Motriz, Set/Dez 2002, Vol.8 n.3, pp.105 - 108 Introdução A constante observação das diversas questões na órbita da marcha atlética nacional e internacional, modalidade olímpica do atletismo 1 e praticada efetivamente no Brasil desde 1940 2 , fez surgir a indagação: – Teriam os marchadores brasileiros, 1a Graduação em Educação Física e Especializado em Treinamento Desportivo na UEL, Londrina – PR. 1 Atenas realizou em 1906 o que se chamou de “Jogos Olímpicos interinos” e a marcha atlética já faria parte desses jogos, disputada somente na categoria masculina e nas distâncias de 1.500 m e 3.000 m, vencidas respectivamente pelo húngaro Gyorgy Sztantics e pelo americano George Bonhag. 2 Em 1936, José Carlos Daudt e Túlio de Rose, dirigentes esportivos, assistem à marcha nos Jogos Olímpicos de Berlim e a trazem para sua primeira disputa em Porto Alegre no ano seguinte num percurso de quase 5.000 m, vencida por Carmindo Klein. Em 1940, a prova seria disputada por aproximadamente 20 participantes, vencida por Ernesto Ritter, seguido por Klein e Arnaldo Willy Becker. condições e pré-requisitos naturais de obter relevantes e periódicas conquistas em grandes competições? A marcha da categoria adulta masculina é disputada nas distâncias oficiais de 20.000 e 50.000 m, sendo classificada por essa razão como uma prova de fundo, a exemplo das corridas com distância acima dos 3.000m. No Brasil, uma grande quantidade de jovens têm procurado a prática das corridas de rua com a expectativa de ascensão social, promovida pelas premiações em dinheiro, pagas pelas posições de destaque alcançadas em competições. Por conta disso, os corredores de fundo brasileiros têm-se mostrado competentes, conquistando ótimas posições internacionais, 3 medalhas e um recorde mundial (CBAt, s.d.). Espera-se que, ao menos na esfera orgânica, o êxito dos corredores nacionais possa estender-se aos marchadores, já que a metodologia do treinamento de Potencial de Excelência da Marcha Atlética Brasileira Cláudio Luis Bertolino 1a Universidade Estadual de Londrina - PR Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar o potencial que os atletas brasileiros têm para alcançar grandes resultados na modalidade da Marcha Atlética. Discutiu-se o sucesso de países da América Latina, destacando-se o México, cujos atletas atingiram performances e posições de alto nível nas principais competições do mundo, apesar das limitações de ordem econômica e geográfica frente aos europeus. Conclui que há indícios favoráveis para tornar o Brasil tão bem sucedido quanto as principais potências mundiais deste esporte. Palavras chave: marcha atlética, marchadores brasileiros. The Potentiality of Excellence of the Brazilian Race Walking Athletes. Abstract: The objective of this study is to demonstrate the potentiality of brasilian athletes to reach great results in this modality os sport. The success of Latin American athletes were discussed, Mexico in particular, although economical and geographical disadvantages in relation to europeans have been observed, these athletes have reached high level of performance and outstanding positions in competitions throughout the world. The conclusion is that there is enough evidence to believe that Brazil can become as successful as the most developed countries in this sport. Key Words: race walking, brazilian race walkers

THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION - partypowersales.com · THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION INTRODUCE YOURSELF (as their Tupperware Consultant) “Hi everyone, my name is _____ and I am your Tupperware

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Page 1: THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION - partypowersales.com · THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION INTRODUCE YOURSELF (as their Tupperware Consultant) “Hi everyone, my name is _____ and I am your Tupperware


INTRODUCE YOURSELF (as their Tupperware Consultant) “Hi everyone, my name is _______ and I am your Tupperware consultant.




EXPLAIN AUCTION: “We will be having a Tupperware auction tonight so each you will start with the $100 bill I just gave you. There are many ways to earn money and the more money you have the better the chances you will have at winning what you want……show the cute bags or wrapped items you have brought. Re-member not to show what the items are, just tease the guests. To earn more money: 1) When we prepare the Taste of Tupperware recipe tonight, all those that participate will receive $500 2) When you are the first person to give the page number, item and price of the product we use in preparing the recipe tonight, you will receive $100. 3) If you share an idea about any Tupperware product, you will receive $100 4) If you date a Tupperware party, you will receive $500 5) If you tell me you are going to have a Tupperware party before I ask you, receive another $500 6) If you ask me questions about my job as a Tupperware consultant, I will give you $100 (Give any other examples you want to use)

NEXT: Ask everyone that brought a pen with them, to get it out and give them $100 for having their pen. Also, give another $100 to the person that loans a pen to a guest. (This way you do not have to carry pens and not getting them back!!)

NEXT: Explain the catalog and order form, plus the monthly brochure. Explain how to complete the order form with their name/address/phone #/email address and the first 2 to finish and screams “I LOVE TUPPERWARE”, will receive $500.

NEXT: Proceed by explaining how your Host will qualify for several items in the catalog at 50% off…..any bonus offers for Host….and how the Host will accumulate Host Dollars to spend on our special gifts or Tupperware product. (this is a tool for dating more parties)

NEXT: Explain a little about the recipe and then ask for the volunteers to join you in making the recipe. Remind them there are auction dollars. As you demonstrate and then ask guests to help, hand the auction dollars out. Mention during the preparation of the recipe, why you enjoy the business and/or the benefits for your recruiting bids. Keep the preparation easy, simple and fun! Ask, “who would like an additional $500 auction money”….and the first person that says YES, ask if they would like to be in charge of cleaning up kitchen…..

NEXT: Invite the guests back to the area where you have a small display set up. Say “I have a few other items for you to see, and how many of you love specials? I have saved the best till last, so join me in here, and I will explain how you can save even more money tonight! The first 3 to find their seats will receive $100.” Then proceed to explain any specials by saying, “These offers are available by adding to your order tonight. I will help each of you individually with you order, so take your time viewing everything available tonight.

Page 2: THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION - partypowersales.com · THE TUPPERWARE AUCTION INTRODUCE YOURSELF (as their Tupperware Consultant) “Hi everyone, my name is _____ and I am your Tupperware

NEXT: You want to play the game “Turn About is Fair Play” and now that all the guests are back, start by saying: “We have one more fun thing to do tonight. How many of you have always wanted to know a little about what it’s like to be a Tupperware consultant? Have any of you wondered if we make money, have fun, or get promotions? This is your chance to ask me any question about my business….and every question asked is worth $500…. Make sure a lot of our perks are asked, so sometimes we have to nudge them… you want people to ask, how much money do we make, how our family likes us doing the business, the discount, prizes /awards, how often we do demonstrations, flexibility, advancement to management, vehicle program, and the most important question for someone to ask is, “how do I get started”!! When someone asks that special question award additional money! NEXT: Ask the guests to take the index card, put their name/phone # on the card. Say, “Turn About Is Fair Play”, so now I am going to ask you 4 questions: 1: Of all the things you heard about my job, what is the one thing that appealed to you the most? (money, flexibility, management, vehicle?) 2: Next, you will answer yes, no or maybe. “Could you see yourself doing what I do?” 3: If you answered yes to #2, tell me why. If you answered no, tell me why not, and if you answered maybe, give me a reason! 4. You will answer yes, no or maybe. Will you allow me to share some more information about the Tupperware opportunity with you under no obligation? Collect all the cards and do a drawing for a special gift or give a lot of bonus auction dollars! NEXT: (point to the area where you have set up a ‘mini office’) Offer to help with their order form and remind them about the bonus auction dollars for dating a party before you have an opportunity to ask them! Help each guest with their order and if the guest hasn’t said anything about dating a party, make sure YOU ASK!! (review the steps for dating a party) When we have a special ‘purchase with purchase offer’, suggest adding this to the order form to help increase sales for the Host. You may want to offer $100 auction money for those paying for order at the party. After you have helped all the guests, start the auction. Tell them you have items to auction to-night and they do not get to see them. Pull the first item out and start the bidding at $100. Continue until you have auctioned off all your items. Tell them that with any auction money left, to put it in their wallet until the next demonstration with me. Anytime you see the auction money in your wallet and are short on cash, just give me a call. We always have openings in our business. Cash is always at your fingertips when you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself! Thanks them again for coming, and supporting your Host. Set the dates for the parties that you gave auction dollars for! Remember, a dating isn’t a dating until it is in the datebook and party planned!!! It is important to do the auction party in your style. Make it fun and exciting, and you will have repeat auction parties!! HAPPY AUCTIONING!!