THE USE OF DICE GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN SIMPLE PAST TENSE A Classroom Action Research to the 8 th Grade Students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Degree of Bachelor of Islamic Education In English Education By: RONDIYAN 053411386 TARBIYAH FACULTY WALISONGO STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES SEMARANG 2012


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A Classroom Action Research to the 8th

Grade Students

in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For Degree of Bachelor of Islamic Education

In English Education








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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

After reading and revising, we as advisors declare that the final project of:

Name : Rondiyan

Students Number : 053411386

Faculty/Mayor : Tarbiyah/ English Department

Title : The Use Of Dice Game To Improve Students’ Interest In

Simple Past Tense A Classroom Action Research To The

8th Grade Students In Mts Negeri 02 Semarang In The

Academic Year Of 2011/2012

is approved. Therefore, we appeal in order to examine it as soon as possible. We

thank you for your attention.

Wassalmu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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First and foremost the writer would like to express her highest gratitude to

Allah SWT for the blessing and inspiration given to the writer during the writing

of the final project. Never forget to say shalawat and greeting for the prophet of

Muhammad. May he will give us his helping in here after. Amen.

The writer has awareness of her mistakes in arranging this final project.

And she knows that there are many people who help her and giving motivation to

finish this final project. For these, the writer says thank very much to many people

such as:

1. Prof. Dr. Suja’i, as the Dean in Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

2. Dra. Siti Mariam M. Pd as the first advisor for guiding and supporting in event

step of the writing of the final project. The benefit of foresight and knowledge

have helped her so much. The writers’ warmest thanks is also due to Drs.

Fatah Syukur, M. Ag as the second advisor. The writer would like to thank for

the time, patience, and carefulness in correcting the manuscript of the final

project for its finalization.

3. Nur Khasanah, M.Kes as the guardian lecturer who gives me suggestions

since I study in this faculty.

4. All of lecturers in Tarbiyah Faculty who have been leading and guiding her

patiently during the years of her study.

5. My beloved parents (Shobirin and Siti Rumlah) who have supported the

financely and spiritually.

6. My sister (Nurul Muntafi’ah and Umi Kharismatul Fitrya) who give me

support in.

7. All of my friends in English faculty for their support during my study, and all

person who might not be mentioned individually here.

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Because of their helping in the writer’s life, the writer hopes may Allah

gifts them all of goodness in their life.

After doing process very long, the writer says alhamdulillah because I has

finished my study and the final project, although there are many mistakes from

this final project. For these, some suggestions, advice, and guidance always I hope

it to get the perfect written for next writer. The writer hopes, may this final project

will be useful in education and specialist of education in the feature, and it will be

useful for us. Amen.

Semarang, July 3th


The writer



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The final project is proudly dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT, my Greatest God.

2. My beloved parents (Shobirin and Siti Rumlah), who have much time for me

and always support to get the best life. The writer just able to pray to God,

Jaza kum Allah jazaan katsir”. May Allah gifts reward for them.

3. My dearest sister (Nurul Muntafi’ah and Umi Kharismatul Fitrya) who give

me support in finishing this final project.

4. My lovely family, who always loves me and gives me suggestions to never

give up in finishing this final project.

5. My best friends in “MUNA ADV.” who always give me motivation to do this

final project.

6. All of my friends who might not be mentioned individually here.

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Title : The Use Of Dice Game To Improve Students’ Interest In Simple Past

Tense A Classroom Action Research To The 8th Grade Students In Mts

Negeri 02 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012.

Name : Rondiyan

Nim : 053411386

The background of the study in this research is based on the teaching of

simple past tense is necessary since it will support the students in grammar skill. To

teach simple past tense, the teacher must be creative to get students do not feel bored

in learning activities, especially in grammar. The teacher can use the game.

Dice game maybe is a good game to teach children, because it is interesting

and challenging game for teaching grammar, especially simple past tense because the

students will be taught to think creatively about their daily activity.

The objectives of the study are (1) to describe the implementations of

teaching simple past tense by using dice game and (2) to find out the improvement of

students’ interest of simple past tense by using dice game.

The study was conducted at the 8th Grade Students In Mts Negeri 02

Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012. The objects of this study were the

students at class VIIIE of Mts Negeri 02 Semarang.

This research is classroom action research. It is conducted Mts Negeri

02 Semarang. The subjects of this study were the students at class VIIIE of Mts

Negeri 02 Semarang. The numbers of the subjects are 35 students. The

techniques of data collection used by the writer are observation and written

test. The result of this study shows that implementing dice game to improve

students' interest in simple past tense at the 8th Grade Students In Mts Negeri 02

Semarang in two cycles. The improvement of using dice game to improve students'

interest in teaching simple past tense at 8th Grade Students in Mts Negeri 02

Semarang can be seen in learning process in every cycles. In the first cycle, the

students feel difficult to apply dice game because the procedure and scoring for

playing dice game are too much for students so they can not respond the

material and game. Interest in student learning is the main factor goes by the

learning process. Teaching simple past tense by using dice game is helpful in

improving students' interest especially in simple past tense. The indicator of students'

achievement in study interest in teaching simple past tense is reached 70% and the

minimum score in MTs negeri 02 is 60 . In the first test, the students have finished

are 17 students or amount 48.58% and the students pass in the evaluation is 18

students or amount 51.42%. In the first cycle, the students have finished is improved.

There are 24 students have finished or amount 68.57%. It is improved from the pre

test amount 19.89% and the students pass in evaluation are 11 students or amount

31.43%. It is more little than pre test amount 19.99%. In the second cycle, there are

31 students have finished in evaluation test or amount 88.57% and the students pass

in the evaluation are 11.43%. The students in the second cycle is improved from the

first test and the first cycle.

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A Thesis Statement

I certify this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for

content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinion or findings included in the thesis are

quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, May 31st 2012

The Writer,



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“Proclaim (or read) in the name of thy lord and cherisher, who created.

Created man, out of a (mare) clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And thy lord

is Most Bountiful. He who taught (the use of) pen. Taught man that which he

knew not.”1

Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen, widen, and

large our sense of life; they feed the soul.2

(Anne Lamott as cited by J. Harmer)

1 A. Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, (USA: Amana Corp., 1993), p. 1761-1762.

2 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p.


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Page of Title……………………………………………………………….. i

Ratification……………………………………………………………….. ii

Advisor Approval………………………………………………………….. iii

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………….. iv

Dedication………………………………………………………………….. vi

Abstract…………………………………………………………………….. vii

A Thesis Statement………………………………………………………… viii

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………… x

Indicators of Interest

Chapter I

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………… 1

1.1. Background of Study……………………………….……………… 1

1.2. Reasons for Choosing the Topic…………………………………… 4

1.3. Objective of the Study……………………………....……………... 5

1.4. Limitation of the Topic …….. ……………………..……………… 5

1.5. Pedagogical Significance ………………………………………… 5

Factors that Influence Students’ Interest

Chapter II


SIMPLE PAST TENSE…………………………………………………… 6

2.1. Students Interest ……………….…………………..……………… 6

2.1.1. Definition of Interest ……………………………………….. 7

2.1.2. Factors that Influence Students’ Interest…………………….. 8

2.1.3. Indicators of Interest………………………………………… 9

2.2. Grammar……………………………………………………………. 11

2.2.1. Past tense ………………………………………..………….. 12

2.2.2. How to teach grammar……………………………………… 18

2.3. Dice game………………………………………..………………… 19

2.3.1. The advantages of using dice games……………………….. 20

2.3.2. The use of dice games in class teaching simple past tense.… 21

2.3.3. Class organization………………………………………….. 22

2.4. Previous research…………………………………………………… 23

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Action hypothesis……………………………………………………. 25

Chapter III

3. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION……………………………………… 26

3.1. Research Approach…………………………………………………. 26

3.2. Time and Setting of the Study……………………………………… 27

3.3. Subject of the Study………………………………………………… 28

3.4. Research Design……………………………………………………. 29

3.5. Procedure of Research……………………………………………… 31

3.6. Method of Data Collection…………………………………………. 37

3.7. Method of Analyzing Data…………………………………………. 37

3.8. Indicator of Achievement Study……………………………………. 38

Chapter IV

4. FINDING RESULT……………………………………………………… 39

4.1. Analyzing action research…………………………………………… 39

4.1.1. Pre-cycle……………………………………………………… 39

4.1.2. First cycle…………………………………………………….. 41

4.1.3. Second cycle…………………………………………………. 48

4.2. Discussion …………………………………………………………... 54

Chapter V

5. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………... 57

5.1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………... 57

5.2. Suggestions………………………………………………………….. 58



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1.1. Background of Study

In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which is taught from

elementary school up to university level. Students have to know many types of

grammar structure in order to communicate appropriately. They also have to

produce correct pronunciation, intonation and stress. Meanwhile Indonesian as

our native language does not have as much as structure like English.

Moreover, students have already been surrounded by their mother tongue and

spoken it since they are childhood.

English teacher has to be a facilitator to help students in order to

master all skills. He/she must try to give good model. Then, encourage them to

practice the language. English teacher can use media and other source in

teaching activity. He/she can use games to teach or explain difficult material

to understand, or to make learn activity cheerful and not monotonous.

In this study, researcher wants to try to solve the problem about how

difficult to improve students’ interest to acquire English course material in the

class, especially grammar.1 There is a suggestion in the education world that

students get problem to acquire theoretical English material such as grammar,

if it is practiced by lecture method only. Because this method causes them

bored, sleepy, and sometimes feel hard to understand teacher’s explanation. It

can be caused by unclear teacher’s sentences or student’s inattentive in

listening teacher’s explanation, so the student is left for the information from

his teacher. In the fact, we often find that teacher who uses speech method

often gets his/her students less show their interest to follow teaching-learning

process. Some of them are sometimes blank, sleepy (more over sleep), or

talking with their friends, although there are also some students who seriously

1 Shelley Vernon http://www.eslhq.com/worksheets/preview_worksheet.php?worksheet,

march 2012

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follow teacher’s explanation. We can’t deny that students’ interest or

motivation has a strong role in acquiring material of study.2

Games will offer different situation which increase students’

interest of the lesson. Games can be used by both teachers and students. It

gives more detail information and focuses the student on the material and skill

that is being taught. The use of games also allows the students to be involved

in teaching and learning process. It gives the teachers and students opportunity

to do activity together. Then, teacher has to know the appropriate media for

the students.

Games, one of teaching technique to improve student’s interest.

Moreover, games are the interesting media in teaching and learning process.

There are some advantages games in teaching and learning activity. For

example, it can less the bored of students in the teaching learning. By games

activity, it can be effective.

Games can make better interactive between students. So games can

develop their grammar skill. Allah decree in the Qur’an:

O you who have believed, when you are told to make room in your

assemblies, you should make room: Allah will make room for you. And when

you are told to rise up, you should rise up. Those of you who have believed

and have been granted knowledge, Allah will exalt them in ranks and Allah is

well aware of whatever you do.3

2 Ibid

3 Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, The Qur’an; London and Dublin: Curzon Press, 1971, Pg:


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Abudin Nata said that based on that statement we must give

convenience to peoples, because any person who provides convenience to the

servant of God who wanted to the door of kindness and peace, Allah will give

breadth of goodness in the world and akhirat. The short, a command to bring

spaciousness in every kindness and give a sense of happiness to every

Muslim. For this reason the Messenger of Allah, asserts that God will always

help his servants, for servants are always helping others.4

Celce - Murcia states that grammar is important, and learners

seem to focus best on grammar when it relates to their communicative needs

and experiences.5 English grammar is one of important part to learn to master

speaking, reading, and writing English. So the people can practice English

right. If we want to master English, we must master the grammar.

Through this research, researcher wants to prove that students’

interest is one factor to developing a language acquisition, especially in

simple past tense. Moreover, researcher uses game as a tool to improve that

factor. Because researcher teaches grammar using game media, students will

enjoy the lesson. Researcher hopes students not only enjoy the game, but also

mastering the lesson that will be given by teacher.

1.2. Reasons for Choosing the Topic

As noted above, the title of this study is “The Use Of Dice Game To

Improve Students’ Interest In Simple Past Tense at the 8th

Grade Students in

MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012". In this

study, the researcher chooses the eighth grade students in elementary school

because in this grade, they will need the ability to identify the simple past

tense to be able to write the sentences that their teachers read for them and to

complete some simple and short dialogues. They are also need it to write of

4 Nata Abudin, H., Tafsir Ayat-ayat Pendidikan, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta,

2002. p. 187-188. 5 Celce-Murcia, M. Intosh, Lois Mc,. Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language.

U.S.A: Newbury House Publisher, Inc. 1989, p: 25.

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words in their daily activities, and to copy some sentences that they have

learnt before .

The researcher chooses this topic because of two reasons such as


1. The writer wants to know the teaching simple past tense using dice

game implemented in Junior high School.

2. The writer wants to know the improvement of students’ grammar after

being taught using dice games.

1.3. Statements of the Problem

Based on the background of study above, this study is focused on the


1. How is the implementation of dice game to improve students' interest in

simple past tense at the 8th

grade students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in

the academic year of 2011/2012?

2. How is the improvement of students' grammar ability in simple past tense

after being taught through using dice game at the 8th

grade students in MTs

Negeri 02 Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012?

1.4. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of study are as follows:

1. To describe the teaching simple past tenses using dice game implemented

in Junior high School at the 8th

grade students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang

in the acadeic year of 2011/2012.

2. To find out the improvement of students' grammar ability in simple past

tense after being taught through using dice game at the 8th

grade students

in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012

1.5. Pedagogical Significance

It is very important for us to know the significance of the study. It can

contribute some benefits as follows;

1. Theoritical Significance

a. This study will enrich the material and theory to the teach simple past


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b. This research will give some knowledge about evaluation

2. Practical significance

a. For the teacher

By doing this research, it is as motivation to improve skills in choosing

appropriate and variation learning strategy and the writer hopes the

teacher can use dice games as media an alternative method in teaching

simple past tenses. So, the students will get better achievement.

b. For the student

The use of dice games as media an alternative in teaching grammar

especially in simple past tenses, the writer hopes the students will

improve their grammar skills.

c. For the writer.

The writer will get some experiences and knowledge directly how to

implement of the teaching simple past tenses using dice game

implemented in Junior high School.

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2.1. Students' Interest

2.1.1. Definition of Students' Interest

Interest is a special attention towards a certain matter that is

created willing and depending from talent and the environment. Interest

can be said as strong push for somebody to do everything in realize aim

achievement and aim that be the willing.1

According to those meaning above, meaning of student‟s interest

to acquiring grammar lesson is how much student‟s desire and curiosity

in following English grammar lesson, and the student feels enjoy

enough when he/she is taught the lesson.

Interest is a centralization of attention not intentionally that is

born with fully will, interest taste, willing, and delight.2 Slameto, still

from this reference, declares that interest is a feeling to like and

interested at one particular matter or activity without somebody orders.

According to him, interest intrinsically is acceptance of relation

between someone, him/herself, with something outside him/her self.

Stronger or closer those relation, so greater is the interest.3

Then, researcher gets conclusion from several definitions above,

that interest is a special attention towards a certain matter that is created

fully will and depending from talent and the environment. Interest can

be said as strong push for somebody to do everything in realize aim

achievement that be the willing.

1 See at http://qym7882.blogspot.com/2009/03/pengertian-minat.html, 7 march 2009

2 Qym, Pengertian Minat at: http://qym7882.blogspot.com/2009/03/pengertian-

minat.html, accesed on 9 March 21, 2009

3 Ibid, Qym cites from Slameto, from Tomi Darmawan, 2007.

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Interest and motivation theorist said that interest can appear from

individual interaction with the environment.4 According to this

reference situation of the environment, is it pleasant or not, has a strong

effect to build a person‟s willing to do an activity. Of course, with the

joyful and comfortable environment will able to make some one‟s

interest higher to do an activity than in the contrary. Then, Schiefele

(1991) said that interest researches had distinguished with two

conception, individual interest and situational interest.

1. Individual Interest

Individual interest is defined as an evaluative orientation that

relatively stable at the certain areas, or more exactly at the specific

classes of an object, event or idea.5 It‟s said stable, because this

interest has a principal characteristic inside of somebody, or event

it‟s the exclusive interest owned by everybody. Individual interest

has a personal meaning and sometimes it‟s associated with the high

level of knowledge and value, positive emotion, and increased

esteem value. His interest that makes each person instinctively

wants to develop and always advance to the highest level

achievement of the life. Individual interest appeares stable more in

the children, although children also always in the process of

consolidating, merging and developing new interests.

2. Situational Interest

Different with individual interest that has a stable feature

inside of the person; situational interest is more influenced from

external factors. Because this interest itself is defined as an

emotional situation brought by a situation stimuli (Schiefele,

1998).6 This interest sometimes appear in the attitude of a person

4 Peter Aubuson, at al, “The IMPACTS Study (Interest, Motivation, Personal Achievement

and Classroom Teaching in Science)), A Journal of IMPACTS Study of Science Teaching,

(Sydney, University of Technology, June 2003). p.4 5 Ibid., p.4

6 Ibid., p.5

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when he/she is responding a specific idea, object or event as a visual

form expressed from internal locus of the individual interest. This

interest is disposed shorter and superficial than individual interest,

and sometimes it‟s pushed with the specific features of an activity

or task/text.

2.1.2. Factors that Influence Students’ Interest

Curran, J. M. and Rosen, D. E. tested some factors that according

to them can influence students‟ attitude, (which showed students‟

interest). And they found that there are four factors that have 77 percent

attitude variations toward the course.7 Those are:

1. Teacher/Instructor

Teacher is the main factor that determines students‟ interest.

Because the teacher is the person who rules the class situation,

determines what the course topic is, and regulate how the course

execution of the class that he/she will take.

2. The Room (Physical Environment)

But the teacher/instructor is not the only factor that influences

the students‟ interest and/or attitude in the class. There are some

significant factors in addition to the instructor, also determining

students‟ attitude in the class that he/she may take. One of them is

the class (room) situation, or called as the physical environment. Of

course, students will feel more comfortable put in the clean, neat

and not a stuffy room. Even, it doesn‟t close the possibility to take

the class in open-air nature to create a fresh class, if it‟s needed. But

this is not the main factor that will be involved in this research.

7 Curran, J. M. and Rosen, D. E. (2006). Student Attitudes toward College Courses: An

Examination of Influences and Intentions. Journal of Marketing Education, 28 (2), 135-148. at


November, 2010.

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3. Course Topic

Different with the classroom, course topic together with the

instructor and course execution is one of the main factors that may

be involved more in this research. It is happened, because the

research will focus on the game (that is part of topic course and the

execution), as a teaching-media to influence students interest. Only

required courses were included in the study. They covered topics

about which students had a range of interests, from not being

interested at all to the course topic being introductory to a major.

The researchers point out that if the subject matter of a course

influences how students relate to a course, then their level of

interest ought to be acknowledged as a contributing factor on course


4. Course Execution

In a follow-up analysis that explored some of the factors

related to course execution (which these researchers defined as

overall design and conduct of the course), there was confirmation

for some facts about participation many of us have observed in our

individual classrooms. "Students in classes where participation was

expected and graded were significantly more likely to prepare for

class, attend class, and commit to excellence. Students in those

classes where participation was emphasized were also significantly

more likely to value the contributions that other students make to

their learning experiences.

2.1.3. Indicators of Interest.

In order to know how far is the students‟ interest will be

improved, it‟s better to identify the indicator of interest itself. Students‟

interest can be observed from students‟ attitudes/behaviors in follow

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learning process in the class.8 If the students are interested in a course

given from the teacher, they will show good/appropriate attitude as their

responses to express what they feel. For example, listening to the

teacher explanation seriously, follow teacher instructions and rules

appropriately, rising hand to express his/her ideas, or other attitudes that

supporting the class situation to conducive. Then researcher includes

these as Positive Responses. While, if the students aren‟t interested with

the class, they will show inappropriate attitude (Negative Responses).

These are some troublesome students‟ behaviors which teacher

often finds in the class:

a. Talking and inattention

b. Unpreparedness, missed deadlines and tests, and fraudulent excuse


c. Lateness and in attendance

d. Disturbing other students

e. Sleeping, or other careless forms of the class conductivity

Those negative attitudes can be caused by some factors, such as

The Contingent on Individual Student Situation and The Structural of

the Course.9

1. Contingent on individual student situation

Students can use some problematic attitudes in the class

because of any situational issues, such as, health problem, personal

or family problems, adjustment or developmental issues (e.g.;

immaturity or self-esteem issues), or general academic difficulties.

2. Structural to the course

8 Zakridatul Agusmaniar Rane, Factors that Influence Students’ Learning Achievement, A

Paper of an English Education Subject, in FKIP-UNHALU. 1996 9 See at: http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/teach/problemstudent.html, February

17 2011

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Some of the unwanted students‟ behaviors can be caused by

the teacher‟s policies or course structure. If we want our students

act the appropriate attitudes, it‟s important for us as the teacher to

act more appropriate than them. It‟s the better way to give examples

of good attitudes according to our each positions/capacity. The

teachers must practice the active learning methods and make the

class more fun to be followed, so that our students never feel


2.2. Grammar

Grammar is one important element, as a part of language, and there is

no language without structure. To know what structure is, some definitions of

structures are put forward here. Structure is, of course, a unifying relation.

The parts of a sentence or a clause obviously „cohere‟ with each other, by

virtue of the structure. Hence they also display texture; the elements of any

structure have, by definition, an internal unity which ensures that they all

express part of a text. 10

Furthermore, he states that in general, any unit,

which is structured hangs together to form text. All grammatical units‟

sentences, clauses groups, words are internally „cohesive‟ simple because

they are structured. The same applies to the phonological units, the tone

groups, foot and syllable. Structure is one means of expressing texture.

Richards et al (1985:125) grammar is a description of the structure of

language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are

combined to produce sentences in the language. It usually takes into account

the meaning and functions these sentences have in the overall system of the

language. It may or may not include the description of the sounds a language

(phonology, phonemics also morphology, semantic and syntax). In generative

transformational theory, grammar is of rules and lexicon, which describes the

knowledge (competence) which a speaker has of his or her language.


Halliday, M.A.K,. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edw, 1994. P. 6

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2.2.1. Past tenses

A verb tense used to express an action or a condition that

occurred in or during the past. For example, in While she was sewing,

he read aloud, (was sewing and read are in the past tense).11

According to Faidal Rahman, past tense is one of tenses that

show events in the last time, activity act, the change and/or activity

that is done at the last time in the simple form, and also known the

time of event or the activity happened.12 of past tenses13

1. Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding -d or – ed to

the root of a word. Examples: He walked to the store, or They

danced all night. A negation is produced by adding did not and

the verb in its infinitive form. Example: He did not walk to the

store. Question sentences are started with did as in Did he

walk to the store? Simple past is used for describing acts that

have already been concluded and whose exact time of

occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for

retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in


2. Past progressive is formed by using the adequate form of to be

and the verb‟s present participle: He was going to school. By

inserting not before the main verb a negation is achieved.

Example: He was not going to school. A question is formed by

prefixing the adequate form of to be as in Was he going?. Past

progressive is used for describing events that were in the

process of occurring when a new event happened. The already

occurring event is presented in past progressive, the new one


http//www.answer.com/past tenses, February 2011 12

A. Faidlal Rahman Ali, Fundamentals of English Grammar a Practical Guide, Jakarta:

Pustaka Widyatama, 2007, p: 270 13

A. Faidlal Rahman, Op. Cit., p.270

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in simple past. Example: We were sitting in the garden when

the thunderstorm started. Use is similar to other languages'


3. Past perfect is formed by combining the simple past form of to

have with the past participle form of the main verb: We had

shouted. A negation is achieved by including not after had:

You had not spoken. Questions in past perfect always start

with had: Had he laughed?Past perfect is used for describing

secluded events that have occurred before something else

followed. The event that is closer to the present is given in

simple past tense: After we had visited our relatives in New

York, we flew back to Toronto.

4. Past perfect progressive is formed by had, the grammatical

particle been and the present participle of the main verb: You

had been waiting. For negation, not is included before been: I

had not been waiting. A question sentence is formed by

starting with had: Had she been waiting?

Luckily for us, most verbs in English are regular verbs. This

means that we can be confident with the forms of verbs because it

follows a predictable pattern. Those verbs that do not follow the

basic rules are called irregular verb. This is the explanation of

regular and irregular verbs. Regular Verbs

Taken from the book entitle Dictionary and Language

Teaching and Applied Linguistic mention that regular verb is a

verb which has the most typical forms in its language for

grammatical categories such as tense or person.14

Usually regular verbs are forming the past tense (verb II)

and the past participle (verb III) by adding –ed from the present

infinitive (Verb I).


Jack. C. Richard and Richard Schmidt, Op. Cit, p. 453.

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There are characteristics of regular verbs; it is divides into

six parts of regular verbs. The explanation of the parts of regular

verbs is such as below:

1) (infinitive).


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Abash Abashed Abashed Memalukan

Ask Asked Asked Bertanya

Open Opened Opened Membuka

2) Verbs are formed by ending –e so the form of past tense (Verb

II) and past participle (Verb III) will be added by –d.


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Change Changed Changed Merubah

Dance Danced Danced Menari

Use Used Used Menggunakan

3) Verbs are formed by ending –y and the first alphabet is

consonant, so in the past tense ( Verb II) and past participle

(Verb III) will change be –i and then will be added by –ed.


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Cry Cried Cried menangis

Fry Fried Fried Menggoreng

Reply Replied Replied Menjawab

4) Verbs are formed by ending –y and the first alphabet is vowel,

so in the past tense (Verb II) and past participle (Verb III) from

the ending –y will be added by –ed.


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Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Destroy Destroyed Destroyed Merusak

Display Displayed Displayed Memamerkan

5) Verbs are formed by consonant in the last alphabet and vowel in

the first alphabet, so the past tense and past participle will be

folded then will be added by –ed. 15


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Drip Dripped Dripped Menetes

Rob Robbed Robbed Merampok

Stop Stopped Stopped Menghentikan

6) Verbs are formed by ending –c and the first alphabet is vowel,

so the past tense (Verb II) and past participle (Verb III) will be

added by –c then –k and –ed.


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Mimic Mimicked Mimicked Meniru

Picnic Picnicked Picnicked Bertamasya16 Irregular Verbs

It is different with regular verbs. Irregular verbs are a verb

which does not have regular forms for tense, person, etc.17

Irregular verbs also has characteristics, it is supported each

other. It consists of four characteristics. The explanation of the

characteristics such as below:

1) Irregular verb is all of verbs which have similar forms, it means

the present tense (verb I), past tense (verb II), and past

participle (verb III) are similar.



Mun. Fika dan S. Warib, Op. Cit. , pp. 14-15. 16

Ibid. 17

Jack. C. Richard and Richard Schmidt, Op. Cit, p. 453.

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Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Cost Cost Cost Berharga

Cut Cut Cut Memotong

Hit Hit Hit Menyerang

Hurt Hurt Hurt Melukai

Let Let Let Membiarkan

Put Put Put Meletakkan

Read Read Read Membaca

Rid Rid Rid Membersihkan

Set Set Set Terbenam

Shut Shut Shut Menutup

Spread Spread Spread Membentang

Thrust Thrust Thrust Mendorong

Upset Upset Upset Merobohkan18

2) The following Verbs have two similar forms.

It means that Past Tense (verb II) and Past Participle

(verb III) are similar.


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Awake Awoke Awoke Bangun

Bring Brought Brought Membawa

Build Built Built Membangun

Buy Bought Bought Membeli

Catch Caught Caught Menangkap

Dream Dreamt Dreamt Bermimpi

Feel Felt Felt Merasakan

Find Found Found Menemukan

Hold Held Held Memegang

Keep Kept Kept Menjaga

Lead Led Led Memimpin

Learn Learnt Learnt Mempelajari

Lose Lost Lost Kehilangan

Make Made Made Membuat

Mean Meant Meant Bermaksud

Meet Met Met Bertemu

Hear Heard Heard Mendengarkan

Pay Paid Paid Membayar

Say Said Said Mengatakan


Mun. Fika dan S. Warib, Loc. Cit. , pp. 16-17.

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Sell Sold Sold Menjual

Sit Sat Sat Duduk

Sleep Slept Slept Tidur

Spell Spelt Spelt Mengeja

Spend Spent Spent Menghabiskan

Stand Stood Stood Berdiri

Sweep Swept Swept Menyapu

Teach Taught Taught Mengajar

Tell Told Told Menceritakan

Think Thought Thought Memikirkan

Understand Understood Understood Memahami

Win Won Won Menang

3) The following verbs have three different forms.19

It means the present tense (Verb I), past tense (Verb

II), and past participle (Verb III) are different each other.


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Be, am, is Was Been Ada

Break Broke Broken Merusak

Do Did Done Menyelesaikan

Drink Drank Drunk Minum

Drive Drove Driven Mengendarai

Eat Ate Eaten Makan

Fall Fell Fallen Jatuh

Fly Flew Flown Terbang

Get Got Gotten Mendapatkan

Give Gave Given Memberi

Go Went Gone Pergi

Know Knew Known mengetahui

Melt Melted Melted Mencair

Ring Rang Rung Berbunyi

Rise Rose Risen Terbit/ Naik

See Saw Seen Melihat

Show Showed Shown Menunjukkan


Ibid. , pp. 20-22

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Speak Spoke Spoken Berbicara

Sing Sang Sung Menyanyi

Swim Swam Swum Berenang

Take Took Taken Mengambil

Tear Tore Torn Menyobek

Wake Woke Woken Bangun

Wear Wore Worn Mengenakan

Write Wrote Written Menulis

4) The following verbs have two similar form (Verb I and Verb III

are similar)


Verb I Verb II Verb III Meaning

Become Became Become Menjadi

Come Came Come Datang

Outrun Outran Outrun Berlari cepat

Run Ran Run Lari20

2.2.2. How to Teach Grammar

Grammar is not the most exciting subject in the world, but it is

important. Many job applications and cover letters are passed over

because the applicant did not use proper grammar. That is one of the

causes, why English is learned, complete with its grammar. Grammar

used to be taught using a language book, learning about parts of

speech and doing language exercises such as diagramming sentences.

Now grammar is usually taught with writing, and it is taught through

mini-lessons. Whatever methods applied in grammar teaching, the

main goal is we hope our students able to hand the grammar rules and

apply these in true context.

While the professional community in general agrees on the

importance of form- focused instruction, there are still degrees of



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opinion on what kind of instruction should be offered to learners. Four

primary issues characterize this ongoing professional discussion. 21

a) Should grammar be presented inductively or deductively?

These two approaches are often contrasted with each other

when question about grammar teaching arise. But in most

contexts, inductive approach is more appropriate.

b) Should we use grammatical explanations and technical

terminology in a CLT classroom?

Sometimes, we are as teacher so enthusiast to explain our

students with the detail of Metalinguistic knowledge. But we

forget that our students may be so busy just to focus on our

grammar lesson that full with the complexity of rules and terms.

Grammatical explanation and the terminology must be extended

with care. We have to use the correct rules to enhance our

grammatical explanations, so it can be received by students.

c) Should grammar be taught in separate “grammar only” classes?

In some certain conditions, such as lesson hours prepared in

the curricula, grammar is better to added separately, because

intending it‟s meaningful as a language foundation. It‟s suitable

with intermediate to advanced students.

d) Should teachers correct grammatical errors?

Some little research evidences that grammatical correction

by teacher able to improve students‟ language skill. But, of course it

will seize any time. It‟s better if we engage our students to make

their self-correction by our guidance of correction principals.

2.3. Dice Games

A die (plural dice, from Old French dé, from Latin datum "something

given or played"[1]) is a small throwable object with multiple resting

attitudes, used for generating random numbers or other symbols. This makes


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles (An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy), 2nd

edition; San Francisco, San Francisco State University, p.365-37

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dice suitable as gambling devices, especially for craps or sic bo, or for use in

non-gambling tabletop games.22

A traditional die is a cube (often with corners slightly rounded),

marked on each of its six faces with a different number of circular patches or

pits called pips. All of these pips have the same appearance within a set of

dice, and are sized for ease of recognizing the pattern formed by the pips on a

face. The design as a whole is aimed at each die providing one randomly

determined integer, in the range from one to six, with each of those values

being equally likely.

2.3.1. The Advantages of Using Dice Games

Language learning is hard work. One must make an effort to

understand, to repeat accurately, to manipulate newly understood

language and to use the whole range of known language in

conversation or written composition. Effort is required at every

moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games

help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.23

Using games in language teaching can help students develop

their structure and produce the same grammar and structure

repeatedly. We can also use game as vehicles of the language teaching

learning. The followings are some opinions of game advantages

proposed by some others experts:

State four major advantages of using games in language


1) Dice games help and encourage many students or learners to

sustain their interest and work on learning a language.

2) Dice games can help teachers to create contexts in which

language is useful and meaningful. Teaching English involves the


http//www.wikipedia.org/dicegames.html, May 2011 23

Andrew Wright, Games for Language Learning, New Edition, Cambridge University

Press, 1994, p.1. 24


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teaching of patterns. This pattern can be taught meaningfully

through games.

3) Dice Games provide the repeated use of language form or drill.

By making the language convey information and opinion, games

provide the key feature of drill with the opportunity to the

working of language as living communication.

4) Dice games can be found to give practice in all the skills, in all

the stages of the teaching learning sequence and for many types

of communication.

The beneficial of game base on Ayu Rini are:

1. For teacher

a. To make easy the teacher before gives the material of study by

implementing game in the learning process.

b. To help the teacher gets the class conditions will be life.

c. To give the teacher in the achievement of teaching and to give

active participation in teaching and learning process.

2. For students

a. Students will be easier to understand the material of study

because the material will be presented by using game.

b. To minimize of feeling bored for students to study.

c. To help students memorize the material more quickly.

d. To make students more active in the class.

e. To grow the solidarity and sported students each other.25

The teachers‟ creativity in teaching simple past tense by using

game will increase the probability that students learn more and the

knowledge will retain better in mind. One of game to teach grammar is

by using dice game.

2.3.2. The Use of Dice Games in Grammar Class

Beyond the fact that the dice games are fun and a welcome


Ayu Rini, Excellent English Games, (Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc, 2009), p. 6.

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change of pace, they are also useful. They can serve as a painless

review or previously studied material as the competitive aspect of the

game is not taken too seriously. In several of the games, group of

students have to work together toward a common goal, whether it be

solving problem, or building up points or trying to win. in the process

of working together, the students necessarily have to interact with

each other to help, support, suggest, encourage, share, and event

correct and challenge each other. Inevitably, some teasing, joking,

cheering, and play pervade the classroom in short, the games give

every one, teacher included a chance to play and be playful. In the

language classroom, play is useful. Mainly in grammar class

specifically, this is a language area that often make students or event

the teacher feels hard to endure. But it will be no problem if we use

game. We can use many variations of games to make our students

enjoy the grammar class, or they will waiting for a next lesson. Why?

Because in grammar class we will find too much challenges. And with

a game we will make those challenges and difficulties more funny and

interesting. For example in past tense material the students will feel

hard to mastering the material, such us memorizing the irregular verbs

with the conservative way. But with many variations of games, the

material can be enjoyable to be followed. because we find some points

in the dice game that make people interested, such as, competition,

challenge, may be a prize there, willing to be a winner or the

champion, etc.

2.3.3. Class Organization

The notes on each game suggest which form of class

organization is appropriate of the four types of grouping, pair and

group work are very important if each learner is sufficient oral

practice in the use of language.26

1. Class work.


Ibid, P. 67

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In class work, it is easy to demonstrate that learners say only

one or two sentences in a lesson or, indeed, in a week. The

greatest 'mistake' (if oral ability is an aim) is for the learner not to

speak at all. thus, although some mistakes of grammar or

pronunciation or idiom may be made in pair or group work, the

price is worth paying. If the learners are clear about what they

have to do and the language is not beyond them, there need be

view mistakes.

2. Group work

Some games require for to nine players; in this cases group

work is essential. Membership of groups should be constant for

the shake of good will and efficiency.

In class work, it is easy to demonstrate that learners say only

one or two sentences in a lesson or, indeed, in a week. The

greatest 'mistake' (if oral ability is an aim) is for the learner not to

speak at all. thus, although some mistakes of grammar or

pronunciation or idiom may be made in pair or group work, the

price is worth paying. If the learners are clear about what they

have to do and the language is not beyond them, there need be

view mistakes.

3. Pair works.

This is easy and fast to organize. It provides opportunities for

intensive listening and speaking practice. Pair work is better than

group work if there are discipline problem. Indeed for all these

reasons we often prefer to organize games in pair or general class

work, rather than in group work.

2.4. Previous Research

A research by Meizaliana 2009, NIM: A4C006004 Postgraduate Program

Diponegoro University Semarang 2009, with the title: Teaching Structure

Through Games to The Students of Madrasyah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kepahiang,

Bengkulu. The similarity with this thesis is an action research to find out the

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difference between Teaching English Structure (Grammar) Conventionally

and Using Games Technique, with post-test and pre-test procedure. The

result is known from T-test be used by Meizaliana, that there is a difference

of teaching grammar between both of the methods with the comparison:

Teaching grammar using games, X = 41.79. While teaching grammar

conventionally, X = 32.95. Then Meizaliana concluded: “It means that

teaching Structure through Games is better than Teaching Structure


The similarity between her research and the researcher are on the

material of study that is about game in teaching grammar, and the data

analysis that use writing test. The differences are on the data participants, that

the previous researcher observed tenth grade students of senior high school

and the researcher observes eighth grade of junior high school. Then research

approach, the previous researcher uses experimental research by using game

to find the students' interest.

A research by Endah Sri Wulandari NIM : 205063132149, with the

title: A Study on Teaching English Using Games to The Eleventh Year

Students of SMK Brawijaya Kepung-Pare In 2006-2007 Institute of Teacher

Training and Education Budi Utomo Malang Faculty of Social Science and

Humanity Education Departement of English Education 2007. The sample

research was fifth grade students of that school. The data observation is

analyzed from the English teacher, the head master and among fifth-grade

students SDN Besowo III Kepung – Kediri.

The subjects of this study were the fifth-grade students, the English

teacher and the head master of school. There instruments were used in

research interview form, observation and documentation. The interview form

was designed to collect further observation and documentation. The interview

form was designed to collect further information the English teacher. The

English observation was used to find out the technique teaching used by

teacher, responses during learning activities and the media used by teacher.

The similarities between his research and the researcher are the

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previous classroom action research. Then second similarities are on the. The

difference, it is on the data analysis. He analyzed the data by calculating the

score, omitting the column, percentage of user, categorizing, finding result

and comparing with curriculum. Here, the researcher analyzed the data of

student‟s participation by formula; calculate the pre test, writing test, and

the result from achievement of study. The last differences is on the method

of collecting data whereas the previous researcher uses questionnaire and

the writer uses documentation, observation, interview, and test.

2.5. Action Hypothesis

A hypothesis is the statement or estimation of identifying feature in

temporary of research problem which has weak correctness so that it needs

empirical experiment. The word of hypotheses is from the word “hypo” that

has meaning under and “thesa” that has meaning correctness.27

Based on the description above, the researcher proposes the

hypotheses “The use of dice game to improve students‟ interest in simple past

tense at class VIIE of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of



Iqbal Hasan, Analisis Data Penelitian Dengan Statistik, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2004), p.


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3.1. Research Approach

This research is a classroom action research. Wallace states that

action research is a process; which is done by systematically collecting data

on teacher’s every day practice and analyze her future practice should be.1

So to do the research by using action research, the researcher needs

much time to get maximum result from the analyzing and collecting the data

on teacher’s every day practice in classroom.

A classroom action research proposed to increase the effectively of

teaching method, giving assignment for students, assessment, etc.2

In other opinion, Jeffrey Glanz said that action research is a form of

research that is conducted by practitioners to improve practices in

educational setting.3

The beneficial of action research that are:

a. Creates a system wide mindset for school improvement a professional

problem-solving ethos.

b. Enhances decision making greater feeling of competence in solving

problems and making instructional decisions. In other words, action

research provides for an intelligent way of making decisions.

c. Promotes reflection and self assessment.

d. Instills a commitment to continuous improvement.

e. Creates a more positive school climate in which teaching and learning are

foremost concerns.

f. Impact directly on practice.

g. Empower those who participate in the process.4

1 Michael. J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (New York; Cambridge

University Press, 1998), p.4 2SuharsimiArikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka

Cipta, 2006), 6th

Ed. , p.93. 3 Jeffrey Glanz, Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to School

Improvement, (Norwood: Christoper-Gordon Publisher, Inc, 1998), p. 20

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It is reasonable that action research is different with other research.

This research is done to improve and repair the teaching method which is

done by teacher. By action research, the development of educational qualities

is reached and the quality of the teachers is increased after repairing some

elements in education system.

3.2. Time and Setting of the Study

The researcher has time schedule for doing the research and he uses

the time to do observation and getting familiar with school conditions, doing

the research and analyze the result. The explanation of time and setting the

research are such as below:

a. Time for research

The researcher did the research start from 27 March until 12

April 2012. This is the schedule time for research:

Task description

Time schedule













Asking permission to the head

master to do research and

getting familiar with the school


Doing observation by

observing the teaching and

learning process from the

teacher in the class and getting

familiar with the students.

Doing first cycle (applying dice

game to teach simple past


Doing second cycle (Reviewing

4Ibid. , p. 21.

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the material of simple past

tense and applying dice game in

teaching and learning process

related the material of simple

past tense)

Analyzing the data and writing

the report

b. Setting of the study

In this study, an action research will be conducted at the eighth

grade students of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of

2011/2012. The researcher chooses this school because the students are

studying past tenses. Beside that, the researcher gets easy to do the

research in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012

because in this school English is taught from the 7th

grades until 9th


so the researcher can apply the research in the eighth grades. In fact, most

of them do not mastery simple past tense well.

3.3. Subject of the Study

There are subject of study in this research such as below:

a. The Object of study

There are 176 students at eighth classes MTs Negeri 02 Semarang

in the academic year of 2011/2012, and it is divided into five classes that

are class VII A, VIII B, VIII C, and VIII D, VIII E. Class VIII A consists

of 36 students, class VIII B consists of 34 students, class VIII C consists

of 35 students, class VIII D consists of 37 students and class VIIIE

consists of 35 students. The researcher uses class VIII E to do research.

b. In this research, the researcher did the research as observer and teacher at

classVIII E of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang.

c. The material of the study

The researcher focuses his study on the implementation of teaching

simple past tense by dice game and the improvement of students' interest

especially in simple past tense. The material of simple past tense is

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followed the curriculum at junior high school, and the verb is about

simple form and past form of regular and irregular verbs.

3.4. Research Design

The classroom action research is the process of repairing teacher

strategies in teaching and learning process. It is used to increase the effectively

of teaching method. There are components in doing this research. According

to Supardi in the book entitle Penelitian Tindakan Kelas said that the

classroom action research is research which is started from plan the action

(planning), action (acting), observe and evaluate the process of acting

(observation and evaluation), and reflecting, etc until repairing or improving

will be achieved by the researcher.5

In action research, all of the components are doing by the researcher in

every cycles of the research.Theexplanation of the four components in one

cycles for doing in classroom action research are:

a. Planning

Planning is a plan to conduct treatment or after making sure about

the problem of the research. It is explaining of simple past tense researcher

does the research.

b. Acting

This section discusses the implements of planning; it is about the

steps and activities that would be taken by the researcher.

c. Observing

In this step, a researcher has to observe all events or activities during

the research.

5Ibid. , p. 21.

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d. Reflecting

Reflecting is the inspection effort on the success or the failure in

reaching the temporary purposes in order to determine the alternative steps

that are probably made to get the final goals of the research.6

Generally, the clasroom action research consists of two cycles or

more. Every cycles holds in appropriate with the purpose of the study. In this

research, the researcher uses two cycles. Every cycle consists of four

components that are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

Theresearcher uses the research design from Kemmis and Taggart

that consists of several cycles of action in teaching based on reflection from

the result of study in cycle before.

The explanation of the research design in this research such as


Research design from Kemmis and Taggart

6SuharsimiArikunto, Op. Cit , p. 98-99.

7Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2008), p. 16.


Acting Reflecting




CYCLE Reflecting





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3.5. Procedure of Research

In this research, the researcher used two cycles. Before the researcher

did observation such as getting familiar with students at class VIII E and

observed the teaching method which was done by English teacher at class.

After doing observation before applying the dice game, the researcher did

test to measure the student’s ability, especially simple past tense. This test

was also used to decide the first score before he did the research at class

because there is no reference of the score from the students at class VIII E

before. It is because of there are changing of class and the students every


There are some procedures in doing a classroom action research. The

procedure of research that researcher did such as below:

a. Pre cycle of action research

The researcher did the pre-test on 29 March 2012. The pre test

can be seen in appendix.

After doing test, the researcher arranged the lesson plan and the

material of study. Lesson plan is the sets of equipment of teaching. It is

made by the teacher in teaching the students. It consists of identity,

standard of competence and learning activities. Then the researcher

arranges the observation checklist, it is about sheet of observing. It is used

to do observing of students in teaching and learning process. The

researcher also arranged the instrument of evaluation. It is the set of

equipment that used to get the result from the research.

a. Cycles of action research

The researcher prepared some aspects before doing the cycles

such as below:

1. First Cycles(1st meeting)

The researcher did the research on 29 March 2012 by doing

activities such as below:

1) Planning

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There were some planning of research which were doing by

the researcher such as below:

(1) Plan lesson plan and observation checklist

(2) Plan the teaching technique that would be implemented in

teaching simple past tense by using dice game.

(3) Develop the teaching model.

(4) Arrange the students worksheet

2) Acting

The description of some activities in the first cycle such as


Phase Date Time

allotment Activities

Cycle I

5 - Apperception and giving


29-03-12 10 -

Teacher asked students to

make the sentences with

simple past tense.

Teacher gave list variety

of verbs (simple form and

past form) on the board

and then asked students to

describe in part of regular

and irregular verbs.

15 - Teacher gave examination

about simple past tense.

10 - Teacher gave evaluation.

- Correcting the student’s

worksheets together.

3) Observing

In this step, the researcher noted all of process in acting of

teaching activities then wrote the report from the result of first

acting and noted the weakness in teaching and student’s

participation in observation checklist.

In the first cycle, the researcher observes 6 aspects such as


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(1) Student listened to teacher’s explanation.

(2) Student tried to follow the material.

(3) Student’s activeness in asking questions.

(4) Student played game seriously.

(5) The discipline in doing the task in individual work.

The criterion of scoring from the observation checklist such as


(1) Score 1 if the student’s participation is weak.

(2) Score 2 if the student’s participation is enough.

(3) Score 3 if the student’s participation is good.

(4) Score 4 if the student’s participation is very good.

This is the example from the instrument of observation:

No Name Aspect of Observation



Beside the researcher did the observation to students at

class VIII E,he also gave the writing evaluation in the first cycle.

The evaluation consists of 10 questions, it is about simple past


After all of the data are complete, the researcher did

reflection. The reflecting from the activities in the first cycle that


(1) Giving score in appropriate with the total of score in the first

acting from student’s worksheet.

(2) Evaluate the acting in the first cycle.

(3) Analyze the result of observation in the first cycle to know the

affect of the acting, so the researcher can repair the activity in

the second cycle.

2. Second Cycle (2nd


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After doing evaluation in the first cycle, the researcher did the

second cycle. The researcher observed the process of teaching verb

spelling by using dice game at class; this activity was held on 5 April


The forms of activity in the second cycle such as below:

1) Planning

The researcher planned some activities to get maximum result of

the research. He tried not to do same weakness such as the first cycle.

The planning of the second cycle such as below:

(1) Arrange the lesson plan of second cycle.

(2) Identification of the problem

(3) Searching the alternative of the problem

2) Acting

The description of the activities in second cycle such as below:

Phase Date Time

allotment Activities

Cycle 2

5 - Apperception and giving




Teacher gave the letter

about dice game.

Teacher divided students

into 4 group (9 students

every group)

Teacher asked students to

play the game and make

sentences with simple past


15 - Teacher gave students

writing test.

5 -

Correct the evaluation


3) Observing

The researcher noted the reprocess of acting in teaching of

verb spelling by using scrabble game. The researcher also noted the

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weakness in teaching and the students’ respond in learning


In the second cycle, the researcher observes 6 aspects such

as below:

(1) Student listened to teacher’s explanation.

(2) Student tried to follow the material.

(3) Student’s activeness in asking questions.

(4) Student played game seriously.

(5) The discipline in doing the task in individual work.

(6) Student did the task in group.

The criterion of scoring the observation checklist such as


(1) Score 1 if the student’s participation is weak.

(2) Score 2 if the student’s participation is enough.

(3) Score 3 if the student’s participation is good.

(4) Score 4 if the student’s participation is very good.

This is the example from the instrument of observation:

No Name Aspect of Observation



4) Reflecting

The researcher made the noted from the result of second

cycle. The reflecting activities in the second cycle that are:

(1) Giving score in appropriate with the total of score in the second

acting from students' worksheet.

(2) Evaluate the acting in the second cycles.

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(3) Analyze the result of observation in the second cycles to know

the affect of the acting, so the researcher can repair activities in

the next cycles if the result unsatisfied.

From the result of the second cycle the researcher can

decide to stop the cycle if the research is enough for getting progress

from the result of study. If students are not getting the progress so

the researcher must prepare to repair the acting in the third cycle.

After doing all of the cycles, the researcher gave the

evaluation test to know the result of study simple past tense by using

dice game. It consists of 10 questions. It can be seen in appendix.

3.2.Method of Data Collection

The method of collecting data is done by the researcher in

appropriate with the procedure which she presents above. To collect the data,

the researcher used instruments such as documentation, observation, and

evaluation test. These instruments were used to help the research. The

description of the instruments for collecting data such as below:

a. Documentation

Documentation is searching the data. It is about note, book, news

paper, magazine, etc.8

Documentation in this research will be used to know some

information of data such as, the data of profile of school of MTs Negeri 02

Semarang. It is about the condition of students, teachers, staff and other.

Beside that the researcher collected the photo in teaching simple past tense

by using dice game, and the collection of score the pre test, evaluation in

every cycle.

b. Observation

Observation is observing an object.9 Observation in this research

will be used to monitor the student’s activities during the teaching learning

process of English study by using scrabble game in teaching simple past


8SuharsimiArikunto,Op. Cit. p. 231.

9Ibid. , p. 156

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tense at MTs Negeri 02 Semarang. The researcher uses the instrument of

observation. It is the observation checklist as the instrument to give

assessment on the students’ participation.

c. Test

Test is giving questions or drills that used to measure the

knowledge, intelligence, the ability from individual or group work.10

The researcher carried out the writing test in this research. Writing

test could represent someone’s ability in using a language. Writing is an

appropriate test for measuring the students’ mastery of the whole language

aspects that have been taught in the teaching and learning process.

3.3.Method of Analyzing Data

The analysis of method was used to support the research at the school

to get the purpose of study, which is improving student’s interest of

grammar. The data was got from the research; it consists of observing, test or

documenting which I was collected by using descriptive analysis to describe

the condition of improvement to get students' achievement in appropriate

with the indicator of studying every cycle and to describe the achievement of

teaching simple past tense by using dice game

When researcher did treatments using dice game, researcher is

conducting the result tests that are measured by using Mean and Median. The

researcher is also using Mean to count tests in every cycle. The scores of

tests will be counted using the formula of Mean as follows:



Where ∑ represents “sum of”, X represents any raw score value, N

represents the total number of scores, and M represents the mean.11

To calculate the Mean, the whole scores are added and the sum is

divided by the total number of scores. This analysis technique is purposed to

find out how is the improvement of using dice game in improving students’

interest of English grammar in simple past tense. In this study, researcher is


Ibid. , p. 150 11

Sutrisno Hadi, Statistik (jilid 1), (Yokyakarta: ANDI,1989), 14th

Ed., p.37

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counting data using the mean because from this method it was already known

the result of the research. What there is a difference between first test and

second test or not, and what is significance or not. And the second step is the

researcher was looking for Median. The Median refers to the score obtained

by the middle paper of the whole group of tests. Finally, students are

expected able to increase their achievement and motivation in teaching

spelling English verb by using dice game.

3.4.Indicator of the Achievement of Study

a. There is improvement of student’s achievement to study grammar of

simple past tense at MTs Negeri 02 Semarangby the result of written test

is reached of 70%.

b. The researcher determines the criteria of students’ achievement scores

from first test, and second test above as follows:

1) the range of highest scores is: 81 – 100

2) the range of central tendency of the scores are:65 -80

3) the range of lowest scores is: 50 - 64

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4.1. Analizing Action Research

4.1.1. Pre Cycle

Before doing cycle, the researcher collects the first data such

as the students' name and the score from the first test from the students.

It is held on 27 March 2012. The first score is taken from test before

cycle. The test score is used to measure the students' ability and then it

is used to divide students into several groups. The score from pre-test

can be seen in the table below:

Table 1

Scoring Data of the First Test.

No Name Score

1 A.Arif Wibowo 80

2 Al Hikma Ayu 80

3 Anggun Triska 60

4 Ardya Prastowo 50

5 Aris Fitrianto 50

6 Desi Dwi K. 80

7 Dewi Via Runita 70

8 Diah Anggit Kusumaningrum 40

9 Dita Nirmala 50

10 Dwi Nefitasari 80

11 Fentia Ulfa’ani 70

12 Hesti Puji Astuti 60

13 Kalingga 80

14 Khoirun Anisa 70

15 Lia Amalia 50

16 Lika Hanifah 60

17 M. Gilang Aji S. 70

18 M. Iqbal 40

19 Maya Agustin N 80

20 Nila Dewi Noviani 40

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21 Oryzavella 100

22 Qori Diaf 60

23 Rizki Alfalah 70

24 Rofiul Huda 80

25 Saifullah Hidayat 70

26 Siti Aisah 70

27 Siti Nur Latifa 80

28 Sunhaji Tunggal S. 40

29 Teguh Utomo 50

30 Widya O.P 70

31 Wika Anjar Sari 40

32 Wildan Suryana A. 40

33 Yullyke Artika P.S. 40

34 Yustina Lutfita Sari 60

35 Zaal Farra Regitha 40

Table 2

The Categorization of Scoring Pre Cycle of Using Dice Game to

Improve Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at the 8th

Grade of

MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in First Test Percentage of

the Result

Total of



Categorization Percentage

90-100 1 Very Good 2.86%

70-89 16 Good 45.72%

50-69 10 Enough 28.57%

30-49 8 Little Enough 22.85%

10-29 0 Weak 0%

Total 35 100 %

Based on test above, it shows that students still difficult to learn

and understand of verb in daily activities. There are 17 students have

finished in test, 1 student who has very good mark or amount 2,86%

and 16 students have good mark or amount 45,72%. For 18 students,

they have passed in test, 10 students are enough mark or amount

22,85% and 8 students are weak or amount 22,85%. It is concluded

that most of students are not familiar with the simple past tense and

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they are still difficult to understand the simple past tense that they must

apply in written form that researcher gives in pre test. The total

students in finishing first test is 17 or amount 48,57% and the total of

students in pass the first test is 18 or amount 51,43% whereas the

indicator of students' achievement is reached 70%.

4.1.2. First Cycle

The researcher did the research of using dice game to improve

students' interest in teaching simple past tense at class VIII E MTs

Negeri 02 Semarang at the first cycle on 03 April 2012. There are steps

in this cycle such as below:

1) Planning

The researcher makes lesson plan, arranges worksheet, forming

several groups, makes evaluation from the first cycle, arranges the

observation checklist, documenting, reflecting and evaluating.

2) Acting

Learning process is started by greeting, asks students to pray

together, checking attendance, and then asks students to listen the

teacher explains that related to the simple past tense. Teacher also gives

10 list of variety of verbs on white board and then asks students to

describe in part of regular and irregular verbs.

After all of the activities have finished, teacher divides students

into 4 groups and asks each group to play dice game, and Distribute a

copy of the worksheet to each team. Students roll to see who goes first.

The students move their markers around the game board. When a player

lands on a square with words, he/she must make simple past tense

sentence. If the group judges the corrected answer to be accurate, the

student may roll again. If not, the turn passes to the next student. The

players should not discuss the correct answer when an incorrect answer

has been given since another player may land on that same space and

have a chance to give an answer. Circulate among the groups to see how

they are doing and to act as judge if the group cannot decide if an

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answer is correct. The first player in each group to reach the end is the


From the process above, the teacher as researcher observes the

students' interest from every sentence. If there are mistakes, the teacher

corrects and gives example the correct spelling.

After all of the process is finished, teacher evaluates students by

giving evaluation test. The evaluations is used to control learning


The last, teachers asks students to say hamdalah together then

she closes the meeting.

The result score of the first cycle is got by researcher from the

evaluation test. There are 10 questions. It can be seen in appendix. The

score of students in the first cycle can be seen in the table below:

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Table 3

The Result Score from the Evaluation Test of Using Dice Game to Improve

Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at the 8th

Grade of MTs Negeri 02

Semarang at the First Cycle

No Name Total

1 A.Arif Wibowo 70

2 Al Hikma Ayu 80

3 Anggun Triska 70

4 Ardya Prastowo 70

5 Aris Fitrianto 40

6 Desi Dwi K. 80

7 Dewi Via Runita 50

8 Diah Anggit Kusumaningrum 40

9 Dita Nirmala 70

10 Dwi Nefitasari 80

11 Fentia Ulfa’ani 70

12 Hesti Puji Astuti 70

13 Kalingga 80

14 Khoirun Anisa 90

15 Lia Amalia 70

16 Lika Hanifah 50

17 M. Gilang Aji S. 100

18 M. Iqbal 80

19 Maya Agustin N 80

20 Nila Dewi Noviani 70

21 Oryzavella 90

22 Qori Diaf 70

23 Rizki Alfalah 50

24 Rofiul Huda 70

25 Saifullah Hidayat 50

26 Siti Aisah 60

27 Siti Nur Latifa 70

28 Sunhaji Tunggal S. 40

29 Teguh Utomo 50

30 Widya O.P 90

31 Wika Anjar Sari 70

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32 Wildan Suryana A. 80

33 Yullyke Artika P.S. 70

34 Yustina Lutfita Sari 60

35 Zaal Farra Regitha 70

Table 4

Categorization of the Evaluation Result

Using Dice Game to Improve Students’ Interest In Simple Past Tense

at the eighth grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the First Cycle


Percentage of


Total Of


Categorization Percentage

90-100 4 Very Good 11.43%

70-89 20 Good 57. 14%

50-69 8 Enough 22.86%

30-49 3 Little Enough 8.57%

10-29 0 Weak 0%

Total 35 100 %

3) Observing

The researcher observes students in learning process at class by

using observation instrument. This observation is doing in learning

process of using dice game to teach simple past tense at the eighth grade

of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang. There are notes for student's interest in

this research. It can be seen in the table below:

Table 4

The Score Of Learning Process by Using Dice Game to Improve

Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at the 8th

Grade of MTs

Negeri 02 Semarang at First Cycle

No Name

Description from the

Observation Total

Activities A B C D E

1 A.Arif Wibowo 2 2 1 2 2 9

2 Al Hikma Ayu 2 2 2 2 2 10

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3 Anggun Triska 2 2 2 2 2 10

4 Ardya Prastowo 2 3 2 2 2 11

5 Aris Fitrianto 2 3 3 3 3 14

6 Desi Dwi K. 2 2 3 3 3 13

7 Dewi Via Runita 2 2 2 2 3 11

8 Diah Anggit Kusumaningrum 2 2 2 2 2 10

9 Dita Nirmala 2 2 3 2 2 11

10 Dwi Nefitasari 2 1 3 2 1 9

11 Fentia Ulfa’ani 3 2 3 2 3 13

12 Hesti Puji Astuti 4 4 3 3 3 17

13 Kalingga 2 3 1 2 3 11

14 Khoirun Anisa 3 3 2 2 3 13

15 Lia Amalia 2 3 2 3 3 13

16 Lika Hanifah 3 3 3 2 3 14

17 M. Gilang Aji S. 3 3 3 3 3 15

18 M. Iqbal 2 2 2 2 2 10

19 Maya Agustin N 2 3 3 3 2 13

20 Nila Dewi Noviani 3 3 3 2 4 15

21 Oryzavella 3 3 4 3 4 17

22 Qori Diaf 2 2 2 2 3 11

23 Rizki Alfalah 2 2 2 3 3 12

24 Rofiul Huda 3 4 3 3 4 17

25 Saifullah Hidayat 3 3 2 2 2 12

26 Siti Aisah 3 3 3 3 3 15

27 Siti Nur Latifa 3 3 3 2 3 14

28 Sunhaji Tunggal S. 2 2 2 2 2 10

29 Teguh Utomo 3 3 2 2 2 12

30 Widya O.P 3 3 4 3 4 17

31 Wika Anjar Sari 2 3 2 3 2 12

32 Wildan Suryana A. 2 2 2 2 2 10

33 Yullyke Artika P.S. 3 3 3 2 3 14

34 Yustina Lutfita Sari 2 3 1 2 3 11

35 Zaal Farra Regitha 3 3 3 3 4 16

Table 5

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Score of the categorization from Student's Interest in the Learning Process

by Using Dice Game to Improve Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at

the 8th

Grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang at First Cycle

Total Of Students


Total of Students Categorization Percentage

17 - 20 4 Very Good 11.43%

13 - 16 13 Good 37.14%

9 - 12 18 Enough 51.43%

5 - 8 0 Weak 0%

Total 35 100 %

4) Reflecting

From the result of the evaluation test above, shows that there are

24 students have finished in evaluation test, 4 students get very good

mark or amount 11.43% and 20 students get good mark or amount

57.14%. Then there are 8 students get enough mark or amount 22.86%

and 3 students get weak mark or amount 8.57%. It is because there are

students still not understand of simple past tense and irregular verb in

simple past form.

For observing the students' interest, the researcher sees 4

students or amount 11.43% are very good interest, 13 students are good

interest or amount 37.14% and 18 students are weak interest or amount

51.43%. It shows that students still do not respond well for learning

process by using dice game to improve students’ interest in simple past


From the observation can be seen that student's activeness is

little enough. Students still do not focus on the material, they do not

listen to teacher's explanation, and there are many students are still

passive in learning process, in grouping, and working evaluation


Based on the notes above, the teachers as researcher must be

more creative in delivering material by using dice game to improve

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students’ interest in simple past tense. Teacher completes the student's

observation in the first cycle and then he does reflecting and evaluating

the learning activities in the first cycle. He tries to get solution on the

problem by planning some actions such as below:

a. Teacher asks students to focus on study and asks students to do work

by themselves.

b. Teacher asks students to be more active in the learning process.

c. Teacher should manage class well.

d. Teacher makes full color of letter and big board game to get student

interest in learning process.

e. Teacher makes class condition well to get students be more active.

f. Teacher notes all of activities in class in learning process.

g. Teacher completes the evaluation sheet.

From the reflecting above, it gets solution of the problem of

learning process by using dice game to improve students’ interest in

simple past tenses at the eighth grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang. The

result from the reflecting can be used to make improvement. It is also

used as refflecting for doing second cycle to get maximum research and

repairing the first cycle.

4.1.3. Second Cycle

This cycle is held on 5 April 2012. This cycles consists of

several steps such as below:

1) Planning

The researcher plans some activities to get maximum result

in the second cycle. He tries not to do same weakness such as the

first cycle. The planning of the second cycles such arranges the

lesson plan, evaluation test.

2) Acting

The researcher does some activities such as in the first

cycle. Learning process is started by greeting, asks students to pray

together, and checking attendance. Then teacher gives conversation

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to students and asks them to read together. After finishing reading

together, teacher writes verbs I and II related to conversation on

white board and asks students to read together after teacher read

before. Beside that the teacher asks student who does not listen to

the material to give example of the sentence from the word of verb.

After all of the activities have finished, teacher divides

students into 4 groups and asks each group to play dice game, and

distribute a copy of the worksheet to each team. Students roll to see

who goes first. The students move their markers around the game

board. When a player lands on a square with words, he/she must

make simple past tense sentence. If the group judges the corrected

answer to be accurate, the student may roll again. If not, the turn

passes to the next student. The players should not discuss the

correct answer when an incorrect answer has been given since

another player may land on that same space and have a chance to

give an answer. Circulate among the groups to see how they are

doing and to act as judge if the group cannot decide if an answer is

correct. The first player in each group to reach the end is the


To get students’ interest in the game, teacher prepares the

full color of letter and board game is largest than before. In this

process, the teacher walks around and controls the class. Teacher

also gives support to students to think quickly and get the word of


From the process above, the teacher as researcher observes

the students' interest. If there are mistakes, the teacher corrects and

gives example the correct sentences.

After all of the process have finished, teacher evaluates

students by giving evaluation test. The evaluation test is used to

control learning program then they check it together.

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The last, teacher asks students to say hamdalah together

then he closes the meeting.

The result score in the second cycles is got by researcher

from evaluation test. There are 10 questions. The score of students

can be seen in the table below:

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Table 6

The Score of the Evaluation Test by Using Dice Game to Improve

Students’ Interest in teaching simple past tenseat the Second Cycle

No Name Score

1 A.Arif Wibowo 70

2 Al Hikma Ayu 80

3 Anggun Triska 70

4 Ardya Prastowo 80

5 Aris Fitrianto 70

6 Desi Dwi K. 90

7 Dewi Via Runita 70

8 Diah Anggit Kusumaningrum 60

9 Dita Nirmala 70

10 Dwi Nefitasari 70

11 Fentia Ulfa’ani 80

12 Hesti Puji Astuti 80

13 Kalingga 90

14 Khoirun Anisa 100

15 Lia Amalia 70

16 Lika Hanifah 60

17 M. Gilang Aji S. 90

18 M. Iqbal 70

19 Maya Agustin N 80

20 Nila Dewi Noviani 70

21 Oryzavella 100

22 Qori Diaf 70

23 Rizki Alfalah 70

24 Rofiul Huda 90

25 Saifullah Hidayat 70

26 Siti Aisah 60

27 Siti Nur Latifa 80

28 Sunhaji Tunggal S. 70

29 Teguh Utomo 60

30 Widya O.P 100

31 Wika Anjar Sari 80

32 Wildan Suryana A. 90

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33 Yullyke Artika P.S. 70

34 Yustina Lutfita Sari 80

35 Zaal Farra Regitha 80

Table 7

Score of the Categorization in the Learning Process by Using Dice

Game to Improve Students’ Interest in teaching simple past tense at

the eighth grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang at Second Cycle

Total of Students


Total of Students Categorization Percentage

90-100 8 Very Good 22.85%

70-89 23 Good 65.72%

50-69 4 Enough 11.43%

30-49 0 Little Enough 0%

10-29 0 Weak 0%

Total 35 100%

3) Observing

The researcher observes students in learning process in

class by using observation instrument. This observation is doing in

learning process by using dice game to teach English verb at the

eighth grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang. There are notes for

student's interest in this research. It can be seen in the table below:

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Table 8

The Score Of Learning Process by Using Dice Game to

Improve Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at the 8th

Grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang at Second Cycle

No Name Aspects from Observation

Total Activities A B C D E F

1 A.Arif Wibowo 4 4 2 3 4 3 20

2 Al Hikma Ayu 3 3 3 4 3 3 19

3 Anggun Triska 3 3 3 3 3 4 19

4 Ardya Prastowo 3 3 3 4 4 3 20

5 Aris Fitrianto 2 3 2 3 3 2 15

6 Desi Dwi K. 3 3 4 4 3 2 19

7 Dewi Via Runita 3 3 3 3 3 3 18

8 Diah Anggit Kusumaningrum 3 3 3 3 3 3 18

9 Dita Nirmala 3 3 2 4 4 2 18

10 Dwi Nefitasari 3 4 3 3 3 3 19

11 Fentia Ulfa’ani 2 3 2 3 2 3 15

12 Hesti Puji Astuti 3 3 3 4 4 3 20

13 Kalingga 4 3 4 4 3 2 20

14 Khoirun Anisa 4 3 4 2 3 4 20

15 Lia Amalia 3 3 4 3 3 2 18

16 Lika Hanifah 3 2 2 2 2 3 14

17 M. Gilang Aji S. 4 4 2 4 3 2 19

18 M. Iqbal 4 4 3 4 4 3 22

19 Maya Agustin N 3 4 3 4 4 3 21

20 Nila Dewi Noviani 3 3 3 4 4 3 20

21 Oryzavella 3 4 4 4 4 3 22

22 Qori Diaf 3 3 3 4 3 3 19

23 Rizki Alfalah 3 3 2 2 2 2 14

24 Rofiul Huda 3 3 3 3 4 4 20

25 Saifullah Hidayat 3 3 4 4 3 3 20

26 Siti Aisah 3 3 3 3 4 3 19

27 Siti Nur Latifa 4 3 4 3 4 4 22

28 Sunhaji Tunggal S. 4 4 2 3 3 3 19

29 Teguh Utomo 2 3 2 3 2 3 15

30 Widya O.P 3 4 4 4 4 3 22

31 Wika Anjar Sari 3 3 3 3 3 3 18

32 Wildan Suryana A. 3 3 2 4 4 2 18

33 Yullyke Artika P.S. 4 3 4 2 3 4 20

34 Yustina Lutfita Sari 3 4 3 3 3 3 19

35 Zaal Farra Regitha 3 3 3 4 4 3 20

Table 9

Score of the Categorization from Student' s Interest in the Learning

Process by Using Dice Game to Improve Students’ Interest in Simple

Past Tense at the 8th

Grade of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang at Second


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Total of Activeness Total of Students Categorization Percentage

20 - 24 15 Very Good 42.86%

15-19 15 Good 42.86%

8-14 5 Enough 14.28%

1-7 0 Weak 0%

Total 35 100%

4) Reflecting

From the evaluation score in the second cycle above, it shows

that there are 31 students have finished in evaluation test, 8 students get

very good mark or amount 22.85% and 23 students get good mark or

amount 65.72%. It shows that students have good achievement in the

study by using dice to improve students’ interest in teaching simple past

tense that is reached 87.94% from the minimum score in the indicator of

study that is 70%. They are able to do assignment of simple past tense

sentences. Although there are students still get pass in evaluation.

The result of the student's interest shows that there are 15

students are very good interest or amount 42.86%, and 15 students are

good interest or amount 42.86%. Then there 5 students are enough

interest or amount 14.28%. It means that the students are good in

respond the material in the second cycle well. There is no student that

includes of enough or little enough interest or 85.72%. It shows that

students are active in learning process by using dice game to improve

students’ interest in simple past tense.

From observation that researcher observes, it shows that students

are more active in the second cycle. They are able to respond the

teacher's explanation because if they make crowded or do not listen to

the teacher’s explanation so teacher asks them to come forward and

make the sentence related to the material. Besides that, students are

more active to ask to the teacher if they do not understand about how to

spell the word. They are also diligent to do work by themselves

although students still do not discipline because they feel bored if the

study goes over time.

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Interest in teaching simple past tense by using dice game is able

to improve the student's achievement. The student's achievement is

fulfilled although there are little students are still not getting

achievement. By analyzing result of the research in the second cycle,

this research is stopped by the researcher.

4.2. Discusssions

The objectives of the study is to describe the implementations of

teaching interest in teaching simple past tense by using dice game and find

out the improvement of students’ interest in teaching simple past tense by

using dice game. To implement of dice game to improve students' interest in

teaching simple past tense at the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri

02Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011/2012.

In using dice game to teach interest in simple past tense, the

students can play the game well, although the game sometimes goes over

long. But, by using big board game, the teacher can manage the students

when they play game. The implementation of game in teaching interest in

teaching simple past tense is clear in appropriate with procedure for playing

dice game. Students can arrange sentences well.

In students' improvement of interest in simple past tense, it can

be seen in the table below:

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Table 10

Conparative the Evaluation Result in Learning Process by Using Dice

Game to Improve Students’ Interest in Simple Past Tense at the 8th


of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the First Cycle and Second Cycle

Categorization Pre Cycle First Cycle Second Cycle

Very Good 1 2.86% 4 11.43% 8 22.85%

Good 16 45.72% 20 57.14% 23 65.72%

Enough 10 28.57% 8 22.86% 4 11.43%

Little Enough 8 22.85% 3 8.57% 0 0%

Very Little 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

Total 100 % 35 100 % 35 100%

It shows that there are improvement in students' interest in simple

past tense. The indicator of students' interest in teaching simple past tense is

reached 70% and the minimum score is 70 . In the first test, the students have

finished are 17 students or amount 48,58% and the students pass in the

evaluation is 18 students or amount 51.42%. In the first cycle, the students

have finished is improved. There are 24 students have finished or amount

68.57%. It is improved from the pre test amount 19,89% and the students pass

in evaluation are 11 students or amount 31.43%. It is more little than pre test

amount 19.99%. In the second cycle, there are 31 students have finished in

evaluation test or amount 88.57% and the students pass in the evaluation are

11.43%. The students in the second cycle is improved from the first test and

the first cycle.

In the students' observation, it can be concluded by seeing the table


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Table 11

Comparative The Result of Students' Interest in Learning Process by

Using Dice Game to Improve Students' Interest in teaching simple

past tense at the Fourth Grade Students at SD Al Azhar 25 Semarang

in the First Cycle and The Second Cycle

Categorization First Cycle Second Cycle

Very Good 4 11.43% 15 42.86%

Good 13 37.14% 15 42.86%

Enough 18 51.43% 5 14.28%

Little Enough 0 0% 0 0%

Weak 0 0% 0 0%

Total 35 100 % 35 100%

It shows that the action of the researcher as teacher in learning

process by using dice game to improve students' interest in teaching simple

past tense at the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri 02 Semarang helps

students more active in learning process. By using dice game in teaching and

learning process can help students to improve the motivation to learn. From

the observation in the first cycle, it shows that there are 4 students have very

good interest or amount 11.43%. In the second cycle, it is improved by 15

students or amount 42.86%. The students who have good interest in the first

cycle are 13 or 37.14% and the students who have little enough interest are 18

or 51,43%. It is improved by 15 students or 42.86% of students who have

good interest in the second cycle and the students who have little enough

interest in the second cycle are 5 students or amount 14.28%.

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A. Conclusion

From the result of the research about " The Use Of Dice Game To Improve

Students’ Interest In Simple Past Tense A Classroom Action Research to the 8th

Grade Students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year of

2011/2012, can be concluded such as below:

1. Implementing dice game to improve students' interest in simple past tense at

to the 8th

Grade Students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the Academic Year

of 2011/2012 in two cycles. It is oriented with learning process in teaching

simple past tense that students get while they play dice game. If there are

mistakes from the students sentences, the researcher as a teacher gives correct

sentences to students. In doing dice game, the students do systematically in

appropriate with the procedure for playing dice game. But, the game goes

over long because of many procedure in this game such as, to get score in

playing dice game, the students must calculate every letter that they have

make the sentence from the word in the boxes. Beside that, there are many

students do game without attention in procedure so it needs much time for

teacher to explain more.

2. The improvement of using dice game to improve students’ interest in simple

past tense at the the 8th

Grade Students in MTs Negeri 02 Semarang in the

Academic Year of 2011/2012 can be seen in learning process in every cycle.

Teaching simple past tense by using dice game is helpful in improving

students' interest especially in simple past tense. The indicator of students'

achievement in study interest in teaching simple past tense is reached 70%

and the minimum score is 70 . In the first test, the students have finished are

17 students or amount 48.58% and the students pass in the evaluation is 18

students or amount 51.42%. In the first cycle, the students have finished is

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improved. There are 24 students have finished or amount 68.57%. It is

improved from the pre test amount 19.89% and the students pass in evaluation

are 11 students or amount 31.43%. It is more little than pre test amount

19.99%. In the second cycle, there are 31 students have finished in evaluation

test or amount 88.57% and the students pass in the evaluation are 11,43%.

The students in the second cycle is improved from the first test and the first

cycle. By using dice game in teaching and learning process can help students

to improve the motivation to learn. From the observation in the first cycle, it

shows that there are 4 students have very good interest or amount 11,43%. In

the second cycle, it is improved by 15 students or amount 42.86%. The

students who have good interest in the first cycle are 13 or 37.14% and the

students who have little enough interest are 18 or 51.43%. It is improved by

15 students or 42.86% of students who have good interest in the second cycle

and the students who have little enough interest in the second cycle are 5

students or amount 14.28%.

B. Suggestions

After seeing the condition above, or based on observation result that the

researcher does it, the teacher as researcher has some suggestions to himself and

the other researcher such as below:

1. For Teacher

a. Teacher should have prepared the material well to get maximum result in

teaching and learning process.

b. Teacher should be creative to get students interest in learning process.

c. Teacher should be more meaningful language in teaching and learning

process to make students understand about the material.

d. Teacher should more understand the student's characterization to get easier

in delivering material.

e. Teacher should create the condition of class be more fun, such as students

can play dice game out of class.

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f. Teacher should arrange the teaching and learning process well in order to

make students more active and gives respond well to the material.

g. Teacher should study more of teaching strategies to get optimal in teaching.

2. For School

The researcher feels difficult to go to school, because the school is very

systematically. For example, every researcher goes to school; he must permit

with the security, and then must go to counseling room although he has got the

permitting from school.

3. For Students

a. Students should study more and respond in learning process.

b. Students should be more interested in English study.

c. Students should improve the students' ability in English

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School : MTs. Negeri 02 Semarang

Subject : English

Theme : Simple Past Tense

Skill focus : Structure

Date : April 29th 2012

Class/Semester : VIII E

I. Standard of Competence : Identify past tense verbs.

Identify regular and irregular verbs.

Students are able to correct inconsistent verb tenses.

II. Basic Competences : Students are able to understand simple past tense.

Students are able to make simple past tense in sentences.

III. Indicators :

A. The students are able to identify past verbs.

B. The students are able to make simple past tense sentences.

IV. Method : Communicative Language Teaching

V. Teaching Media :Dice, White board, Board marker, Board game, tiles of letter.

VI. Activities :

A. Pre activities (5 minutes)

Teacher greets students.

B. Main activities (10 minutes)

1. BKoF (Building Knowledge of Field)

i. Teacher stimulates to gets student’s interest by asked them about the last material and

connected with the topic.

2. MoT (Modeling of Text)

i. Teacher explains material of simple past tense.

ii. Teacher asks students to mention regular and irregular words.

3. JCoT (Joint Construction of the Text)

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i. Preparing copies of dice game and dividing the students into 4 group, giving each group

one copy of dice game.

4. ICoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

i. Asking the students roll to see who goes first.

ii. The students move their markers around the game board. When a player lands on a square

with words, he/she must make simple past tense sentence. If the group judges the corrected

answer to be accurate, the student may roll again. If not, the turn passes to the next student.

The players should not discuss the correct answer when an incorrect answer has been given

since another player may land on that same space and have a chance to give an answer.

Circulate among the groups to see how they are doing and to act as judge if the group

cannot decide if an answer is correct.

iii. Asking the students to make the simple past tense sentences from the words.

iv. The first player in each group to reach the end is the winner.

C. Evaluation (10 minutes)

Teacher gives an individual assignment.

D. Closing (3 minutes)

Teacher and students check the result of test together

Teacher closes the class by giving suggestion.

VII. Assessment:

A. Technique : Students choose the correct answer.

B. Form : multiple choice

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School : MTs. Negeri 02 Semarang

Subject : English

Theme : Simple Past Tense

Skill focus : Structure

Date : May 3rd


Class/Semester : VIII E

VIII. Standard of Competence : Identify past tense verbs.

Identify regular and irregular verbs.

Students are able to correct inconsistent verb tenses.

I. Basic Competences : Students are able to understand simple past tense.

Students are able to make simple past tense in sentences.

II. Indicators :

a. The students are able to identify past verbs.

b. The students are able to make simple past tense sentences.

III. Method : Communicative Language Teaching

IV. Teaching Media :Dice, White board, Board marker, Board game, tiles of letter.

V. Activities :

a. Pre activities (5 minutes)

i. Teacher greets students.

b. Main activities (10 minutes)

5. BKoF (Building Knowledge of Field)

i. Teacher stimulates to gets student’s interest by asked them about the last material and

connected with the topic.

6. MoT (Modeling of Text)

i. Teacher explains material of simple past tense.

ii. Teacher asks students to mention regular and irregular words.

7. JCoT (Joint Construction of the Text)

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i. Preparing copies of dice game and dividing the students into 4 group, giving each group

one copy of dice game.

8. ICoT (Independent Construction of the Text)

i. Asking the students roll to see who goes first.

ii. The students move their markers around the game board. When a player lands on a square

with words, he/she must make simple past tense sentence. If the group judges the corrected

answer to be accurate, the student may roll again. If not, the turn passes to the next student.

The players should not discuss the correct answer when an incorrect answer has been given

since another player may land on that same space and have a chance to give an answer.

Circulate among the groups to see how they are doing and to act as judge if the group

cannot decide if an answer is correct.

iii. Asking the students to make the simple past tense sentences from the words.

iv. The first player in each group to reach the end is the winner.

c. Evaluation (10 minutes)

i. Teacher gives an individual assignment.

d. Closing (3 minutes)

i. Teacher and students check the result of test together

ii. Teacher closes the class by giving suggestion.

VI. Assessment:

a. Technique : Students choose the correct answer.

b. Form : Multiple choice

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Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.

1. Yesterday I … a beautiful rainbow on the sky.

a. See

b. Saw

c. Seen

d. Seeing

2. My father … a new motorcycle last month.

a. Buy

b. Buys

c. Buying

d. Bought

3. The students in this class … English club two days ago.

a. Join

b. Joins

c. Joined

d. Joining

4. My sisters and I … our grandparents in village last week.

a. Visit

b. Visited

c. Visiting

d. Will visit

5. Last night she … me and asked about the homework.

a. Called

b. Calling

c. Will call

d. Are calling

6. … you come to Martha’s party on last Sunday?

a. Do

b. Did

c. Does

d. Do not

7. Three days ago they … use the computers here.

a. Was

b. Does

c. Were

d. Did not

8. She … in my house to meet my brother yesterday.

a. Is

b. Are

c. Was

d. Were

9. They … late to school, so the teacher was not angry.

a. Did not

b. Was not

c. Does not

d. Were not

10. Mike … his bike by himself.

a. Repair

b. Repairs

c. Repaired

d. Repairing

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Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.

11. Last Monday I ... my friend in a mall.

e. Meet

f. Meeting

g. Meets

h. Met

12. They ... to Mr. Armin’s house last night.

e. Came

f. Come

g. Comes

h. Coming

13. My mother … me to buy instant noodle in that shop yesterday.

e. Ask

f. Asks

g. Asked

h. Will ask

14. Mr. Jono ... a teacher in this school two years ago.

e. is

f. am

g. was

h. were

15. This morning I ... to school with my brother.

e. Walking

f. Walked

g. Will walk

h. Walks

16. … your sister here four days ago?

e. Was

f. Were

g. Will

h. Is

17. The gardener ... the grass yesterday.

e. Cutting

f. Will cut

g. Cuts

h. Cut

18. Last night I ... a strange voice from the kitchen.

e. Hear

f. Heard

g. Hears

h. Hearing

19. We ... know that he would be angry yesterday.

e. Did not

f. Was not

g. Does not

h. Were not

20. Aunt Isabel ... the dinner by herself last night.

e. Prepare

f. Prepares

g. Preparing

h. Prepared

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Name :

Class :

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.

21. Two days ago Ina … me a delicious cake for my birthday.

i. Gave

j. Give

k. Gives

l. Giving

22. I … the room floor an hour ago.

i. Sweeping

j. Will sweep

k. Swept

l. Sweeps

23. Yesterday my classmates and I … our plan to go to Maron beach.

i. Discuss

j. Discussed

k. Discusses

l. Discussing

24. Last time, there … a big tree near my grandparents’ house.

i. Is

j. Am

k. Was

l. Were

25. My sister … fried rice for our breakfast this morning.

i. Cooked

j. Will cook

k. Cooking

l. Cooks

26. Did you … that Hana’s grandfather passed away?

i. Know

j. Knows

k. Know

l. Knowing

27. Last week Mr. Parman and the students … a visit to Ronggorwarsito museum.

i. Make

j. Making

k. Made

l. Will make

28. … the president inspect the department last month?

i. Did

j. Does

k. Do

l. Done

29. Last May, I … Archie in his old boarding house.

i. Meet

j. Meets

k. Meeting

l. Met

30. Last afternoon my young brother … his favorite game with my father.

i. Play

j. Plays

k. Played

l. Playing

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Name :

Class :


1. What is your opinion about grammar lesson just you have followed?

a). It is very interesting lesson. c). I am not interested so much.

b). It is fair to middling. d). It is not interesting.

2. Is that lesson difficult?

a). No, it is very easy. c). Yes, little.

b). No, I still can follow the material. d). Yes. It is very difficult.

3. Do you understand about all the materials have been given?

a). Yes, I do. c). No for all, just a parts.

b). Yes, but little hard to get all of them. d). No at all.

4. Did you follow the lesson from beginning until finish?

a). Yes, I did. c). No, I just follow a half.

b). Yes, almost. d). No. I didn’t.

5. Are you interested to follow grammar lesson in the next meeting?

a). Yes, I am always. c). I am not too miss it.

b). Yes, may be I will for next time. d). No, I am not interested.

6. Are you sure you can be successful in this lesson?

a). Yes, I am sure. c). no, I am not sure.

b). Yes, but not at all . d). No, I am not sure at all.

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Place and date of birth : Grobogan, 05 Desember 1985

Address : Tunggulrejo RT.02 RW.04. Gabus, Grobogan

Phone : 085712160779, 085290635201

E-mail : [email protected]

Education :

SDN 01 Tunggulrejo graduated in 1997

MTs Fathul Ulum Pandan Harum graduated in 2000

MAN Rembang graduated in 2003

IAIN Walisongo Semarang

Semarang, 3 june 2012

The writer,