The Wahhabi Threat 2010

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  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    THE WAHHABI THREAT 2010-2014

    The Long Awaited: The Wahhabi Threat Book vo! 1: The

    Hi"tor# o$ the %hawaari& ' The (a&di-Wahhabi )*t +Avaiabe ,oon 2014-1

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    The Biogra.h# o$ ,ha#kh /*haad Ibn

    Abd* Wahhab

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!") A n"me *poken o+ t!,o$-!o$t t!e M$*(im .o,(%)$t .!o i* !e/ W!"t ",e !i* te"c!in-*/ A,e t!e# ,e"((# in "cco,%"nce to t!e Sunnah012o+ o$,Me**en-e, 34567 895: ;< =5>?/ W!"t %o .e ,e"((# kno. "o$t !im/ I* !e " ,e@i@e, o+ t!e,e(i-ion o+ I*("m "* *ome peop(e c("im o, i* !e one o+ t!e t!i,t# dajjals[5]"n% " ,e@i@e, o+t!e "cc$,*e% c$(t kno.n "* t!eKhawaarij/
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    In o,%e, to $n%e,*t"n% *$c! $e*tion* it i* e**enti"( t!"t .e (ook to t!e io-,"p!# o+ S!"#k!M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" to -"in " +"i, $n%e,*t"n%in- o+ .!"t !i* (i+e "n% mi**ion ."*"(( "o$t T!e,e+o,e .e *!"(( (ook "t !i* (i+e +,om i,t! to %e"t!) "n% t!e imp"ct t!"t !e !"% ont!e M$*(im .o,(% to t!i* @e,# %"#

    Birth and

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!") Bo,n AH in t!e @i(("-e o+ U#"in"! o+ "("m""m"!) in t!e N"G% p,o@ince o+ cent,"( 'A,"i" no,t!.e*t to t!e c"pito( o+ S"$%i'A,"i" 0J2Ri#""%! T!i* i* t!e e"ct *"me (oc"tion t!"t -"@e !ome to M$*"#mi#"! t!e (i",0L2

    Hi" ,aid Ed*ation

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" -,e. $p in t!e !o$*e o+ !i* +"t!e,) t!e -,e"t Sunni02o,t!o%o S!"#k! $(I*("m) 'A%$( W"!!" In S$("#m""n "nN"G%i He *t$%ie% H"n"(i

    Fi! $n%e, !i* +"t!e, Hi* *t$o,nne** in (e",nin- ."* notice% "t " @e,# #o$n- "-e # !i*+"t!e, to t!e point .!e,e S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ."* +o,ce% to (ook +o,ot!e, te"c!e,* .!i(*t !i* +"t!e, p("ce% !i* m"in +oc$* on t!e !$m(e *oon to e S!"#k! $(I*("m S$("#m""n In 'A%$( W"!!"

    It i* *"i% t!"t S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" t,"@e((e% "ck "n% +o,t! +,om M"kk"!"n% M"%in"! in "ttempt to +in% *$it"(e te"c!e,* t!"t ."* "(e to *"ti*+# !i* ($*t o+ "%opinion T!e,e+o,e !e *"t .it! m"n# Shuyukh) 02$t ne@e, comp(ete% !i* *t$%ie* .it! t!em

    ein- $n*"ti*+ie% .it! t!ei, %oct,ine

    In M"kk"! !e *t$%ie% .it! " S!""+i *c!o(", # t!e n"me o+ 'A%$(("! In S""(im "(B"*,i.!o ."* t!e (e"%in- *c!o(", o+ ahaadeethin t!e !iG"" "t t!e time 02

    He "(*o *t$%ie% $n%e, t!e -,e"t H"n"(i G$,i*t) A$ "(M$."!!i "(B""(i 02it i* "(*o *"i%!e *t$%ie% $n%e, ot!e, "$t!o,itie* *$c! "* 'A(i "(D"-!*t"ni) I*m""e( "(AG"($ni) t!e -,e"t*c!o(", o+ "!""%eet! "n% H"n(i G$,i*t 'A%$(("! In I,"!eem "(S"i+) 02" *$continent*c!o(", +,om In%oP"ki*t"n M$!"mm"% H"#""t "*Sin%i) M$!"mm"% In S$("#m""n "(K$,%i "n% m"#e mo,e

    Wit! S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* non contentment .it! @"(i% *c!o(",(#"$t!o,it#) !i* %i**"ti*+"ction %,o@e !im to ot"in *t$%ie* in 'I," In t!i* time S!"#k!

    M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ec"me !e"@i(# in+($ence% # t!e c,ee%"( .o,k* o+ Im""mIn T"#mi##"! "n% !i* *t$%ent Im""m In Q"##$m In +"ct m"n# ",e"* in .!ic! t!e*e t.oIm""m* !"% on(# t!eo,i*e% # pen) M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" .o$(% ("te, ,in- into


    It ."* not t!e !"it o+ Im""m In T"#mi#"! to %e*t,o# -,"@e* "n% %emo(i*! %ome* "n% ki(("n#o%# !e %eeme% to e " m$*!,ik) e@en t!o$-! !e m"%e *$--e*tion* t!"t et,eme me"*$,e**!o$(% e en+o,ce% to p,e@ent peop(e +,om %oin- *!i,k To t!e ("ck o+ S!"#k! M$!"mm"%In 'A%$( W"!!"* kno.(e%-e) Im""m In T"#mi#"! ("te, ,epente% +,om *$c! @ie.* "+te,!e ."* %e+e"te% in " *e,ie* o+ %e"te* ,"n-in- +,om m"n# i**$e*) t!eo(o-ic"( "n% in ",e"* o+

    G$,i*p,$%ence 02
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    De*pite !"@in- *t$%ie% $n%e, H"n"(i) S!""+i "n% H"n"+i te"c!e,*) S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!" %ec(",e% .", "-"in*t t!e +o$, t,"%ition"( madh-habs012$n%e, t!e p,etet it."* haraam02to (in%(# +o((o. "n% t,$*t "n# *c!o(", "* note% !e +o,ci(# cont,"%icte%t!e (in% +o(( o+ "n# *c!o(",0J2T!$* !e t!o$-!t !e kne. ette, t!"n "(( p,e@io$**c!o(",*!ip) o, #et ."* ,"t!e, o@e, *"ti*+ie% .it! t!e opinion* o+ Im""m In T"#mi#"! "n% !i*

    *t$%ent In Q"##$m

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ."* e@ent$"((# %,o@e o$t o+ 'I," # t!e (oc"((e",ne% *c!o(",* %$e to M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* *ickne** o+ ,e+e,,in- to$nkno.(e%-e"(e *eeke,* o+ kno.(e%-e "* mushriks) *imp(# +o, not eno$-! "o$tI*("m He ."* +o,ce% to (e"@e 'I," in t!e !e"t o+ t!e %"# "n% "(mo*t %ie% o+ t!i,*t He +o$n%!im*e(+ e--in- +o, mone# to -et to S#,i") !o.e@e, "+te, *$c! " o% %ec,ee% %e+e"t) !i*!$mi(i"tion m"%e !im to ,et$,n to N"G%

    T!o$-! S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" !"% ot"ine% *t$%ie* +,om " @",iet# o+*c!o(",* in %i++e,ent (oc"tion* in t!e (e",ne% M$*(im .o,(%) !e %i% not) !o.e@e,) ,e"c! !i*

    %i*cip(ine) no, ot"in "n# *en"te to te"c! in "n# *cience +,om "n# o+ t!e "o@e mentione%*c!o(",* Mo,eo@e,) none o+ !i* +o,me, te"c!e,* *$ppo,te% t!e %oct,ine !e ."* *oon toe*po$*e "n% it i* p,o@en +,om t!e tet* o+ !i*to,i"n* t!"t !i* te"c!e,* *poke o+ !im .it! m$c!ne-"ti@e c,iti$e

    S$c! "* S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In S$("#m""n "(K$,%i "n% S!"#k! M$!"mm"% "(Sin%i .!oot! ,eco-nie% !i* *t$o,nne** "n% ,e+$*"( to ,e*pect *c!o(",(# "$t!o,it# "n% *"i% "o$t!im A(("! .i(( "((o. t!i* one to e (e% "*t,"#) mi*e,"(e ",e t!e one* .!o ",e mi*(e"% #!im 0S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"2 Bot! o+ t!e*e te"c!e,* e@ent$"((#! t!e ,ot!e, o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" 0S$("#m""n In 'A%$( W"!!"2 to .,itet!e c("**ic"( tet al-Sawaaiq al-Ilahiyah fi ar-radd ala al-Wahhabiyahin .!ic! !i* te"c!e,.,ote

    D"(( m$%(i() ie !e 0M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"2 i* mi*-$i%e% "n% mi*-$i%in- 0L2

    E@en " W"!!" *c!o(", .,ote "o$t t!e S!"#k! in " S"$%i p$(i*!e% io-,"p!#

    It *eem* t!"t M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ."* @e,# "tt,"cte% to ,e"%in- "-"in)e*peci"((# t!e .,itin-* o+ In T"#mi##"! "n% !i* *t$%ent In "(Q"##$m 3!i* te"c!e,? "(AGi(""ni e@en *"i% t!"t mo*t o+ !i* kno.(e%-e ."* *e(+ t"$-!tVV02

    So it i* *een +,om t!e p,e*ente% +"ct* t!"t !e ."* $n$"(i+ie% to "ct "* "n "$t!o,it#) noo%#-"@e !im *en"te "n% !e ."* *e(+ t"$-!t) ,"in."*!e% in t!e mi*-$i%e% opinion* o+ Im""m InT"#mi#"!

    Upon !i* ,et$,n) S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" .o$(% o+ten "ttempt to %e"te -,e"tt!eo(o-i"n* .!ic! e@ent$"((# c"$*e% !im to e epe((e% "n% "nne% +,om m"n# to.n* "n%@i(("-e* He e@en t,ie% to %e"te !i* o.n +"t!e, .!ic! (e% to " !$-e ",-$ment Hi* +"t!e,*e#e* +(o.e% .it! te",* "+te, ,e"%in- t!e +i(t! "n% "% opinion* p"cke% into t!e t!eo(o-ic"( +"*t+oo% *"n%.ic!) Kitaab ut-Tawheed

    Hi* +"t!e, *oon "+te, %ie% in AH ne@e, "-"in !"@in- *poken to S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In

    'A%$( W"!!" *ince A(t!o$-! e+o,e !i* %e"t! !e .o$(% ,epe"te%(# te(( t!e peop(e o$.i(( *ee m$c! e@i( +,om m# *on M$!"mm"%V
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    Since !i* +"t!e, p"**e% "."#) M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" +e(t mo,e +,ee to p$(icie !i*%e@i"nt te"c!in-* mo,e open(#) "(t!o$-!) $n%e,e*tim"tin- t!e inc,e"*e o+ kno.(e%-e o+ !i*o.n ,ot!e, S$("#m""n In 'A%$( W"!!" .!om !i* +"t!e, !"% t,"ine% in !i* "*ence Hi*+"t!e, !"% t,"ine% #o$n- S$("#m""n .e(() -i@in- !im *en"te in 'Aqeedah) 02Fiqh02"n%ot!e, ,e("te% *cience* T!o$-! S$("#m""n in%ee% !"% " %i++ic$(t t"*k "!e"% o+ !im) !e ."* "((

    t!e mo,e ,e"%#

    Me"n.!i(e) S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" e-"n to -"in *$ppo,t o+ !i-!."#,oe,* "n% ot!e, c,imin"(* +,om ",o$n% N"G%) !e ."* e@en -i@en " *m"(( ",m# o+ *i!$n%,e% men S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* ,i*e to po.e, *pe(t %e"t! "n%%e*t,$ction) .it! !i* *o c"((e% ,e(i-io$* G$*ti+ic"tion* He pe,mitte% t!e *!e%%in- o+ (oo% o+

    peop(e .!o *"# t!eKalimah) t!$* m"kin- it pe,mi**i(e to t"ke t!ei, p,ope,t# "n% p("ce t!ei,.i@e* "n% c!i(%,en in c"pti@it# He *"i% in !i*Kashf ash-Shubbahaat

    T!e peop(e t!"t "*k +o, inte,ce**ion t!,o$-! t!e P,op!et* "n% An-e(*) c"((in- $pon t!em "n%m"kin- *$pp(ic"tion t!,o$-! t!ei, ."*ee("! in "ttempt to %,". ne",e, to A(("! ",e committin-

    t!e -,e"te*t o+ *in* T!$* it i* pe,mitte% to ki(( t!em "n% t"ke t!ei, p,ope,t# 02

    E@en " mo%e,n committee o+ W"!!"i *c!o(",* "%mitte% to t!i* "n% con+i,me% t!i* @ie..!en it ."* *"i%

    He 0M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"2 "(*o m"%e c(e", 0to $*2 t!e t,$e me"nin- o+ tawheed02"n% t!"t it i* not *imp(# p,ono$ncin- t!e te*timon# o+ +"it! la ilaha illallah 3none!"* t!e ,i-!t to e .o,*!ippe% ecept A(("!?X in%ee%) " pe,*on mi-!t e " %i*e(ie@e, .!o*e

    (oo% i* pe,mi**i(e to *!e% "n% .!o*e p,ope,t# it i* pe,mi**i(e to t"ke "n% !e mi-!tp,ono$nce t!e te*timon# o+ tawheed 02

    It i* c(e", t!"t t!ekalimah[24].i(( not *"@e " pe,*on +,om t!ei, *.o,% T!e# .i(( ki((M$*(im* ,e-",%(e**

    T!i* *t"tement mi,,o,* t!e @e,# *"me c,ee% t!"t t!e e",(ie, Khawaarij [25]!e(%) t!"tit* pe,mi**i(e to t"ke t!e (oo% o+ t!o*e .!o p,ono$nce t!e Kalimah) $t #et%i*"-,ee .it! t!ei, @ie.*

    M"n# ahaadeeth [26] p,o@e t!"t t!e kalimah i* *$++icient +o, one to e " M$*(ime(ie@e,) .e *!"(( $ote t!em in " "not!e, c!"pte, "n% "%%,e** t!i* e(ie+ t!"t *t,on-(#imp(ie* t!"t S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" e(ie@e% in " %ee%* "*e%*"(@"tion "* oppo*e% to t!e Sunni*t"nce o+ not %e*p"i,in- t!e Me,c# o+ A(("!

    Hi* @e,# +i,*t "ct ."* to m",c! into " @i(("-e .it! !i* *i !$n%,e% o, *o "n%it* to %emo(i*!t!e -,"@e o+ Y"i% in "(K!"tt" S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" pe,*on"((# took "n"e "n% took it to t!e -,"@e (ike " ,"@in- m"% @"n%"( T!i* ."* t!e +i,*t e",t!$"ke "* t!e

    peop(e o+ t!e @i(("-e *too% in +e", +,om t!e "+te,*!ock Ne@e, e+o,e !"% t!e# +"ce% "n#t!in-(ike t!i*

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" contin$e% to pi(("-e t!e nei-!o$,in- te,,ito,ie**$c! "* Y"i,) A!*") H$,"im"(") "n% !i* !ometo.n 'U#"in"!) in%i*c,imin"te(# ki((in- M$*(immen .omen "n% c!i(%,en i+ t!e# ,e+$*e% to "ccept !i* c"(( T!o*e .!o %i% "ccept !i* c"((.e,e +o,ce% to *!"@e t!ei, e",%* "n% t!ei, !e"%* $n%e, t!e p,etet it ."* t!e !"i, o+ kufr 0L2

    He %i% not e@en *p",e t!e .omen +,om t!i* ,$(in-
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    W!en t!eKhalifah02o+ t!e M$*(im* S$("#m""n Bin U,"i,", !e",% o+ t!i*) t!e# c"me .it!"n ",m# to meet c!"((en-e t!e W"!!"i t!,e"t) in .!ic! m"%e S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!" "n% !i* -"n- o+ @i-i("nte* +(ee to D",,i#"!) +e",in- +o, t!ei, (i+e*

    The 3at With Ibn ,a*d

    Imp,e**e% .it! t!e ,e(i-io$* %oct,ine "n% "ction* S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!")t!e ,$(e, o+ D",,i#"!) M$!"mm"% In S"$% kne. t!"t !e co$(% $*e S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!" "n% !i* %oct,ine to !i* o.n "%@"nt"-e) -i@in- !im t!e ,e(i-io$* G$*ti+ic"tion!e *o nee%e% to e@ent$"((# t"ke o@e, t!eHijaa02"n% *e"t !im*e(+ "* t!e kin- o+ 'A,"i"A* one W"!!"i *c!o(", "%mitte%

    W!"t ."* in%ee% et,"o,%in",# ."* t!e coinci%ence o+ t!e 'A(im "n% t!e p,ince)M$!"mm"% In S"$%) .!o +e(t t!e nee% +o, e"c! ot!e,) "n% *". t!e .e%%in- o+ i%e" to ",! .e"pon*) # +o,ce2 "* " ke# to " ne. "-e o+ I*("mic !i*to,# 02

    T!e# kne. t!"t t!e on(# ."# to t"ke o@e, t!e nei-!o$,in- @i(("-e* ."* # +o,ce o+ %oct,ine# t!,e"t o+ @io(ence T!$* t!e# p,ep",e% mi(it",# .i*e It e@en *"i% # *ome !i*to,i"n* t!"tS!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ,ep("ce% t!e t,"%ition"( *.o,%* .it! ,i+(e* *$pp(ie%

    # t!e B,iti*! -o@e,nment

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!") no. to-et!e, .it! t!e S"$%i ,ein+o,cement* "n% "m$c! (",-e, ",m# ,"i%e% M$*(im te,,ito,ie* ,e-",%(e** o+ !e",in- t!e Aaan02T!e +"ct."*) "cco,%in- to M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!") t!ei, Shahaadah02."* not *$++icient)t!$* !e .o$(% m"ke " !"it o+ p($n%e,in- M$*(im te,,ito,ie* .!i(*t "(( p"-"n* to +,ee(#

    p"** t!,o$-! 'A,"i" .it!o$t "n# "ttempt to con@e,t t!em In +"ct !e ne@e, once ,"i%e% "p"-"n @i(("-e

    Hi* K!",iGite t,"it* ec"me mo,e "pp",ent "* !e (e% ,ee((ion* "-"in*t t!e M$*(im ,$(e,*)ki((in- e(ie@in- men) en*("@in- .omen "n% c!i(%,en) %emo(i*!in- -,"@e* "n% p("ce* o+impo,t"nt !e,it"-e 0m"kin- *ome into p$(ic toi(et*2 "(( $n%e, t!e p,etet t!"t !e ."* c"((in-t!e peop(e "ck to t!e Q$,"n "n% S$nn"!) "n% t!e #e", o(% (o*t te"c!in- tawheed!

    He e@en !"% " (in% m"n eec$te% +o, *imp(# *en%in- pe"ce "n% (e**in-* on t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? "+te, !e !"% m"%e t!e c"(( o+ Aaan He %i% t!i* $n%e, t!e p,etet t!"t !enee%e% to p,e*e,@e t!e p$,it# o+ tawheed+o, t!e peop(e "* t!e "ction o+ t!e (in% m"n m"#!"@e (e% toshirk 02

    M$c! o+ t!e !i*to,ic"( m"n$*c,ipt* o+ t!e *c!o(",(# .o,k* .e,e %e*t,o#e% # t!e W"!!"ic$(t) "* (i,",ie* .e,e $,nt to t!e -,o$n%) "n% e@en Q$,"nic tet* .e,e e@en *c"tte,e%",o$n% on t!e *t,eet* "n% t,"mp(e% on .it!o$t " c",e

    F,om t!e #e", AH) t!e cent,"( 'A,"i" ."* ne@e, to e t!e *"me "ihaad# 012 ."*%ec(",e% "-"in*t "n# M$*(im .!o %i% not "ccept t!e W"!!"i c"(( It ."* t!e c"*e o+ #o$eit!e, Goin $* o, %ie T!i* i* e"ct(# .!"t t!eKhawaarij%i% to "n#o%# t!"t %i*,e-",%e% t!ei,t!eo(o-# Zike t!e S"!""i 02K!""" .!o ."* m",t#,e% +,o *imp(# $otin- " hadeethin%e+ence o+ 'A(i Not on(# %i% t!e# ki(( !im) $t t!e# ki((e% !i* .i+e "n% $no,n c!i(% #*(icin- open !e, *tom"c! "n% (ettin- t!e content* +"(( to t!e +(oo,
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    T!e contempo,",# *c!o(",* t!"t (i@e% to *ee t!e W"!!"i t!,e"t "n% ,eeme,-ence o+ t!eK!"."",iG %oc$mente% .o,k* conce,nin- !i* co,,$pt t!eo(o-#) inc($%in- !i* o.n !i* o.n

    ,ot!e, S!"#k! $(I*("m S$("#m""n In 'A%$( W"!!" T!e# ",e +i,*t !"n% .itne**e* to t!e!i*to,ic"( !"ppenin-* t!"t !"@e "(( %oc$mente% t!e *"me t,$t!* conce,nin- t!e W"!!"i c$(t"n% it* c"((

    S!"#k! $(I*("m S$("#m""n In 'A%$( W"!!" *"i% to !i* o.n ,ot!e,

    T!e !o,n o+ S!"#t""n t!"t t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? ,e+e,,e% to i* #o$ 0M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!"2 0J2

    A* t!e "$n%"nce o+ !i*to,ic"( +"ct* %emon*t,"te) M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ."* n$,e@i@e, o+ I*("m In+"ct t!e mo@ement %enie% ei-!t !$n%,e% #e",* o+ I*("mic ,e@i@"(V T!eIIFSO t,"n*("tion o+Kitaab ut-Tawheedin+o,m* $* in t!e p,e+"ce

    T!e mo@ement ."* o,n o$t o+ " ,e"(i"tion t!"t M$*(im* !"% +", too (on- een on "

    %ec(ine 0L2

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* ",,o-"nce kne. no o$n%* "* !e opine% t!"t t!e-,e"t m"Go,it# o+ *c!o(",* t!"t p,e%"te% !im .e,e mushrikeen0i%o("to,*2 "n% t!$* kuffar0ie%i*e(ie@e,*2 He t!e,e+o,e ,eGecte% ei-!t !$n%,e% #e",* o+ "$t!entic *c!o(",*!ip "* ein-$pon mi*-$i%"nce "n% inno@"tion

    T!e c("im i* t!"t !e i* 0*econ% to In T"#mi#"!2 t!e on(# ,e@i@e, A(("! !"* *ent in ei-!t!$n%,e% #e",* o+ *c!o(",*!ip .!ic! cont,"%ict* t!e hadeetho+ t!e Me**en-e, o+ A(("! *"(A(("!$ "("#!i ."*"(("m i* .!ic! !e *"i%

    5Aah wi rai"e $or thi" o*nit# at the end o$ ever# h*ndred #ear" the one who wi

    renovate it" reigion $or it!6 789

    Ho.e@e,) "mon-*t t!e kno.n ,e@i@e,* o+ e"c! cent$,# .!o !"@e een .e(( %oc$mente%)none o+ t!em 02e@e, *poke o+ t!e *"me i%eo(o-ie* "* S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$(W"!!") o, !i* +o,e+"t!e, in c,ee% Im""m In T"#mi#"!

    Fo, e"mp(e) .!o e+o,e M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" "n% In T"#mi#"!) +e(t t!e nee% to%i@i%e "n% c"te-o,ie tawheedinto t.o) t!,ee o, +o$, p",t*/ T!e,e ."* noneV T!e *"me c"n

    e *"i% in t!e m"n# ",e"* o+ c,ee% in .!ic! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" "n% Im""m In

    T"#mi#"! !"@e cont,"%icte% t!e con*en*$* o+ t!eAhl us-Sunnah wal-"amaaah

    I.iit ai to 3ro.het-hood

    Some *c!o(",* e@en note% t!"t !e m"%e "n imp(icit c("im to P,op!et!oo%) t!o$-! notc("imin- p,op!et!oo% @e,"((# T!e +o(( +"cto,* !e(p %emon*t,"te t!i* point

    S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" n"me% t!e peop(e o+ N"G% t!"t c!o*e to+o((o. !im 0eit!e, # +o,ce o, +,ee .i((2 t!e Ansaar 0ie t!e !e(pe,*2 $*t "* t!eP,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? c"((e% t!e peop(e o+ M"%in"! t!e Ansaar+o, !e(pin- t!e

    %uhajireen Zike.i*e M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* non N"G%i +o((o.e,* ."*

    ("e((e% t!e%uhajir$$n T!e me**"-e *o$n%e% @e,# c(e", "* M$!"mm"% In 'A%$(W"!!" opine% M"kk"! "n% Me%in"! to e in " %eep *t"te o+ k$+, .it! "(( t!e -,"@e
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    .o,*!ip !"ppenin- t!e,e *o m$c! *o t!"t !e %eeme% t!e HiG"" 0M"kk"! "n%Me%in"!2 to e %", $(K$+, "n% !i* !ometo.n N"G% to e dar ul-%umineen E@en

    N"G% 0al-&amaamah2 ec"me to e *poken o+ "* t!e !e",t o+ "(( 'A,"i" "* W"!!"i+o((o.e, "m"( Y","oo *t"te% in !i* io-,"p!# o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"al-&amaamah i* t!e !e",t 0not M"kk"! o, M"%in"!2 o+ t!e enti,e 'A,"i"n

    penin*$(" 012 In t!i* "-e t!e# !"@e c"((e% it 'iyaadh"n% *ti(( c("**i+# it "* t!ec"pito( o+ S"$%i 'A,"i" 012t!ei, %i*,e-",% to t!e t.o !o(# *"nct$",ie* c"n c(e",(#

    e *een in t!i* point Wit! !i* "$t!o,it# !e %i% not "ct (ike " ,$(e, 0Q"%i2 o, e@en " !$m(e *c!o(", He

    "cte% (ike " P,op!et "* M$*(im* .o$(% e eec$te% +o, *imp(# $e*tionin- !i*%i@ine(# in*pi,e% .i*%om in %e,i@in- G$%-ement*

    M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" m"%e it @e,# c(e", t!"t !e %eeme% "n#o%# .!o,eGecte% !i* mi**ion "* " %i*e(ie@e,) "(mo*t "* i+ t!e# !"% %enie% " P,op!etV He .o$(%in*t,$ct ne. e(ie@e,* to !i* c$(t to .itne** "-"in*t t!em*e(@e* t!"t t!e# .e,e

    p,e@io$*(# kuffar 0%i*e(ie@e,*2 "n% t!"t t!ei, p",ent* ."* "(*o kuffar e+o,e t!e#

    co$(% e con*i%e,e% "* t,$e W"!!"i e(ie@e,* T!i* i* %e*pite t!em p,e@io$*(# *"#in-t!e te*timon# o+ +"it! 0ie t!e S!"!""%"!2 la ilaha illa Allah t!e,e i* no %eit#ecept A(("!V A* M$!mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" !"* c("ime% in " n$me, o+ !i*.o,k*) t!"t t!e Shahaadahi* not *$++icient +o, one to ente, p","%i*eV I+ " M$*(im ."*to ,eGect !i* c"(() t!e# .o$(% e e!e"%e% on t!e *pot

    1 He comm"n%e% men "n% .omen to *!"@e t!ei, !e"%* "* !e %eeme% it t!e !"i, o+kufr T!i* ."* !i* mi*inte,p,et"tion o+ " hadeetht!"t *poke o+ t!e !"i, $n%e,ne"t!t!e ",mpit* "n% t!e -enit"( !"i,* T!i* "ction ."* $ni$e to !i* c"(( "n% t!e P,op!et+o,e.",ne% $* o+ t!i* *i-! .!en !e *"i% t!ei, *i-n i* t!"t t!e# .i(( *!"@e t!ei, !e"%*

    M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" ",o-"te% m$c! o+ t!e ahadeeth"o$t +i-!tin- int!e !iG"" 0.!ic! t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? +o,"%e2 #et M$!"mm"% In 'A%$(W"!!" con*i%e,e% !im*e(+ *$c! "n "$t!o,it# to pe,mit t!e ki((in- o+ M$*(im*) e@en

    # t!e *i%e o+ t!e K""!

    J T!i* i* t!e mo*t -,e"te*t point W!en t!e P,op!et *"( A(("!$ "("#!i ."*"(("m ente,e%M"kk"! "n% %e*t,o#e% t!e i%o(*) A(("! *ent %o.n t!e "#"! [e,i(# t!e t,$t! !"* come"n% +"(*e!oo% !"* pe,i*!e% T!i* me"nt t!"t i%o("t,# !"% een tot"((# o(ite,"te% int!e HiG"" "n% t!"t S!"#t""n (o*t "(( !ope o+ mi*-$i%in- t!e M$*(im* to .o,*!ipt"-!$t T!i* !"ppenin- ."* " -,e"t *i-n "n% *#mo( o+ P,op!et M$!"mm"%* 0*"("(("!$ "("#!i ."*"(("m2 Ri*""("!) #et S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A% $(W"!!"

    c("ime% t!"t t!e !iG"" ."* ,i%%(e% .it! i%o( .o,*!ip "n% t!"t !e !"% een *ent .it! "mi**ion to %e*t,o# t!e i%o( .o,*!ip in A,"i") t!$* !e imp(icit(# c"((e% to !i* o.nme**"-e) t!$* !e i* not!in- mo,e t!"n " +"(*e P,op!et

    T!e*e ",e "mon-*t t!e +e. in%icto,* o+ !i* imp(icit c("im to p,op!ec# Hi* +o((o.e,* c"n "(*oe *een -i@in- !im t!e *t"t$* o+ " P,op!et t!,o$-!o$t m"n# W"!!"i .o,k*) *$c! "* T!e (i+e)Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"( Y","oo .!o *t"te* int!e c!"pte, entit(e% Moti@"tion Be!in% T!i* Wo,k ."* to

    De+en% t!e !ono$, "n% t,$t! o+ t!ei, ,e(i-ion) t!ei, P,op!et) "n% t!ei, ,et!,en012

    T!i* ,e"((# ,e+e,* to t!e c$(t o+ S"("+i*m t!e S"("+i P,op!et S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!" "n% t!ei, S"("+i ,et!,enV In one t,"n*("tion o+%ukhtasar Seerat ur-'asul)
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    mo,e p,"i*e "n% "ttention i* -i@en to int,o%$cin- M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!") t!"n t!e(itt(e t!"t i* *poken o+ ,e-",%in- t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? !im*e(+

    A+te, Im""m M$!"mm"% in S"$% I*("mic $ni@e,*it# !"% %eci%e% to !o(% " con+e,ence int!e n"me o+ S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" 0n$t in the name $f Allah( $r his 'asul2)

    it +o,me% " committee to p,ep",e +o, t!i* con+e,ence "n% to p,o@i%e " %et"i(e% concept o+ it"n% t!en to imp(ement it T!e committee e-"n it* .o,k # ,e*t"tin- it* -ene,"( oGecti@e +o,t!e con+e,ence) .!ic! ."* to in+o,m peop(e "o$t t!e S!"#k! 0not P,op!et M$!"mm"% 3=5>45\\67 8\\95: \\;

  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    Hi* %e"t! (e% to " ,$t"( ,"i% on t!e !o(# *"nct$",ie* ) M"kk"! "n% M"%in"! in .!ic! m"n#o,t!o%o *c!o(",* ."* p$t to t!e *.o,% T!i* %emon*t,"te* "-"in t!"t S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In'A%$( W"!!" "n% !i* +o((o.e,* ",e t!e mo%e,n %"# Khawaarij"n% t!e# %i% K!",$G 012"-"in*t t!e "mee,* "n% K!"(i+"!* o+ t!e !iG"" P($* M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"

    pe,mitte% +i-!tin- # t!e *i%e o+ t!e K""!) .!en t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? c(e",(# *"i%

    5Aah and not the .eo.e ha" ade /ea a "ant*ar#! ,o an#bod# who ha" beie$ in

    Aah and the La"t ;a# b*t He did not give it to #o*!

    The Aah aowed e on# $or a $ew ho*r" on that da# ?

    M"n# ook* o+ S!"#k! M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" !"@e not #et *een " p$(i*!in- !o$*e"n% ",e *ti(( in m"n$*c,ipt +o,m) (et "(one t,"n*("te% T!e# "(( epo*e t!e c,ee% o+ M$!"mm"%In 'A%$( W"!!" "* ein- +,om t!eKhawaarij i+ one i* to c",e+$((# e"mine t!e tet* +o,!i* t!eo(o-# Wit! t!i* c!"pte, "(one I !"@e %emon*t,"te% !o. t!e mo%e,n %"# W"!!"i c$(t",e none ot!e, t!"n t!e ,eeme,-ence o+ t!e en% o+ time* Khawwarij p,op!e*i*e% in t!eahaadeeth o+ t!e Me**en-e, o+ A(("! 34567 895: ;< =5>? Ho.e@e, .i(( *!"(( contin$e "n%co@e, e@e,# "n-(e

    ,oon to oe : The %hawaari& The Hi"toria at":

    02Enc#c(ope%i" B,it"nic" Mic,ope%i" @o( ]) p

    02Z$m"t $(Iti""% 0S$++icienc# in C,ee%2 T!e W"!!"i @e,*ion) p

    02I !"@e $ti(ie% ook* *$c! "* M$!"mm"% In A%$( W"!!" Hi* Zi+e "n% Mi**ion #A%$( Ai In A%$(("! In B"X A B,ei+ Hi*to,# o+ t!e W"!!"i Mo@ement # "m"(E++en%i) Enc#c(ope%i" o+ I*("mic Doct,ine @o() pp L M$!"mm"% In 'A%$(W"!!"* M$k!t"*", See,"t $,R"*$() t!e t,"n*("tion .!ic! "(*o e-in* .it! t!e mention o+M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" "n% !i* mi**ion T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"( Y","oo) Enc#ope%i"* "n% ot!e, t#pe* o+!i*to,ic"( ,e+e,ence .o,k*
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    012T!e c,ee%) *peec! "n% "ction* o+ t!e Me**en-e, 34567 895: ;< =5>?

    02One o+ t!e t!i,t# (i",* t!"t !"@e een p,op!e*ie% to eme,-e in t!e ("*t %"#* o+ time

    0J20J2 T!e ,e"%e, m"# .on%e, "t .!# I !"@e c!o*en to p$t t!i* *entence in in@e,te% comm"*

    It i* impo,t"nt to note t!"t m# Aqeedahi* t!"t 'A,"i" i* c"((e%"aeerat ul-Arab) "* it ."*c"((e% in t!e Ho(# P,op!et* 34567 895: ;< =5>? time "n% not t!e Kin-%om o+ S"$%i 'A,"i""* %e*c,ie% to%"# Re"*on ein- it i* .,on- to n"me *$c! !o(# ("n%* "+te, " t#,"nt) p($*inno@"tion I+ "n#t!in- t!e co$nt,# *!o$(% !"@e een c"((e% t!e Kin-%om o+ t!e P,op!etM$!"mm"% 345\\67 8\\95: \\;< =5\\>?) !o.e@e, %$e to t!e P,op!et* kno.n c!","cte, o+ m$c!!$mi(it#) !e .o$(% mo*t (ike(# te(( me to c"(( it"aeerat ul-Arab Secon%(#) it i* m# Aqeedaht!"t t!e c"pit"( cit#) o, citie* ,"t!e,) in 'A,"i" ",e M"kk"! "n% M"%in"! "n% not Ri#""%!VT!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? %i% not (ike Ri#""%! "* it i* " *o$,ce o+ -,e"tfitaan T!$*) +o,t!i* *entence) in@e,te% comm"* See D",$**"("m* T!e Conci*e co((ection on C,ee% "n%T".!ee%) p +o, t!e c"pito( o+ S"$%i 'A,"i" Ri#""%!

    0L2M$*"#mim"! t!e (i", He c("ime% to e " P,op!et o+ A(("! "+te, M$!"mm"% "n%compo*e% !i* o.n poet,# "ttemptin- to compete .it! t!e Q$,"n One @e,*e ,e"% O

    e"$ti+$( c"t) .!"t nice +($++# e",* #o$ !"@e !o.e@e,) %e*pite !i* *t$pi% c("im* "n% poet,#!e m"n"-e% to $i(% " +o(( o+ t!i,t# t!o$*"n% "n% p("nne% to "tt"ck M"kk"! "n%M"%in"! $pon !e",in- "o$t t!e P,op!et* 34567 895: ;< =5>? p"**in- "."# A$ B"k, *entK!"(ee% In W"(ee% "n% "n ",m# to N"G% .!ic! i* +"mo$*(# kno.n "* t!e "t((e o+"m""m"!) .!e,e m"n# !$++" %ie% W"*!ee ."* t!e one !ono,e% # A(("! to ,e%eem!im*e(+ # ki((in- M$*"#mim"! t!e (i", .it! !i* *pe", W"*!ee ."* t!e *("@e o+ A$S$+#""n* .i+e Bint "n% ."* ,e*pon*i(e +o, t!e m",t#,%om o+ H"m" e+o,e !i* con@e,*ionto I*("m

    02 S$nni i* " .e*te,n %e,i@e% te,m +,om " pe,*on .!o +o((o.* t!e Ahl us-Sunnah wal-"amaaah It i* impo,t"nt to note !e,e t!"t t!e,e ",e i-no,"nt M$*(im* in t!i* %"# o+ "-ep,omotin- t!e c,ee% t!"t .e *!o$(% not e S$nni*) S!i") W"!!"i*) Deo"n%i* etc) $t .e*!o$(% e M$*(im* A(t!o$-! t!e,e i* " co,,ectne** !i%%en .it!in t!ei, +"(*e!oo% t!e P,op!et34567 895: ;< =5>? !"* comm"n%e% $* to e S$nni* in t!e +o(( !"%eet! A%!e,e to m#S$nn"! "n% t!e S$nn"! o+ t!e ,i-!t(# -$i%e% K!"(i+"!* t!"t come "+te, me Bite $pon it .it!#o$, mo(", teet! 0nawaakhidh2 "n% e.",e o+ ne.(# in@ente% m"tte,* 0in c,ee%) "n% "ction*2+o, ce,t"in(# e@e,# ne.(# in@ente% m"tte, i* "n inno@"tion "n% e@e,# inno@"tion i* "mi*-$i%"nce M$*n"% o+ Im""m A!m"% n",,"te% # "('I,""% Bin S"",i#"!) !"%eet! noL1) S$n"n A$ D".$%) Kitaab us-Sunnah) !"%eet! no 1JL Im""m N".".i* Fo,t#

    H"%eet!) !"%eet! no X "n% i* c("**i+ie% "* " Saheeh hadeeth T!e one .!o +o((o.* t!eS$nn"! "* comm"n%e% i* kno.n "* " Sunni P(e"*e ,e+e, to t!e "ppen%i in m# t,"n*("tion o+*umat ul-ItiqaadW!o A,e t!e A!( $*S$nn"! ."("m"""!/

    02P($,"( o+ S!"#k!

    02P T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo

    02PL T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    02P L T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo

    02T!e ,epent"nce o+ Im""m In T"#mi#"! i* %oc$mente%) !o.e@e, m"n# A*!",i *c!o(",*o+ E-#pt !"% %o$t* "o$t !i* ,epent"nce "n% *ti(( kept !im imp,i*one% See Enc#(ope%i" o+

    I*("mic Doct,ine) @o( ) p J In t!e e*t opinion) !e %ie% " S$nni M$*(im $pon t!e c,ee% o+t!eAhl us-Sunnah wal-"amaaah"+te, ,epentin- +,om !i* co,,$pt @ie.*) "(t!o$-! not ein-"(e to co,,ect t!em # ."# o+ .,itin- "* !i* .,itin- m"te,i"(* ."* t"ken "."# +,om !imUpon !i* %e"t!) t!e @e,# *"me *c!o(",* t!"t con%emne% !im) "n% t!o*e .!o %e"te% !im

    p,"#e% o@e, !im "t !i*"anaaah) .!ic! *t,on-(# imp(ie* t!"t !e ."* con*i%e,e% "n% $,ie% "*" M$*(im e(ie@e,

    012T!e +o$, *c!oo(* o+ I*("mic (". kno.n "* t!eHanafi madh-hab( %aaliki madh-hab(Shaafi madh-hab"n% t!eHanbali madh-habn"me% "+te, +o$, -,e"t ,e*pecte% Sunni*c!o(",*).!o ",e kno.n +o, t!ei, ece((ence "n% "i(it# in %e,i@in- +,om t!e Q$,"n "n% t!e S$nn"!

    02Haraam) t!e 'A,"ic te,mino(o-# +o, "n#t!in- p,o!iite% *t,ict(# # ,e@e("tion

    0J2PJ o+ T!e Conci*e Co((ection o+ C,ee% "n% T".!ee%) D",$**"("m P$(i*!in-

    0L2T!i* ook i* p,e*ent(# ein- t,"n*("te% # S!"#k! A$ "+", "(H"n"(i "n% i* p,omi*e%to e " %e@"*t"tin- (o. to t!eKhawaarijW"!!"i C$(t We *!o$(% epect t!i* tet to e,e(e"*e% @i" t!e H"n"(i Tet Societ# ...!t*p$com

    02P T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo

    02Aqeedah) t!e M$t"i("! inno@"te% te,mino(o-# to ,e+e, to c,ee% T!e t,$e 'A,"ic .o,%i* al-Itiqaad Ho.e@e, +o, e"*# comp,e!en*ion I !"@e $*e% Aqeedah"* m"n# M$*(im* ",eno. o@e, +"mi(i", .it! t!i* .o,%

    02$,i*p,$%ence) I*("mic (". ,e("tin- to !#-iene "n% .o,*!ip) c!",it# "n% !"GG) etc

    [21]Kashf ash-Shubuhaat

    02Tawheed"* t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? "n% i* comp"nion* t"$-!t i* t!e te*timon# t!"tt!e,e i* no -o% $t A(("! "n% M$!"mm"% i* !i* me**en-e, An#o%# .!o te*ti+ie* to t!i*

    *!o$(% not e ki((e% T!i* c"n e *een +,om t!e hadeeth.!e,e t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? *"i% I !"@e een o,%e,e% to +i-!t t!e peop(e ti(( t!e# *"# 'None !"* t!e ,i-!t to e.o,*!ippe% $t A(("! An% i+ t!e# *"# *o) p,"# (ike o$, p,"#e,*) +"ce o$, Qi(" "n% *("$-!te,"* .e *("$-!te,) t!en t!ei, (oo% "n% p,ope,t# .i(( e *"c,e% to $* "n% .e .i(( not inte,+e,! t!em ecept (e-"((# "n% t!ei, ,eckonin- .i(( e .it! A(("! S"!ee! "(B$k!"",i) @o( )!"%eet! no L t!i* hadeeth*e,@e* "* "n e@i%ence "-"in*t M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!".!o ."* t"$-!t it ."* pe,mi**i(e to ki(( peop(e .!o te*ti+ie% to t!e Kalimah) mo,e .i(( e*"i% o+ t!i* in +o(( c!"pte,* T!e,e+o,e tawheedi* *#non#mo$* .it! t!e kalimah.!ic!i* to te*ti+# t!e,e i* no -o% $t A(("! T!i* i* tawheed

    02M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* M$k!t"*", See,"t $,R"*$( p
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    012Zite,"((# me"n* " .o,% o, *t"tement) $t in t!e contet o+ 'Aee%"! it* (in-$i*tic,e+e,ence i* to tawheed) te*ti+#in- to A(("!* Onene** "n% Hi* Me**en-e, M$!"mm"% 3;< =5>4567 895:?

    02A -,o$p t!"t i* kno.n to ,ee( "-"in*t @"(i% M$*(im "$t!o,it# $nti( t!e# e@ent$"((# eit

    o$t o+ t!e +o(% o+ I*("m # ki((in- M$*(im e(ie@e,*

    0J2T!e p($,"( o+ !"%eet! .!ic! in it* *in-$(", +o,m me"n* " *"#in- o, "ction o+ t!e Ho(#P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>?

    0L2T!e !"i, o+ %i*e(ie+

    02R$(e,) @"(i% M$*(im "$t!o,it#

    02T!e t,$e !e",t o+ 'A,"i") ie t!e t.o !o(# *"nct$",ie*

    02P @ii in t!e p,e+"ce toKitaab ut-Tawheed.,itten "n% t,"n*("te% # I*m"i( R "(F$,$i

    02T!e M$*(im c"(( to p,"#e,

    02S!"!""%"!) (ite,"((# me"n* to .itne**) " *#non#mo$* te,m +o, t!e K"(im"!

    02Po(#t!ei*m) ie "**oci"tin- p",tne,* .it! A(("!* %i@init#

    012Mi(it",# .",+",e

    02Comp"nion o+ t!e Ho(# P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>?) I %e%ic"te t!i* ook to !im "n% ot!e,*t!"t met .it! t!e *.o,% o+ t!e K!"."",iG

    0J2T!e Di@ine T!$n%e,o(t*+ as-Sawaaiq al-Ilahiyah

    0L2IIFSO t,"n*("tion o+Kitaab ut-Tawheed) p @

    02N",,"te% # A$ H$,"#,"!) S$n"n A$ D".$%) !"%eet! no

    02None o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"* +"mi(# o, S$nni te"c!e,* e@e, t"$-!t t!e*"me %oct,ine t!"t M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" .o$(% ("te, te"c! "n% +o,ce t!e peop(e to


    012PL T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo

    012See D",$**"("m* T!e Conci*e co((ection on C,ee% "n% T".!ee%) p +o, t!e c"pito(o+ S"$%i 'A,"i" Ri#""%!

    012P T!e (i+e) Te"c!in-* "n% In+($ence o+ M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!" # "m"(Y","oo

    012T,"@e(* T!,o$-! 'A,"i" "n% Ot!e, Co$nt,ie* in t!e E"*t) @o( ) p ) # C Nei$!,0mo*t (ike(# " con@e,t to I*("m "* !e t,"@e((e% in "n% o$t o+ t!e Hijaa .it!o$t "n#
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    ,e*t,iction*) e@en @i*itin- Shuyukhin M"kk"! "n% M"%in"! "n% ."* " +i,*t !"n% .itne** tot!e ,i*e o+ t!eKhawaarij W"!!"i c$(t2

    0112P 1 A-"in !i* te"c!in-* "n% not t!e P,op!et* 34567 895: ;< =5>? t!i* c"n e *een *imp(#+,om t!e hadeethin .!ic! t!e P,op!et 34567 895: ;< =5>? *"#* T!e !",*!ne** o+ !e",t "n%

    *te,nne** i* in t!e E"*t "n% +"it! i* "mon- t!e peop(e o+ t!e HiG" S"!ee! M$*(im) Kit"" $(Im""n) !"%eet! no LX "(*o +o$n% .it!in Mi*!k""t $(M"*""ee!) Kit"" $(Fit""n) !"%eet!no 1

    012Ree((ion "-"in*t t!e M$*(im (e"%e,* .!ic! !e P,op!et +o,"%e

    01J2S"!ee! "(B$k!"",i) @o( !"%eet! no 1 "(*o in S"!ee! "(B$k!",i @o( !"%eet! no1 .it! t!e +o(( .o,%* Be.",eV 3Mecc" i* " *"nct$",#? [e,i(#V Fi-!tin- in Mecc"."* not pe,mitte% +o, "n#one e+o,e me no, .i(( it e pe,mitte% +o, "n#one "+te, me It 3.",?in it ."* m"%e (e-"( +o, me +o, +e. !o$,* o, *o on t!"t %"# No %o$t it i* "t t!i* moment "*"nct$",# "(*o in @o( ) !"%eet! no X !"%eet! no JX @o( 1) !"%eet! no 1X @o( )

    !"%eet! no JX "n% @o($me ) !"%eet! n$me, T!$* t!e,e i* no "mi-$it# to t!e"$t!enticit# "n% *t,en-t! o+ t!i* !"%eet!) !"@in- n$me,o$* c!"in* o+ i*n""%

    A*dio ,.eehe" on Wahhabi": Right ik to downoad

    W!o ",e t!e A!( $*S$nn"! ."("m"""! A,e S"("+i* +,om t!e A!( $*S$nn"! ."("m"""!/

    T!e ,$(in- "o$t c"((in- one**e(+ " S"("+i

    N"G% "n% M$!"mm"% In 'A%$( W"!!"

    T!e +itn"! o+ N"G%

    T!e moti@e* o+ t!e W"!!"i##"!

    "(Aee%"! $tT"!"".i#"! # Im""m T"!"".i "n% t!e W"!!"i De@i"tion p",t

    "(Aee%"! $tT"!"".i#"! # Im""m T"!"".i "n% t!e W"!!"i De@i"tion p",t

    "(Aee%"! $tT"!"".i#"! # Im""m T"!"".i "n% t!e W"!!"i De@i"tion p",t

    "(Aee%"! $tT"!"".i#"! # Im""m T"!"".i "n% t!e W"!!"i De@i"tion p",t 1

    W!# .e m$*t +o((o. one M"%!!"

    T!e Re@i@"( o+ S$nn"! "n% t!e %e*t,$ction o+ Bi%"!

    T!e t,$t! "o$t inno@"tion p",t

    T!e t,$t! "o$t inno@"tion p",t

    T!e t,$t! "o$t inno@"tion

    T!e A,m# o+ S!"#t""n

    T!e p,o(em .it! $* S$nni*
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    T!e enem# .it!in t!e ,"nk o+ t!e M$*(im*

    We .o$(% (ike to ep,e** o$, t!"nk* to t!e .eek(# Deen o@e, D$n#"! *!o. +o, t!e*e(ect$,e* St"# t$ne% into t!ei, *!o. .eek(#VVV

    ;een3ort!oi" the .ae to be


    8 tho*ght" on 5The Biogra.h# o$ ,ha#kh /*haadIbn Abd* Wahhab6

    Sam Ar$$

    $ne 1) 1 "t 11 "m

    A*"("m "("k$mF,om #o$, ",tic(e "n% .!"t I ,e"% e(*e.!e,e I *ee t!"t A%$( W"!!"i ."* "-"in*t-,"@e "n% @i*itin- to it C"n #o$ p(e"*e ep("in t!e i**$e t!"t .o$(% t"ke t!em o$t o+

    t!e +o(% o+ I*("m/ Fo, to%"# -,"@e .o,*!ip i* i--e*t i**$e in I*("mic .o,(% +o, it i**omet!in- %one # "(( ,e(i-ion "n% i* "(."#* $*e% to *!o. !o. t!e,e i* no %i++e,enceet.een M$*(im* "n% ot!e, ,e(i-ion I pe,*on"((# *ee mo,e t!"n ^ o+ inno@"tion"n% *!i,k !"ppenin- "t t!e*e -,"@e I*("m i* " c(e", ,e(i-ion .!ic! *"# to e(ie@e A(("!"n% +o((o. P,op!et M$!"mm"% PBUH We c"n t,$*t "n% "*k A(("! .it!o$t "n#one int!e mi%%(e A(*o t!e p,"ctice o+ keepin- ,emin%e,* o+ ,i-!teo$* men .!et!e, in +o,mo+ -,"@e* o, *t"t$e* i* .!"t *t",te% *!i,k +,om time o+ N$! AS A(*o A$ B"k, RA!"@e to +i-!t .it! t!e M$*(im* .!o %enie% -i@in- "k"t "+te, %e"t! o+ P,op!etM$!"mm"% PBUH *o i+ *omet!in- (ike -,"@e .o,*!ip i* *o %eep ,oote% in M$*(im*to%"# t!"t it* c"$*in- +itn" "n% *!i,k it nee% *ome *t,on- "ction*

  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010



    o The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    $ne ) 1 "t J pm

    ." "("#k$m "* *"("m

    T!e i**$e t!"t t"ke* t!em o$t o+ t!e +o(% i* not t!ei, "% opinion "o$t ot!e,M$*(im* $t t!ei, c"((in- to ki(( M$*(im* A(("! te((* $* in t!e Q$,"n t!"t.!oe@e, m$,%e,* " e(ie@e, intention"((# *!"(( +"ce t!e !e(( +i,e +o, "(( ete,nit#

    T!e "ct o+ t!e W"!!"i##"! # "cc$*in- M$*(im* o+ c"((in- on ot!e, t!"nA(("!) c"((in- t!em m$*!,ikeen "n% %eemin- t!ei, (oo% "n% p,ope,t#

    pe,mi**"(e i* " i- i**$e) not G$*t o+ t!e, +itn"! c"$*e% t!e,e#) $t t!et!eo(o-ici"( imp(ic("tion t!"t t!e !iG" ."* in nee% o+ M$!"mm"% In A%$(W"!!" to *ome!o. ,e@i@e t".!ee%

    1 [ote*


    o Shahenshah ,awab

    A$-$*t ) 1 "t 1J pm

    P(e"*e ,e"% A#"t$( k$,*i _M"n"(("i #"*!+"$ in%"!$ IZZA BEEYNAHE)t!"tme"n* t!e,e ",e *ome one .!o .it! EYNE AZZAH)RECMEND
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010




    The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    A$-$*t J) 1 "t pm

    S"("m$n "("#k#m) #e* A(("! .i(( -,"nt t!e P,op!et *"( "(("!$ "("#!i."*"(("m to %o inte,ce**ion +o, !i* $mm"!) "n% "(*o t!e,e .i(( em"n# ot!e, inte,ce**ion* *$c! "* c!i(%,en +o, t!ei, p",ent*) t!eopp,e**e% +o, t!ei, !e(pe,*) *t$%ent* +o, t!ei, te"c!e,*) t!e poo +o, t!ei,!e(pe,* etc



    Ammar mar Al-&amani

    M",c! ) 1 "t pm


  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010




    o The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    M",c! ) 1 "t pm

    T!"t i* c(e", in p,e*ent time* #et .!"t %oe* !i*to,# *!o. $*/

    T!e +i,*t S"$%i *t"te) t!e *econ% S"$%i *t"te "n% t!e t!i,% S"$%i *t"te

    T!e +i,*t ein- .!en M$!"mm"% In A%$( W"!!"* @e,# o.n *on took o@e,t!e !iG"" .it! mi(it",# mi-!t) t!e t!i,% ein- e*peci"((# .it! t!e *$ppo,t o+t!e En-(i*!) "* " %i,ect ,e*$(t o+ t!e Pe"cott "-,eement .!ic! ."* p",t "n%

    p",ce( o+ -i@in- P"(e*tine to t!e e.*

    So #e*) @e,# K!"."",iG)

    P($* t!e,e i* no ot!e, c$(t t!"t e(ie@e* t!"t T!e M$*(im* ",e $pon *!i,k T!ei, (oo% i* pe,mi**i(e T!ei, p,ope,t# i* pe,mi**i(e1 T!ei, .omen "n% c!i(%,en ",e pe,mi**i(e

    T!e# ",e t!e K!"."",iG It %oe* not t"ke m$c! to (ook t!,o$-! *$c! tet* "*K"*!+ $*!S!$$!""t to c(e",(# *ee t!e K!"."",iG i%eo(o-ie* ein- p,e*ente%t!,o$-! M$!"mm"% In A%$( W"!!"* .o,k*

    1 [ote*


    Faisal Wahab

    M",c! ) 1 "t "m
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    !o. c"n i -et " !o(% o+ t!i* ook/ T!e W"!!"i T!,e"t i %ont +in% it on Am"on



    1 Atiq 'ehman

    Fe,$",# J) 1 "t L1 "m

    I !"@e -one t!,o$-! t!i* inte,e*tin- piece o+ .,itin- A(*o I !"@e -one t!,o$-! t!eot!e, *i%e o+ t!e peop(e W!"t I +o$n% i* K"", e M$(("! Fee S"ee( i(("! F"*""%Zet t!em *t",@e in t!ei, o.n c"@e* o+ i-no,"nce "n% not I*("m "t "(( I "m*o,,# I co$(% not ,e*i*t .,itin- t!i* comment) .!ic! I t!ink .i(( ne@e, e po*te%

    R"te T!i*


    o The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    Septeme, L) 1 "t 1 pm

    S"("m$n "("#k$m) .e(( I +o$n% it .o,t!# o+ ein- " po*t) ec"$*e to i-no,e "

    +itn"! i* " @"(i% met!o%) "* (on- "* #o$ "ccept t!"t t"ck(in- t!e +itn"! .!e,enee%* e i* "(*o " @"(i% met!o%
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    R"te T!i*


    %uhammad Abd .r-'asheed

    Octoe, ) "t 1 "m

    T!e S!"#k! o+ W"!!"i*m) M$!"mm"% in 'A% "(W"!!" *"i% in one o+ !i* (ette,*

    ` abd< df gh7 jl d ql: r su:

  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010




    J Kader /ass$ma

    Septeme, L) "t "m

    Ho. $n+"i, i* t!"t to (ie *o o$t,"-eo$*(# in t!e +"ce o+ *o m"n# mi*-$i%e% $*e,* .!o(in%(# (i*ten to #o$ G$*t ec"$*e #o$ *!",e t!e *"me (ine o+ opinion* "n% i%e"* .it!t!em/I .o$(% not min% #o$ %e(etin- t!i* comment o+ mine $t I .i(( G$*t +ee( " *en*eo+ ,e(e"*e G$*t +o, te((in- #o$ .!"t #o$ ",eI t!ink t!e m"in ,e"*on .!# peop(e .o$(%ente, into t!e !e(( +i,e i* t!"t t!e# ,e+$*e to $*e t!ei, ,"in* to t!ink "o$t *$c!impo,t"nt m"tte,* "* ,e(i-ionI "m "(*o not !e,e to te(( #o$ t!"t A%$( W"!!" i* ,i-!t o, .,on- $t to p,e*ent !im"* .!o !e ,e"((# i*)not (ie* "o$t !imRememe, t!e *"me (ie* nonm$*(im* *p,e"%"o$t t!e P,op!et 3SAWS? / Be +"i, .it! #o$,*e(+ "n% $e*tion #o$, +"it! "-"in/H"@e#o$ %one t!e ,i-!t t!in- # ("#in- o$t t!e*e mi*conception* "o$t A%$( W"!!" /o$ ",e #o$, o.n G$%-eVM"# A(("! -$i%e $* "((A%$( R""k NACOUZMA

    1 [ote*


    o The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    Septeme, L) "t 1 pm

    I !"@e on(# "pp,o@e% t!i* comment to %emon*t,"te one point

    An*.e, me t!i*) .!e,e i* t!e (ie/ W!e,e i* t!e mi*conception/ W!e,e i* t!e

  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    Do #o$ kno. .!"t ,e"((# -et* on m# ne,@e*/

    W!en peop(e come !e,e "n% .,ite (on- (ect$,e* "n% c"nnot e@en *"# " p,ope,S"( A(("!$ "("#!i ."*"(("m +o, t!e S"##i% $(Ani#""! V

    T!"t i* $n+"i,ne**) "n% " mi-!t# $(m



    o 0$r)

    A$-$*t J) 1 "t pm

    A**"("m A("#ko$m)B,ot!e, I %ont t!ink t!e "%min "ct$"((# .,ote t!e*e (ine*) #o$ c"n +in% t!emin t!e ook* o+ Mo!"mme% in A%$( A( W"!!") I !one*t(# e(ie@e t!"t !e."* t,#in- to mi,,o, !im*e(+ to t!e P,op!et Mo!"me% *".*3i+ #o$ ,e"% et.een t!e (ine*) "* i+ !e i* t!e !o(%e, o+ kno.(e%-e ?in t!e *"me ."# #o$@e G$*t 3Con*cio$*(# o, Uncon*cio$*(# ? p$t it) .it!o$t,e"(i*in- #o$ !"@e comp",e% !im to t!e P,op!et *".* ?M"# A(("! -$i%e $* "((

  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010



    The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    A$-$*t J) 1 "t pm

    G""kA(("! k!"#,

    R"te T!i*


    o The Wahhabi Threat Admin

    A$-$*t J) 1 "t J pm

    T!en #o$, c!"((en-e i* to no. $ote e"c! one o+ t!e*e (ie* one # one "n%te(( me .!e,e I !"@e (ie% I+ #o$ c"nnot %o t!"t) t!en kno. .e(( #o$ ",e in +"ctt!e on(# (i", !e,e



    o 0$r)
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    A$-$*t ) 1 "t L "m

    K"%e, B"**om")S"("m A("#ko$mWit! "(( %$e ,e*pect) I c"nnot e(ie@e .!"t I G$*t ,e"% t!i* i* *$c! " t#pic"(

    ",,o-"nt "ttit$%e t!"t "(( t!e $*e,* !e,e ",e ",e +o(( (in%(# $ne(ie@"(e$t t,$eVet o++ #o$, !i-! !o,*e* "n% %ont t,e"t ot!e,* o+ ein- i%iot* I !"@e *t$%ie%In T"#mi#"! "n% In A%$( W"!!" "n% t!e W"!!"i %oct,ine) +o, %ec"%e*no. !o. p,etentio$* "n% ",,o-"nt o+ #o$ to t,e"t ot!e,* "* i-no,"nt

    R"te T!i*


    o 0$r)

    A$-$*t ) 1 "t "m

    A**"("m A("#ko$mOne +in"( t!in-) W!# %ont #o$ te(( $* in #o$, o.n .o,%* t!en .!o t!i*Mo!"mme% A%$( W"!!" ,e"((# i* /In*te"% o+ "cc$*in- "(( o+ $* o+ ein- mi*-$i%e% "n% +o(( (in%(# #o$ ",e

    p"**in- G$%-ement* on peop(e t!"t #o$ %o not kno.) !o. m$c! !"@e #o$ ,e"%"o$t !im "n% t!e t!in-* t!"t !e %i% /

    H"@e #o$ e@e, !e",% " H"%eet! .!e,e P,op!et *".* *poke "o$t %i++e,entc"te-o,ie* o+ T".!ee% /Since .!en " (oo% o+ " M$*(im i* pe,mi**i(e o, "n# ot!e, (oo% +o, t!"tm"tte, ecept in *e(+ %e+en*e /H"@e e@e, !e",% o+ t!e P,op!et ki((in- "n#o%# .it!o$t " ,e"*on o, in *e(+%e+en*e /An% *ince .!en #o$ comp",e t!i* -$# to t!e me**en-e, o+ A(("! / o$ *eemto +o,-et one t!in-t!e P,op!et pe"ce e $pon !im ."* t!e pe,+ect !$m"n ein- t!"t A(("!c,e"te% *ince .!en Mo!"me% in A%$( W"!!" i* no. comp",e% to t!e

    A"%!"m B"c!", /Do #o$ ,e"% #o$,*e(+ "t "(( /
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    M"# A(("! -$i%e $* "((S"("m A("#ko$m

    R"te T!i*


    L adbasque

    $(# L) "t "m

    A**"("m A("#k$m)B,ot!e,) I "-,ee t!"t .e *!o$(% "(."#* epo*e e@i( .!e,e@e, it m"#e "n% #e* I %o"-,ee t!"t t!e W"!!"ite "n% ot!e, *ect* ",e +,om t!e *!"#t"n t!e# m"in "im i* to

    *p,e"% "n% c,e"te con+$*ion "n% %o$t* in peop(e* !e",t* "* I "(."#* *"i% t!e %e@i(p("#* *e@e,"( c",%* "(( "t onceHe i* t!e m"*te, o+ %eception) "* " M$*(im I ,e+$*e to *$*c,ie to "n# -,o$p "(( Ikno. i* t!"t I "m " M$*(im I .i(( In*!" A(("! +o((o. t!e p"t! o+ A(("! "n% !i*me**en-e, t!e S$nn" o+ t!e p,op!et Mo!"me% 3pe"ce e $pon !im? "n% "(( o+ t!i*non*en*e i* i,,e(e@"nt

    Ho.e@e, I %o "-,ee t!"t .e nee% to ,em"in on o$, -$",%* "n% not e comp("cent !e.o,k* ni-!t "n% %"# to mi*(e"% $* in "n#."# !e c"nPeop(e !"@e to ,e"(i*e t!"t !e i* " po.e,+$( enem# t!e# t,# to %",ken I*("m "* m$c! "*t!e# po**i(# c"n "n% mo*t(# to p,e@ent ne. come,* to t!i* %ine o+ t,$t! "n% (o@e

    In ot!e, .o,%* !e(( %o e@e,#t!in- to keep peop(e in " tot"( %",kne**An% I %o "-,ee .it! #o$) t!"t .e *!o$(% ,in- t!o*e ,ot!e,* c"(( t!em "ck to t!e,i-!t p"t!) "n% t!e ."# to %o t!"t i* to con+,ont t!em .it! e@i%ence) "n% not emotion"(c"((T!e# "(*o nee% to e @e,# ".",e t!"t t!e,e* no *$c! t!in- "* S"("+i) it* me,e(#"not!e, t,ick to m"ke t!em e(ie@e t!e# ",e c(o*e, to A(("! .!i(e in +"ct t!e# ",e+$,t!e, "."# +,om A(("!W"!!"i*m i* in ,e"(it# not!in- e(*e t!"n S"("+i*m) ec"$*e S"("+i*m (ook* mo,e"tt,"cti@e to t!e e(ie@e,* "n% t!e# ",e $n%e, t!e imp,e**ion t!e#,e %oin- t!e ,i-!tt!in-M"# A(("! *!o. $* t!e ,i-!t p"t! "n% !e(p $* "(( come t!,o$-! t!e*e %i++ic$(t time*)

    "n% p",tic$(",(# t!,o$-! t!i* D"GG"(* t,i$("tion "n% mo,e to come #et) I e(ie@e .e!"@ent *een not!in- #et
  • 7/25/2019 The Wahhabi Threat 2010


    T!e ot!e, t!in- M$*(im* In*!" A(("! *!o$(% ,e"(i*e i* to ne@e, +"(( +o, t!e Yioni*t*t,"p i+ #o$ (ook ",o$n% $* to%"#) " @e,# c",e+$((# c,"+te% p("n i* t"kin- p("ce to -et $*to .", .it! t!e ,e*t o+ t!e .o,(%H$m"nit# "* " .!o(e "n% M$*(im* in p",tic$(", ",e