THE TREE OF LIFE THE ROOT OF POWER (2) Lesson Twenty-two We begin this lesson with the words of our illustrious Frater and predecessor, Eliphas Levi, who wrote: "The Pentagram expresses the mind’s domination over the elements and it is by this sign that we bind the demons of the air, the spirits of fire, the spectres of water, and the ghosts of earth. It is the Star of the Magi, the burning star of the Gnostic schools, the sign of intellectual omnipotence and autocracy. Its complete comprehension is the key of two worlds--it is absolute natural philosophy and natural science. Its use, how- ever, is most dangerous to operators who do not completely and perfectly understand it. All mysteries of magic, all symbols of the gnosis, all figures of occultism, allQabalis- tic keys of prophecy, are resumed in the sign of the Pentagram, which Paracelsus pro- claims to be the greatest and most potent of all." Levi tells us also that the Pentagram is a symbol of the microcosm, that is,of man; and recommends that it be made of seven m etals. This last refers to the sevenfold con- stitution of man, and to the balanced action of the seven interior stars--the seven prin - cipal centers in the human body--corresponding to the chakras of the Yogis, and to the "metals" of the alchemists. Our purpose in this lesson is to put you on the track which will lead you to better comprehension of the mysteries of the Pentagram. That these pages can provide you with the complete and perfect understanding mentioned by Levi is, of course, too much to expect. Such understanding is the fruit, not of a few year's study, but of several in- carnations devoted to investigations and practice. Yet one must make a beginning some day or other. What is more, there is every probability that you would not be reading this if you had not already devoted several lives to this sort of study. We shall begin, therefore, with one sentence in our quotation from the French adept. He says: "Its use is most dangerous to operators who do not completely and perfectly understand it." Here we have an example of the subtlety characteristic of all genuine teachers of occultism. By means of it, Levi intends to warn off dabblers in esotericism; but he has another aim, as well. Here is, in plain sight, a genuine occult test. It seems to say, "Danger! Keep off!" So, indeed, has it been interpreted, together with sundry other warnings, by a great many persons who feel themselves impelled to write books about the secret sciences. We are familiar with the sort of instruction which insists that the actual practice of magic is to be avoided by a 11 but the "very advanced." They who sound such warnings usually manage to imply that they themselves are numbered among the elect; but when asked to offer some evidences of their abilities, are likely to take re- fuge in the excuse that genuine adepts never make any parade of their powers. This is, of course, true. Yet those who remember the life of Madame Blavatsky, or who can read between the lines of Cyril Scott’s stories about "The Initiate," should know that "works of power" can be, and are, performed today just as surely as they were in other periods of history. Besides, it is not true that one must wait for complete understanding of the Pentagram

The Tree of Life - Lesson 22

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Lesson Twenty-two

We begin th is lesson with the w ords of our illu s trio u s F ra te r and p red ecesso r,E liphas Levi, who wrote:

"The Pentagram ex p re sses the m ind’s domination over the elem ents and it is by this sign that we bind the demons of the a ir , the sp ir its of f ire , the sp ec tre s of w ater, and the ghosts of e a r th . It is the S ta r of the Magi, the burning s ta r of the Gnostic schools, the sign of in te llectual omnipotence and au tocracy . I ts com plete com prehension is the key of two w o rld s--it is absolute n a tu ra l philosophy and n a tu ra l sc ience. I ts use, how­ev er, is m ost dangerous to op era to rs who do not com pletely and perfectly understand i t . All m y ste rie s of m agic, all sym bols of the gnosis, all figu res of occultism , a llQ ab a lis- tic keys of prophecy, a re resum ed in the sign of the Pentagram , which P aracelsus p ro ­claim s to be the g rea tes t and m ost potent of a l l ."

Levi te lls us also that the Pentagram is a symbol of the m icrocosm , that is ,o f man; and recom m ends that it be m ade of seven m e ta ls . This la s t re fe rs to the sevenfold con­stitution of man, and to the balanced action of the seven in te r io r s ta r s - - th e seven p r in ­cipal cen te rs in the human body--corresponding to the chakras of the Yogis, and to the "m etals" of the a lch em ists .

Our purpose in th is lesson is to put you on the track which w ill lead you to be tte r com prehension of the m y s te rie s of the P en tag ram . That these pages can provide you with the com plete and perfec t understanding mentioned by Levi is , of co u rse , too much to expect. Such understanding is the fru it, not of a few y e a r 's study, but of sev era l in ­carnations devoted to investigations and p ra c tic e . Yet one m ust m ake a beginning some day o r o th e r. What is m ore , there is every probability that you would not be reading this if you had not already devoted sev e ra l lives to th is so rt of study.

We shall begin, th e re fo re , with one sentence in our quotation from the F rench adept. He says: "Its use is m ost dangerous to o p era to rs who do not com pletely and perfectly understand i t . " H ere we have an exam ple of the subtlety c h a rac te ris tic of all genuine te ach e rs of occu ltism . By m eans of it , Levi intends to w arn off dabb lers in e so te ric ism ; but he has another aim , as w ell. H ere is , in plain sight, a genuine occult te s t . It seem s to say, "Danger! Keep off!" So, indeed, has it been in te rp re ted , together with sundry o ther w arnings, by a g rea t many p ersons who feel them selves im pelled to w rite books about the sec re t sc ien ces . We a re fam ilia r with the so rt of in struction which in s is ts that the actual p rac tice of m agic is to be avoided by a 11 but the "very advanced." They who sound such warnings usually m anage to im ply that they them selves a re num bered among the e lect; but when asked to offer some evidences of th e ir ab ilitie s , a re likely to take r e ­fuge in the excuse that genuine adepts never m ake any parade of th e ir pow ers.

This is , of co u rse , t ru e . Yet those who rem em ber the life of Madame Blavatsky, o r who can read between the lines of C yril Scott’s s to rie s about "The In it ia te ," should know that "w orks of power" can be, and a re , perform ed today ju s t as su re ly as they w ere in o ther periods of h is to ry .

Besides, it is not tru e that one m ust wait fo r com plete understanding of the Pentagram

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before beginning to use i t . The rea l s e c re t here is that th e re is no human being any­where who does not use the P en tag ram --every day of his life . Because ignorant use is extrem ely dangerous, the g re a te r num ber of men and women are in d ire p e r il, from in ­fancy to death. Among them , however, none run g re a te r risk s than the cowards who r e ­fuse to p rac tice what occultism they know, even though that knowledge be sm all. It takes daring to be a m agician. If you can be scared off, you a re by no m eans out of the danger which com es from ignorance .

That this is a c o rre c t in te rp re ta tion is dem onstrated by Levi’s statem ent that the Pentagram is a symbol fo r the m icrocosm , m an. This being true , it follows that every human being uses the Pentagram , ignorantly o r w isely, as the case may be. Ignorantly , to the extent that the opera to r is deluded by the "g reat heresy" explained in the p reced ­ing le sso n --th e notion that human w ill-pow er is som ething orig inating in personality . W isely, to the extent that the opera to r looks upon his personal life and action as being expressions of the Will and Wisdom of the One Id en tity .

A fundamental reason fo r the im portance of the Pentagram as a symbol is that every line of a regu lar five-pointed s ta r p resen ts a perfec t geom etrical dem onstration of e x ­trem e and mean p ropo rtion --the "Golden Section" of the Pythagoreans. The dem onstra ­tion, in fact, is double. F o r the sh o rte r segm ent of a Pentagram line is to the longer segm ent exactly as is the longer segm ent to the sum of the sh o rte r and longer segm ents; and the longer segm ent is to the whole line p rec ise ly as is the sh o rte r segm ent to the longer. The Pentagram , the re fo re , p resen ts on every line a double dem onstration that the le s s e r p a rt is to the g re a te r p a rt as is the g re a te r p a rt to the whole.

In occult philosophy, nature is taken as the le s s e r p a r t, man as the g re a te r p a rt,God as the whole. To the uninstructed , nature appears to be g re a te r in m ass and extent, but the intuition of the w ise a ssu re s them that the tru e m easu re is not reckoned in te rm s of m ass , but ra th e r in te rm s of co n sc io u sn ess .

The universe is m ental, and in the m ental o rd e r the mind of man is su p erio r to the m entality of n a tu re . Put the proposition the o ther way round. Man is to nature as God is to m an. By m an’s su p erio r m ental equipment he may understand nature and ru le h e r fo rc e s .

Thus may he bind all the phantasm al appearances Levi had in mind when he wrote of "demons of the a ir , sp ir its of f ire , sp ec tres of w ater, and ghosts of e a r th ." Yet, u n ­le ss man understands his position in the cosm ic o rd e r, h is attem pts to control natu ral fo rces in c rease the risk s he runs. The p e rils of our tim es b ear w itness to the tru th of th is . Man has learned how to harness the elem ents, but he has put his powers to such unwise uses that there is danger of the suicide of civ ilization .

That danger has its roots in m an’s fa lse notion that there is such a thing as indepen­dent personal w ill. Magnified into the underlying m otivation of po litical and economic system s, th is m eans that one c la ss , one group, one nation may p ro sp e r at the expense of o ther c la sse s , groups o r n a tio n s . C lass consciousness, group consciousness, n a ­tional consc io u sn ess--th ese a re but the enlarged im ages of egotistic personal conscious­ness; and at the bottom of personal egotism is the erroneous belief in the rea lity of inde­pendent personal w ill.

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Thus Q abalistic psychology a ttribu tes the illusive personal will to this fifth point on the T ree of L ife. I t does so because the personal will is actually a r e a l i ty . What we m ean when we speak of will is som ething which certain ly has a personal quality, since we feel it m ost definitely within o u rse lv es . Yet at the sam e tim e there is som ething in it which escapes the attention of superfic ia l o b se rv e rs .

The com m on-sense idea of will is that it is som ething in man which he is free to use as he p le a s e s . In some persons th is power is s tro n g . In o thers it is weak. In all, what th e re is of it is se lf-o rig in a te d . I t begins in the person h im self.

M ateria lis tic de term in ism denies there is any will at a ll . W hatever a man thinks o r feels o r does, say the d e te rm in is ts , is ju s t a reaction to som e stim ulus from outside. Some reactions a re unconditioned, such as a baby 's fe a r of sudden n o is e . Most reactions a re conditioned by early tra in in g . None a re rea lly f re e .

T his is the view held by persons who invent system s to save the w orld. Some s y s ­tem s a re po litical, some a re econom ic, some a re educational. All have as th e ir ob ject­ive the setting up of such ex ternal conditions that m an 's reactions to environm ental con­ditions will be personally and socially constructive .

The trouble is that no two of these system s ag ree , and since there will always be conflicts among the advocates of these g litte ring schem es fo r conditioning humanity into m ore o r le ss happy and p erfec t beings, there seem s to be little p rospect that these in ­ventions will ev er be tr ie d . Even if some of them should be put into operation, it is c e r ­tain that they would fa il. Indeed, sev e ra l experim ents of the so rt have been tr ie d , and none have succeeded. More than a system is needed. T here m ust be human beings to Adm inister i t .

No system which d isgu ises hate as "c lass consciousness", no system which denies anything higher than the p re sen t average level of personal consciousness, no system which exalts one c la ss , race o r group at the expense of another, can ev er succeed . W hether a system denies free -w ill, o r w hether a system falsely exalts i t , as in the old notion of the divine right of kings, does not m a tte r . W hatever system aim s to b e tte r the condition of som e at the expense of o thers will inevitably fa il.

The sages say there is free w ill, but deny i ts personal o rig in . Personality is really determ ined by som ething h igher than the various stim uli orig inating in environm ent. We persons a re tools, invented by the L ife-pow er fo r a specific pu rpose . We a re in s tru ­m ents, designed to com plete the G reat W ork. The Inventor, the D esigner, is the Life- pow er. It is within us, as well as outside the lim its of our p e rso n a litie s . We a re one with i t . I t is the rea lity we designate by the pronoun "I” . The laws of nature a re not im posed on us by som e ex ternal, alien pow er. They a re expressions of our own true n a tu re . M an's environm ent is a m ir ro r to show him what he is .

Thus m an’s feeling of an in te r io r power he calls "w ill" is a tru e feeling. He is right when he locates this pow er at the cen te r of his being. He is wrong when he believes that it o rig inates at th is in te rio r c en te r. It sim ply becom es m anifest th e re in re la tion to m an 's personal consciousness, o r sense of identity .

The e r r o r is that of m istaking a s tream fo r a sp ring . It is like supposing the light

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from an e lec tric bulb to be a power of the bulb itse lf , instead of the power of a cu rren t of e lec tric ity , made m anifest as light by the instrum entality of the filam ent in the bulb.

Argument about free will never rea lly accom plishes anything. So we lim it ourselves h e re to sim ple statem ent of the occult position . What is m ore im portant is the way we use our knowledge of th is d o c tr in e .

We cannot help feeling that we have free w ill, even when we em brace a philosophy which totally denies i t . We have always to act "as if" we had i t . When we act as if we may do as we p lease , if we can "get away" with i t , we are in delusion. When, on the co n tra ry , we act as if we know ourse lves to be personal in strum ents fo r the d istribution of a power which is su p erio r to every one of the conditions constitu ting our environm ent, we soon d iscover that everything tu rn s out ju s t as if our assum ption w ere c o r r e c t . M oreover, th is kind of p rac tice leads to a kind of perception which se ts at re s t a ll our doubts as to the rea lity of w ill. Not only th is , but it also answ ers all those puzzling questions con­cern ing "personal resp o n sib ility ," among which a re many having th e ir origin in that m ost subtle form of egotism which hides deep-rooted selfishness behind a m ask of a ltru is tic concern fo r the w elfare of o th e rs .

Act as if your w ill w ere omnipotent, but continually deny your personal se lf -w ill .This is the p re scrip tio n given by all w ise m en. Deny the little " se lf ," and su rre n d e r un­conditionally to the g re a te r SE L F . Let go the handful of r ic e which tra p s the m onkey-m ind, and en te r into the freedom of your true human in h e ritan ce .

When you do th is , you give up nothing. You sim ply quit believing in the purchasing power of a coun terfe it. You do m o re . As soon as you a re free from delusion, the rea l tru th begins to be se lf-ev id en t. A tru th which banishes fe a r . A tru th which gets rid of the h a rsh severity of m a te ria lis tic determ in ism . A tru th which com es into your mind like som ething long forgotten, but suddenly rem em bered , as when the face of an old friend stands out from a crow d. And so we say:

"I recognize the m anifestation of the undeviating Justice in all the c ircum stances of my l i f e ."

The Divine Justice is the essence of fre e -w ill. It is at w ork in our lives when it t e r ­r if ie s us in the guise of the innum erable hazards of an unfriendly environm ent. It is e s ta ­blishing perfec t poise and balance even when it b rings loss and suffering, even when it w ears the s te m m ask of an alien Law, taking no account of the lives of m en. It is the dominant pow er in every m oment of our liv es , and they who rea lly understand it a re the G rea te r Adepts who wield the mighty power of the P en tag ram .

In th is lesson , we have given you two keys to the m eaning of that m ysterious sym bol.In the next lesson you will find a fu r th e r explanation of its m eaning, and of the p rac tica l use of the Pentagram in m a g ic .