The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the Silkworm. Bombyx mori Motoko lKEDA and Okitsugu YAMASHITA Laboratory of Sericu[tural S ci.脱出., Faculty of Agriculture NagoyaUniversity Chikusa Nagoya 464-01 Japan 25 Intheeggof thesilkwonn Bombyxmori yoI proteinsrecompos dof t reemajorproteins vite 限延 (Vtn 40%) egg-specificprotein (ESP 25%) and30kDaproteIns (30kproteins 35%) (Zhuetal. 1986). Each yolk proteinisselectively usedatthedifferentstag ofembryog nesi (Indrasithet al. 1987;Zhu et a l . 1986).ESPismarkedly degradedatthelate middlestageof embryogenωおおldcompletelyexhaustedbefore larval hatching.Vtn degradation occurs atthe late stageof mbryogenesiswhen most ESP disappears whereas 30k proteins remainsunused throughout embryogenesis. ThedegradationofESPhasbeendemonstratedtob catalyzedbyaproteas 巴, ESPprotease which appe 皐お atthelate middle stage of embryogenesis(Indrasith et aL 1988) 似つrheESP protease specifically yd- rolyzes ESP but does not hydrolyze Vtn and 30k proteins. It is thus expect dthat there are proteases responsi- ble for Vtn and 30k protein degr dation. Inth previou report we sug βstedthat two sp cies of prote 証言es bothofwhich simultaneously ppεared tthelat 己主tageofembryogenesi 品, werere ponsit leforVtndegrad tion(I kedaet al 1990;Y m shita d lkeda1991).Wepurifiedandcharacterizedtheseproteases.Theoneh amolecularmassof 30kDa (30k protease) andtheother24kDa(24kprotease) . Thesetwoproteasesshowedsi 削除rcatalytic propertiesand ttackednot only Vtnbut alsoESP.However it is likely th tthese twoproteasesparticipatε: in the hydrolysis of only Vtn sinceESP is xhaustedalmostcompletelybeforeappearanceoftheseproteases.Wecalled these two prot as s 30k and 24k proteases as Vtn protease Studiesonprimarystruct l1 reandbiosynthetic mechanismof theVtnproteas demonstratedthemolecular relationshipbetweenthe30k and 24kproteases(Ikedaet aL 1991b).TheNH 2 -terminalaminoacidsequenc of24kproteasecoincidedwiththeinternalsequenceof30kprotease indicatingthe24kproteas tobepro vided by a l1 tocatalysis of the 30k protease molecul (Ikedaet al. 1991b; Yamashita and Ikeda 199 1) . Physiologicalprop 号室tiesoftheVtnproteas are 君。t ellunderstood.Inthi report togivei form 臨む11 conc rningthephysiologicalfunctionof theVtnproteas 号, weurveyedthedevelopmentalprofileandtissue localization of th proteaseby usingthe antiserum raisedagainst the p rifi dVtn protease.The results showed embryo. Bywesternblottechnique theanti-30k proteaseantiserum which w 品目 generatedbyimmunizingamouse with the purified 30kprotease reacted wIth the 24k proteaseas well sthe 30k protease ,昌ndthe a ti-24kpro tease antiserum with the 30k prote seas well as the 24k protease(Ikeda et al. 1991a b) Comparison between theanti-30kandanti-24kproteaseantiserath higherreactivitywas foundintheanti-24kproteaseantiserum The antI-24k piotea eantiserum was nsed throughout this expetimen t. Devε10pme l1 talchangesof theVtnprot 邑白吉eproteinweresurveyedbywesternblotte hnique.Nosignal for the proteaseproteinwas detectedin embryos from day 0 to 7.TwoVtn prote seproteins were detected on day8and9 andbruptlydisappeared 0 day10 that asthedayof 1 rvalhatching (I kedaetal. 1991a). Thi profileis 官主Icorrelated with thedevelopmental ch 畠廷gesof enzymatic ctivities ssayedine 草草 homogen- ates (Ikedaet aL 1990).Throughoutthelarvald velopment theVtnproteaseproteinwasnotdetectedin digestive juice gut bloodand remainingcarcass indicatingt ttheVtn prote おむ is completely missing inthe larvae 1n thepupae nosignalof theproteaseprotein was founduntilday4of pupaldevelopment whereas fromday 5to7twopolypeptideswIththemolecularmassof 24and22kD wereclearlystainedwiththe antiserum.Thepresenceof thesetwopolypeptides wererestrictedinthe m: idgut(1kedaet al. 1991a).Inthe Pro c Arthro[ d.Embryol.Soc.Jpn. (2 α992)

The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the …aesj.co-site.jp/num27/1992_Vol.27_25.pdfIn th号 previou宰report ,we sug芯βsted that two sp cies of prote証言es 亨 bothofwhich

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Page 1: The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the …aesj.co-site.jp/num27/1992_Vol.27_25.pdfIn th号 previou宰report ,we sug芯βsted that two sp cies of prote証言es 亨 bothofwhich

The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the Silkworm., Bombyx mori Motoko lKEDA and Okitsugu YAMASHITA

Laboratory of Sericu[tural Sci.脱出., Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-01, Japan


In the egg of the silkwonn, Bombyx mori, yoI註proteins証recompos芯dof t註reemajor proteins, vite限延

(Vtn, 40%) , egg-specific protein (ESP, 25%) and 30 kDa proteIns (30k proteins, 35%) (Zhu et al., 1986).

Each yolk protein is selectively used at the different stag己 ofembryog巴nesi自 (Indrasithet al., 1987; Zhu et al.,

1986). ESP is markedly degraded at the late middle stage of embryogenωおおldcompletely exhausted before

larval hatching. Vtn degradation occurs at the late stage of己mbryogenesiswhen most ESP disappears, whereas

30k proteins remains unused throughout embryogenesis.

The degradation of ESP has been demonstrated to b巴 catalyzedby a proteas巴, ESP proteaseラ which

appe皐お atthe late middle stage of embryogenesis (Indrasith et aL, 1988)似つrheESP protease specifically註yd-

rolyzes ESP, but does not hydrolyze Vtn and 30k proteins. It is thus expect巴dthat there are proteases responsi-

ble for Vtn and 30k protein degr呂dation.

In th号 previou宰report,we sug芯βstedthat two sp♀cies of prote証言es亨 bothofwhich simultaneously昌ppεared

在tthe lat己主tageof embryogenesi品, were re吉ponsitヲlefor Vtn degrad昌tion(Ikeda et alリ 1990;Y昌m註shita叩 d

lkeda 1991). We purified and characterized these proteases. The one h吋 amolecular mass of 30 kDa (30k

protease) and the other 24 kDa (24k protease) . These two proteases showed si削除rcatalytic properties and

呂ttackednot only Vtn but also ESP. However, it is likely th昌tthese two proteases participatε: in the hydrolysis

of only Vtn, since ESP is己xhaustedalmost completely before appearance of these proteases. We called these

two prot巴as巴s,30k and 24k proteases, as Vtn protease‘

Studies on primary structl1re and biosynthetic mechanism of the Vtn proteas告 demonstratedthe molecular

relationship between the 30k and 24k proteases (Ikeda et aL, 1991b). The NH2-terminal amino acid sequenc巴

of 24k protease coincided with the internal sequence of 30k protease, indicating the 24k proteas巴 tobe pro胸

vided by al1tocatalysis of the 30k protease molecul巴 (Ikedaet al., 1991b; Yamashita and Ikeda, 1991) .

Physiological prop号室tiesof the Vtn proteas号 are君。t官ellunderstood. In thi苦 report,to give i詰form臨む11

concむrningthe physiological function of the Vtn proteas号, we吉urveyedthe developmental profile and tissue

localization of th器 proteaseby using the antiserum raised against the p百rifi邑dVtn protease. The results showed


By western blot technique, the anti-30k protease antiserum, which w品目 generatedby immunizing a mouse

with the purified 30k protease, reacted wIth the 24k protease as well昌sthe 30k protease,昌ndthe a設ti-24kpro制

tease antiserum with the 30k prote品seas well as the 24k protease (Ikeda et al., 1991a, b)ー Comparison between

the anti-30k and anti-24k protease antisera th巴 higherreactivity was found in the anti-24k protease antiserum剛

The antI-24k piotea吉eantiserum was nsed throughout this expetiment.

Devε10pmel1tal changes of the Vtn prot邑白吉eprotein were surveyed by western blot te己hnique.No signal

for the protease protein was detected in embryos from day 0 to 7. Two Vtn prote註seproteins were detected on

day 8 and 9, and昌bruptlydisappeared 0百 day10, that官 asthe day of 1昌rvalhatching (Ikeda et al., 1991a).

Thi芸profileis官主IIcorrelated with the developmental ch畠廷gesof enzymatic品ctivities皐ssayedin e草草 homogen-

ates (Ikeda et aL, 1990). Throughout the larval d己velopment,the Vtn protease protein was not detected in

digestive juice, gut, blood and remaining carcass, indicating t加tthe Vtn proteおむ is completely missing in the

larvae‘ 1n the pupae, no signal of the protease protein was found until day 4 of pupal development, whereas

from day 5 to 7 two polypeptides wIth the molecular mass of 24 and 22 kD且 wereclearly stained with the

antiserum. The presence of these two polypeptides were restricted in the m:idgut (1keda et al., 1991a). In the

Proc, Arthro[附 d.Embryol. Soc. Jpn. (2刀 α992)

Page 2: The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the …aesj.co-site.jp/num27/1992_Vol.27_25.pdfIn th号 previou宰report ,we sug芯βsted that two sp cies of prote証言es 亨 bothofwhich


Fig. 1 Localization of the vitellin protease in developing embryos of silkworms. Histological sec-

tions were prepar巴dfrom eggs of day 7 (A) , day 9 (B) and day 10 (C) , and stained with

the anti-24k protease antiserum (Ikeda et al., 1991a). The midgut of embryo on day 9 was

stained with the antiserum, but not on day 7 and 10. Scale =100,μm

midgut homogenate from the pupae with the 24 and 22 kDa polypeptides, the Vtn protease activities were

found (unpublished data) . At present it is not known if the proteases found in the pupae are the products of

gene encoding Vtn protease.

To see the tissue localization of Vtn protease in embryos, protease proteins were immunohistochemically

stained in sections prepared from embryos at various stages. Positive staining was found in embryo on day 8

and 9, but did not found from day 0 to 7 and on day 10. By microscopic analysis, the midgut of embryo on

day 8 and 9 was specifically stained with the antiserum (Fig. 1) .百lelimited localization of the Vtn protease

suggests that the enzyme is synthesized in the midgut cells and secreted into the lumen (Ikeda et al., 1991a)

The primary structure of Vtn protease supports that the protease is synthesized as a precursor containing a sig-

nal peptide (Ikeda et al., 1991b)

The embryo of day 9 which exists the Vtn protease is characterized by the completion of midgut formation

(Miya, 1976) , and midgut cells come to absorb the nutrients stored in the lumen (Takeuchi, 1955) . Immuno-

histochemical observation showed that the most Vtn was incorporated into the lumen before the completion of

midgut formation (Izuhara and Yamash山, unpublished data) . Taking into account the fact that the activity of

Vtn protease, which is localized in the midgut, appears temporarily on day 8 and 9, it is probable that Vtn in-

corporated into the lumen is hydrolyzed by the Vtn protease secreted from the midgut cells (Ikeda et al.,


Acknowledgments: We thank Drs Kobayashi and Yaginuma of our laboratory for their encouragem巴nt

The present study was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists and Grant-

in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A) (No. 02304020) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture,



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Page 3: The Vitellin Protease in Developing Embryos of the …aesj.co-site.jp/num27/1992_Vol.27_25.pdfIn th号 previou宰report ,we sug芯βsted that two sp cies of prote証言es 亨 bothofwhich

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Proc‘Arthropod. Embryol. Soc. Jpn. (27) (1992)