The Volga River

The Volga River. Volga’s location The Volga river is like a snake through Russia. It flows to Moscow, S. Petersburg …… It went through 20 out of largest

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The Volga River

Volga’s locationThe Volga river is like a snake through Russia. It flows to Moscow, S. Petersburg …… It went through 20 out of largest cities in Russia, eleven, included its capital Moscow.

Volga’s length

The river is 3692km long, which is the longest river in Russia. Most rivers are small and don’t have a lot of tributaries, but Volga is not the same. Most rivers are for fishers to catch fish and this river is the same. If the length is too big, it will be hard for fishers to catch fish.

Key Feature for Volga

• The Volga river is the longest river in Russia.

• The Volga river freeze for most of it length for three months of the year.

• The Volga River drains most Western of Russia.

Tributaries of Volga

• Kama river : the longest tributary of Volga. It located from Udmurtia to Tatarstan and then Volga.

• Oka river : the largest right tributary of Volga and is the central of Russia.

• Vetluga river : It’s a left tributary of Volga, also flows to Kirov Oblast, Kostroma Oblast and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast.

• Sura river: A right tributary of Volga, it flows through most small towns.

Dams and Bridges on Volga

The biggest dam on Volga is Cheboksary Dam. There was the Volgograd bridge over Volga River. There are 18 bridges over Volga river.

Cities on Volga•The most major city on Volga is

Moscow, the capital in Russia. Moscow has the most population and most populous city in Russia. Astrakhan is a city on the left side of the Volga river. It has a population of 502,800 in 2005.

Volga used

•The Volga was to transport and sail across it. We also eat foods in it. This river somehow the same use of over the world rivers. It’s different to small rivers that are in the mountains.

Volga’s estuaryThe estuary of Volga river is on the Caspian sea. It was split into more rivers and into the sea. The Caspian sea is between Kazakhstan and Iron.

THE ENDWords : Samuel YangPictures : yahoo.com

Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_Riverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kama_riverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_Riverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vetluga_Riverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sura_Riverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscowhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrakhanhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_use_the_river_Volga