The World Healthiest Foods By Kyle J. Norton All article and E books written by Kyle J. Norton are for information and education only, please consult with your doctor and related field specialist before applying. Part I – Whole Grains Whole Grains - Barley (Hordeum)

The World Healthiest Foods - Part I - Whole Grains

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Most of the same group of healthy food contain the same types of nutritional supplements but differs in volume, depending on your body need. Consuming many different types of healthy foods is the best choice for healthy living and longevity.

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Page 1: The World Healthiest Foods - Part I - Whole Grains

The World Healthiest Foods By Kyle J. NortonAll article and E books written by Kyle J. Norton are for information and education only, please consult with your doctor and related field specialist before applying.

Part I – Whole Grains

Whole Grains - Barley (Hordeum)

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Barley Barley is the species of Hordeum vulgare, belongs to Family Poaceae, a wonderfully versatile cereal grain with a rich nut-like flavor. It is one of the most popular cereal crops that can adapt to grow in many regions as healthy foods or animal feeds.

Nutritional supplements1. Carbohydrates2. Protein3. Dietary fiber4. Fat5. Protein6. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)7. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)8. Niacin (Vitamin B3)9. Pantothenic acid (B5)10. Vitamin B611. Folate (Vitamin B9)12. Calcium13. Iron14. Magnesium15. Phosphorus16. Potassium

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17. Zinc18. Etc.

Health benefits1. Free radicalsAlthough selenium is found in very small quantities in our body, it is one of powerful antioxidants that not only helps to preserve the elasticity of our skin by protecting it against free radical damage but enhancing the immune system in guarding and regulating the normal process of DNA replication in normal cell division.

2. PhosphorusBeside it is important in regulating the kidney function in secreting waste and toxin, phosphorus also improve the cells of nervous system in information transmitting between themselves and cells in other part of the body, thus reducing the risk of nervous tension.

3. HemoglobinCopper and zinc are essential minerals in forming hemoglobin and red blood cells and enhance the absorption of oxygen from lung and nutrient from blood to nourish the cells in the body.

4 . ManganeseManganeses beside plays an vital role for the proper and normal growth of human bone structure, it also helps to reduce the risk of minor or major epilepsy seizure by reducing the abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.

5. ConspitationDietary fiber helps to smooth the function of large intestine in waste secretion because the bulk and soft texture of fiber help hard, dry stools to pass easily, thus reducing the risk of constipation.

6. NiacinNiacin is essential in preventing the oxidation of Bad cholesterol (LDL), tha causes hardening of the arterial wall, resulting in heart diseases and stroke.

7. Etc.

Side effect1. Gluten grains in barley cam cause problem for some people who are sensitive to gluten due to celiac disease2. Etc.

Whole Grains - Buckwheat

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BuckwheatBuckwheat is genus Fagopyrum, belong to Family Polygonaceae. It is not related to any other wheat, and consequently is an excellent rotation crop in small grain cropping systems. Buckwheat is adapted to a wide variety of soils and climates, and now is available throughout the year and can be served as an alternative to other whole grains.

Nutritional supplements1. Protein2. Carbohydrate3. Dietary fiber4. Vitamin B15. Vitamin B26. Vitamin E6. Phosphorus7. Magnesium8. Ccopper9. Iron,10.calcium and11.Selenium12. Manganese13. Zinc14. Etc.

Health benefits1. Flavonoidsone of many plant antioxidant that only increases the immune system in protect our body

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against the progression of cancer-promoting hormones attaching to healthy cells, but also destroys, as a result protecting cells in DNA replication.

2. OxidationBuckwheat contains a measure amount of flavonoids if used combination with vitamin E, it not can increase the immune system in neutralizing the forming of dangerous free radicals but also fighting against free radicals cause of cells damage.

3. DiabetesSince buckwheat contains high amount of fiber, it not only protect the large intestine against constipation, but also reduces the risk of adult-onset diabetes. by decreasing the production of pancreas in insulin production as it releases the glucose into blood stream slowly.

4. AtherosclerosisSince it contain high amount of magnesium, that only helps regulate blood sugar, maintains healthy nerve function and keeps the bones strong, but also enhances the immune system in fighting against cholesterol oxidation, thus decreasing the risk of plague accumulated in the arteries, leading to heart diseases and stroke.

5. Prostate healthSince it contains a measure amount of zinc, it is necessary to maintain a healthy prostate in production of seminal fluid and quality sperm, thus decreasing the risk of sexual important and infertility.

6. Etc

Side effectNo side effect is known

Whole Grains - Corn

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CornCorn is a variety of maize with a high sugar content and prepared as a vegetable. It is a tall plant grass that has large ears with many seeds or kernels. Because of its commercial values, it has been growth in suitable climate all over the world for human consumption and animal foods.

Nutritional supplements1. Carbohydrates2. Sugars3. Dietary fiber4. Fat5. Protein6. Essential Amino Acids7. Vitamin A8. Thiamine (Vit. B1)9.. Niacin (Vit. B3)10. Folate (Vit. B9)11. Vitamin C12. Iron29.Magnesium13.Potassium14. Etc.

Health benefits1. L-ArginineL-Arginine besides as a basic component in all cells and the building blocks of protein, it alsois important for nitric oxide synthesis that helps the blood vessel to relax and increases blood flow through out the body, including the reproductive organs and heart, thus reducing the risk of infertility and heart diseases.

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2. ThreonineAs an essential amino acid, threonine not only helps to reduce the liver fat, but also enhances the balancing of immune system in terms of antibody production to protect from infection and inflammation caused by wound or cut.

3. LysineBeside promoting bone growth and development by enhancing the body in absorption of calcium, it also helps to build muscle protein and repair tissues, if used combination with vitamin C.

4. MethionineBeside helping to helps break down of fatty acids to prevent plague clotting up the artery walls, it also promotes the immune function in fighting against the forming of free radicals and the normal body metabolism and growth.

5. PhenylalanineBeside enhancing the nervous system in memory and learning processes, it also prevents any unwanted substances from entering the bloodstream thus protecting the brain from damage.

6. Etc.

Side effect Since it is grow for commercial profit corn may be genetic modifying, and the side effects are still unknown

Whole Grains - Rye (Cereale) Grain

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Rye Rye is a member of wheat tribe, a grass grown as a forage crop and genus Cereale belong to family Poaceae. Rye grain has been cultivated for foods to be eaten whole, boiled rye berries, rolled, etc. and used for flour, rye bread, rye beer, etc.

Nutritional Supplements1. Carbohydrate2. Proteins3. Fiber4. Thiamin (Vitamin B1)5. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)6. Niacin (Vitamin B3)7. Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)8. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)9. Vitamin E10. Manganese11. Iron12. Copper13. Zinc

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14. Selenium15. Magnesium16. Etc.

Health benefits 1. Weight lossRye grain can help to lose weight because it contains high amount of fibers that have an unusually high water binding capacity which causes it to expand in the intestines, thus reducing the risk of food craving causes of weight gain.

2. Type II diabetesSince Rye grain releases the sugar slowly into blood stream, it helps to improve the function of beta cell in secreting insulin from pancreas, thus reducing the risk of type II diabetes.

3. Heart diseasesBeside as an imporant mineral in protecting the bone density by aiding the absorption of calcium, magnesium improves the normal heart rhythm and prevents the heart from abnormal clotting.

4. PhytonutrientsSince it contains lignan, it reduces the risk of cancer caused by high levels of bad estrogen from the women body, such as breast cancer.

5. Free radicalsAs a component of manganese super oxide dismutase enzyme, manganese is a powerful antioxidant that enhances the immune function in destroying the free radicals as a result of cells oxidation.

Side effects1. Gluten Gluten in rye grain can cause gluten sensitivity to some people.

whole grain - Spelt (Triticum spelta)

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SpeltSpelt (Triticum spelta) is considered as a subspecies of common wheat, in genus Tritium and belong to family Poaceae originated from Transcaucasia, north of the Black Sea. It now grows only in Central Europe as a health food.

Nutritional Supplements1. Carbohydrates2. Starch3. Dietary fiber4. Fat5. Protein6. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)7. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)8. Vitamin B69. Folate (Vitamin B9)10. Vitamin E

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11. Copper12. Iron13. Magnesium14. Manganese15. Phosphorus16. Zinc17. Etc

Health benefits1. Nervous systemSpelt contains high amount of manganese, a powerful antioxidant beside helping to prevent the forming of free radicals, it also is essential for enhancing the brain cells information transmitting between themselves and cells in other parts of the body..

2. NiacinNiacin beside improves the function of circulatory system in blood transporting blood to the body, it also plays an essential role in fighting against free radical from oxidizing bad cholesterol (LDL) leading to hardening the walls of blood vessel.

3. CholesterolBy binding to the bile acids and expel them as a waste product, fiber also helps to remove bad cholesterol.

4. Type II diabetesMagnesium beside is important in maintaining the ratio of potassium for the lymphatic in regulating the fluid in the body, it also a cofactor for the enzymes which are responsible for the secretion of glucose, thus reducing the risk of type II diabetes.

5. Irregular cell growthLignan, one of the phytoestrogens helps to bind the estrogen receptor site, thus reducing the strong estrogen being produced by the women reproductive organ, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer and enhance the regular menstrual cycle.

6. Etc.

Side effects1. Spelt contains a measure amount of gluten, it can cause gluten-sensitive to some people.2. Etc.

Whole grain- Quinoa (Chenopodium)

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QuinoaQuinoa is an ancient food that is not yet well known in North America. It has been cultivated in South American since at least 3,000 B.C. It is a genus Chenopodium, belongs to family Amaranthaceae, a grain-like crop grown primarily for its edible seeds.

Nutritional supplements1. Carbohydrates2. Starch3. Dietary fiber4. Fat5. Protein6. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)7. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)8. Vitamin B69. Folate (Vitamin B9)10. Vitamin E11. Calcium12. Iron13. Magnesium14. Phosphorus15. Selenium16. Copper17. Zinc18. Etc

Health benefits1. Prostate healthSince quinoa contain a measure amount of zinc, it can help to reduce the risk of prostate

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enlargement and improves the test in normal sperm production, thus reducing the risk of sperm causes of infertility.

2. DNA repair and replicationZinc plays a key role in DNA replication and repair because of it function as a component of chromatin and antioxidant enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase.

3. OxidationSince its contains a measure of selenium and vitamin E, it increases the immune function fighting agaist the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and prevent plague accumulated cause of blood vessel hardening, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases and hypertension.

4. LignansAs we mentioned from the past article, lignan plays an important role in reducing the risk of abnormal menstrual cycle and enhancing the chance of fertility by occupying the receptors site with weak estrogen due to its function as a member of phytonutrients.

5. IronBeside as a mineral in carrying life-giving oxygen to human blood cells and maintaining robust health as an essential protein component for metabolism, it also helps in synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, along with serotonin.

6. Etc.

Side effects1. OxalatesOxalates in quinoa may cause proplen for people with kidney diseases.2. Etc.

Millet Millet is one of the oldest foods known to humans and a group of small-seeded species of grains, genus of Echinochloa and family Poaceae and widely grown around the world for food. It has been cultivated in Africa and India as a staple food for thousands of years.

Nutritional Supplements1. Carbohydrate2. Protein3. Fat4. Ash5. Dietary Fiber6. Calcium

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7. Iron8. Magnesium9. Phosphorus10. Potassium11. Sodium12. Zinc13. Copper14. Manganese15. Selenium16. Vitamin C17. Thiamin Vitamin B118. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)19. Niacin (Vitamin B3)20. Pantothenic (Vitamin B5)21. Vitamin B622. Folate23. Folic Acid24. Vitamin B1225. Vitamin A26. Vitamin E27. Etc.

Health benefits

1. LignanLignan is one of phytonutrients can help to occupy the estrogen receptors, thus reducing our body exposure to the bad estrogens produced by the body that not only helps to regulate the normal menstrual cycle, but also decreases the risk of breat cancer and benefits women in state of peri-menopause and menopause.

2. Cardiovascular diseaseSince millet contains high levels of selenium, one of the powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol and harden the blood vessels walls, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

3. AsthmaBeside it is important in maintaining the ratio of calcium for bone healthy, magnesium also improves the lung function in absorbing of oxygen by preventing the bronchial passages from going into spasm and promotes muscle relaxation after contraction.

4. Conspitation and diabetesSince millet contains high amount of fibers, it not only promotes the digestive track in expelling stool, but also release the glucose into the blood stream slowly, thus reducing the stress of pancreas in production of insulin, thus reducing the risk of type II diabetes.

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5. UrinaryBeside is essential in bone formation, phosphorus also enhances the kidneys in performing its function of ensuring proper release of wastes from kidneys by the process of excretion and promotes the building blocks of genetic code.

6. Etc.

Sides effectsMillet is not a commonly allergenic food and is not known to contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines.

Recommended readingSuper Food LibraryThe Nature Super Food For Health Living and Longevity And Look 10-20 Years Younger Than Your Biological Age

For more information of all other healthiest foods, visithttp://healthy-foods-index.blogspot.com/

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