Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland Minister: Rev Rae Clark MA BD The Window The Window September 2020 Updates for church opening and what some of us did during lockdown CLACKMANNAN PARISH CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT “God has called His people in Clackmannan Parish Church, under His guidance, to be a congregation committed to sharing Jesus’ Word and Love with the community.” Adopted by Kirk Session 17th November 2001

The WindowThe Window Clackmannan Parish Minister: Rev …

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Page 1: The WindowThe Window Clackmannan Parish Minister: Rev …

Clackmannan Parish

Church of Scotland Minister: Rev Rae Clark MA BD The WindowThe Window

September 2020 Updates for church opening and what

some of us did during lockdown

CLACKMANNAN PARISH CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT “God has called His people in Clackmannan Parish Church, under His

guidance, to be a congregation committed to sharing Jesus’ Word and

Love with the community.” Adopted by Kirk

Session 17th November 2001

Page 2: The WindowThe Window Clackmannan Parish Minister: Rev …

Page 2 The Window

Hello friends!

How was summer for you and your loved ones?

I know that for me and my family it has been a busy time, with very little of the ‘normal’ slowing down that often marks the summer months. But that is no surprise really, for this year has been so far from ‘normal’ that it will hold a particular place in history for all time to come! The effects of COVID-19 have been felt across the world as well as in communi-ties much closer to home.

Individuals and families have had to find ways of coping with dramatically changed circum-stances. For some that dramatic change has visited in the form of lost employment. For others it has been through illness or bereavement. Some have seen a rise in family tension or the breakdown of fragile relationships. A big challenge for many people has been the threat to their mental health, and if this is you then please make sure you get the help you need and deserve. No-one should suffer and struggle in silence, because there is help out there for you. Please make sure you speak to your doctor, and if no one else is there for you please know that I will be. I can offer a listening ear, and hopefully some support as you work out your next steps.

Some of us will have had a fairly positive experience over these last few months though. As I sit at my desk and write this particular greeting, I am anticipating that the next edition of the magazine might have some pictures and comments about your recent activities. It will be really good to see what you have been up to!

For Albert and me, the busy summer has been ‘interesting’, shall we say. My period of an-nual leave was spent here at the manse. Between us we did lots of gardening, built a new polytunnel, completed more decorating and did some odd jobs. Since returning to work I’ve been kept very busy while Albert, with the help of friends, has finally managed to move and erect his shed. Let’s just say I’m looking forward to having a holiday soon!

Seriously though, if you are anything like us, your summer may well have been quite differ-ent to how you planned it at the start of the year. If you had to cancel a significant celebra-tion, I pray that you managed to find another meaningful way to mark things. If you had to postpone holidays or other events, I pray you will be able to safely enjoy these at some point in the months to come.

Remember above all that, whatever this summer has brought your way, God is with us. If we have felt pain and sorrow because of the impact of COVID-19, He weeps with us. If we have had to postpone events to mark significant times, He waits with us. If we are looking for new ways of doing things, He guides us and equips us. Knowing that gives us hope. And having hope makes each new day and each new challenge just a little bit more man-ageable.

God bless you and those you love.

From your Minister and friend,


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Page 3 September 2020

Church Re-opening

The decision on when to re-open Clackmannan Parish Church lies with the Kirk Session and requires Presbytery Approval. The Kirk Session met on Tuesday 11th August via Zoom Conferencing. No date was decided but eld-ers wish to open as soon as possible as long as we meet the guidelines is-sued by the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Government. The Kirk Ses-sion is aware that many people are missing going to church and sharing in the fellowship but let me state that the Kirk Session has, as its prime con-cern, the safety and wellbeing of each member. Please note that there is a personal risk assessment form included in the magazine which will indicate into which risk category you fall. The personal risk assessment is only an aide and if anyone is uncertain about coming to church they should seek medical advice before attending.

A small group has been set up to assess what needs to be done to comply with requirements of the two legislative bodies. Once this group has com-pleted its task they will then report back to the Kirk Session who will scruti-nise the proposals to ensure that there are no loopholes. Thereafter, the Kirk Session will submit their proposals to Presbytery who, if satisfied with the submission, will give approval for the church to re-open.

The up-to-date requirements for re-opening church buildings can be found on the Church of Scotland or Scottish Government websites.

Jim Millar Session Clerk

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Page 4 The Window

Appendix 4 – Assessment ‘Tool’ for individual and group health risks

The assessment ‘tool’ opposite helps you to see how different risk factors may combine to give serious health complications should you catch the Covid-19 virus. It does not include the factors that may make you clinically extremely vulnerable, where you should be following the guidance for those who are ‘shielding’. It includes the factors where there is significant statistical evidence but does not include any rarer conditions which you may have, so this only offers a starting point. You may want to discuss the results with your doctor or with those who have expectations about your involvement with church life. This should be read alongside the full text of the Church of Scotland’s “Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Reopening of Church Buildings” which includes guidance about minimising risks in the church context, and other government or local advice about staying safe. We are not claiming medical expertise in sharing this way of scoring your risk but giving a way to show how serious catching the virus may be for you or the groups using your church building(s). Circle the score next to each one that applies to you and add up your score.

A score of under 3 indicates a lower risk, but you should still be follow-

ing the guidance for staying safe.

A score of 3-5 suggests a greater risk and you should consider ways of

reducing your risk by taking additional precautions or avoiding some


A score of 6 or more suggests a high risk and indicates that you should

continue to work or participate in church life from your home.

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Page 5 September 2020

Risk Factor Total


Age 50-59



80 and over





Sex at birth Male 1

Ethnicity Caucasian

Black African De-

scent Indian Asian

Descent Filipino


Other (including mixed race)






Diabetes & Obesity Type 1 & 2

Diabetes Type 1 & 2 with presence of microvascular complications or HbA1c≥64mmol/mol

Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 35 kg/m2 online BMI calculator: http://www.nhs.uk/live- well/ healthy-weight/bmi-calculator




Cardiovascular dis-

ease Angina, previous heart attack, stroke or

cardiac intervention

Heart Failure



Pulmonary (lung)



Non-asthma chronic pulmonary disease

Either of the above requiring oral corticoster-

oids in the last year




Malignant neoplasm


Active malignancy

Malignancy in remission





Active treated conditions 2

Immunosuppressant therapies

Any indication 2

Total Score

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News from our Mission Partners

Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are do-ing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Joel Hafvenstein reports that the very firm lockdown imposed from the very earliest cases being found in Nepal has greatly improved the air quality in Kathmandu though the downside is that the absence of transport means that producers cannot get their goods to market. While there has not been a Covid health disaster, economically the loss of income from day labour and small businesses has hit people hard and the reliance of the economy on tourism and income from migrants working in Malaysia, Qatar and India has meant that the government is severely hampered. Migrants who would have been remitting money home for assistance in rebuilding after the earthquake are now crowded back in their home villages. Joel is grateful for assistance from global church partners in keeping the two mission hospitals running effectively.

Church of Scotland’s own Crossreach social care arm received grants from our partner church in Taiwan and from Geneva to provide PPE and iPad de-vices to allow residents of care homes to remain in contact with families during lockdown.

Keith and Ida Waddell spent May and June sourcing PPE for the health care staff at Mwandi Hospital. They are still trying to get a donor government to provide an oxygen plant to save them having to make trips to Livingstone or Lusaka to get cylinders filled. The lockdown in Zambia is not so strict but wearing face masks in public places is mandatory and there are rudimentary hand sanitizing stations in shops and markets. By the end of July Zambia had had 5555 cases reported.

Keith and Ida have a 7th grandchild - the 6th granddaughter! Their son, Gregor, has just been ordained at St Asaph’s Cathedral in North Wales and he is a curate near Prestatyn.

Anne Dawson

Anne reminds you that you can ring her on 01259 219350 to ask for a delivery of Fair Trade stuff or jam and she will deliver to you.

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Page 7 September 2020


A time to read and discuss briefly on the scriptures is provided every Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm via Zoom. Please get in touch with Rev Rae Clark if you are interested in joining the group. If you know of someone who is ill, or would appreciate being remembered in prayer, please tell Rev Rae Clark.


June/July June/July

INCOME includes £ EXPENDITURE in-cludes


Offerings 7,039.00 Ministry 10,470.10

Investment Income 19.22 Salaries 1,340.00

Heat and Light 213.06

Telephone 256.22

WFO Envelopes 179.77

Council Tax 550.00

Office 292.99

Fabric 72.00

Total Income 7,058.22 Total Expenditure 13,374.14

Deficit -6,315.92

We have had a few people change their offerings to standing order. This is an easy way to ensure our income continues during this time and if you would like details of how to do this, or, if you have been filling your enve-lopes and would like them collected, please contact Joyce on 07557537611 or Les on 01259 929646.

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Page 8 The Window

Rae and Albert have been busy over the summer working in the manse garden and Rae is happy to share the following photos with us—showing the new polytunnel, manicured lawn, seating area, what they have been growing ... and, of course, the all important “manse (man’s) shed” as seen on front cover. It all looks wonderful—what a difference you have both made. Ed

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Page 11 September 2020

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Who would have thought??????

Good question but who would have thought that we would still be in a state of semi-lockdown after all this time?

I know that there are now more things that we are able to do and am sug-gesting that we are all thankful for that but from a very personal point of view I am not sure whether the current freedom will be sustainable.

Both Duncan and myself are becoming more and more fearful of the possi-bility of backward changes happening again.

An example being this morning - Thursday 13th August. We thought we would venture out into the big world of Stirling Thistle Centre. We believed that everyone would be cautious and sensible and obey the rules. How wrong could we be. There is a one-way system in place with arrows and signs throughout the centre and we could not believe how many people were totally ignoring these. People were in groups having chats with no face coverings and doing this in the most inconvenient places ie at the top of the stairs down to the car park.

We went into M&S, did what we had to do and then decided to come straight home to the relative safety of Clackmannan and Alloa.

I am not sure whether people have always been selfish and inconsiderate or whether it is more noticeable now that we have been unable to go out for some considerable time.

Please don't get me wrong and think that I am saying that everyone out there is wrong because I am not. What I am saying is that it could be that the thoughtlessness of a minority could quite possibly change everything for the majority and that is quite a concern.

Anyway that's my rant for the month over and now for a quick update for the "lockdown" diary.

I am still reading lots, baking not as much as previously - reason for that pretty obvious when trying on clothes!!! - although still managing the odd bar of chocolate and Magnum ice cream. Definitely sickened myself of jig-saws so am trying to find some motivation to get back into my crafting

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Page 13 September 2020


We are managing to catch up with the family according to the rules but with the imminent arrival of a new grandchild any time now we are spending as much time as we can helping with a little person who is on the go con-stantly. So that is definitely something wonderful to look forward to soon.

We are involved with Zoom sessions with Rev Rae on a weekly basis which is great as it lets you kind of catch up with other faces and makes a welcome change .

Still trying to recover from the most amazing thunder and lightning storms that we had a few days ago. I don't think that we have had anything like that for many, many years.

Between that and some exceptional temperature fluctuations this year then there is no doubt that there is something happening which seems to be out of our control. Perhaps if everyone did a bit then we could slow down this phenomenon.

There just seems to be so many things happening that brings an element of fear into our lives.

Once again there are some awful things happening in the world which makes you realise that right now we are actually quite lucky here. I am sure that we can all hope and pray for everyone who has been caught up in the awful situations that we have been hearing about, from the terrible disaster in Beirut, to the floods in this country, to our young people who have been affected by the chaos of their exam results.

What can we do??? Pray, pray and more praying.

Again like most of you we are muddling through and looking and hoping for a brighter future in 2021. I think we can all say that 2020 will have been a "missing year".

So to all my friends out there I am sending lots of love, lots of hugs and hope you are all well and staying safe.


Maureen Brember

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Maureen and Duncan Brember intend publishing a 2021 calendar in an effort to raise some funds for the Church in what may turn out to be a lean year. Once again we are happy to produce a calendar and as in previous years we invite church members to contribute by submitting some examples of their photo-graphic memories.

This time round we are proposing a theme relating to

Landscapes and Seascapes.

We know that all of you will have forgone any kind of holiday this year but we are sure that somewhere in your photograph albums you will have stored away memories that you would like to share with other church mem-bers. It would also be helpful if you gave us details about the scene ie where it was taken and what it is.

We would be grateful if all contributions could be forwarded to us by 11th October 2020 at the latest.

Earlier contributions would be a great benefit to getting the calendar under-way and an early draft being made available for viewing.

Pictures could be emailed to Maureen at [email protected]

or if it's copies in print form, negatives or 35mm slide for-mat then if you let Maureen know she can make arrange-ments for these to be collected and returned later.

As always we look forward to receiving your contributions.

We will again be producing both A4 and A5 versions of the calendar. It is intended that copies will be made to order and should be available for dis-tribution by the end of November. If anyone has a special request for an earlier copy, for say posting to family and friends, then please let Maureen know. The cost will be the same as in previous years.

Maureen Brember

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Page 15 September 2020

AUGUST AUGUST (continued)

1 Mrs Joan Davidson 17

2 18 Rosemary Ramage

3 19 Mrs Lillian Wilson

4 20 Mrs Margaret Robertson

5 21 Mrs Jenny Trevena Mrs Margaret Robertson

6 Mrs Mabel Davidson 22

7 Mrs Janette Wilkie 23 Mrs Freda Lambie

8 24

9 25

10 Joyce and Harry Fox (Elgin) 26

11 The Russell Family 27 Andrew and Rena Hood and Family


13 Mrs Lorraine Lindsay 29 Sam and Margaret Harris

14 30

15 31


Articles for the October Window should be emailed to

[email protected] by Sunday 13th September

Magazines will be available online by 27th September.

Contributors are listed below and their names and dedications will

be on display at the Church entrance. If you wish to sponsor any

future dates please contact Rosemary Ramage (01259 720805).

The cost to light up the Church for one night is £5.


There are NO dates available for September but there are 4 dates still

available in October: 16th, 19th, 29th and 30th

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Page 16 September 2020

Printed by Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland Office

Scottish Charity Number SC002324


If you know of anyone at all who is either sick, in hospital, bereaved or just ‘under the weather’ – let Helen White know. A card can make such a dif-ference – let us be the ones to make that difference.

Helen White 07900837546


The Community Council has been meeting monthly during the Covid 19 re-strictions. We have had meetings every month via the Zoom meeting app. We are still doing the Foodbank Outreach and anyone who needs a food-bank parcel can contact us via email at

[email protected]

We have been overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone who has do-nated food in the basket at the Co-op and we must say a big “thank you” to each and every one of you.

Garry McPhee

Telephone Numbers and Email Addresses

Position Name Tel No Email address

Minister Rev Rae Clark 01259 211255 [email protected]

Session Clerk Jim Millar 01259 217361 sessionclerk@



Session Clerk/



Anne Dawson 01259 219350

Treasurer Joyce Morrison 07557537611 [email protected]

Organist Meg Carroll 07900443425 [email protected]

Church Officer Willie Hunter 07775686664

Church Office 01259 214238 [email protected]