The Wonderful World of Lindsay By: Lindsay Lancto

The Wonderful World of Lindsay

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Lindsay Lancto

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Page 1: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

The Wonderful World of


By: Lindsay Lancto

Page 2: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

ContentsA Letter of Introduction

What’s in a Name

Personal Alphabet

Likes/ Dislikes

Sensory Experiences

Metaphorical Definitions

Color my World

Room Sweet Room

Personal Metaphors

Symbolic Recipe

The Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse

Unfinished Sentences

Personal Symbol

Map of Life


Telling Tales

As Time Goes Bye-Bye

A Day in the Life

One Medium Suitcase

Remembering the Child

Memorable Event

How to “Stage Dive”

Left Out and Lonely

Rewarding Experiences

Valuable Lessons

Extraordinary Pet

Are You Hungry

Who am I

Family Expectations

Page 3: The Wonderful World of Lindsay


My name is Lindsay Marie Lancto. I’m 14 and I like sports and the color pink.

Page 4: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

April 12, 2010

Dear Mrs. Fiozzo,

You might not know me very well. Right now I hardly know myself. I do know that my name is Lindsay Marie Lancto. My favorite color is pink, it always has been.

One of my two favorite sports is basketball; I have been playing basketball since 5th grade, that’s 5 years. This year I started track and field. I throw shot-put and discus. My favorite foods are chick parmesan, scallops, and spaghetti with my dad’s sauce.

I don’t think my self-esteem is very good. I’m always putting myself down. I used to think I was fat, but I think track has helped me.

My family has problems too. My dad’s drug problem keeps getting worse and worse. He doesn’t help my self esteem.

Well that’s about it


Lindsay Lancto

Page 5: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

April 12, 2010

My name is Lindsay Marie Lancto. I’m not sure why my name is Lindsay, but my middle name is the same as my mothers. My dad wanted to name me “Charlie” after him. I like the name Charlie. My nicknames are Lin, or Linds.

“Lindsay” doesn’t really have any nicknames. I think I like it more that way. I wish my name started with an “A”. A wish my name was more original also. Like “Annabelle” for example. I also have the same initials as Lindsay Morgan Lohan. Over all, I like my name.

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April 12, 2010



























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April 13, 2010

Likes Dislikes

Basketball the Color Brown

Track Ignorance

Giraffes Creepy Crawlers

Peanut Butter Fast Food

Waffles Mean People

Music Fighting

Drawing Hatred

Smiley Faces Brussel Sprouts

My Family Getting Let Down

Friends Scary Movies

Shiny Things Science

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April 13, 2010

On a hot summer July afternoon, my sister Lauren, my mother’s friend, and I went on the skycoaster at The Great Escape. The hot air made everyone smell of sweat. The harness was itchy and smelled like sweat. I remember being at the top of the ride, I could see the whole parking lot, I think I could even see our car. I could hardly breathe because the harness was on so tight. My heart was practically pounding out of my chest. When we went down the drop, my scream was shattering. It sounded as if I was getting murdered. When I got back on the ground I couldn’t feel my legs.

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April 15, 2010

1.) Love is a highly addictive drug.2.) The sun is a kiss.3.) A cloud is a marshmallow.4.) Best friends are one soul living in two bodies.5.) School is a knife piercing through a pillow.6.) A sister is a best friend.7.) Homework is a clock that will not tick.8.) A kiss is a piece of pie.9.) A cookie is a warm hug.10.) Ice cream is a person to tell your secrets to.

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April 15, 2010

Colors are often associated with emotions. Sometimes seeing a color can make you think of a specific time, place, or feeling. For example, red can make a person think love, anger, or even a beautiful sunset. Blue could make a person think about being sad, but it could also make you think of the sky, ocean, or anything else that is calming. Green could make a person think of jealousy, or even sitting in a field. Purple is generally a calming color. It could make someone feel pretty. Yellow might make someone think of the sun shining on their face, or even just being happy.

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April 15, 2010

My room does not really describe me at all. It is not colorful. It is white and boring. The closest thing in my room to my personality is my vanity. I really take care of my appearance. My bed is boring, my dresser is boring, and everything is boring. All I do in my room is sleep. I try to spend as little time as a can in my room.

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April 15, 2010

Animal- puppy

Car-punch buggy

Article of clothing- sweatpants

Day of the week- Saturday

Food- chicken parmesan

Color- hot pink

Movie- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Fragrance- Clinique Happy

Type of building- skyscraper

Plant- daisy

Musical instrument- viola

Geometric shape- rectangle

Piece of furniture- recliner

Song- everywhere by Michelle Branch

Season of the year- summer

Television character- Amy- Secret Life of the American Teenager

Cartoon character- nemo

Appliance- iPod

Natural phenomena- tsunami

Word- love

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April 15, 2010

The animal I am is a puppy because I am loyal and good friend. I am always at my friend’s side, like a puppy. I stick with my friends through think and thin

The musical instrument I am is a viola. A viola is a small cello. It is very underestimated. The viola can be very quiet and shy like me.

The fragrance I am is Clinique Happy because it is clean and bright, and not overpowering at all. I’m not really out there, I am very reserved.

The piece of furniture I am is a recliner because I am very laid back and I am also very relaxed.

The type of building I would be is a skyscraper because am very tall.skyscapers are every tall like me.

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April 11, 2010


1c. love

½c. sweetness

½c. humor

1tbsp. wise-ass

¼c sensitivity

1/3c. Intelligence

I pinch flakiness

½c. honesty

1/3c. Loyalty


Combine love, sweetness, and humor in a medium sized mixing bowl. Combine wise-ass, sensitivity, and intelligence into another bowl. Gradually add the love mixture to the wise-ass mixture. Then, when everything is mixed together, fold in honesty and loyalty. Once the mixture has c-hilled for several hours, sprinkle flakiness on top. Serve immediately.

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April 16, 2010

To whom this may concern,

I could not insert task here because yesterday at 3pm I was taken by a pack of wolves, which were trained by leprechauns to kidnap children. The wolves took me skydiving. It was very scary. My mother called me at 6 and yelled at me for being late for dinner. So I told her the truth, I am skydiving with wolves; she died of a heart attack. So the rest of the night, I was in the ER with my wolf pack.

April 16, 2010

Page 16: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

I usually worry about how other people feel. I always get upset; I put myself in their shoes. I think of how I would feel if I were in their position.

I feel angry when people don’t listen to me. Sometimes it is funny when I am right. A person telling I can’t do something really pisses me off too.

I’m moody when I don’t get my way. I like things to be my way. I can deal when thing are not my way though.

I’m happiest when I am with my friends. I love my friends. I like hanging out with my friend Anna Starr for example.

I feel confident when I lost weight. I feel like everyone notices, and I love it.

I feel frustrated when people don’t take things that are important seriously. This year in track, some people are acting like it is not a real sport or team.

I feel depressed when someone around me is crying. I want to cry when someone around me is crying.

I am comfortable when I am with people I love, and it makes me even more comfortable when I know that they love me

I feel nervous when I have to do something where people are watching

I feel sentimental when I dive by the house I grew up

April 20, 2010

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I think my personal symbol is a viola. it is not extremely loud or extremely quiet, like me, when I was in 7th grade there was a big fire at my house. I lost pretty much everything. My viola was the only thing important to me that I didn’t lose; I left it in school that day.

May 3, 2010

Page 18: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

1) Which is wiser? A pen or a pencil.A pen is wiser because it is confident that it will not make mistakes

2) Which is sadder? Seek or find.Finding is sadder because you might not be ready for what you will find

3) Which is more fearful? New or old?New is more fearful because you never know what’s coming

4) Which is more trustworthy? History or literatureHistory is more trustworthy because there is a set story of how it’s supposed to go.

5) Which is like a legend? Mirror or glassGlass is like a legend because you might not have a clear view.

6) Which is more difficult? A dream or a nightmareA dream is more difficult because you might get your hopes up for a dream

7) Which is braver? An hour or a yearA year is braver because it is longer

8) Which has more pride? An entrance or an exitAn exit has more pride because it might be harder to leave than enter

9) Which is like a valentine? A truth or a lieA lie is like a valentine because it is more of a surprise

10) Which costs more? A home or a house.A house costs more because a home is wherever you are surrounded by people that love you, that’s priceless.

May 4, 2010

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When my family tells stories, we all contribute to the story. For example, when I was camping with my family we sat in a circle around the fire and told a story. My uncle started it, he had the story be all dark and twisted, and my dad did the same thing. I totally put the story in reverse and talk about a princess with a pink pony. My sister switched it back to being dark. It went on and on for about an hour. We had a blast.

May 4, 2010

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Before I am 35, I would like to: Go bungee jumping Play in a philharmonic Go skydiving Swim with dolphins Feed a shark Go cliff diving

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May 4, 2010

One day, a girl named Lindsay woke up after 20 minutes of sleep. She went to the fridge to get some juice. She reached for a glass but there were no glasses clean. She went to the dish rack; she got a glass and started pouring juice. It turned out that she was pouring juice on her phone thinking it was a glass. Her phone was sticky for the next two weeks.

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May 4, 2010

In one medium suitcase, I would pack clothes to keep myself warm. I would also pack my iPod because I like music. I would also pack a coloring book and some crayons to keep me occupied. I would also pack a lot of bottled water to keep me hydrated. Finally I would pack a picture of my family for memories

May 4, 2010

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When I was 3 my favorite food was pepperoni. I was at my great-grandpa’s house on Christmas and there was a platter of pepperoni. I couldn’t see the top of the table, so I stood in my tippy toes and got a piece of pepperoni. Every time I came back down, my grandpa’s dog, Jules, would steal it right out of my hands. After a while I started to get smart and get two pieces, one for me and one for Jules.

May 4, 2010

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A memorable event is my family reunion in 2008. My whole family was there, even my cousins from Kansas, Dustin, Matt and Peter. We ate hamburgers and hot dogs, and then we played basketball. After basketball, the WHOLE family played waffle ball, it was the best game of waffle ball I’ve ever played.

May 4, 2010

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How to “Stage Dive”

Right when the crowd is getting pumped, put down you microphone or instrument and jump into the crowd. I recommend jumping in backwards so one touches your face. (when you are in the crowd it is okay to kick people in the head, just not the people that are holding you at that time).To get off, point back to the stage to tell the crowd to bring you back .when you get back to the stage, make sure your feet are closer to the stage then your head. Then just hop off. Now you know how to stage dive.

May4, 2010

Page 26: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

At the beginning of the year, I felt very left out and lonely felt lonely because every morning my friends and I used to hang out in the cafeteria. When one of the girls would come everyone would practically throw a party, when I would come no one even said “hi” to me. My “friends” were treating me like crap for the entire 1st semester. I was thinking about finding some new friends. I told them numerous times how I felt, but they didn’t care. About a week after the last time I talked to them about it, I got in a fight with one of the girls. The fight made leaving them a lot easier.

May 4, 2010

Page 27: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

Rewarding Experiences

1. Getting into suburban council orchestra.2. Getting 1st chair in select orchestra 3. Presidential award 4. Getting into all county orchestra5. Select choir6. Select orchestra7. My Personal record in Shot-Put8. My family

May 4, 2010

Page 28: The Wonderful World of Lindsay

Don’t mess with people that can mess you up

Don’t poop where you eat

Believe in yourself

Just be yourself

Don’t mess with the Zohan

Don’t accept candy from strangers

Stop, drop, and roll

Electronics and maple syrup do not mix

Not every creepy middle aged man by the swings has a puppy

Never salt your soup before you taste it

May 4, 2010

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My dog’s name is Trixie. I wish she would shut up sometimes. Something unusual that my dog does is tricks for food. For example, one time I had a piece of steak in my mouth, so I spit it at Trixie, she caught it and ate it.

May 4, 2010

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My favorite meal is Lobster Ravioli. It is at Carabbas on route 7. All it is, is Lobster and cheese is a pasta shell. It is served with a garlic cream sauce.

May 4, 2010

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1. Basketball player- I play basketball, it is my favorite sport

2. Sister- I have a sister, I am a sister

3. Student- I’m a student

4. Friend- I love my friends, I do not know where I would be in life without them.

5. Lover- I love everyone, family friends, animals

May 4, 2010

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1.) Love

2.) Privacy

3.) Care

4.) Praise

5.) Strength

6.) Faith


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That’s me, deal with it. Thanks for reading.