The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

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Page 1: The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality

Cyrus Moon

Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

Page 2: The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

Presentation Outline

• Synopsis of Current Project

• Concepts introduced in the Reading– VQS Representation– Coordinate System Graph– Object-to-Screen Transform

• Relevancy of concepts to the current project

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Current Project: Image/Video Overlay

Image Overlay:

-the merging of relevant computer generated information with the user’s actual view of the real world

Video Overlay:

-the merging of relevant computer generated information with display output from a video source

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Relevant Concepts

• Registration

• Tracking in 3D real space

• 3D modeling/rendering

• Frame transformations

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Background Reading

Robinett Warren, Halloway Richard. The Visual Display

Transformation for Virtual Reality. Technical Report

TR94-031 (1994), Dept. of Computer Science,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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VQS - Vector Quaternion Scalar Representation

(for frame transformations)

• Vector(v) (3 terms) displacement

• Quaternion(q) (4 terms) rotation

• Scalar(s) (1 term) uniform scaling

[ (vx, vy, vz), (qx, qy, qz, qw), s ]

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Advantages of VQS (over the Euler 4x4 homogeneous matrix)

• Translation, rotation, and scaling components are separated

• Renormalizing the rotation is simpler (since rotation and scaling are separate)

• Uniform scaling in the virtual world a useful operation

• Quaternions a better method of manipulating 3D rotations than Euler rotations

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Advantages of the Quaternion (over the Euler 3x3 Rotation Matrix)

• Fewer components (4 instead of 9); fewer redundant parameters

• More elegant, numerically robust• Explicit representation of the angle and axis

of rotation• Allows easy interpolation between two


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The Quaternion

[(qx, qy, qz), qw]

• (qx, qy, qz) axis of rotation

• qw angle of rotation:

– qw takes values from –1 to 1

)(cos2 1wq

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Quaternion MathAddition:


Multiplication by Scalar:

]),,,[(]),,,[(]),,,[( wwzzyyxxwzyxwzyx rqrqrqrqrrrrqqqqrq

]),,,[(*]),,,[(* wzyxwzyx rrrrqqqqrq











]*),*,*,*[(]),,,[(** wzyxwzyx qqqqqqqqq

Page 11: The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

Quaternion Math (cont’d)

Taking the norm:




2222),,,( wzyxwzyx qqqqqqqqq


qnormalize *1




11wzyxwzyx qqqq


rqnormalizerqnterp **)1(),,(

Page 12: The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

Using Quaternions

• Rotation of a vector p by quaternion q:pnew = q*p*q-1

-the vector p is treated as a quaternion w/ 0 as the

4th (scalar) term

-the result will always have a 4th term of 0, as well

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VQS Math

Conversion to 4x4 Matrix:

[v,q,s] = Mtranslate * Mrotate * Mscale =

































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Using VQS Transforms

• Transformation of a vector (p) with VQS:p’ = [v, q, s]*p = s(q*p*q-1) + v

• Composition of two VQS transforms:TA_B*TB_C = [vA_B,qA_B,sA_B]*[vB_C,qB_C,sB_C]

= [(sA_B*(qA_B*vB_C*qA_B)-1) + vA_B, qA_B*qB_C, sA_B*sB_C]

• Inverse of a VQS Transform:TA_B

-1 = [vA_B, qA_B, sA_B]-1

= [1/sA_B*(qA_B-1*(-vA_B)*qA_B), qA_B

-1, 1/sA_B]

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The Coordinate System Graph

Robinett & Halloway

Page 16: The Visual Display Transform for Virtual Reality Cyrus Moon Computer Integrated Surgery II (600.446)

The Coordinate System Graph

• Representation:– Each Node represents a coordinate system– Each line represents some kind of independent


• Properties:– Connected: each node is connected with every other node– Acyclic: there is only one pathway between any two given


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• Independent: characterized by being independent variables within the software– Measured by tracker– Constant (rigid)

• Dependent: calculated from independent transforms

The Coordinate System Graph:-intuitively organizes all independent transforms and coordinate systems; easily expandable-allows easy calculation of any dependent transform present within the VR system

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The Object-to-Screen Transform

TS_O = TS_US * TUS_N * TN_E * TE_H * TH_HS * THS_TB * TTB_R * TR_W * TW_O

-TB_A is defined as the transformation from frame A to B

S = Screen HS = Head Sensor

US = Undistorted Screen TB = Tracker Base

N = Normalized R = Room

E = Eye W = World

H = Head O = Object

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• TW_O: World_Object – object in the virtual world.

– v - position– q - orientation– s - size

• TR_W: Room_World – the user position in the virtual world

– v - position– q - tilt of the world– s - user's size (shrinking or expanding of the world)

• TTB_R: TrackerBase_Room – position of tracker base (stored in calibration file)– s - must always be one (both cs’s in real-space)– Pre-calculated

VQS Transforms

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• THS_TB: HeadSensor_TrackerBase – inverse of the head position and orientation read from tracker– s = 1

• TTH_HS: Head_HeadSensor – position and orientation of the HMD sensor w/ respect to the head (center of the eyes)– s = 1– Pre-calculated

• TE_H: Eye_Head – position/orientation of head coordinate system

w/ respect to each eye– v – different for each user (though a default value can be used– q – dependent on orientation of HMD displays– s = 1– Pre-calculated

VQS Transforms (cont’d)

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Robinett & Halloway

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• TN_E: Normalized_Eye – perspective projection, normalization

– Three to two dimensions (projection of world onto viewing plane)

• TUS_N: UndistortedScreen_Normalized– conversion to pixel coordinates– Simple scaling process

• TS_US: Screen_UndistortedScreen – correction of image


Non-VQS Transforms

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Applicable Concepts

• VQS Representation– Tracker Data Transform calculations– Registration Transforms (non-deformable objects)

• Elimination of the possibility of warping

• Coordinate System Graph

• Other concepts discussed in the individual transforms– Example: perspective transform

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Coordinate Graph (Video Overlay)

Patient markers

Model (from Imaging)

World (Tracker)

Tool 1 Tool k

. . . . . . . .




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Coordinate Graph (Image Overlay)

Patient markers

Model (from Imaging)

World (Tracker)

Tool 1 Tool k

. . . . . . . .

Silvered Glass


Virtual Projection Plane
