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First International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions, Nov 4 - 10, 2004, Ericeira, Portugal. THEORY SUMMARY. Dmitri Kharzeev. Opening talk by H. Satz. Ericeira 2004. QCD maps, ca 1994. E. soft. hard. p T. The Treaty of Tordesillas: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • THEORY SUMMARYFirst International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions, Nov 4 - 10, 2004, Ericeira, Portugal Dmitri Kharzeev

  • Ericeira 2004Opening talkby H. Satz

  • QCD maps, ca 1994softhardEpT

  • The Treaty of Tordesillas: Portugal - Spain, 1494Dividing the unknown

  • The lessons?2. Sharp boundaries do not last long - 1. The less we know, the sharper are the boundaries3. They disappear with the advance of knowledge

  • One reason:

    I would rather discover a single fact, even a small one, than debate the great issues at length without discovering anything new at all.

    -Galileo Galilei Why focus on hard probes?But we have even better ones

  • Asymptotic freedom and hard probesAt short distances, the strong force becomes weak -

    one can access the asymptotically free regime in hard processes

    But: the harder a parton is hit, the more intense radiation it emits;this happens because even though as Scaling violations, jet structure

  • Fast partons as a probe In QCD vacuum, the probability of gluon radiation ~ as ln (Q2 / L2);

    in medium, the scale L is determined by the properties of matter:In hot quark-gluon plasma L2 = - transport coeff. - size of the systemIn cold nucleus at small xL2 = Qs2 - the saturation scale; QGP: A.Accardi,N.Armesto,A.Majumder,B.Muller,X.N.Wang, U.Wiedemann

    CGC: R.Baier, F.Gelis,J.Jalilian-Marian, E.Iancu,L.McLerran, A.Mueller,D.Triantafyllopoulos,K.Tuchin, R.Venugopalan

  • Heavy quarkonium as a probeTalk by F. Karschthe link between the observablesand the McLerran-Svetitskyconfinement criterion

  • What do we probe?Strongly coupled Quark-Guon Plasma

    Color Glass Condensate

  • sQGPJ.-P.Blaizot,R.Gavai,F.Karsch,K.Rajagopal,E.ShuryakTalk by F.Karsch:

  • Strongly coupled QGPF.KarschT-dependence of the running coupling develops in the NP-regionat T < 3 Tc

  • Percolation deconfinement, CGC ? H.SatzJ. Dias de Deus,C. PajaresT.HatsudaM. Nardi

  • A.Nakamura and S.Sakai, hep-lat/0406009Talk by T. HatsudaPerfect fluidsQGP: more fluid than water?KSS bound:strongly coupled SUSY QCD = classical supergravity J.P.Blaizot,R.Gavai,T.Hatsuda,K.Rajagopal,E.Shuryak

  • sQGP and the quasi-particle picture J.-P.Blaizot, K.RajagopalPlot from F. Gelis, hep-ph/0209072Karsch et al, hep-lat/0110208 Effect of collisionsWidth of quasiparticlesDamping is anomalously large

  • Quark number fluctuations in sQGP R. Gavai

  • Color Glass Condensate Overviews:J. Bartels,E. Iancu,L. McLerran,A. MuellerR. Venugopalan

  • In search of the ultimate non-linear evolution equation GLR, MQJIMWLKBKBLV, Recent advances:the role of fluctuations(talk by E. Iancu)Long-standing problem:(talk by J. Bartels)

  • The ProbesHeavy QuarkoniumJetsHeavy QuarksDileptons

  • Heavy quark internal energy above TTalks by F.Karsch,P. Petreczky,K. Petrov,F. Zantow,O.Kaczmarek,S. Digal

    O.Kaczmarek, F. Karsch, P.Petreczky,F. Zantow, hep-lat/0309121

  • Heavy quarkonia above TcT.HatsudaTalks by P.Petreczky,K.Petrov,S.Digal,F.Zantow,O.Kaczmarek

  • Heavy quarkonia above Tc: lattice QCD meets potential modelsTalks by A. Mocsy,P.Petreczky

    Try to understand them in a potential model;

    note: OPE potential model

  • Heavy quarkonia above Tc: screening vs ionizationD. Blaschke,M. Nardi,R. RappR. Thews

  • J/y formation from recombined charm pairsR. ThewsR. RappRecombinationnarrows the rapiditydistribution

  • Jets Jet dEauGeneva3-jet event at LEP, CERN, Geneva

  • Jets - II Atlantic ocean,Coast of PortugalAu-Au collision event, RHIC Long Island, New York

  • Jet suppressionX.-N.WangA.Accardi, A.Majumder,U.Wiedemann

  • Geometry of jet suppressionFigure from J.Bjorken, FERMILAB-PUB-82-059-TSTAR CollaborationTalks/lectures by N.Armesto, R.Baier, B.Muller, X.N.Wang, U.Wiedemann

  • Jets and the flowN.ArmestoU.Wiedemann

  • Sonic boom in sQGP?E.Shuryak

  • Heavy quark energy loss: U. Wiedemann, M. Djordjevic, X.-N.Wang

  • Heavy QuarksS. Frixione:Heavy quarks and resummationsR. Vogt:the influence of fragmentationfunctions

  • M. Djordjevic,U. Wiedemann,X.N. WangEnhancement of the D/h ratio as a signature of the radiative energy loss in the QGPYu.L.Dokshitzer and DK, Phys.Lett.B519 (2001) 199

  • Dileptons from the QGPE.Shuryak: dileptons from sQGPC.Gale: dileptons andSpectral functions

  • Baryon dynamicsBaryons and Recombination:talk by R.Hwa

  • Hard probes of the Color Glass CondensateTalks by R. Baier, H. Fujii, F. Gelis, J. Jalilian-Marian,G. Milhano,A.Mueller, D. Triantafyllopoulos,K.TuchinR. Venugopalan

  • Quantum effectsAt small x, the gluon propagator is dressed by the quantum evolution: As a result, the gluon propagators at small x acquire an anomalous dimensionthis is because the probability to emit an extra gluon is ~ as ln(1/x) ~ 1Talks by R.Baier,J.Bartels, B.Gay Ducati, E.Iancu,J.Jalilian-Marian,L.McLerran, A.Mueller,D.Triantafyllopoulos,K.Tuchin, R.Venugopalan

  • Quantum CGC and hard processes on nuclei1) Small x evolution leads to anomalous dimension2) Qs is the only relevant dimensionful parameter in the CGC;.thus everything scales in the ratio 3) Since

    Tthe A-dependence is changed => Expect high pT suppression in dAu at small xTalks by R.Baier, B.Gay Ducati, E.Iancu,J.Jalilian-Marian,L.McLerran, A.Mueller,D.Triantafyllopoulos,K.Tuchin, R.Venugopalan

  • Quantum fluctuations in the presence of classical background: from Hawking radiation to Color Glass Condensate

  • CGC confronts the data2-particle correlations:breakdown of AGK?J. Jalilian-Marianhadronsdileptons

  • CGC confronts the dataK. Tuchinhadronscharmcharmonium

  • CGC confronts the data C. Salgado: DIS and AA

  • Dileptons from the CGCR. Baier, J. Jalilian-Marian, B. Gay Ducati, F. Gelis

  • Open charm and charmoniumH. Fujii:superpenetrationF. Gelis: Breakdown of k_t factorization

  • Nuclear effects at not so small xJ.Qiu:Power corrections to Drell-Yan;Back-to-backcorrelationsL.Tolos:Slow D-mesons in cold nuclear matter

  • From CGC to Quark Gluon PlasmaTalk byL.McLerranHow does the CGCthermalize so fast?

  • The Hard Probes Cafis still open1st International Conference on Hard Probes, Ericeira, 20042nd?YES!2nd Hard Probes: San Francisco Bay Area, California, spring of 2006

    LBL - INT - BNLOrganizers: X.N.Wang, P.Jacobs,

  • and finallyCarlos Loureno Jorge Dias de Deus

    Helmut Satz Joo Seixas

    THANK YOU!!!