Friday, September 18, 1936 CATSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS Page Nine The Week's News In Roxbury Edward Ballard and three sons of Hartford, Conn., spent the week end with Mr. Ballard's daughter and sons, Mrs. Mabel White and Frank and James Ballard of this place. Richard Ames left Monday for Mt. Hermon, Mass., where he will resume his studies at the Mt. Her- mon school. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ames, accompanied him. Arnold Cartright has left for Boston, Mass., where he will re- sume his studies at Bentley Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reed took their daughter, Isabelle, to One- onta Monday, where she will re- sume her studies at Oneonta Nor- mal. Then Mr. and Mrs. Reed left on their vacation trip which may include Niagara Falls and other points ofi nterest. Mr. and Mrs. Francois Calvet of Spain, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Calvet's sisters, Misses Martha, Grace and Mary Sutor, at the Sutor cottage, have left, and are spending some time in Massachusetts and in other parts of this country. Mrs. Anna S. Keator and daugh- ter, Mrs. Rachel Crease, who have been spending the summer at the summer cottage, the Frisbee House, left last Wednesday for their' wlnterhomein Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Misses Gladys and Wilma Whit- ney left Tuesday morning for Oneonta, where they will attend Oneonta Normal. Robert Berryman, who has spent the summer with his grandmoth- er, Mrs. Martha M. Little, has re- turned to his home in New York City, and will enter Columbia Uni- versity this month. Mrs. Little's other grandson, John McAlpin Berryman, sails for England be- tween the 15th and 20th of Sep- tember, where he will study at Cambridge for the next two years. Miss Mariam Whitney, who re- cently returned from Halcott Cen- ter, where she has been employ- ed the past summer, left Sunday for Kingston, where she has en- tered the Kingston Business school Mrs. Christina Raeder and son, Edward P. Raeder, attended the Raeder reunion at Oneonta Sat- urday. Robert Kilpatrick has returned to Tuskaloosa, Ala., after spend- ing the summer at his home. He is a student at the Law College at the University of Alabama. Bruce Mead, Jr., will enter New York University this term. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wakeman, who moved from Walton a few months ago, and have lived in the Thomas house, have now moved to Oneonta. Mr. Wakeman was employed at the grade A cream- ery. Charles W. Jenkins of Margaret- ville, who was admitted to the Bar on June 24, 1936, is now as- sociated with the firm of Ives & Craft at Roxbury, from which of- fice he will carry out the general practice of his profession. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goskel of Los Angeles, Calif., have been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fanning and other relatives in town. Mrs. Peter Purves, former Rox- bury resident, and Miss G. Schwer, both of Walton, called in town recently. Mrs. Samuel More has returned from Barre, Vermont, where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould More. Mrs. Mary Roberts and son, and Miss Anna Anderson of Philadel- phia, Pa„ and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slawson of White Plains spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaver. Ward Brand spent the week end with his family at New Baltimore, whore Mrs. Brand is caring for an Invalid aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Otten- dorf and granddaughter, Mary Anna of Scotia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pulis. Mr. and Mrs. Len Parks of Binghamton spent Labor day week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Yanson, Sr. The Methodists made §107.80 on their recent fair. Mrs. John B. Hewitt attended the graduation exercises at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, Tues- day evening, at which her sister, Miss Mildred Sutter of Cairo, was one of a class of 19 graduate nurses. Attorneys Arthur F. Bouton, Robert B. Craft and Charles Jenkins, attended a dinner at the Elm Tree Inn in Delhi, Wednes- day of last week, given by the Republican finance committee of Delaware county. Mrs. Edward Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of this village and Mrs. Blanche Cronk of Grand Gorge attended the American Legion convention at Syracuse September 4, 5, and 6. Mr. and Mrs. John L. VanVal- kenburgh have left for Washing- ton, D. C, where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harring- ton have moved into the apart- ment of the house of Mrs. D. S. Booth and Mr. and Mrs. F. Leigh- ton Enderlin, who occupied the a- partment in the Booth house, have moved into the house with Mr. Enderlin's father, Frank Enderlin. Whitney Reunion of Foreclosure and Sale, duly The annual Whitney reunion | granted in the above entitled Enter Russell Sage School Miss Millicent Joslin and Miss Mazie Thomson left Saturday for Troy, where they will enter Rus- sell Sage school for girls. The girls finished high school here last June and have a very large circle of friends who wish them success in the future.—Andes Cor. Building New Bridge Work on the Elk Creek bridge has been commenced and several men are now employed under the foremanship of Roy Johnson.— Halcott Center Cor. was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simmons near Hobart. There were 94 in attend- ance, with members present from Roxbury, Halcott Center, Bing- hamton, Connecticut, Long Island, Pine Hill, East Masonville, Kings- ton, Hobart and other communi- ties. A delicious luncheon was served at noon. Mrs. Lloyd Sim- mons was re-elected president at the business meeting. There was a short musical and literary pro- gram. Among those from Rox- bury, who attended were: William J. Whitney and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbur Whit- ney.—Roxbury Cor. Frank Forraan Frank Forman, founder of the Up-to-Date Company in Kingston and at one time operator of a chain of women's apparel stores, died at his home in New York last Friday morning, after a long illness. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE Peoples National Bank of Margaretville, N. Y., Plaintiff, -vs- Charles Glantz; Etta Glantz (his wife); Crawford S. Klothe; A. L. Austin; Met- ropolitan Life Insurance Com- pany; The Enamel Products Company; L. Gertrude Fish- er; Craig R. Fisher; Charles Meyer; The American Fu- neral Director; Frances Hey- man; Lawrence Heyman; Mickey Cohen; Esther Cohen; Charles First; David Glantz; Joel L. Keator, as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Charles Glantz, Bankrupt; B. J. Harrison Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Harry Bromberg; People of the State of New York and Babcock Machinery Co., Inc., Defendants. IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment Whipple Theatre Saturday-Sunday Sept. 19-20 :;j::::::j:::::::::::::««:::;::::::n::;:::::::«::»::;::::::::«:::::5:«::::::::::::jm«n: One Show Each Night at 8 O'clock D. S. T. SHE LOVED HIM AND HE LOVED 'A'HORSEI Sha needed affection and he needed oat* I When he tilted for money, »he wouldn't po*V«plWhen she asked for' home, ne stalled, her off I jmmm;jwmmMmm»mmjmmmmmm»»m»Mm»mmn::::jmmm»m action, and entered in the Dela- ware County Clerk's Office, on the 9th dav of September. 1936, I, GLEASON B. SPEENBURGH. the undersigned. Referee in said Judg- ment named, will sell at public auction at the front door of the Law Offices of FENTON & FENTON, in the Village of Mar- garetville, Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and State of New York, on the 24th day of October, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the premises described in said judg- ment as follows, viz: "ALL THOSE TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, with the buildings and improvements there- on, situate at Arkville, in the Town of Middletown, Delaware County and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: FIRST PARCEL: "BEGINNING at an iron marker, the line of Will Beadle's purchase and the corner of Henry VanValkenburgh and running thence along the line of Henry VanValkenburgh S. 7%° W. 1 chain 21 links and S. 4° W. 1 chain 58 links to a point near the center of the proposed street; thence up the hill S. 78%° E. 1 chain 83 links; thence N. 16° E. 2 chains 88 links to a point oppo- site the Beadle corner and 24 feet east of the same; thence N. 82" W. 2 chains 35 links to the place of beginning." SECOND PARCEL: "BEGIN- NING at the southeast corner of the premises now of Loise Mead (formerly Willis Beadle) at the northerly bounds of the premises hereinbefore described, and run- ning thence in a northerly direc- tion along the easterly bounds of said Mead premises 106 feet to the center of said highway lead- ing up the hill in an easterly di- rection; thence in an easterly di- rection up along the center of said highway 24 feet; thence in a southerly direction, a line parallel with the aforementioned easterly bounds of the Meade premises and 24 feet distant therefrom, 106 feet to the northeasterly corner of the premises above conveyed; thence ip a wasterly direction down along the premises above conveyed 24 feet to the corner of the Mead premises at the point or place of beginning, containing all the lands, buildings and premises within the above described bounds." The two parcels above described are all and the same premises mentioned and described in a Deed from WILLIAM E. GARRI- SON and MARY E. GARRISON, as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Revilo H. Moly- neaux, deceased, to CHARLES GLANTZ and ETTA GLANTZ (his wife), dated March 28, 1923, and thereafter duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware May 21, 1923, in Liber 197 of Deeds at page 538; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made for the more accurate and particular description and confirmation of description of said premises. THIRD PARCEL: "BEGIN- NING at a point in the highway leading from Arkville to Roxbury six feet three inches from the range of the northerly side of the dwelling house on the premises hereby conveyed, running thence N. 88" 30' W. one hundred and forty feet; thence S. 4° W. Ninety Feet; thence N. 84" 30' W. one hundred and forty feet to a point in the highway; thence along the highway N. 4° 30' E. seventy-nine feet \o the place of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a strip of land from the southerly side of the premises hereby con- veyed sixteen feet wide for street and highway purposes. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING one half of the water from a well situated on the premises, now known as a driven well, the right to repair and sustain the same and to enter upon the premises to the said well from the Street or Rox- bury Road." The parcel last above described Is the same as mentioned and de- scribed in a Deed from FRED STREETER to CHARLES GLANTZ, dated September 17, 1929, and duly recorded in the Of- fice of the Clerk of the County of Delaware; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is here- in made for the more accurate and particular description of said premises. FOURTH PARCEL: "COM- MENCING at the westerly corner of the Streeter purchase and fol- lowing the Streeter line northeast- erly to the line of B. S. Ackerly 144 feet more or less; thence down the old Mill Race and line of B. S. Ackerly 66 feet; thence on a line parallel with the first men- tioned line 144 (feet) more or less to the lands of the Ulster & Dela- ware Railroad; thence southerly and easterly along the line of the Ulster & Delaware Railroad 66 feet to the place of beginning. SUBJECT to an easement of right of way heretofore obtained on said premises. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD between the contracting parties that the raceway shall not be closed and if filled, raceway to be piped with a pipe large enough to carry all water that may enter same." The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de- scribed in a Deed from WILLIAM H. JONES and JENNIE JONES (his wife) to CHARLES GLANTZ, bearing date the 9th day of No- vember, 1929, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Countv of Delaware November 15, 1929, in Liber 222 of Deeds at page 168; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is here- in made for the more accurate and particular description of said premises. FIFTH PARCEL: "Designated as Lot No. 1, Searles Addition to the Village of Arkville in a map and survey made by W. B. Peters in the year 1892 and more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner of the wall which marks the northeasterly corner of said Searle's Addition and runs thence along the center of the old wall S. 17° 45' W. 132 feet to a wall corner; thence N. 78' 30' W. along the center of a wall 203 feet; thence N. 10° 15' W. along the center of the street 245 feet; thence N. 11" 30' E. 72 feet to a wall; thence along the wall as it runs S. 48° 45' E. 350 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 1-1/3 acres of land more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a strip 15 feet wide for a street, beginning at the cor- ner running down the hill 78° 30' W. to Church Street and to be used for said street, about 245 feet. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING for highway pur- poses a certain strip of land 3 rods wide heretofore conveyed to the Town of Middletown for high- way purposes across the northwest end of said premises." The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de- scribed in a Deed from CLARA KORN to CHARLES GLANTZ. dated November 19, 1928, and thereafter duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware December 5, 1928. in Liber 219 of Deeds at page 185; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made Jor the more accurate and parti- cular description of said premises. SIXTH PARCEL: "BEGINNING at a point in the center of Church Street at th? S. E. Corner of the iot heretofore conveyed by the Executors of Revilo H. Moly- neaux, deceased, to John B. Todd, and running thence in a southerly direction up along the center of Church Street 50 feet; thence in a westerly direction down the hill to the lands of the Estate of Revilo H. Molyneaux 100 feet to a corner, an iron stake driven in the ground; thence at nearly right angles in a northerly direction on the line parallel with the southerly bounds of the aforementioned John B. Todd lot; thence at nearly right angles in an easterly direction up along the center of a stone wall, the westerly bounds of said Todd lot 100 feet to the southeasterly corner of said Todd lot at the cen- ter of Church Street at the point or place of beginning, mailing a i parcel fronting 50 feet on the ' westerly side of Church Street and 100 feet deep." The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de- scribed in a Deed from NELIA E. MOLYNEAUX GERMOND to CHARLES GLANTZ, dated Octo- ber 20, 1924, and thereafter duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware Octo- ber 27, 1924, in Liber 199 of Deeds at page 600; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made for the more accurate and particular description and con- firmation of description of said premises. , , Dated at the Village of Fleisch- manns, N. Y„ this 9th day of September, 1936. GLEASON B. SPEENBURGH, Referee Fenton & Fenton, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, Margaretville, N. Y. i

The Week's News In Roxburynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1936-09... · er, Mrs. Martha M. Little, has re turned to his home in New York City, and will enter Columbia Uni

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Page 1: The Week's News In Roxburynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1936-09... · er, Mrs. Martha M. Little, has re turned to his home in New York City, and will enter Columbia Uni

Friday, September 18, 1936 CATSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS Page Nine

The Week's News In Roxbury Edward Ballard and three sons

of Hartford, Conn., spent the week end with Mr. Ballard's daughter and sons, Mrs. Mabel White and Frank and James Ballard of this place.

Richard Ames left Monday for Mt. Hermon, Mass., where he will resume his studies at the Mt. Her­mon school. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ames, accompanied him.

Arnold Cartright has left for Boston, Mass., where he will re­sume his studies at Bentley Col­lege.

Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reed took their daughter, Isabelle, to One-onta Monday, where she will re­sume her studies at Oneonta Nor­mal. Then Mr. and Mrs. Reed left on their vacation trip which may include Niagara Falls and other points ofi nterest.

Mr. and Mrs. Francois Calvet of Spain, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Calvet's sisters, Misses Martha, Grace and Mary Sutor, at the Sutor cottage, have left, and are spending some time in Massachusetts and in other parts of this country.

Mrs. Anna S. Keator and daugh­ter, Mrs. Rachel Crease, who have been spending the summer at the summer cottage, the Frisbee House, left last Wednesday for their' wlnterhomein Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Misses Gladys and Wilma Whit­ney left Tuesday morning for Oneonta, where they will attend Oneonta Normal.

Robert Berryman, who has spent the summer with his grandmoth­er, Mrs. Martha M. Little, has re­turned to his home in New York City, and will enter Columbia Uni­versity this month. Mrs. Little's other grandson, John McAlpin Berryman, sails for England be­tween the 15th and 20th of Sep­tember, where he will study at Cambridge for the next two years.

Miss Mariam Whitney, who re­cently returned from Halcott Cen­ter, where she has been employ­ed the past summer, left Sunday for Kingston, where she has en­tered the Kingston Business school

Mrs. Christina Raeder and son, Edward P. Raeder, attended the Raeder reunion at Oneonta Sat­urday.

Robert Kilpatrick has returned to Tuskaloosa, Ala., after spend­ing the summer at his home. He is a student at the Law College at the University of Alabama.

Bruce Mead, Jr., will enter New York University this term.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wakeman, who moved from Walton a few months ago, and have lived in the Thomas house, have now moved to Oneonta. Mr. Wakeman was employed at the grade A cream­ery.

Charles W. Jenkins of Margaret-ville, who was admitted to the Bar on June 24, 1936, is now as­sociated with the firm of Ives & Craft at Roxbury, from which of­fice he will carry out the general practice of his profession.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goskel of Los Angeles, Calif., have been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fanning and other relatives in town.

Mrs. Peter Purves, former Rox­bury resident, and Miss G. Schwer, both of Walton, called in town recently.

Mrs. Samuel More has returned from Barre, Vermont, where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould More.

Mrs. Mary Roberts and son, and Miss Anna Anderson of Philadel­phia, Pa„ and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slawson of White Plains spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaver.

Ward Brand spent the week end with his family at New Baltimore, whore Mrs. Brand is caring for an Invalid aunt.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Otten-dorf and granddaughter, Mary Anna of Scotia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pulis.

Mr. and Mrs. Len Parks of

Binghamton spent Labor day week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Yanson, Sr.

The Methodists made §107.80 on their recent fair.

Mrs. John B. Hewitt attended the graduation exercises at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, Tues­day evening, at which her sister, Miss Mildred Sutter of Cairo, was one of a class of 19 graduate nurses.

Attorneys Arthur F. Bouton, Robert B. Craft and Charles Jenkins, attended a dinner at the Elm Tree Inn in Delhi, Wednes­day of last week, given by the Republican finance committee of Delaware county.

Mrs. Edward Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of this village and Mrs. Blanche Cronk of Grand Gorge attended the American Legion convention at Syracuse September 4, 5, and 6.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. VanVal-kenburgh have left for Washing­ton, D. C , where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harring­ton have moved into the apart­ment of the house of Mrs. D. S. Booth and Mr. and Mrs. F. Leigh-ton Enderlin, who occupied the a-partment in the Booth house, have moved into the house with Mr. Enderlin's father, Frank Enderlin.

Whitney Reunion of Foreclosure and Sale, duly The annual Whitney reunion | granted in the above entitled

Enter Russell Sage School Miss Millicent Joslin and Miss

Mazie Thomson left Saturday for Troy, where they will enter Rus­sell Sage school for girls. The girls finished high school here last June and have a very large circle of friends who wish them success in the future.—Andes Cor.

Building New Bridge Work on the Elk Creek bridge

has been commenced and several men are now employed under the foremanship of Roy Johnson.— Halcott Center Cor.

was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simmons near Hobart. There were 94 in attend­ance, with members present from Roxbury, Halcott Center, Bing­hamton, Connecticut, Long Island, Pine Hill, East Masonville, Kings­ton, Hobart and other communi­ties. A delicious luncheon was served at noon. Mrs. Lloyd Sim­mons was re-elected president at the business meeting. There was a short musical and literary pro­gram. Among those from Rox­bury, who attended were: William J. Whitney and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbur Whit­ney.—Roxbury Cor.

Frank Forraan Frank Forman, founder of the

Up-to-Date Company in Kingston and at one time operator of a chain of women's apparel stores, died at his home in New York last Friday morning, after a long illness.



Peoples National Bank of Margaretville, N. Y.,

Plaintiff, -vs-

Charles Glantz; Et ta Glantz (his wife); Crawford S. Klothe; A. L. Austin; Met­ropolitan Life Insurance Com­pany; The Enamel Products Company; L. Gertrude Fish­er; Craig R. Fisher; Charles Meyer; The American Fu­neral Director; Frances Hey-man; Lawrence Heyman; Mickey Cohen; Esther Cohen; Charles First; David Glantz; Joel L. Keator, as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Charles Glantz, Bankrupt; B. J. Harrison Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Harry Bromberg; People of the State of New York and Babcock Machinery Co., Inc.,


IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment

Whipple Theatre

Saturday-Sunday Sept. 19-20 :;j::::::j:::::::::::::««:::;::::::n::;:::::::«::»::;::::::::«:::::5:«::::::::::::jm«n:

One Show Each Night at 8 O'clock D. S. T.


'A'HORSEI Sha needed affection and he needed oat* I When he tilted for money, »he wouldn't po*V«plWhen she asked for'

home, ne stalled, her off I


action, and entered in the Dela­ware County Clerk's Office, on the 9th dav of September. 1936, I, GLEASON B. SPEENBURGH. the undersigned. Referee in said Judg­ment named, will sell at public auction at the front door of the Law Offices of FENTON & FENTON, in the Village of Mar­garetville, Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and State of New York, on the 24th day of October, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the premises described in said judg­ment as follows, viz:

"ALL THOSE TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, with the buildings and improvements there­on, situate at Arkville, in the Town of Middletown, Delaware County and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

FIRST PARCEL: "BEGINNING at an iron marker, the line of Will Beadle's purchase and the corner of Henry VanValkenburgh and running thence along the line of Henry VanValkenburgh S. 7%° W. 1 chain 21 links and S. 4° W. 1 chain 58 links to a point near the center of the proposed street; thence up the hill S. 78%° E. 1 chain 83 links; thence N. 16° E. 2 chains 88 links to a point oppo­site the Beadle corner and 24 feet east of the same; thence N. 82" W. 2 chains 35 links to the place of beginning."

SECOND PARCEL: "BEGIN­NING at the southeast corner of the premises now of Loise Mead (formerly Willis Beadle) at the northerly bounds of the premises hereinbefore described, and run­ning thence in a northerly direc­tion along the easterly bounds of said Mead premises 106 feet to the center of said highway lead­ing up the hill in an easterly di­rection; thence in an easterly di­rection up along the center of said highway 24 feet; thence in a southerly direction, a line parallel with the aforementioned easterly bounds of the Meade premises and 24 feet distant therefrom, 106 feet to the northeasterly corner of the premises above conveyed; thence ip a wasterly direction down along the premises above conveyed 24 feet to the corner of the Mead premises at the point or place of beginning, containing all the lands, buildings and premises within the above described bounds."

The two parcels above described are all and the same premises mentioned and described in a Deed from WILLIAM E. GARRI­SON and MARY E. GARRISON, as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Revilo H. Moly-neaux, deceased, to CHARLES GLANTZ and ETTA GLANTZ (his wife), dated March 28, 1923, and thereafter duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware May 21, 1923, in Liber 197 of Deeds at page 538; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made for the more accurate and particular description and confirmation of description of said premises.

THIRD PARCEL: "BEGIN­NING at a point in the highway leading from Arkville to Roxbury six feet three inches from the range of the northerly side of the dwelling house on the premises hereby conveyed, running thence N. 88" 30' W. one hundred and forty feet; thence S. 4° W. Ninety Feet; thence N. 84" 30' W. one hundred and forty feet to a point in the highway; thence along the highway N. 4° 30' E. seventy-nine feet \o the place of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a strip of land from the southerly side of the premises hereby con­veyed sixteen feet wide for street and highway purposes. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING one half of the water from a well situated on the premises, now known as a driven well, the right to repair and sustain the same and to enter upon the premises to the said well from the Street or Rox­bury Road."

The parcel last above described Is the same as mentioned and de­scribed in a Deed from FRED STREETER to C H A R L E S GLANTZ, dated September 17, 1929, and duly recorded in the Of­fice of the Clerk of the County of Delaware; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is here­in made for the more accurate and particular description of said premises.

FOURTH PARCEL: "COM­MENCING at the westerly corner of the Streeter purchase and fol­lowing the Streeter line northeast­erly to the line of B. S. Ackerly 144 feet more or less; thence down

the old Mill Race and line of B. S. Ackerly 66 feet; thence on a line parallel with the first men­tioned line 144 (feet) more or less to the lands of the Ulster & Dela­ware Railroad; thence southerly and easterly along the line of the Ulster & Delaware Railroad 66 feet to the place of beginning. SUBJECT to an easement of right of way heretofore obtained on said premises. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD between the contracting parties that the raceway shall not be closed and if filled, raceway to be piped with a pipe large enough to carry all water that may enter same."

The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de­scribed in a Deed from WILLIAM H. JONES and JENNIE JONES (his wife) to CHARLES GLANTZ, bearing date the 9th day of No­vember, 1929, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Countv of Delaware November 15, 1929, in Liber 222 of Deeds at page 168; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is here­in made for the more accurate and particular description of said premises.

FIFTH PARCEL: "Designated as Lot No. 1, Searles Addition to the Village of Arkville in a map and survey made by W. B. Peters in the year 1892 and more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner of the wall which marks the northeasterly corner of said Searle's Addition and runs thence along the center of the old wall S. 17° 45' W. 132 feet to a wall corner; thence N. 78 ' 30' W. along the center of a wall 203 feet; thence N. 10° 15' W. along the center of the street 245 feet; thence N. 11" 30' E. 72 feet to a wall; thence along the wall as it runs S. 48° 45' E. 350 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 1-1/3 acres of land more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a strip 15 feet wide for a street, beginning at the cor­ner running down the hill 78° 30' W. to Church Street and to be used for said street, about 245 feet. ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING for highway pur­poses a certain strip of land 3 rods wide heretofore conveyed to the Town of Middletown for high­way purposes across the northwest end of said premises."

The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de­scribed in a Deed from CLARA KORN to CHARLES GLANTZ. dated November 19, 1928, and thereafter duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware December 5, 1928. in Liber 219 of Deeds at page 185; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made Jor the more accurate and parti­cular description of said premises.

SIXTH PARCEL: "BEGINNING at a point in the center of Church Street at th? S. E. Corner of the iot heretofore conveyed by the Executors of Revilo H. Moly-neaux, deceased, to John B. Todd, and running thence in a southerly direction up along the center of Church Street 50 feet; thence in a westerly direction down the hill to the lands of the Estate of Revilo H. Molyneaux 100 feet to a corner, an iron stake driven in the ground; thence at nearly right angles in a northerly direction on the line parallel with the southerly bounds of the aforementioned John B. Todd lot; thence at nearly right angles in an easterly direction up along the center of a stone wall, the westerly bounds of said Todd lot 100 feet to the southeasterly corner of said Todd lot at the cen­ter of Church Street at the point or place of beginning, mailing a

i parcel fronting 50 feet on the ' westerly side of Church Street and 100 feet deep."

The parcel last above described is the same as mentioned and de­scribed in a Deed from NELIA E. MOLYNEAUX GERMOND to CHARLES GLANTZ, dated Octo­ber 20, 1924, and thereafter duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware Octo­ber 27, 1924, in Liber 199 of Deeds at page 600; reference to which said deed or the record thereof is herein made for the more accurate and particular description and con­firmation of description of said premises. , ,

Dated at the Village of Fleisch-manns, N. Y„ this 9th day of September, 1936.


Fenton & Fenton, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, Margaretville, N. Y. i