THE TREE OF LIFE THE VICTORIOUS LIFE (3) Lesson Thirty Two channels carry the influence of the Holy Influence from above down to Netzach. They are the twenty-first and twenty-fourth Paths of Wisdom, the paths of the letters Kaph and Nun corresponding to Keys 10 and 13 of Tarot. Full consideration of these will be found in the next course of this series; but here it will be sufficient to point out some of the fundamental ideas. In the same way, we shall not attempt here to enter into an extended explanation of the three channels which link Netzach to the three Sephiroth below it. We shall limit the discussion of these to such matters as have immediate bearing on the main object of this course, which is to give you means of gaining a thorough understanding of the rela- tionships between different parts of the Tree. The three paths just mentioned are those of the letter Feh (joining Netzach to Hod and symbolized in Tarot by Key 16); of the let- ter Tzaddi (joining Netzach to Yesod and symbolized by Key 17); and of the letter Qoph (the link between Netzach and Malkuth represented in Tarot by Key 18). From your Tarot studies you have learned that the path from Chesed to Netzach corresponds to the letter Kaph which signifies the human hand closed in the act of grasp- ing. It is the path of comprehension and corresponds to those mental activities which find outer manifestation as the pair of opposites, Wealth and Poverty. Wealth is the outcome of adequate grasp of the truth presented symbolically by Key 10 of Tarot. Poverty is the effect produced by inadequate comprehension of the same truth. Nor will the reader of these words who is duly and truly prepared for the recep- tion of genuine occult knowledge fail to perceive that he who has proper grasp of the truth we mean has also a true understanding of what constitutes real wealth, and of what constitutes actual poverty. Such a person may not, and usually will not, present to the world any appearance of being rich. There are some exceptions to this, but they only prove the rule. But all persons who really grasp the secret of the twenty-first Path of Wisdom are truly affluent, and not one of them lacks anything he may require for the fulfilment of his life-purpose. Thus it hardly need be added that every such person has a definite aim in life, and knows exactly what he wants to be and what he intends to do. "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear," is one clue to the meaning of the path of Kaph. The idea here is that all human desires are rooted in the Life-power's perfect memory of what it is and has done. Chesed, the fourth Sephirah, is the seat of this memory, and represents, moreover, the Life-power's un - failing impulse to impart itself to all creatures. Behind human desire is the divine urge of the Life-power to pour itself out in every-increasing measure. The human quest for better things, for improved conditions, for wider and freer ranges of expression, is really a reaction to this down-flowing influence from Chesed. This urge for growth was active before man appeared on this planet. It formed the nebula, shaped the solar system, organized the kingdoms below mankind. It works now through man himself to make him truly "more than man," so that the Great Work may

The Tree of Life - Lesson 30

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Two channels c a r ry the influence of the Holy Influence from above down to N etzach. They a re the tw en ty -first and tw enty-fourth Paths of W isdom, the paths of the le tte rs Kaph and Nun corresponding to Keys 10 and 13 of T a ro t. F u ll consideration of these w ill be found in the next cou rse of th is s e r ie s ; but h e re it w ill be sufficient to point out som e of the fundam ental ideas.

In the sam e way, we shall not attem pt h e re to en te r into an extended explanation of the th ree channels which link Netzach to the th ree Sephiroth below i t . We shall lim it the d iscussion of th ese to such m a tte rs as have im m ediate bearing on the main object of th is co u rse , which is to give you m eans of gaining a thorough understanding of the r e la ­tionships between different p a rts of the T re e . The th ree paths ju s t m entioned a re those of the le tte r Feh (joining N etzach to Hod and sym bolized in T aro t by Key 16); of the le t­te r Tzaddi (joining Netzach to Yesod and sym bolized by Key 17); and of the le tte r Qoph (the link between Netzach and Malkuth rep resen ted in T a ro t by Key 18).

F rom your T a ro t studies you have learned that the path from C hesed to Netzach corresponds to the le tte r Kaph which signifies the human hand c losed in the act of g ra s p ­ing. It is the path of com prehension and co rresponds to those m ental activ ities which find ou ter m anifestation as the p a ir of opposites, W ealth and Poverty.

Wealth is the outcome of adequate g rasp of the tru th p resen ted sym bolically by Key 10 of T a ro t. Poverty is the effect produced by inadequate com prehension of the sam e tru th . N or w ill the re a d e r of these w ords who is duly and tru ly p rep a red fo r the re c e p ­tion of genuine occult knowledge fa il to perceive that he who has p roper g rasp of the tru th we mean has also a tru e understanding of what constitu tes re a l w ealth, and of what constitu tes actual poverty .

Such a person may not, and usually will not, p resen t to the w orld any appearance of being r ic h . T here a re som e exceptions to th is , but they only prove the ru le . But all persons who rea lly g ra sp the s e c re t of the tw en ty -first Path of Wisdom a re tru ly affluent, and not one of them lacks anything he may re q u ire fo r the fulfilm ent of h is life-pu rpose . Thus it hardly need be added that every such person has a definite aim in life, and knows exactly what he wants to be and what he intends to do .

"Before they call, I w ill answ er; and while they a re yet speaking, I w ill h e a r ," is one clue to the m eaning of the path of Kaph. The idea h e re is that a ll human d e s ire s a re rooted in the L ife-pow er's perfect m em ory of what it is and has done. Chesed, the fourth Sephirah, is the sea t of th is m em ory, and re p re se n ts , m oreover, the L ife-pow er's un­failing im pulse to im part itse lf to all c re a tu r e s . Behind human d es ire is the divine urge of the L ife-pow er to pour itse lf out in ev ery -in c reasin g m easu re .

The human quest fo r b e tte r things, fo r im proved conditions, fo r w ider and f r e e r ranges of expression , is rea lly a reaction to th is down-flowing influence from C hesed. T his u rge fo r growth was active before m an appeared on th is planet. It fo rm ed the nebula, shaped the so la r system , organized the kingdoms below m ankind. It w orks now through m an h im self to make him tru ly "m o re than m an ," so that the G reat Work may

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be com pleted through and by the ac tiv ities of perfected human be in g s .

Even in its low est fo rm s of expression , human d es ire is , like a ll e lse in human personality , an activ ity orig inating at a h igher level than that of personal se lf-co n sc io u s­n e ss . Just as all e lse that we do is done through us, ra th e r than by us, so is it with our d e s ire s . "Before they ca ll, I w ill an sw er." What in sp ire s the ca ll is the p resence of the answ er among the tre a s u re s of the L im itless Substance. This L im itless Substance is ev er at our d isposal. It is available fo r a ll. Thus the path of the le tte r Kaph, the "Path of D esirous Q u est," is not m an 's but God’s . It is not the sea rch of a human being fo r som ething he wants to g e t. It is the L ife-pow er’s eag er seeking fo r suitable outlets fo r the benediction it w ants to give.

The d e s ire s w elling up in our minds have fo r th e ir inm ost essence the L ife-pow er’s perfect knowledge that it a lready is a ll tha t we d es ire to be. M ore than th is , the Life- power knows itse lf as being all that is re a l in hum an personality . It is a ll we have ev er been, a ll we a re now, all we hope to be. Our hope, our d e s ire , our expectation a re no m ore than reflec tions of what it actually is .

In som e p erso n a lities , the re flec tions a re d is to rted like im ages in a flaw ed m ir ro r . Before human personality reaches a c e r ta in stage of developm ent, d e s ire seem s to be a purely personal m a tte r and often takes unlovely fo rm s. Yet, w hether a d e s ire be "high” o r "low ," it is ev er the sam e in e ssen ce . It is always m an 's m ental reaction to the out­pouring of the divine influence descending from C hesed through the tw en ty -first path .

Human mi sunder standing of th is un iversal urge, human belief that d e s ire is p e r ­sonal, human fa ilu re to perceive what the tru e goal rea lly is - - th e s e e r ro r s bring pain, and the fru it of pain is knowledge. Happy the man who has been brought to the stage of rip en ess w here he g lim pses the v ision of the w ise. He may not sh are th is v ision in all i ts fu lness of joy, but what he does re a liz e will save him untold suffering . Such a re tru e Q abalists, v e ritab le recep tive ones.

They a re rea lly com petent to g ra sp the meaning of instruction like th is . To them it is "given" to know the s e c re ts of the kingdom of the sk ie s . "Doubting T hom ases” may and do, get th e ir proofs, th e ir dem onstrations; but m ore b lessed a re they who can com ­prehend the p rincip les and recognize th e ir validity even before proofs a re given.

The u rge fo r growth we fee l in o u rse lves is the im pulse of the L ife-pow er's e te r ­nal inclination to im part itse lf ever m ore fully and f r e e ly . Yet often we d is to rt it into its c ru d est expression , the d e s ire to ge t th ings. D esires fo r possessions, fo r the in ­c re a se of personal pow er, fo r personal authority , fo r fam e o r p ro m in en ce--a ll such a re ta in ted with the delusion of sep a ra ten ess . Such d e s ire s se t in operation the fo rces of contraction ra th e r than those of expansion.

Swedenborg says, th e re fo re , that the essen ce of hell is the d e s ire to ru le o th e rs , the d e s ire fo r power over o th e rs . T his hell is bad enough when it finds outlet in the thoughts and w orks of a H itle r o r a M ussolini. Yet it is even w orse when it d isgu ises itse lf as m other-love, as in te re s t in the w elfare of friends o r fam ily , o r as any of those p rivate h e lls we m ake when we in te rfe re with the lives of o thers in o rd e r to rem old them into our own divine image! W ise m en seldom m ake any effort to re fo rm the w orld .

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They who a re tru ly w ise a re the g rea t g iv e rs . Instinctively they know the Life- power w aits to sh are with us w hatever aspect of its lim itless re so u rce s w ill se rve best to contribute through us to the estab lishm ent of m ore joy, m ore peace, m ore health, m ore abundance. They know the tru th that the m ore they give, the m ore will they have to give.

H ere is the re a l inner sec re t of path of Kaph. He who rea lize s h im self to be a stew ard, charged with wise d istribution of the inexhaustible supplies of all things needful from the rich s to re of L im itless Substance, is not concerned about g e tting . He sees , co rrec tly , that m an 's place in the schem e of things is to act as a d is tr ib u to r .

C onsider th is w ell. We all know that in th is physical world th e re is abundance of re a l w ealth--w ealth enough to ra ise the standards of living fo r everybody h igher than those now enjoyed by the so -ca lled "priv ileged c la s s e s ." We know, too, that honest app ra isa l of the causes of m ise ry and poverty brings to light the self-ev ident fact that these evils have th e ir roots in a fa lse system of d istribution which can be changed fo r the b e tte r right now without waiting fo r a m illenium o r delaying such changes until the suffering of the ig ­norant m asses b u rs ts forth in bloody revolution.

Like every o ther change in human ways of being and doing, th is approach to b e tte r and m ore equitable form s of the d istribution of wealth m ust begin, and in fact has already begun, in a change of th inking. What th is must be is , we believe, sufficiently indicated in what we have ju s t w ritten; and we leave it to the intelligence of a ll who a re worthy to be called "B uilders of the Adytum" to make the application to th e ir own use of the incal­culable powers of m ind.

F o r cen tu ries , the path of Kaph has been associated with sp iritu a l alchem y, and an old Q abalistic descrip tion of pow ers wielded by an adept whose mind is fully conform ed to th is path says: "He who p o ssesses th is path is able to change into gold not only all m etals, but also the earth itse lf, and even the refuse of the e a r th ." The sp iritu a l gold is enlightenm ent, but th is has also its ex ternal co u n terpart. He who is tru ly enlightened d iscovers the true values of things and c ircu m stan ces . Hence the tenth T aro t Key, c o r ­responding to th is path, includes in its sym bolism the signs fo r the th ree alchem ical p rinc ip les, Sulpher, M ercury and Salt; and fu rth erm o re , the en tire Key is an em blem atic sum m ary of the G reat W ork.

The tw enty-fourth path of the le tte r Nun c a r r ie s down to Netzach the influence from the sixth Sephirah, T iphare th . T iphareth is the seat of the Ego, and it is also the point on the T ree of Life corresponding to the im age-m aking power of the human m ind. Hence the special mode of consciousness rep resen ted by the tw enty-fourth path is called the "Im aginative In te lligence,” and it is rea lly the fundam ental form -build ing power at work in the whole sphere of human behavior.

What we im agine, that we becom e. What we im agine ou rse lves c lea rly and definitely as doing, that we sooner o r la te r accom plish . What we im agine as our physical su rround­ings we bring ultim ately into actual, tangible m anifestation.

But h e re , perhaps, one needs to rea lize that what has ju s t been w ritten applies to c lea r, definite im ages only, and to im ages which a re kept alive until m a te ria lized . Nor

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is th is a ll. We a re so constituted that we cannot m ake c le a r im ages of anything that is actually im possible fo r us to realize!

F o r exam ple, a person actually deficient in m usical ability might wish with all his heart to be a singer o r an in s tru m en ta lis t. But unless he rea lly has ta len t, his m ental im ages of h im self as being and doing what all com petent m usicians always have to under­take will be wanting in the essen tia l details that ca ll fo rth subconscious response . Read your Seven Steps lessons again, and you should have no difficulty in grasp ing th is .

Our tru e d e s ire s , being reflections of the L ife-pow er's intentions fo r u s, may a l­ways be im aged c lea rly . They a re the tru e Ego 's rea liza tions of what it can do through the agency of a given personality . They have trem endous potency, im m easurab le g en era ­tive pow er. In fact, as all your previous studies of the le tte r Nun and its T a ro t Key, Death, have shown you, the potency of the tw enty-fourth path is inseparab le from the physical fo rces of reproduction, although it is by no m eans lim ited to those activ ities which insu re the perpetuation of physical bodies fo r the human ra c e .

In Key 13 th e re is a ris in g sun in the background, and th is symbol re la te s to the sixth Sephirah whence the tw enty-fourth path p roceeds. In the foreground, on the righ t- hand side of the p ic tu re , is a growing ro se , and th is symbol re fe rs specifically to the seventh Sephirah because Netzach is said to be the Sphere of Venus, and ro se s a re the special flow ers of V enus. H ere is another exam ple of the c lose re la tion between the com ­position of the T aro t Keys and the p laces they occupy on the T ree of L ife.

In Lesson 31 we shall continue th is section of our study of the T ree by considering what is needful fo r th is cou rse concerning the paths of the le tte rs Pdh, Tzaddi and Qoph, which c a r ry down the influence of Netzach to the eighth, ninth and tenth Sephiroth r e s ­pectively.