Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes on Weakly Deformable DNA Alyssa L. Smith, Pavol Cekan, David P. Rangel, Snorri Th. Sigurdsson, Colin Mailer, § and Bruce H. Robinson* ,† Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Science Institute, UniVersity of Iceland, ReykjaVik, Iceland, and Department of Radiology, UniVersity of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ReceiVed: NoVember 26, 2007; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: March 05, 2008 The weakly bending rod (WBR) model of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is adapted to analyze the internal dynamics of dsDNA as observed in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate, R 1e , for spin probes rigidly attached to nucleic acid-bases. The WBR theory developed in this work models dsDNA base-pairs as diffusing rigid cylindrical discs connected by bending and twisting springs whose elastic force constants are κ and R, respectively. Angular correlation functions for both rotational displacement and velocity are developed in detail so as to compute values for R 1e due to four relaxation mechanisms: the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), the electron-nuclear dipolar (END), the spin rotation (SR), and the generalized spin diffusion (GSD) relaxation processes. Measured spin-lattice relaxation rates in dsDNA under 50 bp in length are much faster than those calculated for the same DNAs modeled as rigid rods. The simplest way to account for this difference is by allowing for internal flexibility in models of DNA. Because of this discrepancy, we derive expressions for the spectral densities due to CSA, END, and SR mechanisms directly from a weakly bending rod model for DNA. Special emphasis in this development is given to the SR mechanism because of the lack of such detail in previous treatments. The theory developed in this paper provides a framework for computing relaxation rates from the WBR model to compare with magnetic resonance relaxation data and to ascertain the twisting and bending force constants that characterize DNA. Introduction The nature of internal motions in double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is an ongoing area of nucleic acids research owing to the demonstrable importance of dynamics in explaining the mechanisms by which DNA functions. 1 In 1970, the time- resolved decay in the fluorescence polarization anisotropy (FPA) from ethidium intercalated between base-pairs revealed that DNA in solution is a flexible polymer that undergoes both about- axis twisting and bending. 2 To explain these data, Barkley and Zimm developed a continuous elastic model of internal Brown- ian twisting and bending motions of the double helix. 3 Concur- rently, Allison and Schurr generated a theory for the twisting motion contribution to the FPA decay in which DNA is represented by a series of identical rigid rods connected by Hookean torsion springs. 4 This discrete model was subsequently extended by Schurr and co-workers to include bending motions for DNA modeled as spherical beads in a chain 5 coupled to nearest neighbors by a harmonic potential characterized by a torsion, R, and a bending, κ, elastic constant. This theory is referred to as the weakly bending rod (WBR) model. The discrete model provides a physical model with which to interpret the data from a variety of measurements on DNA. For example, the decay of the FPA from ethidium bromide intercalated in DNA is directly related to the mean square amplitudes and decay times for each of the normal modes of deformation 6–9 and hence the torsion elastic constant. Estimates of the dynamic persistence length are extracted from data obtained from a variety of measurements of DNA 5,9,10 using techniques that include transient polarization gratings, 11 transient photodichroism, 12 and electric birefringence. 13 The successes of the WBR model in explaining results from optical spectroscopy of dyes intercalated into DNA prompted Robinson and co-workers to apply a similar model to electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data from a spin-labeled intercalating probe. 14–16 In adapting the Schurr model, Robinson and co-workers combined both bending and twisting into a single unified model in which the base-pairs of DNA are modeled as cylinders whose geometry is characterized by the mean DNA hydrodynamic radius and average base-pair height for the B family conformations. These cylindrical subunits are connected by bending and twisting springs, also denoted by κ and R, respectively. The unified model offers simplicity at the expense of considering translational diffusion. However, translational diffusion is not measurable by EPR, and hence this sacrifice is not significant. In this paper, for simplicity, we will refer to this unified bending and twisting model as simply the WBR model. In experiments using intercalators, there is little specific control over the distribution of dyes or probes along the DNA. Hence, measurements in such systems provide information on the average behavior of the duplex rather than site-specific data. In order to examine properties of duplex DNA as a function of sequence and position, great effort has been expended in developing probes that can be covalently bound to specific sites for use in EPR 10,17–23 and in labeling specific atoms by isotopic substitution to prepare sequences for NMR studies. 10,24–27 EPR labeling experiments have focused on replacing natural bases with analogs, modified to contain the EPR active nitroxide radical as an integral part of the base. Early site-specific probes possessed large amplitudes of motion relative to the macromo- * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. University of Washington. University of Iceland. § University of Chicago. J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 9219–9236 9219 10.1021/jp7111704 CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/02/2008

Theory for Spin Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes on Weakly …snorrisi/upload/pdf/JPhysChemB... · 2014-04-07 · Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes on Weakly Deformable

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  • Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes on Weakly Deformable DNA

    Alyssa L. Smith,† Pavol Cekan,‡ David P. Rangel,† Snorri Th. Sigurdsson,‡ Colin Mailer,§ andBruce H. Robinson*,†

    Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Science Institute, UniVersity ofIceland, ReykjaVik, Iceland, and Department of Radiology, UniVersity of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

    ReceiVed: NoVember 26, 2007; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: March 05, 2008

    The weakly bending rod (WBR) model of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is adapted to analyze the internaldynamics of dsDNA as observed in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements of the spin-latticerelaxation rate, R1e, for spin probes rigidly attached to nucleic acid-bases. The WBR theory developed inthis work models dsDNA base-pairs as diffusing rigid cylindrical discs connected by bending and twistingsprings whose elastic force constants are κ and R, respectively. Angular correlation functions for both rotationaldisplacement and velocity are developed in detail so as to compute values for R1e due to four relaxationmechanisms: the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), the electron-nuclear dipolar (END), the spin rotation(SR), and the generalized spin diffusion (GSD) relaxation processes. Measured spin-lattice relaxation ratesin dsDNA under 50 bp in length are much faster than those calculated for the same DNAs modeled as rigidrods. The simplest way to account for this difference is by allowing for internal flexibility in models of DNA.Because of this discrepancy, we derive expressions for the spectral densities due to CSA, END, and SRmechanisms directly from a weakly bending rod model for DNA. Special emphasis in this development isgiven to the SR mechanism because of the lack of such detail in previous treatments. The theory developedin this paper provides a framework for computing relaxation rates from the WBR model to compare withmagnetic resonance relaxation data and to ascertain the twisting and bending force constants that characterizeDNA.


    The nature of internal motions in double-stranded DNA(dsDNA) is an ongoing area of nucleic acids research owing tothe demonstrable importance of dynamics in explaining themechanisms by which DNA functions.1 In 1970, the time-resolved decay in the fluorescence polarization anisotropy (FPA)from ethidium intercalated between base-pairs revealed thatDNA in solution is a flexible polymer that undergoes both about-axis twisting and bending.2 To explain these data, Barkley andZimm developed a continuous elastic model of internal Brown-ian twisting and bending motions of the double helix.3 Concur-rently, Allison and Schurr generated a theory for the twistingmotion contribution to the FPA decay in which DNA isrepresented by a series of identical rigid rods connected byHookean torsion springs.4 This discrete model was subsequentlyextended by Schurr and co-workers to include bending motionsfor DNA modeled as spherical beads in a chain5 coupled tonearest neighbors by a harmonic potential characterized by atorsion, R, and a bending, κ, elastic constant. This theory isreferred to as the weakly bending rod (WBR) model. Thediscrete model provides a physical model with which to interpretthe data from a variety of measurements on DNA. For example,the decay of the FPA from ethidium bromide intercalated inDNA is directly related to the mean square amplitudes and decaytimes for each of the normal modes of deformation6–9 and hencethe torsion elastic constant. Estimates of the dynamic persistencelength are extracted from data obtained from a variety of

    measurements of DNA5,9,10 using techniques that includetransient polarization gratings,11 transient photodichroism,12 andelectric birefringence.13 The successes of the WBR model inexplaining results from optical spectroscopy of dyes intercalatedinto DNA prompted Robinson and co-workers to apply a similarmodel to electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data from aspin-labeled intercalating probe.14–16 In adapting the Schurrmodel, Robinson and co-workers combined both bending andtwisting into a single unified model in which the base-pairs ofDNA are modeled as cylinders whose geometry is characterizedby the mean DNA hydrodynamic radius and average base-pairheight for the B family conformations. These cylindrical subunitsare connected by bending and twisting springs, also denotedby κ and R, respectively. The unified model offers simplicityat the expense of considering translational diffusion. However,translational diffusion is not measurable by EPR, and hence thissacrifice is not significant. In this paper, for simplicity, we willrefer to this unified bending and twisting model as simply theWBR model.

    In experiments using intercalators, there is little specificcontrol over the distribution of dyes or probes along the DNA.Hence, measurements in such systems provide information onthe average behavior of the duplex rather than site-specific data.In order to examine properties of duplex DNA as a function ofsequence and position, great effort has been expended indeveloping probes that can be covalently bound to specific sitesfor use in EPR10,17–23 and in labeling specific atoms by isotopicsubstitution to prepare sequences for NMR studies.10,24–27

    EPR labeling experiments have focused on replacing naturalbases with analogs, modified to contain the EPR active nitroxideradical as an integral part of the base. Early site-specific probespossessed large amplitudes of motion relative to the macromo-

    * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].† University of Washington.‡ University of Iceland.§ University of Chicago.

    J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 9219–9236 9219

    10.1021/jp7111704 CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 07/02/2008

  • lecular reference frame, as characterized by order parameters,S, falling below 0.4.22,23 (The order parameter generally rangesfrom 0 to 1 with lower values indicating larger amplitudes ofinternal motions.) Subsequent efforts lead to the synthesis ofmore immobile probes as characterized by order parameters of0.5, 0.8, and, more recently, 0.95.19,20,28 In this paper, we presentdata using a recently developed spin probe, Ç (“C-spin”), thatreports more faithfully on the DNA base motions to which it isrigidly locked.29 The probe has a planar, rigid structure, ratherthan the single-bond tether common in nucleic acid spin probes(Figure 1). It has successfully been incorporated into a varietyof nucleic acid sequences, and, in all cases, only nominallyaffects DNA duplex stability, presumably by effectively mim-icking cytosine in its base-pairings.29 Data supports the expecta-tion that this probe is sensitive to the internal deformations ofthe DNA10,29 and to processes with rotational correlations timesas long as a microsecond.30,31 These successes in syntheses havegenerated EPR spin probe data at specific base-pairs21 indsDNAs of lengths up to 50 base-pairs.

    The WBR model has been applied in both EPR and NMRexperiments on DNA to uniquely distinguish between tumblingand rapid internal motions.10,21,27,32–35 Continuous wave (CW)EPR has been used in our laboratory to characterize the internalmotions of DNA and RNA, and we have reported bending forceconstants and have shown that the persistence length determinedfrom early time bending dynamics is about two- to threefoldlarger than that from long time-scale motions.21 This result isimportant because it demonstrates that the bending of DNA mustultimately be described by an internal potential that respondsto different length scales within the duplex DNA.

    While CW-EPR has provided valuable insight into the natureof the internal dynamics of nucleic acids, it is primarily sensitiveto motional processes that are fast enough to compete with therapid spin-spin dephasing rate, R2e. In contrast, pulsed satura-tion recovery (pSR) EPR measures processes that compete withthe spin-lattice recovery rate, R1e, and hence affords a windowinto slower motions that characterize collective internal defor-mations of the DNA filament. The R1e is particularly sensitiveto motional processes, with a characteristic relaxation time, τ,on the order of ω τ ≈ 1, where ω is the spectrometer frequency.In the case of EPR, the spectrometer frequency is generallybetween 1 and 35 GHz. The WBR theory predicts that the timeconstant, τ, for internal motions of DNA are on the subnano-second scale and therefore ideally suited to be detected byspectrometers in the 1 to 10 GHz range, making this a techniquewell-suited to measure internal motion in nucleic acids. We havepreviously demonstrated that pSR measurements on DNA areexperimentally possible,36 but here we report the first detailedmeasurements of R1e on a series of dsDNA. This R1e data serveas the motivation for the present effort to further develop andextend the WBR model to make predictions for site-specificdynamics. The model for calculating R1e based on a rigid rod-

    like molecule is shown to be insufficient to explain the data.The discrepancy between a simple motional model (previouslydeveloped37) and the data we present here is compellingmotivation to develop an analysis of the pSR DNA spin-latticerelaxation rates, in terms of the WBR model, which allows forinternal twist and flexure.

    As further impetus to pursue pSR EPR, we turn to other workin which this technique has been successfully applied tobiological systems to measure the solvent accessibility of spin-labeled residues on membrane proteins and to observe theproperties of lipid membranes.36,38–44 There is a precedent forthe usefulness of pSR experiments in the study of dynamics;Hubbell has suggested that if the R1e internal dynamic modesare known at particular sites on a protein, then, for example,the local backbone fluctuations can be ascertained.45

    R1e rates are produced by four mechanisms. The largest ofthese, in most cases, is the electron-nuclear dipolar (END)coupling between the nitroxide electron and the nitrogen (14N)nucleus.37 The other three mechanisms are spin rotation (SR),chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), and generalized spin diffusion(GSD). We have described previously how the dynamics of ananisotropically tumbling rigid rod-like molecule can be incor-porated into the expressions for the electron spin-latticerelaxation rate37 and have shown how the diffusive dynamicsof this simple model can be obtained from fitting these equationsto pSR EPR data.44,45 The current work endeavors to incorporatethe more elaborate rotational displacement and velocity cor-relation functions into the various spin-lattice mechanisms soas to produce expressions for R1e rates based on the WBR model.In doing so, we provide a computational method to extractinformation on the dynamics of DNA from relaxation data.Specifically, we adapt the WBR model so that it can be used togenerate rotational position and velocity correlation functionsto insert into R1e rate mechanisms. Special attention is given tothe spin-rotation mechanism for it requires a new expressionfor the angular velocity autocorrelation function. This correlationfunction has not been presented in the literature and is one ofour main contributions in this work.

    EPR22,23,46 and NMR35,47–49 relaxation data have been char-acterized by use of the Lipari-Szabo (L-S) model-freeapproach.50 The goal of the model-free approach is to determinethe order parameters and internal correlation times fromexperimental line widths and relaxation data.47 However, CW-EPR data cannot be directly analyzed by the L-S approach,because the spectra are sensitive to dynamics that broaden thelines beyond the limits of applicability of the L-S method.50,51The R1e experimental data obtained by pSR, on the other hand,can be modeled by the L-S approach, as will be demonstratedin this work. We shall identify the correspondence between thecorrelation functions derived under the WBR model with theparameters in the L-S model. In doing so, we lend physicalmeaning to model-free L-S order parameters by linking theseto the model-dependent WBR theory. The result is a dataanalysis scheme that is a hybrid between the two approaches.It combines the simplicity of the L-S method with thesubstantive predictions made by the WBR model. We will showthat the WBR model can be used to determine the dependenceof the order parameters on label position, bending forceconstants, and length of the DNA.

    The WBR model predicts that the decay of the autocorrelationfunctions of the internal modes at different time regimes havevaried power law dependencies.4,52 We take advantage of thatby using stretched exponentials to model the autocorrelationfunctions obtained from the WBR model. We will develop the

    Figure 1. Rigid spin label Ç is shown base-paired to a naturalguanine.29

    9220 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • appropriate correlation functions in terms of the WBR modeland demonstrate how to obtain the spectral density functionsfrom the Fourier transform of a stretched exponential. This willprovide a basis for including the internal dynamics of the WBRmodel in the analysis of R1e.53–57

    Our goal in this paper is to demonstrate that experimentalR1e rates contain information on the internal motions of DNAand that the WBR model can be adapted to analyze thosemotions in terms of the twisting and bending force constants.We develop spectral density functions required to analyze thedynamics. The methods developed here will provide a practicalframework to relate experimental data to internal modes ofmotion in biopolymers.


    1. Spin-Lattice Relaxation. We have demonstrated previ-ously that the principal mechanisms responsible for anisotro-pically driven spin-lattice relaxation can be well-understoodin the liquids regime using the formalism of the Redfieldtheory.37 Previous work in this laboratory has developed thetheoretical framework in which the dominant Hamiltonians ofnitroxide-based EPR probes are used to obtain expressions forR1e.37,58 In this theory, the Redfield spin-lattice relaxation rateis directly related to stochastically fluctuating, nonsecular EPRHamiltonians:

    R1e )∫τ)0∞ trace{ [Oz, H ′ (0)], [H̃′(τ),Oz†]} dτ (1.1)where H′ is a perturbation Hamiltonian that consists of the spinoperators and a fluctuating lattice contribution, usually in a formthat is bilinear in spin and lattice variables. Oz ∝ Sz is theoperator associated with the electron spin-lattice relaxation andsatisfies the requirement that trace{Oz†Oz} ) 1. The Hamilto-nian, H′, in eq 1.1 is the sum of the Hamiltonians for each ofthe four mechanisms introduced below. Theses four mechanismsare the electron-nuclear dipolar (END), chemical shift anisot-ropy (CSA), spin rotation (SR), and generalized spin diffusion(GSD). The rates associated with each of the four mechanisms,at the level of approximation embodied in eq 1.1, addindependently to give the total spin-lattice relaxation rate:

    R1e )R1eEND +R1e

    CSA +R1eSR +R1e

    GSD (1.2)

    The electron-nuclear dipolar (END) term encompasses themagnetic dipole-dipole interaction between the electron spinand the local nuclei, while the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA)is due to anisotropy in the coupling between the electron spinsto the applied, external magnetic field. Both the END and theCSA interactions depend upon the orientation of the spin label.The cross correlation between the END and the CSA Hamil-tonians has been developed elsewhere58 but is neglected herefor simplicity. The spin rotation (SR) relaxation arises from acoupling between the magnetic moment of the electron spinand the angular velocity of the spin probe with respect to theexternal fixed reference frame. Utilizing a relaxation rateformalism previously developed for rigid rod-like lipids,37 wewill, in the following sections, provide explicit expressions forthese first three mechanisms in terms of the rotational dynamicsof DNA modeled by the WBR theory. The final rate is due togeneralized spin diffusion (GSD) relaxation. GSD provides animportant contribution to R1e, especially at X-band frequencies,and must be considered in any practical analysis of the actualrelaxation rates observed in experimental work. Unfortunately,at the present, a definitive connection between the observeddiffusion of the probe magnetization to the surrounding spins

    and molecular dynamics is not well-established. We thereforeprovide a functional form of this mechanism in terms of ageneric effective diffusion time that accounts for the data butfails to provide a direct connection to the dynamics of DNA,the probe, and the local environment.

    We begin with a discussion of the general form for each termof the relaxation rate. This provides a framework into whichany model for the dynamics of the system can be inserted. Wethen derive expressions for the dynamics of the system in termsof spectral densities of the autocorrelations for rotationaldisplacement and velocity. We emphasize spin rotation as it isoften neglected and, as such, has an underdeveloped theory.Following this general introduction, we develop in detail therotational autocorrelation functions for the WBR model that areapplicable to pSR data from site-specifically labeled DNA and,in doing so, present a novel development of the SR spectraldensity functions using the angular velocity correlation functionsappropriate for internal deformations. We then demonstrate howthe L-S method of analysis can be adapted to place the WBRresults in terms of the common parameters that appear in themodel-free approach. A benefit of the correspondence weestablish between the modified L-S method and the WBRmodel results is a computationally tractable framework foranalysis of EPR data. We provide an explicit example of howthis is done for the SR mechanism to conclude the theorysection.

    1.A. Electron-Nuclear Dipolar Interaction. The ENDmechanism is the electron analogy to dipolar relaxation in NMR.The relaxation rate, computed from the spectral density func-tions, is found in many treatments37 and standard texts:59

    R1eEND ) 2

    9I(I+ 1) ∑



    Wp,p′ENDR(Jp,p′(ωe)) (1.3)

    The rate of relaxation is proportional to the real part of thespectral density function, J p, p’(ω e), which is the one-sidedFourier transform of the position correlation function:

    Jp,p′(ωe))∫τ)0∞ Gp,p′(τ) e-iωeτ dτ (1.4)where G(τ) is the angular displacement correlation function.Because the EPR pSR experiment measures the rate of therelaxation of the electron, the spectral density function isevaluated only at the spectrometer frequency, ω ) ω e. G(τ) isexpressed in terms of the ensemble average of the correlationfunction between elements, Dp,q2, of the Wigner rotation matrix(WRM), D2:

    Gp,p′(τ)) δq,q′〈Dp′,q′2* (Ω(τ))Dp,q2 (Ω(0))〉 (1.5)This position correlation function is independent of the value

    of the indices (q and q′) which are associated with the angle γin the Euler rotation sequence, Ω ) (R, �, γ), that carries theEND coupling tensor, a ) A - aj1, from the laboratory to theprincipal axis frame in which a is diagonal. A is the hyperfinetensor, and aj ) trace{A}/3. Subtraction of aj removes the contactterm between the electron and the nucleus and leaves the dipolarpart of A in the END Hamiltonian. The principal axis frame, inwhich a is diagonal, is stationary in the molecular frame to theextent to which the probe is rigidly attached. As such, R1eEND isa measure of internal deformations of the macromolecule, aswell as its anisotropic rigid-body spinning or end-over-endtumbling, otherwise referred to as the uniform modes of rotation.The principal axis frame (PAS), A, of a will not in general becoincident with the molecular frame, D, in which the local

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9221

  • diffusion tensor is diagonal. The matrix, WEND, allows for astatic rotation ΩD-A between these two frames:

    WEND )D2†(ΩD-A)(RR†)D2(ΩD-A) (1.6)

    where R† ≡ (R2 R1 R0 R-1 R-2) ) �5[a- 0 �2/3(a+ - azz) 0a-] and R ( ) (Ryy ( Rxx)/2. The elements axx, ayy, and azz arethe diagonal components of a that is diagonal in the A frame.

    1.B. Chemical Shift Anisotropy. The CSA relaxation mech-anism is of a form similar to that of the END:

    R1eCSA ) 1

    5 ∑p,p′)-22

    Wp,p′CSAR(Jp,p′(ωe)) (1.7)

    The spectral density, Jp,p′(ωe), is the same as that used toevaluate the END relaxation rate given in eq 1.4. Here, thecoupling takes place between the electron spin and the magneticfield, H ) Hẑ, oriented by ẑ, which is a unit vector in thelaboratory z direction, via the anisotropic CSA tensor, G. Themagnitude of the field, H, is related to the spectrometerfrequency, ωe, by ωe ) gj(�e/p)H, where �e is the Bohrmagnetron and gj ) (1/3)trace{G}. Ordinarily, the isotropic partof G is removed from the Hamiltonian as it plays no part inlongitudinal relaxation. The remaining anisotropic CSA tensoris denoted by g ≡ G - gj1. In the CSA principal axis frame, G,this tensor is given by

    g ) (gxx 0 00 gyy 00 0 gzz

    ) (1.8)The transformation matrix WCSA has the same form as WEND

    in eq 1.6. The variables in eq 1.7) are again expressible in termsof the WRM functions:

    WCSA )D2†(ΩD-G)(γγ†)D2(ΩD-G) (1.9)

    where γ† ) (ωe�5/gj)(g- 0 �2/3(g+ - gzz) 0 g-), g ( ) (gyy (gxx)/2, and ΩD-G is the rotation from the CSA principal axisframe, G, to the molecular frame, D, in which the diffusiontensor is diagonal.

    1.C. Spin Rotation. Unlike CSA and END relaxation mech-anisms, spin rotation (SR) has received only minimal attentionin the literature.60–63 For this reason, we shall spend more timehere to describe in detail the SR Hamiltonian and relaxationrate.

    The SR Hamiltonian is given by64

    HSR )-SR(ΩL-D(t))R(ΩD-G)(G - gfree1)R(ΩD-G)R(ΩI-D)ωI(t)


    where ωI is the angular velocity in Cartesian coordinates of thenitroxide in the principal axis frame, I, of the molecular inertialtensor, I. S is the electron spin operator in the laboratory-fixedframe, L, and is also expressed in Cartesian coordinates. G isthe CSA full coupling tensor, and gfree ) 2.0023 is the g factorof the free electron. The rotation matrixes that connect thereference frames of ωI, G, and S are inserted between each ofthese in eq 1.10 and are all time-independent, with the exceptionof R(ΩL-D(t)). Analytic expression for angular displacementcorrelation functions involving this rotation matrix that areneeded to calculate R1eSR, are more easily formulated in a sphericalbasis set. This transformation from rectilinear to sphericalcoordinates is accomplished through use of the matrix operator,U:

    U ) 1√2( 1 -i 00 0 √2-1 -i 0 ) (1.11)

    The transformation, U, converts the Cartesian spin variableslabeled x, y, and z to their spherical counterparts labeled -1, 0,and 1. The Cartesian spin operator is denoted by S and itsspherical counterpart by S. U also converts the Cartesian rotationmatrix into a first rank WRM, D.1 For simplicity, we assumehere that the I frame is coincident with the PAS of the moleculardiffusion tensor, or D frame, so that R(ΩI-D) ) 1. Byimplementing these transformations, eq 1.10 can be rewrittenas

    HSR )-S†D1†(ΩL-D(t))gω1(t) (1.12)

    where g ) UR-1(ΩD-G) · (G - gfree1)R(ΩD-G) Note that althoughg is non-Hermitian, the overall Hamiltonian remains self-adjoint.Equation 1.12 is now used to compute R1eSR as instructed by theRedfield approximation in eq 1.1. As this computation has beenperformed elsewhere, we now summarize the results thatensue.37

    R1eSR retains the form of a product between a time-independent

    matrix, WSR, that accounts for the fixed I to D and D to G framerotations, and a spectral density function, JSR:

    R1eSR ) 2 ∑





    W p,p′SRm,m′R(J p,p′

    SRm,m′(ωe)) (1.13)

    The m index refers to the Cartesian components (x, y, and z)of the angular velocity, and the p index (-1, 0, and 1) identifiesthe spherical components of the WRM elements. The compo-nents of the time-independent matrix WSR is related to productsof g matrix elements:

    W p,p′SRm,m′ ) gp′,m′

    / gp,m (1.14)

    The spectral density function for spin rotation is:

    J p,p′SRm,m′(ωe))∫τ)0∞ G p,p′SRm,m′(τ) e-iωeτ dτ (1.15)

    The correlation function for spin rotation, G p,p′SRm,m′(τ), that

    appears in eq 1.15 contains both the autocorrelation of rotationaldisplacement and the angular velocity:61,63

    G p,p′SRm,m′(τ))

    δn,n′〈D1*(ΩL-D(0))p,nD1(ΩL-D(τ))p′,n′(ωI(0)ωI†(τ))m,m′ 〉(1.16)

    The fact that the angular velocity correlation functions areevaluated in the molecular inertial tensor PAS, I, (or, equiva-lently, the diffusion tensor PAS, D, under our assumption above)leads to the correlation functions requiring only first rank insteadof second rank WRMs that appear in the END and CSArelaxation mechanisms.

    A reasonable assumption that the angular velocity correlationfunctions are statistically independent of the reorientationcorrelation functions allows separate ensemble averaging of theposition and velocity correlation functions:37,61

    G p,p′SRm,m′(τ))


    1(ΩL-D(τ))p′,n′ 〉 × 〈 (ωI(0)ωI†(τ))m,m′ 〉


    Development of the correlation functions for the angularvelocity correlation functions has been performed for rigid

    9222 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • anisotropically diffusing bodies previously.37 In section 2, below,we present a detailed derivation of angular velocity correlationfunctions specific to internal motion in DNA as idealized inthe WBR model.

    1.D. Generalized Spin Diffusion (GSD). We conclude part1 of Theory with a generalization of the spin diffusion processes(GSD) that is discussed most frequently in the context ofNMR,17,65 but is equally important for electron relaxation.37,66

    Because GSD involves diffusion of magnetization among spins,there is only an indirect connection with the molecular motionsof the system. Therefore, for the present, this mechanismremains a constant for all nitroxide spin systems. There is,however, a fundamental connection between the spin diffusionand the diffusive processes that drive the molecular system. Ingeneral, there is diffusion of the solvent nuclear polarization inthe network of the surrounding solvent protons by nucleardipole-dipole “flip-flops”. The proton-proton spin flip-floptransition rate occurs on a 10 ps time scale for water at around20 °C.59 The form of the relaxation rate for this spin-diffusionmechanism66 adapts de Gennes’s theory of spin-diffusion to thecase of electron relaxation.67

    R1eGSD )R1e,max

    SD ( 2wxτd1+ (ωeτd)3⁄2)1⁄4


    τd is the relative solvent-nitroxide translational diffusion time,and R1e,maxSD ) 0.15 Mrad/s at X-band frequencies. wx is theX-band reference frequency: wx ) 2π × 9.3 GHz.66 Whenωeτd ) 1 and the spectrometer resonance frequency is 9.3 GHz,R1e

    GSD ) 0.15 Mrad/s.37Having summarized the four mechanisms that contribute

    significantly to nitroxide spin-lattice relaxation, we now turnto the evaluation of spectral density functions for the WBRmodel of dynamics of DNA.

    2. WBR Model for DNA Internal Dynamics. We willbriefly review the dynamics of the WBR model that is describedin greater detail elsewhere.21,52,68 Our focus in this paper is todevelop velocity autocorrelation functions for the WBR modelthat are applicable to the SD relaxation mechanism. We willbegin the discussion of the WBR model by summarizing theresults for twisting motions. We then show how the methodsused in deriving the twisting correlation functions can beextended to deal with the more complicated bending dynamics.

    2.A. Twisting. Twisting of the N discs in the WBR model isgoverned by the Langevin equation. The twist of each diskrelative to the equilibrium position is indicated by the angle φi.Each disk has the same moment of inertia, I, for the rotationabout the axis of symmetry, and a friction factor, γ, that accountsfor viscous drag. N - 1 equivalent Hookean twisting springswith spring constant, R, between neighboring discs producerestoring torques that define the lowest energy state of the WBR.The effects of the solvent are modeled by Gaussian randomtorques, Γi(t). The Langevin equation for twisting is expressiblefor the ith disk in terms of these variables:


    i(t)+ γ�i.


    Γi(t) (2.1)

    The N Langevin equations for all discs in the WBR can bewritten together in terms of a matrix equation:


    (t)+ γ�.(t)+RA�(t))Γ(t) (2.2)


    �(t)) (�1(t)l�N(t) ) (2.3)and

    A ) (-1 1 01 -2 10 1 ···) (2.4)where A here is not to be confused with the END couplingtensor.

    The total potential energy for the twisting, U, can be writtenin terms of A:

    U) 12R�†A� (2.5)

    The A matrix contains all of the nearest-neighbor interactionsbut none of the adjustable constants. It is a tridiagonal real andsymmetric matrix.5 As such, A may be diagonalized by anorthogonal transformation, Q for which Q†Q ) 1. Thetransformation matrix, Q, like A, depends only on the numberof discs comprising the DNA and produces the diagonaleigenmatrix, Λ, comprised of the eigenvalues of A:

    Q†AQ )Λ (2.6)Formally, the inverse of A is given by

    A-1 )QΛ-1Q† (2.7)However, Λ contains a single zero eigenvalue, which

    physically represents the rotation of the entire molecule, morecommonly referred to as the uniform mode. Therefore, theinverse in eq 2.7 is not well-defined. Because the analysis tofollow requires this inverse for the nonzero eigenvalues, A-1 iscomputed with the zero eigenvalue in Λ, and the associatedeigenvector in Q is removed. This form of the inverse is calledthe principal inverse or pseudoinverse. The removal of theequation associated with the zero eigenvalue has been carefullydeveloped by Schurr and co-workers.5

    The equation of motion can now be written in terms ofuncoupled normal twisting modes, represented here by the vectorG of length N:

    IF̈(t)+ γḞ(t)+RΛF(t))Q†Γ(t) (2.8)where the relationship between the normal modes and twistangle is given by:

    �(t))QF(t) (2.9)Equation 2.8 is solved to determine the twisting autocorre-

    lation functions for the normal modes:

    CF(t) ≡ 〈F(0)F†(t)〉 (2.10)

    The normal mode correlation functions are then transformedwith the matrix Q to produce the desired twist angle correlationmatrix:

    C(t) ≡ 〈�(0)�(t)〉 )QCF(t)Q† (2.11)

    C(t) contains all possible N2 position auto- and cross-correlation functions. The corresponding twisting velocitycorrelation functions for the normal modes are denoted by

    VF(t) ≡ 〈Ḟ(0)Ḟ(t)〉 (2.12)

    and are used to provide an expression for the auto- and cross-correlation twisting angle velocity matrix:

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9223

  • V(t) ≡ 〈�̇(0)�̇(t)〉 )QVF(t)Q† (2.13)

    Equations 2.8 and 2.10 are combined to produce N indepen-dent second order ordinary differential equations. Since therandom torques are uncorrelated with the velocity and positionof ith modes, these differential equations take the followingform:

    IC̈Fi(t)+ γĊFi(t)+RΛiCFi(t)) 0 (2.14)

    The solution to this differential equation is


    2RΛi{( 1- 1Si) e-ri+t + (1+ 1Si) e-ri-t} (2.15)where


    {1( Si} (2.16)


    Si )�1- 4IΛiRγ2 (2.17)The results for all N modes are combined in matrix equation

    form, and the transformation matrix Q is used to obtain thecorrelation matrix for the angular displacements, C(t):


    ) kT2R

    QΛ-1S-1{(S - 1) e-r+t + (S + 1) e-r-t}Q†




    {1( S}2



    S )�1- 4Λ(R / γ)(γ / I) (2.20)Notice that the amplitude in eq 2.15 diverges for the i ) 1,

    or uniform mode, for which Λ1 ) 0. The uniform mode, F1(t),and its associated correlation function, CF1(t), must be treateddifferently. In this case, the amplitude is derived from the“difference” displacement correlation function, δCF1(t) ) 〈(F1(t)- F1(0))2〉 , which can be shown52 to have the property that

    〈(F1(t)-F1(0))2〉 ) 2kTγ

    t (2.21)

    Unlike the uniform mode, the internal mode amplitudes arederived from the equilibrium requirement on the CFi(t); that is,

    〈Fi(t)Fj(t)〉 ) 〈Fi2(0)〉

    ) kTΛiR


    where the first equality derives from the fact that the normalmodes are uncoupled and from the fact that the diffusive processis assumed to be a stationary process. The entire set of internalcorrelation functions amplitudes can be written in a compactmatrix form:

    C(0)) 〈�(0)�†(0)〉

    ) 〈�(t)�†(t)〉

    ) kTR


    ) kTR

    A-1 (2.23)

    where the uniform mode has been excluded from the inverseand is treated separately, as discussed above.

    Also note that in the over damped regime, which is the limitin which treatments in the literature commonly operate, C(t) isfound by letting the moment of inertia go to zero:




    γΛtQ† ) kT



    γAt (2.24)

    The normal mode velocity autocorrelation functions are mostdirectly derived using the following relation:

    VFi(t) ≡ 〈Fi.(0)Fi






    This relationship is derived as follows. Note first that

    ∂〈Fi(x)Fi(t+ x)〉∂x

    ) 0 (2.26)

    because CFi(t) describes a stationary Markov process and istherefore independent of the starting time, x. Then

    ∂〈Fi(x)Fi(t+ x)〉∂x

    ) 〈 Ḟi(x)Fi(t+ x)〉 + 〈Fi(x)Ḟi(t+ x)〉

    ) 0 (2.27)so that, when x ) 0, we obtain

    〈 Ḟi(0)Fi(t)〉 )-〈Fi(0)Ḟi(t)〉



    In a parallel fashion, we can get the relation among higherderivatives

    ∂〈Fi(x)Ḟi(t+ x)〉∂x

    ) 〈 Ḟ(x)Ḟ(t+ x)〉 + 〈F(x)F̈(t+ x)〉

    ) 0 (2.29)and set x ) 0 to arrive at eq 2.25. Equation 2.25 permits us touse our results from the normal mode displacement correlationfunction to directly compute VFi(t) by simply taking twoderivatives of the expression in eq 2.15. We obtain as a solution



    { (1+ Si) e-ri+t - (1- Si) e-ri-t} (2.30)

    Unlike the position autocorrelation function, note that thevelocity autocorrelation function for the uniform mode is well-behaved for the uniform mode in which Λ1 ) 0:

    9224 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • VF1(t))kTI


    t (2.31)

    It is important to note that eq 2.31 is precisely the autocor-relation function obtained for a single disk of moment of inertia,I, and friction factor, γ.69

    We again use a matrix equation to succinctly express the setof all velocity correlation functions:


    ) kTI


    2{ (1+ S) e-r+t - (1- S) e-r-t} Q†


    Since r ( and S are diagonal, VF(t) matrix is also diagonal.The initial velocity autocorrelation is the same for each mode,including the first, or uniform, mode, and is given by

    V(0)) kTI

    1 (2.33)

    where 1 is the N by N identity matrix.An important consequence of the fluctuation-dissipation

    theorem is that the diffusion coefficient is the integral of thevelocity autocorrelation function. Hence, the diffusion of a singledisk, Ddisk, is a functional of the velocity autocorrelation of thesingle disk,69 which, in turn, is an integral over the uniformmode result, eq 2.31, by virtue of the indistinguishability ofthe dissipative dynamics of the single disk and those of theuniform mode of the chain of identical discs:

    Ddisc )∫0∞ Vdisc(t) dt≡∫0∞ VF1(t) dt) kT

    γ≡ D1 (2.34)

    The integral of all other normal modes of the velocityautocorrelation function are zero. Hence, the twisting diffusioncoefficient for the entire set of N discs is D| ) D1/N.

    The decay rate of the velocity autocorrelation function, V1(t),is B1 ) γ/I. This leads to a relation between diffusion andviscous drag called the Hubbard relation37,70 in magneticresonance literature:

    D1B1 )γI


    ) kTI


    This useful relation connects the decays of the velocityposition correlation functions. Notice that the decay of thevelocity auto correlation is independent of the number of discs:

    B|)B1 )γI) Nγ


    This is because both the friction and inertial tensor elementsscale with the number of discs. Similar relations will bedeveloped for the bending modes below.

    The diffusion coefficient matrix for the entire system is theintegral over the complete set of velocity correlation functions:

    D|)∫o∞ V(t) dt

    )Q∫0∞ VF(t) dtQ†


    )D1N [1 1 · · ·1 1l ··· ] (2.37)

    where E ≡ 1 - Λ-1Λ contains a single nonzero element, Ei,j) δj,1δi,1. This result shows that each and every element of theN × N matrix for the parallel rotational diffusion tensor, D|,has the same value and that its magnitude is 1/N times thecoefficient for a single disk.

    2.B. Bending. In our development of the bending correlationfunctions, we shall follow closely the definitions found in theWBR model as described by Song et al.,5 except our modelwill use, as its fundamental building blocks, cylindrical discswith height, h ) 3.4 Å and a radius on the order of r ) 12 Årather than the larger spheres used by Song et al. The parallelsbetween the two models and our justification for this modifica-tion can be found elsewhere.32,71

    The weakly bending rod consists of N cylinders. N - 1 bondvectors, hi of length h, between the N cylindrical subunits ofthis rod point from the center of the ith to the center of the (i+ 1)th disk. A bending spring, with elastic constant, κ, servesto resist deformations of the bond vectors away from the z axisof the rod. The z axis is an end-to-end vector that passes throughthe center-of-mass of the string of discs. In order to separatebending from twisting, the rod is assumed to experience notwisting torques since twisting motions have already beenaccounted for in the twisting theory. In this local molecularframe, instantaneous x and y axes are assigned to the rod, and,having removed any twisting deformations, the projection ofthe bond vectors onto the local x and y coordinates can be usedas a measure of bending motions. Although the potential energyof deformation is a function of the polar angle betweensuccessive bond vectors, the Langevin equations of motion aremore readily solved in terms of the x-y projections. If ηi is theangle between the projection of the ith bond vector in the yzplane and the z axis, then the potential energy is given by

    U) κ2

    ηtAη (2.38)


    A ) (-1 1 01 -2 10 1 ···) (2.39)is now an (N - 1) × (N - 1) matrix.

    Assuming the rod deforms only weakly, the followinglinearization connects translational motions in the ŷ directionof the local Cartesian coordinate system with bending deforma-tions ηi:

    sin(ηi))(yi+1 - yi)

    h≈ ηi (2.40)

    An equivalent expression is used for displacement in the xˆdirection, wherein the angle between the projection of the ith

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9225

  • bond vector in the xz plane and the z axis is i. By performingthis change of variables, the dynamics of bending are describableby translational Langevin equations whose solution can befound. Furthermore, these equations can be modified so as toclosely resemble the twisting Langevin equations, so that thesolutions we have already found for correlations in that problemare directly applicable here.

    Note that there are only N - 1 such angles between the Nsubunits unlike the twisting problem where every cylinderpossesses a twist angle. In matrix form, the angle η anddisplacements y are related by

    η ) 1h

    δy (2.41)


    δ ) (-1 1 0 00 -1 1 00 0 ··· ···) (2.42)is an (N - 1) × N difference matrix.

    From the energy of the system and the principles ofequilibrium statistical mechanics, we find that the same-timeauto- and cross-correlation functions for bending are21,52

    〈η(t)η†(t)〉 ) kTκ

    A-1 (2.43)

    As is true for twisting, A-1 is the pseudo-inverse becauseone eigenvalue of A is zero. Because EPR measurements canmeasure only properties that depend on the autocorrelation ofthe angular velocity, the lowest eigenvalue and eigenvector thatcorrespond to uniform translation are omitted from the analysis.In doing so, we are free to select subunits of identical geometryfor both the twisting and the bending problems. This simplifica-tion is not possible if the theory must correctly account for rigid-body translational diffusion, an objective that lies behind thechoice of larger spheres in the original WBR model.

    The transformation in eq 2.41 allows us to write a translationalLangevin equation of motion that correctly includes hydrody-namic interactions between subunits:

    mÿ + γẏ + κh2

    HDy )F (2.44)

    where m is the mass of each cylindrical disk, γ is the translationfriction factor, F is the matrix of random forces, and H is thehydrodynamic interaction tensor. H is, in turn, a sum of theidentity matrix and the Rotne-Prager tensor:

    H ) 1 +T (2.45)T is a real, symmetric Toeplitz matrix that is accurate for

    the equilibrium position of the rod and hence to all thermallyaccessible states of deformation in the WBR limit.5 Finally, weset the matrix D equal to the product of the A and differencematrices:

    D ) δ†Aδ (2.46)We can now reverse the transformation from η to y and write

    the equation of motion (2.44) in terms of the angular coordinatesrather than the displacement coordinates:

    IBη̈ + γBη̇ + κH˜

    Aη )R (2.47)


    H˜) δHδ† (2.48)

    and R ) hδF, IB ) h2m, and γB ) h2γ. This series oftransformations from angular to Cartesian and back to angularcoordinates is performed to (1) correctly include hydrodynamicinteractions and (2) solve directly for the angular correlationfunctions. The reduced hydrodynamic matrix, H

    ˜, shares the

    same properties as the hydrodynamic matrix, H, in that it isreal and symmetric, can be inverted, and has all positiveeigenvalues. H and H

    ˜contain none of the adjustable param-

    eters and are constant matrices that depend only on the numberof subunits in the WBR. We can transform this problem to onethat is identical to the twisting problem by symmetrizing eq2.47. Using the property that (H


    1⁄2)† ) H˜

    1⁄2 we write asymmetric, but wholly equivalent, equation of motion:

    IB̈ + γḂ + κA˜



    -1⁄2R (2.49)

    where � ≡ H˜

    -1⁄2η, and A˜) H



    1⁄2 . The definition for A˜

    ,A˜) H



    1⁄2 , seems to suggest that

    -1 ) (H˜1⁄2AH




    -1⁄2 (2.50)





    1⁄2 (2.51)

    However, because A and hence A˜

    are singular matrices andbecause their inverses are only pseudo-inverses (A ·A-1 * 1),the second parts of eq 2.50 and eq 2.51 are not identities. Thetwo sides of these equations differ in practice by a few percent.

    From these definitions, it follows that the bending displace-ment, CB(t), and velocity, VB(t), correlation functions areexpressible in terms of �:

    CB(t)) 〈η(t)η†(0)〉



    1⁄2 (2.52)


    VB(t)) 〈η̇(t)η̇†(0)〉


    1⁄2〈 ̇(t)̇†(0)〉H˜

    1⁄2 (2.53)

    This problem now is indeed identical in form to the twistproblem. A

    ˜can be diagonalized by an orthogonal transforma-

    tion, Q˜



    B )ΛB (2.54)

    so eq 2.49 is transformed into a normal mode problem thatexactly parallels the twisting motion differential equation:

    IBF̈ + γBḞ + κΛBF)QB†H˜

    -1⁄2R (2.55)

    The solution to eq 2.55 is found by following the procedureused in the twisting problem. The resulting formula for normalmode bending angular correlation functions is21,52

    9226 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • CFB(t)) kT

    2κ(ΛB)-1[(1 - (SB)-1) e-r+

    B t + (1 + (SB)-1) e-r-B t]


    and, for the bending motions themselves:

    CB(t)) (H˜





    B)† (2.57)

    Again, the understanding is that the singular eigenvalue ofthe ΛB matrix is removed from the inverse and the uniformmode is treated separately. At time zero, the term in the braceof eq 2.56) reduces to a constant, and the time independentcorrelation functions52 then are:

    CB(0)) kTκ





    B)† ) kTκ





    From the equilibrium condition imposed by the laws ofstatistical mechanics, the result for the initial correlationfunctions must satisfy

    CB(0)) kTκ

    A-1 (2.59)

    CB(0) is used as a boundary condition to adjust the initialamplitudes of the bending displacement correlation functions:

    CB(t)) kT2κ




    B)[(1 - (SB)-1) e-r+B t +

    (1 + (SB)-1) e-r-B t](H




    B)† (2.60)


    A-1 ) (H˜






    B)† (2.61)

    This replacement now guarantees that the time evolution willbe consistent with the differential equation of motion, and thatthe time zero values will be consistent with that from theequilibrium statistical mechanics.21

    We can employ the relation derived in eq 2.25 to immediatelywrite down expressions for the velocity correlation functions:

    VFbending(t)) 〈 Ḟ(t)Ḟ†(0)〉

    ) kTIB


    2{(1+ SB) e-r+

    B t - (1- SB) e-r-B t}



    r(B ) γ


    IB{1( SB}



    SB )�1- 4ΛB (κ / γB)(γB / IB) (2.64)in complete analogy with the twisting functions.

    From eq 2.54,

    ΛB )Q˜


    B )Q˜




    B ) (H˜








    B) is a matrix that diagonalizes A to generate theeigenvalues of A.



    ˜B) is not unitary, but the unitary

    transformation of A˜

    by Q˜

    B gives the proper eigenvalues.These values are not the same as the those of A. Note alsothat, even in the absence of the Rotne-Prager tensor, theeigenvalues of the bending would still resemble the squareof the eigenvalues of the twisting problem, since the matrixA˜

    is analogous to a fourth order difference expression,whereas A by itself is analogous to a second order differenceexpression.

    An examination of the velocity autocorrelation function showsthat, at time zero,

    VB(0)) kTIB


    Unlike the case for twisting motions, the single disk diffusioncoefficient, DdiskB ) kT/γB, is not identical to that of the uniformmode, D1B, because of the hydrodynamic interactions involved.Instead, the magnitude of the uniform mode diffusion is reducedin proportion to the number of beads squared. The diffusionmatrix for the entire system is the integral over the velocitycorrelation matrix:

    D⊥B )∫0∞ VB(t) dt)(H˜



    B)[∫0∞ VFB(t) dt](H˜1


    B)† )









    B)† (2.67)

    Alternatively, one can write

    D⊥B )D1



    2(1 -A˜




    2 (2.68)

    Only the uniform mode contributes to the perpendicularrotational diffusion; therefore, every element of D⊥

    B is thesame as every other element. EB contains a single nonzeroelement; that is, EBi, j ) δj,1δi,1 and EB ) 1 - (ΛB)-1ΛB. Assuch, the matrix, D⊥

    B, can be written in terms of the pseudo-inverse matrix, which does not contain the uniform mode.The subtraction of (ΛB)-1ΛB from the identity removes theinternal modes contributions and leaves only the uniformmode to contribute to D⊥

    B. The numerical value of thediffusion coefficients has been developed by Song et al.52

    The relationship between the entries in D⊥B is not so simplyrelated to D1B as is true with twisting, but the magnitude ofratio of D⊥B over D1B is ∼1/N2.

    The Fourier transforms of the velocity correlation functionsthat are required for the calculation of R1e are easily derivedfrom the above expressions. As a demonstration, we considera general Fourier-Laplace transform (FLT) of the bendingvelocity correlation matrix. We indicate the FLT variable bya tilde over the quantity transformed.

    ṼB(w)) (H˜



    B)(∫0∞ e-wtVFB(t) dt)(H˜ 12Q˜ B)†

    ) kTIB





    2 (∫t)0∞ e-wt[(1 + SB) e-rBt - (1 -SB) e-r




    ) kTIB





    2 [(1 + SB) 1w1 + rB - (1 - SB) 1w1 + rB](H˜1




    where the transform variable, w is

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9227

  • w) iω+ r0 r0g 0 (2.70)

    Equation 2.69 is the most general form of the FLT that wewill need for the velocity autocorrelation functions. It subsumesthe uniform mode of motion and contains only the bending forceconstant, κ, as an adjustable parameter. (The number of subunitdiscs is known a priori and the disk friction factors are calculatedfrom well-known expressions for cylinders.72,73) In the limit asthe moment of inertia goes to zero, one can obtain a simplifiedexpression for ṼB(w):


    ṼB(w)) kTγB


    2QB[1 - κγBΛB(w1 + κγBA˜ )-1]QB†H˜1


    ) kTγB


    2[1 - κγBA˜ (w1 + κγBA˜ )-1]H˜1

    2 (2.71)

    The FLT of the angular velocity correlation functions for thetwisting modes of motion is given by

    Ṽ(w))Q(∫0∞ e-wtVF(t) dt)Q†


    2 [(1 + S) 1w1 + r+ - (1 - S) 1w1 + r-]Q†(2.72)

    Taking the same limit as the moment of inertia goes to zerogives


    V˜(w)) kT

    γ [1- RγA(w1+ RγA)-1] (2.73)

    These FLT forms will be needed for the spectral densityfunctions that will be introduced later in our work. In particular,eq 2.71 and eq 2.73 are needed to describe the spin rotationmechanism.

    3. Relationship of the Lipari-Szabo (L-S) Formalismto the Weakly Bending Rod Model. As has been shown bySchurr, correlation functions between WRM elements arisenaturally in the context of magnetic resonance relaxation theory.8

    These WRM correlations are, in turn, related to the correlationfunctions for the angular displacements. Specifically:

    Gp,p′(t)) δq,q′〈Dp′,q′l (Ω(t))Dp,q

    l (Ω(0))〉 (3.1)where

    〈Dp′,ql *(Ω(t))Dp,q

    l (Ω(0))〉 ) δp,p′1

    2l+ 1×

    exp[-((l(l+ 1))- p2)〈∆x2(t)〉2 ]exp[-p2〈∆z2(t)〉2 ] (3.2)and the displacements along x and z refer to the bth disk andare the autocorrelations of that disk. The Cartesian displacementscan be written in terms of angular difference correlationfunctions. For bending, the difference correlation function inangles is


    〈∆xb2(t)〉 )D⊥ t+


    〈[ηb(t)- ηb(0)]2〉 (3.3)

    and for twisting, it is


    〈∆zb2(t)〉 )D|t+


    〈[φb(t)- φb(0)]2〉 (3.4)

    These angular correlation functions are separated into theuniform modes, characterized by the overall diffusion coef-

    ficients D⊥ and D|, defined above in eq 2.68 and eq 2.37, andthe internal motions of bending and twisting, defined in eq 2.60and eq 2.18. Now consider the correlation function for the bthdisk. The relationship between the difference correlation functionin eq 3.4 and the correlation functions derived above for theinternal twisting motions of the WBR is


    〈[φb(t)- φb(0)]2〉 ) [C(0)-C(t)]b,b (3.5)

    Similarly, the relationship for the internal bending motionsis


    〈[ηb(t)- ηb(0)]2〉 ) [CB(0)-CB(t)]b,b (3.6)

    Combining eqs 3.1 through 3.3 and eq 3.6, we obtain for theinternal bending mode contribution to the position correlationfunction:

    exp[-((l(l+ 1))- p2)[CB(0)-CB(t)]b,b] (3.7)A similar equation for twisting is given by

    exp[-p2[C(0)-C(t)]b,b] (3.8)Equations 3.7 and 3.8 are 1 at t ) 0 and approach a constant

    at t f ∞. This is because the internal modes are zero at timezero and build to the constant (CB(0))b,b or (C(0))b,b at largetimes. These forms guarantee that the correlation functionsdecrease as time t increases. Schurr and co-workers demonstratethat this property of internal modes results in an amplitudereduction factor to the correlation functions.8,50,74 If the decayrate of the internal modes is rapid compared with the uniformmodes, the primary effect of internal motion is to reduce theamplitude of the correlation functions. This reduction thencarries over directly to the spectral density function, or theFourier transform of the correlation function, and hence reducesthe relaxation rate accordingly. The difficulty of developinganalytic formulas for the spectral density functions is that thecorrelation functions in eq 3.5 and eq 3.6 are sums ofexponential terms in the WBR model. Then, eq 3.7 becomesthe exponential of exponentials. Calculation of the spectraldensity, eq 1.4, requires a FT of the resulting exponential ofexponentials, a transform for which there is no closed analyticsolution.

    Lipari and Szabo (L-S) formulated a model free47 (or ageneralized model) method to account for the effects of internalmotions and thereby circumvented the transform impasse. Inthe L-S model, any model-specific manifestations of thecorrelation functions in eq 3.7 or eq 3.8 are subsumed in amodel-independent expression. The equivalence is expressedsimply as

    exp[-p2[CB(0)-CB(t)]b,b]} S2 + (1 - S2) exp[-t / τI](3.9)

    S2 is the square order parameter, or the amplitude reductionfactor. Lipari and Szabo recognized that the equivalence wasjustified since at time zero both sides of eq 3.9 are one, and ast f ∞, both approach a constant value.

    In order for the two forms to be equal at infinite time, it isrequired that exp[-p2[CB(0)]b,b] ) S2. The time constant, τI, isan effective relaxation time associated with the internal dynam-ics. The L-S equation is simple and treats the internal motionas relaxing according to a single exponential. In contrast, theWBR model is anisotropic in the sense that its correlationfunctions depend on the integer p and in general contain both

    9228 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • twisting and bending processes that decay independently. Lipariand Szabo consider the possibility of including additionalinternal dynamics to accommodate such anisotropic motion, butthese extensions introduce adjustable parameters for which notie to a physical model exists to provide substance for theirinterpretation. The WBR model, on the other hand, automaticallyproduces anisotropic decay to accommodate data with complexrelaxation dynamics, and introduces only the twisting forceconstant, R, the bending force constant, κ, and the number ofdiscs as its physically relevant parameters.

    The disadvantage of a direct application of the WBR resultsto a practical analysis of EPR data is the added complexity ofthe functional forms and summations in the correlation functions.Our effort is to find a general function of the L-S form thatcan capture the effects of the correlation functions predictedby the WBR and maintain the simplicity suggested by Lipariand Szabo. To that end, we have explored equating the WBRmodel relaxation functions to stretched exponentials. This ismotivated in part by the observations of Schurr and co-workersthat in the intermediate motion regime the twisting dynamicshave the appearance of being not just exponential in time4 orexp[-t/τ], but also decaying as the square root of time orexp[-(t/τ)�], where � ∼ 1/2, and that bending dynamics havea similar form8 and � ∼ 1/4. The general form of the decaythen is examined as a series of stretched exponentials.

    Therefore, we consider fitting varied numerical decay curvesfrom the twisting correlation functions for the internal modesas

    exp[-p2[C(0)-C(t)]b,b]) Sp2 + (1- Sp2) exp[-( tτp)�p](3.10)


    Sp2 ) exp[-p2[C(0)]b,b] (3.11)

    The bending decay functions are similarly compared tostretched exponentials:

    exp[-((l(l+ 1))- p2)[CB(0)-CB(t)]b,b])

    (SpB)2 + (1- (SpB)2) exp[-( tτpB)�pB] (3.12)


    (SpB)2 ) exp[-((l(l+ 1))- p2)[CB(0)]b,b] (3.13)We now wish to find the best stretched exponential in these

    L-S approximations to the WBR correlation functions. In orderto find these, we rearrange the expressions to isolate the stretchedexponentials. For twisting, we obtain

    exp[-( tτp)�p] )exp[-p2[C(0)-C(t)]b,b]- exp[-p2C(0)b,b]

    1 - exp[-p2C(0)b,b]

    )exp[p2C(t)b,b]- 1

    exp[p2C(0)b,b]- 1(3.14)

    The right-hand side of the expression is defined by the WBRmodel. The left-hand side contains two parameters, �p and τp,that are adjusted by a least-squares method to find the best fitto the correlation functions. Similarly, isolation of the stretchedexponential in eq 3.12 gives

    exp[-( tτpB)�pB] ) exp[((l(l+ 1))- p

    2)CB(t)b,b]- 1exp[((l(l+ 1))- p2)CB(0)b,b]- 1


    Rather than treat twisting and bending separately as in eqs3.10-3.15, we opt for a more generic expression that subsumesboth types of motion into a general expression for the overallcorrelation function in terms of stretched exponentials. Wedefine the overall correlation function as


    I (t) (3.16)


    Gp0(t)) 1

    2l+ 1exp[-[((l(l+ 1))- p2)D⊥ + p2D|]t]



    GpI (t)) exp[-((l(l+ 1))- p2)〈[ηb(t)-

    ηb(0)]2〉 exp[-p2〈[φb(t)- φb(0)]2〉 (3.18)

    Gp(t) is the product of the decay of the uniform modes, Gp0(t),and the internal modes, GpI (t). At t ) 0, the internal modes donot contribute to the correlation function because GpI (0) ) 1.As t f ∞ or, less stringently, when t is much greater than thedecay time of the longest internal modes, τmaxI , the accumulatedeffect of the decay of internal modes is a constant amplitudereduction factor:

    Gp,p′I (t. τmax

    I )) (SpI )2

    ) Sp2(Sp


    ) exp[-p2[C(0)]b,b] exp[-((l(l+ 1))-

    p2)[CB(0)]b,b] (3.19)Following the same reasoning leading up to eq 3.10 and eq

    3.12, we equate a stretched exponential version of the L-Sformula to eq 3.19:

    Gp,p′I (t)) δp,p′{ (SpI )2 + (1- (SpI )2) exp[-( tτpI )�p


    This is a single internal function that combines both twistand bend. We will demonstrate how the internal correlationtimes and amplitudes can be given in terms of the twisting andbending parameters through the use of this equation and theleast-squares fitting of the stretched exponential to the WBRcorrelation functions:

    exp[-( tτpI )�pI] )

    exp[((l(l+ 1))- p2)[CB(t)]b,b] exp[p2[C(t)]b,b]- 1exp[((l(l+ 1))- p2)[CB(0)]b,b] exp[p2[C(0)]b,b]- 1


    Aside from the dependence on the integer index p and thestretched exponential, eq 3.20 is indistinguishable from the L-Sequation, 3.9. However, the correlation functions that determinethe S parameter, as well as the stretched exponential rates, are

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9229

  • determined from the WBR model. Despite the apparent intro-duction of variables on the right-hand side of eq 3.21, only twoparameters, R and κ, are adjustable once the number andgeometry of disk subunits is set and the solvent conditionsdetermined. No ad hoc introduction of additional parameters isrequired to account for complex relaxation rates.

    4. A. Fourier Transform of the Stretched Exponential.Analytical expressions for the FT of the exponential ofexponentials are unknown; this motivated the hybridization ofthe L-S method with the results of the WBR model. However,there are also no known analytical expressions for the FT ofstretched exponentials that appear in eq 3.20. More generally,the problem of obtaining a spectral density function for astretched exponential provides a very general tool in magneticresonance, since there are often situations when no specificmodel is a candidate for description of the modes of motion. Insuch cases, the use of the generic form given in eq 3.20 is theonly recourse. For these reasons, we now review a method tofind the spectral density function of a stretched exponential.

    The solution of representing the FT of a stretched exponential(also known as the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW)function, fKWW) by series expansion in terms of a set of simpleexponentials decaying at different rates has been solved byLindsey and Patterson.55 This expansion is given by

    fKWW(t) ≡ exp[-( tτw)�]=∑



    gn exp[- tτwrn] (3.22)where the time constant for each exponential is given as

    τn ≡τwrn


    The FT of the summation is easily taken if a suitable set ofexpansion coefficients and rates can be found:

    f̃KWW(ω) ≡∫t)0∞ exp[-iωt] exp[-( tτw)�] dt=∑




    iωτw + rn(3.24)

    Because of the finiteness and discreteness of the sum, thecoefficients must be renormalized to guarantee that ∑n gn ) 1.

    The expansion in eq 3.22 is written in terms of rn because rndepends only on the ratio of τn to the stretched exponential time,τw. The sete of rn is chosen on a logarithmic scale:

    rn ) 10λn - λmaxe λne λmax (3.25)

    Satisfactory results are obtained on the longest time scalesrequired for N e 101, and for values of � in the range 0.2 e �e 0.999. The coefficients of the expansion are

    gn )-(∆λπ )∑k)0∞

    Γ(�k+ 1)Γ(k+ 1)

    sin(π�k)(-1rn� )k


    where ∆λ is the (equal) spacing between the values chosen forthe logarithmic set of rn values in eq 3.25.

    Equation 3.26 is a divergent power series but remainsnumerically bounded up to about 200 terms. In fact, convergenceis reached within 150 to 180 terms, so gn is well-defined forthe expansion required in eq 3.24. The terms in eq 3.26 aresummed by Horner’s method to obtain sufficient numerical

    accuracy. Despite the precautions in Horner’s method, numericalinstability occurs for small values of rn for which λn < 2(1 -1/�). Empirically, it is found that, for these small rn, thecoefficients may be set to zero without loss of accuracy; thatis, gn(rn: λn < 2(1 - 1/�)) ) 0.

    A useful approximation to f˜KWW(ω) is given by

    f̂(�) ≡ flow�



    =R{ τf̃KWW(ω)} (3.27)where

    �)ωτw (3.28)and

    fhigh )�(3- �)


    flow ) (1�){ 34(1�-1)} (3.29)

    This approximation deviates slightly only for � ∼ 1.Otherwise, f̂(�) offers a simple, descriptive, and accurate valuefor the spectral density from which useful statements can bemade without detailed computation. This is demonstrated inFigure 4. Note that the approximation is good everywhere exceptin a single order of magnitude surrounding � ∼ 1.

    The effort to represent the internal functions in eq 3.18 interms of stretched exponentials in eq 3.20 which then areexpanded in terms of eq 3.22, or the approximation in eq 3.27,is worthwhile for the following reasons. The internal correlationfunctions are solved in quasi-analytic forms that are efficientlycalculated. Moreover, the dependence on only the bending andtwisting force constants is retained in the quasi-analytic forms.In fact, the transformation from internal correlation functionsto a stretched exponential function requires little computationaleffort as it is performed with robust and well-established least-squares fit protocols, such as the Levenberg-Marquardt algo-rithm. The further transformation from the stretched exponentialrepresenting the correlation functions to the spectral densityutilizes the well-established KWW solution developed byPatterson and Lindsey and is also performed easily. Finally,the stretched exponential approach may have many generalapplications to magnetic resonance that go well beyond thespecific applications to the WBR model used here.

    4.B. Application to the WBR Model. We group togetherthe relaxation processes from the uniform modes and define asingle time constant, τp0 as


    τp0) [((l(l+ 1))- p2)D⊥ + p2D|] (3.30)

    Then the form for the spectral density function, as the FT ofthe correlation function, is


    ≡ δp,p′f̃p(ω)

    ) 12l+ 1∫t)0∞ e-iωt exp[- tτp0][(SpI )2 + (1- (SpI )2)∑n)1


    gn exp[- tτpI rn]] dt) 1

    2l+ 1[(SpI )2 τp0iωτp0 + 1 + (1- (SpI )2)∑n)1N gn τpIiωτpI + τpIτp0 + rn] (3.31)Equation 3.31 is the result for the spectral density function

    generated by replacing the internal relaxation function with a

    9230 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • stretched exponential form in the L-S formalism.48,49 Theparameters of the stretched exponential are determined fromthe WBR rod model.8,74

    An aspect of the WBR model that we have omitted is theinclusion of an initial amplitude reduction factor which has notime dependence and parametrizes all unknown short-timeprocesses leading to decorrelation.8,52,74 Inclusion of this initialfactor is avoided since, in magnetic resonance theory, it can beabsorbed into the coupling tensors in the Hamiltonian.

    5. Spectral Density Function for R1eSR. The one relaxationmechanism that is not well-developed in the literature is thatfor the spin rotation mechanism. As commented above, thisinvolves knowing the correlation functions for the angularvelocities, which are now incorporated into the overall expres-sion for the spectral density functions from the spin rotationmechanism.

    With the aid of equations developed in sections 1-4, we canwrite out the spectral density function J p,p′

    SRm,m′(ω) for the spinrotation mechanism:

    J p,p′SRm,m′(ωe))∫t)0∞ e-iωetG p,p′SRm,m′(t) dt (5.1)


    G p,p′SRm,m′(τ))


    1(ΩL-D(τ))p′,n′ 〉 × 〈 (ωI(0)ωI†(τ))m,m′ 〉


    as introduced previously in eq 1.17 and included again here forconvenient reference. For l ) 1, we have by eq 3.30


    τp0) [(2- p2)D⊥ + p2D|] (5.3)

    and, using the L-SsWBR formalism summarized by eq 3.31,

    〈D1*(ΩL-D(0))p,nD1(ΩL-D(τ))p′,n′ 〉 )


    exp[- tτp0][(SpI )2 +(1- (SpI )2)∑



    gn exp[-( tτpI )rn]] (5.4)For the velocity correlations appearing in eq 5.2, we write

    〈[ωI(0)ωI†(τ)]m,m′ 〉b,b ) { δm,m′[V(t)]b,bδm,m′[VB(t)]b,b m) zm) x, y (5.5)

    The spectral density for the twisting velocity correlationfunctions is

    Jp,p′z,z (ω))

    δp,p′3 ∫t)0∞ e-iωt e-t⁄τp0[(SpI )2 + (1-

    (SpI )2)∑



    gn e-(t⁄τpI)rn][V(t)]b,b′ dt


    3 [(SpI )2[Ṽ(w)]b,b + (1- (SpI )2)∑n)1




    w) iω+ 1τp



    wn ) iω+1





    The spectral density for the bending motions is

    Jp,p′x,x (ω)) Jp,p′

    y,y (ω))δp,p′

    3 [(SpI )2[Ṽ B(w)]b,b + (1-(Sp

    I )2)∑n)1


    gn[ṼB(wn)]b,b] (5.9)

    The FLT for the twisting and bending correlation functionsare defined above in eqs 2.69 and 2.72. Equations 5.6 and 5.9are two of the main results of this work.

    Materials and Methods

    1. Experimental Procedures for Spin-lattice RelaxationMeasurements on DNA. In the spin-lattice relaxation studiespresented in this work, we use a novel spin probe that is rigidlylocked into the helical structure. It is a cytosine-mimic, Ç, thatis synthesized and incorporated into a phosphoramidite for solid-state DNA synthesis, as described elsewhere.10,29 DNA oligo-mers are synthesized on an ASM 800 DNA synthesizer fromBiosset (Russia). Modified and unmodified oligonucleotides aresynthesized by a trityl-off synthesis on a 1.0 µmol scale (1000Å CPG columns) using phosphoramidites with standard baseprotection. All commercial phosphoramidites, columns, andsolutions are purchased from ChemGenes. For spin-labeledDNA, the spin-labeled phosphoramidite is site-specificallyincorporated into the oligonucleotides by manual coupling. TheDNA is deprotected at 55 °C for 8 h and purified by 23%denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (DPAGE). Theoligonucleotides are visualized by UV shadowing. The bandsvisible in shadowing are excised from the gel, crushed, and thensoaked in TEN buffer (250 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris, 1 mMNa2EDTA, pH 7.5) for 20 h. For filtration of DNA elutionsolutions, 0.45 µm polyethersulfone membrane (a disposablefilter device from Whatman) is used. The DNA elution solutionsare desalted using Sep-Pak cartridges (Waters Corporation)according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The spin-labeledsequences are then combined in a 1:1.2-1:1.5 ratio with acomplementary unlabeled strand of the same length andhybridized stepwise on a thermocycler (90 °C for 2 min, 60 °Cfor 5 min, 50 °C for 5 min, 40 °C for 5 min, and 22 °C for 15min) before the sample is returned to 4 °C. The final concentra-tion of the spin-labeled DNA is between 80 and 150 µM in a50 mM potassium 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid (K-MOPS; 20 mM K+), pH 7.0, with strand concentrationsdetermined by absorbance at 260 nm.

    In order to examine the R1e results across a range of rotationalcorrelation times, the length of the DNA is varied from 11 to47 base-pairs, and the viscosity is adjusted between 1 and 15cP by adding sucrose, a neutral osmolyte that does notsignificantly alter the internal structure of DNA.75 For allsequences, the spin probe is incorporated at a position 7 base-pairs from the 3′-end, in reference to the spin-labeled strand.The solvent viscosity is calculated from the known sucroseconcentration using well-established empirical formulas.76 Thediffusion coefficients for rigid cylinders with dimensions on theorder of the DNAs used in the experiments are calculated fromwell-known hydrodynamic equations.5,21,52,72,73 The spin-labeledDNA sequences are shown in Table 1. The spin labeled base isrepresented by Ç, in red. The original 11-mer is extended by12 bases on the 5′-end, as indicated by blue lettering, to form23-, 35-, and 47-mers.

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9231

  • Pulsed saturation recovery (pSR) spectra were acquired on ahome-built EPR spectrometer with both continuous wave (CW)and pulsed saturation recovery (pSR) EPR measurement capa-bility.36 In order to select the appropriate magnetic field at whichto perform the pSR experiment, a CW spectrum must first becollected on the pSR instrument, with resolution at 1024 pointsover a range of 90 Gauss during one scan at a constantly applied-12 dBm microwave power, with 1 Gauss modulation ampli-tude and a modulation frequency of 10 kHz. The highest spindensity point is the center of the center field resonance manifold,of the three 14N resonance manifolds in the CW spectrum. Thathighest spin density resonance position is chosen as the fieldposition at which to apply the pump pulse for the pSRexperiment. To collect data by pSR, a 200 ns pump pulse at9.2 GHz with +20 dBm of microwave power is applied,followed by 90 ns of dead time. The response is observed withan offset of 100 kHz at -12 dBm of microwave power. Thetypical time resolution for a pSR spectrum in this study is 20ns per point, for 4096 points and averaged over 4.8 × 106 scans(80% of the scans on resonance and 20% ∼100 Gauss offresonance, to allow for background subtraction). Multiple spectrawere collected on multiple days, to ensure reproducibility. Todetermine the reliability and consistency of sample preparation,the 23-mer and 47-mer measurements were repeated with twosets of unique, independently prepared samples, and the resultswere statistically the same for both preparations. All samplesused in the TD instrument are in a gas permeable 0.8 mm innerdiameter Teflon capillary tube under a continuous stream of N2gas at ∼21 °C. All measured spin-lattice relaxation rates arehighly reproducible. The standard deviation of each data pointranges from 0.3 to 4.5% of the mean value.

    2. Computational Methods. The correlation functions andorder parameters are computed according to the WBR theoryand summarized in the Theory section above. We use eq 3.21to fit the decaying correlation functions for internal motions tostretched exponentials, in a least-squares sense, using aMarquardt-Levenberg minimization algorithm. All fitting isdone using programs written and executed in Matlab. One- andtwo-exponential fits are also tested and compared with thestretched exponential fits as shown in Table 2. The τpI /tmax ratiois kept reasonably constant and on average is 0.03 with astandard deviation of 0.02 for all lengths, spin label positions,and p values. The time scale, tmax ∼ 30 · τpI , is chosen to be longenough to maximize fit quality but short enough that the fit isnot overweighted by the nearly zero (fully decayed) part of thefunction. The fit to a single exponential gives about a 5- to 10-fold larger standard error than the fit to a stretched exponential.Agreement of the single exponential is good only at the earlytime decay and misses the middle of the autocorrelation decay.Errors on Figures 4-7, which show the results of fitting to thestretched exponentials, are within the size of the symbols. Thefits are repeatable, independent of the choice of beginningestimates for the functional parameters. For all displayed figures,R/kT is kept equal to 100, as that is a reasonable approximation

    for R/kT for 10-200 bp DNAs under these experimentalconditions.3,4,7,8,21,77 In this work, we intend to examine the effectof changes to parameters other than R/kT.

    We test a fit of the correlation functions to the sum of twostandard exponentials as well as to the sum of two stretchedexponentials (data not shown) and find an insignificant improve-ment in the fit of the data. Moreover, fitting to two stretchedexponentials with separate decay rates and �pI exponential valuesis overparameterized for reliable convergence. All comparativetests are done for either a middle-labeled 23-mer or a middle-labeled 201-mer.


    1. Experimental Data Motivating Theoretical Develop-ment. We have recently carried out pSR-EPR experiments tomeasure for the first time the R1e of a spin probe in a series ofduplex DNAs. The DNA is duplexes of length 11, 23, 35, and47 base-pairs. Figure 1 illustrates the spin probe, Ç, base-pairedto a natural guanine.29 Figure 2a shows the R1e values as afunction of the geometrically averaged rotational correlationtime, 〈τperp2 τpara〉1/3 for the overall rotational motion of the duplexDNA.72,73 The solid line shows the predicted R1e values for arange of rotational correlation times, based on the relaxation

    TABLE 2: Fit of Exponential Functions to WBR Modela

    length [bp] κ/kT p τpI [ns] �pI

    23 150 0 0.03706 ( 0.00037 0.5501 ( 0.004223 150 0 0.04837 ( 0.0014 123 150 1 0.05052 ( 0.00035 0.5547 ( 0.002923 150 1 0.06487 ( 0.0018 123 150 2 0.09311 ( 0.00052 0.6285 ( 0.003223 150 2 0.1113 ( 0.0025 1

    23 350 0 0.01738 ( 0.00013 0.5816 ( 0.003423 350 0 0.02236 ( 0.00049 123 350 1 0.04173 ( 0.00021 0.5025 ( 0.001723 350 1 0.05551 ( 0.0019 123 350 2 0.09984 ( 0.00061 0.6348 ( 0.003523 350 2 0.1189 ( 0.0027 1

    201 150 0 32.18 ( 0.62 0.4808 ( 0.0058201 150 0 46.55 ( 1.8 1201 150 1 18.75 ( 0.36 0.424 ( 0.0042201 150 1 27.98 ( 1.3 1201 150 2 5.081 ( 0.012 0.3936 ( 0.0042201 150 2 9.26 ( 0.32 1

    201 350 0 18.16 ( 0.32 0.5184 ( 0.0063201 350 0 25.12 ( 0.87 1201 350 1 10.27 ( 0.074 0.4828 ( 0.0022201 350 1 14.13 ( 0.51 1201 350 2 5.726 ( 0.019 0.5575 ( 0.0014201 350 2 7.329 ( 0.19 1

    a Included are results of fitting autocorrelation functions to eithera single exponential (where � ) 1) or to a stretched exponential, at21°C, with R/kT kept equal to 100. The standard error for eachparameter is shown in the column after its value.

    TABLE 1: Sequences for DNAs Studied by pSRa

    length [bp] sequence


    a The spin labeled base is represented by Ç. The original 11-mer is extended by 12 bases on the 5′-end to form 23-, 35-, and 47-mers. Onlythe spin-labeled strand of the duplex is shown; each spin-labeled sample is prepared as a duplex with its appropriate full complement. Theposition of the spin label is 7 with respect to the 3′-end in all cases.

    9232 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 Smith et al.

  • theory37 outlined in the Theory section, assuming that the DNAmoves as a rigid object. It can be seen in Figure 2a that thetheoretical prediction is about a factor of 2 smaller than thedata. This discrepancy motivated this theoretical developmentto include the internal motions in the calculation of R1e for DNA.Figure 2b illustrates that, as the length of the DNA increases,the R1e drops up to ∼35 base-pairs, but for 47 base-pairs, theR1e has increased a statistically significant amount.

    Figure 3 shows the spectral density functions as a functionof the internal correlation time, using the L-S formulation ofthe spectral density function in eq 3.31. The uniform modesused for the rotational correlation times in the equation are thoseof the 23-mer, based on established hydrodynamic theory.72,73

    The spectral density functions are shown as a ratio to the spectraldensity for just the uniform modes, where S2 ) 1. Figure 3demonstrates that the internal motions can increase the spectraldensity functions as the order parameter is reduced, whichbecomes more pronounced as the internal correlation timeapproaches the reciprocal of the spectrometer frequency.Because the R1e rates are proportional to the spectral densityfunctions, then an increase in the spectral density function, asa result of including internal dynamics, will increase R1e. Thisprovides one possible qualitative explanation for why measuredR1e rates are higher than those predicted by only overall tumblingmotions.

    2. WBR Internal Dynamics Described by StretchedExponential. We have mapped the WBR internal dynamics intoa simple stretched exponential with an order parameter, Sp2, aninternal correlation time, τpI , and a stretched exponential power,�pI , as defined in eq 3.20. Figure 4 shows the effect of the

    exponent � on the spectral density function eq 3.24: the smallerthe exponential power � becomes, the larger the spectral densitybecomes at correlation times away from the peak center.

    Figure 5 shows the dependence of Sp2, τpI , and �pI on κ/kT, for afixed twisting constant, R/kT ) 100, for a 23-mer DNA. κ/kT, adimensionless quantity, can be directly interpreted as the numberof base pairs in a persistence length. The range was chosen to spanthe ranges of persistence lengths reported in the literature. As κ/kTincreases, Sp2 correspondingly increases for any value of p. Onlybending modes contribute to the p ) 0 case, which has the highestorder. Figure 5a demonstrates that the order parameter increasesas the bending force constant increase, which is consistent withthe DNA becoming stiffer. In Figure 5b, τpI decreases, as κ/kTincreases for p ) 0, (1. For the case where p ) (2, τpI does notchange because the correlation function is dominated by thetwisting dynamics, which are fixed by R/kT ) 100. The exponent�pI of the stretched exponential is roughly constant and around 1/2.It is somewhat larger for the p ) (2 case because the twistingcontribution is larger. It is not obvious why for the p ) (1 casethe exponent decreases.

    Figure 6 shows Sp2, τpI , and �pI as functions of the length ofthe DNA for two different values of κ/kT. The order parameterdecreases monotonically with increasing length, and increaseswith increasing force constant. Comparing the p ) 0 to the p) (2 case shows that the order parameter is less for the latter

    Figure 2. Experimental R1e data for 11- to 47-mer duplex DNAs invarying viscosity solutions are shown. Symbols indicate data for DNAof specific length: 9 ) 11-mer, 0 ) 23-mer, ) ) 35-mer, O ) 47-mer. The spin-labeled DNAs are prepared as explained in the methodssection and are measured at 9.2 GHz on a home-built time domainEPR spectrometer.10,36 Sequences are shown in Table 1. The simulatedvalues (solid line) are based on the calculated R1e rates for a rigid rodwith overall rotational correlation times that span the range ofexperimental values.37 The measured rates are plotted as functions ofthe geometrically averaged rotational correlation time, τj ) 〈τ|τ⊥2 〉1/3 fora rigid rod of the same dimensions as the DNA. Standard hydrodynamictheory is used to calculate the anisotropic rigid rod rotational correlationtimes as a function of length and viscosity.72,73 In the bottom half ofthe figure, R1e values for the four sequences, all in 0 w/v % sucrose,are shown. Error bars are shown with the data and are comparable insize to the markers. The markers are consistent for the different lengths,in both the top and the bottom sections of the figure.

    Figure 3. Lipari-Szabo spectral density for simple isotropic motion,Jp ) 0

    L S ) R{S2(τ0/(1 + iωτ0)) + (1 - S2)(τ I/(1 + iωτI + τI/τ0))}, (eq3.31) over a range of τIand S2 values and for a spectrometer frequencyof 9.2 GHz. The Jp

    LS are shown relative to that of the spectral densityfrom the uniform mode. The Jp

    LS for each value of S2 is divided by theJp

    LS for the uniform modes, when S2 ) 1. The results are shown for S2) 0.9 (black) through S2 ) 0.4 (lightest grey). Diffusion coefficientsfor the overall molecule are calculated from hydrodynamic theory forrigid cylindrical models, based on the dimensions of a 23-mer duplexDNA at 21 °C and 1 cP.72,73 The results for p ) 0 are shown.

    Figure 4. Stretched exponential spectral density times the spectrometerfrequency, f̃KWW(�) ) τf̃KWW(ω) (solid lines) as given by eq 3.24, isplotted versus � ) ωτpI for different values of �. Overlaid (dash-dotlines) is the approximation given in eq 3.27, f̂(�), which does verywell in the limiting values away from the maximum. � ) 0.25 is inblack, � ) 0.75 is in the lightest grey, and � ) 0.5 is in between.

    Theory for Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Spin Probes J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 30, 2008 9233

  • case. This is expected, as the p ) (2 case includes the twistingdynamics, which reduces the order parameter. To a firstapproximation, the order parameter has an exponential depen-dence on 1/N. In Figure 6b, τpI increases with increasing lengthof the DNA, with a sharper increase for the p ) 0 case. Thevalue of τpI is not affected by κ/kT when p ) 2 because twistingis a dominant contribution. Figure 6c shows that �pI is near 1/2for all lengths and bending rigidities and is maximal when theDNA is 25 to 50 base-pairs in length. The value of �pI dropsmost abruptly with length when κ/kT ) 150, its less rigid value,and p ) 2, as twisting has a higher contribution.

    In Figure 7, we plot Sp2, τpI , and �pI as a function of the positionalong the DNA for a 23-mer. The order parameter decreases

    monotonically toward the end of the DNA. The DNA issymmetric about the b ) 12 base pair position. First order WBRtheory shows that the order parameter at the end should be equalto the order parameter in the center raised to the fourth power.The internal correlation times are the largest at about 3/4 of theway toward the end. This is the position where the DNA ismost flexible, where the first internal (the “horseshoe”) modeis most active. As illustrated in Figure 4, as the DNA becomesstiffer as the internal correlation times become smaller.

    Figure 8 shows a spectral density function that incorporatesthe results of the fitting of the stretched exponentials, for aspectrometer frequency of 9.2 GHz. Values of τpI and �pI wereobtained from fitting the position-dependent correlation functionsfor a 23-mer DNA. The spectral densities are highest at theends of the 23-mer for all values of p. The spectral densitiesdecrease sharply until b = 6, at which point they begin toincrease again slightly. These spectral densities are frequencydependent and would be higher at a lower spectrometerfrequency.


    The fundamental theory relates the relaxation rates for allmechanisms to spectral density functions. Figures 3 and 4

    Figure 5. Order parameter, Sp2, and the parameters of the stretchedexponential, τpI , and �pI as a function of κ/kT and p, for a middle-labeled23-mer DNA, using eq 3.14. The symbol 0 represents p ) (2; Orepresents p ) (1, and ) represents p ) 0. The stretched exponentialis calculated from a least-squares fit to the site-specific WBR theory,using diffusion tensors for cylindrical molecules obtained fromhydrodynamic theory, based on the dimensions of a 23-mer duplexDNA at 21 °C and 1 cP.72,73 The Sp2 are calculated from the site-specificWBR model (3.18), as described within this work. The dotted linesare added only as an aid to the eye.

    Figure 6. Order, Sp2, and stretched exponential parameters, τpI , and �pI

    at κ/kT ) 150 (white with black edges) and κ/kT ) 350 (grey), for p) 0 (triangle, 2) and p ) 2 (squares, 9), for middle-labeled DNAs asa function of the length of the DNA, all at 21 °C and 1 cP. The length-dependent diffusion coefficients were calculated from the hydrodynamictheory for cylindrical molecules, based on the dimensions of duplexDNA.72,73 The Sp2 are calculated from the site-specific WBR model(3.18). The dotted lines are added only as an aid to the eye.

    Figure 7. Parameters of a stretched exponential, Sp2, τpI , and �pI , as afunction of the position of the spin label on a 23-mer DNA at 21 °Cand 1 cP. κ/kT ) 150 (white with black edges) and κ/kT ) 350 (grey),for p ) 0 (triangles, 2) and p ) (2 (squares, 9). The Sp2 are calculatedfrom the site-specific WBR model (3.18). The base positions greaterthan 12 (not shown) are related to the ones less than 12 by mirrorsymmetry. The dotted lines are added only as an aid to the eye.

    Figure 8. Stretched exponential-based spectral density function Jp(ω)(3.30) is plotted versus the position of the spin label and as a functionof p, for a 23-mer DNA at 21 °C and 1 cP. The symbol 0 representsp ) (2; O represents p ) (1, and ) represents p ) 0. The parametersof a stretched exponential, Sp

    2, τpI , and �pI , for κ/kT ) 350, are shown inFigure 7 and used in calculating Jp(ω).

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  • demonstrate the general features of the spectral density functionsof stretched exponentials. They have their maximal value whenthe rates of motional processes, characterized as τ-1, are on theorder of the spectrometer frequency, or ωτ = 1. This holds forspectral densities that include internal motions (Figure 3) andspectral densities described by stretched exponentials (Figure4). We suspect that the experimental R1e rates decrease withincreasing rotational correlation times (Figure 2a) because therelevant relaxation times are all larger than the optimal time,for which ωτ ) 1. The spectral density functions for a