The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

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Page 1: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 2: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

The Worship of God Trinity Sunday

Page 3: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 4: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 5: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

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Text: Richard Leach, Copyright © 2002, Selah Publishing Co.

All rights reserved, Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-722998

Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Copyright © 2016, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.

All rights reserved, Used by permission.

Page 6: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 7: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 8: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 9: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 10: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls
Page 11: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

Schedule for the Week

Page 12: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

Royal Lane Baptist Church 6707 Royal Lane ● Dallas, Texas 75230

[214] 361-2809 ● http://www.royallane.org Like RLBC on Facebook or Follow RLBC on Twitter

Page 13: The Worship of Godd40466d12adc2dfc8c5a-2938a790054ad7a8c0bb8d3dc297d2af.r11.cf2.rackcdn.…Three, in love and hope, made room with-in their dance. fines the dance in death, God rolls

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Scripture this morning is John 16:12-15, which may be found on page 879 of the New Testament of the pew Bible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (NRSV) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Wisdom, Holy Word…Thanks be to God.