The White Beast

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  • 8/8/2019 The White Beast


    His heart was in his mouth with fright as he sprinted down the pavement. The threatening

    thunder overhead shrieked at him and sent down buckets of rain that beat him from above.

    His trainers ran over the loose pieces of gravel and then thudded down into puddles, sending

    droplets of water splashing up onto his trousers. His clothes were soaked and his breath

    curled up cruelly in front of his face. He glanced back, trying to see him again. Unable to see

    through the walls of rain, he ran on, picking up his pace. He ducked through the side alleys,jumping over boxes, crates, sleeping people, anything to get away from whatever was after

    him. He was tiring, his legs sore and numb, his stomach aching from a stich, his lungs

    burning for air, and he didnt even know if he was being followed. He slowed to a walk, but

    still was on high alert. He walked on, trying to get away from whomever, whatever was

    chasing him. The rain was falling harder now, and a mist had pulled its blanket over the town.

    For some reason he looked up, but he could no longer see the moon or anything above his

    head. In fact, when he looked forward again, he couldnt see anything anymore. There was

    nothing ahead of him, nothing behind him. He pulled out his flashlight and turned it on, but it

    made no difference in the thick of the fog. Yet he walked on, remembering the streets like the

    back of his hand, making his way home. The way he figured it was that if he couldnt see

    anything, neither could his attacker.

    His house sat in the middle of the forest that was tucked neatly to the side of the town. He

    always hated this part of the journey, but when it came to the choice of sleeping in his own

    bed or in a shabby B&B, hed pick his house any day. The mist was thinner here and the rain

    had stopped falling. He took one last look at the moon that was still rising into the sky in the

    youth of the night. It was a cloudless night, allowing the stars to gaze down at the world from

    their spaces in the sky, twinkling ever so slightly, yet so obviously it was hard to stop looking

    at them. But he knew he had to get home fast if he wanted to be on good terms with his

    father. His father would beat him again if he was late. And so he started to trudge down the

    damp path that he always took when he made his way home at night. In the daylight healways used the common path, but at night all sorts of people hung out on the main path, and

    not wanting any trouble he used the less known trail back to his house. He looked at his

    watch, and panicked at the time. He had ten minutes to get home and he took off running

    again. But then he heard a low, threatening, terrifying growl. He spun round, but couldnt see

    anything in the dense trees. He walked on, his heart racing, his ears straining to hear anything

    else. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something white as chalk zoom past, but when he

    turned to face it, it was already gone. He picked up his pace again, feeling the adrenaline rush

    through his veins again. And then he heard that growl again and sprinted down the path. He

    tripped on some roots and stumbled over, crashing into the bed of damp leaves. He scrambled

    up and sprinted again. He heard the thunder of feet behind him, and ran faster. His mind wasfocusing on surviving. He looked back and saw something he would never forget. A wolf,

    with crystal white fur. But it was bigger than a normal wolf, and had a smaller tail, and more

    powerful front legs. And their front paws were in the shape of hands, with menacing claws.

    But the thing he noticed most of all was the fact that the crystal white fur was stained with

    red, crimson, dried blood. He looked forward again and saw his house. Making a last

    desperate attempt to get away from the creature, he leaped for his life through the open door

    and kicked it shut with his feet. But the creature tore through it like it was paper. It pounced

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    on top of him and roared in his face. He looked at its teeth and stayed still, waiting for them

    to tear him open. But then the creature howled in pain and he saw blood splatter out of its

    head. It flopped, lifeless to one side, a massive paw resting on his chest, crushing him. He

    looked up and saw his father, holding the smoking shotgun to the wolf and kicking it to make

    sure it was staying down. He got up and looked at the creature.

    What is that dad? he asked. His father shook his head.I have no idea son. No idea whatsoever. Then without a word, his father picked up the

    phone and spoke softly into the mouthpiece. Hey Benny, How are ya?... good good. Listen

    Ive got a weird one for ya Im telling ya, its nothing Ive ever seen before come over to

    my place yes now alright see ya then. Once his father put the phone down, he grabbed

    the fishing net out of cupboard and placed it over the creature and tied up the ends with his

    mothers hand made rope that was stronger than the normal store stuff. After his father had

    done that he finally turned to him. His hands were shaking and he was deathly pale. His eyes

    were glued to the creature, racking his brain, trying to find an answer to the ultimate question.

    What is that thing? His father poured coffee into two cups and handed one to him, and then

    forced him to sit down at the table. Half an hour later, his father opened the door to his best

    mate, Benny. They wasted no time and his father showed him the creature and Benny stepped

    back in horror.

    What is it, Benny? his father asked. Benny gulped, and stayed silent for a while.

    I dont know for sure Ill have to get it back to the lab. But if Im correct Bennys

    voice trailed away, and his father grabbed him by the shoulders.

    If youre correct, then what will happen?

    The whole of the human race is in danger. Because if Im correct then that thing is a


    When Kyle Bluemann woke up that morning, his head was spinning. He was sweating all over and

    his mouth was dry with thirst. He sat up slowly, but he lay back down again, his head screaming in

    pain. He groaned a little and then tried again to sit up. This time he succeeded and he just sat

    there, swaying a little. He felt something soft hit him and opening his eyes, he saw a pair of

    trousers and boxers lying in his lap.

    Put them on, kid. A voice in the dark said. Kyle did as he was told and put them on. He finally

    took the time to observe his surroundings, but there was nothing to see. He was in a dimly lit

    room with a mirror on one side and a glass wall on the other. He walked up to the mirror and

    almost fainted with shock. One side of his head with missing and closing fast. Soon, it was fully

    closed and his hair was growing to fill its place and it looked normal.Scary isnt it? the voice said again. Kyles eyes had adjusted enough to making out a silhouette

    in the shadows. The lights suddenly came on and Kyle closed his eyes to block out the light. When

    he opened them again, he saw a man standing there, dressed in a white lab coat with a stripy

    blue shirt on underneath and holding a clipboard. Kyle took a step back.

    Where am I? Kyle demanded. The man chuckled.

    Does it really matter? If I were you, Id be asking stuff like oh I dont know, why am I here, and

    do you know what I am. Kyle eyed the man in front of him.

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    Well, do you know? he said finally. The man smiled again and jotted something down on his


    What do you think?

    What are you, a shrink or something?

    Well what do you want me to be? Kyle started getting irritated.

    Ok, lets cut the questions out alright.Is that what you really want? the man asked, chuckling again. The hairs on the back of Kyles

    neck rose in anger.

    Stop that. The man held up his hands in surrender.

    Alright, alright Ill stop. He scribbled something else down on his clipboard and looked at his

    watch. The doctor should be along soon. Just hang on a few minutes, alright? Kyle looked


    Hang on for what?

    I thought you didnt want to ask any more questions.

    Not funny. Kyle said. The glass started to slide to one side and the man in the white coat

    walked out. Then like lightening, the glass closed again and Kyle was all alone in his prison cell. He

    gazed around at the white walls and saw something written on it. He walked over to it, and readit aloud, softly to himself. Dont drink the blood! It read. What the hell does that mean? Kyle

    asked himself. Just then a packet of blood dropped out from the ceiling, and flopped onto the

    floor. Kyle didnt know what to do next. He hated drinking blood, even when he was in his other

    form, but it made him stronger. It was a part of who he was. He picked up the packet and tore off

    a corner, and took a gulp of the salty liquid inside. But as soon as he did, he could tell something

    was wrong with it. There was something else in it. He took the packet away from his lips and spat

    out the blood in his mouth and threw the rest on the floor, letting the liquid run out onto it.

    Oh, now look what youve done. I just had this floor cleaned. Kyle spun around and saw

    another man, older then the first, standing on the opposite side of the glass. He nodded to

    someone and the glass door opened again. Come on then. Weve got a lot to talk about. Kyletook an uneasy step towards the man, unsure on whether to trust him or not. As soon as he was

    out the door, the man jabbed a needle into Kyles arm and pushed him into a wheelchair. Kyles

    body went numb and he couldnt move. The man then proceeded to strap him into it with leather

    straps and started wheeling him down the corridor. On either side of him, Kyle could see people,

    some older, some younger, all looking out at him from behind their glass prisons. Their faces

    were filled with pain and pleading, their eyes sad and full of despair. Pay no attention to them.

    You have a much better fate in store for you. The man said, but Kyle hardly heard him. Soon

    they reached the end of the tunnel with another glass wall that opened automatically when they

    approached. Kyle wished it hadnt. Inside he could see another corridor with a sea of rooms with

    labels on the top. The first one he saw was operating theatre 1. Kyle tried to struggle in the chair

    but the bindings were just too tight. The man pushed him along the tunnel and came to a haltoutside a room labelled Doctor Claire Brooklyn. The man pushed open the door and left Kyle

    facing the desk. The good doctor will be with you shortly. The man mumbled as he shut the

    door behind him. The feeling in his arms and legs had returned to Kyle and now he fought against

    the bindings with all his might. But they wouldnt budge. Suddenly the door flew open and in

    walked a young woman, with dark brown hair, also wearing a white lab coat. She had her head in

    a file and seemed to not acknowledge Kyle at all. She sat down and after a few minutes closed

    the file and looked up.

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    Hello Kyle. How you feeling? she asked in a sweet voice that could turn sour in the blink of an


    How do you know my name?

    Oh please. For someone whos been around for hundreds of years, your blood or fingerprints

    would appear in some files somewhere. We just ran them through the database and voila, found

    you.How do you know Ive been around for hundreds of years?

    Because we know what you are.

    And what am I exactly?

    A werewolf.

    Wrong Im a half-breed.

    In our books, thats the same thing.

    Its not the same thing. Im insulted that you think that.

    Well then care to tell me the differences and Ill decide if they are so different after all. The

    doctor moved around and sat on the edge of her desk.

    1. Werewolves live in human years, half-breeds live for eternity. 2. Werewolves look like wolves

    when they phase, half-breeds have human hands and are bigger. 3. Werewolves are madethrough biting a human, half-breeds are born from the mother of a vampire and the father of a

    werewolf. 4 no thats it. Kyle smiled, pleased with himself.

    Impressive. We were unaware of such differences. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Well, it was great to help you out. Now if you could untie me, and let me go I would very much

    appreciate that.

    Not so fast buddy. You have to earn your freedom here. And that means doing a mission for us.

    Kyle eyed the doctor nervously.

    What kind of mission?

    Dont you want to know anything else about this place?

    I just want to go on my merry way. So just tell me this mission and Ill do it, then Ill leave andeveryone will be happy.

    Ok, Ill tell you. She walked over to the filing cabinet and pulled out a large file and placed it on

    Kyles lap. She opened it continued to speak.

    Weve been monitoring the rise in the number of vampires in America and seen a sudden

    increase in Sunnydale for some reason. Until a few years ago, we had no idea, but then another

    agent brought us back some valuable information, she turned the page to reveal a picture of a

    girl, no older then Kyle walking down the street, laughing with some of her friends. This is Emma

    Brausell, a student in Sunnydale. According to our agent, her blood will bring back all of the

    vampires elders. We cannot let that happen.

    I know. But what does that have to do with me?

    You are being sent to protect her until the opportunity for the ritual is gone. It is fastapproaching and we mustnt let them get her. If they bring the elders back to life

    I know, Kyle interrupted, Ill do it.

    Good. Youll leave immediately. The bindings suddenly snapped off and Kyle stood up. The

    door open and a man came in, ready to escort Kyle to another room. One more thing Kyle. Try

    not to phase in front of her. And you are just there to protect her. That is all. Kyle nodded.

    I understand. The door closed and Kyle felt a whole load of weight dumped on his shoulders.

    Great he thought, the whole destiny of the world now rests in my hands. What else could go wrong?

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    Kyle scratched at his new shirt that was itchy as hell as he made his way to the school where

    Emma went. It was vital for them to be in the same classes as her so he could be with her for

    most of the day. Then he would watch her house at night just to make sure. It was a good thingthat Kyle just needed human food to stop him from falling asleep; otherwise this mission would

    be impossible. The bell rang and he hurried in through the doors. There were so many kids all

    around him Kyle almost had a heart attack. Being in isolation most of his life meant he wasnt

    used to crowds. And this was one of the busiest schools hed ever been to. He couldnt go out

    without having a panic attack. He had a map in his hand and keeping his head down, he followed

    it and found his tutor class. As soon as he walked through the door he knew he was in deep shit.

    Everyone was shouting at each other, throwing bits of paper across the classroom, girls fixing

    and applying makeup, guys arm wrestling on the tables, a card game going on in the back corner.

    Kyle felt himself miss a breath. He had never encountered so many people in one room before.

    Then suddenly, an irresistible scent wafted past him, and brushed against his arm. Emma spun

    around and looked at him.Hey sorry about that. He couldnt reply. He could feel his fangs grow inside his mouth. Her

    scent made him hungry. He held his hand over his mouth and crocked out, choking on every


    Itsits ok. It didnt hurt. She looked at him a little longer.

    Youre new to the school right. Kyle nodded. He was struggling to contain himself; he

    struggled to hold himself back, to stop himself from draining her dry. You in this class? she

    asked. Again Kyle nodded. Well come in then. Dont be shy. She gently took his hand and

    guided him over to the desk next to hers. Kyle started to relax. The smell was shocking, even

    tempting at first, but mentally he didnt want to be the animal yet. That would happen later.

    So, whats your name?Kyle Bluemann. You?

    Emma Brausell. Nice to meet you Kyle. They shook hands and she smiled. Kyle couldnt help

    but smile back at her. She was beautiful. Suddenly a large boy with broad shoulders and arm

    muscles that were bursting out of his small t-shirt strutted over with a manner that angered Kyle.

    He came up behind Emma and sat in the seat next to her. He put his arm around her waist and

    pulled her in close to him. Emmas face was at first shocked and then disgusted.

    Ben, you moron, what the hell are you doing? she asked in a stern voice. Ben sneered.

    Im just playing around baby doll. Come on then, give us a kiss. Ive missed you so much over the

    holidays. He leaned in closer, but she pushed against his chest with all her might. But he kept on

    pulling. Now everyone was looking at them and thumbing on the table, encouraging him on. Kyle

    couldnt take it anymore and jumped up from his chair, knocking it over backwards. He grabbedBens wrist and twisted. Ben screamed in pain and let go of Emma. With his free hand Kyle

    pushed Emma gently out of the way at the same time as releasing Bens wrist. Ben stood up

    quickly and stared down at Kyle. His face was red with anger and the veins in his neck were


    You trying to be smart, pipsqueak?

    No. Im just trying to put you in your place, hot head. Ben was right in Kyles face now.

    Youre asking for it shorty.

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    Look Buster, just cool off and sit back with your posse.

    Ok, why dont you get up off your knees and say that? Kyles rage was growing. He knew he

    was short for his age, but that was the last straw.

    Just back off, Benny, and no one gets hurt. Ben laughed.

    You think Im scared of you, ginger. You think youre winning something here dont you? Well

    heads up ginger, this is just the beginning. Ben turned and walked back to his gaggle of friends.Kyle breathed out uneasily. He wasnt sure what his limit was, but all he knew was that he

    couldnt cause any trouble. Slowly, he sat down again, and felt someone watching him. He looked

    up and saw Emma staring at him. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at him.

    Thanks for that. Ben is such a bird brain sometimes. Kyle chuckled.

    I gathered. And no problem. Ever in trouble, just shout and Ill be there. Quite literally he said to


    Good to know. Ill keep that in mind. The teacher came in the room and took the register, but

    Kyle wasnt listening. Something else was on his mind. A new scent. A vampire scent. They were

    close. And he had to do something.

    The rest of the day went smoothly. Emma helped out Kyle and Ben steered clear of them both.Then it came time to go their separate ways. As Kyle was saying goodbye, he smelt it again. That

    vampire scent. And only one person was walking past him. Emma saw the change on his face and

    stepped back.

    You ok? her voice pulled him out of his concentration and he shook his head.

    Yeah, Im fine. Got to go. See you tomorrow, right?

    Yeah, tomorrow. See you then. Kyle slipped past her and looked around for the smell. He

    spotted him and took off after him. As Kyle drew closer, the scent got stronger and Kyle pressed

    on. The boy turned into a side street, the perfect cover. But as Kyle turned the corner, something

    shot out of the shadows and clipped him on the side of the head. He fell onto the hard pavement,

    and his eyesight blurred over. He saw the jagged outline of someone standing over him butnothing else. Another fist smacked into his nose and he felt it explode with blood. His vision

    cleared and Kyle blocked the next jab and scrambled up. He turned to face the vamp and saw the

    pale skin and red eyes. This was the first real vampire that he had faced. The vamp smiled.

    Youre new at this.

    Guilty. So go easy on me. Kyle said. He didnt think the vamp would buy it, but the vamp

    backed off a little.

    Youre fiery for a human. Give it your best shot mortal.

    Sorry to burst youre bubble, fangs, but I aint mortal.

    Then what are you? Kyle smiled.

    A half-breed. The vamp was shocked, and Kyle suddenly sprang at him, hitting him hard again

    and again. This vamp was weaker than Kyle had expected. He went over and pulled a piece of awooden crate off and then walked back to the vamp. Scary, isnt it? and with that, Kyle

    plunged the wooden splinter into the heart of the vampire. He screamed in pain, before

    disintegrating into dust around Kyles feet. Kyle smiled again. He was pleased that his first kill had

    gone smoothly. He pulled out a little black book that he used to count the number of kills he

    committed. He flicked past the human, demon and wolf pages and found the vampire section.

    He wrote Sunnydale as a subheading and then a single stroke. He then packed it back into his bag

    and made his way to Emmas house, thankful for it being next to a dense wood; a perfect hiding

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    spot and lookout station. And if need be, a suitable table to do homework on. He set down his

    bag for the night and looked out at her house.

    It was a pleasant little cottage, with moss growing on its great walls. The windows were just how

    they used to be; square, with 4 smaller panes of glass and a cross of wood in the middle. Its red,

    sloping tiled roof had a single chimney peeping out at one end. Kyle was mesmerised by thishouse. There was something about it that seemed familiar, welcoming to him. It reminded him of

    when he was a boy, playing in his garden with his toy soldiers. Wearing his fathers cap, he used

    to salute them, give orders and drew up battle plans in the soil and mud. He used to love his time

    in the garden. But as he grew older, he didnt want to make believe anymore. He wanted to go

    off and salute real people, give real orders, and draw up real battle plans on proper paper. But his

    time had never come. He was never allowed to. Seeing Emmas house, it brought tears to his

    eyes. The mini battle that his father had recreated for him, with his toy soldiers he had made

    himself. The joy of pointing out which one was his father and beaming from ear to ear with pride

    when he told his friends about his fathers adventures. All of those happy memories came

    flooding back to him. He sighed. It had been a long time since he had taken any trips down

    memory lanes.

    The night was uneventful. No one went in and no one came out. No one even walked past their

    house. It was a little too quiet for Kyles liking, but he dismissed the idea. It was after all a quiet

    town. The sun started to rise and Kyle packed his things away. He had forgotten what a burden

    school was; all the homework and assignments. Too much stress for him. But something in the

    back of him mind wasnt letting him slack off. And it pissed him off. He heard a car engine rev and

    snapped his head round. He saw the bright head lights of a car and quickly ducked down again

    until it was half way up the road. Then he took off through the forest, weaving through the trees,

    ducking under branches and jumping over muddy puddles. With speed and skill he sprinted back

    to his home.

    Just as he slipped in through his open window, he heard the doorbell call out. He smiled. He had

    been correct. He quickly changed his clothes, pretending to have just gotten up, and then ruffling

    his hair he opened the door. Standing there, glowing in the morning red light was Emma. Her

    long hair was tied back and she was wearing clothes that didnt go with each other.

    Interesting look. Kyle said.

    Decided to go with the comfy style today. Kyle pretended to call out to his parents, claiming

    that they didnt like him or anyone that much, and slammed the door before more questions

    were asked. And thankfully Emma didnt pursue the matter further. Kyle was a terrible liar at


    Her father was a scraggly looking man, with large glasses and wearing a plain suit with a plain tie.

    His face was long and filled with the lines of time. And yet behind such a strong build, was a

    storeroom of pain and suffering. All locked away behind his deep brown eyes of a bloodhound.

    His speech was stuttered and broken up, nervous and unorganised.

    I-I-I hope youre uh, settling in w-w-well, Kyle. This isnt th-the best neighbourhood to um,

    live in.

    Im doing alright Mr Brausell. Its not that bad.

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    Y-Yes well uh, thats youre um, opinion. Emma shot him a look, Wh-wh-which in this case

    is-is alright I-I guess. Emma smiled proudly at herself, gleaming with pride. Kyle smiled. He

    found it hard to resist. The rest of the car journey was in silence until Mr Brausell pulled up

    outside the school.

    D-do you two kids have uh, everything that you um need?

    Yeah dad, weve got everything. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and slipped out of thecar. Kyle had to hurriedly thank him for the lift before rushing to catch up to Emma. She was a

    fast walker, which annoyed him. He liked things to go slowly, particularly when it came to school.

    For a while, they walked in silence, and it wasnt until they met up at lunch that they actually

    started to talk again.

    Well, I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but your dad is quite a character. Emma smiled.

    I know. But he wasnt always like that. It was just after my mother died he went real quiet and

    stuttery. He really did care about her a great deal.

    Sorry. I didnt realise. My uncle is the same; quiet and private. Its quite scary.

    Thats alright. Im over it. Its just her voice trailed away, unsure whether to continue. Kyle

    leaned forward and lightly touched her hand. She looked surprised at first, but then she relaxed

    and sighed, Its just the way she died. I mean, she was careful. She never went into the woods atnight, always did things right. And yet, they found her, mauled in the middle of the forest, in the

    large clearing, far away from any trail, in the moonlight. It bothered me and to this day I still cant

    figure out what made her go there. Kyle felt a sudden chill. He had met many a situations like

    that before. Of course, he caused most of them, but that wasnt the point. Emma reached into

    her pocket and pulled out an old photo and showed it to him. Thats her. She really was

    beautiful. I guess thats what gets my dad all worked up. Emma was still talking, but Kyle wasnt

    picking up any of it. He was just staring at the photo, gazing into her mothers eyes. They seemed

    dimly familiar. The face seemed familiar.

    When did she die? he asked.

    Almost 2 years ago now. And later that same night, a cabin a mile away caught this huge whitewolf that was covered in blood. They say they killed it but I never believed that. That forest does

    things to people. Bringing things back from the dead is one of the folk stories around here;

    particularly animals that live there. Images started to flash in front of Kyles eyes. The moon, her

    mother, the phasing, the screaming, the blood, the boy, the cabin, the bang, the pain. He did it.

    He killed her mother. And he didnt know why. He didnt know why she was there. He didnt

    know why she didnt run. He didnt know why he had to kill her. He just knew that he had.

    Suddenly a sharp pain erupted in his chest and he doubled over, clutching the area. He groaned

    slightly and stayed very still. More images. He saw her house, looking in at the family, seeing

    them grieving, and smiling at the whole thing. He was enjoying seeing them suffering. The pain in

    his chest grew stronger and he was starting to sweat. He could feel himself grow hot and his

    pulse was racing. He could hear his own blood in his ears. Everything was slowing down andblurring. He couldnt make sense of anything. The pain was so intense, he tried to stand up. He

    needed something, just to get away from people in case he phased. But he was clumsy, and

    immediately fell to the ground. The world was spinning. He saw a distorted face above his, but

    couldnt tell whose it was. He groaned again, and then the world went black.

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    That evening was a loud, exciting night for Ben. He stumbled out of the nightclub he had

    managed to sneak into, rosy cheeked and drunk. He had his muscly arm wrapped around a

    girl he could hardly see, and the only thing that was clear to him was that she wasnt wearing

    much. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out his own hand in front of his face,let alone where he was going. He tripped up and heard the girl laughing next to him. He

    joined in, stumbling around in a small circle, bent over and laughing. Suddenly he realised he

    was alone. She was no longer beside him. He started to slow down and took his time in

    examining his surroundings. He could see nothing but darkness. He started to panic. He ran,

    or rather plodded down the street, careful to stick to the sidewalk. He still saw only the

    outline of shapes, but nothing was coming out clear in his mind. He quickened his pace.

    He many have been drunk, but he still had his bearings. Ben took a right into a dark alley that

    acted as a short cut to his run down flat. But today, the alley looked more threatening than

    usual. For one thing, the lamp that was always on, day or night, was off and the glass littered

    the ground and got wedged in the treads of Bens shoes. He hurried on, his vision starting to

    return. Everything about something he knew so well was different. It seemed like there was

    nothing but that road, that never ending road. Ben broke out into a jog and soon came across

    a boy, curled up in a ball in the shadows. Still a little confused by his own actions, Ben

    started to laugh at the boy. The boy turned his weary head and glared at Ben.

    Whats so funny, tough guy? the boy snapped. His face was covered with dirt and grime

    from the streets. His clothes were tattered and torn. He looked like every other boy that ended

    up on the streets of Sunnydale. But Ben kept on laughing. Suddenly the boy leapt up and

    grabbed Bens neck, snapping it with one hand. Bens body twitched a little before becoming

    a dead weight in the boys hand. The boy smiled and let his victim drop to the ground. Then

    he changed, and grew taller and more muscly, taking the shape of the dead teen in front of

    him. He bent down and clamped his powerful jaws onto the neck of Ben and draining him dry

    he saw all of Bens memories, everything from his birth to the day his life was cut short. The

    boy smiled at he let his victim fall to the ground once more.

    What a waste of a life. Should have picked a better victim. Then the boy turned and walked

    back towards the main road. He walked down the street and was suddenly approached by one

    of Bens old friends. The friend smiled at the boy.

    Hey Ben, you alright? Thought you were going to the nightclub. The boy smiled at the

    pathetic human standing before him. He was disgusted at the way they spoke to him, un-

    fearful, boring and worthless.

    Yeah, Ive already been. Totally dead, dont go there. Trust me.Oh, alright then. See you at school man. And with that, the friend walked off. These

    humans are easier to fool then I thought, the boy said to himself. He smiled and walked the

    streets again, before resting on a park bench just as the moon rose up into the sky. I do hope

    that Kyle is pleased to see me. It has been such a long while.