1 The Village Link Great Thurlow Little Thurlow Great Wratting May 2016 GREAT WRATTING VILLAGE FETE Save the date!! Saturday 4th June Save the date!! Sunday 12th June Great Thurlow Hall GREAT THURLOW HALL SUMMER GARDEN OPEN DAY Sunday 5th June 2 to 5 pm Plant Sale and Home-made Teas

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The Village Link

Great Thurlow – Little Thurlow – Great Wratting




Save the date!!

Saturday 4th June

Save the date!! Sunday 12th June

Great Thurlow Hall



Sunday 5th June

2 to 5 pm

Plant Sale and Home-made Teas

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Editorial co-ordinator Alison Coffey 783478 Senior Reporters Gt. Thurlow Margaret Ince 783117 Lt. Thurlow Iris Eley 783534 Junior Reporter Vacancy Please supply all adverts in either Jpeg or Bitmap format (not PDF)

Advertising Rates (per quarter page) Single advertisement - £10 Six months advertising - £40 Twelve months advertising - £65 Back Page Advertising Rates (per month) Full Page Colour - £50 Half Page Colour - £30 Quarter Page Colour - £20 To be supplied in Jpeg or Bitmap format

The E





To contact The Village Link Team please email

TheVillageLink @TheThurlows.org.uk View The Village Link Online at www.TheThurlows.org.uk

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Welcome to the May issue of the Village Link.

Categories for the Thurlow Fayre Produce and Craft Show are announced this month, we encourage you to have a go and enter, the more the merrier, see page


We have a new contributor this month, a young writer, Ellen, we hope you enjoy the first of a series of articles, thank you Ellen!

Another recipe from Lewis Ryan who will be doing a skydive in aid of the Cleft Lip and Palate Association, please support Lewis if you can, for details see page 15.

Congratulations to Andy Quick on running the London Marathon, still not to late to donate to another great cause, the Teenage Cancer Trust and Free the Children -



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Thurlow Village Hall


Last Saturday of the month from

10:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday May 28th 2016 Saturday June 25th 2016 Saturday July 30th 2016

Saturday August 27th 2016 Saturday September 24th 2016

Saturday October 29th 2016 Saturday November 26th 2016

December to be confirmed



As part of Team GB's Davis Cup Legacy Programme, the LTA is funding free tennis coaching for 5-8 year olds.

The course will start on Monday June 13th from 4.30 to 5.30pm for 6 weeks with a LTA coach.

If you would like your child to take advantage of this great opportunity, email [email protected]

Thurlow Fayre

This year the Fayre will take place on Sunday September 4th in Thurlow

Recreation Ground.

We are looking for volunteers to help with manning on the day, even

if just for one hour or two, to sell raffle tickets in advance and on the day.

Contact Alison on 07773631222 or email [email protected] for further


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Little T




l Little Thurlow Parish Council


At the April Lt Thurlow Parish Council meeting members were advised that a visit to the Energy Waste Plant at Great Blakenham had been arranged for 15th August, 2pm to 4pm.

Anyone interested in joining them should contact the Clerk. One Councillor and the Clerk had attended the Parish Conference; some members will be

going to a Vehicle Activated Sign meeting at Hargrave and one member will attend a Wings over the Brecks promotion event at High Lodge Forest Centre in Thetford Forest.

Discussion took place on the final recommendations for the Community Governance Review and a response is to be sent.

There were no objections to a Planning Application for an extension at 1 Coronation Villas. Overhanging beech trees on Pound Green are to be trimmed by Thurlow Estate but planning permission will have to be obtained and this could take six to eight weeks.

Councillors continue to work with SCC to ensure that PreSchool provision is returned to the Thurlows. We are pleased to report that SCC has confirmed that the PreSchool building may only be used by the Primary school if provision is made for children from the age of 2

onwards. We are now working to ensure that sufficient marketing of this offer takes place in a timely fashion.

Cheques were approved for half the cost of insurance for the play area and the hire of a marquee for the Thurlow Fayre. It was agreed that a sum of £50 would be allocated for the Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration.

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on 17th May 2016. This will be followed at 8.15pm by the Annual Meeting of the Parish, the purpose of which

is for the members of the electorate to meet and is an opportunity to discuss parish affairs

and for village organisations to inform them and answer questions.

Molly Hawkins, Parish Clerk

Thurlow Life - Past and Present Facebook page

follow the link… https://www.facebook.com/groups/thurlow/

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Great Wratting Village Meeting G




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An opportunity for Villagers to come together to socialize and discuss Parish affairs of current interest and importance

Wednesday 25th May 2016

7:30pm Welcome

8:00pm meeting begins Drinks and Nibbles

The Parish Room, St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting.

Representatives of council and local community organizations will also be at the meeting to contribute and to answer questions.

Current Parish Affairs Include: Neighbourhood Watch St Mary’s Church Village email tree Broadband services The village website The Village Link

The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the Great Wratting Parish Council website (www.greatwratting.uk)and village notice boards seven days before the


Great WrattingGreat Wratting

Annual Village MeetingAnnual Village Meeting

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Thurlow Sports Club

THURLOW SPORTS CLUB REPORT Grant Funding St Edmundsbury Borough Councillor Jane Midwood has used funds from her Locality Budget to pay for signage for the Play Area which gives details of the

location and contact details ([email protected]) in the event of an incident or damage. A plaque with names of all the funding partners to the

project has been fixed to the fencing at the front of the Play Area which has also been funded from her Locality Budget which she has seen when visiting the Play Area with her grandchildren. With overhanging branches now removed from

above the Multi Play Tower Unit the project is now complete and is already well used and hopefully will be well patronised during the summer. We are also very grateful to Cllr. Midwood who has very kindly funded from her Locality Budget the

purchase of 14 6ft plastic trestle tables that will be used at Thurlow Fayre, Sports Club functions and are also available for other community events on request.

Thurlow Youth FC Cambs Colts & Mini Leagues The Under 16s team have enjoyed a fantastic season winning Division 16b (P17

W16 D1 L0 49 pts) and with just one league match to play against the bottom team are hoping to go unbeaten throughout the whole season (see team photo opposite). This is a reward for manager Roy Burnham who took over five years

ago when the team had to regroup when some boys were playing a year up,and for his decision at the end of last season to maintain momentum and team bonding and carry on training every Thursday evening all through last summer.

They have also reached the semi-final of the prestigious Hillsborough Cup when they will play against Milton and will be hoping to emulate the Thurlow U16s team

of three years ago who went on to win the cup at Cambridge Stadium Trumpington.

The Under 13s team have struggled in their first season playing 11-a-side football

and it has been a steep learning curve up against some very good well-drilled teams in the top division 13A (P15 W2 D0 L13 6 pts) but manager Dave Grace

and his lads remain enthusiastic and hopefully will learnt from this season experience and fare better next season if they drop down a division.

The Under 12s side under young manager Dan Coe have P15 W4 D3 L8 15 pts, still play on 9v9 pitch and are seventh in the table. Whilst playing well at times and being involved in some high scoring games they have also suffered some

heavy defeats but have a cup tie in the Barry Brewer Cup to look forward to round off their season.

Tony Williamson manager of Under 11s team has formed a very talented team that also play on the 9v9 pitch and have recently enjoyed a winning streak which they hope to continue to the end of the season.

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Stuart Cowe is manager and a qualified coach of the Under 10s that play on 7v7 pitch

and the team includes both his son Archie, and also Sam Quick of Gt Thurlow who has made good progress since he joined the team this season.

The Under 7s & 8s teams play on 5v5 pitch and although they play league matches they are still developing their ball skills with the emphasis not on winning but on

enjoyment and understanding the basic fundamentals of playing organised football on a small sided pitch.

Tony Williamson who is Chair of the Sports Club and Secretary of Thurlow Youth FC, a Charter Standard Club, can be contacted on 07809550420 or email [email protected] if any one new to the area has a son and is interested and

would like to join the club for next season. Football training will continue each evening on the Recreation Ground throughout the summer, including the Soccer School for 4-6 year olds on Tuesday from 4.00pm.

Allan Loveday

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Susan Loveday

After a very early start to spring for some flowers this year things have slowed down considerably following Northeasterly chill winds and dry dull March. Aconites

were in flower in December and daffodils have bloomed from late January but many other shrubs and flowers are now behind their usual flowering time. The forsythia in our garden normally bright with yellow flowers in late February is now

only coming into its glory but with a warm day with heavy April showers and now a day of bright sunshine you can almost watch the garden grow and the flowers bloom. The winter flowering pansies that just sat all winter doing nothing have

suddenly shown their lovely faces and the for-get-me-nots along with the wallflowers are attracting some bees and butterflies in the sunshine and the mauve aubretia is starting to come out and cascade over the wall. The geraniums

and dahlia tubers have over wintered well in the greenhouse and there are beetroot, leeks, tomatoes and everlasting sweet peas grown from seed.

Spinach has been sown under cloche and is just starting to come up whilst potatoes have chitted and just waiting for the soil to warm up before being

planted. All of the borders and shrubs have been cut down and pruned back and then given a general purpose fertiliser feed or bone meal to promote new growth. The borders have also been mulched with leaf mould gathered from trees off the

Recreation Ground and the delphiniums and lupins have survived another winter and hopefully will produce a fine display during May and June.

Some new raspberry canes have been purchased over the winter to replenish old

stock including some golden colour ones which are very tasty. The snowball tree has been slow to come into bud having suffered major surgery last year when a large overhanging limb had to be removed when new fencing was erected. The

garden furniture has been uncovered and although now is a busy time in the garden hopefully there will be time to relax and admire our hard efforts over the summer.

Tales from the Garden Tale

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Thurlow WI


Thurlow WI met on the 12th of April and the main item on the agenda was the planning of the celebration to mark the 70th anniversary of its formation when members of all the groups in the Stour Valley will be represented.

The appeal for Pants for Poverty had a good response and these will be sent to one of the poorer nations in Africa.

Notice was given of all future events and names were taken of those willing to attend the Quiz at Clare and those who will compete for the Margaret Hitchcock Cup.

The speaker was Sarah Doig who came to tell of Henry the Eighth’s Dalliances, of which there were many. Dawn Abbey thanked her and said that she was sure we had all learned

a great deal from this well presented talk Sarah then judged the competition for Cheese Scones and declared Helen Bennett the

winner. Winners in the draw were Iris, Janice, Helen, and Molly. Molly Iris and Dawn will attend the Resolutions meeting at Moreton Hall to hear speakers explaining this in detail.

Iris Eley

Thurlow Gardening Club




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Once again the Garden Club had a depleted meeting with most of the group unable to

make it due to various reasons which was a shame as we welcomed a possible new member. Never the less we tackled the main items on the agenda, namely categories for the Produce Show at the Thurlow Fayre in September. I hope you find that we have come

up with some new ideas as well as the old favourites breaking it down into separate sections of fruit, vegetables, flowers, home produce and handicrafts with all ages (children and adults) being able as enter all the categories with the exception of two which are for under twelves only. (See Village Link for categories). We would like to see greater

participation from the village with as many entries as many as possible, with a new name on the Produce Show Shield, Tom Gibbons winner of the past two years, has offered to do the judging this year, so he will be expecting a high standard.

Other items on the agenda were also addressed with the manning of the plant stall at Gt Thurlow Hall Open Gardens left in abeyance until the next meeting and the Tasty Tomato Competition is ongoing.

The Village Hall garden tidy up - members to be contacted to arrange a suitable day and

time to do this. The next meeting of the garden club is to be held at Sue Gunn’s at

Honeysuckle Cottage, Church Road, Lt Thurlow on Friday 13th May 6.30 pm. New members


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Thurlow Estate News Shoot

Shoot The gamekeeper and several volunteers are currently taking down a number of the older release pens in various woods around the Estate, these pens have either reached the end of their useful life or require moving to fresh ground. Otherwise the control of vermin continues and now the ground is drier

they are able to access more of the Estate.


Farm The farm is still trying to get the remaining spring beans into the ground – they are struggling with the soil conditions on the heavier land following sustained periods of rain leading to soil saturation without the benefit of any frost heave during the winter months. Elsewhere they have almost managed to

finish drilling the spring barley around Lopham’s and Carlton and the peas at Dotterell have now emerged so we are endeavoring to keep the pigeons away.

The crops are still growing quite slowly due to the colder weather coming in from Northern Europe,

particularly the oil seed rape crop, which has only just come onto flower.

We are managing to get some of the crop protection sprays and fertilizer applications onto the crops and our wheat from last year’s harvest is currently being shipped off to Weetabix and the flour mills

around Peterborough. We do however desperately need commodity prices to improve – US Wheat prices are at their lowest level since 2007/8 and, with oil prices starting to creep back up, the economic position looks bleak.

Again preparations for the summer harvest are progressing with machinery such as combine harvesters being serviced up.


Hunt The Thurlow Hunt Hunter Trials at Horseheath was a great success with a large field of entries and a lovely sunny day.

We say goodbye to our Frist Whip Jamie Walsh who leaves us to join the Albrighton and Woodland Hunt in the West Midlands and we welcome Wayne Keeble.

Upcoming Hunt events include two trips to Lark Hall, Six Mile Bottom in May.

The first event is the Six Mile Bottom Ride on Sunday 15th May which is a pleasure ride through private unspoilt countryside and woodland – starting and finishing at Lark Hall, Six Mile Bottom near Newmarket, CB8 0UT. The route is approximately 15 miles long but there is a shorter loop of 10 miles.

Entries may start anytime between 9am and 12 noon. Entry fees are adults £20. Children under 16 is £12 and MUST be accompanied by an adult. Late entries on the day £5 extra. If you would like to join in please return your completed entry form (which can be found on the Thurlow Hunt website – http://www.thurlowhunt.co.uk/event/six-miler-bottom-ride/) by Tuesday 10th May to Mrs David

Claydon, Brickwall Farm, Hundon, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 8DR

The second event is the Terrier and Dog Racing evening on Saturday 28th May. Entrance fees are £6 for adults and children who are 10 and under is £2.50. Tickets on the gate only and there will be a

BBQ and Licensed Bar. First race is at 6.30pm and race entries are £2 per dog per race. There will be trophies and prizes. If you would like further details you can contact Annie Fenwick on 01638 570206 or Emma Topham-Smith on 07850 185653.

Further information on both events can be found on http://www.thurlowhunt.co.uk/events.

Finally general painting and repairs are underway and the Huntsman is also starting to school this

year’s puppies for the Puppy Show later on in the year.

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y Property Renovation works to a two-bed property in Great Thurlow are due to commence shortly and we hope to put this out to the lettings market in due course.

The external repairs and redecorations schedule is commencing any day now and this will then run throughout the summer, hopefully finishing before the autumn rains.

We currently have a two bed property to rent in Great Wratting, for further information please call the

Estate Office on 01440 783 661.

Sadly we also say goodbye to John Frowd who has looked after the building’s department on the Estate for the last six years and has been responsible for pushing forward the repairs and renovations

to a great number of the Estate properties. He will be greatly missed and we wish him a long and happy retirement.


Woods We are doing very little in the woods at the moment, due to them still being incredibly wet underfoot. However, in due course, we will be looking to harrow, roll and then cut the main grass rides within the larger woodlands. We manage a proportion of these rides under a “2 zone” regime as instructed by

Natural England. This means that we cut the central strip of a grass ride annually and alternatively cut, where possible, either the left hand side or the right hand side of each ride every other year. This allows the natural regeneration of vegetation on at least one edge of each ride to grow for longer than

one season and provides a variety in structure of ground flora which, in turn, increases the diversity of the fauna within our woodlands, butterflies in particular.

Please be aware that we now finished our firewood deliveries for this season but if you would like to

pre-book a load for July when we start again please call the Estate Office on 01440 783661 or email [email protected] to order your load of seasoned hardwood.




Other events At time of writing we are currently constructing a beacon, in the grass fields behind Great Thurlow Hall, to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 21st April. To mark this unique occasion, beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom

Overseas Territories and we are hoping to add ours to a current list of circa 300. Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain too much! [see back page for the lighting of the beacon, Ed]

The annual Countryside Foundation for Education day, being held on the 20th May is fast approaching.

We are expecting around 120 children and their teachers from local schools on the day and we will hopefully give them all a bit of an insight into the various activities that take place on the Estate.

The whole Estate team will be on parade, teaching the children about our current farming practices,

animal husbandry and crop rotation. Other displays will include our forestry operations including tree felling (which the children particularly enjoy) and finally, the children will be taken to meet the Thurlow hounds at the Kennels, watch, and partake in, a working dog demonstration and spend time

with the gamekeeper learning about his role. The day is a valuable opportunity for local children to learn about what happens on the Estate today and how it has changed over the years.

Preparations are also underway for the Thurlow Country Fayre which returns this year to Horseheath

on 3rd July and promises to be even bigger and better than last year. Finally we are also in the process of setting up a British Eventing Course at Horseheath and we are due to hold the inaugural event over the weekend of the 13/14th August. This is hugely exciting for all

concerned and there will be further details to follow as we progress.

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Introducing a new regular contributor to The Village Link…


My name is Ellen Williams, I'm very almost 17 years old, and moved with my Mum

and Dad to Great Thurlow down from North Yorkshire in August 2015. One of my

passions is to write and I absolutely adore living here, so I've put together a little piece

about how much I love sunny Suffolk and the opportunities it's given me by living


Excitement, I could actually taste it. Every sense in my body was filled to the brim with

an overwhelming realm of excitement. The rolling hills turned to flat arable land and I

could hear the dogs whining in anticipation from the back of the Land Rover as we

neared our new home. Late evening, the darkness didn't deter me as I stepped into

our new county, disbelief that this new life was beginning...

Meeting new faces and going to all these different places; the map had never been

used so much before! The butterflies in my stomach as I stepped into my impressive

new college; the awkward beginnings blossoming into the wonderful friendships. The

feeling of the sun on my skin and the breeze in my hair, the dogs splashing into the

Stour and the miles covered in this wheat-scented air. Taking photos and sketches,

exploring the county through my arts. The Skype calls to my best friends far away, the

sadness replaced with the thrill for when they come and stay. Lounging in the garden

with my two beloved cats and jumping high enough on the trampoline to spot the

quaint old windmill. Finding new favourite coffee shops in different towns, Bury truly is

the jewel in the crown. Staying up until dawn, the life of a Sixth Former, there are

always one or two deadlines around the corner! Looking down from the sky onto

pretty little Suffolk, though it is small it's truly packed full of treasures. Laughing with

friends and creating everlasting memories, the parties till late and the bright smiling

faces. Deafened by gigs, the tickets are building up, I adore living so close to my

favourite city, London. This is our home forever now, with many more hidden gems

still yet to be seen... gosh I do love you Suffolk you county full of green.

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Nature Note N


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Nature note: April showers

Well, April is certainly living up to its reputation today. I decided to take a long walk up

the Temple End Road to the old airfield and set off in bright sunshine. At exactly the

halfway point, the heavens opened and within minutes I was soaked to the skin. I ducked

for cover into a copse up there, but the rain continued to run over, down and eventually

through my clothes. So I decided just to relax into it and see how other refugees were

coping. The thrush family at any rate was coping brilliantly – in fact they seemed to relish

the downpour. A mistle thrush (the old country name of ‘storm cock’ is relevant here) was

belting out a loud skirling song from the top of a nearby ash. Its smaller cousin, the song

thrush, was living up to its name too and going through its tuneful repertoire of refrains:

did-he-do-it, did-he-do-it; too true, too true; wait-a-bit, wait-a-bit; doo, doo. The poet

Robert Browning caught this exactly:

That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, lest you should think he never could recapture the first fine careless rapture.

Come to think of it, those lines come in the famous poem that starts. ‘Oh to be in England,

now that April’s here’, so he got the timing right too. Most of the other birds and animals

in the wood were lying low, though. The trees weren’t giving any of us much cover and I

started thinking about that. The hawthorns in the hedges are nicely green already and

there is some good leaf on the birches, maples and hazels, but most of the taller trees here

are oak and ash. Both of these always leaf late, of course, and their sequence is supposed

to be a guide to the volume of rain to come:

If the oak before the ash then we’ll only have a splash.

If the ash before the oak then we’ll surely shall have a soak.

Today the soak seems to have come before either of them, but there’s the more sobering

thought too that we may soon need a new proverb. Ash trees are suffering from a terrible

blight called ‘ash die-back’, spread by a virulent fungus that could wipe out most of our

native ash trees. And if that isn’t bad enough, there is another nasty fungus causing ‘oak

wilt’. Can you imagine an English landscape without any of those two wonderful trees?

Don’t say it couldn’t happen. Think elm. After the onslaughts of Dutch Elm disease in

the late 1960s shall we ever again see a stand of tall English elms, their tops billowing

against the sky. Or take an earlier devastation. The river valleys of Suffolk were once

graced by huge, rugged black poplars – the paintings of John Constable are full of them.

We have just one, very ancient one, left in Thurlow. I admired it again as I squelched

back home. It stands grandly in the corner of the paddock and it’s leafing – for one more

spring at least.

Jeremy Mynott

Lavender Cottage

15 April 2016

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Ryan’s Recipe Firstly I'd like to say thank you for the support of the charity meal I hosted at the start of the month, it was great to see the locals from the Thurlows supporting the event which

raised over £2000 for CLAPA (cleft lip and palate association). This month I have decided to share my recipe of apple & rhubarb pie. Rhubarb is in season now and is something I am using daily at work so this is a great way of using fresh local

British rhubarb! 300 g plain flour

150 g unsalted butter (cut into cubes to soften) 1 egg ///////////

100 g caster sugar 1 bunch of rhubarb ( washed and sliced ) 5 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored and sliced

1 tbsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp grated nutmeg

First make the pastry. Place the flour and butter in a mixing bowl and rub with the fingertips till they have formed a breadcrumb resemblance or put in a food processor and mix on a low

setting to the same consistency. Add the egg and mix until it forms a ball then wrap in cling film and leave to set in the fridge for 30 minutes. Now preheat the oven to 1800C.

To make the tart case roll out two-thirds of the pastry to the thickness of a pound coin and using a rolling pin lift and settle the pastry in a well-greased & floured pie dish.

Layer the rhubarb & apple in the pastry base and sprinkle with the sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Cover with the remainder of the rolled out pastry to form the lid and cut off any excess. Pinch the edges to seal then brush with the egg wash and sprinkle a little sugar. Bake in the

preheated oven for approximately 40 minutes until the pastry is a golden brown colour. To serve I'd personally choose custard although cream is just as nice! Enjoy!

Charity Sky Dive Lewis is doing a sky dive for CLAPA on June 4. To donate, go to www.justgiving.com/lewis-ryan1

Read more: http://www.haverhillecho.co.uk/news/latest-news/chef-from-great-thurlow-plans-charity-dinner-at-wickhambrook-pub-1-7269646#ixzz43oJqxSV6

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Take-up of new West Suffolk Garden Waste Collection Service


The new, paid-for West Suffolk Garden Waste Collection Service has now replaced the previous brown bin service with take up in the Withersfield ward at 28.9%, very close to the 30% we are aiming for. As well as paying for the service, another big change is

to the materials we now collect. Green kitchen waste, shredded paper and cardboard, previously accepted in brown bins, are all excluded from the new scheme. Although food waste only accounted for about 6-7% of our previous collections,

including it meant the entire contents had to be treated at a more expensive facility. Switching to collecting garden waste only has significantly reduced the cost of treatment. More information about this can be found on our website at


Residents have a number of options: Sign up: go online to www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/gardenwaste or call 01284 776119. The service costs £40 for collections between April 2016 and March 2017; the sooner

you sign up the more collections you get for your money! Household waste recycling centres: accept garden waste without restriction and

free of charge. Haverhill opening times are here: www.greensuffolk.org/recycling/HWRC/haverhill-hwrc/

Home composting: heavily discounted composting equipment can be purchased from our partners at Get Composting. A leaflet from the Suffolk Waste Partnership is being distributed to all households across Suffolk, but if you can’t wait, look online at

www.suffolk.getcomposting.com. Support is available from our volunteer master composters to help you get set up and solve any problems– just ask! Nearer the time, we will be publicising compost training sessions being held at the end of May. Keep

your eyes open.

Share a bin with your neighbour. If you only have a small amount of garden waste, why not share the cost with a neighbour? Payment for the bin needs to be made by one person.

Any other questions, please contact [email protected] , 01284


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Thurlow Fayre Categories for the Produce Show

Once again, as part of the Thurlow Fayre, the Produce & Craft Show returns. The Produce & Craft Show is open to everyone visiting the fayre and we are particularly looking to encourage those of you who haven’t entered before!

Points are awarded for first, second and third place and the overall show winner will be presented with the ‘Archer Shield 2016’. So what’s stopping you from growing some vegetables, flowers, baking, knitting, being creative or taking a picture.... NOTHING so see you in September!


4 runner beans Longest runner bean 4 potatoes

4 onions 4 carrots

4 beetroots

Heaviest marrow

2 courgettes 4 tomatoes 4 peppers or chillies of mixed or same

colour 2 cucumbers Most exotic fruit or vegetable

Shoe box of fruit and vegetables, minimum of 3 varieties

Fruit: 6 raspberries 4 plums 4 apples

4 pears

Flowers: Bunch of tied herbs, minimum of 3 different

varieties 4 mixed roses Single rose for perfume

4 dahlias, mixed or same colour or variety Buttonhole of flowers Flowering pot plant

Foliage pot plant Vase of mixed flowers Miniature garden on paper plate - for

children 12 and under only

Home Produce: Jar of marmalade Jar of stoned fruit jam or jelly Jar of soft fruit jam or jelly Jar of chutney or pickle

Swiss roll 4 cupcakes 4 jam tarts

4 bread rolls 4 cheese scones - men only 4 eggs

Handicrafts: A knitted garment

A knitted toy Work of art, any medium Photograph taken of local area

Drawing of cartoon character - for children 12 and under only

Entries for all categories are for both adults and children except where stated.

Further details of how to enter and where to

bring your produce will be given in future editions of The Village Link.

Any questions please email:

[email protected]



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The Outspoken Theatre Returns to Thurlow



Great Thurlow Hall Gardens 7 pm

29th July 2016

Further details in next month’s Village Link

Great Thurlow Hall Spring Open Gardens

Great Thurlow Hall gardens opened on Sunday 3rd April in conjunction with

the NGS for visitors to enjoy the daffodils and flowering shrubs. The weather was wonderful with a lovely sunny afternoon, one of the warmest so far. The gardens looked wonderful with new areas planted with bulbs this year as part

of an ongoing program to expand the display. The afternoon was very successful with a record number of over 300 visitors.

Ticket sales were donated to the NGS. The money from the tea and cakes, over £500 was donated to All Saints church, Great Thurlow.

A very heartfelt thank you to all those who helped on the afternoon. We look forward to welcoming you all on June 5th for the summer opening!


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Calling All Young Writers and Reporters!! We are still looking for young writers to send us articles for the Village Link. They

don’t have to be very long and can be about anything you like - something you enjoy,

a great day out on the holidays, something you feel strongly about or a story or poem.

Send any contributions via the Village Link email:

TheVillageLink @TheThurlows.org.uk

Please see the poster below advertising the upcoming cycling event being held in aid of The Fire Fighters Charity, which supports injured fire service personnel and their families. Last year the ride had around 160 participants in the event and raised around £4000 for The Fire Fighters Charity.

To find out more about our Charity, visit the website: www.firefighterscharity.org.uk.

Laura Harden MinstFR (Cert)

Regional Fundraising Officer The Fire Fighters Charity

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ly C


h S


ice R


May - June 2016 Church Services

Date Day Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event


May Sun

09:30 HC

Little Bradley

09:30 SOTW


11:00 HC

Great Thurlow


May Sun

09:30 HC


09:30 SOTW


11:00 HC

Great Bradley

15th May


10:00 HC

Benefice Little Wratting

22nd May


10:00 HC

Benefice Kedington


Bishop Martin

18:00 ES Kedington


May Sun

10:00 HC

Benefice Little Thurlow

18:00 ES



June Sun

09:30 HC


11:00 HC

Great Bradley

12th June

Sun 09:30 HC

Barnardiston 09:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Great Thurlow

The Benefice service rota is also provided online at http://


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What’s On! D


s For




Month Date Day Time Event Location Information

May 13th Fri 18:30 Gardening


May 17th Tue 19:30 Annual Parish

Council Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall

Molly Hawkins

May 17th Tue 20:15 Annual

Meeting of the Parish

Thurlow Village Hall

Molly Hawkins

May 25th Wed 19:30 Great Wratting Annual Village


The Parish

Room, St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting

May 25th Wed 11:45

to 12:10

Mobile library 109 Bury Road Great Thurlow

01473 263838

May 25th Wed 12.45



Mobile library Thurlow

Sports Club

Little Thurlow

01473 263838

May 25th Wed 14:00

to 14:20

Mobile library Coronation

Cottages GW 01473 263838

May 28th Sat 10:00

to 13:00

Farmers’ Market

Thurlow Village Hall

June 4th Sat Great

Wratting Village Fete

June 5th Sun 14:00

to 17:00

Great Thurlow Hall Summer Garden Open


Great Thurlow Hall

Alison Coffey 01440 783478

June 12th Sun tdb


birthday celebrations


Great Thurlow Hall

Alison Coffey 01440 783478

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s Our Rector Writes


Change, it seems, is here to stay. It was reported in the news recently that the Académie française is proposing new spellings for over two thousand French words. The circumflex, that little inverted ‘v’ accent (ˆ), which sits above certain

vowels, may be dropped, it is suggested. The Académie tried to stop the Anglicization of the French language, objecting to the use in French of words borrowed from English, but has worked to modernise French orthography.

I trained as a linguist, and studied French and German to university level, together with politics. My French tutor was a gentleman by the name of Freddy English. I

recall that on one occasion his tutor group was revisiting a piece of French to English translation work, and he asked me how I had translated one particular sentence. “Do you want to know what I put,” I asked, “or what I think I ought to

have put?” Was there a difference, he wondered. I pointed out that in rendering the French into English I had (to my shame and embarrassment) put a preposition at the end of the sentence. I concluded that when I did the translation I must

have been distracted, or maybe tired. Prepositions should not be placed at the end of the sentence in English, I recalled. There followed a debate within the

group between those who felt, like me, that rules were rules, and those who were prepared to see the rules change. I said that in my mind it was always “different from” and not “different to”, and certainly not “different than”, because that is

what I had learned at school. Mr. English was of the opinion that language is in a constant state of flux, meaning that what had been correct usage until recently, may now have become archaic, and may, in time, even become incorrect. By the

same token what seems to us to be incorrect may soon become the accepted norm!

Since I left university in the early eighties, there has been an orthography reform in the German language, and now the French language is undergoing a similar reform. I don’t use my languages now as there isn’t a lot of call for French and

German in the rural parishes of west Suffolk, but had I been using French and German day by day and week by week I would have to take these reforms on board. What worries me, I think, as a student of language, is that there will now

be confusion, as the French Education Minister has said that both old and new spellings will be correct.

A few weeks ago I commented on Facebook about the use of the instruction we

seem to hear often on the TV to “listen up”. Surely the word ‘up’ is superfluous.

A colleague queried the use of the words “for free”, when the word free itself

means ‘free of charge or payment’. Someone else commented about shop

assistants who add “then” to the price: “That will be £1.99 then.”

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s “May I help you?”, or “Are you being served?” have apparently now been replaced

by “Are you alright there?” Other common phrases which were mentioned were

“There you go”, and “Can I help you mate?” Some people say “See you later”,

when they probably won’t, and the newscasters on the TV often say “See you

tomorrow”. They won’t see me! Someone else said he’d never understood why

at mealtimes he was told repeatedly to “sit down”, and then immediately told to

“sit up”!

Have you noticed how the comperes on TV shows nowadays, when they want the

audience to applaud, instead of asking for a round of applause, now ask their audience to “Give it up”? I thought giving things up was something to do with Lenten discipline or ceasing to do something, like giving up smoking. So when I

hear the request to “Give it up”, I wonder what exactly I’m supposed to stop oing! Another phrase we often seem to hear is “Please put your hands together”.

To me, of course, the phrase “put your hands together” is one I associate with an attitude of prayer. As children we are taught to put our hands together and close our eyes, to stop us fidgeting and being distracted. So when someone says

“Please put your hands together”, I wonder what it is exactly that they want me to pray for!

Prayer is an important part of all major world religions, whether the personal

prayers of individuals, said privately, or the public prayers of the gathered faith

communities. If you have a particular concern and would like us to put our hands

together for you please do get in touch. We have a prayer list which contains the

names of people who are happy to be prayed for in public during our regular

services. In addition we keep another list of people who value being included in

the private prayers of the Ministry Team but don’t wish to be mentioned aloud in


Derek Hollis

Prayer needs and home Communions

If you are in need of prayer, or are aware of someone who needs to be included in prayer, please contact the Rector.

There is no need to go into detail and no-one will be mentioned by name in intercessions unless they give their permission but you can be assured that you or the person you bring forward will

be prayed for. The same applies if you, or someone you know, hasn’t been able to come to Communion because of illness and would like to receive. In these cases you can still be included by the Rector or a member of the ministry team bringing Communion to you in your home.

For all pastoral matters please contact Rev. Derek Hollis on 01440 763066.

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soil conditioner

multipurpose potting compost

topsoil mixes


lawn dressings

lawn seeds

freshly cut turf

available in bulk bags or loose

Come and see us at Sturmer Nurseries

Memorial for Private Fred Coote

July 1st 2016 is the centenary of the battle of the Somme in which Great Britain

suffered 54,000 casualties on the first day, of which 20,000 were killed. One of the fatalities was Private FRED COOTE of Little Thurlow Green. He was a member of the 11th Suffolk Regiment.

At 11 am on the 1st July we will have a short commemoration in St Peters’ church by the war memorial during which a tribute to Fred will be read, followed by the

Exhortation and the Last Post, which will be sounded by Rod Gibson. This will be followed by a memorial bell ring being undertaken by bell ringers from Haverhill and Stoke by Clare. It would be most fitting if the village could partake in this memorable

occasion for someone who gave his life for our country. Thank you

Bryan A Mills Chairman Haverhill and Thurlow Royal British Legion

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Artisan Blacksmith offering a bespoke service

*Gates, railings, balconies and balustrades made to your budget designed to suit your

home *Garden sculpture and trellis

*Small works for gifts, fire grates, coal pokers, ornate candle holders

*Curtain rails to fit awkward cottages and little windows, in any finish and style

*Beautiful handrails and ramps for disabled access that blend in with your home

Industrial customers:

*Health and safety guards, platform and access for industry

*Welding and repairs for farming community

*If you need a highly skilled welder, even for the day

We are used to working with architects and other designers. We are fully insured and

have all current PASMA, IPAF, MPQC Quarry passport and CSCS certificates.

Contact: mobile: 07827966976; email: [email protected]

See our facebook page, www.artisteel.co.uk.

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Making women feel better about themselves

I help busy women get themselves off the back burner and into the driving seat of their lives.

I am known for making a huge impact on women’s lives leaving them feeling men-

tally uplifted and physically invigorated.

I’ve helped housewives to airline pilots. Email me to see my testimonials:

[email protected]

Or call me for an initial chat: 01440 783342 or 07791 837114

Fully equipped, qualified & insured Personal Trainer, NLP coach & Sports Massage Therapist

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DIY Home Maintenance

Are you looking for help with any

DIY/ Home Maintenance?

Contact Andy an experienced tradesman who has

recently moved into Thurlow.

Andy has years of experience and

prides himself on doing an excellent

job everytime. His portfolio includes

painting and decorating, DIY, general

repairs and differing types of

restoration projects.

References available on request. Please call Andrew Clay on

01440 783192

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INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS. This is a brief guide, intended especially for newcomers to the villages, with information about the facilities and services available locally and some useful telephone numbers and addresses.

Services and Societies in Thurlow Telephone Thurlow Garage – Ray Sharrod 01440 783248

The Cock Inn 01440 783224

Parish Clerk – Little Thurlow – Molly Hawkins 01440 783259

Parish Clerk – Great Thurlow – Diana Allin 01440 783560

Thurlow CEVC School – Head Teacher 01440 783281

Tiddly Tots – Zoe Hunt Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon during term time

078911 46931

Thurlow Fayre – Alison Coffey 01440 783478

Thurlow Gardening Club – Dawn Abbey 01440 783646

Thurlow Sports Club Secretary – Allan Loveday 01440 707416

Thurlow Village Hall Committee – Ros Bunting 01440 783528

Thurlow Village Hall Bookings – Diana Allin Email: [email protected]

01440 783560

Thurlow Womens Institute – President Dawn Abbey 01440 783646

Thurlow Tennis Club—Andy Quick 01440 783070

Services and Societies in Great Wratting Telephone Neighbourhood Watch — Clare Egloff 07780724798

Red Lion, Great Wratting – George and Linda Sykes 01440 783237

The Great Wratting Book Group – Jean Newlands 01440 783111

Great Wratting Email Tree — Dawn Fisk— [email protected] 01440 783993

The mobile library service stops at Coronation Cottages from 2.00 to 2.20 pm every 4 weeks, on Wednesday afternoons

01440 702638

Emergency Telephone

Police Response – any officer, non emergency 101

Police Response – Emergency 999

Suffolk Fire Service 01284 558888

UK Network (Electricity) 24 hour Emergency helpline 0800 7838838

Anglian Water 24 hour Emergency Helpline (water/sewage) 08457 145145

British Telecom 24 hour fault reporting 0800 800151

Floodline 24 hour with recorded update 0845 9881188

In case of disaster or village is cut off, go to Thurlow Village Hall. Key Holder is Diana Allin – 89a Hill House, Great Thurlow

01440 783560

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Community Contacts Telephone Churches – Stourhead Benefice – Rev. Derek Hollis 01440 763066

Haverhill Social Services 01440 764949

Haverhill Citizens Advice Bureau 01440 704012

St Edmundsbury Borough Council Planning 01284 763233

St Edmundsbury Borough Council 01284 763233

St Edmundsbury Borough Council (Haverhill office) 01440 702271

County Councillor – Mary Evans 01284 789478

Suffolk County Council General Enquiries 08456 066067

District Councillor - Jane Midwood 01440 820360

Age UK - Mary Hilton 01440 783649

Thurlow Estate – Tim Barling, Agent Thurlow Estate – Tom Duffin, Assistant to Agent

01440 783661

Libraries – Haverhill Libraries – Bury St Edmunds A mobile library visits the villages every 4 weeks on a Wednesday stopping at Sowley Green, 150 Bury Road from 11:30-11:40 am; Great Thurlow, 109 Bury Road from 11:45-12:10 pm; Little Thurlow, Thurlow Sports Club from 12:45-13:05 pm and Great Wratting, Coronation cottages from 14:00 –14:20 pm.

01440 702638 01284 352545 01473 263838

Suffolk Radio – BBC FM 103.9 or 104.6 01473 250000

Refuse Collection Bin collection is every Friday morning alternating black bins one week and brown and blue bins the next.

01284 757320

Environmental Health and Pest Control 01284 757084

Health and Wellbeing Telephone Doctors – The Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice Doctors – Selby Practice Doctors – Haverhill Family Practice

01440 269366 01440 702010 01440 702010 01440 703667

Chemist – Boots, Haverhill Chemist – Sainsburys Pharmacy Chemist – The Co—operative Pharmacy

01440 702058 01440 708043 01440 702079

Hospital – West Suffolk (Bury St Edmunds) Hospital – West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Hospital – Addenbrookes (Cambridge)

01284 713000 01284 713333 01223 245151

Vets – Swayne and Partners (Haverhill) Vets – Lida Vets (Newmarket) Vets – Hawkedon Veterinary Surgery

01440 702007 01638 560000 01284 789428

Church Wardens Telephone St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Simon Corbett 01440 783698

St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Ben Stanton 01440 783103

St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Robin Vestey T.B.A.

St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Iris Eley 01440 783534

All Saints Church, Great Thurlow—George Vestey 01440 783240

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Great Wratting Parish Council Contacts Telephone

Chair – Gavin Acheson 01440 783515

Councillor – Anthony Lundrigan 01440 783817

Councillor – Dawn Fisk 01440 783993

Councillor – Steven Robinson 01440 783131

Councillor—Diana Curtis 01440 783898

Councillor - Keith Turner 01440 783460


Parish Clerk – Emma White—[email protected] 07792455030

If you would like information about joining Great Wratting Parish Council, please contact the Parish Clerk. www.parish-council.com/greatwrattingparishcouncil

Little Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Keith Bunting – Chairman 01440 783528

Chris Field –Vice Chairman 01440 783697

Will Griffiths 01440 783496

Chris Lowe 01440 783891

Andrew Dickson 01440 783385

Jessica Hale 01440 783190

Geoff Patient 01440 783693

Molly Hawkins—Parish Clerk 01440 783259

Great Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Peter Thomas—Chairman 01440 783700

Conrad Hawkins —Vice Chairman 01440 783259

George Vestey 01440 783240

Stan Cook 01440 783532

Rod Pass 01440 783610

Naomi Watts To follow

Jane Sheppard 01440 783209

Diana Allin—Parish Clerk 01440 783560

Parish Council Notice Board

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Anyone for Tennis?

Come and play tennis at Thurlow Tennis Club

Membership is now available for the 2016 season at https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/thurlowtennisclub/join

Family (including guests) £59.50

Adult £28.50

Junior £18.50

For further info contact: [email protected]

Parish council chairperson

Peter Thomas lighting the

Thurlow beacon as part of

the Queen’s 90th birthday
