Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Issue: The Year in Evolutionary Biology The use of information theory in evolutionary biology Christoph Adami 1,2,3 1 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 3 BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Address for correspondence: C. Adami, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, 2209 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. [email protected] Information is a key concept in evolutionary biology. Information stored in a biological organism’s genome is used to generate the organism and to maintain and control it. Information is also that which evolves. When a population adapts to a local environment, information about this environment is fixed in a representative genome. However, when an environment changes, information can be lost. At the same time, information is processed by animal brains to survive in complex environments, and the capacity for information processing also evolves. Here, I review applications of information theory to the evolution of proteins and to the evolution of information processing in simulated agents that adapt to perform a complex task. Keywords: information theory; evolution; protein evolution; animat evolution Introduction Evolutionary biology has traditionally been a sci- ence that used observation and the analysis of spec- imens to draw inferences about common descent, adaptation, variation, and selection. 1,2 In contrast to this discipline that requires fieldwork and metic- ulous attention to detail, stands the mathematical theory of population genetics, 3,4 which developed in parallel but somewhat removed from evolution- ary biology, as it could treat exactly only very ab- stract cases. The mathematical theory cast Darwin’s insight about inheritance, variation, and selection into formulae that could predict particular aspects of the evolutionary process, such as the probability that an allele that conferred a particular advantage would go to fixation, how long this process would take, and how the process would be modified by dif- ferent forms of inheritance. Missing from these two disciplines, however, was a framework that would al- low us to understand the broad macro-evolutionary arcs that we can see everywhere in the biosphere and in the fossil record—the lines of descent that connect simple to complex forms of life. Granted, the existence of these unbroken lines—and the fact that they are the result of the evolutionary mecha- nisms at work—is not in doubt. Yet, mathematical population genetics cannot quantify them because the theory only deals with existing variation. At the same time, the uniqueness of any particular line of descent appears to preclude a generative principle, or a framework that would allow us to understand the generation of these lines from a perspective once removed from the microscopic mechanisms that shape genes one mutation at the time. In the last 24 years or so, the situation has changed dramatically because of the advent of long-term evolution exper- iments with replicate lines of bacteria adapting for over 50,000 generations, 5,6 and in silico evolution ex- periments covering millions of generations. 7,8 Both experimental approaches, in their own way, have provided us with key insights into the evolution of complexity on macroscopic time scales. 6,8–14 But there is a common concept that unifies the digital and the biochemical approach: information. That information is the essence of “that which evolves” has been implicit in many writings (al- though the word “information” does not appear in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species). Indeed, shortly after the genesis of the theory of information at the doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06422.x Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1256 (2012) 49–65 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 49

The use of information theory in evolutionary biology · Adami Information theory in evolutionary biology Entropy Using the concept of a random variable X,wecan define its entropy

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Page 1: The use of information theory in evolutionary biology · Adami Information theory in evolutionary biology Entropy Using the concept of a random variable X,wecan define its entropy

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923

ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCESIssue: The Year in Evolutionary Biology

The use of information theory in evolutionary biology

Christoph Adami1,2,3

1Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 2Department ofPhysics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 3BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution inAction, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Address for correspondence: C. Adami, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, 2209 Biomedical and PhysicalSciences Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. [email protected]

Information is a key concept in evolutionary biology. Information stored in a biological organism’s genome is usedto generate the organism and to maintain and control it. Information is also that which evolves. When a populationadapts to a local environment, information about this environment is fixed in a representative genome. However,when an environment changes, information can be lost. At the same time, information is processed by animalbrains to survive in complex environments, and the capacity for information processing also evolves. Here, I reviewapplications of information theory to the evolution of proteins and to the evolution of information processing insimulated agents that adapt to perform a complex task.

Keywords: information theory; evolution; protein evolution; animat evolution


Evolutionary biology has traditionally been a sci-ence that used observation and the analysis of spec-imens to draw inferences about common descent,adaptation, variation, and selection.1,2 In contrastto this discipline that requires fieldwork and metic-ulous attention to detail, stands the mathematicaltheory of population genetics,3,4 which developedin parallel but somewhat removed from evolution-ary biology, as it could treat exactly only very ab-stract cases. The mathematical theory cast Darwin’sinsight about inheritance, variation, and selectioninto formulae that could predict particular aspectsof the evolutionary process, such as the probabilitythat an allele that conferred a particular advantagewould go to fixation, how long this process wouldtake, and how the process would be modified by dif-ferent forms of inheritance. Missing from these twodisciplines, however, was a framework that would al-low us to understand the broad macro-evolutionaryarcs that we can see everywhere in the biosphereand in the fossil record—the lines of descent thatconnect simple to complex forms of life. Granted,the existence of these unbroken lines—and the fact

that they are the result of the evolutionary mecha-nisms at work—is not in doubt. Yet, mathematicalpopulation genetics cannot quantify them becausethe theory only deals with existing variation. At thesame time, the uniqueness of any particular line ofdescent appears to preclude a generative principle,or a framework that would allow us to understandthe generation of these lines from a perspective onceremoved from the microscopic mechanisms thatshape genes one mutation at the time. In the last 24years or so, the situation has changed dramaticallybecause of the advent of long-term evolution exper-iments with replicate lines of bacteria adapting forover 50,000 generations,5,6 and in silico evolution ex-periments covering millions of generations.7,8 Bothexperimental approaches, in their own way, haveprovided us with key insights into the evolution ofcomplexity on macroscopic time scales.6,8–14

But there is a common concept that unifies thedigital and the biochemical approach: information.That information is the essence of “that whichevolves” has been implicit in many writings (al-though the word “information” does not appear inDarwin’s On the Origin of Species). Indeed, shortlyafter the genesis of the theory of information at the

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06422.xAnn. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1256 (2012) 49–65 c© 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 49

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Information theory in evolutionary biology Adami

hands of a Bell Laboratories engineer,15 this the-ory was thought to ultimately explain everythingfrom the higher functions of living organisms downto metabolism, growth, and differentiation.16 How-ever, this optimism soon gave way to a miasma ofconfounding mathematical and philosophical argu-ments that dampened enthusiasm for the conceptof information in biology for decades. To some ex-tent, evolutionary biology was not yet ready for aquantitative treatment of “that which evolves:” theyear of publication of “Information in Biology”16

coincided with the discovery of the structure ofDNA, and the wealth of sequence data that cata-pulted evolutionary biology into the computer agewas still half a century away.

Colloquially, information is often described assomething that aids in decision making. Interest-ingly, this is very close to the mathematical meaningof “information,” which is concerned with quanti-fying the ability to make predictions about uncer-tain systems. Life—among many other aspects—has the peculiar property of displaying behavioror characters that are appropriate, given the envi-ronment. We recognize this of course as the conse-quence of adaptation, but the outcome is that theadapted organism’s decisions are “in tune” with itsenvironment—the organism has information aboutits environment. One of the insights that hasemerged from the theory of computation is that in-formation must be physical—information cannotexist without a physical substrate that encodes it.17

In computers, information is encoded in zeros andones, which themselves are represented by differ-ent voltages on semiconductors. The informationwe retain in our brains also has a physical substrate,even though its physiological basis depends on thetype of memory and is far from certain. Context-appropriate decisions require information, howeverit is stored. For cells, we now know that this infor-mation is stored in a cell’s inherited genetic material,and is precisely the kind that Shannon described inhis 1948 articles. If inherited genetic material rep-resents information, then how did the information-carrying molecules acquire it? Is the amount of in-formation stored in genes increasing throughoutevolution, and if so, why? How much informationdoes an organism store? How much in a single gene?If we can replace a discussion of the evolution ofcomplexity along the various lines of descent with adiscussion of the evolution of information, perhaps

then we can find those general principles that haveeluded us so far.

In this review, I focus on two uses of informa-tion theory in evolutionary biology: First, the quan-tification of the information content of genes andproteins and how this information may have evolvedalong the branches of the tree of life. Second, the evo-lution of information-processing structures (suchas brains) that control animals, and how the func-tional complexity of these brains (and how theyevolve) could be quantified using information the-ory. The latter approach reinforces a concept thathas appeared in neuroscience repeatedly: the valueof information for an adapted organism is fitness,18

and the complexity of an organism’s brain mustbe reflected in how it manages to process, inte-grate, and make use of information for its ownadvantage.19

Entropy and information in molecularsequences

To define entropy and information, we first must de-fine the concept of a random variable. In probabilitytheory, a random variable X is a mathematical objectthat can take on a finite number of different statesx1 · · · xN with specified probabilities p1, . . . , pN .

We should keep in mind that a mathematical ran-dom variable is a description—sometimes accurate,sometimes not—of a physical object. For example,the random variable that we would use to describe afair coin has two states: x1 = heads and x2 = tails,with probabilities p1 = p2 = 0.5. Of course, an ac-tual coin is a far more complex device—it may devi-ate from being true, it may land on an edge once ina while, and its faces can make different angles withtrue North. Yet, when coins are used for demon-strations in probability theory or statistics, they aremost succinctly described with two states and twoequal probabilities. Nucleic acids can be describedprobabilistically in a similar manner. We can definea nucleic acid random variable X as having fourstates x1 = A, x2 = C, x3 = G, and x4 = T, whichit can take on with probabilities p1, . . . , p4, whilebeing perfectly aware that the nucleic acid moleculesthemselves are far more complex, and deservea richer description than the four-state abstrac-tion. But given the role that these moleculesplay as information carriers of the genetic mate-rial, this abstraction will serve us very well goingforward.

50 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1256 (2012) 49–65 c© 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.

Page 3: The use of information theory in evolutionary biology · Adami Information theory in evolutionary biology Entropy Using the concept of a random variable X,wecan define its entropy

Adami Information theory in evolutionary biology

EntropyUsing the concept of a random variable X , we candefine its entropy (sometimes called uncertainty)as20,21

H(X) = –N∑


pi log pi . (1)

Here, the logarithm is taken to an arbitrary basethat will normalize (and give units to) the entropy.If we choose the dual logarithm, the units are “bits,”whereas if we choose base e, the units are “nats.”Here, I will often choose the size of the alphabetas the base of the logarithm, and call the unit the“mer.”22 So, if we describe nucleic acid sequences(alphabet size 4), a single nucleotide can have up to1 “mer” of entropy, whereas if we describe proteins(logarithms taken to the base 20), a single residuecan have up to 1 mer of entropy. Naturally, a 5-merhas up to 5 mers of entropy, and so on.

A true coin, we can immediately convince our-selves, has an entropy of 1 bit. A single randomnucleotide, by the same reasoning, has an entropyof 1 mer (or 2 bits) because

H(X) = –4∑


1/4 log4 1/4 = 1. (2)

What is the entropy of a nonrandom nucleotide?To determine this, we have to find the probabil-ities pi with which that nucleotide is found at aparticular position within a gene. Say we are in-terested in nucleotide 28 (counting from 5′ to 3′)of the 76 base pair tRNA gene of the bacteriumEscherichia coli. What is its entropy? To determinethis, we need to obtain an estimate of the proba-bility that any of the four nucleotides are found atthat particular position. This kind of informationcan be gained from sequence repositories. For ex-ample, the database tRNAdb23 contains sequencesfor more than 12,000 tRNA genes. For the E. colitRNA gene, among 33 verified sequences (for differ-ent anticodons), we find 5 that show an “A” at the28th position, 17 have a “C,” 5 have a “G,” and 6have a “T.” We can use these numbers to estimatethe substitution probabilities at this position as

p28 (A) = 5/33, p28 (C) = 17/33,

p28 (G) = 5/33, p28 (T) = 6/33, (3)

which, even though the statistics are not good, allowus to infer that “C” is preferred at that position.

The entropy of position variable X28 can now beestimated as

H (X28) = –2 × 5











33≈ 1.765 bits, (4)

or less than the maximal 2 bits we would expectif all nucleotides appeared with equal probability.Such an uneven distribution of states immediatelysuggests a “betting” strategy that would allow us tomake predictions with accuracy better than chanceabout the state of position variable X28: If we betthat we would see a “C” there, then we would beright over half the time on average, as opposed toa quarter of the time for a variable that is evenlydistributed across the four states. In other words,information is stored in this variable.

InformationTo learn how to quantify the amount of informationstored, let us go through the same exercise for a dif-ferent position (say, position 41a) of that molecule,to find approximately

p41 (A) = 0.24, p41 (C) = 0.46,

p41(G) = 0.21, p41 (T) = 0.09, (5)

so that H(X41) ≈ 1.765 bits. To determine howlikely it is to find any particular nucleotide at posi-tion 41 given position 28 is a “C,” for example, wehave to collect conditional probabilities. They areeasily obtained if we know the joint probability toobserve any of the 16 combinations AA. . .TT at thetwo positions. The conditional probability to ob-serve state j at position 41 given state i at position28 is

pi | j = pi j

p j, (6)

where pi j is the joint probability to observe state i atposition 28 and at the same time state j at position41. The notation “i | j” is read as “i given j.” Col-lecting these probabilities from the sequence datagives the probability matrix that relates the random

aThe precise numbering of nucleotide positions differsbetween databases.

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variable X28 to the variable X41:

p (X41|X28)


p (A | A) p (A | C) p (A | G) p (A | T)

p (C | A) p (C | C) p (C | G) p (C | T)

p (G | A) p (G | C) p (G | G) p (G | T)

p (T | A) p (T | C) p (T | G) p (T | T)


0.2 0.235 0 0.5

0 0.706 0.2 0.333

0.8 0 0.4 0.167

0 0.059 0.4 0



We can glean important information from theseprobabilities. It is clear, for example, that positions28 and 41 are not independent from each other. Ifnucleotide 28 is an “A,” then position 41 can onlybe an “A” or a “G,” but mostly (4/5 times) youexpect a “G.” But consider the dependence betweennucleotides 42 and 28

p (X42 | X28) =

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 0

1 0 0 0

. (8)

This dependence is striking—if you know posi-tion 28, you can predict (based on the sequencedata given) position 42 with certainty. The reasonfor this perfect correlation lies in the functional in-teraction between the sites: 28 and 42 are paired ina stem of the tRNA molecule in a Watson–Crickpair—to enable the pairing, a “G” must be associ-ated with a “C,” and a “T” (encoding a U) must beassociated with an “A.” It does not matter which isat any position as long as the paired nucleotide iscomplementary. And it is also clear that these as-sociations are maintained by the selective pressuresof Darwinian evolution—a substitution that breaksthe pattern leads to a molecule that does not fold intothe correct shape to efficiently translate messengerRNA into proteins. As a consequence, the organismbearing such a mutation will be eliminated fromthe gene pool. This simple example shows clearlythe relationship between information theory andevolutionary biology: Fitness is reflected in infor-mation, and when selective pressures maximize fit-ness, information must be maximized concurrently.

We can now proceed and calculate the informationcontent. Each column in Eq. (7) represents a con-ditional probability to find a particular nucleotideat position 41, given a particular value is found atposition 28. We can use these values to calculate theconditional entropy to find a particular nucleotide,given that position 28 is “A,” for example, as

H(X41|X28 = A)

= –0.2 log2 0.2 – 0.8 log2 0.8 ≈ 0.72 bits. (9)

This allows us to calculate the amount of informa-tion that is revealed (about X41) by knowing thestate of X28. If we do not know the state of X28, ouruncertainty about X41 is 1.795 bits, as calculatedearlier. But revealing that X28 actually is an “A” hasreduced our uncertainty to 0.72 bits, as we saw inEq. (9). The information we obtained is then justthe difference

I (X41 : X28 = A) = H (X41) – H (X41|X28 = A)

≈ 1.075 bits, (10)

that is, just over 1 bit. The notation in Eq. (10),indicating information between two variables by acolon (sometimes a semicolon) is conventional. Wecan also calculate the average amount of informationabout X41 that is gained by revealing the state of X28


I (X41 : X28) = H (X41) – H (X41|X28)

≈ 0.64 bits. (11)

Here, H(X41|X28) is the average conditional en-tropy of X41 given X28, obtained by averaging thefour conditional entropies (for the four possiblestates of X28) using the probabilities with whichX28 occurs in any of its four states, given by Eq. (3).If we apply the same calculation to the pair of po-sitions X42 and X28, we should find that knowingX28 reduces our uncertainty about X42 to zero—indeed, X28 carries perfect information about X42.

The covariance between residues in an RNA sec-ondary structure captured by the mutual entropycan be used to predict secondary structure from se-quence alignments alone.24

Information content of proteinsWe have seen that different positions within abiomolecule can carry information about other po-sitions, but how much information do they storeabout the environment within which they evolve?This question can be answered using the same

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information-theoretic formalism introduced ear-lier. Information is defined as a reduction in ouruncertainty (caused by our ability to make predic-tions with an accuracy better than chance) whenarmed with information. Here we will use proteinsas our biomolecules, which means our random vari-ables can take on 20 states, and our protein variablewill be given by the joint variable

X = X1 X2 · · · XL , (12)

where L is the number of residues in the protein.We now ask: “How much information about theenvironment (rather than about another residue)is stored in a particular residue?” To answer this,we have to first calculate the uncertainty about anyparticular residue in the absence of informationabout the environment. Clearly, it is the environ-ment within which a protein finds itself that con-strains the particular amino acids that a positionvariable can take on. If I do not specify this environ-ment, there is nothing that constrains any particu-lar residue i, and as a consequence the entropy ismaximal

H (Xi ) = Hmax = log2 20 ≈ 4.32 bits. (13)

In any functional protein, the residue is highlyconstrained, however. Let us imagine that the pos-sible states of the environment can be described bya random variable E (that takes on specific environ-mental states e j with given probabilities). Then theinformation about environment E = e j containedin position variable Xi of protein X is given by

I (Xi : E = e j ) = Hmax – H(Xi | E = e j ),


in perfect analogy to Eq. (10). How do we calculatethe information content of the entire protein, armedonly with the information content of residues? Ifresidues do not interact (that is, the state of a residueat one position does not reveal any informationabout the state of a residue at another position),then the information content of the protein wouldjust be a sum of the information content of eachresidue

I (X : E = e j ) =L∑


I (Xi : E = e j ). (15)

This independence of positions certainly couldnot be assumed in RNA molecules that rely on

Watson–Crick binding to establish their secondarystructure. In proteins, correlations between residuesare much weaker (but certainly still important, see,e.g., Refs. 25–33), and we can take Eq. (15) as afirst-order approximation of the information con-tent, while keeping in mind that residue–residuecorrelations encode important information aboutthe stability of the protein and its functional affinityto other molecules. Note, however, that a populationwith two or more subdivisions, where each subpop-ulation has different amino acid frequencies, canmimic residue correlations on the level of the wholepopulation when there are none on the level of thesubpopulations.34

For most cases that we will have to deal with, aprotein is only functional in a very defined cellularenvironment, and as a consequence the conditionalentropy of a residue is fixed by the substitution prob-abilities that we can observe. Let us take as an exam-ple the rodent homeodomain protein,35 defined by57 residues. The environment for this protein is ofcourse the rodent, and we might surmise that the in-formation content of the homeodomain protein inrodents is different from the homeodomain proteinin primates, for example, simply because primatesand rodents have diverged about 100 million yearsago,36 and have since then taken independent evo-lutionary paths. We can test this hypothesis by cal-culating the information content of rodent proteinsand compare it to the primate version, using substi-tution probabilities inferred from sequence data thatcan be found, for example, in the Pfam database.37

Let us first look at the entropy per residue, along thechain length of the 57 mer. But instead of calculatingthe entropy in bits (by taking the base-2 logarithm),we will calculate the entropy in “mers,” by takingthe logarithm to base 20. This way, a single residuecan have at most 1 mer of entropy, and the 57-merhas at most 57 mers of entropy. The entropic pro-file (entropy per site as a function of site) of therodent homeodomain protein depicted in Figure 1shows that the entropy varies considerably from siteto site, with strongly conserved and highly variableresidues.

When estimating entropies from finite ensembles(small number of sequences), care must be takento correct for the bias that is inherent in estimatingthe probabilities from the frequencies. Rare residueswill be assigned zero probabilities in small ensem-bles but not in larger ones. Because this error is not

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Figure 1. Entropic profile of the 57-amino acid rodent home-odomain, obtained from 810 sequences in Pfam (accessed Febru-ary 3, 2011). Error of the mean is smaller than the data pointsshown. Residues are numbered 2–58 as is common for thisdomain.35

symmetric (probabilities will always be underesti-mated), the bias is always toward smaller entropies.Several methods can be applied to correct for this,and I have used here the second-order bias correc-tion, described for example in Ref. 38. Summing upthe entropies per site shown in Figure 1, we can getan estimate for the information content by applyingEq. (15). The maximal entropy Hmax, when mea-sured in mers, is of course 57, so the informationcontent is just

IRodentia = 57 –57∑


H(Xi | eRodentia), (16)

which comes out to

IRodentia = 25.29 ± 0.09 mers, (17)

where the error of the mean is obtained from thetheoretical estimate of the variance given the fre-quency estimate.38

The same analysis can be repeated for the primatehomeodomain protein. In Figure 2, we can see thedifference between the “entropic profile” of rodentsand primates

!Entropy = H(Xi | eRodentia) – H(Xi | ePrimates),


which shows some significant differences, in partic-ular, it seems, at the edges between structural motifsin the protein.

When summing up the entropies to arrive at thetotal information content of the primate home-

odomain protein we obtain

IPrimates = 25.43 ± 0.08 mers, (19)

which is identical to the information content of ro-dent homeodomains within statistical error. We canthus conclude that although the information is en-coded somewhat differently between the rodent andthe primate version of this protein, the total infor-mation content is the same.

Evolution of information

Although the total information content of thehomeodomain protein has not changed between ro-dents and primates, what about longer time inter-vals? If we take a protein that is ubiquitous amongdifferent forms of life (i.e., its homologue is presentin many different branches), has its informationcontent changed as it is used in more and morecomplex forms of life? One line of argument tellsus that if the function of the protein is the samethroughout evolutionary history, then its informa-tion content should be the same in each variant. Wesaw a hint of that when comparing the informationcontent of the homeodomain protein between ro-dents and primates. But we can also argue insteadthat because information is measured relative to theenvironment the protein (and thus the organism)finds itself in, then organisms that live in very dif-ferent environments can potentially have differentinformation content even if the sequences encodingthe proteins are homologous. Thus, we could ex-pect differences in protein information content inorganisms that are different enough that the proteinis used in different ways. But it is certainly not clearwhether we should observe a trend of increasing ordecreasing information along the line of descent. Toget a first glimpse at what these differences could belike, I will take a look here at the evolution of in-formation in two proteins that are important in thefunction of most animals—the homeodomain pro-tein and the COX2 (cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit2) protein.

The homeodomain (or homeobox) protein is es-sential in determining the pattern of developmentin animals—it is crucial in directing the arrange-ment of cells according to a particular body plan.39

In other words, the homeobox determines wherethe head goes and where the tail goes. Although it isoften said that these proteins are specific to animals,some plants have homeodomain proteins that are

54 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1256 (2012) 49–65 c© 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.

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Figure 2. Difference between entropic profile “!Entropy” ofthe homeobox protein of rodents and primates (the latter from903 sequences in Pfam, accessed February 3, 2011). Error barsare the error of the mean of the difference, using the average ofthe number of sequences. The colored boxes indicate structuraldomains as determined for the fly version of this gene. (“N”refers to the protein’s “N-terminus”).

homologous to those I study here.40 The COX2 pro-tein, on the other hand, is a subunit of a large proteincomplex with 13 subunits.41 Whereas a nonfunc-tioning (or severely impaired) homeobox proteincertainly leads to aborted development, an impairedCOX complex has a much less drastic effect—it leadsto mitochondrial myopathy due to a cytochromeoxidase deficiency,42 but is usually not fatal.43 Thus,by testing the changes within these two proteins, weare examining proteins with very different selectivepressures acting on them.

To calculate the information content of each ofthese proteins along the evolutionary line of de-scent, in principle we need access to the sequencesof extinct forms of life. Even though the resurrectionof such extinct sequences is possible in principle44

using an approach dubbed “paleogenetics,”45,46 wecan take a shortcut by grouping sequences accord-ing to the depth that they occupy within the phy-logenetic tree. So when we measure the informa-tion content of the homeobox protein on the tax-onomic level of the family, we include in there thesequences of homeobox proteins of chimpanzees,gorillas, and orangutans along with humans. As thechimpanzee version, for example, is essentially iden-tical with the human version, we do not expect tosee any change in information content when mov-ing from the species level to the genus level. Butwe can expect that by grouping the sequences onthe family level (rather than the genus or species

level), we move closer toward evolutionarily moreancient proteins, in particular because this group(the great apes) is used to reconstruct the sequenceof the ancestor of that group. The great apes arebut one family of the order primates which besidesthe great apes also contains the families of mon-keys, lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, and galagos. Lookingat the homeobox protein of all the primates thentakes us further back in time. A simplified versionof the phylogeny of animals is shown in Figure 3,which shows the hierarchical organization of thetree.

The database Pfam uses a range of different tax-onomic levels (anywhere from 12 to 22, depend-ing on the branch) defined by the NCBI TaxonomyProject,47 which we can take as a convenient proxyfor taxonomic depth—ranging from the most basaltaxonomic identifications (such as phylum) to themost specific ones. In Figure 4, we can see the totalsequence entropy

Hk(X) =57∑


H(Xi |ek), (20)

for sequences with the NCBI taxonomic level k, as afunction of the level depth. Note that sequences atlevel k always include all the sequences at level k–1.Thus, H1(X), which is the entropy of all home-odomain sequences at level k = 1, includes the se-quences of all eukaryotes. Of course, the taxonomiclevel description is not a perfect proxy for time. Onthe vertebrate line, for example, the genus Homo oc-cupies level k = 14, whereas the genus Mus occupieslevel k = 16. If we now plot Hk(X) versus k (for themajor phylogenetic groups only), we see a curioussplitting of the lines based only on total sequence en-tropy, and thus information (as information is justI = 57 – H if we measure entropy in mers). At thebase of the tree, the metazoan sequences split intochordate proteins with a lower information con-tent (higher entropy) and arthropod sequences withhigher information content, possibly reflecting thedifferent uses of the homeobox in these two groups.The chordate group itself splits into mammalianproteins and the fish homeodomain. There is even anotable split in information content into two majorgroups within the fishes.

The same analysis applied to subunit II of theCOX protein (counting only 120 residue sites thathave sufficient statistics in the database) gives a very

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Figure 3. Simplified phylogenetic classification of animals. At the root of this tree (on the left tree) are the eukaryotes, but onlythe animal branch is shown here. If we follow the line of descent of humans, we move on the branch toward the vertebrates. Thevertebrate clade itself is shown in the tree on the right, and the line of descent through this tree follows the branches that end in themammals. The mammal tree, finally, is shown at the bottom, with the line ending in Homo sapiens indicated in red.

different picture. Except for an obvious split of thebacterial version of the protein and the eukaryoticone, the total entropy markedly decreases acrossthe lines as the taxonomic depth increases. Further-more, the arthropod COX2 is more entropic thanthe vertebrate one (see Fig. 5) as opposed to theordering for the homeobox protein. This findingsuggests that the evolution of the protein informa-tion content is specific to each protein, and mostlikely reflects the adaptive value of the protein foreach family.

Evolution of information in robotsand animats

The evolution of information within the genes ofadapting organisms is but one use of informationtheory in evolutionary biology. Just as anticipatedin the heydays of the “Cybernetics” movement,48

information theory has indeed something to sayabout the evolution of information processing inanimal brains. The general idea behind the connec-tion between information and function is simple:Because information (about a particular system) is

what allows the bearer to make predictions (aboutthat particular system) with accuracy better thanchance, information is valuable as long as predictionis valuable. In an uncertain world, making accu-rate predictions is tantamount to survival. In otherwords, we expect that information, acquired fromthe environment and processed, has survival valueand therefore is selected for in evolution.

Predictive informationThe connection between information and fitnesscan be made much more precise. A key relationbetween information and its value for agents thatsurvive in an uncertain world as a consequence oftheir actions in it was provided by Ay et al.,49 whoapplied a measure called “predictive information”(defined earlier by Bialek et al.50 in the context ofdynamical systems theory) to characterize the be-havioral complexity of an autonomous robot. Theseauthors showed that the mutual entropy between achanging world (as represented by changing statesin an organism’s sensors) and the actions of mo-tors that drive the agent’s behavior (thus changingthe future perceived states) is equivalent to Bialek’s

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Figure 4. Entropy of homeobox domain protein sequences (PF00046 in the Pfam database, accessed July 20, 2006) as a function oftaxonomic depth for different major groups that have at last 200 sequences in the database, connected by phylogenetic relationships.Selected groups are annotated by name. Fifty-seven core residues were used to calculate the molecular entropy. Core residues haveat least 70% sequence in the database.

predictive information as long as the agent’s deci-sions are Markovian, that is, only depend on the stateof the agent and the environment at the precedingtime. This predictive information is defined as theshared entropy between motor variables Yt and thesensor variables at the subsequent time point Xt+1

Ipred = I (Yt : Xt+1) = H(Xt+1) – H(Xt+1|Yt ).


Here, H(Xt+1) is the entropy of the sensor statesat time t + 1, defined as

H(Xt+1) = –∑


p(xt+1) log p(xt+1), (22)

using the probability distribution p(xt+1) over thesensor states xt+1 at time t + 1. The conditionalentropy H(Xt+1|Yt) characterizes how much is leftuncertain about the future sensor states Xt+1 giventhe robot’s actions in the present, that is, the stateof the motors at time t , and can be calculated in thestandard manner20,21 from the joint probability dis-tribution of present motor states and future sensorstates p(xt+1, yt ).

As Eq. (21) implies, the predictive informationmeasures how much of the entropy of sensorial

states—that is, the uncertainty about what the de-tectors will record next—is explained by the motorstates at the preceding time point. For example, ifthe motor states at time t perfectly predict whatwill appear in the sensors at time t + 1, then thepredictive information is maximal. Another versionof the predictive information studies not the effectthe motors have on future sensor states, but theeffect the sensors have on future motor states in-stead, for example to guide an autonomous robotthrough a maze.51 In the former case, the pre-dictive information quantifies how actions changethe perceived world, whereas in the latter case thepredictive information characterizes how the per-ceived world changes the robot’s actions. Both for-mulations, however, are equivalent when takinginto account how world and robot states are beingupdated.51 Although it is clear that measures such aspredictive information should increase as an agentor robot learns to behave appropriately in a complexworld, it is not at all clear whether information couldbe used as an objective function that, if maximized,will lead to appropriate behavior of the robot. Thisis the basic hypothesis of Linsker’s “Infomax” prin-ciple,52 which posits that neural control structures

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Figure 5. Entropy of COX subunit II (PF00116 in the Pfam database, accessed June 22, 2006) protein sequences as a functionof taxonomic depth for selected different groups (at least 200 sequences per group), connected by phylogenetic relationships. Onehundred twenty core residues were used to calculate the molecular entropy.

evolve to maximize “information preservation” sub-ject to constraints. This hypothesis implies that theinfomax principle could play the role of a guidingforce in the organization of perceptual systems. Thisis precisely what has been observed in experimentswith autonomous robots evolved to perform a va-riety of tasks. For example, in one task visual andtactile information had to be integrated to grab anobject,53 whereas in another, groups of five robotswere evolved to move in a coordinated fashion54

or else to navigate according to a map.55 Such ex-

periments suggest that there may be a deeper con-nection between information and fitness that goesbeyond the regularities induced by a perception–action loop, that connects fitness (in the evolution-ary sense as the growth rate of a population) directlyto information.

As a matter of fact, Rivoire and Leibler18 recentlystudied abstract models of the population dynamicsof evolving “finite-state agents” that optimize theirresponse to a changing environment and found justsuch a relationship. In such a description, agents

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respond to a changing environment with a proba-bility distribution !("t | "t–1) of changing from state"t–1 to state "t , to maximize the growth rate of thepopulation. Under fairly general assumptions, thegrowth rate is maximized if the Shannon informa-tion that the agents can extract from the changingenvironment is maximal.18 For our purposes, thisShannon information is nothing but the predictiveinformation discussed earlier (see supplementarytext S1 in Ref. 51 for a discussion of that point).However, such a simple relationship only holds ifeach agent perceives the environment in the samemanner, and if information is acquired only fromthe environment. If information is inherited or re-trieved from memory, on the other hand, predic-tive information cannot maximize fitness. This iseasily seen if we consider an agent that makes deci-sions based on a combination of sensory input andmemory. If memory states (instead of sensor states)best predict an agent’s actions, the correlation be-tween sensors and motors may be lost even thoughthe actions are appropriate. A typical case wouldbe navigation under conditions when the sensorsdo not provide accurate information about the en-vironment, but the agent has nevertheless learnedthe required actions “by heart.” In such a scenario,the predictive information would be low because theactions do not correlate with the sensors. Yet, thefitness is high because the actions were controlledby memory, not by the sensors. Rivoire and Leiblershow further that if the actions of an agent are al-ways optimal, given the environment, then a differ-ent measure maximizes fitness, namely the sharedentropy between sensors and variables given the pre-vious time step’s sensor statesb

Icausal = I (Xt : Yt+1|Xt–1). (23)

In most realistic situations, however, optimal nav-igation strategies cannot be assumed. Indeed, asoptimal strategies are (in a sense) the goal of evolu-tionary adaptation, such a measure could conceiv-ably only apply at the endpoint of evolution. Thus,no general expression can be derived that ties theseinformational quantities directly to fitness.

bThe notation is slightly modified here to conform to theformalism used in Ref. 51.

Integrated informationWhat are the aspects of information processingthat distinguish complex brains from simple ones?Clearly, processing large amounts of information isimportant, but a large capacity is not necessarilya sign of high complexity. It has been argued thata hallmark of complex brain function is its abilityto integrate disparate streams of information andmold them into a complex gestalt that representsmore than the sum of its parts.56–65 These streamsof information come not only from different senso-rial modalities such as vision, sound, and olfaction,but also (and importantly) from memory, and createa conscious experience in our brains that allows usto function at levels not available to purely reactivebrains. One way to measure how much informa-tion a network processes is to calculate the sharedentropy between the nodes at time t and time t + 1

Itotal = I (Zt : Zt+1). (24)

Here, Zt represents the state of the entire network(not just the sensors or motors) at time t , and thusthe total information captures information process-ing among all nodes of the network, and can inprinciple be larger or smaller than the predictive in-formation that only considers processing betweensensor and motors.

We can write the network random variable Zt as aproduct of the random variables that describe eachnode i, that is, each neuron, as (n is the number ofnodes in the network)

Zt = Z(1)t Z(2)

t · · · Z(n)t , (25)

which allows us to calculate the amount of informa-tion processed by each individual node i as

I (i) = I(

Z(i)t : Z(i)


). (26)

Note that I omitted the index t on the left-handside of Eqs. (24) and (26), assuming that the dynam-ics of the network becomes stationary as t → ∞,

and, thus, that a sampling of the network statesat any subsequent time points becomes represen-tative of the agent’s behavior. If the nodes in thenetwork process information independently fromeach other, then the sum (over all neurons) of theinformation processed by each neuron would equalthe amount of information processed by the entirenetwork. The difference between the two then rep-resents the amount of information that the network

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processes over and above the information processedby the individual neurons, the synergistic informa-tion51

S Iatom = I (Zt : Zt+1) –n∑


I (i)(

Z(i)t : Z(i)




The index “atom” on the synergistic informationreminds us that the sum is over the indivisible ele-ments of the network—the neurons themselves. Aswe see later, other more general partitions of thenetwork are possible, and often times more appro-priate to capture synergy. The synergistic informa-tion is related to other measures of synergy thathave been introduced independently. One is simplycalled “integration” and defined in terms of Shan-non entropies as64,66,67

I =n∑




)– H(Zt ). (28)

This measure has been introduced earlier underthe name “multi-information.”68,69 Another mea-sure, called "atom in Ref. 51, was independently in-troduced by Ay and Wennekers70,71 as a measureof the complexity of dynamical systems they called“stochastic interaction,” and is defined as

"atom =n∑



Z(i)t |Z(i)


)– H (Zt |Zt+1) .


Note the similarity between Eqs. (27)–(29):whereas (27) measures synergistic information, (28)measures “synergistic entropy” and (29) synergisticconditional entropy in turn. The three are relatedbecause entropy and information are related, as forexample in Eqs. (11) and (21). Using this relation,it is easy to show that51

"atom = S Iatom + I. (30)

Although we can expect that measures such as Eqs.(28)–(30) quantify some aspects of information in-tegration, it is likely that they overestimate the in-tegration because it is possible that elements of thecomputation are performed by groups of neuronsthat together behave as a single entity. In that case,subdividing the whole network into independentneurons may lead to the double counting of inte-grated information. A cleaner (albeit computation-ally much more expensive) approach is to find a

partition of the network into nonoverlappinggroups of nodes (parts) that are as independent ofeach other (information theoretically speaking) aspossible. If we define the partition P of a networkinto k parts via P = {P (1), P (2), . . . , P (k)}, whereeach P (i) is a part of the network (a nonempty setof neurons with no overlap between the parts), thenwe can define a quantity that is analogous to Eq. (29)except that the sum is over the parts rather than theindividual neurons61

"(P ) =n∑



P (i)t |P (i)


)– H(Pt |Pt+1).


In Eq. (31), each part carries a time label becauseevery part takes on different states as time proceeds.The so-called “minimum information partition” (orMIP) is found by minimizing a normalized Eq. (31)over all partitions

MIP = arg minP

"(Pt )

N(Pt ), (32)

where the normalization N(Pt ) = (k –1) mini [Hmax(P (i)

t )] balances the parts of thepartition.62 Using this MIP, the integrated informa-tion " is then simply given by

" = " (P = MIP) . (33)

Finally, we need to introduce one more concept tomeasure information integration in realistic evolv-ing networks. Because " of a network with a single(or more) disconnected nodes vanishes (because theMIP for such a network is always the partition intothe connected nodes in one part, and the discon-nected in another), we should attempt to define thecomputational “main complex,” which is that sub-set of nodes for which " is maximal.62 This measurewill be called "MC hereafter.

Although all these measures attempt to capturesynergy, it is not clear whether any of them corre-late with fitness when an agent evolves, that is, itis not clear whether synergy or integration capturean aspect of the functional complexity of controlstructures that goes beyond the predictive infor-mation defined earlier. To test this, Edlund et al.evolved animats that learned, over 50,000 genera-tions of evolution, to navigate a two-dimensionalmaze,51 constructed in such a way that optimal nav-igation requires memory. While measuring fitness,they also recorded six different candidate measures

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Figure 6. (A) Three candidate measures of information integration "atom (29), "MC, and I (28) along the line of descent of arepresentative evolutionary run in which animats adapted to solve a two-dimensional maze. (B) Three measures of informationprocessing, in the same run. Blue (solid): total information I total (24), green (dashed): atomic information SI atom(27), and red(dotted): predictive information I pred (21) (from Ref. 51).

for brain complexity, among which are the predic-tive information Eq. (21), the total information Eq.(24), the synergistic information Eq. (27), the inte-gration Eq. (28), the “atomic "” Eq. (29), and thecomputationally intensive measure "MC. Figure 6shows a representative run (of 64) that shows the sixcandidate measures as a function of evolutionarytime measured in generations. During this run, thefitness increased steadily, with a big step around gen-eration 15,000 where this particular animat evolvedthe capacity to use memory for navigation (fromRef. 51).

It is not clear from a single run which of thesemeasures best correlates with fitness. If we take thefitness attained at the end of each of 64 runs and plotit against the fitness (here measured as the percent-age of the achievable fitness in this environment),the sophisticated measure "MC emerges as the clearwinner, with a Spearman rank correlation coeffi-cient with achieved fitness of R = 0.937 (see Fig. 7).This suggests that measures of information integra-tion can go beyond simple “reactive” measures suchas Ipred in characterizing complex behavior, in par-ticular when the task requires memory, as was thecase there.

Future directions

Needless to say, there are many more uses for in-formation theory in evolutionary biology than re-viewed here. For example, it is possible to describethe evolution of drug resistance in terms of loss, andsubsequent gain, of information: when a pathogenis treated with a drug, the fitness landscape of that

pathogen is changed (often dramatically), and asa consequence the genomic sequence that repre-sented information before the administration of thedrug is not information (or much less informa-tion) about the new environment.22 As the pathogenadapts to the new environment, it acquires informa-tion about that environment and its fitness increasescommensurately.

Generally speaking, it appears that there is a fun-damental law that links information to fitness (suit-ably defined). Such a relationship can be writtendown explicitly for specific systems, such as the re-lationship between the information content of DNAbinding sites with the affinity the binding proteinshave with that site,72 or the relationship betweenthe information content of ribozymes and their cat-alytic activity.73 We can expect such a relationshipto hold as long as information is valuable, and thiswill always be the case as long as information can beused in decision processes (broadly speaking) thatincrease the long term of success of a lineage. It ispossible to imagine exceptions to such a law whereinformation would be harmful to an organism, inthe sense that signals perceived by a sensory appara-tus overwhelm, rather than aid, an organism. Sucha situation could arise when the signals are unan-ticipated, and simply cannot be acted upon in anappropriate manner (for example in animal devel-opment). It is conceivable that in such a case, mech-anisms will evolve that protect an organism fromsignals—this is the basic idea behind the evolutionof canalization,74 which is the capacity of an organ-ism to maintain its phenotype in the face of genetic

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Figure 7. Correlation of information-based measures of complexity with fitness. "MC, I, "atom, I total, I pred, as a function offitness at the end of each of 64 independent runs. R indicates Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The red dot shows the rundepicted in Figure 6 (from Ref. 51).

and environmental variation. I would like to pointout, however, that strictly speaking, canalization isthe evolution of robustness with respect to entropy(noise), not information. If a particular signal can-not be used to make predictions, then this signal isnot information. In that respect, even the evolutionof canalization (if it increases organismal fitness)increases the amount of information an organismhas about its environment, because insulating itselffrom certain forms of noise will increase the reli-ability of the signals that the organism can use tofurther its existence.

An interesting example that illustrates the benefitof information and the cost of entropy is the evo-lution of cooperation, couched in the language ofevolutionary game theory.75 In evolutionary games,cooperation can evolve as long as the decision tocooperate benefits the group more than it coststhe individual.76–78 Groups can increase the ben-efit accruing to them if they can choose judiciouslywho to interact with. Thus, acquiring informationabout the game environment (in this case, the otherplayers) increases the fitness of the group via mu-tual cooperative behavior. Indeed, it was shown re-cently that cooperation can evolve among playersthat interact via the rules of the so-called “Pris-oner’s Dilemma” game if the strategies that evolvecan take into account information about how theopponent is playing.79 However, if this informationis marred by noise (either from genetic mutationsthat decouple the phenotype from the genotype or

from other sources), the population will soon evolveto defect rather than to cooperate. This happens be-cause when the signals cannot be relied upon any-more, information (as the noise increases) graduallyturns into entropy. In that case, canalization is thebetter strategy and players evolve genes that ignorethe opponent’s moves.79 Thus, it appears entirelypossible that an information-theoretic formulationof inclusive fitness theory (a theory that predicts thefitness of groups76,77 that goes beyond Hamilton’skin selection theory) will lead to a predictive frame-work in which reliable communication is the key tocooperation.


Information is the central currency for organismalfitness,80 and appears to be that which increaseswhen organisms adapt to their niche.13 Informa-tion about the niche is stored in genes, and used tomake predictions about the future states of the envi-ronment. Because fitness is higher in well-predictedenvironments (simply because it is easier to takeadvantage of the environment’s features for repro-duction if they are predictable), organisms withmore information about their niche are expected tooutcompete those with less information, suggestinga direct relationship between information contentand fitness within a niche (comparisons of informa-tion content across niches, on the other hand, aremeaningless because the information is not aboutthe same system). A very similar relationship, also

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enforced by the rules of natural selection, can befound for information acquired not through theevolutionary process, but instead via an organism’ssensors. When this information is used for navi-gation, for example, then a measure called “pre-dictive information” is a good proxy for fitness aslong as navigation is performed taking only sen-sor states into account: indeed, appropriate behav-ior can evolve, even when information, not fitness,is maximized. If, instead, decisions are also influ-enced by memory, different information-theoreticconstructions based on the concept of “integratedinformation” appear to correlate better with fitness,and capture how the brain forms more abstract rep-resentations of the world81 that are used to predictthe states of the world on temporal scales muchlarger than the immediate future. Thus, the abilityof making predictions about the world that rangefar into the future may be the ultimate measure offunctional complexity82 and perhaps even intelli-gence.83


I would like to thank Matthew Rupp for collabora-tion in work presented in Section 3, and J. Edlund,A. Hintze, N. Chaumont, G. Tononi, and C. Kochfor stimulating discussions and collaboration in thework presented in Section 4. This work was sup-ported in part by the Paul G. Allen Family Foun-dation, the Cambridge Templeton Consortium, theNational Science Foundation’s Frontiers in Integra-tive Biological Research Grant FIBR-0527023, andNSF’s BEACON Center for the Study of Evolutionin Action under contract No. DBI-0939454.

Conflicts of interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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