The Top 10 Things Successful People Do to Reach Their Dreams - Mind Openerz

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  • 8/12/2019 The Top 10 Things Successful People Do to Reach Their Dreams - Mind Openerz


    4/23/13 The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To Reach Their Dreams - Mind Openerz

    Mind OpenerzAlways Keep it Open

    The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To ReachTheir Dreams

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    Our bookshelves are lined with habits that successful people

    doon a daily basis. We read about them and implement them into

    our routines and practices. Quite often these practices improve our

    productivity and make our lives better as a result. But thats not

    what this article is about. Its not about what successful people do,

    but what theydid.

    Heres a brief study of 10 things that these hungry and

    unstoppable people did to see the success they all eventually


    The 10 Things Successful People Live By Before They Make It

    1. They didnt use excuses.

    We all have two voices. Theres the voice that tells us to work hard, to focus on the task at hand and to finish it

    before we move on to the next. And to finish it well.

    We also have the voice that tells us to take a break, to think about whats on TV, or to visit a site that we like to visit

    that entertains us whether its or facebook.

    In life were the victim of injustice from time to time. It could be a promotion that we deserve but dont get. No matter
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    who we are, were going to be treated unfairly at some point. We can either feel sorry for ourselves, or push forward

    and put it behind us even use it as motivation.

    Nelson Mandela could have used his unjust imprisonment as an excuse to give into his anger. Instead, he used it as an

    opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually free others.

    Listen to your excuses. Understand why you have them. Then figure out how you can use them for good.

    2. It wasnt just about them.

    Things can be a motivator, they can even be a reward, but they cant be themotivator. The truly successful in life

    always get there because they created change in the lives of others, not just their own.

    If something drives you that is greater than just the ends, were going to work harder, longer, and were going to give

    more of ourselves to our project.

    Yes we can make money when we have the primary goal of making money. Some might even use that money for good

    which is awesome. But theres no fulfillment in simply making money. And isnt that the point?

    3. Early mornings and late nights.

    People who have achieved true success in their lives have worked for it.

    This might come at the detriment of other areas of their lives, such as family or social life. But their mission is first and

    foremost. Until its complete, everything else comes second.

    Theres literally no substitute for hard work. Abraham Lincoln said, Things may come to those who wait but only

    the things left by those who hustle. If you want to be successful, youre going to have to out hustle everyone else.

    4. The greatest commodity.

    Energy is a huge commodity that is often not talked about. Yes, energy in the sense of fuel and electricity is talked

    about everywhere, but Im talking about our own energy levels.

    The fact is that the more energy we have, the easier it is to focus, and the higher the quality of our work is.

    One of Richard Bransons keys to success is staying in great physical shape. So would raised energy levels be the

    greatest benefit to working out? It may be.

    Keeping physically fit gives us greater blood-flow to our brain, enhanced alertness and improved focus. Make training a

    routine part of your life and increase your chances at success in every meaning of the word.

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    5. Principles.

    History will be kind to me. For I intend to write it.

    Winston Churchillhad principles. The difference between him and the rest of us, is that he stuck to his principles at

    all costs. He didnt waver when they werent popular an extreme rarity in politics.

    What are your principles? All of us should have them, know what they are, and live our lives bythem.

    One of Apples principles is to bring change to the world through technology, and they do it with every product they


    Identify what principles you have that guide your life through tough times, and when things couldnt be any better.

    They shouldnt change, and at your core, neither should you.

    6. Wavering, yet unbreakable faith.

    We all have moments of doubt. Even the best of us question if our dream is going to come true. The one thing thatseparates the truly successful from those who never reach their true potential is an unbreakable faith in the fact that

    what theyre doing is right.

    Even if they have moments of doubt, theyre soon quelled, where others listen to that doubt and let it eat them up

    and finally they quit.

    Have your moments of doubt. Youre human. Just dont let that doubt eat you up. Instead let it motivate you to prove

    your optimism right.

    7. A reason.

    Many of the greatest accomplishments in the world were accomplished by insecure men and women,

    people who had something to prove to others. A desire to elevate their status and create change that was

    so strong, that failure is simply never and option.

    Abraham Lincolns reason(s) had to do a lot with his view of himself in relation to how others viewed him. Where

    others saw a poor, illiterate boy, Lincoln saw someone capable of achieving more, even if he had to do it completely on
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    his own. He also saw the need for change. A nation that preached freedom wasnt free. He saw something

    fundamentally wrong with this and set out to change it. His whywasnt about him. Which in turn made him one of

    historys great men.

    Understand why. You have that reason to work when others sleep, to sacrifice a safe life for a risky one with no ceiling.

    Find it by asking why, and not stopping until you hit your core, emotional reason for wanting to change your status, or

    the status of others.

    8. They persevered when others didnt.

    How does the guy who quit on his dream know how long it wouldve taken him to become a success? He doesnt. None

    of us do. It could be tomorrow, or ten years from now.

    What separates a lot of the great people we read about in our history books from those weve never heard of is the

    fact that they never quit. Quitting was never an option. They only stopped when they reached their dream. And even

    then, they created a new mission.

    Take James J. Braddock, or even Nelson Mandela, for example. They didnt achieve their greatness or success early on in

    their careers or in life like some. They achieved it after surviving. They survived while others literally died, or quit. In

    their cases it wasntjustthat they were the best, but they were the best because of what they endured. They were the

    last ones standing.

    We dont know when our breakthrough will come. So dont guarantee your failure by quitting. You can adapt, change,

    and evolve, but never, never, never quit.

    9. Great people relentlessly studied their craft.

    Tony Gwynnand Mike Tysonstudied their craft as much as anyone. Gwynn spent hours upon hours studying

    opposing pitchers. He studied their patterns. He wasnt the most athletic guy around, but he put his work in to be the

    bestat what he did: hit baseballs.

    When people think of Tyson, they think of an animal, but what we fail to see is the student. No one studied boxing like

    Tyson did. Watched more film than anyone in the history of the sport. He was a student first, a fighter second.

    These great athletes studied film, but how can we perfect our craft?

    Using myself as an example; much of my job has to do with writing, and obviously fitness. So, I study those two things.

    I read books about how to become a better writer, ways to connect with the reader, and I simply read great books

    written by authors who are much better at writing than I am. If youre in sales, read and study sales. If youre a

    marketer, then do the same with marketing.

    Being a drone that simply goes through the motions is no way to achieve greatness. Assuming success is something

    you want, you have to study your craft, whateverit may be. Learn it inside and out. Build a wealth of knowledge. It ll

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    7 Secrets That Made

    Steve Jobs

    21 Habits of Happy


    10 Insights from

    Buddha That He

    This entry was posted in Self Improvement on February 3, 2013 [

    successful-people-do-to-reach-their-dreams/] .

    Add a comment11 comments

    Gustavo Adolfo Captain (O-3) at Spaceman

    Great Art icle

    Reply Like Follow Post February 5 at 7:58am



    Gustavo Adolfo Captain (O-3) at Spaceman


    Reply Like February 5 at 7:58am



    Oleg Melnikov

    so wecan take motivation from this article as well.

    Reply Like Follow Post March 20 at 10:02am




    Sorry. Your heart is in the right place, but your command of the English language is a real turn off. Don't

    you have a proofreader? I'd be happy to apply for the job. Your message will be much more credible, if

    presented correctly. Just my two cents.

    Reply Like Follow Post February 5 at 12:22pm2

    Melly No-Yes South River Senior

    I'mpretty sure they got the message across, you're just being pretentious. The heart is

    the point anyway.

    Reply Like February 27 at 11:48am9

    Kathryn Moon NewOrleans,Louisiana

    Do you people honestly read that carefully and critically? And actually sit there and read an article like

    this and count mistakes? Geesh. What would the world come to if not for all of you grammar Nazi police.

    I feel so much safer from sentences now.

    Reply Like Follow Post April 13 at 1:38pm

    Curtis Mullin Assistant at Lake Massawippi

    At least four spelling/grammar issues; but nice read - inspiring, thank you.

    Reply Like Follow Post April 12 at 9:51pm

    Pauline Equality Gutierrez
  • 8/12/2019 The Top 10 Things Successful People Do to Reach Their Dreams - Mind Openerz


    4/23/13 The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To Reach Their Dreams - Mind Openerz

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    Facebook social plugin

    Onething a successful person can do to reach his or her dream is make sure that the tenses match in his

    or her article.

    Reply Like Follow Post April 11 at 6:50am

    Ndabenhle Ngcobo

    Great Stuff!

    Reply Like Follow Post February 27 at 9:59am



    Harry Fassett Top Commenter SEO Specialist at Harry Fassett Enterprises - Search

    Engine Marketing Specialist

    Worth reading daily as a reminder, and for reinforcement. day1charitydonation

    Reply Like Follow Post March 14 at 2:25am


    Roughtoursguide Ismail University of moulay ismail meknes ;english litterature

    I do love philosophy of logic and being all the time the original person you are by innate.

    Reply Like Follow Post February 7 at 3:02am

    Edward D. Lathan IV The Hip-Hop Dance Conservatory

    HOW TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS! It's simple, It's quick and easy to read! Just click on the link! Quick

    before others get there before you! LMAO

    Reply Like Follow Post February 5 at 1:29am