VOL. V. NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON. THUBBDAY, SEPTEMBER ?, 1803. The Yakima Heraud. NO. 33. I'ROf'ESSIOSAI. CA MM. JOHN A. liKUVVN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llaiewtablithM a law .-is.i- In the K«helmfln bulldinr. H 111 nnrtli-r In all ruuru ol thenute. TT J. SNIVEI.Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M omrr ovrr Yakima Sallnnal Bank. North V»Tlm. Will i.raetire lv all tha >-nurtaol the state anil t'. M. laud office*. ]{KAVIS A MIUtOY, IttSSi ATTORNEYS AT LAW. tW* HI practice In all Court* n( the mat* -jumlk! attputlnn jrlv«n In all V. 8. land office buniuena North Yakima, V\ a-h IIITBON AI'AKKEK| ;j*» r *J E T 1[ lJ >" ATTORNEYS AT LAW n^-Ufflcc In Flrnt National Bank Rulldlug. g O. MOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'riu li. i" In all Cniirtu In ttaa Plate. Kwrtal uttfntiou to Collection*, office up Btalre. Yak- Imi Nalloual Hauk. HiilMina*. M. VANCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Klrat National Uank. Speiial at- Usntlnu Klvcu lo Laud Dffice bualurix. |?REr> MII.LKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office »it» H. J. snivulv. I n,i. .1 St.it.x Laid Office Prartitt a Specialty. TKA H. KRXTTZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Formerly Rcßtfltcr (if the V. H. Imiml Office at North Yakima. orAce. Ward Blork. D. K. MACKINNON C. l». MCRANK TIJACKINNON & MITRANK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koomi 1 and 2 Luwr Itl'k, North Ynblira,Waoh. B4MUKL STORROW, CIVIL ENGINEER, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERALSURVEYOR. Office with Freil K. need & Co., Dudley BliKk. gAVAGE & McCORMICK, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. oil). >• n «ai> In tho Kshelmau HHlldliiK, Y«k fma Avenue. lir. Mprormlck'i reildence Is »t Mi office where ho ran lie found at any time during the night. 4-21. "^Y A. HACTINGS, D. D. S SURGEON DENTIST. M»-<itiiM. hnmft: v to li a. m., 1 to 6 p.m., Fred it Kec \u25a0 Muck. North YaklDia. FIRST NATIONAL BAM of North Yakima. IHRECTOBH. J X Jcwlh. Then. B. Wllroz, (*ta«. Carpenter, A. W. Knglc, H. B. Hcudfler. Capital, "*|lMtt surpiua, •»1,000 A. W. Emolk. Oni». Carpextiii, President. Vice Prenldeut. W. 1.. Stiinweo, Caabler. BOKS A OKNBKAI. BANKING BUSINESS. Biyi and Sells Eichange at RfiMnable Ratn. PAYB tNTKEEST OS TIMK UKPO&ITB. Bo Yob Want a Goo 4 Msal? IF 80, CALL ON Kay, Fay & Yung, RESTAURATEURS The excellent reputation of thin Keataiirant <\u25a0 bting malnlained by the present proprietor*. MEALS 25 AND 50 CENTP. Open all Hours, Day and Hijjt Sight is Priceless If You Have Defective Eyes QO TO T. G. REDFIELD For Spectacles, Eye Glasses The only optician Id the connty where you can have your eyo« measured od thttmnjch scientific principles. I-ennes irrcmnd, if neeetmarj to cor- rect each particular caw. No visual defect! where kl*mk'« are required to complicated. We guarantee our fitrlnjr to be absolutely correct. Oar instrument! for measuring vtsttla defects are the best science haa produced. Get Our Price* on Watches and Jewelry Before Making Your Purchases. T .6. REDFIELD, OPWUI AID JHU.I.KR. PnyallnD-Yakiffla Nnrsery! A.T MOXEK. Sw What I llavf. fift Prim fir Cask, (.tap 200,000 Apple. 1 and 2 yearJ li'i.Ouo Petite, Italian and silver Prunes, 1 year, 3 to s feet. lou.oin I'each. rear, cherry elr. liu.OOO Blackberry, Currants. Raspberry, etc. AO.OOO Peach In dormant bad. SO.fIOO Prune In dormant bud. 'J.'i,ooo A3 Concord Grapes. iI'.UUUKonen. Ornamental Shrubs and Trees. 10.0110 Kuitlixh Hedge Ilium. 10.0UU Kijiilkli Walnut. 1.000 Black Waluut, I yean, 10 to ift feet. Will make prices that canuot be duplicated. Warrant**^ true au.l free from any insect pest. 9. %£. Or»LE LADIES' TEA ita p.pf^ant diiuk, which will borne by the •ii-mich witbout diiivm or KTtpiUR. !t arti tbf.roof hly on the liver, kfdncyi) «ud rp-jroduc live fMIBUMb A irenf le fhy>i(. e*ii unl diuretic, And it mont useful m wanf oruainfHl mcristnra- tioo. It alda diueiitiou and rrdmvn rorpnieucy: clears the roinplextoD, renderiDC If (air, and re- \u25a0U'liQa ih< uamraJ tone of Uiauud. Bold t>> all 4rwi*». mm i ULCIRS, vS\ CANCERS, X\S SCROFULA, Y\VB ALT RHEUM, 1 RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. Umm and inn klndnd dtswa* irWic from trnpora blood nQrrnwfully treat*] by that nmr-UlUng aud dmt of all tonic* tal —dlcllm. SsiBCfSCEfiIBSSSS Book* od Blood and Kklo » DiaaaMfne. "^aV looted K»Umonial»MntoD >vl^ application. A.Mresa f\^^ »«Bwift Specific Co., W^ ATLANTA. OA. \ W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE noTWtp. Do yN «mt «wmT When next In n*6 try \u25a0 pair.. \u25a0••t In the world. 2.50 » AM roK \u25a0 <>¥» If you want a «ne DRESS SHOE, ffltdt In t(» latttt •lylM, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.90, $4.00 or $3 Shot. They fit equal to cuitem made am) lonk and wsaraiwel!. Ifyog wl«hto*conoml»lny<xirfcot<nar, •» to by purchasing W. I. Douglai Shoes. Nam* and prlt» itimped on the bottom, look forIt when yoo buy W. L. IHJUOLAS. nrorklon, Mu>. Sold by LKfc'S SBUK 81 OuK Do Yon Want Water ? ('ontrarti made for surface wella Huder Irriga- tion canalfl. Wi K. ll lllh * CO., IS m North Yakima. ««.h 13. 13. WHITE, Undertaker ! Special liKiiicfiiPlfor Gash FINEST HEARSE IN THE CITY i ii (i LADIES Like Bargains AND SO WE ALWAYS MANAGE TO HAVE SOMETHING At Specially Low Prices! WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR Shirt Waists, Jackets $1.50 EACH! YOUK SELECTION FROM OUR KSTIRK STOCK. SCHANNO & CHAPMAN, 11 {1 Notice to Teachers and Pupils Tbe Pah]lc Schools nt the City of North Yak- ima will open at v o'clock a. m., Moadav, Sep- tember 16th. Pupils living rut of the railn ail and Dot ad- vanced l*-> oud the seventh tcra'le will go to the Central builiiluii: all other! to tha Columbia. Pupils muftt not forget to take their cards of last year, a* the teacht-rfc will not receive then into school withoui said card*, rtuch pupils as have tout their card* inu«r procure another from the superintendent on trie da>s indicated below for examinations. Kxatntuatlous w II lie held at the Columbia building, and all assignment cards Issued, as follow* Reieinuing at 9a. m.—Thursday, Sep- temijtr 11. hißh •i'hru.l and eighth gradei: Fri- day, Kept. r.. •cvputh. sixth and fifth itrndes: Hatnrday. the 6th. all below rhe tilth grade. Pupils wbn have uever arteud»*l oar schools should be accompanied t>y parents—to procure assignment cards. Pupils should u<>; wait until Monday, as that willbe a bHS> day. Teachers' mit-tiim Saturday, the li.th By order of the Board OKO « icirRTIR. District Clark. North Yaklma. Wash.Hept. 6. UM. :ci jt There will be a irrand necktie anH sus- pender sale at Diner Bros, on Wednes- day, l^eptember Orh, consisting of Wind- sors, fotir-in-hamts and cravats—nil New York styles. Prices lower than the low- Wt. \u25a0»\u25a0]) GATtiEKEI) iVBOO i 1 HOME. Personal, Social tod Bobloess Events Locally Important. NOTES FROM THE MADDING THRONG. t UrlH \u25a0! Uvaslp, mi. at Fact anal i inn \u0084 Plovrmntt* In At-ilve I iir. Drill \u25a0•! l't>|>iiliir «pn nlnI Inn :.i..l Kiwi i«> >»•• uenrrallr- !•>.•. I K. and E. M Heed went to Taco- iiiu on Saturday on business. }>orn— At North Yakima, Repteinber 1, HMi to the wife of W. S. (irmnver, a «on Jiidue H. li. Htruve andlienriieDorffel, of Spatllo, were in town during thp first ot the «erk. The lix-hI tclefihone exchange hax \ieea removed fnmi the Allen I.nil.tin:' to the First Nntionril bank block. Mr». A. (J. Rachrodt, o( l'ortland, wife of (lie former miller on the Siuicoe reser- vation, is vtsitinu Mrs. VV. (t. Cos. A. McAllister is erecting one of the finest rtfi'lcnces in thp county on his property at Yakimn City. .lti.l,'i> 0< li. fJravec, of the Biiprrior <x>urt, nag in tht< city on Satnnlay last, In •!,line a fteasi in in I'liHiubere. Cashier \V. L Sleinweg and bomb and I' &, Woodwiird returned on Friday HWil 111 from a few days of enjoyable outing. Tin- warm wuniher of the past few days has produced a yearning ntnong business people for tiie shadpd nooks of the mountains. 8. E. Miillin, ri'prescrting Th' Cham- pion, a new Populist paper in New What- com, Has in tho city during the v.t i-k on businein for his journal. •I. J. Tyler, of this city has pHrchased an interest in the Enterprise claim, Hors° Spring Coulee. The ore is hijjh grado anil Kood results arc confidently ex- pertcd. Tin roads and fields libto become very dusty. A irnii'l shower of rain would put things generally in better condition for the hop harvest, but therf in little likeli- hood that no will be favored with it. Petty thie eg entered tho law office of R. 15. Milroy, in the First National bank building, Saturday evening, and carried away some rlothinic. Henry Teal's laun- dry was also stolen. The attunify would piijoy a whack at those fellows in court. Rev. J. T. Eshelman, who is now lo- cated at Taco na, and his brether Dudley, of North Yakima, passed through the city Wednesday on their way to The Dalles where they go to take part in the dedication of a Christian church next Monday.— Gtldendalf Courier. I). D. Garrison, of The Dalles, was in the city this week. He is a native Ore- Koniau, and, being of middle age, is there- fore a pioneer. He remember* pioneer days very kindly and recalls frontier ex- periences entertainingly. Mr. G. says he clips Into civilization once in a while just to observe how things are Koing, bat he insihts that the free air of the frontier possesses the qtittlily of ozone he likes best. The 0. M. Reed post, at Orting, hag passed a ringiDK set of resolutions which abound in caustic censure and ••ondem- nation ol recent editorial utteranco of the Oregonian concerning pensions, pen- sioners and the muse for which the boys in blue fou(ht. The old heroes have lost none of their former readiness to fight and the manner in which they bombard the eccentric editor is evidence of their enduring patriotism. The public schools of this city will be opened for the fall term on the 18th iu- stant. Twelve teachers, in 'luriintr that for the music and drawing department, have been enKa«ed, the probable cost for which during the ensuingschool year will bo about $7,250. The variouß depart- ments will be carefully organized and the teachers are all busily engaged in preparing for the commencement of their important work. The Agricultural college, at Pullman, will open for the fall term on Wednesday, September 13, with a carefully selected corps of professor*, hi) of whom are men i eminent in their profession. The curric- ulum will be in keeping with the high merits of the faculty. Students attend- ing the college have the assurance that when the course shall be completed and they shall have graduatod, they will have received a thorough college educa- tion. Oregon papers are devoting connider- abie space just now to criticising the game law in that state that prohibits tin shipment of the Golden and Mongolian pheasants to other states. Application (or them has been made by parties in Ohio, but the order cannot lie tilled. Re- specting tnis matter the Oregonian nays: "Tuere are several persons in the state, Mr. M. O. LonwMiUle in particular, who have raised in their chicken business considerable number* of these pheasant*, and n>» the question is brought up whether a person cau be allowed to ship these pheasants oat of the state. There id room for a 1 >ng lawsuit on this point, the name as there was on the right of a of a man who had bought tilth lawfully caught to preserve them in cold storage and dispose of them as heaaw fit. There were precedents against this, but com- mon sense and good judgment were in favor of it, and the same could, without doubt, live any person the right to kill, sell, eat or ship outof the state pheasant*, Mongolian or utherwiso, that be had raised in a domestic condition. They would be bia own birds, and not wild game, and. all "musty-fusty" precedents to the contrary would give him full con- trol at biaowo property." }'.. M. Hoed i< piKweamr of t«o fine tireyliMiindu named "l!lue"and "Mrnlo." They are interesting cumnes kikl nun !i pette<l by habitue* of the paremeut. Tlip haliitu o( each km Invome a nn'nworthy ; part of his |>er*)nalily. "fllue," for in- stance, !mi a siwvial p-ilate |M htvr ami ' has become a regular tippler. He is a i very iiood-natiiml iloirwhcn sniper, but, like «finie people we kr.o», he's HtMf ty cross uhtn in his runs. "Menlo,'' on the other Imnd, is a most exemplary .lou | .n,\u25a0] it is a source of much dtapiMMfl tt ' him to diwover his pretly ru initiK male | "liooiir.j:.'' It hnimlia'ea iiirxie»t "\\ien- ! lo" to olwerve that his In^lfellow is I>p- jcominiE «» lax in niomlt as some men he meets. Howf-ver, they net sloni; pence- I ably together unil»r |M>WMIJ lIIIIIHIIIWI- < lpa. On Sfiturt!«y lust they accompanied \u25a0 their master to Vnkima City, a distanie of five miles. I'urinir tlip day Mr. Keeil | relurneil home on the train. The di>w | followeil him to the depot and snn him I towd the car. He Mepiwd onto the rear i platform of tho ri »r cur iinl »l;en the train *Urted Ik*dtgi lollrmeil. As it in- creased its fpeed tn (it* ut tliirty miles an hour the dogs quickened their pa c and it whs a pretty IBMfrom old town to this city. Illne imd Mtolo, honevi r, hid no diliiculty in keeping rixht ilottg with tlie suiflly moving train und tiny didn't have to list their speed cither. They I seemed to coiiriiler it "a jolly little |ag, i you knovv," nn<l iippeHntl t»i enjoy it im- ' incnß''ly t the only ofajoetio&ftbtt fenturp of ! the sport beiii)! Unit the ptMMmf train, [which »ss snorting and paflag and ; heavir.R ulonv at its usual didn't | run fust lUIIIUIh '" -iVl' l'K' d<i(js a i-hance i to race with en(h other. The fall term "f the Cheney State Nor- tun! 8* hool opens *»n September 20, IW.i. A (onurioHioii!- two-storied brick building is lieing erected for the nccoin modal ion of the normal school, which will be one of the most complete and convenient school buildings in the Htate. It will be supplied with water from the city water ! works, with electric 1:-_- i. t -, electric b.lls, j and healed by stenm. A diploma from I this school is a life certificate to teach in Washington. The lime required to com- plete the advanced course is four years. On completion the seci ml year'd work of this course, students ure entitled to h eer- tilicate good for five years. This normal certificate is better than a county firM l!rade certificate, because it It Rood in nnv county in the state without further en- dorsement. Students may wins final ex- amination on any subject, if they ple"t, and thus shorten thn time required for graduation. Standings from colleges and approved high schools are accepted in lieu of examination. Those »ho fail to enter the normal department muy enter the, preparatory class und revinw ttie common branches 11. I. Hesse, business ayent of the state farmers' alliance, in an interview states that he has a scheme to prevent farmers from buflV ring locs by reason of the low price of wheat. He proposes to store the. b-dk of the crop of the state and mortifHue it for from 21) to Si) cents a bushel, enabling the farmers to pay their bills for harvesting and to hold on for a better price. Hesse anys bo has good information that large sums are locked in safe deposit vaults here and elsewhere, and calls attention to what (jood security wheat in and urges the people, for the benetit of the entire state, to help the farmers and prevent them from selling at ruinous rates. He is looking for storaue room. He estimates the crop of Wash- ington at 10.U00,000 hushels. Senator Mitchell assures enquirers from this state that there is no likelihood that the land nfliee districts of Washington will lie consolidated. The matter has been investigated by the department, which concludes that the business being done requires them all us they are at present. wiiimi is mi: hum' B1 Have Fashions In v.«i:i.iis risihri f limitO'» lliii'h il:n. \u25a0 \u25a0* Mo tin! men who sit up in lordly dis- dain and lulk about women's fickleness in the matter of styles realize that they c on't know what they are saying? Not one of them has ever seen a picture of a woman of any period whose dru|ienes were not more or less like the draperies of to-day. Skirts have varied in width, but there have always been skirts; sleeves have been enormous or scant, but there bave always been some sort of draperieß over the arms. Bodices have been tight or loose, but there have always been jbodices. On the other hand, men's fashions have changed in marked decree from time to time. Caesar's wife, for instance, V"nl.l \u25a0'\u25a0hi feel so hopelessly out of place in a modern drawing room as Caeaer himself would. (Jiicen Klizabeth would have much more in common with her sisters of 18!>3 than her doubleted and i cloaked knight, Sir Walter Raleigh. ! l'riscillu would not be one half no riilicu- ' lous in company nf nineteenth century damsels as her trusty John Alden among nineteenth century youths.—AVic York World Great ior.-t fires are racing in the Cascade mountains and thotinauda of acres of inagniticicu^ foresln are boiu^ destroyed. It is believed that most of these firoH originate from the camps of careless panics in the mountains. Senator IJolph has introduced a reso- lution calling for a report from the war department of the boird of ennine*rs which examined the proposed improve- ment at The Dalles. 'Senator Dolph thinks this ouuht to be before congress so that early action may be had by the Oregon delegation. An Exchange Kays: "A superstitious subscriber who found a spider on liia. paper wants to know if it is a bad omen. j He was told that it was nothing of the kind. The spider «h» merely looking over the columns of the paper to nee who was not advertieiing, so that he could spin bit web across the shop door and be i free from disturbance. ABOUT SUNDA/ CLOSING. A Word From Advocates or tbe Present MovtmeDt. WHY SUNDAY SHOULD BE HONORED A Mnirmrm lonrtmini •:•\u25a0- Him. mlrr «il thr I*, lilli.it 4 nnt< li ,1 Ihr I'ihiiiiiliii Will Itr A«ke<l la It- pnrl !•\u25a0 linn. |MM "Iobserve that thaw who tpptM Urt Siinday-i losir ({ j>ptilii>n recently siiimiit- icltutlie city rontw il [eel icry MMPt in their conviction that nothing will lx> don» bf tlii" municipal iiutliorilicH in Urn uhv of favorable wtinn thereon," Bxid a prominent ctlUan nf North Yiikima to Tiik llikaii) Hirilie the otter day. "Now.votr paper bus ulwnys I"tm l«ir and just to all element* of the OOVIDIIR* ity," continued the cpe :kfr," nnd I «:int to usk that ynu do M thp fi,vor in tl.in t'nse to corrert soint 1 DElltrtstolllWltl pob" li.nlied eoDBWIm the rharnrtcr t| tin- petition. The ('oiiniiuiiiiationa 1 lubmh (or |nilili'«li"ii will 8ho« < li':irly tliHt !)»• lirim ipie of Ihr petition w:ia mippcrud liv live or Hix tinnn im niHiiy li :idi»u lius- inec< men tia i Inn. \u25a0\u25a0 1 by a ioraj pabilca tion. 1H lour^o there in no rrawmMl'lp argument ncuitist rtmln on SnndHv. OppnsitKin to euch n ninvemont on lie- halt of thi' (tixml mor:il9 and (nir BMM 111 our city is BUKxenteii only hy the hsßext o( ii.crceniiry motives. It bM uliwlj been no admitted hy those nho look DDOQ tho movement with dinfavor. The peti- tiou w«m inspired hy the romniendntile dt'^iro of the lxw-nh.dinff, |)6nc< tevlm, (tod-fearing people nf the tonn to picservc our much rouipliiniiitil reputntioii fur nprigbtMM in nil ihin.-s. Of iniirse, thi're \t> a state law that iniuht he en- forced, hut tho milder ii.eanH would be the city coun'il'H decree tlint boilutM housen fluilllie rioMd on Sunday. The \u25a0al who iirtin s thiit he prefers to he ilishoneHt bcoaust* there is more money in it is the individual «:.<> should be made to know that ue have IMMhuiih wliirh to eoni|iel him to be honest or puu- llfa him for his oAtMM. NotniLh.ttand- inii the <lecUnttion of v local paper lo thut effect, lam loth |B believe thut we have nny hiieh fieopli' ÜBOBg us." AYARICK VKHNI'S ivS'HIfM'E. KnnnK Yakima Ukiiai.d: The subject of Sunday daring which is beinu' ilin- (HMd by the people of North Yakima surely demands consideration by every- one interested in the lirmti'-inl social and moral improvement of our city. The pe- tition circulated by the W. C. T. U. shows a strong MatbMM in its favor, M it contains the names of ttic mayor, one councilman, a lar>;c percent, of the busi- ness, professional and real estate men of the city About M ei|UHl number of men und women signed thi< petition. Uhh are not "cranks," but persons who lime the beet inttrests of the city ut heart, and they believe that no loss will lie sustained by the business men in pursuing fin h a course. If all close no one can last by it. It would be an insult to your intelli- gence to arjin- iipoint that is so plain as this. These persons know, too, that the loss of a few dollars, which some have said would be the result, is not the grwt- eat consideration in the affairs of govern- ment, for in the words of » nri.it party in its nutional platform, "The first concern of all good government j s tii; \u25a0 virtue und sobriety of its people and the purity o( the home." Tliiß movement does not design unr even intimate a revival of the old "lilue law," but we wonlil n.-k, and will the opposers of this oetition HHWR candidly. which class in auy community is most virtuous, most Holier ami enjoys the pur- Ml home life, tin' clans Hint ritwllHlllWl the laws of Uate, of yood society mid of i iiid. or the class that obeys nnd would euforce these laws? It is a question of loyally, for the law says that places of busincHS shall be kept closed on Sunday. There are those who would prefer to keep closed doors one day in seven, bat be- cause of a few who have no regard for the higher and letter state of society brought about by the proper lll—mint of the. laws of the hind and of (iod, there ttre compelled to sell p.i.nl.s every day in the weik or lose their share of the Sunday trade. There arc mill other* whoso con- victions oi right are surli that they will not disregard the laws and desecrate the Ijord'a day ; so these keep their places of business cluse.il through Sunday and lose that portion of the trade. Hence, it is clear that in allowing a few lawless ooee to control we work an injustice to many. Let there be a uuited effort made by all who favor the social and Moral ad- vancement of our people, and the proper observance of the laws of the stiite and of tiod, and then will Yakima le*d the state in these things ax she dues now in nat- ural resources. M. L. Rom:. HONESTY VERHI'S DISHONgnTY. Tim ion Yakima Hkkai.ii: In compli- anre with the desire of some of our citi- zens, I willingly offer to speak through thepron to my fellow-townsmen upon the tiit'lH.v opening i]ueation." We are sorry that it has become neces- sary for a part of our citizens to plead with the remainder "f them for a proper observance of the Lord's day. Though QMgßktal all thai is moral in our coun- try, yet we cannot but see that in many sense* it is plunging into barbarity. We Htimll have something worse than a finan- | rial ware if Christian America does nut return from her backsliding. 'The globe ia a irraveyani of nations and they bsvt all perished by suicide." No nutioo h.is jor ever .-an be truly great that does not take i'• il into its doings. We are only a factor in the whole and if we are to have permanent proa|»>rity it can never be 'trained otherwixe tuim upon a thoroughly Christian foundation L»t our citizens I descend to such low and heathenish (ten- ' siuieuta ss wre exprewed in a local p*pe r n ntl> Md it i iinnoi lie many yeorg he- fore ref|c tal !e |wople will more away fmni our Ulovid c ity. Tlie MMtk man of the world looks [ upon immediate prosperity as reason enniinh to do a >n«i| deed. We did not doubt that some In I I opinions like unto tluwe of the party referred to; but we did | not think that nny line who pretends to i run a bwfjMaal for tlie elevation and edu- cation of mankind would unblushingly put nub sentiments into print. Shame! ' Bh»a»|| All on aii<ount of hops, the ' Indian and filil.y In, re. We ijuotc the ' i>»|»r; "Tlie Indian* and other pickers have oulv that one day upon which to buy tlieir Mipplieg and they are spend- thrifts of tho worst order. 1' Attain: "Their 'lolla™ llow likit water for Illinois no one 11- \u25a0 M earth would have the lea«t I use for, and from the rale of nhi'hthe j retail'r re:i|is a Mnerid-lnimlrcd-per-rent j prolit." "'Only one <lay «i«m which to buy." Oh! Oh! l>o you live la MMtk Yakiina! nn-l lielieve kucli \u25a0 Ktatomeut thut! lk>| tlie s:ire> til cloat at ti o'. ltx'k sharp, and j <lo i 11..., "UtofcaMd huiiuin beini;9" pick till \u25a0Malght in the hop l:elda? Where is the li'isiiiPHS man nho will not keep open n little later if In- MM he can reap xue h s biirvi'-t .' He^i'ectable people liv- \ laa i" the ii'iintry drive many mile* M the lily iluriiu'«eek evening and buy tlicir pfovteloos, that tli«-v may honor the I.oris ihiv ; and can it b>- DOMIUt that iiir In !;miM, who love the night almost M 'l.iv, cannot i|uit picking sulli'-iiiitly; carl; to «ive them umple time to make j nil tlicir |.'ir. Ikisc.i Saturday ni^ht? The absurdity of such statements must lip IBpWMI to everyone. Many of our hoMil > hri.-tiun business DM will not tliaiik the writer for the in- sinuation made upon them. To catch "spendthrifts of the worst order" and "several-hundredper-cent profit" made upon "things no one else u.xm cart!) would hiive tlie least use. for" and to sell such useless ttd worthless thitiiM to "bajTMt of the lowest order" at a "sev- erallnmdrD'l-per-ient profit," the writer says: "We are opposed to favorable uition u|>on the same by the council." Not oppoMdtOMCh action by the btisi- no* men, but heartily in favor of it, lor \u25a0bonld tl Mm il di^-iil? to have ev<ry- tliinjopm on Siihd'iv for (bi» purjiose, his sentini'Hts would be curried into ell'ect. I'»n it be po-sible that iinv of our baslMM men and rhe honorable men of the council will 1.-i-ik with any decree of favor upon such views. "Deliver us!' 1 Surely comes from every boaom. Still boptam tor fsvoimbl* iietion by tl.» OOOOCiI and ere liinu closed business hOWM, we continu" to iiray not only for the slum freiiuenter, but also f>r self- rfghtcotu mortltoU. llciirtily, (iro. A. Fair. mr. man fSMVITBt mipf.b. El i Yakimv Hiahip: No one ro- L'reiH inure tliun I the position taken by a few in opposition to the Sundiiy-cloßin(t movement. Incorrect htutements have been made which hhould bo corrected. At lecßt HIO names of men api>eared, amotij; them 38 arc in business, repre- senting 111 plmos of business. If any wish to know the fucts wo have preserved n copy of the mimes of men who signed petititioii. The KTOBod taken in opposition, to the movement is: "Morally it is ruht to keep the Sabbftth, but linaticially we cannot Hlfird it." This lonic carried further would say WttM thief: "Morally it is ii,'iii not to steal, but financially you cannot nllV>rd to bo an honest nmn—so \u25a0teal." Is this the polity of our city gov- ernment? Le' every good citizen ans- wer. No IIIIHMIIInIIIt demand is inado. The council is pimply asked to rule in harmony with our state law. Is it too much to ask? K. Warner. X BMARk.VBLE i'lll VOTIIAON. Vhions ol 'msrl tnrm« In l*rorr«- KIOH 111 till' MIMIHU. A well-known nnd truthful young lady, Miss Olive E Calleen, of Shipman, 111., who puts in a porlion of her time attend- ing to school duties at the Indiana Nor- mal College, relates to friends at Shipman a somewhat sensational and exciting story cf v heavenly phenomenon wit- nessed by herself and some friends at Covington, lud., v night or two since. Miss C»ffeen was sitting out of doora viewing what to her was a strange sight in the shape of an unusual band or circle of light in MMnorthern heavens in about the same location where it is reported the tail of the recent comet was discovered, when she noticed excited families of the n'MnMiorhood in tho streets viewing the southeastern sky. A glance in that direction showed her a phenomenon which, in her own words, consisted of "angel forms in solemn pro- cession marching in stately treud through the realms of space in full view." In the heavens, marching by twos, wus a parade of what appeared to be human forms clad in flowing robes. As fast as one com- pany, consisting of from ten to Qfleen couples, would disappear from view an- other would take its place and the visita- tion lasted ten minutes. The forms were so lifelike that seemingly the movement of the limbs could lie distinguished.— flb /.':»>> lupublir. Chicken wheat, btd oats, chop barley, bran and ihoftiOan be had at the North Yakima roller mills. I n [ M. Suborn builds tirst-vlass buggies at bed-nek pn i• , guaranteed to be as rep- resented. L'O-Im Our fall Htock U lave. We must have room. Call early and secure bargains S hauuo c't <.'hupuian. II Our prices put free silver in youi pocket. Schaiiii'» A Chapman. ll Bttsabatb, l'enn., Aog. 2-, ISul. Mb. Lhhtv, Dcs Moiues, lowa. We have a good sal» for Krause'i Cap sules and those who bave tried them usi them \u25a0gain. "Kespat-tfully, Ac, tilvs. 11. Siiakfkb. I>andri:lT is due to an enfeebled (late o the ••km. Hall's Hair Kenener quicken the nutritive functions of the akin, heal intr and preventioe tbe formation ol dan <lroff. THE TEACHERS AT WORK Instructive Session of tbe Yaklou County Institute. EMINENT EDUCATORS ARE PRESENT. Tkr '1., line a m...i \u25a0.ii.hi , |ng *m> \u25a0i •• in ipii. ail ii Porttou of it" lapirinm Wark - ftraolntlona al Thank.. Tin 1 Vukiiii.i county teachers' anuual incti'.ute, wliifli cone tided ita labors on Friday last, was attested with an uonxu- ally gratifying dtfM tt MMH through- out. The local pedagogues anil peda- iiogursses hail put every preliminary detail in careful rendinptw for the meeting, fur they, n?ilp fro » their profound inter- est in tlu'ir work, had been jrladdened j with a favorable response to Superintend- ent Lawrence's request to eminent edu- catorH throughout the Htalo to attend. Thin c-1 il.li> (eature of the wwinn was a departure fr the former custom of employing h conductor for the institute— and it proved a happily satisfactory digression in evory res|>ect. Tl m If <t urcs (I uri ng the » eek at Mason 'a opera house by State Superintendent C. W. Bean on "The History of Educational Ideas," Rev. E. V. Claynool, of the Puget Sound university, on "One Cell," and Professor J. M. Taylor, of the Seuttlo university, on "Are tho Planets Habit- able" wore intellectual treats to the very large and profoundly attentive audiences !ii attendance. The daily sessions of the institute were conducted on "the model school plan." The question us to how much daily time a pupil uuder 8 years of age should devote to his hooks evoked a discussion in which Miss (Inrriit Sawyer, Mesdames Needhiitn and Nichols and Messrs. Clark, Milner and Orecne participated, with the result that such pupil should not be required to study in confinement more than two hours a day. Ci'ics, ns prescrilicd in the coarse of study, it was lielievcl, is too heavy for those below the fifth-reader grade. The reading circle this year will use White's Pedagogy and Schoolmaster in l.itcrutnre. Superintendent l.nwr<>n c cautiously intimated to the tmrl.crH that unless they made a diligent effort to earn drat-grade certificates they would soon be crowded out be I l.i normal graduate!*. (ieorge Stephenson gave a brief, but entertaining?, account of his recent visit to the World's fair ami the lessons to be leurned there. Dudley Eshelimin gnve an interesting exercise in numbers, aftflr which a gen- prat discussion ensued on the subject of cruiiiiiiiir and tho beat means of interest- ing the more advanced pupils. In this discussion Mcsdamea Douglas and Ni'h- »l<. Messrs. Stephennon and Ingrahain i and Misses Sawyer and tireene partici- puled. The teacher wan advised to study carefully the text book ami employ tact ami ingenuity with tho indifferent pupil On Tuesday a remonstrance was pro , vented against the practice of the Uglier ! educutional institutions minx text lxwks other thau those ptweritwd for the com- mon schools. Mrs. Douglaß entertained the large astern bitten of teachers with the niannge- ment of a model class in language. Kcv. E. V. Claynool offered a very in- structive and entertaining discourse on I history. Prof. K. P. Ureene discussed the subject of orthography in a wi>y to instruct and please. On Wednesday State Superintendent j Bean discussed topics of general interest lin the profession: the school laws, how I to educate directors to n keen sense of their duty and responsibility in the mat- ter of making needed repairs and furnish- I ins necessary apparatus, censuring the i teacher, meantime, for it careless or indif- ferent use of apparatus provided; the grading of schools und the law that re- quires it; the great demand for a more definite course of Kind.., and kindred themes. Rev. Claypool resumed his subject of history, followed by Prof. Mahan, of j Ellensburgh, on the subject of memory ; and the study of psychology. The latter should be pursued diligently by the tein'hi r. SupcrinUndent Bean discoursed enter- tainingly on the subject of primary reading. Miss Duncan read an edifying essay on the "Useof the Indian Club," which was followed by an interesting exercise, illus- trating the subject treated, by Miss Kditli Lawrence. Mr. Bruton'a instruction on the subject' of philosophy concluded Wednesday's exercises. On Thursday Prof. Mahan incited a lively discussion on the subject of cor- poral punishment, in which Messrs. Clay- pool, Taylor, Lawrence, Bruton and Mrs. Douglas took ucine part. Prof. Greene ornanize.d an interesting prize spelling match of fifty words, in which Miss s. Duncan proved to be mis- | trees of the situat on. Prof. Taylor gave v short address ou I the qualifications of the successful teacher i of mathematics, followed by Prof. Barge, I the Ellenaburgh Normal, on educational progress. Prof. Itruton resumed instruc- tion in philosophy, while Miss Phillips explained the use of the globe in cales- ' thenics. On Friday Pruf. Lawrence made an in- ; teresting talk on the subject of didactics, : while Prof. Taylor outlined his method of teaching arithmetic, with special attention to the subject of long division. ' Prof. BruUm'g philosophical experi- ments were entertaining. A discussion of forming a comity i teachers' association resulted in perfecting ' i such an organization, with Theodore ' Hilner a* president and Miss Elsie Ferrell . v secretary. as tiie uuncludiau act of the khkh> tut following resolution* were unnnimcmalr adopted: We, the teachers of Yakiiuacountv, de- siring to place on record an expression, of our apprii iation of the influence* «bieb liave conßpired to make the present insti- tute ao inseresting and profitable, extend to our visiting co-workers from the higher institutions of the state this brief and Im- perfect testimonial of the esteem and regard in which they and their work with us and lor us will be ever held. We shall remember Mr. Bean, our effi- cient state superintendent, for the teal ho 11 has manifested in the cause of education, for his endeavor to inspire us .with Mm notilenem of our profession and fqfkis instructive lecture on the "Histoff of Educational Idea*." We tender our appreciative thanks to Uev. K. V. Claypool, of the Puget Sound v liversity, who so earnestly and ably assisted us in the study of history, in- spired us liy his ".School Talks" and by his lecture on "One Cell," which led us i farther out on the borderland of science. We thank Mr. \V. D. Brnton.oi Kllens- burgh, our inatructor in natnral philoso- phy, for the able and unassuming manner in which he demonstrated whit may be dune by the rural teacher in teaching and explaining the wonders of physics as may l>e shown with the aid of limited appar- atus. Our thanks are also due to Prof. i. A. Mahan, of the Ellensburgh Normal fac- ulty, for his interesting and instructive discourse on "Theory and Art of Teach- ing," school management and memoir. We are under obligations to Prof. J. M. Taylor, of tho Seattle university, for lea- sons in mathematics taught us, and espe- ' cially fur that wonderful and imaginative production, "Are the Planets Habitable?" We further wish to express to the county commissioners our gratito.de for their generous aid in makingour institute a success; also to Superintendent J. Q. Lawrence nnd Prof. K. P. Greene for tbeir untiring effort* to promote the welfare of teachers and schools, and to Miss Elsie Ferrell for the cheerful manner in which she has discharged her duties as secretary. Respectfully submitted by a committee consisting of Mary A. Douglas, Minnie M. Ureeue, K. P. Greene and J. II B. Clark. a BIT OF HISTORY. The First ll< M>«n«iblllti •» llir Den. orrallc Parif. It is commonly said that the Democratic party in responsible for legislation for the first time since 1801, this last being the date of the inauguration of the first Re- publican president. But, to be exact, it is ueccsnnry to go back two years farther. During the first half of Mr. Buchanan's administration, that is to say from March 4, 1X57, to March 4, 1861), the democrats had control of every department of the government. John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky presided over a Democratic cenntp anil James L. Orr of South Caro- lina huh the speaker of a Democratic house. The Democratic party wan then able to perfect legislation, and vu re- sponsible for the laws enacted. After March 4, 1850, this condition of things no longer existed. When congreei met in December a long struggle ensued over the organization of the house, which ended on February 1, 1800, with the elec- tion of William Pennington of New Jer- sey, a Republican. From March 4,1850, until August 7, 1893, a period of more than thirty-four years, there'has been no strictly Democratic legislation, except such as received the assent of a Republi- can president. In 1802, says the Courier-Jounu.l o Louisville, the Republicans inaugurated their first president and controlled both houses of congress. This control lasted till 1875, when the Democrats controlled the bouse for the first time after the war. Id 1877 they again had the house, but the Republicans bad tlio senate and tba president. From 1881 to 1883 the Re- publicans had both houses and the preii- dency, though they held the senate by a dicker with General Mabone. From 1863 to isv.i the Democrats had the house, but the Republicans had tho senate. From 1880 to 1891 the Republicans were again in full control, and did much to create the conditions from which the country is now suffering. In 1891 the Democrats regained control of the bouse, and in the present year liavo again obtained control of the presidency and the senate. .Thus in thirty-four years the democrat* had the presidency six rears, the senate four years and the house fourteen yean, but never hail all three at one time. The Republicans had the presidency twinty- eigbt years, the senate thirty and the bouse twenty years. During eighteen years it bad control of both housed and tho presidency. Mrs. Lease, it is said, has earned suf- ficient to send her boo to college, set her husband up in the drug business, and buy a nice (arm, besides a lot of new gowna and loves of bonnets. Even ca- lamity howling, it seems, may be made a profitable business. Ttieoma Ledgtr. Kbavu'i Headache Capbclkm unlike many remedies are perfectly harmless, i in a- contain uo injurious substance, and will stop any kind of a headache, will prevent headaches caused by over In- dulgence iv lood or drink late at nlgbt. Vrhe 25 ets. For sale by W. H. Chapman, druggist. Conetautine the Great was not a saint. lie murdered bis wife, one or two of his sons, a considerable number of his other relatives, an i was guilty of a score of as- sassinations and murders. He was a Christian only in name. Brooklyn, E. S., N. V., May 25, 'vi. Mb. Nokv.in Lichty, Dos Moines, lowa. Deah mi; :—Enclosed please Sod $1.00. for which I would like you toaend me tbe worth of in Kranse's Headache Capsule*. S .me tinw ago my wite was in Hartford, Conn., and stepped into Hawlitt's drag store, wher» they gave her a sample box lof thi>m. They were iuet what abe need- ed, but we have failed to find tbera here, so send to you for them. Will you kindly ; i send them by mail at your earliest con- venience, and oblige, Yours truly. D. T. Ucktm. Kbacie's Headache Cafsclkk— W«r- --> ranted. For sale by W. H. ChapsoM.

The Yakima Heraud. - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 20. · The Yakima Heraud. NO. 33. I'ROf'ESSIOSAI. CA MM. JOHN A. liKUVVN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llaiewtablithM a law.-is.i-In the

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Page 1: The Yakima Heraud. - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 20. · The Yakima Heraud. NO. 33. I'ROf'ESSIOSAI. CA MM. JOHN A. liKUVVN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llaiewtablithM a law.-is.i-In the


The Yakima Heraud.NO. 33.




llaiewtablithM a law .-is.i- In the K«helmflnbulldinr. H 111 nnrtli-r In all ruuru ol thenute.


ATTORNEY AT LAW.M omrr ovrr Yakima Sallnnal Bank. NorthV»Tlm. Will i.raetire lvall tha >-nurtaol thestate anil t'. M. laud office*.


tW*HI practice In all Court* n( the mat*-jumlk! attputlnn jrlv«n In all V. 8. land officebuniuena North Yakima, V\a-h


ATTORNEYS AT LAWn^-Ufflcc In Flrnt National Bank Rulldlug.


ATTORNEY AT LAW.I'riuli. i"In all Cniirtu In ttaa Plate. Kwrtaluttfntiou to Collection*, office up Btalre. Yak-Imi Nalloual Hauk. HiilMina*.


ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office over Klrat National Uank. Speiial at-

Usntlnu Klvcu lo Laud Dffice bualurix.


ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office »it» H. J. snivulv.

I n,i. .1 St.it.x Laid Office Prartitt a Specialty.


ATTORNEY AT LAW,Formerly Rcßtfltcr (if the V. H. Imiml Office at

North Yakima. orAce. Ward Blork.



ATTORNEYS AT LAW.Koomi 1 and 2 Luwr Itl'k,North Ynblira,Waoh.




Office with Freil K. need & Co., Dudley BliKk.


PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS.oil).>• n «ai> In tho Kshelmau HHlldliiK, Y«kfma Avenue. lir. Mprormlck'i reildence Is »tMi office where ho ran lie found at any timeduring the night. 4-21.


SURGEON DENTIST.M»-<itiiM.hnmft: v to lia. m., 1 to 6 p.m.,Fred it Kec \u25a0 Muck. North YaklDia.


IHRECTOBH.J X Jcwlh. Then. B. Wllroz, (*ta«. Carpenter,

A. W. Knglc, H. B. Hcudfler.

Capital, "*|lMttsurpiua, •»1,000

A. W. Emolk. Oni». Carpextiii,President. Vice Prenldeut.

W. 1.. Stiinweo, Caabler.


Biyi and Sells Eichange at RfiMnable Ratn.PAYB tNTKEEST OS TIMKUKPO&ITB.

Bo Yob Want a Goo 4Msal?IF 80, CALLON


The excellent reputation of thin Keataiirant <\u25a0bting malnlained by the present proprietor*.


Open all Hours, Day and Hijjt

Sight is Priceless

If You Have Defective EyesQO TO


For Spectacles, Eye GlassesThe onlyoptician Id the connty where you canhave your eyo« measured od thttmnjch scientificprinciples. I-ennes irrcmnd, if neeetmarj to cor-rect each particular caw. No visual defect!where kl*mk'« are required to complicated.We guarantee our fitrlnjr to be absolutely correct.Oar instrument! for measuring vtsttla defectsare the best science haa produced.

Get Our Price* on Watches and JewelryBefore Making Your Purchases.


PnyallnD-Yakiffla Nnrsery!A.T MOXEK.

Sw What I llavf. fiftPrim firCask, (.tap200,000 Apple. 1 and 2 yearJli'i.Ouo Petite, Italian and silver Prunes, 1 year,

3 to s feet.lou.oin I'each. rear, cherry elr.liu.OOO Blackberry, Currants. Raspberry, etc.

AO.OOO Peach In dormant bad.SO.fIOO Prune In dormant bud.'J.'i,ooo A3 Concord Grapes.iI'.UUUKonen. Ornamental Shrubs and Trees.10.0110 Kuitlixh Hedge Ilium.10.0UUKijiilkliWalnut.

1.000 Black Waluut, Iyean, 10 to iftfeet.Will make prices that canuot be duplicated.Warrant**^ true au.l free from any insect pest.

9. %£. Or»LE

LADIES' TEAita p.pf^ant diiuk, which will b« borne by the•ii-mich witbout diiivm or KTtpiUR. !t artitbf.roofhly on the liver, kfdncyi) «ud rp-jroduclive fMIBUMb A irenf le fhy>i(. e*iiunl diuretic,And it mont useful m wanf oruainfHl mcristnra-tioo. It alda diueiitiou and rrdmvn rorpnieucy:clears the roinplextoD, renderiDC If (air, and re-\u25a0U'liQa ih< uamraJ tone of Uiauud. Bold t>> all4rwi*». mm




BLOOD POISON.Umm and inn klndnd dtswa* irWic

from trnpora blood nQrrnwfully treat*] bythat nmr-UlUng aud dmt of all tonic* tal—dlcllm.

SsiBCfSCEfiIBSSSSBook* od Blood and Kklo »

DiaaaMfne. "^aVlooted K»Umonial»MntoD >vl^application. A.Mresa f\^^

»«Bwift Specific Co., W^ATLANTA.OA. \


Do yN «mt «wmT When next In n*6 try \u25a0 pair..\u25a0••t In the world.


• » AM roK \u25a0 <>¥»

Ifyou want a «ne DRESS SHOE, ffltdt Int(» latttt•lylM, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.90, $4.00 or$3 Shot. They fit equal to cuitem made am) lonk andwsaraiwel!. Ifyog wl«hto*conoml»lny<xirfcot<nar,•» to by purchasing W. I.Douglai Shoes. Nam* andprlt» itimped on the bottom, look forIt when yoo buyW. L. IHJUOLAS. nrorklon, Mu>. Sold by

LKfc'S SBUK 81 OuK

Do Yon Want Water ?('ontrarti made for surface wella Huder Irriga-

tion canalfl.Wi K. lllllh* CO.,

IS m North Yakima. ««.h

13. 13. WHITE,

Undertaker !

Special liKiiicfiiPlfor Gash



ii (i




At Specially Low Prices!WE WILL SELL ANY OF OUR

Shirt Waists, Jackets




11 {1

Notice to Teachers and PupilsTbe Pah]lc Schools nt the City of North Yak-

ima willopen at vo'clock a. m., Moadav, Sep-tember 16th.

Pupils livingrut of the railn ail and Dot ad-vanced l*->oud the seventh tcra'le will go to theCentral builiiluii: all other! to tha Columbia.

Pupils muftt not forget to take their cards oflast year, a* the teacht-rfc will not receive theninto school withouisaid card*, rtuch pupils ashave tout their card* inu«r procure another fromthe superintendent on trie da>s indicated belowfor examinations.

Kxatntuatlous w IIlie held at the Columbiabuilding, and all assignment cards Issued, asfollow* Reieinuing at 9a. m.—Thursday, Sep-temijtr 11. hißh •i'hru.l and eighth gradei: Fri-day, Kept. r.. •cvputh. sixth and fifth itrndes:Hatnrday. the 6th. all below rhe tilth grade.

Pupils wbn have uever arteud»*l oar schoolsshould be accompanied t>y parents—to procureassignment cards.

Pupils should u<>; wait until Monday, as thatwillbe a bHS> day.

Teachers' mit-tiim Saturday, the li.thBy order of the Board

OKO « icirRTIR.District Clark.North Yaklma. Wash.Hept. 6. UM. :ci jt

There will be a irrand necktie anH sus-pender sale at Diner Bros, on Wednes-day, l^eptember Orh, consisting of Wind-sors, fotir-in-hamts and cravats—nil NewYork styles. Prices lower than the low-Wt. \u25a0»\u25a0])

GATtiEKEI) iVBOO i 1 HOME.Personal, Social tod Bobloess Events

Locally Important.


t UrlH \u25a0! Uvaslp, mi. at Fact anali inn \u0084 Plovrmntt* In At-ilve Iiir.

Drill \u25a0•! l't>|>iiliir«pn nlnI Inn :.i..l

Kiwi i«> >»•• uenrrallr-

!•>.•. I K. and E. M Heed went to Taco-iiiuon Saturday on business.

}>orn—At North Yakima, Repteinber 1,

HMi to the wife of W. S. (irmnver, a «on

Jiidue H. li. Htruve andlienriieDorffel,of Spatllo, were in town during thp firstot the «erk.

The lix-hI tclefihone exchange hax \ieearemoved fnmi the Allen I.nil.tin:' to theFirst Nntionril bank block.

Mr». A. (J. Rachrodt, o( l'ortland, wifeof (lie former miller on the Siuicoe reser-vation, is vtsitinu Mrs. VV. (t. Cos.

A. McAllister is erecting one of thefinest rtfi'lcnces in thp county on hisproperty at Yakimn City.

.lti.l,'i> 0< li. fJravec, of the Biiprrior<x>urt, nag in tht< city on Satnnlay last,In •!,line a fteasi in in I'liHiubere.

Cashier \V. L Sleinweg and bomb andI' &, Woodwiird returned on FridayHWil 111 from a few days of enjoyableouting.

Tin- warm wuniher of the past fewdays has produced a yearning ntnong

business people for tiie shadpd nooks ofthe mountains.

8. E. Miillin,ri'prescrting Th' Cham-pion, a new Populist paper in New What-com, Has in tho city during the v.t i-k onbusinein for his journal.

•I. J. Tyler, of this city has pHrchasedan interest in the Enterprise claim, Hors°Spring Coulee. The ore is hijjh gradoanil Kood results arc confidently ex-pertcd.

Tin roads and fields libto become verydusty. A irnii'l shower of rain would putthings generally in better condition forthe hop harvest, but therf in little likeli-hood that no will be favored with it.

Petty thie eg entered tho law office ofR. 15. Milroy, in the First National bankbuilding, Saturday evening, and carriedaway some rlothinic. Henry Teal's laun-dry was also stolen. The attunify wouldpiijoy a whack at those fellows in court.

Rev. J. T. Eshelman, who is now lo-cated at Taco na, and his brether Dudley,of North Yakima, passed through thecity Wednesday on their way to TheDalles where they go to take part in thededication of a Christian church nextMonday.— Gtldendalf Courier.

I). D. Garrison, of The Dalles, was inthe city this week. He is a native Ore-Koniau, and, being of middle age, is there-fore a pioneer. He remember* pioneerdays very kindly and recalls frontier ex-periences entertainingly. Mr. G. sayshe clips Into civilization once in a whilejust to observe how things are Koing, bathe insihts that the free air of the frontierpossesses the qtittlily of ozone he likesbest.

The 0. M. Reed post, at Orting, hag

passed a ringiDK set of resolutions whichabound in caustic censure and ••ondem-nation ol recent editorial utteranco ofthe Oregonian concerning pensions, pen-sioners and the muse for which the boysin blue fou(ht. The old heroes have lostnone of their former readiness to fight andthe manner in which they bombardthe eccentric editor is evidence of theirenduring patriotism.

The public schools ofthis city will beopened for the fall term on the 18th iu-stant. Twelve teachers, in 'luriintr thatfor the music and drawing department,have been enKa«ed, the probable cost forwhich during the ensuingschool year willbo about $7,250. The variouß depart-ments will be carefully organized andthe teachers are all busily engaged inpreparing for the commencement of theirimportant work.

The Agricultural college, at Pullman,will open for the fall term on Wednesday,September 13, with a carefully selectedcorps of professor*, hi) of whom are men ieminent in their profession. The curric-ulum will be in keeping with the highmerits of the faculty. Students attend-ing the college have the assurance thatwhen the course shall be completed andthey shall have graduatod, they willhave received a thorough college educa-tion.

Oregon papers are devoting connider-abie space just now to criticising thegame law in that state that prohibits tinshipment of the Golden and Mongolianpheasants to other states. Application(or them has been made by parties inOhio, but the order cannot lie tilled. Re-specting tnis matter the Oregonian nays:"Tuere are several persons in the state,Mr. M. O. LonwMiUle in particular, whohave raised in their chicken businessconsiderable number* of these pheasant*,and n>» the question is brought upwhether a person cau be allowed to shipthese pheasants oat of the state. Thereid room for a 1 >ng lawsuit on this point,the name as there was on the right of aof a man who had bought tilth lawfullycaught to preserve them in cold storage

and dispose of them as heaaw fit. Therewere precedents against this, but com-mon sense and good judgment were infavor of it, and the same could, withoutdoubt, live any person the right to kill,sell, eat or ship outof the state pheasant*,Mongolian or utherwiso, that be hadraised in a domestic condition. Theywould be bia own birds, and not wildgame, and. all "musty-fusty" precedentsto the contrary would give him full con-trol at biaowo property."

}'.. M. Hoed i< piKweamr of t«o finetireyliMiindu named "l!lue"and "Mrnlo."They are interesting cumnes kikl nun !ipette<l by habitue* of the paremeut. Tlip

haliitu o( each km Invome a nn'nworthy; part of his |>er*)nalily. "fllue," for in-stance, !mi a siwvial p-ilate |M htvr ami

' has become a regular tippler. He is ai very iiood-natiiml iloirwhcn sniper, but,

like «finie people we kr.o», he's HtMfty cross uhtn in his runs. "Menlo,'' onthe other Imnd, is a most exemplary .lou

| .n,\u25a0] it is a source of much dtapiMMfl tt' him to diwover his pretly ru initiK male

| "liooiir.j:.'' It hnimlia'ea iiirxie»t "\\ien-! lo" to olwerve that his In^lfellow is I>p-

jcominiE «» lax in niomlt as some men hemeets. Howf-ver, they net sloni; pence-

I ably together unil»r |M>WMIJ lIIIIIHIIIWI-<lpa. On Sfiturt!«y lust they accompanied

\u25a0 their master to Vnkima City, a distanieof five miles. I'urinir tlip day Mr. Keeil

| relurneil home on the train. The di>w| followeil him to the depot and snn himI towd the car. He Mepiwd onto the reari platform of tho ri »r cur iinl »l;en thetrain *Urted Ik*dtgi lollrmeil. As it in-creased its fpeed tn (it*ut tliirty miles anhour the dogs quickened their pa c andit whs a pretty IBMfrom old town to thiscity. Illne imd Mtolo, honevi r, hid nodiliiculty in keeping rixht ilottg with tliesuiflly moving train und tiny didn'thave to list their speed cither. They

Iseemed to coiiriiler it "a jolly little |ag,i you knovv," nn<l iippeHntl t»i enjoy it im-

' incnß''ly t the only ofajoetio&ftbtt fenturp of! the sport beiii)! Unit the ptMMmf train,

[which »ss snorting and paflag and; heavir.R ulonv at its usual didn't| run fust lUIIIUIh '" -iVl' l'K' d<i(js a i-hancei to race with en(h other.

The fall term "f the Cheney State Nor-tun! 8* hool opens *»n September 20, IW.i.

A (onurioHioii!- two-storied brick buildingis lieing erected for the nccoin modal ionof the normal school, which will be oneof the most complete and convenientschool buildings in the Htate. It will besupplied with water from the city water

! works, with electric 1:-_- i. t -, electric b.lls,jand healed by stenm. A diploma fromIthis school is a life certificate to teach inWashington. The lime required to com-plete the advanced course is four years.On completion the seci ml year'd work of

this course, students ure entitled to h eer-tilicate good for five years. This normalcertificate is better than a county firMl!rade certificate, because it ItRood in nnvcounty in the state without further en-dorsement. Students may wins final ex-amination on any subject, if they ple"t,and thus shorten thn time required forgraduation. Standings from colleges andapproved high schools are accepted inlieu of examination. Those »ho fail to

enter the normal department muy enterthe, preparatory class und revinw ttiecommon branches

11. I. Hesse, business ayent of thestate farmers' alliance, in an interviewstates that he has a scheme to prevent

farmers from buflV ring locs by reason ofthe low price of wheat. He proposes tostore the. b-dk of the crop of the stateand mortifHue it for from 21) to Si) cents abushel, enabling the farmers to pay theirbills for harvesting and to hold on for abetter price. Hesse anys bo has goodinformation that large sums are lockedin safe deposit vaults here and elsewhere,

and calls attention to what (jood securitywheat in and urges the people, for thebenetit of the entire state, to help thefarmers and prevent them from selling atruinous rates. He is looking for storaue

room. He estimates the crop of Wash-ington at 10.U00,000 hushels.

Senator Mitchell assures enquirers fromthis state that there is no likelihood thatthe land nfliee districts of Washingtonwill lie consolidated. The matter hasbeen investigated by the department,which concludes that the business beingdone requires them all us they are atpresent.

wiiimi is mi: hum' B1

Have Fashions In v.«i:i.iisrisihrif limitO'» lliii'hil:n.\u25a0 \u25a0*

Mo tin! men who sit up in lordly dis-dain and lulk about women's ficklenessin the matter of styles realize that theyc on't know what they are saying? Notone of them has ever seen a picture of awoman of any period whose dru|ieneswere not more or less like the draperiesof to-day. Skirts have varied in width,but there have always been skirts; sleeveshave been enormous or scant, but there

bave always been some sort of draperießover the arms. Bodices have been tightor loose, but there have always beenjbodices.

On the other hand, men's fashionshave changed in marked decree fromtime to time. Caesar's wife, forinstance,V"nl.l \u25a0'\u25a0hi feel so hopelessly out of place

in a modern drawing room as Caeaerhimself would. (Jiicen Klizabeth wouldhave much more in common with her

sisters of 18!>3 than her doubleted andicloaked knight, Sir Walter Raleigh.

! l'riscillu would not be one half no riilicu-' lous in company nf nineteenth century

damsels as her trusty John Alden amongnineteenth century youths.—AVic YorkWorld

Great ior.-t fires are racing in theCascade mountains and thotinauda of

acres of inagniticicu^ foresln are boiu^destroyed. It is believed that most ofthese firoHoriginate from the camps ofcareless panics in the mountains.

Senator IJolph has introduced a reso-lution calling for a report from the wardepartment of the boird of ennine*rswhich examined the proposed improve-ment at The Dalles. 'Senator Dolphthinks this ouuht to be before congressso that early action may be had by theOregon delegation.

An Exchange Kays: "A superstitioussubscriber who found a spider on liia.paper wants to know if it is a bad omen.

jHe was told that it was nothing of thekind. The spider «h» merely lookingover the columns of the paper to nee whowas not advertieiing, so that he couldspin bit web across the shop door and be i

free from disturbance.

ABOUT SUNDA/ CLOSING.A Word From Advocates or tbe Present



A Mnirmrm lonrtmini •:•\u25a0- Him.

mlrr «il thr I*,lilli.it 4 nnt< li ,1

Ihr I'ihiiiiiliiiWill Itr A«ke<l la

It- pnrl !•\u25a0 linn. |MM

"Iobserve that thaw who tpptM UrtSiinday-i losir ({ j>ptilii>n recently siiimiit-icltutlie city rontw il [eel icry MMPtin their conviction that nothing will lx>don» bf tlii" municipal iiutliorilicH in Urnuhv of favorable wtinn thereon," Bxid aprominent ctlUan nf North Yiikima toTiik llikaii) Hirilie the otter day."Now.votr paper bus ulwnys I"tm l«irand just to all element* of the OOVIDIIR*ity," continued the cpe :kfr," nnd I «:intto usk that ynu do M thp fi,vor in tl.int'nse to corrert soint 1 DElltrtstolllWltl pob"li.nlied eoDBWIm the rharnrtcr t| tin-petition. The ('oiiniiuiiiiationa 1 lubmh(or |nilili'«li"iiwill 8ho« < li':irly tliHt !)»•

lirim ipie of Ihr petition w:ia mippcrudliv live or Hix tinnn im niHiiy li :idi»u lius-inec< men tia i Inn. \u25a0\u25a0 1 by a ioraj pabilcation. 1H lour^o there in no rrawmMl'lpargument ncuitist rtmln on SnndHv.OppnsitKin to euch n ninvemont on lie-halt of thi' (tixml mor:il9 and (nir BMM 111our city is BUKxenteii only hy the hsßexto( ii.crceniiry motives. It bM uliwljbeen no admitted hy those nho look DDOQtho movement with dinfavor. The peti-tiou w«m inspired hy the romniendntiledt'^iro of the lxw-nh.dinff, |)6nc< tevlm,(tod-fearing people nf the tonn to picservcour much rouipliiniiitil reputntioii furnprigbtMM in nil ihin.-s. Of iniirse,thi're \t> a state law that iniuht he en-forced, hut tho milder ii.eanH would bethe city coun'il'H decree tlint boilutMhousen fluilllie rioMd on Sunday. The\u25a0al who iirtins thiit he prefers to heilishoneHt bcoaust* there is more moneyin it is the individual «:.<> should bemade to know that ue have IMMhuiihwliirh to eoni|iel him to be honest or puu-llfa him for his oAtMM. NotniLh.ttand-inii the <lecUnttion of v local paper lothut effect, lam loth |B believe thut wehave nny hiieh fieopli' ÜBOBg us."


KnnnK Yakima Ukiiai.d: The subjectof Sunday daring which is beinu' ilin-(HMd by the people of North Yakimasurely demands consideration by every-one interested in the lirmti'-inl social andmoral improvement of our city. The pe-tition circulated by the W. C. T. U.shows a strong MatbMM in its favor, Mit contains the names of ttic mayor, onecouncilman, a lar>;c percent, of the busi-ness, professional and real estate men ofthe city About M ei|UHl number of menund women signed thi< petition. Uhhare not "cranks," but persons who limethe beet inttrests of the city ut heart, andthey believe that no loss will lie sustainedby the business men in pursuing fin h acourse. If all close no one can last byit. It would be an insult to your intelli-gence to arjin- iipoint that is so plain asthis. These persons know, too, that theloss of a few dollars, which some havesaid would be the result, is not the grwt-eat consideration in the affairs of govern-ment, for in the words of » nri.it party inits nutional platform, "The first concernof all good government js tii;\u25a0 virtue undsobriety of its people and the purity o(

the home."Tliiß movement does not design unr

even intimate a revival of the old "liluelaw," but we wonlil n.-k, and will theopposers of this oetition HHWR candidly.which class in auy community is mostvirtuous, most Holier ami enjoys the pur-Mlhome life, tin' clans Hint ritwllHlllWlthe laws of Uate, of yood society mid ofi iiid. or the class that obeys nnd wouldeuforce these laws? It is a question ofloyally, for the law says that places ofbusincHS shall be kept closed on Sunday.There are those who would prefer to keepclosed doors one day in seven, bat be-cause of a few who have no regard for thehigher and letter state of society broughtabout by the proper lll—mintof the.laws of the hind and of (iod, there ttre

compelled to sell p.i.nl.s every day in theweik or lose their share of the Sundaytrade. There arc mill other* whoso con-victions oi right are surli that they willnot disregard the laws and desecrate theIjord'a day ; so these keep their places ofbusiness cluse.il through Sunday andlose that portion of the trade. Hence, itis clear that in allowing a few lawlessooee to control we work an injustice to

many. Let there be a uuited effort madeby all who favor the social and Moral ad-vancement of our people, and the properobservance of the laws of the stiite and oftiod, and then will Yakima le*d the statein these things ax she dues now in nat-ural resources. M.L. Rom:.


Tim ion Yakima Hkkai.ii: In compli-anre with the desire of some of our citi-zens, I willingly offer to speak throughthepron to my fellow-townsmen uponthe tiit'lH.v opening i]ueation."

We are sorry that it has become neces-sary for a part of our citizens to pleadwith the remainder "f them for a properobservance of the Lord's day. ThoughQMgßktal all thai is moral in our coun-try, yet we cannot but see that in manysense* it is plunging into barbarity. WeHtimll have something worse than a finan-

| rial ware if Christian America does nutreturn from her backsliding. 'The globeia a irraveyani of nations and they bsvtall perished by suicide." No nutioo h.is

jor ever .-an be truly great that does nottake i'• il into its doings. We are only afactor in the whole and if we are to havepermanent proa|»>rity it can never be

'trained otherwixe tuim upon a thoroughlyChristian foundation L»t our citizens

I descend to such low and heathenish (ten-

' siuieuta ss wreexprewed in a local p*pe r

n ntl> Md it i iinnoi lie many yeorg he-fore ref|c tal !e |wople will more awayfmni our Ulovid c ity.

Tlie MMtk man of the world looks[ upon immediate prosperity as reason

enniinh to do a >n«i| deed. We did notdoubt that some In I I opinions like untotluwe of the party referred to; but we did

| not think that nny line who pretends to

i run a bwfjMaal for tlie elevation and edu-cation of mankind would unblushinglyput nub sentiments into print. Shame!

' Bh»a»|| All on aii<ount of hops, the' Indian and filil.y In, re. We ijuotc the

' i>»|»r; "Tlie Indian* and other pickershave oulv that one day upon which tobuy tlieir Mipplieg and they are spend-thrifts of tho worst order. 1' Attain:"Their 'lolla™ llow likit water for Illinoisno one 11- \u25a0 M earth would have the lea«t Iuse for, and from the rale of nhi'hthe

jretail'r re:i|is a Mnerid-lnimlrcd-per-rent jprolit."

"'Only one <lay «i«m which to buy."Oh! Oh! l>o you live la MMtk Yakiina!nn-l lielieve kucli \u25a0 Ktatomeut n» thut! lk>|tlie s:ire> til cloat at ti o'. ltx'k sharp, and j<lo i11..., "UtofcaMd huiiuin beini;9" picktill \u25a0Malght in the hop l:elda? Whereis the li'isiiiPHS man nho will not keepopen n little later if In- MM he can reapxue h s biirvi'-t .' He^i'ectable people liv-\laa i" the ii'iintry drive many mile* Mthe lily iluriiu'«eek evening and buytlicir pfovteloos, that tli«-v may honor theI.oris ihiv ; and can it b>- DOMIUt thatiiirIn !;miM, who love the night almostM 'l.iv, cannot i|uit picking sulli'-iiiitly;carl; to «ive them umple time to make jnil tlicir |.'ir. Ikisc.i Saturday ni^ht? Theabsurdity of such statements must lip

IBpWMI to everyone.Many of our hoMil > hri.-tiun business

DM will not tliaiik the writer for the in-sinuation made upon them. To catch"spendthrifts of the worst order" and"several-hundredper-cent profit" madeupon "things no one else u.xm cart!)

would hiive tlie least use. for" and to sellsuch useless ttd worthless thitiiM to"bajTMt of the lowest order" at a "sev-erallnmdrD'l-per-ient profit," the writersays: "We are opposed to favorableuition u|>on the same by the council."Not oppoMdtOMCh action by the btisi-no* men, but heartily in favor of it, lor

\u25a0bonld tl Mm il di^-iil? to have ev<ry-tliinjopm on Siihd'iv for (bi» purjiose,his sentini'Hts would be curried intoell'ect. I'»n it be po-sible that iinv ofour baslMM men and rhe honorable men

of the council will 1.-i-ik with any decreeof favor upon such views. "Deliver us!' 1

Surely comes from every boaom.Still boptam tor fsvoimbl* iietion by tl.»

OOOOCiI and ere liinu closed businesshOWM, we continu" to iiray not only forthe slum freiiuenter, but also f>r self-rfghtcotu mortltoU. llciirtily,

(iro. A. Fair.

mr. man fSMVITBt mipf.b.

El i Yakimv Hiahip: No one ro-L'reiH inure tliun I the position taken by afew in opposition to the Sundiiy-cloßin(tmovement. Incorrect htutements havebeen made which hhould bo corrected.At lecßt HIO names of men api>eared,amotij; them 38 arc in business, repre-senting 111 plmos of business. If any

wish to know the fucts wo have preservedn copy of the mimes of men who signedpetititioii.

The KTOBod taken in opposition, to themovement is: "Morally it is ruht tokeep the Sabbftth, but linaticially wecannot Hlfird it." This lonic carriedfurther would say WttM thief: "Morallyit is ii,'iiinot to steal, but financially youcannot nllV>rd to bo an honest nmn—so

\u25a0teal." Is this the polity of our city gov-ernment? Le' every good citizen ans-wer. No IIIIHMIIInIIItdemand is inado.The council is pimply asked to rule inharmony with our state law. Is it too

much to ask? K. Warner.


Vhions ol 'msrl tnrm« In l*rorr«-

KIOH 111 till' MIMIHU.

A well-known nnd truthful young lady,Miss Olive E Calleen, of Shipman, 111.,who puts in a porlion of her time attend-ing to school duties at the Indiana Nor-mal College, relates to friends at Shipmana somewhat sensational and excitingstory cf v heavenly phenomenon wit-nessed by herself and some friends atCovington, lud., v night or two since.

Miss C»ffeen was sitting out of dooraviewing what to her was a strange sightin the shape of an unusual band or circleof light in MMnorthern heavens in aboutthe same location where it is reported thetail of the recent comet was discovered,when she noticed excited families of then'MnMiorhood in tho streets viewing thesoutheastern sky.

A glance in that direction showed hera phenomenon which, in her own words,consisted of "angel forms in solemn pro-cession marching in stately treud throughthe realms of space in full view." In theheavens, marching by twos, wus a paradeof what appeared to be human forms cladin flowing robes. As fast as one com-pany, consisting of from ten to Qfleencouples, would disappear from view an-other would take its place and the visita-tion lasted ten minutes. The forms wereso lifelike that seemingly the movementof the limbs could lie distinguished.—flb /.':»>> lupublir.

Chicken wheat, btd oats, chop barley,bran and ihoftiOan be had at the NorthYakima roller mills. I n [

M. Suborn builds tirst-vlass buggies atbed-nek pn i• , guaranteed to be as rep-resented. L'O-Im

Our fall Htock U lave. We must haveroom. Call early and secure bargainsS hauuo c't <.'hupuian. II

Our prices put free silver in youipocket. Schaiiii'» A Chapman. ll

Bttsabatb, l'enn., Aog. 2-, ISul.Mb. Lhhtv, Dcs Moiues, lowa.

We have a good sal» for Krause'i Capsules and those who bave tried them usi

them \u25a0gain. "Kespat-tfully, Ac,tilvs. 11. Siiakfkb.

I>andri:lT is due to an enfeebled (late othe ••km. Hall's Hair Kenener quickenthe nutritive functions of the akin, healintr and preventioe tbe formation ol dan<lroff.

THE TEACHERS AT WORKInstructive Session of tbe Yaklou

County Institute.


Tkr '1., line a m...i \u25a0.ii.hi , |ng*m> \u25a0i •• in ipii. ail ii Porttou ofit" lapirinm Wark - ftraolntlonaal Thank..

Tin 1 Vukiiii.i county teachers' anuualincti'.ute, wliifli cone tided ita labors onFriday last, was attested with an uonxu-ally gratifying dtfM tt MMHthrough-

out. The local pedagogues anil peda-iiogursses hail put every preliminarydetail in careful rendinptw for the meeting,fur they, n?ilp fro » their profound inter-est in tlu'ir work, had been jrladdened jwith a favorable response to Superintend-ent Lawrence's request to eminent edu-catorH throughout the Htalo to attend.Thin c-1 il.li> (eature of the wwinn wasa departure fr the former custom ofemploying h conductor for the institute—and it proved a happily satisfactorydigression in evory res|>ect.

Tl m If<t urcs (Iuri ng the » eek at Mason 'aopera house by State Superintendent C.W. Bean on "The History of EducationalIdeas," Rev. E. V. Claynool, of the Puget

Sound university, on "One Cell," andProfessor J. M. Taylor, of the Seuttlouniversity, on "Are tho Planets Habit-able" wore intellectual treats to the verylarge and profoundly attentive audiences!ii attendance.

The daily sessions of the institute wereconducted on "the model school plan."

The question us to how much dailytime a pupil uuder 8 years of age shoulddevote to his hooks evoked a discussionin which Miss (InrriitSawyer, MesdamesNeedhiitn and Nichols and Messrs.Clark, Milner and Orecne participated,with the result that such pupil should notbe required to study in confinement morethan two hours a day.

Ci'ics, ns prescrilicd in the coarse ofstudy, it was lielievcl, is too heavy forthose below the fifth-reader grade.

The reading circle this year will useWhite's Pedagogy and Schoolmaster inl.itcrutnre.

Superintendent l.nwr<>n c cautiouslyintimated to the tmrl.crH that unless they

made a diligent effort to earn drat-gradecertificates they would soon be crowdedout be I l.i normal graduate!*.

(ieorge Stephenson gave a brief, butentertaining?, account of his recent visit tothe World's fair ami the lessons to beleurned there.

Dudley Eshelimin gnve an interestingexercise in numbers, aftflr which a gen-prat discussion ensued on the subject ofcruiiiiiiiirand tho beat means of interest-ing the more advanced pupils. In thisdiscussion Mcsdamea Douglas and Ni'h-»l<. Messrs. Stephennon and Ingrahain

iand Misses Sawyer and tireene partici-puled. The teacher wan advised to studycarefully the text book ami employ tactami ingenuity with tho indifferent pupil

On Tuesday a remonstrance was pro, vented against the practice of the Uglier! educutional institutions minx text lxwksother thau those ptweritwd for the com-mon schools.

Mrs. Douglaß entertained the largeastern bitten of teachers with the niannge-

ment of a model class in language.Kcv. E. V. Claynool offered a very in-

structive and entertaining discourse onI history.

Prof. K. P. Ureene discussed the subjectof orthography in a wi>y to instruct andplease.

On Wednesday State SuperintendentjBean discussed topics of general interestlin the profession: the school laws, howI to educate directors to n keen sense oftheir duty and responsibility in the mat-ter of making needed repairs and furnish-

I ins necessary apparatus, censuring thei teacher, meantime, for it careless or indif-ferent use of apparatus provided; thegrading of schools und the law that re-quires it; the great demand fora moredefinite course of Kind.., and kindredthemes.

Rev. Claypool resumed his subject ofhistory, followed by Prof. Mahan, of

jEllensburgh, on the subject of memory; and the study of psychology. The lattershould be pursued diligently by thetein'hi r.

SupcrinUndent Bean discoursed enter-tainingly on the subject of primaryreading.

Miss Duncan read an edifying essay onthe "Useof the Indian Club," which wasfollowed by an interesting exercise, illus-trating the subject treated, by Miss KditliLawrence.

Mr. Bruton'a instruction on the subject'of philosophy concluded Wednesday'sexercises. •

On Thursday Prof. Mahan incited alively discussion on the subject of cor-poral punishment, in which Messrs. Clay-pool, Taylor, Lawrence, Bruton and Mrs.Douglas took ucine part.

Prof. Greene ornanize.d an interestingprize spelling match of fifty words, inwhich Miss s. Duncan proved to be mis-

| trees ofthe situat on.Prof. Taylor gave v short address ou

I the qualifications of the successful teacheri of mathematics, followed by Prof. Barge,I the Ellenaburgh Normal, on educationalprogress. Prof. Itruton resumed instruc-tion in philosophy, while Miss Phillipsexplained the use of the globe in cales-

' thenics.On Friday Pruf. Lawrence made an in-

; teresting talk on the subject of didactics,: while Prof. Taylor outlined his method of

teaching arithmetic, with special attentionto the subject of long division.

' Prof. BruUm'g philosophical experi-ments were entertaining.

A discussion of forming a comityi teachers' association resulted in perfecting

' i such an organization, with Theodore

' Hilner a* president and Miss Elsie Ferrell. v secretary.

as tiie uuncludiau act of the khkh> tut

following resolution* were unnnimcmalradopted:

We, the teachers of Yakiiuacountv, de-siring to place on record an expression, ofour apprii iation of the influence* «biebliave conßpired to make the present insti-tute ao inseresting and profitable, extendto our visiting co-workers from the higherinstitutions of the state this brief and Im-perfect testimonial of the esteem andregard in which they and their work withus and lor us will be ever held.

We shall remember Mr. Bean, our effi-cient state superintendent, for the teal ho

11 has manifested in the cause of education,for his endeavor to inspire us .with Mmnotilenem of our profession and fqfkisinstructive lecture on the "Histoff ofEducational Idea*."

We tender our appreciative thanks toUev. K. V. Claypool, of the Puget Soundv liversity, who so earnestly and ablyassisted us in the study of history, in-spired us liy his ".School Talks" and byhis lecture on "One Cell," which led us

i farther out on the borderland of science.We thank Mr. \V. D. Brnton.oi Kllens-

burgh, our inatructor in natnral philoso-phy, for the able and unassuming mannerin which he demonstrated whit may bedune by the rural teacher in teaching andexplaining the wonders of physics as mayl>e shown with the aid of limited appar-atus.

Our thanks are also due to Prof. i. A.Mahan, of the Ellensburgh Normal fac-ulty, for his interesting and instructivediscourse on "Theory and Art of Teach-ing," school management and memoir.

We are under obligations to Prof. J. M.Taylor, of tho Seattle university, for lea-sons in mathematics taught us, and espe- 'cially fur that wonderful and imaginativeproduction, "Are the Planets Habitable?"

We further wish to express to thecounty commissioners our gratito.de fortheir generous aid in makingour institutea success; also to Superintendent J. Q.Lawrence nnd Prof. K. P. Greene for tbeiruntiring effort* to promote the welfare ofteachers and schools, and to Miss ElsieFerrell for the cheerful manner in whichshe has discharged her duties as secretary.

Respectfully submitted by a committeeconsisting of Mary A.Douglas, Minnie M.Ureeue, K. P. Greene and J. II B. Clark.

a BIT OF HISTORY.The First ll< M>«n«iblllti •» llirDen.

orrallc Parif.

It is commonly said that the Democraticparty in responsible for legislation for thefirst time since 1801, this last being thedate of the inauguration of the first Re-publican president. But, to be exact, itis ueccsnnry to go back two years farther.

During the first half of Mr. Buchanan'sadministration, that is to say from March4, 1X57, to March 4, 1861), the democratshad control of every department of thegovernment. John C. Breckinridge ofKentucky presided over a Democraticcenntp anil James L. Orr of South Caro-lina huh the speaker of a Democratichouse. The Democratic party wan thenable to perfect legislation, and vu re-sponsible for the laws enacted.

After March 4, 1850, this condition ofthings no longer existed. When congreei

met in December a long struggle ensuedover the organization of the house, whichended on February 1, 1800, with the elec-tion of William Pennington of New Jer-sey, a Republican. From March 4,1850,until August 7, 1893, a period of morethan thirty-four years, there'has been nostrictly Democratic legislation, exceptsuch as received the assent of a Republi-can president.

In 1802, says the Courier-Jounu.l oLouisville, the Republicans inauguratedtheir first president and controlled bothhouses of congress. This control lastedtill 1875, when the Democrats controlledthe bouse for the first time after the war.Id 1877 they again had the house, butthe Republicans bad tlio senate and tbapresident. From 1881 to 1883 the Re-publicans had both houses and the preii-dency, though they held the senate by adicker with General Mabone. From 1863to isv.i the Democrats had the house, butthe Republicans had tho senate. From1880 to 1891 the Republicans were againin full control, and did much to createthe conditions from which the country isnow suffering. In 1891 the Democratsregained control of the bouse, and in thepresent year liavo again obtained controlof the presidency and the senate.

.Thus in thirty-four years the democrat*had the presidency six rears, the senatefour years and the house fourteen yean,but never hail all three at one time. TheRepublicans had the presidency twinty-eigbt years, the senate thirty and thebouse twenty years. During eighteenyears it bad control of both housed andtho presidency.

Mrs. Lease, it is said, has earned suf-ficient to send her boo to college, set herhusband up in the drug business, andbuy a nice (arm, besides a lot of newgowna and loves of bonnets. Even ca-lamity howling, it seems, may be made aprofitable business. — Ttieoma Ledgtr.

Kbavu'i Headache Capbclkm unlikemany remedies are perfectly harmless,iin a- contain uo injurious substance, andwill stop any kind of a headache, willprevent headaches caused by over In-dulgence iv lood or drink late at nlgbt.Vrhe 25 ets.For sale by W. H. Chapman, druggist.

Conetautine the Great was not a saint.lie murdered bis wife, one or two of hissons, a considerable number of his otherrelatives, an i was guilty of a score of as-sassinations and murders. He was aChristian only in name.

Brooklyn, E. S., N. V., May 25, 'vi.Mb. Nokv.in Lichty, Dos Moines, lowa.

Deah mi;:—Enclosed please Sod $1.00.for which I would like you toaend me tbeworth of in Kranse's Headache Capsule*.S .me tinw ago my wite was in Hartford,Conn., and stepped into Hawlitt's dragstore, wher» they gave her a sample box

lof thi>m. They were iuet what abe need-ed, but we have failed to find tbera here,so send to you for them. Will you kindly

; i send them by mail at your earliest con-venience, and oblige, Yours truly.

D. T. Ucktm.

Kbacie's Headache Cafsclkk— W«r---> ranted. For sale by W. H. ChapsoM.