Twi W^~ THE OLD GRAY F By Kev. K. Philip Ellis . wvs^'v W » '!' '! War Wants The Best f It is a faithful saying that evei 'death likes a shining mark." It' lamentable how our country is be ing scrapped of its very best younj men to enlist hi the Army to figh which mejuis slaughter if war con tinues. When I say best men, mean from a physical, intellectua and moral viewpoint Of course thi is as it should be; but it is a pit; for sudh men to be called firsl There is a good for nothing, shift less and diseased, as veil as sorr " sort left behind. It appears tha they should be called first, an placed in front of the battle. Sa killed by the thousands it woul srmply be a matter of good ric dance to the world. Being-*left e home they arej rio more than a affliction upon humanity. They ar wife- beaters, children.deserter: whiskey drinkers work shirkers an everything else than what a ma should be. It's awful to see th very best specimen of humanit drafted lor war; among whom ai ry?...utir yoimg~men\ \vhen,~t:h« worst left behind. Let us pray that --pt talented sons may be preserve from the destruction of war. ar this; trifling element left here i home iiniy be reformed. Help Ethiopia Charleston is thoroughly orgai ized to send aid to Ethiopia. TV ..:. emnmHtec representing the TntC denominational Ministers Union headed bv Rev. J. \V. Murph, wit Rev. C. S. Lcdbetter. treasurer. H <b report submitted to the report* which i* only progress is as fo lows: Revs. J. E. Beard, $1.00; L. Brewer $1.00; R E. Bropdo $1.00 W. R. Campbell $1.00; J. \ Currv $1.00; J. C. Dunbar $1.01 E. Phillip j?His -$1.00. D. S. Fri sier $1.00; I.. L. Farmer $1.00; S. Ledbetter'$1.00, R. I.'I.emon 5 S B; Mackev $1; S. M Miller $ (1. B. Mitchell. $1. J. \V. Murph $ J R. Pearson $1 .1 T Pi.-Vnnn t S. H. Scott $1, J. W. White $ ^ Westmore "White $1: D. X. Wilsr $1; Prof .T. C Berry $2. Messrs. A. J, Clement $1; F. .1 McCormick $1; George Stroble $ Cah in Gaillard $1; E Poinsette J Julius Grant $1; T. J. Gaillard $ «. rselsorr ?!; SanUfrt Faber $ J (Mark $1; "A. Davis $1. I.. Tie cutt $1; W. N." Jackson, Jr. $1. Ri-lionoa VT *.f CI . L. Melton $1: Alma Bullani $ M. M. Green Sen wright $1. E. 1 .jx.>L i unk Til, It. W.Jj*j\mpbell $ t, f; mhviq m Misses W. A. Norris $1: Elor Brown $! ,. Publie offering $1.00; Ebenezi A. M. E. church -$7^7^; Trinity j M. E, church $2.25; Morris Brov A M. E. church $7.29; Morris S Baptist church $7.01; Weslev Mel odist church Mr. Thomi .lgiSaine-$l .09; uratwl total $75.8 Branchville In company with Mcs-V; T. Ell and Mr. Eugene Taylor, a faithfi officer of our church we attondi the closing exorcises of Brand villi* colored school.-where we d< livered its alinual- message. Th was one of the greatesL.occasio> witnessed this season. Mr Robe; .-\sniev Junior, princrpal is amon the best school heads in the.count education* system^ Other momES of""h'l.s scnooTT'roup are Misses Wi hidmma Hird. Effie Walker, Blor dell Thonpi-, M1-^ V T> "" another young lady whose nam we dofi't recall. All of whom ar efficient teachers. At this servic were Mrs. Greene, County Supet .agj&dr and Mrs. Rowe, critic < State College. These, tiogethe with Mrs. Ellis made brief, bi I iinely- addresses atrthpvdose~oT til program. St. I,like Ever\body is invited to our coi . ner sloiioj laying the fourth Sur day-iri this month, which will L at .'C30 p. m. The fchurch is locate at 240 St. Philip St. The religiou service will be in charge of th Interdenominational Union wit Dr. R E. Biogdon presiding. Th st(»ne will be laid by the Free an Accepted Masons with S. P. Poir sette Grand District Deputy otfic: ating. This will be an occasion c ' long remembrance. f.et us advarce on our knees. DDI BI.K BRANCH A. M. K. CHURCH Rev. H. C. Cunningham. Pastor Sunday j-tnnny found themselve out tn tin' house of worship. Sun day s hool opened at 10 o'cloel with- Mrs. .Iulia Hampton the as ^ «jStnL Supt. and- co-worRers if change. The lesson was beauti fully discussed in all classes an' fifterwards reviewed by the assis tant Supt. Rev. Cunningham waj nr«»"n I" x ov at Mt. f'isga'h where he deliverer a powerful sermon. A Mothers Day program was splendidly car ried out honoring rM:-r~wonderfu day. At 7:30 p.m. a lovely Mothers Diy program in all its beautiful colors was carried out at Double Braneh, celebrating this great oc casion, which was noted by the large attendance of members and friends. -Rev. Cunningham congratulated all on this unique progra m. * Come to--Double" Br<>nch ancT enr joy our programs and services with us. Cora Coleman, reporter, L:" . "'"r GREENVILLE NEWS M i-ss Willie Mae Taylor, now a nurse at Edyth R. Thomas Me- niorial Hospital, Detroit Michigan s visiting her parents and Mrs. "She wljl be in the city until the J:trd of thrs month. Miss Anna Todd, Mrs. Clara 17" Johnson, Fred Johnson, Mr. and s Mrs. Jean Robinson were the din . ner guests of Mrs.- Mary Gary y V.st Sunday. After dinner they j motored to Spartanburg to visit . 'he brother of Mrs. Gary who is j io\v recovering from a very serI ous illness. q The funeral of Mr. Joe Maddox -was held at the St. Peter Church t of God on Fine St. Sunday. He was. until his death, the leader v of an orchestra that has been foi mn'.ny years, qurte popular thruout this part of the state and the ti lower part of-western N. C. Mrs Hnwi'iis,.the.grandmother- of Mr. John Bowens, died Thursday night at her home on Green^ line after being sick for sometime n Franks and Spn had charge of ,e funeral arrangements. 9 Prof. Lawrence Bowen of Ann i St.. who is «n instructor at th« n high school in Marion, had to e come home several weeks ago be~ v cause of illness. It rs reported that he is improving rapidly nt r- thiu llfflp . [ <c "*'"T' .r~ ^7 For the convenience of those \v'ho wish to attend the singine , convention in Honea Path on the ^ fc. iTh' Sunday "m this month, it has h«en arranged for a bus to '<» ve.Springfield.church.that.ar m. and return to the same point when the program is over. Anyi- "ii" may obtain more information lP about this trip by calling Mrs. p.- frTTreva Young ~ot Pirie "St". Her te'ephone number, is 1258-J. h Mrs. Mamie Williams of Philadelphia, who formerly resided on >r Wardlaw St. of this, city, passed \. -away- there last week. The funer^ al was held Tuesday at Isracal n Chapel CME church. Interment \t was at a cemetery at Hodges. S.C. jr !> utli Mae I'olhert p. Shocks Community 51 j. Miss Mae E. Tolbert died Sunj day afternoon after a brief perI. ii'd "f iiin<^_.Site had been un~ jwill for several weeks, but she )r" -vidently considered herself strong enough to carry on her regular j duties. According to report she 1 ivas at work in her office in the .j Ti mple Building Saturday. Miss T"'hert. a graduate.of.Bwnudiet I fiilteee, was formerly a teacher s_° 'n one of the schools of Greepville county and for a number of j vcai^ served as secretary of the j .' Gieenville County Teachers' Asj' so- iation. At the time _of.by*p~"drrrth see neld a position as an uiriclal-of.The.Working Benevo5e 1 c* t Society, an organization of wl ich her father, the late Mr. J B A. (Capt. Jim) Tolbert. wins on.<j of- the leading officers. ni th wt'STO\ chapel a. m. ii. chl'rch fk'V. M C. Williams, pastor Cii owl wood --Sundays was a fine I day for church goers and the mem (() rs of Weston Chapel proved this foi they were out in full numbers j The Sunday school opened at the. jj. visual hour. The Supt. Mrs. E. O Ou ter and faculty were- at theii rf post of duty, and after a brief dis- ^ussi-on of the lesson and review, the Sunday school closed, jr 1 Thf*- Pastar rovtrtmr ."T^hTTV, - - j K.v<.im;u n most powerful Mo I 1 titer's Dav sermon, which was cer- I u inly eiiju^l'd by Ull. Among the I visitors present was Mr. Sumpter I ,e Prrrin of the city. At 3:30 p.m. your humble ser-1 .-ant-visited the City Choir Union! V "Nrr 3. and with Mrs. Georgie Par-J kci" of Ninety Six, president, I am I happy to say that it was a very I 'fine meeting. II seemed that the! wliole band of Greenwood pnoplel hrnt~jfotten together and was sing-1 ing at one time. * At six o'elock the ACE league! assembled and had tHnTF^dftteTTssibal i- of the topic. After which at 8:001 o'clock the whole church member-1 ip assembled for our Mother's! s Dav program, which was good. All! r the boards in Weston Chapel are! }i hi active service and have already! , helped the trustees considerably. I i\ The Men's Club Mr. R. C. Hunt.1 t*. "'w osident has built lovely brick I i- steps to the Church. Stewardess! if N'o. 2, Mrs. Mary E. Williams,*ip ,ni csidentr pakDthr^insrrranCe preny l f'um 4ind Stewardess BoafcTNoT l7| M's. Ida Hawkins, Pres., had the! plumbing repaired. The Missionary I Circle, Mrs. PatSy Sims. Pfpq ""111 . HP iJl Fl'l/lUy mght at the home of I Mi s. A. L. Childs, 701 Millwee St. I The Junior Missionaries, Mrss Mir-I, iam Derr, Pres. will meet Sunday!; < evening at the same place. Alii, ^ members of each are. asked to b* I rrresent.r We are especially inter-I, ' ested in Jhe service of God and!, I are working^ arduously and hard tr |. push forward. ' I' i EIWST ( X I.VARY CHURCH I' ' All) CI.UB . ; I' I The cluh Vir.1.1 "* i . nrt-r li i: ^ HI v 'hp homo of Mrs. ^Sjillie Huffhes ' Wednesday, fi o'clock' The meetI it; was called to order by the ( .''resident, Mrs. Amelia K(4** ' Af- ( 'or the devptions^were carried ou' ' 'he minutes were read by the Sec ' rotary, Misg Lizzie Jontf. Unfin- 1 ished business and new business was then discussed by the club. \fter a social half hour, during which the hostess served ice cream < arid cake. The club adjourned to meet May 21 with Mrs. Emma Out « en nn Wkverley Street, * nil LAMAR NEWS I] . tF The Mother's Day program sponsored by the Woman's Sbciety of Christian Service was an event long to be remembered. It is i the talk af the community, The < noble women of this spendid 1 iroup distinguished themselves as 1 worthy leaders. According to Rev. i Porter, they have the ability to 1 do, and help do things. Mrs. Ma- mie Dubose, who was the presid- i in officer in her remarks to Jhe t women told them that this is only ' the beginning of things we can * and must do for our church. Mrs. 1 Nettre Jeffery made splendid The society will meet, Friday at the home of Mrs. Sudie Peeples at 4 p.m. The followin is the re- port by captains: Mrs. Nettie Jeffery $3.25; Mrs. Mamie Dubose < $2.50; .Mrs. Carrie Byrd $3.00; Mis. Ruth Harris $2.00 Mrs. Theola Porter $2.50;-Lite Woods 1 $2.50; Mrs. Alice Dukes $2.25; Mrs. Maria Rivers 75c Mrs. Juanlta Daniels $1.00; Mrs. Mary ' Marcus '2.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Mar- ' tin $3.25; Mrs. Mary ;Davis EOc, 1 mis. i-- UQ11 e war tin *z.bU; Mrs. Lela Woods 50c; Miss Ophelia Mixon $2.50; Mrs. Mavdona SanTTers $2.00; Total $32.55. ~M1. M. I). B^'hpst» rn.Lake h QTty and Kirigstree last week vis iting relatives and friends. Mrs Natlee Thompson of Spartanbure was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M D. Dubose last Sunday. Mr. J. T. Thomas spent the day in.Charlotte, N. C. last Sunday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Pettigrew have finished remodelling their home. It is lovely and. beautiful. Mrs. C. Rogers -spent"'last- week"end in Camden visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. I.izzie Burke spent last week rn Winnsboro S.C. visiting friends. Mr. R. L. Byrd is all smiles over the fine lot of chickens sold last week. $20 worth. Lamar High School The grammar school graduating Exercises were held at John Wesley Methodist church Wednesday May 7. Thirty pupils qualified foi Department. The certificates were awarded by Mr. MbNeil Hai ris teacher in charge of the class* Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, accompanied by Misi. Jennie Harper Mr. Johnie Muck, Mr Furniss :wacK nnq Mr. J. 1>, Flimrhg moJaw.,1 r* .1 L.'_ a i n.»i i-n i<_> v. tiiuniuia saiurnay to visit -Mr. Bennie Martin at the Veterans Hospital. The annual fernion of the La-. 1 mar Junior High school w.as.da. HverccT~Sunday aftornoon at 4rOQ of Columbia. The service was largely attended. The Senior Class raduating exercise will be held at the John Wesley church Thursday night. Ma.v lix.-The .principal address ! will be delivered by Mrs Andrew ^ -W. SimUins. Diiectui Negro Pro-" gi am South Carolina Tuberculo- sis Association. Sandy -drove Methodist Church J Last Sunday was quite a busy T*t-_ xr i < uuv. 1 nc .uomers' Day program sponsored by the Woman's Society of Christian Service, Miss Hat- tie Rivers, mistress was.present-ed by the president Mrs. Marian Rivrs. Among the populhr speak- _ ers were Mrs* " Rebecca KirVin, Mrs \yi-1hp1mtna Brown, Mrs, Wm Brown, Mrs. R. M. Byrd, Mrs. M. Rivers Rev. M. J. Porter. Mrs. K. Kin in. Mis. !. M. Wdods, Mrs, J. Harris were the officiating stew- ardesses. The financial report was' good. The Society will meet at the homo of Mr. and Mr" c Ctillough Friday, 4 p.m. Among the visitors were Mr. George Washington, Miss Corla Mae of j GtrrtersvfHr. Mr Washington Ts regarded as a leading churchman He told the congregaton in his talk last-Sunday how to boost the j church. He said as laymen, we must consecrate our lives to God by praying, paying and service. We regret to learn that little Kim re e Burroughs got her arm broken last Tuesday but pleased to note that she is doing fine. She j is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Burroughs. ( The Community Club under the f leadership of Mrs. Benjamin made the mothers happy last Sunday, by. ivin eneh n basket- of fruit. _'Mrs. Dora McLain wishes to e* press appreciation and thanks to 5 the members of the Club for her ' Mother's Dav Rift. The funyml kmiMs for Mr. 1 Dick Mack, who died Wednesday 1 April 7th were conducted at San ' iy drove church last Sunday. Mr. * Sanders of Hartsville was the undertaker in charge. Sandy Brove's pastor, jpfRcers 1 nnd members will the guests ' jf the Alcot charge Sunday af- ' ternoon at 4 p.m. According to Mr. C. Burroughs, the Brother- I I mod Society will conduct the ralv. Rev. M. J. Porter, Rev. W. 1 Frasier, Rev. Geo. Washington. ' Vfj-. and Mrs. Dudley Burris, Mr. P md Mrs. Tsaac GHmore were the s linner quests of Mr. and Mrs. \rthur Burris last Sunday. m Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Byrd a ailed a^_the parsonage- last Mon 1 fay niffht on business. Mr. and 1 tfrs. R. L. Byrd will he the din- F ier quests of Mr. and Mrs. To- 1 and Byrd Sunday. i' c e Subscribe For f Hie Palmetto Leader 1 j .. .. ill", Ml. "Mil- '.* J-..-MWU4 E PALMimO LEADER HENEZKR A. M. E. CHURCH j Rev. G. H. White, Pastor Mullins.At the appointed hour j Sunt. Wavmon Huyhes conducted >ur Sunday school. Bro. W. L t Foxworth gave a very interesting ^ review. For the Children's Hour <; Jhe pastor told about Roland ; Hayes' Memorial to hrs mother. t At the Adult hour the pastor's j( message was, The Mother of Je- . ?us was There. Mrs. Janie Hunter r jnited with the church, and Mr. g 1. E. Scott recently converted was t fellowshipped into the church. t rhe Junior choir gave appropriate n music for the day. * p At 8 o'clock our Mothers' Day q program was had. Mrs. Elwood jj Dlavis was chairlady assisted by Mesdames Lrllie Dozier, Viola q 3rissett Maggie Jackson and oth- £ srs. The program was unique. c The Pioneer Quartet rendered sev v Dr. M. S. Robinson, Prof. E. ^ Richardson artd our pastor have aeen selected from our community to serve on the Marion Co. Advis- t ory Board, to assist Draftees to ^ fill out their blanks for Uncle a. Sam. The Little Ones Club under the <upervrsion of Mrs. Janie Car- ^ "«» *- Hfiu -MICII JJ1VIIIC ml t, «i ^ phurch.lawn.Saturday. Aftei g which they were civet* a trip to o Dillon. Mrs. Martha White has gone r to Laurens to spend awhile with g her mother and little daughter Who attends school there. _Rro. W..L. "Foxworth.is.aponsoring a Men-Women popularity rally for the church July 14tK y Our esteemed Presiding Elder. Dr. H. D. Ramsey will hold his 3rd quarterly conference the 1st ^ Sunday it* June. j 11he Grissett-Pickett families a of our church held their re-union ^ Sunday afternoon at Bro. James t GTTssett's. Over 7.rt persons were t present. What a time was had. UNION NEWS I N'-^ro Business Meet in Sims Hi i W. I. Peek. Gut st Speaker A very unique, interesting, and * 'nstructive program was ludd nt Sims hi^h school Monday evening "s May 12, for the purpose of cpea- * ting "in our youth a deeper inter- ^ i' t for "Negro Business* and to oririg about a wanner fellowship Ktween the community and the j business leaders of l*nion and Union county...r .. Prof. A. A. Sims, noted educator and progressive teacher spon- ' -o'td' this1 very line ai d unusual ^ program. The following program * .vas rendered: - ' a Musk'. Nfegtb' .'National Anthem. PrVver, Rev. C. C.Coleman. WmU i come on behalf of the Elks, Mrs. . 1. G. Douglas, Mr.'S. G. Gist; Busi 1 ness, Prof. G.\V. Bolden, Dr. L. n A. Sartor: Education, Prof C. L. J3 'hiistie. '' The speaker was introduced by [)r. L. W. Lonv. Mr Ppetr cnnti. 'rom the subject "The Negro ami a Hi.i'itu »*'...Much information and nspiration was gained from thi-. a excellent address. Along with a n: ny other helpful suggestion.1-- jj given.in regard to how "Negro Btisiness" may be improved, Mr J etk gave seven points which he 11 egarded as stepping stones to a successful business: 1, Advertise; I, Keep a full stock of goods and have sprroundings inviting; 3, Cojperate with the community; 4, "v A thorough knowledge of youi t products; 5, Manifest an interest g n ' verything., .going on.in.tb'- -q ommunity. f>. Be a co'mpetitor. , .ut be co-operative; 7, Be cheerful and courteous. "1 This address will linger long in ; the minds and hearts of all those .. who were priileged to hear this 'Business Wizard". Music waa rendered by the glc dubs of Sims high and elementary j school. Special music was render- \ id bv the Sinvs Hr band. After ^h( 4 program a delicious supper via.served. Kacp person left with the idea in mind to try to perpetuate sonn , >f high ideals set before- ur.< in order to have more "Negro . Business" and "Better Negro Busi ne V. -- Miss Allen V. Nicholas who_has served the N.C. Mutual office here ( 'or some time as elevk-cashier fa has been transferred to the dis- \ rict office at Spartanburg where j she will serve the district as cash- f ier. Miss Helen Kennedy will p ake the poistiorr in the Union of- j, .Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Williams will soon move into their beautiful vew home on N. Pinckney street. Mrs. Rosa Lee Washingtonn and h lttlfl aaiigftWl- hive moved bach f :o Union since the sad death of e ier husband Mr. M. D. Washing- Q on. ' a The many friends in Union of h dr. A. T. Pearson deeply sympa- tl ,hize with him in the loss of his v arother, Mr. Joseph Pearson of t< Orangeburg. Prnf P. T uin nf PnoL ~ iHI is here visiting' friends. si Chaplain Johnson of Camp Croft o >reached at Bethel church Sunday d norning. He brought with hirr. w quartet. They rendered several elections. g Prof. W. M. Bo van attended ser b 'ices at Bethel Sunday morning a; >nd spent the evening visiting^ e< friends tor Sp«rt*nbarg. Prof. s< Jogan is the progressive prlnci»pl of the Santuc school. ai The Sims high band is pregress- v ng very nicely with Prof. Hardin C lirector. S Mr. J, W. Nicholas social workr «t Camp Croft visited home h: oik last weekt , Y Mrs. Lottie W. Bolden has re- it urned to her home after a^ snc^fol cessful school term. $ WI NNSKOKO N KWS Fairfield Co. Tr. school iB clos ng one of the moat successful «rms in. the history of her car'<m . Wediiesday, May 14th exer ises by Bttr and 6th grades. Or he 16th exercises by 1st, anc hid grades; 19th the 3 and 4tt rrades, on the 21st the 7th grade erforms; on the 23rd the Oratorcal contestants will speak for the :old and silver. The annual sernon will be delivered Sunday at :30 by Rev. Leroy Jackson,- pasor of Wayman AME church. Or he 26th Class Night, and the fials will take place Tuesday 27, 'resident Edward W. Brice ol !linton College, Rock Hill will deivw the graduating address. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Pickett o! Camden witnessed the Mother's )ay program at St. Paul Baptist hurch last Sunday. The Doctor ras guest speaker. The splendid udience enjoyed his timly adress. Mrs. Jessie Russell and little dopted daughter, Elizabeth reurned from various places i n Iklahonra last Friday, where they ave for sometime been visiting elatives and friends. Rev J. M. Beatty attended the Itate Convention whieh mininnaH t Spmt-nnhnrg Hti ropm-tod i.tfl rand proceedings to his churches 'unday. Mother's Day was held at the vaious churches of the town last lunday. Rev. J. M. Smith has just comleted a successful revival meeting ist weelr.. Miss Marguerite ^Richmond of 1'hite Oak went to Baltimore last »*eek for her vacation. Miss Emma Beatty and Miss .indsay both teachers at Finley li school were visitors of the Jr. nd Sr. Prom given last Tuesday ite. They and also Miss Sara Beaty were week end visitors of oui own last week. Rev. and Mrs. Isaiah Benson rere seen in town last week..They re from Spartanburg. .Miss Willie^ Mr Code and Mr. Alen Mitchell were home from Clinon Jr. College last week. Mr. Joe Youn$ who has been ill or sometime is improving, but lowly atths writing. Mr. and Mrs. Clearance motored o Orangeburg last Sunday to see rer parents. ^Thcy report a very leasant stay^ s. 'airfield's Annual Prom a Success One of the most Impre m* af. airs held at Fairfield Co. Training chool was the Annual Jr. and Sr. 'rom, on Friday evening May Dth t the school auditorium. Smart, is the term which delightylly^.deacribes -the- -affair-. Harold une'and his Orchestra enrapturng everyone with there rhythmic nusic, the strikingly beautiful decrations of honeysuckle and baloons with the soft glow of greer ellow and red lights, the girls ir >vely evening gowns and genial ir of gaiety in the atmosphere, iade the I5d teachers, students nd friends reluctant to hear the wing version of the closing: meloy Home, Sweet Home. All were appy to express to the Jr. Class heir thanks for a pleasant even1£- UIKNDSIIIP A. M. K. CHURCH Rev. H. \\. W alker, Pastor Clinton. .S. C..Large crowds worshiped at Friendship during he entire day, beginning with the >. S. class No. 2 held the banner rr^ftnance and attendance Sunday, he morning's message by the aster was in keoninc with.tiws ay. Text found Exodus :-9 theme Mothers' Reward, Rev. Walker vas at his best. The-pastor welomed a large number of friends -th lucaLand out-of-town. Among he out.of town visitors were Mis.s Ucclia Metz, Washington, D. X.; Icssis Theodore Herrmg-Um; Toy lair llartsviile, S. C. At 8 o'clock we witnessed tht tothers' Day-program. We wish n thwnlf thri *** TT~ .w..v iiiciiiuck o \J 1 mi, tie n»n Baptist church and Mt. Olive fTMTET. church who joined in the elcbration of Mothers' Day. Our rogranis aren't limited to denom nation. .Mrs. Lela B. William* of N. Y. 'ity has returned after spending week with her parents Mr. and Irs. W. M. Blakely. Miss Arcolu Metz tyf Washington, t). C., orinerly of this city, is here visting relatives and friends. She j a^ the home of Mrs. Qctavia ropelamT Mf. Hebron Baptist Church Rev. A. A. Sims, Raster The S; S. opened at the usual nnr wirh thQ Mw I li U tuth. All teachers were pres nt. At 4:00ip.m. the Busy Bee Hub, Young People's Progressive nd the You Cdn club, all of Heron met in a joint meetinc at te church. After devotional serices, the meeting was turned over > Mrs. Marjr S. Williams, advior of the You Can club. A scheme looting wa8 carried out. Each per on was given a piece of material f different color each parson then iscussed the piece selected. Much ras gained from the meeting. At 8 o'cloek a Mothers' Day pro ram was given. The church wa-> cautifully decorated wjth whit*; n<j red roses. Everybody errjoyi the recitations, readings, and olos. Ms. Connie Johnson of Columbia rid Miss Vernella Thomas, Green ille, are visiting Mr. and Mrs oleman Williams on North Broad t. Mr. Elijah Young, his son and Is wife Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland oung, also Mr. Douglass Hill vii ed in Charlotte, N.C. 8un. guests f Mr. Elijah YOdnffs daughter, triV E. Refcsa. # ST. MICHAEL METHODIST T CHURCH _P_ * I Rev. W. J. Gupple, Pastor Kidk'k Highway Rally Ts History ^ i A Grand Success » , m i Sunday was a great day ut St. ? Michael all day. The church j. school opened at the regular h6ur 1 with Supt. and teachers at their 01 respective places of duty. The morning services began at . 11:15 with the choir marching to their places singing, "The Church One Foundation." Just before the _ aermonT-this being Mother's Dajr Bishop King in very fitting words presented ten Methodist Hymnajs to the church, a giTf~from Mes1 dames Gordon and Mason daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. IS. J. Sawyer, in memory of their mother. _ Solo, "Mother O' Mine." Mr. C. A McCullough accompanied by Miss B. G. Lawton, both members oi ine cennetcsvme mgh raculty Our pastor presented Bishop L.H. King, A.B., D.D., of the Atlantic .Coast Area Central Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church, Atlanta, Georgia Bishop King ascended ' the pulpit and took his text from St. Mark.11-17. Some.-of.the- f . points.wsr»i What.the church 3 should be; What men would make ^ it; The value of the church, What men think it is, and should be. 1 f. Whether we help the church to be as it is written; 2. Or whether we should make it what 8 we think it should be. Bishop * King really "delivered a master- ^ piece. » In the afternoon we were fa- f vored with Negro Melodies renr > dered very beautifully by the sen g ior choir. Miss Mary Jane Johnson sang a solo The Lord's Prayer, which was very good, sweet and appropriate. Bishop King delivered a very frj forceful address to an apprecia- kh tive audienee^We were glad to sic r have our white friends witness an this address, and all of the after. El noon services, ' 4( The evening services opened up with a song service of spirituals led by Rev. W. J. Gupple. Short talk by Bishop King just before Id the Big Rally. The captains and \. amounts reported: R Mrs. Dona P. Bristow, 367.50 Mrsses Beulah Graham, Georgia Jackson and Mrs. Thomas Town- "r1 send $01.05; Mrs. H. E. Coving- c0, ton $25.00; Mrs. Marie Covington ^ol S26.1U-Mrs, ©rake $15.05; Mrs. :-Wr-J. Gupple $'2:1.00, Ella Cook $27.00; Miss Martha on Irvin $.18.00; Mrs. C.D. Wright $14.25; Mrs. Mattie Allman $25.00 th( Mr. Ed. Munnerlvn $52.25*-~ Mr SK - -T. 1.. Laddy $12 hb; Mr. Harold ^ Bkckmon..-Mi ixjreiTzn M< cook $41.82; Mr John Lawson $7.00; Mr. Joshua Zimmerman aP $25.00; Mr. Harris Cain $17.00 ea Mrs. Elizabeth "Thomas $26.25; Mrs V. B. Quick $25.50; Miss B. Rhrdrne Salley_$25.1G; Miss A. iy | Louise Jahnson $32.00; Mrs. Chas. . Gray $5.00; Mrs. Alberta Lee- e getle $23.50; Mrs. Thos. Richard| son $26.15; Mrs. Beatrice Bay- nard $15.00; Miss Ophelia McKav P. $23.25; Miss Emily McKay $26.00 JJ". Mrs- -Jearnette Johnson $25.15. ^ Lawyer Exom one-bf our white ., friends cave $5.00 in the public pj collection. Quite "a few eonlrrbuted just after the captains made i1!1 their reports. The proceeds foi the day around $830.00. The associate ministers through pa. out the day Rev. A. Mack Dis- f. trict Supt. of the Bennettsville Histiict, .1 W. Taylor;.N~ TBowen, T. J. Pendergrass, C. D. uS Wrihgt and Rev. Frrersorv. - .We wish to tlmilk &I1 our neigh boring churches, friends far and pr near, white and cojored for their . "ooperation, tn helping to make L.0 the day a grand survoA :R^v.- W. J. Gupple is all smiles over the success. Our hats oft to Rev. Gupple and his madam. ^ Thrs is thp^greatest amount ever . raised since the lato iRev. J. B !cf Taylor was- pa-tor here ~ .-e! 7 RIDGE SPRING NEWS The Mothers* Day program spon scl tored by Mrs. Ida Peterson, Chr.; Cai Mr: G. L. Crawford, Miss B. Wil- n liams and Mrs. Mary Broadnax was enjoyed by a large audience. |.i The title of the play "Mother, The Rd Queen 0f Our Heart". Applauses Th oulll be hf'Hivl niiiutl,, u "iicn viiv others li.id $30.05 on the table. »he A.fter_the program Rev. A. C. ve, .Jones preached a wonderful sermon. The f rand total raised in ] 11 the collections was $51.49. ] The L. P. A. club is sponsoring < . s inII»i Sunday ft e'elweli. 7ml 'ohn Vlavis will jf>each. Come io< one come all. off The monthly S. S. Teachers' r meeting which was held at th« 11 home of Mr. and Mrs. M. VV. Ham fr<; rhond was quite a success. A de- th« liciois -repast was served, The del next meeting will be at the ers church. jng Miss Grace L. Meacham of Co- Da lumbia is spending sometime with era Miss Jegsye Hammohd. the Mi-, and Mrs. Alfonso Hammond anjJ sons of Camden spent the j,\ &eek' end with their parents Mr. GO and TVfrs. T. F. Hammond and Rev. »] add Mrs. L.'Gomillion. Wa Miss Vera Hammond is at Foun ^ itin Inn spending sometime with ^ci her husband, Mr. James I). Ham- j mond. rin Mr. John Broadnax a student of enc Benedict college, spent the week fj# end homo with hlR parents, Mr. por and Mrs. E. W. Broadnax. * cjr< tha wal 8UB8CRIBE FOR i-SS 'THE PALMETTO LEADERijJ* Saturday, May 17, 1941. llassified Advertising Column * jecrah-Notices, Cards- of ThanTu~^ emoriains, Birth Announcement# arriage Announcements. etc., ar larged for at the rate of 10c pt te. Cash must ricompany th der. Minimum charge 30c. IN MEMOWAM -I«.loving-memory ef our larling mother and grand mo- ^ her, Mrs. Lee M. Griffin, who >assed away two years ago tolay, May 12, 1939. precious one from us has gone voice we loved rs stilled, K place is vacant in our homo Which never can be fi'led. tVe miss the sunshine of hei face, ler fond and loving care )ur home ig dark without you mother, iVe miss you everywhere. ^ }od in His wisdom has^ recalled I The boon Hh> love had given, ^.nd though the body moulders here, i'he soul is safe in Heaven. Sadly missed by children and rrand child: Almena E. Griffin Duncan ______ rfayme i. Griffin, Leonard Grifin, Robert Griffin, Paul Grifin, Gilroye A. Griffin, Gilroye V. Griffin, Jr. n CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many ends of Coluinbia, S. C., for idnes.s and sympathetic expres>ns shown during our daughter d sister's death, Mrs. Gertrude izabfth Morris, Sunday^.A-pril 1941.- --Mr._ and Mrs. Henry Franklin" and Family. BERTY HU.T. M. E. riM'PC'H !ev. W. M.' Thompsoon. .Pastor Sunday, was a busv d,. v ai.Lib- I Ly Hill. The Sunday school was J nducted by the Supt. The lesi wrji reviewed bv Prof. E. Free - m--le nf'~SAi>itt "'"'Ti'di d-.~ ?n sc hool. The b. nner was left Bible class. After a short prayer meeting ? pastor led two funeral proces- * >ns in the church .*» ce_XIreejr~and Mr -Simon Frank >re-trharr tr thousand people witssed the double funeral. It was unumial scene. Many expresscomplimentary remark^ on the ty the two funerals were preach 4 Hum one n*xi at me same time T the pastor. At 4:30 p.m. the church was fill to hear the Baccalaureate sarin preached to the gr&duates oT Paul Junior high school by the stor. Rev. Thompson proved nself a master in thought and __^== livery. He held is audience spell and. Many teachers said if wa< 2 best they have ever heard, of. W. G,. \yhite the efficient d popular principal, was loud in praise of Rev. Thompson's set >n. Prof. A. M. Anderson princi- I of Scott Branch Junior high tool was present and" expressed nself as having enjoyed the ser ^ d >n and advised the class to fol- v the instructions given by the eacher in his masterly discourse "+t" was very timely and appro- ~ iate. At 8 p.m. a play Mothers' Devon« was given by Mrs. Carrie irtin. Thin play pictured «rwetP~ gulated family and was en 'ed by a large crowd. The rally 03.00. We are moving up ware anciaTIy," spiritually u»d numerilly. Fifty-nine persons' have ned the church since dOnference. anks ,be to God for the sucHe has given us thru this an of God: M Mrs. Mary L. Thompson is home ain after closing a .successful 100I term at Van Wyck in Lander county. Our pastor is all smiles now. Presiding Elder Parker w s .vn and witnessed the annual ucational sermon by Rev. Mr. ompson. He was pleased to aw that Liberty Hill is ready for District conference which corv=". ies the 15th and 16th inst. BETH El. A M v rununu lev. B. J. Hutchinson, Pastor 5t. George.Sunday school was lea flHlBF ay tHE Supt. Mr. *eph Jones with teachers and A icers at their poRt of duty. w rhe morning services began at :30. The pastor took his text m St. John 17:14, subject: Mo>r. A very fine discoume was ivered by the pastor v>n moth- ' . There were quite a few wear both color roses. A Mothers' y program was rendered. Sevd selection8 were rendered by Silver Staff quartet. HE CITY CIRCUIT INC. FORWARD The third quarterly conference M a held at St. Mark A. -M. E. ^ ireh, May 4, 1941. At lluSfl lock the Presiding Elder Rev. [,. Benbow preached a soul stir g sermon. At 3:30 the confer-1 e was called to order with Dr. L. Benbow presiding. The rets were good from all over the 'uit, with 22 converts. Many t had fallen asleep has been aten by Our Pastor, Rev. A. R A man. He \n doing a great k at Lake City. The presiding >r wii paid oat and we raised quarter $314.85. .V

Theola Green^ Juanlta

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W^~ THE OLD GRAYFBy Kev. K. Philip Ellis .

wvs^'vW » '!' '!

War Wants The Best

f It is a faithful saying that evei

'death likes a shining mark." It'lamentable how our country is being scrapped of its very best younjmen to enlist hi the Army to fighwhich mejuis slaughter if war con

tinues. When I say best men,mean from a physical, intellectuaand moral viewpoint Of course thiis as it should be; but it is a pit;for sudh men to be called firslThere is a good for nothing, shiftless and diseased, as veil as sorr


sort left behind. It appears thathey should be called first, an

placed in front of the battle. Sa

killed by the thousands it woulsrmply be a matter of good ricdance to the world. Being-*left e

home they arej rio more than a

affliction upon humanity. They arwife- beaters, children.deserter:whiskey drinkers work shirkers an

everything else than what a mashould be. It's awful to see thvery best specimen of humanitdrafted lor war; among whom ai

ry?...utir yoimg~men\ \vhen,~t:h« worstleft behind. Let us pray that --pttalented sons may be preservefrom the destruction of war. arthis; trifling element left here ihome iiniy be reformed.

Help EthiopiaCharleston is thoroughly orgai

ized to send aid to Ethiopia. TV..:. emnmHtec representing the TntC

denominational Ministers Unionheaded bv Rev. J. \V. Murph, witRev. C. S. Lcdbetter. treasurer. H

<b report submitted to the report*which i* only progress is as folows: Revs. J. E. Beard, $1.00;L. Brewer $1.00; R E. Bropdo$1.00 W. R. Campbell $1.00; J. \Currv $1.00; J. C. Dunbar $1.01E. Phillip j?His -$1.00. D. S. Frisier $1.00; I.. L. Farmer $1.00;S. Ledbetter'$1.00, R. I.'I.emon 5S B; Mackev $1; S. M Miller $(1. B. Mitchell. $1. J. \V. Murph $J R. Pearson $1 .1 T Pi.-Vnnn tS. H. Scott $1, J. W. White $

^ Westmore "White $1: D. X. Wilsr$1; Prof .T. C Berry $2.

Messrs. A. J, Clement $1; F. .1McCormick $1; George Stroble $Cah in Gaillard $1; E Poinsette JJulius Grant $1; T. J. Gaillard $

«. rselsorr ?!; SanUfrt Faber $J (Mark $1; "A. Davis $1. I.. Tiecutt $1; W. N." Jackson, Jr. $1.

Ri-lionoa VT *.f CI .

L. Melton $1: Alma Bullani $M. M. Green Sen wright $1. E. 1.jx.>L i unk Til, It. W.Jj*j\mpbell $t, f; mhviq m

Misses W. A. Norris $1: ElorBrown $! ,.

Publie offering $1.00; EbeneziA. M. E. church -$7^7^; Trinity jM. E, church $2.25; Morris BrovA M. E. church $7.29; Morris SBaptist church $7.01; Weslev Melodist church Mr. Thomi.lgiSaine-$l .09; uratwl total $75.8

BranchvilleIn company with Mcs-V; T. Elland Mr. Eugene Taylor, a faithfiofficer of our church we attondithe closing exorcises of Brandvilli* colored school.-where we d<livered its alinual- message. Th

was one of the greatesL.occasio>witnessed this season. Mr Robe;.-\sniev Junior, princrpal is amonthe best school heads in the.counteducation* system^ Other momESof""h'l.s scnooTT'roup are Misses Wihidmma Hird. Effie Walker, Blordell Thonpi-, M1-^ V T> ""another young lady whose namwe dofi't recall. All of whom arefficient teachers. At this servicwere Mrs. Greene, County Supet.agj&dr and Mrs. Rowe, critic <State College. These, tiogethewith Mrs. Ellis made brief, biI iinely- addresses atrthpvdose~oT tilprogram.

St. I,likeEver\body is invited to our coi. ner sloiioj laying the fourth Surday-iri this month, which will Lat .'C30 p. m. The fchurch is locateat 240 St. Philip St. The religiouservice will be in charge of thInterdenominational Union witDr. R E. Biogdon presiding. Thst(»ne will be laid by the Free anAccepted Masons with S. P. Poirsette Grand District Deputy otfic:ating. This will be an occasion c' long remembrance.f.et us advarce on our knees.

DDI BI.K BRANCHA. M. K. CHURCHRev. H. C. Cunningham. PastorSunday j-tnnny found themselveout tn tin' house of worship. Sunday s hool opened at 10 o'cloelwith- Mrs. .Iulia Hampton the as

^ «jStnL Supt. and- co-worRers ifchange. The lesson was beautifully discussed in all classes an'fifterwards reviewed by the assistant Supt.Rev. Cunningham waj nr«»"nI" x ovat Mt. f'isga'h where he deliverer

a powerful sermon. A MothersDay program was splendidly carried out honoring rM:-r~wonderfuday.At 7:30 p.m. a lovely MothersDiy program in all its beautifulcolors was carried out at Double

Braneh, celebrating this great occasion, which was noted by thelarge attendance of members andfriends. -Rev. Cunningham congratulatedall on this unique program.

* Come to--Double" Br<>nch ancT enrjoy our programs and serviceswith us.

Cora Coleman, reporter,




M i-ss Willie Mae Taylor, now anurse at Edyth R. Thomas Me-niorial Hospital, Detroit Michigans visiting her parents and Mrs.

"She wljl be in the city until theJ:trd of thrs month.

Miss Anna Todd, Mrs. Clara17" Johnson, Fred Johnson, Mr. ands Mrs. Jean Robinson were the din. ner guests of Mrs.- Mary Garyy V.st Sunday. After dinner theyj motored to Spartanburg to visit. 'he brother of Mrs. Gary who isj io\v recovering from a very serIous illness.q The funeral of Mr. Joe Maddox-was held at the St. Peter Church

t of God on Fine St. Sunday. Hewas. until his death, the leader

v of an orchestra that has been foimn'.ny years, qurte popular thruoutthis part of the state and the

ti lower part of-western N. C.Mrs Hnwi'iis,.the.grandmother-

ofMr. John Bowens, died Thursdaynight at her home on Green^line after being sick for sometimen Franks and Spn had charge of,e funeral arrangements.9 Prof. Lawrence Bowen of Anni St.. who is «n instructor at th«n high school in Marion, had toe come home several weeks ago be~v cause of illness. It rs reported

that he is improving rapidly ntr- thiu llfflp .

[ <c "*'"T' .r~^7 For the convenience of those\v'ho wish to attend the singine

, convention in Honea Path on the^ fc. iTh' Sunday "m this month, it

has h«en arranged for a bus to'<» ve.Springfield.church.that.arm. and return to the same pointwhen the program is over. Anyi-"ii" may obtain more information

lP about this trip by calling Mrs.p.- frTTreva Young ~ot Pirie "St". Her

te'ephone number, is 1258-J.h Mrs. Mamie Williams of Philadelphia,who formerly resided on>r Wardlaw St. of this, city, passed\. -away- there last week. The funer^al was held Tuesday at Isracaln Chapel CME church. Interment\t was at a cemetery at Hodges. S.C.

jr !> utli Mae I'olhertp. Shocks Community51j. Miss Mae E. Tolbert died Sunjday afternoon after a brief perI.ii'd "f iiin<^_.Site had been un~jwill for several weeks, but she)r" -vidently considered herself strongenough to carry on her regularj duties. According to report she1 ivas at work in her office in the.j Ti mple Building Saturday. MissT"'hert. a graduate.of.BwnudietI fiilteee, was formerly a teachers_° 'n one of the schools of Greepvillecounty and for a number ofj vcai^ served as secretary of thej .' Gieenville County Teachers' Asj'so- iation. At the time _of.by*p~"drrrthsee neld a position as an

uiriclal-of.The.Working Benevo5e1 c* t Society, an organization ofwl ich her father, the late Mr. J

BA. (Capt. Jim) Tolbert. wins on.<jof- the leading officers.


th wt'STO\ chapela. m. ii. chl'rch

fk'V. M C. Williams, pastorCii owlwood --Sundays was a fine

I day for church goers and the mem(() h« rs of Weston Chapel proved thisfoi they were out in full numbersj The Sunday school opened at the.jj. visual hour. The Supt. Mrs. E. OOu ter and faculty were- at theiirf post of duty, and after a brief dis-^ussi-on of the lesson and review,the Sunday school closed,jr 1 Thf*- Pastar rovtrtmr."T^hTTV, - -

j K.v<.im;u n most powerful Mo I1 titer's Dav sermon, which was cer- I

u inly eiiju^l'd by Ull. Among the Ivisitors present was Mr. Sumpter I,e Prrrin of the city.

At 3:30 p.m. your humble ser-1.-ant-visited the City Choir Union!V "Nrr 3. and with Mrs. Georgie Par-Jkci" of Ninety Six, president, I am Ihappy to say that it was a very I'fine meeting. II seemed that the!wliole band of Greenwood pnoplelhrnt~jfotten together and was sing-1ing at one time. *

At six o'elock the ACE league!assembled and had tHnTF^dftteTTssibali- of the topic. After which at 8:001o'clock the whole church member-1ip assembled for our Mother's!s Dav program, which was good. All!r the boards in Weston Chapel are!}i hi active service and have already!, helped the trustees considerably. Ii\ The Men's Club Mr. R. C. Hunt.1t*. "'w osident has built lovely brick Ii- steps to the Church. Stewardess!if N'o. 2, Mrs. Mary E. Williams,*ip,ni csidentr pakDthr^insrrranCe preny lf'um 4ind Stewardess BoafcTNoT l7|M's. Ida Hawkins, Pres., had the!plumbing repaired. The Missionary ICircle, Mrs. PatSy Sims. Pfpq ""111. HP iJl Fl'l/lUy mght at the home of IMi s. A. L. Childs, 701 Millwee St. IThe Junior Missionaries, Mrss Mir-I,iam Derr, Pres. will meet Sunday!;< evening at the same place. Alii,^ members of each are. asked to b* Irrresent.r We are especially inter-I,'

ested in Jhe service of God and!,I are working^ arduously and hard tr |.push forward. ' I'


All) CI.UB. ; I'I The cluh Vir.1.1 "*

i. nrt-r li i: ^ HI v

'hp homo of Mrs. ^Sjillie Huffhes 'Wednesday, fi o'clock' The meetIit; was called to order by the (.''resident, Mrs. Amelia K(4** ' Af- ('or the devptions^were carried ou' '

'he minutes were read by the Sec 'rotary, Misg Lizzie Jontf. Unfin- 1ished business and new businesswas then discussed by the club.\fter a social half hour, duringwhich the hostess served ice cream <arid cake. The club adjourned tomeet May 21 with Mrs. Emma Out «en nn Wkverley Street,




The Mother's Day programsponsored by the Woman's Sbcietyof Christian Service was an eventlong to be remembered. It is ithe talk af the community, The <

noble women of this spendid 1iroup distinguished themselves as 1

worthy leaders. According to Rev. iPorter, they have the ability to 1do, and help do things. Mrs. Ma-mie Dubose, who was the presid- i

in officer in her remarks to Jhe twomen told them that this is only '

the beginning of things we can *

and must do for our church. Mrs. 1Nettre Jeffery made splendidThe society will meet, Friday atthe home of Mrs. Sudie Peeplesat 4 p.m. The followin is the re-port by captains: Mrs. NettieJeffery $3.25; Mrs. Mamie Dubose <

$2.50; .Mrs. Carrie Byrd $3.00;Mis. Ruth Harris $2.00 Mrs. TheolaPorter $2.50;-Lite Woods 1

$2.50; Mrs. Alice Dukes $2.25;Mrs. Maria Rivers 75c Mrs. JuanltaDaniels $1.00; Mrs. Mary 'Marcus '2.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Mar- 'tin $3.25; Mrs. Mary ;Davis EOc, 1

mis. i--UQ11e wartin *z.bU; Mrs.Lela Woods 50c; Miss OpheliaMixon $2.50; Mrs. Mavdona SanTTers$2.00; Total $32.55.~M1. M. I). B^'hpst» rn.Lake h

QTty and Kirigstree last week visiting relatives and friends. MrsNatlee Thompson of Spartanburewas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. MD. Dubose last Sunday.Mr. J. T. Thomas spent the dayin.Charlotte, N. C. last Sunday

visitingfriends. Mr. and Mrs.James Pettigrew have finished remodellingtheir home. It is lovelyand. beautiful. Mrs. C. Rogers-spent"'last- week"end in Camdenvisiting relatives and friends.

Mrs. I.izzie Burke spent lastweek rn Winnsboro S.C. visitingfriends. Mr. R. L. Byrd is all

smilesover the fine lot of chickenssold last week. $20 worth.

Lamar High School

The grammar school graduatingExercises were held at John WesleyMethodist church WednesdayMay 7. Thirty pupils qualified foi

Department. The certificateswere awarded by Mr. MbNeil Hairis teacher in charge of the class*

Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, accompaniedby Misi. Jennie HarperMr. Johnie Muck, Mr Furniss:wacK nnq Mr. J. 1>, Flimrhg moJaw.,1r* .1 L.'_ r» a in.»i i-n i<_> v. tiiuniuia saiurnay tovisit -Mr. Bennie Martin at theVeterans Hospital.The annual fernion of the La-. 1

mar Junior High school w.as.da.HverccT~Sundayaftornoon at 4rOQ

of Columbia. The service waslargely attended.The Senior Class raduating exercisewill be held at the John

Wesley church Thursday night.Ma.v lix.-The .principal address !will be delivered by Mrs Andrew ^-W. SimUins. Diiectui Negro Pro-"gi am South Carolina Tuberculo-sis Association.

Sandy -drove Methodist Church JLast Sunday was quite a busyT*t-_ xr i <

uuv. 1 nc .uomers' Day programsponsored by the Woman's Societyof Christian Service, Miss Hat-tie Rivers, mistress was.present-edby the president Mrs. MarianRivrs. Among the populhr speak- _

ers were Mrs* "

Rebecca KirVin,Mrs \yi-1hp1mtna Brown, Mrs, WmBrown,Mrs. R. M. Byrd, Mrs. M.Rivers Rev. M. J. Porter. Mrs. K.Kin in. Mis. !. M. Wdods, Mrs, J.

Harris were the officiating stew-ardesses. The financial report was'good. The Society will meet atthe homo of Mr. and Mr" cCtillough Friday, 4 p.m. Amongthe visitors were Mr. GeorgeWashington, Miss Corla Mae of jGtrrtersvfHr. Mr Washington Tsregarded as a leading churchmanHe told the congregaton in histalk last-Sunday how to boost the jchurch. He said as laymen, wemust consecrate our lives to Godby praying, paying and service.We regret to learn that littleKim ree Burroughs got her armbroken last Tuesday but pleasedto note that she is doing fine. She jis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Corbett Burroughs. (The Community Club under the f

leadership of Mrs. Benjamin madethe mothers happy last Sunday,by. ivin eneh n basket- of fruit._'Mrs. Dora McLain wishes to e*press appreciation and thanks to 5the members of the Club for her '

Mother's Dav Rift.The funyml kmiMs for Mr. 1

Dick Mack, who died Wednesday 1April 7th were conducted at San 'iy drove church last Sunday. Mr. *Sanders of Hartsville was the undertakerin charge.Sandy Brove's pastor, jpfRcers 1

nnd members will the guests 'jf the Alcot charge Sunday af- '

ternoon at 4 p.m. According toMr. C. Burroughs, the Brother- I Imod Society will conduct the ralv.Rev. M. J. Porter, Rev. W. 1Frasier, Rev. Geo. Washington. 'Vfj-. and Mrs. Dudley Burris, Mr. Pmd Mrs. Tsaac GHmore were the slinner quests of Mr. and Mrs.\rthur Burris last Sunday. mMr. and Mrs. Raymond Byrd a

ailed a^_the parsonage- last Mon 1fay niffht on business. Mr. and 1tfrs. R. L. Byrd will he the din- Fier quests of Mr. and Mrs. To- 1

and Byrd Sunday. i'c


Subscribe For f

Hie Palmetto Leader 1

j .. ..

ill", Ml. "Mil- '.* J-..-MWU4


Rev. G. H. White, Pastor

Mullins.At the appointed hour jSunt. Wavmon Huyhes conducted>ur Sunday school. Bro. W. L tFoxworth gave a very interesting ^review. For the Children's Hour <;Jhe pastor told about Roland ;

Hayes' Memorial to hrs mother. tAt the Adult hour the pastor's j(message was, The Mother of Je- .

?us was There. Mrs. Janie Hunter rjnited with the church, and Mr. g1. E. Scott recently converted was tfellowshipped into the church. trhe Junior choir gave appropriate nmusic for the day. * pAt 8 o'clock our Mothers' Day qprogram was had. Mrs. Elwood jjDlavis was chairlady assisted byMesdames Lrllie Dozier, Viola q3rissett Maggie Jackson and oth- £srs. The program was unique. cThe Pioneer Quartet rendered sev v

Dr. M. S. Robinson, Prof. E. ^Richardson artd our pastor haveaeen selected from our communityto serve on the Marion Co. Advis- tory Board, to assist Draftees to ^fill out their blanks for Uncle a.

Sam.The Little Ones Club under the

<upervrsion of Mrs. Janie Car- ^"«» *- Hfiu -MICII JJ1VIIIC ml t, «i

^phurch.lawn.Saturday. Aftei gwhich they were civet* a trip to oDillon.Mrs. Martha White has gone rto Laurens to spend awhile with gher mother and little daughter

Who attends school there._Rro. W..L. "Foxworth.is.aponsoringa Men-Women popularityrally for the church July 14tK yOur esteemed Presiding Elder.Dr. H. D. Ramsey will hold his3rd quarterly conference the 1st ^Sunday it* June. j11he Grissett-Pickett families aof our church held their re-union ^Sunday afternoon at Bro. James tGTTssett's. Over 7.rt persons were tpresent. What a time was had.

UNION NEWS IN'-^ro Business Meet in Sims Hi iW. I. Peek. Gut st SpeakerA very unique, interesting, and *

'nstructive program was ludd ntSims hi^h school Monday evening "s

May 12, for the purpose of cpea- *

ting "in our youth a deeper inter- ^i' t for "Negro Business* and tooririg about a wanner fellowshipKtween the community and the jbusiness leaders of l*nion and Unioncounty...r ..

Prof. A. A. Sims, noted educatorand progressive teacher spon-'

-o'td' this1 very line ai d unusual ^program. The following program *.vas rendered: -


Musk'. Nfegtb' .'National Anthem.PrVver, Rev. C. C.Coleman. WmU icome on behalf of the Elks, Mrs. .

1. G. Douglas, Mr.'S. G. Gist; Busi 1

ness, Prof. G.\V. Bolden, Dr. L. n

A. Sartor: Education, Prof C. L. J3'hiistie. ''The speaker was introduced by

[)r. L. W. Lonv. Mr Ppetr cnnti.'rom the subject "The Negro ami a

Hi.i'itu »*'...Much information andnspiration was gained from thi-. a

excellent address. Along with a

n: ny other helpful suggestion.1-- jjgiven.in regard to how "NegroBtisiness" may be improved, Mr Jetk gave seven points which he 11

egarded as stepping stones to asuccessful business: 1, Advertise;I, Keep a full stock of goods andhave sprroundings inviting; 3, Cojperatewith the community; 4, "vA thorough knowledge of youi tproducts; 5, Manifest an interest gn ' verything., .going on.in.tb'- -qommunity. f>. Be a co'mpetitor. ,.ut be co-operative; 7, Be cheerfuland courteous. "1This address will linger long in ;

the minds and hearts of all those ..who were priileged to hear this'Business Wizard".Music waa rendered by the glc

dubs of Sims high and elementary jschool. Special music was render- \id bv the Sinvs Hr band. After ^h( 4program a delicious supper via.served.Kacp person left with the idea

in mind to try to perpetuate sonn ,>f high ideals set before- ur.<in order to have more "Negro .

Business" and "Better Negro Busine V. --

Miss Allen V. Nicholas who_hasserved the N.C. Mutual office here ('or some time as elevk-cashier fahas been transferred to the dis- \rict office at Spartanburg where jshe will serve the district as cash- fier. Miss Helen Kennedy will pake the poistiorr in the Union of- j,

.Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Williams willsoon move into their beautifulvew home on N. Pinckney street.Mrs. Rosa Lee Washingtonn and h

lttlfl aaiigftWl- hive moved bach f:o Union since the sad death of eier husband Mr. M. D. Washing- Qon. '

aThe many friends in Union of h

dr. A. T. Pearson deeply sympa- tl,hize with him in the loss of his varother, Mr. Joseph Pearson of t<Orangeburg.Prnf P. T uin nf PnoL ~

iHI is here visiting' friends. si

Chaplain Johnson of Camp Croft o>reached at Bethel church Sunday dnorning. He brought with hirr. w

quartet. They rendered severalelections. gProf. W. M. Bovan attended ser b

'ices at Bethel Sunday morning a;>nd spent the evening visiting^ e<friends tor Sp«rt*nbarg. Prof. s<

Jogan is the progressive prlnci»plof the Santuc school. aiThe Sims high band is pregress- v

ng very nicely with Prof. Hardin Clirector. SMr. J, W. Nicholas social workr«t Camp Croft visited home h:

oik last weekt , YMrs. Lottie W. Bolden has re- it

urned to her home after a^ snc^folcessful school term. $


Fairfield Co. Tr. school iB closng one of the moat successful«rms in. the history of her car'<m. Wediiesday, May 14th exerises by Bttr and 6th grades. Orhe 16th exercises by 1st, anchid grades; 19th the 3 and 4ttrrades, on the 21st the 7th gradeerforms; on the 23rd the Oratorcalcontestants will speak for the:old and silver. The annual sernonwill be delivered Sunday at:30 by Rev. Leroy Jackson,- pasorof Wayman AME church. Orhe 26th Class Night, and the fialswill take place Tuesday 27,'resident Edward W. Brice ol!linton College, Rock Hill will deivwthe graduating address.Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Pickett o!

Camden witnessed the Mother's)ay program at St. Paul Baptisthurch last Sunday. The Doctorras guest speaker. The splendidudience enjoyed his timly adress.Mrs. Jessie Russell and littledopted daughter, Elizabeth reurnedfrom various places i nIklahonra last Friday, where theyave for sometime been visitingelatives and friends.Rev J. M. Beatty attended the

Itate Convention whieh mininnaHt Spmt-nnhnrg Hti ropm-tod i.tflrand proceedings to his churches'unday.Mother's Day was held at the vaiouschurches of the town last

lunday.Rev. J. M. Smith has just comleteda successful revival meeting

ist weelr..Miss Marguerite ^Richmond of

1'hite Oak went to Baltimore last»*eek for her vacation.Miss Emma Beatty and Miss

.indsay both teachers at Finleyli school were visitors of the Jr.nd Sr. Prom given last Tuesdayite. They and also Miss Sara Beatywere week end visitors of ouiown last week.Rev. and Mrs. Isaiah Benson

rere seen in town last week..Theyre from Spartanburg..Miss Willie^ MrCode and Mr. AlenMitchell were home from ClinonJr. College last week.Mr. Joe Youn$ who has been ill

or sometime is improving, butlowly atths writing.Mr. and Mrs. Clearance motored

o Orangeburg last Sunday to seerer parents. ^Thcy report a veryleasant stay^s.'airfield's Annual Prom a Success

One of the most Imprem* af.airs held at Fairfield Co. Trainingchool was the Annual Jr. and Sr.'rom, on Friday evening May Dtht the school auditorium.Smart, is the term which delightylly^.deacribes-the- -affair-. Haroldune'and his Orchestra enrapturngeveryone with there rhythmicnusic, the strikingly beautiful decrationsof honeysuckle and baloonswith the soft glow of greerellow and red lights, the girls ir>vely evening gowns and genialir of gaiety in the atmosphere,iade the I5d teachers, studentsnd friends reluctant to hear thewing version of the closing: meloyHome, Sweet Home. All wereappy to express to the Jr. Classheir thanks for a pleasant even1£-UIKNDSIIIP A. M. K. CHURCHRev. H. \\. W alker, Pastor

Clinton. .S. C..Large crowdsworshiped at Friendship duringhe entire day, beginning with the>. S. class No. 2 held the bannerrr^ftnance and attendance Sunday,he morning's message by theaster was in keoninc with.tiwsay. Text found Exodus :-9 themeMothers' Reward, Rev. Walkervas at his best. The-pastor welomeda large number of friends-th lucaLand out-of-town. Amonghe out.of town visitors were Mis.sUcclia Metz, Washington, D. X.;Icssis Theodore Herrmg-Um; Toylair llartsviile, S. C.At 8 o'clock we witnessed tht

tothers' Day-program. We wishn thwnlf thri *** TT~.w..v iiiciiiuck o \J 1 mi, tie

n»n Baptist church and Mt. OlivefTMTET. church who joined in theelcbration of Mothers' Day. Ourrogranis aren't limited to denomnation..Mrs. Lela B. William* of N. Y.

'ity has returned after spendingweek with her parents Mr. and

Irs. W. M. Blakely. Miss ArcoluMetz tyf Washington, t). C.,orinerly of this city, is here vistingrelatives and friends. Shej a^ the home of Mrs. QctaviaropelamTMf. Hebron Baptist Church

Rev. A. A. Sims, RasterThe S; S. opened at the usualnnr wirh thQ Mw I li U

tuth. All teachers were presnt. At 4:00ip.m. the Busy BeeHub, Young People's Progressivend the You Cdn club, all of Heronmet in a joint meetinc atte church. After devotional serices,the meeting was turned over> Mrs. Marjr S. Williams, adviorof the You Can club. A schemelooting wa8 carried out. Each peron was given a piece of materialf different color each parson theniscussed the piece selected. Muchras gained from the meeting.At 8 o'cloek a Mothers' Day proram was given. The church wa->cautifully decorated wjth whit*;n<j red roses. Everybody errjoyithe recitations, readings, andolos.Ms. Connie Johnson of Columbia

rid Miss Vernella Thomas, Greenille, are visiting Mr. and Mrsoleman Williams on North Broadt.Mr. Elijah Young, his son and

Is wife Mr. and Mrs. Clevelandoung, also Mr. Douglass Hill viied in Charlotte, N.C. 8un. guestsf Mr. Elijah YOdnffs daughter,triV E. Refcsa.




I Rev. W. J. Gupple, Pastor

Kidk'k Highway Rally Ts History ^i A Grand Success »

, mi Sunday was a great day ut St.? Michael all day. The church j.school opened at the regular h6ur1 with Supt. and teachers at their 01

respective places of duty.The morning services began at .

11:15 with the choir marching totheir places singing, "The ChurchOne Foundation." Just before the

_ aermonT-this being Mother's DajrBishop King in very fitting wordspresented ten Methodist Hymnajsto the church, a giTf~from Mes1dames Gordon and Mason daughtersof the late Mr. and Mrs. IS.J. Sawyer, in memory of theirmother.

_ Solo, "Mother O' Mine." Mr.C. A McCullough accompanied byMiss B. G. Lawton, both membersoi ine cennetcsvme mgh racultyOur pastor presented Bishop L.H.King, A.B., D.D., of the Atlantic.Coast Area Central Jurisdictionof the Methodist Church, Atlanta,Georgia Bishop King ascended '

the pulpit and took his text fromSt. Mark.11-17. Some.-of.the- f

. points.wsr»i What.the church 3should be; What men would make ^it; The value of the church, Whatmen think it is, and should be. 1

f. Whether we help the churchto be as it is written; 2. Orwhether we should make it what 8we think it should be. Bishop

* King really "delivered a master- ^piece. »

In the afternoon we were fa- fvored with Negro Melodies renr >dered very beautifully by the sen gior choir. Miss Mary Jane Johnsonsang a solo The Lord's Prayer,which was very good, sweetand appropriate.

Bishop King delivered a very frjforceful address to an apprecia- khtive audienee^We were glad to sicr have our white friends witness anthis address, and all of the after. Elnoon services, '

4(The evening services opened upwith a song service of spiritualsled by Rev. W. J. Gupple. Shorttalk by Bishop King just before Idthe Big Rally. The captains and \.amounts reported: RMrs. Dona P. Bristow, 367.50Mrsses Beulah Graham, GeorgiaJackson and Mrs. Thomas Town- "r1send $01.05; Mrs. H. E. Coving- c0,ton $25.00; Mrs. Marie Covington ^olS26.1U-Mrs, ©rake $15.05;Mrs. :-Wr-J. Gupple $'2:1.00,Ella Cook $27.00; Miss Martha onIrvin $.18.00; Mrs. C.D. Wright$14.25; Mrs. Mattie Allman $25.00 th(Mr. Ed. Munnerlvn $52.25*-~ Mr SK

- -T. 1.. Laddy $12 hb; Mr. Harold ^Bkckmon..-Mi ixjreiTzn M<cook $41.82; Mr John Lawson$7.00; Mr. Joshua Zimmerman aP$25.00; Mr. Harris Cain $17.00 eaMrs. Elizabeth "Thomas $26.25;Mrs V. B. Quick $25.50; Miss B.Rhrdrne Salley_$25.1G; Miss A. iy| Louise Jahnson $32.00; Mrs. Chas. .Gray $5.00; Mrs. Alberta Lee- egetle $23.50; Mrs. Thos. Richard|son $26.15; Mrs. Beatrice Bay-nard $15.00; Miss Ophelia McKav P.$23.25; Miss Emily McKay $26.00 JJ".Mrs- -Jearnette Johnson $25.15. ^Lawyer Exom one-bf our white .,friends cave $5.00 in the public pjcollection. Quite "a few eonlrrbutedjust after the captains made i1!1their reports. The proceeds foithe day around $830.00.The associate ministers through pa.out the day Rev. A. Mack Dis- f.trict Supt. of the BennettsvilleHistiict, .1 W. Taylor;.N~TBowen,T. J. Pendergrass, C. D. uSWrihgt and Rev. Frrersorv.

- .We wish to tlmilk &I1 our neighboring churches, friends far and prnear, white and cojored for their ."ooperation, tn helping to make L.0the day a grand survoA

:R^v.- W. J. Gupple is all smilesover the success. Our hats oftto Rev. Gupple and his madam. ^Thrs is thp^greatest amount ever .raised since the lato iRev. J. B !cfTaylor was- pa-tor here ~



The Mothers* Day program spon scltored by Mrs. Ida Peterson, Chr.; CaiMr: G. L. Crawford, Miss B. Wil- nliams and Mrs. Mary Broadnaxwas enjoyed by a large audience. |.iThe title of the play "Mother, The RdQueen 0f Our Heart". Applauses Thoulll be hf'Hivl niiiutl,,

u "iicn viivothers li.id $30.05 on the table. »heA.fter_the program Rev. A. C. ve,.Jones preached a wonderful sermon.The f rand total raised in ]11 the collections was $51.49. ]The L. P. A. club is sponsoring <

. s inII»i Sunday a» ft e'elweli. 7ml'ohn Vlavis will jf>each. Come io<one come all. offThe monthly S. S. Teachers' r

meeting which was held at th« 11home of Mr. and Mrs. M. VV. Ham fr<;rhond was quite a success. A de- th«liciois -repast was served, The delnext meeting will be at the erschurch. jngMiss Grace L. Meacham of Co- Dalumbia is spending sometime with eraMiss Jegsye Hammohd. theMi-, and Mrs. Alfonso HammondanjJ sons of Camden spent the j,\&eek' end with their parents Mr. GOand TVfrs. T. F. Hammond and Rev. »]add Mrs. L.'Gomillion. Wa

Miss Vera Hammond is at Foun ^itin Inn spending sometime with ^ciher husband, Mr. James I). Ham- jmond. rinMr. John Broadnax a student of encBenedict college, spent the week fj#

end homo with hlR parents, Mr. porand Mrs. E. W. Broadnax. *



Saturday, May 17, 1941.

llassified AdvertisingColumn *

jecrah-Notices, Cards- of ThanTu~^emoriains, Birth Announcement#arriage Announcements. etc., ar

larged for at the rate of 10c ptte. Cash must ricompany thder. Minimum charge 30c.


-I«.loving-memory ef ourlarling mother and grand mo- ^her, Mrs. Lee M. Griffin, who>assed away two years ago tolay,May 12, 1939.

precious one from us hasgone

voice we loved rs stilled,K place is vacant in our homoWhich never can be fi'led.

tVe miss the sunshine of heiface,

ler fond and loving care)ur home ig dark without you

mother,iVe miss you everywhere. ^}od in His wisdom has^ recalled IThe boon Hh> love had given,^.nd though the body moulders

here,i'he soul is safe in Heaven.

Sadly missed by children andrrand child:Almena E. Griffin Duncan ______rfayme i. Griffin, Leonard Grifin,Robert Griffin, Paul Grifin,Gilroye A. Griffin, GilroyeV. Griffin, Jr. n

CARD OF THANKSWe wish to thank the manyends of Coluinbia, S. C., foridnes.s and sympathetic expres>nsshown during our daughterd sister's death, Mrs. Gertrudeizabfth Morris, Sunday^.A-pril1941.---Mr._and Mrs. Henry Franklin"

and Family.BERTY HU.T.M. E. riM'PC'H

!ev. W. M.' Thompsoon. .PastorSunday, was a busv d,. v ai.Lib- ILy Hill. The Sunday school was Jnducted by the Supt. The lesiwrji reviewed bv Prof. E. Free -

m--lenkfns-nf'~SAi>itt "'"'Ti'di d-.~?n school. The b. nner was leftBible class.After a short prayer meeting

? pastor led two funeral proces-*

>ns in the church .*»

ce_XIreejr~and Mr -Simon Frank>re-trharr tr thousand people witssedthe double funeral. It wasunumial scene. Manyexpresscomplimentaryremark^ on the

ty the two funerals were preach 4Hum one n*xi at me same time Tthe pastor.At 4:30 p.m. the church was fillto hear the Baccalaureate sarinpreached to the gr&duates oTPaul Junior high school by the

stor. Rev. Thompson provednself a master in thought and __^==

livery. He held is audience spelland. Many teachers said if wa<2 best they have ever heard,of. W. G,. \yhite the efficientd popular principal, was loud inpraise of Rev. Thompson's set

>n. Prof. A. M. Anderson princi-I of Scott Branch Junior hightool was present and" expressednself as having enjoyed the ser


>n and advised the class to fol-v the instructions given by theeacher in his masterly discourse"+t" was very timely and appro-


iate.At 8 p.m. a play Mothers' Devon«was given by Mrs. Carrieirtin. Thin play pictured «rwetP~gulated family and was en'ed by a large crowd. The rally03.00. We are moving upwareanciaTIy," spiritually u»d numerilly.Fifty-nine persons' havened the church since dOnference.anks ,be to God for the sucHehas given us thru thisan of God: MMrs. Mary L. Thompson is homeain after closing a .successful100I term at Van Wyck in Landercounty. Our pastor is allsmiles now.Presiding Elder Parker w s.vn and witnessed the annualucational sermon by Rev. Mr.ompson. He was pleased toaw that Liberty Hill is ready forDistrict conference which corv=".

ies the 15th and 16th inst.

BETH El. A M v rununulev. B. J. Hutchinson, Pastor5t. George.Sunday school waslea l» flHlBF ay tHE Supt. Mr.*eph Jones with teachers and Aicers at their poRt of duty. w

rhe morning services began at:30. The pastor took his textm St. John 17:14, subject: Mo>r.A very fine discoume wasivered by the pastor v>n moth- '

. There were quite a few wearboth color roses. A Mothers'

y program was rendered. Sevdselection8 were rendered bySilver Staff quartet.

HE CITY CIRCUITINC. FORWARDThe third quarterly conference Ma held at St. Mark A. -M. E. ^ireh, May 4, 1941. At lluSfllock the Presiding Elder Rev.[,. Benbow preached a soul stirg sermon. At 3:30 the confer-1e was called to order with Dr.L. Benbow presiding. The retswere good from all over the'uit, with 22 converts. Manyt had fallen asleep has been atenby Our Pastor, Rev. A. R Aman. He \n doing a greatk at Lake City. The presiding>r wii paid oat and we raisedquarter $314.85.
