1I *j - - -p A '.- 4 e ...l~ 4 5 .... piUdtfM4 A A' for. M. $ g G aT The Aboe Grioa inAn WEAR YANKJ CUR mo. ny rCms A. pa wegr YVA. to n erae Decsdt wo Peasch ui his Batrnisocu final u.. Cobb inists oenb in i- see to beobtained for hisTies gItcher er utilder to Ty b aistes e u a Nest -so Last Septembe@, w -eeangfoed aother ses but he ne ed no denials wh rn of the Vech case is that me a frt base," said Cobb that evWnng. C"Bobby Jones Is doing bet- ter at third bse this year. than he ee- has before. Tbother two place aw open to coSpetton, yea, and so is third base, for that matter. The Tiurs, to make a real fight for the must be strengthened in the and in the box. I'm going to try and work Just that thing before mls." Howard bmke is a capable pitcher. though inclined to unsteadiness. His at* of smoothness might not be so costly with the slugging Tankees be- hbid him as It has been with the Ylgers. He would be a valuable ad- Ulnto the Tanks' weak staff. Cafel a Wonde. Johnny Mitchel was enhned a field- Sng wonder while in the Pacific Coast Leaue. The YankeeS are said to have turned over seven players to per- rit him to warm the bench alr last sumumer. Subbing for Roger Peckin- ouh is a soft snap and Mitchell got mighty tow bal games at bsort. He had a brief and unfortunate trial at second base. Though a marvel on the coast, Mitchell is not needed by the Tankee. He should welcome a fhence to play regulaly tor the D-o trait Tigers. dals to ompte in New Yknext week, makes no flat * vtrents. However. -his tans are at . SubMore rumors are run- lagaround town than ann be num- ome have McBride canned. Others have him offering himself as a saerifice. Some have Milan man- th and others have Johnson run- the ball club from the bench daring afternoons when he is not -uring. Halt the ball club has been sold or traded, according to these rumorp. However, not until he re- turns from New York will the boss eany official announcements. NIe fans want a whole lot of new Theyr hav. been obtained, ~hmost of them have yet to good. The rooters are also howinig via the United States mails fer a new third baseman and a new O'3os Is CheerfuL. Ser Blackie O'Rourke last night Into the Ooidental for a real ne.He seemed cheerful as ever. "Pm taking the mssagee and the dstrio bath every day," said he. Scourse, I'll have to get out there trow a ball before I'll be cor-- ethe effect of the treatment. they tell me I'll be all right again and I'm willing to wait." ORourke is due to remain here SChristmas, taking daily treat- tfor his weak wing. Then he will ~ 'at his home until the bugle blows uighim to Tampa. Down there. . dby the warm sun and soft he will unlimber his throwing .If he finds himself able to get teball across on a line the Washinig- ~eolub wDi not have to search farther a shortstop. If the arm continues I, that's different. Then, somne other player is waiting chanee to play, a mighty roar will ~Washington that wDi be v I A Favored. SMilan seems to be favored by ~sslaas for the vacant tob MIiederof the Griffmen for ew cannot fort that the . gesuk -rdcdb team last pho- ad his leadersaip. I',., 7 0 1 i,AAU*4 OA eCr MAY sol Los Cab co ri aLlwit" ~~udft Sot.p W= \ m\\d LZ p .s nd obbyr vemich, the Srnold- 2"i r"a* *.e~ jalaz-' emad W aPut ed bp a n Washingten, he,=en a vtly n rowe around. would nam Now ave n Vubeke the Etern Tw u onifs A.tesrngI lr Duei Fr N as Sw r was anotlesd he las2 They are Elmer Ban, a ret basean, who had played with the Uieried of Veront and the oading ntern Wsat e a M. T. Riggster an thefielder h on frol aryund University. mab is an rnest player. He brook@ no laziness. Given authority,' it to doubtful If he would retain Play- e who spend most of their afternoons sleeping In right field or snoozing on the far end of the bench. Whle inclined to be quiet, Zeb d- veloped unexpected fighting spirit while running the team last summer. it was with a bit of a shock that the ftanm maw him striding Into the Infild on more than one oocasion to lecture g weak-kneed flinger. That he was thinking at all times, one has but *0 recall that It was Milan who called the turn when Harry Helmannd the De- troit slugger, hit out of turn one after- ion. h is an as yer . brook nolversorgotten tho biy itamedoutla ifhe woGreain 9layn rwho utart ost theipprt feryn faeng in Gerghtavelue.nongo Rbert N.endterbencreidnto theoe GeorgdWaigtng pirit whilen cuni, theste lsttermand cetifwas ihast ofig hoc tat the cd fansditorim triit the foblnbfored on0 morthtnt onuentcasnto nlghtur cludedkknee s f wner T anh ie. thenkin t a, Whers, ohawt Tel th it watola halld thll tur hend Har dineigtatn thee Maroilo slugge, it 04u of tree at onhih mebro thaeadmn f namustoead othe Gnrsiy finca.l will stbe wt theent.or f vr faateg wo ave e . Roer Coum. Aro. C.priumento ovthe GeoedWashiton Uneinvtersi- sotented aonil pntw blsetter ndo cerifnicathe lasngatinte ofrpady 60yThetut stent lt nighthe hosre.Civin ars wheichInr gamed swaters wee4.ne oExpeshoiCeer. asn uhs uign Clare AdeSringRalwytxpe Tm atchette notballo squa lls bendered ainninner tonihtatth Wadill Clb, 180onday.t a whex ch mel oafi the ado TriaR.R egewill be presend conesed andtw baks nu- West am im e Cee Penny Ante .*. a. DL^IV PotoaA LET% lAKtC opp 1W LiMifT Ap40 PLANV 0oSCs WILDI eve 60 aTS (,e.'s NoW IPA 'riE PF REPOESo ND I- D( V hf'ANY gms, vin. P5ae'U ans esm. line./ FIGHTERS STAR' TO. HAVE LC By DAMON1 Twenty-one year. ago a skinny littl Sand lost a bout on a foul to anothe eoskinny kid was so youthful and like giving him a spanking and 'aendin fifteen years old, and his name was Ed At the interesting agO of eighteen,. Hanlon fought such easy marks as Abe Attell, Young Corbett, twice, and Benny Yanger uice. He drew In twenty-round bouts with Attell and Corbett, and in his first bout with Yander, beat Yanger in twenty i rounds in the second bout, and lost to Corbett in sixteen rounds. At nineteen, he stopped Kid Brood Dekr ack O'Nill. Kid ught ivan and Tim Callahan, and was stopped by Battling Nelson in nineteen rounds. He also lost to Terry Mo- Govern in four rounds. At .twenty he was tossed in eg~at such as Harry Lewis, Abe At Young Cor- bett, Willie Fitsgerald, Aurelia Her- NatuallyK ddie .as all through when he was of voting age. You can see him around San Francisco today, an old gentleman of thirty- seven. The wonder is that he has Theythat o stick the boys in at still sed 'e In a bit to ou a T many a lad who might have a long career if he was held back a couple of years is cut down in the sere. and yellow of his twenie. professional when he wasn fifteen. At seventeen Billy Roche took him out to the Pacific coat. and they p icked a nic. soft one for Willie in Rufe Turner. one of the hardest hit- ting lightweightp that ever lived. Au showing Bill'. confidence in Willie. the match was arranged win- ner take alL. This in spite of the1 fact that Turner had met some of the bst. me.. Im hts altams. and waa pouT CAM64 TO O s~bute by Oldw ru uy Wo |mwy sodtema CM4T VOai PAAs WMT t NaCK MOM.B r TOO YOUNG NG CAREERS sribo~uted, bye GoWht. Thell Gat tsWho awtmsel n te frstroudA-pt i on. Nosoner os dupwit unn loknge. an israne Cral Hih I efaish NG CetA R ynsu EERSay et lada in a thanil entc Sdeonp name eorabe Wie. TcArmy, and eiNed. Wilpse nt nlte fst hoeun andigutloomdown. goldn acount thelek o nanny ookn gmear theisrane annfst.- kCentral cata Payeda good oCental.y nth chapifoershipe poce bilad oune at he and enotas highest arcunt of themureyv aes.Fo enwental'sh cas ,n tlaera :hrogotenshawe Leds.epa DevrilliDntlyndha reaied abundane fapplause from the specttors Mon ae one of the banner attraction. of the ou~,as both men are i fine giag toD ON* NWAVW" *A HOWCA A 7 A CPP( The Above Cartoon in Anli ly Jean Knott EDDIE., k' vwve as* G~UV, OhrY GMN'*,TmrI' Gvi HwM AWV Ms wD D 1WLIG4 m %QaEP: 'Ies /2-? VEECK REPORTS KILIwFER WIL lMllNAGE AGAIN President Has Not Resigned From Chicago Cubs, He Says, on Way East. CHICAGO, Dec. 10.-Rumor. that Bill Killefer would not manage the Chicago Cube next season and that pesiet of the club wer denie by Veeck in a statement lat ngt jut "Bil Kllefer ha iged hi. 21 contt and will manage te Cb, if I hdpad 6150,000 for Hli eIo there might be some truth to the re- port, but since I did "ot It is ab. JEWEL ENS IS TRADED TO PITTSBUROH PIRATES ST. LOUIS, Dec. l0.-,Jewel Ens. third baseman of Syracuse Interna- tional League club, was traded to the Pittsburgh Nationals by the Car- dinals, according to word received here today from Manager Branch Rickey, who 1s attending the Buffalo baseball meeting. Ens was purchased from the Houston, Texas League, club last year. He played with Dallas and In the Western League. Notre Dame Cancels. SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 10.-- Notre' Dame has canceled the foot- balgames sheduled with Cetre Cl- POOu, aer r- mated Form Proddbed by I0 MORE BASEBALL DELS TALKED INN. . SESSION Quarter of a Million Dolars Changes and Business Is Just stated By JACK VasOC. NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-Though W0,000 will change hands as a result of player deals consummated at the Bufflo meeting t the ns, donal amocios, the magnates are not yet through reaching into the doughbags. With the scene of action trane- trred to New York today in preo- paet of the major league meetings next week, talk of further deals filed the air. The New York Yankees have sev- eral deals in prospect, one of which is -believed to be with Detroit. Rumor myg that Bob Veach and a pitcher, probably Iloward Ehmke. may come to the Yanks for Johnny Mitchell. an outfielder, and some cash money. The Pittsburgh Pirates and Chi- cago Cubs are both in the market for talent. Gibson and KUlefer are casting about high and low for some deal that will strengthen their teams and hope to put over a deal or two before the end of next week. "Players were never so scarce." said Killefer, discussing the prdb- tems that confront him. 'rry and buy somebody, just tri and do it." The 8t. Louis Browns also' have money to spend for pitching talent and could use a second baseman, but as Business Manager Quinn eaid at Buffalo: "We're not going to pay radium prices and I doubt It we could get the right men even though the sky wan made the limit." New York was the objective for both major and minor league own- ers and managers today. Many came on from Buffalo Thurs- dat night and others straggled 'In today. At the International League meet- ing Monday the transfer of Syra- cuse's franchise to Montreal Is . peoted to ho ratified. MATHEWSON GETS CHECK FROM POLO GROUNDS OAME NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-A check for '$24,673, representing additional proceeds from a benefit baseball game played at the Polo Ground. September 20 for Christy Mathewson, former pitching star of the New York Giants, was mailed to him to. day at Baranac Lake. where he is Ill of tuberculosis. Several weeks agt he was sent hi. first check fow $30,000. BANCROFT IS PLEASED WITH HEINE GROH DEAL SUPERIOR. Wi., Dec. 10.-Davi Bancroft, captain of the New YorU Giants, said- he was greatly pleased with the deal that transfer. Heniw Groh from Cincinnati to the Giants "I would rather have seen a cast deal." said Bancroft, "because I hati to se Burns and Gonzales leave the club." Bancroft is spending the win tar at his home here. *Sier's Team Wing. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10.-George Sister's Vernon Club, winner of the Winter League championship. todas opened a post-eeason series of threw games with the Missions, of Bar Francisco, led by Harry Hteilmann The Missions finished second, 1-orna by's Loe Angeles team third and T) Cobb's NMen Franisco club last. Niehoff Will Lead. MOBILE. Ala., Dec. 10.-Bert Nie hoff, former National League In fielder, has- been named to manatg' the local, Southern Association clutI for 1923. Last year he was captair and second baseman of the Los An mets fInhin the Pacific Coas' 40. ationtal Fil levie ad D Bay "UEKI.LUT Finn, Esq. Ruth's Pulse Is ha~k Stronger, But He Is Gonfined to the Rabid Ward. By KIR MI.ER. P ohot-water ba, rtpid was al, to read the bad aew today through a et cf dark glasses. "Ieoks like landlord's incom tax," he moaned as he sunk antiseptic cushions and in- amfawetoni -0R By k = n= thrUgh tbeae wheat straw. lymnpathetlo bedside calle- ti- mated Judge Landis annul hae added all the naubers in CMi-a todayUkrO~b c&se Of d""rk book and multi-' plied'by nine. Inncoclnt by I ttander sug- gested perhap. t he numerical udge stoodson urner of Clark arn Madison , strets and wait- I aed for largest automobile tag to sloop by and grabbed fine C I of that. Colored orderly in rabid ward got glimpse of I pnalty as he read o'er Ruth's shoulder and al- lowed "them sure Is noble siD- tics." "When It comes to conjuri n up queer Mathematical hieroglyp that there Jedge Landis am a genti," Babe further discomfited anng hise'f. Home Run Idol flooded with of- fers from foreign and doenestiq teams to sign for 1922 spasm. Cea- trnct on way from Moose Factory offers hundred otter hides a year, Including flop, nose-bag and medio- inal beer. 'Nother from 091, Te. offers slugger half interest in three dry well., together with annual pass on Idefunct stage coach line, Geegaw, Oregon, of . Mountain Goat League, willing to pay Babe three men's salary If he will pa the entire outfield. Must think h' a centipede. Flattering telegram arrives from Alpine Archipelag, whaere they run basei on stilts. itcher wears mnow shops and catcher rattles around on roller skates. Canal Zone, where every player wears a motorcycle, thinks Babe would make a home run on an ordi- nary single and three bags off of most bases on balls. HOBLITZEL AND HUMMEL QUWT READING CIRCUIT READING, Pa., Dec. 10.-At a meet- ing of the Reading Baseball and Ath- letic Association Richard ("Diok") Hoblitsell, who managed the Reading Aces lest sasonn tendered his resigna- tion to manage the Charlotte (N. C.J South Atlantic League Club next sea- son. "Silent" John Hummel of this city teform rok National utilit manwhofthe 1330 Reading Int., announced today that heha signed a contract to manage the Springfield (Mass.) Eastern League Club in 1322. Seek Court Came. The Kanawha Prep., which last year, under the namie of the Epiphany Tigers, won the juylor city title, would like to arrange basketball games wltn local 12 5-1851-pound teams. Challengeb should be telephoned to Manager Blanken, at Noh 310, between 5 and Sp. m. isrUtded by Goldwya ilENVSHI h.c. OUT TO IN ITS NINTH STRAIGHT Pbatut Lihwe Wgh-t Elevun I* Tackle Kanawhas Tomoirrow In Tileo Contest Acoding to the claims .1 the two Sams, the 130-1230-pomud sanidit leot- all championship 'Of the city will be lidd by the outcoe of tUinisaw!' -i betwee. 40a Yffsiilj A. C. 3the KnwaelewemV sa 3 .O et . n~me Lot, starting it 2 eeok Frteniship, with eight straight win. md no defeats, has scored 103 pointe aminat its opponents 20. and is the only team in its class to remain un- waten throughout the season. Man- iwba, Its nearest rival, loot to t., reresa's Props, a heavier seven. Friendship in coached by Frank Pree, former Mohawk and Naval Ap- rentice player. Although Frieandhl. 'resents an unusually light line-up, he majority of' its gains have have een made by solid line-plunging In which Its backfield. composed of Riley. .chneider, Mattingly and Heath or qewman, excella. An nest mi ?fs'lss. Schneider, fullback, Is rated as a omer in sandlot circles, playing his nret game of football lest October. Ie is an iron man, having partici- ated in every minute of play this meson. .Rilaf, captain and quarter- ik, Is a .plandid runner; Mattingly. ialfback, fresh from two years' serv- es with the marines, and a genial Irishman. ts a young battering raw m the offnse- Klein, but fourteen rears a a, eaviy outweighed in vory g , has proved steadily that *the come, the harder hey ; t- , diminutive tackle. itarred with the Rex Juniors last year, ad {Wan ecenent player. The team's success is laid to a narked fighting spirit and fine team- erwl. Among other exoellent play- we on the team are Bernie and Al Heath, Ball, Northredge, Horowits, Molson. Sam Kinnamont, Newman, and Greene. Has Girl eader., The eleven represents the Friend- .kin Athletic Club, with a member- ship of forty boys averaging egteen ber 1921, ..dhas clb room at 524 Virginia avenue southeast. Miss Lsorraine M. Wall is the organiser and eader of the team. Friendship's victories have been ever Perry A. C., Washington A. C., Wentworths, Unios Wepaiokes, Reserves, and LexIngton A. C. The Moulton. and dt. Teresa juniors for- felted to FriendshIp. Kanawha pre- pent. a worthy opponent for the southeast team, having lost only one game. that to the St. Teresa preys. WEST VIRGINIA TACKLES CONTEST WITH INDIANA MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Deo. 10. -One of the most Important Inter- sectional football games In which West Virginia has participated was arranged today with the University of Indiana at Bloomington November 11. Indiana will play West Virginia on the same relative date in 1533 at Morgntown lined her games to Eastern and Southern teams, and plays a Western conference team for the first time In meeting Indiana. . It was announced today also that the date of the re- turn game. with Cincinnati has been fixed for November 4 at the Queen City., Play Three Cames. Gonuaga High's basheters will hook up with the Bliss Electrical School five in the Goneaga gymn to- night at 7:830 in the first game of a triple-header. In the other two games. the Aloysius Reserv'es will meet the (artisle quint. and the

The Washington times.(Washington, DC) 1921-12-10 [p ]. · ByDAMON1 Twenty-one year. ago a skinny littl Sand lost aboutonafoul to anothe eoskinny kid was so youthful and like giving

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Page 1: The Washington times.(Washington, DC) 1921-12-10 [p ]. · ByDAMON1 Twenty-one year. ago a skinny littl Sand lost aboutonafoul to anothe eoskinny kid was so youthful and like giving

1I *j

- - -p A

'.- 4 e ...l~ 45 ....

piUdtfM4 AA'


M. $ g G aT

The Aboe Grioa inAn


CURmo. ny rCmsA.

pa wegrYVA.

ton erae Decsdt wo

Peasch ui his Batrnisocufinal u.. Cobb inists oenb in i-see to beobtained for hisTies

gItcher er utilder to

Ty b aistes e u aNest -so Last Septembe@, w-eeangfoed aother ses

but heneed no denials whrn of the Vech case is that

mea frt base," said Cobb thatevWnng. C"Bobby Jones Is doing bet-

ter at third bse this year. than heee- has before. Tbother two placeaw open to coSpetton, yea, and so isthird base, for that matter. TheTiurs, to make a real fight for the

must be strengthened in theand in the box. I'm going to

try and work Just that thing beforemls."Howard bmke is a capable pitcher.

though inclined to unsteadiness. Hisat* of smoothness might not be socostly with the slugging Tankees be-hbid him as It has been with theYlgers. He would be a valuable ad-

Ulnto the Tanks' weak staff.Cafel a Wonde.

Johnny Mitchel wasenhned a field-Sng wonder while in the Pacific CoastLeaue. The YankeeS are said tohave turned over seven players to per-rit him to warm the bench alrlastsumumer. Subbing for Roger Peckin-

ouh is a soft snap and Mitchell gotmighty tow bal games at bsort.

He had a brief and unfortunate trialat second base. Though a marvel onthe coast, Mitchell is not needed bythe Tankee. He should welcome afhence to play regulaly tor the D-otrait Tigers.

dals to ompte in NewYknext week, makes no flat

* vtrents. However. -his tans areat . SubMore rumors are run-

lagaround town than ann be num-ome have McBride canned.

Others have him offering himself asa saerifice. Some have Milan man-th and others have Johnson run-

theball club from the benchdaring afternoons when he is not

-uring. Halt the ball club has beensold or traded, according to theserumorp. However, not until he re-turns from New York will the boss

eany official announcements.NIe fans want a whole lot of newTheyr hav. been obtained,

~hmost of them have yet togood. The rooters are also

howinig via the United States mailsfer a new third baseman and a new

O'3os Is CheerfuL.Ser Blackie O'Rourke last night

Into the Ooidental for a realne.He seemed cheerful as ever.

"Pm taking the mssagee and thedstrio bath every day," said he.

Scourse, I'll have to get out theretrow a ball before I'll be cor--ethe effect of the treatment.they tell me I'll be all rightagain and I'm willing to wait."

ORourke is due to remain hereSChristmas, taking daily treat-tfor his weak wing. Then he will

~'at his home until the bugle blowsuighim to Tampa. Down there..dby the warm sun and soft

he will unlimber his throwing.If he finds himself able to get

teball across on a line the Washinig-~eolub wDi not have to search farther

a shortstop. If the arm continuesI, that's different. Then,

somne other player is waitingchanee to play, a mighty roar will~Washington that wDi be

vI A Favored.SMilan seems to be favored by

~sslaas for the vacant tobMIiederof the Griffmen for

ew cannot fort that the. gesuk -rdcdb team last

pho- ad his leadersaip.

I',., 70 1



sol Los Cabco ri

aLlwit" ~~udft Sot.p

W= \m\\dLZ p

.s nd obbyr vemich, the Srnold-

2"i r"a* *.e~ jalaz-'emadW aPut ed bp a

n Washingten, he,=en a vtlyn rowe around. would nam

Now ave n Vubeke the Etern

Tw u onifs A.tesrngI lr

DueiFr N asSwr was anotlesd he las2

They are Elmer Ban, a retbasean, who had played with theUieried of Veront and theoading ntern Wsat e a M. T.

Riggster an thefielder h on

frol aryund University.mab isan rnest player. He

brook@ no laziness. Given authority,'it to doubtful If he would retain Play-e who spend most oftheir afternoonssleeping In right field or snoozing onthe far end of the bench.Whle inclined to be quiet, Zeb d-

veloped unexpected fighting spiritwhile running the team last summer.it was with a bitof a shock that the

ftanm maw him striding Into the Infildon more than one oocasion to lectureg weak-kneed flinger. That he wasthinking at all times, one has but *0recall that It was Milan who called theturn when Harry Helmannd the De-troit slugger, hit out of turn one after-

ion. h is an as yer .

brook nolversorgotten tho biyitamedoutla ifhe woGreain 9laynrwho utart ost theipprt ferynfaeng in Gerghtavelue.nongo

Rbert N.endterbencreidntotheoe GeorgdWaigtng piritwhilen cuni, theste lsttermandcetifwas ihast ofig hoc tat the cdfansditorim triit the foblnbfored

on0 morthtnt onuentcasnto nlghturcludedkknee s f wnerT anh ie.

thenkin t a, Whers, ohawtTel th it watola halld thll

tur hend Har dineigtatn theeMaroilo slugge, it 04u of tree atonhih mebro thaeadmn f

namustoead othe Gnrsiy finca.lwill stbe wt theent.or f vr

faateg wo ave e .

RoerCoum. Aro. C.priumentoovthe GeoedWashiton Uneinvtersi-

sotented aonil pntw blsetter ndocerifnicathe lasngatinte ofrpady60yThetut stent lt nighthehosre.Civin ars wheichInr

gamed swaters wee4.ne

oExpeshoiCeer. asn uhsuign

Clare AdeSringRalwytxpeTm atchette notballosqua lls

bendered ainninner tonihtatthWadill Clb, 180onday.t a

whex ch mel oafi the adoTriaR.R egewill be presend

conesed andtw baks nu-

West am im e


Penny Ante.*.


DL^IV PotoaALET% lAKtC opp


eve 60 aTS(,e.'s NoWIPA 'riE


gms, vin. P5ae'Uans esm. line./


By DAMON1Twenty-one year. ago a skinny littl

Sand lost a bout on a foul to anotheeoskinny kid was so youthful and

like giving him a spanking and 'aendinfifteen years old, and his name was EdAt the interesting agO of eighteen,.

Hanlon fought such easy marks asAbe Attell, Young Corbett, twice, andBenny Yanger uice. He drew Intwenty-round bouts with Attell andCorbett, and in his first bout withYander, beat Yanger in twenty irounds in the second bout, and lostto Corbett in sixteen rounds.At nineteen, he stopped Kid Brood

Dekr ack O'Nill. Kidught ivanand Tim Callahan, and was stoppedby Battling Nelson in nineteenrounds. He also lost to Terry Mo-Govern in four rounds. At .twentyhe was tossed in eg~at such asHarry Lewis, Abe At Young Cor-bett, Willie Fitsgerald, Aurelia Her-

NatuallyK ddie .as all throughwhen he was of voting age. Youcan see him around San Franciscotoday, an old gentleman of thirty-seven. The wonder is that he has

Theythat o stick the boys in at

still sed 'e In a bit to ou aT

many a lad who might have a longcareer if he was held back a coupleof years is cut down in the sere. andyellow of his twenie.

professional when he wasn fifteen.At seventeen Billy Roche took himout to the Pacific coat. and theyp icked a nic. soft one for Willie inRufe Turner. one of the hardest hit-ting lightweightp that ever lived.Au showing Bill'. confidence in

Willie. the match was arranged win-ner take alL. This in spite of the1fact that Turner had met some ofthe bst. me.. Im hts altams. and waa



s~bute by Oldw

ru uyWo |mwysodtema


t NaCK



sribo~uted,bye GoWht.

Thell Gat tsWho awtmsel

n te frstroudA-pt i on.

Nosoner os dupwit

unn loknge. an israne

Cral Hih I efaish

NG CetA R ynsuEERSayet lada in a thanil entc

Sdeonp name eorabe Wie.TcArmy, and eiNed. Wilpse nt

nlte fst hoeun andigutloomdown.

goldn acount thelek o

nanny ookn gmear theisrane


kCentral cata Payeda goodoCental.y

nth chapifoershipe poce bilad

oune at he and enotas

highestarcunt of themureyv aes.Fo

enwental'sh cas ,n tlaera

:hrogotenshawe Leds.epaDevrilliDntlyndha reaied abundane

fapplause from the specttors Mon

ae one of the banner attraction. of the

ou~,as both men are i fine giag

toD ON*




The Above Cartoon in Anli

ly Jean Knott

EDDIE.,k' vwve as*








President Has Not ResignedFrom Chicago Cubs, He Says,

on Way East.CHICAGO, Dec. 10.-Rumor. that

Bill Killefer would not manage theChicago Cube next season and that

pesiet of the club wer denie byVeeck in a statement lat ngt jut

"Bil Kllefer ha iged hi. 21contt and will manage te Cb,

if I hdpad 6150,000 for Hli eIothere might be some truth to the re-port, but since I did "ot It is ab.


ST. LOUIS, Dec. l0.-,Jewel Ens.third baseman of Syracuse Interna-tional League club, was traded tothe Pittsburgh Nationals by the Car-dinals, according to word receivedhere today from Manager BranchRickey, who 1s attending the Buffalobaseball meeting. Ens was purchasedfrom the Houston, Texas League, clublast year. He played with Dallasand In the Western League.

Notre Dame Cancels.SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 10.--

Notre' Dame has canceled the foot-balgames sheduled with Cetre Cl-

POOu, aer r-

mated Form Proddbed by I0


Quarter of a Million DolarsChanges and Business Is

Just statedBy JACK VasOC.

NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-ThoughW0,000 will change hands as aresult of player deals consummatedat the Bufflo meeting t the ns,donal amocios, the magnates arenot yet through reaching into thedoughbags.With the scene of action trane-

trred to New York today in preo-paet of the major league meetingsnext week, talk of further dealsfiled the air.The New York Yankees have sev-

eral deals in prospect, one of whichis -believed to be with Detroit. Rumormyg that Bob Veach and a pitcher,probably Iloward Ehmke. may cometo the Yanks for Johnny Mitchell.an outfielder, and some cash money.The Pittsburgh Pirates and Chi-

cago Cubs are both in the marketfor talent. Gibson and KUlefer arecasting about high and low for somedeal that will strengthen their teamsand hope to put over a deal or twobefore the end of next week."Players were never so scarce."

said Killefer, discussing the prdb-tems that confront him. 'rry andbuy somebody, just tri and do it."The 8t. Louis Browns also' have

money to spend for pitching talentand could use a second baseman, butas Business Manager Quinn eaid atBuffalo:"We're not going to pay radium

prices and I doubt It we could getthe right men even though the skywan made the limit."New York was the objective for

both major and minor league own-ers and managers today.Many came on from Buffalo Thurs-

dat night and others straggled 'Intoday.At the International League meet-

ing Monday the transfer of Syra-cuse's franchise to Montreal Is.peoted to ho ratified.


for '$24,673, representing additionalproceeds from a benefit baseballgame played at the Polo Ground.September 20 for Christy Mathewson,former pitching star of the NewYork Giants, was mailed to him to.day at Baranac Lake. where he is Illof tuberculosis. Several weeks agthe was sent hi. first check fow$30,000.


SUPERIOR. Wi., Dec. 10.-DaviBancroft, captain of the New YorUGiants, said- he was greatly pleasedwith the deal that transfer. HeniwGroh from Cincinnati to the Giants"I would rather have seen a castdeal." said Bancroft, "because I hatito se Burns and Gonzales leave theclub." Bancroft is spending the wintar at his home here.

*Sier's Team Wing.LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10.-George

Sister's Vernon Club, winner of theWinter League championship. todasopened a post-eeason series of threwgames with the Missions, of BarFrancisco, led by Harry HteilmannThe Missions finished second, 1-ornaby's Loe Angeles team third and T)Cobb's NMen Franisco club last.

Niehoff Will Lead.MOBILE. Ala., Dec. 10.-Bert Nie

hoff, former National League Infielder, has- been named to manatg'the local, Southern Association clutIfor 1923. Last year he was captairand second baseman of the Los An

mets fInhin the Pacific Coas'


ationtal Fil levie ad D


Finn, Esq.Ruth's Pulse Is ha~kStronger, But He IsGonfined to the Rabid


By KIR MI.ER.P ohot-water ba, rtpidwas al, to read the bad aew

today through a et cf darkglasses.

"Ieoks like landlord's incomtax," he moaned as he sunk

antiseptic cushions and in-

amfawetoni-0RBy k= n= thrUgh tbeae

wheat straw.

lymnpathetlo bedside calle- ti-mated Judge Landis annul hae

added all thenaubers in CMi-a

todayUkrO~b c&se Of d""rk

book and multi-'plied'by nine.

Inncoclnt by Ittander sug-gested perhap.the numericaludge stoodsonurner of Clark

arn Madison ,strets and wait- Iaed for largestautomobile tagto sloop by andgrabbed fineC Iof that.Colored orderlyin rabid wardgot glimpse of Ipnalty as he

read o'er Ruth's shoulder and al-lowed "them sure Is noble siD-tics."

"When It comes to conjurin upqueer Mathematical hieroglypthat there Jedge Landis am a genti,"Babe further discomfited annghise'f.

Home Run Idol flooded with of-fers from foreign and doenestiqteams to sign for 1922 spasm. Cea-trnct on way from Moose Factoryoffers hundred otter hides a year,Including flop, nose-bag and medio-inal beer.

'Nother from 091, Te. offersslugger half interest in three drywell., together with annual pass on

Idefunct stage coach line,

Geegaw, Oregon, of . MountainGoat League, willing to pay Babethree men's salary If he will pathe entire outfield. Must think h'a centipede.

Flattering telegram arrives fromAlpine Archipelag, whaere they runbasei on stilts. itcher wears mnowshops and catcher rattles around onroller skates.

Canal Zone, where every playerwears a motorcycle, thinks Babewould make a home run on an ordi-nary single and three bags off ofmost bases on balls.


READING, Pa., Dec. 10.-At a meet-ing of the Reading Baseball and Ath-letic Association Richard ("Diok")Hoblitsell, who managed the ReadingAces lest sasonn tendered his resigna-tion to manage the Charlotte (N. C.JSouth Atlantic League Club next sea-son.

"Silent" John Hummel of this cityteform rok National utilitmanwhofthe 1330 Reading

Int., announced today that hehasigned a contract to manage theSpringfield (Mass.) Eastern LeagueClub in 1322.

Seek Court Came.The Kanawha Prep., which last

year, under the namie of the EpiphanyTigers, won the juylor city title, wouldlike to arrange basketball games wltnlocal 12 5-1851-pound teams. Challengebshould be telephoned to ManagerBlanken, at Noh 310, between 5 andSp. m.

isrUtded by GoldwyailENVSHIh.c.OUT TO IN ITSNINTH STRAIGHTPbatut LihweWgh-t ElevunI*Tackle Kanawhas Tomoirrow

In Tileo ContestAcoding to the claims .1 the twoSams, the 130-1230-pomud sanidit leot-all championship 'Of the city will belidd by the outcoe of tUinisaw!'-i betwee. 40a Yffsiilj A. C.3the KnwaelewemV sa3.Oet . n~me Lot, starting

it 2 eeokFrteniship, with eight straight win.mdno defeats, has scored 103 pointeaminat its opponents 20. and is the

only team in its class to remain un-waten throughout the season. Man-iwba, Its nearest rival, loot to t.,reresa's Props, a heavier seven.Friendship in coached by Frank

Pree, former Mohawk and Naval Ap-rentice player. Although Frieandhl.'resents an unusually light line-up,he majority of' its gains have haveeen made by solid line-plunging Inwhich Its backfield. composed of Riley..chneider, Mattingly and Heath orqewman, excella.

An nest mi ?fs'lss.Schneider, fullback, Is rated as aomer in sandlot circles, playing hisnret game of football lest October.Ie is an iron man, having partici-ated in every minute of play thismeson. .Rilaf, captain and quarter-ik, Is a .plandid runner; Mattingly.ialfback, fresh from two years' serv-es with the marines, and a genialIrishman. ts a young battering rawm the offnse- Klein, but fourteenrears a a, eaviy outweighed in

voryg , has proved steadily that*the come, the harderhey ; t- , diminutive tackle.itarred with the Rex Juniors last year,ad {Wan ecenent player.The team's success is laid to a

narked fighting spirit and fine team-erwl. Among other exoellent play-we on the team are Bernie and AlHeath, Ball, Northredge, Horowits,Molson. Sam Kinnamont, Newman,and Greene.

Has Girl eader.,The eleven represents the Friend-

.kin Athletic Club, with a member-ship of forty boys averaging egteen

ber 1921, ..dhas clb roomat 524 Virginia avenue southeast. MissLsorraine M. Wall is the organiser andeader of the team.Friendship's victories have been

ever Perry A. C., Washington A. C.,Wentworths, Unios Wepaiokes,

Reserves, and LexIngton A. C. TheMoulton. and dt. Teresa juniors for-felted to FriendshIp. Kanawha pre-pent. a worthy opponent for thesoutheast team, having lost only onegame. that to the St. Teresa preys.


MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Deo. 10.-One of the most Important Inter-sectional football games In whichWest Virginia has participated wasarranged today with the Universityof Indiana at Bloomington November11. Indiana will play West Virginiaon the same relative date in 1533 atMorgntown

lined her games to Eastern andSouthern teams, and plays a Westernconference team for the first time Inmeeting Indiana. . It was announcedtoday also that the date of the re-turn game. with Cincinnati has beenfixed for November 4 at the QueenCity.,

Play Three Cames.Gonuaga High's basheters will

hook up with the Bliss ElectricalSchool five in the Goneaga gymn to-night at 7:830 in the first game of atriple-header. In the other twogames. the Aloysius Reserv'es willmeet the (artisle quint. and the