The Unity of the Universe Portsmouth UK June 2009

The Unity of the Universe - ICG Portsmouthicg.port.ac.uk/sciama09/talks/KalloshPortsmouth.pdfThe volume stabilization problem: A potential of the theory obtained by compactification

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The Unity of the Universe

Portsmouth UK June 2009

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Outline•  Howcurrentandfutureobserva4onsincosmologyand


•  StringcosmologyOnchao4cinfla4onandB‐modes

•  Standardmodelinfla4onwithandsupersymmetry

•  Recentdrama4cprogressinN=8four‐dimensionalsupergravity

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Today’s Limit …


Planck length :



Quantum Gravity

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+ D-terms

Kähler potential and the Superpotential

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StringTheory•  Stringtheoryisthebestknowncandidateforthetheoryofall


•  Since1987itwasknownthatstringtheoryhasmany(10500‐101500)solu4onsdefiningstringtheoryvacua(Lerche,Lust,Schellekens1987;Bousso,Polchinsky2000).Thiswasasourceofembarrassmentforstringtheory,a[emp4ngtoexplainouruniverseinthebesttradi4onsoftheoldparadigm:adreamtoexplainjustoneworldwelivein.

•  However,allofthesevacuawereunstable,theyhadnega6veenergydensity,andthereforetheycouldnotdescribeourworld.Thisproblembecameespeciallyurgentwhencosmologistsfoundthatthevacuumenergydensity(thecosmologicalconstant)isposi6ve.

•  Thisproblemwasresolvedin2003intheKKLTscenariobasedonmanyothereffortsofstringcommunityinthisdirec6on.

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The volume stabilization problem:

A potential of the theory obtained by compactification in string theory of type IIB:

The potential with respect to X and Y is very steep, these fields rapidly run down, and the potential energy vanishes. We must stabilize these fields.

Volume stabilization: KKLT construction Kachru, RK, Linde, Trivedi 2003

X and Y are canonically normalized field corresponding to the dilaton field and to the volume of the compactified space; φ is the field driving inflation

Dilaton stabilization: Giddings, Kachru, Polchinski 2001

Even now the dilaton was not yet stabilized in heterotic string theory

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Long Term Problem of Moduli Stabilisation And Supersymmetry Breaking

4D Compactifications: String theory is consistent in 10D. One of the moduli is the total volume of extra dimensions, it tend to have a runaway behavior. If this volume becomes infinite, we cannot explain the current cosmological observations which require an effective 4D!

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Examples of Calabi-Yau 3-folds

Other moduli: size of cycles

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1)  Start with a theory with a typical stringy runaway potential 2)  Bend this potential down due to nonperturbative quantum

effects 3)  Uplift the minimum to the state with a positive vacuum

energy by adding a positive energy of a D brane in warped Calabi-Yau geometry

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Inflation in string theory

To produce a reasonable cosmology in string theory it was necessary to stabilize all moduli but the inflaton (or two, for non-gaussianity). In 4d theory such moduli are scalar fields. In string theory and supergravity they often have physical and geometrical meaning as volumes of extra dimensions and various cycles in topologically non-trivial extra dimensions. The inflaton can also be related to a distance between branes.

Brane inflation with monodromy

Brane inflation

Modular inflation

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KKLMMT brane-anti-brane inflation

Hybrid D3/D7 brane inflation (Stringy D-term inflation)

Dirac-Born-Infeld inflation

Two-throat model

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Kahler modular inflation Roulette inflation


Racetrack inflation

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A simple working model of the moduli inflation Blanco-Pilado, Burgess, Cline, Escoda, Gomes-Reino, R.K., Linde, Quevedo


Kähler potential:

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Stringy corrections do not remove terms as originally expected. With fine-tuning one can find an inflection point and slow-roll inflation. “Delicate inflation.”

Baumann, Dymarsky, Klebanov, Maldacena, McAllister, Murugan, Steinhardt:

After that, the model works and has interesting properties, such as light cosmic strings

η-problem ( ) requires fine-tuning of terms

2008 Baumann, Dymarsky, Kachru, Klebanov, McAllister

Improved understanding of quantum corrections

If there are some discrete symmetries, the original KKLMMT scenario with inflaton mass tuned is valid.



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Haack, RK, Krause, Linde, Lust, Zagermann 2008

Stringy version of the D-term inflation. Naturally flat inflaton direction, string theory corrections under control, eternal inflation regime, a controllably small amount of cosmic strings.

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Silverstein, Westphal, 2008, McAllister, Silverstein, Westphal 2008

Type IIA string

Type IIB, CY

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June 2009


B-mode spectrum is consistent with zero Directly from CMB B-mode polarization


From CMB alone

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r =0.1

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Where is dark matter and how supersymmetry will affect this conclusion ???

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Standard model Higgs inflation with non-minimal + supersymmetry

1. It is not possible to simply add to standard supergravity action

+ fermions

2. Need many new terms in the action proportional to

Work in progress

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Quantum Gravity???

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N=8 supergravity in four dimensions during the last 25 years was believed to be UV divergent: all-loop geometric counterterms, candidates for UV divergences, are known RK; Howe, Lindstrom (1981). The onset of divergences was less clear.

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•  Majorsurprise:

•  The3‐loopand4‐loopcomputa4onshowmuchbe[erUVthanexpected

•  Argumentsaboutall‐loopfiniteness

Bern, Carrasco, Dixon, Johansson, Kosower, Roiban (2007)

Bern, Carrasco, Dixon, Johansson, Roiban (2008, 2009)

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•  Dc = 6 at L=3 same as for N=4 SYM!

•  Will the same happen at higher loops, so that the formula

continues to be obeyed by N=8 supergravity as well?

•  If so, N=8 supergravity may represent a perturbatively finite, pointlike theory of quantum gravity


At 3 loops N=8 supergravity seems to have the same UV behavior as N=4 SYM gauge theory.

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•  TherearenoUVlogdivergenttermsoftheform

logΛ (R….)4

•  Therearenotermsoftheform

1/Λ2 D2(R….)4 •  Therearenotermsoftheform

1/Λ4 D4(R….)4

•  Thefirstnon‐vanishingtermsareoftheform1/Λ6 D6(R….)4


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Superfiniteness is not a necessary condition for the all-loop UV finiteness in d=4, however, it is extremely unlikely to be accidental

If the last term is not vanishing, it indicates that D=5 L=4 maximal SG is divergent

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Howe, Stelle: UV divergent

Computation: UV finite

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This single 5-loop diagram has terms prior to evaluating any integrals. More terms than atoms in the brain!

terms in 3-loop diagram. There is a reason why this hasn’t been evaluated.

Brute force computations are totally hopeless!

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•  Theory has 28 = 256 massless states. •  Multiplicity of states, vs. helicity, from coefficients in binomial expansion of (x+y)8 – 8th row of Pascal’s triangle

SUSY charges Qa, a=1,2,…,8 shift helicity by 1/2

DeWit, Freedman (1977); Cremmer, Julia, Scherk (1978); Cremmer, Julia (1978,1979); De Wit, Nicolai (1982)

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Two-particle cut:

Generalized unitarity:

Three- particle cut:

Apply decomposition of cut amplitudes in terms of product of tree amplitudes.

Bern, Dixon, Dunbar and Kosower, 1994

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3 loop N=8 supergravity computation, 2007

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4 loop N=8 supergravity computation, May 2009

It continues to be as well behaved as N=4 SYM gauge theory.

What is next? Understanding the reason for cancellation of UV divergences, use light-cone superfields, E7(7) symmetry

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•  Supersymmetry?

•  Isdarkenergyacosmologicalconstant?•  Non‐gaussianity•  Moreonspectralindex

•  Cosmicstrings•  B‐modes?•  Massofgravi4no?

• Testofsuperstringtheory? We are waiting for LHC and Planck, dark matter and B-mode experiments data