THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom. The Salzburgers

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Page 1: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers


Page 2: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

THE SALZBURGERS Group of German speaking,

protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.

The Salzburgers were being persecuted by the Catholic monarch of their province who issued the Edict of Expulsion (proclamation of eviction) giving them months to leave their native land.

King George II, who was himself a German Protestant, offered the Salzburgers the opportunity to settle in the colony of Georgia.

Page 3: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

SALZBURGERS IN GEORGIA Upon arriving in Georgia, the Salzburgers settled a town they named Ebenezer, meaning “Stone of Help.”

However, this settlement was too far inland and located in an area that was too swampy with poor water.

Many Salzburgers died during their first two years in Georgia

Page 4: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers


Eventually, the Salzburgers were given permission to relocate to a better location which they named “New Ebenezer.”

Once they settled in this new town, they became some of the most successful and industrious colonists in Georgia.

first group of Georgians to develop a water powered grist mill

a Sunday school orphanage.

They were also the only group to have any large scale success with silk production.


Page 6: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers



Page 7: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

THE HIGHLAND SCOTS Renowned for their

fighting ability It was hoped they would

help defend against Spanish invasion.

They settled near the abandoned Fort King George, which they named Darien.

Like the Salzburgers, they valued hard work and religion

Page 8: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

With the promise of owning their own land, the Highland Scots fought in the Battle of Bloody Marsh and in two failed campaigns to capture St. Augustine, Florida.

Many of the Scottish ancestors played important roles in Georgia’s history.

Today, McIntosh County is named in honor of one of these important families


Page 9: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

MALCONTENTS The Malcontents were the

colonists who voiced their complaints with the Georgia Colony

Most of these colonists were those who paid their own way to the new world

Unlike most colonists, they were not obligated to the Trustees

Page 10: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers


Land limits No Rum Ban on slavery

Page 11: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

CHANGE OCCURS Two Malcontents are credited

for encouraging change through written publications Patrick Talifer wrote A True and

Historical Narrative Thomas Stephens wrote The

Hard Case of the Distressed People of Georgia

It wasn’t until 1750 that the Trustees passed a law allowing slavery.

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barrier to protect South Carolina against Spanish Florida

Jenkins presented his severed ear to the English Parliament to seek English revenge against Spain

Once war was declared, Oglethorpe failed to capture St. Augustine after attack

Page 13: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers


Spain attacked St. Simons Island on July 7, 1742 after the English had retreated from the War of Jenkins’ Ear

With the help of their Indian allies, the Spanish were defeated

By 1748, a border was established between English Georgia and Spanish Florida at the St. John’s River.

Page 14: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

THE END OF A DREAM Oglethorpe returned to

Britain to face charges against him for not securing St. Augustine

He married a heiress and never returned to Georgia.

Without his leadership the Georgia colony began to suffer.

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William Stephens, the Trustee’s secretary became president initially

Over the next three years: No law against rum

Laws against slavery were repealed

Land limitations were removed

In 1752, one year before the charter was set to end, control of Georgia was returned to King George II.

Page 16: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

GEORGIA COLONY Built new homes 5,500 people settled Religious freedom Allies with Indians Removed Spanish threat Orphanage and a School Sunday School Court System was established Women were allowed to inherit


Page 17: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers

Lesson Four (SS8H2b) – The student will evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the

Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and Spanish threat from Florida.

What do you remember about… the Trustee

Period???1. The Salzbugers, a religious group from German,

settled the town of

2.In order to help with Georgia’s defense, Oglethorpe recruited the.

3.Oglethorpe was extremely concerned about the military threat from

4.The Highland Scots established the town of

5.The angry colonists who complained about Georgia’s rules were the

6.Oglethorpe permanently ended the Spanish threat from Florida with his victory at the Battle of

7. Frustrated with the colony, the Trustees gave the colony back to the King in the year

SS8H2 – The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.


Highland Scots




Bloody Marsh


Page 18: THE TRUSTEE PERIOD. THE SALZBURGERS  Group of German speaking, protestant refugees from present day Austria seeking religious freedom.  The Salzburgers