The Trouble With Unchecked Fiscal Irresponsibility in Uganda

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  • 8/10/2019 The Trouble With Unchecked Fiscal Irresponsibility in Uganda




    An Analysis by Rob!" Ki!#n$a

    Pa!"n! a" Ki!#n$a % Wasi& A$'o(a"s

    Recent newspaper reports have drawn attention to some troubling public

    procurements in Uganda. The most staggering were the Mukono Katosi road

    project and the Standard Gauge Railwa !roject "SGR#.$These projects have been

    concerning to the keen and alert members o% the public %or a number o% reasons.

    &irstl' there has never been a time when Ministers bicker in the press as much as

    the have over these two projects. Secondl' despite the usual rhetoric on (ghting

    corruption' both Ministers whose names were a dail appearance in the press are

    still in )abinet. *ne would have thought the would be too tarred to remain in

    public o+ce' and at least suspended to pave wa %or investigations. Thirdl' we live

    in a countr that once censured a Minister over ,--- litres o% %uel., t is hard to

    believe that the Ministers responsible %or these works have gone unchecked.

    The Mukono Katosi road scandal is also worring because %rom a political level' it

    is the (rst time that so little concern has gone into a clear case o% %orger and %raud.

    Members o% !arliament used to love these sorts o% cases because the provided

    %odder %or constitutional petitions "and like pointed out above' censure motions#.

    This does not seem to be the case anmore. There is all but an admission o% the

    %orger o% insurance bonds and et no one is asking the nsurance Regulator

    /uthorit what the are doing about these %orged bonds. 0e will have to live with

    the Ministers not %acing an reprimand.

    1ut what about the construction companies involved in this scandal2 The )hinese

    continue to construct the road and all is well over there. am et to hear which

    %unds are constructing that road and where the came %rom' i% the %unds that le%t

    the U3R/ co4ers actuall did disappear. !erhaps the onl solace to be gotten %rom

    this scandal is that a %ew individuals that worked %or U3R/ will be investigated. am

    doubt%ul that an meaning%ul prosecution will ensue. 1ut could be wrong.

    The SGR project is troubling enough on its own. !aul 1ushari5i has dealt with a

    number o% (nancial aspects o% wh it is troubling. will deal with onl a %ew more

    6uestions that arise. &irstl' the 78ecutive is determined to ensure that this project

    $!erhaps the most compelling and brilliantl written article on the SGR !roject was writtenb !aul 1ushari5i see9,-$;:$-:its

  • 8/10/2019 The Trouble With Unchecked Fiscal Irresponsibility in Uganda


  • 8/10/2019 The Trouble With Unchecked Fiscal Irresponsibility in Uganda


    (rms. These projects will be constructed at whatever cost the )hinese indicated was

    the actual cost and Ugandan citi5ens will pa the cost over a ver long time.

    This calls %or the need to revisit three provisions in the )onstitution. Under /rticle

    = "$#' !arliament is enjoined to make laws to ensure the good governance o% this

    countr. /rticle $$= "L# and "A# in essence re6uire the /ttorne General to approvean contracts whose value e8ceeds Uganda Shillings &i%t Million in which public

    %unds will be deploed. t is in light o% these provisions that one must view the !!@/

    /ct. The /ct is intended %or oversight on public resources and as its motives

    stipulate in !art I on the 1asic !rinciples o% !rocurement' ensure value %or mone'

    transparenc accountabilit' competition' econom and e+cienc' %airness' to

    mention but a %ew. To dispense with competitive bidding is to undermine the most

    central tenets o% public procurement in the (rst place. n an event' this usuall

    makes more sense %or the smaller projects than %or the larger ones. This countr is

    doing things the other wa round. This is wrong.

    The third provision that is important to consider in these sorts o% circumstances is/rticle $L=. Under this /rticle' an debt obligation that Government intends to

    create must be tabled be%ore !arliament %or approval be%ore it attaches to

    Government. Cowever in cases where the Government is entering bilateral

    arrangements with another countr "in this case !eopleBs Republic o% )hina# and

    subse6uentl e8ecuting Memoranda o% Understanding and 7ngineering'

    !rocurement' )onstruction and &inancing /greements with companies to develop

    these projects' it is argued that Government is creating debt obligations that have

    not been approved b !arliament. This o4ends the )onstitution. t must also be

    remembered that under /rticle $ o% the same )onstitution' all power belongs to the

    people who will repa these loans and it is onl (tting that the have oversight onthe process and that the get the best value %or their mone.

    The argument has been made that parliament itsel% is not immune to corruption and

    the wa its )ommittees handle various matters sometimes leaves a lot to be

    desired. Some have even accused members o% parliament o% corruption. 1ut the

    solution is not to ignore !arliament. The solution is to address what seems to have

    gone wrong. t is argued that %or the above reasons' an amendment to the !!@/

    /ct is imminent in order to dispense with the 78ecutive @irectorBs powers to consent

    to a direct procurement in such large projects that should attract international

    competitive bidding. /lso' it is important to create a sstem within which the

    technical and (nancial soundness o% a project can be tested rigorousl to ensurethat the countr is getting value %or mone %rom the best 6uali(ed entit.

    Kii5a 1esige has re%erred to these debts as odious.0hile do not 6uite agree with

    his brilliantl written analsis o% the situation' argue that the debts should not be

    ignored because o% the amount o% (scal e8posure the have created %or Uganda. /s;;LAQ/uganda