Mountain Life Church / Life Pack/March 29-30, 2014 The Upside Down Kingdom

The Upside Down Kingdom Life Packstorage.cloversites.com/mountainlifechurch/documents/2014... · 2014. 3. 31. · VI.For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever A

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Mountain Life Church/Life Pack/March 29-30, 2014

The Upside Down


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The Upside Down KingdomSermon Notes

March 29-30, 2014I. Introduction

A. Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up treasures on Earth.B. Malachi Do I HAVE to tithe? NO, you GET to.

II. Today: New Testament Giving or “The Upside Down Kingdom”

A. Jesus talked about the last shall be first and the way up is down.1. Luke 18:12-142. People get confused about NT finances (70 passages)

B. Jesus’ Instructions (different each time)1. Luke 10:3 “Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor

sandals” (sending out the 70)2. Luke 22:35 “But now, he who has a money bag, let him

take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” (before his betrayal)

3. Matt 17:27 Taxes paid from coin in fish's mouth4. Mark 6:44 Jesus feeding 50005. Matthew 19 Rich young ruler Give it ALL away6. Acts 4:32-37 Communal living in the early Church

III. Three New Testament Principles of FinancesA. Seek first the kingdom (Luke 12:16-21; 29-34)B. Give and it shall be given (Luke 6:38)

1. What measure do you use? Tea spoon or dump truck?2. He who dies with the most toys WINS!...WRONG!!

C. Sowing and reaping1. Agricultural Teaching (Galatians 6:7-10)2. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:34-35)3. Paul’s perspective

a) I know how to be broke and rich (Philippians 4:10-20)b) Fruit will abound (Philippians 4:15)

IV. What deal are you getting in on?A. Tithing - I will rebuke the devourer for you (Malachi 3:11)B. Seek first the Kingdom - no need to worryC. Give and it shall be givenD. Reap what you sow - this is universal, what will you reap?

6. Give sacrificially. We don’t like risky faith. We like to have our safety net below us. But we miss the adventure of seeing God provide when we’ve really stretched ourselves in giving.

7. Give excellently. Paul says, “See that you also excel in this grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7).

8. Give cheerfully. If we’re not cheerful, the problem is our heart, and the solution is redirecting our heart, not withholding our giving.

9. Give worshipfully. Our giving is a reflexive response to God’s grace. It doesn’t come out of our altruism—it comes out of the transforming work of Christ in us.

10. Give more as you make more. Remember: God prospers us not to raise our standard of living, but to raise our standard of giving.

11. Give quietly. Showiness in giving is always inappropriate. (But sometimes our acts of righteousness will be seen by men and even should be.)

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The Pull of MaterialismBy Randy Alcorn

I believe the only way to break the power of materialism is first, to see ourselves as stewards that God has entrusted these money and possessions to, and second, to give. Jesus says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). As long as I still have something, I believe I own it. But when I give it away, I relinquish the control, power, and prestige that come with wealth. At the moment of release, the light turns on. The magic spell is broken. My mind clears, and I recognize God as owner, myself as servant, and other people as intended beneficiaries of what God has entrusted to me.

The New Testament offers guidelines for giving that can help us fight the pull of materialism:

1.  Give. Giving affirms Christ’s lordship. It dethrones me and exalts Him. It breaks the chains of mammon that would enslave me and transfers my center of gravity to Heaven.

2. Give generously. How much is generous? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. If you’ve never tithed, start there—then begin to stretch your generosity.

3. Give regularly. Stewardship is not a once-a-year consideration, but a week-to-week, month-to-month commitment requiring discipline and consistency.

4. Give deliberately. Giving is at its best when it’s a conscious effort that’s repeatedly made.

5. Give voluntarily. When we catch a vision of God’s grace, we will give beyond our duty.

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The Upside Down KingdomSermon Notes

March 29-30, 2014

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IV.And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtorsA. Acknowledge my sin and thank God for forgiving me

through Jesus’ sacrifice on the crossB. Forgive and release others for their sins against me

1. Acknowledge that someone sinned against me and hurt me

2. Give the memory of the violation to God3. Cut them loose from all debt they owe me4. Acknowledge that bitterness has NO HOLD on me5. Lavish love on them and pray for God to bless them

V. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evilA. Put on the whole armor of God (Put on the Lord Jesus Christ)

1. The belt of truth (Mentally accept God’s truth over lies I have been hearing)

2. Breastplate of righteousness (Thank Jesus for giving me His righteousness which enables me to boldly enter His presence)

3. Shoes of preparation (readiness) of the Gospel of peace (Take time to digest the scriptures - committing them to memory)

4. Shield of faith (Step out on God’s truth for my situation)5. Helmet of salvation (Thank God that He has saved me

and remember that I am different than the world. Satan has no power over me except the power I give him by believing lies.)

6. Sword of the Spirit (Apply the Word to the lies I hear, and the situations I find myself in today.)

B. Run to the Lord for protection (You are my refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust!)1. I set my mind on things above, not on things of the earth2. God has set His love upon me3. He knows my name and will never leave me or forsake

meVI.For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the

glory foreverA. Make your faith declarationsB. Return to praise

This outline inspired by Henry Blackaby & Larry Lea

Life Group Questions for March 29-30, 2014

Message =The Upside Down KingdomIce Breaker: Tell what your favorite ice cream is and why. Read Luke 6: 38.1. What do you observe about this verse?

2. See if two people can say this verse in their own words.

3. Have you seen this verse work in your own life? Please tell us about it.

Read I Kings 17: 9-24.

4. What does this story say to you?

5. Old Testament prophets spoke for God. They were his representatives on the earth. The Jews believed that the way you treat a prophet is the way you should treat God. The Gentile woman gave to Elijah as if he was God. How did God provide for her in return. Is this a Biblical principle?

6. Have someone read verses 17-18. How did the woman think God was repaying her for her faith? Have you ever sounded like the widow?

7. Pray for one another.

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Prayer Guide

I. Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your NameA. Picture Calvary and thank God you can call Him

Father by virtue of the blood of JesusB. Hallow (lift Him above everything in your life) the

names of God corresponding with the five benefits in the New Covenant and make your faith declarations

II. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done (God, what are you doing? How can I (others) get in on what You are doing?)A. Myself

• Give me awareness of how to meet others’ needs today• I choose to take the initiative to love others

B. My family (spouse, children, other family members)

C. My church (pastor, other leadership, faithfulness of people, the harvest)

D. My nation (city, state, and national political and spiritual leaders, the harvest)

III.Give us this day our daily breadA. Believe that God desires to provide for meB. Be specificC. Be tenaciousD. Talk openly about my worries and give them to HimE. Today’s needs - Tomorrow will care for itself

This outline inspired by Henry Blackaby & Larry Lea516

Personal Devotion PagesThe following pages are designed to help you enjoy a regular time alone with God. We have divided up the curriculum to help us grow wherever we are at in our relationship with God and in our knowledge of His Kingdom.

LEVELS: Since we are a Colorado church, we use skiing imagery to communicate the different levels of intensity and time involved in relating to God.

BEGINNER: If you are new in your relationship with God, we encourage you to try the exercises under this symbol:

INTERMEDIATE: If you have walked with God for some time and would like a little more challenge and more time involvement, try the exercises under this symbol:

ADVANCED: These exercises are for people who have walked with God for some time and display maturity in their relationship with Him.

These exercises provide a practical way to encounter God and His truth on a regular basis. There are no rules here. Please don’t hurry through the process. Slow meditation and memorization seems to soak in better than cramming.


Benefit Sanctify










MeaningJehovah our righteousnessJehovah who sanctifies

Jehovah is peaceJehovah is there

Jehovah heals

Jehovah provides

Jehovah my bannerJehovah my shepherd

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Day One1. Take some time to praise the Lord for who He is and

enjoy thanking Him for what He has done in your life lately.

2. Slowly read Luke 6: 38.

3. Based on Luke 6: 38, what size would you say your measure is? Do you have a spoon sized measure or a shovel sized measure?

Memorize Luke 6: 38.

Memorize Luke 6: 38 and II Corinthians 9: 8.

Memorize Luke 6: 38 and II Corinthians 9: 6-8.

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“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”(Galatians 6:8–9 ESV)

Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) refers to the wrong investments that people make in their lives:

“Churlish souls stint their contributions to the ministry and missionary operations, and call such saving good economy; little do they dream that they are thus impoverishing themselves. Men trust good stewards with larger and larger sums, and so it frequently is with the Lord; he gives by cartloads to those who give by bushels. Where wealth is not bestowed the Lord makes the little much by the contentment which the sanctified heart feels in a portion of which the tithe has been dedicated to the Lord. Selfishness looks first at home, but godliness seeks first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, yet in the long run selfishness is loss, and godliness is great gain. It needs faith to act towards our God with an open hand, but surely he deserves it of us; and all that we can do is a very poor acknowledgment of our amazing indebtedness to his goodness.”

Lord I confess it is easy to make wrong investments in my life. Show me areas where my investments are upside down, and help me to turn them right side up. I can grow weary of serving you. Give me the perseverance to endure the challenges that may come and not give up.

Day Five

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Day Five1. Take some time to praise the Lord for who He is and enjoy

thanking Him for what He has done in your life lately.

2. Read I Kings 17: 9-24 again today.

3. Ask God to speak to you through this passage. Write in this space what He says to you.

4. Finish your Bible memorization today.

Day One


Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38 (NLT)

Have you ever struggled to put the last bit of something in a container? Flour for instance, it seems like I always have just a little bit more flour to fit in the container. I find myself shaking and pressing down on the flour to get the last bit to fit and securely attach the lid.

Jesus is telling us that there is a relationship between what we give and what we receive. Like last weeks passage in Malachi, there is the idea of abundance overflowing as a result of our giving to God. Jesus doesn’t tell us it is a 1:1 relationship, but says that the act of giving dictates what is returned to us. Meditate on what God is asking you to give. Are you listening?


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Day Two1. Take some time to praise the Lord for who He is and

enjoy thanking Him for what He has done in your life lately.

2. Slowly and carefully read I Kings 17: 9-24

3. What does this story teach you about giving?

4. Ask the Lord to show you how He would like you to invest in the Kingdom of God. Ask Him to show you how you could help more people to join Him in His Kingdom.

5. Continue memorizing and meditating on the scriptures for this week.

Day Four


“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”Galatians 6:7 (ESV)The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38 (NLT)

Once again, we are confronted by the connection between our willingness to give and what we receive. Paul has picked up the message that Jesus originally shared with his disciples concerning the heart issues surrounding giving. This attitude of sowing and reaping applies to so many areas of our life. It is easy to remember that people will often treat you the way that you treat them. But we forget that this applies financially as well. God is telling us time and time again to be generous with others and we will experience his generosity. Meditate this week on what you have sowed in your life in the past. Is it necessary to change the seed you have been planting? Father, this week I pray that you will show me what seeds I have been planting. Give me the strength and ability to plant different seeds around me. Let my harvest be one of generosity toward others.


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Day TwoBut Elijah said to her, “Donʼt be afraid! Go ahead

and do just what youʼve said, but make a little bread for me first. Then use whatʼs left to prepare a meal for yourself and your son. 1 Kings 17:13 (NLT)

Elijah is reminding us of some key ideas in our attitude toward God and what he has called us toward. Elijah has asked a lot of this woman. She is on her way home to prepare a last meal for her and her son. All hope is lost.

First he tells her not to be afraid. How often is fear the first response when we are called by God. She is on her way home to die and is more afraid of what Elijah is asking her to do. Fear often keeps us from experiencing God’s blessing.

Second, he instructs her to make bread for him first. Do what God says to do first, after that take care of yourself and your son. God repeatedly asks us to put him first and see what blessings follow.

Ask God to reveal where fear is stopping you from experiencing his blessing today.

Day Four1. Take some time to praise the Lord for who He is and

enjoy thanking Him for what He has done in your life lately.

2. Meditate on Luke 6:38 again today. 3. Compare it with Galatians 6:6-10.

4. Go through your belongings and offer them to God. Tell Him that He is welcome to all of your belongings. Tell Him He is welcome to tell you to give away anything you have.

5. Continue meditating on and memorizing the scripture for this week.


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Day Three Day Three1. Take some time to praise the Lord for who He is and

enjoy thanking Him for what He has done in your life lately.

2. Read I Kings 17: 9-24 again today.

3. Bring at least three friends or loved ones to the Lord and ask Him to bring them to repentance and faith. Ask Him to show you how you can boldly love them and speak the words of Jesus into their lives.

4. Continue meditating on and memorizing the scripture for

this week.


17After this the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, became ill. And his illness was so severe that there was no breath left in him. 18And she said to Elijah, “What have you against me, O man of God? You have come to me to bring my sin to remembrance and to cause the death of my son!” 1 Kings 17:17-18

This story is a great reminder of the reality of following God. I wonder if this widow thought she was home free by this time, food to eat everyday, the man of God is staying in her home, she is in a pretty good place to be even during a drought. She is faithful to do what Elijah tells here, but there are still challenges in her life.

Perhaps you recently committed to following Jesus, or he has called you out of a place of comfort to do something really hard. This story reminds us that it won’t always be easy. Even when following God, it is possible to fall into the trap of complacency. This widow is shaken out of her complacency by the loss of her son. Like many of us, she lashes out at God first. She attacks Elijah and accuses him of causing the death of her son. She does acknowledge her own sin, but still chooses to place the blame at the feet of Elijah. God uses this story to remind us that, even when we are doing the “right” thing, trials and struggles will still come. Meditate on these verses and ask God to reveal where you are blaming him or others for struggles and challenges in your life. Ask for forgiveness from God and ask him to help you grow through your struggle.