The Utilization of Ipomea batatas in the treatment of Antibiotic Resistant bacteria Author: Julianna Determan Faculty Mentor: Dr. Victoria Rhodes Department: Biology Competition Category: Physical and Biological Sciences Synthesizing AgNP AgNPs were synthesized using three tissue types from the sweet potato: leaves, peel, and potato. In order to synthesize the AgNPs, the tissues were first dehydrated, crushed into a thin powder, and used to make plant extracts in two concentrations: 6 mg of powder with 90 mL of methanol (low concentration) and 60 mg of powdered tissue with 9 mL of methanol (high concentration). These plant extracts were covered in aluminum foil and allowed to incubate in the dark for 24-hours. After the various extracts were synthesized, three and five mL of extract were added to 15 and 25 mL of low molarity (10 -3 M) AgNO 3 and incubated in the dark for 24-hours (Meva et. al., 2016). The concentrations of the AgNP were determined using a spectrophotometer – the solution with the darkest, most opaque coloring will also indicate higher AgNP production. Treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa A Kirby-Bauer test was used to determine whether the AgNP were effective in treating the bacteria (Figure 1). To perform this, filter paper discs were placed in the AgNP solution and aseptically placed on lawns of bacteria on TSA plates. These plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The zones of inhibition were measured (mm) and compared to standard zones determined by Singh et. al. (2014). Statistical analysis was completed using Rstudio. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacteria that is commonly found in burn wounds and has proven to be very difficult to treat due to its various virulence factors, such as its ability to grow in 10% bleach (Vestergaard et. al., 2016). In addition to its already natural antibiotic resistance, the overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics typically leaves patients vulnerable to infections (Murray, Rosenthal, and Pfaller, 2015). Previous research has indicated Ipomea batatas, or the sweet potato, tissues are effective at synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNP), which have been shown to leave various bacteria strains susceptible (Singh et. al., 2014; Das et. al., 2019). Utilizing synthesized AgNPs from each tissue at high and low concentrations and filter paper discs, a Kirby-Bauer method was run with P. aeruginosa to determine susceptibility. Previous research indicated the leaves would be effective treatment options. Introduction Materials and Methods Results An ANOVA was run with the results of the Kirby-Bauer test to determine if there was a significant difference between the high and low concentration tissues and the AgNO 3 control; a Tukey’s post hoc analysis was run to determine (Table 1). Those results that were significantly greater than the control high concentration tissues and low concentrations of potato and leaves – were tested with a Wilcoxon t-test with the pre-determined 13.0±1.0 mm to determine if the results effective at treating the bacteria. The Wilcoxon test demonstrated no significant difference between the data and the pre- determined value. Table 1: Tukey’s post-hoc analysis results. Significant values (highlighted) were then tested in a Wilcoxon analysis against a pre-determined value of 1.3±0.1cm. Figure 1: Kirby Bauer Test Results. The zone of inhibition is visibly different in several of the treatments compared to the controls. The ANOVA supports these differences as well as the Tukey's post-hoc analysis. Conclusions Meva, F. E., Segnou, M. L., Ebongue, C. O., Ntoumba, A. A., Steve, D. Y., Malolo, F. A. E., . . . Mpondo, E. M. (2016). Unexplored vegetal green synthesis of silver nanoparticles: A preliminary study with Corchorus olitorus Linn and Ipomea batatas (L.) lam. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15(10), 341-349. More people in the United States dying from antibiotic-resistant infections than previously estimated. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2019/p1113-antibiotic-resistant.html. Murray, Rosenthal, and Pfaller. 2015. Medical Microbiology. 8th edition. Elsevier. New York City, NY. Singh, K., Panghal, M., Kadyan, S., Chaudhary, U., & Yadav,J. P. (2014). Green silver nanoparticles of Phyllanthus amarus: As an antibacterial agent against multi drug resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 12(1), 40. The CDC estimates more than 2.8 million people are infected by antibiotic-resistant pathogens with a recorded 35,000 deaths in the USA each year (More, 2019). With the continued use and overuse of antibiotics, development of new antibiotics or new treatment option is vital. This work provided evidence that AgNPs are a potential therapeutic for P. aeruginosa, as a significant inhibition of bacterial growth was observed. The results of this research could potentially be helpful in a novel treatment of P. aeruginosa. The utilization of sweet potatoes to synthesize AgNPs may provide a cheap, effective, and fast treatment plan for antibiotic-resistant that can help slow the effects of resistance to necessary antibiotics (Meva et. al., 2016). Limitations to this experiment included access to various strains of Pseudomonas. Different strains will possess different virulence factors, especially a lab strain of bacteria against a clinically isolated of bacteria. Another limitation was the use of only one sweet potato cultivar. Different cultivars will have different concentrations of properties. Future extensions of this research would involve using multiple strains of P. aeruginosa as well as multiple cultivars with more replications to better understand what the data is telling us. Thank you to Dr. Rhodes, the Honors program, and Dr. Penning for all your help in designing and analyzing this project. I would also like to thank the MSSU Student research grant for providing funding for this project. References Acknowledgments

The Utilization of Ipomea batatas in the treatment of

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Page 1: The Utilization of Ipomea batatas in the treatment of

The Utilization of Ipomea batatas in the treatment of Antibiotic Resistant bacteria

Author: Julianna DetermanFaculty Mentor: Dr. Victoria RhodesDepartment: BiologyCompetition Category: Physical and Biological Sciences

Synthesizing AgNP

AgNPs were synthesized using three tissue types from the sweet potato: leaves,peel, and potato. In order to synthesize the AgNPs, the tissues were firstdehydrated, crushed into a thin powder, and used to make plant extracts in twoconcentrations: 6 mg of powder with 90 mL of methanol (low concentration)and 60 mg of powdered tissue with 9 mL of methanol (high concentration).These plant extracts were covered in aluminum foil and allowed to incubate inthe dark for 24-hours.

After the various extracts were synthesized, three and five mL of extract wereadded to 15 and 25 mL of low molarity (10-3M) AgNO3 and incubated in the darkfor 24-hours (Meva et. al., 2016). The concentrations of the AgNP weredetermined using a spectrophotometer – the solution with the darkest, mostopaque coloring will also indicate higher AgNP production.

Treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa

A Kirby-Bauer test was used to determine whether the AgNP were effective intreating the bacteria (Figure 1). To perform this, filter paper discs were placed inthe AgNP solution and aseptically placed on lawns of bacteria on TSA plates.These plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. The zones of inhibition weremeasured (mm) and compared to standard zones determined by Singh et. al.(2014). Statistical analysis was completed using Rstudio.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacteria that is commonly found inburn wounds and has proven to be very difficult to treat due to its variousvirulence factors, such as its ability to grow in 10% bleach (Vestergaard et. al.,2016). In addition to its already natural antibiotic resistance, the overuse ofbroad-spectrum antibiotics typically leaves patients vulnerable to infections(Murray, Rosenthal, and Pfaller, 2015).

Previous research has indicated Ipomea batatas, or the sweet potato, tissues areeffective at synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNP), which have been shown toleave various bacteria strains susceptible (Singh et. al., 2014; Das et. al., 2019).

Utilizing synthesized AgNPs from each tissue at high and low concentrations andfilter paper discs, a Kirby-Bauer method was run with P. aeruginosa to determinesusceptibility. Previous research indicated the leaves would be effectivetreatment options.


Materials and Methods


An ANOVA was run with the results of the Kirby-Bauertest to determine if there was a significant differencebetween the high and low concentration tissues andthe AgNO3 control; a Tukey’s post hoc analysis was runto determine (Table 1).

Those results that were significantly greater than thecontrol – high concentration tissues and lowconcentrations of potato and leaves – were tested witha Wilcoxon t-test with the pre-determined 13.0±1.0mm to determine if the results effective at treating thebacteria. The Wilcoxon test demonstrated nosignificant difference between the data and the pre-determined value.

Table 1: Tukey’s post-hoc analysis results. Significant values (highlighted)

were then tested in a Wilcoxon analysis against a pre-determined value of


Figure 1: Kirby Bauer Test Results. The zone of inhibition is

visibly different in several of the treatments compared to the

controls. The ANOVA supports these differences as well as

the Tukey's post-hoc analysis.


Meva, F. E., Segnou, M. L., Ebongue, C. O., Ntoumba, A. A., Steve, D. Y., Malolo, F. A. E., . . .

Mpondo, E. M. (2016). Unexplored vegetal green synthesis of silver nanoparticles: A preliminary

study with Corchorus olitorus Linn and Ipomea batatas (L.) lam. African Journal of

Biotechnology, 15(10), 341-349.

More people in the United States dying from antibiotic-resistant infections than previously estimated.

(2019). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2019/p1113-antibiotic-resistant.html.

Murray, Rosenthal, and Pfaller. 2015. Medical Microbiology. 8th edition. Elsevier. New York City, NY.

Singh, K., Panghal, M., Kadyan, S., Chaudhary, U., & Yadav, J. P. (2014). Green silver nanoparticles ofPhyllanthus amarus: As an antibacterial agent against multi drug resistant clinical isolates ofPseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 12(1), 40.

The CDC estimates more than 2.8 million people areinfected by antibiotic-resistant pathogens with a recorded35,000 deaths in the USA each year (More, 2019). Withthe continued use and overuse of antibiotics,development of new antibiotics or new treatment optionis vital. This work provided evidence that AgNPs are apotential therapeutic for P. aeruginosa, as a significantinhibition of bacterial growth was observed.

The results of this research could potentially be helpful ina novel treatment of P. aeruginosa. The utilization ofsweet potatoes to synthesize AgNPs may provide a cheap,effective, and fast treatment plan for antibiotic-resistantthat can help slow the effects of resistance to necessaryantibiotics (Meva et. al., 2016).

Limitations to this experiment included access to variousstrains of Pseudomonas. Different strains will possessdifferent virulence factors, especially a lab strain ofbacteria against a clinically isolated of bacteria. Anotherlimitation was the use of only one sweet potato cultivar.Different cultivars will have different concentrations ofproperties. Future extensions of this research wouldinvolve using multiple strains of P. aeruginosa as well asmultiple cultivars with more replications to betterunderstand what the data is telling us.

Thank you to Dr. Rhodes, the Honors program, and Dr.Penning for all your help in designing and analyzing thisproject. I would also like to thank the MSSU Studentresearch grant for providing funding for this project.

