I I 4 < I 1 J I I fUr SOUTH IS PROSPERIIIU OJBOP BEPOBTS FROM EVERY STATE ABE ENTHUSIASTIC I 1 THE FARMERS ARE REJOICING Ne w Orleans TlmesOemocrat Annual Trade Edition Contains Facts ami FIR urn Front CoimnlislonerB The New Orleans TimesDeinocrflt- Is but with its nunual trade edition and contains a Btunninry of the crop conditions in the south reported off- icially ¬ from the various states by the commissioners of agriculture The reports are by telegraph made on a September 1st basis anil the condi tions on the whole are more encourag- ing than they have been in nuny years The reports confirm tho fctateraont that there was a heavier iicrcnge planted than ever before in the south Not only is the cotton acreage 8 per- cent larger but corn is 12 per cent larger and cane rice potatoes tobacco nnd nearly every crop grown The southern farmers were determined to do all they could to bring themselves on a good sound financial basis again I They planted more food crops than 4 usual so as to reduco their expenses t Virginia cut down its tobacco acreage somewhat because of a decrease in tho foreign demand and planted the land in wheata fortunate change for wleat has boomed in price and the elate will profit by it North Carolina is enthusiastic over 1 ita prospects which are the best since 1880 It planted more land in cotton i than usual this year and was reward I ell with a prolific crop BO that the yield will be the largest ever raised in the Old North State South Carolina is equally successful Site also increased her acreage in cot ¬ ton and with a good yield will raise not only the largest crop ever grown in the state but the largest by 75000 bales Georgia will pass the 1100000 bale I limit in cotton will raise tho vest wheat crop in years one of the vest I corn crops freeing the state entirely from dependence on the west There will be plenty of hog and hominy in Georgia this year and Commission- er ¬ t Tesbitt predicts that the furmers will ho happy mid contented if they I only get a fair price for their cotton Floridas cotton crop is below the average and so is corn hut the oat c crop is tho largest in acreage and the heaviest for ninny years Sugar cane awl rice are both doing well and to ¬ bacco is 40 per cent ahead of last year and of fine quality Oranges will yield close on to 300000 boxes this season haying recovered from most of the losses from the last freeze In Alabama the cotton crop has re- cently ¬ deteriorated but tho others are doing well Wheat is tho best iu years and so are potatoes Corn ifl above the average hay very good and will supply all the local demand oats are fine and tobacco with nu increas- ed ¬ acreage will yield better The fruit crops are above the average Mississippi will do well with her crops this year in spitoof the overflow of the Yazoo Delta The overflowed lauds were replanted but the crop is naturally late- Louisiana cotton particularly in the northern part of the state deteriorated during August in consequence of the drought Tho other crops promise well Corn will be greater than the big yield of last year Texas makes n Jess favorable report than the other states for time rains came too late there to benefit the cot ¬ f ton much q Time present season is declared in AifcariBas to bo the most bountiful ever known in that state Cotton was hardly an average but Arkansas has of late diversified its products instead of concentrating its efforts on cotton Croys have been good in Tcnucnee 1 except in the western portion of the etate The wheat crop is heavier iw larger and of finer quality than ever before Tobacco is extra good sorgh- um ¬ I is a wonder and so are peas anti millet Fruit however with tho ex- ception ¬ of apples is a failure and the live stock interests are suffering GERMANY IS SUSPICIOUS She Wants an Kiplanatlon Ilfgardln- 1rancoItuiilau i Alliance It asserted reliable authority that tho German government will de- mand ¬ from France an explanation of- t the dispatch sent by liL Meline the I French premier in reply to the mes- sage ¬ ti f of congratulation of the Alsace Lorraine Society the signing of the FrancoRussian alliance in which f dispatch M Melino expressed the hope 6 of a reunion of AlsaceLorraine with r the French Republic I Germany it is announced will also demand satisfaction for the excesses I commUted before the German embassy r in Paris on the evening of President f Faures return from his visit to Russia P IIO UlSER CONFESSES Illit tie Will 2ow Aid In Capturing Oilier n Murderer ot Deputies A Little Rock dispatch John tt Church an old moonshiner was cap ¬ 111 t red In the mountains Thursday i e lie made a full and prom lees to aid in tho capture of others im I pUcsAul in tho murder Captain Taj 7 lor ani party The pone proceeded with Church under a heavy guard 1 This warned him that attempt at taehEfr would be paid hl life I < n TILLMAS TALKS TO SEW TORKEBS- Bontli Carollnn Senator Makes One of Eli Characteristic Speeches Benjamin Tillman senior United States senator from South Carolina opened the local campaign at amass mooting of 3000 people Brooklyn Thursday for those democrats of the Greater Now York who stand Chicago platform and who In lsttbat its essential points must be emblazon- ed ¬ upon the standard to be carried by the party nominee in the approaching election Tillnyin was introduced the peo- ples ¬ advocate anti the loeman of the sugar trust anti every other form of monopoly Following are some of the things he said The democracy was born 100 years ago and went down to defeat in its first struggle through the efforts of tho aristocrats A new regenerated de- mocracy ¬ was born in Chicago last year and it wont down to its first defeat under the blows of the aristocrats anti the influence of the tens of millions tribute levied upon them by Mark henna Cut just as sure as you live that regenerated democracy will come to the front Again in 1900 and will elect William Jennings Bryan Prolonged cheering- The republican party in its thirty yenrs of rule succeeded with the aid of an occasional socalled democratic president in emancipating the black slaves of the of the north- In 1860 the millionaire was a raro bird but now there are thousands of them all over the country and there- are some men worth even 200000000 It is millionaire by the thousands now but it is paupers by the millions Read the history of Rome t nUll of the great empires which stood where there is nothing but wilder ¬ ness now and you will find that they fell because tho few enslaved the many and then governments became cor- rupt ¬ Wake up or before you know- it you will have a king Why is it that here in New YotU you always have a political boss It is because you are such infernal fools that you dont know any better than- to carry a yoke around your neck You have just bppn swapping bbsseH lIce year after year Thp boss runs the machine ubfch name th candi- dates ¬ and then you just go and rptf the ticket like a lot of blind psscs Laughter Who did you send to represent- you at the Chicago convention A lot of dirty dogs shouted a listener Yon sent ft delegation with Whit ¬ ney mid Belmont and Flower at its head Senator Tillman went on and they traveled west in parlor cars to keep the democratic party from dis- gracing ¬ itself But the west end the south had risen and they found out that New York Pennsylvania and New England were not the whole United States and by God they aint Why in your local campaign here they are asking you to give up all you won as democrats last year What for To get some money from the dirty boodlers who have stolen your fran- chises ¬ and everything else Sell your birthright lot a mess of pottage But you say you have no money to ron your campaign Well dont get your money from your Whitueys your Bel monte and your Flowers for after election thoy will rob you of 810 for every dollar they gave you They are singing tho praises of dol- lar ¬ wheat Who gave UB dollar wheat Did McKinley do it No It was the failure of the crops in Europe This dollar wheat will go glimmering in an- other ¬ year when India and Russia and the Argentino raise another crop and tho supply equals the demand The only way to bring lasting prosperity is to reraonetize silver Cheers IIIG FIRM DISSOLVES Tli House of I > < ii Co Gael Out of Jluslness After thirty years of unvarying anti steadily increasing success in cotton tho firm of S M Imnan Co went out of business on the let tho new firm of SandersSwann k Co succeed ¬ ing Mr S M Inman also severed his connection with the firms of Iniuan k Co Houston Tex InmanSan ¬ ders Co of Bremen Germany Mr Samuel M Inman who has so long been at the head of the great bus- iness ¬ house retires voluntarily so that he may lay down some of the burden which he has borne through- more than a quarter of a century of business life- SOUTlIERX CONVICT QUESTION Will Be Discussed At a Convention To Be- Held In Xaslivllle A convention has been called to meet in Nashville Tenn September 28 and 29 for the purpose of taking into consideration the disposition of convicts in the southern states All of the southern states have been asked- to send delegates to this convention Among other things that will be dis- posed ¬ of will bo the practicability of working the roads of the several states- ith the state convicts and the estab- lishment ¬ of a seed farm where the short term women convicts will be worked The idea being to supply new seed at cost price to the farmers anti gardeners of the state INDIANA BANK FAILS And Bank Examiner 1laeed In Charge Uj Uncle Sain The comptroller of the currency at Washington was advised Thursday of the failure of the First National bank- of Greenuburg Iud It lias a capital of 100000 and on July 25th the deposits were 84000 Examiner Packard has been instruct- ed ¬ to take charge This in the first bank failure report- ed to the comptroller for some time i J t oow HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS hi Beraove Dust From Linen Stains of dust may beremoved from One lInen and similar fabrics withoitl lnjuryfo the material The nrtioloa must be first well soaped as if they were to be washed in the ordinary way An iron is heated and on this laidft wet cloth When the heat makes the oloth steam the rust stain is laid on it and a little oxalio acid is rubbed on with the finger The heat and the moisture hasten the effect of the acid on the rust and when this has disap- peared ¬ the soaping and washing may be continued Getting Sunday Dinner In Summer There are any number of thing wMoh may be prepared on Saturday Usually the baking is done then and there fresh bread with biscuits and cakes A pot of beans is prepared on Saturday afternoon and warmed for Sunday breakfast The desserts for Sunday may also bo made on Satur- day ¬ and a few are easily prepared and aro good cold Whenfrosh fruit is to be obtaiftad nothing makes nicer des- sert ¬ and is more quickly prepared Served Tfith rich cream and sugar any of the berries peaches or bananas are delicious Potatoes may be served in- a number of ways which only take a short time it partially prepared on Saturday It is customary to have n roast of some kind for Sunday but this requires hours of attention If cold meat is riot relished some kind which may bo fried will only take a short time to prepare Ohlckens may b9 pirtifilly fried on Saturday so that ten or fifteen minutes on Sundaywill finish them Saturday roast may be sliced cold for Sunday evening nUll the chicken or turkey for a salal may- be chopped on Saturday ready for tho 4ressing on Sunday There are panned lobsters anti salmon which may also be enjoyed on Sunday and h are always ready Soups may- be cooked on Saturday also and re ¬ heated for dinner on Sunday As for fresh vegetables nothing is so easily prepared as a lettuce salad The lot tqoe nay be washed and pickell over in the morning and left in cold wator to keep orisp until needed Most canned vegetables require only ten or fifteen minutes to cook Fresh aspara- gus ¬ if tender requires but fifteen minntos and radishes may be cleaned- the day before or in the morning good Housekeeping fUcIpea watercress Garnfsh Plok nnd well wash a of cress dry in a towel and dip lightly ja French dressing drain and lay in a feathery wreuth around edge of platter Italian Sauce Put a tablespoonful of butter in a pan with one ehallet minced a tablespoonful of chopped prsiey ends tablespoonful of vinegar pyer the vinegar has quito evaporated then add a table ppooiif of flour breakfast cupful of goot a saltspoonfuj pf sat and halt saltspoonful pf pepper Stir while it simmers aud let it bolt slowly- for flvo minutes This fs vorjr Breaded Tomatoes Roll pi sliced tomatoes in grntfld cracker or oorq meal dredge with n tablesnoonftil of salt and fry in hot butter and snot half and half Take up carefully on a heated dish Stir n tablespoonful of flour into urt1bl spoonfuls of the fat remaining in the pan add half a cup of milk stir until smooth season with a half teaspoonful each of salt and pep- per ¬ and pour over the tomatoes Sauce Torte Tnke a pint of goose berries just before they commence to ripen add a halfcupful of water boil until quite tender mash them and pass through a sieve the pulp juto a saucepan with two teaspoonfuls of sorrel uice this may be omitted two teaspoonfuls qf sugar and a table- spoonful of butter simmer for about four minutes This is a famous Eng- lish sauce and is very appetizing when served with roast goose or duckling TuttWmtU Jelly Soak onehall box of gelatine in onehalf pint oi water cold Dissolve with one pint- of boiling water add juice of three lemons one and onehalf oups of sugar Strain When beginning stiffen put a layer of jelly in a dish then a layer of ripe stemmed currants another oi jelly one of ripe raspberries jelly again alternating with sliced oranges and grated cocoanut finishing with jelly Set on ice until perfectly firm Bed Raspberry BlnnoMange One pint of red raspberry juice one quart- of milk twothird of a cupful of sugar four heaping tablespoonfuls of oornstaroa blended in one cupful of the milk ono dash of salt Heat tho milk to the boiling point stir in the blended cornstarch add salt sugar and last raspberry juice Boil up and pour into a wet mold Set in ice to cool Turn out anti serve with whipped cream around the saino This is delicious Veal and Tomato Scallop Slice enough cooked cold veal rather course to make three cupfuls Also slice onefourth of an inch thick ono pound of skinned fresh tomatoeu Butter abaking dish and spread alter- nate ¬ layers of fine bread crumbs ono cupful required veal then toma- toes ¬ seasoning with one heaping tea spoonful salt and one saltspoonfnl of pepper in rUFinleh the top with bread crumbs and pour over one cup ¬ ful of Italian sauce flake for thirty minutes White Velvet Sherbet The juice of four lemons find the thinly shaved peel of one soaked in the juice half an hour Then strain the juice and add enough sugar to male a thick batter- It Tisually requires threequarters oft cupful to each lemon Add one quart of milk and turn at once into a freezer packed with three pints broken Los and one part rook salt Turn at first and when it begins to thicken turn rapidly until stiff Add nore ice and salt and let it ripen for it least tvrohppjn before serving J 3- i > VPt i ACONTENTED PEOPLE Mexican Villager Whose Habits Are Very Simpl- eTbelnhabitants of the little interior Tillages of Mexico retain many of their customs They are peace- able congenial and religious Their life though monotonous in the ex- treme ¬ is a happy one They cultivate corn beans wheat and possess small herds of cattle and The women in addition to performing- their household duties cultivate vegetables flowers fruits and plants for medicinal use They raise cotton from which they spin and weave manta a cotton fabric for clothing- On their feast days which aro many they go to church dressed in their bright costumes those of the maidens being white adorned with ribbons of many colors The senoras wear striped dresses of white and blue The hair is worn plaited in two braids while upon the head is the in- dispensable ¬ mazclohuati a head dress worn by the lower caste Mexi- cans ¬ woven in red cotton The womens eyes are large and eipres- eive and their teeth perfect and bril- liantly ¬ white The form is slight and the movements graceful The young men dress in jackets without sleeves and knee breeches Upon the day of their marriage they adopt trousers which are made by tho Novlasweetheart who has already woven the manta They take their placcsin church with the children senoritas and senoras on tho right and tbe men and boys on the left Thoy pray and sing in the native Mexican language which is richer sweeter and more expressive than tho Spanish- In the Dias tianguis market days they assemble and exchange their goods Money is a superfluity- and interchange made by means pf barter am trade Their meals consist of maze de male flour of corn which is mixed with powdered chile in making tomales tortillas frojoles beans and the native fruits and vegetables of which there is an endless variety including oguacates ranches teteo- XftB tilapos sandias chlcozapotes meloncs and others Every year the people assemble to elect their judge or alcalde whom they usually obey implicitly This magistrate is selected from the older non of the pueblo City of Mexico Letter pug IJp 8 Fortune While digging up a tree in the yard of Silver Trevine at Monterey Mex- ico ¬ Petronilo Hernandez found threo earthen jars filled with gold and sil- ver ¬ coin Hernande who was a ser- vant ¬ secured a sack and carried away two or threo loads of tho treasure When Trevinp learned of the discov- ery he Lad Hernandez arrested for robbery The wealth amounts to about 20000 onethird of which inufif go the Government Heruau- fnj confined iu prisonSt Louis GobO Democrat Rebellious Memory Totsio accidentally discovered a doll Oint lien mothpr concealed in a trunk iu readiness for tIle little ladys birthday Time following ¬ ner she remarked Im trying so hotel to forget something I want to re- member ¬ that dont feel very hungry Judge Venom Inhaled with the Air And Imbibed irlth the water of a malarious 10 cnlltj bee still a certain nntlOote Experience sanctions confidence In llcetettcrs Stoinnot Hitters n preventive UiUBCourge Allocr- thlcontluentnnd III the tropics It has proved Itself a certain mentis of defense and an crnj leant of Intermittent nnd remittent fever amid other forms of fuln inoborii disease > orlslt less Directive for VUney troubles constipation rheumatism and nerrouBness A man nay smile nd smile or4 still be a temperance advocate A Iroie 1oern- JtEM Medicated Smoking Tobacco And Cigarettes Are absolute remedies for Catarrh lIar Foyer Asthma and Colds Besidest delightful emoko- kadlet aawell as men usa these goods No opium or other harmful drug Used In their manufacture EE1I It uied and recommended Or some of the best citizens Of this country It your dealer does not keep EEM Send lie for package ot tobacco And Co for package cigarettes Direct to the EEM Company Atlanta Qa And you will receive goods br mall Dewr of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury- as the sense o- smell anecompletelyderaugotbewbole system when entering It through the mucous Sqch articles would never be used except on from reputable physicians as the damigeiboy to the yo can derive from them Halls Catarrh manufactured by V J Cheney Co Toledo 0 contains no mercnrTIand la taken internally acting upon uae and mnoomi surfaces of the In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be suretogatthe genuine It Is taken Internally curt la made in Toledo Ohio by FJ Cheney A To Testimonials free sVBold by Druggists price Tte per bottle Halls Family Pills are best I cannot speak too highly of Plsos Cnre for Consumption Mrs Fuinr Moss SIS W 524 St New York Oct 29 ISM Pita permanently cured Mo IlIAor nervous- ness attar Oral nse of Dr Klines Great Nerre Restorer trial bottle and treatise free DRR1IXLIXLtdl Arch at ruia ra Mrs Winalowa Soothing Hynip for children teethlnt softens the gums reduces Inflamma- tion allays pain cures wind colic Mo a bottle If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr Isaao Thomp sons Eyewater Druggists at Sic per bottle The YOVIPIuaioD Coltoa Sui HULIER III AND mum The ulna obtained from the use of unr ma- chine ¬ baa been so rerv satisfactory that we enter upon our THIRD eftsoIS with a feeling of jrsat rpnfidcnc- Uiir oblnea are datable and effective Time kernel Irfi his line condition fur dlitrlbnllnifaia fertiliier hull are va Jle script pamphlet with Uetlmoululs from prominent planter throor toot thi Southern SUIt Aether with i tmple ol product from our machine will be > urwrdea on a GitttilUtaluUujCi h paper yen write LstluiaUny the Sphinx Age The famous near the Pyra- mids ¬ of Oizeh was thoroughly invesU- pntctl Professor Ernwn who at a recent meeting of tho Berlin Academy lectured about its probable ago Care- ful ¬ researches show that it could not have been built previous to the so called CI Middle Kingdom or about 2000 B 0 Between her front paws there was originally the imago of a deity all trace of which at the present time has disappeared For the build- Ing ¬ of the colossal work more than twenty years must have been necessa- ry ¬ had been em- ployed ¬ even if 1500 men all the time Progressing Old Job was taught to read by the ministers wife and proved a very apt scholar Returning home after a pro- longed ¬ absence the lady met her old pupil and asked him how he was get- ting ¬ on ClI suppose you can read your Bible now comfortably Job Lor bless you mam cried Job Ive been out of tho Bible and into the newspaper this long while Household Words Jfo Vie to Cry Nc use to fret and worry and Itch nnd scratch That wont euro ou Tettorlne win Any sort ot tkln disease Totter Eczema Salt Kheum- Klnrworm or mere nbraslon of the skin At dame stores or by mall for Wo In stamps from 4 T Bhuputne SMaunab Oa More men hare beon so1lun one than have beoa selfmade MBS ELLA MUMtVY Writing to Mrs Plnkham She saysI have been using your Vegetable Compound and find that It does all that it is recommended do- I lave been a sufferer for the last four yeirs with womb trouble weak ba < lc and escrc- tio is I was hard- ly ¬ tble to do my household duties ana while about my work was so nervous that- I was miser able I had also given up in des ¬ J pair when I- hs 1 I persuaded to try Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound and today- I inn feeling like a new woman Mns EITA McGAnvv Xeebc Iload Station Cincinnati 0 oS Ulcers Cured I mo treatment OHDIle 61 At RoDiiiTSNewBorneNQ TUB than CENT a TradeMark i n trio IradeYitar urns tan be saved with out their knowledge by XntlJtg Cbs marvelous elite for lb drlok h > blt Write Rcnott Obttnlcil Co U Brotdviy N Y JTull Uifcnnitlon In jliln wrapper free Dinners me them because Grow art give to inch glut Huller RELIABLE sad GUARANTEED For full infonudtloa Address 80ULB STEAM FEED WOEKS The complete llutlnf Course or tha complete Miorthand Course for 23 at WHITES lit K Cain St ATLANTA GA Complete lJe8lIfllll ana Slimtlutna CouTU com lidiea TM ftr JIantti- DuslncM prnctlce from the eUrt Trained Teachers Course of study unexcelled No T- catlon Address F II WHITE Principal CHRONIC DISEASES- ot nil Rhenmatlrm Neuralgia BroncJxltli Palpita- tion ¬ IndigestIon eta CATARRH of the NOeTbrOaC and Lungs DISEASES PKCULIAH WOMEN Prolapsus Ulcerations etc Write for patnphl testimonials and question blank DU S T SpecIalIst 90S Nojcroas Uulldlnr Atlanta Go pro made on kitchen a few cost of 25 cti and sells at II per gallon nt and Dndlt excellent > hTllie Tenn Send II and get the recipe or e2 and will also send Dictionary cf twent thousand reo ipes covering aU departmenta of Inquiry AGents wanted J N LOrSPEICH Morrlstown Tin THE OEOBQIA TELBOBAFK SCHOOL t Teaches telegraphy tboreniUy Stifle Iu terrlce School in nine sears Sltteen bandrtd tee TtdiMlcs Send tot Jllus traltd ctI Addicts OeOWU TELEGRAPh SCHOOL Scitla Omgla BETTER Me a waea o t I awittll I fcIes te stil CoIotIdo Gel Mis THAN RUeb d B I LOCxI- IUIil I < DYx1IcifP4 xliii Slick = Dft CoI 01 BO S Builnm Colle I I TtngBirnr ArID I BeautIful Catalogue Free- D 1Ur 00 0 c t t M 1 HALLS Vegetable HAIRREN Beautifies and restores Gia Hair toSits original color and vitality prevents baldness cures itching and dandruff A fine hair dressing B P Halt ft corro Nashua M Sold by all ruggl- itsALABAMA a I L11 Lowcry AhTOit I Have used Dr M 1 Simmons Liver Mcdlclno in eIyfu3 ily for 10 years A goodresutts I thiri it is stronger Ihu LZelltnsl or II Black Draught 9 Cramps tho to tboback 114 chest The are often the effect of Dr M A MmeS LlrerHIedlcluo bo used tottln lato organs and I > r bqunwVimmoWino to ilVO IfflmedlUottU- and permanent cure After tho old proprietors of the trtft now called DIII Wcre tyn United States Court from uSItl the words constItuting cur trade docs sot equity require that thc staidtr their otm sumo armcimcrlts itatju their article and not sock to arproDtmi the trade for our article uj known ia Dr Simmons Liver Wedlcltetj of nrtn- t015 on wrapper and fatsclyadcrj- lag hat their Draught wa in IBiD that Ito Ttoila which our nrtlclo was established while M- ono ocr heard ot Black Drought U3 after 1STG do they thi falsehood and associate their urtlcletritb ours having tho picture of Dr llAbb mono on It by their ot ie- picture of another Dr not dot s to unfairly appropriate oar trader liul tho motive ri Antonio wjt- My Vflfo has uectl Dr H A Simmons LVcr Med lolno many years for Sick Headache anti noTes falls to buy A pAdS i when she expects w travel It eavti ouo Iroa taking Inlutlous drlgi- ForlSosrs it teens- necealAry madlclno In EJ hOtllO Caution Dont be fooled Into chcnpwrthlcmmastalT If tho mcrchanttclli- yon It Is Jnot tbo same aa M A S L on rnny knovr that ho Is trying logcllyoii cheap otnfl to rrmko n ME nltut on GET GENUINE ARTICLE Walter Baker Cos Breakfast Delicious t Costs Xena ONE cup lie sure that the package bears our t 1 Walter Baker Co LlmiteE- stabhLphtI I Dorchester Mass A Z LsuccOssAi1up- toate the PRAOTICAL KsrlaiA- DKlqS25FUlLCOUHSES25 BUSINESS OOLLEGE tonns- SUCCESSFULLVTREATED TO Leucorrhe WHITAKEU MAPLE SYROP1 a UnetrhdtbJasrrup I Lad OalyttclatlvvTtltrrspb Iams SUIEnlOIlADVANTACEH INGERCU1EDAfBOn g t Sicilian EWER LADIES- DONT JrOak iSiffSSSSPo- f Indigestion pnbllBhlDjrthoplctaro publication 7rRS- aIl rex yoaawhollydilnrcctamtlcnc COCOAP- ure Nutritious DRUNK w GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TDNIC JU8TA8 GOOD FOR ADULTS WARRANTED PRICE BO ctt OALATI1IIX- OentlemeCmW 1S3o sold SL uilrear 900 boWel cf GKOVE8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and Hare bought three ercu already this year In all oar tfp- erience of II time Oral bays never sold an article that rate seth nnlrcrsai Section as your Tonic xoun truly uaKsrCA a C- OI WEAKMEN II1L- 5fk by JlAQOAIlbS 8PK tiEilW CIFIOTA1ILKT8 1 box SlO J boxes JM by mall Address lliI Hageards Specific GA Co ATLANTA Full particulars tent by mall cu application e OBBOMNE8 2ed4 O e nsfiuJ8a iettul bnlo i Kottit book Utmp board ttio5lorcttskn ROBERT ELEE Th soldier cltUeti iriS christian hire A rMt bookjuitrsadygIlngljfaMasstr7 > f IDBUBtUNO CO U aadXUa gtsBlchaeBdY- JptnirrtUnc CMTlflll TUIC to di r lliIItuit I t f M 11- 1trbs7 I c nil i

there Simmons millions iSiffSSSSPo- fufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00014/0101.pdf · Georgia will pass the 1100000 bale I limit in cotton will raise tho vest wheat crop

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Page 1: there Simmons millions iSiffSSSSPo- fufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00014/0101.pdf · Georgia will pass the 1100000 bale I limit in cotton will raise tho vest wheat crop


4 <

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I 1


Ne w Orleans TlmesOemocrat Annual

Trade Edition Contains Facts ami FIR

urn Front CoimnlislonerB

The New Orleans TimesDeinocrflt-

Is but with its nunual trade edition

and contains a Btunninry of the crop

conditions in the south reported off-



from the various states by the

commissioners of agriculture The

reports are by telegraph made on a

September 1st basis anil the conditions on the whole are more encourag-

ing than they have been in nunyyears

The reports confirm tho fctateraont

that there was a heavier iicrcngeplanted than ever before in the south

Not only is the cotton acreage 8 per-

cent larger but corn is 12 per centlarger and cane rice potatoes tobacconnd nearly every crop grown Thesouthern farmers were determined todo all they could to bring themselveson a good sound financial basis again

I They planted more food crops than4 usual so as to reduco their expenses

t Virginia cut down its tobacco acreagesomewhat because of a decrease in thoforeign demand and planted the landin wheata fortunate change forwleat has boomed in price and theelate will profit by it

North Carolina is enthusiastic over1

ita prospects which are the best since1880 It planted more land in cotton

i than usual this year and was rewardI ell with a prolific crop BO that the

yield will be the largest ever raised inthe Old North State

South Carolina is equally successfulSite also increased her acreage in cot ¬

ton and with a good yield will raisenot only the largest crop ever grownin the state but the largest by 75000bales

Georgia will pass the 1100000 baleI limit in cotton will raise tho vest

wheat crop in years one of the vestI corn crops freeing the state entirely

from dependence on the west Therewill be plenty of hog and hominyin Georgia this year and Commission-er


t Tesbitt predicts that the furmerswill ho happy mid contented if they

I only get a fair price for their cottonFloridas cotton crop is below the

average and so is corn hut the oatc crop is tho largest in acreage and the

heaviest for ninny years Sugar caneawl rice are both doing well and to ¬

bacco is 40 per cent ahead of last yearand of fine quality Oranges will yieldclose on to 300000 boxes this seasonhaying recovered from most of thelosses from the last freeze

In Alabama the cotton crop has re-cently


deteriorated but tho others aredoing well Wheat is tho best iuyears and so are potatoes Corn ifl

above the average hay very good andwill supply all the local demand oatsare fine and tobacco with nu increas-ed


acreage will yield better Thefruit crops are above the average

Mississippi will do well with hercrops this year in spitoof the overflowof the Yazoo Delta The overflowedlauds were replanted but the crop isnaturally late-

Louisiana cotton particularly in thenorthern part of the state deterioratedduring August in consequence of thedrought Tho other crops promisewell Corn will be greater than thebig yield of last year

Texas makes n Jess favorable reportthan the other states for time rainscame too late there to benefit the cot ¬

f ton muchq Time present season is declared in

AifcariBas to bo the most bountiful everknown in that state Cotton washardly an average but Arkansas hasof late diversified its products insteadof concentrating its efforts on cotton

Croys have been good in Tcnucnee1 except in the western portion of the

etate The wheat crop is heavieriw larger and of finer quality than ever

before Tobacco is extra good sorgh-um


I is a wonder and so are peas antimillet Fruit however with tho ex-ception


of apples is a failure and thelive stock interests are suffering


She Wants an Kiplanatlon Ilfgardln-1rancoItuiilaui Alliance

It asserted reliable authoritythat tho German government will de-mand


from France an explanation of-t the dispatch sent by liL Meline the

I French premier in reply to the mes-sage


ti f of congratulation of the AlsaceLorraine Society the signing ofthe FrancoRussian alliance in which

f dispatch M Melino expressed the hope6 of a reunion of AlsaceLorraine with

r the French RepublicI Germany it is announced will also

demand satisfaction for the excessesI commUted before the German embassy

r in Paris on the evening of Presidentf Faures return from his visit to Russia


IIO UlSER CONFESSESIllit tie Will 2ow Aid In Capturing Oiliern Murderer ot Deputies

A Little Rock dispatch Johntt Church an old moonshiner was cap ¬111 t red In the mountains Thursdayi e lie made a full and prom

lees to aid in tho capture of others imI pUcsAul in tho murder Captain Taj7 lor ani party The pone proceeded

with Church under a heavy guard1 This warned him that attempt attaehEfr would be paid hl life




Bontli Carollnn Senator Makes One of EliCharacteristic Speeches

Benjamin Tillman senior UnitedStates senator from South Carolinaopened the local campaign at amassmooting of 3000 people BrooklynThursday for those democrats of theGreater Now York who standChicago platform and who In lsttbatits essential points must be emblazon-ed


upon the standard to be carried bythe party nominee in the approachingelection

Tillnyin was introduced the peo-


advocate anti the loeman of thesugar trust anti every other form ofmonopoly Following are some ofthe things he said

The democracy was born 100 yearsago and went down to defeat in itsfirst struggle through the efforts of thoaristocrats A new regenerated de-


was born in Chicago last yearand it wont down to its first defeatunder the blows of the aristocrats antithe influence of the tens of millionstribute levied upon them by Markhenna Cut just as sure as you livethat regenerated democracy will cometo the front Again in 1900 and will electWilliam Jennings Bryan Prolongedcheering-

The republican party in its thirtyyenrs of rule succeeded with the aidof an occasional socalled democraticpresident in emancipating the blackslaves of the of thenorth-

In 1860 the millionaire was a rarobird but now there are thousands ofthem all over the country and there-are some men worth even 200000000It is millionaire by the thousands nowbut it is paupers by the millionsRead the history of Rome tnUll of the great empires which stoodwhere there is nothing but wilder ¬

ness now and you will find that theyfell because tho few enslaved the manyand then governments became cor-


Wake up or before you know-it you will have a king

Why is it that here in New YotUyou always have a political boss It isbecause you are such infernal foolsthat you dont know any better than-to carry a yoke around your neckYou have just bppn swapping bbsseHlIce year after year Thp boss runsthe machine ubfch name th candi-dates


and then you just go and rptfthe ticket like a lot of blind psscsLaughter

Who did you send to represent-you at the Chicago convention

A lot of dirty dogs shouted alistener

Yon sent ft delegation with Whit ¬

ney mid Belmont and Flower at itshead Senator Tillman went on andthey traveled west in parlor cars tokeep the democratic party from dis-gracing


itself But the west end thesouth had risen and they found outthat New York Pennsylvania andNew England were not the wholeUnited States and by God they aint

Why in your local campaign herethey are asking you to give up all youwon as democrats last year What forTo get some money from the dirtyboodlers who have stolen your fran-chises


and everything else Sell yourbirthright lot a mess of pottage Butyou say you have no money to ronyour campaign Well dont get yourmoney from your Whitueys your Belmonte and your Flowers for afterelection thoy will rob you of 810 forevery dollar they gave you

They are singing tho praises of dol-lar


wheat Who gave UB dollar wheatDid McKinley do it No It was thefailure of the crops in Europe Thisdollar wheat will go glimmering in an-other


year when India and Russia andthe Argentino raise another crop andtho supply equals the demand Theonly way to bring lasting prosperityis to reraonetize silver Cheers


Tli House of I > < ii Co Gael Out ofJluslness

After thirty years of unvarying antisteadily increasing success in cottontho firm of S M Imnan Co wentout of business on the let tho newfirm of SandersSwann k Co succeed ¬

ing Mr S M Inman also severedhis connection with the firms of Iniuank Co Houston Tex InmanSan ¬

ders Co of Bremen GermanyMr Samuel M Inman who has so

long been at the head of the great bus-iness


house retires voluntarily sothat he may lay down some of theburden which he has borne through-more than a quarter of a century ofbusiness life-


Will Be Discussed At a Convention To Be-Held In Xaslivllle

A convention has been called tomeet in Nashville Tenn September28 and 29 for the purpose of takinginto consideration the disposition ofconvicts in the southern states Allof the southern states have been asked-to send delegates to this convention

Among other things that will be dis-posed


of will bo the practicability ofworking the roads of the several states-

ith the state convicts and the estab-lishment


of a seed farm where theshort term women convicts will beworked The idea being to supplynew seed at cost price to the farmersanti gardeners of the state


And Bank Examiner 1laeed In ChargeUj Uncle Sain

The comptroller of the currency atWashington was advised Thursday ofthe failure of the First National bank-of Greenuburg Iud

It lias a capital of 100000 and onJuly 25th the deposits were 84000Examiner Packard has been instruct-ed


to take chargeThis in the first bank failure report-

ed to the comptroller for some time

iJ t oow


hi Beraove Dust From LinenStains of dust may beremoved from

One lInen and similar fabrics withoitllnjuryfo the material The nrtioloamust be first well soaped as if theywere to be washed in the ordinary wayAn iron is heated and on this laidftwet cloth When the heat makes theoloth steam the rust stain is laid on itand a little oxalio acid is rubbed onwith the finger The heat and themoisture hasten the effect of the acidon the rust and when this has disap-peared


the soaping and washing maybe continued

Getting Sunday Dinner In SummerThere are any number of thing

wMoh may be prepared on SaturdayUsually the baking is done then andthere fresh bread with biscuits andcakes A pot of beans is prepared onSaturday afternoon and warmed forSunday breakfast The desserts forSunday may also bo made on Satur-day


and a few are easily prepared andaro good cold Whenfrosh fruit is tobe obtaiftad nothing makes nicer des-


and is more quickly preparedServed Tfith rich cream and sugar anyof the berries peaches or bananas aredelicious Potatoes may be served in-

a number of ways which only take ashort time it partially prepared onSaturday It is customary to have nroast of some kind for Sunday butthis requires hours of attention Ifcold meat is riot relished some kindwhich may bo fried will only take ashort time to prepare Ohlckens mayb9 pirtifilly fried on Saturday so thatten or fifteen minutes on Sundaywillfinish them Saturday roast may besliced cold for Sunday evening nUllthe chicken or turkey for a salal may-

be chopped on Saturday ready for tho4ressing on Sunday There arepanned lobsters anti salmon whichmay also be enjoyed on Sunday and

h are always ready Soups may-be cooked on Saturday also and re ¬

heated for dinner on Sunday As forfresh vegetables nothing is so easilyprepared as a lettuce salad The lottqoe nay be washed and pickell overin the morning and left in cold watorto keep orisp until needed Mostcanned vegetables require only ten orfifteen minutes to cook Fresh aspara-gus


if tender requires but fifteenminntos and radishes may be cleaned-the day before or in the morninggood Housekeeping

fUcIpeawatercress Garnfsh Plok nnd well

wash a of cress dry in a toweland dip lightly ja French dressingdrain and lay in a feathery wreutharound edge of platter

Italian Sauce Put a tablespoonfulof butter in a pan with one ehalletminced a tablespoonful of chopped

prsiey ends tablespoonful of vinegarpyer the vinegar has

quito evaporated then add a tableppooiif of flour breakfast cupful of

goot a saltspoonfuj pf sat andhalt saltspoonful pf pepper Stir

while it simmers aud let it bolt slowly-for flvo minutes This fs vorjr

Breaded Tomatoes Roll pi slicedtomatoes in grntfld cracker or oorqmeal dredge with n tablesnoonftil ofsalt and fry in hot butter and snothalf and half Take up carefully on aheated dish Stir n tablespoonful offlour into urt1bl spoonfuls of the fatremaining in the pan add half a cup ofmilk stir until smooth season with a

half teaspoonful each of salt and pep-per


and pour over the tomatoesSauce Torte Tnke a pint of goose

berries just before they commence toripen add a halfcupful of water boiluntil quite tender mash them andpass through a sieve the pulpjuto a saucepan with two teaspoonfulsof sorrel uice this may be omittedtwo teaspoonfuls qf sugar and a table-spoonful of butter simmer for aboutfour minutes This is a famous Eng-lish sauce and is very appetizing whenserved with roast goose or duckling

TuttWmtU Jelly Soak onehallbox of gelatine in onehalf pint oiwater cold Dissolve with one pint-of boiling water add juice of threelemons one and onehalf oups of sugarStrain When beginning stiffen puta layer of jelly in a dish then a layerof ripe stemmed currants another oijelly one of ripe raspberries jellyagain alternating with sliced orangesand grated cocoanut finishing withjelly Set on ice until perfectly firm

Bed Raspberry BlnnoMange Onepint of red raspberry juice one quart-of milk twothird of a cupful ofsugar four heaping tablespoonfuls ofoornstaroa blended in one cupful ofthe milk ono dash of salt Heat thomilk to the boiling point stir in theblended cornstarch add salt sugarand last raspberry juice Boil upand pour into a wet mold Set in iceto cool Turn out anti serve withwhipped cream around the sainoThis is delicious

Veal and Tomato Scallop Sliceenough cooked cold veal rathercourse to make three cupfuls Alsoslice onefourth of an inch thick onopound of skinned fresh tomatoeuButter abaking dish and spread alter-nate


layers of fine bread crumbs onocupful required veal then toma-toes


seasoning with one heaping teaspoonful salt and one saltspoonfnl ofpepper in rUFinleh the top withbread crumbs and pour over one cup ¬

ful of Italian sauce flake for thirtyminutes

White Velvet Sherbet The juice offour lemons find the thinly shavedpeel of one soaked in the juice half anhour Then strain the juice and addenough sugar to male a thick batter-It Tisually requires threequarters oftcupful to each lemon Add one quartof milk and turn at once into afreezer packed with three pints brokenLos and one part rook salt Turn

at first and when it begins tothicken turn rapidly until stiff Addnore ice and salt and let it ripen forit least tvrohppjn before serving

J 3-i >

VPt i


Mexican Villager Whose Habits Are Very


eTbelnhabitants of the little interior

Tillages of Mexico retain many of theircustoms They are peace-

able congenial and religious Their

life though monotonous in the ex-



is a happy one They cultivatecorn beans wheat and possess small

herds of cattle and Thewomen in addition to performing-their household duties cultivatevegetables flowers fruits and plantsfor medicinal use They raise cottonfrom which they spin and weavemanta a cotton fabric for clothing-

On their feast days which aro

many they go to church dressed intheir bright costumes those of themaidens being white adorned withribbons of many colors The senoraswear striped dresses of white andblue The hair is worn plaited in twobraids while upon the head is the in-


mazclohuati a headdress worn by the lower caste Mexi-


woven in red cotton Thewomens eyes are large and eipres-eive and their teeth perfect and bril-liantly


white The form is slight andthe movements graceful

The young men dress in jacketswithout sleeves and knee breechesUpon the day of their marriage theyadopt trousers which are made by tho

Novlasweetheart who has alreadywoven the manta They take theirplaccsin church with the childrensenoritas and senoras on tho right andtbe men and boys on the left Thoypray and sing in the native Mexicanlanguage which is richer sweeterand more expressive than tho Spanish-

In the Dias tianguis marketdays they assemble and exchangetheir goods Money is a superfluity-and interchange made by meanspf barter am trade

Their meals consist of maze demale flour of corn which is mixedwith powdered chile in makingtomales tortillas frojoles beansand the native fruits and vegetablesof which there is an endless varietyincluding oguacates ranches teteo-XftB tilapos sandias chlcozapotesmeloncs and others

Every year the people assemble toelect their judge or alcalde whomthey usually obey implicitly Thismagistrate is selected from the oldernon of the pueblo City of MexicoLetter

pug IJp 8 FortuneWhile digging up a tree in the yard

of Silver Trevine at Monterey Mex-


Petronilo Hernandez found threoearthen jars filled with gold and sil-


coin Hernande who was a ser-


secured a sack and carried awaytwo or threo loads of tho treasureWhen Trevinp learned of the discov-ery he Lad Hernandez arrested forrobbery The wealth amounts toabout 20000 onethird of whichinufif go the Government Heruau-fnj confined iu prisonSt LouisGobO Democrat

Rebellious MemoryTotsio accidentally discovered a doll

Oint lien mothpr concealed in atrunk iu readiness for tIle little ladysbirthday Time following ¬

ner she remarked Im trying sohotel to forget something I want to re-


that dont feel very hungryJudge

Venom Inhaled with the AirAnd Imbibed irlth the water of a malarious 10

cnlltj bee still a certain nntlOote Experiencesanctions confidence In llcetettcrs StoinnotHitters n preventive UiUBCourge Allocr-thlcontluentnnd III the tropics It has provedItself a certain mentis of defense and an crnjleant of Intermittent nnd remittent fever amid

other forms of fuln inoborii disease > orlsltless Directive for VUney troubles constipationrheumatism and nerrouBness

A man nay smile nd smile or4 still be atemperance advocate

A Iroie 1oern-JtEM Medicated Smoking Tobacco

And CigarettesAre absolute remedies for Catarrh

lIar Foyer Asthma and ColdsBesidest delightful emoko-

kadlet aawell as men usa these goodsNo opium or other harmful drug

Used In their manufactureEE1I It uied and recommended

Or some of the best citizensOf this country

It your dealer does not keep EEMSend lie for package ot tobacco

And Co for package cigarettesDirect to the EEM Company

Atlanta QaAnd you will receive goods br mall

Dewr of Ointments for Catarrh ThatContain Mercury-

as the sense o-

smell anecompletelyderaugotbewbole systemwhen entering It through the mucousSqch articles would never be used except on

from reputable physicians as thedamigeiboy to the yocan derive from them Halls Catarrhmanufactured by V J Cheney CoToledo 0 contains no mercnrTIand la takeninternally acting upon uae andmnoomi surfaces of the In buyingHalls Catarrh Cure be suretogatthe genuineIt Is taken Internally curt la made in ToledoOhio by F J Cheney A To Testimonials freesVBold by Druggists price Tte per bottle

Halls Family Pills are best

I cannot speak too highly of Plsos Cnre forConsumption Mrs Fuinr Moss SIS W 524St New York Oct 29 ISM

Pita permanently cured Mo IlIAor nervous-ness attar Oral nse of Dr Klines GreatNerre Restorer trial bottle and treatise freeDRR1IXLIXLtdl Arch at ruia ra

Mrs Winalowa Soothing Hynip for childrenteethlnt softens the gums reduces Inflamma-tion allays pain cures wind colic Mo a bottle

If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr Isaao Thompsons Eyewater Druggists at Sic per bottle


The ulna obtainedfrom the use of unr ma-chine


baa been so rervsatisfactory that we enter upon our THIRD

eftsoIS with a feeling of jrsat rpnfidcnc-Uiir oblnea are datable andeffective Time kernel Irfi hisline condition fur dlitrlbnllnifaia fertiliier

hull are va Jlescript pamphlet with Uetlmoululs fromprominent planter throor toot thiSouthern SUIt Aether with i tmple olproduct from our machine will be > urwrdeaon a

GitttilUtaluUujCi hpaper yen write

LstluiaUny the Sphinx Age

The famous near the Pyra-



of Oizeh was thoroughly invesU-

pntctl Professor Ernwn who at a

recent meeting of tho Berlin Academy

lectured about its probable ago Care-



researches show that it could not

have been built previous to the so

called CI Middle Kingdom or about2000 B 0 Between her front paws

there was originally the imago of a

deity all trace of which at the presenttime has disappeared For the build-



of the colossal work more thantwenty years must have been necessa-



had been em-


¬even if 1500 menall the time

ProgressingOld Job was taught to read by the

ministers wife and proved a very aptscholar Returning home after a pro-



absence the lady met her oldpupil and asked him how he was get-


on ClI suppose you can readyour Bible now comfortably Job

Lor bless you mam cried JobIve been out of tho Bible and into

the newspaper this long whileHousehold Words

Jfo Vie to CryNc use to fret and worry and Itch nnd scratch

That wont euro ou Tettorlne win Any sortot tkln disease Totter Eczema Salt Kheum-

Klnrworm or mere nbraslon of the skin Atdame stores or by mall for Wo In stamps from 4T Bhuputne SMaunab Oa

More men hare beon so1lun one than havebeoa selfmade


Writing to Mrs Plnkham

She saysI have been using yourVegetable Compound and find that Itdoes all that it is recommended do-

I lave been a sufferer for the last fouryeirs with wombtrouble weakba < lc and escrc-tio is I was hard-ly


tble to do myhousehold dutiesana while aboutmy work was sonervous that-I was miserable I hadalso givenup in des ¬

Jpair when I-

hs1 I

persuaded to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and today-I inn feeling like a new womanMns EITA McGAnvv Xeebc IloadStation Cincinnati 0

oS Ulcers Cured I mo treatmentOHDIle 61 At RoDiiiTSNewBorneNQ


than CENT aTradeMark




urns tan be saved without their knowledge byXntlJtg Cbs marvelouselite for lb drlok h > bltWrite Rcnott ObttnlcilCo U Brotdviy N Y

JTull Uifcnnitlon In jliln wrapper free

Dinners me them because Growart give to inch glut Huller


The complete llutlnf Course or tha completeMiorthand Course for 23 at


Complete lJe8lIfllll ana Slimtlutna CouTU comlidiea TM ftr JIantti-

DuslncM prnctlce from the eUrt TrainedTeachers Course of study unexcelled No T-

catlon Address F II WHITE PrincipalCHRONIC DISEASES-

ot nil

Rhenmatlrm Neuralgia BroncJxltli Palpita-tion


IndigestIon etaCATARRH


Prolapsus Ulcerations etc Writefor patnphl testimonials and question blank

DU S T SpecIalIst90S Nojcroas Uulldlnr Atlanta Go

promade onkitchen

a fewcost of 25 cti and sells at II per gallon nt

and Dndlt excellent>hTllie TennSend II and get the recipe or e2 and willalso send Dictionary cf twent thousand reoipes covering aU departmenta of InquiryAGents wanted

J N LOrSPEICH Morrlstown TinTHE OEOBQIA TELBOBAFK SCHOOLt Teaches telegraphy tboreniUy

Stifle IuterrlceSchool innine sears Sltteen bandrtd teeTtdiMlcs Send tot Jllustraltd ctI Addicts OeOWUTELEGRAPh SCHOOL Scitla Omgla

BETTER Me a waea o t I awittllI fcIes te stil CoIotIdo Gel MisTHAN RUebd B ILOCxI-IUIil

I< DYx1IcifP4 xliii Slick =Dft CoI 01

BO S Builnm Colle I


TtngBirnr ArID IBeautIful Catalogue Free-

D 1Ur00


c t t M1


HAIRRENBeautifies and restores Gia

Hair toSits original color and

vitality prevents baldness

cures itching and dandruff

A fine hair dressingB P Halt ft corro Nashua M

Sold by all ruggl-




Lowcry AhTOit IHave used Dr M 1

Simmons LiverMcdlclno in eIyfu3ily for 10 years

A goodresutts I thiriit is stronger Ihu

LZelltnsl or II Black

Draught9 Cramps

tho to tboback 114chest The are often theeffect of Dr M A MmeSLlrerHIedlcluo bo used tottlnlato organs and I> rbqunwVimmoWino to ilVO IfflmedlUottU-and permanent cure

After tho old proprietors of the trtftnow called DIII Wcre tynUnited States Court from uSItlthe words constItuting cur tradedocs sot equity require that thc staidtrtheir otm sumo armcimcrlts itatjutheir article and not sock to arproDtmithe trade for our article ujknown ia Dr Simmons Liver Wedlcltetj

of nrtn-t015 on wrapper and fatsclyadcrj-lag hat their Draught wa

in IBiD that Ito Ttoilawhich our nrtlclo was established while M-

ono ocr heard ot Black Drought U3after 1STG do they thifalsehood and associate their urtlcletritbours having tho picture of Dr llAbbmono on It by their ot ie-picture of another Dr not dot sto unfairly appropriate oar trader liultho motive ri

Antonio wjt-My Vflfo has uectl Dr HA Simmons LVcr Medlolno many years for Sick

Headache anti noTesfalls to buy A pAdS

i when she expects w

travel It eavti ouo Iroa

taking Inlutlous drlgi-ForlSosrs it teens-necealAry madlclno In EJhOtllO

Caution Dont be fooled IntochcnpwrthlcmmastalT If tho mcrchanttclli-yon It Is Jnot tbo same aa M A S L

on rnny knovr that ho Is trying logcllyoiicheap otnfl to rrmko n ME nltut



Walter Baker CosBreakfast


t Costs Xena ONE cuplie sure that the package bears our

t 1 Walter Baker Co LlmiteE-


Dorchester MassA Z


toate the

























7rRS-aIl rex


COCOAP-ure Nutritious









soldSL uilrear 900 boWel cf

GKOVE8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and Harebought three ercu already this year In all oar tfp-erience of II time Oral baysnever sold an article that rate seth nnlrcrsaiSection as your Tonic xoun truly

uaKsrCA a C-


SlO J boxes JM bymall Address

lliI Hageards SpecificGA


Full particulars tent bymall cu application


2ed4 O ensfiuJ8a iettul bnlo i Kottitbook Utmp board ttio5lorcttskn

ROBERT ELEETh soldier cltUeti iriS christian hire A rMtbookjuitrsadygIlngljfaMasstr7 >

fIDBUBtUNO CO U aadXUa gtsBlchaeBdY-

JptnirrtUncCMTlflll TUIC to di r

lliIItuitI t f M 11-


c nil
