REGAINING THE HIGH PLACES $6.95 U.S. /$7.95 CANADA THE VOICE ® WWW.THEVOICEMAGAZINE.COM VOLUME VI - ISSUE 7 Uncovering America’s Anti-Republic Fifth Column in the Commanding Heights Success ins’t ALWAYS SUCCESS Sowing Change, REAPING THORNS Publisher’s Desk: TIME TO ORDER YOUR LIFE Advancing Christian Life and Culture

The Voice magazine - Regaining the High Places

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In this issue of The Voice magazine we write of taking back the high places from America's fifth column, success and positive change. Remember to share this issue of The Voice with friends, family and colleagues, together we can make a difference in our nation and world.

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Uncovering America’s Anti-Republic Fifth Column in the Commanding Heights Success ins’t ALWAYS SUCCESS • Sowing Change, REAPING THORNS


Advancing Christian Life and Culture

Page 3: The Voice magazine - Regaining the High Places

No. 5 C O N T E N T S P. 3

6 REGAINING THE HIGH PLACESUncovering America’s fifth column of anti-republic revolutionaries in places of power and authority. B Y J O N A S C L A R K

14 Christian CommentarySOWING CHANGE, REAPING THORNSby Brian Burke

12 Spiritual Growth SUCCESS ISN’T ALWAYS SUCCESSMeasuring success according to purpose. by David Coker

4 Publisher’s Desk TIME TO ORDER YOUR LIFE

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P. 4 No. 5T H E V O I C E

Today our republic is under siege by Those of a differenT spiriT. We have been lied to by corrupt politicians, socialists, too big to fail bankers, Wall Street fat-cats and others that hate our country, culture, U. S. Constitution, liberty,

free market capitalism, family, and, most of all, our God. These lying supplanters desire a new America, one of their own making and will stop at nothing until the America framed by our Founding Fathers is completely destroyed.

WiThouT chrisT none can be free and WiThouT his overcoming Word The chains of tyranny cannot be broken. Christ is our source and we should never look to men as the staff of our hope. French historian Alexis de Tocqueville discovered the greatness of America.

“in The end, The sTaTe of The union comes doWn To The characTer of the people. … I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for it in the fertile fields, and boundless prairies, and it was not there. I sought it in her rich mines, and vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.”

The greaTness ThaT Tocqueville discovered has iTs source in The greaTesT reformer of all time, Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. It’s time to rekindle America’s secret again. Christ has called all his disciples to carry a reforming spirit.

in This issue of The Voice magazine We WriTe of Taking back The high places, success and positive change. Remember to share this issue of The Voice with friends, family and colleagues, together we can make a difference in our nation and world.

Your partner, Jonas Clark

RekIndlIng ameRIc a’s gReatness

T H E V O I C EVolume VI • Issue 7

December 2009 Edition__________________________

T H E V O I C E magazine’s mission is to advance Christian life and culture.



EDITORJennifer LeClaire






Copyr ight © 2009 by Jonas Clark Communications, Inc. All rights reserved, including translation. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations in this magazine are from the King James version of the Bible.

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Regaining The High


Page 7: The Voice magazine - Regaining the High Places

Th e s e a T s o f g ov e r n i n g authority, the high places, have been the scene of many spiritual battles

throughout biblical history. Such was the case in Gideon’s day. Gideon knew of Israel’s mighty deliverance from the evil bondages of Pharaoh in Egypt. Unfortunately, that historic liberty from economic slavery and demonic government was progressively polluted and the greatness of Jehovah had drifted from the national persona.

Those in gideon’s generaTion Were plundered by Midianites and Amalekites that invaded their lands yearly stealing their crops and “destroying their increase.” As Gideon sat pondering his nation’s fate in the light of God’s promises he had an encounter with the angel of the Lord. During that meeting the Lord called Gideon “a mighty man of valor.” This experience brought an awakening in the spirit of Gideon and he saw that apathetic equanimity was not enough —something could be done to free his nation from demonic marauders and restore it back to prominence.

chrisTians are inspired by This testimony of Gideon but one must ask how his nation drifted so far from the God of their deliverance? Could it be possible there was a fifth column within the country that slowly weakened the biblical fabric of their nation? Did the “rulers of the darkness of this world” seize the high places of Israel? Today we could refer to those same high places as the “commanding heights” of governing authority over our nation. Because those are places of governing authority they are highly sought after by the enemy who wants to create a new America, one free from the God of their founding

fathers. Creating a new America requires occupying the commanding heights.

occupying The heighTs overlooking the battlefield was vital to winning the war when cannons were the main arms in warfare. As a military strategy these high places offered an advantage over the enemy. The Apostle Paul spoke of spiritual warfare against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:10-12). Historically these high places are the most coveted in the political battle theater that rages over nations. High places warfare continues today and is a strategy used for years in a hateful attempt to destroy the Republic and create a new America.

ThroughouT hisTory There have been wars for governing authority. Jesus declared there would be wars and rumors of wars until the return of the Prince of Peace Himself. History is full of bloody war lusts by tyrants that butchered their way into supreme power by utter brutality. These include Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao. As time passed warfare became all the more costly and more diplomatic deceptions through cunning craftiness became all the more compelling. After all, bloodshed remained best as a last resort.

The goal of conquesT is alWays ToTal control of both the social and economic life of the nation by those masters of the universe known as the “progressive elites.” These self-proclaimed enlightened intellectuals have appeared at various times in history hiding behind slogans, flags and patriotic banners that cloaked their true agendas. To these revolutionaries it was

Uncovering America’s Fifth Column of Anti-

Republic Revolutionaries in places of Power

and Authority.

By Jonas Clark

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AMERICANS IGNORED: Over 1 Million concerned Americans rallied on September 12, 2009 in Washington DC, constituents from every State. They were mocked, ridiculed and ignored by their representatives.

important not to destroy the “means of production” at the first for then there would be no spoils available to advance their cause. Deceit, cunning and infiltration were in high demand by the progressives. To these, like all other conquistadors since antiquity, was the question, “How to occupy the high places?”

CoMManDInG HEIGHTsAll nations are governed from the high places. Every anti-Republic Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and Fascists knows he doesn’t have to win every seat of government to seize the nation, just the “commanding heights.” If a new America was to be created then the liberty haters had to gain seats of governing authority.

vladimir lenin used The phrase “commanding heights” to refer to the segments and industries in an economy that effectively control and support the others. The commanding heights are seats of authority that rule over major parts of society and the economy. Those places are media, education, banking, energy and politics, to name a few. Other seats include religion, arts and entertainment. These can be controlled by the others, for example, through various means such as regulations, taxation, zoning and permitting requirements.

hoW To seize The commanding heighTs in 21st century America? Should it be carried out by sword or ballot? In the old American republic, the anti-American revolutionary had no choice. If a new America was to be forged the high places had to be governed by the so-called enlightened ones. For a new America to be shaped it had to be seduced progressively by the Marxist’ deceptive elixir of the utopian society, it had to be done without bloodshed, and it had to be carried out by ballot.

iT Was sir Thomas more Who firsT coined the term “utopian society” in 1516. His book Utopia was based largely on Plato’s Republic. In the essay More describes a fictional island community in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a perfect version of society where all evils such as poverty, misery and social injustice were banished.

To The neW american revoluTionary, the utopian idea is intoxicating and a useful tool for promoting conquest. The

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old American traditions of God, Church, family, morality, free market capitalism – and especially a government framed by the United States Constitution – had to be neutralized.

To The chrisTian, The high places belong to the Church of Jesus Christ. To govern in the high places requires a people that understand their responsibility as ambassadors of Christ, a governing term. When the people of God refuse to sit in the seats of governing, engage the spiritual warfare for the souls of men, establish and advance the Kingdom of God throughout the nations then those seats of governing authority and the commanding heights are easily chaired by God haters, reprobates and dark princes.

as chrisTians, We musT be able To recognize the spiritual warfare over our country. To ignore the war against our Republic would be a great ignominy to those that shed their blood for the liberties that we take for granted today.

THE FIFTH ColUMnofTenTimes people email me noTes saying that we should just pray. I certainly believe in prayer but prayer alone will not

stop the battle to destroy our nation. As Christian Americans we must engage the enemy of our souls both spiritually and naturally. The truth is that our nation is in serious trouble and the battle against a demonic fifth column within our country can no longer be ignored. Daniel Webster (1782-1856) warned,

“There is no naTion on earTh poWerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.”

a fifTh column is a group of unknoWn insurgents that fight from within a nation to aid a foreign invader. That foreign invader is an old enemy of God hating demonic hordes that despise what America stands for. They hate our God, nation and Christian culture.

The fifTh column comes from a sTory of General Emilio Mola during the Spanish Civil War. When attacking the city of Madrid in 1936 he broadcasted a radio message declaring that his four columns of soldiers outside the city would be supported by a fifth column of fighters inside the city.

To desTroy The old american republic from the inside would require a strategy, tactical patience and the introduction of a wicked doctrine called Socialism. Socialism is a political theory based on the ownership of a nation’s means of production by the government.

The fifTh column Wrongly believed that socialism would create a heaven on earth by ridding the people from evil capitalist business owners and the redistribution of wealth by a benevolent government. To bring it about American citizens had to become more dependent on government and made to believe that government was their answer to all things. Like a drug addict

As Christians, we must be able

to recognize the spiritual warfare over our country. To ignore the

war against our Republic would be a great ignominy

to those that shed their blood for the liberties that we take for granted today.

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Alinsky DeDICATEDHIS BOOK to Satan

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where muthology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

– Saul Alinsky

T H E V O I C E P. 10

they had to be hooked. Perhaps a free taste of “government benevolence” was necessary to entice the palate?

presidenT franklin d. roosevelT paved the way with new economic measures enacted between 1933 and 1935. He brought in the “New Deal” offering a chicken in every pot, the good life and freedom from want and struggle. Social Security would soon be a right guaranteed by the Federal Government. This was an egregious breach of the U. S. Constitution and would be the biggest Ponzi scheme ever devised by man and, yes, the bitter cup of hemlock tasted sweet to those just recovering from the Great Depression. What of future generations, however?

The anTi-republic fifTh column had to start somewhere. Former Chicago Tribune reporter Frank Hughes wrote in “Prejudice and The Press” that fifth column socialism had its roots in Europe and came from the followers of Karl Marx.

“There Was no ‘liberal’ TradiTion in America, to amount to anything, even as late as Karl Marx’ day, when it was strong in Europe. The reason for this is simple, but has been obscured by the propaganda taught by ‘liberals.’ Europe, historically, has never known, and does not know today, the liberty of individual accomplishment guaranteed in America’s philosophy of unalienable rights, which every citizen possesses and which government cannot infringe.”

saul alinsky, aTheisT and modern socialist pioneer wrote in “Rules For Radicals” that few Marxist socialists survived after the 1950’s.

“feW of us survived The Joe mccarThy holocaust of the early 1950’s and of those there were even fewer whose understanding and insights had developed beyond the dialectical materialism of orthodox Marxism. My fellow radicals who were supposed to pass on the torch of experience and insights to a new generation just were not there.”

in an efforT To resurrecT radical socialism and reintroduce it into America he founded the “Industrial Areas Foundation Training Institute” in Chicago commonly

called the “Alinsky School” which was the training ground for many community and labor organizers. His unique brilliance as a community organizer was the ability to unite radical groups into a common cause. Alinsky is an important figure in understanding just how far reaching his socialists ideology and tactical activism was.

hillary clinTon and barack obama were also influenced by him. In 1969 Hillary Rodman Clinton wrote her Wellesley College thesis as a senior, “There Is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” The essay was sealed by the request of the Clinton White House. Today it can be read but not copied at the college. President Obama also knew of the teaching of Alinsky. He wrote a chapter in the book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” His chapter was titled, “Why Organize? Problems and Promise in the Inner City.”

The anTi-american marxisT had To “exploit” causes that would encourage others to join. Causes like environmentalism, pollution control, crime and animal rights. It was necessary to exploit social injustices, racism and abuses of every kind. The object was to overwhelm the old American fabric, governing structures, and, especially the U.S. Constitution – by any means. Find social abuses, weaknesses, hypocrisy, and rally the troops to organize and attack. Offer evolution for example as an alternative to a creator God. Challenge, question, undermine wherever possible the fabric of a Christian American society. Replace its historical heroes like George Washington with Marxists like Che Guevara. Complain about the salutation “Merry Christmas” and promote “Happy Holidays.” Bicker, fight, strip down, and, above all, “agitate the system.”

fifTh column effecTiveness needed enemies. “We must hate,” said Lenin. To the anti-American love was a Christian trait and only got in the way of New America revolutionary change. But who would the recruits be? Again, the fifth column needed haters to organize, the discontented, indebted, disillusioned and disenfranchised. They could use homosexuals, secular humanists, feminists,

THE REBEL: Saul Alinsky in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood in 1966

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radical black nationalists, abortionists and voiceless minorities. All factions were welcomed to agitate the Republic. The glue that bound them together was always hate and the desire to undermine America’s fundamental greatness in their efforts to gain the high places.

The goal of The fifTh column socialisTs is to create a new society. They would “repower and retrofit” it by organizing every God and Republic hater they could muster and give them a cause. To make them think they were part of something bigger than themselves and no longer disenfranchised. To give them a common goal while instilling feelings of “us against them,” with them being the old order God lovers, American patriots, free market capitalists, hard working family men and supporters of the U.S. Constitution.

We musT come To grips WiTh This TruTh; there are people that hate our Republic, U.S. Constitution, prosperity, middle-class, free enterprise system, private property ownership, history, culture and especially our God. These will stop at nothing short of the utter destruction of our country.

c h r i s T i a n s b e l i e v e T h e u. s. Constitution was penned by God fearing men that used biblical principles and divine inspiration to frame the government of the Republic. They also understood that God

gave everyone a particular gift, their means of production, with a mandate from heaven to multiply, produce, increase, subdue and take dominion, this made possible only through hard work, thrift and a free market economy.

yeT There is one problem The usurpers of liberty overlooked, that’s the God of America. His name is Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Thomas Paine, one of the Republic’s founding fathers said, “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Where, some say, is the king of America? I’ll tell you, friend, He reigns above.” Just like Gideon of old that encountered the angel of the Lord so we too have awakened to the evil deeds of spiritual forces plotting against our nation.

like Thousands of oThers, i hear The sound of the patriots drum and a voice saying, “Arise thou mighty men of valor.” And arise they have, patriots of the Republic with drawn swords of the Spirit of Liberty ready to take back their nation. We are “One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.”

We must come to grips with this

truth; there are people that hate our Republic, U.S.

Constitution, prosperity,

middle-class, free enterprise system, private property

ownership, history, culture and especially

our God.

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P. 12 No. 5D E P A R T M E N T

ho’s The bigger success Tiger Woods

or Jack Nicholas? Lebron James or Michael Jordan? Who is better the Patriots or the Steelers?

all of These quesTions are c o m p l e t e l y s u b j e c t i v e . Depending on how you choose to evaluate them will determine which one you pick. No one had ever seen anyone do the things that Michael Jordan did, no one has ever seen a talent like Lebron do the things that Michael did at such an early age. It’s hard to compare. Yet, we do it every day. And the system we use to measure these “greats” is really the only key that determines who is “better”.

i’m afraid ThaT The same thing happens in the American church. We’ve defined success by using a filter of who has the biggest church or the prettiest building. Who has the nicest car or gives the most money? All of these are factors we use to determine if people are a success and if a church is a success. This has created some major problems in our church structures and subsequently in the lives of the people who attend our church. Now that being said, I do think we need a measurement system. Some churches are don’t quite measure up, others are just phenomenal. I’m all for measuring and measurements, however, the question is how do we measure the success of the church?

DISCOVERING PURPOSETo find ansWers on hoW To measure success we need to

discover what the purpose of a thing is. If you don’t understand the rules of basketball, it’s hard to tell how good a player Lebron is. The same goes for the Body of Christ.

so leT’s Take a quick look at the New Testament Church. Let’s back all the way up to Jesus. Jesus had a 3-year ministry. He lived to be about 33 years old, but was only in ministry for 3 years. During those 3 years, he had one focus; train the disciples. He spent every waking moment, and quite a few sleeping moments, with His group of revolutionaries. He didn’t come to heal everyone; he didn’t come to turn the world upside down. He didn’t come to make all the blind to see or all the lame to walk. Instead, he came to train 12 men. Everything he

did for 3 years revolved around training His 12 apostles.

yeT Today in The church, We look to see how many people we bring through the doors, how much money we have, or even sometimes how many people are being born again and we interpret that as success. Those things are GREAT! But they don’t automatically mean you are a success in what God has called YOU to do. Think about it this way, if a man is leading a giant church with thousands of people, but God actually called him to a remote village in Africa, he may look like he has success, but his success isn’t true success.

T h a T ’ s T h e “ d i s T a n T ” version, yet how many of us look at our lives and compare the success of what we are


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measuRIng youR success accoRdIng to PuRPose

By davId cokeR

doing based on society ’s “standards” of success and not God’s standards of success. I want a big church, I want a church building that reflects the awesomeness of God, and I want to be considered effective by my culture, but none of those things means that I am a success in God. I have to measure what God has called me to do against the results that I am getting. If He sent me to the twelve and I spend all my time trying to take care for the 5,000 then am I really a success or am I just spinning my wheels trying to be like everyone else. Let me say it again, I want churches to be big, I want churches to get people born again, I want to see churches that influence their territory, however I don’t want them to measure success by those things, but to measure their success against what God has called them to do.

leT’s sTop Trying To be Michael Jordan and just be Lebron. Let the pundits and professors analyze and criticize… but you be you in Christ. Define success as God has defined it for you!

DAVID COKER is a 1985 Rhema Bible College gradu-ate, the found-ing apos t l e of Gateway Believers Fel-l owsh ip i n Carnesville, Ga. He is the founder of Break-through Apostolic Ministries Net-work (B.A.M.) He can be reached at www.gatewaybelievers.com.

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SOWING CHANGE, REAPING THORNSDo not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-8 NIV).

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SOWING CHANGE, REAPING THORNSWhether it’s an apple seed or a grain of wheat, when a farmer sows seed

in his field he expects to reap a harvest of what he so tirelessly planted. It would be other-worldly-strange for a farmer to sow one thing and

reap something different altogether. You cannot sow a grain of wheat and instead of wheat reap darnel. It’s unnatural. But isn’t this what’s happening in our nation today? Have we sown change and now reap more corruption? ��

By Brian Burke

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look around, see The naTion and Tell me what you discover. Are we united or more divided? In Washington, we see forked-tongued leaders utter one thing but their moral character avails them producing corruption. Whether it was George W. Bush or now Barack Obama, as both presidents promised unity and change their policies resulted in a much darker picture.

likeWise, in The church We speak of uniTy and yet we are more divided on issues dear to God’s heart. We speak of love but we compromise in the name of it. We say we need to pray more so God can save the nation and yet only few attend the prayer meeting.

Why do We soW one Thing WiTh our Words and reap something completely other? Well, here’s the answer, in my church we have this profound yet simple proverb, “What’s in you, will come out of you.” It means this: It doesn’t matter what comes out of your mouth, because you can only manifest what’s in your heart. I believe this to be the diagnosis of the sowing and reaping dilemma we face on all levels cultural, political, family and church. It’s not just what’s happening around us, but more so what’s in us that determines our harvest.

chrisT said iT like This, “even so, every good Tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear

T H E V O I C E P. 16

bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:17-20).

i believe change is a good Thing and should have good results. Hope comes from God, providing better promises for a brighter tomorrow. However, another wise proverb says, “Hope

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deferred makes the heart sick.” When we truthfully sow change and hope, guess what our harvest should be? Anything other than that will leave us disappointed and confused. The Bible says, “God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). The truth is, you sow with your heart not only with your mouth. One may have good rhetoric while harboring ulterior motives in his/her heart and still receive a harvest of what’s in him or her.

chrisT also said, “brood of vipers! hoW can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:43). So here is darkness discerned: Purposefully shrouding the true motives of the heart while uttering something else to sway hearers. This is called dishonesty, at worst it is deception – it’s what Satan does.

saTan is liar. iT is in his naTure To lie. he is The faTher of lies. But his lying words aren’t obvious, only discerning eyes and hears can expose his deception. His words ring true and are oftentimes mingled with some facts, still if it comes out of his nature, it is yet a lie no matter how true it seems.

child of god, don’T be deceived by Those Who promise one thing and do another. Didn’t the Scripture say, “Dear friends, don’t believe all people who say they have the Spirit. Instead, test them. See whether the spirit they have is from God, because there are many false prophets in the world” (GOD’s WORD translation). We have to be honest with ourselves and God; stand uncompromisingly for truth and do what’s right in the sight of God.

if We are hoping for change yeT reaping more corrupTion in our nation, it behooves us to examine our own hearts and that of our leaders. Remember Christ said, “by their fruits you shall know them.” As we turn our hearts back to God, we can begin to sow our seed in righteousness.

so here’s hoW We Will see our harvesT of change? our nation needs leaders of integrity who tell the truth out of a pure heart, whether it’s popular or not. With such leaders -- who don’t compromise for political gain or any other hidden motive -- we will reap our desired harvest of change and hope. I believe it. Yes, we can!


The truth is, you sow with your heart not only with

your mouth. One may have good rhetoric while

harboring ulterior motives in his/her heart and still

receive a harvest of what’s in him/her.

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