THE VAULT IS PRAYER CD TESTIMONY 4 8 - Constant …files.constantcontact.com/8c0301a1501/2e618306-5039-41a2-b60c-941... · Prophet Carn’s first book is now available! The power

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PRAYER CDProphet Carn’s first book is now available!

The power of prayer is amazing! Have your heard Prophet Carn’s “Morning Glory” cd?

A Powerful letter written after watching “Holiness is Still Right” 84

with Dr. Aretha Wilson and Benny Hinn in New York










More grace everyone; that is our salutation that we make to each other to let everyone know we’re a part of the remnant and that the grace of God is our portion. More grace to you!

I’m grateful to God that you have partnered with me and that you love me and support the ministry. I don’t take it for granted, and I always want you to know that. The Lord said to us that March is a month of repositioning, but also making important strategic moves. A major business deal will be announced and it will be linked to the media; its contract is a curious conversation. Well that’s what the Lord said for America that it’s a month of repositioning; so I declare to you, reposition yourself in this season and make strategic moves. Every move you make it has to count. Don’t just do something to do it just because it’s just something to do, but the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Let the Lord lead you, and let Him direct you. Let Him show you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. All of the other things belong to Him; the “why” belongs to Him. But I’m decreeing that this will be a season not of “how to”, but of “who to”. Reposition yourself to be prepared for the miracle that God is about to do in your life.

As I always tell you, I’m excited about your future! And again, more grace.

Brian CarnProphet Brian Carn



Let the Lord lead you, and let Him direct you. Let Him show you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.


The Lord has given Prophet Brian Carn a wonderful and enlightening topic to teach to the people of God during the beginning of the year entitled, “None Suffers Lack”. These teachings are a training tool to change our mindset towards money and being a kingdom giver, showing us the power of Biblical infrastructure. We don’t just need money to survive, but we need a system in place to make sure that we’ll never suffer lack in any area in our lives. Let’s declare this together before we go more into this topic: “I’ll never be broke another day in my life! I’m going to have more money than I ever have in my life, and I’m going to bless more people than I ever have in my life!” We declare over your house that none will suffer lack!

“None Suffers Lack” Series - Acts 4The Book of Acts shows us how the church should act spiritually, administratively, and financially. In order for you to be effective, you must first be born of the Spirit and filled with the Spirit! Not only that, but you must be led by the Spirit and submit yourself to His leading. The purpose of the Holy Ghost is to give you power in Jesus. You can’t evangelize without power, but you must embody a “Holy Boldness” and walk boldly in the Spirit and in the Word of God.

The way the church handles business is different from the world. We handle it the “Kingdom” way, through the power of Biblical infrastructure. We all know that the world gets rich off of those who lack. The Kingdom of God’s infrastructure goes to, and is built by, those who don’t have much. Why? Because God turns it! God takes our little, and makes it much because He knows our intent. Acts shows us the Biblical system and proper use of money, basically saying “you don’t get yours, until you take care of His first!” God says, Give and I’ll give it back to you! How? Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! (Luke 6:38). We shouldn’t have to go to the world for anything! God knows what you have need of, and He wants to bless you; you must believe that He will.

Here’s how we will be able to get to a place where none suffers lack:

1. Must have organization in the House of God: It causes His will to be in perfect order.2. Must learn the principle of sowing and reaping: It’s God’s plan to provide for your life.3. Must have stewardship: Be faithful of the little before He gives you much!4. Must have an understanding of authority: It’s God’s plan to protect your life through your shepherd.5. Must have an understanding of unconditional love: Loving those you feel don’t deserve it.6. Must operate in obedience: It’s God’s plan to reward your life!

When you begin to embody the characteristics from Acts, you won’t suffer lack! (Acts 4:32). Don’t just take the power of Acts, but it’s time for you to declare the “no lack” part too! God wants us to get to a place where None Suffers Lack. Be led by the Spirit; submit yourself to His leading and believe that He’s more than able to bless you. #NSLseries



February: A month of backlash; protest and reaction; bold political moves; America will mark her enemies.

March: A month of repositioning and making important moves; the media will make major moves.

April: A month of release; hope is found; there will be an older face that will expire from the scene (an athlete from another era); there will be a major announcement made for the political season and history will be made.

May: A month of negotiation and slippery slopes; we will see in the news North Korea’s leader admires President Donald Trump, but will he admit this?

June: A month of shock and awe; unusual things in the headlines and questions it’s motive; people will begin to lose interest in authority.

July: A month of compromise; humility is found; and relevance to America’s past time memory is found.

August: A month of rebirth; a new contract is made and is beneficial.

September: A month of celebration; we will see the Queen of England in the news, her time is short and she is fading away from the palace; see a king coming into power.

October: A fighting month; a wicked month; a month of aggression; begin to intercede for the major wickedness that will occur.

November: A month to dictate soldiers as commands pray for America’s military. December: A fair well to a certain famous leader.

In 2017 a famous evangelist will die; continue to pray for preachers and men of God.

Other Prophecies Given on January 30, 2017 by Prophet Brian Carn:

• Protest will become the norm.• Prior leaders will speak against our leadership and will be in demand for his [President Donald Trump] departure.• Pray for Chile; I see an earthquake happening that will be over a 7.0 magnitude.• Major news story in New York City; it’s as if it’s having a “heart attack”, can’t move, and are stunned. November returns again.• There will be an embassy controversy in the news that is linked to President Donald Trump’s plans; problematic issues will come if this embassy is created.• There will be a news story around a woman who is a newscaster who will be passing (this woman compares to the tutelage of Dianne Sawyer -- the woman is not Dianne Sawyer.)• A train collision at the dawn of a new day; continue to pray for travel.• Will see on the news an actor that has been arrested, but he’ll say he was “framed”.• A prior United States President will return to the hospital again. Keep him in your prayers.


The Word of the Lord for 2017 given by Prophet Brian Carn on January 30, 2017:



Thank you for renewing your partnership with BCM! All that we do is because of the prayer and support of our partners. We are committed to excellence and will work diligently to provide you with spiritual enrichment and support that will undoubtedly change your life!

We encourage you to share with your family and friends how important it is to have a spiritual covering over your life and how blessed you have been through your Covenant Partnership with Brian Carn Ministries. Invite them to become a Covenant Partner as well, and see how God will bless their lives in miraculous ways just as He has done in yours!

We want everyone to be a part of what God is doing in the ministry! Your monthly gift will be a blessing to the kingdom and will bring about awesome, miraculous blessings into your life. By Partnering with BCM you’ll receive:

• Monthly Gifts from BCM • Quarterly Partner Newsletters• A Partner Packet• Preferred Seating at BCM Events • Quarterly Partner Calls• and More!

Don’t delay! Encourage someone to become a Brian Carn Ministries Covenant Partner today! For more information and to become a Partner, visit www.BrianCarn.com or call 1-844-300-PROPHET




Being Hidden in CHRIST

Question: Prophet, you’ve expressed to us on many occasions that God wants you to be “hidden” during this season of your life. Explain more to us how God has led you in this direction.

The Lord has been sharing with me so much in my arsenal of prayer; I’ve been in a “cave”. He’s been dealing with me and I’ve been seeking Him; and the Lord told me that in the year 2016 I had been “carnal”. I didn’t understand that, but the Lord said it to me very clearly, “Son, you became carnal last year.” I said, “Lord, I really don’t understand how, but if You are expressing that to me, then this is something that I need to correct.” So I’ve been staying before the face of the Lord and I’ve been calling on Him daily. I’ve been in much intercession and prayer and fasting. And I believe that this is an hour where the Lord is calling the church to be different; we must be different. Leviticus 10:10 says, “That ye may put difference between holy an d unholy, and between unclean and clean”. God wants a difference within the body of Christ.

Question: Why do you think God is taking you through this journey of being “hidden” in Him?

Of course I went through some things in 2016, you all know about it, but God told me to make sure and be very careful of the seeds I have sown. Whether its the way we talk to people or handle people or walk away from people or interact

with people; everything you do is a seed you are sowing. I’ve decided that I don’t care what someone does to me or how they talk to me, I’m going to sow the right seed because if I sow the right seed, I don’t expect a bad harvest. “…for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

Question: Tell us about some things the Lord has instructed you to do during this time of consecration & restoration.

The Lord said to me, towards the end of the year [2016], to come off television. I didn’t really understand why, but I said “Yes Lord.” God gave me great favor on several television networks, but I decided to come off because I wanted to be in the will of God. Then the Lord told me that He didn’t want me to record video clips or stream anything of me ministering on social media (Periscope, Facebook LIVE, Instagram, etc). Then I said, “Well Lord, come on…they’re going to think I’m under a rock somewhere…”. But He said, “Come OFF!” and I said, “Yes Lord.” So because of my obedience, I’ve been seeing the Lord manifest Himself, and whatever we are putting our hands to do, God is causing it to prosper in a powerful way.

God is calling us to a greater level in Him, to experience a divine encounter with Him that nobody can take from you. We want a REAL encounter with God where we’re getting to a place where we want the Holy Ghost to increase our seek! The level we’ve been seeking Him on hasn’t been enough. Prayer time is not a burden, but it’s a pleasure to have a moment with God. Get to know Him more; spend time with Him; love on Him; and seek Him with all of your heart.


Special interview with Prophet Brian Carn on his journey of being hidden in Christ.


“I’ve been in a “cave”.

He’s been dealing with me and I’ve

been seeking Him...”

Get ready for CONNECT! BCM’s first Covenant Partners Gathering on April 7-8, 2017. It will be held at a NEW venue: Changing A Genera-tion Full Gospel Baptist Church, 3350 Greenbriar Pkwy SW, Atlanta, Georgia! We are starting something new for 2017 and we’re excited about the shift God has begun in BCM. The purpose of these new Covenant Partner Gatherings is to bring all of the partners together, those who are in the area and surrounding areas, to experience a closer encounter with God. If you’ve ever experienced BCM’s Prophetic Encounters, then you’ll want to attend our Covenant Partner Gatherings because God is taking us to another level in Him!

During these partner gatherings you’ll also have a chance to worship & fellowship with Prophet Carn and other Covenant Partners; hear powerful messages and prophetic words from the Lord; and be covered in prayer by Prophet Carn. If you are a pastor or ministry leader, you’ll have the opportunity to come under a Prophetic Covering & Fellowship with Prophet Carn during a special morning session.

This first Covenant Partner Gathering is going to be phenomenal and will prepare you for the greatest season of your life! Prophet Carn will be prophesying to everyone present. He wants to pray over you, see where you’ve stopped growing spiritually, and speak a word over your life that will catapult you to where you’re supposed to be in God. If you feel as if nothing is going right in your life or ministry and you desire more from God, we invite you to CONNECT. God wants to do the miraculous in your life; join us on April 7-8, 2017 at Changing A Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church, 3350 Greenbriar Pkwy SW, Atlanta, Georgia!

If you have not registered for this event, please RSVP online at www.BrianCarn.com or call 1-844-300-PROPHET. We want YOU to be a part of this awesome encounter; connect with us today!