The Universe Vol 2

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  • 7/29/2019 The Universe Vol 2

















  • 7/29/2019 The Universe Vol 2


    Two years ago now, I started a major

    change of policy in the diffusion of

    Phosphenism. After realizing that I

    would not find anyone to help me

    with the difficult task of diffusing

    Phosphenism throughout the world, and after

    lengthy contacts with Dr LEFEBURE, I decided to

    appoint my successor, my heir : Internet.

    And during a short and formal ceremony, I

    enthroned Internet as the diffuser of

    Phosphenism =:)

    At the end of the day, who else but Internet can

    take on the heavy burden of WORLDWIDE

    diffusion ?

    So, for the last two years, all my actions have

    been centered around this reflection : what if I

    was not here anymore ! In what state am I

    going to leave the magisterial works of Dr

    LEFEBURE for the future generations ? Life is a

    great wheel that keeps on turning. One day we

    are 14 years old, then very quickly we turn 16,

    18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50... 60, 70... andthen one day, bang ! We are not here any

    more !

    What will be left of us afterwards...? NOTHING !

    Absolutely nothing, once our close relatives are

    gone, apart from a few rare individuals who will

    come down to posterity.

    But, what must remain and last is the works of

    Dr LEFEBURE, as I promised myself years ago.

    For children, time passes slowly. But the more

    one grows older, the more time seems to fly

    past, up to a such a point that it seems that we

    have accomplished next to nothing for a wholeyear...

    As I feel that time is accelerating for me, for the

    last two years I have spent all my energy

    making the whole of the works of Dr LEFEBURE

    available on the Internet, mainly in the form of

    books in PDF format for download, audio

    courses in MP3 format and courses on video in

    DivX format.

    Also, I compiled in the PHOSPHENIC ENERGY

    UNIVERSE collection all the texts that I found


    Daniel STIENNON


    PHOSPHENISM Publishing has been created for the

    diffusion of the magisterial works and the

    discoveries of one of the greatest masters of

    initiation of our century.

    Daniel STIENNON

    A single goal, a single mission :

    to protect and to preserve the works of Dr LEFEBUREfor the future generations.

    In the next issues, you will be able to discover why

    PHOSPHENISM is probably the most confidential

    teaching that has ever been diffused.



    Volume 2



    Volume 2

    Publisher :

    PHOSPHENISM Publishing

    Head of publishing

    STIENNON Daniel

    Paste-up / Printing :

    PHOSPHENISM Publishing



    Registered trademarkDistribution : VPC & INTERNET

    Printed in France

    No part of this publication


    UNIVERSE can be reproduced

    without the prior written

    permission of PHOSPHENISM

    Publishing, according to the law

    on litterary and artistic copyright

    of march 11th 1957.

    All rights reserved for all

    countries and in all languages.

    The publisher is not responsble

    for the adverts and the

    information provided by third

    parties. Only the authors are

    responsible. All manuscripts,

    published or not will not be sentback.

    Copyrighted trademark for the

    books, the devices, the audio

    recordings and the method of



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    Phosphenes are the patches of color that can be

    perceived after having focused on a source of light. As

    an experiment, a phosphene can be obtained by

    focusing on a white opalescent (the filament cannot be

    seen) light bulb, at a distance of 1.50 to 2 meters for a

    duration of approximatively thirty seconds.

    The effects on eyesight are very beneficial if the norms

    are respected. These norms have been established by

    Dr LEFEBURE after experimenting for 40 years with

    thousands of subjects. (Check "Phosphenic Mixing

    Applied to Education")

    It is possible to use the sun but, in this case, focusing

    should not last for more than 2 seconds. It is essential

    to thoroughly read and follow Dr LEFEBURE's guidelines

    if you want to practice with the sun. Focusing longer

    does not improve the quality of the phosphene. When

    light hits the eye, it triggers chemical and electrical

    reactions in the brain, increasing considerably mental

    and cerebral abilities as a whole. The practice of the

    basic exercise of Phosphenic Mixing, i.e. mingling a

    thought with the phosphene, is enough to obtain



    a) When a child is asked to do a dictation of words, hedoes it carefully at first, and his handwriting is regular.

    But, after a short period of time, the words start to go

    up and down like a wave and the child starts to be

    restless : he is not attentive any more. To improve his

    attention, ask him to do a phosphene and to observe its

    colors for three minutes, the duration of a phosphene.

    Then, resume the dictation. Straight away, his writing

    will be steadier and his attention will be increased. This

    means that the energy of light has balanced his nervous

    system, improving motricity amongst other things.

    b) When you want to reflect on a subject, you can find

    it difficult to keep the same theme in mind : the thought

    vanishes, parasitic ideas pester you ; the ideas you are

    seeking do not appear and you get tired !

    Why ? Is it because you are lacking concentration ? No !

    Observing the phosphene shows that the brain

    functions in a rhythmic manner. Try the following

    experiment : focus on a white light bulb, and then

    switch the light off. In the dark, you will perceive a

    sequence of beautiful colors : yellow-green ; pink ;

    purple ; dark blue ; black.

    Certain cells of the eye, the cones, allow us to perceive

    colors. If the cones functioned simultaneously, we

    would perceive a white phosphene after focusing on a

    source of light. We actually perceive a sequence of

    colors because the cells of the eye function

    alternatively. The phosphene, made of a regular

    sequence of colors is a reflection of how the brain


    The phosphenes amplify the rhythms of the brain.

    Thinking, reflecting or working during the presence of

    the phosphene, densifies thoughts. They become

    clearer, more precise. The effort of concentration

    becomes less important, attention is considerably


    DEVELOPING MEMORYChoose a vague or very old memory. Think about it

    while focusing on the lamp for thirty seconds. Then,

    after switching the lamp off, keep thinking about it

    during the presence of the phosphene.

    Let the memory develop spontaneously. Do not try to

    direct it. You will notice that your memory has a greater

    intensity, that its details come back in an extremely

    precise manner and that other memories suddenly

    appear, sometimes long forgotten ones. The phosphene

    has a particularily powerful action on memory. That is

    why children remember their lessons better when they

    have studied them with the phosphenes.


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    The simplest example of learning with Phosphenic

    Mixing is a child studying a map of geography with the

    phosphenes. He can start by studying the map as usual

    in his book. He should then close the book and switch

    the lamp on, focus on it for thirty seconds, switch it off,

    and then try and remember all the details of the map

    successively once the phosphene has appeared.

    Usually, nothing particular happens during the practice

    of mixing a thought with the phosphene.

    It is only later that the child will notice that the thought

    that has been associated with the phosphene is now

    denser, unusually solid and imprinted much deeper in

    his memory.


    The reflection of light on a page produces a continuous

    phosphene and that will greatly help assimilating the

    text. The phosphene also has an action on


    The meaning of the words is clearer. The main ideas are

    perceived better as well as the secondary and

    transitional ideas. The meaning of the text as a whole

    is understood better. The organization of the text is also

    assimilated better and it is easier to find the various

    elements that compose it.

    Students, if they study their lessons every day with the

    phosphenes, will, day after day, notice that they learn

    faster and remember better. Grades and marks will

    quickly improve and the teachers will be struck by the

    rate of progress of the results.


    You have an assignement to do, a project to develop, a

    letter to write, but no ideas come to your mind. Be

    efficient with the phosphenes.

    Prepare a pen and a piece of paper. Do a phosphene

    and, while you are focusing on the lamp, keep the

    theme, the idea you want to develop in your mind. After

    switching the lamp off, this idea will warp and will soon

    be replaced by other ones. Accept what appears in your

    consciousness, even if, at first, the ideas that appear

    are already known to you, whether you have thought or

    heard them before. There is always a short latency time

    before the energy can be felt. Nevertheless, write down

    your ideas and keep on observing freely the ideas that

    appear. It is important to write them down, otherwise

    you will not remember them. Do another phosphene

    every 5 minutes or so, i.e. 2 to 3 phosphenes every 15

    minutes. You will notice that ideas become more and

    more numerous and that they flow more and more


    Try this for 15 minutes and compare the number of

    ideas, their quality, their logic and their organization to

    what you usually experience. You can also compare

    your handwriting by observing the beginning and the

    end of your notes.

    There is often a substancial difference : writing

    becomes more fluid, more spontaneous. This generally

    corresponds to a moment when many thoughts came to

    your mind without effort.

    Dr LEFEBURES lamp.

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    The process of focusing on a white opalescent 75

    watts light bulb at a distance of one or two meters for

    thirty seconds, switching the lamp off and remaining in

    the dark, does not harm the eyes.

    This method is actually very

    beneficial for eyesight. An example

    is this person who had to be

    operated because his iris and

    cristalline lens were stuck together.

    Strong light followed by complete

    darkness exercises the iris (light

    makes it contract itself). In that

    person's case, it cured the adhesion

    and surgery was not necessary any


    Retinal purple is destroyed by

    strong lights and reforms itself

    during darkness. This chemical

    exercise increases capillar circulation. This is why

    there is always a certain degree of improvement of

    eyesight after the first few weeks of practice of

    Phosphenism (if you practice for at least 15 minutes in

    the morning and in the evening). The modification of the

    sharpness of sight due to the rejuvination of the retina

    often gives the impression that a myopia has improved,even though it is difficult to prove a modification of the

    curve of the transparent liquids of the eye.

    Dr LEFEBURE was a living proof of the beneficial effect

    of Phosphenism on eyesight. Physiologicaly,

    presbyopia starts roughly at the age of 50 ; it is

    complete by 60. The minimum reading distance for a

    healthy young man is 30 centimeters. Dr LEFEBURE

    demonstrated that he could read any type of characters

    at a distance of 10 centimeters. He could also read at an

    arms length until the age of 72. Thus, Phosphenism has

    not only prevented his eyes from ageing, but it seems

    to have rejuvinated them.

    In the case of a glaucoma, i.e. the hypertension of the

    liquids of the eye, one must naturally be careful. The

    glaucoma is usually due to the impairement of the

    resorbtion of the aqueous humor by the ciliary

    processes, some kinds of vasculary packets situated

    on the back of the iris. Nevertheless, the strong

    exercising of this organ provoked by

    alternations of light and dark, helps

    strengthening the ciliary processes

    and thus helps resorbtion. Indeed;

    in the case of glaucoma, physicians

    prescribe drops that trigger a

    contraction of the iris ; strong light

    produces the same effects in our

    experiments, though for a shorter

    period of time. Strong light thus acts

    in a similar way as classic


    This explains why, even with this

    affliction, the practice of

    Phosphenism is beneficial. Nevertheless, any therapy

    can have the opposite effect of the one expected,

    particularily if it is an active therapy.

    It is important to start progressively as only two or

    three surges of glaucoma can crush the retina.

    In the case of a possibility of a detachment of theretina, the treatment usually consists in heating it in

    order to increase blood flow and the vitality of the

    underlying tissues that stick it to the choroid. In this

    case, phosphenic mixing shows a similar action as


    In the first few sessions of Phosphenic training, the

    conjunctiva can become congested during focusing. A

    slight sus-orbital headache can also persist after the

    session due to an unusual increase in the meningeal

    blood flow. This reaction is very rare and after three or

    four days it will disappear, once the vaso-motricity

    reflexes have adapted themselves to the practice.

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    For the first time in 1966, we had the idea of

    experimenting with mixing thoughts and the

    phosphenes. Quickly, we noticed some curious

    effects, followed by very beneficial ones. We then tried

    to develop a method of education with precise modes of

    application for each of the subjects studied at school.

    Generally, straight after the first sessions, the children

    notice that their work yields more results ; the

    improvement of grades usually take place within a

    month. Certain children catch up with the other children

    in their class within a few weeks in a spectacular

    manner. Along with the increased work output, the

    children's character is also improved, permitting better

    discipline. An increase in intellectual curiosity and in

    initiative can also be noted.

    Applying this technique is not tiring, on the contrary.

    Children feel more rested thanks to the extra energy

    that brings a sensation of well-being. Moreover, it does

    not waste the children's time as it is just a new way to

    revise and do homework.

    The principle of this method is very simple, and can be

    resumed easily : first, what is a phosphene ? "A

    subjective sensation of light" is the definition that can

    be found in the dictionnary. There are several

    categories of phosphenes.For the purpose of education, we only use the kind of

    phosphenes that we have called "Post-phosphenes", or

    phosphenes consecutive to lighting. We do not use the

    phosphenes produced by other methods : compression

    of the eyes, hallucinogenic substances, electrical


    To observe the phosphene, find a white opalescent light

    bulb of 60 to 75 watts. Place it at a distance of two

    meters and focus on it for approximately thirty seconds.

    Switch the light off and remain in the dark. A full

    darkness condition can be obtained by wearing an

    eyepatch. For the next three minutes, you will see a

    succession of colors. It usually starts with a beautiful

    shining green hue (it is sometimes yellow during the

    first few tries), circled by a red edge. The limits

    between the colors vary abruptly ; sometimes the

    phosphene disappears completely for a few seconds.

    The red tint grows and, after a minute and a half, the

    phosphene is entierely red. After three minutes, its

    center has turned dark blue or black and it is

    surrounded by a pale, grey cloud, three or four times

    larger than the center. The cloud is a lot more stable

    than the bright colors and its edges are irregular. We

    gave the name "diffuse glow" to this cloud that appears

    at the end of the phosphene.

    "Phosphenic Mixing" consists in mingling a thought with

    the phosphene. For example, a child who wants to

    learn a map of geography can start by studying it as

    usual. The only difference with the usual way of

    working is that the child should focus on the lamp for

    thirty seconds before reciting the lesson. It is during the

    presence of the "Post-phosphene" that the child should

    revise the map in his mind's eye, one detail at a time

    first, then the whole map. Memorization is triggered by

    the coincidence of the phosphene and the mental


    Experimenting proves that thoughts are charged with

    energy by the phosphene. Nothing special happensduring the experiment, it is only later that the mental

    image will come back, clearer and sharper and it will be

    imprinted better in memory.

    Moreover, the mixing of a thought with the phosphene

    strengthens certain cerebral connections. After

    exercising for half an hour, twice a day, during a month,

    certain effects will persist between the sessions :

    primarily an improvement of attention, a most important

    consequence. In the beginning, we experimented

    without telling the subjects about the effects we had

    already noticed, and after a month, we asked them to

    relate to us what they had noticed. The most frequent



    by Doctor LEFEBURE

    Former extern of the hospitals of Paris.

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    answer we got was "an improvement of attention, not

    only during the experiments, but also between the

    sessions improving work and all the activities of life".

    There are different applications for all the various

    subjects of study.

    For a history lesson, it is not necessary to place all the

    images of a chapter one after the other in the

    phosphene. The important facts and names are enough.

    Mixing thoughts with the phosphenes produces an

    energy that can be compared to the energy created by

    a chemical reaction. This energy helps the partial and

    then the global assimilation of the lesson.

    In order to increase the number of ideas necessary for

    writing or doing essays, we advise on the practice of

    "Streaming Mixing" : the theme of the assignement has

    to be condensed and symbolized as an image. This

    image is then mixed with the phosphene in order to

    increase the phenomenon of association. New ideas will

    appear. The clearest of these new ideas has to be

    symbolized as an image and this image has to be again

    mixed with the phosphene, and so on with each new

    idea. You will notice that the flow of ideas increases

    after each new mixing. General ideas that connect theprevious ideas together will then appear. The

    assignement will not only be richer, but also of better


    For studying mathematics, the best process is slightly

    different. It was discovered by children. The child

    should repeat the assumptions and the conclusion of

    the question as he normally does when he wants to

    answer a question but, this time, while focusing on the

    lamp. Then, during the post-phosphene, he should keep

    his mind at rest. During that time, a subconscious

    assimilation of the data of the question happens. The

    child usually finds the solution easily, with the pleasant

    sensation that is specific of phosphenic phenomena.

    Naturally, this sensation is subjective, but there is a

    domain where the results of Phosphenism are

    immediately objective : it is the domain of mild speech

    disorders. Many children who speak fluently with their

    friends, stutter as soon as they recite a piece of poetry

    in front of a teacher or even in front of their parents. If

    this recitation is done during the presence of the

    phosphene, their voice becomes stronger straight

    away, the delivery becomes faster, and the

    pronunciation is improved.

    Phosphenic Mixing can also help for the study of foreign

    languages : an english teacher has observed that when

    a student listens to a recording in that language during

    the presence of the phosphene, he aquires the accent

    better. Listening during the presence of the phosphene

    actually improves attention for any school subject.

    Certain retarded children benefit even more from

    Phosphenism than normal children. Children afflicted by

    mental inferiority hold on to Phosphenism as if it was a

    lifesaver, as they are conscious of the positive effects.

    Other children suffer of a lack of development due to a

    momentary block provoked by growth. Surprising

    awakenings are observed and a child that was very

    weak in mathematics can quickly catch up with the

    average level. Of course, in the case of a profound,

    hereditary or acquired defect, these effects cannot be


    Another variation can be applied to solve spelling

    problems. The child should be asked to write the word

    in the dark, during the presence of the phosphene. It is

    actually not that difficult. This way, both the muscular

    and the motivity memories are exercised. They have a

    very important role, it is thanks to them that one can

    type without looking at the keyboard. We also have

    tried to read a text through the phosphene, in a dim

    light. A brighter light was switched on regularily torefresh the memory of the text. When this technique

    was applied, the text seemed to persist in the dark, to

    the point that it was possible to keep reading, or more

    accurately, to keep revising. A periodic display of slides

    representing algrebra formulas, would trigger the same

    cerebral mechanism.

    For juvenile delinquents, an improvement of intelligence

    and of the character can be noted, but relapses are not

    entierely eliminated. More research is needed in this


    We have succesfully realized many experiences, but

    our wish is that you realize your own.

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    Phosphenic phenomena

    always tend to expand

    like the universe. This

    might be why characters like


    14th century B.C.) or the

    emperor JULIAN (331-363) have

    tried to impose the worship of

    the sun instead of the twisted

    religions of the time, which true

    meaning had been hidden by

    power-hungry priests.

    AKHENATEN realised the

    profound implications of the

    religion of the city of

    HELIOPOLIS (the City of the

    Sun), of which the main tradition

    consisted in focusing on the

    sun while praying (focusing

    does not need to last more than

    a second). The emperor JULIAN

    had been initiated by the

    Mysteries of Eleusis.

    The initiation consisted in

    focusing on a torch then, in the dark, in imagining an ear

    of wheat. This emperor was, amongst other things, the

    author of the motto "Soli Invicto" (To the Unvanquished


    We could quote many other examples. Let us just say

    that the basis of all religions is praying while focusing

    on a source of light. It was the case of the MAYAS, the


    CELTS, the ROMANS, the GREEKS, the CHINESE, the

    POLYNESIANS, the JAPANESE whose solar worship is

    still practiced: SHINTOISM ; etc...

    Let us not forget that SHAMANISM is the foundation of

    religion and that its essential power comes from fire. If

    we go back to the origins of mankind, did we not learn

    that Man became Man by taming fire ? Some people

    say that Men worshipped powers like fire, the Moon,

    the Sun, lightning or the stars,

    only because these elements

    scared them and that they did

    not understand them. It is totally

    incorrect ! Often, in the above

    mentioned cultures, the roles of

    "protector", "friend of mankind",

    "dispenser of earthly goods",

    "creator of the arts", etc, are

    connected to deities of light.

    The time has come for our

    modern society to realise that

    the worships of fire, the Moon,

    the Sun or even the stars are not

    to be taken symbolicaly, but for

    what they really are : praying

    while focusing on a source of


    Through this brief historical

    reminder, we wanted to make

    the reader aware of a reality that

    is hidden only because it is

    interpreted as a symbol by our

    view of the world. Once this is understood, it will be

    easier to explain the principles of PHOSPHENISM.

    PHOSPHENIC TECHNIQUESTo produce a phosphene, you need to focus on a 75

    watts white opalescent light bulb for 20 seconds, at a

    distance of 2 meters. After switching the lamp off, you

    will perceive a patch of changing colors in the dark : the


    The phosphene is an emanation of subtle energy that

    will enable the brain to work in a different and much

    more efficient way than usual. Nevertheless,

    phosphenes do not develop anything on their own.

    In order to channel the energy of the phosphene, you

    need to mix a thought with the phosphene. This thought


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    can be visual : for example, you can imagine an object

    or a person during the presence of the phosphene (3minutes) ; or auditory, i.e. a mental repetion of a

    phrase, a word or a mantra (the Ancients used prayer).


    Practicing this simple exercise regularily produces fast

    and excellent results. It is possible to use this

    technique for educational purposes (it is recommended

    for children), as the energy of the phosphene

    strengthens and densifies thoughts and thus develops

    memory in a surprising manner. For the applications of

    the phosphenes at school, check Doctor LEFEBURE's


    Education is an example of the

    use of phosphenes in everydaylife, but it is not necessary to

    be a student to practice


    exercise can be practiced by

    everyone, from the children to

    the elderly. The results are

    always very beneficial. But, it

    is also possible to go even

    further with the practice and to

    obtain interesting results.

    To obtain these results, you

    only need to induce a rhythm in

    your thoughts. One of the most

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    important rhythms is the rhythm of 2 seconds. This

    rhythm can be easily induced by following the beat of a

    metronome set on 60, (one beat every second). In a soft

    and relaxed manner, and without exaggeration, try to

    sway your head sideways, following the beat of the

    metronome (one second to the right, one second to the

    left). While swaying, you should repeat a phrase, a word

    or a mantra in your mind and, if you can, you should

    imagine an object that is swaying laterally too : for

    example the pendulum of a clock, a flower swaying in

    the wind, or any other object that comes to your mind.

    Another variation is vertical swaying : the movement

    should still be soft and without effort, the chin can come

    down close to the sternum, but avoid moving your head

    too far back, as the cervical arteries, passing through

    small holes in the last cervical vertebras, would be

    crushed and blood flow to the brain would be impaired.

    A 45 angle from the vertical axis is perfectly

    acceptable for this swaying. The importance of

    swayings is considerable for several reasons :

    1) The brain soaks in a nourishing liquid called the

    cephalo-rachidian liquid. Thanks to the swayings, this

    liquid can reach and nourish the whole of the brain,

    maintaining and revitalizing the different

    layers of neurons as well as all the

    brain cells. This liquid also

    dissolves toxins.

    After explaining the swaying

    exercises and their effects,

    many people understand

    why they had a much better

    memory when they were

    children : they used to

    spend hours swaying while

    daydreaming. If they were

    lucky enough to have parents

    that did not stop them, theycould, thanks to this elementary

    hygene, awaken certain abilities like

    memory, attention, concentration, to the

    amazement of the people around them.

    These cases are actually very frequent. Generally,

    children lose the habit of swaying when they grow up

    and their uncanny memory is toned down, though

    certain of their capacities still remain above average.

    One of the effects of swayings is the maintenance of

    mental abilities.

    2) Rhythm : the repetition of the same thought induces

    a rhythm in this thought, i.e. the thought acquires a

    movement (and movement is energy). With this work,

    mental energies are put into motion in a way that

    allows very subtle forms of perception. The meaning of

    the phrase that is repeated does not matter. Mantras

    are "mind sounds" (the root of the word mantra meaning

    sound-thought), and using them will yield identical if not

    more important results than a meaningful sentence. It is

    the rhythm that is essential for this exercise.

    3) The telepathic transmissibility of rhythmic thoughts :

    the phosphene, associated to rhythmic thinking is

    extremely transmissible by telepathy.

    By the word telepathy, we do not mean transmission of

    thoughts. Phosphenic telepathy is the transmission of

    rhythms from one person to another.

    Rhythms, when they are induced in another person,

    can put certain spiritual centers in motion, giving

    access to certain phenomena and other planes of

    consciousness. This is the true meaning of initiation :

    creating rhythms to awaken subtle energies in others.

    After awakening these energies by using phosphenic

    telepathy, it will be necessary to maintain and develop

    them. If they are not put to use they can revert to a

    dormant state.

    Everyone intuitively knows that these

    abilities are natural functions of the

    brain, and that they should be part

    of everyday life. People are more

    or less sensitive to the

    existence of other planes but

    all feel deep within

    themselves the possibility

    of a connection with a

    higher universe.

    Children are those who feel

    this the most ; and most of

    them suffer from being

    disconnected from this broaderconsciouness. In so-called

    primitive or inferior societies, children

    are not left outside of the spiritual world, on

    the contrary.

    Around the age of 15, an initiation that will put the child

    in contact with the spiritual world and its phenomena

    takes place. Anthropologists call that period the tribal

    age. Because of the children's receptivity, this is the

    best period for receiving initiation. Children very often

    experience dreams of flying. These dreams are

    characteristic of out of body experiences. When they

    receive the initiation, children enter the spiritual world

    fully, a world which they were very close to before.

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    The word initiation comes from the latin initium,

    meaning beginning, start. Initiation is thus far from the

    idea that we may have of it. In our systems, we do

    realise that the period preceeding puberty is a difficult

    time for children. It is a transitional period when

    children discover themselves, and this discovery takes

    them beyond anything they had imagined. Children feel

    that they have possibilities and abilities that the adults

    around them prevent from expressing. They are cut off

    from a world which presence is obvious to them. Youths

    then search for a palliative to this spiritual castration

    and, hoping to find their world again, often turn to a

    means that our societies provide : drugs.Some of the sensations produced by drugs are the

    same as the ones that can be experienced in spiritual

    out of body experiences, the only difference being that

    spiritual out of body experiences develop the individual

    when drugs destroy the individual. The drug addicts,

    trapped in the illusory world of drugs, do not even

    realise that they are being destroyed. It is certain that if

    a genuine knowledge was given to children at the right

    age, they would develop in a more harmonious manner

    and they would face life with solid values, rather than

    flee and destroy themselves. Something many young

    people do, often left alone by resigning parents who

    ignore the true nature of the world.

    As we just said, dreams of flying, falling or jumping are

    characteristic of astral out of body experiences.

    Everyone has, at some point in their life, experienced

    these dreams of flying ; consequently, everyone has

    experienced out of body experiences. Sadly, the notion

    of astral travelling has been abused so much that it is

    now scary, even though people do not know what it

    actually is.

    Reading is not enough to understand this phenomenon.

    It is a shame that most of the authors that write about

    astral travelling have no idea what it really is : they

    copy something that has already been written by

    someone else and they do not have any experimentalknowledge (certain schools give lectures about various

    phenomena, but if you ask their representatives if they

    have actually experienced the phenomena they are

    talking about, they answer than "mankind has not

    evolved enough for us to have access to the higher

    planes of consciouness". They thus talk about

    something they do not know...). Other authors take their

    dreams for realities. What they have experienced is

    conscious dreaming, i.e. they have been conscious

    during a dream. But, being conscious during a dream is

    not astral travelling.

    These conscious dreaming phenomena occur in the

    lower astral plane : colors are rich, dense and one often

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    has the feeling of soaking in the colors. One of the

    particularities of the lower astral is that one can create

    any image one desires : if one wishes to walk on a

    beach, one merely needs to think about this beach to

    appear there. If one wants to ride a bicycle, thinking

    about that action is enough to create an image of it. The

    lower astral plane is a plane where we have the

    possibility to create our own images and our own

    dreams. It is also possible to change the dream we are

    experiencing, if we do not like it.

    Many authors thus do not go beyond the lower astral ;

    consequently, what they perceive is the result of their

    own emanations. If they explain in their books that

    monstrous entities, demons, dragons and other horrors

    must be fought in the astral plane, they only show to

    everyone the poor quality of their

    thoughts. Generally, these authors

    make their greatest mistake when

    they state that their dream is the

    astral plane and that one will

    encounter the same things as they

    did if one goes there by the process

    of an out of body experience.

    One of the advantages of the

    phosphenic techniques is that they

    purify thoughts and feelings. This

    purification is genuine and there is

    no risk of encountering any

    annoyance. The whole of the

    individual will tend towards higher

    thoughts and ideas as he or she will

    try to develop his/her personality and to get rid of any

    addiction or dependance.

    An independent inner search and personal

    development, that is an idea that we are not really used

    to. Until now, supranormal abilities and the powerful

    possibilities of the mind seemed impossible to reach or

    only through a laborious, lifelong teaching and with the

    condition that a MASTER, a GURU or an INITIATE wouldaccept the candidate as a servant... Until now, we have

    thought that approaching spirituality and awakening our

    dormant potential was only possible through other

    languages, rejecting our own culture and

    misunderstanding exotic ones in the name of


    So much has been said and written about TRADITION

    that the concept has become vague and imperceptible,

    containing everything and contained by everything.

    TRADITION is now an argument, a pretext, allowing

    those who "teach" it any kind of abuse and aberration.

    Under the name of TRADITION, the west has seen

    various "teachings" coming from Asia or India and twist

    after twist western people have started to want to eat

    like the Indians, bow like the Japanese or even recite

    silly phrases in order to place themselves in a

    traditional atmosphere. By respect for TRADITION,

    people end up impressed by faces that do not inspire

    Wisdom or Serenity, terrorised by inaccessible initiates

    or ready to play the role of slave.

    Etymologicaly, TRADITION means transmission.

    Obviously tradition is not folklore. Many writers refer to

    ancient texts and find meanings in them that the original

    authors certainly did not intend. Academic

    interpretations of views of the world that are so different

    from ours almost forbid translations, as much of the

    original meaning is lost. Texts should

    be read in their original version, as

    ancient texts have been translated

    by scholars who do not know

    anything about initiation. Certain

    branches of theosophy have done a

    lot of harm to Humankind because of

    their lack of profound knowledge.

    It is a good thing to be curious, but

    one has to be curious all the way

    and take nothing for granted.

    Personal experience is the only way

    to understand spirituality. This is a

    completely scientific process.

    Science is not limited to

    mathematics or physics and it

    cannot limit the limitless. Defining

    borders, limits to science is totally absurd. Science

    does not have limits.

    Science only exists because Mankind is discovering its

    own universe. It is human beings that make

    discoveries, not science. It is human beings that make

    science. Science does not exist by itself. Through time,

    Humanity learns to think differently. First handexperience is the only process that allows individuals

    to understand themselves beyond appearances and

    forms. Experience can shed light on concepts and

    notions that reason or Academism cannot assimilate.

    Many possibilities are offered to us for investigation and

    research and they are open to everyone.

    By developing PHOSPHENISM and by placing it within

    the reach of young people (to whom it can bring a

    precious help), we believe that we are planting a seed

    which will allow the next generations to understand and

    judge things in a new way, parting with the past and

    opening new horizons.

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    The study of phosphenes

    sheds light on how thoughts

    function. It helps us

    understand that a thought is an

    energy. When this energy is put in

    motion, cerebral abilities are

    improved and fast and unexpected

    results can be obtained in the

    domain of the development of

    supranormal abilities of perception.

    These abilities will quickly become

    part of our everyday lives as they

    are very easy to produce with the

    phosphenic techniques.

    Our society usually views telepathy

    like a show. The difficulties

    telepaths have to obtain

    unquestionable results do not

    permit any practical applications.

    Telepathy is thus considered as a

    freak phenomenon and it is only

    studied in fringe parapsychological

    centers. The huge body of work that

    professor RHINE has accumulated

    over the years has never convinced

    anyone that was not ready to be

    convinced, though it would beinteresting to check what part the

    phosphenes had to play in the

    verified cases of telepathy he


    Indeed, a subject of the experiment

    could have unconsciously focused

    on a source of light, for example

    while sitting on the toilet during a

    short break, and could have come

    back to the laboratory with a

    phosphene, momentarily allowing

    the obsevation of telepathic results.

    It would be a lot more interesting to

    start all the experiments again,

    using phosphenes systematically

    as amplifiers of thoughts. Thus, we

    will know for once and for all if

    telepathy truly exists.

    The definition of phosphenic or

    initiatory telepathy is completely

    different. When an individual has

    developed rhythmic thoughts,

    mainly by practicing swayings, they

    are easy to transmit to others. This

    transmission is a telepathic

    phenomenon and is only the

    threshold of a vast field of

    discoveries and experiments.

    People usually do not think that

    telepathy can be that simple.

    Feeling a wide range of possibilities

    within oneself is a revelation that

    makes a lifelong impression on the

    individual. By accepting this new

    consciousness, the individual can

    delve into rich inner experiences

    that nevertheless bear fruits in

    everyday life.

    Feeling inner possibilities is one

    thing, realizing them is better. The

    phosphenic techniques do not

    belong to the domain of theory. They

    can be applied instantly and enable

    the individuals to realize themselves

    according to their true goals. These

    techniques are varied enough to let

    everyone find what they need and to

    develop what they are tending

    towards. This is an essential part of

    phosphenic practice.


    Inducing rhythmic thinking in others

    will provoke a motion of thoughts

    that will not necessarily correspond

    to the motion that was sent. The

    perception of this movement can

    happen in different ways : it can be

    through images (for example the

    image of going down a sky slope,

    going up in hot air balloon, the

    image of a pendulum, etc),

    synesthesian sensations (the

    sensation of being on a boat, etc) or

    through both types of perceptions

    simultaneously combined. There

    are no general rule, everyone

    perceives things in an individual


    Induced rhythmic thinking will have

    a profound action and will help

    unlocking certain abilities. This is

    why persons with a very high

    spiritual level can, with this kind of

    techniques, trigger elevated spiritual

    phenomena in others. This is the

    true meaning of initiation : putting in

    motion energies that will help theindividuals realising themselves

    and expressing what they tend

    towards. Again, this is not a theory.


    This exercise can be done standing

    up or sitting. If it is done sitting, it is

    important, in the beginning, not to

    lean against the chair so that the

    sensations will not be blocked. The

    transmitter can sit behind the

    receiver or can face the receiver or

    they can also sit side by side. If the


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    transmitter can see the receiver, he or she can project

    the phosphene directly on him/her. If they are sitting

    side by side, the transmitter should visualize a

    miniature image of the receiver in the phosphene.

    The transmitter does a phosphene (both can do a

    phosphene). The receiver closes his/her eyes and

    should try to stay aware of the sensations and images

    that appear. The transmitter should then induce a

    rhythmic thought, it can be a dot of light called the point

    of concentration, animated with a rhythmic motion. That

    motion can be a horizontal, vertical, circular or even

    pulsating movement as well as any variations of these

    movements to vary the experiments.

    On the physical level, it is better to match the swayings

    with the rhythm of the visualization. Afterwards, with

    training, all that will be needed are very small swayings

    of the head, in order to roll the brain in the cephalo-rachidian liquid. Sometimes, the receiver will

    unconsciously sway his/her head slightly.

    The transmission of a rhythmic thought should last for

    the duration of a phosphene (3 minutes); the transmitter

    should then ask the receiver what images or

    sensations have been perceived : it is always

    interesting to know. Then, another phosphene is done

    and the visualization of a movement of the point of

    concentration is continued. The regularity of the rhythm

    of the point of concentration is essential. The best

    rhythm for developing supranormal perception abilities

    is the rhythm of two seconds.

    Swaying at a rhythm of 2 seconds : one

    second to the left, one second to the

    right. For a rotating thought : one or two

    seconds for each rotation (check The

    Yoga of 2 secondsby Dr Lefebure).


    After these basic experiments, it will be

    easy to find direct applications of this

    technique, mainly to help opening

    certain subtle centers.

    Again, the point of concentration should

    be visualized, pulsating on a subtle

    centre or chakra, at a rhythm of one

    second, a third of a second or a sixth of

    a second. These rhythms correspond to

    the rhythms of the human body and to

    the rhythms of natural elements.

    The most interesting subtle centers are

    located on the top of the head, between

    the eyes, on the throat, on the solar plexus and on the

    heart plexus.


    We do not state that this practice will open the subtle

    centers. All we are stating that it will help opening

    these centers, with the condition that an important and

    necessary personal work is done.

    The induction of rhythmic thoughts gives a push to the

    subtle energies, but if these energies are not

    maintained, their movement ceases and they return to

    a dormant state.

    There are other modes of application of this technique,

    for example for soothing a person who is suffering. The

    technique will not make the source of the pain

    disappear but will bring an increase of vitality,

    something that is always useful. In that case, the

    visualization should consist in a swaying or a pulsationof the point of concentration.

    The phosphene has certain calorific properties. If it is

    projected on a wound or a bruise while visualizing a

    pulsating point of concentration, the clotting process

    will happen much faster. It is not necessary to ask

    someone else, as this technique can be applied to

    oneself. Similarily, though we are moving away from

    phosphenic telepathy, to make a small pain disappear,

    one only needs to try to feel a pulsation where the pain

    is. This shows the importance of the rhythms of

    pulsation in the human body and the energies that they


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    Inducing rhythmic thinking in another person will end up

    putting this person's double in motion (sensation of a

    light, swaying breath of wind), this will be a preparation

    for out of body experiences. This preparation will

    manifest itself in dreams : dreams of flying, jumping or

    falling being characteristic. All that is needed then, is to

    practice the techniques that lead to out of body

    experiences to produce the desired result.

    The person that receives the induction of rhythmic

    thoughts will feel a great inner calm. This sensation can

    be described by the image of being "well-centered".

    Feelings are transformed and life takes on another

    dimension. When this is felt, one has an idea of what

    true purification can be : a genuine rather than symbolic

    purification, a transmutation and elevation of feelings.

    The implications of phosphenic telepathy are actually

    very profound as the practice of certain exercises,

    particularily the ones described by Dr Lefebure in "THE

    INITIATION OF PIETRO", create a sentimental

    relationship. This form of telepathy is much richer than

    simply transmitting numbers or shapes. It creates a

    better understanding of an other individual through the

    feelings that are perceived, something that goes

    beyond the superficial language that we use to express

    ourselves. Language is a form of communication that is

    so limited that it does not allow the description certain


    Phosphenic techniques are progressive. Everyone is

    free not to go futher than the production of a phosphene.

    It is the same with phosphenic telepathy. Thus, by

    keeping practicing, one unconsciously progresses from


    For example : do a phosphene. In this phosphene,

    visualize the miniature image of someone you are close

    to. Observe the images that can appear ; observe the

    sensations ; observe the major ideas that come to you.

    Write them down. Do the same exercise during several

    phosphenes. In the beginning, the ideas and images

    will come from you, but after a while...

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    Telepathic storms are fantastic phenomena during

    which many of the participants enjoy magnificent

    visions. The character of grandeur of the

    phenomena inspires deeply the participants.

    A telepathic storm can take place when a compact

    crowd, standing in rows, focuses on a large bonfire.

    The phosphene produced by gazing at the fire is

    accompanied by the emission of a subtle substancethat can sometimes be photographed. Also, various

    types of experiments show that this phosphene is very

    easy to transmit by telepathy.

    The storm will be even more likely to take place if the

    participants have practiced for a few months the

    exercise of rotation of an imaginary dot of light moving

    one time clockwise and one time anticlockwise along

    the edge of a phosphene produced by a lamp.

    It is necessary to have eaten or drunk nothing for at

    least four hours and it is beneficial that your latest meal

    should be composed entierely of bananas.

    During the first minute of focusing, sway the upper

    body from left to right, at a rhythm of two seconds (one

    second one way, one second the other way), the head

    is kept constantly tilted backwards.

    When the movement is stopped, starting the experience

    can be made easier by focusing on a point near the fire

    rather than on the fire itself, eyes relaxed and perfectly

    still, breathing slowly with the top of the lungs.

    At this stage, a wink of the eye can trigger the

    phenomenon, but it has to be interrupted if it starts.

    Then, for cetain subjects, the fire seems to darken,

    jump, pulsate, rotate, especially for those who have

    praticed before the collective session and who become


    In case of failure, close your eyelids without moving

    your eyes, until the green phosphene appears. Then,

    imagine a dot of light rotating around the edge of the

    phosphene, then open your eyes again. Repeat this

    process patiently, insisting on the phase in which the

    fire seems to tremble and on the phase in which the

    colors change around the fire. These two phases are

    the beginnings of the "Dance of the fire".

    In a group, the chances of success are increased, and

    if the phenomenon takes place, it becomes awesome

    because the rhythms of the phosphenes are multiplied

    by telepathic resonance. It is the transformation of the"Dance of the fire" into a "Fire prodigy".

    The persons that do not perceive this dance can

    practice "Mixing", i.e. mingling a precise thought with

    the phosphene produced by the dazzle ; they will

    nevertheless often experience visions or useful


    The study of these phenomena is of major importance

    for several scientific fields, but can only be continued

    with large crowds.

    If you are interested in helping us organising the

    sessions, please contact us.



    Would you like to help with the study of


    by Doctor LEFEBURE

    Former extern of the hospitals of Paris.

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    PHOSPHENIC MIXING is like the "seasoning" of the

    initiatory exercises in the sense that it has to be

    associated as much as possible with all these


    Apart from Phosphenic Mixing, there are four types of

    exercises :


    Static tensions,

    Rhythmic breathing,

    Ocular convergence.

    These four types are themselves divided in two groups.

    The first group includes all the different swayings and

    the rotations, and the other group includes the three

    other types of exercises.

    Static tensions, rhythmic breathing and ocular

    convergence are based on the principle of turning

    towards the inside an activity that is usually turned

    towards the outside. In the case of static tensions, thepoint of application of muscular strength that is usually

    directed towards the outside will be transfered to the

    inside: for example, one of the exercises consists in

    remembering the sensation that your muscles gave you

    when you were walking.

    In the case of rhythmic breathing, there is also a

    transfer towards the inside. During normal breathing,

    inspiration is short and exhalation is divided in two

    phases : a fast exhalation and a short one that is

    almost a retention. The phase of retention is thus

    situated between exhalation and inspiration in the

    normal cycle, when it is situated between the phases

    of inspiration and exhalation in the spiritual types of


    In the exercise of ocular convergence, the axis of the

    angle of vision is turned towards the inside when it is

    usually turned towards the outside. There is thus a

    reversal towards the inside of an activity that is usually

    turned towards the outside.

    During the swayings, the cerebral hemispheres are

    projected towards the "outside". To such an extent that

    one can wonder if these exercises are part of the same

    initiatory group as the other three. The path between

    the cortex, the surface of the brain, and the periphery of

    the body is a complete inversion. The right hemisphere

    of the brain corresponds to the left part of the body ; if

    the right ascending frontal circonvolution is injured, it is

    the left part of the body that is paralysed. The lower part

    of the body corresponds to the upper part of the brain.

    If the right parietal is injured, it is the left foot that will

    lose the ability to feel.

    The posterior part of the brain corresponds to the front

    of the body. For example, the occipital region

    corresponds to vision and the eyes, when the lateral

    regions correspond to hearing and the ears. Everything

    that is located in the left of the brain correspond to what

    is located in the right of the body, the top correspondsto the bottom, the rear to the front.

    There is a law of inversion that reminds one of the

    symetry of the circle. But, reversing an inversion leads

    back to the starting point. That is why all the exercises

    belong to the same technique, the same initiatory

    principle, since the two groups of exercises form a

    dynamic couple of opposites. This implies that

    swayings are a particularily important, separated group

    of exercises that involve the whole of the brain mass

    physically, i.e. the organ of consciousness, when the

    exercises of other group only indirectly stimulate it.

    Swayings are the main exercises.

    TECHNIQUES PHOspheniques


    by Doctor LEFEBURE

    Former extern of the hospitals of Paris.

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    This means that, if you do not have much time, only

    swaying exercises associated to Mixing should be

    practiced. The lateral swaying exercises should be

    practiced in the evening (children spontaneously sway

    lateraly before going to sleep). The anterio-posterior

    swaying exercises should be practiced in the morning

    (children sway that way in the morning to awaken


    If you have more time, you can choose whatever

    swayings you feel like doing and you can go from one

    to the other following your inspiration. The mind tends

    to spontaneously choose a type of swaying and will

    change type several times during a long session.

    If, on the contrary, you have as much time as you wish,

    for example if you are on holiday or if you are retired,

    the exercises can be practiced in the following order.

    When we fall asleep, we gradually lose consciousness

    of our body. This process starts with the feet and

    slowly progresses upwards, up to a spot between our

    eyes where we are conscious for a long time.

    When we have just woken up, even before we have

    opened our eyes, we feel that our consciousness is

    located between them, on the base of the forehead in

    the region that corresponds to the eye of Shiva. If, at

    that moment, we wonder where our feet are, we have

    to move them to be able to feel them. We thus fall

    asleep from bottom to top and awaken the opposite

    way. This matches the movement of the invisible

    bodies that tend to leave the physical body during

    sleep. Thus, the order of the exercises in the evening

    should be :


    Static tensions,



    In the morning, the order should be reversed : even

    before you have opened your eyes, practice

    convergence, then use the relaxation of half sleep to

    practice breathing, then static tensions, before going on

    with the swayings once you are out of bed. Even if you

    practice other types of exercises, it is useful to

    establish a symetry between the exercises of the

    morning and those of the evening.

    For example, if in the morning you start by making a

    plan of the day, in the evening, you should proceed with

    an examination of consciousness, going backwards

    starting with the last memory of the day and making

    your way back up to the first,

    Each exercise should be practiced for at least three

    quarters of an hour.

    If you do not have much time, but still want to practice

    all the exercises, you can rotate them, without clinging

    to a particular one as they all are complimentary.

    Lateral swayings and static tensions :

    evening exercises.

    Rhythmic breathing, using the relaxation of half sleep

    and before eating :

    morning exercises.

    Static tensions have a major action on willpower and

    determination when ocular convergence has an effect

    on concentration and the quality of thoughts. It is then

    better not to stay focused on one exercise, but to

    establish a rotation. During the day, do not miss a

    chance to stimulate your inner rhythms with soft

    movements of the head in order to maintain the

    oscillation of the point of concentration.



    Swayings Static tensions Breathing Convergence

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    Initiatory techniques were lost mainly because of a

    lack of scientific vocabulary. The initiation of Mithra,

    for example, consisted in focusing on a torch in a

    cave for three days. The candidate was then supposed

    to keep on gazing at "lights" in the dark. These lights

    were obviously phosphenes.

    The central element of initiation, the one that allows

    access to "the other world", is

    immediately available to

    everyone. If it is not put to use, it

    is because a mistake in our

    vocabulary hides its true handling.

    We are going to prove this with

    some experiments that can be

    verified by anyone.

    Many books about Yoga or about

    psychic development state that

    clairvoyance can be developed by

    concentrating the mind on a point

    between the eyes.

    It is admitted traditionally, and

    without experimental evidence,

    that it is by focusing attention on a

    point inside the body, preferably

    on a chakra or psychic center ofthe etheric body, that paranormal abilities can be

    developed. Christian mysticism is no exception.

    These texts and many others have spread the idea that

    the "point of concentration" is the key to spiritual

    development. If this was true, it would be so easy that

    everyone would have become a great clairvoyant or

    mystic. We are going to show that it actually consists

    in a "point of dilation".

    The following experiment should be practiced sitting on

    a chair, in the dark, with your eyes open. Try to imagine

    in your mind's eye a very small object, a spark for

    example, and observe what happens. You obviously will

    have to do the experiment several times in a row as the

    mental image tends to vanish. What is actually of

    interest to us here, is how this image vanishes. In

    general, just before it disappears, the mental image

    tends to dilate in extremely varied ways. Sometimes,

    the mental image takes the shape of an irregular patch

    that evaporates like a small pool of ether, sometimes it

    takes the shape of strands or

    concentric circles. A experiment of

    psychology yields similar results :

    children are shown the drawing of

    a square and then asked to

    reproduce it from memory. Every

    fifteen minutes, the drawing is

    shown and put away again. The

    children's drawings tend to

    become larger every time.

    These two experiments converge

    to demonstrate that a force of

    dilation of thoughts exists, an

    expansive tendency of the

    imagination. The reverse is not

    true : if you try to picture a gigantic

    object, it will not diminish in size !

    Let us now do a very interestingcomplementary experiment : imagine the circumference

    of a small circle as a white line then, imagine that in a

    few seconds, this circle grows up to the biggest

    dimension your imagination can conceive. Then,

    imagine that this circle vanishes, starting with its

    periphery. Wait for a few seconds making no particular

    effort and observe what happens : AN IMAGINARY


    CENTER OF THE PREVIOUS CIRCLE, this light can take

    the shape of a spark or a patch.

    If we observe it for a short while, it will spontaneously

    tend to grow and we can increase that growth with an


    by Doctor LEFEBURE

    Former extern of the hospitals of Paris.

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    effort of will, expanding the periphery of this patch up to

    the limits of our imagination. After a few seconds,

    something will appear in the center of the previous

    circle and so on indefinitely.

    The reverse process does not exist : if we try to

    diminish the size of the circle, a resistance appears in

    the center and the shape tends to dilate anyway. This

    process can only maintain the pulsation of a visual

    image in your imagination, alternatively growing and

    shrinking, with the feeling that nothing new appears in

    the center.

    So, in the first experiment, we are dealing with a point

    of dilation of the forces of visual imagination that

    creates a continuous current from the infinitely small to

    the infinitely large.

    This process can be compared to what happens during

    cardiac contraction : the heart pushes the blood in the

    vessels by contraction, but fills itself with blood in a

    purely passive manner : the contraction of the auricle

    fills the ventricle with blood but it is by a simple dilation

    that the auricles are filled with blood. In a similar way,

    in the "point of dilation" exercise, the effort of will

    happens during the extension, the dilation, to increase

    the natural tendency of imagination, but, the formation

    of a new element in the center of the first one that has

    vanished is completely passive.

    Something fresh and new appears in our

    consciousness, without the participation of willpower.

    There is a very moral aspect to this law of the behavior

    of the "point of dilation" : we have to make a voluntary

    effort to give, receiving is done passively by what hindu

    philosophy calls Karma. The heart functions the same

    way, it does not pump the blood in and out, it only

    pumps it out. It is the pressure of the blood that makes

    it go back towards the heart. We are not conscious of

    the principle of Karma, but it surely brings back to us

    the consequenses of our actions.

    If you practice the exercise of the point of dilation for a

    few weeks, every night during a few minutes while you

    are falling asleep, you will experience a curious


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    Astral projection is not an experience that

    succeeds of fails. The experimenter always

    leaves his body more or less and the passage

    from one degree to the next one is not progressive but

    sudden. Out of body experiences follow very precise

    levels or notches accompanied by very different inner

    experiences, so by the expression "successful astral

    projection" we mean that a higher notch than usual has

    been reached. We will describe, in a rather conventional

    manner, seven of these notches that cannot be called

    stages because they are not necessarily presented in

    their natural order.



    If you are walking in the streets heading for the house

    of someone you really like, your location and motion do

    not stop you from imagining yourself already at that

    person's and talking to him/her.

    If you stay aware of this type of projections of yourself,

    you will notice that they happen many times a day. It is

    the first degree of spontaneous astral projection.

    You can already notice certain characteristics that will

    prove useful for triggering deeper out of body

    experiences with the static tension exercises :

    suddenness of the start, loss of the consciousness of

    the image of the body between where you are and the

    location you are thinking about as the image appears

    instantly in that projected location.



    Laying down and relaxed, start by imagining tiny dots of

    light appearing on the surface of your skin, on all the

    parts of you body that you are aware of. All these dots

    then detach and gather in the axis of your body to exit

    through the top of your head. Think about the location

    where you want to go, project this image there in the

    shape of a whitish cloud. You can focus on the dots one

    at a time, following the journey of each of these dots

    through your body ; or you can imagine many

    simultaneous ones, like a burst of sparks gathered by a

    current of air exiting your skull through its top.

    If you practice this exercise regularily while you are

    falling asleep, you will be surprised that, when the

    image of yourself appears outside of your body by an

    effort of will, it is denser, clearer and sharper than

    usual, giving the impression of travelling to another



    To the previous exercise, add a small oscillation of the

    points that detach themselves from the conscious parts

    of your body, going towards the top of your skull in a

    curved trajectory / motion.

    If you experience difficulties practicing this exercise, for

    example if after managing to project your image for an

    instant outside of your body, it seems that your image

    is projected back into you, alternate the previous

    exercise with this one : the dot oscillates from the top

    of your head to your feet, concentrating itself as it goes

    through your neck, dilating itself towards the

    by Doctor LEFEBURE

    Former extern of the hospitals of Paris.

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    extremities, becoming like a ball that bounces with an

    increasing energy, until it has enough energy to pull

    itself out of your body.

    Then, it is almost effortlessly that the oscillation of two

    seconds is maintained, in one form or another, in the

    exteriorised double or in its environement.




    This is probably the fundamental element for obtaining

    the best possible astral projection. If you experience

    images as you fall asleep and if you observe them, you

    will discover that their main theme follows a very slow

    cycle, coming back endlessly every three minutes.

    Strangely enough, this is the same cycle as the

    phosphene. By synchronizing concentration with this

    characteristic rhythm of the reverie, you will charge it

    with initiatory strength, i.e. with the totality of the

    rhythmo-phosphenic energy that you have accumulated

    up to now. It transforms the reverie you experience as

    you fall asleep like by magic ; the images become a

    journey to the world beyond. By reciprocity, the

    rhythmo-phosphenic complex receives a considerable

    amount of energy from this process.

    To realise this synchronization, practice the following

    way :

    a) Imagine the point of concentration far from your body,

    in the distance.

    b) Then, imagine shapes that emanate from it


    INFINITY. These shapes can be varied : a circle which

    diameter increases until it blends with the horizon for

    example ; after a period of rest, imagine another circle

    emanating from the point. You can, for example, give

    each successive circle the colors of the spectrum.

    After imagining series of circles, you will find that you

    will need to replace them with sprays of sparks thatpropagate in a linear fashion. But these are details that

    should be left to your imagination. What is essential, is

    the outpouring from a point and the centrifugal

    propagation towards infinity. If it is not too difficult,

    follow the rhythm of two seconds ; the diameter of the

    circle can, for example, not grow regularily, but by

    successive bursts every two seconds, reminding of

    waves and tides, imprinting the mind with a cosmic

    rhythm. You can also visualize beautiful sprays of

    sparks pouring out from the point of concentration every

    two seconds.

    For a long moment, this exercise will become easier

    and easier, but you will be surprized to realize that

    suddenly, your thoughts cannot keep up this work any

    more and tend to dissipate.

    You should start again with the same concentration but

    going in the opposite way, the same images appearing

    in the infinite and condensing into a point ; this

    centrifugal movement should last the same amount of

    time as the centripetal movement did.

    By analogy, the green color of the phosphene lasts the

    same amount of time as the red one.

    This is why it is also beneficial to visualize the colors

    of the spectrum from violet to green during dilation, from

    yellow to red during contraction, an analogy of this

    order can be found in the evolution of stars.

    During centrifugal visualization, the time during which

    concentration keeps on improving is roughly of a minute

    and a half and it is the same during centripetal


    You can also notice that when concentration is nearing

    its maximum, the point starts whirling and when it

    reaches its maximum, mental static tensions are

    triggered. Also, the greatest luminosity is obtained

    when the light is imagined as a circle in the infinite.

    With a little bit of practice, the loss of consciousness of

    the physical body, compensated by the consciouness

    of an exteriorised double, is complete. The double is

    then directed towards the place you wish and is

    sometimes perceived there by other people.


    Mainly under the influence of fronto-occipital

    oscillations of the point of concentration, you will

    sometimes awaken during the night, not in the physical

    world but in the middle of the images of a dream that

    are sharper than usual and often prophetic.



    Under the influence of certain static tension exercises,

    some persons sometimes perceive their own physicalbody in the position where it actually is as well as

    some of the material objects in the room.



    First let us say that the prime difference there is

    between a dream and an out of body experience lays in

    the quality and vivacity of the content and of the scenes

    that are taking place "within yourself". These scenes

    can remind you of elements of the physical world or of

    perceptions giving you the impression of moving inside

    an aurora borealis. Perception of motion in a universe

    full of colors.

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    In 1959, Doctor Francis LEFEBURE

    discovered, thanks to the various

    categories of phosphenes, that

    he could have access to different

    levels of cerebral organization, and

    that connections and exchanges

    could be created in the brain to

    clearly improve the intellectual

    potential of any individual thanks to

    very simple physiological


    These processes consist in

    stimulating the different senses, to

    trigger reactions of the deep

    rhythms of the brain and of the

    nervous system. These reactions

    express themselves by the

    "phenes", a kind of physiological

    echo which vibrations spread to the

    different regions of the brain,

    simultaneously stimulating

    memory, the capacity for analysis

    and synthesis, conceptualization,

    creativity and the capacity of

    abstraction, developing a richer

    intellectual activity. The educational

    aspects of the method stem from

    this action. Here are a few examplesof the various ways by which the

    phenes can be individually

    stimulated and perceived.


    Children produce phosphenes

    spontaneously by pressing on their

    closed eyes to "see stars, colors

    and lights". They are the

    phosphenes created by

    compression. They cannot be used

    as a technique, as there are other

    softer ways to produce


    The phosphenes are the colored

    spots that persist after we have

    focused on a source of light for a

    short period of time. We experience

    them often, as the images of

    dreams are made of spontaneous

    phosphenes that organize

    themselves in shapes and colors,

    and to which we give a meaning

    and an interpretation that are

    connected to our environment as

    well as the situations of our

    everyday lives. Doctor LEFEBURE

    has rationalized the use of the

    phosphenes to create a simple

    method that is easy to apply. His

    method, Phosphenic Mixing Applied

    to Education, is based on the

    methodical use of phosphenes

    obtained by a short period of

    focusing on a source of light.


    We are not dealing here with the

    pathological acouphenes, but onlywith the natural phenomenon that

    anyone can perceive by placing a

    seashell over one's ear, like the

    children to whom we offer to listen

    to "the sound of the sea". The

    seashell amplifies the physiological

    acouphene, i.e. the hiss produced

    by the circulation of the blood in the

    inner ear.

    Doctor LEFEBURE has demonstrated

    that the acouphene, like the

    phosphene, permits the observation

    and the regulation of deep cerebral

    rhythms, as well as the

    development of very valuable

    educational and psychological



    Phene of the sense of taste and

    chewing, Proust's madeleine cake

    is a classic example, with its

    obvious effect on memory. Indeed,

    the gustatophene awakens

    profoundly buried memories,

    together with intense feelings and

    sensations. The images which

    come back to consciousness are

    extremely sharp and precise.

    Forgotten persons or places

    suddenly come back to our minds.

    This process can open up new

    horizons to our psychologists and

    research scientists.


    The phene of breathing. More

    difficult to produce than the other

    phenes, it is mainly used bymethods which purpose is to

    develop self control, like martial

    arts, Zen, Yoga, etc. The

    pneumophene is produced by

    practicing holding one's breath,

    whether after a full inspiration, or a

    full exhilaration. This ascetic

    training is not adapted to our

    culture. A softer and easier process

    consists in slowing both the

    inspiration and the exhilaration as

    much as possible, but without

    stopping breathing altogether. After

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    a little bit of practice, the pneumophene appears as a

    feeling of freshness, whether in the throat, the palate or

    the chest. It is a very pleasant feeling that produces a

    deep relaxation and, at the same time, a powerful

    stimulation. The pneumophene is a potent reliever of



    The phene linked to the vibration of bones and sinews.

    It is stimulated by strong rhythmic vibrations. Everyone

    has experienced it, for example after a long journey in

    train : in the evening, while falling asleep, we feel the

    vibrations and the rhythm of the wheels on the track ;

    and we can even experience again the harsh pitching of

    the carriage.


    Everyone has experienced this phene, after a trip on a

    boat, this time. As soon as we are back on the pier, we

    realize that we still have the sensation that we are on

    board. And again, as we fall asleep later on, the

    movements of the boat come back spontaneously to

    our consciousness, but in a more intense way than just

    a memory, with a strong sensation of pitching and

    tossing. This phene is very easy to produce and

    observe, children do it naturally by turning round on

    themselves and then stopping, keeping their eyes

    closed to fully appreciate the reversed sensation of


    This particular sensation is called the gyrophene.

    Playground games such as swings also produce

    similar sensations and curiously, it seems that certain

    types of swayings produce relaxation and well-being,

    like swaying in a rocking chair, for example.


    The phene of muscular activity. It is common to feel it

    after an intense repetitive muscular activity, for example

    after having ridden a pushbike, dug a hole with a spade

    or a pick, or used a hammer to make a hole in a wall.

    These are common examples that underscore the

    importance of the notion of rhythm and repetition to

    trigger the myophene.


    The phene of the sense of touch. This phene can be

    perceived by repeating a rubbing movement or by a

    lasting contact of the body or a part of the body. This

    phene gives the sensation that one still feels the

    contact or the movement, when there is no more

    physical stimulation. For example, after having worn a

    wetsuit or an armor for a long period of time.


    Unlike the other phenes, the subjective perception of

    time does not produce the same sensation as the

    perception of physical time. Indeed, when we observe

    one or several phenes during three-quarters of an hour

    or an hour, for example, it is very frequent that we have

    the feeling that this period has lasted only 20 minutes.

    Similarily, in everyday life, certain periods seem very

    short and others very long, depending on the activity we

    are undertaking : whether it is work or leisure. Though

    an hour is always an hour, our organism has its own

    perception of time and this perception is plastic.

    Thanks to the phenic system, we can discover various

    means to access the deepest layers of our

    subconscious ; and in a totally structuring and positive

    way. They are simple "tools" which effects can be felt

    easily, and which applications can only enrich our

    potential and experience. Moreover, there is a great

    chance that the ancients used certain of these

    processes in a more or less empiric fashion, for the

    purpose of improving individual intellectual and physical

    abilities, like for example, the peripapetics (from the

    greek peripatein, to have a stroll), followers of the

    doctrine of Aristotes, who philosophized while walking.

    Or also the Lioubavitch jews, who study while

    practicing swayings. Or even the Taoists, who focused

    on the reflection of the sun on polished seashells. They

    showed a great capacity for creation and left very

    important works.

    How many surprises these physical processes can still

    bring to us ? Will our society be able, at last, to benefitfrom the works of Doctor LEFEBURE to improve its

    know-hows ?

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    (phene of the

    sense of touch)



    perception of



    Gyrophene or

    statophene (phene

    of the sense of


    Aromatophene or

    olfactophene(phene of the

    sense of smell)Acouphene

    Each phene is a physiological intermediary between the physical sense to which it corresponds and an equivalent

    spiritual sense which, once stimulated, gives access to the perception of intangible energies, events and

    universes (i.e. that cannot be perceived by the physical senses).

    The phenic system, when it is stimulated, triggers the perception of the spiritual planes, that the traditions call

    "beyond", "invisible worlds" or "subtle planes".

    The equivalent of the phosphene exists in all the other physical senses, to which should be added the sense of

    balance, a particular property of the skeleton, muscular activity, breathing and the perception of time.

    All these phenes, and others that might not have been detected yet (for example the phene of the voice that could

    be constituted by auditory thoughts) are, of course, interconnected. So, when a specific phene is stimulated, one

    can perceive sensations connected to another phene.

    Moreover, there is a third sensory system, that until now has been