8/8/2019 The Watcher - A One-Act Play By: Bailey LuBean http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-watcher-a-one-act-play-by-bailey-lubean 1/34 The Watcher ____________________________________________________________ by Bailey LuBean

The Watcher - A One-Act Play By: Bailey LuBean

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The Watcher


byBailey LuBean

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(Scene: There is an open coffin (represented by a bench so that it may 

become different pieces of the set later) with MATT RICHARDS lying

dead in it. There is CARLY and MRS. McCAMEY frozen in the middle of a

conversation. There is a chair that doesn't match the scene in the middle

of the stage behind the frozen scene.)

WATCHER: (THE WATCHER walks onstage, the only one not frozen in

time, and sits

in the back chair with a crystal clear glass filled with water. He

takes a sip and sets it down next to the chair. He cracks his

knuckles and raises his hand in the air as if he's conducting an

orchestra but before he makes a movement, he recognizes the

audience beyond the fourth wall. He instantly stands and walks

forward to the front of the stage, walking right in between the two

frozen women. He stops right in front of the stage so he is the

center of attention.) Welcome to the life of Charlie Richards. I'm his

Watcher. I'm guessing you don't know what a Watcher is so let me

explain a bit. (He pauses briefly as he thinks of how to begin.) Every

human has a Watcher, a being that exists in a parallel universe to

Earth. A Watcher is assigned to each human being to watch the

individual's life and everything he, or she, does during their time of 

mortality. Once the individual's life is over, he or she is escorted by

the Watcher assigned to them to the other side of the veil that

separates our world from yours. Then it is our job to report on his or

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her life once it has finished. Very time consuming if you ask me.

Here's the catch however. We can see all of you, all the time but

you don't even know we exist. So, who am I watching? Let me tell

you. I am Charlie Richards' Watcher. He hasn't come into this scene

yet but he will soon once I take it off of pause. We are currently at

the funeral of Matt Richards, Charlie's father. I'm pretty sure Matt's

Watcher is just about done now with him. (The Watcher looks

offstage) You there friend?

WATCHER 2: (WATCHER #2 walks onstage casually ) What’s up? (walks

in between Carly and Mrs. McCamey) Sorry ladies.

WATCHER: You just about done with Matt Richards?

WATCHER 2: Just finished. I’m taking the report back now.

WATCHER: Aren’t you going to escort the man so he doesn’t get lost out


WATCHER 2: Hell no! He can find his own way. I’m ready for a new

assignment. Maybe a chick this time. I’ve had too many dudes.

WATCHER: Well, good luck then.

WATCHER 2: Thanks. (He begins to walk off but pauses at Matt’s funeral

bed.) What a douchebag…

WATCHER: Agreed. (Watcher #2 walks offstage swiftly . The Watcher

turns back to the audience.) He’s trying to learn to talk like them. I

don’t see why. The human language, especially English, is

rather… disgusting. And uneven. Anyways... A Watcher. That's what I

am. We get to watch people live… (He pauses to think.) but we never

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get to live ourselves. (Eventually he breaks out of his deep thought )

Well, let’s continue, shall we? (The Watcher returns to his chair,

walking in between the women still frozen, and sits in his seat. He once

again raises his hand and does a swift flick of his hand.) All set. Play.

McCAMEY: (Mrs. McCamey and Carly unfreeze in their scene mid-

sentence.) -tulations! (Both women hug then release.) I'm so

happy for you. But a certain person here kind of... ruins the excitement.

(McCamey glances at the casket with Matt lying inside. She begins to

ramble on with a bit of a crazy edge.) Damn. He has to ruin

everything. I’m glad he’s dead. (nods quickly ) I am. Whoever moved Matt

to an open viewing deserves to be slapped. (She points to herself.) I'll do

the slapping. And it'll feel great! (She throws another disgusted look at 

the casket.) I’ll see you later Carla. I need a glass of water to wash this

bad taste out of my mouth. (Mrs. McCamey leaves offstage)

CARLY: Then why did you even come? (CHARLIE RICHARDS walks onstage

and Carly sees him.) Charlie! (She runs to Charlie and kisses him right 

on the mouth in a quick passion.) You don’t have to be here. We can still

leave. Maybe get a hotel together for tonight. Have some fun. (She

 plays with his hair ) You know you want to. (smiles playfully )

CHARLIE: You're right then. (Smiles and pecks Carly on the lips.) But

there’s something… (He sees the open casket with Matt lying inside.)

I need to do first. (Charlie leaves the embrace of Carly and starts to walk 

toward Matt’s coffin. He stands right beside it.)

CARLY: If you want me to go I-

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Eventually, Carly and Charlie are led off and RACHEL is led on. They help

Matt to his feet and move the bench to center stage, becoming a

 park bench. Rachel and Matt are sat on it, positioned so that they 

are cuddling with each other.  The Watcher claps his hands and the

Influence walk offstage. Once they are gone,  The Watcher speaks.)

Welcome to years past. Now as a Watcher I have the ability to watch

the present time normally. I automatically go wherever the life leads

me. All I have to do is sit and watch. However, if I want to rewind

and watch past events I have to prepare the scene myself with the help

of my influences, pure spiritual energy that help me paint the scene. As

if it was a blank canvas. So that is what I have just done. I have

recreated a scene from the past. Rachael Richards is Charlie’s

mother. She is here sitting in the park with Matt before they were

married. Let’s watch a bit. (The Watcher sits back on his chair 

behind the scene and raises his hand once he is sitting down.) Play. (Matt

and Rachel now unfreeze and are now happy and cuddling with each

other on the park bench.)

RACHEL: That was so much fun Matt. Thank you.

MATT: You’re welcome. (Matt and Rachel kiss sweetly and hold each

other.) You know, there’s actually a reason why we’re out here.

RACHEL: (distracted by having her face snuggled into Matt’s arm.) Mmm?

  Yeah? What’s that?

MATT: You know I love you, right?

RACHEL: Of course I do. I’m quite fond of you myself. (smiles)

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MATT: Well then, I have something to ask you. (Matt stands up and 

kneels on one knee in front of Rachel) I’m sorry this took longer than

we wanted.

RACHEL: Oh Matt…

MATT: Rachel Burwell… (Matt pulls a black box from his pocket. He opens

it and inside is an engagement ring.) Will you marry me? (Rachel puts

her hands to her mouth and she starts to tear up.) Well, say something!

RACHEL: (while nodding quickly ) Oh, yes! Yes I will! (Matt grins and sits

up on the bench again. He puts the ring on Rachel’s finger. She looks at 

it for a moment then clings onto Matt. They kiss passionately then after 

a while they pull back from each other slowly.) Matt, I have something

to tell you.

MATT: Yeah? What’s that?

RACHEL: Well, remember our 1 year anniversary?

MATT: Oh yeah… (smiles at the thought )

RACHEL: Then… I hope you’re ready for a Matt or Rachel Jr.

MATT: What?

RACHEL: I’m pregnant Matt.

MATT: (in awe) Wh- Are you serious? (Rachel nods happily ) Oh my god…

this is amazing! We’re going to have a baby! (He hugs Rachel

tightly.) We’re going to have a baby!

 WATCHER: Pause. (Matt and Rachel freeze in their embrace.) Well, I

suppose Matt wasn’t always so bad. If only Charlie knew how excited

Matt was for his arrival. (The Watcher takes a pause.) The only problem:

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Matt didn’t stay excited. New scene. (The Watcher claps his hands and 

the Influences walk back onstage. They stand Rachel up and take Matt

offstage. They bring on a table and set it centers stage in front of the

bench, creating a dinner table. Rachel is sat down on the bench as

Charlie is brought onstage. The Influences look around for something for 

Charlie to sit on and silently motion to each other emotionlessly.

One Influence walks over to The Watcher and stands silently next to

him, staring. The Watcher realizes what it wants and reluctantly 

stands up from his chair to let the Influence take it and set it at the

side of the table. The Influences sit Charlie on it, set the table with

various dishes they bring on themselves, then swiftly exit the stage. The

Watcher walks forward the front of the stage, somewhat moody 

from losing the chair.) Well, that took longer than wanted. Welcome to

Charlie Richards’ childhood. Charlie is about 11 years old at the moment.

Rachel is a stay-at-home mom and Matt is a soldier in the war. Matt

is back home for a short time and at this moment, he is returning home

from a training session. (The Watcher returns to his spot behind the

scene and remembering he doesn’t have a chair at the moment, sighs to

himself. He grumpily takes his water, takes a sip, and then puts it back.

When he’s done he raises his hand in the air and does the flick of the

hand to start the scene.) Play. (Rachel and Charlie are now unfrozen.

They are eating awkwardly at the table with long pauses between each

statement the two make.)

CHARLIE: Where’s dad?

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RACHEL: He’ll be home soon.

CHARLIE: Where did he go?

RACHEL: He went to a training thing at the outpost. He’ll be home soon.

CHARLIE: Is he going to go back to the war?

RACHEL: I sure hope not Char. I sure hope not.

CHARLIE: If he does go, will I have to stay at Mrs. McCamey’s again? I

hate it there.

RACHEL: (sets down her silverware) Char, I promise that I won’t leave

you again. I won’t leave you. You have my word.

CHARLIE: Cross your heart?

RACHEL: Yes. (She does an “x” motion over the left side of her chest.)

Cross my heart. You know why I won’t leave you?


RACHEL: (smiles and jabs at Charlie’s shoulder ) Because I love you too

much squirt. There is no force in heaven or hell that will keep us

apart. Understand?

CHARLIE: I think I do.

RACHEL: Good. (Rachel giggles softly and Charlie joins her as they smile

at each other. They are both interrupted when the sound of a

slamming door ruins the quietness of the house. Matt storms in, with

something clearly on his mind.) Hey Matt. Dinner’s still warm.

MATT: Not hungry.

CHARLIE: Hey dad, you gotta try these rolls! (Matt ignores him and exits

to the other side of the stage. Charlie’s mood is now depressed and 

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he sinks in his chair. He speaks with a quiver in his voice and water in his

eyes.) I made them myself…

RACHEL: (Stands up and ruffles Charlie’s hair lovingly.) I’ll be right back.

(Rachel exits the same way Matt did. Matt and Rachel are still heard 

offstage while Charlie sits alone at the table, eating and listening at 

the same time. He reacts to everything they say.) Matt, what is it?

MATT: Piss off.

RACHEL: Hey, don’t you try that with me! All I’m trying to do is help you.

I love you Matt. I just want a little love back.

MATT: Please. Just go. (There’s a pause. The noises of glass being set on

a surface is heard.)

RACHEL: Matt, no. No more drinking.

MATT: I need it.

RACHEL: No you don’t! You need to start listening to the clinic. You don’t

need this crap! (There is a pause.) Fine, whatever. Drink it. Just tell me

what’s going on. I’m here for you. ( pause) They’re sending you back

aren’t they?

MATT: (after a long pause and a sigh) Yeah. Next month. The troops are

low. People are dying. They need all the help they can get. I need to do


RACHEL: Just tell me you’re coming back to me. I need you.

MATT: I‘ll be back for you. I promise. ( As Charlie reacts at the table, The

Watcher raises his hand.)

WATCHER: Pause. (The scene freezes once again.) New scene. (The

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Watcher claps again and  The Influences return onstage. They 

stand Rachel up to her feet and position her with her back to Charlie,

looking offstage nervously. They move Charlie to the bench. The

Influence that took the Watcher's chair before grabs the chair from the

table and returns it to The Watcher. He takes it harshly.) Thank you.

(The Influences then take the dishes from the table and exit offstage.

 The Watcher sets the chair down in his spot then returns his attention

to the audience.) It is now five years later. In this time, Matt has

gone to the war and back. His relationship with Rachel has become as

tense as ever and Charlie of course has noticed. Well, let’s get this over

with. (He raises his hand to begin the new scene but does so

hesitantly.) P-Play.

CHARLIE: (The scene unfreezes. Rachel is scared about something.

Charlie is tense but still oblivious to what is going to happen next.)

Mom, what’s going on?

RACHEL: Char... Go into the other room.


RACHEL: Charlie…

CHARLIE: No. I need to know what is going on.

RACHEL: Please! Just trust me! (The door slams offstage and Matt rushes

in, drunken and enraged. Rachel turns to see him coming at her ) Oh

god help us…

MATT: (furiously screaming) WHAT DID YOU DO?! (He reaches Rachel and 

slaps her across the face.)

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CHARLIE: (shocked and scared ) What the hell-?

MATT: (lashes out at Charlie verbally ) You sit your ass down and shut up

boy or I will rip out your damn tongue! (Charlie hesitates, staring

intently with anger at his father then sits down slowly on the chair.

Matt turns back to Rachel, who is frightened and shaking.) You lying


RACHEL: You don’t understand… ( yells) You… don’t… know… anything!

MATT: Oh I understand completely! So you better tell me a good reason

not to beat you right now or else things will be a little different around


RACHEL: You were gone! I didn’t have anyone to help Charlie and me at

home! Jack only helped us when times were tough! Nothing happened!

(  pauses, pulsating with anger and sadness.) You’re just drunk!

MATT: You liar! (Matt lashes at Rachel and knocks her to the ground 


CHARLIE: You son of a- (Charlie instantly stands from his chair and 

attacks Matt from behind, putting him in a chokehold while hanging from

his neck. As Matt and  Charlie struggle and fight each other’s strengths,

 The Watcher is seen thinking whether or not to pause the scene yet. He

is frightened and is extremely uncomfortable. Eventually, Matt breaks

free of Charlie and grabs his son around the neck, lifting him off of the

floor.) When will you learn to piss off?! (Matt throws Charlie against 

the table, knocking it over. Charlie hits the ground hard and is knocked 

out. Once making sure Charlie is down, Matt returns his attention to

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Rachel and slowly advances on her )

RACHEL: Matt… please… I love you, don’t do this! (Matt ignores her and 

grabs her by her hair, pulling her up to her feet as she screams for 

him to stop. Once she is up, Matt punches Rachel in the gut. She buckles

forward and gags then is punched by Matt so that she is knocked 

offstage out of sight. Matt walks offstage and now all that is heard is

the screaming of Rachel and the sounds of objects breaking and 

shattering and Rachel being beaten in various ways. Now Charlie

starts to rouse, but very slowly. The Watcher stands up from his chair 

for the rest of the scene but does not stop it yet. Soon, the noises

stop from offstage and Rachel’s screams are silenced. After a moment,

Matt walks back onstage, dazed and bewildered by what he has just 

done. Charlie now opens his eyes and slightly sits up. He sees Matt

begin to exit when Matt turns back and notices that Charlie is now

conscious. They both stare at each other for a moment, regret now

filling Matt’s eyes. Hate is filling Charlie’s.  After the moment,Matt

hastily takes off offstage. Charlie does not know what to do for a

moment but then suddenly remembers his mother and begins to

stand up to his feet.)

CHARLIE: Oh god… mom! Mom?! (he runs offstage for a moment and 

returns with Rachel in his arms, who is now bloodied and beaten

harshly. She is not conscious. Charlie lays her on the floor in the

middle of the stage gently and kneels above her. He speaks

ramblingly and without much direction) Mom? Oh mom no… Please

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wake up! You’re going to be okay! You’re going to be fine! Just wake

up! Come back! (Slowly, Rachel opens her eyes painfully. She is not going

to be around for much longer.)

RACHEL: Sq-… Squirt. (She smiles slightly in pain)

CHARLIE: Mom! You’re going to be fine! You said you wouldn’t leave me!

  That no force in heaven or hell can take you away!

RACHEL: But… it’s true... it’s all true... (She slowly raises her hand and 

strokes it across the left of Charlie’s chest. Finally, Rachel’s eyes close

and her hand falls to the floor. Rachel is dead.)

CHARLIE: No… no mom! Please don’t go… No… (He takes his deceased 

mother’s hand and holds it close as tears stream his face. He now says

nothing else and kneels there crying as if he will never be happy again.

Here The Watcher raises his hand, slightly shaking.)

WATCHER: Pause. (The Watcher slowly walks over to Charlie and kneels

next to him, looking into his eyes.) There you have it Charlie. That

was the man you forgave. Years of abuse then finally this fateful night.

What was going through your head at the funeral? If there’s one

ability I don’t have but would love to have it would be to know why

humans do what they do. I have seen many lives but never have I

seen this before. Is this something about humanity I have not figured

out yet? What makes you so different than anyone else I have

watched? Either you’re mentally handicapped, which I have no

record of, or… (He stands up slowly, a new idea forming in his head.)

…or it’s a whole different reason entirely. (looks at the audience for 

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the first time since he froze the scene.) Our soul searching with

Charlie Richards is not yet complete. Let’s go to the events after

tonight. There is more to this… and I must figure out what it is. (The

Watcher claps his hands as he returns to his seat and  The

Influences come onstage and carefully carry Rachel offstage with a

bit of a reverence. They also take the dishes and the table offstage,

leaving the bench center stage. The Influence that took  The

Watcher’s chair earlier runs in front of  The Watcher as he is returning to

his seat, grabs the chair to the dismay of  The Watcher and sets it 

next to the bench and walks offstage calmly. The rest of the Influences

sit Charlie on the bench, making his look gloomy, then exit swiftly 

offstage.) It has been a week since the last thing we have seen of 

Charlie. He has been staying with an old family friend named Mrs.

McCamey for the time being. He is now at the police station, awaiting

news of where he is going to be sent for good. Let’s join him. (He

steps back behind the scene again and raises his hand.) Play. (The scene

unfreezes. Charlie sits silently on the bench for what seems like an

eternity to him. After a moment, Carly walks onstage and sits on the

chair next to the bench. She is about the same age as Charlie and 

definitely plays the part. She is bubbly and has a sense of light about 

her. She sits there for a moment then turns to Charlie.)

CARLY: What are you here for?

CHARLIE: Excuse me?

CARLY: You’re at a police station dude. What did you do?

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CHARLIE: I… didn’t do anything.

CARLY: Oh! You’re Charlie Richards!


CARLY: I’m Carly Jackson. (Carly puts out her hand for Charlie to shake.

Charlie shakes it reluctantly.)

CHARLIE: Nice to meet you.

CARLY: I heard about what happened with your parents. I overheard my

dad talking about it. I’ve been praying for you.

CHARLIE: Thanks, but why would you pray for me? You don’t know me.

CARLY: Everyone deserves prayers. Especially the people you don't truly

know yet.

CHARLIE: ( After thinking about what she said for a moment. Then he

looks at her again.) Wait… your dad was talking about it?

CARLY: Yeah, Officer Jackson? He’s my dad. For some reason he’s in

charge of the procedure of where you’re going.

CHARLIE: Well, does it sound good?

CARLY: Well… ( A door opens and shuts offstage. OFFICER JACKSON

walks onstage and stops when he sees Charlie.)

 JACKSON: Hey Charlie. How are you feeling kid?

CHARLIE: I’ve done better.

 JACKSON: I see you’ve met my daughter then. What’s the verdict Carly?

CARLY: He’s cute. (smiles) He just needs to loosen up a bit.

 JACKSON: Well, you can’t necessarily blame him for being tense. He’s

gone through a lot this week. Give him a chance Carly. You’ll have

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more time with him.

CHARLIE: More time? (Officer Jackson nods and sits next to Jackson on

the bench.)

 JACKSON: Charlie, I’ve been in charge of settling things down after the

incident. The big guys in charge thought it would be best if I was to

do it. You see… I was a good friend of your father’s. When we were

younger, we were in school together. He was a great man.

CHARLIE: Key word: was.

 JACKSON: You’ve got to believe me. Your father used to be the most

loving and compassionate man I had ever known, especially when he

met your mother. It’s only been the last few years that he started to…

lose his way.

CHARLIE: That’s an understatement.

 JACKSON: Well, another reason why they thought I’d be good at figuring

out where you’ll go is that… I’m your godfather. (Charlie looks at  Jackson

and he views him differently ) They’ve placed you in my custody. If 

that’s okay with you.

CHARLIE: How would that work out? (He glances over at Carly who’s still

beaming at him.)

 JACKSON: You’d stay with us during the Summer but I’ve arranged to

have you and Carly go to schools during the year. I’d visit of course

but I think it’d be great if you were exposed to that sort of…

environment. Meet others. Maybe find a girl. You never know. (Jackson

smiles. However, Carly shuffles uncomfortably in her seat.) Won’t you

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at least give it a try? See how you like staying with us?

 CHARLIE: (he thinks about it for a moment ) Okay. Fine. I’ll come stay

with you. See how it goes.

 JACKSON: (smiles) Sounds great. ( pats Charlie on the back.) It’ll be great

to finally get to know my godson. ( After a moment, a buzzer goes off in

 Jackson’s  pocket.) Sorry, I need to take this. (Jackson stands and 

retrieves a cell phone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear.) Yes?

(There is a long answer on the other end of the line. Jackson nods and 

acknowledges everything that is said.) Okay. I’ll… make sure he’s not

here. (Jackson puts away his phone and his face is now more serious.)

CARLY: What is it daddy?

 JACKSON: That was the head detective. (He pauses to think of what to

say.) They got him Charlie. They found your father and

apprehended him. I was given orders to get you out of here. Let’s go

home. (Jackson motions for Carly and Charlie to get up, which they do,

and they swiftly exit from the stage. The Watcher raises his hand.)

WATCHER: Pause. (He steps forward on the stage, observing the

surroundings.) Let’s set one more scene. (The Watcher claps his

hands and  The Influences come onstage and take the bench off with

them. The “chair“ Influence comes back onstage, grabs the chair, and 

hands it to The Watcher.) Thank you. (The Influence exits the stage

slowly.) Time has passed. The initial shock of Rachel’s death has

passed. In this time, Charlie and Carly have become stronger in their

friendship. Of course, Officer Jackson keeps a distance between the two

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most of the time but recently he has been having them together a lot

more often. Charlie is now happy, which is a relief. This scene is

their first “real” date, a few years after the last scene. (The Watcher sits in

his chair behind the scene.) Play. (Charlie

and Carly walk onstage together. They are friendly with each other but 

not too close.)

CARLY: (While looking around herself.) All right Charlie, where are we?

CHARLIE: Does it matter? We’re alone, it’s beautiful. I’m going to cloud


CARLY: Cloud watch?

CHARLIE: Yep. (He flops down onto his back and looks up. He glances

over at Carly and pats the ground next to him. Carly

grins and flops down next to him.) You sure your dad’s okay with us?

CARLY: You kidding? Ever since we met, we’ve been close. Dad knows


CHARLIE: I hope so. ( points up at the “sky”.) Look at that cloud. No, that

one! It looks like some kind of mutated dwarf bear.

CARLY: There’s different kinds?

CHARLIE: Of course! There’s different tribes of mutated dwarf bears. I

would say that one would be from… the mountain

tribe. (Exaggerates a deep thought ) Yep. The mountain tribe.

CARLY: Wow, you’re a dork. (giggles) But a cute one, I’ll give you that.

(She looks up at the “sky”.) That one looks like a heart.

CHARLIE: A heart? Where?

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CARLY: ( points) There.

CHARLIE: A heart? Oh! I see it. Huh. It does look like a heart.

CARLY: Maybe it means something. (She scoots closer to Charlie with a

 playful grin.)

CHARLIE: (sort of playing along) Hmm. Maybe it does. (turns to Carly)

 Thank you.

CARLY: For what?

CHARLIE: Well, first for putting up with me. (Carly giggles) Second, for

comforting me the last few years. It’s been hard but…

you’ve made it bearable.

CARLY: You’re welcome then.

CHARLIE: I mean it!

CARLY: (She scoots closer to Charlie and cuddles with him.) I know.

(Carly’s and  Charlie’s faces, and with that lips, get 

closer but Charlie hesitates.)

CHARLIE: Are you sure about this?

CARLY: Absolutely. (They kiss finally. It’s small at first but the mood is

right and they get more passionate. They kiss for an

extended period of time. As Carly rolls on top of Charlie and continues to

kiss him with a strong passion, The Watcher raises his hand.)

WATCHER: Pause. (The two lovers freeze in their embrace and  The

Watcher slowly walks over to them.) If there’s one thing I

admire about humans it’s their capacity for love. There is no other

force in the universe that’s any sweeter. But there was another couple

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that was just as passionate. I don’t need to say who I’m referring to. (He

 pauses to think.) What if Charlie became a Matt? There’s always the

possibility. What if this beautiful young lady became his punching

bag? (The Watcher thinks again for a moment.) Yet… Charlie forgave his

father. Even after watching all of these jumbled scenes from Charlie’s

past, I still haven’t found my answer. (another pause) Well, maybe

the future doesn’t matter as much if the present is as sweet as this?

(another pause) I think there’s one more thing I need

to see… New scene. (The Watcher claps his hands and steps back as

 The Influences return. As some of them gently escort Carly offstage by 

the hand, the others bring on the bench and the table and put them

together center stage. They then stand Charlie to his feet and sit 

him down on the bench. The “chair“ Influence withdraws a cell

 phone from under its white clothes and puts it in Charlie‘s hand. It 

then positions it so the phone is to Charlie‘s ear. The Influences all exit.)

Only a few things I need to say about this scene. This is

two weeks before the funeral. Charlie and Carly have now moved in

together. Charlie is now on the phone with the police. He has a black

box in his pocket. (The Watcher sits in his chair.) Play. (Charlie unfreezes

in the middle of a phone conversation.)

CHARLIE: Oh. Okay. (There is a reply on the other end of the line.) He…

left something for me? What is it? (Pause for answer ) Well give it to

Officer Jackson. But don’t slow him down. He’s on

his way out and he’s going somewhere very important and needs to

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get there as fast as he can. He can bring it to me though. ( Answer ) No, I

can’t come and get it myself. Like I said, there’s something really

important going on right now. Just make sure this… mystery thing is

brought to me. Okay. Thanks for calling. Goodbye. (He puts the cell

 phone in his pocket and sighs, putting his hand to his head. There is a

quiet moment with Charlie alone. The Watcher stands to his feet.)

WATCHER: What are you thinking Charlie? What could you possibly be

thinking about? (There is the sound of someone

coming in through a front door offstage and  The Watcher sits down,

still staring at Charlie. Carly walks in onstage with a bright grin on

her face. She is wearing an attractive long coat.)

CARLY: Hey Char. (She sits next to Charlie and they quickly peck each

other on the lips.) It’s so good to be home. You don’t

know how boring it is to sit in class. Astronomy 101 is SO boring! Most of 

the time at least. (She snuggles up to Charlie but notices he is

distracted by something on his mind.) What is it?

CHARLIE: Nothing.

CARLY: Charlie…

CHARLIE: Okay. I got off the phone with the police.

CARLY: (shocked ) Police? For what? (Pause. Carly smiles.) Was it my dad?

CHARLIE: It’s my father. (Carly tilts her head, confused ) He’s dead.

CARLY: Oh god… I’m so sorry…

CHARLIE: No, don’t be. You know just as much as anyone that I haven’t

seen my father since my mom passed away. I think

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I’ll keep it that way.

CARLY: So, what are you going to do about it?

CHARLIE: Nothing.

CARLY: Charlie…

CHARLIE: No need. Besides, I have plans for us.

CARLY: Ooh! What kinds of plans?

CHARLIE: Life changing plans.

CARLY: Ah, well, if they’re life changing, I think I’m going to have to take

off my coat. CHARLIE: Okay. (Carly stands up and walks slowly offstage

while taking off her coat. Charlie watches lovingly and becomes

distracted by her body as she leaves. Carly then comes back in

without the coat. She is wearing an outfit that accents the natural

curves of her very fit body and a shirt that is low-cut. She notices Charlie’s

stare and giggles.)

CARLY: What are you looking at? Maybe I should put the coat back on if 

you’re going to be distracted…

CHARLIE: No! Don’t do that! (chuckles) It’s just that… you’re so beautiful.

I wanted to tell you that.

CARLY: You tell me that everyday Char.

CHARLIE: Well then that’s not even enough. (Charlie stands up and goes

behind  Carly, hugging her from behind.) I think we

should toast to it. How about some champagne?

CARLY: Champagne?

CHARLIE: Yes champagne! I just saw some at the store today and

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thought, “hey, we should have some champagne!” So I picked

up the best they got. So sit down… (Charlie sits Carly down slowly on

the bench, his hand now on her shoulders) and I’m gonna get it.

(Charlie eagerly runs offstage, leaving Carly at the table confused,

but amused. She giggles to herself. Eventually, Charlie comes back with

two glasses and a bottle of champagne and sets it on the table. He

then sits next to Carly. He grabs the champagne bottle and 

 prepares to open it.) All right. This is going to be awesome! (He uncorks it 

and the cork goes flying off.) Woo! Yes! (He notices that the drink is

now spilling and fizzing out and is making a mess on the table.) Oh

crap! (He quickly grabs his glass and fills it then fills Carly’s.  Afterwards,

he sets the bottle down beside the table.) Now that’s how it’s done!

CARLY: Oh yeah… that was awesome… (She smiles)

CHARLIE: Let’s toast then. (He grabs his glass and raises it.) To us.

CARLY: To us. (She raises her glass and they clink their glasses together.

They both sip their drinks while looking at each other 

lovingly.) So, what’s this really about Charlie?

CHARLIE: (very exaggerated) Well, I think I better clean up this mess I

made. Hold on. I have a napkin in my pocket. You know

how I always have one. I’m always making messes… (Charlie reaches

into his pocket ) Almost got it. (Charlie removes a little black box from

his pocket and places it on the table, away from the mess. Carly stares

at it funny.)

 CARLY: What is that Char? That’s not a napkin.

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CHARLIE: But it’s the next best thing.

CARLY: Which is…?

CHARLIE: (He stands and goes to Carly’s side and goes on one knee.) A

proposal from a man that loves you.

CARLY: Char…? (She nervously smiles. Charlie grabs the box from the


CHARLIE: Carly Jackson, you know I love you. And you know I want the

best for you. You said you wanted a simple life. I don’t

have much Carly but I can offer you my love and my never-ending

devotion. And this ring. (Charlie opens the box and reveals an

engagement ring.) All simple. (Charlie pauses for effect ) Will you be my

Mrs. Richards? (Carly is at a loss for words and puts her hand to her 

mouth, tearing up. She then stands and grabs Charlie’s shirt.)

CARLY: Oh just come here you! (She pulls Charlie to his feet and kisses

him right on the lips passionately for a few seconds.

They eventually break apart, still looking into each other’s eyes.)

CHARLIE: Is that a yes?

CARLY: It’s yes times a million! (They kiss again. They then break once

again and  Charlie takes the ring from the black 

box and throws the box behind him. He grabs her hand gently and 

slides the ring on her finger. Carly looks at the ring for a moment, but 

seeing it only as a material thing, returns her attention to Charlie and 

kisses him one more time. The door offstage is

heard opening then shutting.)

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 JACKSON: (offstage) You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked you lovebirds!

(Officer Jackson walks onstage beaming brightly.)

 CARLY: Daddy! (She runs to Jackson and hugs him.) Look! Look!

 JACKSON: (sees the ring on his daughter’s finger ) Oh wow… That’s…

wonderful! I’m so proud of you sweetheart!

CARLY: I’m going to show mom! Is she outside?


CARLY: Cool! Be right back! (She runs offstage.)

 JACKSON: (looks at Charlie) You’re lucky she said yes! The surprise of me

coming into the house right after the proposal

would’ve been very awkward if she’d have said no. (laughs) But I

knew she’d say yes. I mean look at you! Come here son. (He hugs

Charlie in a stronger more fatherly way.) I guess you really are my son

now. I couldn’t have wished for a better one.

CHARLIE: Thanks Mr. Jackson.

 JACKSON: You get to call me dad now man!

CHARLIE: Thanks… dad. (Charlie grins in amusement.)

 JACKSON: Carly is so happy now. (He ends the hug.) If you do anything to

ruin that, I’ll be the first one to make you regret it.

(There is a awkward pause of silence but  Jackson breaks focus.) I’m

only kidding. But seriously. (He smiles but then gets more serious. He

reaches into his pocket and retrieves an envelope. He gives it to

Charlie. At this The Watcher in the back perks up, wondering what the

envelope is. Apparently, he doesn’t remember what it 

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was.) The station gave this to me. It's from your father. He wrote it

 just before he passed.

CHARLIE: I guess so.

 JACKSON: You should have seen him there Charlie. At the prison. Right

before he died. He’s a different man than when you

knew him. Changed. I think he really wanted you to have that letter.

CHARLIE: I’ll get around to it.

 JACKSON: I hope you do. If he took the time to write that during his final

breaths, it must be important. Besides, I don’t need a

son-in-law that’s all mopey and stuff. Well, I’m going to help the Mrs.

get stuff inside. Thanks for letting us be apart of the proposal.

CHARLIE: You’re welcome.

 JACKSON: And congratulations. I think you made a good choice

personally. (smiles) Treat her well.

CHARLIE: I will sir. You can count on that.

 JACKSON: I know you will. (continues to smile as he walks offstage) See

ya in a bit.

CHARLIE: Okay. (Once he’s alone, Charlie looks at the envelope in his

hand.  The Watcheris paying good attention now.

Charlie sits on the bench and rips the envelope open. He retrieves a

letter and he begins to read it. The Watcher stands up and walks over 

to Charlie. He glances at the paper then looks up again.)

WATCHER: I think we need a voice. One I can duplicate from my memory.

I know just the one. (The Watcher closes his eyes

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and bows his head. He steps back with his head bowed as Matt

Richards walks onstage slowly and stands next to Charlie. He

speaks so that his voice is calm and caring while looking at his son.)

MATT: Dear Charlie, my one and only son. If you’re reading this, then it

means I have already passed on. I hope you can

accept some final words of advice from your foolish old man. I heard

recently from an old friend of mine that you were in love. I wish I

could’ve been there for you. I bet she’s amazing. Anyone would be lucky

to have you as a lifelong companion. Treat her with love and care like I did

once with my beloved, but unlike me continue to always care for

her above everything. Express your love daily to her.

Show her the man I know you are. She must be the most important

thing in your life, don’t let anything get in the way of that. And above

everything, promise her that you will be there to love and serve her

forever. Then keep that promise. If I am able to, I will watch over you from

wherever I go. If not, you’ll always be in my heart. Always. Before I

go I just want you to know that I am truly sorry. I know it’s

too late for me but I know that it’s just the beginning for you. Don’t

become like me. Keep your promises. Go through life with the greatest

confidence and live it to the fullest. If there’s one thing I learned from

being locked away is that life is meant to be lived, not destroyed by

stupid mistakes like mine. I want you to live Charlie. Live happily for

the rest of your life. I know you will. Your mother used to always express

her love for you. Everyday. That’s why I couldn’t just disappear into the

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dusty breeze of death. I had to make sure you don’t break your promises

or your new love because... I love you too much squirt.

(Charlie reacts to this the most.) Goodbye my son. I hope to see you

again someday. Sincerely, Dad. (Matt  places his hand onCharlie’s

shoulder for one last moment, then walks away offstage. Once he is

gone, The Watcher opens his eyes and focuses again on Charlie who is

now finishing the letter. Now The Watcher has found his answer. He

smiles and as Carly returns onstage to reunite with

Charlie, he steps back and returns to his area behind the scene.)

CARLY: Thank you Char. This is amazing. (Charlie puts away the letter,

takes a quiet moment, and then turns his head to face


CHARLIE: You’re welcome my lady. (They smile then kiss sweetly for a

moment .)

CARLY: Mom and dad are in the other room waiting.

CHARLIE: Sounds good. Let’s go. (He stands up but Carly stops him from

going anywhere.)

CARLY: But first, I have something to tell you.

CHARLIE: Is it that I’m beautiful? (He laughs and Carly does as well

slightly )

CARLY: Nah. You’re more handsome than beautiful anyway, but that’s not


CHARLIE: Well, what is it?

CARLY: (She shifts her posture back and forth playfully.) I got my test

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CHARLIE: You get an A? What class?

CARLY: Not that kind of test Charlie.

CHARLIE: (There is a moment where Charlie realizes what she means

and takes it in.) So, what’s the news?

CARLY: (Pause for effect ) Life changing. (They both look at each other 

with loving eyes and then Charlie hugs her tightly.

Carly returns the favor with a hug as well. It is a nice tender moment as

Charlie nestles his face into Carly’s hair and breathes deeply. Life is now

 perfect for Charlie. Now seeing that he does not need to see anymore,

 The Watcher raises his hand.)

WATCHER: Pause. (Charlie and Carly freeze in their embrace. After a

  pause to contemplate, The Watcher speaks out to

the audience, now rising from his chair.) The legacy continues. A

new Watcher has been assigned to the baby this very moment. The

present may be good. It may be bad. But no matter what it is, we can

always hope to have our future in good hands. (He claps and  The

Influences come onstage and lead Charlie offstage.

They also take off the table. They come back leading Matt onstage.

They lay him reverently and respectfully on the bench, the bench now

being a casket again, and position Carly off to the side of the stage

where she was at the beginning of the play. Once all finished, The

Influences walks offstage as they do, this time with each one

doing a single nod to The Watcher as they exit. The Watcher

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responds to each one until they are all gone from the stage.  The

Watcher now returns his attention to the audience.) We’re now back at the

funeral. It’s time to close up this story. ( pause) Matt’s… and mine.

(He goes behind the scene but does not sit in his

chair.) Now, play. (Carly unfreezes and starts pacing across the stage.

Mrs. McCamey comes onstage and sees Carly. She opens up her 

arms for a hug.)

McCAMEY: Carla! It’s so good to see you!

CARLY: Good to see you too Mrs. McCamey. (They hug.) How’s John?

McCAMEY: He’s… doing better. Anyways, I’ve heard the news! Can I see

it! (Carly shows her hand and Mrs. McCamey reacts

strongly to the ring.) Ooh! So exciting! You and Charlie are perfect for

each other!

CARLY: Thanks, but have you heard the other news?

McCAMEY: What other news?!

CARLY: I’m pregnant!

McCAMEY: Really?! Oh my god! Congratulations! (Both women hug then

release.) I'm so happy for you. But a certain person here kind of...

ruins the excitement. (McCamey glances at the casket with Matt lying

inside. She begins to ramble on with a bit of a crazy edge.) Damn. He

has to ruin everything. I’m glad he’s dead. (nods quickly ) I am. Whoever

moved Matt to an open viewing deserves to be slapped. (She points to

herself.) I'll do the slapping. And it'll feel great! (She throws another 

disgusted look at the casket.) I’ll see you later Carla. I need a glass

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of water to wash this bad taste out of my mouth. (Mrs. McCamey leaves


CARLY: Then why did you even come? (Charlie walks onstage and Carly

sees him.) Charlie! (She runs to Charlie and kisses him right on the

mouth in a quick passion.) You don’t have to be here. We can still leave.

Maybe get a hotel for tonight. Have some fun. (She plays with his hair )

 You know you want to. (smiles playfully )

CHARLIE: You're right then. (Smiles and pecks Carly on the lips.) But

there’s something… (he sees the open casket with Matt lying inside.)

I need to do first. (Charlie leaves the embrace of Carly and starts to walk 

toward Matt’s coffin. He stands right beside it.)

CARLY: If you want me to go I-

CHARLIE: No, no it’s fine. It’s fine… (He kneels next to Matt and looks at 

his deceased body ) Hey… dad. I-It’s been a long time.

I’m... I'm sorry I didn’t come see you earlier. It’s just that… I was scared.

After what you did… after mom… died… I never thought that I’d ever be

able to confront you. Now it’s too late... (Charlie rustles around in his

 pocket and pulls out an envelope.) I... got your letter. It kind of... lit the

way for me recently. Looking back on our time together, and the time

we were apart, I realized what I must do. All this time I just needed to

say... that I forgive you. I- I really do. (Carly comes behind Charlie and 

 places a hand on his shoulder. Charlie looks up at her.)

CARLY: That was amazing.

CHARLIE: It was?

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CARLY: Yeah, it was. (She kisses Charlie on the cheek. Charlie stands up

and they both hug and embrace for a period of time. As

they do, The Watcher looks as though he‘s going to clap and 

summon The Influences again but instead shakes his head and grabs

his chair and his glass himself. He takes them offstage quickly and 

returns, looking at the couple embracing once again.)

WATCHER: I’m going to have to report on what I’ve observed so far of the

life of Charlie Richards. (He raises his hand to pause, but realizing he

doesn’t need to, lowers his hand ) I guess I don’t need to

pause. I can trust that he will be all right. (He begins to walk offstage for 

the final time.) Humans. Most of them don’t know how lucky they

are. How much us Watchers long to be like them someday. (The Watcher


CHARLIE: (after breaking away from Carly) You want to go wait in the car

real quick? I’ll be right there.

CARLY: ‘Kay. But hurry! (She brushes Charlie’s cheek then exits slowly as

Charlie watches her. Once Carly is gone, Charlie

looks back at Matt.)

CHARLIE: She’s wonderful dad. I wish you could meet her. Maybe

someday we can get to know each other again. Truly get to know

each other. Catch up on things. (Charlie takes a few steps back.)

Until then, thank you. Thank you for having me. (Charlie stands straight,

salutes Matt, and then exits. The lights begin to fade on the stage

but just when it appears that the play is over, the lights remain on Matt’s

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casket. There is a moment of silence then all of a sudden Matt

coughs and sits up straight in the coffin. He looks around,

frightened, and climbs out. He searches his dark surroundings then

lays his eyes in the casket and he realizes that it is his.)

MATT: Oh god… It’s my… It’s my coffin… What have I done? (He falls to

his knees and begins to sob before his own coffin. He cries

for a moment then The Watcher comes back onstage and walks

slowly into the light that is around Matt. Matt sees  The Watcher and 

backs up from him, frightened.)

WATCHER: Don’t be afraid. (The Watcher reaches his hand down to Matt.)

I’m going to take you to see Rachel. (Matt stares up

at him for a moment then takes the outstretched hand. The Watcher

helps Matt to his feet and together they begin to wall offstage.) So, tell

me about your son Mr. Richards… (Once the two men are offstage, the

lights fade on the open casket then blackout.)