!!!"#$%&$’()%(*+,-+%"&*. !"#$% ’()* /*,0.% 23 4550% 6 ’’’ +#",-.// +-0123 4567#13 !8992 the CHARGER 789*(: ;-)$ <&$**, The score was tied 9-9 and Taekwon- do student Daniel Delmastro found him- !"#$ !&’()*+ ,-.* /)! -00-*"*& )* ’ 1*’# ,"’&/ 2’&3/4 )* ./)3/ &/" 1(!& 0"(!-* &- score advances to the next round. This .’!*5& &/" 1(!& &)2" &/" -00-*"*&! /’, met. Just wo years ago, they had faced off in Atlanta, where Delmastro had, “scared -6& -$ 7/)!8 2)*,9 ’& /)! 1(!& &-6(*’2"*&4 lost. But Delmastro refused to lose to the same boy again. Instinctively, Delmastro executed a kick to his opponent’s chest for one point. He won the match, and ultimately went on to win gold in the tournament. :/-6+/ /" +’(*"(", ’ ;(-<"* 1*+"(4 ="#- mastro took more than that away from the arena. >?/"* @-65(" 1+/&)*+4 @-6 ,-*5& $""# anything. When you’re in the ring, you re- ally on use 20 percent of what you know. Every time you learn more,” Delmastro said. “(The experience) proved that I had the potential.” Now a senior with a poom belt, one level before black, Delmastro is much more familiar in the arena and mat. After all, he is at the dojung at Ra Kama’s Martial Arts Academy every night. After school, he is there teaching class and practicing for two-and-a-half to three hours, and on weekends, he’s in the dojang all afternoon. It’s an “addiction” for Delmastro. “I pretty much go when I like I’m not doing anything,” Delmastro said. “I have work, and if I’m not working I have band, and if I don’t have band, I go (to the dojang.)” His journey with Taekwondo began years ago, when Delmastro turned eleven. His older brother, Andrew was taking Hapkido from Kama when Delmastro saw him participate in a demonstration. “After that, I had questions about it,” Delmastro said. “He told me that master Ra offered Taekwondo too, so Andrew and I started Taekwondo at the same time.” Taekwondo is a form of martial arts that originated in Korea. According to the World Taekwondo Federation, Tae- kwondo is more than a discipline of the body—it is a discipline that “shows ways of enhancing (the) spirit and life.” Because Taekwondo seeks to cultivate the spirit, Master Rah teaches an academic curricu- lum addresses the philosophies of Tae- kwondo. In order to advance in ranking, students must master certain creeds and !"#$%&" ()%%$ * 4 -+#%+: #* :%=%,*> .?5%,9 -+ ’ >*5-#-=% .’++%( ’+: ’=*-: ’+?#$-+) #$’# !*0,: -.>’-( .? .%+#’, *( >$?5-&’, )(*!#$" Student learns ways of ancient martial arts The Oxford School District Department of Special Education teaches and prepares students with disabili- ties for their future. The journey from education to post-education living can be difficult. Dr. Patricia Austin, Director of the Department of Special Education, believes that students with dis- abilities require more than academics in order to get the skills they need to become independent members of society. “With a lot of kids with disabilities, we have got to be able to offer these kids everything we can possibly do so that when they are an adult, they are not as de- pendent for everything, so that they are independent people in the community,” Austin said. “Hopefully, they can go to college and get a job, and that’s why it’s so important. If we just focused on academics, we would miss that connection to adult living.” To provide these students with skills outside of aca- demics, Austin wrote a BOLTS grant, which stands for Building Opportunities for Transitions and Suc- cess. This grant funded $48,000 this year to the De- partment of Special Education for activities and pro- grams that provide students with disabilities skills for their “transition.” “Transitions, when we speak of it with students with disabilities, is preparing those students to go from the school environment to post-school environment which is adult living,” Austin said. “We are preparing students to go to college, go to a job or go to a Techni- cal Training Program. This is teaching them skills so that they can be independent in the community.” The grant supports six transition activities this year,one of which is “Transition Videos.” “With the videos, the intention was to do some short movies about jobs that are available within the communities whether the job is a chain, McDonalds is one that is in many communities, or it could be jobs unique to Oxford such as Holli’s Sweet Tooth. The in- tention is to give students an idea of what is involved when you work at those kinds of places.” That’s where the the OHS Broadcast Media depart- ment comes into the picture. “(The broadcast department) puts together the Transition Videos, which are about things students who are in the Special Education department could do after they graduate,” OHS Broadcast Media advi- sor Marni Herrington said. “(The broadcast students) Grant supports transition videos +: ;<1#.= >?#"@8<9 .’+’)-+) %:-#*( !"#$$%&’ )"*+,&") %& "-, .#//#&)0 )"*+,&" !"$A B"-- %&",12%,3) !"-.A C"@%.9/"<80 D7.: E"-1.< 4&+ C.,8/#8 B8--8"#15 6477 -4) 34&",+ "# 8, 4 1,$#1",1 9#1 "-, $4)" "3# :,41)5 D"$8<1" F"#<.# Oxford High School was paid a visit from Dr. Myra Gil- lis and Anthony Williams, Rep- resentatives of the external review team with SACS. Both Gillis and Williams observed classrooms and interviewed stu- dents, as well as some parents on Feb. 19, 2013. The district constructed an improvement plan in prepa- ration for the representatives’ visit according to assistant prin- cipal Kathy Howington. “For instance, we needed to make plans to bridge the achievement gap,” Howington said. “We also want to have a way of contacting parents to get them more involved.” For Howington, the prepa- ration for the committee was “very stressful.” “There is so much work put into it, you don’t know the personality of the people that are going to come,” Howington said. Howington was “particu- larly scared” because she had heard “horror stories about how they are just nitpicky and just trying to catch you doing something wrong.” However, they were not like that in any way. According to Howington the representa- tives were “very impressed” with the school and wanted to “brag” on the accomplishments of the school. “They talked in such pro- fessional way of what we need- ed to improve on,” Howington said. “They don’t tell you how to improve but what you need to start looking at because even as a top school district, you need to start looking better.” According to Howington the student interviewees were split into two groups. One group was interviewed by Gillis and the other by Williams. The interview consisted of ques- tions such as “What type of op- portunities do you have here?” and “Do you think your school has more opportunities than others?” A total of 15 students interviewed with them through- out the day. One of these students was sophomore Desirae Gladney. “I feel pretty blessed to be able to be at this school,” Gald- ney said. “The other schools that I have been to have not had as many opportunities as OHS.” Once the interviews were over, Williams informed How- ington that the students had “OHS swagger.” “He said he thought the students really liked coming to OHS,” Howington said. “And the (students) were very proud of OHS.” SACS visit proves positive +: !"#@"#./ G#8<@-. 5#’99 !(-#%( "+, (+-./,. 0+112,2 342 51673, -810-9:82, -99;24-. 4,-6 +: C7#" H%.< %:-#*(@-+@&$-%9 !"#$%&" ()%%$ < ;,/#&)"14"%&’ 4 -%’- <%=<0 ),&%#1 C"<8.- C.-,"9/#7 $14="%=,) >4,<34&+#5 ;,7/4)"1# %) 4 $*/, 8,7" 4&+ 3#1<%&’ #& -%) 874=< 8,7"5 ?@"A) "-, 8,)" $*87%= )=-##7 %& "-, )"4", 8: 9415B !"#$%&’ )&*+, !"#$%&’( ?C, -42, ’##+ 4=4+,/D %=) 4&+ :#*A1, 4734:) "1,4",+ ,E*477:5B -..#’/"+# !&&0 )*+%*&*"# ?>-, ,+*=4D "%#& %) ’##+5B 1"+23# 4#%,. ,-(.*" ?@/ $1#*+ "-4" #*1 )=-##7 +#,) )# 3,77 %& "-, )"4",5 ? -52%+’ )&.," )#(.*" Question: What makes you proud to go to OHS? I%. ;#/ 4 -+#%+: #* :%=%,*> 5%,9@:-5&->,-+% -+ *(:%( #* A(-+) *0# #$% A%5# -+ .?5%,9 ’+: *#$%(5 = "%&>&"! ?@ ">%AB?&$? (?#)"%!C D&"%E)D"C F%)!%G%)>&(% !%H@;(?&")?H D&$?ID">JH% track field & ,K89-3L,M 1L 8/N O D& >("D?& D& >("D?& D& >("D?& F14="%=%&’ #& 4 7%9,D7%<, +*//%,0 ),&%#1 C"<8.- C.-,"9/#7 +#,) 4 G*/$ <%=<5 ;,7/4)"1# )4%+ "-4" $14="%=%&’ #& "-%) <%&+ #9 +*//%, ’,") -%/ /#1, *),+ "# 4="*477: /4<%&’ 8#+: =#&"4="5 ;-- G%7/79 J: KLA. D.<A8<9 See Taekwondo Page 2 See Transition Videos Page 3 !’./.(0 !" $%&’() *(+, "),--’ .))-%/01&(’(02 "01/31435 According to the new MS Public High School Account- ability Standards, schools are ranked on a letter grade scale, much like grades at school. )1’" )3%**/ 4.0% 5#"6*"&.(0 )-33#$$6-/ . 6 7 73’8#&.3 9’13% 8 9 8/N <

theCharger Newspaper March 2013

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The March 2013 edition of theCharger Newspaper.

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Page 1: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

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The score was tied 9-9 and Taekwon-do student Daniel Delmastro found him-!"#$ %!&'()*+%,-.*%/)!%-00-*"*&% )*%'%1*'#%,"'&/%2'&3/4% )*%./)3/%&/"%1(!&%0"(!-*%&-%score advances to the next round. This .'!*5&% &/"% 1(!&% &)2"% &/"% -00-*"*&!% /',%met. Just wo years ago, they had faced off in Atlanta, where Delmastro had, “scared -6&%-$ %7/)!8%2)*,9%'&%/)!%1(!&%&-6(*'2"*&4%lost. But Delmastro refused to lose to the same boy again. Instinctively, Delmastro executed a kick to his opponent’s chest for one point. He won the match, and ultimately went on to win gold in the tournament. :/-6+/%/"%+'(*"(",%'%;(-<"*%1*+"(4%="#-mastro took more than that away from the arena.% >?/"*%@-65("%1+/&)*+4%@-6%,-*5&%$""#%anything. When you’re in the ring, you re-ally on use 20 percent of what you know. Every time you learn more,” Delmastro said. “(The experience) proved that I had the potential.” Now a senior with a poom belt, one level before black, Delmastro is much more familiar in the arena and mat. After all, he is at the dojung at Ra Kama’s Martial Arts Academy every night. After school,

he is there teaching class and practicing for two-and-a-half to three hours, and on weekends, he’s in the dojang all afternoon. It’s an “addiction” for Delmastro. “I pretty much go when I like I’m not doing anything,” Delmastro said. “I have work, and if I’m not working I have band, and if I don’t have band, I go (to the dojang.)” His journey with Taekwondo began years ago, when Delmastro turned eleven. His older brother, Andrew was taking Hapkido from Kama when Delmastro saw him participate in a demonstration. “After that, I had questions about it,” Delmastro said. “He told me that master Ra offered Taekwondo too, so Andrew and I started Taekwondo at the same time.”

Taekwondo is a form of martial arts that originated in Korea. According to the World Taekwondo Federation, Tae-kwondo is more than a discipline of the body—it is a discipline that “shows ways of enhancing (the) spirit and life.” Because Taekwondo seeks to cultivate the spirit, Master Rah teaches an academic curricu-lum addresses the philosophies of Tae-kwondo. In order to advance in ranking, students must master certain creeds and




Student learns ways of ancient martial arts

The Oxford School District Department of Special Education teaches and prepares students with disabili-ties for their future. The journey from education to post-education living can be difficult. Dr. Patricia Austin, Director of the Department of Special Education, believes that students with dis-abilities require more than academics in order to get the skills they need to become independent members of society. “With a lot of kids with disabilities, we have got to be able to offer these kids everything we can possibly do so that when they are an adult, they are not as de-pendent for everything, so that they are independent people in the community,” Austin said. “Hopefully, they can go to college and get a job, and that’s why it’s so important. If we just focused on academics, we would miss that connection to adult living.” To provide these students with skills outside of aca-demics, Austin wrote a BOLTS grant, which stands for Building Opportunities for Transitions and Suc-cess. This grant funded $48,000 this year to the De-partment of Special Education for activities and pro-

grams that provide students with disabilities skills for their “transition.” “Transitions, when we speak of it with students with disabilities, is preparing those students to go from the school environment to post-school environment which is adult living,” Austin said. “We are preparing students to go to college, go to a job or go to a Techni-cal Training Program. This is teaching them skills so that they can be independent in the community.” The grant supports six transition activities this year,one of which is “Transition Videos.” “With the videos, the intention was to do some short movies about jobs that are available within the communities whether the job is a chain, McDonalds is one that is in many communities, or it could be jobs unique to Oxford such as Holli’s Sweet Tooth. The in-tention is to give students an idea of what is involved when you work at those kinds of places.”That’s where the the OHS Broadcast Media depart-ment comes into the picture. “(The broadcast department) puts together the Transition Videos, which are about things students who are in the Special Education department could do after they graduate,” OHS Broadcast Media advi-sor Marni Herrington said. “(The broadcast students)

Grant supports transition videos+:&;<1#.=&>?#"@8<9




Oxford High School was paid a visit from Dr. Myra Gil-lis and Anthony Williams, Rep-resentatives of the external review team with SACS. Both Gillis and Williams observed classrooms and interviewed stu-dents, as well as some parents on Feb. 19, 2013. The district constructed an improvement plan in prepa-ration for the representatives’ visit according to assistant prin-cipal Kathy Howington. “For instance, we needed to make plans to bridge the achievement gap,” Howington said. “We also want to have a way of contacting parents to get them more involved.” For Howington, the prepa-ration for the committee was “very stressful.” “There is so much work put into it, you don’t know the personality of the people that are going to come,” Howington said. Howington was “particu-larly scared” because she had heard “horror stories about how they are just nitpicky and just trying to catch you doing something wrong.” However, they were not like that in any way. According to Howington the representa-tives were “very impressed”

with the school and wanted to “brag” on the accomplishments of the school. “They talked in such pro-fessional way of what we need-ed to improve on,” Howington said. “They don’t tell you how to improve but what you need to start looking at because even as a top school district, you need to start looking better.” According to Howington the student interviewees were split into two groups. One group was interviewed by Gillis and the other by Williams. The interview consisted of ques-tions such as “What type of op-portunities do you have here?” and “Do you think your school has more opportunities than others?” A total of 15 students interviewed with them through-out the day. One of these students was sophomore Desirae Gladney. “I feel pretty blessed to be able to be at this school,” Gald-ney said. “The other schools that I have been to have not had as many opportunities as OHS.” Once the interviews were over, Williams informed How-ington that the students had “OHS swagger.” “He said he thought the students really liked coming to OHS,” Howington said. “And the (students) were very proud of OHS.”

SACS visit proves positive+:&!"#@"#./&G#8<@-.
















Question:What makes you proud to go to OHS?





track field&,K89-3L,M'1L'8/N'O






See TaekwondoPage 2

See Transition VideosPage 3



According to the new MS Public High School Account-ability Standards, schools are ranked on a letter grade scale,

much like grades at school.







Page 2: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

State U.S. History test eliminated

Cont. from Page 1

Korean sayings, or “Articles of Faith.” For Del-mastro, this aspect of Taekwondo has played an !"#$%"&!'()*+(%)!"),!-).*+/&,0 “Since I started it, I have had an incredible '1+$"&)+2 )-%(234+"56%"4%)7$!(6)$89:);%(1'-&*+)said. ) <%)(++=-)$8)&+)>'-&%*)?',9)/,+)8('4%-)%1-phasis on respect, and teaches children from a @+$".)'.%)&+)*%-8%4&)&,%!*)%(6%*-0) ) ) ) )AB+*)&,%)(!&&(%)=!6-C)4('--9)'.%-)&,*%%)&+)5D%9)he’s really big on bowing to parents and getting &,%1)&+)4(%'")&,%!*)*++1)'"6)1'=!".)-$*%)&,%@)don’t talk back,” Delmastro said. “He’s really big +")7%!".)*%-8%4&2$() &+)@+$*)%(6%*-)'"6)6+!".)'-)@+$C*%)&+(60))))))>'-&%*)?',)'(-+)%18,'-!E%-)*%-8%4&!".)6!22%*-%"4%-)7@),!-)+/")7%,'D!+*)&+/'*6-)D'*!+$-)2+*1-)of martial arts. “He’s really open-minded,” Delmastro said. “We’ve had other martial artists come train Tae-kwondo and he tells them to stay open-minded, 7%4'$-%),%C(()-&'@)+8%"31!"6%60: Taekwondo has helped Delmastro to better $"6%*-&'"6),!1-%(20)))))AF+!".)!"&+)G'%=/+"6+9)!&)'(()H$-&)H+!"%6)&+-.%&,%*)(!=%)')8$EE(%9:);%(1'-&*+)-'!60)AI&)'(()-&'*&-ed ‘making sense.’”

) ) ) ) )J$**%"&(@9) !")8*%8'*'&!+") 2+*),!-)7('4=)7%(&)&%-&9);%(1'-&*+)&'=%-)'6$(&)4('--%-)%D%*@)G$%-6'@)'"6)G,$*-6'@) '(+".)/!&,) ,!-) +/") 8*'4&!4%0) ) I")order to advance, Delmastro will not only have &+)4+18(%&%)'")'4'6%1!4) &%-&9)7$&) '(-+)')8,@-!-

4'()&%-&)8'*&9)/,!4,)/!(()!"4($6%)sparring, breaking wooden boards, and mastery of spe-4!54)A8++1-'%9:)+*)')A-%*!%-)+2 )moves” similar to a dance that !"4*%'-%)!")6!254$(&@0))))))AK'4,)4+(+*),'-)')2+*1)$"-&!()@+$).%&)$8)&+)&,%)7('4=)7%(&9)and then each degree of black belt has a new form,” Delmas-tro said. However, Delmastro also is preparing for something big-

ger. He is teaching classes to transition from a A-&$6%"&)1+6%)!"&+)')&%'4,%*)1+6%0: “It’s a completely different ballgame,” Del-1'-&*+) -'!60) AL>'-&%*) ?'-M) "%%6-) &+) .%&)1%) &+)learn how to work with people better and how to &%'4,)8%+8(%),+/)&+)'88(@)&%4,"!N$%9)*'&,%*)&,'")1@)H$-&)6+!".)!&0:)))))O,%"),%)7%.!"-),!-)5*-&)-%1%-&%*)'&)P"!D%*--!&@) +2 )>!--!--!88!9) ,%) '"6) ,!-) &*'!"!".) 8'*&"%*9)

Q+-,$')>$-%9)/!(()7%)4+'4,!".)'"6)4+34'8&'!"!".)&,%)G'%=/+"6+)&%'1)'&)R(%)>!--0)G,%)&%'1)/!(()be a part of the eastern conference, and compete /!&,)-4,++(-)2*+1)B(+*!6')'(()&,%)/'@)$8)&+)>'---'4,$-%&&-0)))))AG,%)&%'1),'-"C&)7%%")'*+$"6)7%4'$-%)>'-&%*)?',) &'$.,&) !&) 2*+1) CST) &+) CUV) '"6) &,%"),%)N$!&)7%4'$-%) ,%) +8%"%6) $8) &,!-) -4,++(9) ;%(1'-&*+)said. “He talked to me a while ago saying that he wanted me to coach it.”)))))B+*);%(1'-&*+9)&,!-)!-)H$-&)'"+&,%*)-&%8)!"),!-)H+$*"%@)/!&,)G'%=/+"6+0)<%),+8%-)&,'&)+"%)6'@)he can own a dojang of his own. In the mean-&!1%9);%(1'-&*+)!-).%'*!".)$8)2+*),!-)+/")&+$*-nament season this year. In total, he has won his 7*'4=%&)'&)&,*%%)+$&)+2 )&,%)2+$*)&+$*"'1%"&-),%),'-)8'*&!4!8'&%6)!"0)G,%-%)&+$*"'1%"&-9)!")W'-,-D!((%9)X&('"&'9)'"6)W%/)R*(%'"-9)'*%)+8%")&+)G'%-=/+"6+)-&$6%"&-)'*+$"6)&,%)4+$"&*@0) It’s safe to say that Delmastro has a lot more %Y8%*!%"4%) $"6%*) ,!-) 7%(&) &,'") 4+18%&!&!D%)'/'*6-0))R")'"@).!D%")"!.,&9)6*!D%*-)+")P"!D%*-!&@)Ave. can see Delmastro practicing in the dojang, ')-+(!&'*@)7+@)6+!".)#!8-)'"6)=!4=-9)-/%'&!".)8*+-2$-%(@) $"6%*) #$+*%-4%"&) (!.,&-0) Z+1%&!1%-9) !&C-)8'-&)1!6"!.,&)7@) &,%) &!1%);%(1'-&*+) &$*"-)+22 )the lights and locks the door to the dojang.)))))>'@7%)+"%)6'@9),%C((),'D%)')=%@)&+)')6+H'".)of his own.

2128 West Jackson Ave.Oxford, MS


Open 9am - 7pmMonday - Saturday


2128 West Jackson Ave.Oxford, MS


Open 9am - 6pmMonday - Saturday

News Briefs

Science Fair

)))))?%4%"&(@)H$"!+*)J!"6@)G+*1')4+18%&%6)!")&,%)-&'&%)[+%&*@)R$&)\+$6)4+18%&!&!+")!")Q'4=-+")'&)&,%)>!--!--!88!)[$7(!4)]*+'64'-&!".) -&'&!+"0) Z,%)8('4%6) 2+$*&,) '&) -&'&%) '2&%*) 8*%D!+$-(@) 8('4!".)&,!*6)'&)*%.!+"'(-0)G+*1')*%4!&%6)A>+"%&)?%2$-%-)&,%)R8%*'&!+":)7@)\!-%()>$%((%*)'"6)AW$17%*-:)7@)>'*@)J+*"!-,0)) G+)8*%8'*%9)G+*1')&$*"%6)&+)&/+)!"6!D!6$'(-)/!&,)%Y8%*!%"4%)!")&,%)-$7H%4&)+2 )8+%&*@)*%4!&'&!+" “I worked after school with Dr. Jernigan, /,+)!-)+"%)+2 )&,%)2%/)8%+8(%)!")>!--!--!88!)/!&,)') 6%.*%%) !") &,%'&%*9) '"6) ')/+"6%*2$() '4&+*9) &++9)'"6)>*-0);'$.,6*!((9)'-)/%((9:)G+*1')-'!60)O%"6@);'$.,6*!(()!-)&,%)-4,++()(!7*'*!'"0) “We also had a regional clinic with the other &/+)4+"&%-&'"&-)2*+1)&,%)W+*&,%*")*%.!+"9:)G+*-ma said.) Z4,++() 4($7-) '"6) '4&!D!&!%-) ,'D%) ') 2'4$(&@)-8+"-+*9) 7$&) [+%&*@) R$&) \+$6) !-) '") !"6!D!6$'()competition.) A>*-0);'$.,6*!(()/'-)&,%)4(+-%-&)&,!".)I),'6)to a teacher sponsor - that is, she’s the person who /'-),%(8!".)&,*+$.,)%D%*@)-&%89)&,*+$.,)4,++-!".)'"6) 1%1+*!E!".) '"6) 6%D%(+8!".9:) G+*1') -'!60)AZ,%)/'-)')&+")+2 ),%(89)'"6)IC1)*%'((@).*'&%2$(0:

Poetry Out Loud

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news2 !!!"#$%&$'()%(*+,-+%"&*. !!!!"#$%&!'()* /01*(234-)$35&$**, the CHARGER

Clubs promote RebelTHON

Sophomore Heidi Davidson won’t have &+) -$22%*) &,*+$.,) &,%)P0Z0)<!-&+*@) &%-&) (!=%) ,%*)7*+&,%*9).*'6$'&%)b%D!");'D!6-+"9),'6)&+0)<%!6!);'D!6-+") -'@-) -,%) !-)1$4,) ($4=!%*0) Z,%)/!(() 7%)&'=!".)P0Z0)<!-&+*@)!")&,%)_Ua^3_UaV)-4,++()@%'*9)when Common Core will be enacted and the -&'&%)P0Z0)<!-&+*@)&%-&)/!(()7%)%(!1!"'&%60) J+11+")J+*%)!-)')8*+.*'1)&,'&)&,%)>!--!---!88!);%8'*&1%"&)+2 )K6$4'&!+")D+&%6)&+)*%8('4%)W+)J,!(6)\%2&)]%,!"60)G,%)"%/)8*+.*'1)-&!((),'-)-%4&!+"-)+2 ) ('".$'.%)'*&-)'"6)1'&,9)7$&) !&)6+%-)"+&)!"4($6%)')-+4!'()-&$6!%-)-%4&!+"0) <!-&+*@)&%'4,%*)Q+,")>!-&!(!-)-'@-),%)!-)AD%*@)happy” that the test is being taken away.) AZ&'"6'*6!E%6)&%-&!".),'-)7%%")6%D%(+8%6)7@)'6$(&-9)'61!"!-&%*%6)7@)'6$(&-9)2+*)'6$(&-9:)>!-&!(-!-)-'!60)AI&),'-)"+&,!".)&+)6+)/!&,)4,!(6*%"0)I2 )@+$)

'66)$8)'(()&,%)&!1%)/%)-8%"6)+")&%-&!".9)*%3&%-&!".)'"6)*%D!%/!".)2+*)&%-&!".)+2 )'(()&,%)-&'"6'*6!E%6)testing we do in this school, we are probably 4(+-%)&+)"+&)%D%"),'D!".)%"+$.,)J'*"%.!%),+$*-)for kids to even get credit for their classes.”) Z&$6%"&-) 1$-&) ,'D%) '&) (%'-&) _V) J'*"%.!%)P"!&-) &+).*'6$'&%9)'"6)-+1%)+2 ) &,%)$"!&-)4+1%)2*+1) *%N$!*%6) 4+$*-%-) -$4,) '-) [,@-!4'() K6$4'-tion and Arts. Davidson she says that not having to take &,%)&%-&) !-)')A8($-9:)&,+$.,)-,%)2%%(-)A7'6:)&,'&)8*%D!+$-)-&$6%"&-),'6)&+)&'=%)&,%)'--%--1%"&0) AL['-&) -&$6%"&-M) &++=) &,%) &!1%) &+) &'=%) &,%)&%-&9)-&$6@)2+*)!&9)'"6)6%'()/!&,)'(()&,%)*%-&)+2 )/,'&)goes along with the test,” Davidson said. “I don’t &,!"=)!&)!-)2'!*)&,'&)I)/+"C&),'D%)&+9)7$&)I)(!=%)&,%)fact that I won’t have to take all of these tests.”) >!-&!(!-)-'@-)&,'&)&,%)&%'4,%*-)/,+)"+)(+".%*),'D%)&+)&%'4,)&,%)-&'"6'*6!E%6)&%-&!".)4$**!4$($1)/!(()7%"%5&)2*+1)&,%)4,'".%)'"6)/!(()7%)'7(%)&+)

do a better job. “I’m going to be able to revamp my history 4('--) &+) !"4($6%) 5%(6) &*!8-) &,'&) I) ,'D%) "+&) ,'6)&!1%)&+)6+)8*%D!+$-(@9:)>!-&!(!-)-'!60)AG,%)/,+(%)!6%')+2 )-&'"6'*6!E%6)&%-&!".)&'=%-)'/'@)2*+1)&,%)classroom experience. Almost every teacher I ="+/)&,'&),'-)')-&'"6'*6!E%6)&%-&!".)4('--)!-)&*@-!".)&+)6+)&,%)7%-&)H+7)&,%@)4'")&+)4*'1)'-)1$4,)-&$22 )6+/")&,%!*)L-&$6%"&-CM)&,*+'&-)'-)&,%@)4'")!")a short period of time so that they can maintain higher test scores.”) >!-&!(!-)-'@-)&,'&),%)/!-,%-)&,'&)'(()-&'"6'*6-!E%6)&%-&-)/%*%).+"%9)7$&),%)*%'(!E%-)&,'&)A&,'&C-)H$-&),+/)&,%)/+*(6)/+*=-0:)) AIC1)(++=!".)2+*/'*6)&+),'D!".)')P0Z0)<!--tory year where I can really get in there and do .*%'&) &,!".-9:)>!-&!(!-) -'!60) AW+&) &,'&)/%C*%) "+&)'(*%'6@)(%'*"!".)'"6)6+!".).*%'&)&,!".-9)7$&)I)H$-&)&,!"=)L(+-!".)&,%)&%-&M)!-).+!".)&+)+8%")$8).*%'&)'D%"$%-)2+*)$-0:)


) ?%7%(G<RW)!-)')"%/)+*.'"!E'&!+")+")&,%)R(%)>!--)4'18$-)&+)7%"%5&)\%]+",%$*9)&,%)4,!(6*%"C-),+-8!&'()!")>%18,!-9)G%""0)G@8!4'((@)&,%)G<RW)1+D%1%"&9)/,!4,)+*!.!"'&%6)'&)[%"")Z&'&%)P"!D%*-!&@)!")aSTT9)!-)')@%'*)(+".)2$"6*'!-%*9)'44+*6!".)&+)R<Z).*'6$'&%)>'!')J+&%(+9)7$&)&,!-)@%'*9)&,%)?%-7%(G<RW),'-)7%%")8$&)&+.%&,%*)!")-!Y)1+"&,-0))I&)%"6-)!")')a_),+$*)%D%"&9)')6'"4%)1'*'&,+"9)6$*!".)/,!4,)&,%)8'*&!4!8'"&-)1$-&)-&'@)-&'"6!".0))) J+&%(+)!-)&,%)4+34,'!*)+2 )2$"6*'!-!".)'"6)4,'!*)+2 )4+11$"!&@)*%('&!+"-)2+*)&,%)%D%"&9)'"6)4,+-%)&+)8'*&!4!8'&%)!")?%7%(G<RW)7%4'$-%)-,%)(!=%-)A&+)be involved in everything.”) AX-)')2*%-,1'"9)I),'6)&+)5"6)-+1%&,!".)&+)6%6!4'&%)1@)&!1%)&+9:)J+-&%(+)-'!60))AI)'1)-+).('6)I)4,+-%)?%7%(G<RW0:) J+&%(+)'-=%6)R<Z)Z&$6%"&)]+6@)[*%-!6%"&)K(+!-%)G@"%*)&+),'D%)&,%)-&$6%"&)4+$"4!()8'*&!4!8'&%)!")?%7%(G<RW9)7$&)G@"%*)-'!6)&,'&)&,+$.,)-,%)/'-)A%"&,*'((%6)'7+$&)&,%)!6%')'"6)/!((!".)'"6)*%'6@)&+),%(89:)-,%)'(-+)="%/)they “had a lot on their plates.”) AI)/+$(6)*'&,%*)-+1%+"%)%(-%)6+)!&)'"6)6+)!&)/%((9)'"6)$-),'D%)1+*%)+2 )')-$88+*&!".)*+(%9:)G@"%*)-'!60) J+&%(+)!"-&%'6)1'6%)H$"!+*)?%!6)>'((%&&%)')*%8*%-%"&'&!D%)'&)&,%),!.,)-4,++(9)'"6)&+.%&,%*9)&,%@),'D%)7%%")6!-4$--!".)&,%)7%-&)/'@-)&+).%&)R<Z)involved.) >'((%&&%)!-)&,%),%'6)+2 )&,%)6+"'&!+"-)4+11!&&%%)!")&,%)R<Z)b%@)J($79)'"6)-,%)!-)'-=!".)1%17%*-)&+).%&)!"D+(D%6)-+1%,+/9)8*!1'*!(@)&,*+$.,)&,%)6'"4%)1'*'&,+"0))>'((%&&%)-'!6)-,%)!-)A*%'((@)%Y4!&%6:)'7+$&)7%!".)')7!.)8'*&)of this event. ) AI)&,!"=)!&C-)')*%'((@).*%'&)4'$-%9)'"6)&,!-)!-)')*%'((@)2$")/'@)&+)6+)!&9:)>'((%&&%)-'!60))AI)(!=%),'D!".)')7!.)8*+H%4&9)-+)-+1%&,!".)(!=%)&,!-)!-)*%'((@)

appealing to me.”) G,+$.,)&,!-)!-)&,%)5*-&)@%'*)2+*)RY2+*6)'"6)R(%)>!--)&+),'D%)')?%-7%(G<RW9)&,%)G<RW)1+D%1%"&)'&)[%"")Z&'&%)P"!D%*-!&@),'-)7%%")*'!-!".)money each year. This year at Penn State’s dance marathon, participants 6'"4%6)L+*)-&++6M)2+*)V`),+$*-)'"6)*'!-%6)ca_)1!((!+"9)8'4=!".)'")'*%"')('*.%*)&,'")&,%)G'6)Z1!&,)J+(!-%$10) Cotelo says the point of the dance marathon is to stay standing for the 2$(()&/%(D%),+$*-)&+)A5.,&)&,*+$.,)'")+7-&'4(%9)&+)2%%()H$-&)')2*'4&!+")+2 )&,%)-&*$..(%)&,'&)&,%-%)2'1!(!%-)'"6)=!6-),'D%)%"6$*%60: The motto of the dance itself is “Stand for Hope, and Dance for \!2%d:)G,%)6'"4%)1'*'&,+")'&)P"!D%*-!&@)+2 )>!--!--!88!9)/,!4,)/!(()7%),%(6)X8*!()e)2*+1)T)8010)&+)T)'0109),'-)')cae)8*!4%0) X44+*6!".)&+)J+&%(+9)&,%)8*+.*'1)%"4+$*'.%-)'(()R(%)>!--)-&$6%"&-)&+)-&'"6)2+*)a_),+$*-9)7$&)&,%)5*-&)&,*%%),+$*-),'D%)7%%")6%-!."'&%6)'-)4+1-1$"!&@),+$*-0))G,%*%2+*%9),!.,)-4,++(%*-)4'")4+1%)2*+1)T)8010)&+)aU)8010)'"6)(%'D%9)'((+/!".)&,%1)&+)A7%)!"D+(D%6)/!&,+$&),'D!".)&+)-&'@)$8)'(()"!.,&)+*)5.,&)8'*%"&-)2+*)8%*1!--!+"9:)J+&%(+)-'!60) >'((%&&%)-'!6)&,'&)&,+$.,)RY2+*6)/!(()(!=%(@)"+&)*%'4,)&,%)'1+$"&)&,'&)[%"")Z&'&%)*%'4,%6)-!"4%)&,!-) !-)RY2+*6C-)5*-&)@%'*)8'*&!4!8'&!".9)&,%@)'*%)setting their sights high. “Any small part I can play in this and spreading the word, I’d love to be '7(%)&+)6+9:)>'((%&&%)-'!60) G,%)1'!")/'@) 2+*) -&$6%"&-) &+) .%&) !"D+(D%6) !-) &,*+$.,) &,%)/%7-!&%9)///0,%(81'=%1!*'4(%-0+*.f%D%"&f*%7%(&,+"0) )G,*+$.,) &,!-) -!&%9) &,%) -&$-dent can join the OHS team and make donations to help OHS meet its .+'(0) )G,!-) !-) '(-+),+/) -&$6%"&-) 4'") -!.")$8) &+)8'*&!4!8'&%) !") &,%)6'"4%)marathon.) >'((%&&%)!-)*%'((@)(++=!".)2+*/'*6)&+)-%%!".)&,%)+$&4+1%)+2 )&,!-0))) AI)H$-&)&,!"=)!&C-).+!".)&+)7%)*%'((@)"%'&9:)>'((%&&%)-'!60


Daniel Delmastro:6&#5!789



T H O Nmovement

“conquer pediatric cancer by provid-!"#$%&'(')"*!"#$+,%'!%")-$)"*$.")"-cial support to the children, families, researchers, and staff of the Four Dia-monds Fund”

and, at the Penn State 46 hour dance marathon last year, raised $12,374,034.46

was started at 1977

in to


G'!6%);!".g)a-&)!")Environmental ScienceZ,*%@')>'&,$*g)a-&)!")EngineeringJ!"6@)G+*1'g)a-&)!")]!+4,%1!-&*@b%D!")O'(=%*g)_"6)!")EngineeringQ'4=)J$&(%*g)a-&)!")>%6!4!"%)'"6)<%'(&,)



Computers, Engineer-

ing, and Math


Earth, Space, and

Environmental Science






Medicine and Health






Social and Behavioral





Science Fair Winners:

Science Olympiad The OHS Science Olympiad team traveled &+) &,%) P"!D%*-!&@) +2 ) Z+$&,%*") >!--!--!88!) +")B*!6'@) 2+*) &,%) -&'&%) &+$*"'1%"&0)R$&)+2 ) &/%"&@)high school teams, they won the Spirit Award '"6)8('4%6)-%4+"6)+D%*'((9)H$-&)7%,!"6)>!--!--!88!)Z4,++() 2+*)>'&,) '"6) Z4!%"4%0)G,%)52&%%") &%'1)members and two alternates each medaled in at (%'-&)+"%)%D%"&0)G,%)*%-$(&-)'*%)'-)2+((+/-g

F+(6)>%6'(-Circuit Lab: Connor Goggans, Joonhee JoDisease Detectives:)>'*=)h,'+9)Q'4=)J$&(%*Fermi Questions: Taide Ding, Connor GoggansForestry:)>'*=)h,'+9)Q+-,$')?%66!".Materials Science: ?+-'(!%);+%*=-%"9)J!"6@)G+*1'

Z!(D%*)>%6'(-Triple E: O!(()X"6%*-+"9)>'&&,%/)O!(=!"Rocks and Minerals: Q+'""')O$9)[*!4%)['*=%*Water Quality: Q+'""')O$9)>'*=)h,'+

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Page 3: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

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Oxford, Mississippi 38655

(662) 281-5790fax (886) 507-2374

bwalsh@thewalshlawfi rm.comwww.thewalshlawfi rm.com




Transition videos:

Changes in SRO system

impact school district

Robotics team wins second place at stateLoud speakers blasting upbeat

music and the voice of a female an-nouncer set the backdrop for robots facing off in an enclosed competi-tion area. The objective is to trans-port plastic rings from the edge of !"#$%&&'$!&$!"'##$'&()$&* $+#,)$&-$.$board in the center through manual control of the robot or pre-pro-gramming. Fifteen OHS students discuss strategy around their robot.

The inaugural Mississippi FIRST Tech Challenge robot-/0)$ 0".1+/&-)"/+$ (.)$ "#23$ /-$ 42#$Miss’s Jackson Avenue Center on March 2. Junior Mark Zhao says 23 teams from around the state par-ticipated in the event in the hopes &* $5#0&1/-,$&-#$&* $ !(&$ !#.1)$ !&$qualify for the FTC World Champi-onship in St. Louis.

67"#$ 0.!#,&'/#)$ 8!".!$ (#'#$9:3,#3;$ (#'#$ +#'*&'1.-0#$ /-$ !"#$ring, preparation, and the ‘Inspire’ factor,” sponsor Jim Reidy said.

The OHS team, Chargerbots, fell just short of that goal, placing

second in the overall competition and receiving third place for the <-)+/'#$ =(.'3>$ !":)$ 5.'#2?$ 1/))-/-,$ !"#$ @:.2/A0.!/&-$ +&/-!B$ C#-/&'$C.1$D&))/-,$ ).?)$ !".!$ 6!(#.E)$ !&$/1+'&F#$ 0&-)/)!#-0?G$ (&:23$ ".F#$done the job.

64:'$'&5&!>$/-$1?$&+/-/&->$(.)$intrinsically better designed than 1&)!$&* $!"#$&!"#'$'&5&!)>$.-3$/* $(#$8".3;$ 3#3/0.!#3$ 1&'#$ !/1#>$ 8(.);$capable of beating all of the other robots,” Zhao added.

For example, he says the Char-,#'5&!)$(.)$&-#$&* $!"#$*#($!#.1)$!&$5#$.52#$!&$'#.0"$!"#$!&+$'&($&* $+#,)>$("/0"$ (#'#$ )/!:.!#3$ 02&)#$ !&$ !"#$maximum extension of the robot’s arm. He says the lift mechanism (.)$.2)&$:-/@:#$ !&$ !"#/'$ !#.1B$=3-3/!/&-.22?>$!"#?$(#'#$&-#$&* $&-2?$!(&$teams to have a successful autono-1&:)$+#'/&3>$("#'#$!"#$'&5&!$.0!#3$in response to a pre-programmed 0&11.-3$ (/!"&:!$ ":1.-$ &+#'.-tion.

6<$ !"/-E$ (#$1.3#$ .$ )&2/3$ ':-$0&-)/3#'/-,$!".!$(#HF#$-#F#'$+.'!/0/-pated in this program before,” Zhao said.

He says the team hopes to ad-vance to the national competition next year, but that result can only 5#$ .00&1+2/)"#3$ (/!"$ !"#$ "#2+$ &* $.$ 3#3/0.!#3$ !#.1$&* $ )!:3#-!)>$("&$.'#$(/22/-,$!&$+2.-$.-3$+:!$/-$+'.0-!/0#$!/1#$.-3$".'3$(&'EB$I#/3?$).?)$he provided guidance and took care of logistics for the team, but relied greatly on the help of Dr. Mike D&))/-,>$.$0"#1/)!'?$+'&*#))&'$("&$".)$ +'#F/&:)2?$ (&'E#3$ (/!"$ J#,&$League robotics teams.

Junior Rachel Sahlein says she joined the team for the learning ex-perience, and hoped to learn more .5&:!$'&5&!/0)>$.$)0/#-!/A0$A#23$(/!"$("/0"$)"#$(.)$-&!$/-/!/.22?$*.1/2/.'B

6<$ ".3$ )&1#$5.)/0$1#!.2(&'E-/-,$E-&(2#3,#$/-$!"#$5#,/--/-,>$5:!$nothing really special,” Sahlein said. 6K?$!"#$#-3>$<$2#.'-#3$"&($!&$('/!#$I&5&!$L$+'&,'.1)>$("/0"$(.)$&-#$&* $ !"#$ '#.)&-)$ <$ (.-!#3$ !&$ 9&/-B$ <$(.-!#3$!&$2#.'-$+'&,'.11/-,BG

She says the group dynamic (.)$6,&&3>G$.-3$!"#$!#.1$(.)$#.)-/2?$.00#))/52#$!&$.-?$,/'2)$("&$(&:23$(.-!$!&$5#$/-F&2F#3B$7"/)$?#.'>$"&(-#F#'>$&-2?$!(&$&!"#')$9&/-#3$5#)/3#)$

herself: juniors Shreya Mathur and Cindy Torma.

6<$(.-!#3$ !&$ 2#.'-$-#($ !"/-,)$and broaden my mind through this #M+#'/#-0#>$("/0"$<$:2!/1.!#2?$3/3>G$Sahlein said.

The Oxford team began meet-ing around November of last se-mester. The meetings began initially &-$ (##E#-3)>$ 5:!$ 5#0.1#$ 1&'#$frequent as the competition ap-+'&.0"#3B$ K?$ !"#$ A-.2$ (##E>$ !"#$team met after school every day in the bus shop behind the school.

“We split up the team so that 3/**#'#-!$+#&+2#$(&:23$(&'E$&-$3/*-ferent parts of the robot simultane-ously,” Mossing said. “Some people (&'E#3$ &-$ !"#$ .'1>$ )&1#$ (&'E#3$&-$!"#$0".))/)>$)&1#$(&'E#3$&-$!"#$grabbing mechanism, (and) some (&'E#3$&-$+'&,'.11/-,BG

Mossing says his experience (.)$6#M0/!/-,>G$.-3$(#-!$.)$(#22$.)$it could have.

6<!$ (.)$ E/-3$ &* $ 2/E#$ N'/3.?$O/,"!$J/,"!)>$("#'#$!"#$!#.1$2&)#)$!"#$A-.2$,.1#$5:!$.*!#'$!".!$?#.'$/)$the start of a long dynasty,” Moss-ing said.




$ L"/#* $ P&#?$ Q.)!$ &*A0/.22?$5#0.1#$ !"#$ -#($ 0"/#* $ &* $ !"#$Oxford Police force in Febru-.'?B$ R/!"$ !"/)$ -#($ 0"/#*>$ -#($changes have come along, in-02:3/-,$ .$ '#)":*%/-,$ &* $ !"#$Oxford School District Student I#)&:'0#$4*A0#')B$$ 4*A0#'$ S.'+#'$ 7"&1.)$says that the changes to the SRO force haven’t been “huge,” but they have included the addi-!/&-$&* $ .$-#($CI4$.-3$.-$&*-A0#'$)(.+B$4*A0#'$D.'/&$R##E-ley has come from patrolling the streets of Oxford to the OHS CI4$ *&'0#>$ .22&(/-,$ +'#F/&:)$CI4$4*A0#'$T"/2/+$U.1+#22.$!&$return to city patrol. The other SROs at the Learning Cen-ter and middle school haven’t changed. $ 6R#$ ,&!$ .$ -#($ 0"/#*>$ -#($/3#.)>$ -#($ !"&:,"!)>$ .-3$ &:'$number one thing is to keep you guys safe,” Thomas said. “And !"#'#$ /)$ .2(.?)$ '&&1$ *&'$ /1-provement.” Thomas says these “im-provements” include a “roam-/-,G$ &*A0#'$ ("&$ &F#')##)$ !"#$other four SROs. The roaming &*A0#'$ /)$7&-?$R#55>$("&$(.)$previously stationed at the Mid-dle School. “Captain (Philip) Zampella is going back on patrol, and they brought Mr. Weekley in here to basically replace the space here,” Thomas said. “He is going to set in and help me here at the high school.” Weekley says that being an

SRO at OHS is “different from being on the street” doing pa-!'&2$(&'E$*&'$!"#$4M*&'3$T&2/0#$Department. “There is a lot less paper-(&'E>$ 0&1+.'#3$ !&$ +.!'&2>G$Weekley said. “Out there you -#F#'$'#.22?$E-&($(".!$?&:$.'#$getting into, and here you gen-#'.22?$E-&(B$ <-$ !"#$ )0"&&2>$ /!$ /)$more routine.” Weekley says his job in-volves taking care of security issues. “Here I just mainly am a +'#)#-0#$(/!"$!"#$)!:3#-!)>$1.E-ing sure the building is secure,” Weekley said. “It is just making sure that you are all safe.” Before he came to Oxford, R##E2#?$(.)$.-$CI4$/-$!"#$R.-ter Valley School District from 2006 to 2012. He says his status .)$ 0#'!/A#3$ CI4$ (.)$ +.'!$ &* $!"#$'#.)&-$"#$(.)$0.22#3$!&$"#2+$Thomas out at OHS. Weekley says that be-ing an SRO in Water Val-2#?$(.)$-&!$F#'?$3/**#'#-!$from being one in Ox-ford, except for student body size. “The high school in Water Valley may have 600 k i d s , ” Weekley said.

In contrast, OHS has 958 students total. Thomas says he hopes to have even more SROs come into the district to “keep kids safe.” 7"#$ -#($ &*A0#')$ (&:23$ 0&1#$from the Oxford Police Depart-1#-!>$("/0"$ &F#')##)$ !"#$ CI4$(&'E$ #F#-$ !"&:,"$ !"#$ CI4)$(&'E$/-$!"#$)0"&&2$3/)!'/0!B$7"#$V#+.'!1#-!$ /)$ .2)&$("#'#$ -#($&*A0#'$R##E2#?$0.1#$*'&1B$ 6R#$(&:23$2&F#$!&$".F#$&-#$in every school, and I see that in the future possibly,” Thomas said. $ =!$!"#$-#($"/,"$)0"&&2>$)#-0:'/!?$ (/22$ 5#$ 1&'#$ 3/*A0:2!$ !&$E##+$:+$(/!"B$ 67"#$ -#($ )0"&&2$ (/22$ 5#$F#'?$(/3#2?$)+'#.3$&:!>G$7"&1-.)$)./3B$6R#$3#A-/!#2?$(/22$-##3$!&$ )#+.'.!#$ &:'$ &*A0#')B$ 7"#'#$(/22$ 5#$ .$ 2&!$ &* $ '&:-3/-,$ .-3$covering a lot of territory.”

While he hopes that nothing ever happens,

Thomas stays ready. “Pray for peace, but be ready for any situation that comes for-(.'3>G$ 7"&1.)$



Cont. from pg. 1

have gotten footage of custodial jobs, bus driver jobs, and we’ve gone out in the community to places like Ace Hardware and Holli’s Sweet Tooth. We get footage of the job skills needed to work all of the jobs. We ‘splice’ the video together.” OHS Special Education student Mack Hall, as part of his transition, assists in the making of the videos by recording the “voice over” for the videos. “What Mack does is he narrates the videos,” Her-rington said. “He tells the skills that someone from the Special Education Department would need to work at that job.” “I’ve heard good reviews,” Dr. Charles Dodson, Principal of the C.M. Scott Center, said. “I had the chance to see one of his broadcasts that was with one of the local stores, Holli’s Sweet Tooth. It was interesting and intriguing.” Hall has also taken part in various “community-based” training programs at many of the business that the videos have highlighted.

“(Hall) has, over the summer, done training at Holli’s Sweet Tooth,” Austin said. “He did training at Vincent’s Boot and Shoes. He also did Sneed’sAce Hardware.” Hall thinks that the Transition Videos are impor-tant and that the “need to work hard” is important in being part of society. Austin stresses the importance of community sup-port for the not only the Transition Videos, but for the BOLTS grant. “Getting everybody working together along with community support is critical,” austin said. “If we didn’t have the support of the community and they weren’t willing to open there doors, we would have a much more difficult time. We need to keep going out and talking with businesses and showing them that we’ve got a lot of great kids with great skills that will make great employees. We’ve got kids that will do well in college.” Hall currently is participating in a “community-based” program at Baptist Memorial Hospital where he works in the food service department. Austin says “he is doing very well and enjoys it.”





Page 4: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

opinions4 !!!"#$%&$'()%(*+,-+%"&*.!!!!!!!!"#$%&!'()* /01*(234-)$35&$**, the CHARGER

Fictional problems provide escape

R . I . P.

G a n g n a m

Style. All

hail “Har-

lem Shake.”

This inane

30-sec danc-

ing meme

has revolu-

tionized the


music mar-

ket, and all for the better. Though

Baauer’s actual composition “Har-

lem Shake” only has a fraction of

the amount of views as the most

popular 30-second memes, the

music itself is arguably deeper in

meaning than the wildly thrash-

ing dance videos, namely in that

Baauer’s piece constitutes a blatant

parody of modern popular music.

Incidentally, this makes Harlem

Shake just like Gangnam Style;

however, while Psy’s “Gangnam

Style” satirizes pop music’s shallow

materialism through its sardoni-

cally sumptuous lyrics, Baauer’s

Harlem Shake seems to spoof pop

music through musical structure


Compared to the intricate

variation and development inher-

ent in classical music, commercial

songs have followed an inexorable

trend of deconstructivism for de-

cades; while Sinatra crooned over

lush quasi-Romantic harmonies

and Coltrane created a veritable

classical framework for jazz, songs

by everyone from Elvis to Usher

have done nothing but revolve

incessantly around a short riff, a

four-bar chord progression, or a

couple of samplings repeated over

and over and over again. How far

can this lazy “minimalism” get?

Not much farther than in “Harlem

Shake,” which simply blares out a

vuvuzela-like synthesizer wiggle

throughout the entire song.

Various reviewers have de-

scribed Harlem Shake as painstak-

ingly building up to a climax, and

then “thrashing about” afterwards

without direction for another one

and a half minutes. Basically, Har-

lem Shake tries to achieve inter-

nal organization, but even when

it makes the listeners expect a

change, it refuses to go anywhere,

looping right back to the impish

synthesizer blare and bass bounce.

Though these reviewers hit upon a

good point, what they don’t seem

to realize is that every other Bill-

board Top 100 song does the same

thing. Every song has verses and a

chorus that loop around over and

over. Maybe the key shifts and

maybe the refrain gets louder, but

does the music go anywhere differ-

ent? Not at all.

Commercial music seems

to have a penchant for lyrics both

malaprop (“You were Romeo - I

was a scarlet letter” – Taylor Swift)

and shallow (“Mommy got a boom

bang bing bang ding dang” – Pit-

bull); somehow, even though cash-

stuffed celebrities just can’t seem

to find meaningful lyrics, listeners

simply buy into it. Harlem Shake

epitomizes this with its annoy-

ingly repeated sample “Con los

terroristas,” putting billions of

people in the throes of a thrashing,

lion-growling pro-Taliban rave.

Bin Laden wouldn’t have possibly

imagined how popular being “with

the terrorists” could become.

And ironically, all this shame-

less eschewal of aesthetics in Har-

lem Shake makes Baauer’s song all

the more effective. The synthesizer

is hypnotizing, the bass is a guilty

pleasure, but above all, “Harlem

Shake” is bare-bones – no senti-

mentalism, no clichés, no extra-

neous trash - it has everything it

needs to make it work, and abso-

lutely nothing else.

We’ve all done it. W e sit there, a book in hand, or our eyes !"#$%&' ()'a screen, completely immersed in another world. Our full #$$%)$*()'*+'!"%&'()'#',#+$'(- '!,$*()#.' ,/#0#,$%0+'1*$/' !,-tional problems going about $/%*0'!,$*()#.'.*2%+3''4%'5)(1'everything there is to know about them, or are currently in the process of doing so. We even invest our emotions in them – when they’re hap-py, we’re happy, and when tragedy befalls them, we’re left sitting there, mouths agape and emotionally dis-traught. Go on. Admit it. How were you feeling when you read that a certain great wizard fell to his death? Or when a young girl from District 11 met her end at the

hands of another tribute? And how about that “Down-$()'677%89'+%#+()':'!)#.%;'' But it begs the question: “Why do we care so much?” I used to ask the same question to football fans. (Yeah, yeah, so shoot me.) Personally, I didn’t see what was so entertaining about a bunch of strangers tossing #'7#..'#0(<)&'#'!%.&='7<$'#>-parently I was in the minor-ity. Then one day, a thought hit me. Why did I care so much about my choice of entertainment? In the end, is the difference all that great? Sports fans cheer on $/%*0' -#2(0*$%' $%#?+' #)&' %"-press disappointment and/or anger at their team’s de-feat. They know whatever they can know about the ath-letes, they pick their favorites and hate on others. Sound familiar? We do the same $/*)@'1*$/'(<0'!,$*()='0*@/$; This may be so, but the reality of a football game is )($'$/%'+#?%'#+'$/%'!,$*()#.'workings of “my show,” (“show” is of course inter-changeable with book, mov-

ie, video game, etc.) When we escape into $/%' +$(0*%+' #)&' ,()A*,$+' (- 'these imagined characters, we make personal connec-tions to them. Be it their histories, attitudes, quirks, or other characteristics, there is always something that leads us to love or hate a charac-ter. Perhaps we can relate to

him or her, or m a y b e he or she has all the qual-ities we wish we had our-s e l v e s . W h a t -ever the r e a s o n , we de-velop an active in-

terest in their circumstances and their “lives.” By developing such an *)$%0%+$=' 1%' !)&' (<0+%.2%+'perfectly willing to lose our-selves in the story, following every dramatic twist and turn the writer decides to throw at

us. It’s a kind of catharsis; 1*$/' !,$*()=' 1%' @%$' $(' %"->%0*%),%' $/%' +#?%' ,()A*,$'and range of emotions the characters that drive the >.($'&(='7<$'#$')('0%#.'%"-pense to us. I say it’s a good thing. We all need some form of escape every now and $/%)=' #)&' !,$*()' *+'a perfect outlet. Don’t stay too long, of course; we all /#2%' (7.*@#$*()+' $(' -<.!..3''But when you need a break from it all – from your schoolwork, your job, your worrying over college applications, or just your everyday drama, take a ?*)<$%=' !)&'the best book, movie, TV series, video game, webcomic, or whatever form (- '?%&*#'8(<'!)&'interesting and dive in. There’s a w o r l d of it waiting.




other day

I passed

my book-

shelf with

all my


books, and

I realized

how long

it has been

since I had flipped through

their pages. I miss them - af-

ter all, they were like friends

that guided me through

childhood. Maybe, though,

they are still with me. Lately,

I feel like the closer I am to

making decisions about my

future, the less I know what I

want to do. I find myself re-

lying on what I’ve learned in

these childhood stories.

I was nine when my sis-

ter read me The Phantom

Tollbooth. The story was of a

bored little boy named Milo

who finds a tollbooth in his

room. He passes through the

tollbooth to find adventures

in a magical land. I was fas-

cinated, and in the way that

children confuse stories with

reality, I waited for a toll-

booth to appear in my bed-



already I

was see-

ing frag-

ments of

the far off

land ev-


When I

heard the

boy down

the street


the drums

at night, I

thought of

the mon-

ster, Din,

who only

w a n t e d

to be ap-



I caught

m y s e l f

spacing out in class, I scared

myself out of my daydreams

with images of the gray

Doldrums. I imagined what

sounds looked like, from

sneezes to laughter.

The tollbooth never ap-

peared in my room, though.

With Milo, I had already

wandered the streets of

Digitopolis and Dictionopo-

lis and found the Princesses

Rhyme and Reason. I learned

to see the world as an indi-

vidual and magical place.

Numbers weren’t just quan-

tities, but treasures, more

valuable than gems. Words,

as the Faintly Macabre knew,

were equally as valuable and

powerful when wielded with

prudence. Nothing, neither

colors or perspective nor

sounds, came freely.

I’ve grown up since I

first read the book, and obvi-

ously I’m no longer afraid of

the Doldrums. However, the

idea that every facet of life is

a kingdom worth exploring

has not left me. When I see

deepening sunset, I may not

think of the Maestro orches-

trating the violins to paint

the skies, but still a sense of

appreciation remains, that

the colors in the world are

thoughtfully given and done

in beauty. What other colors

have I yet to see, I wonder?

In many ways, The Phan-

tom Tollbooth opened my

eyes to the world around

me. As I grow up and have

more serious adventures of

my own, its lighthearted and

whimsical message has reso-

nated even more strongly.

I entered the world be-

yond the tollbooth when I

was nine, and I never left.

I wander deeper still.

Childrens’ books relevant, even as teenager



























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Page 5: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

!"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'()*+',-+$$. the CHARGER opinions5///01+2-+3%*2%$4.)420-$5

Some describe Oxford as a “bubble” in Mississippi. We Oxonians live in an intellectual society surrounded by education and blossom-ing creativity. We host music festivals, concerts, !"#$%&'()*+"'$+,-$#./&0$+,-$1&$+/&$2.#&$(.$(2&$3,)*&/')(4$ .% $5)'')'')66)7$8.1&*&/0$9:%./-$ )'$".;+(&-$1)(2),$5)'')'')66)0$+$'(+(&$(2+($)'$<,.1,$for its history regarding racism and its alarm-ing obesity rates. Is the negative connotation of Mississippi hindering the recognition of our advances in society?

Recently, Dr. Hannah Gay, University .% $ 5)'')'')66)$ 5&-);+"$ =;2.."$ >/+-?+(&0$ 1+'$;/&-)(&-$ 1)(2$ @;?/),>A$ +,$ ),%+,($ 1)(2$ BCD=7$$E2)'$#+<&'$ (2&$'&;.,-$6&/'.,$ ),$ (2&$1./"-$ (.$2+*&$&*&/$@;?/&-A$'.#&.,&$.% $BCD=7$8&/$1./<$)'$/&*."?().,+/4$(.$1./<),>$(.1+/-$+$;?/&7

B"'.0$),$FGHI0$D/7$J+#&'$8+/-4$"&-$+$(&+#$),$ (2&$ !/'($ '?;;&''%?"$ 2?#+,$ "?,>$ (/+,'6"+,($surgery. Both of these revolutionary achieve-

#&,('$1&/&$#+-&$1)(2),$(2&$'(+(&$.% $5)'')'')6-6)0$ 2.1&*&/0$#.'($ ;)()K&,'$ 6/.L+L"4$ 2+*&$ .,"4$heard of the percentage of obese people living in Mississippi.

8.1$ #+,4$ +-*+,;&'$ ),$ '.;)&(4$ #?'($ 1&$#+<&$(.$.*&/;.#&$(2&'&$6/&M?-);&'N$8.1$#+,4$;.,(/)L?().,'$(.$'.;)&(4$1)""$L&$&,.?>2N$O2)"&$.?/$ '(+(&P'$ 2)'(./4$ )'$ -+/<$ +,-$ .?/$ 6.6?"+().,$.% $.L&'&$6&.6"&$)'$+"+/#),>0$1&$+/&$"..<),>$(.-1+/-'$ (2&$%?(?/&7$E2&/&$ )'$#?;2$/..#$%./$ )#-6/.*&#&,(0$+,-$1&$+/&$'(/)*),>$(2&$L&((&/$'.;)&(4$M?'($+'$+,4$.(2&/$'(+(&$ )'7$ C,$./-&/$ (.$6/.>/&''0$2.1&*&/0$L.(2$5)'')'')66)$+,-$,.,Q5)'')'')66)-+,'$#?'($L&$+L"&$(.$*)&1$5)'')'')66)$+'$+$'(+(&$ready for change.

Besides the technological and medical 6/.1&''$(2+($;+,$L&$'&&,$),$(2&$'(+(&0$5)'')'')66)$+"'.$+/>?+L"4$L.+'('$(2&$;.?,(/4P'$#.'($1&";.#-),>$ +,-$ <),-$ 6&.6"&7$ @E2&$ 8.'6)(+")(4$ =(+(&A$1&";.#&'$ *)')(./'$1)(2$ +$ '#)"&7$ $5)'')'')66)$ )'$

also a group of resilient, determined people 12.$+/&$"..<),>$(.$&*."*&7

Mississippi’s residents have overcome ob-'(+;"&'$ .% $ 12);2$ #+,4$ '(+(&'$ 2+*&$ ,.($ '&&,$(2&$ ")<&'0$'?;2$+'$,+(?/+"$-)'+'(&/'$+,-$&:(/&#&$6.*&/(47$R*&,$),$(2&$1./'($.% $()#&'$(2&$6&.6"&$.% $ 5)'')'')66)$ L+,-$ (.>&(2&/$ +'$ .,&$ (.$ #+<&$change happen.

Besides obstacles, Mississippi, and her 6&.6"&0$ +/&$ "..<),>$ (.$L&;.#&$+$ '(+(&$ '4,.,4-#.?'$1)(2$+-*+,;&#&,(0$1)(2$6/.>/&'').,$+,-$1)(2$&:;&""&,;&7

S&(P'$'(+/($-.),>$+""$1&$;+,$(.$'2.1$.%% $(.$(2&$/&'($.% $(2&$;.?,(/4$(2+($1&$-.$,.($!($(2&'&$-)'>?'(),>$ '(&/4.(46&'$ ),(.$12);2$6&.6"&$6"+;&$us. The people of Mississippi are not a group of L+/&%..($#)'!('T$/+(2&/$(2&4$+/&$+$>/.?6$.% $2+/--1./<),>$),-)*)-?+"'$1)""),>$(.$#+<&$+$;2+,>&7$

Mississippi is a modern state. Mississippi is an intellectual state. Let’s start proving it.


f edi



Magnolia state’s past surfaces for future

VS.$ ;.##.,$#)'(+<&$ (2+($ L/)"")+,($ &,>),&&/'$ +,-$ ),*&,(./'$#+<&$ )'$ ,.($<,.1),>$(2&$-)%%&/&,;&$L&(1&&,$@U+,$C$#+<&$(2)'NA$+,-$@=2.?"-$C$#+<&$(2)'NA$C(P'$(/?&$(2+($V..>"&$V"+''$1)""$L&$+$/&*."?().,+/4$'(&6$),$6&/'.,+"$;.#6?(),>7$W./$(2&$!/'($()#&0$1&+/),>$+$2&+-'Q?6Q-)'6"+4$(2/.?>2$&*-&/4-+4$ ")%&$1.?"-$ L&$ %&+')L"&7$ C(P'$ (/?&$ (2+($ (2/.?>2$ (2)'$ @+?>#&,(&-$

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;+#&/+'7$ $ E2&'&$ ;+#&/+'0$ ")<&$ (2&$V..>"&$V"+''0$ ?'&$ %+;)+"$recognition to log people’s activity, and they are used by the government and placed in various public locations. B($"&+'($V"+''$)'$&+')"4$)-&,()!+L"&$+,-$2+'$+$/&;./-),>$")>2($(.$"&($6&.6"&$<,.1$(2&4$+/&$L&),>$!"#&-7$$$B".,>$1)(2$UUE^$;+#&/+'$&*&/4.,&$1)(2$+$'#+/(62.,&$2+'$+$L?)"($),$;+#&/+0$12);2$(2&4$;+,$?'&$(.$-)';/&&("4$(+<&$videos or photos in public. If people are already be-),>$1+(;2&-$ ),$6?L");$ (2&,$124$1.//4$+L.?($V..>"&$/&;&)*),>$),%./#+().,N$$C% $+,4(2),>0$)($1)""$#+<&$6&.6"&$L&2+*&$ ),$ +$ "+1%?"$#+,,&/$12&,$ (2&4$ '&&$ ),-)*)-?+"'$1&+/),>$V..>"&$V"+''7$$$ S)<&$UUE^$U+#&/+'0$V..>"&$)'$(2),<),>$+L.?($+"".1),>$"+1$&,%./;&#&,($(.$"..<$+($*)-&.'$(.$),*&'-tigate crimes. Glass can also help car insurance com-6+,)&'$(.$-&(&/#),&$12+($2+66&,&-$ ),$+$;+/$+;;)-&,(7$B,.(2&/$ ?'&$ .% $V"+''$1.?"-$ L&$ (.$ 2+*&$ +$#&(2.-$ .% $<&&6),>$6&.6"&$),$6"+;&'$.% $+?(2./)(4$2.,&'(7$$^)-&.'$+,-$

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life 24/7.










Oxford High School222 Bramlett Blvd.Oxford, MS 38655

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Page 6: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

features6 !!!"#$%&$'()%(*+,-+%"&*. !"#$%&'()* /01*(234-)$35&$**, the CHARGER




2128 West Jackson Ave.Oxford, MS


Open 9am - 7pmMonday - Saturday


2128 West Jackson Ave.Oxford, MS


Open 9am - 6pmMonday - Saturday




Too often I feel as if I miss out on some of the hidden food gems in Ox-ford that lie near Jackson Avenue. So this month, I decided to head over that way and see what kind of gas station food I could !"#$% &% '(")% )*% )+(% "('%Circle K store on Highway 6, just across the road from Waller Funeral Home. This fairly new establishment looked promising from the outside and even better on the inside. The interior of the Circle K wasn’t like a typical gas station, it was immacu-lately clean. The gas station was very modern inside in terms of design, featuring updated appliances and, my favorite, a digital menu that rotates different items and specials. The kitchen staff was nothing short of exception-al. “Patient” and “friendly” are two words that per-,(-)./%!)%)+(%#(0-123)2*"%*, %everyone behind the coun-ter. They prepared the food 452-6./% '2)+*5)% 07-12!-2"8%quality. The food was pretty exceptional as well. I de-cided on a pulled pork barbeque sandwich with a side of baked beans and an order of banana pud-ding. With a drink, my meal totaled just over $8, which was surprising considering the amount of food. The barbeque sand-wich was excellent as far as gas stations go. The baked beans were the most sur-prising, I wasn’t expecting them to be amazing, but they could rival many res-taurants in Oxford in terms of quality. The banana pud-ding was by far the best part of the meal. I couldn’t have 706(#%,*1%7%9())(1%!"7.(% )*%my lunch. For the cost factors, great quality of the meal, friendly service, and unreal cleanliness, Circle K gets 7% 3(1,(-)% !:(% *5)% *, % !:(%from me.

This month the Charger staff hand-picked a group of six students they thought would most likely survive a zom-bie apocalpse. Each student chosen posseses a different skill that makes he or she ideal for a spot on the Zombie

Apocalypse Dream Team.

1508 Jackson Ave. West(662) 234­2803



Circle-K impresses with good food, cleanliness







Page 7: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

Track & Field Event Guide

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Track and field off to a booming start





DK Metcalf 

is at 40 feet, 

we’re trying to 

get him to the 

43­45 range”

­Chris Bush










Pole vault is an event in which a

person uses a long, flexible pole

(which today is usually made

either of fiberglass or carbon fi-

ber) as an aid to leap over a bar.



























Distance includes the 800 me-

ter dash, 1600 meter dash,

and 3200 meter dash. The

800-meter dash is equivalent to

two laps around the track. The

1600-meter dash is equivalent

to three laps around the track.

The 3200-meter dash is equiva-

lent to four laps around the

track, or one mile.

Relays iclude 4x1, 4x2, and 4x4. The

4x1 event is a relay in which runners run

in lanes over one lap of the track with

four runners completing 100 meters

each. The 4x2 is a relay in which teams

of four runners each run 200 meters

each. The 4x4 event is a relay in which

teams comprise four runners who each

complete 400 meters or one lap.

Long jump is an event in

which athletes combine speed,

strength, and agility in an at-

tempt to leap as far as possible

from a take off point.

Sometimes referred to as the hop,

step and jump or the hop, skip

and jump, triple jump is a track

and field sport, similar to the long

jump, but involving a “hop, bound

and jump”; the competitor runs

down the track and performs a

hop, a bound and then a jump into

the sand pit.

Discus is an event in track and

field athletics competition, in

which an athlete throws a heavy

disc—called a discus—in an at-

tempt to mark a farther distance

than his or her competitors.





The Oxford track team has competed in two track meets and two practice meets so far this year.! ! ! ! !"#$%&!'&()!*$$)!+,(!-,&.#!/!,)! )#$!Oxford Eagle Invitational at Oxford High School. The boys won the meet 220 01%2)(3/4!01%2)(5!"#$%&!($.126!*$$)!+,(!-,&.#!7/!,)!)#$!-%((%((%00%!8),)$!9:;;61<!High School Invitational in Starkville, -%((%((%00%5! ! =#%;$! 21)! ,;;! 1> ! )#$! )$,*!participated in this meet, the members of )#$!)$,*!+#1!6%6!<1!0;,.$6!>1:&)#5! ! ! !?$,6!@1,.#!@#&%(!9:(#! ($$(! ($A$&,;!events in which he feels the team com-petes best.!!!!!!BC:&!&$;,D(!,&$!A$&D!()&12<!)#%(!D$,&(EF!@1,.#!9:(#!(,%65!B"#$!(#1)30:)!%(!()&12<!>1&!:(!,;12<!+%)#!)#$!#%<#!G:*05!!"#$!7HH!,26!IHH!*$)$&!6,(#!+%)#!J$&*126,$!9&,(-($;;!%(!,;(1!,!()&12<!$A$2)!>1&!:(5!!C:&!6%(-),2.$!%(!()&12<!>1&!:(!,(!+$;;!+%)#!&:22$&(!"&%(),2!C&*,2!,26!J5K5!?,2L%2(5F!!!!!!9:(#!(,D(!#$!#,(!M:%)$!,!>$+!*$*N$&(!1> ! )#$! )$,*!+#1! (#1+!1:)(),26%2<! ,)#-letic abilities.

! ! ! ! ! "#$! ;%()! %(! ;12<E! ,26! %2.;:6$(! )#$($!N1D(O! ! P&$(#*,2! K5Q5! -$).,;>E! (10#1-*1&$(!"&%(),2!C&*,2E!-%.#,$;!-.R#$$E!@1;;%2!S$E!T&:%))!R&%>'2E!U;%(#,!9&,(($;;E!@1:&);,26! 9,&2$(E! 8#$;ND! -.U+$2E! G:-2%1&(! R;$22!R1&612E! @#&%()%,2! 8,2.#$V!($2%1&(!W%.L!9&1+2E!J$&*126,$!9&,(($;;E!K,&&%:(!S%<<%2(E!J5K5!?,2L%2(!,26!X1NN%$!9&1+25!!!!!!8$2%1&!J:$;!@,*0N$;;!;$,6(!)#$!(0&%2)-ers on the team in her second year on track ,)!CY>1&65!!@,*0N$;;!%(!,!($,(12$6!&:22$&!who helps motivate the other members on the team when they compete.!!!!!!BUA$&D!<%&;!.1*$(!1:)!$A$&D!6,D!,26!<%A$(! 77H! 0$&.$2)! ,26! )#$D! <1! 1A$&! ,26!,N1A$E!F!@,*0N$;;!(,%65!!B=$!#,A$!Z;$Y:(!-,;12$!+#1!N$,)!(),)$!&$.1&6!,)!,!0&,.)%.$!*$$)!,26!1:&![Y7!&$;,D!%(!I!($.126(!>&1*!N$%2<!0$&>$.)5!!8+,DV$!U;;%1)!%(!G1%2%2<!)#$![YI!&$;,D!(1!+$!($$!(),)$!,<,%2!%2!)#$!#1-&%V125F! ! ! ! ! !91)#! )#$!N1D(! ,26! <%&;(! )$,*(!+%;;!)&,A$;!)1!?1*$+116E!Z;,N,*,!12!-,&.#!30 to compete in the Homewood Invita-)%12,;5!!"#$!)$,*!#,(!)#$!C;$!-%((!?%<#!School Invitational left in their season, along with the divisional, regional, north state and state meet.




Shot put is an event involving “throwing”/”putting” (throwing in

a pushing motion) a heavy spherical object —the shot—as far

as possible.


High Jump is an event in which competitors

must jump over a horizontal bar placed at

measured heights without the aid of certain


The standard sprint hurdle race is 110 me-

ters for men and 100 meters for women. The

standard long hurdle race is 400 meters for

both men and women.


“Shelby has hit 6’ 2” 

in the high jump and 

he’s only going to 

get better.”

­Chris Bush


    “They have 

to get their 

extensions and 

work on their 


­Chris Bush

“Our top 

guy there is 



­Chris Bush


McGhee is 

going to have 

to step up for 


  ­Chris Bush

Page 8: theCharger Newspaper March 2013

Sports Briefs:Power Lifting

The powerlifting team recently broke the region and North Half re-cord for team points, and they are preparing for state after qualifying nine lifters. “This has been the best season in the history of Oxford powerlifting,” assistant coach Chris Cutcliffe said. “We’ve been lift-ing 5 days a week, because we’re going to have some tough competi-tion at state.”


sports8 !!!"#$%&$'()%(*+,-+%"&*. -./01$)*+, /01*(234-)$35&$**, the CHARGER

hile many kids spent Spring Break on the beach or at the lake, the Oxford baseball team hosted their annual

Spring Break Tournament. The tourna-ment provides teams from the surround-ing areas, along with a few from out of state, an opportunity to play for free, and gives teams in Mississippi the chance to be on track to reach at least 27 games at the end of the regular season. “You’ve got to play during Spring Break,” head baseball coach Chris Baugh-man said. “If you don’t, you’re not go-ing to get your twenty-seven games in be-cause of the stipulations MHSAA has on it. MHSAA only allows one game during the school week from Monday through Thursday, unless there’s a rain out, so if you don’t play during Spring Break you’re going to be cut short of your allotted amount of games.” The tournament also provides the members on the team an opportunity to bond outside of school, along with pre-paring them for division play. “I think it does help the team come together and build camaraderie,” senior !"#$%&'%()*"+'(%&),"(+%()-./'0 “It gives us a chance to get a lot of reps in and get us out of a slump,” senior catcher Henry Webb said. “It’s a big con-$'%+1%)2!!-#%().+')/-).)3!!')4.5)#!)3%#).)winning streak going into division play.” The Chargers went two-and-one in the tournament, coming from behind to beat Horn Lake 6-5 in extra innings, drop-ping a game 8-2 to a nationally ranked Christian Brothers team from Tennessee, and defeating cross town rival Lafayette. Baughman was impressed overall, but he felt his team could have played better de-fensively. “The Thursday night game was really 6"+78)9."3:;.+) -./'0) ) <=%)$+/-:%') !"()ball game against Lafayette at 1:15 a.m., and beat them 19-9 with a ten run rul-/+37)4:/1:) /-) #:%)$(-#) #/;%)>)1.+)(%;%;-ber Oxford doing that to them. Overall I was a little disappointed in how we played defensively. We’re pitching it well enough 6!() "-) #!)4/+7) '%$+/#%&5) -4/+3/+3) /#) 4%&&)enough for us to win, but we just keep giv-ing people runs defensively.” Baughman felt many players stood out throughout the tournament, but one senior stood out. “If we had to pick a player of the tournament for us it would have to be Wil-liam Elliott,” Baughman said. He came back from his wrist injury the Friday night before the tournament, and he had a really great tournament. I also thought Brooks Krouse did a good job moving from the bottom to the two spot, I thought Pittman Phillips did well at shortstop, and I think

Henry Webb and Hunter Roth swung well.” After the tournament was completed the team travelled to Tupelo high school to take on Tupelo and Starkville. The Chargers pulled away from Starkville 5-2, but lost to Tupelo 7-6. It was during this game that senior William Elliott suffered a gruesome injury. “He was having a great game,” Baughman said. “He had just made one of the best high school plays I’ve ever seen by laying out for a line drive and sav-ing two runs. After that he made another ?&.5)4:%(%):%)&!-#).)@5)2.&&)/+)#:%)-"+).+')slid to catch it. The play where he got hurt came at a time when we were up two runs. *6#%():%)3!#):"(#)/#)A"-#)'%@.#%')#:%)#%.;08

Elliott recalled the events of his accident. “We were tied with two outs, and I was thinking to myself, ‘if I catch it then we go in, hit, and win this thing,” El-iott said. “The wind was blowing pretty hard and I went all out to get the ball and caught it, but I hit the support bar on a chain link fence and I fell. I don’t really remember much except for slight pain and some blood running down my face.” The collision with the fence gashed Elliott’s chin open, knocked back a few teeth, knocked out a tooth, gashed his eye, and broke his alveolus ridge, which is the gum line. “I had surgery to repair my alveolus ridge, got stiches to my eye, and I’m going to have to have some dental work done,” Eliott said. “If my gum line doesn’t prop-erly reconstruct then I’ll have to get sur-gery again.” This is Eliott’s second major injury this year and requires him to miss some more time, but he’s hoping to come back as soon as possible. “I was so excited to be back and play,” Eliott said. “I was going a hundred percent in the Spring Break Tournament and the games after, but I think I might’ve broken a mirror or something because my luck seems bad. I’m on a strict liquid diet for two weeks, but I hope to be back soon.”) ,:%)#%.;)&!-#)#:%/()$(-#)'/B/-/!+)3.;%)to New Hope 8-0 last Tuesday and at the time of press had not played New Hope, Kossuth, or East Union.

Baseball stays focused with Spring Break tourney



He’s the most winning coach in the history of Ole Miss basketball. He is one of two coaches to post an SEC record above .500 in his ten-ure. He only has had one year with-out post-season action, the same year he had his only season with less than 20 wins. Andy Kennedy has been the face of Ole Miss bas-ketball since 2007, when he turned around a dying program. It is not fair to be calling for his head on a chopping block dur-ing one of the craziest college bas-ketball seasons in years, when any other year, an Ole Miss team in the same situation would have easily locked in an at-large bid. I fully support Kennedy and the direction that he is taking this program in, and after one of the most thrilling SEC tournament vic-tories in the history of the tourna-ment, I think it’s time for the fans to -#!?)4.+#/+3):/;)#!)2%)$(%'0)C%D-)now made the NCAA tournament $%&'7) 4!+) .+) EFG) #!"(+.;%+#)and is still one of the best players coaches in his league. I was lucky enough to have tickets to the 2013 SEC basketball tournament in Nashville, and was able to attend every Ole Miss game, and then a few others. I have to say, the second half of the Florida game was the best-coached game I saw at the tournament, and was one of the best coaching exhibitions that I have seen from Kennedy. The #%.;)4.-)$(/+3)!+).&&)15&/+'%(-).+')listening to both the coaching staff, and one another. If the team played like they did during the second half of the Missouri and Florida games, I think that Ole Miss could have madce a run in the tournament past LaSalle. Even his coaching at the end of the game, by not calling the timeout put faith in his shooter and was the right call not to let the de-fense get set with a timeout call. Kennedy was recently named SEC coach of the year by NBC sports, and with greats such as Billy Donavan and John Calipari, be-cause the writers understand how '/6$1"&#)#:%)H&%)I/--);%+-D)2.-J%#-ball coach job is, and how impres-sive it is to string together 26 wins. Marshall Henderson is now the focus of an overwhelming amount of national media cover-age, and while most coaches would have a player that runs their mouth run endless laps around the gym, Kennedy understands Henderson’s nature. He was the coach that was willing to go and take a risk on a “trouble” player who had been to three different schools in three years. He also understands who this is the kind of excitement the pro-gram needs. He wants the program to deserve the recognition and con-tinue to be a national presence.



proven best

option for

Ole Miss

Sports Column



TennisThe tennis, team defeated New Hope last Tuesday, and is traveling to Ridgeland on Wednesday to play Madi-son Central and Ridgeland. “We’re playing each other in practice, and we’re taking it very seriously,” junior Madison Cobb said.

InjuriesSenior William Elliott suffered his second major injury during a Spring Break game against Tupelo. Elliott collided with a sup-?!(#)2.()!+).)1:./+)&/+J)6%+1%)4:/&%)1.#1:/+3).)@52.&&0)),:%)1!&&/-/!+)gashed Elliott’s chin open, knocked back a few teeth, knocked out a tooth, gashed his eye, and broke his alveolus ridge. Elliott is on a strict liquid diet for two weeks and hopes to return soon.

Oxford’s golf team has high ex-pectations for the current season.

“Our goal is to win district and state, but we’d just like to sort of just blow

everyone else up as well,” senior Turner Arnold said. “We’re repeat-ing state champi-ons,” Coach Steve

Herring said. “The team has a chance to do something re-ally, really cool.”

Something that has contrib-uted to these high expecta-tions is the fact that the District and State tourna-ments will be hosted at

Oxford High school. This home field advantage is expected to give them a considerable boost. In addition, Coach Herring expects the team’s performance to heat up in direct correlation with the weather. “As soon as the weather turns and we can actually play on a de-cently warm day I think we’ll see some better scores right away then,” Herring said. “When the weather warms up the golf ball flies a little farther.” Coach Herring said that one of the most important things this year is the senior presence on the team. “Senior leadership is huge. We can’t go without Turner Arnold and Ward Toler this year. Those guys are our leaders. They have ex-tra pressure on them because they know they have to play. They set the pace,” Herring said. “I’m happy with it.” On Thursday, March 21 the Ox-ford Golf team competed against Tupelo.“We played Tupelo at the Universi-

ty field and got beat by five strokes, but we’re on schedule,” Herring said. “Your money time comes down to the district tournament, and then you have to qualify for state at the district tournament, and then the state tournament of course. You’re trying to get one stroke better every day until the state tournament.” “We lost to Tupelo, who is by far the best team not only in 5A but also in the state,” Arnold said. “With a full team we easily would have had a shot at winning.” Even though the team was not able to secure a victory, Turner Ar-nold had a very successful match. “I was the medalist, and Ben Hubbard won third,” Arnold said. “I birdied three of the last four holes to win.” The golf team looks to con-tinue play against New Albany on Monday, and will play Pontotoc later in the week as well. Starting in April the team will begin play-ing 18 hole matches as opposed to 9 hole, readying them for district.

Golf team looks to rebound from tough tournament loss%2$$H842$I18G.<8C$








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   playerserror­ f ree6 !"#$Team ERA

*numbers as of March 21, 2013. For updated records, visit thechargeronline.com

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-Chris BaughmanBaseball coach