TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY LORD, I WANT TO SEE YOU! February 10 and 11, 2018 The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten journey. PRESERVICE (Saturday) Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), Woodwinds BELLS AND WELCOME HYMN 712 Jesus, Take Us to the Mountain M In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. C Amen. S66 W14325 J ANESVILLE R D M USKEGO WI 53150 WELS 414.422.0320 WWW . STPAULMUSKEGO . ORG

The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten ...c95f3e76f332b83118c8-91ead4a96305a2c992e42acf91dd195f.r11.c… · my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I

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Page 1: The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten ...c95f3e76f332b83118c8-91ead4a96305a2c992e42acf91dd195f.r11.c… · my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I



February 10 and 11, 2018

The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten journey.

PRESERVICE (Saturday) Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), Woodwinds


HYMN 712 Jesus, Take Us to the Mountain

M In the name of the Father and of the Son † and of the Holy Spirit.

C Amen.

S 6 6 W 1 4 3 2 5 J A N E S V I L L E R D • M U S K E G O W I 5 3 1 5 0 • W E L S • 4 1 4 . 4 2 2 . 0 3 2 0 • W W W . S T P A U L M U S K E G O . O R G

Page 2: The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten ...c95f3e76f332b83118c8-91ead4a96305a2c992e42acf91dd195f.r11.c… · my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I

Confession of Sins

M Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when Jesus displayed his majestic glory as the Son of

God on the Mount of Transfiguration, the apostles were filled with fear and hid their faces

from his holiness.

C Because of our many transgressions and sins, there is a part of us that also feels

compelled to hide from our holy God.

M We do not need to hide from God. Through the cross of Christ our sin is removed and Jesus’

holiness becomes ours. We can come before him in honesty. Let us, therefore, acknowledge

the truth, confess our sin, and ask God to forgive us.

C Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I am by nature sinful, and that I have disobeyed

you in my thoughts, words, and actions. I have done what is evil and failed to do what is

good. For this I deserve your punishment both now and in eternity. But I am truly sorry for

my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

M God, our heavenly Father, has been merciful to us and has given his only Son to be the

atoning sacrifice for our sins. Therefore, as a called servant of Christ and by his authority, I

forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the † Son and of the Holy Spirit.

C Amen.

Prayer and Praise

HYMN 85, v. 1 O God from God, O Light from Light

O God from God, O Light from Light,

O Prince of Peace and King of kings,

To you in heaven's glory bright

The song of praise forever rings.

To him who sits upon the throne,

The Lamb once slain but raised again,

Be all the glory he has won,

All thanks and praise! Amen, Amen.


M The Lord be with you

C And also with you.

M Let us pray.

Lord God, before the suffering and death of your one and only Son, you revealed his glory

to Peter, James, and John.

C Keep the vision of Jesus’ glory before us as we journey through life so that, no matter

what we may be experiencing, whether joy or struggle, the light of Jesus’ heavenly glory

may shine in us and through us;

M through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and forever.

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The Word

FIRST LESSON 2 Kings 2:1-12a, Bible page 362

Elisha witnesses Elijah being taken up into heaven.


M Alleluia. A voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him. Alleluia.

(Mark 9:7b)

GOSPEL Mark 9:2-9, Bible page 1011

The transfiguration of our Lord.

After the Gospel, the congregation sings:

HYMN OF THE DAY 97 Down from the Mount of Glory

SERMON Mark 9:2-9, Bible page 1011

Pastor Jeffrey Bonack


We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is,

seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one

being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation,

he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and

became fully human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered

death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again

in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and

the Son, who in unity with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has

spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of

the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

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OFFERTORY (Saturday) Lead Me to Calvary, Woodwind Ensemble

(Sunday) Meditation on Beautiful Savior, Handbells

arr. by Cathy Moklebust



Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on

earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive

those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the

kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

M The Lord be with you.

M Lift up your hearts

M Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

M Praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In love he has blessed us with

every spiritual blessing. By his saints and witnesses of the past he encourages us to run

with perseverance the race marked out for us and to live in righteousness and peace.

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the

authority of his Christ. To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and

thanks and honor and glory forever and ever.

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M The peace of the Lord be with you always.


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DISTRIBUTION OF THE SACRAMENT Please see Communion note on page 6.

DISTRIBUTION ANTHEM Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart, Handbells

arr. by Sandra Eithun

acc. by Jill Mitchell - Trumpet

DISTRIBUTION HYMNS 85 O God from God, O Light from Light

95 How Good, Lord, to Be Here


M Lord Jesus Christ, at this table you came to us—

C in body broken, in blood outpoured.

M Nourished with this holy food,

C may our hearts always beat as one with yours.

M You are Lord forevermore.


M Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another. Serve the Lord

with gladness.

The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

The Lord look on you with favor and † give you peace.


PRESIDING MINISTER (Sunday) Pastor David Kuehl

ORGANIST Carol Nelson

Our vision is that by every possible means we bring every person in

our area of influence closer to Christ through regular worship,

small groups, and serving together.

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The Lord’s Supper is a fellowship meal. In this meal Jesus expresses his fellowship with us by giving

us his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. In this meal we also express our fellowship with each

other, that is, that we are united in a common confession of faith.

We at St. Paul’s want everyone to enjoy this fellowship meal. However, we cannot ask someone to

express agreement with us until we give that person an opportunity to discover what we teach. That is

why we schedule frequent membership classes to provide an overview of our teachings. Following the

Promise is currently being held on Tuesday evenings in the Faith Room with a new class beginning

May 23. Register on the back of your Connection Card.

If you are a member of St. Paul’s or a member of a WELS or ELS congregation, we invite you to

express our common confession by communing with us. You may wish to use the “Personal

Preparation for Holy Communion” on page 156 of Christian Worship to examine yourself. Please

register your intent to commune as a member or guest by filling out the Connection Card and placing

it in the offering plate.

The light colored cups in the center of the individual cup tray contain non-alcoholic wine. Gluten-free

wafers are located in the trays on the Communion rail. If you need a gluten-free wafer, please inform

an usher as you approach the rail. The first pews in the left center section are reserved for those who

have difficulty approaching the Communion rail, and we kindly ask those who desire to be communed

privately to use these pews.

Your Ministerial Staff

Office (414) 422-0320

Pastor Jeffrey Bonack Ext. 119 [email protected] (414) 422-0501

Mr. Randy Fink Ext. 120 [email protected]

(414) 422-0320

Mr. Seth Fitzsimmons Ext. 118 [email protected] (414) 422-0320

Pastor David Kuehl Ext. 121 [email protected] (262) 679-1393

Mrs. Emily Krill Ext. 123 [email protected] (414) 422-0320

Dr. Joel Nelson Ext. 145 [email protected] (414) 422-0320

Pastor Peter Panitzke Ext. 122 [email protected] (414) 350-1436

Pastor Nate Strobel Ext. 293 [email protected]

(414) 422-0320

Mrs. Sally Wallner All ner

Ext. 294 [email protected] (414) 422-0320


• Watch Live: Attend church remotely on Sundays at The Bridge at 10:15 am. Live streaming is available at

www.thebridgemuskego.org, Facebook at The Bridge at St. Paul’s, and You Tube at The Bridge Church Muskego. Past live

replays are also available on each platform.

• Sermon Videos and Podcasts: Sunday sermons are available at www.stpaulmuskego.org and

www.thebridgemuskego.org. They are usually available Sunday afternoon/evening for that same Sunday’s message.

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For the week of February 12, 2018

Lutheran Schools Week

MON 10:00 am Walking Club (Trinity Gym)

7:00 pm Through the Bible Study in a Year (Grace Room)

7:00 pm Woodwind Rehearsal (Church Balcony)

TUE 9:30 am Ladies Bible Study (Grace Room)

10:00 am Walking Club (Trinity Gym) 6:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal (Church Balcony)

6:00 pm DivorceCare Ministry (School Classroom 9)

7:00 pm Following the Promise Bible Study (Faith Room)

` 7:00 pm Volleyball League

WED 9:30 am Mommy and Me (Faith Room)

12:00 pm Organization of Wisconsin Lutheran Seniors (OWLS) (Grace Room)

1:00 pm Through the Bible in a Year (Faith Room)

3:30 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service with Holy Communion

4:30 pm Soup Supper hosted by The Quilting Fellowship (Grace Room)

4:30 pm Public School Confirmation Instruction Classes

7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service with Holy Communion

8:00 pm Brass Ensemble Rehearsal

THURS 6:30 am Sunrise Bible Study (Faith Room)

10:00 am Walking Club (Trinity Gym)

6:30 pm Financial Peace University (Grace Room)

6:45 pm Stoney Creek Bible Study – Luther and Worship (Stoney Creek)

7:00 pm Pickleball League (Trinity Gym)

7:00 pm The Bridge and Contemporary Band Practice

FRI 1:00 pm Apache Meal Packing Event (Trinity Gym)

SAT 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (Grace Room)

5:00 pm Traditional Worship Service

SUN 7:45 am Traditional Worship Service

9:15 am Traditional Worship Service

9:15 am Grace Room Bible Study

9:15 am Legacy Journey (Faith Room)

9:15 am Kids Club and Boost Youth Ministries

9:45 am The Bridge Communion

10:00 am St. Paul’s Annual Chicken Dinner (Centennial Gym)

10:15 am The Bridge

10:45 am Contemporary Worship Service

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Eleanor Rae Giuliani, born December 25, 2017, is the daughter of Sarah and Matthew Giuliani and will

be baptized at the 10:45 am worship service on Sunday, February 11.

Cassie May Schwabe, born December 28, 2017, is the daughter of Alyssa Wutke and Joshua Schwabe

and will be baptized after the 10:45 am worship service on Sunday, February 11.

We praise God for the gift of saving faith given to Eleanor and Cassie through the waters of Baptism

and God’s Word.


Betty Lou Kehoss, born July 4, 1939, entered eternal life with her Savior on February 1, 2018. A

Christian funeral was held February 6, 2018. May the loved ones of Betty find comfort in the promises

of their risen Savior today and always.


Brittany Michaels is at Froedtert, and Margaret Kujath is rehabbing at Waukesha Linden Grove.


708 attended last week’s worship services at St. Paul’s.


Please pray for the following individuals in their time of need: Audrey Bluhm, Dawn Brown, David

Burkowitz, Namine Eiche, Brittany Gillespie, Tom Goodman, Janelle Gray, John Hansen, Daniel Holtz,

Dawn Jahns, Sandra Merfeld, Sonia Neuberger, Stephanie Smokavich, Cheri Sorensen, Jeanne

Steinbrecher, and Dick and Jane Sternberg.


If you have small children, you might appreciate being able to focus on the sermon without

interruption. We have a staffed nursery every Sunday during the 9:15 and 10:45 am services in the east

wing of the church. A silent pager system allows childcare providers to alert you to any need your child

has. Ask a worship host for directions.


Our annual congregational chicken dinner is Sunday, February 18, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the

Centennial Gym. Enjoy camaraderie and a great meal together as a St. Paul’s family. Many volunteer

opportunities are available to help make this event a success. Sign-up today in the church lobby.


Like to walk, but don't like the ice, snow, and cold? Join St. Paul’s Walking Club on Monday, Tuesday, and

Thursday at 10:00 am in the Trinity Gym and Cafe. After the walk enjoy coffee and great conversation.


SOEL is hiring a year-round, full-time, teachers aide for the Infant Room. Hours are Monday - Friday,

7:30 am - 4:30 pm. Experience in childcare or a related field is preferred. Contact SOEL Director Kim

Neubauer at (414) 422-0320, ext. 200, or [email protected] to apply. You may also stop

by the SOEL office located in the east wing of the church to pick up an application.


The next TUG meets Sunday, February 11, 6:30-8:00 pm, in the Trinity Café and Gym. Enjoy physical

activity in the gym, table games in the café, or just relax with friends. No other agenda.


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Our Lutheran schools are treasured places…because Jesus is there. Lutheran Schools Week takes time

to celebrate that – the joy and impact of Christ on our kids and families. Our classes “take every

thought and make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). We assist your family by helping your kids

“grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). We are very

blessed to have your support in prayers, offerings, and volunteerism! Thank you! This week we

celebrate with dress-up days for the kids: Black Day respecting Ash Wednesday and Class Color Day

on Friday. The Apache mission meal-packing event takes place on Friday as well. By the end of the

week we seek the goal of re-enrolling 90% of our students. Keep praying for our school that more and

more children come to grow closer to Jesus each day as we partner with parents in this awesome task!


Registration for the 2018-2019 school year has begun for our 3K to 8th grade

Lutheran school. School Administrator Seth Fitzsimmons would love to give you

a tour of our school facilities and answer any questions you may have. He can be

reached at (414) 422-0320, ext. 118, or [email protected].

• Flexible 3K & 4K programs

• Exemplary Accredited Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade

• Before and after school extended care and summer care

• Over $800,000 in tuition assistance last year

• Participation in the Milwaukee and Wisconsin School Choice programs

(Income eligibility is available at the Welcome Center in the lobby)

• Online application process: www.stpmuskego.org/tads


Mr. Justin Walz—our 7th grade homeroom, 6th-8th grade science teacher, and athletic director—has

accepted his call to teach freshmen religion and coach at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. We are

grateful to God for the many blessings that Mr. Walz’s ministry has brought to our students and families

here at St. Paul’s for the past nine years (2009-2018). He writes the following to the congregation:

St. Paul’s Members,

After prayerful consideration, the Lord has led me to accept the call to serve as teacher of Theology

and coach at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. I believe that my ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran will be

the best way to fulfill the mission statement of bringing more people in my area of influence closer to


My wife, Laura, and I want to thank all of you for the many prayers on our behalf as I deliberated my

call. We also appreciate the numerous conversations and kind words that were spoken on my behalf. I

have been blessed in my years at St. Paul’s, and we are excited that we will be able to remain a part of

the St. Paul’s church and school family.

In Christ Alone,

Justin Walz


Mr. Jeff Wetzel, our 5th grade co-teacher, has declined his call to Lamb of God Lutheran School in

West Allis to serve as school principal and 7th and 8th grade teacher. We thank God for leading Mr.

Wetzel to continue his service among us and pray that he would lead the right candidate to Lamb of

God according to his plan.


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On September 23, 2017, Hurricane Maris ripped through the island of Puerto Rico. Miguel Pagán

Rodríguez’s home was completely destroyed with only its foundation remaining. During a visit in

December, St. Paul’s member Diane Ludwig and her brother-in-law, Miguel, rated Miguel’s rebuilding

project as the highest need in Diane’s hometown of Barrancas Sector Matadero. As a result of gifts given by

members and friends of St. Paul’s, Miguel’s home is now being restored. The picture below shows the

progress that has already been made.

Barrancas Sector Matadero is located a very long 36

miles (about 3 hours by car) from the capitol city of

San Juan, in the hills in the middle of the island.

Miguel’s project was selected because his house was

one of two demolished by Hurricane Maria in the

village and received no assistance from FEMA


The villagers have also received nearly fifty solar

lights from their friends at St. Paul’s. These lights

charge during the day in the bright sunshine of

Puerto Rico and light up the village houses at night.

Electricity has not yet been restored in the village. It

isn’t expected to return until sometime in March at

best. The lights are continually reminding the people

of Barrancas that Jesus Christ is the light of the


In addition, the people of the village have received funds from their friends at St. Paul’s to buy paint (and

painting supplies) that will replace the paint that was sucked off the surface of their homes by the hurricane.

These gifts supplement the food and supplies that were sent to the village initially by Diane and her sister,

Iris, in October in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane. Then the gifts of food and supplies continued

in November and December when members and friends of St. Paul’s heard of Diane and Iris’ generosity and

their concern for the welfare of their family members in Puerto Rico.

Of the nearly $9,000 that was given to St. Paul’s, just over $2,000 remains available. In January,

representatives of the WELS Christian Aid Relief (CAR) toured the locations of the three churches that are

affiliated with the WELS in San Juan, Guayamo and Humacao. They discovered that the church in Humacao,

a wooden structure, was completely destroyed by the hurricane. The balance of the St. Paul’s Puerto Rico

Relief Fund will be given to the WELS CAR to help fund the efforts they are making to help our churches


To God be the glory for the work that has been done with the funds given!


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This list of items would greatly benefit the ministry at St. Paul’s. These items are above and beyond

the budgeted expenses. Below is an update on the generous giving that occurred over the last few

weeks. Thank you for every gift you give to our General Fund, Mortgage Fund and these Wish List

items. If you would like to give toward a Wish List item, clearly mark your envelope, “Wish List,”

with the item title, or give online at www.stpaulmuskego.org.

Item Est. Cost Received Still Needed

Centennial Gym Windows $30,000 $3,065 $26,935

Landscaping for Church Entrance $6,700 $4.171 $2,529

Narthex Carpet $4,000 $4,000 Fully Funded

Martin Luther College Tuition Assistance Grant $10,000 $150 $9,850

Apache Reservation Meal Event $2,700 $5,700 Fully Funded


Because of the generous gifts given by God’s people here at St. Paul’s, this event is now fully funded

and will take place on Friday, February 16, in the Trinity Gym. Our Kindergarten through 8th grade

students will work together to pack meals which will be shared with those in need living in and

around East Fork Lutheran Church and School in Whiteriver, Arizona. Your generosity will even

allow us to send nearly $3000 more in direct financial aid to the church and school there.


So far, five St. Paul’s groups have hosted or will host a Friday night supper for our young brothers

and sisters at the Lighthouse Youth Center at Garden Homes: Neal Wallner’s small group Bible

study, Jean Curtis and students from Wisconsin Lutheran High School, God’s Guys Saturday Bible

study, Kids Club staff, and St. Paul’s Lutheran School Student Council. If you or your group would

like to join in this much-needed and fulfilling effort, either by making and serving a supper or

financially contributing to one, contact Dr. Nelson at [email protected]


Through the government’s Title II funds and our congregational budgeting process, we provide for

the professional development of our teachers, but there are more workshops and courses that our

teachers would like to attend. This fund provides our members with an opportunity to encourage

continuing education through special gifts. Our goal is to provide an additional $500 per teacher or

$7000 per year. If you would like to contribute, mark your gift clearly, “Teacher Professional

Development Fund.”


We continue to have families in need of financial assistance to provide their

children with a Christian education at St. Paul’s Elementary School or a WELS

high school. Contributions can be made via the blue offering envelope

provided in your envelope packet, our church’s website at

www.stpaulmuskego.org, or by using the QR code.


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WEDNESDAYS IN LENT — LURED… Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time of repentance and reflection

during the six weeks leading up to Easter. During our Wednesday Lenten services

we will take a closer look at temptation, its source, its power, and God’s answer to

it with our series, Lured. Join us Wednesdays at 3:30 and 7:00 pm.

February 14 Lures Start in the Heart Luke 18:9-14, James 1:13-15

When it comes to temptation, we like to blame outside forces, but temptation really finds its

beginning deep within us. We need a new heart—one that only Jesus can give.

February 21 The Father of Lures John 8:42-47

Only when we understand the seething hatred the devil has for God and God’s family will we be

vigilant enough to keep our eyes open for his bait.

February 28 Lures Are Tailor-Made John 12:4-6, Luke 22:3-5

What is so interesting to you that you just might turn your back on God to swim towards it? Sadly,

the Enemy knows that answer even better than you do.


Our Wednesday soup suppers are all booked with volunteers and ready to begin on Ash

Wednesday, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, in the Grace Room. Come enjoy a warm meal and camaraderie

with your friends here at St. Paul’s. A free will offering is gathered at the soup supper to help defray

the cost of the food and to support the ministry of the hosting group.


St. Paul's Quilting Fellowship has been serving the congregation for ten years with the mission to

provide quilts to those in need of comfort and hope. Close to 400 quilts have been given to the

homebound of our congregation, babies of Lutherans for Life, the VA Hospital, and various members

of sister congregations, including Puerto Rico. All quilts are labeled, "Jesus Loves Me, This I

Know." Donations given at the Ash Wednesday soup supper will be used toward quilting materials

for the mission to continue. In addition, quilts will be on display and for sale with a $30 donation.

New members are always welcome. The Quilting Fellowship meets the first Thursday of the month,

year-round. For more information contact Group Coordinator Annette Navarre at (262) 378-4095

or [email protected].

SUNDAYS IN LENT — LOVE… God is love. Jesus is God’s love in flesh and blood. We are to be “conformed to the

image of God’s Son” (Romans 8:29). When people see us, they are to see Jesus. We

are called to be God’s love in flesh and blood to the world. Our Sunday Lenten

series begins next week with the following themes:

February 18 Love Fights Mark 1:12-15, Mark 15:34

February 25 Love Takes Up the Cross Mark 8:31-38, John 19:28-29

March 4 Love Protects John 2:13-22; John 19:25-29

March 11 Love Embraces All John 3:14-21; Luke 23:43

March 18 Love Forgives Jeremiah 31:31-34; Luke 23:34

LENT 2018

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Mark your Connection Card to register or to receive more information.

You may also call the church office at (414) 422-0320.


Following the Promise will help you trace the promise of the Savior through the Bible all the way into

your own life. This also serves as St. Paul’s pre-membership study. Pastor Nate Strobel is leading this

study in the Faith Room on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.


Read a section of Scripture each week and discuss it as a group with Pastor Pete Panitzke leading.

New participants are always welcome. Attend on Mondays at 7:00 pm or Wednesdays at 1:00 pm in

the Grace Room.


WELS Director of Mission Advancement John Sebald will be leading Speaking the Truth in Love: A

Distinctive, Biblical Approach to Address the Unique Challenges and Opportunities of Witnessing to Mormons, Sundays in the Grace Room, 9:15-10:15 am, beginning February 18.


Dr. Joel Nelson is leading this Parent’s Club study on Sundays at 9:15 am (same time as Kids Club) in

school classroom 9. Explore the characteristics that make a family healthy and strong.


Learn principles that can lead to financial peace using this Dave Ramsey course, Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00

pm, in the Grace Room. This course meets until March 15.


The Legacy Journey is a seven-week, biblically based class that teaches how to truly live and leave a

legacy for generations to come. This class will lead you deeper into investing, basic estate planning,

and purposeful living. Mike Meyer and Gustavo Alcantara, both of whom work in the area of personal

finance, will lead this course beginning Sunday, February 18, at 9:15 am in the Faith Room.


Mommy & Me is a new social, spiritual, and service-oriented ministry for moms of young children —

infant through age five. The group meets at St. Paul’s Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:00 am, in the Faith

Room. Contact Sam Lindner at [email protected] or (989) 284-2854 for more



If you are divorced or contemplating divorce, we are here for you. This is a support group for

individuals, rather than couples. DivorceCare meets Tuesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, in school classroom 9.

Contact Kristen Miller at [email protected], or (414) 422-0320 for more information.


All are invited to hear Pastor Don Tompson, from The Point of Grace Campus Ministry, speak on

how college students are being guided in faith and Christian leadership, Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00

pm in the Grace Room.


The next gathering of The Point of Grace will be at the Wisconsin Lutheran College Warrior

Underground on Monday, February 26, at 7:00 pm. Check out tpog.net for more information.


Page 15: The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten ...c95f3e76f332b83118c8-91ead4a96305a2c992e42acf91dd195f.r11.c… · my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I

1. Share highs and lows and begin your time together in prayer.

2. In his message, Pastor Bonack spoke about paradigm shifts. Have you – or someone you’ve

known – ever had one? Share what inspired that shift and what the new and different perspective

looked or sounded like.

3. Read Mark 9:2-9

• What verse do you find most memorable in this account? Why?

• What kind of reaction do you think you would have if you were Peter in this account?

• How do you think Peter, James, and John balanced this event with Jesus’ recent words of

Mark 8:22 still ringing in their ears?

4. Can you identify with Peter’s response to the transfiguration of trying to hold on to this little

taste of Heaven?

5. The words of 2 Peter 1:16-18 make it clear that the transfiguration helped Peter to let go of his

limited human perspective of who Jesus was. Do you have a Bible verse stored away in your

heart that keeps reminding you of the fullness of who our Savior is?

6. How do gifts like baptism or forgiveness offer the same trajectory change in our lives that the

transfiguration offered to Peter, James, and John?

7. Pastor Bonack encouraged us to allow this message to renew our hearts and minds by taking just

5-10 minutes each day to look for the things God is doing in our lives and what it means. What

can you do to remind yourself to keep this commitment over the next seven days?

GroupWork Bible Study Discussion Starters based on today’s message

Life application materials for us in Connector Groups, home devotions, and other small groups.

Page 16: The vision of Christ’s glory prepares us for the Lenten ...c95f3e76f332b83118c8-91ead4a96305a2c992e42acf91dd195f.r11.c… · my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I

Transfiguration Sunday

Transfigured—New Eyes and New Ears

Mark 9:2-9

More Than a Man

The disciples (and everyone who knew Jesus) struggled to see more than a m______.

Jesus’ humiliation = Jesus chose not to make full use of his divine p_________ and g_________.

A transfigured moment = New eyes to see clearly that Jesus is G_____ and in charge.

Motivated by a Mission

A transfigured moment = New eyes to see clearly that Jesus’s death is the p_______.

A transfigured moment = Jesus is p____________ Peter, James and John to be leaders, influencers.

A transfigured moment = New eyes that long for the h____________ goal. Lord, give us these eyes!

Molding these ”miracle” Moments

What keeps us from recognizing the transfigured moments in our lives?

Transfigured moments = The b_____ of a child, the battle with c________, a warning s________.

Transfigured moments = B___________, F_____________, H______ C________________

LOOK a little c________. LISTEN a little l_________.

Next Steps

• LOOK a little closer. Set aside 5-10 minutes at the end of each day to look for the things God is

doing in and through your life.

• LISTEN a little longer. Throughout the Lenten season commit a time of quiet each day where you

open your Bible, tune out the world and simply listen.

• ASH WEDNESDAY worship is this coming Wednesday, February 14, at 3:30 and 7:00 pm.

• MAKE A COMMITMENT to be present in worship every week throughout Lent with the prayer that

God give you new eyes to see and new ears to hear about his great love for you. As we enter the

Lenten season our worship will be filled with transfigured moments. Our focus will be on the

powerful ways Jesus displayed the love of God through his passion.

NoteSheet Sermon Outline

Take notes during the sermon to help you remember the main points