Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

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THERAVADA BUDDHISM IN MODERN NEPALByVen. S. M. SujanoContents; Preface 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Revival of Theravadin 4. Development of Theravada Buddhism 5. Contribution to Nepalese Society 6. Theravadin in Nepalese Society 7. Conclusion 8. Theravada Records in Nepal 9. Footnotes2THERAVADA BUDDHISM IN MODERN NEPAL [1]Preface History of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal is very vague. There are some evidences that Buddha visited Nepal during his lifetime, preached to his relative

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Page 1: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal




Ven S M Sujano




1 Introduction

2 Background

3 Revival of Theravadin

4 Development of Theravada Buddhism

5 Contribution to Nepalese Society

6 Theravadin in Nepalese Society

7 Conclusion

8 Theravada Records in Nepal

9 Footnotes





History of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal is very vague There

are some evidences that Buddha visited Nepal during his lifetime

preached to his relatives and friends and ordained some people

Theravada tradition is believed to be the oldest unbroken tradition The

teaching- the Dhamma was divided into two sects- Sthaviravada and

Mahasanghika in the second council held 100 years after the death of

Buddha Sthaviravada later developed as Theravada and Mahasanghika

developed as Mahayana which also includes Vajrayana

More concrete evidences of existence of Buddhism in Nepal

were found from the visit of king Asoka of India and some more from

descriptions of Chinese travellers King Asoka visited Lumbini in

Nepal in 250 BC and erected a stone pillar which is still standing The

inscription in Bramhi script in this pillar reads in English as follows

ldquoKing Piyadasirdquo (another name for king Asoka) beloved of the gods

having anointed 20 years came here himself and worshiped saying

bdquoHere Buddha Sakyamuni was born (Hida Budhe Jatildete Satildekyamuni)‟


Chinese travellers Fa Hian (AD 403) and Hiuen Tsang (AD

636) also described the existence of dilapidated stupas monasteries and

palaces (Source Holy places of Buddhism in Nepal amp India ndash Trilok

Chandra Majupuria and Indra Majupuria)

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book1 Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government who ruled

Nepal from1846 to the dawn of democracy in 1950 That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was

known and practised by only certain castes-Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc The Rana government banned

all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people converting

from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists were

allowed to become Hindus


Revival of Theravada Buddhism started in the closing years of


century Mr Jagat Man Vaidya (later known as Dharmaditya

Dharmacariya) of Patan Nepal started publishing Buddhist journals

from India where he was studying to promote Buddhism He also

started Buddha Jayanti (Vesak Day) Celebration to commemorate

birth enlightenment and death (parinibbana) of the Buddha This was

first celebrated in modern Nepal in 1926

According to Lalit Bistara in Newari language influences of

Dharmaditya‟s campaign and Tibetan Lamas motivated some Nepalese

to take ordination according to Theravada tradition The first Nepali to

take ordination according to this tradition was Venerable Mahapragna

a Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1928 in India under Venerable U

Chandramani a Burmese monk at Kusinagar Other Nepalese followed

his example and took Ordination under the same Burmese monk in

India But when they return to Nepal they were arrested imprisoned

and then exiled

Towards the later year of Rana regime the attitude of the

government towards Theravada Buddhism and Theravada monks and

nuns softened and the exiled monks were allowed to return to Nepal to


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 2: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal




1 Introduction

2 Background

3 Revival of Theravadin

4 Development of Theravada Buddhism

5 Contribution to Nepalese Society

6 Theravadin in Nepalese Society

7 Conclusion

8 Theravada Records in Nepal

9 Footnotes





History of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal is very vague There

are some evidences that Buddha visited Nepal during his lifetime

preached to his relatives and friends and ordained some people

Theravada tradition is believed to be the oldest unbroken tradition The

teaching- the Dhamma was divided into two sects- Sthaviravada and

Mahasanghika in the second council held 100 years after the death of

Buddha Sthaviravada later developed as Theravada and Mahasanghika

developed as Mahayana which also includes Vajrayana

More concrete evidences of existence of Buddhism in Nepal

were found from the visit of king Asoka of India and some more from

descriptions of Chinese travellers King Asoka visited Lumbini in

Nepal in 250 BC and erected a stone pillar which is still standing The

inscription in Bramhi script in this pillar reads in English as follows

ldquoKing Piyadasirdquo (another name for king Asoka) beloved of the gods

having anointed 20 years came here himself and worshiped saying

bdquoHere Buddha Sakyamuni was born (Hida Budhe Jatildete Satildekyamuni)‟


Chinese travellers Fa Hian (AD 403) and Hiuen Tsang (AD

636) also described the existence of dilapidated stupas monasteries and

palaces (Source Holy places of Buddhism in Nepal amp India ndash Trilok

Chandra Majupuria and Indra Majupuria)

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book1 Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government who ruled

Nepal from1846 to the dawn of democracy in 1950 That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was

known and practised by only certain castes-Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc The Rana government banned

all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people converting

from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists were

allowed to become Hindus


Revival of Theravada Buddhism started in the closing years of


century Mr Jagat Man Vaidya (later known as Dharmaditya

Dharmacariya) of Patan Nepal started publishing Buddhist journals

from India where he was studying to promote Buddhism He also

started Buddha Jayanti (Vesak Day) Celebration to commemorate

birth enlightenment and death (parinibbana) of the Buddha This was

first celebrated in modern Nepal in 1926

According to Lalit Bistara in Newari language influences of

Dharmaditya‟s campaign and Tibetan Lamas motivated some Nepalese

to take ordination according to Theravada tradition The first Nepali to

take ordination according to this tradition was Venerable Mahapragna

a Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1928 in India under Venerable U

Chandramani a Burmese monk at Kusinagar Other Nepalese followed

his example and took Ordination under the same Burmese monk in

India But when they return to Nepal they were arrested imprisoned

and then exiled

Towards the later year of Rana regime the attitude of the

government towards Theravada Buddhism and Theravada monks and

nuns softened and the exiled monks were allowed to return to Nepal to


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 3: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal





History of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal is very vague There

are some evidences that Buddha visited Nepal during his lifetime

preached to his relatives and friends and ordained some people

Theravada tradition is believed to be the oldest unbroken tradition The

teaching- the Dhamma was divided into two sects- Sthaviravada and

Mahasanghika in the second council held 100 years after the death of

Buddha Sthaviravada later developed as Theravada and Mahasanghika

developed as Mahayana which also includes Vajrayana

More concrete evidences of existence of Buddhism in Nepal

were found from the visit of king Asoka of India and some more from

descriptions of Chinese travellers King Asoka visited Lumbini in

Nepal in 250 BC and erected a stone pillar which is still standing The

inscription in Bramhi script in this pillar reads in English as follows

ldquoKing Piyadasirdquo (another name for king Asoka) beloved of the gods

having anointed 20 years came here himself and worshiped saying

bdquoHere Buddha Sakyamuni was born (Hida Budhe Jatildete Satildekyamuni)‟


Chinese travellers Fa Hian (AD 403) and Hiuen Tsang (AD

636) also described the existence of dilapidated stupas monasteries and

palaces (Source Holy places of Buddhism in Nepal amp India ndash Trilok

Chandra Majupuria and Indra Majupuria)

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book1 Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government who ruled

Nepal from1846 to the dawn of democracy in 1950 That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was

known and practised by only certain castes-Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc The Rana government banned

all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people converting

from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists were

allowed to become Hindus


Revival of Theravada Buddhism started in the closing years of


century Mr Jagat Man Vaidya (later known as Dharmaditya

Dharmacariya) of Patan Nepal started publishing Buddhist journals

from India where he was studying to promote Buddhism He also

started Buddha Jayanti (Vesak Day) Celebration to commemorate

birth enlightenment and death (parinibbana) of the Buddha This was

first celebrated in modern Nepal in 1926

According to Lalit Bistara in Newari language influences of

Dharmaditya‟s campaign and Tibetan Lamas motivated some Nepalese

to take ordination according to Theravada tradition The first Nepali to

take ordination according to this tradition was Venerable Mahapragna

a Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1928 in India under Venerable U

Chandramani a Burmese monk at Kusinagar Other Nepalese followed

his example and took Ordination under the same Burmese monk in

India But when they return to Nepal they were arrested imprisoned

and then exiled

Towards the later year of Rana regime the attitude of the

government towards Theravada Buddhism and Theravada monks and

nuns softened and the exiled monks were allowed to return to Nepal to


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 4: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Chinese travellers Fa Hian (AD 403) and Hiuen Tsang (AD

636) also described the existence of dilapidated stupas monasteries and

palaces (Source Holy places of Buddhism in Nepal amp India ndash Trilok

Chandra Majupuria and Indra Majupuria)

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book1 Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government who ruled

Nepal from1846 to the dawn of democracy in 1950 That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was

known and practised by only certain castes-Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc The Rana government banned

all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people converting

from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists were

allowed to become Hindus


Revival of Theravada Buddhism started in the closing years of


century Mr Jagat Man Vaidya (later known as Dharmaditya

Dharmacariya) of Patan Nepal started publishing Buddhist journals

from India where he was studying to promote Buddhism He also

started Buddha Jayanti (Vesak Day) Celebration to commemorate

birth enlightenment and death (parinibbana) of the Buddha This was

first celebrated in modern Nepal in 1926

According to Lalit Bistara in Newari language influences of

Dharmaditya‟s campaign and Tibetan Lamas motivated some Nepalese

to take ordination according to Theravada tradition The first Nepali to

take ordination according to this tradition was Venerable Mahapragna

a Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1928 in India under Venerable U

Chandramani a Burmese monk at Kusinagar Other Nepalese followed

his example and took Ordination under the same Burmese monk in

India But when they return to Nepal they were arrested imprisoned

and then exiled

Towards the later year of Rana regime the attitude of the

government towards Theravada Buddhism and Theravada monks and

nuns softened and the exiled monks were allowed to return to Nepal to


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 5: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Revival of Theravada Buddhism started in the closing years of


century Mr Jagat Man Vaidya (later known as Dharmaditya

Dharmacariya) of Patan Nepal started publishing Buddhist journals

from India where he was studying to promote Buddhism He also

started Buddha Jayanti (Vesak Day) Celebration to commemorate

birth enlightenment and death (parinibbana) of the Buddha This was

first celebrated in modern Nepal in 1926

According to Lalit Bistara in Newari language influences of

Dharmaditya‟s campaign and Tibetan Lamas motivated some Nepalese

to take ordination according to Theravada tradition The first Nepali to

take ordination according to this tradition was Venerable Mahapragna

a Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1928 in India under Venerable U

Chandramani a Burmese monk at Kusinagar Other Nepalese followed

his example and took Ordination under the same Burmese monk in

India But when they return to Nepal they were arrested imprisoned

and then exiled

Towards the later year of Rana regime the attitude of the

government towards Theravada Buddhism and Theravada monks and

nuns softened and the exiled monks were allowed to return to Nepal to


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 6: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


practice the religion according to Theravada tradition Until that time

only Vajrayana monks (Bajracharyas) who are really a householders

and Tibetan Lamas were known to Nepalese After the advent of the

democracy in 1950 Theravada tradition thrived and made rapid in road

into Nepalese society Both His Majesty King Tribhuvan the father of

the nation and his son king Mahendra were supportive to Theravada

revival movements Because of the enthusiasm of Theravada monks

and nuns their lay supporters and encouragement from their Majesties

Theravada tradition progressed and became a part of Nepalese religious

life Many more Nepalese men and women took ordinations

Theravada monasteries were opened in different parts of the country

At present there are 96 Theravada Viharas in the country 303

Bhikkhus and Samaneras Sangha members and 135 Anagarikas Some

are resident in Nepal and others are either studying or practising

dhamma in other countries of Asia and Europe and in Australia and

United States of America (Source The Ananda Bhoomi year 33

issues 32 and 33)

Late Venerable Amritananda Mahasthavir deservers special

mention in Theravada revival movement in Nepal He played a


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 7: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


prominent role in promotion of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal He

founded Dharmodaya Sabha All Nepal Bhikshu Association (Akhil

Nepal Bhikshu Sangha) travelled widely promoting dhamma and

translated and published many Buddhist texts

Late Venerable Bhikshu Sudharshan added a different

dimension to the movement He started training centre with the aim of

broadening ordination to other ethnic groups Until then Newars ndash

original inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley were the only ones who have

taken ordinations in this tradition Because of his foresight and timely

action many people from other ethnic groups have accepted Theravada

Buddhism and some has taken ordination Ven Nyanapurnika of

Viswasanti Vihar who established Novice Training Centre Ven

Ashowghosa of Sangharama who trained most of the present leading

monks of Nepal and Anagarika Dhammavati of Dharmakirti (Now

Bhikkhuni according to Mahayana) who established Nunnery training

centre are also well known figures in Theravada in Nepal

At present all three traditions Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism have become

acceptable Buddhist traditions in Nepal Theravada Buddhist monks


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 8: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


and nuns with their saffron coloured robe along with Tibetan Lamas

and Bajracharyas are familiar features in Nepalese society especially

in Kathmandu valley


Theravada Buddhism the doctrine of the elders is the oldest

unbroken traditional Buddhist tradition practised by people since the

time of the Buddha It is found today in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Myanmar

(Burma) Thailand Cambodia Laos and Chittagong (Bangladesh)[2]

Theravāda Buddhism in modern Nepal was introduced about 80 years

ago Since then it has emerged as a major force in modern Nepal It

plays significant roles in different fields of Nepalese society and

Buddhists have begun to engage in both traditional and modern

activities Even though it re-emerged only few decades ago the origins

of Theravāda Buddhism in Nepal are to be found in the time of Gotama

the Buddha The Buddha the founder of Buddhism was born in

Lumbini within the borders of present-day Nepal Very early in its

history then important Buddhist events occurred on the southern

plains of Nepal There are many references in ancient Pāli literature of


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 9: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Buddhist activities held in and near Kapilavatthu the Buddha‟s

hometown The Buddhist scriptures say that not only was the Buddha

born in what is now Nepal but also visited his home several times after

he had become the Buddha

Although the Buddha was born in Nepal the history of

Buddhism in Nepal is not very clear According to Buddhist literatures

he did visit Nepal gave discourses and ordained some monks and nuns

There are monasteries and stupas spread in different parts of the

country but due to lack of records or clear evidence it is difficult to say

when they were built Historians have identified the Stupa of Yogini in

Gumvihara at Sankhu Kathmandu as the oldest stupa in Kathmandu

Valley It is generally believed that the origin of this vihāra dates to

the time of the early introduction of Buddhism in ancient times around

the first century CE Harishchandra Lal Singha a historian says

ldquoTheravāda was the earliest form of Buddhism prevalent in Nepal as in

many countries of Asia where Buddhism flourishedrdquo However

traditional Theravāda texts do not contain any information about

Theravāda in Nepal The texts of other Buddhist schools nevertheless


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 10: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


say that some of the Buddha‟s disciples went to Nepal‟s Kathmandu


There is evidence that the King Asoka of Magadha visited

Lumbini in Nepal He was a great patron and staunch supporter of

Buddhism during his time It is said that in the 20th

year after his

accession to the throne of the Maurya Dynasty and following the Third

Buddhist Council the King made pilgrimages to historic places of

Buddhist interest and erected stone pillars He is also said to have

visited Nepal Valley Dr D Wright writes that the Emperor King

Ashoka visited Kathmandu Valley at the time of the fourteenth Kirati

King Sthungko of the Kirat dynasty with his spiritual guide Venerable

Upagupta Queen Tissyarakshita and a daughter named Carumati He

sent nine missionary groups to different places A group of four monks

led by Ven Majjima came to Nepal and succeeded in propagating

Buddhism in Nepal It was said that Buddhism was a well-know

religion then and practised by people in their daily life It is believed

that the Buddhism that was practised during King Asoka‟s time was

Theravada Buddhism Unfortunately for some unknown reason

popularity of Buddhism declined and its identity lost for many


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 11: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


centuries According to the recorded history of Nepal after the social

reforms carried out by King Jayasthiti Malla (1382-95 CE) Buddhism

went into decline and developed into Newār Buddhism However

Theravada Buddhism was re-introduced once again in Nepal in the

closing years of 19th

century by Nepalese who came in contact with the

Maha Bodhi society of India

Anagarika Dharmapala a Sri Lankan Buddhist founded this

Maha Bodhi Society Nepalese who came in contact with this society

took initial steps for revival of Theravada activities in Nepal Nearly a

century later Theravada once again gained foothold in Nepal

Presently there are number of Theravada Buddhist monasteries in the

country The numbers of Nepalese Buddhist monks and nuns have also

increased Some are resident in Nepal and others are studying and

carrying out dhamma work in Sri Lanka Thailand Myanmar and

other countries Beside dhamma work they are also engaged in various

charitable works like education health social welfare etc for the

upliftment of Nepali community wherever they are



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 12: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal



As I have mentioned earlier history of Buddhism in Nepal is

very vague There are some evidences that Buddhism was popular

during Buddha‟s time in Nepal There are also evidences that the

Buddha visited Nepal gave discourses to relatives and Buddhists and

ordained Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis[3]

According to Buddhist scholar‟s

Theravada tradition existed in Nepal since the time of the Lord


The evidence was more reliable from the account of King

Asoka The great emperor of ancient India King Asoka visited

Lumbini and erected stone pillar with inscription in Bramhi script

which in English reads bdquo Here the Buddha was born‟

(Hidabhagavamjāteti Lum minigāme) As mentioned before he also

sent Dhamma Missionary (Dhammaduta) to Nepal after third Buddhist

council (Sanghayana) which was held three hundred years after

Buddha‟s parinibbana Buddhist legends has it that one of King

Asoka‟s daughter Carumati married a Nepali called Devapal and

settled in Cabahil Katmandu where she constructed a temple- Cabahil

monastery and became a Bhikkhuni for the rest of her life[4]



these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 13: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


these the records of Chinese travelers who visited Buddhist

pilgrimage sites in India and Nepal after King Ashoka‟s visit also gave

some information on existence of Theravada Buddhist monks who

practised and studied along with other Buddhist sects in Nepal[5]

According to historians Buddhism was a dominant religion

until the time of King Jayasthiti Malla who ruled Nepal during

medieval period (around 1382 CE) He imposed caste system in Nepal

according Manudharmasastra a Hindu holy book[6]

Buddhist culture

and tradition were banned the celibate monks were forced to disrobe

and forced to marry Vajrayana or Newar Buddhism was developed

following the demise of Theravada Buddhism The situation of

Buddhist became worse during the time of Rana government In 1846

the mantle of power of Nepal‟s government shifted from the monarchy

to autocratic isolationist Rana government The Shah kings of the

country were kept under tight control of Rana prime ministers[7]


country was closed from outside world and kept her eyes closed to

what was happening outside for nearly 104 years That was the age

when Buddhism was totally forgotten by non-Buddhist of Nepal It was


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 14: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


known and practised by only certain communities Vajracharyas

(Bajracharyas) Shakyas Tuladhars etc[8]

The Rana government

banned all Buddhist religious activities They also banned people

converting from Hindu religion to Buddhism but traditional Buddhists

were allowed to become Hindus

Theravada Revival Movement

In the early 1920s Dharmāditya Dharmācārya began his

campaign for the revival of Theravāda Buddhism teaching that Nepal

was the land of the Buddha‟s birth Meanwhile the Baisākha purnimā

celebration and publicing of ldquoBuddha Dhammardquo magazine by

Dharmāditya Dharmācārya had been inflaming the inner quest for

spirituality in Nepalewse society Furthermore simulteniously Tibeten

Buddhism had been inspiring Newari Society to walk the path that was

once nearly lost One of the well-known monks who came from Tibet

and preached the Dhamma to the Nepalese was Kyangtse Lama

Known in Nepal as Kyanchhe Lama he had come on pilgrimage to

Nepal His sermons and the publication of the Lalitavistara inspired

many to seek Buddhist ordination in the early period of the modern


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 15: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


history of Buddhism in Nepal It was the fortunate conjunction of

Nisthananda‟s translation of the Lalitavistara into the mother tongue

producing a Newāri version of the Buddha‟s life story Dharmāditya

Dharmācārya revivalism and the visits of Kyangtse Lama which

ensured that ldquothe Bud of the Dharmardquo planted by the Venerable Lama

should flower so quickly and produce such impressive fruit His

influence on Newāri scholars was significant One of them was

Yogbeer Sing Kansakar who was honoured for his efforts for the

preservation of the Newāri language The Lama also influenced the

first Theravāda monks Venerable Mahapragya and Venerable

Pragyānanda among others

The closing years of 19th

century saw reform movements in

many Buddhist countries with idea of modernizing Buddhist

movement The term bdquoBuddhist modernization‟ is used to refer to these

new reformist activities[9]

The aim of this movement was to bring

back Buddhism to India and Sri Lanka The Maha Bodhi Society was

founded in India under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala[10]


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 16: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


This organization was the first Buddhist organization established with

the aim of internationalizing Buddhism

The success of The Maha Bodhi Society encouraged Nepalese

who came in contact with this society They were mostly traditional

Buddhists (Newar Buddhists) of Nepal who were merchants and

pilgrims They played an important role in Theravada revival

movement in present day Nepal However it was students of Buddhism

who gave a kick-start to Theravada movements in modern Nepal

Mr Jagatman Vaidya a traditional Buddhist by birth went to

India for further studies He initiated the Theravada Buddhist revival

movement with the help of The Mahabodhi Society[11]

Mr Jagatman

who later became known as Dharmaditya Dharmacariya devoted most

of his time and energy to Buddhist Revivalism in Nepal by publishing

Buddhist journal in Newari Nepali Hindi English etc One of his

great deeds was to celebrate Baisakh day Buddha Jayanti or Swanya

Punhi in Nepal to commemorate Buddha‟s birth enlightenment and

death (Parinibbana) He established bdquoBuddha Dharma Uddhar

Sangharsquo lsquoBuddhopasaka Sangha‟ and other organizations for the

propagation of Buddhism in Nepal[12]


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 17: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


The Buddha Jayanti which he has initiated was celebrated for

the first time in the history of modern Nepal in 1926 after a long gap

Now a day this day is widely celebrated in Nepal Every year people

celebrate it with great joy and happiness[13]

He was also responsible

for stopping animal slaughter at Mayadevi temple in Lumbini and

renovation of Kindol Vihar in Kathmandu This Vihara became the

center for Theravada revival movement[14]

He published Buddhist

magazine entitled bdquoBuddha Dharmarsquo in Newari Language

(Nepalabhasa) emphasizing the importance of Buddha Jayanti

celebration and Theravadian views This was the starting point of

Theravada activities and promotion of Theravadian views in Nepal

after many centuries Some Nepalese youths took ordination according

to Theravada tradition in 1928 They were imprisoned for four days

The Government at the time was under the influence of Shaivait

Brahmins who were calling for a ban against Buddhism Later he was

arrested for his conversion from a Hindu to a Buddhist monk Three

new rules suppressing Buddhism had been issued


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 18: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


(1) Conversion to Buddhism from Hinduism (Shaivaism) to be

punished by one year in prison

(2) Acting as preceptor at a Buddhist ordination to be punished by

three years‟ imprisonment and

(3) Attempting to ordain into Buddhism to be punished by a six-

month imprisonment

They were exiled to India and all reordained into Theravada

tradition with ven U Kosala in Buddhagaya However certain reasons

they left the tradition The history speaks only on Ven Mahapragya but

rest of other four monks still under discovery The first Nepalese to

take ordination in Theravada tradition was venerable Mahapragna a

Hindu Shrestha by birth in 1926 After few years study in Tibet again

he went to India where he met Ven U Chandramani a Burmese monk

at Kusinagara[15]

He was impressed with Ven Chandramani and took

Theravada ordination from him This was the starting point for

Theravada ordination once again in the history of modern Nepal after

almost 600 years[16]

Since then Theravadin monastic order been settled

in modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 19: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


On the other hand Venerable Pragyananda (Karmasheel) who

converted from Gelung of Tibetan tradition to Theravada with Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagara India was the first yellow-robed monk

who appeared in the street of Kathmandu valley at the end of 1930s[17]

He stayed at Kindol Vihar at the invitation of Dasaratna Shahu (later

Ven Dharmaloka) and gave discourses The attendance at his

discourses increased day by day and it worried then Rana government

and arrested all the members of Vihar They were imprisoned fined

and later released[18]

Fortunately Ven Pragnananda was in different

place and was not arrested He went on pilgrimage to India with some

devotees His four devotees took ordination under guidance of Ven U

Chandramani at Kusinagar They were Samanera Shasana Jyoti

Anagarika Ratna Pali Anagarika Dhamma Pali and Anagarika

Sangha Pali This was the first nun‟s ordination in Theravada

Buddhism in modern Nepal[19]

In the mean time Dasaratna Shahu

who was running Kindol Vihar brought Civar and bowl from Sri Lanka

for monk ceremonies Soon after his release from prison he took

ordination according to Theravada tradition at Kusinagar from Ven U

Chandramani and became Samanera Dhammaloka in 1932[20]



visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 20: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


visited Nepal as a monk but was arrested immediately on his arrival in

Kathmandu and was imprisoned once again for six days and then

released without charging him with any offences Following his release

from prison he went to stay at Kindol Vihar and continued his

religious activities He was finally able to carry out religious activities

freely in Nepal He succeeded to propagate Theravada Buddhism in the

streets of Kathmandu valley[21]

Later he founded Nepal‟s first

Theravada Buddhist temple bdquoAnandakutirsquo at the foothill of Swayambhu

hill and it became the center for Theravada Sangha in modern Nepal

Venerable Amritananda was another well-known Buddhist

scholar and pioneer person for revival of Theravada Buddhism in

modern Nepa[22]

He was ordained under Ven U Chandramani at

Kusinagara in 1936 CE but was imprisoned along with Ven

Mahapragna at Bhojpur in 1937 In 1942 he came back to Nepal from

abroad after completing his study and gave discourses at the request of

Ven Dharmaloka in Swayambhu during vassavasa days (Three months

Buddhist lent) His public discourses impressed lay people and many

people came to listen to him Other Monks Samaneras and Nuns of


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 21: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Nepal who were studying abroad also came back and joined him and

gave public discourses in different places of Kathmandu valley[23]


was a great breakthrough during isolationist Rana government Rana

government of the time banned any public assembly because of fear of

political unrest and demand for political reform in Nepal Because of

their religious activities they were arrested on 30th

July 1944 and

brought in front of then Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher Jung Bahadur

Rana for giving verdict on the charges of propagating the dhamma He

made rules to curtail the Buddhist activities Those who didn‟t follow

these rules were asked either to leave the country or return to worldly

life All the respected monks who were active in revival of Theravada

in Nepal refused to obey the order and were exiled once again from

Nepal The exiled monks this time included Ven Pragnananda Ven

Dharmaloka Ven Subhodhananda Ven Pragnarashmi Samanera

Pragnarasa Samanera Ratnajyoti Samanera Agga Dhamma and

Samanera Kumar The nuns were allowed to remain in the Vihar until

the end of the Vassavasa[24]


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 22: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Development of Theravada Buddhism

The exiled monks formed bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ - Nepal‟s first

Buddhist organization with the help of other Buddhist organizations

and individuals on 30th

November 1944 in India under the

chairmanship of Ven U Chandramani Ven Amritananda was its

general secretary[25]

Immediately after establishment of bdquoDharmodaya

Sabha‟ Ven Amritananda wrote a protest letter to Nepalese

government and also appealed to other Buddhist organizations on

behalf of Dharmodaya Sabha He visited many places and various

countries to get support against the expulsion of Buddhist monks from

modern Nepal One of the countries he visited and undertook further

studies was Sri Lanka In Sri Lanka he also succeeded in bringing a

goodwill mission to Nepal in 1946 under the leadership of well-known

scholar Ven Narada Mahasthavir of Vajiraramaya Colombo The

members of this mission consisted of Ven Narada Ven Amritananda

Ven Priyadarshi Dr Ratna Surya and Prof Aryapal They were able

to meet the newly appointed Prime Minister Padma Shumsher J Rana

Ven Amritananda and leader of the mission Ven Narada requested his


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 23: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Excellency to give permission for the exiled monks to return to Nepal

Prime Minister Padma Shamsher accepted their request and permitted

the exiled monks to return Ven Dharmaloka was the first one to come

back to Nepal immediately after receiving a letter from Ven

Amritananda and arrived in Kathmandu in June 1946 (Jesth Sukla 6


Other monks also returned one by one and again started

propagating Theravada Buddhism in modern Nepal Ven Narada

visited Nepal three times and constructed a Sri Lankan Cetiya at

Anandakuti Vihar He brought a branch of Bodhi tree Buddha‟s relic

to Nepal He also established the first Sima (Uposatha) of Nepal for

Bhikkhus at the Vihara During his third visit he met then Prime

Minister Mohana Shamasher J Rana and requested him to declare

Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Day as a public holiday His Excellency

agreed and declared it as a public holiday for the Buddhist government

civil officers[27]

Since then Theravada Buddhism gained ground in

Nepalese society and made progress Theravada monks propagated

Buddhism by performing ceremonies giving Dharmadesana and

publishing Buddhist texts Many Viharas were built in and outside the

Kathmandu valley to propagate dhamma


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 24: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


In 1950 democracy replaced autocratic Rana regime under the

leadership of H M King Tribhuvan This heralded rapid development

of Theravada Buddhism Buddhist monks and nuns were able carry out

their duties freely without hindrances throughout the country The

office of bdquoDharmodaya Sabha‟ shifted from Kalimpong to Kathmandu

after the advent of democracy in 19501 In 1951 Bhikkhu Sangha led

by Ven Amritananda formed lsquoAkhil Nepal Bhikkhu Sangharsquo (All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha Council) for the further propagation of

Buddhism in Nepal Ven Amritananda played a great role in

propagation of Theravada Buddhism nationwide His close relationship

with their Majesties helped in his activities[28]

He visited many

countries on behalf of All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha and Dharmodaya

Sabha In the same year Buddhists of Nepal succeeded in bringing the

relics of Ven Sariputta (Ven Sariputra) and Ven Maudhgalyana

(Ven Moggallana) the foremost disciples of the Buddha for the

exhibition in Nepal His Majesty King Tribhuvan chaired the reception

committee and a reception party was held in the Royal Palace[29]

Following year in 1952 Buddha Jayanti was celebrated throughout the

country with the support of HM King Tribhuvan On this occasion


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 25: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


HM King declared Baisakh Purnima or Buddha Jayanti day as a

public holiday throughout the kingdom[30]

In 1956 His late Majesty King Mahendra visited Lumbini the

birthplace of the Buddha and erected a Mahendra Pillar in Lumbini

zone In the same year during 2500th

Buddha Jayanti celebration HM

king banned animal slaughter on this auspicious day throughout the


Nepalese Buddhists led by All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha

Council and Dharmodaya Sabha also organized the Fourth World

Fellowship of Buddhist Conference (WFB) in Kathmandu on this


His Majesty‟s government cooperated fully and gave every

assistance for the success of the conference Gradually Theravada

Buddhist monasteries were founded Buddhist Education Buddhapuja

meditation public discourses publications of Buddhist texts and mass

ordination etc took place as a part of dhamma activities Burma Sri

Lanka Thailand and other countries helped Nepal in its effort for

Theravada revival Soon after Theravada Buddhist monks established

the first Bhikkhu training center- Sangharama Vihar and ordained

number of novices under the leadership of Ven Ashogosha


Following their ordination they were sent to Sri


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 26: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Lanka Burma and Thailand for their higher ordination and education

Many of these monks have returned to Nepal and are actively engaged

in propagation of dhamma Besides ordination of individual novices

mass ordinations for short periods were also held in different temple

After Anandakuti Vihar the Viswasanti Vihara also established

Vishwa Shanti Bauddha Shikshalaya a Buddhist School under Ven

Nyanapunnika Mahathavir[34]

It teaches both national and Buddhist

curriculum to the novices Now there are nearly 100 Theravada

temples more than four hundred monks and Samaneras and nearly 400

nuns in the country Present Sangha Nayaka is Most Ven

Subodhananda of Gana Mahavihara Kathmandu President of All

Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha is Kumar Kashyapa of Ananda Kuti Vihar

Swayambhu Kathmandu and the head office of All Nepal Bhikkhu

Sangha is in Viswo Santi Vihara New Baneshwor Kathmandu


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 27: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Contribution to Nepalese society

Besides promoting Dhamma Theravada monks and nuns

(Anagarikas) are also involved in other welfare activities like

organising free health camps training centers either in the monasteries

or outside the monasteries They also founded center for old age and

Kindergarten Late Ven Sumangala Mahasthavira[35]

initiated free

clinic at Buddha Vihar a Buddhist home for the elderly at Benepa and

a Buddhist Kindergarten Free Clinics were popular because of lack of

adequate government run clinics in Nepal Many monasteries

organized free clinics Regular clinics like eye and Homeopathic were

run either on weekly or monthly basis Annual campaigns are also run

when it was felt necessary

In 1964 All Nepal Bhikkhu Sangha established a Theravada

education system Pariyatti Sikkha or Nepal Bauddha Pariyatti Siksa

(Buddhist Saturday School) Classes are run in Theravada Buddhist

monasteries Tibetan monasteries other Buddhist centers in public and

private schools There are more than 32 centers throughout the



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 28: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal



Presently its head office is at Viswo Santi Vihara in New

Baneswora Kathmandu

Besides Pariyatti Sikkha Ven Amritananda founded a

Buddhist school - bdquoAnandakuti Vidyapith Boarding School‟ and a

college- bdquoSiddharth Science Campus‟ Both Buddhist monks and lay

people used to teach in these institutions It was started as a Buddhist

school but for some reason it has become a private enterprise Besides

these many monks and nuns are also running other educational

institutions like bdquoNursery school (Siddhartha Shisu Niketan Buddha

Vihar) Primary school (Triple Gem Boarding School) and Higher

Schools There are some Higher Education institutes like Siddharth

University in Banepa International Buddhist University in Lumbini

etc Many Buddhist organizations were founded and they were also

running different classes and research centers like Dharmakirti

Buddhist Research Center Anagarika Dhammavati founded this centre

Later on Anagarika Dhammavati was ordained as Bhikkhuni

according to Taiwanese tradition She is one of the well-known nuns in

the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal[37]


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 29: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


The Buddhist temples and organizations bring out number of

publications annually monthly weekly and on special occasions

Dharmodaya Anandabhumi and Dharmakirti are the oldest

Buddhist journals in Nepal and still continued to be published

Ven Amritananda was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of

Nepal He wrote and translated many books on Buddhism There are

still no other monks or nun in Nepal who can be compared with


Late Ven Sudharsan Mahasthavir came close to him Ven

Sudharsan was a pillar of Theravada Buddhism after Ven

Amritananda He was famous for different reason His field of interest

beside dhamma work consisted literature language Archaeology etc

He was a resident monk at Srikirti Vihar Kirtipur and held the post of

professor in History Archaeology and Buddhist philosophy at

Tribhuvan University until his death in July 2002 Some of his books in

Buddhism became course book for BA and MA students in Nepal

He had special interest in archaeology of Lumbini and was an expert on

this subject[39]


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 30: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal also had profound

effect in cultural and religious way of life of Nepalese Daily chanting

or Buddhapuja short term ordination observing Sila (Moral code)

caste system celebration of Vesak day celibate life were introduced

In the month of Bhadra or Gunla days (AugustSeptember) Buddhist

hymns are chanted and public discourses are given

Late Ven Sudharshan Mahasthavir formed Sri Kirti Buddhist

center at Sri Kirti Vihar with the aim of introducing Buddhism to other

ethnic groups other than Newars- the original inhabitants of Katmandu

valley This project succeeded in bringing other ethic groups into

Theravada Buddhism As a result of this many ethnic groups who were

originally Buddhists have started organizing Buddhist conferences and

Buddhist activities Another important development is formation of

Gyanmala Bhajan Khala - a Buddhist hymn group This group sings

regularly especially during certain auspicious days at Swayambhu and

other Buddhist sites The songs they sing are based on Buddha‟s

teaching and has been successful in promoting Buddhism in simple

melodious hymns which attracts many people who visits these

religious places


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 31: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Theravadin in Nepalese Society

For centuries Nepalese were aware of only Buddhist priest

(Bajracharya) from Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana) and Tibetan Lamas

They were unaware of Theravadian Buddhist monks and nuns

Bajracharyas are household monks They lead domestic lives and are

not celibate Not all Tibetan monks are celibate It depends on the

school they belong to For example monks from Sakya School of

Tibetan tradition do not have to be celibate Theravada monks wear

distinctive saffron coloured robes They are celibate and lead virtuous

monastic life These monks and nuns have different identity in the eyes

of Nepalese especially the inhabitants of Kathmandu valley Their

simple way of life their full dedication in their work for the benefit of

mankind easily understood Theravada Scriptures translated in different

languages eg in Nepal Bhasa (Newari) Nepali in Hindi and in

English for easy accessibility by different groups helped to gain the

heart of Nepalese people Although many lay people have played

pivotal roles in revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal the leadership


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 32: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


of monks and nuns were vital in further development and survival of

this tradition

The lay Buddhists of Nepal are pluralistic They participate in

Buddhist ceremonies such as Vesak day daily chanting etc At the

same time they also follow Hindu customs in their daily lives

Buddhism is different from Hinduism and it is not a branch of

Hinduism Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu Buddha never claimed to be anything other than a human

being ndash although a unique one in the history of mankind

Buddhism in Nepal is unique because of existence of three

different Buddhist traditions - Newar Buddhism (Vajrayana)

Tibetan Buddhism (Mahayana) and Theravada Buddhism

Different Buddhist groups practised different traditions Although the

principle underlying all these traditions is the same they differ in

details Theravada Buddhist tradition is different from Tibetan or

Newar Buddhist traditions but it is developing side-by-side with them

It was not possible for Theravada Buddhism to develop in Nepal

without close co-relation with other traditions but later developed on its

own right These various Buddhist traditions are coexisting in present


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 33: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


day Nepal Although they have different cultural traditions and are

developing in their own ways but the followers are the same

Therefore there is no separate identity of Theravadian lay Buddhists

There are number of lay Buddhist organizations such as Dharmodaya

Sabha Dharmakirti Institute Young Buddhist Associations Female

Buddhist Associations more recently Sukhi Hotu Nepal which are

playing important role in promotion of Buddha Dhamma but they are

multi-cultural and multi religious in their daily practices


Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Nepal at the time when

public meetings were banned It faced many obstacles at the beginning

Strong dedications of monks and nuns made it possible for its revival in

Nepal after many centuries of neglect Even though the revival

movement of this tradition was started only about 80 years ago it has

already gained strong foot hold in Nepal and gaining popularity day by

day The reason for its popularity lies in many things - the simple and

easily understood way the teachings were given the simple way of life

of monks and nuns lead and various beneficial activities undertaken by


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 34: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Viharas Theravadin Buddhist monks and nuns are well accepted by

people and their contribution in promoting Buddha‟s teachings is

widely recognized Although small in number in comparison to other

Asian countries like Thailand Sri Lanka and Burma both the number

of monks and nuns and monasteries of this tradition are increasing day

by day If this trend continues it will become one of the prominent

religious traditions in Nepal It is only natural that this oldest Buddhist

tradition should gain its place of honour it deserve in a country where

the founder of the religion was born


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 35: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Theravada Records in Nepal

List of Monks Novices and Anagarikas studying abroad


I Thailand

1 Bhikkhu Anil Man Dhammasakiyo (Sugandha)

2 Bhikkhu Vipassi Dhammaramo

3 Bhikkhu Jit Bahadur Gurung

4 Bhikkhu Krishna Thapamagar

5 Bhikkhu Pannamurti

6 Bhikkhu Sujan Sujano

7 Bhikkhu Anil Sumankitti

8 Bhikkhu Santosh Santosho

9 Bhikkhu Khemik Suddhasilo

10 Bhikkhu Suman Rocano

11 Bhikkhu Sanu Maharajano

12 Bhikkhu Santamano Dhwajjoshi

13 Bhikkhu Suman Dhwajjoshi

14 Bhikkhu Bijit Khemasakko

15 Bhikkhu Supreme Shakyavanso


1 Samanera Buddharatna Maharjan

2 Samanera Dhammaratna Maharjan

3 Samanera Bipin Maharjan

4 Samanera Prajwal Shakya

5 Samanera Ukesh Sakya

6 Samanera Gopi Maharjan

7 Samanera Sudip Deshar

8 Samanera Sudat Deshar

9 Samanera Deepi Maharjan

10 Samanera Ramit Shrestha

11 Samanera Anup Deshar

12 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoA‟

13 Samanera Rajendra Deshar

14 Samanera Kapila Maharjan

15 Samanera Arbin Shakya


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 36: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


16 Samanera Kabindra Bajracharya

17 Samanera Ujjawal Shakya

18 Samanera Satish Shakya

19 Samanera Bimal Gurung

20 Samanera Surya Gurung

21 Samanera Sameer Maharjan

22 Samanera Anup Shakya

23 Samanera Arjun Magar

24 Samanera Kiran Desahar

25 Samanera Dipesh Shrestha

26 Samanera Tejendra Tamang

27 Samanera Ashim Shakya

28 Samanera Jalap Bajracharya

29 Samanera Arya Dev Bajracharya

30 Samanera Sudarshan Maharjan

31 Samanera Sangharatna

32 Samanera Suman Bajracharya bdquoB‟

33 Samanera Kijan Maharjan

34 Samanera Ramesh Maharjan

35 Samanera Niroj Maharjan

36 Samanera Jen Maharjan

37 Samanera Denish Bajracharya

38 Samanera Pritam Bahadur Shakya

39 Samanera Abhishek Shakya

40 Samanera Bishal Shakya

41 Samanera Sajal Shakya

42 Samanera Suraj Bhakta Shrestha

43 Samanera Dinesh Chaudhary

44 Samanera Shiv Swatantra Tharu

45 Samanera Sambhu Lal Khang

46 Samanera Buddharatna Chaudhary

47 Samanera Mukesh Chaudhary

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 37: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

II Myanmar (Burma)

Bhikkhu Samaneras

1 Bhikkhu Panavimala

2 Bhikkhu Dhyanratna

3 Bhikkhu Adiccho

4 Bhikkhu Vimalbuddhi

5 Bhikkhu Shobhan

6 Samanera Amato

7 Samanera Jutimma

8 Samanera Buddhapiyo

9 Samanera Kavindo

10 Samanera Nagasena

11 Samanera Gyanavudho

III Taiwan(ROC) 1 Bhikkhu Mangala 2 Bhikkhu Vazirbuddhi

IV Australia 1 Bhikkhu Upatissa

V India

1 Bhikkhu Dharmajyoti 2 Bhikkhu Ashokakirti

3 Bhikkhu Narawang Tamang

VI United kingdom 1 Bhikkhu Suman

VII USA 1 Bhikkhu Pragnaloka

VIII Sri Lanka


Bhikkhu Nanda

Bhikkhu Vineeta

Bhikkhu Ashoka

Bhikkhu Triratna

Bhikkhu Sagara

Bhikkhu Sankicca

Bhikkhu Vajirasiri

Bhikkhu Sarada

Bhikkhu Veenit

Bhikkhu Ratana

Bhikkhu Tissa

Bhikkhu Vajira

Bhikkhu Pannawimal

Bhikkhu Medhankar

Bhikkhu Pannasara




Dil Bhadra



Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 38: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Narada bdquoA‟















Narada bdquoB‟

Nalaka bdquoA‟


Santa Sobhana

Santa Siddhartha

Santa Maitri

Santa Kosala

Santa Sakya


Sukama Sila


Nanda bdquoA‟



Kosala Dheera

Panna Wansa

Jina Wansa


Nanda bdquoB‟







Nalaka bdquoB‟





Sangharatna bdquoA‟



Soma bdquoA‟


Panna Ransi

Soma bdquoB‟

Santa bdquoA‟

Kapila Wansa

Asita Wansa

Sumanananda bdquoa‟









Santa Citta


Dhamma Kitti

Panna Kitti

Santa Dheera


Sumanananda bdquob‟

Vajra Bodhi


Santa bdquoB‟


Sumana bdquoB‟


Panna Vansa

Buddha Ratna

Dhamma Ratna

Ariya Ratna

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 39: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Piyadassi bdquoB‟

Sila Ratna

Sangha Ratna bdquoB‟

List of Anagarikas studying in abroad

I Thailand

1 Anagarika Sirisuta Maharjan

2 Anagarika Ramsobha Shrestha

3 Anagarika Sunita Napit

II Myanmar

1 Anagarika Javanvati

2 Anagarika Vimalajnani

3 Anagarika Ambika

4 Anagarika Buddhapali

5 Anagarika Darshana

6 Anagarika Agrajnani

7 Anagarika Nandavati


III India 1 Anagarika Rupashila

IV Taiwan

1 Anagarika Pannavati

2 Anagarika Sani

3 Anagarika Nima

V Sri Lanka

1 Anagarika Pannawati

2 Anagarika Mettawati

3 Anagarika Keshawati

4 Anagarika Prasnnawati

5 Anagarika Sukhawati

6 Anagarika Shobhawati

7 Anagarika Subhadra

8 Anagarika


9 Anagarika Upananda

10 Anagarika Shantawati

11 Anagarika Suciwati

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 40: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Residences of Theravādin Monks in Nepal

01 Abhinava Buddha Vihara Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Vimalananda Mahathera

2) Samanera Sunanda

02 Anandakut Vihara Swayambhu Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kumara Kassapa Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Dharmamurti 3) Samanera Kondanya

4) S Prajnaratna 5) S Asoka

6) S Kumarjeeva 7) S Assaji

03 Bauddha Samaskrita Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Dharmashobhana Mahathera

04 Bodhicharya Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Bodhisena Mahathera

2) Samanera Bodhideepa

05 Buddha Vihara Bhrikuti Mandap-Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Kondanya 2) Bhikkhu Sushil

3) Samanera Anuyoga 3) S Javana

4) S Udena

06 Buddha Vihara Biratnagar

1) Bhikkhu Aloka

07 Buddha Vihara Dharan

1) Bhikkhu Maitri (Tamang)

2) Bhikkhu Chhavikirti

08 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Bhikkhu Thansettho

2) Bhikkhu Samyakaratna

3) Bhikkhu Bodhananda

9 Charumati Stupa Vihara Chabahil Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Tapassi Dhamma

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 41: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

10 Dharmacakra Ashrama Bagbazar

1) Bhikkhu Milinda

11 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Bhikkhu Subhadda 2) Bhikkhu Saddhananda

12 Dhyanakuti Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Ashwaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Rahul 3) Samanera Gautama

13 Gana Maha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Sanghanayaka Bhikkhu Subodhanand Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sobhita

3) Bhikkhu Samvegakirti

4) Samanera Sugatananda

6) S Chandananda

7) S Somananda

8) S Sumanavamsha

9) S Somavamsha

10) S Sumanasiri

14 IlayabahiTanabaha Patan

1) Bhikkhu Vimalkirti

15 International Bauddha Pariyatti Vihara Butwal

1) Bhikkhu Jatila

2) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya bdquoB‟

3) Samanera Jnanashree 4) S Jotika

16 International Buddhist Society Lumbini

1) Bhikkhu Maitri Mahathera

2) Samanera Mahapanta

3) S Vimala

17 Jana Udaya Vihara Sunakothi-Lalitpura

1) Bhikkhu Dharmagupta

18 Jitavana Vihara Thankot

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 42: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

1) Bhikkhu Dharmavamsha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sugatamuni Mahathera

3) Samanera Sunita

19 Kuti Vihara Koteshwar-KTM

1) Bhikkhu Yeshdhammo

2) Samanera Wayamo

3) S Milindo 4) S Sunanalankara

20 Manimandapa Mahavihara Patan

1) Bhikshu Shilbhadra Mahathera

2) Samanera Paduma 3) S Nayako

21 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Samanera Tejendra 2) S Jalapa

3) S Asima 4) S Aryaputra

22 Padma Sugandha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Sumedha 2) Samanera Sudatta

23 Pati Vihara Nagadesh-Bhaktapur

1) Bhikkhu Varasambodhi

24 Pranidhi Purna Maha Vihara Balambu

1) Samanera Sukha

25 Pugatabhoomi Jetavana Vihara Bhairahawa

1) Samanera Jagaro 2) S Suvanno

26 Purvaram Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Gunaghosha Mahathero

27 Sangharama Vihara Kshetrapati Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Saddhatissa

2) Bhikkhu Kolita

3) Bhikkhu Sangharakshita

28 Shakya Singha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Dharmapala Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Sunanda Mahathera

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 43: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

3) Bhikkhu Dharmarakshita

29 Shikhalapura Vihara Dhulikhel

1) Bhikkhu Dhammananda Mahathera

30 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Bhikkhu Kirtijyoti 2) Bhikkhu Ananda

3) Bhikkhu Prajnakirti

4) Bhikkhu Dharmakirti

5) Samanera Sundara 6) Bhikkhu Pamit

7) S Subhashkirti 8) S Uttarakirti

31 Shreegha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Bhikkhu Dharmasagara

2) Bhikkhu Medhankara

32 Sudarshana Vihara Banepa

1) Bhikkhu Rastrapala

33Sumangala Vihara Patan

1) Sanghaupanayaka Bhikkhu Buddhaghosha Mahathera

2) Bhikkhu Shobhan

3) Bhikkhu Prajnaratna

34 Surya Mangala Vihara Kapilvastu

1) Bhikkhu Suryamangala

35 Tokha Buddha Vihara Kathmandu

1) Samanera Shobhana 2) S Jnanodaya

36 Veluvanarama Vihara Thecho-Lalitpura

1) Samanera Uttama 2) S Chandimo

37 Vishwa Shanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) Bhikshu Jnanapurnik Mahathera

2) Bhikshu Bodhijnana

3) Bhikshu Nigrodha

4) Bhikshu Udayabhadra


1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 44: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

1) S Janak 2) S Sujat

3) S Obhaso 4) S Subhaddo

5) S Nandiyo 6) S Mahindo

7) S Pajjoto 8) S Aloka

9) S Buddhadatta 10) S Panita

11) S Kashyapa 12)S Dharmaghosha

13) S Nagita 14) S Vinaya

15) S Suchitta 16) S Sudatto

17) S Nemindo 18) S Rohito

19) S Jayanto 20) S Meghiyo

21) S Indriyo 22) S Suppamedho

23) S Bhanusarana 24) S Saddhadeepa

25) S Kittimo 26) S Janeyyo

27) S Adicca 28) S Kosalla

29) S Nyanuttara 30) S Bhaddaco

31) S Pabhassaro 32) S Uttaro

38 Yampi Maha Vihara Patan

1) Bhikkhu Bhaddiya

39 Non residencial Monks

1) Bhikshu Samyaka Sambodhi Pranputra

2) Bhikshu Dhyanratna

3) Bhikkhu Chandragupta Balambu

Present Anagarikas and resident in NEPAL

01 Amarapura Vihara Bungamati

1) A Charujnani 2) A Sunita

3) A Palitajnani 4) A Pamitajnani

5) A Padumajnani 6) A Rupawati

02 Bauddha Samaskrit Vihara Bhaktapur

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 45: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

1) Anagarika Sanghashila

03 Buddha ViharaDharan

1) A Sumedhavati 2) A Sushilavati

3) A Kanchana 4) A Shasanavati

04 Bauddha Rishi Mahapragya Ashram Anamnagar

1) Anagarika Prajnavati

05 Chatubrahma Vihara Matatirtha

1) Anagarika Anu

06 Dhammavasa Vihara Khusibun

1) A Krishgautami 2) A Suchita

3) A Shilgautami 4) A Kshantigautami

5) A Shyamavati

07 Dharmakirti Vihara Naghal-Kathmandu

1) Anagarika RatnaManjari

2) A Dhammavati

3) A Dhammadinna (Chameli)

4) A Anupama 5) A Sanghavati

6) A Khemavati 7) A Indravati

8) A Jayavati 9) A Danavati

10) A Tyagavati 11) AViryavati

12) A Shubhavati 13) A Ramavati

14) A Surammavati

15) A Hemavati 16) A Suppabhavati

17) A Supriya 18) A Amata

19) A Vannavati 20) A Suvannavati

08 Dharmashila Buddha Vihara Pokhara

1) Anagarika Karmashila

09 Gautami Vihara Lumbini

1) Anagarika Sujata 2) A Khamesi

10 IlayabahiTana Baha Lalitpur

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 46: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

1) A Shilaparami 2)AViryaparami

3) A Vineeta 4) A Shilachari

11 Int‟l Buddhist Meditation Centre Shankhamul

1) A Aggajnani 2) A Nirmalajnani

3) A Shantarakshita

12 Jaya Mangal ViharaTana Bahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Vijita 2) A Nekkhami

3) A Chittavati

13 Jyoti Vihara Chapagaun- Lalitpur

1) AnagarikaVirygautami

2) A Upeskshagautami

14 Kashivarna Buddha Vihara Panuati

1) Anagarika Satyaparami

15 Kindol Vihara Swayambhu

1) A Sumana 2) A Uttara

3) A Sumitra 4) A Molini

5) A Dhammavijaya 6) A Tejavati

7) A Shyamavati

16 Kunsa BahaHyumat

1) Anagarika Patachari 2) AUmavati

17 Mahabodhi Vihara Tansen

1) Anagarika Revati (Dhammadinna)

18 Muni Vihara Bhaktapur

1) A Sugandhavati 2) A Padmavati

19 Narsinharama Thaina-Patan

1) A Jnanashila 2) ASatyashila

3) AShilavati 4) A Yeshavati 5) A Dharani

6) A Jeenvati

7) A Shilpavatisushma

20 Padmachaitya Vihara Butwal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 47: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

1) A Udayashila 2) A Santiwati

21 Padmakirti Vihara Kamalpokhari

1) A Kamala 2) A Karunavati

3) A Pabbhavati 4) A Dhyanavati

5) A Bhavanavati

22 Prajnanandarama Okubahal-Patan

1) Anagarika Jnanavati

23 Pranidhipurna Mahavihara Balambu

1) A Mudita 2) A Chandrashila bdquoB‟

24 SangharakshitaVihara Patan

1) Anagarika Abhaya 2) A Chandrashila

3) A Shilachari

25 Shanti Sukhavasa Chakupat-Patan

1) A Utpalavarna (Chini)

26 Shree Kirti Vihara Kirtipur

1) Anagarika Mina

27 SunandaramaThaina-Patan

1) A Madhavi 2) AMasukhi

3) A Mashobha 4) A Mashraddha

5) A Masudha

28 Sulakshanakirti Viahara Kirtipur

1) A Anoja 2) A Atula

3) A Anula

29 Sangharama ViharaDhalko-KTM

1) Anagarika Dharmarakshita

30 Vishwashanti Vihara New Baneshwar

1) A Shubha 2) A Khema

3) A Sudhamma

31 Vishwashanti Dharmakirti Vihara Basundhara

1) A Dhajavati (Kusum) 2) A Padmavati

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 48: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

3) A Bhadravati

32 Residing other Anagarikas

1) Anagarika Chandrajnani Patan

2) A Sraddhavati Shankhamul

3) A Amaravati Patan

4) A Dhammachari Patan

5) A Nanda Thasi

Some Prominent Personalities in the Theravada Movement1

Sanghamahanayakas of Nepal

1 Ven Pragyanand Mahasthavir 1930 ndash 1993 AD

2 Ven Sakyananda Mahasthavir 1993 - 1997 AD

3 Ven Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1997 - 2002 AD

4 Ven Subodhananda Mahasthavir 2002 - 2006 AD

5 Ven Buddhaghosa Mahasthavir 2006-

Amritananda Bhikkhu (1918-1990) original name Lal Kaji Sakya from Tansen

west Nepal he ordain as a novice in 1936 from ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara He studies and was ordained a monk in Sri Lanka in 1940 He

return to Nepal in 1942 and preached first publicly in Kathmandu He

formed Dharmodaya Sabha in 1944 and All Nepal Bhikkhu Mahasangha in

1951 and remained its unchallenged leader until his death He was well

known and traveled widely outside of Nepal because of his dynamism and

charisma He was also one of the greatest Buddhist scholars and writers of


Aniruddha Bhikkhu (1915-2003) original name Gaja Ratna Tuladhar son of

Dasa Ratna Sahu (Later Ven Dhammaloka) He went to Sri Lanka in 1930

and ordained as samanera and studied there He had served many years in

Lumbini and third Sanghanayaka of Nepal

1 Sarah Levine and David N Gellner Rebuilding Buddhism The Theravada Movement in

Twentieth Century Nepal (UK Harvard University Press 2006) pp 293-296

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 49: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Ashwaghosh Bhikkhu (1926- present) original name Buddha Ratna Sakya and

became a novice in 1944 and went to Sri Lanka for study where he took

higher ordination in 1949 he is known as bdquothe communist monk‟ and was a

nominee of the Unified Marxist-Leninist party one of Nepal‟s two main

political parites in the 1990s to the Upper House 1993-5 He had

established nepal‟s first Bhikkhu Training Center at Sangharama Dhalko

and became abbot of this vihara Presently he is abbot of Shrigha Vihara in

Kathmandu and of Dyanakuti Vihara Banepa

Buddhaghosh Bhikkhu (1921- present day) original name Sapta Ratna

Vajracharya in Kwa Baha Kathamandu The founder of Pariyatti Education

in Nepal and presently acting Sanghanayaka of Nepal (2006) and abbot of

Sri Sumangala Vihara in Lalitpur

Chandramani Bhikkhu (1876-1972) a Burmese monk who spent his life in

Kusinagara where he worked for the propagation of Buddhism until his

death He initiated with most of the early Nepalese Theravadins Monks and

Nuns He was the first president of Dharmodaya Sabha and father of

Theravadins of Nepal

Dharmachari Anagarika (1898-1978) born Laxmi Nani Tuladhar she

impressed by Ven Pragyananda in Kindol Vihara and took the precepts

from Chandramani in Kusinagara in 1934 and most prominent Nepali nun

She founded the first nunnery in Nepal at Kindol Vihara in 1947

Dhammaloka Bhikkhu (1891-1977) born Das Ratna Tuladhar Asan

kathamandu He traded in Lhasha went to Sri Lanka and taught Buddhism

as a layman Later became a monk in 1932 after his son Aniruddha ordain

in 1930 he established nepal‟s first Theravādin Vihara bdquoAnanda Kuti

Vihar‟ in Kathmandu

Dhammawati Anagarika (1925- present day) born as Ganesh Kumari Sakya in

Uku Baha lalitpur She ordain too precepts from Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara and renamed as Dhammavati in 1950 She went to Burma for

study and return in 1963 after passed the Dhammacariya Examination She

was able to established Dhammakirti Nunnery Centre in 1965 and leader of

the Theravādin Nuns She has been re-ordained as Bhikkhuni according to

Mahayana tradition

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya (1902-1963) born as Jagat Man Vaidya in Chika

Bahi Lalitpur and the first Newar Buddhist modernist and the first newar

cultural nationalist He went to study in Calcutta where he became a

follower of anagarika Dhammapala the founder of Maha Bodhi Society

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 50: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

He had formed Buddhist revival foundation and published Buddhist

magazines etc

Nyanpurnika Bhikkhu (1936- present day) Born as Hera Lal Sakya in Tansen

He studied with Buddhaghosh in Lalitpur in Burma and in England He is

only monk who passed Dhammacariya examination of Burma He was the

founder of Vishwa Shanti Vihara and Vishwa Shanti Bauddha sikkyalaya

where train novices He is a prominent translator and writer

Kumar Kashyap Bhikkhu (1926- present day) born as Krishna Man Sakya he

was one of those who exiled to India by the Ranas in 1944 He went to

Study in Sri Lanka and hold nepal‟s first bdquoTripitaka acarya‟ Presently he is

president of All Nepal Bhikkhu Association and abbot of Ananda Kuti


Mahapragya Bhikkhu (1901-1979) born Prem Bahadur (Nani Kaji ) Shrestha

He ordained into Tibetan tradition but exiled in 1926 and reordained as

novice in Theravada tradition one of the earlier Theravādin monks He

return to householderhood in Kalimpong in 1940s but then returned to

Kathmandu as a Buddhist sage (Bauddha Rishi) in the 1960s where he

taught until his death

Pragyananda Bhikkhu (1900-1993) born as Kul Man Singh Tuladhar in Itum

Baha Kathmandu a trader in Tibet where he met Ven Mahapragya and

impressed by him to ordained He became a Tibetan Gelung Karmasheel in

1928 and two years later a Theravādin under Ven Chandramani in

Kusinagara in 1930 He was nepal‟s first Sanghamahanayaka and well

respected monk

Shakyananda Bhikkhu (1909-1997) born as Chakra Dhan Sakya in Taksar

Bhojpur East Nepal He spent over forty years as a monk in Tansen outside

the Kathmandu and second sanghamahanayaka of Nepal

Subodhanand Bhikkhu (1916-2006) bor as Kul Raj Sakya in Taksar Bhojpur

East Nepal He was one of the monks exiled by the Ranas in 1944 He was

a prolific composer of Hymns in Nepal Bhasa In 2003 as the most senior

monk in Nepal he was the fourth Sanghanayaka of Nepal

Sudarshan Bhikkhu (1934-2002) born as Rudra Raj Sakya in Uku Baha

lalitpur He was famous a bdquothe boy monk‟ For many years he was a lecturer

in the culture Department of Tribhuvan University a prolific writer

preacher and abbot of Sri Kirti Vihara Kirtipur which is became multi-

cultural center and especially for Buddhist meetings and conferences He

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 51: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

was jailed for some months for Nepal Bhasa activities in the Panchayat

period He was a campaigner on Buddhist issues particularly to do with


Sumangal Bhikkhu (1929-1999) born Bhakta Krishna Shilpakar in Lalitpur He

was famous as ldquoDollar bhanterdquo He ordained in 1959 in Burma obtained a

master‟s degree in Buddhism from Rissho University Japan in 1972 and

was among the first monks to mobilize international connections for

Buddhist projects in Nepal He established Buddha Vihara in Bhrikuti

Mandap Kathmandu He helped raise funds from Thailand and Japan for

IBMc (1985) brought the Japanese healing movement Sei Mei Kyo to

Nepal and in 1993 opened an old people‟s home in Banepa

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 52: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Glimpse of Theravādin activities in Nepal

Samanera ordination at Muni Vihara

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 53: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Ordination Ceremony at Vishwa Shanti Vihara

Collecting Alms

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 54: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Chanting Paritta in devotee‟s home

Giving Holy Thread to Devotees

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 55: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Buddhist Art in Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 56: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Main Buddha Image at Sri Kirti Vihara

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 57: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Four holy places

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 58: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

Some of the Theravada Buddhist Viharas (Monasteries) in Nepal

Vihars In Kathmandu Valley Telephone No

1 Amarapura Buddha Vihar Bungamati 5551068

2 Anandakuti Vihar Swayambhu 4271420

3 Anandabhuwan Vihar Bhuikhyo 4270429

4 Ganamaha vihar Ganabaha 4253454

5 Gautam Buddha Vihar Panga co 4330576

6 Caturbrahma Vihar Matatirtha 4310558

7 Carumati Vihar Cabahil 4469897

8 Baudhajana Vihar Sunakothi co 5570209

9 Jitapur Gandhakuti Vihar khona Co 5542846

10 Jitawan Vihar Thankot 4311912

11 Jyoti udaya vihar Capagaun Co 5571459

12 Dhammavasa Vihar Khusibun 4358688

13 Dharmakirti Vihar Srigha Naghal 4259466

14 Dharmacakra vihar Bagbajar 4261976

15 Nagar Mandap Sri Kirti Vihar Kirtipur 4330836

16 Nagadesh Buddha Vihar Nagadesh Co 6635397

17 Nirvanmurti Anagarikaram Kindol 4285811

18 Padmasugandha Vihar Manjeshwori 4266255

19 Pranidhi Purna Mahavihar Balambu 43105924312455

20 Pati Vihar Thimi Co 6637601

21 Pippali Theravad Buddha Vihar Shiphal 4475066

22 Punya Udaya Vihar Jala Harisiddhi Co 5527456

23 Buddhabhoomi Mahavihar Tokha 4362514

24 Buddha Vihar Bhrikuti mandapa 4226702

25 Buddharatna Vihar Putalisadak 4244277

26 Bauddha samakrit Vihar Bhaktapur 6610842

27 Manimandap Vihar Patko Bhaktapur 5526517

28 Muni Vihar Bhaktapur 6616464

29 Yampi Mahavihar Ibahi Lalitpur 5539644

30 Yashodhara Baudha Bidyalaya Thaina Lalitpur 5521435

31 Biswo Shanti Vihar Baneshwor 4482384

32 Biswo Shanti Dharmakirti vihar Basundhara 4354251

33 Beluvanarama Vihar Theco Co 5570062

34 Sakyasingha Vihar Thaina Lalitpur 5524760

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 59: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

35 Santi Sukhawas Cakupat co 5523613

36 Siddhimangal Buddha Vihar Thasi 5581495

37 Sumangala Vihara Lagankhel 5531715

38 Sulakshan kirti Vihar Chobhar 4331718

39 Suwanrna Chatrapur Vihar Lubhu 5580430

40 Sangharama Vihar Dhalko Visnumati 4255960

41 Srigha Vihar Nagal 4259110

Vihars out side the Kathamandu Velley Telephone No

1 Ananda Vihar Tansen Co 075-520225520216

2 Citravan Vihar Narayangadha Co 056-521478

3 Taksar Vihar Tansen Co 075-520024

4 Dharmashila Buddha Vihar Phokhara 061-520517

5 Dyankuti Banepa Banepa 011-661244

6 Padma Chaitya Vihar Butawal 071-546470

7 Purwarama Vihar Dhulikhel 011-661979

8 Pragya Mahavihar Hetauda Co 057-520264520136

9 Buddha Vihar Dharan 025-520354

10 Buddha Vihar Biratnagar Co 021-522146530604

11 Beni Buddha Vihar Myagdi Co 069-520354

12 Bodhicharya vihar Banepa 011-661789

13 Lokachakra Buddha Vihar Dhan gadhi 091-622174

14 Sakyamuni Vihar Bhojpur Co 029-420260

15 Sugatapur Vihar Trisuli Co 010-560153

16 Sugandha Vihar Ridi Gulmi Co 079-529435

17 Swoyambhu Chetya Buddha Vihar Urlabari Co 021-540080

18 Swoyambhu Chetya Mahavihar Dharan Co 025-520190

19 Gyanodaya Buddha Vihar Baglung Co 068-520921520336


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 60: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


[1] This paper was written as a part of my MA thesis research on bdquoThe

Revival of Theravada Buddhism and its contribution to Nepalese Society‟ of

Mahachulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand and would like to thank Mr

Dharma Sakya for every suggestion editing and help for the completion of this


[2] Nyanatiloka Buddhist Dictionary 3

rd ed The Free Distribution

version the Corporate Body of the Buddha education foundation Taiwan p


[3] Triratna Manandhar bdquoPresent of Buddhism in Nepal‟ (Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK Vol 8 May 2005) p 15

[4] helliphelliphelliphellip The New Encyclopedia of Britannica Vol24 (USA

Library of Congress Catalog 1993) p 781 Dhanabajra Vajracharya Cabahilko

Abhilekha (Inscription of Cabahil) The Charumati Voice (Kath Charumati

Buddhist Mission 2001) pp 17-20 Bhikkhu Sudarsan Mahasthavira Nepal

Upatyaka ma Ashokaki Chori Charumati (Charumati A daughter of

Ashoka in Nepal Valley) (The Charumati Vocie (Kath Charumati Buddhist

Mission 2001) p 20

[5] Beal Samuel Si Yu Ri Buddhist Records of the Western World

(New Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1994) pp 80-81 Bhuwan Lal

Pradhan Nepalama Buddhadharma (Kath Nepal Rajkiya Pragyapratisthana

1988) pp 102 ndash 103

[6] NB Thapa A Short History of Nepal (Kath Ratna Pustak

bhandhar Nd) pp 30-33 Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ The

Nation Thailand‟s English Newspaper (Sunday special) Oct 18 1987

[7] Opcit NB Thapa p116

[8] David N Gellner Monk Householder and Tantric Priest Newar

Buddhism and its Hierarchy of Ritual (Cambridge University Press 1996) pp


[9] Bechert Heinz amp Jens-Uwe Hartmann ldquoObservation on the reform

of Buddhism in Nepalrdquo Journal of Nepal Research Centre vol VIII Kath

Kantipur Printing Press1988p 6

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 61: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

[10] Ria Kloppenborg Theravada Buddhism in Nepal‟ Kailash A

Journal of Himalayan Studies Vol 5 no 41977 p 302

[11] BP Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha (Kath

Hisi Press Nepal BS 20421985) pp44ff

[12] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p47ff

[13] Ibit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 51-53 Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal (BKK A Thesis of MA Mahamakut Graduate School

2001) p 97

[14] Bhikshu Sudarshan Mahasthavir bdquoRole of Theravada in the

Preservation of Newar Buddhism‟ wwwircnepalorgpapers

[15] Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthaviravada p 69-72

[16] Opcit Observation on the reform of Buddhism in Nepal p10ff

[17] Opcit Nancy Grant bdquoThe Monk who Would Return‟ RV

Vandya Sanghanayaka Venerable Pragnananda Mahasthavir (Kath Nepal

Co-operative Press 1978) pp 11ff

[18] Bhkkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir A Pilgrimage in China (kath

published by Bhikkhu Aniruddha Mahasthavir 1999) p 13-15 Opcit Lacoul

Nepalay Sthavirvada p 74-75

[19] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka p 15

[20] Opcit Bhikkhu dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp16ff

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p100

[21] Ibit Bhikkhu Dharmalok A Pilgrimage in China pp 27-29

[22] See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A Homage

(Kath Anandakuti Vihar Trust 1992) Kuladharma Ratna Tuladhar Buddhism

in Nepal (Kath Dharmodaya Sabha 1986) pp15 Opcit Phra Vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 100

[23] Opcit K R Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal 16 RV Vandya

Sanghanayaka ven Pragnananda p 32 ff

[24] Opcit RB Vandya Sanghanayaka Pragnananda pp 34-35

Opcit Lacoul Nepalay Sthavirvada p 86

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 62: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

[25] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 18 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 101

[26] Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahasthavir A Short History of Theravada

Buddhism in Modern Nepal (Kath Anandakuti Vihar trust 1986) pp 8-9

Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir (Kath Anandakuti

Vihar Trust 1992) p 25

[27] Opcit KR Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 19 Phra vipassi

Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[28] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 102

[29] Opcit Ratna Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir

p 26

[30] Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit KR

Tuladhar Buddhism in Nepal p 20

[31] Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha in Nepal

(BKK A Thesis of MA Buddhist Study Mahachulalongkorn University 2547)

p 23 [32]

Opcit Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 104 Opcit Ratna

Sundhar Sakya Bhikkhu Dharmalok Mahasthavir p 26

[33] Amrit R Sthapit bdquowho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Aswaghosha‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 4 no 1 May 2001


[34] helliphelliphelliphelliphellip bdquoWho is who in Nepalese Buddhism Bhikkhu

Nyanapurninka Mahasthavir‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 7

no 1 May 2004 p13 Viswo Shanti Vihar The Shanti Sandesh (Kath Viswo

Shanti Vihar 1998)

[35] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sumangala Mahasthavir

A monk who modernized Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the

LNBDS UK vol 2 no 1 May 1999 p10

[36] Opcit Ven Panna Murti A historical Study of Pariyatti Sikkha

in Nepal pp 52ff

[37] Rina Tuladhara Dharmakirti 25 Years of Dharmakirti Buddhist

Study Circle A Glimpse (Kath Dharmakirti Vihar 1996) Mallika Sakya

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13

Page 63: Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

bdquoWho is Who in Nepalese Buddhism Dhammavati Guruma‟ Lumbini A

Journal of the LNBDS UK vol 5 no 1 May 2002 p10

[38] Opcit See Nhucche Bahadur Bajracharya Amritanjali A

Homage Phra Vipassi Buddhism in Nepal p 108

[39] Bhikkhu Sugandha bdquoAn Obituary ven Sudarshan Mahasthavir A

Gem of the Buddhism in Nepal‟ Lumbini A Journal of the LNBDS UK vol

6 no 1 May 2003 p13