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THE USE OF TALK-SHOW VIDEO AS A REFLECTIVE ...The Use of Talk-Show Video as A Reflective Practice to Improve Students’ Vocabulary in English Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action Research

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(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Semester of English Education

Department of IKIP PGRI Pontianak 2013/2014)





Submitted to fulfill One of Requirements for the Completion of the

Graduate Degree in English Education






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IN ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Semester of English Education

Department of IKIP PGRI Pontianak 2013/2014)




This thesis has been examined by the Board of Thesis Examiners of English

Education Department of Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

On 15 January 2015

Board of Examiners: Signature

Chairman Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd ………………………

NIP. 195203071980031005

Secretary Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd ………………………

NIP. 196212311988031009

1st Examiner Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd ………………………

NIP. 196101241987021001


Examiner Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D ………………………

NIP. 196009181987022001

The Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret


Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M.Pd

NIP. 19600727198702 1001

The Head of English Education

Department of Graduate School of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd

NIP. 195203071980031005

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This is to certify that I myself write this thesis entitled “The Use of Talk-Show

Video as a Reflective Practice to Improve Students’ Vocabulary in English

Speaking Skill” (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Semester of English

Education Department of IKIP PGRI Pontianak 2013/2014). It is not plagiarism

or made by others. Anything related to others‟ works is written in quotation, in the

sources of which are listed on list bibliography. If the pronouncement proves

wrong, I am ready to accept any academic punishment, including the withdrawal

or cancellation of my academic degree.

Surakarta, January 2015

Elly Syahadati


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Elly Syahadati. S891208014. 2014. The Use of Talk-Show Video as A

Reflective Practice to Improve Students’ Vocabulary in English Speaking Skill

(A Classroom Action Research at the Second Semester of English Education

Department of IKIP PGRI Pontianak 2013/2014). Thesis. Prof. Dr. Joko

Nurkamto, M.Pd; Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Pd, Ph. D. English

Education Department Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University,


This thesis is written to 1) identity whether and to what extent talk show video

improves students‟ vocabulary in speaking skill and 2) describe classroom climate

when talk show video is applied in the speaking class. The method used in this

research was classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles

from Mei 30th

until July 10th

at the second semester of English Education

Department of IKIP PGRI Pontianak 2013/2014. The research data were

collected by using techniques of qualitative and quantitative data collection which

includes; observation, questionnaire, journal or diaries, document analysis and

test. The qualitative data were analyzed through constant comparative method and

the statistic data were analyzed through T-test by calculated the students‟ score

calculation, mean sore of pre-test and post-test. The research findings showed that

talk show video in teaching and learning English could improve the students‟

vocabulary in speaking skill and the classroom climate. The improvement of

students‟ vocabulary in speaking skill showed: (1) most of students pronounced

the English words correctly; (2) most of students knew the meaning of English

words, (3) most of students could use the words in sentence correctly according to

the text. The improvement of classroom climate category showed dealing with a

low of the students‟ speaking skill are: (1) the students were not noisy in the

teaching learning process, they paid attention toward lesson and (2) the students

encourage to use English in teaching learning speaking, by recording the talk

show and let the students watch what they have done will reflect their by

themselves, they will encourage themselves to get to know more about their

vocabulary that related to the topic presented. Video will stimulate and motivate

students‟ interesting in improving their vocabulary in speaking class. Beside the

improvement of the students‟ score, the students did some activities who did not

they do before using talk show video; (1) they did various activities during

teaching learning using talk show video, (2) they could interact with their friends

and collaborate with them during teaching learning speaking, and (3) they could

be responsible to their jobs. As a result, talk show video is suitable for supporting

and improving students‟ speaking skill, it has important role in teaching and

learning process.

Keywords: Talk show video, reflective practice, vocabulary, speaking skill, Class

Action Research.

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Everyday always remember that

“Laa Haula Wa Laa Quwwata Illa Billah”

There is no might nor power except in Allah SWT

(HR. Ibnu Hibban and Ahmad)

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This thesis is dedicated to the people whom I love whole my life, the people who

always give me spirit, motivation, inspiration, and support:

To my beloved parents, Abdul Halim (late) and Hj. Dyg. Fatmawati, A,Md.

They are my paradise. Thanks for the endless love, prayer, motivation, support,

and anything.

To my beloved husband, Endih Supandih, S.E and my beloved son and

daughters, Syaffaa Kamila Supandih, Fathiyah Alya Supandih, Muhammad

Husna Supandih, and special for my baby would be, who always make me

motivated to do the best.

To all my family and my best friends

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Alhamdulillah. Praise and thank the God, the Almighty for his blessing that

I can accomplish the writing of this thesis. I would like to express my deepest

gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University who has permitted to conduct the research.

2. The Head of English Education Department Graduate School for his

permission to write this thesis.

3. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd, the first supervisor who has kindly and

patiently supported me with guidance, advice, encouragement and time from

the beginning up to the completion of this thesis writing.

4. Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D, the second supervisor who has

kindly and patiently supported me with guidance, advice, encouragement

and time from the beginning up to the completion of this thesis writing.

5. Prof. Dr. H. Samion AR, M.Pd, the Head of IKIP PGRI Pontianak for his

permission to conduct this research.

6. Arya Djalil, Ph.D, the Head of English Education Department of IKIP PGRI


7. Drs, H. M. Ismail Kasim, M. Sc, the Head of language laboratory of IKIP

PGRI Pontianak.

8. Abdul Arif, M. Pd, the Speaking lecturer collaboration who help me to

conduct this research.

9. The students of IIB who help me finish this thesis.

10. My beloved parents, brothers, sisters, husband and my children who support

and finance my education.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to those who I cannot mention

one by one, I hope that this thesis will be valuable for other writers, teachers, and


Surakarta, January 2015

Elly syahadati

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TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii

LEGITIMATION ........................................................................................... iii

PRONOUNCEMENT .................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... v

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURE AND GRAPH ................................................................... xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii


A. Background of the Research ......................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problems ........................................................ 6

C. Objectives of the Research ............................................................ 7

D. Benefits of the Research ................................................................ 7


A. Theoretical Description ................................................................ 9

1. Speaking Skill .......................................................................... 9

a. Definition of Speaking ......................................................... 9

b. Types of Speaking activities ................................................ 12

c. Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking ................................... 14

d. Components of Speaking Skill ............................................ 15

e. Assessment in Speaking ...................................................... 16

2. Teaching Speaking .................................................................. 20

a. Definition of Teaching Speaking ......................................... 20

b. The Principle of Teaching Speaking .................................... 22

c. The Goals of Teaching speaking ......................................... 24

d. The Strategies of Teaching Speaking .................................. 25

e. The Problems in Teaching Learning Speaking .................... 26

3. Vocabulary Mastery ................................................................. 29

a. Definition of Vocabulary ..................................................... 29

b. Types of Vocabulary ............................................................ 30

c. The Aspect of Vocabulary ................................................... 32

d. Teaching Vocabulary ........................................................... 36

e. Assessing Vocabulary in Speaking Performance ................ 36

4. Talk Show ................................................................................. 38

a. Definition of Talk Show..................................................... 38

b. Implementing The Talk Show Strategy in

the Classroom ..................................................................... 39

c. The Ways to do Talk Show ................................................ 41

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d. The Strength and the Weakness of Talk Show .................. 43

5. Using Video in the Classroom ................................................ 44

a. Video as a Teaching Media ................................................ 44

b. The Technique in Using Video .......................................... 45

c. The Teaching Steps in Using Video................................... 46

d. The Strengths and the Weakness of Using Video .............. 48

6. Reflective Practice in the Classroom ...................................... 50

a. Definition of Reflective Practice ........................................ 50

b. Using Talk Show Video as a Reflective Practice............... 53

c. The Reasons for Choosing Talk Show Video in

Teaching Speaking ............................................................. 53

7. Class Climate ........................................................................... 56

B. Review of Related research ........................................................... 60

C. Rational ......................................................................................... 65


A. Setting of the Research .................................................................. 67

B. Subject of the Research ................................................................. 67

C. Research Frame Time.................................................................... 69

D. Research Method ........................................................................... 70

E. Procedures of the Research ........................................................... 72

F. Techniques of Collecting Data ...................................................... 75

G. Techniques of Analyzing Data ...................................................... 79


A. Research Findings ......................................................................... 82

1. Pre-Research ............................................................................ 82

2. Research Implementation ......................................................... 86

B. Discussion………………………………………….……………109

1. Talk Show Video as a Reflective Practice can Improve

the Students‟ Vocabulary in Speaking Skill ............................. 110

2. The Improvement of the Class Climate ..................................... 112


AND SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................... 115

A. Conclusions ................................................................................... 115

B. Implications ................................................................................... 115

C. Suggestions .................................................................................. 116

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 119

APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 123

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Table 2.1. Ur‟s Speaking Test Scale ............................................................... 17

Table 2.2. Weir‟s Speaking Test Scale ………………………………….. ..... 17

Table 2.3. Madsen‟s Speaking Test Scale ………………………………. ...... 19

Table 2.4. Hughes‟ Speaking Test Scale ……………………………….. ....... 20

Table 2.5. Vocabulary performance Indicators ………………………… ...... 37

Table 2.6. The Vocabulary Scoring Rubric ……………………………….. .. 37

Table 3.1. The Schedule of the Research………………………………… ..... 69

Table 3.2. The Description of Initial Reflection………………………… ...... 69

Table 4.1. The Process of the Research…………………………………. ...... 83

Table 4.2. The Mean Scores of Speaking (Pre-Test)………………… ........... 84

Table 4.3. Students‟ Problem in Speaking Class………………………… ..... 85

Table 4.4. The Mean Scores of Speaking (Test-1)........................................... 96

Table 4.5. The Mean Score for Vocabulary Indicator ..................................... 96

Table 4.6. The Improvement of Students‟ Class Climate ................................ 96

Table 4.7. The Mean Scores of Speaking (Post-Test) ...................................... 104

Table 4.8. The Mean Score for Vocabulary Indicators .................................... 105

Table 4.9. The Improvement of Students‟ Class Climate ................................ 106

Table 4.10. The Level of the Students‟ Speaking Skill in the Passing

Grade Achievement in each cycle ................................................. 110

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Figure 2.1. Using Reflection „in action‟ and „on action‟ ................................ 51

Figure 3.1. The Spiral Model of Action research............................................. 74

Graph 4.1. The Result of the Students‟ Mean Score of Speaking.................... 105

Graph 4.2. The Result of the Students‟ Mean Score of

Vocabulary Indicators .................................................................. 106

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Appendix 1 Research Permit

a. From Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta ........................ 126

b. From IKIP PGRI Pontianak .............................................. 128

Appendix 2 Syllabus of IKIP PGRI Pontianak ............................................ 129

Appendix 3 Lesson Plans

a. Lesson Plan for cycle 1 ...................................................... 141

b. Lesson Plan for cycle 2 ...................................................... 156

Appendix 4 Blue Prints

a. Blue Print of Pre-test .......................................................... 172

b. Blue Print Pre-Questionnaire ............................................. 173

c. Blue Print Post-Questionnaire ............................................ 174

Appendix 5 Students‟ Scores

a. Score of Pre-test (researcher) ........................................... 177

b. Score of Post-test 1 ............................................................ 178

c. Score of Post-test 2 ............................................................ 179

d. Score of Pre-test (collaborative Lecturer) ......................... 180

e. Score of Post-test 1 ............................................................ 181

f. Score of Post-test 2 ............................................................ 182

g. The Mean Score of Researcher

and Collaborative Lecturer ................................................ 183

h. The Result of the Test ....................................................... 184

i. The Result of Students‟ Pre-test for each Indicator .......... 185

j. The Result of Students‟ Post-test 1 for each Indicator, ..... 186

k. The result of Students‟ Post-test 2 for each Indicator ....... 187

l. The Result of Students‟ Pre-test, Post-test 1

and Post-test 2 for each Indicator ...................................... 188

Appendix 6 Questionnaires

a. Pre-Questionnaire ............................................................... 189

b. The Result of Pre-Questionnaire ........................................ 190

c. Post-Questionnaire ............................................................. 191

d. The Result of Post-Questionnaire ..................................... 192

Appendix 7 Observation Sheet of Learning Activities

a. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 1............ 193

b. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 2............ 194

c. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 3............ 195

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d. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 4............ 196

e. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 5............ 197

f. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 6............ 198

g. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 7............ 199

h. Observation Sheet of Learning Activity meeting 8............ 200

Appendix 8 Field Note of Observations

a. Field Note of Observation meeting 1 ................................ 201

b. Field Note of Observation meeting 2 ................................ 202

c. Field Note of Observation meeting 3 ................................ 203

d. Field Note of Observation meeting 4 ................................ 204

e. Field Note of Observation meeting 5 ................................ 205

f. Field Note of Observation meeting 6 ................................ 206

g. Field Note of Observation meeting 7 ................................ 207

h. Field Note of Observation meeting 8 ................................ 208

Appendix 9 Research Diary ......................................................................... 209

Appendix 10 Pictures ..................................................................................... 210