The Training Solution “… it is a fountain of inspirationPost Office Box 1024, Arden, NC 28704 Dear Seeker, Doubt. Doubt. Doubt. My confession is the devil has always attacked me with doubt. When God has a call on your life, the enemy tries to destroy your confidence and self-esteem. When you answer the call and become Chosen 1’s, the attacks can become intense. As you read through Outreach Lessons, use my testimony as a guide to uproot the weed of doubt and plant seeds of hope, faith, and prosperity. The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.” (Matthew 21:21) It occurred to me recently that if the devil is attacking me, he is also attacking you with doubt, about God, His servants, His Word and using doubt to keep us in a holding pattern and a state of fear, depression, and confusion. The Bible Decoder has come under attack by a few pastors and laypersons moving some of them to berate, curse, and to spiritually crucify me for their lack of understanding as to why God instructed me to develop the Bible Decoder. Instead of operating in love, these few acted just like the Pharisees of old, instead of learning from the Holy Bible they choose to set up their "own Christian law,” which has led to several unrighteous judgments. Now, as in Exodus 17, God is instructing me to “write this.” God began to show me Asheville a few years before He sent me here. (Isaiah 48:13) I had very little money, no car, and no idea of how this move would transpire as God had only given me a few pieces of the picture. During that time of preparation, several “occult” practices were brought to my front door. After speaking with these lost children, it was revealed that all of them had been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ at some point in their lives. During intimate conversations, 95% of them explained the reason they left the church was due to some sort of “hypocrisy.” During this time, God also connected me to several “apostles,” pastors, and elders. My findings, hypocrisy is truly prevalent, but not in all of the churches. Like Jesus says in Matthew 24:11, “many false prophets shall arise.” Note, Jesus did not say all would be false, but many, discern there will also be true prophets. (Joel 2:8) The beginnings of Prophetess Stephanie’s Bible Decoder came into being during this time of preparation. After the groundwork had been laid, an Elder with a car ministry prayed for several months and then gave me a Van with tax, title, and fees all paid as a drunk driver had totaled my vehicle the previous year. He also stated, “this will get you to the mountains.” Not once did I tell this man of God about my visions of Asheville! After receiving such specific confirmation led to Enthusiastically informing people about my plans to move to Asheville, which solicited responses such as “Asheville is weird,” “beware of them devil worshipers,” “Asheville is full of Wiccans,” and so many more observations, accusations, and warnings. At first, the Bible Decoder was given to Pastors and Elders for review as God had revealed its prophetic significance and that it would help the Pastors to prepare for the seasons to come. Although the Scripture was “prophetically accurate” and “a truly revelational piece of work,” some of the words used to describe “the gifts of the Holy Spirit” came under iNtense scrutiny. One Pastor chastised me for using the Word “Aura instead of Light” in the Seer’s Delight section. In all honesty, the 1st versions had “Light” but was changed when over 55 people in the Asheville area, Christians included, began to tell me how beautiful my aura or Spirit is. This combined with seeing an exquisite picture of the “Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis” on the Weather Channel one day while working on the Bible Decoder prompted the change to “Aura” instead of “Light” for the next 8 publications, noting that research, at the time, never revealed pagan roots, only scientific definitions. Please let it be known God will not even allow me to read certain books… I have and each day surrender to Christ. My life has been dedicated to the true living God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, all things good and holy, the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom was crucified at the hands of the Pharisees, Sadducees, government officials, power seekers, and anti-Christ’s; and was raised from the dead on the 3rd day. Due to these attacks, many prayers as to why God had me to produce such a work were laid on the throne. God

The Training Solution...The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.”

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Page 1: The Training Solution...The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.”

The Training Solution “… it is a fountain of inspiration”

Post Office Box 1024, Arden, NC 28704

Dear Seeker,

Doubt. Doubt. Doubt. My confession is the devil has always attacked me with doubt. When God has a call on your life, the enemy tries to destroy your confidence and self-esteem. When you answer the call and become Chosen 1’s, the attacks can become intense. As you read through Outreach Lessons, use my testimony as a guide to uproot the weed of doubt and plant seeds of hope, faith, and prosperity.

The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.” (Matthew 21:21) It occurred to me recently that if the devil is attacking me, he is also attacking you with doubt, about God, His servants, His Word and using doubt to keep us in a holding pattern and a state of fear, depression, and confusion. The Bible Decoder has come under attack by a few pastors and laypersons moving some of them to berate, curse, and to spiritually crucify me for their lack of understanding as to why God instructed me to develop the Bible Decoder. Instead of operating in love, these few acted just like the Pharisees of old, instead of learning from the Holy Bible they choose to set up their "own Christian law,” which has led to several unrighteous judgments. Now, as in Exodus 17, God is instructing me to “write this.”

God began to show me Asheville a few years before He sent me here. (Isaiah 48:13) I had very little money, no car, and no idea of how this move would transpire as God had only given me a few pieces of the picture. During that time of preparation, several “occult” practices were brought to my front door. After speaking with these lost children, it was revealed that all of them had been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ at some point in their lives. During intimate conversations, 95% of them explained the reason they left the church was due to some sort of “hypocrisy.” During this time, God also connected me to several “apostles,” pastors, and elders. My findings, hypocrisy is truly prevalent, but not in all of the churches. Like Jesus says in Matthew 24:11, “many false prophets shall arise.” Note, Jesus did not say all would be false, but many, discern there will also be true prophets. (Joel 2:8) The beginnings of Prophetess Stephanie’s Bible Decoder came into being during this time of preparation.

After the groundwork had been laid, an Elder with a car ministry prayed for several months and then gave me a Van with tax, title, and fees all paid as a drunk driver had totaled my vehicle the previous year. He also stated, “this will get you to the mountains.” Not once did I tell this man of God about my visions of Asheville! After receiving such specific confirmation led to Enthusiastically informing people about my plans to move to Asheville, which solicited responses such as “Asheville is weird,” “beware of them devil worshipers,” “Asheville is full of Wiccans,” and so many more observations, accusations, and warnings.

At first, the Bible Decoder was given to Pastors and Elders for review as God had revealed its prophetic significance and that it would help the Pastors to prepare for the seasons to come. Although the Scripture was “prophetically accurate” and “a truly revelational piece of work,” some of the words used to describe “the gifts of the Holy Spirit” came under iNtense scrutiny. One Pastor chastised me for using the Word “Aura instead of Light” in the Seer’s Delight section. In all honesty, the 1st versions had “Light” but was changed when over 55 people in the Asheville area, Christians included, began to tell me how beautiful my aura or Spirit is. This combined with seeing an exquisite picture of the “Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis” on the Weather Channel one day while working on the Bible Decoder prompted the change to “Aura” instead of “Light” for the next 8 publications, noting that research, at the time, never revealed pagan roots, only scientific definitions.

Please let it be known God will not even allow me to read certain books… I have and each day surrender to Christ. My life has been dedicated to the true living God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, all things good and holy, the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom was crucified at the hands of the Pharisees, Sadducees, government officials, power seekers, and anti-Christ’s; and was raised from the dead on the 3rd day. Due to these attacks, many prayers as to why God had me to produce such a work were laid on the throne. God

Page 2: The Training Solution...The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.”

recently began to reveal the end game to this conundrum. The answer being 1: Isaiah 58, 2: To expose the Matthew 23’s 3: and lastly and maybe 1st, to bring back the Luke 15’s. As God allowed Daniel to learn the Babylonian’s language, God taught me several different languages to be used when encountering the lost. In order to help these lost children return home, they have to feel sincerity not condemnation, love not judgment, compassion not just an attempt at conversion, understanding not just regurgitating words that they “have heard 1,000 times,” “that most Christians do not completely understand themselves,” or “are taken out of context.” As in Isaiah 42 through my calling, anointing, and these good works of righteousness, with more to come, God has made me a light; and maybe He is calling you to be a light as well. (Matthew 5) As a direct result of the Bible Decoder over 111 people have confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior, with many being reborn, several finding home churches, and with each and every one of the holy Angels of God rejoicing! Beautiful!


about the Logo’s Application

himself to condemn me in front of

Ironically, after service 4-6

Words Hurt: A pastor was LIVID

located on page 17. He took it upon

“his” congregation for my teachings.

congregants, whom I did not know, passionately approached the pastor

and reminded him that in the last 3 months in “HIS OWN sermons and bible studies contained instances of“Flipping.”” Although he did not label it as such, he actually testified to doing the EXACT same thing. A clear picture of hypocrisy. Although the pastor had never thought about the process of what has to lead him to open his Holy Bible, it indeed was the process of “Flipping.” This Pastor has since repented and prayed that I knew that he “was so sorry. … Was so wrong. Pride got the best of me. Please send her back to this church, God.”

The Moral: If he had asked me why “Flipping” was included, we could have prayed together for the answer, yet he choose to do me spiritual, mental, emotional, and financial harm. One solution that could have been provided at that time was simply God had me to purchase several Holy Bibles right before becoming homeless. During this time, my message was although times are tough, all we have to do is just call on the Lord, open the Holy Bible, and God would speak though his Word. “Flipping” open the Holy Bible got other obedient 1's and me through…

Be Gentle: While attending a bible study at a Presbyterian church. The bible study teacher read Mark 2:8 about Jesus’ gift of perception. A visitor, new to the faith, had a confident smile on her face when saying, “OH, that’s ESP!” She was so grateful to relate to Jesus. The “teacher” ripped into this girl! At the moment, Elijah’s fire came to mind, and I began to pray as heat overcame me, and i began to become angry. Anyone who truly knows me can attest to the fact that I’m a peaceful, joyful, and a patient person. Anger has never been a part of my repertoire, except when someone weaker is being attacked. As my prayer finished 3 women and a few men lashed out at the bible study “teacher.” One read the definition of ESP from her phone, and then almost all of the class agreed that “technically” the girl was right. The girl’s flushed face began to calm but the bible study “teacher’s” credibility was shot, the women shut down, the men were visibly agitated and could no longer hear him which was actually good because he said, “I do NOT believe in a Holy Ghost being active in our lives.” Blasphemy!!! (Matthew 12:31-32)

The Moral: As stated Luke 18:16, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” After the study, the opportunity presented to refer to this child, a young, new believer, to another church, one who teaches babies from where they are and helps them to grow with sound biblical doctrine. She could have been scared away from every church, Jesus, and God due to a hypocrite and a false teacher; like so many others have been. (Titus 3:9-9)

Page 3: The Training Solution...The Holy Spirit, God’s Words, several Pastors, many Elders, and several Mothers of the Church have told me, “you are God’s chosen one. Do not doubt.”

Done in the Dark: My street ministry has strong roots in “God poetry.” So when one of the owners of a local Restaurant encouraged me to “get on the Open Mic, you will do fine” I was excited yet nervous and fearful as not

mentioned God or performed

patron to video the performance of

located in the Wilderness Journal.

was 5th on the list, an inebriated

church” approached me. He was

to his church. He was supposed to

drunken state he instead took 3

disappointed with himself, deeply

murmurs of the crowd made me

listen or would they boo? As soon as

sermon the room grew completely

heard, literally. No other performer

dead silence, the words from “No

one performer in Weeks had

poetry. The plan was to ask a

Don’t Cry for Me, which is

After learning that my name

pastor of a local “spiritual

really nice and even invited me

video the performance yet in his

pictures. He was so

apologetic, and ashamed.

While walking to the stage, the

even more nervous, would they

I delved into the 30-second

quiet, a pin drop could be

had such audience focus. In

One” began to flow out my mouth intertwined with Don’t Cry for

me. When finished the room was completely still, then about 10 seconds later, a few tears emerged, and thunderous applause echoed. A few people even put a napkin in their alcoholic beverages, 11 people literally informed me how much they enjoyed it and also asked for contact information. God blessed me with the foresight to have a few Bible Decoders & a Vitality Assessment in the car. The naughty pastor gratefully accepted the Vitality Assessment. This was not a stone-throwing testimony when 1st called into the ministry, there was a tad of dirt on me too but thank God for the servants He had to convict me. Now, SO fresh and SO clean! (Psalm 32:1: Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.)

The Moral: This relates back to the introduction. After several years of people commenting on my “Aura” or “spirit,” a few days earlier it occurred to me to pray, “God what do they see” as I had never seen an aura before. The naughty pastor captured it. (Matthew 5:16) BTW, after the performance, he was miraculously sober! Now it occurs to me that maybe the Bible Decoder is a beacon of light to them, their path to salvation, a scripturally based good work that certain types of lost children can digest, understand and draw them closer to the Creator.

As you complete the Bible Decoder, I implore you to read each application with an open mind. Where there is any doubt, pray, and ask God for more profound understanding. It is not just my belief, actual testimonies and subsequent events have revealed that the Bible Decoder can bring more in-depth understanding of God’s Word, bind the hearts of broken, and bring about repentance, confession, and true conversion. If we are going to be successful in bringing the lost back to Christ, we must know the Word of God, pray for understanding in it, worship in “spirit and truth,” do as God’s Word instructs, love one another, understand that people have different languages, and most importantly “do NOT be a hypocrite!" (Matthew 15) If Jesus or one of the Biblical Prophets did it, no matter what label is used to describe the action (so long as it is not derogatory) hold your tongue and pray about it. On judgment day, you would not want to hear “Matthew 7:23.” Enjoy!

In Christ,

Stephanie Spear Prophetess & Business Consultant

www.ProphetessStephanieSpear.com ∞ The Training Solution © Copyright 2014