C hi Star tflves tho advertiser ft given amount <>i nervicoat one-hnlf tlio coat of any com-. tlniitloD of competitors. : Ovt>r 3,900 CoploH Every Weak Gimr- ontecd ••.«•,' » : ' .%: * C bC $lar won Its 'exceptionally}; largo circulation by; riiorit-; ing It, :(not; i thmiigh7promlur^ schemes), and holds It through! merit. ;-.}lKre/ti^iiM^l^ f mm 38TJI YBAU-NUMBKH !!». WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. I.. THURSDAY,: SEPTE3IHER 2S. 1905. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PERYEAR THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY tor Corn Mi. 1J« -'<4u1«1 Hint '•• the ; s-pirlt manifest/reminded- liitn of others ihn> wiicn them \ven i . likWisu no dissen-ioiirt in lite parlv for 1ho opposition' to Ink'.* advantage of. but when flic member* of the part v had wheeh-d into an unbroken lint- aml'volled up Ing majorities. Demo, iratii* iiiajoritif* in Warren IIVK always jJJJ'j)''-'«?mii.i.!!» jutWiriiiipnriy^oaHi^ Johnston Cornish for Senator; Joseph H. Firth fi Clinton Kcrr for Sheriff, and Charles Hoap .:.'.;.•. • . ; ' /land; for County Clerk. ••-.'-••.': r ' y ."'•""..",-;••'••'- j'''iir/sirj'i<i.i- iiirn [MWIWIIHI io I,.II to " ; - :-.-^-..:-._LJ. _ . j.Mr. Cnrn'hliV piilitinil ainu'l'—nf hi- CONVENTION HELD IN /B'BLVIDBRE LAST THURSDAY 'W"«.«•*«.•••.• V-p* "«""- Proceedings Passed Off In the Most Hnrmonlous Spirit and Every Man on the - Ticket is Worthy In Character and the Chuice of the Party —Indications Point to an Old-time Demo- , ,' : . •;'•,"... •.''.;:,:,;,• .V* 1 .-. '•"••.:.• cratlc 'Victory Thin Year., ; ; : •': ••./."• 1 ." y g inajnriUis each linn—of tiirt .flri'tliiii to the Senate when • 1tI-» home town gave Iiini a plurality of 410 —of hi* election to {'ongies-i—of tin* county remaining true to ils political fnttlt''itmlcr hi-* leadership in tho ltr.vnii campaigns—of liirt election In tin' Sen- ale again liy l.lill.'i jiliirnHty. thin re- 'eiving " remarkable cndor.sunifliit of hi-- illiciiil conduct—of Iris unswerving loy- ulty to the party and it- candidates in (•very contest. ' ' '. * '•'' •. Kx-litil»t> Morrow,: in seconding th" uinatioii, <p»ko of, tint silMilnti* •itniiiiiiiitt.v of sentiment fur .Mr. for- nisli's'nmmnntion—Hint again tin* ollli-o had ^mi-ht tin- man instead of the man Hire ollice. .'lie proclaimed us Inn- »very [word uttered liy Mr.Ktrykoi- and Hint i\\W remark* hadinet n ie-,pon-ive echo from every man 'nri'M-ut wb U'IIS right- ly inftiiwd. Tho i-i.iinly wanted a man i'n tlmSenate nf Mr. 1,'onii-hV busing nml political experience. 'I'lii- ISi-publi- can.party in this htate. .-aid ]\<: U disin- jiegiiitiii';; it H dominated by bos>i-m. and no h'gi'talioii *»f •(•(•ii^i'ijni'tivi' cini lit- i<<ii:icU'([.thilt. rl>H>s.not huv<> iin- suiirtHUi I<if Hie ini'ii ivhosp ht'iult[iuuii'rs urc in Hie I'ni'Icntiiil l.uil.lin- in Newark. The ilny of IHW!* nilc in tl»- Ilispiililinin puty 'is nearly |>u>t, us I'viilenn-d in • (*»»lliy*- ] rnutirkiil>l<> victory 'in IN-ex. Uiillterj jtliim' M'C siii'li men' us I'uliiv win. In- lie- tUcvfd.'tlic linsscs"WIIIIM pitsh tin' party I In the wnll. Wm-ri'ii want- n' mnn of ji'om- in tlie Scniiti--'H!« wlin IMIIIIOI Ijc ilnilldt«.Hfor trirk.'il by Ihf h.i-'c^ .. Iti'ft'rriii" to tlmt feature nf the plnl- 'form. Hint. nslHliw t o Hi t«nm1iili«. mid Will. Defend Borough, in Suit ••'-": With Water Company: RETAINER OF $50 A N D - The Council Hopes that the Result Will . Warrant the Probable Cost. Park Project Under Discussion—Another Ses- sion Next Monday Nigbt. ('(iiiiu'iliiuui T.anc<> told liis cot leagues nt ;in adjourned inwtitig of tin; t'omnicm ronni-il .Mondtiy ni-IU. that Horou^h Attorney .lell'ery "oii{,'lit to huve some Iti'lp to li^ht Hie. Witti'r (.'r)iii[iailV." Hi! -;ii,[ In- hii.l coiiMilted Collins fc Vrnhin, a way-np Jersey City linn of huvyer.s, mill tlicv liiut eonsi-iiti'il lo take tip the IH t l i k l l t l lawyer-like, they di'inaudcd a retainer—ifJU .«'ns ttio .sum they tie- niaiulcd in advance. Mr. Lance suggest- ed tint! tm* ('onni-il appropriate this sum fn:-Unit lMirpoMv" "' • ' " " •" •" ' (.'(iliin-iiiiii>li (.'till Hjld Hi on" wi-lo net pre-rnl. but tho olhei' nii'inliers applau- ded the rour.-e and tin: •ippnmriatiun wav. votetl in ji;{ limir. - Air. Lance Ineu made u few remarks about the reputation of this great linn of lawyers. They make a specialty ot ! a short tinit- II»M' Iliev made a watc' company down in WaiUngtou look lik thirty pennies. All the Couiieilmcn seemed higlil: pleaded ttiat thi« great linn liad WI-II in dilml to cotidi Mt'ii'l to defend tin- bt> roii'-h. LOOKS LKECUT-OFf Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre- tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the Lacknwon- : no—The Probable Outcome. KeiM'tit evontH innki! It npiicar tlnil Lli.- r.nrknwuilllil Itnllroit'l n.'lllly Intends U> iI6 = ti()iii."-thliij,' in tlurvory iioitr future t<iwnnl« e h i i i th t Hun. in this move hits IIUCII y (juciit IntorvalH ttut in almost «vi;ry ensu ttdcvtilopiid intoa niero nowHjiiiinn 1 Htoiy without nnythlng b**in^"nuuuMIpIiHlt'ed or oven niiilprtaken. , , No utiiU'ini.'iit tins thus fur hocn given out by thn nillroiid eoinjiany ami It Is not likely that any will W given out for tlic ni-o^ent. But It IH a fact, ntivwHw- it'HS, Hint tho eoinpany luw harlBiirvcy- oi'S ovor n proposed nuw routo, whlnh, as near as can b>; lunrtn;*!, will bo practieal- ly on a dirout Unit from a point wist of llackcttstown to Tortiand. t>n Tuesday lunt, a party of four Luck* awanna civil engineers unun<re.<l an auto- bil f Ed Wbt f WII g mobile from Edyar t d d t r of WIL b ton mid uovorcd tho turrltory bolwuon IlackottKtown mid Portland, touching Allntiiuehy. Banvlllf 1 , JolinsotiKbin'K ami Uhiirstown, Kurvi'yorriiiad already boon ovi'i'tiio torritory and u portion of tho now road had alroady boun Mtakod out, Tho unKiiii-'Oi'b took in tho country tio- tweun tlioso two points evidently with u vlisw of K(!ttln<£ i h i ! topOKfiipliy of tlio hind and selecting tho most fwi^iblo route. "." ' H0N. r J0HNST0N ; C0RNISH.| Democratic Candidate for State Senator. An admirable tieke-l. "•'. j This wan tin; seiitiinenl that found j Th gciH'ra! Mpressioii following tlx- Demo-1 n-ti. eratic conventions held at Itelvideiv liiit >'«>' Resolutions Adopted. M'in»L-ratn In tlie county of W'ur- -convuntiuti-tisHuinblt-il tliiw 21st St!|il<>mlit!r, A. D. 11*05. uilu|il Wasiiiitg'ti'in, ..was nominated for State j f t^* t ^" »i 1C"•!C'iiuiSlo**riirS"^'^!nS*"U"BVi- -Senator, Joseph H. Firth of I'lrillipsburg. v ; ays .,„,! ln l>(Itillc uiuitlux HIIIMIHI he for Menibi-r of the Assembly, t-Iintoti | restriou-il ami limited ami llus'" rights •••Kcrr. of Kriilimihuvsen town-.hip for sheriff,. CharlY.s lloa»hiii.r of ltelvidcr,' for County Clerk. •Jolm_ S. Wtonti of ^St'ewartsville'-aiid r .lcsse"' H. Smith" of ~-Ffaekettstown-• inr Cormiers: : ~ : -----r ~-• '- '- •-•"Admirable b.-ca'ttsti" ilni nominoeTa*' a whole m a y lie. said to represent the will of .tht> rank and tile of the p a r t y HH w.'ll » any i=et of until, that .mijilit lie named if- a do/.eir conventions ' were v "licld—nii'li of Imr.CHty ami integrity and well o,uoli- fii'd to perform thf. duties of the oilicos to which they have been nominated. •Tim convention-;, the (Irsl-tn. be. held, in this county since the 'ibnoxiou.j.-iifiw primary law ivan enacted, were harmo- nious •alth"Uj;h inr ,lwo ihere were, lively eontestH for the nominal ious.V The unanimous, free handed way in which 1 Cornish, th tlic farmt'r, thir.-pnpula t ' ! y nuftii.'tiirer. siini Korr. nimiti'd lint voiced iit" throujihnut.:"thf> the. division of "seatintent on tile county clerkship that twisted among the dele- gates from I'hillipjdnirg, and., winning 'tluj' big; r tow"ir t o ' hts 'standard litf'sueT r ceejled in effecting an eleventh hour coup tlmt lauded the- plum.- 1 - Tlie •. nominal ion .hiul^.»Traetically:..beeii..concctled. ,oii;: all hjlx nilrf^^JU>" ^T"l i i Mi i>51 >u rjLT'" s I int" t.! 11> ^ I o ^ti i ;gether and lont in consequence, ... ., Mr.' Cornish,' whihijiot adverse" to "ac- cepting the nomination, i^ not believed to have asked a single delegate to vote for him;; No "other name was seriously eonsidei cd at atiy ; tiuie. A parallel t-use prolmbly eaiinot'be found-in tin; history of tlm'partyin'-tliis-coiiuty.:--•-,—- -:.--- -.. Thert!,'>-aH,-as usual, considerable de- lay in getting down to the work .of th?: day, but no tine seemed to care save "those,-who desired lo,got. hoinc^early, iVu 1 the Helvidere Hand wns oil liaVifl .dis- coursing miisii! and the candidates feeTin- v ed' glad, of Uie : opportunity to hiitjon- Chairman' 'Joseph*::S\. lloacherry, ~"i: the County Committee, after tilling the : delegates to order, niinoiniced-ilmt" ttie . fli-Hti-i-onvenlioii would, he.for the nonii- liation of a candidate for Senator, and ' the' full dt'lcgjttioii of -Ifl nini who Imd '.•. heeu-seiit, .thiM.'v fur: the performance of 'that dutythen came' ; forwanl and occu- pied, seaU inside the courtroom vailing. ^••:-";vJoseph~;lt;^Tlintchor, director of the Board, of Chosen Freeholders, whs mndo ehaimian imd Br. IT. 0. Curhart. tlio new County^Collector, was made .., o , ( ... .. Te' County Com- ' inilteo, ns assistant. On motion, the chnirmnn appointed Dr. Carhart, R. V. Kinacy, of Hackottstown, and J. M. .- -Ro9eberry..of;.Bnlvitlnre, a-committea on resolutions, which reported! tho "•"follow- '1. All Ki*«s mid h iiitt deriv taxed fo :i.. All. ' priiin-rty,""' except. ' Htihool. iiireh, irovenirnent, atntc and munl- tml property, Hhoitld be lasud equitlly ith m> proforreil, .special or exempt ' T" 1. Siiltti-ieH in lieu of; Cues for counly oillcials.-and the liiuunibontn. of counly otllces sltmild porsnually miinacro :nul coittlnet l!iu'ljihsiiiu.ss-,jL":Uiuh 1 rosi'^ctivc unices,.. ... - •-._,„ _. . . " '. .. l 1 hi: l>r nt th mltttiih' tlic IIHU o u pnhllc tilKliway ling public i lit ; lia lly turned over the. public high if Hie rilate to . funiiffii to us Hpe.;iiway.s "for •plen-siire wlillo the •(ii;t i of~-mjiinteniince is luhl us a direct i r i i 1 i i " : t i " rists ii'lioifl. when, lie declared tlmt very few |women—wives of lite men wlio holp to iinipiove ami maintain . tin- lil»hwnjv— Jdnredrive thi-c : nvnl--mm- fm-.-fwir of; iiTinain at home. I •l-r-Thc corni|.tiuii lif'-w'id^ thnnivh i-ivat canipaign funils, contributed {largely liy the big (;orporatiun--iiotably the'-Iiff insurance companies—and their dominant force in ;state ami nationnlj all'air.--, were forcibly allitdt-d to. iw was the present olmoxintl* primary law. which is ilesi»iti>d Lo eciilvalizi- that pow- er still more. Tin-; taw has addetl to the burden of the taxpayer and tend- to disfranchise voters; " The .lildge believed that Mr. Corni-h was the man; Unit liis iiaini- would strengthen the ticket woudi'ifully and prove u great aid to the other candi- dates t<> be named, The swretiirv having lioen in>lnictcd to cast- the ballot. •Messrs. .[.. M. -KIWR- berry.and I". I'. Smith were delegated to bring Mr. Coiuisli before (he conven- tion.. '. The nominee wa< ^iven n In-arty wel- come,,and in respoiHe saitl: Mv Duar KrftMuls:. For this .'xcptloiml honor wltii:h y>u Imvi! conferrctl upon me. I lind words Inadequate [O uxpress my full ap[>re- cltttinn. - In-past years .1 havu !_"•'•" | itUKiiieiiU-tVliy \ln; I'liil.irsciiuJnt'iif tin: voi.-rs at the polls. .Twice have tlie Democrat* of Warren comity nomina- ted ' im; for tlie -hltrli and fcsponsihlu position ot •State Sena lor and twice huv<; the citizens nilillert tluitnomi- nation hy fxcuntlomilly Itir^is niiijorl- tit.'«. T.T you, and to those wlutni you ropres.-Nit, In this •convention,-- I M-ctiirii:]' eonlldonco aniLfaviir. .''.My^niprcclntion of'thls nomination i.« tin- ffroutur be- rnusu::.it...lias'.cume',.w[HumL .solicitntlon or r'of|iicstr: If heliitf your- will-Uial••-! Btiintl :ts the Democratic-cautlldiitu for Stato Keiuitof, I accept your numina- tion with the respoiiHlhilitloM that t'til- lfiw .such accfptnnce. iissnrintT >••>" »»•' thOH.: slunly Demnerfits wliom you r«p- i-L'Kent. that I Kliall.he faithful in tlio dischnrne of my duty as a candidate by putting fnrtlt every honorable effort .Aiintlier important nuclei- which tlin C n-ii coiMH'crcd \ui> ilm.park pro- jeet. Tin 1 joint coinniitlei-, I'l'iU'ceiitiim tin. (odgf> iiini t!n><,'tituicil. made a rc- |ioi<[. <>l ilie |ii'i>gre-^s tlmt had liccti made (nuking to the l.u-iilioii of a |<:irk. As a nuttter of fat-t. tluii'e luul hreu no pi'i(^ri'»J furlhiT tliLin Hialttit'(.'iiinmittei! lias lnolieil at dilleivit!, sites. . ... .. litiir^f I**. Hnydn;. rciini.^cntinij tlit: Indies, made 'a -tatcmmit in whicli lip -niil'that (he tw> -itrs under imwt sc- .vart -tvir 'iili-nii Irai-t In iliM'iV.- site spe ltd. tlic site oir.the •ing the matter, tho C'min- g|H. out tht; fact that hind jstMy fur park purposes, are. on s\ |>ii- with .i|iiiitatioiis on radium. Frank Sknlla. lor ius'tauce, wanted •?4,(l(iU ft"' hi> laud: but whi-n liis pa- triotism had brcti appealed lo he luul cnini! dtiwu to #[.70U. Mr. Snydcv saul the >ite was a very good one except that for largi; gatherings it might prove in- adcipuile in size. , Tue liilwtm farm of forty acres wns hi'Heved:,to::be ,viTy.::fair.'. .except, that: ml in >oine places was somewhat The price which is demanded for this is *20D nu'a.cri!. The Council couldn't umli'istand wliv .*i00 an acn tlrmauded wli.-n it is oidv hould li psst>il at Aw at present proposed, the now route will run from a point near Itnuk<:lt*towii direet to Allamnchy, Uienceto Columhln, TJie new route \A ('iilculated to shorten the distance something like^ eighteen liles. Tlu'inain [nirpose of thu uiiU>rr, 1I»H long been ii!iilcrslinnl, is to do awijy with the two troublesome anil dan- gerous tunnels at Oxford and Maiiuuktt- el k. This will aivnmj.li-li (he de- .sired etui, although at the same tiiuo tliu newnnite.it is sulri, will call for two tunnels In Lho n^lKliborhood of Alia- hnuchy. ISoth of 'llitw, however, will ' he short ones. There Is iio>doiibt that the plans of the company, if <juri'i<!ti out, will enu«i».i!W'X|»wlltinf(ir s.-veral mil- lion dollars. Th.-general ninnu 1 iy thntthe company intends In lists the eut-off only for the itei.'omtiiotliilion df heavy trains, siu;h :IK coal and freiglii. II". the route la HtLis- factorv, on tin- other hand, then.! \s im ikititit IJIIL tlmt ux|>rL>tM tnilns will lie run over tin) shorter roul<!. . • • • This looks had lor Washington at Urst view, but it will possibly b.: better hi the long run. If the cut-oil" U u.mid for the through trains It would menu that tin; Liiokuwaiiiia would run .trains-, between Eastou ami the junction near HndoHls- to'wu, connecting thero with all express trains. This would give much bettor soi'viuu than .Washington peoplo.tit-projs- ont hnvo., Several through trains do not stop here at tliu present iiino while if a jtiucLioii were made near lltickcttgtown, tlu\v would undotilitedly all stop there and'good uonneutioiis would alTurdetl. At tlie same time thtr service between Washington anil Easton would be vastly Impruved. .. 1 » , : - William and Dan at the Fair. Did you see William 'llnrrou" of Wash- iiigloii,''-X. .7., at the Allentowu Fair last week? ' Did youfee him while Han I'au-h was on the track? Don't you IL 1 - iniMiilitT. that .enthusiastic, vociferous. NEW INDUSTRY COMING Board o( Trade Officers Stutc That around ; WIII be Broken For a NewFactory•'•' : Next Week. Thu Washington Jtoanl of Trade an- nounei'n for publication that it has seeuri'd ii new imlustrv for.Washington but, for obvious reasons,; will not give out a dellnito Htatemciit iu to, IU char- actor. The tlualltas been "going on: for several months andwus closed iibotit two weeks ago. : Tho owner of the snter- prlae la a New York State iiutri, has been in lnisltioss for (Ifteen years, mid will use the Washington plant to follow up a tur departure o ft h p present I li il The p e of hU present hulniss factor)* here', it Is aalii, wilt have a Ity for about fifty hnmlH. A sito for tlie new factory has already been secured mid it IK expected that ground for the buildln;; will be broken next week. At that time the Board of Trade will bo ready to yivo out more detailed - Informutl'i! Tlit! promoior furnishes u portion of the money needed In tlib~onterpi1o(; and reirelves llnancial assistance from the Board of Trade. Oid if to tho ..-•^.i-.jj Ii .3sa ThejMostJJniiijppriantTcrm in; "-'"• "^Several" Years."";'""""; T-.. LITTLE FOR GRAND JURY Justice Reed Said He Had Nothing lo Cbarge on and Went Home Early. * Hi :. u in '.A i Oaty Three Cares on the Civil Met and Thoie T Qakkly Disposed Of. : Tim fail term of court which opened- at Uelvidere on Tnos<lay. wns ubout tho itcrpsting: session that court- I'liiber lit a good: many, yours. re was hardly a cuna on tho docket : Outside hiforinatid , - - , - - that hnrdwowl furniture In t<> bo mnnu- that warranted public attention;; in fact, fuctured; tlmt tlin building i**to bo Of there were only four altogether, one of eeinent and located on the Meagher farm, tit '-' '"-' '"•*""-• ! * *" y g , settled before it camo to Tlit* Mtc on ut»ti'd and ni in;.- I" ll " 1 ('" enuc. mm on land bel.mg- > l/.ind (.'.).- smith of .Yitii- 1 tViilTiumi and iii- •re (leiiuitcly at the nd'to also at tlmt ni? Cor .tliu.ii|»i'».?liumurit' >rtiiin ItepuMiciiii:.! c/iVitractors. , We •Hevi! that county roads' should lie un- i- thn i-ontrol and siipoi-vision of. the. unity and tlie odlcors elected 'by .the. •ople. of the eo'mity; '. '•'•; • . V. I.tiL-al .self sovurninentluis al ticket-..,.:.; .... ;._. ^v.:..--» sis 'a 'Dcmoe'rii! inationMfis, not 1 deiine my i»»- iii-cltizcn;. My. linenJ Kill It- 'll, n P •jltl'Ti if iHihtie. school of Ilburty.uiid niuulcipal us have been hold Keparate from and National elections,, but -.tlit: rty-.hav sought'lo destroy the autlon la thu election Illclals, erecting ijy a prl- tnarv cli-ctiDii .system nnraiaiast. inaur- inounlabl.j Imrriiii-, to free: action.' and [hereby hlmlurlnff ijio :selection o( um- uliils by the voters tlio separate. narliew. We favor ihu election of nil i-andhluU-.s and nlIlelalH ;by the. direct vote tit" the peoplu as a fundamental lirlnclpk'f^f' the• Democratic party, and imink'lpalclcdtlon.s sliould be held sop- iiraui from j^euenit - fall elections. . ' .. S, Kiu'cuhitioii jin Urn fnulls oC fiomu Insiiranet'i eotupu'nlOH 'sluiwa"Un' need itf snmo i:c|ii-uHHive laws preyentint,' the nlni.se ni'olllcial posllions, ami we fa- i>d unit 1 iiiHiiru" tin honest .ami jnst administration' "of !»U(:li corpViriitiond. : ' 9.-The l-uiilshitnrii" and'tlio executive aro rpMii'nns'lblo' fnr all laws, nnd wo dciiy the rluht of• citlici* to (^cape.re- s'linnsiblHly'Tii Hie piinplo by deleyatliiK |t;»wci* to irrespon.sibln commlMRlons; 10. Tin 1 rights oC •the" Slate nnd its citizens in the Morris canal. ,,lls rlRht of way. and~UH_ water, .should be caro- fnlly . KuardotT-and proteeletl. ' •"•"-•• When ltelvulerc was vcaclied in call- ing the towns and townships for nomi- nations, .Tudge Morrow, speaking for the county, town, -waived the : privilege to iioiiiijiato in fnvor of Washington, ro- serviiig. tlio right to second Waaliing- ton's liomination. >~. , .',., ...Mr. Cprnish'a_Ifame Preaented. r -, Foriheri Prosecutor Strykcr then arose -]Vra'^T!r'*rV.st.uti:it-ynu-:lnTtliCTlMKiKi!i--i-i '[inX'rtiss. ln''llio iliWlutrK'p of my duly IM your reproscnliillve I hnvo ondeii- ,-ori.-(l,, to ..rentier.' faithful ;.servlc.i!.,. .To. •IT is humnn; nini if I have mailo mlK- nko.s, uMit'i'l^ncu Is a jrrenl teacher mil I feel Hint, vears- lit tin- perform- " illie.[;i!--.'i!uty. ' ' " Tlie cuinniiUd -triictfd tn mpoi next regular nun lime report something positively .about prices. ' .' . . ••...• .lust before this close.of this diwussioir ithoily Vanover could not. rcslniiu him-. Pelf from butting in, nndwhabbelaid wns very inueh to Hit! point, lie slated that •'tliir. j-as and park business should be Imrrird iilouir before this thing tumble* over." vlli! made, himself mon' 1 L'learlv nndvr-iood ii miniitit later by saying •^onictliiui.' cctiou da .yful gentlei directly iii-the center the grandstand, three rows up, who beliavi-d like a titan who hnd just found ld i'Tht Willi on , he would stay until he did go, if it nntfi'eiir in a week Two hours be a gold miiieV'.That was William. "" .went there hi-t:Wei.lne<iItiy-to,see. perform. ' When Dun couldn't: go count of the weather, William said «li'l week. Two hours before the iwhiliitiim on Thursday, William.got the same choice seat in the grandstand that he occupied Wednesday, and bought four seatson either side of him so that liis view woiild not he obstructed and so that, he- would not be pinched for elbow room. LitUe.di.IUau Patch dream.that verv \w~t friend.lie had in all this »• world sat. in-tlie very center of that CHARLES 110 AGL AND. Democratic Candidate for County Clerk. Charles lloayland needs y a dvud-inthe-wool Demo ; introduction to the voters of Warren "county, en before the public before as an ollice seeker, •rat. as was IIH father and grandfather before .Mr. Hniiglitiid says it is his intention, if eloetud at the approaching election, to give tlie ntlice.of. County Clerk liis undivided personal .atti-ittioii and; endeavor- to perform the duties to "the satisfaction of all. That he is fully capable of doing this no one who knows him doubts. ,. ..;, . . .,;. -;..'• '•.'.. "ill 1 , lloiif-laiid was born in Itlairstown township atut is the sou of. William ;t L. Hoagianit, (mice Surrogote and oneo County Clerk), nnrl the grnndsoii of the. Hon. Charles (I. Hotigland, wlio represented this county in the 'New Jersey legislature inlSK"). lie- 'located in Ilelvidere Vivi-r thirty-years iigoi and has : since rcsidiu! there, 'following the inoratiililo bttsinesH fiir* nearly twenty year*. For Hie last, five years lie has been teller and^ assistant cashier in the Warren Countv-National [Sank. It would have been haiv^to name a man of better char* . acter. oi-onu in.ireeap:tblt',.and .his .name..shouId>!Hld strength to the ticket.,.: .:,; -.- Trolley Cars May Soon Go. The Kiisiur.' & Washington Triictinn 'o. have • this week resumed construe- ion .work, a force of •tK'u'iiow being en- agfil laying.trneka between the Ingcr- oll phuit and the lower part of Sil- ^reave.s street in Phillip.-jlmrg. The plan of the. conipiiny is to .complete this stretch by next week at which' time' ii siitgltv car will be put into service, power I'nrthe same being supplied by the-Kas- toil Klectric. Co.' ' : • •' i: promoters of tlie company say •iov liiid..a.lot...«t'.-(i)i*tut. < li>ri' : to-overcome -hriuli s. IT. J at No. -2X West Washington Oetober •!, with u new. and tit ;' ' " '' " Barroit siv>; any horse thn ( did Diin Patch did.that tlay.sliouhl.hav d ^hWl^ZZ triaK' The .same condition prevailed so far as the grand jury was concerned, there being nothing to command their .ttciitiou outside of some assault' and Mttery eases : and the like. '. 1 . 1 ^";.-, There really seemed to lie more Hl'o. mtnidi! the court room than there \vas_. n it. Politicians were out in full force : and they stood-tiround tlic entrances liko a stjiiad of ."entries. ' Juslict'.l'ecd was there .when-the bell,., rang at lfl.;iO. lie looks stronger and hi bcLter health than when he presided over-, this court.- his!.-.* terniy-liut-lie-is- not r- lieTill|i7*li"i'"is-easing- np; : whprcvcr~possi-;..:: ble. aiid he shifted nil tlio eases except •^hitiiniiii."-Tlii«.-pprinit-.- Tfriiis^worlc andget'Oiil if Uur court.room before twelve o'clock. ile -seemed anxious tb yet honiGrtlid "took .he lirst train out. . \.-.'. .Justice IJiTilsaid he hnd.no charge,to retired (:ibbs.,,a charg j u v y t y Constables John li. : . l'iohtel._i.T y~i5~'as7follow? i^niii,,\:i..i *..lrt!t}t IS l\ii..--.." •— . - - - - - : .—-- lonsive .employer of laliorMtud work In unison with my employees, always idl their riffhlss eqiml wit' own. Our relntloiis mployei tin ..... loyoeK huv most friendly and inti I'roper, and cnusiilui'ati: treatnu-ut has neon my niotlo from lUal>.'Kliinlnp:.'.of i strike, 'tie-nii m : labor troubles. ' T Jielieve in t'qiint rights ant) equal laws iind tills plntforni of eiiualily brings Us owii reward to those who labor and study 1 l;t resnt'ct it. If th<yantinn of this convention Is endorsctt ..ind r am ,... . (Continued mipaga:(1.) •--, .. ,.,.;:.^ Opera House Attraction.. -~™:- nYiroVoierViUtnr thpvifisiiiino tlmt hits -iin'l; with the sue- eesriot' "Peck's Had Hoy." which will Iw presented i\t thu Opera llousi' on Mnn- day, October a. All tlw old characters: liuvt! bct'ii n>tained, hut I he tlialogue has been entii-ely chaiigod iinil4!ie ciinipany has Iwun pivntly enlarged, and many new and novel speelaltli's-havo been iutro dd M Heatli hw il ad dueed. tlishavo been iutro Heatli hiw eertainly I i d dueed. ManaKei Het lieen very lucky In securing thi n nd hns "r inl od ieen very lucky In scuring no s company this season and hns "really out* (loins himself, having spared no expi-nse wliatovcr-i;ur.ir.I;ii'.{r,"tI;J;i!:nn:Ht)any~l)y.far tliir lit'st ever carried- 'J'hose wlio have witnessed the piece^in' past seasons will marvel at thu many changes;- J >;; J Miss ...Ttiiiu Uergen, after Oclolier. 2, will be ready to st'e'lipy friends who inny he.in.noed of niillnriy goods. On .Satur- day, Oetober 7| will be disjihiyed , a" clioice lot,of trimmeil.lints. V '.'-••' "' : passing the Warren County Hntg Store, the Wirfconsin Departnient: of• Tnsnrance, had liis altimfion nltnu-led to .a hla/e. dutcd-March I), l!)0,1: i ; -••-.' . '.':- :: ' it tlie western window which was mak- '•'. "Tlie. 'iiolic.Yholdcrs-.nf^the company, ing rapid headway among a lot of paste-1 iU\d the pcoplii nYthe"State of Wis- board boxes which luul been put there for exhibition purposes. He pushed in the. front doornhtt, by ttic judicious use if IL few pttilsfiil of wilier, got the IhiitK 1 ? iiniiifr'coulrol. . The tire department was uulhid out but its services were not rc- Tlit; tire^oi-igiiuttcd froiu_tlie crossing of an t'leetrie and telegraph whe ncnr V,,vM ibl'toiu-o F ll iii" wi iiiio w " 'T iii!Vwomi" •k was charred but tlie damage done \ insignificant. The location of. the iiiulding, together with the nature of. iltf'contents;-is such' Uiat r -had tlie llanies iceiived iuuch* headway,' ; it "woiiUK-liavc, nude one of the worst tires imaginable. It might he stated tlmt Churles A,. Miller "was on the. scene with a tire ex- tinguisher, prepared to do business in case..tlie devouring element {rot too guy before the •firemen arrived. '•;'' d (he p e p S cnsin may well feel proud ot" the company's*condition and'record, cs- ''....poemlly" at this time when so inueli """I'fiticistu rprevails .'concerning tho inanageineut of some companies, The Northwestern Jlutunl Life Tu- •.:. *nr.iue« Company >.Iias not a baiik stockTnot-a Trust Company/ no in- „„-. d^i.l'ii'l.J'iL^.O'li-IV'iii ?™VJ' Jil v0 . s1 ;" —r™ni'ent~ia : ~ur"sirict'"'com'pliiuicc~ i wiiir ilm laws of this.ist.nti;." . '•'This, is ii Company operated liy -_;.fhe policylujldcr.s and for the .best ' interostji'of the iiolieyholdcrs." Henry .roltiiston," of Washington, N, J,, U ii representative of The North- t WANTKI) AT OXCK—Minorcas. Le s - lionis, P. Uocks iiiul Wynmiotws; liiKhust earth prices paid. Charles Nixon/ Wnsli- lugion, X...T. ... _ -p: .; . ; Tho L. & H. It. Ky. Co. will run n SI xcursipn to"Kaston;-l?ft., from till theif Want 'EmGcod. No matter : how"low the. price, the qual- ltv is alwnvs.liifrli hen;. We handki no trash. Tli's is the. Guotl^Canily-StBrc.*^: ,Our 2Oo timility Petvnut Brittle tit l()e is n fair sample of'thu:;klnd. of low-priced, hluh-ernriti (tuality eiuidy sold , Look over die daily ettmly specials.;iu .the .stored 1 ,"!, 1 .-•>"«'"'•• buying ^U 1 '?™' 1 two of inieiinioiiiu last-\vuu6V; whieli k'ft him in a.critical stivKTo'f health. .V fe.w ^ti")) he left his father's J«rm be- tween Washington and OliangeAraioi'.'ind cameliereto work in a light capacity as driver 'nMliu hotel sUge.', Utruin fever attackeiLhiin three weeks ngo and was tlio caits.'olMtiii-lh.™ . . JJi Tlu« ymniL' man waijil years oltl an Avas-iiuV^oirni Willi^ni Petty, who live h Crri f Th f on th Aaron C'a^iW farm'.'' The' fun- ^V.HV!?,wereJii;ldjit tliejii'nn 1 o 1 ir'riio 1 : i dav"iriterii6our—~-. Pennsylvania Grand Jury/Investigating. Tlie! .\roiiiw Couiity "grand 'jury is in ssion this week at Stmtidslnng and two impiirUui(!"i!Oi!diUiind are being investi- gated. -Imlgti .Staples Instnitited tlmt body "to investigate the conditions .of the country -road? and if it was found that thev liailrl»uou : "ueglccjcd.to-rcturn iudictmeiifs ngnins the 'road overseers. -Uc i "itlao iii^niclcd tliein to visit .'the I/ickiiwTuT7iK^uiiw''i!.i i »alier-afe:D(!lawAro Wntey t.'np aiid learn if ill was «,nuisance or blockadud the roadway as reported. H they found it so, they should indict,-lie" said, • -- 1 "J- •; .' .••• Bochm,. 3 Harry Stone, PlinilpsbUfff cr...',. KUslia Beers, Gveenwicli.: ".'.••";*' ; 1 irurris Fraco. Ptillllpsburg. .:: Lewis Heaty. Hope. .... '..'. A—..•..--'• . , Clinr).->n"H. Cole, Belylilcre. . ".'• Frank W. Vass, Harilwlckr" "'.L George T^epport, Ljopatcongr. ^ --^...^ ' Edward Ward. Phllllpsl)urfir>^"V? ••' David H..HolTman, Independence, . IDatilel ir. V/yckoff. Wasliiiiffton tsp. W. ir. N. Stlres, Oxford. Jacob Mill, Mansfield. "* .lohtiHon Hummer, Pohatconpr. John, Jllchiicls, Pahaquarry. ,. . 'l'liese'lmftise applications were renew-,., LHI- tit Ihe-usunl fees: . Andrev.. .Urainy, C Alpha; '.lohn "j.L ."". Jlicra, " Alnha;;V Uariy Wilkinson, "(saloon); 1 ": Oxford;-:; .lohn Solinor, 1 ' Oxford T Otto Kaiaer, .l!(.-!vidcrc.^..rudgc""Shiptnan "said he. .-, liiiil lK;oii "iiifanned that-a^renionstrancoi •;•., would he presented tigninst tho appli- •'•"• cation of John II. Miller of^Asbury but/ . it hitd riot'yct put in an appearance,and.,_•!;.. consequently.the license would be grant- -,:.--; ed. Ifowevcr, ho cautioned the //appli-:;,; •' cant tliatf the"hotel uniat M r conducted in ":": a .proper manner. ; r-y Tlic applications of Nicholas PcrraRa,.".•(?• (Continued from page J.) I '-p. ;-•'; ,^£L.

THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the

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Page 1: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the

Chi Star tflves tho advertiserft given amount <>i nervicoat

one-hnlf tlio coat of any com-.tlniitloD of competitors. : Ovt>r3,900 CoploH Every Weak Gimr-o n t e c d • • . « • , ' » : ' .%: *

CbC $lar won Its 'exceptionally};largo circulation by; riiorit-;

ing It, :(not;ithmiigh7promlur^schemes), and holds It through!merit. ; - . } l K r e / t i ^ i i M ^ l ^




THE WARREN C O U M DEMOCRACYtor Corn Mi. 1J« -'<4u1«1 Hint '•• t h e ; s-pirltm a n i f e s t / r e m i n d e d - liitn of o t h e r s ihn>wiicn t h e m \ven i . l ikWisu no dissen-ioiirtin lite p a r l v for 1 ho opposition' to Ink'.*advan tage of. but when flic member* ofthe par t v had wheeh-d into a n unbrokenlint- aml 'volled up Ing majorit ies. Demo,iratii* iiiajoritif* in Warren IIVK always

jJJJ'j)''-'«?mii.i.!!»j u t W i r i i i i p n r i y ^ o a H i ^

Johnston Cornish for Senator; Joseph H. Firth fiClinton Kcrr for Sheriff, and Charles Hoap

.:.'.;.•. • . • ; ' / l a n d ; f o r C o u n t y C l e r k . ••-.'-••.':r'y."'•""..",-;••'••'- j ' ' ' i i r / s i r j ' i < i . i - i i i rn [MWIWIIHI i o I , . I I to

" • ; - : - . - ^ - . . : - . _ L J . _ . j.Mr. Cnrn'hliV piilitinil ainu'l'—nf hi-

CONVENTION HELD IN /B'BLVIDBRE LAST THURSDAY 'W"«.«•*«.•••.• V-p* " « " " -Proceedings Passed Off In the Most Hnrmonlous Spirit and Every Man on the

- Ticket is Worthy In Character and the Chuice of the Party—Indications Point to an Old-time Demo- ,

,' : . •;'•,"... •.''.;:,:,;,• .V*1.-. '•"••.:.• c ra t lc 'Victory Thin Y e a r . , ; ; : •': ••./."•1."

y ginajnriUis each l inn—of

tiirt .flri'tliiii to the Senate when • 1tI-»home town gave Iiini a plural i ty of 410—of hi* election to {'ongies-i—of tin*county remaining t rue to ils politicalfnttlt ' ' itmlcr hi-* leadership in tho ltr.vniicampaigns—of liirt election In t in ' Sen-ale again liy l.lill.'i jiliirnHty. t h i n re-'eiving " remarkab le cndor.sunifliit of hi--illiciiil conduct—of Iris unswerving loy-

ulty to the pa r ty and i t - candidates in(•very contes t . ' ' '. * '•''•. Kx-litil»t> Morrow,: in seconding th"

uinatioii , <p»ko of, tint silMilnti*•itniiiiiiiitt.v of sent iment fur .Mr. fo r -nisl i ' s 'nmmnntion—Hint again tin* ollli-ohad ^mi-ht tin- man instead of the man

Hire ollice. . ' l i e proclaimed us Inn- »very[word ut tered liy M r . K t r y k o i - and Hinti\\W r emark* h a d i n e t n ie-,pon-ive echo

from every man 'nri'M-ut w b U'IIS r ight-ly i n f t i i w d . Tho i-i.iinly wanted a mani'n t lm Sena te nf Mr. 1,'onii-hV b u s i n gnml political experience. 'I'lii- ISi-publi-c a n . p a r t y in this h ta te . .-aid ]\<: U disin-

j iegi i i t i i i ' ; ; it H dominated by bos>i-m.and no h'gi ' talioii *»f •(•(•ii^i'ijni'tivi' cini lit-

i<<ii:icU'([.thilt. rl>H>s.not huv<> iin- suiirtHUiI<if Hie ini'ii ivhosp ht'iult[iuuii'rs urc inHie I'ni'Icntiiil l .uil.lin- in Newark. Theilny of IHW!* ni lc in tl»- Ilispiililinin p u t y

' i s nearly |>u>t, us I'viilenn-d in • (*»»lliy*-] rnutirkiil>l<> victory 'in IN-ex. Uiillterjj t l i im' M'C siii'li men' us I'uliiv win. In- lie-tUcvfd. ' t l ic linsscs"WIIIIM pitsh tin' par tyI In the wnll. Wm-ri'ii want - n' mnn ofji 'om- in tlie Scniiti-- 'H!« wlin IMIIIIOI Ijcilnil ldt«.Hfor trirk.'il by Ihf h . i - ' c^.. Iti 'ft 'rriii" to tlmt feature nf the plnl-

' form. Hint. nslHliw to Hi t«nm1iili«. mid

Will. Defend Borough, in Suit••'-": With Water Company:

RETAINER OF $50 A N D -The Council Hopes that the Result Will

. Warrant the Probable Cost.

Park Project Under Discussion—Another Ses-sion Next Monday Nigbt.

('(iiiiu'iliiuui T.anc<> told liis cot leaguesnt ;in adjourned inwtitig of tin; t'omnicmronni-il .Mondtiy ni-IU. that Horou^hAttorney .lell'ery "oii{,'lit to huve someIti'lp to li^ht Hie. Witti'r (.'r)iii[iailV." Hi!-;ii,[ In- hii.l coiiMilted Collins fc Vrnhin,a way-np Jersey City linn of huvyer.s,mill tlicv liiut eonsi-iiti'il lo take tip the

IH t l i k l l t llawyer-like, they di'inaudcda retainer—ifJU .«'ns ttio .sum they tie-niaiulcd in advance. Mr. Lance suggest-ed tint! tm* ('onni-il appropriate this sumfn:-Unit lMirpoMv" "' • ' " " •" •" '

(.'(iliin-iiiiii>li (.'till Hjld Hi on" wi-lo netpre-rnl. but tho olhei' nii'inliers applau-ded the rour.-e and tin: •ippnmriatiunwav. votetl in ji;{ limir. -

Air. Lance Ineu made u few remarksabout the reputation of this great linnof lawyers. They make a specialty ot !

a short tinit- II»M' Iliev made a watc'company down in WaiUngtou look likthirty pennies.

All the Couiieilmcn seemed higlil:pleaded ttiat thi« great linn liad WI-II indilml to cotidi Mt'ii'l to defend tin- bt>roii'-h.

LOOKS LKECUT-OFfSurveyors nt Work Out a New

j , yyint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln

iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli nniniurtjil for years itt fre-t t i l t

rtaln Line Route for the Lacknwon-: no—The Probable Outcome.

KeiM'tit evontH innki! It npiicar tlnilLli.- r.nrknwuilllil Itnllroit'l n.'lllly IntendsU> iI6=ti()iii."-thliij,' in tlurvory iioitr futuret<iwnnl« e h i i i th tHun. in thismove hits IIUCII y(juciit IntorvalH ttut in almost «vi;ry ensuttdcvtilopiid intoa niero nowHjiiiinn1 Htoiywithout nnythlng b**in^"nuuuMIpIiHlt'ed oroven niiilprtaken. , , •

No utiiU'ini.'iit tins thus fur hocn givenout by thn nillroiid eoinjiany ami It Isnot likely that any will W given out fortlic ni-o^ent. But It IH a fact, ntivwHw-it'HS, Hint tho eoinpany luw harlBiirvcy-oi'S ovor n proposed nuw routo, whlnh, asnear as can b>; lunrtn;*!, will bo practieal-ly on a dirout Unit from a point wist ofllackcttstown to Tortiand.

t>n Tuesday lunt, a party of four Luck*awanna civil engineers unun<re.<l an auto-

bil f Ed W b t f W I Ig

mobile from Edyart d d t

r of WILbton mid uovorcd tho turrltory bolwuon

IlackottKtown mid Portland, touchingAllntiiuehy. Banvlllf1, JolinsotiKbin'K amiUhiirstown, Kurvi'yorriiiad already boonovi'i'tiio torritory and u portion of thonow road had alroady boun Mtakod out,Tho unKiiii-'Oi'b took in tho country tio-tweun tlioso two points evidently with uvlisw of K(!ttln<£ ihi! topOKfiipliy of tliohind and selecting tho m o s t fwi^ibloroute.

"." ' H0N.r J0HNST0N; C0RNISH.|

Democratic Candidate for State Senator.

An admirable tieke-l. "•'. jThis wan tin; seiitiinenl that found j Th

gciH'ra! Mpressioii following tlx- Demo-1 n-ti.eratic conventions held at Itelvideiv liiit >'«>'

Resolutions Adopted.M'in»L-ratn In t l ie c o u n t y of W'ur--convunt iut i - t isHuinbl t - i l tliiw 21st

St!|il<>mlit!r, A. D. 11*05. u i l u | i l

Wasiiiitg'ti'in, ..was nominated for S t a t e j f t * t ^ " »i 1C"•!C'iiuiSlo**riirS"^'^!nS*"U"BVi-- S e n a t o r , Joseph H. Fir th of I'lrillipsburg. v ; a y s . ,„ , ! l n l>(Itillc uiuit lux HIIIMIHI he

for Menibi-r of the Assembly, t-Iintoti | restriou-il ami l imited ami llus'" r igh t s•••Kcrr. of Kriilimihuvsen town-.hip for• sheriff,. CharlY.s lloa»hiii.r of ltelvidcr,'

for County Clerk. •Jolm_ S. Wtonti of^St 'ewartsville '-aiid r . l c s se" ' H. Smith" of

~-Ffaekettstown-• inr C o r m i e r s : : ~ : - - - - - r ~-• '-'- •-•"Admirable b.-ca'ttsti" ilni nominoeTa* ' a

whole may lie. said to represent t he willof .tht> r ank and tile of t h e pa r ty HH w.'ll

» any i=et of until, t h a t .mijilit lie namedif- a do/.eir conventions ' werev"licld—nii'liof Imr.CHty ami integr i ty and well o,uoli-fii'd to perform thf. dut ies of the oilicosto which they have been nominated.

•Tim convention-;, the ( I r s l - tn . be. held,in this county since the 'ibnoxiou.j.-iifiwprimary law ivan enacted, were harmo-

• nious •alth"Uj;h in r , lwo ihere were, livelyeontestH for t he nominal ious.V T h eunanimous, free handed way in which

1 Cornish, thtlic farmt'r,thir.-pnpula

t ' !

ynuftii.'tiirer. siini Korr.

nimiti'd lint voicediit" throujihnut.:"thf>

the. division of "seatintent on tile countyclerkship t h a t twisted among the dele-gates from I'hillipjdnirg, and. , winning

'tluj' big ;r tow"ir t o ' hts ' s t anda rd litf 'sueT

rceejled in effecting an eleventh hour coupt lmt lauded the- plum.-1 - Tlie •. nominal ion

.hiul^.»Traetically:..beeii..concctled. ,oii;: allhjlx nilrf^^JU>" T"l i i M i i>51 > u rjLT'"s I in t " t.! 11> ^ I o ti i

;gether and lont in consequence, . . .., Mr.' Cornish,' whihijiot adverse" to "ac-cepting the nomination, i^ not believedto have asked a single delegate to votefor him;; No "other name was seriouslyeonsidei cd at atiy;tiuie. A parallel t-useprolmbly eaiinot'be found-in tin; historyof tlm'partyin'-tliis-coiiuty.:--•-,—- -:.----.. Thert!,'>-aH,-as usual, considerable de-lay in getting down to the work .of th?:day, but no tine seemed to care save"those,-who desired lo,got. hoinc^early, iVu1

the Helvidere Hand wns oil liaVifl .dis-coursing miisii! and the candidates feeTin-

v ed' glad, of Uie:opportunity to hiitjon-

Chairman' 'Joseph*::S\. lloacherry, ~"i:the County Committee, after tilling the

: delegates to order, niinoiniced-ilmt" ttie. fli-Hti-i-onvenlioii would, he.for the nonii-

liation of a candidate for Senator, and' the' full dt'lcgjttioii of -Ifl nini who Imd

'.•. heeu-seiit, .thiM.'v fur: the performance of' t h a t dutythen came';forwanl and occu-

pied, seaU inside the courtroom vailing.^••:-";vJoseph~;lt;^Tlintchor, director of the

Board, of Chosen Freeholders, whsmndo ehaimian imd Br. IT. 0. Curhart.tlio new County^Collector, was made

.., o , (... .. Te' County Com-' inilteo, ns assistant. On motion, the

chnirmnn appointed Dr. Carhart, R. V.Kinacy, of Hackottstown, and J. M.

.- -Ro9eberry..of;.Bnlvitlnre, a-committea on• resolutions, which reported! tho "•"follow-

'1. All Ki*«smid h

iiitt derivtaxed fo

:i.. All. ' priiin-rty,""' except. ' Htihool.iiireh, irovenirnent, atntc and munl-tml property, Hhoitld be lasud equitllyith m> proforreil, .special or exempt

'T" 1. Siiltti-ieH in lieu of; Cues for counlyoillcials.-and the liiuunibontn. of counlyotllces sltmild porsnually miinacro • :nulcoittlnet l!iu'ljihsiiiu.ss-,jL":Uiuh1 rosi'^ctivcunices,.. ... - •-._,„ _ . . . " '.


l1 hi: l>r ntth

mltttiih' tlic IIHU ou pnhllc tilKliway

ling publici lit

;lially turned over the. public high

if Hie rilate to . funiiffii tous Hpe.;iiway.s "for •plen-siire wlillo the•(ii;tiof~-mjiinteniince is luhl us a direct

i r i i 1 i i " : t i "


ii'lioifl. when, lie declared tlmt very few|women—wives of lite men wlio holp toiinipiove ami maintain . tin- lil»hwnjv—Jdnredrive thi-c : nvnl--mm- fm-.-fwir of;

iiTinain at home. I•l-r-Thc corni|.tiuii lif'-w'id^ thnnivhi-ivat canipaign funils, contributed{largely liy the big (;orporatiun--iiotablythe'-Iiff insurance companies—and theirdominant force in ;state ami nationnljall'air.--, were forcibly allitdt-d to. iw wasthe present olmoxintl* primary law.which is ilesi»iti>d Lo eciilvalizi- that pow-er still more. Tin-; taw has addetl to theburden of the taxpayer and tend- todisfranchise voters; "

The .lildge believed that Mr. Corni-hwas the man; Unit liis iiaini- wouldstrengthen the ticket woudi'ifully andprove u great aid to the other candi-dates t<> be named,

The swretiirv having lioen in>lnictcdto cast- the ballot. •Messrs. .[.. M. -KIWR-berry.and I". I'. Smith were delegatedto bring Mr. Coiuisli before (he conven-tion.. '. •

The nominee wa< iven n In-arty wel-come,,and in respoiHe saitl:Mv Duar KrftMuls:.

For this . 'xcptloiml honor wltii:h y>uImvi! conferrctl upon me. I lind wordsInadequate [O uxpress my full ap[>re-cltttinn. - In-pas t years .1 havu !_"•'•" |

itUKiiieiiU-tVliy \ ln; I'liil.irsciiuJnt'iif tin:voi.-rs at the polls. .Twice have tlieDemocrat* of Warren comity nomina-ted ' im; for tlie -hltrli and fcsponsihluposition ot •State Sena lor and twicehuv<; the citizens nilillert t lu i tnomi-nation hy fxcuntlomilly Itir^is niiijorl-tit.'«. T.T you, and to those wlutni youropres.-Nit, In this •convention,-- I M-ctiirii:]'

eonlldonco aniLfaviir. .''.My^niprcclntionof ' thls nomination i.« tin- ffroutur be-rnusu::.it...lias'.cume',.w[HumL .solicitntlonor r'of|iicstr: I f heliitf your- will-Uial••-!Btiintl :ts the Democratic-cautlldiitu forStato Keiuitof, I accept your numina-tion with the respoiiHlhilitloM that t'til-lfiw .such accfptnnce. iissnrintT >••>" »»•'thOH.: slunly Demnerfits wliom you r«p-i-L'Kent. that I Kliall.he faithful in tliodischnrne of my duty as a candidate byputting fnrtlt every honorable effort

.Aiintlier important nuclei- which tlinC n-ii coiMH'crcd \ui> ilm .park pro-jeet. Tin1 joint coinniitlei-, I'l'iU'ceiitiimtin. (odgf> iiini t!n> <,'tituicil. made a rc-|ioi<[. <>l ilie |ii'i>gre-^s tlmt had liccti made(nuking to the l.u-iilioii of a |<:irk. Asa nuttter of fat-t. tluii'e luul hreu nopi'i(^ri'»J furlhiT tliLin Hialttit'(.'iiinmittei!lias lnolieil a t dilleivit!, sites. . ..... litiir^f I**. Hnydn;. rciini.^cntinij tlit:

Indies, made ' a -tatcmmit in whicli lip-nii l ' that (he tw> - i t r s under imwt sc-

.vart -tvir'iili-nii Irai-t

In iliM'iV.-



ltd. tlic site oir.the

•ing the matter, tho C'min-g|H. out tht; fact that hindjstMy fur park purposes, are.

on s\ |>ii- with .i|iiiitatioiis on radium.Frank Sknlla. lor ius'tauce, wanted•?4,(l(iU ft"' hi> laud: but whi-n liis pa-triotism had brcti appealed lo he luulcnini! dtiwu to #[.70U. Mr. Snydcv saulthe >ite was a very good one except thatfor largi; gatherings it might prove in-adcipuile in size., Tue liilwtm farm of forty acres wnshi'Heved:,to::be ,viTy.::fair.'. .except, that:

ml in >oine places was somewhatThe price which is demanded for

this is *20D nu'a.cri!. The Council couldn'tumli'istand wliv .*i00 an acntlrmauded wli.-n it is oidv

hould lipsst>il at

Aw at present proposed, the now routewill run from a point near Itnuk<:lt*towiidireet to Allamnchy, Uienceto Columhln,TJie new route \A ('iilculated to shortenthe distance something like^ eighteen

liles. Tlu'inain [nirpose of thu uiiU>rr,• 1I»H long been ii!iilcrslinnl, is to do

awijy with the two troublesome anil dan-gerous tunnels at Oxford and Maiiuuktt-

el k. This will aivnmj.li-li (he de-.sired etui, although at the same tiiuo tliunewnnite . i t is sulri, will call for twotunnels In Lho n^lKliborhood of Alia-

hnuchy. ISoth of ' l l i tw, however, will' he short ones. There Is iio>doiibt thatthe plans of the company, if <juri'i<!ti out,will enu«i».i!W'X|»wlltinf(ir s.-veral mil-lion dollars.

Th.-general ninnu1 iy thntthe companyintends In lists the eut-off only for theitei.'omtiiotliilion df heavy trains, siu;h :IKcoal and freiglii. II". the route la HtLis-factorv, on tin- other hand, then.! \s imikititit IJIIL tlmt ux|>rL>tM tnilns will lie runover tin) shorter roul<!. . • • •

This looks had lor Washington at Urstview, but it will possibly b.: better hi thelong run. If the cut-oil" U u.mid for thethrough trains It would menu that tin;Liiokuwaiiiia would run .trains-, betweenEastou ami the junction near HndoHls-to'wu, connecting thero with all expresstrains. This would give much bettorsoi'viuu than .Washington peoplo.tit-projs-ont hnvo., Several through trains do notstop here at tliu present iiino while if ajtiucLioii were made near lltickcttgtown,tlu\v would undotilitedly all stop thereand'good uonneutioiis would b» alTurdetl.At tlie same time thtr service betweenWashington anil Easton would be vastlyImpruved.

• • .. 1 » • ,

• : - William and Dan at the Fair.

Did you see William 'llnrrou" of Wash-iiigloii,''-X. .7., at the Allentowu Fair lastweek? ' Did y o u f e e him while HanI'au-h was on the track? Don't you IL1-iniMiilitT. that .enthusiastic, vociferous.

NEW INDUSTRY COMINGBoard o( Trade Officers Stutc That around

;WIII be Broken For a New Factory •'•': Next Week.

Thu Washington Jtoanl of Trade an-nounei'n for publication that it hasseeuri'd ii new imlustrv for.Washingtonbut, for obvious reasons,; will not giveout a dellnito Htatemciit iu to, IU char-actor. The tlualltas been "going on: forseveral months and • wus closed iibotittwo weeks ago. : Tho owner of the snter-prlae la a New York State iiutri, has beenin lnisltioss for (Ifteen years, mid will usethe Washington plant to follow up a tur

departure oft h


I li ilThep e of hU present hu ln i s s

factor)* here', it Is aalii, wilt have aIty for about fifty hnmlH.

A sito for tlie new factory has alreadybeen secured mid it IK expected thatground for the buildln;; will be brokennext week. At that time the Board ofTrade will bo ready to yivo out moredetailed - Informutl'i! Tlit! promoiorfurnishes u portion of the money neededIn tlib~onterpi1o(; and reirelves llnancialassistance from the Board of Trade.

O i d i f to tho

..-•^.i-. j j

I i.3sa

ThejMostJJniiijppriantTcrm in;"-'"• "^Several" Years."";'""""; T-..

LITTLE FOR GRAND JURYJustice Reed Said He Had Nothing lo

Cbarge on and Went Home Early. *





Oaty Three Cares on the Civil Met and ThoieT

Qakkly Disposed Of. :

Tim fail term of court which opened-at Uelvidere on Tnos<lay. wns ubout tho

itcrpsting: session that court-I'liiber lit a good: many, yours. •

re was hardly a cuna on tho docket :Outside hiforinatid , - - , - -

that hnrdwowl furniture In t<> bo mnnu- that warranted public attention;; in fact,fuctured; tlmt tlin building i**to bo Of there were only four altogether, one ofeeinent and located on the Meagher farm, tit ' - ' ' " - ' '"•*""-• !* *"

y g ,settled before it camo to

Tlit* Mtc onut»ti'd and niin;.- I " l l " 1 ('"


mmon land bel.mg-

> l/.ind (.'.).- smith of .Yitii-

1 tViilTiumi and iii-•re (leiiuitcly at the

nd'to also at tlmt

ni? Cor .tliu.ii|»i'».?liumurit'

>rtiiin ItepuMiciiii:.! c/iVitractors. , We•Hevi! that county roads' should lie un-• i- thn i-ontrol and siipoi-vision of. the.unity and tlie odlcors elected 'by . the.•ople. of the eo'mity; '. '•'•; • .V. I.tiL-al .self sovurn inen t lu i s al

ticket-..,.:.; ....;._. ^v.:..--»

sis 'a 'Dcmoe'rii!

inationMfis, not1 deiine my i»»-iii-cltizcn;. My.

linen J

Kill It-

'll, n P

•jltl'Tiif iHihtie.

school of Ilburty.uiid niuulcipalus have been hold Keparate fromand National elections,, but -.tlit:

rty-.hav sought'lo destroy theautlon la thu election

Illclals, erecting ijy a prl-tnarv cli-ctiDii .system nnraiaiast. inaur-inounlabl.j Imrriiii-, to free: action.' and[hereby hlmlurlnff ijio :selection o( um-uliils by the voters o£ tlio separate.narliew. We favor ihu election of nili-andhluU-.s and nlIlelalH ;by the. directvote tit" the peoplu as a fundamentallirlnclpk'f^f' the• Democratic party, andimink'lpalclcdtlon.s sliould be held sop-iiraui from j^euenit - fall elections. . '.. S, Kiu'cuhitioii jin Urn fnulls oC fiomuInsiiranet'i eotupu'nlOH 'sluiwa"Un' needitf snmo i:c|ii-uHHive laws preyentint,' thenlni.se ni'olllcial posllions, ami w e fa-

i>d unit1 iiiHiiru" tin honest .ami jnstadministration' "of !»U(:li corpViriitiond. :

' 9.-The l-uiilshitnrii" and'tlio executivearo rpMii'nns'lblo' fnr all laws, nnd wodciiy the rluht of• citlici* to (^cape.re-s'linnsiblHly'Tii Hie piinplo by deleyatliiK|t;»wci* to irrespon.sibln commlMRlons;

10. Tin1 rights oC •the" Slate nnd itscitizens in the Morris canal. ,,lls rlRhtof way. and~UH_ water, .should be caro-fnlly . KuardotT-and proteeletl. ' •"•"-••

When ltelvulerc was vcaclied in call-ing the towns and townships for nomi-nations, .Tudge Morrow, speaking forthe county, town, -waived the : privilegeto iioiiiijiato in fnvor of Washington, ro-serviiig. tlio right to second Waaliing-ton's liomination. >~. , .',.,

...Mr. Cprnish'a_Ifame Preaented.r-, Foriheri Prosecutor Strykcr then arose


'[inX'rtiss. ln''llio iliWlutrK'p of my dulyIM your reproscnliillve I hnvo ondeii-,-ori.-(l,, to ..rentier.' faithful ;.servlc.i!.,. .To.•IT is humnn; nini if I have mailo mlK-nko.s, uMit'i'l^ncu Is a jrrenl teachermil I feel Hint, vears- lit tin- perform-

" illie.[;i!--.'i!uty. ' ' "

Tlie cuinniiUd-triictfd tn mpoinext regular nunlime report something positively .aboutprices. ' .' . . • • • . . . •

.lust before this close.of this diwussioirithoily Vanover could not. rcslniiu him-.Pelf from butting in, nndwhabbelaid wnsvery inueh to Hit! point, lie slated that•'tliir. j-as and park business should beImrrird iilouir before this thing tumble*over." vlli! made, himself mon'1L'learlvnndvr-iood ii miniitit later by saying•^onictliiui.'

cctiou da

.yful gentlei directly iii-the centerthe grandstand, three rows up, who

beliavi-d like a titan who hnd just foundld i ' T h t Willi

on ,he would stay until he did go, if itnntfi'eiir in a week Two hours be

a gold miiieV'.That was William."" .went there hi-t:Wei.lne<iItiy-to,see.

perform. ' When Dun couldn't: gocount of the weather, William said

«li'lweek. Two hours before

the iwhiliitiim on Thursday, William.gotthe same choice seat in the grandstandthat he occupied Wednesday, and boughtfour seatson either side of him so thatliis view woiild not he obstructed and sothat, he- would not be pinched for elbowroom. LitUe.di.IUau Patch dream.that

verv \w~t friend.lie had in all this»• world sat. in-tlie very center of that


Democratic Candidate for County Clerk.

Charles lloayland needsy

a dvud-inthe-wool Demo

; introduction to the voters of Warren "county,en before the public before as an ollice seeker,•rat. as was IIH father and grandfather before

.Mr. Hniiglitiid says it is his intention, if eloetud at the approaching election,to give tlie ntlice.of. County Clerk liis undivided personal .atti-ittioii and; endeavor-to perform the duties to "the satisfaction of all. That he is fully capable ofdoing this no one who knows him doubts. ,. ..;, . . .,;. - ; . . ' • ' • . ' . .

"ill1, lloiif-laiid was born in Itlairstown township atut is the sou of. William;t L. Hoagianit, (mice Surrogote and oneo County Clerk), nnrl the grnndsoii of the.

Hon. Charles (I. Hotigland, wlio represented this county in the 'New Jerseylegislature inlSK"). lie- 'located in Ilelvidere Vivi-r thirty-years iigoi and has :

since rcsidiu! there, 'following the inoratiililo bttsinesH fiir* nearly twenty year*.For Hie last, five years lie has been teller and^ assistant cashier in the WarrenCountv-National [Sank. It would have been haiv^to name a man of better char*

. acter. oi-onu in.ireeap:tblt',.and .his .name..shouId>!Hld strength to the ticket.,.: .:,; -.-

Trolley Cars May Soon Go.T h e Kiisiur.' & Washington Triictinn'o. have • this week resumed construe-ion .work, a force of •tK'u'iiow being en-agfil laying.trneka between the Ingcr-oll phuit and the lower part of Sil-

^reave.s street in Phillip.-jlmrg. The planof the. conipiiny is to .complete thisstretch by next week at which' time' iisiitgltv car will be put into service, powerI'nrthe same being supplied by the-Kas-toil Klectric. Co.' ' : • •'

i: promoters of tlie company say•iov liiid..a.lot...«t'.-(i)i*tut.<li>ri':to-overcome


s. IT. Jat No. -2X West WashingtonOetober •!, with u new. and tit

;' ' " ' ' "

Barroit siv>; any horse thn (didDiin Patch did.that tlay.sliouhl.hav

d ^ h W l ^ Z Z

triaK' The .same condition prevailed sofar as the grand jury was concerned,there being nothing to command their.ttciitiou outside of some assault' andMttery eases :and the like. '. 1 . 1 ^" ; . - ,

There really seemed to lie more Hl'o.mtnidi! the court room than there \vas_.n it. Politicians were out in full force :

and they stood-tiround tlic entrances likoa stjiiad of ."entries. '

Juslict'.l'ecd was there .when-the bell,.,rang at lfl.;iO. lie looks stronger andhi bcLter health than when he presidedover-, this court.- his!.-.* terniy-liut-lie-is- not r-

lieTill|i7*li"i'"is-easing- np;:whprcvcr~possi-;..::ble. aiid he shifted nil tlio eases except

•^hitiiniiii."-Tlii«.-pprinit-.-Tfriiis^worlc and get'Oiil

if Uur court.room before twelve o'clock.ile -seemed anxious tb yet honiGrtlid "took.he lirst train out. . \.-.'.

.Justice IJiTilsaid he hnd.no charge,to


chargj u v y t yConstables John li.

: . l'iohtel._i.T


i ^ n i i i , , \ : i . . i * . . l r t ! t } t I S l \ i i . . - - . . " •— . - - - - - : .— - -

lonsive .employer of laliorMtud workIn unison with my employees, always

i d l their riffhlss eqiml wit'own. Our relntloiis mployei

t i n..... loyoeK huvmost friendly and intiI'roper, and cnusiilui'ati: treatnu-ut hasneon my niotlo from lUa l>.'Kliinlnp:.'.of

i strike, 'tie-nii m: labor troubles. ' TJielieve i n t'qiint rights ant) equal lawsiind tills plntforni of eiiualily bringsUs owii reward to those who labor andstudy1 l;t resnt'ct it. If th<yantinn ofthis convention Is endorsctt ..ind r am

,... . (Continued mipaga:(1.) •--, .. ,.,.;:.^

Opera House Attraction.. -~™:-

n Y i r o V o i e r V i U t n rthpvifisiiiino tlmt hits -iin'l; with the sue-eesriot' "Peck's Had Hoy." which willIw presented i\t thu Opera llousi' on Mnn-day, October a. All tlw old characters:liuvt! bct'ii n>tained, hut I he tlialogue hasbeen entii-ely chaiigod iinil4!ie ciinipanyhas Iwun pivntly enlarged, and many newand novel speelaltli's-havo been iutrod d M Heatli hw i laddueed.

t l i shavo been iutroHeatli hiw eertainly

I i ddueed. ManaKei H e tlieen very lucky In securing

thi n nd hns "r

inlodieen very lucky In scuring no s

company this season and hns "really out*(loins himself, having spared no expi-nsewliatovcr-i;ur.ir.I;ii'.{r,"tI;J;i!:nn:Ht)any~l)y.fartliir lit'st ever carried- 'J'hose wlio havewitnessed the piece^in' past seasons willmarvel a t thu many changes;- J >;; •

J Miss ...Ttiiiu Uergen, after Oclolier. 2,will be ready to st'e'lipy friends who innyhe.in.noed of niillnriy goods. On .Satur-day, Oetober 7| will be disjihiyed , a"clioice lot,of trimmeil.lints. V '.'-••' "' :

passing the Warren County Hntg Store, the Wirfconsin Departnient: of• Tnsnrance,had liis altimfion nltnu-led to .a hla/e. dutcd-March I), l!)0,1: i; - • • - . ' . '.':-::'it tlie western window which was mak- '•'. "Tlie. 'iiolic.Yholdcrs-.nf^the company,

ing rapid headway among a lot of paste-1 iU\d the pcoplii nY the"State of Wis-board boxes which luul been put therefor exhibition purposes. He pushed inthe. front doornhtt, by ttic judicious useif IL few pttilsfiil of wilier, got the IhiitK1?iiniiifr'coulrol. . The tire department wasuulhid out but its services were not rc-

Tlit; tire^oi-igiiuttcd froiu_tlie crossingof an t'leetrie and telegraph whe ncnrV,,vM ibl'toiu-o F l l iii" w i iiiio w " ' T iii! V womi"

•k was charred but tlie damage done\ insignificant. The location of. the

iiiulding, together with the nature of.iltf'contents;-is such' Uiatr-had tlie llaniesiceiived iuuch* headway,'; it "woiiUK-liavc,nude one of the worst tires imaginable.

It might he stated tlmt Churles A,.Miller "was on the. scene with a tire ex-tinguisher, prepared to do business incase..tlie devouring element {rot too guybefore the •firemen arrived. '•;''

d (he p e p Scns in may well feel proud ot" thecompany's*condition and'record, cs-

''....poemlly" at this time when so inueli"""I'fiticistu rprevails .'concerning tho

inanageineut of some companies,The Northwestern Jlutunl Life Tu-

•.:. *nr.iue« Company >.Iias not a baiikstockTnot-a Trust Company/ no in-

„„-. d^i.l'ii'l.J'iL^.O'li-IV'iii ?™VJ' Jilv0.s1;"—r™ni'ent~ia:~ur"sirict'"'com'pliiuicc~iwiiir

ilm laws of this.ist.nti;." .'•'This, is ii Company operated liy

-_;.fhe policylujldcr.s and for the .best' interostji'of the iiolieyholdcrs."

Henry .roltiiston," of Washington, N,J,, U ii representative of The North-


WANTKI) AT OXCK—Minorcas. Le s-lionis, P. Uocks iiiul Wynmiotws; liiKhustearth prices paid. Charles Nixon/ Wnsli-lugion, X...T. . . . • _ -p: . ; . ;

Tho L. & H. It. Ky. Co. will run n SIxcursipn to"Kaston;-l?ft., from till theif

Want 'Em Gcod.No matter:how"low the. price, the qual-

ltv is alwnvs.liifrli hen;. We handki notrash. Tli's is the. Guotl^Canily-StBrc.*^:,Our 2Oo timility Petvnut Brittle tit l()e is

n fair sample of'thu:;klnd. of low-priced,hluh-ernriti (tuality eiuidy sold ,

Look over die daily ettmly specials.;iu.the .stored

1,"!,1.-•>"«'"'•• buying ^U1'?™'1 t w o

of inieiinioiiiu last-\vuu6V; whieli k'ft himin a.critical stivKTo'f health. .V fe.w

^ti")) he left his father's J«rm be-tween Washing ton and OliangeAraioi'.'indcameliereto work in a light capacity asdriver 'nMliu hotel sUge.', Utruin feverattackeiLhiin three weeks ngo and wastlio caits.'olMtiii-lh.™ . . JJi

Tlu« ymniL' man waij i l years oltl anAvas-iiuV^oirni Willi^ni Petty, who live

h Crri f Th fon th Aaron C'a^iW farm'.'' The' fun-^V.HV!?,wereJii;ldjit tliejii'nn1o1ir'riio1:idav"iriterii6our—~-.

Pennsylvania Grand Jury/Investigating.Tlie! .\roiiiw Couiity "grand 'jury is inssion this week at Stmtidslnng and two

impiirUui(!"i!Oi!diUiind are being investi-gated. -Imlgti .Staples Instnitited tlmtbody "to investigate the conditions .ofthe country -road? and if it was foundthat thev liailrl»uou:"ueglccjcd.to-rcturniudictmeiifs ngnins the 'road overseers.-Uci"itlao iii^niclcd tliein to visit .'theI/ickiiwTuT7iK^uiiw''i!.ii»alier-afe:D(!lawAroWntey t.'np aiid learn if ill was «,nuisanceor blockadud the roadway as reported. Hthey found it so, they should indict,-lie"said, • --1 "J- •; .' .••• •

Bochm,. 3Harry Stone, PlinilpsbUfff cr...',.KUslia Beers, Gveenwicli.: • ".'.••";*' ;


irurris Fraco. Ptillllpsburg. .::Lewis Heaty. Hope. .... '..'. A —..•..--'• . ,Clinr).->n"H. Cole, Belylilcre. . ".'•Frank W. Vass, Harilwlckr" "'.LGeorge T^epport, Ljopatcongr. • • -- ...

' Edward Ward. Phllllpsl)urfir>^"V? ••'David H..HolTman, Independence, .IDatilel ir. V/yckoff. Wasliiiiffton tsp.W. ir. N. Stlres, Oxford.Jacob Mill, Mansfield. "*.lohtiHon Hummer, Pohatconpr.

John, Jllchiicls, Pahaquarry. ,. .'l'liese'lmftise applications were renew-,.,

LHI- tit Ihe-usunl fees: . Andrev.. .Urainy, CAlpha; '.lohn "j.L ."". Jlicra, " Alnha;;VUariy Wilkinson, "(saloon);1": Oxford;-:;.lohn Solinor,1' Oxford T Otto Kaiaer,.l!(.-!vidcrc.^..rudgc""Shiptnan "said he. .-,liiiil lK;oii "iiifanned that-a^renionstrancoi •;•.,would he presented tigninst tho appli- „ •'•"•cation of John II. Miller of^Asbury b u t / .it hitd riot'yct put in an appearance,and.,_•!;..consequently.the license would be grant- -,:.--;ed. Ifowevcr, ho cautioned the //appli-:;,; •'cant tliatf the"hotel uniat Mrconducted in ":":a .proper manner. ; r-y

Tlic applications of Nicholas PcrraRa,.".•(?•

(Continued from page J.) I '-p. ;-•';


Page 2: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the



THE SURPRISE DEPARTMENT STORE, OF EASTON.Recently purchased by T H E H A C K E T T C O M P A N Y , presents the most stirring store news FOR THE OPENING OF T H E F A L L A N DW I N T E R S E A S O N that even, this acknowledged Greatest Value Giving Department Store has ever before:been able to offer!

: •'•••• With vast stocks of Men's, Women's and Children's Newest Fall and Winter Clothing and Footwear Merchandise purchased from foremost Pro-ducing Markets of America on LOWEST NET CASH TERMS and with the entire stock of over THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS worth taken from THE SUR-PRISE MERCHANDISE COMPANY AT LESS THAN ^ •:

The New Hackett Company will make this FALL'S OPENING SEASON memorable to the clothes purchasing public of communities within fifty miles ofEaston by offering these immense combined stocks without reserve at such unparalleiled UNDERPRICINGS for Guaranteed Superior Values as will make TheSurprise Store throb and thrill with a business energy it has never felt. • '•'•'••

For Three Weeks—Beginning T h u r s d a y M o r n i n g , S e p t . 2 8 , the Great Store will devote itself to the most extraordinary Value Offerings of itswhole six years establishment in Easton—and these are a few of the hundreds of Sensational Pricings that will attract thousands of buyers during the first threeopening days: , : : ,,,

MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING.In largest

elretinns «r

S3.9S '•'•" S12.00.vtll In- WIHMVII lien- ilnrluK tlu-KU «vinsilli>iinl

hundred Suits |><i»imct.v v»i..-(l. ¥.-.111)he sold nl one I»H«»—S3.9S .

ld S l l f

Women's and Girls' Clothing.

d ?([.<)U

Three hundred ami llfly SnJl* or jriinrnnlced $S.»l) anil«I<MH> iniac will he sold :it S 6 . 5 0 *« S 7 . S 0 .

Over four hundred SIU.UO and flZAHl Suits, all hnnd-inilor Ilnlshrd mid fronts of coals Interlined with• (hrci-llilek Irish l.lnen. Hair Cloth and Felt lo Neci> pcriii'timl ^wlmi»e cvailly an highest priced eiistnm work, will he ««ld •=» S 9 . S 0 '•""> $ 1 1 . 7 5 brKlPUh.K^r::;irMliiyiiin.riiliijeiileiaher Us'. : V •

OVERCOATS.This Is a year of elei

hack Overcoats—Ovcrcoi

^ZTi.tll) i

(mil shoulder, lonj;, Mrnp-liue stylish mid extremely

no other, store, anywhere, that chart!''" <•••icnt, can show a liner selection than williinrlncc these Fall iim-ninc davn nl

'"$4.50 '"S12.00.;Hundreds of l i n e Him* KiT.se.vn, Iticli ltlack MeltonsI Pennine. Irish Frie/.i-s. together with SiniirtcNt Scot-

Id 1'allcriiH lu pure, wool fabric* lire ttuinni;howin^s ul' neiv Fall and Winter O

S4.50-S6.00-SS.00-S10.00 '»»> $12.00.other Mores will UMnlny• ilif»e s.u.ie VHIIK-H i.t tilmuNl-

IK •its . T .


inmlcrnte" niL-aiis «s Hi.- saving ol' money In witrelinslnKClothes for Weiir-jiiid-'I'car llojs—and f«r this rwmon thellackett . Cunipiiuy has inside e.vtrnordinary effort In »e-

"t-ufiiin Itirse selections of Snlls anil Overcoats for tin-hoys hclwrea the tiKex ol 1 and IK years, anil h i r ' lM"arnt fall iiiieulnu Ni-UM.n will «IVcr them at |irlelns«

r l n ulmli-

v r 'Extra- -|ti:i

S2.951""1 S3.50.i ill I ff

H," C:ti>»ii.ieie.;.•««*!-.\V«r)it

i l l offered tm the.

aiu Hi»yy;Ilt"i(y>; Knee' 1'iitils will sell ai.'. ^lli: Ho;.*' Heavy l i a c ^ ^ m i t s will sell at

7rr'V :tllc''tuiyi'"CiVril«nVr~l'(urt5^*iTlll «cll at^ t : \ t rn 5(kviiiiitHty_C,'iirdiirity,.niid Casslmcre^rnnt

This is a (crcat M1i-chillj- slore for Heaily-Tallore.lmininc .\|i!»!ir.-l, ami the Ihrirty women ol' Maston

and lor miles ahmil KasKia knnw Us sreat inoney-»:ivltms In Ihi-Mc' Macs so Meil tliaf Mils store neverkn.tus a listless, ••dull day," so ciimntnn to the

•lahlile Inli) evcr.vthlnu. mid therefor can «lve no In-dividual dciiartiueat the iiiH-i-s.siiry close ncrxiinal nt-tenliiini (ml In these la.nl Seiiti-mlicr and llrst UelolierFall OiK-uinu' l)n vi "The .WMV llaekett Company"..aXi.,1,1,.^ a K. and ol lh larger ready ,•;,(.Kdi. nilik-luu: viiM laiiirovemenl.s «n the lines laid doun hy Ihvciitcr[irUI(i»r Siirjirlsc lidsc. Ctt,. will jiiit forth (>rlerollVrttiUH on Tailor-Made Suits, .Jackets, t.iin^ Coats,I'ur.i, C;uu*>. triii\eiielle Cuiil.-. Su|>erh U'alwts andWnifiiiers thai the must cillicnl feminine1 Miio|ii>ers In .all llienc farts, umihl scarce dare c.viiccl. ...

Spacr will not pcrinll e.Mendeil descrlnlliius of the

Tnll.ui-d SulU that nhnil.he sold nt :

S6.50 «» S19.50In <'h<iii-eHi IM.-iln Itlil.-N and I'am-.v lni]>orled I'ahrles_„,»,. ,,r (In- hiiiidicil.-.. of jaunty Toit-CnatN In Tan 'CtivcrtH for early l-'all. and heavier dnrker materlalMlor i'lildfi* ivvnther puriioses nrleeil at

S2.9S t""t S3 .45 .<« S11.90 .Most I'xrtuisitc pmiH'Mts sit ii::.r.(i iitni Km- OollnretlLiin^' i..!.):ilsV>r .mi[»V!iK' fh-yaiK-.: nl SM.SO to S1S.00,ami all th.! uhmerj llttlu Cloaks. CpiUs un.1 Wooleni:'r.»sst;s tor tlio snitillor "foiiiinJno folk between the"ajrvs ,,r two and oiu-lialf and foin-l i-j-wirs, jirlctvl nt

49d-98<i—$1.45 u> S5.9S. o

Winter UnderclothingFor Men, Women andChildren.

Men's H e a v y RibbedGarments, 2.5c

Men's First Quality,Heavy Fleeces 35c.

This is (IIL- s rea t iiojiultir t ruder»car Sturc of thlIhrli'iy, economic folks who Itinm KHHII valnt- at a glanceand iimtrler-dollars mi NIUKIC Knrnieuts, hy whleli this slo

Ihit lor this '•rirnnil Fall <t|»t-nlnK i:veul" we have iKiii""..In, .Men'- I'm nt 111- . « f • ICu

L. keen In s a w the d l m orsdls all others.Hie c rea tes ! actual bitr-

ew V.iirU Slnt«. -»• -•

tnallty hipli Kraile Under-.t<Y do Mlili IMKHIOU

Ladies' Shirt Waists.MOTHHHS ! AVIVKS ! ' M\ IIJIIX.*: ! H? SAVIXii A

.Ml AT Ol' aiOMJV A.\I) \V|<MIf!.\(J Ti l l : H13STVI.OT11ICS 1.S OF A.VV INTKKIOST T(l YOU. THISSKASOX, \VK CAN OXI.V SAV : CO.Mi:—COMfi','OXM.ixii A I . I . ' T o T H I S <;ii.v,\i> I 'AI . I . o i ' i : \ i . \ « T U K A TOl'' (JOOl). THIXtiS IX AI.I. KIXDS Ol1 WKAIl.YItl.KSl<'Olt V()li.Mi AM) Ol.l). I'AIMil-: AM) SMALL. AM)WITH rO(il*. IM.Mi:NSI0 SI-II.KCTIH.YSI I-IXCHITIOSA I.MO.NKV SA VIXfiS AM) TIM1, |aAlXSTAKI\(> AXI>Kixni.v conitTMsv'-di-* tii;tt I:FI'K;II:XT SALKS-•i.-r. iiM.K -i i i i u v i u . . Axaiou ..(;I,OSI-:.. AND VASTI'IIKI:\ i:it::i'o';Tius I.AK<;I:ST vAi.im-ViiviS'irrji*!: ™1

V ' r i i ¥ W V

Beautiful TaffeTaSilk Shirt Waists

With the New High Cuff Sleeves, ..

. Priced

'rue: I.KHIKIIlliitnlrei!sifiinl..liii

m uuioiedK.«t1 WIIISIH in-ai7d1'I»Tu:irnt'^tes, too ntimerm

Vii, will be prleeil

^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^'f^ZWorth 35.00. I

These are Choice Things, 1s = r s = Scarcely1 Hail- FrlceS.~——»— n = ^

riip^rwt'iir,- dlreetly: frmn (lit- lii••UT jirodnreil lur i'finiKvlvniilii mid Xetv Jcrncy

'I'ho l'ollinvlnu: titiiireeedenled HHI-IUKM tiro for strictly li' K'lirincnif—:is "The Xe»" Hacked f :oni|iiui;v" \illl hnvt> : iiot

K !», cn imon ly ti-nued •'.•SKCOXltS." .xoTi-; TMi-:sr; i>iticix<.!>il-'iv«\ htiiiirrcd-d<izeii;j|,.Ti'NrIlra\.v-l'l«.->h-Iliiek Uii.li-rsl.itU and DrimITH -from. llir

fiiiii(in.«' "1 . . I 'l/lliirrom-r""KnitHim- Mills of Ainsicrilnin. » » Vnrk, nnd until hy everylirst-clasM niercham in every city nt r.(k- inul IHlc. Mill lie |»iil on Mitu li.v "The Htit-kelt Cora-iiiiiiy" during, thesr Fall oiieiilim daj-» at thesr asuniUhnlK' nrlet- ili;iiri*H:—

35(V li.r SI n»?k- Ureas led (Jarnifiits. 39<> 1<>r Himlile-llreaHli-d Cnrim-iiU.35(Ail ih- "na uike Heavy Tlecce will

lit Ihe elimaly: .

Ilft.vH- I'uderwear of the same- hihe sold at 2 5 £ ,

1 .lien's itlle Natural <h-vy Wool-.lli\ed, at 3 J ) ^ ..Men's ^l.Otl Xiittirnl (ircy AII-W.-ol (iarmenls. at 7 Qllovs^ and 'ilrlx Warm, |l.-iivy IHhhc.l 1'leece-iitiok I'r

toiv |irl I' X5<^ ' " Kiiarnntecil -lirsi <|iitilll\."\\'<»>li:X"S A.M) -MISSUS' WAII11 HK A VV I'l.USH-IIACK, A T . ^ 3 5 ^

• 5;™^;w11»lei.:H;;Kl.1e;iUhh«.d:Flet.(.e;, Vests. Z l ^ . ' '' ' '""_,......„-„„ Woii.euV aud..MlMMCs' ltltilteil •)<'!« e-Haek Sliickhmii, priced ^ ( ) p ninl 1 2 < S --- -

rhildrcii-s Heavy Itlhhed Slocklaus, ;il 7<f, ' ","".' ' ' " " ' " ~ '"""".lien's Fine llic, ltlark and Tan Srnrks. »( Q^V, "•'r.' '.-'

: - .:, • , .llfH'r. • I Tic Warm Wool Socks, price XO<Ji.lli-n's llh- .\ll-W(icd Fnc Cnslii^-rc Socks, lit 1 5 ^ . -Sleii'f. ane Heavy All-Wool ••SlinkcrV Soeks. nt Xf)& —

_ _ I'M.lll.MXi:. .U.V.I >.KII-M UN I.INNV //."$

1 Ciui iu ' i i ts will-!»».'• vaxlly: undi-r-pricc.il for these exceptlonal "Fall Ojieulntf Days."

• •• "' •"•: • X - - ? • ' " " . • '•"• ;M7si'i-:N»uit!C~ ' "—"'-:i'"~-;™r:~~..r.1:1,•..„.'::.„,;.:.•.;..:.:.,,.;.;.•'•;•":;..rr-- l-'J""^-T'..v1^U.»< :i^lliit .Ki+ unit 1 O ^ — " / ; " ' " " ' " ' N ' " N<"" ' " 10C^~~15<> ! " " ' 1 9 < ^ .

(nr:\l'IM?^i!ie7^1vHi«nn3\T',';;^l ;>t ;i-i\^INFANTS' WUAirAIli.'NSr ' T

"7~XlX71''illtfr.il-*aV'~>i'UCl'l Al'rAIU'yN7l^ri»SrFrv~""SAVlX{.7s"tlVar' " i n m V Vroiii H1I.H " . l l cnn . r ahk - 0 |n-nl i iK"la l l"nl r .o i ' - '» 'he l l a c k e t t .Cuniii t iny" tit T h e Old S u r -

j i r lse .Mdse. Co. S t a n d . i!05-!!(>7 Norl lHiinptoi i S l r e e t , " - - •-••

lirSiiues arid RabbfeFs-we-shalCTtit-dcl all;; former offe^L^ of The Surprise Store—not onl^ giving stronger and more

):JT "^'assured values, but keeping pric^ muc) .':-ej)lQWjth:6 level ofi. ® exclusive shoe store offerings on every^ grade because it

costs us much less to^merchandig shoes than it^does theregular shoe stores. "In the mattSi) of Rubbers alone'we can give you tine lowest last years prices, "while youiv shoe ;dealer will tell you that "he must charge^

:~recTnrMva1ires=ofTubberrgoFds:~by"Trust Prices." Families will enjoy large savings from::our'•economically managed shoe.department.

-".•,> Those who have!grown accustomed—by years_of steady patronage—to expect "great things of the Surprise • Departmentl'Stofe will notbie-disapnoirited in thisiyeaVs special opening offerings under its nej,: proprietors, for the entire^old trained management and staff of salespeople^ Com-pany^-whoseabundant means^will make possible,the securing ofemuch'stfonger values by, spot cash buying,:frorh;hard; pressed mariufacturers and.,therefore-posi- :

^ively;a;ssure;:ip;our:future;;patrons^^ ;.;..''....., :.., ; : — = - = - • - - • • • •••••-• . • . . • . . , = . • , . . ..,•.•.,-..


Page 3: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the






These comprise and explain the success of our system...;..""• The hundreds of sufferers CURBD IX .TUB PAST TWO VKAKS are

living witnesses to the truth of our claims.



We offer these to every sufferer who colls. If we can't cureyou, it costs you nothing! Will- any physician give you this offer ?

J? A m A f T i K g r It costs you nothing to know your trouble, to testc our apparatus and system, to know whether your

"case is curable, aud if so, what means should be used to cure you



Third Floor First National Bank Building, Easton, Pa.

Hours—911.'m. to R p. in. Sundays 10 a. m. to 12 30 p. 111.



A Superb and Greatly In=creased Line of Furniture

Caqjcls ant! Rallies, elc, arc attractions which should draw all| thepeople of this section to this establishment. .Our line is so complete, up-to-tlate utid reasonably prictnl that no one contemplating purchasing shouldfail to look it over. The following are some of the things we are showing:

Bedroom Suits, 3 and 8 pieces, all styles; Chiffioneres, OddDressers, Parlor Desks, Parlor Suits, Odd Chairs, MorrisChairs, Rockers, Oak and Mahogany; Turkish Rockers,Couches, $7.50 up; Dining Chairs, Dining Tables, all styles;Sideboards, solid Oak; Buffets, quartered oak; China Closets,Sewing Machines, New Home and Standard; Iron Beds, thekind that you cant break; Springs, all styles; Mattresses,all kinds, and the celebrated Bloom & Gotlley make thanwhich there are no better; and Pillows.and Bolsters.

- In fact, everything to I>c found in a first-class, up-to.date furniturestore. Give me a call.

MONFORD E. HUTCHINGSSecondKloor , AinLTiiuiu illd'L,r. .(2 E. Washing ton Ave.


: Dover's tax rut« la ftW.-IO..; Ilockoway'wI n ( a t f . T O . , •• •••'••., •'•'.: ••"'.• • • ; • •

Hunterdoti county Republicans willnainen ticket on Oct. 6.•Tho flrt-inen of Mlddletown. N. Y.; will

hold ft biff parade, on Oct. Vi.Gardening IM a. new "study" that has

been Introduced In tho Fleming ton school.Five, milk denier* were lined $> each Enru lined $> each En

milk below the

the.former Newtonl t

Morrlntown forNtandiinl.-

HutherfonlTuttN;merchant, has opened » realIn that place, :<. tieorgu W. Henry, u well-known oldcitizen of I-rcbiimin, died u few days ago,

ceil 0.1 years. -•••-.The engagement Is announced of W. ti.

Iteider of IJutler and Mlsa Clara Valen-tine of Newton. . ; . . . , •

SuHHex county Republicans have nomi-nated .Iiidson Kllpatrlck Himn, a N'cwtonpoliceman, for Sheriff. .:" : ,"" .. . . ' : ; . . ; :; .

The people of Newton are. learning topiny chess, nnd a demonstrator is Riving•swons at stated periods.O. .1. Stroke], tho well-known tobac-

conist of Xewton, has sold hit* businessi Ilonlg i- Zimmerman.George Cregar find Miss Kathryn 'Lou-

,.A> Hdusul of JutJund were- married atthe bride's home, yesterday..-.• . ...

The Hussex county grand jury returnedthirteen blllrt uf indictment. CriminalCourt will begin oil October !t.' The Callfnn Limestone.'Co. has foundIt necessary to install another crusher Inorder to keep up with its orders.; A company manufacturing playing

cards, with a capital of *10.000, 11 seekinginducements to locate. In Goslien.

e, Vanderbtlt, who was IKIPII in.r Mllford und has always lived

theiv, died on Sept. l.from heart trouble.The Flemlngton Driving Association

will hold a race meeting on Hnturdur,Oct. IT, at which premiums uf Hm willct. IT,K'KIVIJII.

rilierltl"l d•riff Dlltsof Humerdoucouiiiv, upon

. lednghls term of ollloe. this fall,will move t<> Trenton and «" '"to busl-

ess with bis son.Charles Uartow of Great Meadows re-

cently ussuulted a Huckettstown poliee-man, but tin* charge will htj dropped uponthe pnyinent of is 15 and costs.

The Village Trustees of Klemingtonhave refused to grant a franchise, to theU'bunon Telephone Co. to build alinethrough the streets of the town.

Clarencejfi. Olark, n well-known prai


A federal law mukt'H It lllegul to nufacture mall bags in the State prisonand the. work has been stopped among theNew Jersey convicts.

Haiti that the Publicporatlononed HO t

the Morris Catutl ;»han-oned so that It can secure the rliiway for tmllelley pu

\ Mor [>ne of the bestknown men of Madison*, collector ofClint-hfini tnwnHhlp, fell dead upon his frontporch lust Thursday evening.

A W Mack andwife oforch lust ThuA. W. Mack

pursdayk and,


evening.wife of Somervilledi Th

A. W. Mack andwife of Somervillehave iM-en granted a divoi-ci1. They arevery wealthy, and in order to avoid pub-licity and scandal, waived a contesthe courtn.; , '

Justice Fort stilted to the Middlesexcounty praml jury that h? eoiihl Jliul nolaw that authorized the use of automo-biles or Kflf-pnipelling vehluli-s on the.public highways ut Jfyw Jersey,;"" " •

Dt'lftrliiKlHtMniillitigof many pfi.sl cardswas a dlngmci! to the .State liecaiiKe. of theobjection able character of such souvenirs,Judge banning at Trenton directed theFederal Grant]

ig at 'fJury to make a direful In-

vi'stlgtitlon and to bring indlctmentiagainst all persons known to have sentmich cards. . ; : .

11,was Ida yearn iigo.Sept. W that. Nev;Jersey was ulianged by legislative enact-ment from a*'colony'" tu a VKtate.V TlieLeglslaUiiv >uit in a tavern in Ifadtlon-Held, Caiuden county, when the. mumeii-toiiH act wus passed. The old tavern hasbeen preserved and Is now owned liy theHtate and the room In which the LegiHla-un; met has tieim n;stort'd, us far as ptis-lihle, to Its appearance in Itovolutlonarytimes.


Mr.-and M M . \Vf\ in J. Ilryan of Lin-coln, Neb., accompanied by their son anddaughter, left last TJiursiluv for a triparound the world. They will 'visit .Japan,the Philippines, Australia, India, and theprluicpul countries of Kurope. They ex?it'ct to l>e giint* more than a year.

Four members of the Heef Trust, being..Ilcluls of the packing firm of Schwnr/-

child & riulsherger of Chlnigo, pli-ndedguiliy In the Federal iimrtH in Chicagolust ThucMluy to con piracy in obtainingrebates from railroads and were, lineda total of $2*1,000. They [inid up on theipnt. It cost the government #HI,000 toC l a r n G. t l a k , n well-known grain spot. It <ost t

lealer of Wt'Kttown, Sussex county, has | collect evidence.lie Into the business of brcedinp Khet- The nntnmobile Industry has grown

ix years from 1ft t v l u d pHOOtaWOOl valu


AT THE NEW HARDWARE^ S T O R E ^ W E E K T : : ; - ; Zrr


^CORN,_HASK.ETS,: four kinds;- i-. - •• -:^=FODDKR YARN, best quality. Ji

,LANTKRNS;;tlircc kinds.; :...: wiNboW^l^ASS, big:stockr-h.^-.-r: — "AGATEWARE, biff assortment. •RANGES, latest designs.ROOM STOVES, big variety.

Aud last, but not least, please remember that. I-.can yet you repairs for most any-kind.of

Weller Bld'g, 16 E. Washington Aye.

We sell the U. S Government? Remedy for

A Book Free WitiiiEacli Package.


try has gautos valued at pHj,

d at ^10.771)00,777, and Itid f tIs predicted that inside of two 'years.1,tint

value of our factory products will he S10O.-000,0(10.

Meniljers of the .Royal Arcanum atNashville, Teun., have iwim granted aninjunction restraining the Supreme Coun-cil of th» order from putting Into effectthe, advance in rates decided upon ut therecent conference In Atlair.lc City. Timpetitioners allege that the rntt! will forceout of the order every memlier over llftyvears of age. Argument will be heardOct. :.'0.


land ponies upon an extensive.Taxpayers of Holland township, Hun

terdoii county, are obliged to pay £2. fitdog tax per head. This is due to the, un-iiHiuil number of sheep that have N;eikilled by dogs.

The authorities of Newton have enterednto a ten-year contnict with the. New-

ton (ins & Kletitric Company to furnisharc lights for Vii.Hn per lamp per yearand tKl a year for incatidescents.

George Klllot of Croton gave away hisi-at liewiuse it stole chickens. A friendlu High Hrlilge secured it. Two weeksliter the cat came Imck, The distancebetween the two places Is twenty miles.

Hun tun ion county farmers have latelylieeii taking a great Interest in sheejj rais-ing. They have learned that there Ugoutl money in It, and the business prom-

i:s to flourish again, as It did years ago.* A iiuul dog at tucked Mrs. (ieurge Ii.Klsher and children In Spurta the otherday. It was finally locked up in a cellarmid one of the niemlwrs of the fainlljkilled It by a well-directed blow from iicromiet mullet. \

Tlie members of 'Washington Kngine.Company of Morrlstown had their «u-nuftl outing and target practice at New-ton Wednesday of last week. An was tobe expected; they were royally entertainedjy the Newton firemen.-"The I lunterdon county grand jury re-

commended I hut tlie freeholders otter areward fur the arrest und conviction utparties who have.; liL-en burning humsthroughout the county. Fifteen bilU of"mllctiuem weiv found.

A iJi'dlliar case bus tlfVL-luiM.-d at Au-luuiuUf, which bus ivKulted In the arrestif (lllltert Hurtrum,J5 ywirs old, und theat her ot tour chllUivu, I'liu compluinants his wlf>>. She hud a former huslwmd.lid she charges that her pit-sent husbandcriminally assaulted her fifteen-year-olddaughter by her lirst husband.

In connection with the building uf asewerage system in Newton, the. TownCommittee hus awarded the following con-tnicw; .A!l t i i r* Wolf.* of.•NVtrnng forexruvnting und laying pipes, $4!l,&>G.f>r>;Carhart & Binderniigli' of New York, forpurification plants, £21,100." The contractfor pipes, elbowH, etc.. 1ms not beenawarded. .,*: -,.

The Huntenlon county gmnd juryfound a presentment uguinst, the MiddleValley 'Iran Hock Co. The. charges were,made that nlusts from the quarries modeit unsafe for travellers on tho Teetertownroad. .The' presiuitihent recommendsthat the" company put up notices announc-ing the tlmi* thitt blasts will tw -nmde,and also put out a mun to warn people.

Sururdav wus puvduy at the. Be.thlehemSteel Works, and the sum paid WHS thelargest In the history of this monsterniaiiufacturing-plttiit, .over-ilSO.000 hav-ing bel'ifpaid out ti> its" iiriny of tollersand skilled workmen. In thn amount ofwages paid i* not included that of clerksnnd Dinners nor those of the tW) employer*of • the company':! mines up- Santiago,Culm." The'number of the" euiployees ofthe company now is the. Inrgestever in thepayroll of the company nnd has reachedthe 7.000 mark. . • • . .

A Sergeantiile writer says: " In recentvears since reporting for th« press wehave been shown sixttH'n houses in thecounty in which, Washington, slept, twodozen goblets from which he sippet! upplttwine, thirty-six dozen chairs^ upon which

illy upon which he ruudut.iJnulitock's' de-feat, nlsfj the coat, with sixteen bulletholes_thn tJHLwpriuhCLthe^abo ye^jiuineil

army,-- •'when-ii— wiw-di

List of real ('#(ute tranHfers lodgeiiL forrecord at County Clerk's ofllue since. Sept.II, 11*0,1:

M. \V. KnwH and wife tu Imuu S. Mi:-Cracken of Phillipsburg, tinted Aug. 1L»,

mveys lots In Phillipsburg; con-sideration, #178.

Jacob II. Heatty and wife lo .John C.Ueattv of Hackettstown, dated Septem-ber IS, IDOTi, ronveys lot-In Miinsileld;consideration, frAI. '

Lewis H. Hunna and wife to Hell It.•eip of Kaston, dated Sept. d,. llKfi, coti-•evs lots in Phillipsburg; consideration,H U O . • : • . - • • . •"

R ». Miller, etals., tu Ceo. W. (Jrayand wife of Phillipsburg, diited July o,1H05, cuiivurri lot in Philllp?ibiirg; consider-ution *1U5.

Philip Leniiuli and wife to James Leu-non orVhillipsburg, ilateil riept.'lil, IWEi,cuiiveys property in Phillipsburg; con-

S. C. Smith, special iniisler, to Ada inP. Castner of Washington, tinted April 1,VM\ conveys land In Washington town-ship; consideration. *(>.O!rJ,Kl.

Alaurlce Coll to Coime.ll Uoyle of Phil-lipsburg, dated PeptemlH'r HI. UWi, oon-vevs lot in PIiiHipsbur«; consideration,

iii.m. . . . ' . . - . .M. \Y. Weller ami wile to Anna Henrv

if Columbia, ilutett Sept. If.. HMtt, con-•irvs iirtipcrlv in Columbia; consideration.

ftlllfl.Saiuue.l .Hinehiirt, . administrator, to

Then: A. Smith, et. al.y\or Washington;"tlntetl Sept. (i, HKB. convevs lantl in Wash-ington; consideration, *H>4.

Peter i". Hagerty and wife to HarryMoyer of Phillipshurg, dated Sept. 1».IlKW,-conveys property in-Phillipsburg;

isiderutioii, ,7."rf). "• • : ' • •.iHinwl -T. Mixmi, .*t i t l . to Alfred M.lith of Knowlton, duted Septemlwr 'Si,

liTC, conveys land' in Knowlton; con-iiderutiou, W.WJ.ti^.

Martha A. Wyunt mid huslmnd to Wm,S.Croust; of Pohutcong, .dated Aug. H, 1905,S.Crous oconveys land in

d ug.H, W5,eonsiutinttion,

Ex-Director George E.Oppyke hns finish-ed his now storn building aud a generalstore is again conducted here. :

We are pleased that the people havedecided upon Godfrey Lott as assessor ofBethlehem township. He will make a goodi f f l c i a l . . : . • „ • . . ' . • , . :

Mrs. "Jerome Brader'of Allentowii='Pa,,passed Sunday at the parental home here.-Mr.-and-Mrs. Theodore Stamota were,at

Stumets,*oirSiimlayV ' Dor>; looks well. -He j:

is employed tit the Ingersoll works.The Old ^SettlerH^Pjcnic JtuBellevrood

•\ -pHrk-lM>i Kiitunltty WHS u-nne .sHccussr—U'lic

BEtVIDERE.Miss Barker'of.Bermrdsvillo, Somereot

couuty, liitM been on u viait to Sheriff Dar-ker nnd family.

The projectors of tho now tannery nrodolng thoir uottttolay In a full Bupnly ofbarb boforo thoy open up buBlncan., Theynow offer to buy all kinds of bark and aroparticularly anxious to get a good ftupply a tonce. Hero la a chance for tlie fanners toIncreuflo their bank account.

Ono of tho ciirelesH business nieu of thtttnectiun lias been neglecting his horaen oflate, and Officer Baker haA taken the mat-tor in hand and will BOD that tho aninmlNare cared for. There arc four horses in thoHtablo and report nayn that thoy aro not fedregularly, In fact, that thoy aro greatlyneglected.

The mimy frlenda of Mrs, Wm. M. Andor-SOII will he pleased to learn that sho liasreached her homo, in Belvidere, in safety,lifter an absence of several weeks, duringwhich time sue was: couflned: in a- Buffalohoftpital with a broken limb, the remit of afall while on a visit to that city. Mrs. An-derson conducts a private wliool hut on ac-count of the accident IIOH heen unable togive any attention to it.

Bov. N. Brooks and wife of Boonton re-turned to their homo on Saturday,- afterupending a week with friends in Belvidere.

Belvldoie's tax rate has becii fiKiireddown to *i:i.ari on the thousand. This isquite a reduction from lust year, beingW.40 less than wo had to pay then.. The.• wluotion U duo Lo thu fuel that tlie countyml ttpeclul school tax aro much lower thanfilial. • • • • . . - - . - .

.Mrs. Marietta Wildrick, widow of thoInto J. K. Wildrick, died at tlieEuston Hos-pital last Fritlay morning, aged -14 years.Sho is survived by two children, Ethel audJesse M. Some weeks ago Mrs. Wildrickentered tho hospital and waft operated oufor gangrene, it being necessary to ampu-tate one foot. The wound did not heal and"ier system becoming poisoned death en-sued. The funeral took place from her lutehome, on Fourth street, Monthly ufternoon,

Komo thirty or more of our people pic-luked on the lawn at the Spring Brook

hoarding house, near Kanisiivburg, Fridaylust. Tlie day WILS an ideal one mul the:mrty enjoved the outing to the utmost.Dinner anil supper were enjoyed under thobeautiful maples mid the festivities weroprolonged until nearly 10 o'clock. Theclosing moments wero dlvltletl betweenmusic, recitations and fireworks.

Theodore P. Hopler is quite ill. at tlnawriting. His many friends hope for his'mprovoment very soon.

Henry "Searles,, tho' grocer,' has boughtthe Harris property on Water street for?1,!KK). This property was known as thoRotieHon property for many years. Mr.Searlcs will make some improvements andthen occupy the place with hia family. Hewill rent Ins brick home, which is on thesame street but nearer tlie railroad.

Boeder £v Emery, contractor, has beenquite ill for some weeks past. Ho has beenquite busy with building operations duringtlie imst summer, ami has much work toiiu'sn before cold weather sets in. It is

hoped that ho will bu restored to his usualgood health very speedily.

Oeorgu F. Hnyiler. president of the Pater-son District Epworth League Association,nuulo an iiililreMS before the locul Icugue. inthe Methodist church, on Sunday evening.His address was a model ono and wus muchenjoyed by tlie large audience. Ho ex-horted the members to greater activityalong all'lines of work. He wus accom-panied by Mr. Carter -,vho initdo a fewearnest remarks.

Mi;<8 Euphemia Bolton will prolmbly sellier house ami lot, on Market street, and3reak up liounekeeping. She will eitherhnurri or outer nn old ladies' home." i Showill Hell her household effects on Saturday.

Dr. A. L. Morris and family have return-ed to their handsome home in New Yorkfor the fall antl winter.

The Atlantic Oil and Refining companyof Eastou bus oil warerooms along tlieHudson railroad, near town, where theykeep quite a supply of oil. Recently, weunderstand, one of the employees of theL-uinpiuiv found Unit someone had brokenopen the building, carried away the lockami committed other depredations. We,do not understand that they disturbed theoil tanks.-.

Warren Witlenor is working "extra" atthe freight office of the Pennsylvania rail-road company in this place.

Hurp..r Gwyn of Philadelphia, who hasbeen visiting frientls in Belvidere, shot amonster copperhead pilot a iluy or two apoin the vicinity of the Cascade, along theDelaware river. The snake showed fightwhen Mr. ,ti. pulled his revolvi-r and shotits'head off.. It.measured :t7 inches inlength. The skin will be preserved.::-"rue niauyfiiondK-i.ir-~ Ed wind: Hill oltocksburg were much pleased to see him•i Belvidero this week. : .

We understand that Oscar Boyer haspur-chased the property fa house and lot) of Dr.G. W. Cummins, situate - on-GreenwichBtreet, ami will occupy the minie in'.a shorttiiitf.-»; - •• ! ' - • • . - • '

The Only Survivorof. the Hayes Artie Kxpyilttioii, Mr. S. J.McCormick. now U. ti. JJeputy MineralSurveyor," Hliss Station; -'Idaho"says :"J'\ir years I have- suffered, troip!ilus in the hip joint and hack boi de-priving me of all power. The cause wasstone in1 thn Bladder and gravel in theKidneys. After using Dr. David Ken-nedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout, X.Y., I-was completely cured."

Executors^Sale of Land

up so iirown—left;'.without a scalp to its I number present was estiumtod atcrown^ihfourtftHi-.oUi-.hitchh!{:rposts-to.:;^Thui-3ila-,-,l;iat tlio-spccir.! excursion1 tr«iiiwhich he tied his horw, iKJsidtis otherthings that will be hunted up on theday of sale, when these mementos areauctioned oir'.","";:""';:..:;;;1::"";111"'.1.1"."""; "


The Krie. Is building blgcoal ])ookets atPort Jervis with a capacity of lu.0011 tons.

H CoUVe,- a Somervllle englntH-r ruu-ning on the Central, lost his leg at Coin-

- ' *' ' — — "'hil« oiling'it retch

inunlpaw a taw days ago. Whihis engine, he permitted his leg :.acrosrt the adjoining track anil it was cutoff whim u switching engine run past.

In Hpito of thii opposition shown by thehotel men, tho Lnckawannu hns resumedtho operation of its stone crusher at fieln-wure 'Water Gap.,

Tin1 Luckawaiuia will construct a couldonveyunce or coal storage bunks at' tliwDover^ear shops, the. concreto founda-tions already bfeng built. I t is also nim-.oreiLtlia t, the 1lull _'SIgnal_Cp._w i lljjccupypurt'oftturshop tJUllitlngr;.—

The. Star and. Tri-Wcbkly New YorkTribune, $2.25 per year, in advance.

Cures Biliousness, SickHeadache, Sour Stom-ach, 7Torpid Liver-and'Chronic Censtipation.

C1 ea'h s e s the system.thoroughly.and ciearpsallow complexions,- of;

ind blotches.It is guaranteed

F. N. JKNKINS,.Washington ;. F.(.S. SHURTS, Junction; RKA'S DRUG STORK, Hackettstown.

to the Allentown Pair stuck at the Patteu-burg station duo to a broken piston rod ofone of the engines. The !l a, m. train pushpilit tbrough" tin^tuhnel where the -grmledescends to' Phillipsbin-ft.

Wm. Bowlby, whose homo is on tlm Jug-town Mountain, has given his house it freshcoatof paint „.„....,.,, _. • .....'•-..

Mrs; Wm. S. McCrea and Misses MargaretAiigar and May Bloom, passed Saturdaywith Mr. ami Mrs. H. O. McCreu.

Mr. aud Mrs'.- John S. Gaiio spent Satur-day, Sunday and Monday in Dover i htlieir son-in-law, Fred Collanl.


Prof. S. B. Eimnons of Annandale pushedSunday in town with the family of JamesHann. - . • ' • • • • • .

Rev. Mr. Young has been ill at his board-1inp; house with a severe cold .and liilioui

seph II. Oeremer. _eseeutor-oLthoJastwiir~niia-"tosinmcnt~of~\vniliim- JJere-nior. .deceased, will sell at public auc-tion lo the highest bidder at the St.Cloud Hotel. In ttm .liornnifh -nf Wnsh-i i t o 1 l i / lh il ty ' r \ V r nCloud Hotel. In ttm .liornnifh -nf Wnsh-iiiwton.1 lii/.lhe .Kaiil. county o'r_.\Varronand Stale of New "Jersey, on " .y, on

tunlay, Oftolicr IIS, tW\r>,between the hours of twelve and fivoo'clock, in Un:- aftonionn (if the Haitiday. to wll. at tin- hour t>C two o'clock,the tnicl of land and promises in HRUI

for Hie .«;I!P nitntioncd and de-d f l l


Osinunvboth^f^i^iilllipsburK.woreinarrietrat the parsonage of the First M.1E. church,by Rev. Charles Waldron, Saturday , even-ing. Thoy will reside in this plnco.

Charles W. Slack of TrontOii and MissLizzie A. Falk of.Cfttasauqiia.were married'by Rev. Waldron at the parsonnge of the,First M. E. church, Saturday afternoon.Thoy will make their homo in Tronton.JAttho Sunday evening services in tho

First II. E. church Rev. waldron delivered,an'^addrcfla.ou- J? Bishop. Potter's .Saloon."The founding of a saloon by a high church-muu was opposed to, his teachings in thopulpit.') The preacher. thought that theprayer offered by Bmliop Potter and. thesinging of the doxology at tho opening ofthe saloon would have Dcon tnuro appropri-ate at the closing of it.

- Uni-'HHon«--mnilo -known on" ilay : ofsulu. ltv , JOSKPH IT. DEREMKR.KsucHtnr of Wllllnm Doremor, Dec'il.

nutcd.Kcpt'ilR. lilflij. 37-fit. -. .::•;.'•

The Prudential

js^as Simple.andExplicit as a BankCheck .•;—- a Plain,definite Promise topay ; No confusingtechnicalities:-r} Agood urie for youto own.


Write for Information of Policies,


- L K H M E ' D ; WAEtn, Vico Prmtldent KfaOAH B. WARD; Sd'Vlee' PresidentFOHREHT V. DHYWEN,3d VlccPa« ' l WJLUUHH. JOHNSON,4tli Vice Prca't

. nnd Comptroller. GDOAU OKAY, Secretary

HKNItY K. DOW, AsHt. Hupt., Room 8, Bank Building, Ilrotid St. and \V«tt Wash-ington Avenuo, WashlnKton, N. J.

THOMAS HUTTON, District MaimKer, Ordinary Dept., Newton, N J. 2127

Get Ready for Heavy Rainsand Gold Weather

;It is a mistake to wait until Kail comes, with its many calls-upon your time and attention, before putting your; buildingsin repair to withstand the heavy rains, bleak winds and coldweather. Do your repairing early.

Apropos to this advice let us tell you that we are admirablyprepared to serve you with anything and everything in Lum-ber and other building material, particular attention being in-vited to our immense stock of


We confidently claim to have the largest and most completestock and the choicest selection of building materials to befound in this section of New Jersey. :

We never permit anyone to undersell us.

Belvidere Aye. and •>Morris Canal. -.,


New Offerings forEarly Autumn Wear

Black-Coats,;••=":-New Covert and Black Jackets, v"

New Children's Coats and Skirts,

: ., ,_iNew Dress,Skirts and Tailored Suits, .New Shirt Waists in great variety.

New Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Flannelettes,.Outing Cloths, Percales,

.•'••••"•• Hosiery and Gloves.;

that's warranted in all respects for 10 years.

The New RojjalSewing Machine

is •-built_ol the best material bythe best class of •workmen.



Z ; : . ACCURATE.!^ '.

Prices from $18 up. Why pay $50 or $<3o?

The dose is one, just one pillat bedtime. Sugar-coated,

Vmild, certain. They cure. constipation. fcSfl'&ff;:

Want your moustache or beard 7 gatoutifoltrown'orrich'wack?Use "i 'S 0 ¥ E

Page 4: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the

ilraS,'IMS. H!•!•• THURSDAY.

THE WAsfllNQTOK StAlt,WM. A. STBYKER, >The Celebrated Estey. to F. Wathlnglin Avinm, WiHilngtag, N. J

. ilii-' latter t ' l lv' ini Tu.'Nlay; uf In*'its;- Tlii'V wrai.T., Alliiiillr. elty iiml tPECIALMAJTEniltCHAHCMY,

STaotltlonor InAll Unllcil State., SUI

Easton, P&.

i••« New .garments are coming in every day. Xew lSnilstJackets and Skirts .are foiuuliu our advance showing. When

'our stylish ready-to-wear garments you will be pleased.i hi

DailyNew ISuits,

jacKeisuuu^Kiiu-J..«.- ing- , Whenyou sec ourstylish ready-to-wear garments you will be pleased..As usitalj our Cloak and Suit Department will lead again thisseason: '• Correct styles at moderate prices^ is our motto, Ourgreat second floor section will liaye .something now to showyou every day. Come often.

: A Hint oi Walking SkirtsKasliton is divided, so to speak. TUe circular skirt is here, sure enough,

. but the plaits have more than half tlie preft-mice. Skirts of many plaits-narrower and more of thiMii, • . : . • • , • .

A; New Plaited Panama Skirt at $5.98- ; Made of all-wool line l'aiiiiiiia cloth with the plaits laid in clusters,giving the skirl n very beautiful eftVct. , ,

Another brand new arrival that will appeal iu a minute to womencomes in" line l:rcucli Serj t! (which is considered :r very fashionable nia-.terial this season i with o plails, fcirtninj' a urudu&tcd liouuce effect.Price, $8.50.

New Skirts arc arriving :ilmu>t daily and, as usual, wo load iu] bothstyle, and variety...

^ewTaiior=made Suits are HereWe hardly had time to put them in stock before they began'in sell—in

fact, some were sold before we got Ihem on the rack.

New Fall Suits at $12.50, $15, $18,$25 and $37.50

You will like thy Suits tliis season. They arc nearly all made withlotir?. tight-fitting Jackets anil jilaited skirts, and every style has some:distinct feature in itself that makes them all different and sure to pleaseevery buyer. . :

Advance showing of Full Suits on sucoml lloor.

New Dress Goods and Silks areReady for You

This season plain materials will predominate—suclKtis. llruadckiths,Serges, Henriettas, Slorni Surges, Uatistes, Mohairs, SicilliaiisVc'.i:.

Our stock of Black a ml .Colored Silks is simply immense'ami by far the

largest in Huston.

NEW CARPETS AND RUGS ARE HEREDo not miss our larjie assorlmeiit of all grades desiraiili,-.

bulll tu \wv luiuw which will atldxivtitly upon ivnirmnjr at lln- c.fpltn HtU'tmvt'iiU'iu'**.' .T. '1 . - : days wlllttnk** up Mii'li*

'•Him'I fni-RK Un' \t\\f Piuisif lit U* lii'ld hi J'lillUlisbiitV.tin* Lutheran fltturlt Saturday nlsrlit. ; "Tin* I'lm-s;" a h u v residem-*1

T 'llucry-Wolvh In jumping- frtmt a fa-a-ihy C; K V'nv i.t Cedar 1'iii-fc. 'hut Ut-n(inovhifr train on Saiurduy nljilit Ml ! leased liy KDIM-II Wiihfi*.wlm will IUVM'IU-;JHKH'HM II Mwhi-li and wa* seriously h i - ; ly »IIH>II It as u privat*1 sanitarium. Mr.jimsl. : . Kni', wlm formerly I'ondtiiTted u luisine**

: S'vi'nt) fnnn here atli'iided tin- daiuv at ; »-i)lli- f In Huston, will mow to Harris-'Mrs, Ailnins'KatiinliiV nlnlit. . r ttuif; unit liili'iuU after awhile lu niaki': Mrs. <lu>fph SU'i/frfed spmit Smimlay | Ills futuii- home In Callforuln., with her piu-ents at Civsinuiiv. , ; •; Klnier Hhivts has imirltttsi'd llie luirlx-r' . The -H-m-li SVUM.II 1- almtit over. Tlie.v ImsItu-fS of Fiiuik Unix lu Ciibm Si|iiaiv.JuiVf iM-i-n ijitllfsviuve In ihK vlriiiliv. K. I). I'nrwl na-ibroken K>oilntl*m Hair-

! Miss Oiirrli' Uiin^liatl, who IHI- toi vii'iv lleinlits for ii tu-w ifuhlrtu-t: He: stH'iidlnir several duy** wliU friends hi this] exited* to havi* It tvmlv for iH-cupam'.v ont vVlntty; IIIH tvtunu'd to hw luiim* in April 1.. , :.;- • . - • • • • • — - . . . •

"*WiHliIimiiin.-~-'i-.; • •••-.-.•...-.: , ....' i Miss .MUTIU Shropeof Wiirflillifli- Mis; \VimniuCarlimrU*nilt.'slW;ui Hil>; llie nn..,t l;wt wei'U "f Ml-. itm-liel

Urn Harris stivi-I. • '••:-• .[In* *: A jury i-oiiv.cteil Dr. Vm-hntii of Kas

BROADWAY.Your N'I'HH* uiuil'* a mlsti ib ' h

.oiiiirlnw tin1 lertuii' fur lust Friday nightlie Ili'v. Dr. Ityiuiui. h will IK- ••'nit-Kritlttv'. ultihi of ihU wivU ul . . . . . .n'.-luck, mill I'vervluilv Is Invited tn •orix-imd hear " l lnw'rhi 'y LUv hi Pur ls ."

The stork has not y«>t fursnkt'ti thisUltli* vllliic-'. ,V IlitU* 'dnuixliti'r cniue (to the honif of Mr. iiml .Mrs. Morris H. jySiiytlft'iin Wi-dut'-diiy nljiht of ln«i w't'k.'.i-'.T,

,\Ve uiv iiboiit h'aily rot- aimthci*/ Ni'W | _ ,| York ivporli'r to vl>ll us. .•-.-..•• 1L,

Mrs. William Conkllu. who has INTII'II'ivat sutTi'h'i1 with ciiiii'i'i-s iiml h»d some -

iviuovfd fin in ht'r luvast and arm. Is nowIn n iiospltid lu .Morris!own rortiviitiueiit.

Mr. anil Mrs. Arli.v Osnnni nud «Ia>i}rh-ti*r wen' Suitdav visitors at tin* hoiiit* o[lierlirorher, Win. llrliil:.-. ^ . ;

Mrs. H. ('.' Newlilrk of Dover unit r

iluiiulili'r. Mfs..lenul<- lilivhell of Morris-r . .if \Viirtlilntxii>iiwuK|towiiwi'n> vl;i1ilitixMrK.'Ni!wkirk'ii hhitli."if M1« Hiiflu'l. Knht Ivi-x, Messrs. .1. ('. nml Wm. b-wls*. last i

't'ltin eliuiTh nml Id'V, Tt-aM-r m ,-,.I Itun l>-fi on .Moiuluy to attend the Kviiu-il'i-linii Sviiml, 1<I !H> lit-lil at Altnuiy. X.1 Y.. »\ which time Hie Ut-v. Mr. I'ooper.Will In* nnlahifd.

Kifdllamiuoiiilof LlU'i-tv Cnriiff >peuliSnnilay with .lolm KHtts. *

:ln I'linii-hlalHiilIoiiilu'i-venlnf.'DrOft. H. | Mr. anil Mnvli. H. Howers r>)Tin- Ito'-k llnml Coui'i'i't Company will i iluy and Suttii-itny mkiuK In the .>

Ilivean vutei-tallinii'ill III thf Westminster Coney Islinul. , ,l'resh.vteriiiu rliun-h on ihe evi'iiluu of y Must of tin1 fanners niv tlniie s*'i'(Uii!JOrl. .'i. Tin' saim' euinpaiiy was in Phil-1 anil aiv nnw- busy-liarvesliliK tht-Ir eurnllpsbur^ last yeiir. U*rop, whli'll promise* to !*• a UOIHI one.

Tin- Kpwonh Leapui' of the \NV>li-v M. S\v. mul Mrs. Kwnnl Casinerol Chaime-' ••• -,.!..!„: „• ,.,,11,.1-s at the home of thulr


NO instrument could:. . have '.von ami tmin-;tained tin; positlim con-ceded to the ESTEY;:

ORGAN without thatimpelling force knownas quality—that fine Ue-cree of quality • sought'by experts.

58 YEARSA LEADERIt was quality wliicli

first called llie'altentkmof experts to the Esteyproducts, and it is tintrigid adherence to qual-ity which has made theEstey (or nearly six de-cades the leader-amongorgans of America.

Send (or (ree cata-logues.1 :•'.:. . ' " • ' •



CHAS. i . SMITH, M.D.,'•'•. v 136 W.Washingtoo Avciiui. ;

. (J(;lo 9 II." Ml.' • Omcc UoiirHJ.rto :i T». m.

r ?•-: rlli.30 tu S p. m.; SunOnyn: N in tt a, m, 1 to 2 p. m.LKical nml UiDK Ulttanca Telephonut


. , f« to 9 u. m. •

: , : . . . , , ! « lo ,7.30 p. m. -Sundays 1 to 2.p, m. ,Local and l onp Dlstunce Toleplionei.

CHAS. M. WILLIAMS, H. D.,16 Broad Strait.

• i s to 11)M-J l l o a i

\?,,ZQ toDlseaues ot I3y«, NUHC. Ear. nml Throat

u Speclulty.

; 107 E. Waihlngton Avinut.

fH to 9 n. m.Olllcu IloiiraV l to 3 p. m.

; 1.6.30 to 8 p. tn., Local and Lome Distance Teleuhonei*



G. 0. TUNISON,-M. D.,Oxford, Niw Jinoy.

n t n a H. m.Olllcti IluurU'l 1 lo 2 p. in.

U.30 to s p. m.• • Attention Riven to diseases of the t. i na nttliiK of RliiH8e».

DR. P. JUDS0N ECKEL,24 w. Wuhlngton Avimn.


Ofllce Hou

Kisii.:si. (.'lonii iiutot.

(8 to 12 in. ' ^ ^ \11 to G p. m. i'K\

Wm. Laubach & Son, Easton, Pa.

ik'i". thi'li. „ . „ , , , „ „„-,!, ||l,'Sl».ll Illlllli

,n,.,.ni.'.l. nini'.viiMli-liwiiiulii (illi-lliniliurs will mill I" 111.' I''.

Ill 1 - - 11,1,1 ( in . I


M.ll >VI- I .I 'v i


M i s

, \I.'!'C. >t i ' >

. iil.•li.Mi

ill :.fl--l.'IV.li-Cnlllpfiit ii"DullVllllllrr,,i' «..

ry. llni

and avoid disappointmenl, for I Vam now booking orders fur ' •

Spriiiy Delivery of

Peach, Plumarid

Apricot Trees' Clean, Bright and Free

of San Jose Scale

All Olf Goml nml Popular V


lOffice and Roildenct, H6 Braid Slroit.

Ultlfu Hours: S.W.n. in. U>'>\>. m.


Tliosc whci.'ire particular as to

™™«•- ! ; ; F 3 ? i r i ^ f e 'Wrw \ £ .•SS fr1«,asSs.,'lrmv&-• . . 1 ..... "..'. M..;.t.i v",;,,,,^ ' • " p is already sold.. Uou' t wait and


DR. G. T. FOX,kviiiiillli-.|ili'tni.', IMJIiiluNt./


,. ll..ill^-l'l\.ln|in. in. l.i I I'.m.•UN. l'n.iiKlln ll.ni>.'. TUKKI'AVSS llatli. I'll.



! Mt in

FALL SHOWINGMen's. Youths' and Children's

Ciothing, Hats and Furnishings

iir'i'h|i|illlits will ailil w tin- li'alilivrf. i l- l i iMivivk vi

will l.'liHil Ili-l. I": ir.-l..n,iy. n.'Sl rnir< ' M l s JI,,,.,. n,,i|,.v . , , ,,;,,., ,,f lusl Idii.v.'.i'i liavlil N*iiii'ii's. "'."' " ' " R is alrcaily soul., u o m wan aim 3

' n i iV ., i.i. , ,im .....,,• «h.. i - i w.i'l; in Kasiitn. i ,—_»_ : _ 3 yet left as last year, is illy a.lvicc.Y

' " " " " »""»''>>"<Miii>"i"-l-""«"-;1viiini. • . . wllli snr..s.«1'litap.i.lTOt «»• •.•.m.liK'i.ii'ii When •wrilimr for nrici.-i ft

> -^ i I i,l,,iv rt'i.l. was in N.'W W k i-liy u,,|,|i,.,l IliU'lil.'ir.-Anilia Halv.). anil was ! g , " " . W l l l l t l >. ' .o l ,I'"<-L». J

Stomach and Liver Trouble Cur.1. . | h%^!»%Kti^"^,. . J s H J ^ S S W^h"S -Winffi' S »n.l.,,,«l.ty WiUrtcd. 9

•s,.sti.,,,m,1lsll,,,iilal,'Sth,'liv,'i' I.U.I I...W. ,,„ ,1 ,,.,,r In. llauu's. . A |«.r ..( W r w i I'liuiilv ill-UK il tin- O»i~'V W U K 1 V 1 • O H I l d l l l O H . Jt'ls witlium ii-ntaliiifi thi-si. ui-nans 1. kc iln- itaiik <iu Alln-rl ITI-.IY.'|''S U.WII 1..I is | t ( M I'liiu-inat-v' ' " ' .-: . •• A- : . . . . . . . Alulls mul iinllnurv ratlinrlk-s. II .nivs li.-ln r mm away. This imu.'h-11'iil.'il hit- ' • 5 Niusery nml 1'OitOlllCU— dinal1i!'sti,man.lsii:kli.;a.l;i,:li.'iiii,Ulm,iili: imjv.'iai'ii^ wilUifUU.. Jhij a|,|.™niimv as j BRASS CASTLE. V ASBURY, N J. »


lulls anil .iritlniii'y Hiinmin-.-. . . . . . . . . . . ......^ _ _.iiiillfi.-stiim anil sli:k li.'a.larll.' anil uluiinli: \ iiri.v.'iiiclil will aflil Ii. tin- ajili.'aranHv asi'uiislipti.,11. Hi-inn Laxaiiv.' l-'i-iiit Hyi-up i wi'll as ill.- I'imv.'tii.'iii... .if III.- irav.-lini:din's mil naiisi'att: ur jrrip ami is milil ami | |iul.lk\pl.'asatil t.Mal;.'. HI'IIIM-suhslitin.'S. \-\ ; Siaivi'iiii-pusials uf tin' Inwn uf Hup.'X: .l.'iikins. Washln^lun: P. S. Hhurls. icull ]..' liail al SfaN' ami Pitit-u^,-j-V.l.'iikins. uviilummi; 1. S. shu

uitiun: Hi-a's DrUK STur.'r lliirki't

V witli ilie best offeringsi of the season,l stocked with the newest styles: .AlWep^LSmp

and best values To- themoney.


ASEUEY.anil Mrs."llnl'l'.v Sl»ivn I'ap. '

!:' Miil .1. X. SU-.'lnaljwiw li-uin MunilayI I'lirllauil visllillK frl'

Mi.-S AKIli'S Majia-ur Crll is l i was llupui'Sl .if Miss Alkv Ilusli un Similar. .

Miss J ll.' ilallixiis ivtiini.nl lu 1..'

naii uml sunl Siimlay witli

Southeast Cor. Centre Sq. and Northampton.St.EASTON, PA. '

M.-. .-ii.rWiirivn I'lipi'i-Mills...»Mr. ami Mrs. M. 0. Hum....:..

Mrs. .limit's Strilnk ami sun Kivil spi'iit: Siimlav with Iri.'iiils in Kaston.: HKV.'IIIIII Mrs. P. II. Ki-nnuilr uf Haslun

. ,i vlslt.'il their cousin. Mrs. Louis Ku.\. tin.: : ; j l l i rs t llai'lof last^,.,.|;.:-^i.-=..-;.-.-:-.-.•.-.-.:•

t""'Mrs.-.Mai'v Oawi.'.v .if .Iiiaclli.li is 1'ii.ioy:IliiKi. visit with II.T ilanirllli'i'. Mrs. S.-S.iAIpaiit-h. •• .

Mr. ami Ml>. .Inlm llnlini'S ami sun ill'' ' ,-isil with his


IVI.'r IlnlViiiail i'nl.!."liiini;.lfrnin .Mnmrusi'. Hi... lasl w.'.'l;.

Walt.'r (.'nivi'lilljl llllluad.'il aufnittl . ' last wi'i-li. iiiakllli-'tlinthis fall.

,Mr. ami Mrs. .lusi.ph ..-L-IIIS!iin'Stsur.lohir::N. lii'sslck last

Wuvi-r Xnili'i'sun tllil a.n.at . ' l i f . ' a i l . l i sn . iwi i t hum.Mr. nml Mrs. li.'u. 1'isl

is Metzger's Catarrh Cuire- It's-uposithv woinler-workcr: i;ivL-.>i a sufferer a '


up the systcn'i ami puts one in the pink of condition

' ^ l : ^ i ; „-••„,-f.iL.tiitTciiel'es"Mny"Pcvcrpalit'ius

exists, also cures that. -

' Mr. Robert S. Shover, l.oiij; Islanil Slate Hospital,Y f l G l i i ^ n r i l t H ' r V X

tl liall'-hti'i- Kosalin ' twn tmmtlls with frit-mis ll.'iv.til "aliii'ilar in I -Miss Knssi,' Ill-ink ul .lai-ksuu Vi.lt

, ' IslH'in Siimlay wilh Misi IVail Jirink.! Miss .-it.'111. llriiik is sp.'iul!iU! si'vvi

;s wilh ]u-i->ist.-i-. Mi's, llarm-a Wlill-•• in \Vi.sliinp!t.m.

,...m-l.s Wnmllini.- ami Mrs. lsaa.- I.an.»'ol' Hhillipslmrj: spent, Munilay with Mrs.

... , lli'iiry \V Hint'.uls 1 Miss U.'liara r-nyiU-r li'flMumlay vvi'ii-

. iHfr fur Kiistun. whviv sin- will sp rn j «<r-• till' I'liTlilays.. . - . . • •rili.y i - MliS linnii--Oiii!.vl:.!,-aml lltil.- iii.'.r.!.

Krina Hrink.'uf waslilakUii.rsp.'ni-AVtnr1

lav with Mrs. liviiry Acki'i-sun.\V.' niv itliul lu Irani HUM C. S. SII.V.I.I','

vhu has l)".-n iu a rrilical I'umlitiun fur:uinr tini.'. is sulu.;wli!.t iiuprovi'il at Ibis

• I"1



Valuable Real Estaterm Satnnlav.

Missi'S Ui-rtluV llru\™,..'Kinnia TlllK-lmrl 1 .",";-.—.•>;•aiiil.lnrol. llrnwno ofLelianim visitvilMr. w ) ' l ' hn.li.ilami-Mrs. P. Bruwm: on Momlav. _ J'_1III»IIII l.i',...-.

- • • :-.i ::;.:.• L i . - 1 Artliui'^cynioiir.: rt'liii'iii'il-tu lu

,( Asln.Iioln jf Klizalit'tli H. OsiiH..-,

\'-irr.-n C..naty.,: X- J- v

."•tat.-. sell-Ill" follow.•nliiiilil.' rail •.•mntf'i.'l pilliliu aiictl

ah.; hnlclr.l!i:Au'>'iry. ^ 'T

01 J3.JL-,

Spectacles and EyeglassesTlmusuiuUl or Kutisttctt I'atroni

0 T T : 0 i A R C K , O p t i c i a n ,441 North million St. ]'\S1

O p t i c i a n ,]'\S1ON, 1'A

EYE EXAMINATIONSlc liy Hi.'laiost inetliodH.

Ocular urnirs of refractionsclcnlltlciilly corr (1 withvases for tlioeye. "Torold"ifiist-s L'UInt; Increased Heldifvlsloa. iiMjecialty.

DB. HORACE LICHTY,ict-.ov,.-ii,,,i..P<;.,.,„. EASTon. PA;:;iours Nlui; lu l.'.lfjht. Tcniiit. Teliiplione.

J. R. UNDABERRY,11 Broad Strtnt.

Bcjil roi'.imd1 Dealer In -Ilna!-h3atat*».---.IUSTIC1-: tii-' Tll'K I'KACK, ' '



IS Broad Slra.t.


"Local Tcleuhona C-tl! No Bl

5 f S v ! , .505 I-' ••Kimli.v .scge "'Catarrh Cure. 1 want a fa, a spring remedy d

^Iviscifu sing yoiirj

1 want a fand a'le

eiir^nriltHr^V;ml 6 bottles of Met/.-.w bottles for myself

/or'fnen.ls whom I

Bethlehem, Pa.

' T I I " " I ' V ' C V " I i l n J . - Rm^t"^- . . !* ' m V i t U l s t i - i - tCn .ml l l i t . i l l iM^ ils Willis. .Ii I i,l,! for locailon tu 1,,, foun.l ami well j l-resl. Vogetablesit iuly. , . •.

Rrom AiliniT. V i f e l i i i i c l i i n i a n , i : i i , m ; t i u n : ! l i » ' l l i " m l « m ^ l ' l ; V " l ! t ! o ; : T J l r v ; r i l t s i i s ! y " ' r 1 ' ' ' ' - - ^

I rlimii'.iimrwi.Vlli.v.'hir.rairirs.-.nirnl- (if-rhc ' ' ' av nirit.iiinniilcilliy.rax il i .nii ist i lurvin >'i k. ami a never raillni.- s t r e a m . o f ; ~ ^--"- " • -~;v.;^

' ' • -•• •• ! IVi'tllllB l.lnllK ll l.i-™,lc t.,1 till- Kl-itts n.i'lli. ! " . ," "I ' „ ; » " „ " . "'ffiiw i r u n m f" II / I ) "^W~—~r

• " • • •;Th,.s;'hir,lsfl.,;.lunyuiingtlsh. • j £. ™",'Xc- 11 'TOcro Is S o a Seam-i ft V f n T n ' • 0 -• S«l'n''Q>'-W-

_ fOLLOW THE CROWD AT DINNER-TIME11 liiul it lundtrt fur

FRAUNFELTER'Sc moMl popiiinr nml lie

• uuctetl rcstnurnnl 1»


Put Your Money in the|= Morris County Savings, Bank a

.tS-Co to $i,ooo oud on the first i 1,000 011 Ml larger account :«•* nf Ji,noo up lo iJ luciudTuB the Hiun of *fa,o6o.

3rdi-At the wte of two t?»"per c«'t«11111 m 011 Hie excess of|a,ooo. ,

Assets,,$2,816,954.33 7 ^Surplus, $259,729.0011. exce|it Sniunl;iyH-nu(! lfpliilays., Siitiirdnys

;i-p.;JJ.; RODNEY, S<c'y ind Trcas.


I .Osier \ iiiincuivii •...- . . j . ,u-(M'l)(i'(!n nllVriistinikinimuim ihcKrH' iviilroml.Miss T>innit! Jniwz."tnn-lifrat-Ml. FU'iis-

;iiiil. is lnuiniiiiir wilh ]n-r mini. Mrs.Unroll H. Hci-l:.-• Ht'.Mimi'loiviHHn IMUVIIIII Wildrick inul,liis I'urprf of mi-n.v-ivoljlifii'tl tu work :ilt

7%'mi'lf."H:iii1"'iTPVCii!rr:n(!r.!i!i]t-.:l;i-;ult;iLc<)!il\ Iniin fiohijr wist.- • . - ..

itolH-rt- rinytU'i- nf StUhviuci' i:iAV-\\ un•1 his mnihiM" on Sumliiy. .! Mr^Ciirrii* ShilliT of Oil)., visiieii IHTj iniitlii'i'-iii-iiiw in New York Siiltirtiii^iiul1 Ml'ivi'l Suviler. 1'iHil iiK''in- lit Su-niKis-ilmrit. visii.-il'liis mollier Stinmliiy'»"<!; Sunday.- - •' .Incni^iltn'k luis IWHII iviinpulnu'd iifjimtrTor ihe :Ch;ii>M'i<-'ii -inii.i'.htm'ry foi- anotht>r

! Mri'iiiiil Mrs; .1. I;7 Hi'ck nml M r . andjMi'S. fieorp' Ht.'L-k and two tliuifilltut's

Clarence VaiiHorn, <mr tirucliei1 visitiulhis rrinnds at Stillwator (in Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. 5Iyers nr'BelvUlere wereniiests tliii enrly pnrtoMh!* w«k nt Hit?

i.hiiujlinn ».-... ^ • -iWilliimi Alwl.on Mimiay.I Mi^s Kmll.v-Aix-1 liu»", ,-isii nf si'venil vnvk*! I'liiinllcld.

-.."TNOTICE.^L .... ...:'..,.,>f ihK \iliitc olT V Viiulctonnruc, ilccensoil. ' j Creditors..

the: onltr of the Smrogiile1'ifth tin;

D. B;L^UBACHFunsral Director and Embalmer.-

rersount Attention Dny or NiKhl.I HOW.Wiihlnjlon »>onin. WnhlmHn,».I..

BAJ«CER and BROKERDealer in stocks,'HonitStOrain Coffee utid.

Cotton. Buys ami sells for immediate or

future delivery on . niaruiu. ..Direct,

private.wirc to New YorkVuiiJ Chicago.

Opera House B l o c k ^ i k

X l l L' • ' • • • • - • • • • • • • • • " ' ' ' - ° . " • • • - • » • ' • ' • . " • ' • •••- ' • • :• ' ' • ' ' " -

; • ' • • • ' '

: :' • • : . : : . • • . , o f t . ' ' : . -

Page 5: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the



TWO YEARS' CREDIT IF NEEOEDMin|.Ui»AM!lo turnltli r-ir h n «!Hit l.-nitlf,,l High-

ftrarf* Comlth Piano or OrB»n>"" »I Tin r if I^JIIH m niramr.) '•l» mttl fiiur cutiteiilfncr. ^i^vlul ttnii". Kn ran *ilMf mi) '


trjl-lt luii 11m LriirKI .<fu.flVl,,f)T|t[f>ninI ;

. . . io*. (i—H .lilM-cl •

hftaronalrwMh'i Mt* In y«mr w n l>nnii', Wetlufirtt UiJikFortHI '!"

'—""*' H"h*(l?","'5»'l'i""- »*Vtampl'f*M»tnlj-(l«^*ri. jDistance is no obiec- !

lion. We ship promptly !J-everywhere. We havef, 250,000satisfied patrons. I

If TIWI Mint tn III.J . llr.|.tl*>. ;•|i.n..i.r(>rr*n .1 f.Hxr c . l * • ?


Democratic Candidate for Member of Assembly.

i .l.,s,.|.li II. I'irtli i- .11 |ir ill Sliiyni-iif 1'lilllilniiurR. 111! i> innMif 111.' nm.lAIDS TO PURCHASERS. ] I"'!'11'1"* .MilVllI- l l l i lt ill.- h i " t'lWll 111' \\'lHTI']| l-ullllly I'YlT Illlll. .ItH- 1'iltllV \Ullil

U D T T U <* "' K""»l ii- i' Ii I. ""• ' >t i- II"*' rlninii.'UTi*tlr ur •iimlit.vtlntt i< nvpiiii'llitaF R E E If,,,- 1ii< | , , r an f.ill.m'ini;. l ie-ni l , Imvr nlmiys II.TII in.,. | sr,,tif.viliB wli i w

••.iIi2KJJ f I?lSU!!V;. .hU pniinliirllv mi* wit lii » t i s l willr'tln! v i i l rn . 'I M,-! u r n ; „.„. I,,,,,, i,, l'lullin-liiiia .», Krliniur}- \ii, fWiwIilnitl.mV Ilillll-

,h,y) [S.-,n. II,. » , „ ,.ilii,.|it,.il in Hi,' I11111I |>nlilu- «'IIIIIIU .ili.l in IS7I1 IH'JI.III lilVI,* II "itu-i-r1- t'-li-rk. A vi'iir liitt-r III: filti-lril 111,1 WIIITCII 1'inuniiv in Iciiin llir

-..„ trail,' .,f I'liinM. In ' l s77 In- wmit In I Im. NVI... wli.T,' In- r,',i,l, ',l 'fur ti'iirairtw.ii- M«.J .n,u.i. j , ,]„_ l l f t , . r ,,.1,1,.!, !„. n , | , l n i , . , | („ l'|,illi|i,l,iujr nml nvwiinil wiirk'nt tins Win"

';.; i n ™ " 1 ri'ii "Kmimlry. liiii-liinir lii- Innli. i.- n'liwi-liiiii-l. II.- nmlii.'i,..! i|,,.,,. r,,r liv,." t,!iihCj!!a»nrm^lir

B ' v - i " l l - '"I"1'1 '"It'liiilll. wlllib ]m-itiiill In- tit'lil for twrkf wi l l s

lirlntit.it, mUir iml d«l«2 . A H I 6f t-ilnit.1 a

nni'OM-.i.irriii.jri'iWViiFiriw.l ttr\i»,it.

'l' Jut t nit tun li\ the xttti'UK

III HIM*" FHrtfirjon Mrll* IT U.\n: ami n»l l« Ikli nutiln



Balance J 5 a . ...., at your convenience.

hiimltnl* of tkllfet IM«- 1 ™ ^ H . ^ iih.nlt., »n,1 HB 1'iilM nn.| MII n( Hr.llVlillfPCt to lh« ««nc»-.I'UlillelhP tifift I'latim sn<l Dntmni In Aiuccli:*. Vuui'iii'I \l't

i rt (*urr'i.<'i If J'«i ilnn'I

! .Ml,.Sinllli(-lh-l.il:

Mr. I ' i i l l i ttii-n iWi»n, ' . l l u , -n tc r tin- Imlt'l h i iMin—, wl iMi IK- . fo l lnwi i l t'nr

\-i*vi'ii ,M>iti->. l-'>ilt(iv\iii^ ' I n . ' he .-ii^Ji'-i'il; in I ' l i i iuin^ in C i c c i i w i i l i t u w n

\ i-li-i-lcil l i ) u n - ] i i | i I ' lnuniit l i ' i - i inin mill -I 'tvcil n> .•l iainii iui ui' ( h e l inni i l .

i Hi.- r;iiin lie ivl iniK' i l i n I ' l i i U i | - l n n - KII.1 Hit- f.il1i>uin« j -wi r wu> c l iTtml M:\ynr.

S i n n ' llii'ii ]«• lin-. ^ i v e n tii~ win it.- i i l tc i i t ini i l u tin- i l u l i c s of tl ie ol t i i i ' . [

lit 1MS I. In- ...ivi-il IIJIOII I In- Iti 'iinl of l-'n-i'liolili-i-, vi>{>iv-<'iitin<: i]n> TliinE \

U' l in l ni riiil1i|]-1iur<r. • 1 !•• -wn- i - l r r tn l t o tin* T o w n Cninir i l t w e l v e c m - . T i i ! ivr \

\ .Wills i i tH | MTVill ilS ]'R'-i«l«'Ilt nf licit limly -IX M'lUs. II,. w n s Cll trf nf t l ie Kill ' 1

I Pi - imi t nt wlii'ii Hie i Ja im-wcl l A l n r m - y > t c m \vn- iutinil in-cil ami rc-iL-ncil <ni I

ni' h f i i i ' ' a i i iuinl icr of tin- Cmuiuil . ' '.• •. . ;

JUNCTION.Kiitl<- H n y i k T ;iii<l IMiiliu•tit nv i i . l a y s l n s i A w . ' k witE-:II- I tfthU'tK-in. i 'ii.

.Mrs. l , i i l l i - i ' K v l n i K l I I K . V . I I In i • Milinitsi- I t i l . l y . .c- i ipl- ' i l liy Kiv.l I t n ^ uititil f a m i l y .

A t m n i ^ LIIHSK II I I I - I I I I ink; si'l I :>

KltSt HI I ill"'1 tlfUl-Kf Hlllll't.". WildUTI-II Li-n-li'x I'tviiiinilnry (m- l.nfny-i-ti.'. »in I ii.-iir.ir- Hvi'liiinl. wlm •.•iih-rn:

C.ilU'Kf n! lUisitH-fS.

• |i..n|.l.-. illinlU IVV.'llty-

(• I I -

>'<1i Thtir;

ntlx ni" .f'


• -t-lit-.-t.-H i-lllZi'll. IJ. -IJ. rilljMM'.-Wll.S llllll• ' i n t r .^L in tin- i t ap t lHt i :e tnr i . .Ty lii.«t

F r i iL iy . T i n ' i i ' i i u i ln s w.;ri> liluilf,-IU; l i i ' i i i l l az i ' i i . N. .1.; l»y 1 'n i l t ' r i . ik iT IH'iiy.1. Mis s Flusxl . - IJiitli-r h im rKti inici l

fnii i i n t w n w i f f k ^ v i s i t i u I ' l i i i i i l lfl . l .

.Miss K • l i i iw l i in i i . .nt KII»i1ictli .oi ici ' :r n-fll I tm .wi i i v s l d u i i t • h « r o . i s v[s -

IKIM. niiikiiifT li>-r

.l07.cn liirKo.lii f

recently rL't't-ivp.! hy iniscike, oneT K l d

•li-rs w i t h Mr*. . l i t

isi W. ' i ln

r«i Van-

wliicii we offur al cost price... f . ( \ n I P, "J ' ,„' , ' *,','.?,'.- c, "•'•!• I !•'• l.»«:Asllicrc arc only a ilozcn of I I I I L Tli.- nv ..ilici-s nf Jolni lloyliorry.Ilium, thev will not lust lon^. 'i'liitrl.-s -mi! Abe of Duv.-I", Hpi'iit 11:111

\ i»r l u s t wi'"i>k o i l t h e f . i r• ' I l l l u i s h . S t i r . h u s c ' l iu l l I

When- it conies-to • }£yr!W'J£"%h?&fl»*®&AGATEWARE-- = - " - - ' ^ - '—— -••»..».

Ul'ss M i i y - S n l l i v i t i

tile ordinary k ind also, but tlio U s k is j TV»JIn"* j- v-«-i-ii (the only kind to buy if you want to ha ! ' O l l Ssminl'iiy nipht tlio l.uthc-ninccotioinicnt and .perfectly Kitistioil, ! - ' - - : ... . <• i..

A full line of tltc iimVch'icss . ••.-


! StinH.iy tn-.hwl will li.ild|sni']»-r.- \*oi;iil und liistrinni.-tit.il imislo

,"•"! wllL'iiif'liriivtileii."--'All:nriViu\ IU.1.1 -'"'"•';-•" ; : i " W. A. rttfvuiisun, "Miitiiii^ 1UV«II*.TII-:I.

w'A't pivui'li in tin' Hnptisi church next

Ua|)iisi I'liuri'lt of I'niiT.-'iti.

are oil their way, and w i c i t h e m t o .•: r -.-.VIENNA; ••

arrive next weuk. Don'l l>ny until you i 4|1'*- ' • l i"™ i h ' " " ' ' ." s i ' " " ; . . „ .•. .sectlicm. Wcalsoliavc onlJreil a J i i ieh l l l l l l,.!>11 " | 1 1 J , . , > 1 ' 1 " | H 1 " " " ' " ' 'I'or.HratiilK/S'tdvjs-lliuf-will sttract.:lin-|,-! •'41'.1 ."J Hnrltcl- wus"-1» -Cu-i.-a-Blioi-.*-

usual"attonttoii by fiiason uf thcir-;novclconstructioii .

••~vScc-"tlicr..JigHest • .""I '• 'best-Oil-Heater M i l - k t r u . s L " - w " . . ! ' • " • " ' • : . : "cv t r on the market.. H has four burners | ^ ' ' j . ' ^ s K ! i . , . , •-jn-U'un-in••,-!«(t

BLAIRSXOWN. '•i f - V J U K M I K U I ; in<>i>t'iii^K l i c ld i n t h e

M, I!, f l l l l l ' f l l l l l r [IllSt t w n w.ii 'kt* IlilVfl u t t f l i r l f i l | , y lill-t,'.- a lKl l t ' l l f l f ' i i n d

! ' 1 M A

hi- iiiiiiuiir. unit i'nif. Anilrow^t ux ititiKi'i*. «•.• think. <-nn luinlly In- »<x-

Kinin.-i J. IMV.TH is inliiifiilNtnitor ofIn* ".-n r tin- Int.- JnntuK III!!, who*Kci'htly <-<in]nilll>'il suk-iil.- by t a k i n g !

.Ui'i.t-K'- l>. Hiinm-ll U-t'L hiHi w.-ok tollit.sh his sttt'll.-H lu the KUHKHI C<ilk-ffe

irlHT. S-l.lt'li K. Ihir t-IS iL IIH'IllllLT Of tllOml Jury . This \>: theJlMWll UlilU IlllS b.Jt-ll I

i-iiiii-ii (ii mi mis impnrtitiit post. iWt- imti' w'ilii n-Bfi't the s f r lous ' l l l -

II.'CH nf I'l-.-sinn-»liiimnk<T. formorly "of

Enfihope t>iHurtiiliH-il fur his

l * l

jit Ills lmm<- in Hurrl

«d Hint tlicro Is llttloovery.

•Jmiiiii MiiikT li-ft .\lnmlay inif Hlmly in tin- Ti'.-iclu-i-s"

C:.lk-i;i' a t Xew Vork,rt Ih-lsfl, •wlm lias li-nsi'd the

Mnnivlim Inn nt Hop", was ivti-ntlytht.- ulcrk of tin; IKIU'I lit-rf.

A L-IIIM was horn to Mr. :iiul Mr.-. Kil-wanl »• iriiuuuuk. nf Truntttii, a t thuliiimu of ht-r paivnts . Jrr. and Mrs. A.I-'. Kilmoiuls. in Paulina.

Illnifstown's tux rail- this y-sir Isfi:!.ir.. r«-tst y(>ai- il was JM.i'l. Tin:"c.-niuiy ratt; is miicli lowor.

Thf totjil inimbiT m'•sr-holtirs att^nil-li'ijr1 tin- Ulairstuwn public-" scrhool ' Is

Cli.U'lo^lIIII. :«)ii l)f'.lI...K|..>tt;!ior Hill, jii |iiilntor., was . IUT'CSU-.I1' last Thin-siliiyartvi-niimi b y si (•;mstiihK; Ci-dm .Wwtou jami lufUl I'm- Un- non-suppm-t of his |wld-. ilaiiKht.'i- Hi" .h-ri-y 'Mlllfr. wlinnlie •nutr.-ii.-il a yoar ur so a^n. 11ill*:

alu: \viiK marriL-il um;i.' •bc-fiire -liinl- liml-her tlrst hiislninil is livliii,' and when |

Mi', ami Mrs. O o r n v Cir

:--.-.::;BUTTZVILLE.;.^-v,::v ; - . '- •••A'li-m-7i"iir-yTiiiiVKvittV-ii";vb..-j,'.:.; w»i;k";

IIIK' niiL of u.tvn—\V, J. lierry amIliin-y I'arct,'!] i>r Knstun. ami V. P

•Uwy •tif Nt'Wtirk spj-ni Knmlay. willUiclr..:piir.-ins. "Whttii Ui'uy' tLi'^TiomtJ.ii.':nJ=;hai:lA-s.,JAl]i:ii,_w!m Is _jtltii|iilhu

L. .\!PJ«. Smith .if Xuw

liehlein Block next to Star Bld'g. i ri;1 *• I ,,,,;•„, ,„> All.ntowi, fair last T.n.r- - - ^ Z ^ ^ J " ^ ^

': ,~.r--V6terInAry-"*Sii(!ui»cs;;caro (liBoriBos

Poultry by noting directly oil tho SICK PARTS.loss of tiaio.. '

> lip;;. !•:, !..:-:;-!Hi-.Mrs.-rrAivlu.-:l-!!in-!ss^iit^iMie^^^

~V""I;L00KE3) tiOn», 1.

STWBI WORMS, lloU, Orutii.

B. E.l^OUnil*!, CnliU; InEluenzn.CUREaSLuniB, piuuro-I'iieunnmln.

Q.G. Prisvt-iilfl MI8CARRIA<JK.


'\? J. K-IPAH COXDITIO\, HtnrhiB Coat,ODIUM) indiguHtluu, Sltiiiiiioli HltitEtieri. -' :

60c. each; Stable Caso, Ten Spbcldca, Dook.ftc, $7.

' ' Hiimpnroya' Modlcluo Co., Oor. William and John• Streets, Now York. ..-.-•


ti: _ ' ' T i l ^ CURIS WHERl All ELSEFAILii, IJM "'

I s • '• Star and Tbxice-.a-Week N. LY. World.$2.00 per year, payable; in advance.

.Mr.' mid Mrs. 1-. V. Willia

iliu-liv ilniiLjhUT.' Miss. KiiL.-, to Mr.1 *'-•ClurU DnickiMiniillcr of Kcrnnion unWdiliH'scliiy. OiMohor I.

Iti-v. Allt-n.or Alliany. -\". V., urt-uislu'd.... n t'umllilatu In the Pi-oabyturlanfhupih InsL Sumlay. Nosl Siinilny.Rev.Sin nf I

m yDK Isbunl will j eucli

: Pt ' liuar Hi'okaw.- who husInusly ill fin* the past two

Miss l.lxxlu JlnlucH l-s a I. tins homo ofher innthu'i- u-'rtr Newton for a wuc-k'ss t u y . - • • : r • • . ' - • -. , - . ; . . "

bo'cn'hori! ihc Riio.st ot-hoi- paroiits tho:

past wo-k.


. Mrs. Asu. lUish jiiid'hcphow.,, Clarence.si'Io'iTt' Sunday aL UockslwrtC.

Mr. and Mrs. .Tamos K. Smith IwvobcL'n-c-nt«'rtniniiiKJu-;aiulMrfi.' Rohfi-t'Gniver and clilldrcn of Tort Warren.- Mrs; J. W. Huwk of this place and Mrs.Annie Rush (if Stewnvlsvillc are speml-tnp; tlio wouk at •Trenton. v

Mv. and Mrs. TjUtliei^Kinney spoiltSunday at Albert Klniujy'S-' '

Mrs. Hannah Smith ami sisters, Kiltyand I'anlim1. spent Sunday, with theirsister, Sfrs. T. .WHloyer. In Stewarla7

v i l l a . ' . . ' " . " •' ' ' ••"'"• " " """"•"' • ' " ' ' •"• '

• JItirry Smith entortalned his cousin.Clmrlos nrown. of,, your borouffh, onSunday. ,,, • ••• ' r ; . . ti '

Mrs. Mary M. Kliihcy has returnedhome .nfter u two weeks visitfjjvl.threlatives in Plillltpaburff.- 1 ^ / - -

Cliarli'H Hunt over Smulay.1

rs.-..Jo.«.!nli.W"ldciHii- iind dauKhtcrs.:. 'Gori:" Xliii-hitt anil"-1 .Mrs/": Frank-

They visi"te»V--Mi:s.""\V"'.•?"iliiushtoi'r'JIrsrJnhn Uiiiley.

jy rs . Sarah ]_5. "Tilus of Blairslown

nii"Vi'l(liiy!. K-jr sister, Mrs . Slary 'win-tonnnti'. uiH-onuianloii hor : lionif?.

Kpwm'tir'l^'iiniii'. s.M'vloos next Snn-(Iny -"I'Vi'tilns at il.-l't. Suhjoct.; "ThoOhrisiliiii-iuid His HlbKi." Hllilo studyand rally day; lestrtur, ^r. J. Grain:. Thentli'iiihiiici' of. cvory • niembui* Is verymuch: dusli-ud. ' -:-•;-, ." '. . ..." " '

in1!,' Mrs. JSUwtli-d Smith tiiVd'otlToivrol'iV-tivos In this plaeo. . . .: Mrs. Kdwiird Sniitli ami Xlr'sFN'uniVvlsjiod,,'Mrs. :ni^(Y..^iUJ.lope slntitin on'

' ' llrs.'Solllilfiy Is vlslllniv her snn Kil-wanl. -•:'--. .. . . . . -:-.-



nor in LowNeither in StyleP r i c e s ; • • : • . ' • • • '• •• •• .• :; . . ' : ' •..•••

has any previous stock of Clothingin thisfor any other house of this section comparedwith that now displayed upon our tables. This isnot said in a boastful spirit nor without regard fortruth. We know exactly whereof we speak and areenthused on the subject as never before.

The keen competition amongmanufacturers has developed a-standard not dreamed of a decadeago. Today there are no ablerdesigners nor more expert tailors inthe exclusive customer tailoringestablishments of Fifth ;Ayenue orBroadway than are employed in theworkshops from which our clothingcomes — clean, airy, union work-shops.

If you want to see what is really the most stylish, mostelegantly made, most durable|line of Ready-to-Wear Clothing produced, come here. Itwill prove a treat to try them on. There will be no obligations to buy, or sour faces ifyou don't. . ' . :

Men's Fall Suits Men's Winter SuitsIn the Hivontc siick style uf Oxford niixlures,...••. Now is tlie time ii> buy n new fall business,

checks, plaids, single mid double d*Q J . ^ <£ 1 A \ Suit while the slock is fresh and sizes plentiful. We. . ^ ) / I O »P 1 TT ! biivr them here, stylish cut and popular fabrics, such

fancy cheek, plain and plaid ( £ C 4-*\ (CO.; JJD IU «pyJioys have the faculty

nf developing weak-spotsin thetr u'iirdrobe at un-expected limes. Wehave the faculty of re-storing tlmse weak spotsat any tiii'ie whether itlie trousers,lontfur shortKnickerlmckpr Suits, at I mixed Twc-eds 'ancl: ftiiicy Cassiuiere are amfi'om ! fashionable fabrics this season and choice

jticallyfunrestricte(l: single and (^ | 1 J.-.doubie'breasled <> 1 t I U

Men's High-grade SuitsThese are here hi tlie most jjenleel of custom-

tailor fabrics. Your attention is called especially tothe close-fitting collar, the graceful lapel, the broadshoulders and easy. hang. Fancy Worsteds, blackblue and Oxfords, unfinished Worsteds, Thibet*,

! Cassitneres and Cheviots..

theis prac-

$ 1 .75 tO $ 10.00 I

Top Coats and CravenettesWe offer you unmistakable values in this col-

lection, which comprises the short sporty Top Coat ofknee length, overcoats of black and Oxford Cheviotsand unfinished Worsteds, and long Cravenette Rain-


coats in fashionable weaves and colorings, cor-rect in.every line, beautifully d Ctailored; from :ilore

es and colorinly d* { A J .^

$1\J W

H A T ^ T Soine-uicii look belter in soft hats than derbys---11/V 1 O • Soft hat styles have changed considerably—nob-

by jaunty effects are our fall offerings—ns comfortable as they arc stylish-Priced like our derbys amVas yreat values 9gc to $3*00

This ilcpartrieiit is now tilled with new FnlUcavei*.The colorings are red, gr.iv and jireen eflects in

plaids and many other beautiful shade1?, in the new wide I-'our-m-h.mds, TeeksBOWS, strings, Ascots, etc...... 2Sc, 49c and 98c

We are now prepared, having just received a'finelincof ribbed, n.odium ami heavy-weight. These

inrnients are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wool .mil fleece-lined garmentsuiabnndancc and sues tofitall..;^... 25c, 4(JC, %C, $1.25 and $!.5O

E)R STYLE AND FORCOIFORTMiiny.'ji well-shaped foot looksawkward ami,ugly. ,.<uid;ieelstlie same way, simply becausethe shoe on it has been boughtregardless of everything .ex-

' : . c e p i p r i c e : ' . " " ' - " • ; • • " • " ~ r " _ y " • ' . •

Vour liealth and happinessdemand comfort lor your feel,proper pride deinands styleand beauty in your footwear.


^ .r; ?. VSvk!?PiU?5iiE .?.J.U11 ^"you"1witir."1comtorlablcr"r\veil-:~r""

fitting shoes and to •meet your

liable i^bods :.nl vonrtonablcprices, ;uul \VC; are here toprove it.

following well-knchi.t;h-j^-."adc shoes:

QueenlQuality, S3.00 and $3.50.American Girl, $2.50. Tryme, $2.00.Boston Favorite, $2.00.

-For _ __W. L. Douglas, $X0'0~aiHl .$3:50.Ralston Health. $100.M. A. Packard, $3.50 arid $4.00.

"original' "style~

You will findit in no other shoe.

-'See our new lines'bf NeckwSf; Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs arid Gloves.

iveClotbier and ©Hooman

' • ' ' . • • ' • • „ £ • • - ' ' •

'|The old A. W. CreVeling.Starid.


°l!i '! iiml lies. HIIIT.V Homli'i'slmi. nml jMr.' mid '.Mrs. Williiuu Wliltwll spunt./|'iM<Mliiy inviiintf In VliillliHlnni' nnd at-1H'mk'd tin' fair »t; Alli'iitim-h Wnlnt'siliiy, jit'tui'iiintr hmiw 'rimrstluy. , i

KliiR'r HiTL'tuiffl), who hits lw(m si'i-Hms-ly Illnrinllaininatlan of Mm limvuls, wt«'»ri! tflml to sny, is imnrViviiiu;.

Mr. ami Sim, Hcor-ni Cn>f(»i' of VoW\*-Jinrif s|«i»t; Sunday wilh liis paninls, Mr,uml Jlr.s.David Crt'jrnr.

was a luruo OIIII..- ;,'r,'. , : ; .., .••..Mrs. Ivittie ofAlIitinViiuhv Kuii bmi\-1H-"

Ithif* her HftrierrWnt. PekT Welsh.Kilwanl Gillie hus lnuiirht pomtMinick-

lund of JlrH. Kllziilwtli Vruelnml. ,•


:.;;Sior""and TMce-a-Week World, $2.00

..mod fre

ecomliiBlyd t

Iroiir*®*^ .

. A. Davidson

BONNOTBROS. 1 \v H o i, Ii s A i.,n

FloristsN. Y. Telephone No, 2433 Madison Sq.

RETAIL STORESr ' ';." 145 Newirk Ave. and Pcnna. Depot,

JerieviCUy, N. J.O B E B N HOUSES: Fleminfiton, NV •

This Auto is atYour Service

Day and Night. Charges Moderate.A New 'Rambler- capable of carry-ing Five Persons. &'-• IS

Edgar S/Webster.. . ' . . • ' S T . C L O U D H O T E L .

BarrelsppUrge anil Small Orders Solicited.

•' Low frciKhtnites^aml proiujH-ship-

ments tn all points.

10,00.0 Alwo.ys.pn Hand.


. : : , :^ I?I E. Wmthjnnton Aye:r" " Opiwiito JI ' ErC!iurchr """*

1 18tnl0n.ni.Offlco Hours < H n t p m.

. ' > • ' 630to8p in.General practitioner, lucliidlnR treatment ot

tbo eye and llltlngof ejnsses.


212 Northampton• Street,

'J0^m EASTOS, PA.,Teeth extracted absolutely without pain.The best set of teeth that can be made

for only $S.oo. ,

Page 6: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the


I 1 1 I E N T I >kZ W^JZ J SEPTEMBER COUR1>^:~":I'.' :(r»«lwiml frjm imgr •/,') | Fellow, PMJCS Away at Asc of :• .- . ; :, ((Aiiitiniu-il/rom IWJC /.V !ll"'..' ...-... :.' .'..'.... --.!...'..-.'. . —._:.-.;.'... • ; • .'•• l:I«htv-5even Years. •-' " | -..,..,.~-~ ...™~ ...-._'._.,__::'.._:...:. Ji.-I111..U1 tu r.|.ns-iit Wiirr.-n ciinnlr In williiini 'l'li-t»niiilh. liiimri'i tniiiilinrlv iaitil Pninrtan IVmtt.i, two ' fiireignt'n..;l-n^VVuM^ •riet-wnrth. ilie.l -.it lli',-!«"Aliiha. wiw r v h w l . .,iliw-l'^iin.l .*.Bil'l.'n"r-I.f Vny "uiwlllH- Hiiiiiw ...r III- ilnllchliT. Mn..-liiilirtt t.'y. i fa-e No. 1 In the Circuit Ciulrl—Tin-,'"."•• , , , . , ., ll'hi-i'-. 'in Kurt Clnin i r -tui-l . . la-tlKini'lirahnekei-Tni-l f". V-. Kihinmil II.:-5pport--"f".'.v."v r '"!u'e 1,,,"*,f,,."i',,,',-i Ih...Mlay.ilterii,-,n. lie l,».l !»,•» I...U-irnrliart-wii,, rer.nrl.-.l »,ltl.,l; j™.K!S JBiVtv (,,,',5 ilr .-O.-ry"11.,-r lui-iVil I mi fmir I.MI» with Wait .li-.-n«e! I W Xi.. 2-wiw lrle.1 withont a jury. ,hieUm-d-inr »'">'.!...'.".'; ..'...i"!.1...":™!^.'.'."' !i""l f"r •>! - W i i - hi- rmiilillini Im.l! 'I'M- •«'»» nil ejretjiu-nt ra». •I"',1'1'j

i;";;r'llie'iir«l'imi"ir'tai«^ 0> i"" " " ' " ' I \imn%""to>i- -tore. Al' 111'- -'.in.- lime! Unit tlii- i.-iiM- was nut hiiniinR fiiiln theinimilnii..1 ll. ' .ls" mr '"'""<:. '•" ;„!•!?."! in- «n- in the einiilov of tlie Morris 0-i-lfiirt thai Iln-'iiuanliiiii Im.l no ri^lit l"

> itt t l i "

. i f u t i i i i iw o r t h .wiltinorl. ant) tin-.will tiiln- roimil/..nly hop.- nf r.',«lnr!ni: linil lir.-H-ri-im.-;tin-, rUht;- of tin- lailU-litlitlt ellU.n.

s Wln'll Sir. dii-nisli liuil ,'IIIII-IIIJ.-II lii-|ii-iinlrk:*, llu-'.i- wii- ani>tln-|. ln-irly Imr-t 'nf iipplati-e. '

Mr. Firth Nominated.'Til.-. A-i-!lllill nim-i'lll'mii «» - Ili-M

"riillril.'llii- .-ani'i- .nlliii-r- I eiliu iviiiiniil.iMu.vr.i-.I |ih II, I ' iuli. nf l'hilll|i-l'iim.!Ilii-luuil ll't'iiamir. -I : ..Mlmniirlir. -•-.Sherill' iVns i - li. i;.l.-. nn.1 Ilimti li'l).,ii 'nell of l'liilli|..liiiia. vi |il:Vi«il iniioiniin-.tiini. ntily tin- lir-l t u i . mini.- ;Wi-nr H'rinn-ly i-nn-iili-reil. luiui-vcr, Tin-!

•'<-troi.plh iL-ivl.Mii-.Mij- Mr. MV..HII..I-. aiiiiiiri.iliilivi-ly intkinmn nr.tii it(•(unity nnt-iili- hi- hum.- -i-i-liim, \«.irnr!«i- I " nil- TW v..i.- iv.ulli'.t iii i!:;."!,",",!,'.'!, '.',..,,.,.1(or Firth ami 111 [or oVi.mn.i-. tin ni"-!?,'„" ,|,,'. \ | , , r l j ,lion I lie iioiulniiliiin » » - mad.- muni- : j , , . , , , Uii. 'im.iii.

• hi- ciiiiidiiiliilii|ij W. II. Walti-r-. for tlie di-f.-nilnnl. helil:; that tin- li-a-e wii* .-iiim-d with tin- pluiu-'-\ (ill nei|nii-ein^, eiin-ei|iii-iitly it n':aih- in.,

ilili'.-n-ii.-o. ' ' '.lli.ljli- I M lia. not vet IIIIHI h i- ,I,~ j

i til-.- N'o. I in th.-Ciiviiit Court i-.mii-,h i p ufl.-i- diiin.-r on TIII-MIIIJ'. llnlj.Ii -I!. I'-l l lull' wu> tin- pluinlilV ami Keail I ' lilli .:' 111.- ih-fi-nihuit. I'lilli- kept a I l l i n i u m :| - l o r e nail unihTtakin-; i'!Ui!hli.-hlni-nt in i] lihtii-tiiwn -evi-ral yi-ars n^o and -old it -I In Hull and hu-aleil in X.-.f Vork State , i.

Me '-lllel'i-d into nn aciveineiil mil to lo-ie.ile within till..™ mill's of Illair-towa iin a -iniihii- hn-iiie-^ and the '-oildilion- •»-•!,. lh:ii he foriVil $I.|IOH I'.n- viohili .nr../ tin nli-a.-l. l.-.i.-t year I'nlli- .-ain.-l

Ihi.i-k lo Illnir-touii nn.l lui- -iinv olli- I!einl.-.l n> s.-veral funeral, . Huir • l!if'ir Sl.llnn for violation of lln- ay -I,! inent. - • • • > .• I'nlli-' d.-f.-im- i- that he i I en-i| -ii^-.'l in Ui-hii •; for hiin-elf lint tlnil In

' ,:,! f ... li.-lli;/ .-iiu.i-ji.il latterly a» pay- j . t i , , , , , ! , . „,.,!„„ n> „„,,„! („,. |, |, |,,,,,|,,.|. \IH-I.-I. Hi- \fii- al t •«»•- mm-- on- ; Williiiin". "lio i- rnnnini; a l.nineli ilu-iv

' " " •""" ' " "Mof hi-estahli-lini.-ntat i'en Aii-yl. «' . II. {IN-1-\ liailrna.i. anili tl.o

Mi.rnnr i ini-.-l fur tlio i.lahilill' ami '.Anuli- r..r tin- ,1 iil.un.

• lieof -III.

M r . I-'iitli"Wiij. lin.iiiilit l-.-lnn-K.iivi'iiti.ni liy Me—1-. l:.i-elieny-l.imr- K. Smith. u.-kiiowleilj.-Jlionor and exjil I hi- !ippn-i-i;iti<ll hrief. ter-e -| .1 hiding witll '.ll.'iis-erti.in. "Willi j'.nir lii-iiity eo-n|.i-r.i- ^ nntewmtliv (net in .-.linn awl lo.val ..npp..|l w.- «ill roll lip; su: ' TiA*vii,n\i^ lif.- i-an ol,l-til|.e iiinj..ril.v f-'l- III.- "lii.l'-j,!,,. ,,|d,.,t Ihl.l l-,-ll,,» itl'-krt-' . . . I ,,1,1 I,,,!,.,..! ellll:.-!'

At tins point an a,l.|..lllll,,i.-l,l « . . . t,,,!,,,.. I,,,,!,,,. l,,.,.|, „ ,,1,.,,,1,,-r of the , „ . ,,,••(,„. ,,„,,,. t | ifu' 1,..,,.. Meiii.;1 '""'1"1 '- an.l .J. II. St l tz . raf id A. 11. Silt-

l e i - ••]' tin- .Hiler .||l.--.'il.'i'l thi- Iniiei-i!'•'l-'t'i "^v"' 'fS. II Ilieelmnlit's lii-n ell.-e. e.\-1,1. .1 til. ..1.1.1 ,.ll...,!.,I t l . "- 'M. , ,„!„ . , „.,„ l l . . . M , , m , , , . , , l u | M . J . Ymii,!...

;• At. this point an .».ljolN'llin.'llltaken lor .liitner.

Mr. Kerr Has No Opposition.,t,: When the 'ilelr-jiati-*- n--.-iiil.lfd

" I M l i I ..hl.-l'i' lind l"..k np hi- »•""' ;«"ii . | i l i i : l . .n. • Sine.- living h.

' ' " held i"f -.-Veuil t.-liil- tin- t'lli"'


" ! M l h c iineytii.il for them to deeldi' wie-, > wheth.-r.ir not Ih.-re lin.i I i n viola-" Itloni.tiifivemi-lit ..n I'nllis' p a n . The

jury wa- nut i.ld.v a few moments when. . : tln'.v ri-tnl- I with a verdi.-t f..r the

"ii-'i't "lie "J ' ," l I'lninlilVfur til" lull Illinium.W-i hin-'loir 'I'll.'next nml hisl .-use tried wns that

Al.,. ,i ,i i i t>r Km.ik 1'. Tltn- . cliilniaiil. of H a c k - '• " " " " " "•• . t ta t i iwn. iii-nlii*! Miu-Kiiryl Slitz.-r.

/ " ' ' 1 . 1 ' " " . ' ' l.l.ni.l.:,H.-,i.. n:.iii-iiiii«.rui- Titiif ami ox-j | . K A s t k ,• U |

, : Wlion tlw J.-li-jnliT- II".-IIIMIHI . . . j i i i i i / . . . , . , . l.l.ni.l.,H.-,i.. n:.iii-iiiii«.rui Titiif ami ox-111.- slicriir.- i-niivominii »•«. oi.llo.i: Mr. .,•)"'• ' •••'-v.• .11!i n . i - l.ui u in k i i r r - j | . n , B M I l l i r Knu A . s t , . v k , . , . ,•„,. Uio , | , -linsol'CTi'.v W.I.-. niii.lo .-liiiiriiiiin au.l Mi-.i:,"1''- J I - . ' - . i i ' " liuin a I..II|!-1IVPI1 Him-.;,,.,,,!,,,,!,.. Tin-[ilnllililtj-liiliiio.l for luliui-llyan -oon-taiv. Duly n.iniliuli ! > ; ' " " l" 1 1" ' 1 I l>"!i| :": ' " ' ' ! ' ' ' ' " j ami null. -rluU Fun, islio.l In ' t l io nllorii.ir'as ninilo anil tlio olork »n- iii-tliiolo.l I """)>'"'.'"'" : ' ' ; " " ' , ' " " " ' " ' " " J "" ":- ' ' : tliui uf n l.ulliliii-,-in llnoliolt.-tuwll ilinloi-tu oa.-t a 1.,. llnl fur rliiiloii K.-rr. ..fj" •'•'"• ".'"," " ' . ' ' " ' ' ' • . , . . . i illaot with JlnrWirol Stif/.or uii.l theT|.olii|..hiu-«,.n. 111.-ml "Miorill .-nm.- I.. Ml ' . , , , „ ,„ ,„ . , »-us inlinllto.l uml tho Inliur• • "- ' ' . . . . : i h i - " . . i l l . inuio lluiii -ixty ,vi.,ii-. a s" - ; |,,-,,VL-,I.' Aft..,- Ill,- |,lainliir lia.l ivMwlMr. Hoagland's Coup. : M i!,,. ti,,,,- ,,f Hi,- fa , i , . i-: | . ;iike linn;; : i , | . , , , s l . M l . .Sf vk,'.,- , , , , , M , 1 f,,.

The S i ea t , -1 ii ,ler.-t .-eiiteiv.l iii tin--iiit! I..' »n- Illliny p'.inrv |.'.-iti..n! 4 I 1 | , „„ ,,,„ K|.,,,,,,,i t | u l l th-phiinti lT lin.l, rounty *-l.;ik eoiiventiiHi. • Then- lind ' - -'--i-tniu di-pnly sherill . He \va- • „,,, piovon the .'on-eiil ..I1 tin- owners to ;

liei'n aiinieron- naim- nii-iuioiu-d lor llic ' " - i-t -it Hi.' han-inj I lia.l a hiiinlj t | l t . iontrai-1 and tin- nltenit lnns. T h e 'iinmination ami I I.- iippennd to n m-l.iiii! (In- aiiaii-j. nt- i.ir lln-1 eonrl. t.n.k ih.-'.-u.-i' fn.ni Hi.- j . i r v a n dtn.in what the miU-i.iile ..i.lll.l 1- ll • li.iiiiiiiiL'. lie ha- l-liiili.-d_:!..- till..- everj - n i , , | , . , | , | , , . noii-uii.

thu .la...,., .. free for nil liL-ht. nlilioii'jli .-IV"..had l.een mild.- to elli-el an iniiLiiM.- nn-' Mr. Tiet-»,alliV wife wa-iler.-timiliu-- nmi.III; the eoute-tanlr rrum i Miir.v Stir f fhaiip-uiiier.rliillip-hni's. Clnirli- lloiiulntid. a son niiirri.il on -lime IS, \$H. ScV.f es-Siin'o'-iiti- Willi;iiu I.. lh.:i"laiiil. -Ir.-n wen- li.un lo them, four

•'• n- f.illmv-:; Mr-.

-r!.'Criiniiial foiii-llie«iiisini Oet..l..-r I I .

Sues for Heavy Damages. •

tinji ea-e fniin In.Iepen.lenee .''iUn»''The''''r''hiilipl'lin'i'--''l.i','-e.-hV'j'im7pi-di-ii.'viv.-. n- f..Tl..»-i" Mr'-." Siewart Up- • loivii-hip i- li-t,-,l for trial al/tlie I).-into 'lie. eiimcsi with -nrpii-inp eiieijiv : -Ij-ke of I'.ni f.dilen; Mi». Howell AIU-•: eeiiih'-r term ot i rts.. The phiinlitl'.is•ind foree nml -uee.-.-d.-.l in hin.liii" tin-! hon-e ami Mr-. Uolieit Cyphers, of j Mi— Anna -M. r'liiiiiiii.-rfeit (if Mead-,,,-i,,. ' . . - . . ' ' " |Wi.»hinst..ii. nml .land.- Ti.-t-iwi.nli of! ville. a younj; v. in of Bood re|nita-

-lauif- -I. Cullen h.i.l ill aieil 10 I;.-: l"..,.,l,l-l.n,y. Hi. only .-i.-ter i. Ml-.Ui."!- 32 years ol.l. and the .Iff ln.lt: the ino-l fonniilidile .•m..li.l'ite. aiirl. had I lle'iijiuiii;;' liarl«'r. of Wu-liiii^luu. ^ ; i» Knillict (i. C'liminin.-. a | wealthy | fnr-

iuthor ,

i.l.iw.-r oill.Klinnini-ifi-ll asks

of Slii.OI'iii. Sli.!iic--pteniher 17 and the

a few .lavs after


m-,-aM,l«.i(; i i l.e.-li I'ea-olwllll- well m a n - - »'• V'iet-ll'ol'tll » i i - ;, l i f . - l o n j !(,-. i 111,-!', who ha s 1,ii2 i- . l . . l ie wonl.l liave w o , , . - ' Wi l l imn K.'j pnHienn . H.- .wi . - .... ..1.1 l i m e i n e m l . - r j - h o l ' t t i m e : MTee l . of In.lepenil e. had a smal l L u l l " ' tin- I 1 " " ' ' " i M.-tli—li-t .-liin.il a i i d l d n n i . i j : , * in t l i - •- l a u n c h fnlLnriiu!. whieh. ...i seeond lial- lelnin.-il h i - nn-nilier.-hip up l o t he t i n i e l o i m e aInt. wi th om- i-M-.-l.ti.nl. wem. over H I ! ' " h i - dea l l i . : ; Mill w.

: K.-v. C. X. .llmV-liiiiM.ii. a . . i - l e , l l.j-ltllis- .-iviil. -.me ill-si- inn..i I-.-.II..-.I •.- I. , , - - , - ; v - I-'.'. <'f:-'--Kl!.ni!: Liiil"ehiii-s...ol1.--iir..i. - l-uiimiin-:,liv,-s':i-lo.e.;lo,tlie. farm of.

Cuil.-n'•»•'• 'r.-.-l 11- llo-.'-lind IS s,-,-. liiueial sirivici-. wliieh were held ;il ' Li-I-lolui ,\t. Flumini-rri-ll. the girl's father.•,.n.t i«;iM'-Uillen'.'si:'lT.mi;laii.i.'--il. ! h.L- Innin- nt one ..V k Sunday ufter-, Me had heel, |lll.viii<r atleiHioii to the

Stone and S m i t h for C o r o n e r . ; • - « » • _ , • J ^ ^ ' ^ . . ' " ^ ^ ^'Lu^^'L Z^oXnZ,. I'oi'u- ' iiiniiiiialioiiN w'-.e inn.li- ("I j . , ' • -Hi,- family. -Cummins w a s united in and

^aSisrff'ifcw" ""'"""•• • • i*.".o'»».a-pb.i>". • • • " - l i r t r i r ' ^ ' T ' t i ^ r x .-lolin S. Sloii.-. Si.-wui ' i .vil l .- . SS-. M i - . Kliai I 'mnpli.-ll. widow of Hi.-: v i i , , l , u l , d llil. m i n i s t e r was p r e - e n t , h u t

- l i - se S. S m i t h , l l . i u k e i i - t o n u . -I::-, l l i i r - l l a t e Williiiiii i 'nii i | ihell . wii. ' for iimiiy , ,1 , , . | , r i , | , „ „ „ |-,,i|,.,i ( , , | ; i r | , t |1 ( . , , ; m , e .v.-y A. Seifi. |-l ."llo|i:ile..nS. I-': I1- F." H a - , J . . . I - . iv | ir ni.-.l Wu-hii i j i lon l,,.r.>ll«l, ; „ „ . , „ . :,,,,7 t|,,. w.-iMiiiii (lid 1I..I eoni"o iV.s.'i-ty. 1'hillip-l.iiiu. I'.. • i i n Hi,- hoard ol freeholder- , died nl Hie , H-ivini; s l i l l Iml.-.l to m a r r y t h e » i r l .

• •'."•n.o~-prc-i-raliii;:--::nfr-.t!!'.-~..,l».v-.TW''a2;:!11.11! ' l u ' r dnnalil .-r . M r - . I I . .min i V u i i - i . n i i ,-,„- , | : ,m . , . . . ,- ha.- IH-I-'II l ininjtl i ll.i-oii»lil t ' I wil l , n l.rief. • - l i r i in i !

o.'-li i . v Him, .lainir.- I-:.' Mailrlaiulh-lil'. lio ,-alloil




numl <rlIMT .InKa-t (

Irt.'.-AI:' imvi•Tin!\


Ai• Iu!


• ^ ^

. Mr t .(-••



[;.-• '!

ir,[ Vt 'nniii'f -in 'M

lid-. nf |-...|i'ii..lro.lil .1]T I•-J.-|cl".7iia'!-w.V-».i'-l"Vni.',yii'ii;1Vi'iii; iu-iii-nijheiiin.! f"i: -i I'm): tinie. A IULIIIL' a-.>; i^s! , r i ' i i i :"i i ; , rkei : last "'rii'iii-wlay.' Su-

? c f r i ! ^ r : ™ ' ^ . i ' e a - i i r u i e i i d i i i s J ! : j " i n . i l : [ l . ; ' r . ' ; ™ i " ' ™ J-emin- -.-, i--usyaint—inn- p.rviinv-iMiMt; ;Ci,,iiinissioiier -.-An«l." :ii'l-

:'of! ilife!ll')'i'niV>!-riil!.'''"ii'''i'i'iiiioi'|1 l a - ' " '""'-i 1 " 1 ' i l ' i > | M I ' " l"1'1 " " ' ' ' l '1 ' •siJjt 'valiii .sh.- '!S'mi. "'"'""":-]: : : - - : ~ ~ - - - - i — -:i.,,,_ii_«,,,..ii,:,l!alil.v-jml-.la s o p ^ i l . ! . . . - ; - u r »li-L-!.en will, par , I S i - . ^ h i - lliali-. — — ~or—. . . '

iailroad.- eaiin.,! l»- nn.ile I.. |U> .i.i"ie '-., I', , " / , h , . . . " iiij:ci-..ill !ia--u;!iiiii en lied I l ie-aim-. ihan on.' m,,l ..i,.-luilf pel •'e.-iit. Mi- lav I - - II. . .-I.- ' .II '-- :i... ....... H i..l \ . i-. y M- , v . l s l l i , , , , 7 . . .„„, „„ . |o,,,ls have ,


\!f"lo.-nl"'pi-.i,erlj: !,-M-epl Hie riviiroii.U : }'« -•/'• ' • V';"">""":Y;! ' '^ " ." '£! ' , !" ' ""l'ele""Aiidiv»:». ll..- y.aiuK iral

fJj ,-l_-ln;:ersolL..last:r.ilnreiLtt-aiii 'aiiir

, , n „„.,- II,,. l,,i in. ov.-ry fiiiino tha t ho

, . - . ' • • ,o»ii. Mrs. Howard Vnigs to be Considsred. ; unu ,1M|1 n,.,n.,. -p. Snvder of W,ishi,,»lon.l-iu^ Ioi-atl..ns1..!j,.r- a t-illdii-. she i- ';.!-.. siirvived l.y th.-s.-. half-hroth-1 thluss sh.nil.l l.etnk.-n in-i,.,.s and siit.-r.-iSiuiiiutl Ki-

• ••lini'l'-nt.v.jVrk-.

Saturday, Oct. 7thAfternoon and Evening


Yes, we're to have another ol the popular Kail Leaf Olien-

ings, with plenty of music and a cup of tea or cocoa. WHY

NOT ? Are not the people as anxious to know about ami see

what is new and what is being used in I'unuture antl Carpets

as in "blylc- uf ilrcss? : We think".so, and now that a ijreatpart

of our I;all godds are here antl unpacked, we want to put them

on dress par-tde, as il were, and throw open the doors and let

you—yes, we'll be glad to have you—just come and take pos-

session. Knjoy yourself. You'll be tempted to buy, of

course; can't help it, but we give you our promise, that no one

will be nskcti lo buy; that's not our idea. If you seething that

please you, we shall be ;,'lad uf your loftier later on, but let Ibis

occasion be one of si(,'htsceini,' and social pleasure.

Remember tlie dale. (You know there's so much jjoiu";ou

lo distract one's niiud. I




G R. FORD,Washington, N. J.


and Carpets

The Men and Young Men of Warren Go.wiil find' hi^"nTl*tii'e*tiew7asliions'in single aud**double:.l>feasted r.oaeks—shiart;" snappy styles—atprices that are a; low as it is possible to sell really Soo:l clothinjc for. If you are hart-to-smt amiliard-to-fil then we are "most anxious to see you and show youf the stylishly designed ami artis-

- ; ticallv tailored-

B I N E C L O T H I N G il•which without exception, possesses more intrinsic merit than anv other clothing obtainable for theprice ' You know ••seeing is believing," and when you see the quality of materials .ami the work-:inau>lii^.iiid'how'tlie-gai:iiiciit-S'okybursize.W^^^^bcoutrillcd to your entire liking. . ,- _ . |

-Althbugb prices range from S to to s^o^e 'Si f f ' "^^^!^:ine^aml:oiir5T-K-3uili-lur->v.ung'.1ni^

" "" : ^""-——•••'•••"• ••• • • " _ i . Z " r i i Z 3 T ' : : i ? : t o i iMen's Sack S

At llii:; price YOU cai

1 . 1

either a'single or

sbrtini'iil of lumdsoiiiy fabrics — fnshioiiiiMe yraywoisldils, fancy cheviots nml cassliuercs—-materialstliiil'•» ciislom-iiiilor would.ask Pjjo for Thccoat:; arc-

. lou^.nmlJoustj-jUting, with deep center vein or sidej ~ve:ils; collar "ami" lapels ;af<i: Woiukr ami the . liiK-5

I what style of fabric you sclucl you'cifirbc -JJ—• :—i r-I surii'of yelling the IJCSL suit, '.hat's .madeI for,. ...;

__ \Ijpob wherever you will and make any comparison1ybu:irR't'?ytoiF\viir«\lniH:tiVsl';for--^ylc;"fi'iiR!ity;:.ri:i:s!i:imri fit our S12 Suits are unniatchnble. Itoth the newsingle and double-breasted styles in conservative andexlreiiie cuts and not a feature missing that themost particular young fetluw would look for in ..a.to-measure v Suit "costing -;?;i5~A~ broad ""and :;i-!iplendid.

gravish worstt:d!it"^fancyJTcli*cviots™"1nii^ ViwedB O n l y : '

'"CRAVENETTE1 1 RAIN COATS of latest style tor men and young men at S10 to $30

GOLDSMITH BROS., Easfon ; Pa. THK RED FRONT,''"'"!>.

222-224 Nortlianiptoii St.

C s biv '^" ' iyt l l M j1 l!^cS-™"2i.«li lft ' l 'SiM l i , ,,..,,,.,,,... V , , . I . . I , . ,,.,,. , sail), wus (li!lMsltwl,.iiltl«niKh the trnns-

should I),-taken. / , ; t > \ . j '?.'""""!":,':"" ^,' !!.!"!l':'^,™ J"'iv™!'; wl!«" tlm now u'wnur will take tho man-Kxivptiniial t)|i|iarlui«ilT ii

". Havo vour im; repniixd. now *tl ve-'j •«• .-aiml*' innn with «l,<. K>. wl « n - . l p y .duccd prWfl, l«f«>i-e the busy VuRon lm- lnt«i-.Ms will. UILMWIIIT in well-Hqu JUMII"im; by the AlasUa^ur Co., flli Centre f,,n.i«f3a>ufn«. lo.iil.il In Mon-Kmunt.v.

v\iln-sss, P. K «. , ,ai-,

^ nf lluj hotel. The salt!c-onsiinimiited thi-onyh : Alex. Ainlois'onof Va«hinf;toii. • Mr. Hmw-y is now, eon-ilucthiK tlio Oillfon Irotol. which is ownedljy (leoi-«*> C. ltall. ;'

P U R E F E E DEvery sack is sealed and tagged thus—

,..(._ _. ..(_• o\'sclioul . cliildren, shott.Ul IK:faillifulty cared for. Dut'cclivc vision 'niiiy,\w

the cause of dullness aiul liciuluclies. You owe it to their futurehealtli suul success to have their eyes exainiued. You can con-

. suit Davidson without charge. If glasses are NOT needed wewill be^lad to tell you so(; if they AUI'Vyou, as :\ parent, will • |

.*;.•"• A. DAVIDSON, Eyesi^t :Spe tciaiht"1-'"--^5r ;

'A'•'. |'r, > DAVIDSON'S JKWELRY HOUSH, near Squaro; J j•• Kupairiiit; of Jewelry and fun; Walclios at niosl moiic'ratc" prices.-, •> ' • :'

. !This sack tontiiinsiui Absohvlcly P

Rye 1-Vod. We KecomnieiiifYMKl Omira

ure Coin, Unlslandiittx: if.7"*,".';. :"•-

,W. W. SUPPLES, Junction, N;J.

i U 'A trial .will convince you of its merits.

Page 7: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the


Ouriu L Slryker, Editor and Proprietor.

Hticlimnn inoritl fntnt Kwbtoinwn j Mm, Kiln Stewart hns rcatwl Mnr*hnll T,ti) Oxfunl on Saturday,

Hurry l>*\vUhntf inn vet t hi* futnlly fntmYmiiiiiitiitnVL'iiut* tu N i m n l o n . • • ••: " ;

WIIMCHI FOX IN out? O [ tin* nii 'ii t h a t InIHH'U t a k e n mi n t thu NVttUuim factory .

Uiml'a hoiwo on Went \VnnlitiiKioti avenue,Paul Hutch itimm entered tliu C C . I . nt

Hacketttttown nn Tuiwduy for n full courw,, Frank Uarron htw wnt tho St. Clmitl *bimtu UlvRolxvillu where ft will IK* owrtiaaluil

The Celebrated Scranton Coal.AT IlKTAU.

"'.'.' \Vatiliini;ton,N. J.i AHK.M, ICOi.

d r a w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f5.3O l>or ton., S tove . . . . . . . »,fi()']ier ton.

E t c ; . fi.60 -per ton..Oiewtf i t i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.6» per. ton.

:. P«a(tcnnwlli^n;iniucom-( ;

Bnckwiu'ii t . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ».W per ton. .BLtekmnithlnj: or IJItu- -'--•'• '• minouH coal o".u) \wr ton.

, Mr.un<lMrA.iriirryOi».iil«-IUveli:,(im-,l nmliiraalcnlly MHillt.-i it lltlli'tlaUKhtfrt«t!»'lrli»in«'last Friday. Win. Coott will rvtlntiuWi riinn iitfjitiilr Dr. SlKTinim \* nimln In i-hnrw' of tin' ™<>™ 'il* ftimlly Into the Hat of, tliu r ittnwldi'ly-known HrltUh MitUi-«rins'iltitf >»"il'»ntf. «u Broml Htrect. • • • • • • •In Knstun. , ' Jowph ('. FittM hnH wirrei'dwl William

Wlllliiiii I - Mown.' U hnvinjc a IIIMIMVH- > Wright iw IU- I IK^ In Dftvlilmm'ii ji-wclrywu!k. lal.1 in fn.nt of hK «v<ideni-,. on; . ^ V ^ J V j ^ . s" I Ic lu[r w.

MU lVaii Ithn urm-k.-ryHfoiv It) Kimto

aii IVtlyl.a* iiifc.'ii'uk y V | r t * i l f

iIilI-.au li

Bcftt qualities al

Ooai l(»atle<lilln.t:t rnntiphul

il Imtxl, dry (IIIHIIT



m i S m n l a v , l > i - t « • '

HI] rally will In* lu-ld.IIITP1 Hlchliiit', iin <<iii|do>v of l

iv l'.."lV.1 Dilil'ii'ii'V.n'Hatiinlay.'Th» V, W. l \ T . ir.wlll ni 'vtnt tin- how

I will \mxn\

.fmnc-s- 31. Kittft. htw liupnn'ml thrit>iM'nratinu>[ hU Broad Mroi't prnixTtieH

, 1'rof. S. M:\:TK'«*ler wiirvutertnin thointiinljt>ri4 of thy senior rliins und •the- Hi nil

! Tliu IJIIIIWHtLTlaiiniurcli

' s 1y ;.;f tlio Pnrfiy-.ii' tlit'ir niLi'tliiif

Kamtiel Haniim-rsli'ln of r'inesvlll.' ill'ili in Tticxluy mnrnliitt fniin typhoid piii'll*, nuiniiu ajti'd !• years,•••, -. . •

Frank and |.t'ruy Andrews Imw wvitr-i .MpMliltm4'wlili tliK Franklin LuinW

Tht> frtt'liolders arc tlulfltf a n<iod piitn-«f work In t»pivndhnr wTnvuIniri* over iln>n«w ituicailani mini Iwtwewi New VIHIIKC

Mis- Viola Mini diediit the hum" ••[ lu-rmother, Mrs. (it'oiw Hint. In Alpha, onMonday nlnlil- from tyidudd fever. Hl»*w»s seventeen years old. • ,, ;:

All (hi* dry JIOOIK clothinjr, himhvnre,JHWt'lry, KriKMTV anil general stons ofWafliin^tnn .will lu'ri'iiTti'i'dosi'ntS|i. tti.wry I'ViTihiR I'xccnt Saturday. . ,

Thi> DitiiiDcnit- uf riiissf.x coimiv miTiii'Mlay imminnti'il Lfvl )[. .Morris.ofNitwt'in for Hie As^-nihiv, nml .IHUK* 1..Ikuvltt. of Sussex lKmniKh for SherllT.-

K, ti, Uuir. a uvll-tudi) ettl/.L-ii nf Hi I-viiliT.-, illiul mi Tnt'rtlav: afti'i'iitHin. afit-ra limp lllilfss. nt tin* IIKI! of ?;i JVIU-A. II

i Tlioww proposition did not fmnr tipiit, /'••.1 ' '^\\^\x';v.\" """'\l" Vr 'T 'v O'wtMmi.laynW'"tVmm:il ini'«>tltiK iw'BILn i ••""v1/;,!!,';1!.», r,'.Ki-ln M.S it ' ! IltiJ>ll'wl- Tl»-onlimmn. fora fr«VliWOct. A.; A ftill titli'lidiim-f U ntimiiUil. • w H | m m n w r n n t u w x t M u n c ] n y n t K l l t .

b-ttls It. nilillni-will hold ilanriiiK w " whuit it will fo twnp fora xetmntl nwliiiK,n>|itltiiH In Viituli-rvifr Hull. ."»»<'"•• * A rutiniwntntlve nf the nrewl Publittbluv«.v.>ry Ihursiliiy .•V.'IIIIIK, li**Kl»iilnfe <Kii. i o>.«if NewUnnsh. X. V., N hunt WVWDK1 - U I - f tlit* Ijfick'iwannn Diructury, which in now

Mis. It. M, Itunh U havliiK a Milwtaiitlal to iiu-luih- tin- II;UIII*H of tin? r^ldunts of all

^UI.IX) KroKH ton: Mt<tal*, IiiKln^t price. Ad-drew; Ut'ii Mfirkle, Jiinetioti, X, J . li-.N ttp

n-liitiK Jald itlouK tlu* Taylorf f r p n i T i y iu»r iht- uJiool

nnli<if f

iiliiL'-pniiiid hoyd M W

tu Tr iht- .-

A iiliiL'-pniiiidMr. and Mrs. Wal l Ki i

1 to tliu hoim? ofi I ' l l U Ir. and Mrs. Wartvn VOUIIK in

luirfT last Kricitiy. Mr. .Yotiitf;Hvi'il hu

laihi-an Home UU-lomtry. . . . . . .1- . . !-. . ._.. . ..t \.t—. 11*

towns and citieH nlnng thu rallrond fromHobokon to.S-Rintoii via. Uoiintun.

Tin- talk*' AM Koi.-l.-ty luw wli'i-ti'd fortlnjunimal TluuiksKivinf,' ciitortafuinmit itfam;-con.tHly in tlinn- nets untitlud, "Char-li-v'H Auat.".which will \w tirudtu-iMl undL-rthVtitam'dintftinnor Mr. Atwuod Petty,An I'xi'L'llo'it last hnsaln-adylK-ea wlcvtcil.

Snch'iy will uivft ut tin* honm ut Mrs. \ \ . ; Haywnnl's On-hc-ntni (if \Viin]iln^ton will(-i, ("r.-vi'lln^ im Mouduy i-wnln^. Oct. 'i, furnbli -tlm inusii- fur the )>!i; must millat .s o'clock. t-hicketi S11111H.T to hu held t>y the Ladles'

-WOK I InYonnjr.

Al- t>h S


1 Mn. C. -Dnni am! sun OlmHt-s hnvinovid fniin Milton Itu.h's IIIIIIM* on<ti-wart stn'i't in with Mr. Kn^nilT nil

Klku Iho"wlld iniiii." wini fxlilhlU'ilit tin* l*ann<-rs' I'iculc In Il«-lvld<<n<, Is-larrlli^ in Ills raw incut act al tin- Tivn-ion Fnlr ihl-i v

Mi-. 'I'. V. (innlnii has ts'suinisltinn In ihi' Cornish facioryiforci'd iilKi'iuv ' f MS'i'iiil t

r.M-oii nf ill hi-alth.'!')•<• iii.'inU-rs .if Warivu t'uslh-, N<

K. i»f (i . I-;., aiv t-nnn-l ly IVMIUSI.'II i

ItU idd

t!i- hy

' Inns.,W

Hun Luthcrait i-huri'li la>tSunday , It wiiri iuianlmim>ly vott-tl nut iniuvt'pl the ri'sltfiiatinir nf itcv. SicvcnTrav tT us jHistniv , • ' . , . .

"Amonpth iMni inA^l i in l ihNir t l i - l i^ i tn iwi i ' j l ^ ;*" 1 " 1 " 1 ^" 1 1 ^".-.it<'iiri«llm''rt i imh l«nr wilt* wetv ltlt**<l I l '1 '1* "'• " l s " l ' l n l ' K -Kohl wise iviili'hi's hy J l r s . (Jharl'-i Urailv i lii'or^i' Hi-arfnss fnriu.'i-ly <if Wa-hiiifi-.antl Mrs. Frwl Mtvki'f, nnd a silver tmv | mil, Isnuw iiuimtKi'i1 nf H lar^i-fiuni^aliiiKliy Dr. Di-drli-k. " i i i l a n t l n Newark, win *' " "'

l lu r rv Sinllh. w1ui*iiiH>rau<« ihi- tvp.- j l l l s o l l u l ( l s " IHwHIfiii..M-Minjf'madilm'iti llm .^titr nmVt1. had liN I Unnilli-d-i'or Mli-is at tin* Wa^iin-ri.m Uvv. W. J . Mr(;>miu>ll i« iilhmt t«> Umitltlli' IIMIHT utiilt' Itadly imitlluti'd bv i jiust mlk-.-aivnddivs^-il tnWin. It. Hull.-t. tran^f.-n-fd Imm St. K«.-f's imrlhb in Ox-

•• •*• • •' " ' ' ' ' •••-- •• "•• • " ' frnd t.. thu IMmnr iKirish, ami tliu • |wupli!)£ thu iron town, irit'spf^ilveuf (.ntvil. urv

Aid Society uf tht! Tort Mttrmv'M, K.church next Thurxday i>vi<nin», Oct. Mil. Arare feant and prompt siTvice from .*> p. in.on is promised.

An oyster Mippur and ditm:v - U au t:\vntwhi'dulfd to taku jilucu in tin* Hoard ofTnulu •liiilklhiff nt Oxford i.n SmnrduyniL'lit, Oft. T, under tin* auspice* of OriiMitalCourt, Xo.li, J r . O. U. A. M. dysn-is will hi'wrvtid in vnridiift .-tyk's ami lue ercain andc»iirt'cti<me.ry aro to he on sale, HardUman's orcliestra will furnish mtisic fur

I S . T. Vamiiitta. |i>nm-rlyitwned l»y Win. Spfir.-. died Sunday nljrlil.T»trnii!« wii" th'Tat:"* 'if d'.'iith,- jtitlion^hthere was no iqijiareiit reason for tin* ex*i>ti-m-f of this atllictiuii. A valuable lnn>c

...... _ ., ^,(>f Daniel Jl. U'yekolV was also taken downN. I». t'.'ii-peiiti'i- • Tuesday with Inck-jaw. ulthoui;h then1 was

iiitcli uf any kind on it;

^ it iwlwii'ii 'sittnll fifj whi-fU yit>nkiv afternoon,

ThtM-hililivnur tin-late Mrs. KI[/alK>th<imiplM'll desliv to thank lh<> ui-i^lihorsanil friends who wen- >o kind duringTit-r HIne>s anil extended sympathy tttidj»iil after her ileath.

r Alex. ATH1-T-<HI hail

,Ioh Can-. WnshliiKtnii Hhelil..n.:. Ilonlck tfi ' "

The (inrha

t1'eni'i'tful tot l t t l t

veof r ixtd. lirethat U Very

ll H hiiiinii m i nit' i n i a i Lfnitiiiii> ,IL;IIIIIM IIH* t . . . , • •, •;.,.. . , , . 7 : ^ . . , ,nloivd tiiiiutri nr.Soinci-vllh'.Mr. .). A. KU.-M-II siisliiliii'il a1 Ills h lphy a ULII.I Tall nt ihe

vv la-it Wi-i-•'i-al dnys hi

tiruad views nnd his umiriiiK. . eiiei'KV rm* the benetlt of the community as

1 . ' "HiIT „ whole. As president uf tlmloenl board( urnish ! o f ,,.„(,. hissfrvitf;. have liwn of iiimtliini*

• lile vatiit'.iuid his ittucf in tint cunimiiiiitvwill tic hard to till.

n priMly fair |»-ac'i crup from his urchard factury la-;t m v k nnd was 111111I1I? tu work , [,],. V I l t l l ( . t m,\ j l i s , , | I W V j , , (],,. t.-<iiiiiiiiiiittvni-ar Aitthony Ihis year. He titiihrivcl fur several dnys In ciinsi-.|ii('iiee. : will be hard to till.aKfK.>lli<T nlH»it .Limn 1»a>ke..s i.eurly all j County Sfhi.nl *i|>,>rlnl;<mli-iit Alwnud K u i | l A Y ASlt s.vinu.AV at the l-'itts Be,of vvhiuli wer.> retailed lucally. lailimunce-s 11 ineelliiir of the JSmird uf '• III , . ( 1 . ,>IHI() cards I anenster "itiL'liain- N

Krank itniMtsiivell. whoUmiWi'in|i|oy-|Kxiiiiiliii 'rsof\Viirn>ui-oiintynL Phillips- Ve.it vahieat."I'.'iifr var l . "«tl In VVntiilntttiin. will itiovf his ftunlly • biirjf on tk-t. Ii and T. at nine 11. 111. . ' . . • '

nii 1I1U week.

flninil iivenue and We t Win-Harrisillitis. of Hountnii In

.Ht> theatriciil enteciii-lM-s iipnn a lamwill- nml have si-milled tlu-ii- inh-ni^of tniiMin<: new npi>ra luiiisi-s in Mm-rtown, fassnie, Duvei- mid llaekettsluw

. - C lh<'i M.'^rs. K. A. Cnle- timl I). M IVi-ry. • * . , . • , »nrner ut j mnnei-ly ccmncH.d with tin* biislne.^ d>- • Is It Right? " ". :

slrt-el. i|iartiuciit nf tin- Nfcilluim lartury. a i v 1 it right that a property owner{£oni' In-1 lielpin-r nut there temporarily fur a few ^hiitttd lo.i..- 51.'10 to let ,1 dealer- maku

lays. ' -,o cents? A dealer makes DO centsThe- Hepuldicalis 11 t in IMiillipsbiirj: ; morn nit fnurtecn Kiillons of ready-for-

[uniun-nw In iiiime candldati'S lur the use iiaint, nt 31.50 per ffiillon, Ilian ourThe local dcle^'ittes are .1. a^-lil <hu>> oil K gallons of L. & it, palllt

No <-unvlctUi" .•vid.-iif.' ccitld h e . ivd K. Kulpi'i-, A. !>. Mintuii and !•'. (*. An- ami >\ K;IIIUTIH ot linseed oil, which makeaeiiinst ill.* Ufi-suii.-, whn were jirn-sicd i drew*. • f.mi-i.'fir K.TIIOMR of tlio liest paint In.chnrpil \vhh.*hiilliiK a|'pte., fn.tn th.-{ The Loval Tenipenmce Lejri,,,, W i i r k ! thu worlil. a t 11.20. p*r ffnllon: tlio i»ro-farin nf Aaron I'etly und .Justlc;- Una- i w[Jt reoncii with a willy In tin.- W. C. T. s perty ownor loses Just $1.20. Is it

urlythi. aw invlti •ml 1 heir' "• fitly rein

'• and :t gallon^ . . f l l . i -

rLs 4 yalloii.H of I*. «t M,linseed oil to paint a

^'d I 1'. J.'iU.| lk 111. I'lin-i

park prnjert cllildlvn.iti-xi Monda.\I aid Itv tlieir i .luck tan

.! than lust year, -in r l.elii^li \ alley t for SherllV en „ ,,latfnnn de.-Inrlnjrf.ir: • •. : ~ - T(inn tin. did n »ivnl hnsin...-s. collect- equal taxation, limited fnmcld>es anil; Knit SAI.K—family hoi-se; not at.ai-l of___., . .. (Hi fares tin WedneMlay, bin,IK* 1 <m

Thursday Jinii WKlKk) on Kriilny."Dory" Hell met a highwayman un hlr

wiiy home ihe other niiilit ami [In- fellow-Iriwl to KnutchTMivrKcir- wntch. Tlie

wnrk. Mr. Ueil dunlf. the

•stv In e o i i n t v p i v e r i i - j tnii-nr. ' . i 1

' I ' h e d i i l d i v n ut' the Int.- Will i i . tn T i e t s - | \wori l i di'siii- tti maki! jmbl ic ;u i i ioui ice-!

• if. t h u . ' k l n d m w u f - ' • • • - -

:" lu yearn old, snundaiidirk anywhere; and Rnud roudstcr;

aslnngtoii avenue. It

>>—i'lildic 'f O

I iill '1 i'W.l»|. di.ln'1 rat Mr. II.-II . U r . tl... | rrlfiuls, uml ... .Imuk all wl... l».frk-..il...l, taiKja V£A< of Ororec Liino- nt 10A-Jlow a lil.,iv imTlln- luntl, »-|iU-h kiiuc-k-1 ihcni ilurltw 1.N llli..« I frcr .his j Jlmltson strvM. Biin- old 5ro*,..y will lie-f,l h i m mi. , tin* yultci-iti.il thi-ii |>i-oi-.'i'il.'it | ()('ii.h. I inclnileil in tin- maiiv things ti. In- solil.

" B T O ! ' m - - i . r - ,r t h - m - - • • ' - • • - ' ' • ' " ' ' ' i u ' " " s •"'" * ' " " " •••'•""•" ' ' " " ' ' ' ' • " I F l l « i < " « - T > ™ .™«i ' '•»"«••»,,.;„-I";-**• IMiniillSljlirtC.llllVt^1'!1'"'1.'*' - Ar UPlsflil

! The r l t l » n s ul• CillIC.HI hi ivv. ilii ' l i liil | F n K B S T T T O Kll i l l h o einlry i fl< incor | iorat iMlio v l l l n p - . - T i n - m u m lu l l - ton s t r e e t . Win . A: S t r y k e r . "l s h i l r i V n e n t is t.. I IIITRI- tbn E Ul l i

J o h n s -ulltbn needi

• m J S - i v ' . v l ' ? ; ' . " i " . * " " ' " " ' ! Siilii..|.ftlii.fl«:II.iiiil.i}-.«-..l•^ ' * ' j lii-iiiji tin- *k-k nml it.'i'ilv vol.

Will, the invSL-ni mil ' l.ili- ci-jiz.- ,,,,11-T l i r luiivi'Viuici's .-i.l.-.ilr^mi.iB it - Is. | . llt . ' l i ' liiivi'lty [u -A'.-u-|lillv- iMirliivlnic ill. ll.liiiVlltl.il>' lllls'vr•u>cuw!h, Imt on.; liiijC'il .lliniuifh. .WIIJII-J , , r ihiv.'iiiiKwn.iljil.'S liuviL-alninpton last w v k . '111.' nceiipiims u-.'ri' t ..ii.'.i'^'il for IJ . A. Ih.lshiz.il- uml fiinilly >.r.l.Tsi'vCil.v, " " -

nlily none liei whoi t lu ' re ismi ' , . . .u t l c j market. !W{*-:JtpiHiuii | p 0 | t SAI.K—Twu -;iii)il niiuvri,'f;oiiil Wurk-(l w " I eis and fearless of .«tenm cars, tmllvyw and

i.iMV";i autort. '.-John-R. Dalrymple,•-Jsmk^tm ""

lion'* Thlaf-We otter Ono Hundred Dollars Rs*

ward tor any cuso of Cntarrh that can-not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. :

K. J. CHKNfSV & CO.. Toledo. O.we, tliu undcrsluneu. have known F,

J. Cheney for tho last IS yearn, and bo-1I«VH iilm perfectly honorabto In alltiiiKlneHti Iransnctlnnn and financiallynlitu to carry out any obligations mrnle

KUTZ iNiruBATOKK AND Bcmhraci) thu mo»t ntlvnncei

d f l l

AND BnnnniCRx, Theyl v n t (d i

ur lonu t*orvici". Only Inculmtorn a reliable automatic flm t-xtiu-

KiilHhcr.' Write for cirenlnm and nrictii.DIehl Ss Kcmlllng, JIauufatturerH, Bioomit- '•b n r y . N . J . . - ;: , . ;, ;., 'J-a(-tf;. IIAIII SwiTi-tiKS—Nicckllniton dUphiytill'day SitturdsiVH nt Hotel Wlndwir; eomhitip*;

,; tnnileup. Kiithcrln« A.Hfcltey. M-tf. THE NEW VALLEY NOVEIITYI 111 11 n LalUrri. ^,.t *j w u,n,:n ;n,tvi ' . -..-.,-. .iv . . .... .. .... .. r ..._ _ ___....

ntilly, act'njT directly upon tlm blood 1 P. Si. Cnuinon, t.i E. Uhiircli slrei-t, Hanli-timl mucoiiH- (turrnccj* of the nymom, (nutou, X. J.Tfxllmonlaltt nent free. Price 7Cc. per; y,,,, nv*TLJt,J*i i.,,..^, . 'j Is "all right." It costs n little more tfiau cheap ranges, but it 'gives'-^r

\ satisfaction—that's what you want, nnd that's what I want. 'We can, • ;,,^mBl^iw^mvti«*lfi! l 'e ' '>'0M' tIte ««nie.of« mart who had Ms \'alley 2Cove!ty Rangve ";'

AdwrU'oiaciilM under tlil« licntl un: PIIIHIUIKH! ut.tln! imiAinn niijMtr .m- ,-,-.n. a « 'ml . !

tint imuflwrlix-iiKmL wll<tlmii l-'xt-iiU forillu- (Ir»t l

, r ton. Applv to .lohn IluKun.-JIUKV "| t i o i i ,N . J . ;- •;-• -.;:• v ;-yaMf.-j"""-.-r•'•'Rill RKXT—Ilimse of seven room- and- '-Imtli. Immlre of Mr». M. C. H. C.Hik. a rWeft Wiiniitii^ton Avi'. Mn-tt. :

WllKKI.WIttltllT AMI llt.ACK.SMiril Slltil'—: .CreKarVi>ldt*taii(l—in now open fur bus!-

eHrt. William Trezise. . . .V^Vtf J "FOU'SALE—Declrnhlf fnniiii, also town-

K B - W I I I TU>; ^l.-'-il \*>r \m 11M. furnil kinds; Rnlihf r. -V It).; Old Iron,

t M k h i i t i Ad

nvelvetl f..r l^«jpropertieH for wilo imd rent. ' .1. It. Unit-'" " " • ! berry. 11 Broad St.. -; -.Ulti-it.

K I I Yi-arlin-j lti»^*-n hi*nn; Apply at .'I"* K


ptnb Umwn

Ituttlwr f tamw, Fountain l*»'iis, TVIH?- Jwriters, RIMwn, Carlx)iw( Pawvt. t-Vvi^r.n t ..I.hf r Tl^l. ftfK.i. -IV Y t n I , | . 1 . , * . l^lLStim " E JI '

, WANTED—I,(XX) nice, clean thrifty iiifp*:

" * t ' '•HSS-tf und Htnte wfant you have. William A, |H.\Ti*itn.vv, O.x la.—Stole' of -Ki'llx dods- i Tiiwnian, Port Murray. N. J . I Kt-tf. •=.:;

chalk's line smill farin near Uniuntiwn,;and uprma tmet, upon tile promise-. M. '•": PiiTMJii, (inirtiuiiet'r.

SATIICP.W, Ocr. i!l— Sido nr tin- ".'iiiiiiivlfarm uf the U'm. Kliii-ld- e<tatf. ne ir Hti-,pln-uwbart,'. , !

HATI'IIN.W, HIT , ll-S:il>-nl the nr-u-ri ' , 'tarm l<iriik*rly the propiTty ni* Adam I less,'

viiunk ' 'SATUKHW, OIT . "Jl—Sate nr a farni and

fimr hou-i'.- mid hit!-, at: A^burv-, liv theheirs of UiftitK'th U. MMlinn. dee'ea-ed. .

S.VTi'ttHAV,* O I T . -"—Kst'i'utur's saK* of. atiiM-aiid lot on \\'i<«t Wnrn-n street, pmp-•tyof Win. Hvivmi-r, dwi-a-ed. .I'nuSAi.r.-fow. •lyi-ais uld. in pr.'ilt In '

Dfi'uiiibL*!': luur •-' ye ir-old*: one ^'yfarold : jhull, ami tluve yeiiHin^ heifer.-. 0. P.: I1,'nle. ii'-ar l.iri.-un s mill, Washington. U p , ;

Foil SAM:-ft.uv.itII on a dniible ht-ati-r;to it quick b-.iy.-r. Ia<|uiieiit |Vi ii, 1,-i.lt-iv !

Ximi'K TII 1-'.MMIKII-I—It.-m.-ml-er the!nil Oxiunl Mill iu Hiwm for ^>ud ltm:k-jvheiit Flour, vvhirli i> yivt'ii iny liei'stiiinl jtti-ntioti in irriiiliiiH. Al-». muni, d rv 'liK-kwh-at is wanted at nmrket cn<liirityn. A. ii. Tnniutiu: l\ U . Hi-lvideiv. f

F«mSAu:~t*iue. laiwriK. W. H:iye-,IJ.-lviden-iiv,


,. Fun SAI.K—Twuand truck wairmiWa>liinj,'t'in.

.!-.•. Iiuiiiin-dfline. !'-li-Wt Jryliiiiler stovt>><(•harl.'S Force, i

Tlli*lt.<i>.\T, KKI-T. -N—Sat.- of I'ei'snnnljproperty nf Uburlotte K. Fuss, deceased, Iii Juitciinii, In* j . ],. (intlmm, n^cnt for f

tlm lielrx.. J. 1-. I-akis itiiftluni'vr. \MD.MIAV, SKIT. t».-.—Salt* ur IIOUM>1IOII1 i

Hi"':!.-; etc., liv .1, Jl. lliiniiin. near Trail-1

iniiiiy chiuvli. ,."i.im A i"AV sniK. in yunr town. Met!

wise and i;et our II^IIIK' utVer. fti'eat pat-tenled nv-essity. Ilii: ni"ii»^y. Nn CUIIIJUJ- ftitlun. Ciuilii and ^tiiinmti-*'. Culoiiiul jSupply Co.. "<-~i iV'5'J. 41 X. Fuurtlt street,!IMnladL-lpliia, Pa. «.i-il-:Jtp. ;•

Foil HAi.K-l'iinirt^es. 'rEiiviimi. olicoiil-!'iw, ferns, bertfoiiins. etc.. fur winter •Id«. II mini,': also nil kinds (,r (all iiluntliitfj „ jItiillw, stich IIS tulips, hyacinths, erocuses,! !•tf. Cum'spDiidenceSuiicited: visiturs nl-j NOTICl- (>!• SALK O.3 LANDS FOR UN-:ways wekouii'. Alunzo .1. Bryan, Florist j PAID TAXES :ami Trucker. Wiwhlii(;tuiit-X. -i. iMil-Hm]- PM" T A X C i > "

TiifitsiiAV, n r r . ir.'-.Si.iL'<>r lffmsdiolir (lafti i.ui'i.it-.vrK.i :

Jj«tabyMiW.M..rk-C.v,.l.«w «t 11« Delrt-; f t S ? , M l ^ l ^ ' S ^ & il L 1 U I " " • , . i the llnrunu'li urWasliin^liiii.ln Ihe County orjLViWKiiit -HAM:- U ill 1»: in-sli wtrly in: Warr.Mi.siaie.irN.nv .ItiM-y, Hint lie will >.-ll,

October. J. W Hmte, Haavii, X. J . 'J-yi-^tii i nt puliHe vcmlue nil limds, li'iit'inenls, h'-ntdl-;

Throat CoughsA tickling in the throat;hoarseness at times; adeeplireath ir'ritntys it;—theseare features of a throatcough. They're very de-ceptive and a cough mix-ture won't cure them.You want something thatwill heal the inflamedmembranes, enrich theKloncl imd tone up the-system .". . '. .'. ' .*.

Scoffs Emulsionis just such a remedy.It has wonderful healingand nourishing power.Removes the cause ofthe cough and the wholes y s t e m is given newstrength and vigor .'. . '.

SCOTT fif B0IVNE, cb,«in,j I'edrl Street, New York

,5,v. „„/£,.„.,. AUdr^,:, ;

for i

: spend one dollar for, repairs!.^i^SaJS

Oven doors with c;ist lining; ;-.<>ratLa can be removed without tak- !

ing out bricks: ; . „Ovtfii tlieriiiomete.r; funiislied if

you want it; - .-,Asbcstos-Hiie.il oven; C " > «'.-l.Sectional lids; 7

Smooth castings; .-.•,!.;•: .."Hconoinical in fuel-Nickel is £ood (juslity and stays

O I i ; . ; : ' . ' " " . , " • • '

Drop liroilinj; door; -'. .Coli! handle knobs. ' -

llcsides tlie Valley NoveltyRanges, we keep ranges from $14.50 up—Thistle Sunshine Range. AsiaSunshine Kange.Ll'alace .Novelty Range,

I Othello Kange.Mystic Sunshine .Range.-'j Jewel Sluel Kange an:l the Happy Novelty| ' < » n g e . ' • ; • •••;


i The - pojuilur Oak Stoves we keep injstock from S»j..|5 up In ^21.15.; /j We nlso keep 011 hitiul the following dif-'fereut varieties ofvparlor heaters:"Oakland"I Daisy Sunshine, Oakdale Xovelty, Marvel,jKmpire, Peninsular, Brilliant Sunshine,! Kegal Novelty ami Colonial Jewel.

; Stove Repairs .I I am without ilouli't the 1»rKcht .kalcr; B l a c k i n g StOVeSj in stove repairs in this vicinity. .My tic-1 I have in my employ 'two' experienced(([iiaintniicc with the stove 'business for: stove blackeners. If you want your oldabout 11 (j wirier uf a century puts me hi [ stove blackened with my new brand of

J possession of experience in this line that \ stove blacking, send your orders in.j is very valuable to nil my repair custom-' This new blacking is line, you can

Tell 1110 11:1111c mid number of stove, almost "sec your face in it." It makesi where il is IIKKIL-. and what you want. I

• take care of the rest and do it promptly.

-Kiin-S.' ,KH, , , » l* l aa i r , iImiulre nt M. -.. i « rAt t i i iKu . ; I H . n i m , 4 win n c n i i tu Hike HIR HIIIIV a n d pay |

H-rJl-tt > ih i t l ax i ' t nsj.ffe.cd nwilnst ill*- siuni-, fin- t h e !

Fm-Mi—A small stwi kev. Owner may j S7.lir I'm'VSt1 Ii.uJulih?»"»l'5hlS,'il.:V IM./ITIV 'have mmu by mlliiiB at STAII ullice. ! ,wJJp H ^ ^ X I nxi^ns'" In wS

WAXTKU—A cumpett-ut «ivl for nenei-.il! levy assesslilfiil und i.'nlli^tluii ulhousework: wa-es .*!•-' per month: small TheHilowllltiiki'plweiit llim.'oin:

miily. JI°°*1 foiiveiiieiu'es; steady plai-e to!.rwitn« "»lrl, . , . , , . . . v , , . , ,Kbtnpvlinint. I...|«in.,',s E. StewartSt . ( ^ ' ^ ^ . ^ ; ;;,;„„;Pur. SAI.B-" ].,uitli|.|- U'Oj;.' Funu" i.i ?,v « >TI- m l V r imi i - i f ™

Wurcwi county, live i»ili« from Hi.i*ett»-! " N >--VTLUI)A\. oc lo l lh l t > ,

•ul.l litx.^

the good wife pleased to sec her stoveined with this new blacking. :


• Hour kinds—53.75, S4.no, ?-l-5^and Sj^oo. Just the things for

. Fall: days when it's a, little toowarm to start up j-our coal stove.

Rochester Radiating

I good thing to hook fast to kitchen stoves.

Second-hand -Stoves

Four sizes—^1^65, S2.S5, S4.00and S5-75. To heat rooms overhead by letting smoke pipe run upthrough the ceiling and connecting-;into them. Saves fuel and is (a

tmvn- i . Biunmw I1...11.! uu.l funu uirabhiMl: ..>tai>-«l'»li In llio nnor.i..in. TIIL-NII. lumls,: t i s u c w . Fin.. wiii«r. Imn1tir.1l situation: ™ ; ' ' ! ^ | ' | /'™ J" rt " . S r i m - i S . " il s i i i a r a ar-w1w.lliiii.lr-Ai.I.ly ;t.....w,i.T,- ^ i ^ I J i ; ^ ! , , ; ^Mrs. F. ^ . Hurl. HnrliiiKtuii, N. J.. or t.M OIIMCMIIU.-, JUI.I llu- u mil laid .m iiivouiil >Ji,niu« Fisher, irni-kBtbtown. X. .1 Ml-tr . 1 " ' ^ l , ! " ; ^ " . ^ ^ , , , , , , ; t . o , , „ , „ „ „ , Ulavc also spmc fecoiiil-linn.1 'licnling stoves .which I 11111 offcri.i- at th.

Fl.iK! Lit.- AtvidL'iit anil ML-alth In^ur- j o r T l l X t ?..Avtt_ 'wir.; IUKI lmk's |.ii-iit.il In llnr- following cut prices subject t o n further discount of 10 per cent. for'~cash. W<uSfleln AB.SI ' ' tiii ' I S ^ S ' S M ^ - ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' I S " ' n ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' S l ' 'Iclivcr these stoves free of charge. Sec list Mow: . . :

1 " • • • ' - " 1Kvl..r.irTii.\.>>. : . . . . ' •I No. 24 Opera rounilstovc..:......:..:.. 5.00 I Ke.l Cloud, larKC cast stove::...:..: T ?.S

— 1 Anti-Clinker, round stove. 4.50 Square iloi.ble hc-iter .. V aN n t - .-..., n»T >o. 12-25 Mountain I-, base-burucr. . ^.001.. , . ',NDS KIR UP.- { A r , t .nr lJ11( , i b . , s e . , , u r l l ( , r ;_ =-<J0 I New Ln (.raiule rou.,,1 stove 5.<x

i—At roapnnablo prk-t'S. .Sat-.i>facti«m giianintt.'fd. ., Mw. A. Tnylur. SO;Taylor street. iW-tf.

i.K-I.WuTes tlrnlwr liuul In Mans-! NOTICE OH 5ALE OF LAitlt.-lil township, mustly rhotinit. -tl year.s"' PAID TAXES.growth. Partiflilars IVcia \Y. K. Kimdli;," - Willinni stre.it. East Onnift<<. N. J.. .

- -. • • " ' - " : • - :• i l - H - t t

, . , v , . : i - "-- . "^.tht-'i lion.'u.Vh oV'\Vi 'lilnH;(im. In tin- CouniyU urstiid 1 urn Mill. Uiant;tnviitt;r. Auw | w,,m.|i.sliUt;orNi'w .lefst-y, Hint In: will sell

11. M: Hush , I U n r n m uiivi- luK « . s ( h h l l 'rinE: t


:Kiiydcr."iip'"' :(inii;i;ryi:ian I!. I I ; Hush,, -.-nnil the Hiii-d is this dnjj wist- In which ! »»• '•'«' <H.-f«.slon tit lu-

:IItmry Slater :1s ismliiivi '

i-pi-ls.'visit yest.M-day'_ r hirtliday miniver-:

Tlu'v weiv mosdy from IJi'lviilen*iifl-ti—f»w—fnitu—KnKiklyii. 'I'll-

a I t l I I^lIII^Ml^n^lT 1117-1 _ . l* * I l l l I ,^ ."! '" ; j ' " r 1 y_ • " ^ '2- f , • ^ ,. ~. , " _iU ,

„.: .ThoWOilnwliw.Bvuiilimiiiw,it-t|,ivl'nwli}Wimi-i-lmrcli\vlll-lii-iiiiiili' ijlil..il|i.t!t.il.fcll~ilUi'i.luls-.-. ...I .i.-ll..l.|>i-u«lililliiiiii!l.viillniiill>iifiirwvi.raliiii,Mllii! ""ji: '.""" . , , . . . . . . , .


. . . . . . / r e a son ul* a serins ol' ,(•slhiM'iiiK Sludii'S," an iden in-omuluiilcdIvr tin: pnsiur. Dr. .ruhnsun. Oiriolu-i- will

; h « a .numhji.fpi-ajvv^ud the suhjei-i, C,,rthe, nrsinii'i'linjr iH-vtWedtiesitiiy uVfiiitit;

. w i l l ..1m .i:.nrayL>r.-T:tts.B\YarHml in Hitriii;...Uin'."'r'"l)r."*'.li>Kiisnn"hiw"hmruiiat"Htlle'

iroldcrs pi-'uited annoiinulnK tlie tuples.'thrt heirs or th" liito Klizuheth H. Os-

miin <if Aslmrv will sell the rstnln nt ilie•Uotel in1 A'rilmry'ini Saturday,- .Oul. • sM,TOmmcncin^; ul. twu u'elock p. in. Thennmni i iUK k p. n u;pr<»i)i;rlUw Includit ti si:i-ai!it- farm just

?*Hith «f HW vllliwi of -Aslmi-y I.:ivnil loti iii'ar tli« Aslitiry lU

d L l J l l t ] J

t farm justi-y; a Itpuw

i h

Krlilay I'wnlns hy onttM'tninlng aftny of IIUIUM at military • t-iiclii'L1, In

l f M I l l W l l Ti

*"•'••"""•",'," r JJCJ,! iiuniestwid and niaiisiuii liuiisi"r"ufthti lulu Dniilul Osniiin wliit-h is admir-

.'•"•'• :alily locHK-d in Asluii-y.•'-—•- "-'-- • Mrs: . r : s ; 'H '" " """" ' ',; -|M!< Krldn^•• • • • i i ~ i r , o n i i m i i y c . _

thn parlur ut HID . Holttl Wind:.••••- Uar^o room was priiCnsely dwunited wnn

1 (mnlinti nnd Hans. At tin.' four miriier.-- of! a #-ac.li of Ihi! six lubk's WiMv uprights

" wound wllh ml, wlil'.«iJ|!iil blue, fonnlitir•jhcunopr from which was suspended a

- " • " - • Jupimtwo Innti'i'ii. This tabliw wore-nil


of tonMrs.

LI id '

nt honsns.Scxtun ha s:>ld,:

1). V. WyckulV, hi-r property un upper llel-'Viduru iivt'iiue to 'lului Lewis. :

-•The dnteC.rt.ln> fair to' 'ltn- hulil; hy^tliui:.budius'Aid HiKuoty uf tlie'MtisconiJtcoiigT'Valley Presbyterian chinch lias been [chiuiKOd froaUVJ;.. -,'to Oi't..ai. |V : .. •

A'younif sou of Oeo. Beryon uf Uroml \smset; in iittemptijiR to cliuil) on a loaded |coal wayon this muniing, fell bonwitli tliL- ]wlmi'ls and his :iej; was lirukon in two!places. . . •'" M . ( / ; . i .1 J . MatHson Purler. anil_i)iirty,..hayo.,;,iiia_tj____-__..i_ " ' 1 ' *

:L'i)mpi(!t(Ml:airiuitonH)l.)iiij'trt]i iroiii Cliiwipor ••:— n -~ "•:-- " ™ " ~to Boston;', They'Dtoiiiiwl at tho St. Cloud !•' -*- ^ -1- ^Hotel ytistorday wirouru to thi'ir home, inEaston. - •.., ' ' ' , . . ' •.

Tlio purchase, ut tlnV' Aslmry hotel by ii:Huuvur uf Calit'on faileil of uonsiuniuatiuii;An agreetnont wns entoi-fil I n t o but thu'iu-tonding piirclnujorj latur nbaiidonod tlii;notion, • , •"

Get on tho Sr.ui's Tresiiastf Lint if you j

^ andFree From Alum or Phosghatic Acid

1, Royal Baking Powder renders'bread, biscuit, cakeand all flour foods finer and more healthful.

in aiiy maiiiiiVr. especially for Ihii pnrpo^o.•i of hunUr.ii.'-lishiiiK. liupuliu,', picking•; Ti'iiit^ bei'ni'H or nuts. iindtM' pennlty- of; thu law. """ '"' ' •"• • "'1 .Iiitoti nunii ".' liiila.vdalo

j i.'iirisvuiuiie..r...!!".".!'.'.!'.''.v!"'.'.!;'.!'.!!!!'.'.'."Moii,tniiii

; i.'linrles OlH'rly..,,; .".'.^.Alplm! .lolin Ituwei-s ; Wuslilnstton Twpj Mt-lvllle 1,. Rush ......Itmss Oistle

"i'.U ll'Khli'liis (Sprlimtiiwuj!"\\'ashliiL;lunTwp'

i^J.'n. It. (in'iy..:...."'.•';"!.'.'....m-iir >ii'jiintaliri.al{'.',:;. •/• ( .Mncki'ythriii.

Baking powders made from alum, phosphates:and other j n o*. riiiiiijw... ... ;•-: ;•

harsh, caustic acids are.lower in'price, but they.are injuriousMo •-ISil!SA'tivIM!llwir''""' '•( ••the stomach. ''; ' ; . , - , • '^^l^!'":!^*:;::*7""""-— I!'.:: r. •

Get on the ST.UI'S Tresp;us^ List if you jWftiit your Innil protuctud from trespass;;your fvuit ami nuts, your grain and game. ;t h t i* t t h

"The injurious effect of alum, on the mucous coat of thestomacK is positive and beyorid dispute; it is both an irritantand'an astringent. The use of alum in any article of food or

, lioorsto. o . d . .• Thcuilurc 11. iteiMit'tt ....

•' Jdlin \V-Hlr.v!a\"::. ' "'-'•••'

'. AlhrilY. .Smith ;.„...:,...,;.' :'.'i:""! Wlllliim II. Hnuli..::vr.™.i.V:

" " it II. Ar-iuy...

pur line of I-all Dress 't".oo<lsr:i::d'rSi!Us-!B—in '.'.c! i.™!:i:i^ci-^th:i.!!~

usual anil al low prices. Call amiinspect .Ijefore 'purchasiiiij-— notrouble to show goods.

50 in. .Uroiiildolli, brown, blue,black','light gray, yi!.-,.l . 0 0 . ^ : ^ ; ^

.50 iiiMlliiiili I'liu.-uiuilCioth. 1 ;0P-nzf•50 in, nine and'Tlrown I'.-uinnia

Clolb, 85c.' '•- ••• '; ;. '• -50 in. Hluc, Itrown and Gray Mixed• cioth, soc." . • •'.•' ,.„...,.:.36 in. Hlue anil Hrown Wool HiT-*:

". i-isic", 50c. ••" ' ..|4'in.iMohairs, brown, bhic, yray

nniVb1nck,'75crT , "' 6 in. Mohairs, brown, blue gray :

' jinji black, 5 0 c -;6 in. Black nnd Colored Taffeta

Silks, 1.00 to 1.25. •••.. ,.27 in. Ulack Tnffulit Silks, 7 o c . ^ - -VwiUi-t>1aUcnis'r-"al!-wool,;~:3^ii~.yt!i;;i

each, 1.98 per pattern.White Waisling with red and green.. stripes, 35c;"'viilue 50c.

Persian l-'laiuiclettc, •l j0c1to,'l2^c."Special 1'olkadot i-'laniielcU'c," 1 Oc,Ladies' innnnulctte Niglil Gowns,

59c; vdluc 75c,Ijsiiies'.l'lanneleile N'ighl howns ,

49c;~valiie~66cV'J?rr •' • •••—"• v.-.---Misses' I'lannelettc Night Gowns,.1 49c . :-.:.,,,'• • • ^

sV Muslin ^Niyht frowns,!40cr

5about:.ton:;^la'sses;ot\!Vuici'jtpthe systein of waste—the lack ofthat flukT is the. main cause of v ;nervous disorders. ™^-: • .._-.

Seilz ;1 Jeer is tlife_givatest toiiic:'''.£bevt'i'agb. that is Tiipqu themarket — it ])romotes appetite, ,.lids digestion, and gives healthful,and refresh iii jf sleep taken be-*1 '••-,fove retiring. !

H. C. -Webster, Proprietor.'

The Seitz

Page 8: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the


RADER'SEaston, Pa.

This week you will findthe store complete in alldepartments.






FURNISHINGSIt .is the largest' and best variety of mer-

chandise in each and every department evershown in our city.'.

Besides the regular, assortment there aremany specials in each of these departments which

: will be offered daily throughout the season.

It will be as much of a pleasure for us toshow you these beautiful garments as it will forvou to see them.



•• \A/. NUININ, Port Golden. N. J

Special Bargains in

\l I* - liI i . ,,,,|.,,Ii,i' Ihn

i- I.,'-I kniiun.' I III inn l,;l- lll'V,' Mr. Ki'ir »•


I I In


Democratic Candidate for Sheriff,l.'lintim Ken'* uiiun'

i well knnwii I'm't i l

, Pa.

ranges of almost as many different styles that , we llsive eouchlded tidiscont inue. In couse(illence we now offer •


'In effect'ii"|iiuliipl cleaiiu'lce.iiud K»>» much hcwled [mm. As theseranges rank in style, in effectiveness and in durability with the fulllines now shown, we have no hesitancy in urging the public in take

• advantage of the very extraordinary values this sale affords., , . . ' , . In this connection attention is invited to

i-riilii' li.ki'l. lli>V> n wi'll fcninvii fnniirr HI Hri'liiicliuywn tmvn-lM|i nnil i :nisiiiilll lhl> miililii- iiml lli.Tn-1'.'li" f tin' munly. wlii'i* In1 '. — . n • • « » , ins^T^^x^zr.^^ ;• The Peninsular Steel Rangen> tin- -mi n( Isiuir I! I. si Iiffli>ii» runner of rivUii»lm\>i'ii, • • • • • . w

m .luimoittioimr^ "ii .Imif !». is:m. Hi- mem-d mi ordinary nliy ; illustrated below. Pile 'best results untamable enmc by its use, U

Mititiii in tin- * j»~v-* -"i i •* "' 11V" * * T i i~V»* * l\ t • V * 1 **-S 7»~ ."iVa'Iln th!"V«hi!"""i!'tCw1u«Vii"tUH' '1 ) c i"K il wouderfiil baker and fuel economizer. Having double wallsiiiil|"i'"'Ili?f i!" w!'li-k"i»' l ' l i n" l11"1' •'"l'»-«l"'>ll»i1^- '»*liit'li wii.-s' i>ii»innlly mvmil j of steel, filled with asbestos, the hunt is confined where it should be—

nli|Wn«»/'V!ii*?1"*"!s' vi" 11" " ! a l 1 ^ ° " a11 S"^'S"°*" l! l l i o v e n * which i* w ' ( ^ ' and (U-ep. The warm-inj*- closet is a very convenient ami valuable feature. As this rau^e

1111(1 'sets squarely on the floor, dust ntul'dirt cannot ^el underneath. It is•handsome in design and the metal is so treated as to retain a lustre,

, ... . , . i" Snaking it in everv respect a kitchen ornauicut and a housewife's pride.M i i l i l i f f a v o r n t t l i i - t i m e , l i e w n - a i m - m l i i T <>i t i n - b o a r d o l e d u c a t i o n i n I r e - ',. , , . „ , . , - •

Vlii •• 1111 v "•• 11 l <»w n *l i i ii and six years a»o win vtivlrt urn* i>f.Un> i-mintv iiihuirr*. j There are other steel ranges, but—well, make a comparison before...•mil;: in that uiihe im- a tviiu »t three year-. " ibuying ami learn the difference! -:'.'

The receipt t>f another big iiivoitrof Kitchen Ranges andHeating Stoves lias compelled a re-arrangeinenl of our extensive1 stockand tlie acquiring, of. additional space. "Although both floors of agood size store-house are devoted exclusively to our stove department,we have been compelled to rent the ground floor of a nearby buildingIn permit of proper display of the many styles and different sizes.

There-nrrangeiuenl brought 'conspicuously to light about a dozen

• bv hi- I'lilln-i-in-hnv. William S. Vimllw-ii. UN.wi f ei Vault . . in. Thev have ' twn childrril -KIMVII . -JO y.'iii-1 old. I,nlli of wl'mm ir-i.l,- tit 'IliiliH'.

| | , . j . . II inenilier of l » n Ulnc-—the .MiiM>nii' l.od»i' oiIVvi-lif l.odjre. I. O. U. F.. of .liihll-oii-billj:. II<' lin- ln.'i'M >iiii'ini-il ltiil»c for t n i \i-iil-.

M r . K e n ' s pulitinil vei-onl i ' luiei'. l i u ' - t lm t only fin t her.1 I? \ • ' . . . . . . . . ..» l l i . _ t i l . . . . I I . . 11k Ilk 'I Hl i . l lMl i l l ' 11 t i l l 1 WoHl'd I


'('iiliminniini si'i'viciw will !»• lu*l i i i ' l l i ": Marltsboro i;linri-li, Snixliiy. Oft. l .a t l ( l : : i l• a in Prt'iiaratory i'evvii't'Suii Siitnnlayi.t:2::»l|i. in. ' :,''• Jtouiiriiil sorviws fur tin' lute (icorfO

• Wililrk* rav.hi'lil Inut auiuli

CALIFON..lolin ApKiir utnl (liinullti'i- of M Uiiun

tvi-rij in tnwn last Hitniliiyi'alliu^on It-it'inls.Davifl rark-i'i- initl l 'rank Kvcrsol,- wi'tt-

n (Jualicrtowii 1:1st Stnula.v.Ex-FrL'^lioltli;i' l 'ti 'd U. - PlilUiower of

Do nut forgitt the 1'if.' roust (Mrs. Aiiroi) C. Bnij.'k'r ••ntt-rtiiiuea fnim

T V til F i l f l t w l i Mrs HMrs. Aiiroi) C. j .

'. TXWMVAV until Friiliiy of last w• B. Pmttnf Muriini, South Citroliii

ea fnim. Mrs. H.. ior

m-:il diiys n'-l S p o o n i T ,

IT'S TIME TG PAPERThat room that looks so dingy and the other one the paper

.•.I '--: of which is so badly soiled. You talked about doing solast spring, then decided to wait till fall. Well, fall ishere, so is our splendid assortment of Wall Papers.

: ^They'll add wonderfully to the appearance of your home\:..'S and" be greatly enjoyed during the long evenings of

":r~" winter— act early.' - • • - - - • - - • - :-•- - -

Don't you want a square of New Oilcloth or Lin-

~ioleum for under the heater or kitchen Range?

We have just the assortment of patterns from whichyou will find it a delight to select a piece.

'< Slr-s Win; A. Kurr spent sevenil ilii'• funtly with her sister, Mrs. Ar thur SJK•• at Capu l iny.' Mrs. -I.-T. Wulf anil little daughter 3Iay| juhiiMl her fiimily hero on TueMliiy of lust

; j Week,

i E. I'liim-Ii luvurmiiKiiiK'tu Imlil a t-hfi-k...mnl WIIIIIL' siipiwr in Aj>t;arV Hall itn Thur-s-tlnv cvi'iiini*. J,uv. ~. 1'hew liulit's i-uii prii-luire a ii-a»t lit for H king.

TIIL-iiulioii ln-DiiKlit against thi- MidilluValley Trap Rock Co. liy citizens of thatHL'tKLilKTlHKMl, fhmtrluR that tho lilasts (iredollattliL- quarry of the eoiiipanv sutttt'i1

the ilyityr stuML's aloii^ thu highway, harcsulteil in a p i V U t m n t l th.._ .. in a piVM'Utment liy the 'gnuul' ,jury to the eifuct that the cuinpany mus t !

put up notices jilcm^ tin; road suiting time •when blasts will he" iliscliiirRcd: '"also, JIG ,I . -

There is no-other line ofRanges and .Hove* within aradius of 25 wiles that equalsours in number or assort-ment. PENINSULAR


Get Your Wall Papering Done Mowbefore.the paper hangers t;tjt so binyjts In entail atnmyin^ dehiy. .We- ;iiv

admirably prepared to'fill your Wall Paper wants from n large and carefully

selected stock at niiist moderate pricings.

fnrtliR d

. that thev p

J l i nilln

' nto of tlie ciitneh. lit the meotiiiK «t tlm < u

: Presbytery lield at Uelvulere. on Sept. Si. j'•• Eil\vni-a Casubfer tuoved mi Tliursdny •'f from Philip Hqiiiyr's tenant hmisi;. at | Freil FrtttiS(Hiiei<#i« CorneVf to Perryville, Pa. • | parents in this

! Myron Paddock is umplnyeil in the m i i -i mery a t Qnarryville. >*. Y.

Henry Pounds of MidtUetown. X. Y..

VA/.-.INUIMIN,. PORT GOLDEN. IN,(.•my is still fouflned t» tlie house !

.f Now York is visitinj; h\> |

Kuv. Ueorce Oaks^n. jiustor of the Cnkcti-bury M. Ii. church, preiichtnl in mir uhurdi-1.last Sumli

:ejiistered voters in West_. c,_. . . . , iwltslmry,.. iiccurdiiis.. to the list postal

' . l n s f w c e k . . : . • • . . • - . . • •• • 1 l u s t w e e k . • • - - .; Harrv K. Kerr had diiiise of the ofliee at I Mayor and Mrs. George Coleinnn midithu Washlnytonville station on the X. Y. ; Miss (ienevive L'ol.inmn of Ellwnod, Kim., .\ t S R. R.. several tlnvs last week. • and Mrs. Hum1 Wood of Tarrvtown.X. Y., \

•ct to '»'« {ruust.-iot llr. and Mrs. J. "We.sley lieu- iAnril j tlei'hon. Tlie Col«miint. will snend a nionth ;

t with ivIiiUvt:.-* in CitlifuH.in^li Crid^CTitnt'

y P o u o n. X. Y..i former proprietor of the creamery here. , There are 370i visited Manager Paddock of our creamery T e l b

k 1 l

and «A1 next thevhavinyaminL'tid with -Iiicobt with ivluliv^ ill Liilif>.n.:intiliL_..r

\iKsViMIniiiuslHirK to occupy His store Tnrrytiiwn before retnrninj: to thenattlmttiine | tern home.

1 At private siile last Saturday. Adan

-':IIow niaiiv cvi

5 Do you take the same care • of "ihetii-ns you do some valuable,

© ' "^™™*7j'fTo^s^"5rbu~doiv't;~"\'v-ii^-?-~lfel^ .. A . tlmm as you should. Do you know that daily you put your, t-yes .to..;£~^^^ests.of-aidiiraiiccAbat.ly.ou.cbiiUljw

: H - ; They are coTiiiiellal. tvcr.y luinutc uf the. tiny, to accoiiimodatiiV ; H . themselves to long aiur'sirdrt distances^, largo and small objects V 1. ™. bright and dim lights, every change meaning, a. rc-adjusltncnt of the,

-S---..orL'ansof sight, 'cohiiieHtng' them to keep in perpetual "iiioLipn-'-'froiii I

...k*ke hiid an enjoyable time lastweek attending the Alleiitown Fair, and)'v.tiuiirriuiMiR in1 Eastiin.;;;, •. .• -;;• j

lli^'-XiuTcv '\\r'ildrick''^ir;Xewu;k';'isrthe1

nwt or liei-Vistfir, Mrs. E. D. Yoiimaus. ->Irs. Mar.-ihitll _U... Smith."Miss Mallie•rtriiiiwUiy'MW. Eu\vbi,;VT.•ltlce on Well-

Misses IStliiil and Florence Mott mid liro-: uier Lewis visited at this homo of their



"the tinie~liit!y"open in the moriiing-iihtil tiie'y cio'se atvtiightrl"'r^^'5\vii\rdon'L'yon:rc5t;tlicm.occrisiu::aHytlit:'sitnie"asi:you do your' leys; and' arms ?" Gel repair of rest glasses of Christine,' the opliciiiii,'; and have good sight at 90 years of age. After trying aH othcrs,tryir:me—or iielter still, try me first. .._.. ' .", ^=r

o;S,..yg. Christine'^OPTICIAN "" ;" -™"" •"•"' ••--,T" ^ Wasji j t igtori ; :N. J .

: €HAR LrES R.•; F:ORDFurnishing UndertakerWe -have in our employ Mr. I. D. Reed, lute with the

National Casket Co. of .New1 York,' who will assist us.

NIGHT CALLS—At Store, 37 E. WashingtonAye.,*;-or at my Residence, 7* E. Church St.

T R A N Q U i n T Y .

•• • •::-—>!iv'iind MrsrCiebruoX'oieiiToni'MriirLi^_ ^L/.i<>-lC»i!)!"ily-!nirV-M.i!!H-i\iiTitr-A«plO!!iiin nrr"(&"' t'lijffi'firK'a ViM^witlfUreiirl'rieiiuH,"3Ir. aiid

™ I Mfs."Conrad RUw. a t Milford, Huntcrdon.1 ciunity.-lati;r jitKsndinijtheAllciitovvii Fair.S (hi tht: return trip they will visit Mr. andi Mrs. Charles Daniels at PeiijVrgyl, Pa.-I Miss Lydia Vreeland is atfAiidovcv caring• for Mrs. 'Seymour Stickles. ,! Mrs. Uenj. Humiltmi and Mrs. Dolan of

Xtnvavk visited relatives nt Hamburg two• i l H V c W t w i - L - k . • • • • • • • • • • - • • - •

A j Mrs. Jacob Wolf and daughter, Mrs. -T.B .'rATrVoiisli.-imit Mrs. Ophelia Slater, wore9 I visitors at tint home of Oeoryc W. Slattir,

mi Sat unlay.1 • •' <;ilisses lii-rtlia Kind red and Jessie Dunn

spoilt Katnrdav and Huuday here with Miss.Jennie Hcmk-'whufc. 1-

'I'lie pastor mid his wife eutertnimid Mr.and Mrs. IJardhi of Coldyilkv-on Thursday

visiting the deer park'throiit,rli"uiu kindness»r Ktip't Charles Pnlleivvrlr

J l r . and Mrs, Newman Drake of Brook-lyn retiirneO. home hist Thursday, aftersiiendins some time with their parents.• Mrs. MiiUlioVDuylu"~or'~Gwlicn; K ' Y;,is stopphiK a few days with her parents,Mr. umlMrs. Jeremiah Hendershot. .,

Two new . monuments • were erectedTraiiquillly cemetery hist week—inio onConnid Hies's plot iinil the other on RussellSlmckleton's plot. -Nearly all tho plots lirekept neatly mowed and tho flowers iu~blooinintf beautifully since tho rain.—..Tnlin Rnninn movml vostfirdav (Wotlnes-

•) to Stewart'sville.. * ^ "' --•-••"•" ' """'

. »« . I m i s W ,tlw iA ' J y I

;. Sirs. Win. 'Thomas is eonhome by illness. _ _ _ _••

InX'i 'ectinVc'nM^Apgar's Hail Friday niKht, and tbey col-leeleil ?i)|!.00 with which to start the ball

. Mrs..^mradeiHoIl'niim;is.serioiis|.v-ill-at

Mr. and Mrs. Silas U'eiso and Mrs. P.George and daiiphtei1 started last, Sunday

dowii.-and-.Mr;—Weisi(-took-thn' train lorNew York to yet ii duplicate oi1 the brokennirt. They hope to yet home some day

To Cure a Cold in One Day ,Take Laxative Uromo Qulnlno TabletsAll .druggists...refund.'uio.money,II itfails- to'curo." • "" ! "' E. W. Grovo'a signature 1H on reach

HARMONY. : •llov. A. C. Covev aiid wife of Mt.' H<;r-inti aru visiting old friends iii.tnjs_.vi<;iiiity,Edward Stires, son and daughter of.Phil-

lipsbnrg were unests of Mr. and SIr»'.i Wes-ley Kinnoy on Sunday. •

Mr. and Mrs, Amzi Lnntz of near Bdvi-tlero passed Saturday and Sunday with herparents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Miller.

Clyde Miller, a gradnato ot LafayetteCollege, is now 11 student at a medical col-

•HO inPhiladulphia. • 1: •—*•;•-•:> ,_ ..,„,•;Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mackey of Hiizen were :

thciiiHisI, of. her., brother .^»ttittisoii'! Ainejv.!

Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hinelitm and diildn:iispent Sunday at the home of. Oliver .Rico.

Miss Aunie Rice is^onliiicd to her homeby.illness. . . . . .... " •. [„,_ . "

Mrs. John'Koch and childi'tiirand Mrs.Arthur1 Hamlon and children of Phillips-burg spent Sunday at Geo. Loinninson's, •-•'

Herbort Kiefcr and 11 young lady IraniMt. Bethel, Pa., were guests of Mr., andMrs. Jesse Raub, on Sunday.

Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Mackey and' sonHarold spent Sunday with Joseph Snydorand family near Washington^ • . .•~i3nrrct Quick of Bayonne and John Angarof Phillipsunrg and t Mr. and Mrs. JosephHineline of JBuHonwooil, ;Woru gtiCBta ofMr/arnVMrBrtiifcob Millor on Sunday, ."j;

Mr.-'and Mm, Albert Hawk of near Wash rington visited Mr.and. Mrs. John .H.Millorover Sunday." w " •"-""" "r -""•"- »—•--•:•"

MiBsHattioMoserofPhillipabiirgis the-mjogt. of.iinr. sister.' Mrs. O.W. Hinelino.^

0 Complete^Stores



Broad, New and Ha!sey8ts;i Newark.: ;

Choice asGrea t ; ' :as in

•New York.

Height90 Feet;

Broad St.' F ron t258188}

200 Feet Come and Spend the Whole Day With Us. iO8 FeetHigh:

EVER1OKOME =Mail1 ;0rder^Pmmptly Filled. EVERYTHING;FOR WEAR

Bromo QuinineMifflon boies \am in past 12 months, --~-v 'ThlS

' _• f»B TWO ftt^j .'

(bn every'

When you'feel heavy and drowsy nothing isiso good as

They^weeten the stomach; regulate the bowels and stir up" the liver.;; lrGet-them 6Jf,.your druggist. , ^ ; .

STAR and:Thrice-a_- WeekJNewjYoi^Worid^ $2-?o per year in,advance. ••

:::.^ :_.&

Page 9: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the


•.Wlit-ti lirttVaiiiiiinucomtC'i.woiui-ii.wiirim a ti>- tin* ixinJi'iH of nwllirrticHtil. yejilirink (rum t h a t wconii "cliiwjm of Hie

l l i ill I h l tt l l f 'Hi will ImnHrttii")* ImnlciHTln-y fcnr u CIIUIIK*1 lit fttrin.iri f**«Mir»*. In

urn] i t i t r n e -IM'SS. Kllcll

1111*wiirnuitttl Ity tliuulTcls ttlilrli tllltt

IIU wiiiniui i

IVWIHi. Hutii-il lot

lTJiow win* lutvu

iw«l Dr. Pirn-it'sFuviirltivi'n'SLTl|i-lluii ilo nut, .xiiturfruui (Iiu i-litillK*'»f lire ••itti-r inie.cn, form or fi***l-I us ilo oilierwimu'ii. This fiii'tIK rim* In tin; In-I1 mute rtiiiiifrtlou•if tin- KttlMTIlllifiilth wllli tileviiliarly fi

HACKETTSTOWK.Mm. It. If. Sklllern haxrvttinunl to her

l P h 1 f M h l f l t l t h

COLUMBIA.Mr*. •)••>' HiirluiiK of IMnWntv was ilu1

ip*l of her MIMIT. Mr*. Tllnlr UII*1IMK.imtiM* In FhllttrtpJphl(iiift'*rniH'nillii(tthw«» ju t i ra t <>t hiiliinthM nt hiT mothi'i'V lioini? Ill th in! liu*t Frmiiv.iiliwi'. -••'• -Mr*. Aniln'WSttiitli niH'iit lu«l I ' .-IIIHV''

'i'lii< I'ltwchto. Vlult niwwiilxnl.: liwi »t the hum.. ut her hn.tW.-.Aiwrni Mr MThuivdiiy I'VTiihiu tit the homo nf Mm., Cain, al Vnll. . \i(Iticrhi. Mr*. (•Vow H. Ki-rrli>, will U*l Mr-. Thiiium Hughes. Mr-, ('fork |{-v<l *tln> JIM tn .'lit.Tin I n Ih"llml Ilur rvi-nlnu.

Ml*. JIIIJIIIIIII- Dull tin1


_ , M M . TIIIIIHI Hughi*. Mr< Cliirk Htvil jlulj ti.-sct Tiii'»-imiililiiii|lliU'ri>r Nmvnrk mill )llw IMIn »

!\\V]|i-r wi-iv i-iitrrtiihiiil ln»t Tliurrtliiv!tl Jl M W ttVll ' '\\V]|

vliu'.-tvlui .hiw IM-II liy JlitimiiTtit llit- humour In-r! M i) l i lT ill t j l

r wiv iiitrrtiihiil*. -M. W. ttVlli-r.

(il l l. , „ . ...rx. (tlyMHTiuiil iluiiulit'.T of'Sihiinlfi. jtiru-tf, Mr. .1. 1). lliilTinuit, will return !<>• htirjf wvtvht-rv ltirt Prltluy. !

i-tnlilii tialiiv.' Slif I'liliTtitlnnl tin-; KiUvutil Unnliitr. wltit wltli hU fnntlly;x I)l«h «*liifi mi Mumlny. I'nutivit- niuviil fruiii IMvidfiv to lMnwrnv InMchit' r.ilh.w.il tin* MI|I|XT tuiiT tin*! April, unit »Iiuv Trom IMuwnn* m Oi l - !

. . . . . . • . « • . * • • _ • < • _ _ . - « _ . _ _ _ t . » • . . T * . t . I B . a . _ p . . . . . . . . •])HKI* wmt WDII lijTin1 Yntnijf Pi'uplt*'-

linn htw iM'tuin jtn'iKinmini - Tim nkwlvl lift i-nI'n'Hliytcrltm Siinrtny <•

Am; lionltli nf tin* unt'in*'••My iinwrvitiff itn> licultli tif these <»

VHII«.utiil rvlU'Vlnjt tlm nysti-m fnim tin- •»•*>• »t"i"" ." *."<Mtll!lii1li»rtlriilii.<. nlivnt iiml [nlliinimu- "»"» Main Mtnvi.fidiio.whirii sup l u in'iiiih. "Fflvuritf . . ^ Y ? : . : ^ 1 " , . , . * . . !I'ri-MTijillmi" iiuvt'.-* tin1, ivny fur MilsiiHliirnli'ltiiiiKf1 tocnmo In Ntitnri'V wiiy,wlllintit Ihi ' loss nf caiiiifity In IIICIISM

- OHHTX or lH-r.-uii.il Innblmy tit I'lijoy life."V'uir'FnVDrllc 1'iVM'riiillfiii* hruuirlit mi*

_.... iCll/ltlM'tfl Mtmii' nun I I - I I I I IM'U lift . •IMIII • ' ilierlhlnl year'* wtmlvtit lln* M.imvlim Mrs. Clliii*iif Oxford uml .Mrx. HmluVrS'inilinry In Iti'thlclii'in. i>r IIIIII** win- t-ntiTtiiln^l ln»t Krlilii; '

ThutiuiK (iniKiin. who*' lHittllnu; \vorkniMrv. Tmimiu* I1IIU1I>*M,wi'iv rwn t ly luirmit nut, hun Ix-jrini tin* i Mis* JMIti \V«]|i*r hint n* tier Kin1*! IUKIcni'ilun " fa liulMinit'im LIU-rtyMnvt. jTlmtwIuy MU-* Mitinl.- !(.».. ..r NVw.Vurk

ilivw. Hlit'ivr-will n'liunv fnim Ihi-Jclt;fiirnt tu ihc Miixwi-ll U.HIMV ji " *

hi- jelly. V i *lsl! : Mm. Will. IVClh' illiil la>l U'II!M.xhiy W.. t nlu'H iiri.TiiKliMrr Illi r o,,i>niii|>iti.ii, I ©


rrittl just I

IT. Pi'trr Klit*. on IIIKII ntni'1, when1 >\w\ rvsMli'iitv .-'iittinlitv jifliTjnuui whim INI-|] tin Itivolltl for thf piiMt five vtiirn ; itii-nt in tin- Poi'tlnixt cniii'ti-fv.#....... _ ! . . . . .1 . - _ . * » . . t . * _ l . 1 ~ . . . I . . . 1 . . . I J \ f H l \ f M . 1«..•»..... 1*. . . ( .fnun rlu utmki


liiniiof iu

On Krhlny slu- hiilyrilrt, which \vu» ihc 1:of her tlnttli. Slut Irt sur-^ajSffl.SlllW^

Ker. of Mi KAnkri iy St.. I'tml"Tills r l imiKi- l i l i i t l . ' v ry iilcJorlinniT llinnulitail »i..l rail 1 »sl,, ,

Mii iJ ? «

liiSKlViviViV hvn hruli,,^: jlii,.,,, ,iul.. Itmlnnil.on-Kuii. IVtiT, of thin iiltuv. .Mrs 'Ihiilnu!. venary iilicli-n^nnl ills- 1mm 111 Illl' Itlci' IliiliM'Stfllll nil Wl.tiTlln M U I l l l l l llf I l l

:l { Mr. mill Mrs. Amln-w VI»M'-1.-I* i.f O.V'funl iin- vWllnji (In- liilit-rV luin'til^. .Mr.

il Mrs. KIIIM (7liinnli.'rliilM anil, h.-r sis-ti-r, Mrs. (.'lurk

i'ily ralln.l.'k lir

K«l*'?.,™i a nil" i,".i'i!: .liy ..lint r.v,mi-nH-iiil<'<liiii-t<i try llr. Pli.-n-1-s I'nvorll^ r n -wrliiliuiimitlll maili-iiifn>iil i-liHiiiri-for lln-

ffmlilr / i l iJl nt.U- I.i" n" ill ii. in! l i .Sllihlntli-s wlliidiil iiiiy.lltll.-iillyitiiil pn^

I I I I I ny n Inl.l.-. I rUnion-

1 l""l islnvt anil SIH-III III-I- i-nlln- lif.- In Oils! fnini Sulunluy until .Mimtluv.I'lii' C. nil si-rvli-i-s ».- v h.-lil nn > M.W.Cm.l Im- |iiirehusi'il u'ni in.ilill.-.

•k lt.i'il nf N'i-wark was hi l.nvnill.Ill "•

Sinllh WHS li.-iv nwr Siimiiiy. *•

IIIIII.ntl H.-


wlliidiil iiiiylir HTIIKI UIIIIDUI nny

mnii-iiil finir ' Tavurlli- l"nvn.iiiliiinlli'lii.'fiirmnii.'ii.

I.IIIII-. ThKliluy. •_..-.- ..•.«-..- .. , : i_.lli

-Miss X. Wllilrlrk Is s|»-iiillnil llu- » w k i : . . . ^wllli n-lntlvi-s In Illiilrstiiwii, hi-r fiirin.'r • iim In ('iiliriirnlii. Ami.iij; mhi-rIIIMI.I.. Ili.-y will visit I...S AniP'Tiv "

Iti-v. Wnrivn It. Wunl. wlm l« II.IIIIK ! Sim Ili-rniiiilhi.i. Sim l-'mm-li-villliri'llstll- wink in I'lllllii-llillln. U j ilnlulii Ili'm'll.

,.. ! liniin- fur a liii.ntliV vai-iillnli. Mrs. ,lli..-n Ci.nl is luivliin hri-linnil : Till- Kin- ll.-|ittrtiii«-lit Is (irrutiKliiK f.ir II i.ii«li-liil mill Ivimin-il. :HI ! II I'l-I.'l.nillon. in ivlil.-l. ilni" II will i-iili-r-! Mrs. Hurry Pl.l]ll|i- ;.ii,l ,,ni l!;.h.l.l nml '" ; lulu IIVIT livi- liuniln-il visllili« lln-nii-n. | Miss Ailu Knsl ii'lurniil In Hi-lvlil.-n. last :

; Wlllliim II. llmk.i luis IMTII uralili-tl u , Siilnnlliy aft.-r a wti-k'svistl wllli frl.-mlsjVi.il limy IK. IVIIIIIIK Illiil SI.IIII-III.II>- rlmi I .giii.nl nn an hniinn-nl sti'aill lu-ati-r. | li'-n-. I

slillll sny Hint tlii'lr Imliy ls"Jil.-l HSKIIIKI " . I),., anil Mrs. .1. \V. Curtis ah-siH-iiillnit Mr. an I Mrs. I'nwi-r.. un- Imnrtllnjr at .' i't wnlit.lliiil IKIIIJ- itlils wi-i-k with n-Inllv.-s III Tn-ntnli ami I tin-Imnn: nf K. C. All.-rlsuii. Mr. I 'mv |

' atli'iiilinir ill.-fair. .-i-slstlii- fnn-iniiii In th.'ll'i-iiilliiiii »!uti'i Mr. nml Mrs. (i.-t.rir.- -I. Osiimn vNll.-il fa.'l'.ry I" Sliili-fnril.111., inini. Mi-s. Wllllain Luup-r. in l'"i, Miss (i.-rtniil.- Ainrl- I- I.M.-II.-I- hi a

: Al-yal. I'a.. fnra fi-wiluysiwiit l i- . .-.-hnnl niu-r Xiirlli liaiwn-. Wln-li ill.-1 Mr. • Kh'liK III.' li.-w h.«ikk.-..|H-i- f..r i-initnict was IM In- ..lBn.-il fin- liw in haw

III.- I'liiuklhi 1 l»'i- Oi.. Im. tak'-u a rliurBi. nrill.-Slal.-rimlsi-lu.iil. Hi.- ilini-r-; llul In tin- Iliirni-ll apiirlin.'iil linns.-. , nrs ivfusi-il In hhv u r.-inali- li'ail'.i-r.

l-'ivil.-rli-k WHIIIII ill.-il iiri.-rn f.-w llnui-s . ll.-v. IIIIIIIIMIII |.ivai'lli-il at llrlilm*vitlf..in.'ss lust Krlilay lit his Main .-ti-.it i Insl Hiiniluy.I. ;-, frc.ni lu-ai'I ill-i-ns.-. , Hi- was I..,in I Mrs. II. Smrfuss ami ilain-lm-r Xina nl

IliiOU-i- l.nlhi-r. (.'i-i-iiiany. ?.-v.-lity-rnur :SJnuln.|»- nn- visiting lu-r aunt, MI .v.-iirs nun. Wh.-ii a yntiiii; inmi In- I'linii- [ WlUnn. , i: tu AllU'l-li-ll mill IflH-lli-il lilt' tullnl-'s tnuli-, Work al lilt- .-Int.- ijiiam- wus (IKi-nli-1. Ill NVw Ynrk anil thi'ti Ini-iili'il III llnp.-. . Illtin-il Ti lay m lnji. 'I'll,, IVIIM.II Isi• i-nmlllK tn Ihls lihu-i- iilinul furl v yi'iil's " . ' ' K.-Iu'l'iilly kn.iwn. Inn 11 Is salit nil; nui>. A1...UI a vi-ar nun. lu-i-i.Miiiaiili'il l.\-iai urn i.r a imiir .|iia!lt.v ul slat.'. 'I'wn <Mils wir-. !»• ivliini.il fur lln-llivt Him. ;rninlll.-s n i l him this plan- from liali-! r..r a visit hi l.Vniiimv. Hi- is survivi-il • K"r I" W'irk III 111.' i|iinn-y nml it Is pr.,1,. ,H.vii win-. Tin. fiiiii-i-al.-i'i-vli-i'.. WI-IV In-Ill nlili-Unit Ihi'.v will ivliirli tu |jini|Hir sunn. ,i nil Mimtltir fnim Ills Int.- linini'. Mrs. .laiu.-s Di.-lrli-hiiml Intl.- ilnllnhn-rl! Miss Mailn- V.nniir. II isriuliml.- •,! 111.- Killln nml -Mr. -1. C. Klli'lii-n -1 1 TII.-S- !1 III . _ • . « . 11 . IB 1 1 1 . _ . . I ^ 1. . ' i l i . l . l . t I. Ii _' I , . . * .

ns yuiiri-". mil ytm ill .. . ,Slll>Mlti||iil fur VHtilS. l.«'t ili'ilti'f* fllVwlmi llu-\- liUc'iilHUii otl iw m.<IMiic-sIx'iiiK "JiiM us tiitoil" hut IIIMI'I lot tlH-msiilisiHulc unythliiK fur "l-'avi-riti- I'ro-tcri|>lii-ii." It IsitlHiitiiK'ty iini'iiiiEili'il.


All Ijvii stock will show iiiiprovt.'-incut if yint give mi occasionalfewlof


Hur.-iu.-t aiiil ciittlt; will look liultur,!MV\ Ijultcr, eat better, ^-ork andItniilncu butter.

The cost is so small thaLil will]i;ty you to itivuslt^iitc to the cx-tt'iil of liityin^ and Irving oilu

k l f

•-.- j l l« . . 5"0

Anewalt's PharmacyI.|O South Main St..

I-IIII.MI'SnTRO, N. J .In Sccoml National l;,nik: Itiil'g.

; Wumiin's Uiilli-in*. llalliinuiv. has tiik.-n II | il«.v In hiislim. ;! iiiwhluii lu Hi.' i.ul.lh- -rliiiul ul (,'mtinml. ! Mrs. (!. I., lli.v.'m I. Mrs. M. \V. W.'I-1

Mrs.. .\l.,.','l,,_ .Inhns mil ilainihfT !',''' "f <-«)'»<M«. "ml . Ml--. A. I'uwl.-y ,.r.IIIU'l'-lM'n|l]c I

- 'I'lii.i* i^ilii

u.-ir III.-lust ul ' lh. 'fi-i.in lluilil':l-'i'l.lav.

Mr.'mill Mrs. WllliIMK'"U stri'i't WI-IV jrhItist l-'rlilay. .

Mrs. T. II. I'lut,- ivrnim n vl.lt I., li.-r ft

0 iviiirii

i l-'niiv uf Washi n - n i ' l i r l - imt-ty

[•n--il nn

wli-ynl.'l II. A.-k.'l'i

iItiisllii" i- •vi-IlliiL- h.'i

Ml'.. Mary Ru-llni.-. olMiss Kn.

: irriinilini.lli.'• .Main sir.-.-..

'I'll- Mnnilnv Kv.'iitni.' Km-liii- rlnh mnil liull.'S hus n'.if-:,..iz".i mill will I ili-lliiill.'il Ill's) l.v Mis. MIIIIII Sti'V.-ti..

CIKIII.'S H. I'I.'-I-I-L- nf IJ.'atvi-si.iwu ha.-|.uri'lins.il ill.- Alijiui-lnllk mill.-.

Wlllluiii llnikf luis IIIIIVIIIIS-.I sir.uits. whirl. I.." will mill I.. Ills iluirj

furl Kuninl'm- X..»- Vurk mill Mr. anilil dl ihl i™ of llnvulmulifnu Muhisli I

l-iisl.>n"vlslt.'.l Mr.. Iliin Iliuiirnr Tiii'siluy.

Tlu-li- was a l-hmiu>- ill tilt* srlii-.lnl.- ol'jlini' of •"inn' trains 011 llu- X. V. s . & '

W. It. |{. . niakiiifr til.- slarilnw -rlti from: Slrollil.-I.nra Insl.-ail ol' .h-i-,-v r l l y . as =.

Siiinrilay firm.-rly. TI11' i-h.-in».- was mail.- I1..1 1 ©in Ohio, i w.-.-k. \.-lihfli may ii.'i-.s..|lat.- sonii- Irnlii- [ "

win. Ihv h.'i . tin.' nili".

L/Ka S\ t , i'tl «y C 8J Y 5 hViishl

:l Mrs. I'. l.nui> Siuilli ili-uvt- tniiiutun Siiniluy inci'itin-; mill itussi'it

thr ilny'with Mr. mill Mrs. C. I.. Slryk.-r.'I'll., liitli-t- anil li.-r -ii.-st. Miss l)iti-hi-tti.r ltiitisr.il-. |.:iss-.l Tii.-s.liiy with Mrs.Smilli.


in-Illllm'k••I hasmnkiifli-rI Wli-ry f.

Like Finding Moneyiliiik-h.altnk Hi"-.' ia i nil. 'nun. i«-it.•r. i.r Hm1 a ii't-ril.]< anil ..-..Ilimlitt" n

S UlllVll I.



I is lik.'llu.lliiL•Im mv .l.-k..1.1. -.uvllinm• ai'l ].i'..tii|ith-ilv I..'V.I. \'a-.Ji.-sl ll'i.uM.-.1 .ln-t n v 1i ivii.-r in ntiu-

Dr. Kinir's NII..H. l ' '. i i i; l i- a

il 111.- Curt.-!-'llai-mn.-.'.l. T


ii'h-I I .


r-'nw 1)ul C


I l . - V -

\-t('. «'..'li'liv; Inn'.•lll.'s.i.-.-nv-i l i ls."

I'll'l'i-jALntt l ,

Flea^unt to Tuke.PoM'crlul to Cure.

and Welcome; In Every"Home. ::

KH1NEY AND LIVER CUREDr. n.ivM Kcniii'ilyV l*'iivnrite lU-niciiy \i nilnpici]

o a l i n e s m i i n n l ' s ! i l V i > n l l i i K i i i . r i n ; m w i r i i fuiity of tlia blood,

c T i l l t f ; m

Are You Engaged? , l ^ ^! - Kiimiptl iH-uph. should n-m.-iiiU'i-, lhai.•}. Tin' Kmliiiviultcf niiin-iiip'. many qnitrtvts ran lie j was led liy OlIavoided, by k<>><nin tlii'ir tlitnstiiitis in J11 plciiMinr IVitru

i^mcliNiiiiIitliin wiih Klctttrlc Klltfi-ri. H.-i^ulii wliluh wiw iii.A. Hrmvn ul" IlfiinursvilK*. S.- C . .^lys.i ..AllH'i-tHriDkli

\ i ' i l U


-rt'. lias ivtiirnrd Ilf .sluiiv.i i . p n , n i,.r, f(11. H

ni.vtiuir Sum-rTruxt'll. wlm Itin- hv iiltiviiiir

iiiiirh'iipDivciiil.MitiMl-riintlh'- wttli lii-

lTulu lastI " h l ' 1

v cvt-niii"iinidiurd11 violin

r t'hitt-

t--ti|i:ill»n-„ Iniiiily Bii

--• other•nn.ho-tB of

Kin^il hv linpuilrultk-r'miil l.ivur cTpl j i ln tnil w.-nkm^Md ii<rtil!ar 10 wa—f ill tin: iii'tirlv tirivvi-iim;!l I<-lmva1 t«f«lly '"r i i i ]ui i ;

i h Smitl furl

••i-'ni' v.-iirs .mv . wit'.' suir.-lvil iiit..ns.'-lv Ilium sii.-iits.uin.ri'niiui.vs|i.'I.sia. i-inhl.lli-itti'tl willi a tnt-nlii | IH-IUW tuwu last .llvi'l'. until sin. lust lii'l-sllvUKllluml vIKnr I .1. II. II,.vl has hist ha.I a si.-um h.-alhi"anil IK-™ a II,,-.V wi-,Tk uf h.'i- ftir r i i ipimnit i is |iln,vii in Ills ho Wiil.-unr

Tlini slu- iri,..l Kli'i-lri,' liilt.-rs. ! Hi-,,s. „.' Ili'lvlili'iv Insliilli-il illi.'i- in milv.-mill t inully; William Oliitniiliunl film 11 v in • i-ilcl.-il III.-'

iivly wi-II. Shi- i.s nnw , uiii..'n.ruf Ills mint.- Mrs. 'Wil.lricl;. inillhy." Tin' Wanvn C.iuii- | l i .Ki . l . i.n Miinilny.


i m a tm frimuh.

l t

ii;andfn-o t

r Slnri' mui 111.- Cm-invn

I'liiii I..IIII.

dyi I I I M U K I l i n n I. I'rict- i 1 .w, or U tioutu

us llomltiiii. N. y.IT. Duvl.l K.'iuu'- j

" v.STEWARTSVaLE.Sil'i-'ll.'l

;•• -MIS


X '_ • • - • • I I

V. .Ili-nailwi


' l l u l s l i l :

'rTliiiiii'1-.-lli'l'lli.-i .M.'ll.-


ll,.v, .I......-S SI,,.,,,,.,. .,(.A.|,,i,.,,.,.i,|,;v.-!inii'itint' tu ll.-thh-lu-iu ii. iiiu-nd tin- I'n-sbv-1 R'rv lasl wt-rk. i-xt.-lnl.-il liN lri|t- IIL'IV •; his furmiU' |ilii.-.M.f ivsiili'inv. in nilj iinnii '

l'l'i.-lKlS. Ill- 1V|IUI'1S u lll.-ll. i-lllii-u.. 'i mill lli.i.'niivi'nii-n.'i- .il' ih.. ll,.y, wlili'li |

•; it'liiirl- tliatf]iiall ami .inll.iu-Iuiis will; In-!1 pli-nlirn! ilii.s si-usnn. I: Williinii (',. Aililis hus srauvt l imulli.-r

• lyuiiii"; Iniliau liuv frnui ilu-'Carlisli- -i-h.>..1.!• wlm will assist lihi; with il,,. rm-ni wnrk.J


ilmliht lii.liiwih itmvhyV li-ni-ini-nt I.ilmrrli-'AKIM-IH- MM I'urthilnl. hus mm' rauvi'il h im .1. I. b fmii fur t l ic lrni i ! Mllli'rV riirni huiisi' ln-lnw Purllmiil, nml ©till til In tin-; si.ys lu- Is wi-II IIII-IIMII with his |m-M

MI] nMilllM. {l.K-iitiull mill kunws wh.-ll a Jillliv si: . . ------ profit margin. . , , . ..We have niadu cxlni preparations in all lines, and tile store is uo\v'|nckc:l with new (,'oods from the front to the rear.

We invite you to come anil examine botli quality and make, and co'ni|hre our prices with any others. We shall take greatpleasure in showiii"; you the entire stock, and you will hr under no obligations whatever to biiy. : '...:" ' : ': •"..::':-'•%

We ha^ve the best $10 OVERCOAT in the State and we cek.n prove i t

Men's SuitsStock was never so large—prices never much lower.

Men's Wool Suits at $6.50 and $7.50.Men's Blue or Black all-Wool Serge Suits, coats

double breasted, marked at $9.00.Handsome Worsteds in double, and single-

breasted; straight cut or regular cut sack coats,at $10, $12, $14 and $15.

Fancy Cheviot Suits in nice material at $10.Men's Black Thibet Suits, single and double-

breasted coats, nicely made and trimmed, $8.50:Regular Tailor-made Suits in finest materials

and new patterns at $12, $14, $15 and $16.50.h®—5) High-grade materials in all colors, including'Jy ^ Blue and Blacks, at $18, $20 and $22.

Boys' Suits$1.50 for a regular $2loo Suit—any size you want.$2.00 for an Extra good Boys'Suit.$2.50 for the best all-Wool Suit ever offered—

nothing like it in this part of the country—fourstyles to select from, and all sizes of all.

Better Suits up to $6.00.

Fall Hats


are here in all the new and cor-rect styles.

All-Wool Cheviots at $5 00.

Coverts at $6-50 up.

Oxfords and Tans in choicematerial and make at $8 50,$10, $12. and §15.


in a large variety of colors andqualities; special values at $10$12 and $15.

Some handsome Coats at SI 8.

Men's OvercoatsJust ii hit early to talk about heavy Overcoats, but they

are commencing to sell, not so fast of course. Some menwant the early picking—doesn't cost any more. If you arethinking about n Winter Overcoat, the" stock is all readyfor you. :M e n ' s Overcoats a t $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $9.00,

$10, $12.50, $14.00, $15.00, $18.00, and $20.00.

livery grade of doth is here. Home are extra long, some.ire-medium, some are cut very full and others are medium.

. In short, almost any style you might want, you won't haveany trouble to find. * •

NECKWEARFresh showing of new Fall styles, Some very exclusive

patterns not shown in every .store—rich silks and handsomepatterns—44o for all 50c qualities.

25c Neckwear is richer than ever: all styles in Four-in-hands, .Tecks, Strings and Hows. ."

MEN'S EXTRA TROUSERSThis stock is 'enormous—hardly a style made" not shown

here—every style from .ill-Cotton to finest Worsted—everysize from 2S waist to 54 waist. Special values at $1.50S2.00, $2.50 nml S3 00. : ; •...::• ; : ; : . - * '

are all here and some very nob-by styles are being shown inboth stiff and soft hats.

Stiff Haw, 81.40, SI-90,$2.40 and $3 00.

Soft Hats in all colors, in-cluding staple blacks, at 98c81.40. $1.90, and $2.40.

Hats for every-day wear, inalllcolors and shapes, at 49c.

New Fall Caps for Men andami Hoys, correct in styles amicolors, 25c, 49c and 75c.

Every hat or cap warranted togive service or can be returned.

Knee TrousersThe kind. that, stand the

knocks, double seat and knees,at 49c.

. Better grades at 75c,98c$1.25up.

> UNDERWEARt : You'll .soon have to-change the Underwear. This de-j " part'iiie'nt is awaiting your demands. AH in readiness-^-Mediumj weight in wool or cotton, 44c, 75c and 98c.I Jersey Ribbed, in all colors, at 49c.i Wool Fleece-lined, extra value at 49c.f Wright Health Underwear in all grades.^.Vatiiral u'ooiiaml GilJiel's^iaiFSV98Sr*F2or5rSo:V •'.' ; : : ; :5,. j Red:Underwear, besl. i|uality at 98c, $1.25, $1.50. ••'"• •'-'•

b U I 1 O) long trousers. 14 to 20 yrs.

.;....• \Ve offer the.l?est values in Hoys'. Suits to be foutid. Agood, honest suit! nicely iuade and trimmed, cut in lateststyle, at $5 00 " '

Hoys' all-Wool Suits that would be good value at SS.cowe olTer at $6 0 0 '. , Hoys' flue.Hlack Thibet Suits, in single or double-breastedc o a t s ^ a t $ 7 . 0 0 . I ' . . . . ! . 7 . " . . . . " . . • ~.'.—'••"••' .•'•'••

: Also fancy Clievibus an'd finest Worsteds: . : : ~r~~

.-Clothier,- anahfurnishei

Kilis.ill Cinii'l Iliitul uriSti.n-nrlii-^viii._ivi!i;iir,!icr.iiaiS'.TJiiiUii:oiiiUfiiiTl.nvs' hall "i Siiliinlnr i-v.'llilli;.' Mr. 11 nil Mis. ll.-njiimiii ririiuli'i- luu

it,'. II fly-: milii'in-1.1-itlir" It.'

Kvvr.vniit—siiuiIn- i-vnlifrt'l

sts:\vi'r.'"|Hisi-iit, inii'.nu:-'•: liiiuikii liiul ivll'.- iil'T•ml IV,iiii.Sli',.iiilshiii'|.'. :I.I-T™'M—,-,r;T.v.-i'cr,-.;;c-

'Vin's lu l»- In-Ill

-A. >.T—. ; . .'•'•••• « « » B U M W 9 1 Mr. 11 Mil Mis. II.-II IMII'III ririiuliT luvi- ' "" , '" . ' ,> "•"if""'"" • - ' "" • ' - - HI «• iii'in_ _ _ ^ _ _ _ •--=; - ••_ •-; ^ . . • i !« ' l !« l»LI« . l l» l t . l l J i l»J l l l .Vl !_ lv i l l l - r V l i l l l jv .< . l . ^^

~ T ' — 1 We-arcliJ:eiSared;to pay;spot-casiri'3™^•* ««-*«tvh-v 1-^ ^ h * • - V V H V * ^ ^ . ' ,1 • . . . . . . . . . . . . .1^1 \M* Mt l iK l l l l l MIIIIII '. ^ I I I I I I I M111.1 111 .Lin,for CRAFN O F A I.I. K I N D S , 1 l1"11"' ' " Cni-IM-m.-rsvill,. Insl I'Vlilny i,ri,-r

-. - , - • . • • : . . : , ,: : , - : • ' . flii'lllllltmi w i t ' k w l t l l hi ' l ' i i n » l n . Miss

and inyany quantity, delivered atj iL-rilia AUtl-roiii'"-miir-iu-J-Asbury, ': or whet

Mint' 111ihiitijr si like win

" " * huifil a K-l Sorosis Underskirts are built:r:-~.M oir:rhonor.'--:--NoiiC''~^=-r"'-


for a share ' of : the public

patronage on the ground of good| ..Satn'm-l Warumn ,uft.Xi-w Vin-k spent

work, prompt service and reason-1 'iiViViVMiilnt 'hii 'iviVil-'tutVVo 'ills* immrt e r m s . . „ , . . . , . . . •••

. H. Cawley,

anilSunday m"oPiiif. Slmt'i

]H'u\)\c. On Wt'tlni'sii-mifrri'salinii will In.'

-HHV prior IM,Hi.Mil 1

H.-y. Husl.-i'iluj- • will tnlil' nluii'icl.utli.'1-an .;hlli-ch I11-11. ahoiit O.-tol.t'i- I-V No raw edges on a Sorosis

Underskirt to ravel- •or frav. out. --

PENWELL.and Mi'S.1 .1. H. Slitiiy In Ku>to:i. ' --

Mrs. (.-U'iipp! W. l-'isluTiwt>R> fiitt'i'laliii'il liy lifMr

in l':iizali..|li.al'ti'i-.-ii.t-inliii{rwHli his slmi-r. Mrs. .-iiuiun-

Sirs. ItiilH'i-t Diulp. Is visltlilfc'1'..lali Nogown sets[as well as when",worn over a Sorosis -;

s=^i=^:Ui ulers ki r u ^ ^ r i - ^ .,J, _«^_., ;_-i_J-,..,... !.M»..l>titiimnuml.-\-r-j..- cawleyy-iu iu iager r" - r—: ~ — r i t . v i T d ! l

.ASBURY, N. j , j Hnlslii/ci-. nenr Slwen ^tiO in

luis}{lvt'ii'..)imu-s.ir.' :iMrs. Kiiln>rrHitiitLiinil IIIUIKIUIT H

mid sim Ahi'aniut' Pui'l. Coition visilt'il ht'imint, Mr* Frimk Lam:i\ on .Suntlny.

.Minscs Daisy Humttt mill DnisV frlilnciut' S(t']ihi'iislnirir ualli'il mi tin- latU'r'fetiusiu, Miss Klia ..Anlltnnv. ^niurdnv

I blark-iniili

j hitftim liuM-nntnu^'. to |>nlii stwnn lit-a'l-IUK piijit in

Miss Mliinii' Mi'tz Mnvi'f "] ' Rimkuway,formerly or Sti-wiirisvillc. lias oiH'ni'il'aliiitnc-intuli' litiktM-y ami iionCt'i-Hoiiary iimlInni-ywork Htoii- ami ]-; dniiifr VITV n'tS-dv.

See our J iue ,;oli ''Sorosiswlieu you buy your next

' '-:i:^:.^ ,petticoat. -1---1 --.J.'W.Mc/VlANIMANStocks and-Bonds

',(••, • of K o o u ' i i V n l u e .

•;! 'Money to Lo^n

; Special Excursion Rates Via! - • ; :r . wanna Railroad.*_jGot Off Cheap.

iy'wjl Miinb hi.1 lias jjol- »IT;lio, aCKT li»viii)f-c(mt,nictL'il


.is.urenarctLto <Io nil.work

camlle'power arc light. (Street lightsarc Ii2oo-caii(lle power.)'" ; ! y

I'ropcrly plnccil In myl-ciit will lieico re fully Joolcednfler.

Office: Room 4, Opera House Block, aaf———. ;-J . -'-"JLJ» " 1 1 / 1 1-jj.ui-x. and-S-^W"\VashiHg*on-AvcfiuC


hiivo hiui new shelving pillincreased pur slock double:*!


Holiday Qoodss'noil 1 to reiail citstomers luitto htoroknepcrs it

; l iJ'i/" i is latt; t o IKJV now. ' '[ \ •:—•-• :.••.;

ij'fll DOLLS, Jc to $2.50> L ! •' ...^^00 in Stock.. .

If you want to buy now for the Iloli-•X&^I^^J^ri-i.i'^l'nilf'.i.'V-l'ne to.select.

f r o m . • • '


,' YKAK -\V"IL,"U-:BIi 'THIS—Wetake your order "now. or later for"goods we have not in slock awclwhich woukl nbt'pay us to'cjiiry.^

: A-visit to our stori; will convince yonwe sell just as cheap as any "store'inKastoiV in Hie1 majority .of cases.

Page 10: THE WARREN COUM DEMOCRACY · Surveyors nt Work Out a New j, y yint,' tho ionti!buf IL» ntuln iiUidlutijuwtUin. Suuli n niniurtjil for years itt fre-tt i lt rtaln Line Route for the


FITTS BEE | I'KRSUMAL MENTION.. A Week's Record o( the Movements ofj the People You Know.

I Local Evenis of Ibe Six Day* Briefly Chron-i l d l Q i k P l

The New GoodsAre Here

nis of I D yicled lor Quick Perusal.

. Mr. tfraiik itrvtt of Xi»v York was lioir.o• oVi-r.SiiiiUay. . ." .Mrs. Charles Millham wiw ill Iiist weekf. with totieiluii'.1 Mr. JuLn MeXnlly of Philadelphia wait in;ti>wii overhmiuay. : ' - " ,

*. mul Mr*. Ueorj-o S. Muttjann pasted.M. unlay

| Mi's. .Margaret Knbv unil diildrun arei'

M M , 11. P.Druko lit visiting relative*In I'ntt*Kon thin wet-k., .-.-.:...,.

Minn Host* Htiyi'rt »*i)t'iit n ft'w tiny* histwi'i'k with friend* in Junction/-'' ' .' :

Mr*. Win1. Nixon mill i-MMtvil nn> visit-l ig rvlntlvya In Knstou thin wwlt,

Mrs. (it' hThnmhiy

:ii>orgt> I/fwirt mul daughter ]KI:iy with frit'iidrt In Knttton.

MEETING OF PRESBYTERYTwo-ilny Session of Considerable Interest

Held In FIritt Presbyterian Churchor Bclvldere.

The Nnwlun j'nnilivli'iy lii'lii Us full. . . . . ; "ii'wmaii "^eCl'iiry nnd "chililn-n j im-eting In tlio Firnt iWi.vtiTliin uliurch

ans linssing thy vnvk In t'ranfonl. «>f Itolviilcn? on riivsriiiy anil \\ iiliicAluyMr. and Mr* Tilghmaii Kloivy upciu >«' tliiw wwk. It.sv. Kjlwnwl • Kiln, of

Sunday in IMiilnffWil tmvnxfiip, Pa. ilirauehvltin wWtl vii Mmlcnifor. ;Mr*. II. M. Hull U KiMitillntz til " ' ' " ' • - " " • • ' ' " ' '- * -

t ^ i Allfiituwn, i '• • „ . • • - ^- u ' t r : ' M r s ' V m . Kiuiitunaii ami datigUter, Mn».t- Miss Marlon Smith

T h e above s t a t emen t in itself is a n in teres t ing bit ot<w> I L Axiom, I«I»«I TmuMiay m ton. j ,]„. ilf,,,*t of Mir. -

ln"NVw"SJiipk purchasing fairmlMln.'ry. jMr. ami Mrs. Su-wari^ Cniiiii-r "uvivj

wllh ivlntlvi's In Belvlitciv over Sunday.Mr. John Thompson, Sr.( sjK'iit Sun-!

day In Oxford with his dnuiihtor, Mis. '

t Orangi> is

news. Add to it, that we have made a most thorough: MUs.ioimijiiiiZaia.iiiieit uiiniiiy tor a

and intelligent investigation of the best lines of fall mer- | Mr*, cunriwuivtiuiui two children of, j * ""• - t : ' \i-': i •••%'•' ' J-- • J 1-1 A_t. • ,_ . .4 'MiiuiMiu paoMil^ lo i j iu iy ; w i t h i l r a . Kiniur

chandise in the best marketsand you double the interest. •. iiui<L*u.Add to that again that all this merchandise is priced onthe narrowest margin of profit, and you have a three-fold reason why this store is going to be very helpful to

_yo J in your autumn and winter outfitting.

" | " ' ' •*" u ' * -

4uf Itov. i:, IJ. lftigta.ii! wa» pri;-itinl ii(!t!f|iti*t1: Tin1 salary U $H0<),

(HUVonaKt1 and four week** vacation.TlitV Mmkshmn cliinvh oilh><l lliVv.

.Joshua J . Wolfe from tint Michigan 1'ri**liytury. Salary Si:uo and pir

Mr* lliirry IHWIii

A report win* rvri_ilvi'<l from th« t;nin-mkteo oii^ystemiitlel.t'iioviilciict'. Gains

: ! were n'porteii l>v most of tin* elmrt-ho;'.i^vl-iiiriff hi-i- hii>- [Tlie i-hureli in Washington gaiiuMl $2(1:1.. „ .y DHillini IxvMlIrin ]»• bll» [Till! fllillfli III.WimlilllKtiin

il In Nrw York city Tor an IntMlnlli ' tln« nwimil larp>8t In H i t s T r i y yI : !i . t ltiiv. K. A. IlJiiiillton (if SiiswfX p tvo

fur; nil oiiciiimifiin^ n' |ntri. on lloiiiti Mfii-t4|t»HH. Tim r«|Kirl on Finvl^ii MIt«ttliiiiKwan nlvou l»y ])r llittlDi* nf lllalrwtinvn.

Mrs. .lamed Bwn* hn* iw h«'r p•w wivks. Mm. K. G. Kmans• i , L . I . . • . • _ • . . . - . :

: ; : : ; : 'Pile Millinery, Department >lock is now compete with, the veiy j M r s 1{(,y O l M | y k e H l | ( l M W i l t u l ) m 0

latest fall styles. Miss Allen will be'pleased to greet her old f"li""'t!'sjtll1J

lflU'I^J|1t J X v m y w u h -*lr»»* **• Uiir*lu«r j ntitll Monday,

and many new'one*.' Satisfaction guaranteed. j ^ir^ieimieAtwiriuid daughter of lU^h! pa^sUi^th^, '• • { Mi-iugf xpi'iit iSaiurday aim »uinUy wuii i frit'tids In town.

F,nMTnQTTrQ ' M"*' nw'Latx'^ \ MlssIM^nial]uflladmtstownlsvls-UVJlVlIiO A 1\-^O • .Mr. and Mrs. .laim-s CluKson <»r Tremouj itinu h,-r Jinnt. Mr-. Si*w .-pt-imiiig it vuuiilf ot uujb wuli .Mr. mm \ utr wwral il:iv«.

One lot of Swans down] Flannelette, value 15c . a t . . . . . . lCnIM .-.-mhn ,u»m-«rt. , . , Miss oiiiw," Ditch.'tt

Bleached Table Daniat-k, value 35c. at

New line Ladies' and Children's Sweaters.

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY2.000 yards Lancaster Gingham, value tic, at.

New Hlnck and Colored Dress Goods from. 250 t<

Vrnsltytory.Aeouinnmlcallou from tin: ulimcli ut >

.Tmii'tiini wan rvfoiTctl tn a .uotniiiUtL'e.The roimrtfroni them was lutor rowtvi'iiroi'iinimi'iiilinK that ii t-ointnlttiM; visitJunction nnd call a iMiigivgatintml moot-

im-1 T. IWatty, 1 intt for thnfloutlun nf >'lderd. and alsoiiiiiki; 1111 uiiduavnr to adjust tliu <U[Yi>r-

<( Hanunr, Pa., '

1 N . . L . i i l L / •*•"•*• v - ' "

Skirts.. . ,

Ladies' Kail Coats. ; . . . . . . . , . . .

Ladics'/Shirt Waists. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .

SHOES SHOEST h e CRO^SKT SI1OI-; for IIR-II makes life's walk unsy. . 3 . 0 0 nmt 3 - 5 0 p«

Hilt- Is lmyniB " twii mantln.'! iHimn.v.;Kii« thui-i-it I.I hi:r illicit- .Mr. A. »u-wiul OJIIIIIL-, ; •'. M- ri-tlj , !n.-l «n-l.. ( , ;

y1 n o » c no t viMt lu hur illicit', Mr. A. sU'ivm1 a o to OtUo jut U.mwcll. Uiuiowr rimitty, Vn. y

4.49 to 15.98 j M j . » , , - » . . M * . ^ ^ , ; , ^ . , , , , .^-jj.™. ,"

98c to 5.00 |.ui ' •• - : ••••• • ••

YoimgEtcrs in a Romance.

Krimk I.c-iliiij-. a .islci-ii-yrai--ii]ii Im


Ladies' S1-.O3S.

Children's Shoes..'

w!ieii''ruid<'iitui. tliuUii)-,'.,,!!!,,.

- u r w t y n f P t - i i n - ' M i s . A . I I . ( J I M I T m u l n i n ' W I I l i n - i l s | » - i i l i t i i l i l n l. ' i i l u i - t l i i y i v l i h h - i - t n i . l ! i i - r . M r - ; . M . l \ ' i l i i - m . w e n t u>3 S O ! "iv'- ' ini-/ ' : JiiViii-iliiy wi'lli ir-i : ViViillin-. Mr-. M.' 1*. Itlii-m. u-i-nl l o llulmki-n. 'I'ln-y

:.Vi 25\o,3 coi ir..-»i M-BJJ-SM.1 Affil t a : M ^i ;» r ^ ^ . .,< ••.«- i r r r ' - r - i r^ 1 1 - - ' . s"^; i50c to'i:5UT«Ku" a"'! S wm!i.,S",,.. ..,.i^:wl/.M.!iuyi«-lth l ! " ; , ^ " ^ ! ™ " 1 " ' : - ••«"'l«"l "'III' " n-r.i-«l-..Tl->- !"">Iiverv pair, warranted as represented or we will '-ivc vou it new pair. ;.Un«dMivur. . . • • . : Mi*, ami .\ir^ .1. L'. 'l homiis-.m. ;^Ui !,,.,„,.,,„ t- t l, • u l ( | I ( ). l l (ij l t ; ; „ w u v

Never in Belter Condition^ Serve Your Every Wanti^i^ss^i^is^"11 '1 ' K J 5 ^ X & ^- ' ' i Mi». Murk Cv],li,-f». wli,i is oliout to vu-l vi l l- iv,-i-• ih.- irm-.-ls nf hU liiyith-r, • " • " - ".- >""<:<"!: < |Mttiti"ii.: " -:" - • -—=--=--=====r..-=.-r.-.-_=.r—=.-.- __ -=_• . . : . -—=. -—-- - | j l i , . l ] . i,,,,,^;,,,,-,,,,,. , v i u |,11V,, ,, ,,,,,,11,. Mr. .-•,-i-,,n u^-lyki.-. im Sumiiiy. '-.- l» •n-l.-iy-iliiy-i ili.-ir m..m-.v jinvp rait

. ."" S t o r e Closes ICveu i l^S a t S p . in . S a l l t r d a v K.xcen ted . is-il,: i.r h..-i- li..u«-li..l.l «...»!» im Tlinmlnj-,! Mlssr t i t lh-Klmn-y ..r X-iv Vlllnia-Ims ' ''"•>: I ' ' " tin- |i ».•!•. Oiu- iiijjlil it^ ' • ' O^;. U-. ut li-'rii-Mil-'iic.-. 1-|::Uelvuli-n- Avi... . h.-t-n vi.-islhic her f;illi--i-. .Ml-. .1. Williiini ! ] ' uk p--!iiT n fiiiinil lln-m. ]|iul-!!o(! to-51 r. l.i'-.vis I.

Mi fI l i ' i n i i ' l t . f i l i l o r n C t i n ' : K l n n i - y . o n W i " l W n n - ' i i - " • . . . • [ . l u i ' l l i p r i i | n m n l i i v l i . 'I 'lii! r a i n w a s f a l l -

^ T M i n i ! . . u i . t i m f i i u S l o i u l n y Tur t in - I I M | M i s s A M i v I i n n l ..I' P u r l I ' I . I . I . ' I I xni ' l l t ' i i K m u l I l ic l» iv Imil l .n l l l i« ' n u l li a f i . ' i - a i,-ii . l a v s ' i l l n . s < reMillliiB H u m a ; \ \ Y , l i i , . « l a y a n i l T h u r s d a y w l i l i I I . T S M . - I - . a l u u n . l II, ,- « h l . l i r . i l , « , ' , ( - ii.lc-i-ii. T i n -l,.,,vy v,,l,i II, will i.,.t iwnrn tolu.-iMr*llar«-yt.',.l...l.Ml.NI«,,v.,!rl,. :i,,,li,,,,,a,, ,mivi,k,l iln-ni win, i w««l

1 " ' " " " " " " ' " l M l i l l ' r A l l X ; ! 1 l ' ! ! l is l . . r y .

33-35 E. Washington Washington, N. J. \


INVESTIGATEtiny insurance, proposition before

you purchase. Don't buy -insur*

ancein a new company—let others


'••:~P- XL policy, without reading your ap-

plication, fine print and all—you

should know the terms of your con-

— t r & t . - . . • • , • • ; , , , „ •:' ; . ;

The State

of Worcester, Mass.



Our stock of New Black and Colored. Dress

Goods, Silks, Velvets, etc., was never, so largi- or

so attractive. A description is out of the ques-

t ion .Come -1111(1 see. "All the newest in Triui-

-niingsaiid Laces are here. RliADY-TO-WKAR.


PARTMENT has again been enlarged. Creatly

increased business in this department has made

necessary this increase in rooiu. OUR KLK-

CiANT DISPLAY of new garuients will interest

every lady reader of this paper. Early selections

are best. Our showing of Shirt Waists far excels

anything we have ever made. ,

Carpets and Rugs,Blankets and

Comforts•and all other 'departments .arc filial with new


Kpr rates at your age, address :

802 Broad SU NEWARK.-N. J-


Plush RobesNnt onccprried over from last season.

Our line of Whips "has been rejilt-nishciland we sire able, to' satisfy cvory tsisle.ioc lo ?2.oo. sf""

S. T. VannattaBelvidere Ave.,-Washington,,N, j .

C S. Amerman,FurnishingUndertaher

An aUraclive, durable, double

"inTluTcity. Hasdnplcx ^nito wilhshaking "ring, making, it tasy to

-cl'j?.n-c)i»V<1':-;"!llbiJsht.'S^frpin.lht:..fire pot. "I'or a powerful heater toheat upper rooms 'don't, fail lo buy

• s i - J K W K L . . . . • • . - • - . • • •

::-; I ' O K S A I . K O N 1 . V UV

Wilson Stove &Mfg. Co.

211 Nortbampton St. EASTON, PA.

ittmul enn^idur it of wia-li L'OIISL'IIIICUL'C ttiul-i thcyrhnvo i>rinto»!-i>i"tnn-: n M i n l l i ^ t U o i

.! i:ann timl 1»T . hitrtlmnd—As-somhlymaii!

HIM1, tin' Cox luuiw in Port Murray, tin; i Jhui '*hi>. • - !fr i i t s nroiwrtv in Uvoailway, us well us ! Miss ra i -nu Dan^lmrt nf N\-w Tilliiotli'-r pliici". in tlii> nrighlim-liood. .They [ U ;. ftmsr m ilu' lmim.f »f Dr. Willim

II favor thri Broiidwiiy location. for ;t ft'W wruks. £lu* is im-iuiiit Vif M,- - • " ' . W i l l l n i n s . ' • • • • • • ' • - • ••• . . . -

Mis. Charl.'S tVtinnlni'r and son".lav Ktlwmil-D. Hirklinltz, nf OraiiflO.of lOiiKlnn siwnl IVmii Frlility until Sun"- Itirkholt/. is u widnu-vr. his lirst wifeiliiy wllh "Mr. H-irdiiLT's mutlu'r. Mrs. hiivinir dii-d last Anril. lit- lm-t • IIRCHKllsha Hnrd. 'u :._•;„••.-._•..;,- . . . . . . . . . |p:w,.in^ , the summer'In his rot tup! -nil

t -Diuih'l Kitis, thi!.\VttsIifii(rrnii?i-t')W!io1il]iT|trnillcv Ui-ach anil tlu'ru met Miss Kmi'ii."nx folli'dior. is vi-i-v ill with pulinouarvroubles, with which lw has hfi-ii utllluLuil


For Thin,Poor BloodYou can trust a medicine

tested 60 years! Sixty years

of experience, think of that!

:Experien.ce,_\vith: Ayer's/Sar-

saparilla; the original SaYsa-

parilla; the strongest Sarsapa-

rilla ;,thc Sarsaparilla the doc-

ibrsrendorse'Fpr^thin blood,

weak nerves, genera! debility.

11s lit-aTwnrVlltli""'!-.-^ I* limctlvo mul UIQliowcU coiHtii«ited. For tlie liyst jioaslbli- ro-snlts.yoa stinta.l tnkc bsiitlve rlnsc^nf Aver's}-| | | . wh I- tnitliiK ilm S^ritiiiiEtHllii. -Tli« liverW l t l t f c l V TGSpUIKl l I>Vlll tllG llWUlS

jiisriiosmtitpluml. Miss Mamw.-rt; wiu-sls uf M rM l ^ l T l

of l.hilli,.shiirB~aml'\V»Bui!i- of Nuwark.W. H. SIihiR-r on

Mr, and Mrs. Allan Klnney (>ntcrtitliiMllust 'I'lim-sday nnd Kriiluy Jlrs. KdwardIIomiltT and children of j)ovt'r nnd Mrs.\ym.tKrvin of Stewurtsvilh;' i l w Mielmi'l Dolun and h«r slater. Mi^sLizzii- Ni'i-in-y. hiith of Dovur, uiv s]iond-iiiK'thu wut'k with their iHirtiius. Mr. andMr. .lairitN Norncy." Mr. Dnlan ^"its IUMP

He is 32 years old.On Se|jtomlier 11 tlmy left Dover in |

iin uutonioliile nnd tin1 sunn: day. wore1

miirriwl in N*ow York, wlirrt* they Imvesiii i? bi'L'ii stjiyinjr. It was not untillit'sij^wpi'kjliiit/Miss Kfiun's piJi'cnU .wt:i'oinfonncil of tno'iniirriit^o."™ -"''"'""-""••'"•'"""•'*"'

The i;ouplt* will lenvc^this wwik for Hsix-wiM'ks' trip to Culiforniu. I'pon iv-tnrninjr tlit'.v will n*ui»lp in Oninjic'...

66 Centre Square, EASTON, PA.Our success.last year convinced us that there is a field

._ht're: for a first-class special fur store managed Jn* practical ' '

furriery, specialists in the trade, and not rtiti as a'sidc-sho\v.r!-;;3r ;r:

to a department store-. We shall meet this want in the most ,

abundant manner. : -,

It Will Be a Great Fur Season;

New Jersey's Population.| CViisus ImUctins whii-h Imve, 'he

•f-Slate showr

and the Alaska Pur Co. will be the headquarter^ We have ,

the largest stock of fine furswhicli we will sell at whole--

'.sale prices,* also~a big sclclion of skins .from which to •make*

furs to order. V1. .

W K C A L I i A K ; r T Q p ; :

DKI'ARTMKNT—We remodel old furs in die latest styles."M'I-S '"\miiV Collmnn of Kiist, Slronds: IH"011 ''>' tile S.-nrtaly of State slum-,. | D E P A R T M E N T — W e remodel old furs in tlie latt

^SiR^artr^ - , : Old eapescau .Hcjnade over into gctrmeuts,; ^

!l:-'a:;v,'hors:thcv:v.'i!l.-.visir.:.Ml-ccCoffiil:in's •2,l:j7t770."~r!'!ier".-vr-""s.tiH~"~eniuiilft-.ofJ:~.^-.--:i::— L'... — u ,™,,^....'...._^.^_^.._—~—: —-—zz

!.,oil Charles and fniiiily.:..:--;_::,:;...;;r=:r:.]sniall-:'iuimit:i|«iHiier^^ :'--f*'

^ "AIiXl5JKAffU|vJL

Fine Farm

nVl<r'.\Vfw"'Htruiiio'cjf"ttillt iilViiru.'Mr.imil Mrs. • William, llllillni! hod us

lhf!irm»-sls nn rtuniiii.v' Mr. Stcvi-ns nfICiiston, mill thi-ir izi'iiiiilriniis, Allim O.limvi-rx nr New York: mid UhnrloK 11. Dil-dliw "f 11-lviik-re; also Mr. HnrrvW. Os-imin and Mr. Wlllanl I). JlnrUiiifiiiiiuw of

thilt" shows n decrease.


GROCER1c n v

Now that vacation time, is over'i and you'arc back home again," with

your stock of household supplies\ wajvdown, '.the.first place you ..should —:visit is the BLUK FRONT GRO- ''CERY STORE, where you will findthe largest ns well us the freshest as-

, sortnicnl of fancy and staple jjrocer-Ties^Oui'-iiTrgeH^^• turn-over of. all our'stock, niakingaccumulations and stale goods animpossibility. . . . - . ' ; , . ' . , :


Tim siibsciiliL-r.s, txccntors and devisues under ! W«*1V "froiTipf'lo"litiV(!*7"a'iibt1«u- "lionillitl-hf l(i*i will ami ivstimicnl of Win, SliiclilK, (k- Kllll Leaf (illunlllg, wllir ' inusic mid a cup:wiswl, <»f WnHhitiKton, to dose tin: KSMH, will j o f ten «r cuitiut W« ihulii.'V'! -pfopli;...niv,»fr«rjit I'liWicMilc, on ^ •.v';:-H'V! anxinns ' ln siit; whnt Is IH>W In F' ini i Inr«

.SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21 , IQUS, . . . I ,,nd Oiirp-Jls. Ciirloails ot nt;w; hi'ltrhl,nt 21» m. nt tlie stylish trinidrt will hii on tln;ss pnradr, but

1 - i.'ll..iiitLJii>.ii)iktitUtiiJiuy. I t is mirfi'to iiihkiniuV"ow-iLSlon-slinply oui'-nthtmii'lng uml «tn:iiil l-njoyiut'iiL Tht't! is Saturday uveiiinp,, Oot. 7, nnd thisi jH'i-rioiml invilatioli lo nilt i, ctiiiliunliijj 5V1.0 ncicK, ]inrt of RI'O« ins titnlit'i

'iitiiiu .in vwirs old, whl. ii will lie M>1,I US II wholef n i r " Uu- rnrmtiiR Innd separately withr Uu rn

sluire or wiisiHM i>r ;7!)o.|M.] leii(lin}{ frv V l i t

whl. ii willmtiiR Inndtiler grain;-'crcs, sil t

eparatelyitld whole f

throatl Iviidiii!; r'om Slcntienstiiirg toHentyestowii,iii.vVnsiiiiiHijin _iownslitl), Morris couiity,,.N«w

• UII ittiiilTtirtn is it flue ulucirooiii (Iwcllliic witlt,inrKt- hiinis mul uutniiildiitRs in F=OU<1 coiuUtiuii.Tin; Turin Is wat liby ilie MiisconctconK'creekoil tin; nortlierly"SJ(lc tnereof, iim! sjirinK wnierfrom tin: inoimtiiiii siilc ts pined lo Hie d vcMnflntKllinrti. The lnud.is ID mi cscdlei tstntc ofcultivntlon, fertile mui.productive, nonr ilpnnugHint grist milNrnud aboui~.("<"t'ea-'irofn-litick-'cltstowiifliid rijiltond'.•>' ir-fnnit Iniul is" Hold Hetwinttly, n rlRlitor-wnytlirotiKh the Inttc nnd its hrnuchesto Hie woodtrnct will lie reserved.• -A .great opportunity to tiurnn excellent fannproperty. Don't neglect it nstlic snme miistbesold lo c slatc. Terms ami conditions madt

f ljslatc. Ten on day of sale.

An Unsolicited NomiQation.I'l-'ii'mi 'I'hu.Kiisliin Siniduy Ciill-l . ..

'I'hu noininatlon on Ki-idny hist- or Mr.Juhnston Coml.sh of Washington I'or Stnti;Si'niitor.liy.tliiriitniiotimtic. umvuntiim ofWnrrwi umint.v," was enthvly "" 'by Jliv Cornish and HIIHI1.' II.S from HID

Ulioiit, ur-giiip of dekifiaks and

p<iliUral noininuliooil, hntin this ciiivi'r.sml. Ihsltn

, ' ' ' Notice of'Examitation,-iTAw. (jbmini(,Ui(j[.(nrKchit:niion..of tin:SttilH Uoni'tl ot KaucuUon' tu*;(>x;iminuuui]illiliiti>s Cor the posliion of County Su-pGriiiteiitk'nt of Warren counly, nWMl lit;lu'Ul ut JJulvIdeiv, ut the county t;omahouse, on Siitunluy, Kc-pt. »0, 1!K)">,-. atthtjjujrcloclc'p. in. rfmrp. • ;•'. ^

Indfcpendeni cauuusi lyonunatiOns for tHeBorough1 of WasMngton.cu:--.;::_. -^

All voters, irrespective ot partv nfillia*h i t t e d in the Borougb

d t t„,„„„ who aro inteVested in the . .oovorainent, aro earnestly requested to at-

.htffitN^&LvIwKcSlI- ~ - •KSmo;;™d"i)iv&'c¥ |TbT;reaay;ovi!ninBr --j.-'™"

•WM.A. STRVKER. r ^ S - - . . : . = = - = ^ E i i ^ ^ ^ w ^ X h a i r m a . . .• Da ted ; ; Sept.-ai, 1735. v. . •;;•• • .• : •. ;.- -. |"",i".:"":~":.T~-~"vt**!*F?T1 .:'..".'; :« . , , . t . ' , . . , , . . ' .

M'dpli! without ur^injr of delopaks antimru'i-iny for favovs. Wu all Itnow lio\\

(ions aru usually ubtaln-a* tliu ordinaryd of tho man KI_

ulllte the'ciillwi soti|rliti this man. As tliunomination was unanimously ttrndi'ml,Mr. Curnish coiihl only ura'pl- As heh-i'l]^"1!!•fii.vnrwd.t)(;rore._wlrh nuiuination.1-wh«Tn''HiT\TOiit«Vtliiimrlfwu«-lHiL-hmmp-nhh: that he should ivxudu lo tlus funeralk-ish when Urn peoiilo wnnied him.'i!ljiit Sir.(1 Curnish will In- uluctinl is so

M'lii-'rallycoiiewk'il that thu wan who com-mits to run on tho opposition,may hoonsidi'rat as "(•li'clioiiei'rinjc fora llul;-«S . " Tho Dumncratle convention '

.inanlinously nomimncd Mi*. CiM'isou in tlutt nomination nn augury of tnic-«:>ss for November, nor should this bosurpi-lsiiiE. Sir. Cornish has hud tin- ad-vmitaKU-.uf havliift been a n'winhtii* of theNew Jersey Henat« for six yearn, and hi-will engapu upon his duties with a fulln»d cbnipletenndcrstinidinii of his, wurk_and n knowledge- of what his constituentsdfhlrc." Mr. Ooruish will he fleeted tindas n Si'iin-tor h« will bu eutii-elv independ-ent, as he isbound^by no |)li;dges exceptto promote the welfare of all tliu people olXf?w Jerwy. *" , . . ;;,,"The Sunday-Pall, congratulates''Mr.

Cornltih on the honor conferred on him by,tha-eo2*?*ntlntu.iiHHured_that. thB jwpple^will ratify in Novomber theacttonor the

QUNS GUNS GUNS IDo You Contemplate Purchasing

If so, we want.to talk with you. We can't talk on paper ;. cornerhere to the store and let us have a heart to heart talk and illustrate with"the.g'dbds.1.™ "" '" '

A Few Prices That Talk - =|:" .•-• OUR SPECIAL FOR BOYS g A r t , _ . - , - ; : S

—Single-barrel breach-loader .. u . U U • ^

' " * ' " „ . O U R S r E C I A L F O R M E N t'fA A f t ' .Sp '•••-\;:' . : _ Rest yuii on market' for price 1 U . U U . : • y \ •,.• *•': %

Others1 at $12.00,tT$16.50, $25.00, and $27.50.. |@ ''Every one the best you can liny at the price. Coats, Pants, Vests, %-'jsv^Eelts, Shcl!spPov;dsr;:Capa.an4;cypryJh^

i, the woods." '"' \ ; •. • • " '••'• ' , • • ' • ' • . " " . •'."""•'• ""^ |

Sporting Gobds House ' ^WASHINQTON,; N. J i :