m f t 1 t tiinpt V V- THN t i I SUN WEDNESDtY OCTOBER 12 887 T 1I1 r 1 Ji Jif- i tf UtfI 0 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13 1887 I nbtHpt b 1tZptLA- flYr j i 0 0 5- P4lZ r e 1 SUsDAT r sr 1 o CULT AKDflJHDATroTear T o I Wn LTrrYari rwnt v i Tiar Oewtri l- mSIIIyoQ gonuln masterpiece The Urand D ot lieu has I DOW allowed bi picture to b the thick cost of paint and nrlb Htrr Usurer II Munich re sorer ba la Icollbl thin no doubt u I 1 In 0alnln1 an exhibition shortly tt Dresden ld by ld with the picture wblob has to long been hold 1 b lb original Thi colon ae oven mor r brilliant Ua Ibo ot the Dresden Madonna The of the Sidney Bet Pbrl Church In 1 composed wholly built a bad little cbaptl and dedicated It substsu- Ually tre from dbl Intro win no men 1 bold Its 9 omcu which bar bun vacant a year The Ultl- erhurcb became a sort of elephant on the hsndsoftbs- Bloomlngtun prtsbjtery wblcb recentlr appointed a committee complete the organization Thequeitlon- whether women at Ugtbl 1 llih offices necessary 10 a Complili I organisation 1 uade consideration A baby zebr that cost 112 comes j fm Hath haa been am < Ulie Phil Den Phil Sheridan arrlTed at Ih Philadelphia I Zoological Garden Salardar On the laae diy there 1 arrlTed a pair of prong borned antelopes from Nevada I They art brown except tbat on the hips ire two aria round spots eoYsred wltb snowwhlt hair which 1 1- VrUacbslongsud when the anlmala ae frightened j rUk the hair on a Clrcatalan ilrl In a dime museum Lla day earn fourteen pair of prairie don six pain bob Ira destined for CDlra Park In thla city a ground be from Maryland a sixfoot Bocky Mountain rattlesnake Il majesty Dongr Khan of Annam has I Of Ijr ooh IklUI part In th preparation of each rOla I rpt but chat I te confmsd 1 Ibc elaboration of a f slngl on nf lb Hfly dlshss ot which lb menu I un i variably competed The dishes are taken nnt I the In tendant of lh household who deliver them 1 lb < unurbior convy nee to the Kings female body gusrd- om thirty o tb laillss nf the eraxlla who an tin j repsst and on lb table Tb royal Ubl bererafe- In Annam U a particular brew mad tram poppy edi and aromatlo plants but Pr Khan nerer loucbei the traditional conception finding a bottle of old Bordeaux quit mod enough for him f Pier Vaux has jut died In penal sorvl lode at Cayenne Thirty fire rear 0 being then a 1 cal teacher at Longeplerre ho was convicted of anon thro art the efforts of tbe ImperlalUt Mayor who baud him becau be wa a Republican and wae sen f lact to Imprisonment Inth hulks for III Later on sam Uayor caused conviction of l other It i publican for the earn offence but was charted with blnuelt bavin Ml a tb Area and being arreeted com r mlle uold In Jail Meantime ten aprllon t- Qlmau pardon bad ben made adord by i of lb hulk bo item b won by liu exemplary deportment but nior eiclUng affairs crowded them away from oa attention Now lb rrtach Uovernmtnt baa decreed hi rehabilitation wbUb U a certtacatuja thaI be ought 1 baa been pal- oonedandtBeniare II tajutlc I Can l dO alto a i I Kino VlaaAo j Jtljirdly Bfema rii8o Mr B D 4t Ht ot from House on- t tho great circle Jfaw people remember DO tat 1ln vrtt mado each ft Jo Se i4 steYoalmoat forgotten that a person known M President HATT over occupied tho Wbtto and contemplated the pleasing pos o of a pooond four years term with 2QQOQ JOW s1sii A for enthuelnsm of tho populace over ta trasfiUcfafifBoptcmber J878 the curios ¼ tyfaeea ho rdanwho llvod In the WWt- oHouy r tho ByrnpathoUo admiring atten- tions ¬ I bestowed upon his urbano and aooom pushed wUetheboomnffoJ cannon tho i winging of ht the cheers and tire WcrlHthe hand thorough r but friendly salutations gp unpolished faer tho proffered kisses of motherly LI women the ort tho banners and tnottooe the that came kr straight from the greet throbbing heart of M thfl ofltalfll- ies mighty West whore now I tho memory It uderDo suocosslvo strata of an nuaJI d tiapiaooe whero newspaper e wo kept and preserved In a certain well ti thumbed scrap book 4Pro ioutOMo 0 No More Noncbtltles but Men 4 The Hop CHATmcET HI D says many otbe thng the Cur I yew and clr fm hla persuasive Ups ire have soon none more Immediately Interesting and Important than those 4 Tb Idea baa txen Indnetrlotulr clrcnlated thaI w could nerer afford to elect 1 too brainy a mao rruWent- It tmt WIMTIB and many other good men lce but I tblnk the American ptopl would now like at leaet to try t eiperimentandaeelfthe country would b rained lMlln onrbralolntandmoet talent d 1 1 the t PraldenoT The BoDubllcana seem t have their mid flied at present on one man of Ad experience and If their first choice should fall they could have recourse t such a man- U Mr DWEW himself who tent and 4t accomplishments would adorn ¬ 4hz dency and whoso nomination would show that at least a lg part of the Amerc I peopLe believe wise and ¬ c man Is always syallablofortho chief honor Inthelrgllt- Andhowlaltwiththo Democratic party 4 4rothoynotprcparcdinviewoftheIessona- of the last throe years to try and restore Presidency t the intellectual dignity which onoo blone to it and which should belong t it I will b to the honor of the name and t- eat UoI of the United States when great for the Presi- dency ¬ p nomat 4 men te range of their oo- qulremonta the power their character and their conspicuous and representative cerrioe t the pUtolUonstwh- hty t i belong republic- The b t cef o p od UDte Stot la a old enough coun ¬ Mt try to TUb by statesmanship and not by blind luck and it Is creditable neither to the c intelligence nor to the patriotism of Ameri- cans ¬ that slipshod DatOUPOUUCJ1UiBBhOUI- abe experienced supposed t b stng the polls than f I TJ I P I jMt Paris Scandal f pd LOB m ypr- oI A hurtful to tho of government as was the once famous I TT W 3 Jo case t the regime Louis i t fffn Let It onco bo prvtat men occu- pying ¬ high positions Qr military iH service have sold thelrInfliiehco and mao = srehandic ot coveted annoinImento tl distinctions and the political party which i his counted them among I Its mosthonored rpnttv mut b Irreparably damaged opion The carried pn by Oon Cir k1 JTAiusiand the adventuress passing under the name of Mme Uilocamwis the solo ot decorations Aateomaoa om pUce took I od elderly 1 teotoiyhvbla capacity Bt at tbo a Otc furnished the commodity 4 Nveteeto Qoneralscoma t have per a sum of money from the 1 detective h had b Introduced by Mmo I LnrousiN r purpose o procuring the cross tho Ijeglonof Honor N Taxed with 9 bcJ by the Inn btr of War 0AA I said t have obrifosBed It appears j eltt he r hisconfederate uvust have Im- plicated ¬ f k many pereonaln their vile traffic fii toy ee ast have fol1oed and others d areexpoc wmt proof of com- plicity ¬ i nay remains to bo deter mined by a Investigation which the French people require t be hnartIiand u epftrtng It 1 satisfactory to learn tbat Gen i I l BorjiANOJ5aandaon8Atm3iEBto Incrlml q nato whom an attempt was made have t found the work of exculpation easy and It 11 la to b hoped that Gen THEBAUDIN and U Wrtaow the soninlaw President Gafrrr I win be equally fortunate It will never do for French Republicans to bo less rigorous and merciless In their exposure- andjjunlshment f cIt this Infamous trade than waa the Oni EAiia monarchy In It treatment I of the analogous Iniquity astonished and disgusted Parts forty years ago Then two noted peers Franco namely Gen CuO 1 JJ who was a I grand officer of the of Honor M TESTS who at t- ot Rt was President of the Court of ¬ butjrbo h4 previously been Minister j of Public Wok were acu of hav Lag mado grant a min- obe1nng1ntothotate In return for a bribe t of 1188 They were tried by their fellow perad being unanimously found guilty both wero sentenced to civic lj degradation and the payment of a flnewhllo- la i addltlonM TESTE the presiding Judge ot the highest court of appeal was con- demned ¬ to Imprisonment Tho latter tried to blow his brains out and thp present Min- ister ¬ of War la 1e have given Gen OAV- PABCTj I chance performing similar deed of sIlflctejuUc Dot title man though ho passed I broyo soldier In the days of NAPOLEON in did not profit by teop dishonor portunity of relieving tho French ay fm I bhocrelfte members of the Rot the moment I of the good name of the republic o act wIt the jtmo8t expedition arid severity In t affair shunning oven the suspicion of ro- apeeUng 2 potions suppressing evidence lo what they may they cannot hinder their German enemies from holding up the In- famy ¬ of CATTAJua and hla ttr8 proof ef ihe t o the ay and llr v A4 they U1 be do not have on tho existing political fabric the same shattering effect which tho TJD CrjDiinH c by tho the PiusLiu by her husband had upon the monarchy of Louis PxiiiirrK The Orulio of the flush Tho seasons work of tho revenue cutter Richard Bush in protecting tho Alaska seal fisheries Is unprecedented In It way Twolyo seizures of vessels have mado during the cruise from which she has just rtue and most o n of thorn wore in watr of Dhnl scores of pities frm to or from Islands belonging t It One vessel was slm miles from It a second mUo from Capo Cheer ¬ third G miles from Bt Goorgoa Island and s on I 1 clear tho claim of proprietorship holing Boa as far out as the line drawn by the Russian treaty- of con has been put In force Tho cap ¬ Incude Amerccrtawel n those of od to pint which determined their fate was te alleged trespassers wore actually ongoln hunting seals The evidence In mot CS consisted In finding freshly taken skins on board and tho Bushconulseatednearlysoven thousand skies It Is evident that the state- ment ¬ made some time In the House of ng Commons that British sealing vessels had boon discontinued by tho Treas- ury ¬ Department was unfounded The extent t which sealing Is carried on by other persons than tao Alaska Com- mercial ¬ Company to whom the Government grants a monopoly Is evident not only from the number of vessels seized by tho Bush and tho quantity of skins captured but from the ascertained fact that some vessels suc- ceeded ¬ in plying thei trade without being overhauled by Amercn revenue steamer Indeed when vnt area which she had t patrol I considerd tho chances of escaping detcUon oppr very good The Rush did not lOvo St Frac until tho 6th of Juno On I single g she captured three vessels two British and one American containing an aggregate oi over 3000 skins The value of the shoner car- goes ¬ and outfits seized by during four weeks has boon reckoned at 100000 Wit more and bettor cruisers there would pre- sumably ¬ have been more captures especially- as the Canadians have begun to u fast steamers for the sealing business The season Thetis will but bo I Ank waters for the next Still more suggestive perhaps than the extent to which unauthorized sealing Is car ¬ ra on Is tho news brought by tho Bush tnt te Russian Government mode throe ¬ urea of vel during the pt summer for hunting one Aorc British and one of nationality yet timer ¬ ted Something of the significance w upon special fnt particularly as t whether the were close to the SIb nan shore or more than tr miles away Behring Sea I the case It would b come clear RUBln whether from a malicious purpose worrying England or from a desire t show that she made her 1867 good faith has resolved tnt 1 hcnceor t actively maintain her jurisdic ¬ up t to marine boundary therein de- scribed ¬ Johnny at the Top We volt no confidence when we say that Mr JOH J OBitiBX I the pnrlouln JOHNNY whoso name I Mugwump phrase MIRES JONN and JAKES of spoU politics He tins been continually contemptuously exhibited to tho public as a perfect tyo of the lon politician who holds office because lit for office but because ho pulls tho wires and runs the primaries The Evening Post t will correct us If we do not accurately state tho civil service reform opinion o Mr JOHN J 0UniEv local Re- publican o and Chief of tho Bureau of Elections Under the supervision of those eminent and earnest enemies of tho spoils system Mr EVEUETT P WHEELER Mr E L GODKIN and Mr E RANDOLPH RoBinsoN a com- petitive ¬ examination has juet boon held Is order to select by civil service reform met o the fittest person to replace the ¬ ous spoilsman now at the head of the Bu ¬ reau of Elections The Secretory of the Civil Serc Board that tho examination very thor ¬ rpr I every respect Thirty questions In wtl were submitted t tho applicants t b awer in writing Thirty more quo UOD were Ikc orally and the replies of the were taken down by a stenog- rapher ¬ The sixty queton were framed with the view of testing only the general Intelligence and Information and business capacity of the onndldnt for Mr OBRIENS place but also tor special and technical ft ness for the required i the Bureau Elections I other words every principle of the merit system n distinguished from the spoils system of political appointments was rigorously applied by tho civil service examiners and the result I therefore In- structive 0 ¬ There wore seventeen applicants for tho appointment one of them being Mr ODR himself Sixteen of tho seventeen candidates pa the examination successfully that I say scored a percentage sufficient t en- title ¬ each of them to a place on the It appears that tho examination was uncom- monly ¬ creditable to tho candidates for out of the sixteen not less than fourteen achieved percentages over 80whlle live reached above 0 The candidate whose examination show ¬ ed him tobobostflttedofallfortbedutlca- of the office scored tho remarkable prent ago of 944Iand his name Is JOl OUniEN the principal JOHNNY of the gang of MIKES JOHNNIES and JAKES who flour- ished ¬ under the old spoils system I Mr OBRIEN will not receive the npplt mont Although the examination onstrated according to civil service reform ideas h surpassing fitness for the office the Iw April 1830 requires that candi ¬ dtslower down in tho list sha b certified t the appointing power be- cause ¬ they happen to bo veterans of the Int war The Mugwumps n a rule t this preference of veterans If they had their own way in tho matter JOHNNY OBnrcN would now receive the appointment- to which b standing under civil service re- form ¬ ftC justly entitles lilac Lt u have no more Mugwump slurs upon capacity and fitness of this particular product of tho bad old spil system A Weak Recommendation I In all erloouieu there cannot a word b laid all lb pcreonntl of our Uoiet This is the fashion which Mr Thronons- BoossvnvrocommendsthoBepublican can- didates ¬ for State offices t the suffrages Q Us fellow citizens Perhaps he dwells on their unobjectionable personal character because ho Is aware that Republican tickets of this kind have become rare of late years Tho weedy negative virtues however should not b enqugh t induce voters to rive their support t particular candidate- sIntheesdays M J t vote for a man not reasons why toy should not vote against him Thoro o thousands and tons of thousands of mon in the State of Now York against who personal character not I word can truly bo sold and of whom It I true that any ono is just as fit to bo Secretary of State n FREDERICK D GRANT There I nothing extraordinary abut an honest young man who ba an Tho woods n full of tem torCloM Mr OtxTKLAKD DemxnU 1 a dreary failure as a or Come oomo no exaggeration Stick to tho truth Ho U not equal t Bcertnr LAICAB or Joint JAMCS INOALLS ho ha not tho originalIty of BATAIU or the knowledge and wit of SUNSET Ooxi but to say ho la a dreary failure Is to uso language that tho facts cannot Just Go up higher 1 This I what the De moctaor of Now York should ray to BANpown D MABTINB and DELAMCCT NIOOIA by nomi ¬ nating thom roapeotlrolr for Jndco of tho Cu of General Sessions and District The latest decree of tho ChoB Civil Bar rico Commissioners Is that person who Is a mombor of any political committee or of onT association organized for the work of pro- moting tho Interest 8 of anr political party shall bo eligible to membership on any board of ex- aminers ¬ of applicants for public office Now let them go one stop further and ordain that only political wrecks disappointed with their past dlBsatlBflad with their present and die gusted with their future shall bo eligible to public office Then with nono but Mugwumps- to choose and none but Mugwumps to bo chosen perhaps tho country would haT a rest train the whining of tho Joss worshippers Tho President did not mind travelling 9000 mile last week or leelm auuuuo people l or ibaklnir band with Kuooo of Idem or rerlewtnff CQUUQ militia- men and 5000 flremenJIoUon lOst But what Rood is It t a candidate I ho trav- els ¬ 2000 adIos on an oloctoneeri trip and doesnt gain I single It will gratify tho subjects of Dom PEDRO IL to hoar that there is nothing In tho rumor that he will abdicate tho throne of Brazil Borne notablo Brazilians have a habit of mat- ins ¬ tholr sovereign tho butt of malicious jokes Thor call him a vain fussy and pedantic old man pretend to sympathize with the Inmates of hl palace whom he routs onto bod with tho and poke fun at the linguistics mania which Induced him to take up the study of He brow Sanscrit and Arable simultaneously in his flttrslxth year He Is very popular how- ever with the mass of hi people which Is more than can be said of daughter ISABEL the Crown PrinooBS and the French Prlnae who Is her husband Indeed the newspapers which represent the republican party a not unimpor ¬ bunt element In tho political strife of Brazil have boldly declared that the dynasty of Dom PEDBO IL will end when he quits the throne Fifteen or twenty people wore ke and- as many more injured yesterday an sod ¬ dent on the Chicago and Atlantic Railroad In Indiana Tho railroad authorities Scorn to havo tried to suppress tho details of tho acci- dent ¬ and It Is natural they should under the circumstances Whon ono train runs Into an ¬ other somebody has beencriminally careless Some of the rural counties of Illinois seem to be almost as unfortunate n Cook county which hn tho pluguo of Anarchists Panthers wolves wildcats and foxes are said to b doing a Rood business In the interior Buckerdom Hot is a chance for Oov DICE OOIXSBY to proclaim a grand hunt open to all the country Or he might hire tho Myopia Club of Boston to exterminate the pernicious varmints There IB a good deal of speculation as to the meaning of P r c on the car In which the Freaiuent ii making hla real meaning I fretldent faya- Ca b Ulj But ho The letters mean Pass President CLEVELAND Her BraiiAitcK ought to have been at the Durkholmor Wurstmarkt Veroln In Forsyth street yesterday and to have seen the noble collection American pll In all their sweetest and most seductive Brother DISMAKCK likes to have his own way but ho likes good sausages such n abound on St Michaels Day His prejudice against Yankee pig would ban- ish ¬ could be see how beautu and usoful in death that abused nnlmal Chattanooga people have given t E ABDOTT a solid sliver yacht as an their appreciation of hor vigor In resenting tho Rev Dr CANDLEIIS pulpit attack upon the the atre The significance of the alt must lie like tho point of JACK UUNSDTB wi somewhere In tho application of it tho yacht was named Volunteer Murder becoming epidemic over on Long leland JVeto IVrt un Yes perhaps so but we fear this epidemic Is ono that has Its origin In Now York At all events the disease always prevails her Tho divorce season has begun again in Massachusetts and the Supreme Judicial Court of that State is busily engaged In sepa- rating ¬ those whom GOD has joined together Partcularl virulent denunciation of the Mor ¬ West may now be looked for In Massachusetts journals and from Massachu- setts ¬ pulpits But nothing will b said about the Mormons ot Massachusetts A Dartmouth freshman Is likely to lose ono of his eyes from Injuries received in tho contlo sport of footbal on Monday Tho College Football has just provided two reforoea at a game Two surgeons an ambu- lance ¬ corps and a Coroner should be added- to the football faculty Now Bho Can Ualca a Speech front tA S fault llctxDtmcma While the throng was held at bay Col David Caruth as Preildent of the Ilendrlck Auoolatlon waa admitted tbrouib a aid door and be approached Mr Cleveland with nerves that auiieeted the lenaltlr plant and a complexion that rlralled the Jlonllol end presented her with A baUtl floral upon be- half of the association followlnr word i Muz CUTIUKD The pleuloit act of preientlnu to TOO the uncrowned Queen ot America thU baiket of flower baa been delegated to ma by the Uendrtcka Dem- ocratic auoclatlon of Sl Louis T members of Ib aa- aoclatlon feel end appreciate the compliment of your Tlalt to lb city and dul that you accept this floral offerlm with their regard and best wlahea- Aa the Colonel cloud b little ipeech he breathed a grill sigh of relief and an Immaculate handkerchief paiied once oerblabeadandwuw 1 enooghto bang onion IbII lr Cleveland took the basket and aaldi I my buahand U aa grateful to the gen- tlemen of your aaaoclatlon for these bonlrollon- I a am There I U nothing I love ao aa flower and wet I making a ipeech In thle place I would aay that coming from an organization that baa don so much and allb1 for our commIts COoDlflbul Mrtoualy CoL let me thank yen a4 you represent for tbla conrteiy I bop to see you again Tb Colonel retired with a memory of Nr Clere lands bewitching mle and as be paused bl friend San nerman he ealdi Theta 1 I no ua talking Jim he 1 a dandy i but ihe why the a daisy anti a tborobbnd Tb C01allbn went down etaJra and avery flnd be reputed his eulogy In term that were mare or leaa indIcative of b Kentucky birth and breeding An Unpleasant Incident From uu Putnam nlU At ono of tho way stations out ot Chicago tho roldal I reipona 1I crowd 0111 lb tall of lb oa waa mora away was about to eajr something when lung eltiien called cull Merer mind Oroter well fled III Cyclopedia FtuMnar Work an the New AmcrUan Wary WASHINGTON Oct 11Tho Construction Bu- reau ¬ of the Mary Department bu receiveS Information from fLUadelpbla whir the new natal Teasel are be jog 0ntrcld1 the effect tbat the ket of lb Charles- ton 1s poet relied and frame In slat up to lbs armored dtcklfor threeouarttn of length AU ot lb frame ot lb dynamlt cmU l are and rapid progress I Mint mad on the boa- tItlaujMCUil up tbat Ui Ortlot tb aewveutIob Ilcb4 Wi feeUnaboalNo hwbicbaaysrasj a o1 i- l MORe CHIHESE DVSINKSS- ExtrclalUB Right of Cltlacneklp Bnr- Relplnc 8100 < Government OMolnts f WASHINGTON Oct 11CIvil Service Corn missioner Oborly has supplemented his letter to tho Illinois Democratic Association by aa order tho Intention of which la to ptcvont active politicians from becoming members of tho Board of Civil Service Examiners He states that when ho became a Commissioner tho membership ot every Doar ot Examiners was Republican but that 1 Collectors of clasulOod customs districts and of classified Pet Offices woro changed and Democrats took their places the Republicans who ooou ¬ plod places on tho Boards of Examiners began- to bo replaced by tho Democrats who sue coodod thorn and It became apparent that tho Boards would son become solidly Democratic n they bad boon solidly Republican Com- missioner ¬ Oborly a month or so after ho bo came Coramtnsloiiar offered a resolution that no Hoard of Examiners should be composed entirely of members of anyone party This resolution was adopted by n unanimous vote of tho Commission and there Is no Hoard that has not both Democratic and Republican members In this way Commissioner Oborly says tho suspicion that the Civil Borvlre Commission mocmnory was Intended to be used for party purposes was In a great meas- ure ¬ removed but ho believes that the conll of tho nubllq In tho nonpartisan charac- ter ¬ of the Commission and Its subordinates cannot b assured until every reason for tbo belief partisan prejudice or partiality lisa an Influence In the examination of applicants- for admission to the departmental customs postal sonlco hal boon removed This tho Commissioner cannot be dono so long as members of tho Board of Examiners are active and conspicuous members of political committees or associations lie has accord ¬ ingly made an order n follows No person In th publlo isrrlc wbo I a member or- an political commute or of any association oral laid for the purpO or ned In the work of promot- ing the oc any political party shall be eligible 1 membership on any Board of Examiner This order will stand as tho action of tho Commission unless uoon tho return of Co- mmissioner ¬ Lyman and Edgorton they shall of the nctonof the Commis- sioner ¬ In charge in record TUB FISHERIES QUESTION Secretary alumni I Not IIIaQlna Canada by elstire In DeLving a Hen WASHINGTON Octl1It Is authoritatively stated that at the recent conference botweon tho Secretary of State and tho fishery negotia- tors ¬ Messrs Putnam and Angel the matter of the free admission of Canadian llsh was not agreed upon nor was a final definite position taken upon any point of the coming negotia- tions ¬ Thor seems to bo a strong tendency In certain quarters notably In tho English news ¬ papers to connect the seizure of the In seaer Bearings Boa with the Canadian nego- tiations ¬ As a matterof fact up to tho present day the British Government has never ruined a question of the right of the United States to exorcise jurisdiction over the waters of Bob rings Sea nor has the Department of State over affirmed or disclaimed that right in the course of Its correspondence with foreign Gov- ernments ¬ on the subject received from the British Government wore confined to requests to be furnished with Information toucnlne reported seizures of British vessolB in IiohringsSea and solar from withholding or copoculinc any facts that might be of Borvlco to the British Government In tho approaching negotiations the fullest Informs ton has boon furnished the British Minister of facts attending the seizures that were known to the Department of State lecrtBl Bayard states that he has no sign to compass his obJlota final and stills tory settlement of questionby any concealment of facts or chicanery but hopes to roach this end by a lulhfre and open discus- sion ¬ of every chase mater LJ XOrlCS I WASUIKOTOy WASHINGTON Oot 11 Although very Ito has been aald about the dissatisfaction tobacco dealers In the West onr the report ot the De- partment ¬ of Agriculture upon the tobacco crops th last of the matter baa not yet been heard II la reported upon ucellent authority that the member of Congress from Kentucky are detetnilnid that the Commlisloner ball dispense with the sertlces btatlitlclao Dodge tt they will moTe In a body for b Colmant removal Tho member from all the tobaccogrowing region are saId to be with the KentuckUn In this matter and the President I Is to be threatened with the opposition of these aggrieved persons unless be accedes to the de- mand for Ibe remeral of Colman or Dodge timid the dissatisfied representative of the tobacco regions I la said that there I Is determined opposition to Colman on the part of the farmers ot Kansas 8pecln- catlona In lh charges brought by the latter against the Commissioner are that be ont Prof Wiley 1 Europe to examine Into and report upon tho beet Sugar Industries ot the Coatnl le waa then sent to Kansas to super- vise th experiments In producing sorghum sugar The Kanit people assert that Instead ot aiding them In their eliorts b did everything In h power to throw cold Ie upon them that he seemed to b entirely taken up with Ihe beet sugar theory and that be start- ed out In Kansas with the purpose of hindering all at tempt to successfully extract sugar from the sorghum can There Is said 1 be a good deal of criticism among the bankers of Washington of the method now In vogue to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for printing the reverse side of the silver certificates When Mr Urave was Installed In once aa Chief of tue Bureau there were seven machines for printing from plates In operation Now there are eighteen and three moro are soon to be added It I Is asserted that no machine hue yet been In- vented which will take the place of the human hand In distributing th Ink over an engraved plate and that with the prallcb1 Is Impossible to get good roll wlh any than green For Ibl reason only the green side of the silver certificates printed with the machines The Ink 10 I la said to b Inferior to that which I la used when hand printing I la done The silver certificates printed on the machines ar ° much I less dura- ble than those printed by band and the Ink will easily rub off when the bUt are In the least moist Mr Crook chief of the secret service division of the Treasury said today that the United Stales la falling to a rear plato In the quality olbe notes which It luues 10 I Is opposed to the printing machines as a substitute for band labor a4ITlbalconnlrrollnK will Increase In this coun- try proportion lh the Increase In the me of these machine The thoreau of Internal nnu bu been Informed that liquor I I muggled Into the territory of Alaska In large quantities and sold to the Indiana H I la brought In through oil sorts of devices such as hollow canes and rubber boots The Internal Revenue Co- llector at Silks aay that sometimes certain Imported canned goods are examined and every other can la found 1 contain liquor According to law no special tn fnp tha sat nt tin nn b ol In tho AlkVan dlL trict but at the urn time as much liquor la disposed of there as anywhere else and the mystery I Is how It Is- landed Commissioner ot Internal Itevenn Miller old today that he would hay to send a special agent to Aka to look Into the matter and It It was aa baSes reported be would send a Deputy Collector There are known to be several places In the Territory where liquor- can b purchased In any quantity and Mr Miller I Is con templating sending a post to capture the OUlal Thl however would be very difficult as It smell steamer and a navigator CapL McGregor ot tbo Customs Division said today that be waa aware of the largo liquor traffic In Nub bol owing to U lack of officer I could not be stopped Sister Jones Precaution Hcfore ldeno lag Bnpllsm In Deep mm Vu notion Courier A par of Deep Water Baptists held ale- rT Canadian River bank opposite the bead of Orad Island last Sunday There were some tenor a dozen convert mOIIToma One of these was afraid of drowning suit lined with cork from neck to heels but she didnt say anything about It The service proceeded without a bitch and It came Sister Jones turn to b Immersed T mlulstsr waded out Into the stream leading th sister by the hand end re- peating the rlu When they got waist deep Sister Jones bad dlffloully In keeping her feet on the bottom and the deeper she waded the moro this trouble Increased I hot she didnt want to say anything hit at one however current took br off her feet and threw her lengthwise on Ihe surface of tbe water The minister grabbed her and tried to pull bet under the water The current was every Instant dragging her oul Tb minister clutched frantically at I tb fair convert wbo we benelf struggling 10 assum an upright pod ¬ ton but without snccesa The minister tilt h1 IUai out of bl depth and screamed for belp no- on offered 1 com out the current waa very swift The minister looted around and saw that be was slip- ping ¬ rspldly down the river he couldnt loncl blom IUa superhuman effort be Swung on bl fair ra nd wildly flourished his arm to the people on- shore 1 were now fading Into mere specks Tbl 1 horrible sold the minister looking on tb wastt waters In three boors well be over lh falL lltrJoIII us ling something lo this trying hour Slle wbo had been emitting ahrleka Ilk a team aop only Shrieked tb louder asS the mnr leg up I a rich tremulous tenor n II Perlshlngl U bed hardly Bnlabsd the Il stanza whso a steam htbor down oothtmta MPI taitiiot UusaloisMr end I fifua It w r l I 1 DrrTO GOSSIP Of TUB OAT There art many Nsw Yorkers who bats lived their lives In on or nor ot Ib big betel In the city A ill Tcrbalrtd ot the fifth Ana baa befltheri plr twentySv and be modeilly pays that In that tint his lodgings and msals and incidentals bn cost him 1700000 All the big hotels In this city an nm under tb strut 1 disciplIne Tb regulations reqnlr that the blip shall be attended by a pbyilolan employed by the hotel Under this system Or Sargent for the Windsor nOI1 yesterday vaccinated lb 387 employees o that hou I v ai an a days Job Alt tb Custom Hoosi employes having Moaitoa la report on article of dress speak ot trousers as Iaal This ugly and abominable English has attracted tention ot Deputy Collector John A uD who U iso Secretary of lb Civil Service Commission sod there I reason to believ that the Mogul Commlisloner Washington will proclaim against Ib us of the or I I II demonstrated that hud work will not kill stenog- raphers There I It Henry I Parkhorst one of the of tidal nonphn of the Superior Cont over TO who gose np steVe at a time stay up all night making dlonrle In astronomy II baa a big tel scope an observatory In the yard of bis rest deuce Charles 0 Ooll another ot lb stenographers- of Ihl court I over e and wa formerly In the eorp f house of nprueallnL 1 has a good deal ot bard work In yt larT I Sherman the Mayors stenographer and private secretary who writes forty or fifty letter a day was brought np In the offle of Samuel J TUden graduated at Columbia Law School wa ad milted lo the bar has serred as prlvat secretary 1 Charles r MacLean and Commuloae Voorhla and I I well posted In municipal I already rla- orlloa of mlancrlpl The ITI writr has lv4 his life because 1 to dlol ork 7hs old complaint about Henry Oeorg I ii rife again The exceedingly recalcitrant and reluctant manner In which be gives up his wealth I Is as consplcuou In tbli election U when be ran for Mayor It I is a matter of which political workers speak with hated breath but the fact au public property and there I 1 no question lallblrth of the assertion that Mr Georges enthu m disposing of other peoples property does not In- terfere with bU canny tenacity In holding on to hlow Denman Tnmplon tbe shrewd and genial old actor I 1 one of th nerviest and wildest batting men on the Inr I bets for the sport of th thing and not know anything of borsea A story of the experience of the bookmaker found It way Into town yesterday through letter from a WesUm man wbo I I en very intimate term with Den Thompson family When the actor cleaned up after last season1 work be took fiV 000 ofith earning gave It to lila wits and retired 1 his farm In Massachusetts About six weeks ago be came to- N l ew York went to the races just for a flyer won 2800 and caught the betting fever They couldntget him away from the paddock urtll h figured up and found bis loss Just tlH000 He drew a long mug mal good evsrycentand sail I Well I guts Ilj back to my farm aid labor for- th rest of the Sporting life I is too rich for me- Accordlnglybe n back to the country and Joined the laborers until hi season opened Minnie Palmers husband ii one of lh most noted men of the theatrical profession although I I no longer In II Then she first began her successful career her hus- band who la known as Johnny Roger devoted mOl of his time to buying diamonds for her and then booming lbs said diamonds through the ntwipapen Gradually he became fonder of diamonds than be was of theatri- cals and now he has quit all connection wltb the tg for the purpose of selling precious lon on commission Pugilism la on the wan and probably beyond the bop of a rtdempUon Tbe plugs are no longer the and worshipped heroes of the town and most significant of all their manager and alalar showing the stres of hard times In their seedy frayed linen and despondent manner Billy Madden I I not as sleek and prosperous as hs was Ned Mallahan 1 no longer Men about bl old haunts and ties rest of the horde of men who formerly handled the money for the big pugUUUa encounters have dlaappeared from the faceot the arb Stags realism w reach an extraordinary point In the production of Old Ilomssiead next Monday night The stage of Nlblos Qardtn look like various sections of Broadway Coney Island and the Bowery Tbere Is to b asnowalide scene In the Uat acl which la entirely new to the stage U I la In reality albil roller coasting slide but the effect ot snow wi up In the front The actors elide Sown hUt ale the old fashioned country manner and one super bn en- gaged at large expense to go belly bumpers1 dow the slide on a sled sixteen incbc long This particular super Is six feet five Inches In height and the effect 1 is expected to be both thrilling and picturesque Un- bar and real sleighs will also figur I the last scene TUB COlOlIrrONAL zO Parson S3anderlaad H> pllete the LCer f the Old ITrasbytfrlnn Eder To vita EDITOR OJ THE BUNSir Permit me to reply to U questions of an alleged Old Presby lenin Elder I your paper of the Roth Inst Tb whole article Ii so tuuular that I scarcely know whether lo take I as a joke or an IlpOlloa As a Presbyterian of the trclOOI I dlr 1 repudiate every Implication affecting stability of the Westminster Catechism and the doctrines known A the old theology or the system of CIo Augnstln and Pau It I Is surprising that ucla 01 < Presbyterian Elder should make so obvious a mistake as 1 confound H the American Board of Commissioner for Foreign Ills slons now wrangling over the questIon ot a future pro- bation with any portion of the Presbyterian Church In title or any other country II Is a palpable slander on the entire portion of Protestant Christendom who accept In substance what Is known In short am lb Cahrlnlstlo Creed namely all the Reformed Churches Prance Italy Germany and Holland Jh Church of England- the American Eplopa Lutheran and Baptist Church- es es so far aa great tenures of revealed religion are concerned I add the vast Wlbollcommoan No sir the simple story Is tbla < theorist In the Congregational Church whose prlnlpa seat I la I New England have undertaken 1I wl above I Is written and are higgling over the tate ot the dod rather than spending their strength In preaching lb 001110 tbe living They have thrown a firebrand Into camp of the American Board of Commissioner for Foreign Mlsslona which I I a purely Congregational or- ganization tranS old Stark Hopkins the late Presi- dent of that organIzation I dod and these young wise- acres are plaTlal the mischief U they are not at once put out laallue they will ruts the cause of foreign missions Congregational Church No ur theologIcal farce could ever be enacted save In piping times of peace Let once a great tempest arise which threatens the very foundation of society anti the existence of civil government 111t and these youngsters ot the new theology will b heard of The doctrines ot the old come lholol1 bmnl to the front No 1 you aod no fear old theology the sovereignty ot ODd the sinfulness of man and the Gospel remedy will never be ex- ploded so long as the world lad B Stmexaujin- WuUlNCTOt C D 0 Oct U Who Can Answer thl Conundrum t To TIE EDITOH or THE SUN Sir Yesterday as I wa riding front Fourteenth to Twentythird street- In a Broadway car a gentleman 11 whom I am very well acquainted cot on and took only vacant seat A moment later a lady entered and although the walled the whole length of the car and there were soy gentlemen seated no one of them offered to her a and she had to stand for several blocks She we a- rIIlr well dressed and stylish looking I am sure with whom I am at qualnted saw that she was standing although he held his paper before him anti him all rthverrmrd tie I did not eo me but I watched Will you pleaA tell me what I ought to do about tt I Ought Ito cut his acquaintance or would It enough If I spoke to hInt almutlt I and let him kuow b saw html I should hats awfully to cut him but I Unnt want lo have any one tbat unl a real gentleman among my friends You perplexedly DAisy 110 New People Young Hr Waldo Do you know the Porclnos of Michigan avenue Miss Breezy f MI IrOyI know nf them Mr Waldo but have cqolalcllp They an snot crime de 1 la crime you Mr WaldoNo- lii l lbs kit IrITOh no Thy settled In Chicago sloe n The Secret or Eloquence not Dan my Cyclopedia f And step a little speedier- My speeches must be memorised before the peep o day The modern travelling orator Stoat learn to speak memorlter Whole columns of tb Gazetteer and Cyclopedia And bring a geography Thats got the best typography Sot dont forget that book of boblb Oyelop dlal Now group your towns synthetically Arrange them alphabetically- And clip each towns description and Ste the slips away And Ill learn them all 1rblm And repeat them rlUm And nick Ihoae Westerners ca the days ot Usury ClayI Shades of TaT and QulntlllanI list sac speeches for the million Hire U eloquence by wholesale lathe CyclopedtaJ So brnKmr Cyclopedia step up Daniel iDtedlert In commendable activity Ill a the hoar away I will cram a good oration For each town and railroad station An exhaustive local history toy each village o the way Ive discovered II Eurskal Would you baa pobo ipeaker 00 buy the liMit map and Oyclopsdlal The annoyano a4 pimpl blotch eli tOte skin t Br 41 itvv ia dbt M 1 j HARD AFTER SUaHXO STOCK IDBln f r Steak Hypatheeoted In New Yrk bythe Broken Trey Bank Tnor Oct 11 Frank Qaldor ot tho firm of Ogden Caldor ft Oo bankers and brokers of this city speaking this morning of tho so curt ties and bonds of Indliduailioft with tho firm for eafo keeping Ther no foun- dation ¬ for tbe Insinuations that securities loft with u for sate keeping have boon disturbed- All such papers as hay not boon taken away r In our vault Wo have quito a number of packages that wore deposited In our sate and nono of tbo packages was Included In our ac- counts ¬ Thor are entirely separate from de- posits ¬ of money or of collateral deposited with us by customers who had accounts with us Several demands have boon served In tho In- terest ¬ of the creditors ot Ogden Caldor 0 upon Work Strong 4 Oo of Nsw York which firm Try brokers dealt largely In stocks Samuel Foster who hn served such notice on Work Strong A Co In behalf of 0 Wloxor lioxforas flats a creditor of ST Co Wont to Now York last night t deter- mine ¬ what further stops to take Counsel for Julen Clodeby who gavo Ogdon CaIderCo15OOO to purchase stock for him said todays Wo shall try to trace the stock If o can lied that It was sold to Now York brokers numbers recently wo may b able to trace It bY t hcouns81 for of DldlBJTlbbotl lid inn respecting Whon Mr Tibbet went to 1UIP In June loou up hail paid UHUPII for be- tween 50000 and 60000 worth of stocks anti cash balance of morn titan 17000 to his credit on tho firms bock besides stock Tills continued until Oct 41880 when Mr Tlbbeta drew out the money to his credit and for- warded ¬ from the firm about M500 the firm holding his stocks as security for tile payment of the loan On the return of the Irl Mr Tlbbots was carried as a debtor to anti he was oredltnd with stocks na security Ogden Cnlder Jc Co hud no right to sell the stoqk without an orderfrom Mr 1lbbotn We have demanded of Work Strong A Co- n accounting rosnocllng tho stock In which Mr Tlbbets Is interested We may be able to trace tbo stock for our notice wn served bo fore they had an opportunity eel the stock after the assignment was made Tho Jesuit fathers of lt Josephs nnd St Michaels parishes had a toO building fund on deposit with the firm drawn out all but ltitoOwhontho firm failed They must take their chances with tho general creditors B313IA OBI A BILTER TAODT Chattanooga People Ole It to ITer raw Her neck la Talking Out In alerting CHATTANOOGA Oct 11 During the pres- entation ¬ of I II Trovatoro by tho Emma Ab ¬ bt company at the Opera Rouse last night performance was interrupted by L O Walker city editor of tim 7mt who appeared- upon the staKe nnd In name of a large number of the best citizens of Chattanooga presented Mies Abbott with a magnificent solid sliver yacht as a testmonia of Chattanoogas appreciation of courageous and wellex ¬ pressed dofenco of her profession against this bitter denunciation of a minister at one of tho leading churches In Nashville on Sunday Tho applause that followed tho presentation was something never before witnessed Intho Chat- tanooga ¬ Opera House Miss Abbott with faltering olco and tears streaming from her eyes made this reply laoiu Afn Ointuun rte friends I cant think of you other than as duet know how my heart Is touched by this kind token of your approval Ir mr course I wa pretruiat that church at accident but when I heard my sister alit and mrr maligned I bad to speak even U had fatten on me when I think of Jenny a fortune to charity of f arena Ito a who Is now In gave of Charlotte Inihtnan of Mary Anderion you and I know their lives are a refutation of all the shame less sluider he heaped upon them I received tele- grams yesterday from iii part of the United susIe an- prorlngof my courne end I feel tery gratefulfor thin but hattanooga shall alwajs have a warm spot In my heart and I shall always cherish this aa the kindest token In my entire stIletto career The remarks of the Itev Dr Cnndler In Chattanooga on Sundaywhich Hpeclally roused the Ire of the stager and led to leer sensational interruption of the services were I > o you say there Is no baron done where virtue Is tarnished and the moral perceptions of the people are being blunted Yon are making amusement out of the wrong thing It treats sacred things pro anely tier a women comes along and prays on the stage making prayers for amusement and luirlslan people go there end pay to hear that woman get down and make a mock of praying Again the theatre I is an unchaste place It can only live by supplying th demand for tnMtlonalsia The chapter would not be couplet unless we were to say tbat the member of MeKendree hurch had spent nearly BlOOOIn one week In opening a new theatre if ORB FAITH ZfT ZEOS TUAX LAJTIEKS- Qoln nobanan bae Eenped tVora Jail while the Lawre arej Arguing tor bla Lite WASHINGTON Oct 11 Among the cases submitted to the United States Supreme Court today was the murder case of Quln Bohanan against the State ot Nebraska brought hero upon a writ of error to the Nebraska Supreme Court Quite Bohanan the plaintiff In error was tried In Nebraska In 1882 for murder In the first dogroo In killing a man named Cook The jury found him guilty of murder in tho second degree and he was sentenced to Im- prisonment ¬ for life Bohanan carried his case to the State Supreme Court and obtained a reversal and an order for a new trial He was tried the second time upon the same indIct meat which had been used in the first trial and was this time found guilty of murder In tim first degree anti sentenced to death His case was carried a second time to the State Supreme Court and now comes to this court upon the ground that having been once tried and found guilty only of murder In the second degree he could not acaln bo put on trial under an Indictment charging murder in the first degree without a violation of the Fifth Amend- ment ¬ of the Constitution that no person shall be subject for the same offence to bo twice put In jeopardy of life nr limb The State of Nebraska maintains that the Pith Amondmontdorsnot extend to the buttes but operates solely as a limitation on the oxer else of power by the Federal Government that there wIts in this case no such jeopardy as the amendment contemplates and that when a man has been convicted of murder In the second degree at the first trial anti tho vet ¬ diet has been set nuide and a new trial granted at tier defendants request It la no bar to his conviction of murder In tho first degree Pending n final derision of these questions the prisoner Bohanan has taken his case Into bis own bands by escaping from jail and he li now at large A Terrible Danger In Natural Oaa from Uu nrmani llrratd Two hundred years ago In China there was Just such a craze about natural gas as we have In this country today Gas wells were sunk with an much vim and vigor as the Celestials were capable of but owing to a gas explosion that killed several millions of people and tore up and destroyed a large district of country leav- ing a large intend sea known on the map a Lake Poo chant thi boring of any more gas wells was then and there prohibited by law It stem according to Chinese history that many large and heary pretsure gsa wells wcrestruekand in seine districts welt were sunk quits near to each other Oas was lighted as soon as struck as In this country II Ii Stated that one welt with its unusual pres- sure ¬ by Induction or back draught pulled down Into the earth the burning ga of a smaller welt resulting In a dreadful explosion of a large district de troylng the inhabItants thereof Lake Too Chang rests on this district The same catastrophe U Imminent In this country unless the laws restrict further develop- ments ¬ In boring so many well Should a similar explo- sion occur there will be such an upheaval as will dwarf the mo t terrible earthquakes knowr The country along tb fa belt from Toledo through Ohio Indiana and Ktalucky will be ripped np to the depth of 12110 to ian feet and flopped over like a pancake leaving a chasm through which Ih waters of Lake Erie wilt come howling down suing the Ohio and tlUslsalpnl Vatlejs and blotting theta out forever Equal te the Occasion TOM 154 VItrO OmM Avoirdupois will toll on unsaved muddy streets Tb Ircsldtnf carrlag got stuck In the mud In Milwaukee and much effort wa required to start tb I load Zlabllltle Small Gentleman You say you have tailed In the whllewaih buslueis UndslUttusT Uncle Baitu Yta sat hone clean busted lenUeraanWbat did you pay on the dollar I Uncle lUatna Didnt pay nuffln nn Se dollab salt Be imrtles waIt only Mveotr IT cena Searching the Scriptures Young Mr Whltoohokor the new minister was making an veiling cell and bad occasion to con suit Ib Ulble It Is In my room said tils Clara i I will bring It Itlsasourctof I slncer Juy to me Mr Whlttchuker remarked on UlsClarareturnwhen I Isaru that a vouoir lady of tn congregation finds pleasur sad con- solation In consulting Ihe pages of the loot hoot Miss tIara blushed wills pleasure and wonder If she bad taken tue autumn Itavss all out J Walter Thompson catalogue of the mag axlnM of Uts Pallid flats ls the most tasteful bit ot Mvta of Hw veagi i and M U fall at InformaUca that to ot rate to STUT ta l avtnrUMr UNn4Ma Boston 10 suffering almost aa badly nn Nsw York from tornop streets A general Increase of tho Russian cust- oms ¬ tariff I is said lo be certain soon John Chandler of Concord Mass was Ice years old on Thursday tact lit Is very feeble rhocbo Hicks of Petersburg Va has married a widower with thirty OB children Bn U hla eIghth wife Mrs Hail of Plattsburgh NT was eliot In the inn while standing by a grave at which her hut bated wan conducting a burial settle Somo of the old door In the Windsor Grsat Park In England ste so Sire liii month that the public are warned against approaching them A white horse In Michigan Is attracting attention without the aid of red headed glrla lie visit a saloon very day for his glue of beer end gels It Sarah Bernhardt has written a now play but waitIng until the advertising held Is clear before she ui iial her lips and suffers the reporters to inter view Sarah th dramatist A Maine widower gave a man ton dollars topsyfcr light and fu J while th widower was court- Ing the roans daughter She refused to marry him and be Is trying to recover the ten dollar In his valedictory the retiring editor and proprietor of a Nevada Journal sep51 Thanking an overIndulgent puhllo for not having mobbed me long since I am sincerely their to serve Ao Sarah Farkoa of West Broravdck Eng ha been committed for trial on the charge of murder- Ing her husband by throwing paraffin over some furni- ture and on the bed In which hi lay and tiling It on O- rLudovlo Bal vy the French author sold more than tOOOOOicopli ot Abbh Conilantln and will publish another story of true lure Stanch Cour onne which be describes H being virtuous M a re- volting ¬ degree The Western Union Company cabled to London the times at which the yachta In the recent race passed Sandy Hook Point In seventy seconds telegraphlo speed which ha never before been equalled In actual business working Force la Remedy In English words beaded an article on the Irish question In the omens Oonrteof Hamburg The police caused the tupproslon of the paper They said the artlel Indirectly Incited tb Socialist to violence The Convention of the American Rail- way ¬ Chemists has Just been held In Omaha The dele- gates were not the chemIsts who have their laboratories In buffet ear for they discussed arcproof points car Ill and similar topics A Canadian who eloped with two women had the combInations baggage cheeked for Troy where be hoped that the opportunities tot feminine employ- ment would enable him to enjoy the leisure for which be believe himself 10 be fitted The remains of a groat Roman building are being brought to light at the steamboat ration of Flschen on theAmmersee In Bavaria Already a front age of IA feet with eight separate rooms haa been cleared and a cellar ha bn discovered It Is now assorted that hay fever la not produced pollen but by minute organisms floating the atmosphere On tbe hypothesis that these creators have Intelligence It la posslbl to understand how the highly Intellectual are selected as hay fever victim Queen Victoria it la sold has been en ¬ gaged sine her arrival at Balmoral In revising the proofs ofa popular biography of the ftlnc Contort written by the Ber William Tnlloeb seq of the Uu Principal TnUocb The work will contain atreral anec- dotes contributed by her Majesty St Augustine Fin went wet In the recent election and the result wa noisily celebrated A baggage wagon containing a bran band and a banner reading This Town I is Wet was driven through thi streets followed by another wagon loaded with keg of beer which was drawn and passed around at every halt A 225ounco nugget has been unearthed by Chinamen at llargraves Australia The new of the find leaked out through the transmission ot It to the mint by Chinese agents The celebrated Cal nugget of one OWL wa found at llargravc In the year 1812 and recently a few miles awayat the Ifaltland bar a too ounce nugget was found Tho lifeless body of a policeman was found banging on a tree a few night ago In tb park artund tile lilliabeth Chnsoh Berlin At the door of the vestry a bloodstained chIsel was found U had vi dently been overcome by burglar whom be surprised In an attempt to break Into the church Site church Us In a frequented pert of the oily Two brazen Roman helmets have been dump by laborer digging a trench for water coars at nchaan In Llchtenteln by the old BomanrvadtV Coir One hd sograred oa the brIm the name Pub llus Cavldlus Felix of tile century of Cabs Petronlus the other Nunerlnns Papontus of the century of Lucius Turetudlu of the Third Cohort The Augusta Chronicle saya that the Hon Simon Cameron la not the oldest lurrlving United States Senator It claims that honor for the lion John P King ot that city who was born In Kentucky In I7M entered the Senate on appointment In 18331 and wa elected to succeed himself In the following year twentythree years before Mr Cameron entered the Senate A confectioner of Newport England having missed from the bakehouse time after time dainty morsels set a watch and a form resembling that of a boy wa seen t altbUy creeping along th roof of the adjoining bakehouse No attention was paid to cries to come down and a gun wa fired The aim was sued and a dead monkey rolled from the root Into th road Indeed I now feel very well but I must be so for I have one wish more which I should like to see fuldlled recently remarked the Emperor of Ugrmany lo on who congratulated him on bl excellent appearance After a abort pause Its added with deep motion I should like to hear one more the vole of my son the Crown Prince land and sonorous as in- former years A syndicate composed Highland mem- ber ¬ of Parliament and prominent UlgUlanders Is It la said about to produce tb drama The Blue Ball ot Scotland now on the boards ot the Novelty Theatre London throughout England and afterward In the United States and the Colonies for the purpose ot inter stlng tb pnbllo at bom and America la the High- land crofter Question The rob preserved aa Shcllya heart la now commonly belIeved to be his liver and the asset tlon Is made that Napoleons heart at the Invallde Is Infact no part of the Little Corporals anatomy Tb doctor who made the autopsy of his body were l In- terrupted so the story goes by nightfall and on return ing found that his heart wa devoured by rats where- upon a sheeps heart was substltaud This story how- ever ¬ U pronounced entirely untrue For many years It was uncertain whether the Dresden or Darmstadt Madonna wai llolbelus

Ther 1 It l- on t Ht It t 1ln s I - Chronicling America...THN ti I SUN WEDNESDtY OCTOBER 12 887 T 1I1 r 1 JiJif-i tf UtfI I 0 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13 1887 nbtHpt b 1tZptLA-flYr i 0 0

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    SUN WEDNESDtY OCTOBER 12 887T 1I1 r 1



    tf UtfI0 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13 1887I nbtHpt b 1tZptLA-flYr ji 0 0 5-P4lZ re 1

    SUsDAT r sr 1 oCULT AKDflJHDATroTear T oIWn LTrrYarirwnt

    v iTiar Oewtri l-mSIIIyoQ

    gonuln masterpiece The Urand D ot lieu has IDOW allowed bi picture to b the thick costof paint and nrlb Htrr Usurer II Munich resorer ba la Icollbl thin no doubt u I1 In 0alnln1 an exhibition shortly ttDresden ld by ld with the picture wblob has to longbeen hold 1blboriginal Thi colon ae oven mor rbrilliant UaIboot the Dresden MadonnaThe of the SidneyBet PbrlChurch In 1 composed whollybuilt a bad little cbaptl and dedicated It substsu-Ually tre from dbl Intro win no men 1bold Its 9omcu which bar bun vacant a year The Ultl-erhurcb became a sort of elephant on the hsndsoftbs-Bloomlngtun prtsbjtery wblcb recentlr appointed acommittee complete the organization Thequeitlon-whether women at Ugtbl 1 llih offices necessary10 a CompliliI organisation 1uadeconsideration

    A baby zebr that cost 112 comesj

    fm Hath haa been am < Ulie PhilDen Phil Sheridan arrlTed at Ih Philadelphia IZoological Garden Salardar On the laae diy there 1arrlTed a pair of prong borned antelopes from Nevada IThey art brown except tbat on the hips ire two ariaround spots eoYsred wltb snowwhlt hair which 1 1-VrUacbslongsud when the anlmala ae frightened jrUkthe hair on a Clrcatalan ilrl In a dime museumLla day earn fourteen pair of prairie don sixpain bob Ira destined for CDlra Park In thla citya ground be from Maryland a sixfoot BockyMountain rattlesnake

    Ilmajesty Dongr Khan of Annam has IOf Ijr ooh IklUI part In th preparation of each rOla Irpt but chat Ite confmsd 1 Ibc elaboration of a fslngl on nf lbHfly dlshss ot which lbmenu I un ivariably competed The dishes are taken nnt I the Intendant of lh household who deliver them 1 lb pllete the LCer fthe Old ITrasbytfrlnn Eder

    To vita EDITOR OJ THE BUNSir Permitme to reply to U questions of an alleged Old Presbylenin Elder Iyour paper of the Roth Inst Tb wholearticle Ii so tuuular that I scarcely know whether lotake Ias a joke or an IlpOlloa As a Presbyterian ofthe trclOOI I dlr 1repudiate every Implicationaffecting stability of the Westminster Catechismand the doctrines known A the old theology or thesystem of CIoAugnstln and PauIt IIs surprising that ucla 01< Presbyterian Eldershould make so obvious a mistake as 1confound H theAmerican Board of Commissioner for Foreign Illsslons now wrangling over the questIon ot a future pro-bation with any portion of the Presbyterian Church Intitle or any other country IIIs a palpable slander on theentire portion of Protestant Christendom who accept Insubstance what Is known In short am lb CahrlnlstloCreed namely all the Reformed Churches PranceItaly Germany and Holland Jh Church of England-the American Eplopa Lutheran and Baptist Church-eses so far aa great tenures of revealed religionare concerned I add the vast Wlbollcommoan

    Nosir the simple story Is tbla < theorist Inthe Congregational Church whose prlnlpa seat Ila INew England have undertaken 1I wl aboveIIs written and are higgling over the tate ot the dodrather than spending their strength In preaching lb001110 tbe living They have thrown a firebrand Intocamp of the American Board of Commissioner forForeign Mlsslona which II a purely Congregational or-ganization tranS old Stark Hopkins the late Presi-dent of that organIzation Idod and these young wise-acres are plaTlal the mischief U they are not at onceput out laallue they will ruts the cause offoreign missions Congregational Church Nour theologIcal farce could ever be enacted save In

    piping times of peace Let once a great tempestarise which threatens the very foundation of societyanti the existence of civil government 111t and theseyoungsters ot the new theology will b heard ofThe doctrines ot the old comelholol1 bmnlto the front No1 you aod no fearold theology the sovereignty ot ODd the sinfulness ofmanand the Gospel remedy will never be ex-ploded so long as the world lad B Stmexaujin-WuUlNCTOtC D 0 Oct U

    Who Can Answer thl Conundrum tTo TIE EDITOH or THE SUN Sir Yesterday

    as I wa riding front Fourteenth to Twentythird street-In a Broadway car a gentleman 11 whom I am verywell acquainted cot on and took only vacant seatA moment later a lady entered and although thewalled the whole length of the car and there were soygentlemen seated no one of them offered to her aand she had to stand for several blocks She we a-rIIlr well dressed and stylish looking I am surewith whom I am at qualnted saw that shewas standing although he held his paper before himantihim allrthverrmrd tie

    I did not eo me but I watchedWill you pleaA tell me what I ought to do about tt IOught Ito cut his acquaintance or would It enough If

    I spoke to hInt almutltI and let him kuow bsaw htmlI should hats awfully to cut him but I Unnt want lohave any one tbat unl a real gentleman among myfriends Youperplexedly DAisy 110

    New PeopleYoung Hr Waldo Do you know the Porclnos

    of Michigan avenue Miss Breezy f

    MI IrOyI know nf them Mr Waldo but havecqolalcllp They an snot crime de1la crime youMr WaldoNo-lii


    lbs kit IrITOhno Thy settled In Chicago sloenThe Secret or Eloquence

    not Dan my Cyclopedia fAnd step a little speedier-My speeches must be memorised before the peep o day

    The modern travelling oratorStoat learn to speak memorlter

    Whole columns of tbGazetteer and CyclopediaAnd bring a geographyThats got the best typography

    Sot dont forget that book of boblb Oyelop dlalNow group your towns syntheticallyArrange them alphabetically-

    And clip each towns description and Ste the slips awayAnd Ill learn them all 1rblmAnd repeat them rlUmAnd nick Ihoae Westerners ca the days ot UsuryClayIShades of TaT and QulntlllanIlist sac speeches for the million

    Hire U eloquence by wholesale lathe CyclopedtaJSo brnKmr Cyclopedia

    step up Daniel iDtedlertIn commendable activity Ill athe hoar awayI will cram a good oration

    For each town and railroad stationAn exhaustive local history toy each village othe wayIve discovered IIEurskalWould you baa pobo ipeaker00 buy the liMit map and Oyclopsdlal

    The annoyano a4 pimplblotch eli tOte skin t Br41itvv iadbt M1 j


    IDBln f r Steak Hypatheeoted In NewYrk bythe Broken Trey Bank

    Tnor Oct 11 Frank Qaldor ot tho firmof Ogden Caldor ft Oo bankers and brokersof this city speaking this morning of tho socurt ties and bonds of Indliduailioft with thofirm for eafo keeping Ther no foun-dation


    for tbe Insinuations that securities loftwith ufor sate keeping have boon disturbed-All such papers as hay not boon taken awayr In our vault Wo have quito a number ofpackages that wore deposited In our sate andnono of tbo packages was Included In our ac-counts


    Thor are entirely separate from de-posits


    of money or of collateral deposited withus by customers who had accounts with us

    Several demands have boon served In tho In-terest


    of the creditors ot Ogden Caldor 0upon Work Strong 4 Oo of Nsw Yorkwhich firm Try brokers dealt largely In stocksSamuel Foster who hnserved such notice onWork Strong A Co In behalf of 0 Wloxorlioxforas flats a creditor ofST Co Wont to Now York last night tdeter-mine ¬what further stops to takeCounsel for Julen Clodeby who gavo OgdonCaIderCo15OOO to purchase stock for himsaid todays Wo shall try to trace the stockIf o can lied that It was sold to Now Yorkbrokersnumbers

    recently wo may bable to trace It bYthcouns81

    forofDldlBJTlbbotl lid inn


    Whon Mr Tibbet went to 1UIP In Juneloou up hail paid UHUPII for be-tween 50000 and 60000 worth of stocks anticash balance of morn titan 17000 to hiscredit on tho firms bock besides stock Tillscontinued until Oct 41880 when Mr Tlbbetadrew out the money to his credit and for-warded


    from the firm about M500 the firmholding his stocks as security for tile paymentof the loan On the return of the Irl MrTlbbots was carried as a debtor to antihe was oredltnd with stocks na securityOgden Cnlder Jc Co hud no right to sell thestoqk without an orderfrom Mr 1lbbotn

    We have demanded of Work Strong A Co-n accounting rosnocllng tho stock In which

    Mr Tlbbets Is interested We may be able totrace tbo stock for our notice wnserved bofore they had an opportunity eel the stockafter the assignment was made

    Tho Jesuit fathers of lt Josephs nnd StMichaels parishes had a toObuilding fundon deposit with the firm drawn outall but ltitoOwhontho firm failed They musttake their chances with tho general creditors

    B313IA OBI A BILTER TAODTChattanooga People Ole It to ITer raw Her

    neck la Talking Out In alertingCHATTANOOGA Oct 11 During the pres-


    of III Trovatoro by tho Emma Ab ¬btcompany at the Opera Rouse last nightperformance was interrupted by L OWalker city editor of tim 7mt who appeared-upon the staKe nnd In name of a largenumber of the best citizens of Chattanoogapresented Mies Abbott with a magnificent solidsliver yacht as a testmonia of Chattanoogasappreciation of courageous and wellex ¬pressed dofenco of her profession against thisbitter denunciation of a minister at one of tholeading churches In Nashville on Sunday Thoapplause that followed tho presentation wassomething never before witnessed Intho Chat-tanooga


    Opera HouseMiss Abbott with faltering olco and tears

    streaming from her eyes made this replylaoiu Afn Ointuun rtefriends I cant thinkof you other than as duet know how my

    heart Is touched by this kind token of your approval Irmr course I wa pretruiat that church ataccident but when I heard my sister alitand mrrmaligned I bad to speak even Uhad fatten on me when I think of Jenny

    a fortune to charity of farena Ito a who Is now Ingave of Charlotte Inihtnan of Mary Anderion youand I know their lives are a refutation of all the shameless sluider he heaped upon them I received tele-grams yesterday from iii part of the United susIe an-prorlngof my courne end I feel tery gratefulfor thinbut hattanooga shall alwajs have a warm spot In myheart and I shall always cherish this aa the kindesttoken In my entire stIletto career

    The remarks of the Itev Dr Cnndler InChattanooga on Sundaywhich Hpeclally rousedthe Ire of the stager and led to leer sensationalinterruption of the services were

    I>o you say there Is no baron done where virtue Istarnished and the moral perceptions of the people arebeing blunted Yon are making amusement out of thewrong thing It treats sacred things pro anely tiera women comes along and prays on the stage makingprayers for amusement and luirlslan people go thereend pay to hear that woman get down and make a mockof praying

    Again the theatre Iis an unchaste place It can onlylive by supplying th demand for tnMtlonalsia Thechapter would not be couplet unless we were to saytbat the member of MeKendree hurch had spentnearly BlOOOIn one week In opening a new theatre

    ifORB FAITH ZfT ZEOS TUAX LAJTIEKS-Qoln nobanan bae Eenped tVora Jail while

    the Lawre arej Arguing tor bla LiteWASHINGTON Oct 11 Among the cases

    submitted to the United States Supreme Courttoday was the murder case of Quln Bohananagainst the State ot Nebraska brought heroupon a writ of error to the Nebraska SupremeCourt Quite Bohanan the plaintiff In errorwas tried In Nebraska In 1882 for murder Inthe first dogroo In killing a man named CookThe jury found him guilty of murder in thosecond degree and he was sentenced to Im-prisonment


    for life Bohanan carried his caseto the State Supreme Court and obtained areversal and an order for a new trial He wastried the second time upon the same indIctmeat which had been used in the first trialand was this time found guilty of murder Intim first degree anti sentenced to death Hiscase was carried a second time to the StateSupreme Court and now comes to this courtupon the ground that having been once triedand found guilty only of murder In the seconddegree he could not acaln bo put on trial underan Indictment charging murder in the firstdegree without a violation of the Fifth Amend-ment


    of the Constitution that no personshall be subject for the same offence to botwice put In jeopardy of life nr limb

    The State of Nebraska maintains that thePith Amondmontdorsnot extend to the buttesbut operates solely as a limitation on the oxerelse of power by the Federal Governmentthat there wIts in this case no such jeopardyas the amendment contemplates and thatwhen a man has been convicted of murder Inthe second degree at the first trial anti tho vet ¬diet has been set nuide and a new trial grantedat tier defendants request It la no bar to hisconviction of murder In tho first degreePending n final derision of these questionsthe prisoner Bohanan has taken his case Intobis own bands by escaping from jail and he linow at large

    A Terrible Danger In Natural Oaafrom Uu nrmani llrratd

    Two hundred years ago In China there wasJust such a craze about natural gas as we have In thiscountry today Gas wells were sunk with an much vimand vigor as the Celestials were capable of but owing toa gas explosion that killed several millions of people andtore up and destroyed a large district of country leav-ing a large intend sea known on the map a Lake Poochant thi boring of any more gas wells was then andthere prohibited by law It stem according to Chinesehistory that many large and heary pretsure gsa wellswcrestruekand in seine districts welt were sunk quitsnear to each other Oas was lighted as soon as struckas In this country

    II Ii Stated that one welt with its unusual pres-sure


    by Induction or back draught pulled downInto the earth the burning ga of a smaller weltresulting In a dreadful explosion of a large district detroylng the inhabItants thereof Lake Too Chang rests

    on this district The same catastrophe U Imminent Inthis country unless the laws restrict further develop-ments


    In boring so many well Should a similar explo-sion occur there will be such an upheaval as will dwarfthe mo t terrible earthquakes knowr The countryalong tb fa belt from Toledo through Ohio Indianaand Ktalucky will be ripped np to the depth of 12110 toian feet and flopped over like a pancake leaving achasm through which Ih waters of Lake Erie wilt comehowling down suing the Ohio and tlUslsalpnl Vatlejsand blotting theta out forever

    Equal te the OccasionTOM 154 VItrO OmM

    Avoirdupois will toll on unsaved muddystreets Tb Ircsldtnf carrlag got stuck In the mudIn Milwaukee and much effort wa required to start tbIload

    Zlabllltle SmallGentleman You say you have tailed In the

    whllewaih buslueis UndslUttusTUncle Baitu Yta sat hone clean bustedlenUeraanWbat did you pay on the dollar IUncle lUatna Didnt pay nuffln nn Se dollab salt Beimrtles waIt only Mveotr IT cena

    Searching the ScripturesYoung Mr Whltoohokor the new minister

    was making an veiling cell and bad occasion to consuit Ib Ulble

    It Is In my room said tils Clara i I will bring ItItlsasourctofI slncer Juy to me Mr Whlttchukerremarked on UlsClarareturnwhen I Isaru that avouoir lady of tn congregation finds pleasur sad con-solation In consulting Ihe pages of the loot hootMiss tIara blushed wills pleasure and wonder Ifshe bad taken tue autumn Itavss all out

    J Walter Thompson catalogue of the magaxlnM of Uts Pallid flats ls the most tasteful bit otMvta of Hw veagi i and M U fall at InformaUca thatto ot rate to STUT ta l avtnrUMr


    Boston 10 suffering almost aa badly nnNsw York from tornop streets

    A general Increase of tho Russian cust-oms


    tariff Iis said lo be certain soonJohn Chandler of Concord Mass was

    Ice years old on Thursday tact lit Is very feeblerhocbo Hicks of Petersburg Va has

    married a widower with thirty OB children Bn U hlaeIghth wife

    Mrs Hail of Plattsburgh NT was eliotIn the inn while standing by a grave at which her hutbated wan conducting a burial settle

    Somo of the old door In the WindsorGrsat Park In England ste so Sire liii month that thepublic are warned against approaching them

    A white horse In Michigan Is attractingattention without the aid of red headed glrla lie visita saloon very day for his glue of beer end gels It

    Sarah Bernhardt has written a now playbut waitIng until the advertising held Is clear beforeshe ui iial her lips and suffers the reporters to interview Sarah th dramatist

    A Maine widower gave a man ton dollarstopsyfcr light and fu J while th widower was court-Ing the roans daughter She refused to marry him andbe Is trying to recover the ten dollar

    In his valedictory the retiring editor andproprietor of a Nevada Journal sep51 Thanking anoverIndulgent puhllo for not having mobbed me longsince I am sincerely their to serve Ao

    Sarah Farkoa of West Broravdck Engha been committed for trial on the charge of murder-Ing her husband by throwing paraffin over some furni-ture and on the bed In which hi lay and tiling It on O-

    rLudovlo Bal vy the French author soldmore than tOOOOOicopli ot Abbh Conilantln andwill publish another story of true lure Stanch Couronne which be describes H being virtuous M a re-volting


    degreeThe Western Union Company cabled to

    London the times at which the yachta In the recent racepassed Sandy Hook Point In seventy seconds telegraphlospeed which ha never before been equalled In actualbusiness working

    Force la Remedy In English wordsbeaded an article on the Irish question In the omensOonrteof Hamburg The police caused the tupproslonof the paper They said the artlel Indirectly Incitedtb Socialist to violence

    The Convention of the American Rail-way


    Chemists has Just been held In Omaha The dele-gates were not the chemIsts who have their laboratoriesIn buffet ear for they discussed arcproof points carIll and similar topics

    A Canadian who eloped with two womenhad the combInations baggage cheeked for Troy wherebe hoped that the opportunities tot feminine employ-ment would enable him to enjoy the leisure for which bebelieve himself 10 be fitted

    The remains of a groat Roman buildingare being brought to light at the steamboat ration ofFlschen on theAmmersee In Bavaria Already a frontage of IA feet with eight separate rooms haa beencleared and a cellar ha bn discovered

    It Is now assorted that hay fever la notproduced pollen but by minute organisms floatingthe atmosphere On tbe hypothesis that these creatorshave Intelligence It la posslbl to understand how thehighly Intellectual are selected as hay fever victim

    Queen Victoria it la sold has been en¬gaged sine her arrival at Balmoral In revising theproofs ofa popular biography of the ftlnc Contortwritten by the Ber William Tnlloeb seq of the UuPrincipal TnUocb The work will contain atreral anec-dotes contributed by her Majesty

    St Augustine Fin went wet In therecent election and the result wa noisily celebrated Abaggage wagon containing a bran band and a bannerreading This Town Iis Wet was driven through thistreets followed by another wagon loaded with keg ofbeer which was drawn and passed around at every halt

    A 225ounco nugget has been unearthedby Chinamen at llargraves Australia The new of thefind leaked out through the transmission ot It to themint by Chinese agents The celebrated Cal nugget ofone OWL wa found at llargravc In the year 1812 andrecently a few miles awayat the Ifaltland bar a tooounce nugget was found

    Tho lifeless body of a policeman wasfound banging on a tree a few night ago In tb parkartund tile lilliabeth Chnsoh Berlin At the door of thevestry a bloodstained chIsel was found U had vidently been overcome by burglar whom be surprised Inan attempt to break Into the church Site church Us Ina frequented pert of the oily

    Two brazen Roman helmets have beendump by laborer digging a trench for water coarsat nchaan In Llchtenteln by the old BomanrvadtVCoir One hd sograred oa the brIm the name Publlus Cavldlus Felix of tile century of Cabs Petronlusthe other Nunerlnns Papontus of the century ofLucius Turetudlu of the Third Cohort

    The Augusta Chronicle saya that the HonSimon Cameron la not the oldest lurrlving United StatesSenator It claims that honor for the lion John P Kingot that city who was born In Kentucky In I7M enteredthe Senate on appointment In 18331 and wa elected tosucceed himself In the following year twentythreeyears before Mr Cameron entered the Senate

    A confectioner of Newport Englandhaving missed from the bakehouse time after timedainty morsels set a watch and a form resembling thatof a boy wa seen t altbUy creeping along th roof ofthe adjoining bakehouse No attention was paid to criesto come down and a gun wa fired The aim was suedand a dead monkey rolled from the root Into th road

    Indeed I now feel very well but Imust be so for I have one wish more which I shouldlike to see fuldlled recently remarked the Emperor ofUgrmany lo on who congratulated him on bl excellentappearance After a abort pause Its added with deepmotion I should like to hear one more the vole ofmy son the Crown Prince land and sonorous as in-former years

    A syndicate composed Highland mem-ber


    of Parliament and prominent UlgUlanders Is It lasaid about to produce tb drama The Blue Ball otScotland now on the boards ot the Novelty TheatreLondon throughout England and afterward In theUnited States and the Colonies for the purpose ot interstlng tb pnbllo at bom and America la the High-

    land crofter QuestionThe rob preserved aa Shcllya heart la

    now commonly belIeved to be his liver and the assettlon Is made that Napoleons heart at the Invallde IsInfact no part of the Little Corporals anatomyTb doctor who made the autopsy of his body were lIn-terrupted so the story goes by nightfall and on returning found that his heart wa devoured by rats where-upon a sheeps heart was substltaud This story how-ever


    U pronounced entirely untrueFor many years It was uncertain whether

    the Dresden or Darmstadt Madonna wai llolbelus