The US Housing Market: Asset Pricing Forecasts Using Time Varying Coefficients HANY S. GUIRGUIS Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, USA E-mail: [email protected] CHRISTOS I. GIANNIKOS Columbia Business School, Columbia University and Baruch College, The City University of New York, NY, USA RANDY I. ANDERSON College of Business Administration, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA Abstract The US housing market has experienced significant cyclical volatility over the last twenty-five years due to major structural changes and economic fluctuations. In addition, the housing market is generally considered to be weak form inefficient. Houses are relatively illiquid, exceptionally heterogeneous, and are associated with large transactions costs. As such, past research has shown that it is possible to predict, at least partially, the time path of housing prices. The ability to predict housing prices is important such that investors can make better asset allocation decisions, including the pricing and underwriting of mortgages. Most of the prior studies examining the US housing market have employed constant coefficient approaches to forecast house price movements. However, this approach is not optimal as an examination of data reveals substantial sub-sample parameter instability. To account for the parameter instability, we employ alternative estimation methodologies where the estimated parameters are allowed to vary over time. The results provide strong empirical evidence in favor of utilizing the rolling Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (GARCH) Model and the Kalman Filter with an Autoregressive Presentation (KAR) for the parameters’ time variation. Lastly, we provide out-of-sample forecasts and demonstrate the precision of our approach. Key Words: house prices, Kalman filter, rolling GARCH, rolling VECM 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview Both academics and practitioners are interested in understanding the dynamics of the housing market due to its significant impact on the whole economy. In fact, the housing sector constitutes a significant share of the GDP and it is the largest component of household wealth in the US. Furthermore, many economists suggest that developing an efficient housing market is a prerequisite for sustained economic development (Shiller, 1993). 1 However, modeling house price appreciation has been a challenging task for theoreticians and econometricians due to the strong vulnerability of the housing sector to structural changes, macroeconomic policies, regime switching, and market imperfections. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 30:1, 33–53, 2005 # 2005 Springer Sciences + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

The US Housing Market - Asset Pricing Forecasts Using Time Varying Coefficients(Guirguis,Giannikos and Anderson)

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Asset Forecast especially in real estate.

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  • The US Housing Market: Asset Pricing Forecasts UsingTime Varying Coefficients


    Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, USA

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Columbia Business School, Columbia University and

    Baruch College, The City University of New York, NY, USA


    College of Business Administration, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA


    The US housing market has experienced significant cyclical volatility over the last twenty-five years due to

    major structural changes and economic fluctuations. In addition, the housing market is generally considered to

    be weak form inefficient. Houses are relatively illiquid, exceptionally heterogeneous, and are associated with

    large transactions costs. As such, past research has shown that it is possible to predict, at least partially, the time

    path of housing prices. The ability to predict housing prices is important such that investors can make better

    asset allocation decisions, including the pricing and underwriting of mortgages. Most of the prior studies

    examining the US housing market have employed constant coefficient approaches to forecast house price

    movements. However, this approach is not optimal as an examination of data reveals substantial sub-sample

    parameter instability. To account for the parameter instability, we employ alternative estimation methodologies

    where the estimated parameters are allowed to vary over time. The results provide strong empirical evidence in

    favor of utilizing the rolling Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (GARCH) Model and the

    Kalman Filter with an Autoregressive Presentation (KAR) for the parameters time variation. Lastly, we

    provide out-of-sample forecasts and demonstrate the precision of our approach.

    Key Words: house prices, Kalman filter, rolling GARCH, rolling VECM

    1. Introduction

    1.1. Overview

    Both academics and practitioners are interested in understanding the dynamics of the

    housing market due to its significant impact on the whole economy. In fact, the housing

    sector constitutes a significant share of the GDP and it is the largest component of

    household wealth in the US. Furthermore, many economists suggest that developing an

    efficient housing market is a prerequisite for sustained economic development (Shiller,

    1993).1 However, modeling house price appreciation has been a challenging task for

    theoreticians and econometricians due to the strong vulnerability of the housing sector to

    structural changes, macroeconomic policies, regime switching, and market imperfections.

    The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 30:1, 3353, 2005# 2005 Springer Sciences + Business Media, Inc. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

  • While housing prices are not as volatile as many financial variables housing prices in the

    US exhibit a high degree of volatility relative to many other macroeconomic variables, such

    as the consumer price index and real income levels. Figure 1.a. plots house price

    inflation and consumer price inflation in the US for the period 1975:01Y1998:02. Theplot reveals that house prices are much more volatile than consumer prices, with

    Figure 1. The behavior of the US house prices and their determinants.


  • standard deviations of 0.0079 and 0.0256, respectively. Similarly, Figure 1.b. shows that

    the logarithm of real house prices exhibits a stronger cyclical pattern than the logarithm of

    real disposable income and consumer asset wealth.

    As a result, there have been numerous theoretical and econometric studies attempting

    to model and forecast these volatile house prices, many of which represent substantial

    improvements in understanding pricing dynamics. In particular, the improvements

    include testing for housing market efficiency, innovative specifications of the supply and

    demand equations, and methodological changes in repeated sales models.

    1.2. Advances in modeling the housing market

    DiPasquale and Wheaton (1994) modify the traditional stock-flow model by incorporating

    a gradual price adjustment mechanism in their housing demand equation. On the supply

    side, their independent variables include the lagged stock of housing to account for

    stock equilibrium. The results support the notion of slow price adjustments and the

    importance of house prices relative to the size of the housing stock. Quigley (1995)

    estimates a hybrid model of housing prices from combined samples of single and

    multiple sales of 843 condominiums in downtown Los Angeles during a 12-year period.

    Subsequently, he models the residual variance of the hybrid model as a function of the

    elapsed time between the first and subsequent sales and estimates the specific error

    variance of each sale. Finally, he incorporates the error variance in the housing price

    equation and re-estimates the hybrid model by GLS. He reports a significant decrease in

    the standard errors and in the magnitude of the confidence intervals around the GLS-

    generated housing price index.

    Abraham and Hendershott (1996) calculate bubbles in the housing market as the error

    term from regressing real housing prices on the growth in real construction cost, the

    growth in real income per (working age) adult, the growth in employment, and the real

    after-tax change in the interest rate. The authors then specify adjustment dynamics for

    housing prices by expressing the bubbles as a function of the gap between equilibrium

    and actual real housing prices and the lagged value of the growth rate of the real house

    prices. They show that their model can explain 75% of the price changes in the West and

    50% of the price changes in the Northwest during the middle and late 80s. Pain and

    Westaway (1997) model house appreciation in U.K as a function of the expenditures by

    consumers rather than the determinant of the expenditure. They claim that using

    consumption will incorporate the permanent income measure in the housing demand

    function. They report structurally stable parameters throughout the housing market

    downturn that began in the early nineties.

    Goetzmann and Spiegel (1997) specify the covariance matrix of repeated sales as a

    function of differences in spatial proximity, education level, median income, and racial

    composition. Then, they use a sample of 131,603 repeat sales in the San Francisco area to

    construct ZIP code house price indexes. They find that the median household income is

    the most important determinant in explaining the covariance among the housing returns.


  • Holly and Jones (1997) adopt Johansens procedures (1988) and allow real house

    prices to respond asymmetrically to innovations in real income. They find that real

    income is the most important determinant in the real house price equation. In addition,

    they document that real house prices adjust faster to innovations in real income when

    they are above, rather than below, the long run equilibrium price suggested by the

    cointegrated relationship.

    Malpezzi (1999) specifies an error correction model to test whether prices converge to

    some equilibrium price to income ratio. Malpezzi reports that housing prices can be

    partially predicted. More specifically, he shows that there is a negative and symmetric

    relationship between the changes in housing prices and deviations of the actual price-

    output ratio from the long-run equilibrium relationship. Moreover, he documents the

    tendency of housing prices to rise in the presence of more stringent regulations.

    Crawford and Fratantoni (2003) utilize ARIMA, GARCH, and regime switching

    univariate time series models to estimate the behavior of home price growth rates in

    California, Florida, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Texas from 1979:01 to 2001:04. They find

    that regime-switching models perform better in-sample forecasting, while ARIMA and

    GARCH perform better in out-of-sample forecasting. They attribute the inferior out-of-

    sample performance of the regime-switching models to the tendency of such models to

    overfit the data in small samples. Finally, they conclude, BWhile regime-switchingmodels are useful for characterizing home price volatility patterns, we find that simpler

    models might be more appropriate for point forecasts.^Hall et al., (1997) estimate real house prices in UK by employing an error correction

    model in which the parameters are allowed to vary according to a two-state Markov-

    switching mechanism. The results of their paper confirm the parameters instability due

    to the economic fluctuations and the size of the deviation from the long-run equilibrium.

    Brown et al., (1997) employ the Kalman filter with time varying parameters, the error

    correction and the vector autoregressive models with constant parameters to estimate real

    house prices in the UK. The authors allow the Kalman coefficients of the nominal user

    cost and of the expected gains on housing to follow a random walk with income and

    mortgage interest rate as the driving forces over time. They show that the forecasting

    performance of Kalman filter with time varying parameters outperform those of the error

    correction and the vector autoregressive models with constant parameters.

    There have also been some studies that have used Kalman filters with house price data

    such as Clapp and Giaccotto (2002), Giaccotto and Clapp (1992) and Francke and de Vos

    (2000). Clapp and Giaccotto (2002) use an autoregressive process to model the time

    series behavior of a city-wide house price index. They then produce one-quarter ahead

    forecasts for individual properties. This framework is then fitted with housing

    transactions from Dade County, Florida. Prediction errors for two forecasting models

    (hedonic and repeat sales) show some departures from desirable properties of any such

    forecast. Both models exhibit informational inefficiency but the hedonic appears to be

    less inefficient. Giaccotto and Clapp (1992) use Monte Carlo simulation to study the

    statistical properties of real estate returns. They construct a model where transaction

    prices are noisy signals of true prices. A number of rules then are considered to estimate

    the true price and rate of return. Exponential smoothing and Kalman filter rules are shown to


  • perform well. Francke and de Vos (2000) present a model for stochastic hierarchical

    trends. The trends are analyzed on two levels, on a general and on a cluster level. The

    model is developed for a large database containing selling prices of houses in different

    neighborhoods and is operational in Amsterdam for the determination of real-estate taxes.

    While the recent studies indicated above have shown the value of using time-varying

    approaches to forecast housing prices, there are only a very limited number of studies of

    the US housing market that take a similar approach and they do not work within the same

    asset market framework that we consider. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to first

    examine the stability of the parameters to determine if a time varying technique is

    appropriate and necessary, and secondly, if it is, to account for the structural instabilities

    in the real house prices by applying different time varying coefficient techniques

    following an asset market approach. Additionally, we investigate whether the volatility in

    the housing market can be capture by time-varying bivariate GARCH models.

    In line with DiPasquale and Wheaton (1994), Mankiw and Weil (1989), Peek and

    Wilcox (1991), Albert (1962), Brady (1967), Maisel (1963), Huang (1966), and Muth

    (1960), we use aggregate data to examine changes in the U.S housing market associated

    with the macroeconomic structural changes. We adopt six different estimation techniques

    in which the estimated parameters are allowed to vary over time:

    1. The rolling vector error correction model (VECM),

    2. The rolling autoregressive representation (AR)

    3. The rolling generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH)


    4. The Kalman filter with a random walk (KRW) and

    5. The Kalman filter with an autoregressive presentation for the parameters time

    variation (KAR),

    6. Exponential smoothing with trend and seasonality (ES)

    The out-of-sample forecasting performance of the six estimation techniques is then

    evaluated over an intensive time period extending from 1985:03 to 1998:02. The results

    document the volatility of the house prices in the US and the out-performance of the

    forecasts generated by the rolling GARCH and KAR techniques.

    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 derives the theoretical

    model of housing prices, Section 3 examines the time series properties of the data,

    Section 4 addresses the instability of the parameters, Section 5 explains the estimation

    techniques adopted in the paper, Section 6 presents the empirical results, and Section 7

    summarizes and concludes the study.

    2. The house price model

    The theoretical model presented in this paper is based on the asset market approach

    introduced by Buckley and Ermisch (1982), Poterba (1984), Meen (1990, 1996), and

    Breedon and Joyce (1993). In the spirit of the asset market approach, the problem facing


  • the consumer is to maximize lifetime utility U. With a real discount rate r, in continuous

    time, the lifetime utility is an integral of the discounted period utilities which are a

    function of housing services approximated by the stock of houses H(t), and the

    consumption of composite non-durable goods C(t). Thus, the constrained optimization

    problem is to maximize the utility function

    U Z 1


    ertu H t ;C t dt 1

    subject to:

    the households budget constraint

    RHP t X t S t C t 1 RY t 1 iA t ; 2and the following two technical constraints describing the evolution of the housing stock

    H(t) and the real net non-housing assets A(t)

    H 0 t X t @H t ; and 3A0 t S t PA t 4

    where RHP(t) is the real purchase price of housing, S(t) is real saving net of real new

    loans, RY(t) is the real household income, i is the nominal mortgage interest rate, is themarginal household tax rate, P is the constant inflation rate, is the physical depreciationrate on the housing stock, while X(t) represents new purchases of dwellings. ( 0 ) is thetime derivative. The first order solution of the Lagrangian function can be stated as



    Uc RHP t 1 i P @ RHP

    0 t RHP t


    As in Bowden (1980), equation (5) can be written in terms of the unobservable market

    clearing real rental price of housing services R(t) as follows:

    RHP t R t 1 i Pe @ RHPe0

    RHP t h i 6

    or equivalently

    RHP t R t NMR T PHE t @ 7

    where PHE t Pe RHPe 0

    RHP t


  • Now (7) can be rewritten as,

    ln RHP t ln R t ln NMR t PHE t 8As such, the unobservable real rental price of housing service R(t) can be represented by

    its observable determinants (Meen (1990)),

    R t F RY t ;POP t ;HS t ;W t 9where HS(t) is the stock of owner occupied dwellings, RY(t) is real disposable income,

    POP(t) is the fraction of the population aged between 25 and 35, and W(t) is the consumers

    asset wealth. Finally, equations (8) and (9) suggest the following empirical house price


    RHP t f RY t ;NMR t ;PHE t ;POP t ;HS t ;W t 10Here, we have utilized the unrestricted form of the real interest rate by allowing real

    house prices to respond asymmetrically to the NMR and PHE.2

    3. Data description and analysis

    3.1. Overview

    The data used in this paper consists of quarterly observations of real house prices (RHP),

    real disposable income (RY ), the population ratio (POP), owner occupancy (HS ), the

    expected nominal capital gains (PHE), the nominal post-tax mortgage interest rate

    (NMR) for the sample period extending from 1975:01 to 1998:02. As in Meen (1990), the

    expected nominal capital gains (PHE) are calculated as the actual change in nominal

    house prices over the past year, expressed as an annual rate.3

    3.2. Graphical depiction of house prices and the independent variables

    The behavior of the logarithm of real house prices is plotted in Figure 1.c. and d. against

    the nominal post-tax mortgage interest rate, and the logarithm of the expected nominal

    capital gains, respectively. Figure 1.c. shows that the rapidly rising mortgage rates during

    the late seventies and early eighties reduced the affordability of owner-occupied housing,

    and thus reduced the demand for housing and the real prices as well. Figure 1.c. also

    reveals the negative relationship between real housing prices and the nominal post-tax

    mortgage rate, except during the late eighties and early nineties when consumer spending

    was weak due to a substantial decline in real income. Figure 1.d. shows a strong positive

    relationship between real house prices and nominal capital gains due to the fact that the

    accrued capital gains are current additions to household resources.

    Figure 1.e. and f. depict the logarithm of real house prices against the population ratio

    (POP), and the logarithm of owner occupancy (LHS ). The rationale for including POP


  • and LHS as proxies for the unobservable equilibrium real rental price of housing service

    stems from the fact that both variables affect the demand for housing and hence the

    affordability of housing. Figure 1.e. shows the sharp rise in the population ratio during

    the eighties as a result of the baby boomers being in the 25 to 35 year old age bracket. As

    revealed by the figure, this era was characterized by a significant increase in the demand

    for housing; and thus, the highest level of housing prices. The figure also reveals the

    subsequent decline in the population ratio and housing prices during the nineties due to

    the low number of births in the seventies (the baby bust). Finally, Figure 1.f. reveals the

    continuous rise in the residential stock of housing in the US, as measured by LHS during

    the last twenty-five years.

    3.3. The house price equation

    We start our analysis by conducting the Phillips-Perron unit root tests on the level and

    the first difference of each variable in the real house price equation for the whole sample

    period extending from 1975:01 to 1998:02. The non-stationarity of the variables is

    accounted for by taking the first difference. Table 1 displays the results of unit root tests

    for each variable where the appropriate number of lagged differences is determined by

    the BIC criterion.

    The results reveal, at the 1% level of significance, that LRHP, LRY, LHS, NMR, PHE,

    POP, and W have one unit root. Next, we test for the independent cointegrating vectors

    among the non-stationary variables for the whole sample period. The analysis is

    conducted using the trace and maximal eigenvalue tests among LRHP, LRY, NMR, PHE,

    POP, LHS, and LW. Table 1 suggests that there are two independent cointegrating

    vectors based on the trace test and one cointegrating vector based on the maximal

    eignvalue test at the 1% significance level. We decide to choose the more parsimonious

    specification by including only one cointegrating vector in our empirical analysis. As

    suggested by the economic theory, the signs of the variables in the cointegrating vector

    are positive for LRY, PHE, POP, and LW and negative for NMR, and LHS. Although a

    number of variables are considered in forming the cointegrated vector, the only

    independent variables in the real housing price growth rate equation are: the first

    differences of real disposable income, the nominal post-tax mortgage rate, the expected

    nominal capital gains, the population ratio and the cointegrated vector. LHS and LRY

    have not been statistically significant in any of the statistical tests reported in the

    following sections.4 Thus, our data analysis suggests the following housing price


    DLRHPt FDLRHPt 1;DLW t ;DNMR t ;DPHE t ;DPOP t ;COIN t 1 11

    where BD^ and COIN refer to the first difference of each variable and the cointegratingvector, respectively.


  • Table 1. Unit root tests and cointegration analysis (75:01Y98:02).

    Unit root tests

    Variable Phillips-Perron (Lags)

    LRHP j1.55 (4)DLRHP j4.63* (4)LW j0.25 (0)DLW j8.33* (0)NMR j0.58 (1)DNMR j6.41* (1)PHE j2.68 (0)DPHE j10.74* (0)LHS j1.46 (1)DLHS j4.14* (1)POP j0.63 (4)DPOP j10.1* (4)

    Cointegration analysis

    Endogenous series:


    L-max Trace H0: r H1:p-r L-max99 Trace99

    72.80 158.07 0 6 45.10 103.18

    32.07 85.27 1 5 38.77 76.07

    30.00 53.19 2 4 32.52 54.46

    15.73 23.19 3 3 25.52 35.65

    7.18 7.45 4 2 18.63 20.04

    0.27 0.27 5 1 6.65 6.65

    Cointegration vectors based on one long-run relationships

    Variables Vector (1) Normalized vector (1)

    LRHP j11.198 j1.000LW 10.753 0.960

    NMR j0.314 j0.028PHE 29.300 2.616

    POP 99.318 8.869

    LHS j2.189 j0.195

    Notes: a) A constant and a time trend are included in the Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perrson tests. b) The *

    indicates significance at the 99% level. c) The appropriate number of lagged differences is determined by the

    BIC criterion. d) BD^ refers to the first difference of each variable.


  • Figure 2. Estimated coefficients of real house prices (DLRHP) by OLS.


  • 4. Sub-sample instability

    After defining our house price appreciation equation, we need to examine the stability of

    the parameters. To begin with, recall from Figure 1, the high volatility of housing prices

    relative to the other macroeconomics variables. To formally test whether such a high

    degree of volatility implies that the coefficients in the housing price equation are

    unstable, we employ three statistical tests.

    First, we estimate the real housing price equation by running a battery of rolling OLS

    regressions. The first regression runs from 1975:1 to 1985:01. Then we roll the sample

    Figure 2. Continued.


  • forward from 1985:02 to 1997:02. As shown by Figure 2.a. the coefficients indicate a high

    degree of instability and do not converge to a constant value as the sample size increases.

    Next, we run a sequence of Chow tests for the sample period from 1975:1 to 1997:2

    using the following equation:

    DLRHPt 1 2DLRHPt1 3DLWt 4DNMRt 5DLPHEt 6DPOP1t 7COIN1t1 8Ti DLRHPt1 9Ti DLWt 10Ti DNMRt 11Ti DLPHEt 12Ti DPOPt 13Ti COIN1t1 14Ti ut


    where Ti is a dummy variable such that

    Tit 0 for t < i; andTi 1 for t iand i 1979 : 02; : : : ; 1995 : 03:

    The null hypothesis is that the s are the same for t < i and t Q i. We run a different testfor each Ti and test for the null hypothesis of parameter stability by restricting 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 to equal zero, where the test statistics follow a @2 distributionwith three degrees of freedom.

    Finally, we employ RESET tests for the sample period starting at 1975:01 and rolled

    forward from 1985:01 to 1997:02 using the following equation:

    DLRHPt 1 2DLRHPt1 3DLWt 4DNMRt 5DLPHEt 6DPOP1t 7COIN1t1 8 DLRHPt1 2

    9 DLRHPt1 3 10 DLRHPt1 4 ut13

    In this case, the null hypothesis is that there is no incorrect functional form that might be

    generated by not allowing the parameters to vary over time. We test for the null hypothesis by

    restricting8, 9, and 10 to equal zero, where the test statistics follow an F-distribution.The tests for the parameters stability are reported in Figure 2.b. The Chow and RESET

    tests reject the null hypothesis of parameter stability for most of the sub-periods.

    The statistical results confirm the coefficient instability in the price equation that might

    result from structural changes, behavioral adjustment (Lucas critique), measurement

    errors and incorrect functional forms. As pointed out by Engle and Watson (1987), and

    Brown et al., (1997), time varying coefficient models are the recommended techniques to

    adopt in such a volatile environment. In the next section, we introduce the five time-

    varying coefficient techniques adopted in our paper.


  • 5. Estimation techniques

    5.1. Rolling vector error correction model (VECM)

    To correct for the non-stationarity of the data, we include the stationary presentation of

    the variables in the VARs where all the variables are I(0). We also include the error

    correction term calculated from the whole sample period extending from 1975:01 to

    1997:2. The importance of including the error correction terms in the VARs is pointed

    out by Engle and Granger (1987, p.259).5 We then run all the regressions with 1 to 6 lags

    (K ) for each variable. In summary, the empirical vector error correction model used to

    examine the housing price can be stated as follows:

    Xt Cons tan t A L Xt COINt1 et 14

    where Xt = (DLRHPt, DLWt, DNMRt, DPHEt, DPOPt) and L is the first lag operator

    A(L) = 1L + 1L2 + . . . + 1L


    5.2. The rolling autoregressive presentation (AR), and the generalized autoregressive

    conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model

    Here, we investigate whether housing price volatility can be modeled to capture the time

    variations in the housing market. To account for such volatility, we model real housing

    prices as a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) process.

    We start our analysis by searching for the most parsimonious AR specification of the real

    house prices in the US. However, the ACF and PACF of the real house prices suggest

    different lags depending on the sample periods. Thus, we try different lag specifications

    from AR(1) to AR(6), and choose the AR(6) with the best forecasting performance.

    Although the AR(6) models appear adequate, the high volatility of the real house

    prices, as indicated by Lagrange multiplier and the Ljung-Box Q-statistics of the

    squared residual during the late seventies and eighties, suggests some changes in the

    variance that can be hypothesized by the ARCH, ARCH-M, or GARCH model. Again,

    we try different specifications and reach the final preferred model specified by

    GARCH(1,1) with AR(6).6

    5.3. A time varying kalman filtering with a random walk (KRW) and an

    autoregressive (KAR) presentation

    In our next tests, we employ the time varying Kalman Filter technique introduced by

    Doan et al.,(1984) to estimate housing prices in the US. The time-variation of the

    coefficients is allowed to follow random walk (KRW) and autoregressive specifications


  • (KAR) where the coefficient vector shrinks toward the mean. The time varying Kalman

    filtering model can be specified as follows:

    The Measurement Equation:

    DLRHPt 1 2DLRHPt1 3DLWt 4DNMR 5DPHEt 6DPOPt 7COIN1t ut


    The State Equation:

    Random Walk Specification : i;t i;t1 Vt

    Autoregressive Specification : i;t 1i;t1 1 1 mean Vt16

    with VAR(Vt) = Mt and 1 is the shrinking factor toward the coefficient mean mean,where mean = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0]

    0.To initialize the state vector and the covariance matrices, we use the mean and the

    covariance matrix of the unconditional distribution of s, and calculate the hyper-parameters (relative tightness and shrinkage factors) from the maximized log conditional

    likelihood function over the sample period 1975:01 to 1998:02.7 We use the estimsated

    hyper-parameters and the initialized state vector and covariance matrices to estimate the

    model for the period 1975:01 to 1985:02. Then, we execute the Kalman filter for the

    periods 1985:02 to 1997:04.

    5.4. An exponential smoothing with trend and seasonality (ES) presentation

    In our final tests, we employ the exponential smoothing methodology where the best

    fitting model (based on Schwartz criterion) for the different time periods is a model with

    additive seasonality and no trend. In addition, we estimate the smoothing parameters for

    each period by choosing the parameters which minimize the in sample squared one-step

    forecast errors.

    6. Empirical results

    Figures 3 and 4 show the time varying coefficients of the KAR, KRW, AR, and GARCH8

    as the sample is rolled forward from 1985:02 to 1997:04; the date on the horizontal axis

    indicates the end date of the samples. For example, the coefficients for the sample period

    extending from 1975:01 to 1982:02 are presented by the 1982:02 on the horizontal axis.

    The coefficients reveal a high degree of instability in the housing market and confirm the

    results from Chow tests, particularly during 1991Y1992.


  • Table 2 reports the MFE, MAFE, RMSFE, and the Theil U statistics at one to four quarter

    horizons. The results reveal that the forecasts of the KAR and the rolling GARCH

    outperform the forecasts of the other estimation techniques for the whole time period

    expanding from 1985:2 to 1998:02 for the four forecasting horizons. The statistics also

    reveal that the MFE of the rolling GARCH are smaller and have the tendency to change

    Figure 3. Estimated coefficients of real house prices by GARCH(1,1) and AR(6).


  • signs over the forecasting periods. For example, the average MFE for the four step forecasts

    by GARCH forecasts are j0.000006, whereas the average errors by KAR, KRW, AR,VECM, and ES are 0.00024, 0.00356, j0.004, 0.00099, and j0.000161 respectively.Finally, Figure 5 shows the forecasts of KAR and GARCH as compared to actual real house

    price appreciation at horizons of one, two, three, and four quarters.9 For example, the one-

    Figure 4. Estimated coefficients of real house prices by KAR, and KRW.


  • Table 2. Comparison of rolling VECM, AR, KRW, KAR, SMOOTH out-of-sample forecasts.

    Measure Model 1-step 2-step 3-step 4-step Average


    VECM (5) 0.00130 0.00121 0.00104 0.00131 0.00123

    AR (6) j0.00432 j0.00454 j0.00474 j0.00468 j0.00457GARCH (1, 1) 0.00011 0.00001 j0.00024 j0.00131 0.00006Kalman (KRW) 0.00191 0.00186 0.00190 0.00187 0.00189

    Kalman (KAR) 0.00140 0.00119 0.00112 0.00111 0.00121

    ES 0.00014 0.00008 j0.00026 j0.00061 j0.00016MAFE

    VECM (5) 0.00823 0.00801 0.00796 0.00750 0.00795

    AR (6) 0.00801 0.00798 0.00820 0.00836 0.00814

    GARCH (1,1) 0.00676 0.00654 0.00674 0.00651 0.00664

    Kalman (KRW) 0.00596 0.00586 0.00582 0.00582 0.00587

    Kalman (KAR) 0.00599 0.00576 0.00584 0.00573 0.00583

    ES 0.00860 0.00981 0.01270 0.01260 0.01095


    VECM (5) 0.01040 0.01150 0.00101 0.01050 0.01061

    R (6) 0.00941 0.00935 0.00956 0.00954 0.00947

    GARCH (1,1) 0.00777 0.00752 0.00779 0.00752 0.00766

    Kalman (KRW) 0.00731 0.00721 0.00720 0.00718 0.00723

    Kalman (KAR) 0.00702 0.00678 0.00681 0.00676 0.00685

    ES 0.01040 0.01180 0.01540 0.01510 0.01318


    VECM (5) 0.32369 0.35960 0.33577 0.36346 0.34563

    AR (6) 0.30181 0.31111 0.32443 0.34129 0.31966

    GARCH (1,1) 0.26590 0.26479 0.27588 0.28117 0.27194

    Kalman (KRW) 0.24722 0.25004 0.25430 0.26653 0.25452

    Kalman (KAR) 0.23593 0.23298 0.23730 0.24754 0.23844

    ES 0.33629 0.39351 0.48727 0.51410 0.43279

    MFE X49i1


    49dlrhp fi dlrhpai

    MAFE X49i1



    fi dlrhpai

    RMSFE X49i1



    fi dlrhpai


    U RMSFEX49i1




    h i2



    49dlrhpai 2



  • quarter forecast for 1990:01 is calculated from the sample period extending from 1975:01

    to 1989:04, and the two-quarter forecast for 1990:01 is calculated from the sample period

    extending from 1975:01 to 1989:03. Figure 5 reveals the high accuracy of our forecasts,

    which capture the main movements in real house prices between 1982:03 and 1998:02.

    Figure 5. Rolling forecasting by GARCH and KAR.


  • 7. Summary and conclusions

    Although there have been numerous theoretical and empirical studies of the housing

    market and house price appreciation in the US, the literature has not accounted for the

    sub-sample instability of housing prices. This paper documents the volatility and cyclical

    fluctuations in house price appreciation. As such, our findings cast concerns on the

    results of the prior studies that use constant coefficient approaches. To account for such

    instability, we utilize, examine, and test a variety of empirical models in which the

    estimated coefficients are allowed to vary as the sample extends from 1985:02 to

    1997:02. The comparison of the out-of-sample forecasts indicates that the forecasts

    generated by the Kalman Filter, with an autoregressive presentation for the parameters

    time variation and the rolling GARCH techniques outperform the forecasts of all the

    other specifications considered. Moreover, our out-of-sample forecasts exhibit a high

    degree of accuracy at the one to four quarter horizons.


    We are especially grateful to William N. Goetzmann for generously providing advice and

    to two anonymous reviewers of the JREFE and the editor, James Kau, who helped us

    with their comments to significantly improve the paper. We also wish to thank Walter

    Enders, Edward Rogoff, Perry-Lynn Moffitt, and Sonchawan Tamkaew for their

    comments. Naturally, we retain responsibility for any remaining errors. The second

    author gratefully acknowledges research support from the Research Foundation of

    CUNY and Columbia Business School.

    Appendix: The data

    P Consumer price index at 82Y84 prices from CITIBASE (Punew).HP Nominal house price from Federal Housing Finance Board (National Survey of

    House Prices MIRS).

    RHP Real House Price = (HP/P) * 100.

    DLRHP Growth rate of Real House Price = LOG(RHPt) j LOG(RHPtj1).DLNHP Growth rate of Nominal House Price = House price inflation = LOG(HPt) j LOG(HPtj1)PHE Expected nominal capital gains on housing is calculated as the actual change in nominal house

    prices over the past year expressed as an annual rate.

    PHE = DLNHPtj1 + DLNHPtj2 + DLNHPtj3 + DLNHPtj4.

    GMPY Total personal income in Billions from CITIBASE.

    T Personal Taxes Proceeds in Billions from CITIBASE (GMPTX).

    TY Income Tax Rate = (T/GMPY) * 100.

    Y Disposable household income from CITIBASE (GMYD).

    RY Real disposable household income = [(Y)/P] * 100.

    DLRY Growth rate of RY = log(RYt) j log(RYtj1).MR Mortgage Rate from Federal Housing Finance Board (National Survey of House Prices MIRS).


  • Notes

    1. The recent article by Clapp and Giaccotto (2002) provides a review of the literature that summarizes the

    studies on the housing market efficiency. Their synthesis suggests that the US housing markets is certainly

    weak form inefficient and many studies suggest that the housing market is also inefficient in the semi-strong

    form.2. For more details see Meen (1990), page 12.3. For more details about the data series and their sources see the Appendix.4. The correlation coefficient between asset wealth and real disposable income is 0.82. In choosing between

    LW and LRY, the LW exhibits stronger explanatory power and better overall forecasting performance.5. Engle and Granger (1987) state: BThus vector autoregressions estimated with cointegrated data will be mis-

    specified if the data are differenced, and will have omitted important constraints if the data are used in

    levels. Of course, these constraints will be satisfied asymptotically but efficiency gains and improved

    multistep forecasts may be achieved by imposing them.^6. The results are available upon request.7. The estimated hyper-parameters of the Kaman filter (AR) are as follows: 2 = Relative tightness on other

    variables = 0.25, 3 = Relative tightness on the constant. = 10000, 5 = Overall tightness = 0.04, 7 =

    Relative tightness on time variation = 0.00000001, and 8 = Shrinkage factor toward mean = 0.97. For more

    details see Doan et al.,(1984) page 10, and the RATS manual.8. We did not report the estimated parameters from the VECM(5), and the exponential smoothing (ES) to save

    space. The results are available upon request.9. We did not report the out-of-sample forecasts from the AR(6), VECM(5), Kalman (KRW), and the

    exponential smoothing (ES) to save space. The results are available upon request.


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