepast twelve years has bad tbe charge of tbe ' Knokoa,"baaa j

Weekly Circulation of 3,350 Copies?And Is steadily Increasing. Aean advertlsiarmedlsm.lthas no equal on the Hawaiian IaUnoa.

JOSEPH U. KAWAISOT.J3 Proprlrtonrnd Kdltorv

Blocks and Oars, r- - f i

GOOD ASSORTMENT OF BLOCKS. In-cludingA acne new styles and kind.

Iron strapped Patent Friction Boilers, steel and brass.Also, Melallne bushed Blocks sometblnrnewlo

this marketj and.tfle ptst article in nse forheiry-wor- '

IJenomrttaeJmsheei'Biock3?anslies, r"'iUUHoops and'jlb Hanks, aa assortment,, J1.Logs of IJgnninTltser assorted assess

For sale by BOLLES & CO.

tyi'VLin -



American Bark Amy TurnerA V. XEWF.LL, Master,

The Following AssortmentOF

MERCHANDISE,llUXDRED TOSS STEAM COAL.TWO hundred and thirty-ar- e tons Cumberland Coal,

Twenty tons store Coal,S Extra Timbered Fees New Bedford Whale Bcata,OaE Plank, one to four Inches.

Cs. Boston Card Matches!AiKS


Kegs Cut Spikes, t, 5 and S Inches,

Naval Stores and Ship Chandlery,

Wilmington Pitch, American Tar, Rosin,Splrlta mrpentlne. Cotton Dock, Nos. I to 10.Ravens Duck, Manila Rope, asst'd 9 tb'd to tncb.Cutting Falls, Whale Line, Aaat'd Oars 10 ft to 30 feet,

PLANTATION STORES!Leather Reltlng. Rubber Hose,

Centrifugal linings. Rubber Picking,

IPeELlTiS PlOTTTSSide Hill Plows, Zagle Plows,


DRY GOODS,Amosteag Denlois, Bleacbid Cottons, 8- -, 10,11-- 4

.Haymakers Denims,"Langdon," ' H aterfbrd," "Honest Width." Brown

Cottons,Oumam Prints, Zi In.; Stratford Cambric, IS In.Merrtmae Prints. 30 In.! AMOrted Prints, 3 in.Knickerbocker Prints, UamUton Prints,Bunnell Butr Prints,

FAIRBANKS' SCALES,Aasorted Sixes, on Wheels.

GROCERIESClams, Green Peas, Green Corn (La Croix Brand).Tomato K.tcbup, Potted Meats, Lobaten, Tomatoes,bausage' Heats, Corn btarchGherkins, hr gallon and 1 gallon Jars ;Dairy Salt In bbla.

Provisions.Bbla. Am. Meas Beef, Am. Extra Prime Pork,Quarter barrel Clear Pork,

3Esti:o.1;3 and. OilsII r. bbla Mineral Paints. Boiled UnseMOli.SsaLUnajjamar Varnish, Conch Varulab.

Iron and Metals,Iron Pipe, Je to 2Ji" In.; Ualvanlxed ripe, H to IX

Metal, Holder, Asst'd Uar Iron, ruond itt squarel(n.. Iran. 9.. T.. 1 Inch. IU lOLll.Yellow Metal, 10 ox. to 24 ox.; oheatb Xalla, 1. W ,

HARDWARE,Square and Round Pointed Shovels, Charcoal Ironi.Maltocka, Black Illveta.


WOODEN' "wV -- a. H. 33 ,Axe nandles. Buret Bungs, Folding Clothes Horses,Wheelbarrows, Canal Barrows.

EASTERN PINE BARRELS AND SHOOKSSpokes and Hubs, assorted alxei ; Hide Potaon,Ntu Trunks, Paper Bags.

FUR1VXTTJB.B!Dining Chairs, Wood Seat Chairs,Cottage Chamber bets, BUck H alnut Sideboard.


McMurray's Fresh Oysters,One and two pound cans.

An Asst. of Knowles' Steam PumpsNnmbers two to seven.


A Well-Selecte- Assortment of SADDLES,ol it Celebrated --linker.

BURNETT'S Lemon and Vanlla ExtracU,Burnett'a Cocoalne, Kails ton and ToUeta.

703 3m C 11REHER fc CO.

JUST A R RIVEDFrom lOreixxexi.,

PER- -.



English, German and French

GOODS!Consisting in part of

DBT HMMS!Prints, CottonB, Linons, Woolens, and Silk.Cloth and Buckskins,Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,Clothing Shirts, Towels, etc.Bags and Bagging, Canvas, '

Saddles,CalfSkins, Belting and Packing, Cordage,Powder and Shot.Printing and Wrapping Paper. "

Two Pianos,Vienna Chairs,

Hardware,Tin, Zinc, Lead, Iron, etc.Corrugated Roofing, Fence Wire, Hoop Iron,Yellow Metal and Kails, Cutlery, etc.

Champagne, German and Norwegian Beer,Spirits, Cigars, Groceries, Kerosene Oil,Tallow Containers and Coal Tar,Bed and Fire Bricks, Slates, Coals,Clay, Gambler, Cutch, etc., etc.

For Sale by

H. HACKFELD & Co.3m 70J

Just Received,BABK ' H. TV. ALMY."PEB Golden Gate Extra floor,Oolden Gate Bakers Extra Floor,Eldorado Flour,Corn Ileal, Oat Meat, Graham Floor,Crackers, Saloon, pilot an4Medl.ua Bread,Eastern llama,Easterm Lard, In t and 10 lb tins.Cases of Cheese,Cases Eastern COdflsb,

And a foil in voice ot Ships' Stores which will be soldcheap BOLUS Co.

April a, H7I. 691

Light! Light!CASES OF TiTF. CELEBRATED500 " Noon Day" Kerosene. F.eerlved per "Mar"

tba Darts. For sale by- - J BOLLE3 CO.

Anchors.1T1ROH 00 TO 2.100 lbs. A FIXE ASSORT

For sale by M BOLLESACO.

Pilot Bread.TTJEB Mf. IV METER.

For sale bystarch 18.1175. BOLLE3 Jt CO.

Dairy Salt.TKOX BOSTOX. IX 10 lb. BAGS.JJJ t)i For sale by BOLLE3 & CO.

Chain CablesAD IROX STOCK AXCIIOKS. reeolrettfolanli For aale by


-- Wilmington Pitch..ma SABACJA. J.fc

1 For sale by BOU.E3 4CO.

;'"U,Importers and Dealers in



OF Jel.1. HINBS.











A Host Complete Stock of

DRY REDWOOD!Scantliog ; Plant, surfaced and rough,

Boards, Burlacexl nnd roogb ; Battens,

Pickets, EajticLattica, Clapboard.







Paint and Whitewash Irushos !




Glass,... Salt,



Of Eastern and California Make.


x. o-- pniOMSlm 701


l. :b :es o tVj.910 TONS BEOISTER,



Assortment of Goods.Comprising a large Assortment of


Shirts, Clothing,

Broad Cioth,. , TweeHIi


Steel Ploughs and Coulters!

Xtae and liagslni;,

Oilcloth, TclYet Ruzs, ,



Blood Wolfe & Co's Ale,

Conat Ale,

Pig Brand StoaU

Oilmen's Stores,Wines aid Spirits, Aleaiil,


Champagne and Red Bar Claret!









Bvaportor ,"

And Westdn's CentriftigalsiL1E0M MELEES, TAIX 4 TTATSOS.