The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over

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  • 7/28/2019 The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over


    The worldwide economic recession is not over, and in fact, the world economy is posed to enter a secondrecessionary state.

    While the overall condition of the world's economy has improved to where it cannot be classified as

    recessionary, the state of the countries of the European Union (EU) and China show that therecessionary press is still very strong. The EU and China both are predicting that their Gross Domestic

    Product (GDP) will increase at a rate to support their population growth. This is a giant push back into

    recession for these countries and the world economy as well.

    Posted By: G4rwIsdead

    The world recession will continue, as nothing has changed to end it.

    The end of the worldwide recession is still a long ways away. Unemployment is still high, Wall Streetand financial institutions still have little oversight, high income inequality still exists, large government

    debt still exists, and high tax burdens on the middle and lower classes will continue to keep spending

    low. Without increased demand for product and services, the worlds economies will not improve. In

    addition, the failure to achieve any real solutions to the recession, by politicians, means there is little

    chance of change.

    Posted By: TawdryChris

    The recession is not over, though recovery may be starting.

    Just because a place is starting to recover, doesn't mean that it's over. There are hopeful signs, but

    there is still a long ways to go. Many people are still out of work and struggling, and even those

    working are still afraid to spend, which is extending the economic downturn even further.

    Posted By: HumdrumMilo83

    The worldwide recession has entered its second phase and is far from over.

    The worldwide recession that hit global markets in 2008, may have reached a plateau in the last 3

    years, but now seems poised to enter a second phase of collapse. With the US government on the

    brink of defaulting on its 14 trillion in loans, and the European community grappling with defaults in

    Greece, and potentially Italy and Spain, it seems that the last 3 years have only postponed the

    worldwide monetary problems of debt. Previous solutions, such as governments infusing their

    countries with money from a central treasure, are now no longer viable options and seemed to have

    only postponed the inevitable. New solutions and approaches must be considered to begin rebuilding

    the economies worldwide.

  • 7/28/2019 The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over


    Posted By: P3nrIin

    No, the recession is not over, because most countries are still in bad shape.

    Not only is the worldwide economic recession not over, it is, at best, only half over. With some

    countries in the EU almost bankrupt, and Greece in bankruptcy, it looks very bad. In the U.S., we

    have been on the slide for the last three years, and it does not look optimistic for the next few years.

    So, we are still in for a hard ride.

    Posted By: AuspiciousQuincy95

    No, because I do not believe that anyone can predict whether the economic recession is over or not.

    I have learned through my study of economics and economic analysis that most models of the macro-

    economy have very little predictive value. A model today can tell us why something happened in the

    past, but is unable to predict the future with 100% accuracy. All we can do is hope, and invest in a

    growth-minded direction.

    Posted By: ThoughtfulNapoleon

    I do not think the worldwide economic recession is over.

    I do not think the worldwide economic recession is over or will be over in the near future. Everyday

    that I watch the news I see little positive change in unemployment. It also seems like packaging for

    products is getting smaller, yet the price is staying the same. Gas prices continue to rise. All these

    factors together mean less money for people who are already in a financial bind.

    Posted By: TickoCa22

    The recession isn't over, but instead only experiencing a brief remission.

    The economy is in a brief remission now. But it is bound to relapse into recession or worse, because

    the underlying fundamentals aren't improving. The U.S. Fed is still artificially manipulating currency

    and interest rates, and currency manipulation is going on across the globe too. People are still in

    debt, and no one is saving or spending, except money that they don't have.

    Posted By: Th4Fire

  • 7/28/2019 The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over


    I disagree that the economic worldwide recession is over, because the signs of improvement are still toofew.

    The unemployment rate is still high, with few signs of improvement. And as hard as they try to

    convince us that things are getting better, it's clear that they are not. They probably never will be

    better in any real way, because countries keep incurring debt they can never repay. At some point,

    the damage is final, and a full recovery just isn't realistic.

    Posted By: N3vinFace

    There is no way that the economic recession is over. All over our country small businesses are going outof business at an alarming rate on a daily basis.

    Unemployment is higher than it has been in decades. I am very familiar with the economic situation

    in the United States and from what I see on the national news its not a whole lot better anywhere

    else. Something needs to be done and done quickly to end this recession.

    Posted By: KerbyLuv

    No, most people are still feeling the effects of the recession

    Unemployment is still high, with one in ten people out of work and a number of other workers too

    discouraged to even try. Investment is low and there isn't much credit, even for businesses with good

    projects or qualified buyers with good credit. Housing prices are still low, and there are still a number

    of foreclosures. I suspect it will be at least a year before the recession ends.

    Posted By: NoIanP4P3r

    I don't believe that the recession has come to an end. There are lay offs still going on and people outthere are still without a job.

    Unemployment has risen above 10% in 2010 despite the government spending. The administration

    and some members of Congress have proposed that the government spend another $80 billion on

    jobs programs due to this situation. And also the market prices have fallen down yet there are no

    body to buy things despite the cheap rates. So the recession is still least officially.

    Posted By: HercBel

    The worldwide economic recessions is not over yet.

  • 7/28/2019 The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over


    Such a large-scale economic recession takes a good deal of time to "bounce back." In this day and

    age of globalization, the recessions was not localized, but has affected a number of large world

    powers and other countries who do business with them. Unemployment is an unfortunate side effect

    of a recession, and again takes time to reverse. As businesses suffer, they do not hire employees and

    may lay off others. Even if a business' economic situation improves, the business executives may wait

    a few months to make sure that the trend is continuing before beginning to rehire.

    Posted By: CortApenguin

    Consumer confidence, balanced budgeting, employment, and credit/debt stability are still low in the US,and, in fact, have hit a trough in countries such as that in the EU.

    The domestic economy is largely a consumer economy: it depends on people consuming goods and

    services. For such an economy to function, you need consumer confidence; for consumer confidence,

    you need income through employment; for businesses to function properly and employ people, you

    need a proper credit system. However, under none of these metrics can the economic recession be

    said to be even be near the end. To use a foreign example, the EU is actually worse off than the US.

    Many countries' budget deficits are at 100% GDP or greater and are essentially bankrupt, with

    unemployment at higher double digits.

    Posted By: TheSans

    It is on the road to recovery

    No, worldwide economic recession is not over yet. It is reduced and on the path to recovery.

    Measures have been taken by inducing money to save the businesses but real recovery is when these

    businesses can stand on their own and function well to produce profits. Recovery is when GDP

    growth is back on track.

    Posted By: TownMaso

    While the recession may be ending in America, other countries still have problems.

    America has dealt with the bad economy for many years now. Although we are not finished with the

    recession, it is getting better. However, world wide there are many countries that have struggling

    economies. Look at Europe for example. Some countries are just now reaching an all time low.

    Posted By: C0rn4Gamer

  • 7/28/2019 The Worldwide Economic Recession is Not Over


    The worldwide economic recession is not over because unemployment has yet to come downsignificantly.

    Officially a recession ends when the economy stops contracting and starts growing. However, the

    economy has been growing so anemically that the recession might as well have never left.

    Unemployment has not been this high for this long since the Great Depression and inflation and

    interest rates remain at record lows. Instead we are looking at slow grinding deflation and low

    interest rates as far the eye can see.

    Posted By: SCross

    I do not believe that the worldwide economic recession is over yet

    In my opinion, I do not believe that the worldwide economic recession is over yet, we just started

    seeing the signs of recovery but not the full growth. The repercussions of the yesteryear's recession

    are still have their impact on certain economies or would show up shortly.

    Posted By: SaroM0vi3

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