F A 6 E TWO ••Hiiimiiiij uiiiiiiJiiM i)nllii|»i'nw TICONOEHOQA SENTINEL S=S5=I Enid Bousfield after 6 p.m. ; : f: ..;;'•* ; 5 $ ^ 3 £ | ^ i M j e now. ' w;i/*i^--i^0fefci1k showing :^ : ;-';,.tltoV|fe , 1Wf^«in is a little - i^lv^OL-'.-wi'M^ sky is 'blue. •; '.-.v.v.j;%»%lucigipie are to be alive, ; ^'^^^iM^^bai begun.. ( -:S%5v 5f ••'/•*** - ^ E N I O R CITIZENS "&i Senior Citizens of Tieonderoga met yesterday pr ; their St. Patrick's Day er. There was entertainment and a social ^Jioiir following ^e supper. Marilyn Robbins in Tieonderoga or Betty Braisted in Hague. *** FOR CARILLON % 4 M r ' . t a f e p n * . wa»' held ffp|iitty*8 tavemjast Monday. More about this next week. The, More news of the,next wek. Tieonderoga 'MT-%gann^p>n will mftji^ottd^; tijihe Elemeritaiy-Maddie School cafetonunu Tbm Strieker will presenta'prograin on the new Health Education course The Chordial-^Vires are being presented in the looking for new ^embers, schools. The public is invited This up and coming chorus is to attend. Refreshments will the group Of ladies of theWea be served following the that sing four-part barbershop program. type harmony. They often sing for local functions and **• have several engagements planned for the near future/ Along with the excitement of singing for the public, this group offers the fun of social activities with a friendly group of women, including parties, dinners, fund raising activities and o to hear other perform. Everyone knows that nothing is more fun than singing familiar songs, old and new, with a chorus of people who enjoy singing as much as you do. No voice test is necessary. The only requirement is a love of singing. A guest night will be held in Tieonderoga at a later date, but meanwhile why not attend a meeting of CSordial-Aires, sing a song or , two and see what it's all about. You are always welcome. Monday nights, 7:45 p.m. at the Crown Point School. For more information or for transportation, call Florence Donahue in Port Henry, KOFFEE-KLATCH The Coffee Klatch is scheduled tomorrow at the high school from 10 to 11:30 a|m. Principal John Herbert will give a report on things in progress which might mean onai trips changes in next year's choruses program. The meeting will be held in the Planetarium. All parents of high school students are urged to attend as there are always many items of importance discussed. HOSPITALJVUX1L1ARY MOSES LUDINGTON HOSPITAL The members of the Women's Auxiliary of Moses LudingtoV&re reminded'that they wiUjmeet for the March meeting.- on the last Wednesday of the month. There being five Wednesdays in March, the date will be l{g0fr 30. Details will be given next week as to the program for the evening. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TICONDBROGA BOYS BRIGADE The members of the Boys Brigade were fortunate to take * trip to Wirrensburg to the indoor twintmtaf pool last Friday evening. Many thank youa are expreswd here fort the ldndne* the adult church member* gave t o the boys on this night out. *** FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHANCEL CHOIR This Sunday, Palm Sunday, is the day that everyone it invited to the church to hear the ipvely' rendering of the' Easter" Cantata, "Were You T h e r e b y the Chancel Choir of the First United Methodist Church. a \ l , r T*e|^al^l^|^p, : ;witk$pich tololR#^vMi*e held today, at 12 p.m. HOLY WEEK SERVICES .March 3Q,\:*7;:3J> pjn. Maundy . Thursday Communion and meditation. March 31, 12 pjn. to 3 p.m. - Good Friday, Seven Last Words of Christ. April 2, 9 ajn. and 11 ajn. - Easter Sunday, two services. Sermon Topic - "The Resurrection - A realization of Hope." Womtn to watch Marilyn Robbins— singing, politics Singing and politics occupy most of the spare time of Marilyn Robbin$ f She has been a member of the Chancel Choir of the Methodist Church for many yearn and, ofteff sings soprano solos with that group. She u also a member of the Chordiat-aires, which is the ladies' barbershop chords of this area and has served as president of f that group for s the past two years, Marilyn has long been interested m politics and has been very active in the local, county and,State Democratic party. She served as Town Chairman of the Tieonderoga Democratic Committee for four years and two years ago was elected to the New York State Democratic Committee, one, of the two state committeemen from Essex County, She also serves as a member of the executive committee of the Essex County Democratic Committee and a member of the local Dernpcriitic committee, In spite,, of all these activities, Marilyn sa^s that her main interests are Iter husband and three children. She is married to Gary Robbins, a joutfteyltiaa presently sews all hex own clothes and some for her husband and children. Marilyn was bom in Brooklyn and! she came to Tieonderoga at the age of 12 when her father, Ed Kalland a boilcrmaker, now deceased, came with .a crew employed on Jit Project for International Paper Company. The family originally intended to vacation here Jor two weeks bnt hked the area- so well they decided to settle. Her P ^ TfiSJnTn. »»othe<, AHce K*tlw&\*ow employed by the Gtens Tails 1tve J«i 1 i^p ( SntRo*# Post Star. She has two children, Leslie and Cbns/by a former marriage, and her youngest daughter, Julie, Manlyn likes to paint and sew and do needlework. The results of these hobbies decorate the walls of her home on Summit Street. She lives on Black Point Road After graduating from Tieonderoga High School, Manlyn worked,for * local law firm' arid then for finance company for several years. •\ Plans for the future include a long-awaited trip' to Norway next fall. m. CHURCH OF THE CROSS EPISCOPAL The Rev. Daniel Walton, Rector. Holy Week Services. Palm Sunday, March 26. Blessing and Distribution of palms. Holy Communion Service, 7:30 ajn. and, 9:00 a.m. No morning service on Wednesday. Maundy Thursday, March 30, Holy Communionat'7:30 x a.m. and 10:00 ajn.^# Good Friday, ^Barch 31, The Church will be open for Private Meditations until 3 p.m. From 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. a Devotional Service wfll be conducted by Father Welton. After Easter Day, weekday services will be held on Holy Days, as announced. Mr. Charles ,;.ke^:4';«d||^ executive; the Rev. ahd Mrs; Charles .i. Knight, v|^oit Henry; theRev. and Mrs; Gary McLam; Mr. and Mrs. lames Ordway, North . Creek Cubinaster; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, North. Creek Webelo leader, and Gusher Smith, Scoutteader of Troop 71. Twenty boys became bobcats, the first rank in cub scouting, in a cake ceremony. Mr. Sweet presented keys honoring the work of three Tieonderoga den mothers, Mrs. Elesda Burroughs, Mrs. Elaine Taylor and Mrs. Maria Overbeek. The cubmaster's key was awarded to Hendrik Overbeek. '^mMM*hoir present Pop* #iiicerf Jlcffian's YOUTH CENTER There wfll be a Youth Center Dance on Friday with the "FEAST" providing the music. *** COURT ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Court St. Mary's Catholic Daughters of America will hold their Dime-A-Dq> Supper tomorrow a t the S. of C. Rooms; Serving will start at 5 p.m. and continue rata all are sewed. '- "' **• i Cub Scout Pack 72 held to annual Blue and Gold Dinner March 12 at the EJLA. Building; l _ The t ceremony was opened by the Webelot and their leaders. The invocation was given by 1 the Rev. Gary L. 1 McLam. Food'was provided by the _ parents of ps,ck members, " 1 Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert- Sweet* district Thirty-five boys of the Saturday Morning Elks ivrfing, ,i3ub went to recently to in/ a bowling int. Tne boys were divided into seven teams. Total pins scored were The Rangers, 2,648; Tieonderoga Elks, 2551; The Ten Pins, 2,494; The Pinsweepers, 2,490; The Canadians, 2,488; Rick Raiders, 2,389, and The Exterminators, 2,373. In the C Class, the Rangers won the second, place. Members of this team were Don Morse, Kevin White, Mike Wakefield, Matt Dieimflkr and Tun Kelly Prizes will be awarded April 1 in Saratoga at the Hi Rock Bowling Lanes. The boys team was sponsored by the Elks who provided the'shirts and the traruportation. Bfll Hogle drove the boys down to Saratoga. A Pops Concert' by the Tieonderoga' music department wih be presented Tuesday at 8 p.m. Three bands and one choral group wfll take part hi this event which proved, to be the best attended of all of last year's music events. The high school men's chorus, directed by Mr. Richard Overcash, wfll present three selections, "De Animals Are Comin'," "Stouthearted Men," and the novelty, "The Story of the Tack". The bands, under the guidance of Mr. Robert Cinq-Mars, wfll open with the. Beginners', band playing marshes and folk songs. The ntlWoodside"r.ifrommthei->iname mddleSc«>ol band listkasits band era. ,:*s»tksU.£d&1 presentations, -'TFhe; .Theme From Cade's: COunty," "Finale to Wflliam Tell Overture," a medley of circus marchfes, and . 1'The Tijuana faxi'C Studenfe^dnector Jim Cruickshank. Will conduct the circus medley;' The final grpupoathePop Concert will be the high school band playing a medley of songs based on the stars, the moon and, outer space,, three 'themes/tfrom famous'^ concertos, a rock rendition of a Bach minuet, a group of selections froin Fiddler On The Roof, the. current'tpop tune favorite SMaggie May" and .. "Jumpin At The V. fc/sai Police talk on drugs The third and final program m a series on the problems of Drug Abuse will be presented by the Tieonderoga lodge of Elks Friday in the Lodge rooms beginning at 7:30 pjn. The series, which is presented,, as a community service by the local Lodge, began last November with a presentation by Lt. A.A. Mills, of the Malone Barracks, N X State Pohce. In January, Whitehall Police Chief, Bfll Stewart, was the principal speaker. The March 24 session will feature Sgt James LaTour, and officer Pat McVeigh of the Tieonderoga 'Pohce mmtmmtmmm»mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm Department, who will discuss the problem as it affects the local community. The program is open to (he adult public and is free of charge. Following the program, refreshments will be served. Bob Connors, Chairman of the Lodge's Amencamsm' Committee, - urges all interested* persons to attend this important -community event. v - , ' * * *fflm -iS*> Style, comfort and good to>oks. horn £ m V 'Sf;.g|m"ei Atrov^ Lo^ojn-tr 7 *}^ .^.•",-' Sweaters, Jackets, Shirts, Slacks, Sport Coats, Ties , feso »-*. 1 I I i *gm~o CLOTHING .^-^ Phone RX 3 - 3 3 1 1 ^ - 22QSten street- Downtown Gtens Falls 9m Coming sbon: v entertainment every Friday and Saturday, evening •.- 1 ~ * j Open daffy for luncheon it dinger Cocktail, lounger POKT HENRY, N.Y. 546-7633 , e««4a«4tatae«M«««*ea««4a««eaM««etes<i*v«^^ OPENING. Tieonderoga Thursday, March 2$, at>s00 p. m. /THENCW WEK3HT WATCHERS PROGRAM T Qjtimi***********!*****^*^*^*********^** 1 ^**** ESSEX THEATRE Port Henry, N.Y. Frl. f Sat.,' Mar. 7A-75 TASTE U 0 0 D off DRACULA DESTROYED taste of Mood 7:00 Frankenitein 8:31 Sun., Men., Mar. 26-27 James Garner OM complet* at 7:45 |M& I. Mmwmmmmm*mimmmmm*m*mmiimmm*m**l Please note! Wilcox & Regan , Will temporarily he located at MS Lake George ave. i r Call 585-7323 > for Funeral arrangements OP furniture .transactions m^0^^^^0*0*0*0^m0^0^^*0^t0^»0>0*0*0m0mv^**>^^m Don't settle for anything less! The NfeW Weight Watchers* program gives you a wide variety of great foods while you lose weight and learn to keep it off! It represents the most advanced, up-to-the-minute information on health, nutrition, and food values. The NEW Weight Watchers program is a three-for-ooe bonus. %, Helps you get your weight down. ^IhenVas you rtear your goal weight, tht Leveling Plan gives you extra incentive to lost when you get within 10 pounds of your gpji wejght * ^Maintenance Plan helps you stay at youi proper weight-tor good} Enroll in the NEW Weight Watchers prograir „ today! Mt. Defiance Lodge #794 425 Montcalm avenue Tieonderoga Come t n»oi mdlttarfiatbttaStolleafttlUyFlUioe FREE OPEN MEETING ^wa**» lafflBnaa, ^NV flp^ai m WEIGHT WATCHERS Coll 585-746!.**, write 376 Broadway, Saratoga Spri«9»r M.Y., 12866 ^mmm* WtJMIIKtaiMl'. iM* 0r. Jonea p/dfitfs Vermonf power fj'-f- l . .4*^* SENtlUCl W-:'m w y v r PAGE THKtCK ' nl Dr. Louis C. Jonea, cbiirnuQ of the Mew York State Historic Trust, has added hi* voice to the growing geological protest letter to L. Douglas Mexedita, prettdent of the Vermont Electric Power Company, Rutland. Copies of the letter were Lauaon Officer to the The significance of these two other," he continues. National Register of Historic attes, historically, predates "Construction of a 500 Places or In an informal any State boundary fane, foot stack prominently M review of the problem. During the time of the view from Fort Tieonderoga "The location under Revolution, they were Jinked would he immediately against the proposal of the gent to Gov. Nelson K, consideration is adjacent to a by a bridge over Lake detrimental to the historical Vermont EteGtnc Company Rockefeller of New York, nationally significant _,. values of the Fort, Harder to to bwld a major power plant Gov. Peane C. Davis of Revolutionary War area, lying * - " a "»»• r ««ay they are calCuJ j,te is the long term in Orwell, Vt. Vermont, officials of a both ui Verradnt and New ""» hruced by Justoncal effect on toe fabric of thfcsite The proposal is seen as a number of historical and Vork State," he says, assocjaaon. A threat to one is Wused by atmospheric threat to Ibe Fort conservation grouite, federal "Mount Independence, a wt intrusion on the chan g es resulting in the Tieonderoga and Sfaunt and stat? regulatory agencies natural stronghold in Jnrerpretauon, unaerstanding operation of a power plant in Independence historical area; and local newspaper^. Vermont, And Fort ^nd appreciation of the tins location/*!* Jones says Dr. JTones, wjhfo Also serves jj t jojjes 0 ff ers i„ 4 h e Twon$e#gs ^ ^aW-Yprk ' ' - > < as-New Yorl? Stafe Lwsqlni jetier to arrange- and Sfote are compamon sites Officer to the Nattoonai participate in a joint meeting &#d on the Nagonal Register of Historic places, mt ^ ^i e Vermont State l^gater of Histont Places. ' expressed h»s strong opposition to the projecting Miss Corneille engag ed Mrs. E. Stanley Corneille School and Potsijiim' State of CroWn Point anhourices University. S/Sgt. Flescb the engagement of .her attended school in West daughter Sharon Marie to Milwaukee and has served in S/Sgt, Robert George Flesch, the U.S. Air Force in the the sonof Mrs. John J. Flesch tlnited States as well as of ^West ADis, Wise;, and the Greenland and Italy. late John J. Flesch. A June 16 wedding is Miss Corneille is a graduate planned in the A via no Air Of<-,: Crown Point Central Base Chapel, Aviano, Italy. tf Basketball benefits Red Cross I , Two basketball games vtul' Shanow, Joani Hier, Lilhan be played Fndayat 8 p r». at 5»MjM» I)olbeck •"* * t f a FIT (op/off I k * L A A I a theVconderoga'lfiiluSchool ' 0 * « ill© O O O l ' B Gym to benefit the AanWcan Tl > fe s « c<} ^ « ame ' * e , tv,een " *Z : \'^ ItedCros^ Admission,wiMbe Grand .Union Co employee? ^peotl?tt^abpot s Slforatfultsan* 50 cents for .and Save#ay employees, wul Arable ffitipWN v*JUi. I' Jtferre^ by Terry witb a biroqcl Joe> qnd fine fit backed byj>s, ' gijf'ffcia^i of • t»e Tic^o'ttderbga Emergency id-have announced that 29Ridg? fttqetj pbwtomjplens^fls.; Rochester. 1 ' v " -"vw The lust game, between* Bianchtte and George V,. ; * ?the Ticonderdga Jayce^s an'dl Tofie. , T . ^ * ,> ' the Tieonderoga BKW,,. will Memlbers of the' Grand * t be refcreed by William P; w«on teana are, Buzzy ^ ^ouberr^uld 'Michael ^liOfiotti^ PalmerTj John , Ives, Hod JA * , "" Hotttnrt," Niclc v O'Connor, Playingfor the Jayce'e.s vill BofrFIeury, Gary Naroer, Bill-r be William Ppwjey Jr., femes y Wells, Johh Provoncha, and R. ,T MurdocfcJr„B taj/iehce , Fred Fuller. Bud.ro,, --Michael Wenz^ The Save^ay team mcludes^ Stephen" Tolosky, Stephen Joel Delaire, MichaeV }p^^^mk^m^^0^^ %«»% Ronald?, ^f^l^rtio^iol^fi^SV^aenf^g,^' Be'rjiar* ! '-^';?:Jrlnli^d^n^pSli -.«. Trjideau, Tim Cooke, James: : ^ ? » - W ; ^ # i 3'-;:,.Wbo-dard,, and John r$)Qf!iSe:i|^^ Thompson. .: 3/ : J^^mii^e^if^W^9iL. l?lay by. play for both '*-x^W0mi^M^0^a^ . games will be--furirished .by "'^^0M&MMml^^ ; - w *m Powley Sr. and •^l^iMlic^Winliii/JBeleir.;. Richard. G e r o u 1 d. ,:i^^ps^^&''»^|jl*rie : *Scwefceeper will, he Robert . ; Mc^rn^ci^ia«e'-i^g;'a^da' Bush: Squdd buys ambulance The decision to purchase the new vehicle was made in •• early •- January - following they a%awalting delivery, of " ^ "*?• J^SSL »lOf^SSit.'SS.w "* •,n.'problen»?.with thej-'squad'ssf * * TJi^PaMtergctfcys^uad 19 ?f-• J ' . purchW : »72 Che^olet ,J}„ K . ex P ec * ed , that > the r Sentinlllawfiuiance frorn the A f «S *& $*}*<>?*, «P BrightoVTrucfcGonipaiiy of be ^red within the next * ^ '^' ' month or two. -gjSS^ HJWDSOME POLYESTER TIES IN EASY-MATCH-UP COLORS Reg. 2.S0. We've picked the ones that got^reat with loads of styles. 3'|j. io ,4" v/idths. 67 i *r- ¥*£• m\ .g'r^Twort s, Sharon CornwU* lFirSWAt}?M0ltREL00KfmFQFt # HOP IN NOW-OUTFIT THE WHOLE FAMILY New Looks! Top Values! Our^Qwn Brand Casuals Ei OUB RIB KNIT PULLOVERS IN THREE DISTINCT STYLES iv \ 294 V:n»?j-' A" IK each Zipper crew necks, western lace ups, zipper long points of Pressme not"' 50% Blue "C" polyester, 50% combed cotton. Choose from a wide assortment of all-new spring colors. S to XL. Reg. 3.99 '«iv5. « '• v •:. J ^!g•^ v-v&t :5S. % ',? a «>»», BOYS'LINED SPORT JACKET Bright bandana lining Solid tones with white buttons, stitching. 8-1R. 9.88 Reg. 11.99 .'•& jy.'i 4 j®f\m > www ' * & * & ' ' « SUPER BARGAIN! SAVE OVER s 2 ON WRINIO^-IllEE DOUBLEKNIT FLARES Reg. 10.99 : '"£~%0fi& touch ariy you'll know how great these bargainy-gally:-Jm. Solids and fancies in the newest array of colors^ntf patterns anywhere. All boasting trie easy-care, i^^Weir,- extra-comfbrt conven- iences of polyester douoleknit. Hurry and grab a lev/! Sizes 3 0 to 4 0 ' ' §1^ ^ S-s .•JK « '/. ffi tt >i flTfie pric&&£ Gotd Aasi rncreasetf 'almost 25% ..• but, becaugt? of out large inventory, we'~ca^ i stijl supply % mesr styles at lasty^ar'^ prices. ' ^ \* 4 i i thru April 15th, Rathbun Jewelers will continue to seH WedrJing hands at last yeor r s prities.,...^., ..... ^..^^ r EXAMPLE; Our best celling Man's ring is note priced at $50.QQ bttt, thru Apitt l$th, it wilt sett for jwst*..*....^.il.*^ *JI $39.7S Rathbun Jewelry * 0PEM THURSDAY CyfiMlNGS Montcalm street Downtown tieonderoga 't.;j< n"r JR. BOYS' : ZEnPERED JACKET SinT *$£* song narea SIQCKS wnn ciasncisea jfoisK X n s p royon a^pV%e|a:te'Sties 3 to 7 Reg. 9 99 .•,;• •; - 'r-??j '":* : ^m$>3 -• ...~y-~<-- fes?, i' 1 ^-,-- ' : ,!S" H v , OUROWNBROOKDALE BRAND UNDERWEAR Reg. i3 lor a.29. Fine quality knit r^flgplito&t hrm •.. that really wear! White. 4*IS. ' J '"'l I ?•&'-'• A'V?*' 1 '! BOYS' KNACKY KNIT SHLRTS OUR OWN SUPER BRAND Reg. 2.59 French crew collar style with zip front in rib knit stripe or solid color with Contrast color sleeves. Polyester/cotton. Sizes 8 to 18. OUR OWW BRAND JEANS IN BRUSHED COTTON DENDM sale Res* 4.9t. Made for comfort and weafjmd styled the way^boys like 'em with flareffiot> torns, 4 pockets, wide belt loops, Ne/col- ors. Sizes 8 to 18; m m «-8»fc J 11 'S DIPT. ST0« TIC0MMR0G* 0 o

THE WHOLE FAMILY Jlcffian's New Looks! Top …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1972-03-22/ed...new, with a chorus of people who enjoy singing as much as you do. No voice test

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Page 1: THE WHOLE FAMILY Jlcffian's New Looks! Top …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1972-03-22/ed...new, with a chorus of people who enjoy singing as much as you do. No voice test

FA6E TWO ••Hiiimiiiij uiiiiiiJiiM i)n l lii|»i'nw



Enid Bousfield

after 6 p.m. ;


..;;'•* ; 5 $ ^ 3 £ | ^ i M j e now.

' w;i/*i^--i^0fefci1k showing :^:;-';,.tltoV|fe,1Wf^«in is a little

- i^lv^OL-'.-wi'M^ sky is 'blue. •; '.-.v.v.j;%»%lucigipie are to be alive,; ^'^^^iM^^bai begun.. ( - :S%5v 5f ••'/•*** -

^ENIOR CITIZENS "&i Senior Citizens of

Tieonderoga met yesterday pr ;their St. Patrick's Day

• er. There was entertainment and a social

^Jioiir following ^ e supper.

Marilyn Robbins in Tieonderoga or Betty Braisted in Hague.

* * *


% 4 M r ' . t a f e p n * . wa»' held ffp|iitty*8 tavemjast Monday. More about this next week.

T h e ,

More news of the,next wek.

T i e o n d e r o g a „ 'MT-%gann^p>n

will mftj i^ottd^; tijihe Elemeritaiy-Maddie School cafetonunu Tbm Strieker will presenta'prograin on the new Health Education course

The Chordial- Vires are being presented in the looking for new ^embers, schools. The public is invited This up and coming chorus is to attend. Refreshments will the group Of ladies of theWea be served following the that sing four-part barbershop program. type harmony. They often sing for local functions and **• have several engagements planned for the near future/

Along with the excitement of singing for the public, this group offers the fun of social activities with a friendly group of women, including parties, dinners, fund raising activities and o to hear other perform. Everyone knows that nothing is more fun than singing familiar songs, old and new, with a chorus of people who enjoy singing as much as you do. No voice test is necessary. The only requirement is a love of singing.

A guest night will be held in Tieonderoga at a later date, but meanwhile why not attend a meeting of CSordial-Aires, sing a song or

, two and see what it's all about. You are always welcome. Monday nights, 7:45 p.m. at the Crown Point S c h o o l . For more information or for transportation, call Florence Donahue in Port Henry,

KOFFEE-KLATCH The Coffee Klatch is

scheduled tomorrow at the high school from 10 to 11:30 a|m. Principal John Herbert will give a report on things in progress which might mean

onai trips changes in next year's choruses program. The meeting will be

held in the Planetarium. All parents of high school students are urged to attend as there are always many items of importance discussed.


HOSPITAL The members of the

Women's Auxiliary of Moses LudingtoV&re reminded'that they wiUjmeet for the March meeting.- on the last Wednesday of the month. There being five Wednesdays in March, the date will be l{g0fr 30. Details will be given next week as to the

program for the evening.


The members of the Boys Brigade were fortunate to take * trip to Wirrensburg to the indoor twintmtaf pool last Friday evening. Many thank youa are expreswd here fort the ldndne* the adult church member* gave to the boys on this night out.

* * *


CHANCEL CHOIR This Sunday, Palm Sunday,

is the day that everyone i t invited to the church to hear the ipvely' rendering of the' Easter" Cantata, "Were You Thereby the Chancel Choir of the First United Methodist Church. a \ l ,r

• • T*e|^al^l^|^p, : ;witk$pich tololR#^vMi*e held today, at 12 p.m.


.March 3Q,\:*7;:3J> pjn. Maundy . Thursday Communion and meditation.

March 31, 12 pjn. to 3 p.m. - Good Friday, Seven Last Words of Christ.

April 2, 9 ajn. and 11 ajn. - Easter Sunday, two services. Sermon Topic - "The Resurrection - A realization of Hope."

Womtn to watch

Marilyn Robbins— singing, politics Singing and politics occupy

most of the spare time of Marilyn Robbin$f

She has been a member of the Chancel Choir of the Methodist Church for many yearn and, of teff sings soprano solos with that group.

She u also a member of the Chordiat-aires, which is the ladies' barbershop chords of this area and has served as president off that group fors the past two years,

Marilyn has long been interested m politics and has been very active in the local, county and,State Democratic party. She served as Town Chairman of the Tieonderoga Democratic Committee for four years and two years ago was elected to the New York State Democratic Committee, one, of the two state committeemen from Essex

County, She also serves as a

member of the executive committee of the Essex C o u n t y Democrat ic Committee and a member of the local Dernpcriitic committee,

In spite,, of all these activities, Marilyn sa^s that her main interests are Iter husband and three children. She is married to Gary Robbins, a joutfteyltiaa


sews all hex own clothes and some for her husband and children.

Marilyn was bom in Brooklyn and! she came to Tieonderoga at the age of 12 when her father, Ed Kalland a boilcrmaker, now deceased, came with .a crew employed on Jit Project for International Paper Company. The family originally intended to vacation here Jor two weeks bnt hked the area- so well they decided to settle. Her

P ^ TfiSJnTn. »»othe<, AHce K*tlw&\*ow employed by the Gtens Tails 1 t v e J « i 1 i ^ p ( S n t R o * # Post Star. She has two children, Leslie and Cbns/by a former marriage, and her youngest daughter, Julie,

Manlyn likes to paint and sew and do needlework. The results of these hobbies decorate the walls of her home on Summit Street. She

lives on Black Point Road After graduating from

Tieonderoga High School, Manlyn worked,for * local law firm' arid then for finance company for several years.

•\ Plans for the future include a long-awaited trip' to Norway next fall.



EPISCOPAL The Rev. Daniel Walton,

Rector. Holy Week Services. Palm Sunday, March 26. Blessing and Distribution of palms. Holy Communion Service, 7:30 ajn. and, 9:00 a.m.

No morning service on Wednesday.

Maundy Thursday, March 30, Holy Communionat'7:30 x a.m. and 10:00 ajn.^#

Good Friday, ^Barch 31, The Church will be open for Private Meditations until 3 p.m. From 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. a Devotional Service wfll be conducted by Father Welton. After Easter Day, weekday services will be held on Holy Days, as announced.

Mr. Charles , ; . k e ^ : 4 ' ; « d | | ^ executive; the Rev. ahd Mrs; Charles . i . Knight, v|^oit Henry; theRev. and Mrs; Gary McLam; Mr. and Mrs. lames Ordway, North . Creek Cubinaster; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, North. Creek Webelo leader, and Gusher Smith, Scoutteader of Troop 71.

Twenty boys became bobcats, the first rank in cub scouting, in a cake ceremony. Mr. Sweet presented keys honoring the work of three Tieonderoga den mothers, Mrs. Elesda Burroughs, Mrs. Elaine Taylor and Mrs. Maria Overbeek. The cubmaster's key was awarded to Hendrik Overbeek.

'^mMM*hoir present Pop* #iiicerf Jlcffian's

YOUTH CENTER There wfll be a Youth

Center Dance on Friday with the "FEAST" providing the music.

* * *


Daughters of America will hold their Dime-A-Dq> Supper tomorrow at the S. of C. Rooms; Serving will start at 5 p.m. and continue rata all are sewed.

' - "' * * • i

Cub Scout Pack 72 held to annual Blue and Gold Dinner March 12 at the EJLA. Building; l „ _

Thet ceremony was opened by the Webelot and their leaders. The invocation was given by1 the Rev. Gary L.1

McLam. Food'was provided by the _ parents of ps,ck members, " 1

Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert- Sweet* district

Thirty-five boys of the Saturday Morning Elks

ivrfing, ,i3ub went to recently to

in/ a bowling int. Tne boys were

divided into seven teams. Total pins scored were The Rangers, 2,648; Tieonderoga Elks, 2551; The Ten Pins, 2,494; The Pinsweepers,

2,490; The Canadians, 2,488; Rick Raiders, 2,389, and The Exterminators, 2,373.

In the C Class, the Rangers won the second, place. Members of this team were Don Morse, Kevin White, Mike Wakefield, Matt Dieimflkr and Tun Kelly

Prizes will be awarded April 1 in Saratoga at the Hi Rock Bowling Lanes.

The boys team was sponsored by the Elks who provided the'shirts and the traruportation. Bfll Hogle drove the boys down to Saratoga.

A Pops Concert' by the T i e o n d e r o g a ' music department wih be presented Tuesday at 8 p.m. Three bands and one choral group wfll take part hi this event which proved, to be the best attended of all of last year's music events.

The high school men's chorus, directed by Mr. Richard Overcash, wfll present three selections, "De Animals Are Comin'," "Stouthearted Men," and the novelty, "The Story of the Tack".

The bands, under the guidance of Mr. Robert Cinq-Mars, wfll open with the. Beginners', band playing marshes and folk songs. The ntlWoodside"r.ifrommthei->iname mddleSc«>ol band listkasits band era. ,:*s»tksU.£d&1

presentations, -'TFhe; .Theme From Cade's: COunty," "Finale to Wflliam Tell Overture," a medley of circus marchfes, and . 1'The Tijuana faxi'C Studenfe^dnector Jim Cruickshank. Will conduct the circus medley;'

The final grpupoathePop Concert will be the high school band playing a medley of songs based on the stars, the moon and, outer space,, three 'themes/tfrom famous' concertos, a rock rendition of a Bach minuet, a group of selections froin Fiddler On The Roof, the. current'tpop tune favorite SMaggie May" and .. "Jumpin At The



Police talk on drugs

The third and final program m a series on the problems of Drug Abuse will be presented by the Tieonderoga lodge of Elks Friday in the Lodge rooms beginning at 7:30 pjn.

The series, which is presented,, as a community service by the local Lodge, began last November with a presentation by Lt. A.A. Mills, of the Malone Barracks, N X State Pohce. In January, Whitehall Police Chief, Bfll Stewart, was the principal speaker.

The March 24 session will feature Sgt James LaTour, and officer Pat McVeigh of the Tieonderoga 'Pohce


Department, who will discuss the problem as it affects the local community.

The program is open to (he adult public and is free of charge. Following the program, refreshments will be served.

Bob Connors, Chairman of the Lodge's Amencamsm' Committee, - urges all interested* persons to attend this important -community event. v - , ' * *


-iS*> Style, comfort and good to>oks.



m V



Lo^ojn-tr7*}^ . .•",-' Sweaters, Jackets, Shirts, Slacks, Sport Coats, Ties ,



1 I I i


CLOTHING .^-^ Phone RX 3 - 3 3 1 1 ^ -

22QSten street- Downtown Gtens Falls

9m Coming sbon:v

entertainment every Friday and Saturday, evening

•.-1 ~ * j Open daffy for luncheon it dinger Cocktail, lounger

POKT HENRY, N.Y. 546-7633 , e««4a«4tatae«M«««*ea««4a««eaM««etes<i*v« ^

OPENING. Tieonderoga Thursday, March 2$, at>s00 p. m.





Frl.f Sat.,' Mar. 7A-75

TASTE U 0 0 D off


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OM complet* at 7:45 |M& I. Mmwmmmmm*mimmmmm*m*mmiimmm*m**l

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Call 585-7323 >


Funeral arrangements


furniture .transactions m^0^^^^0*0*0*0^m0^0^^*0^t0^»0>0*0*0m0mv^**>^^m

Don't settle for anything less!

The NfeW Weight Watchers* program gives you a wide variety of great foods while you lose weight and learn to keep it off! It represents the most advanced, up-to-the-minute information on health, nutrition, and food values.

The NEW Weight Watchers program is a three-for-ooe bonus.

%, Helps you get your weight down. ^IhenVas you rtear your goal weight, tht Leveling Plan gives you extra incentive to lost when you get within 10 pounds of your gpji wejght * • ^Maintenance Plan helps you stay at youi proper weight-tor good} Enroll in the NEW Weight Watchers prograir „ today!

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Coll 585-746!.**, write 376 Broadway, Saratoga Spri«9»r M.Y., 12866 ^mmm* WtJMIIKtaiMl'.


0r. Jonea p/dfitfs Vermonf power

fj'-f-l. .4*^* S E N t l U C l

W-:'m w y

v r


nl Dr. Louis C. Jonea,

cbiirnuQ of the Mew York State Historic Trust, has added hi* voice to the growing geological protest

letter to L. Douglas Mexedita, prettdent of the Vermont Electric Power Company, Rutland.

Copies of the letter were

Lauaon Officer to the The significance of these two other," he continues. National Register of Historic attes, historically, predates "Construction of a 500 Places or In an informal any State boundary fane, foot stack prominently M review of the problem. During the time of the view from Fort Tieonderoga

"The location under Revolution, they were Jinked would he immediately against the proposal of the gent to Gov. Nelson K, consideration is adjacent to a by a bridge over Lake detrimental to the historical Vermont EteGtnc Company Rockefeller of New York, nat ional ly significant _,. values of the Fort, Harder to to bwld a major power plant Gov. Peane C. Davis of Revolutionary War area, lying * - " a " » » • r««ay they are calCuJj,te is the long term in Orwell, Vt. Vermont, officials of a both ui Verradnt and New ""» hruced by Justoncal effect on toe fabric of thfcsite

The proposal is seen as a number of historical and Vork State," he says, assocjaaon. A threat to one is W u s e d b y atmospheric threat to Ibe Fort conservation grouite, federal "Mount Independence, a wt intrusion on the c h a n g e s resulting in the Tieonderoga and Sfaunt and stat? regulatory agencies natural stronghold in Jnrerpretauon, unaerstanding operation of a power plant in Independence historical area; and local newspaper . Vermont, And Fort ^nd appreciation of the tins location/*!* Jones says

Dr. JTones, wjhfo Also serves j j t jojjes 0ffers i„ 4 h e Twon$e#gs ^ ^aW-Yprk ' ' - > < as-New Yorl? Stafe Lwsqlni jetier to arrange- and Sfote are compamon sites Officer to the Nattoonai participate in a joint meeting &#d on the Nagonal Register of Historic places, mt^ ^ie Vermont State l^gater of Histont Places.

' expressed h»s strong opposition to the projecting

Miss Corneille engag ed

Mrs. E. Stanley Corneille School and Potsijiim' State of CroWn Point anhourices University. S/Sgt. Flescb the engagement of . h e r attended school in West daughter Sharon Marie to Milwaukee and has served in S/Sgt, Robert George Flesch, the U.S. Air Force in the the sonof Mrs. John J. Flesch tlnited States as well as of ^West ADis, Wise;, and the Greenland and Italy. late John J. Flesch. A June 16 wedding is

Miss Corneille is a graduate planned in the A via no Air Of<-,: Crown Point Central Base Chapel, Aviano, Italy.

t f

Basketball benefits

Red Cross I , Two basketball games vtul' Shanow, Joani Hier, Lilhan

be played Fndayat 8 p r». at 5 » M j M » I ) o l b e c k •"* * t f a

FIT (op/off I k * L A A I a theVconderoga'lfiiluSchool ' 0 * « i l l © O O O l ' BGym to benefit the AanWcan „ Tl>fe s « c < } ^ «ame' *e , t v , e e n

" *Z : \ ' ^ ItedCros^ Admission,wiMbe Grand .Union Co employee? ^ p e o t l ? t t ^ a b p o t s Slforatfultsan* 50 cents for .and Save#ay employees, wul A r a b l e ffitipWN v * J U i . • I' Jtferre^ by Terry witb a biroqcl Joe> qnd fine fit backed by j>s, '

gijf'ffcia^i of •• t»e Tic^o'ttderbga Emergency

id-have announced that

29Ridg? fttqetj

pbwtomjplens^fls.; Rochester. 1 ' v" -"vw

The lust game, between* Bianchtte and George V,. ; * ?the Ticonderdga Jayce^s an'dl Tofie. , T . ^ * ,> '

the Tieonderoga BKW,,. will Memlbers of the' Grand * t be refcreed by William P; w«on teana are, Buzzy ^ ^ouberr^uld 'Michael liOfiotti^ PalmerTj John , Ives, Hod

JA * , "" Hotttnrt," Niclc v O'Connor, Playingfor the Jayce'e.s vill BofrFIeury, Gary Naroer, Bill-r

be William Ppwjey Jr., femes y Wells, Johh Provoncha, and R.,TMurdocfcJr„B taj/iehce , Fred Fuller. Bud.ro,, --Michael Wenz The Save^ay team mcludes^ Stephen" Tolosky, Stephen Joel Delaire, MichaeV

} p ^ ^ ^ m k ^ m ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ % « » % Ronald?, ^ f ^ l ^ r t i o ^ i o l ^ f i ^ S V ^ a e n f ^ g , ^ ' Be'rjiar* ! ' -^ ' ;? :Jr ln l i^d^n^pSl i -.«. Trjideau, Tim Cooke, James:

: ^ ? » - W ; ^ # i 3'-;:,.Wbo-dard,, and John r $ ) Q f ! i S e : i | ^ ^ Thompson. .:

3/:J^^mii^e^if^W^9iL. • l?lay by. play for both '*-x^W0mi^M^0^a^ . games will be--furirished .by "'^^0M&MMml^^;- w * m Powley Sr. and

•^l^iMlic^Winliii/JBeleir.;. R i c h a r d . G e r o u 1 d . , : i ^ ^ p s ^ ^ & ' ' » ^ | j l * r i e : *Scwefceeper will, he Robert . ;Mc^rn^ci^ia«e'-i^g;'a^da' Bush:

Squdd buys ambulance

The decision to purchase the new vehicle was made in •• early •- January - following

they a%awalting delivery, of " ^ " * ? • J^SSL »lOf^SSit.'SS.w "* •,n.'problen»?.with thej-'squad'ssf •

* * TJi^PaMtergctfcys^uad 19?f-• J ' . purchW : » 7 2 Che^olet ,J}„ K . exPec*ed, t h a t > t h e

r Sentinlllawfiuiance frorn the ™A f «S *& $*}*<>?*, « P BrightoVTrucfcGonipaiiy of b e ^ r e d within the next • *^ ' ' ' month or two.



Reg. 2.S0. We've picked the

ones that got^reat with loads

of styles. 3'|j. i o ,4" v/idths. 67


¥*£• m\ .g'r^Twort s,

Sharon CornwU*

lFirSWAt}?M0ltREL00KfmFQFt #


Our^Qwn Brand Casuals




i v \


V:n»?j-' A"


e a c h

Zipper crew necks, western lace ups,

zipper long points of Pressme not"'

5 0 % Blue " C " polyester, 5 0 %

combed cotton. Choose from a wide

assortment of all-new spring colors.

S to XL. Reg. 3.99

'« iv5. « '• v•:.J !g• v-v&t :5S.%',? a «>»»,


Bright bandana l ining Solid tones with white buttons, stitching. 8-1R.

9.88 Reg. 11.99

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> w w w

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R e g . 1 0 . 9 9 :'"£~%0fi& touch ariy you'll know how great these bargainy-gally:-Jm. Solids and fancies in the newest array of colors^ntf patterns anywhere. All boasting trie easy-care, i^^Weir,- extra-comfbrt conven­iences of polyester douoleknit. Hurry and grab a lev/! Sizes 3 0 to 40 ' ' § 1 ^



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flTfie pric&&£ Gotd Aasi rncreasetf 'almost 25% ..• but, becaugt? of out large inventory, we'~ca^istijl supply

% mesr styles at lasty^ar'^ prices. ' ^

\* 4 i — i

thru April 15th, Rathbun Jewelers will continue to seH WedrJing hands at last yeor rs prit ies . , . . .^ . , . . . . .^ . .^^ r

EXAMPLE; Our best celling Man's ring is note priced at $50.QQ bttt, thru Apitt l$th, it wilt sett for jwst*..*....^.il.*^



Rathbun Jewelry * 0PEM THURSDAY CyfiMlNGS

Montcalm street Downtown tieonderoga

't.;j< n"r

J R . B O Y S ' :


*$£* song narea SIQCKS wnn ciasncisea jfoisK X n s p royon a^pV%e|a:te'Sties 3 to 7 Reg. 9 99 .•,;• •;-'r-??j '":*


-• ...~y-~<--


i ' 1 ^ - , - -

':,!S" Hv,


B R A N D UNDERWEAR Reg. i3 lor a.29. Fine quality knit r^flgplito&t hrm •.. that really wear! White. 4*IS.

' J ' " ' l

I ?•&'-'•



Reg. 2.59 French crew collar style with zip front in rib knit stripe or solid color with Contrast color sleeves. Polyester/cotton. Sizes 8 to 18.


sale Res* 4.9t. Made for comfort and weafjmd styled the way^boys like 'em with flareffiot> torns, 4 pockets, wide belt loops, Ne/col­ors. Sizes 8 to 18;

m m

u « «-8»fc

J 1 1

'S DIPT. ST0« TIC0MMR0G* 0 o