-CORIlECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS." Neither by word, nor action do we seek to curtail your plain view of the store facts. On the contrary, wii are most anxious you should see our Clothing with the fullest freedom. Tbe deeper into the making you look.the more closely you scrutinize the values and size up. the assortments, the stronger you'll become impressed with its suuerioritv. tâfàé Entire Buiidiüg. 1005E. Main St. OppositePostomce. in the field of politics; Representation of the TWlrd P.s.rict j to Be Consid-erahiy Reduced. Otbsr News. The representativa «oí Richmond and the Tli_rd District in t1__ next Dc-moi-rattc State Convention will he considerably cut down as a result oC the faUlng oil In. the Bryun vole th:*-· yetir. Bas-rt-t the rejir »..-entation upon the Dom-LTit!··; ve·*.·.· oa Ft in tb··. last Presi¬ dential contest, ax ? he ratio ot one d.lo- gute ior .--.ich one h-bndrcä votes or the Cract-on t; eoi of c**-er iifly, whldi is usual, S ..p or.«- aloni! velli lose eighteen votes as c mpared wit h her ??p?ßt repre- -·;;.::·:. '*·. v.-..::e the Tjiird Dis- ttici. ¿s ? whole, .v l'i be ooneiderab.y short of ii-r tor.::¦-.- »Vile in Democrat-», con ? en t;·: n.". 1 In- ·-_____ ...ona_l__- Jarse iu- crease in the B.yuu v.».-. in the ce-ond and Tenth D.sir.c.s ?-.l. ci.e them many <id_»tiona! votes in Che G«ubernator»al Con- vention next year, and will accordi-iidy ei.i.sr.'ze the cilancos of the cund.dates who hai. from those section..-, provided, o: course, Lhey can control Use soLd .-tren-_:th their respective d.S-_ric_s, The local leaders here <ir<s m-Lie-h cLstinrbed ovar the loss Ot |*ir_st-gB which Lie- reduced dele-. »¿-ration will nécessarll-j t _t_.l in the con- *r«s_t_o*3S from now until th·." next Presi- .·.->.: e'.ecticn- Cor»eTeïsm_n I_amb wsis at his head- quarters .n the iJ.aj.cr bu .d.-.ag for a snort while yesterday wind ng up his cam¬ paign affaira. _nret.ara.ory- to retiring to his home un Pu..no Hi i p? the intafjxi between now and tht assembling of Con- Brsss, to work on the bills which be proposes to preps fci tlte fina] days of the l-'it '.y-.lst'n Cop.¡__r ss. He 1e receiving ni.ny letters of con¬ gratulation upon his recent victory from friends a·"..' over the State. j Among Uose thai c.me ¡n yesterday was one from Rev. A. C. Berryman, of | Manchester, whxû conc'udes; ac i<V.!-»..--: "God bless you and the hit rests com- ranted to your keep ..." .Congressman Lamb Is in rec«.i*n of a letter from Hon. VS. ?. Jones, of the First s riet, congratulating- him upon his magnifie nt victory over General Allan. Many of ihr most promInent local lead- ¦_ thi ;'- :-:;-· ...·¦:: bi «::.· G'.???- j ¦::·.!¦ »party. Ono of them, who '"s,")-_Scs the langua.c ] ctf the tr.':-»-." Said yesterday chat, tn his judement, a party that could \.?'? nearly 7,000.000 rotea ?a th «country 11»=.·. »led no reoTsanlzailon. ifiottzh th«j»re in-_*_h¡ besóme To-night i- Uie result of a wager j on the election of Bryan to the .-"-residen-y. ter. Blair te .t'hëw* w'_ roll Mr. V.*. 1". _r.tz hi ti 'whoo'burri-.-w »oivn ; Broad Street from Henry : > S:v-.nth Btr -! and back. Mr. Fitz wl_ carry an ¡ umhre*la and p. crow of Mends ot" the two men will at*coin**any them to jfcen" the loser. A similar election "-.· : betwsen Mr. C. T__ Wal:;»««* and Mr. Twpbig Te_c_>*e. the letter çett'iiT the ride, was .-a»! Síi.urday B-fternpon. On a previous elect Vm "Ir. T'-mp',e "¡ns: and ter. ??..'.',.-. ..- ·*·: _·'.·»! ih·:· *f*hee*harrow. Mayer & Pettit, Outfitters of the Home. Is Your Pocketbock Light? You are thinking of Furniture for the Home. Well, never mind. Don't Worry. We are always read}· ?? as¬ sist vou. Why* just come here, make your selectiou, aud pav for it when your circumstances permit. Lace Curtains and Portieres, Fui! Size Lace Curtam.*·, 49C * 1.50 Size Lace Curtains, 98c. $2.50 5«"*e Lac? Cui tains,. $1.48. Fine Tapestry Portieres, $2.45. CARPETS i$ade. Laid and Lined FREE! SOc Ingrain Carpets, a yard, SBC.' j 75c Ingrain Can^ets, a yard, 5OC. 51 Brussels Carpets, TSC ~~~f¿yj¿~y ** ««o-r l^??'"5«5=v«= k-J8_ <-.:. Massive Golden Oak Bedroom Suite, heavy carving, swelled iront, large French plat«: mirror, 53*" value, íor $29.75. In «-ui' .-«ove uepartniuii vvc.cjTycv"- erytbing in Ranees, Cooks, and Heating Stoves íor Wood or Coal. Only the very best make, are handled by us. Gash or Credit. MAYER & PETTIT, Southern Furniture and Carpet Co., 7 and 9 West Broad Street· Richmond, VaJ itoli «if Ho« or. The roll of honor of -Nicholson School, which was omit;cd in the list printed Sun¬ day, was as talloyrrS. Fourth Grammar Grade.Wb.teflel- Black, Erlon Dáxtder. Third «^-nimrnar Grade.Viola Winston, Lula Tyre«·. Inez Reams, Dora H-cks, James Thompson. Second Grammar Grade.Fred. Bowles, Neüie Klein. First Orammür Grado.Ida Smith, Willie Grant, Henry Bullington, Nettie McDow- ell.' Robert Wil«-«x E'ghlh Priman.- Grade.Birdie Childress, yj...,,., p.. i. ·,},«....... p-^?-.,-h. Sixth Primary Grade.Bertha Austin, S -v.ii Prlmsn* Gnidi·.itena Bau, jr^-i -_>·-.., ,'.---«n "*-'"-d'ach. Ida Johnson, Willie Kau felt. Fifth Priman.· Grade.Floyd Carson, j K<=ftVe R<>sijn«*el«-.. Junis Mer'dew, Ma «-ton Harrison. Lulle Wood. RUa Spencer, Flos¬ cio Wood, Annie Scliroder. Fourth Primary Grade-Myrtle Bail, j Blanche Richard-*. Florence Trent, Jessie j Harden. Henry Murray, James Rice, Er- j nest Wren. Third Primary Grade. Fi ori ? ? o Bowies, j Lucy Butta·. Nora Childress, Ruby. Cur- , rie. Mary Clarke. Grace Knight·", Nellie j Redford, Florence Minor. Bunn-'e Mur- ( ray. A «me MeAuley. J«nnic Rogers, Ma- j mie Schardt. G-ra«-c Throckmort«?n, Calvin j Childrees. Cliarlîe Hughes. Eddie Jordan, j «>rpv LJndeay, Wiley Nowton, James W-niame. Sa?oh<] Fr'mary Gr:>d<--.Tom Cobb. Wal¬ ter Bn=hel!, Gn-ee Adams. Raymond R'ce, -Lana Bow'es. Myrüe Eaeho, Edna Jolly, Tr«*'-"* Lv-"-*.. Marian Mitchell. Fir. st Primary Grade.Robert Bennett. Lester Cbiidrey, Ernest Dunf-«rd. l>v.-_s Br*rod"r. Ann'» Cnbb. Ann'e Enrotirhty, Netta Griffin. Maggie Pease, Ruby Rowe, Eva Spencer. Cl»r f5tinii<5 K»rc-\Yni«k_s. Dealers in Christmas fire-works axe be- ginirr.g to lay in their supply. The wholesalers ray they will not reduce the size any, and will order the samo i as in the past. Only a f w have come in yet, owing to the heavy in-rurunce they have to c.irry on these goods. Snm° Lime ago the City Council passed ! an ordinane not jj'l-iWnc any lire-crack- t." ov-r 5'.-inches ionir to be fired. The dea'ers have already placed ord rs for crackrrs a?; ion. 12 and 15 inçbe«?, ¡ which will be .«-old to their eountry trade, EîeetMl .-? ? lrol W:>«r'.«ii-nriver, j h; Board of Police Conjm'ssiOTier- met 1 t e.vc-n ng and elected John Drake as I patrol ??.???p? driver, to succeed the : . Gideon J. Roach. 'Bière were several | licani. for the pia.ee. including· the r substitute drivers. Mr. Drake w:..s ¡senior substitute and was chosen on Urs, b.iü'jt. The placo pay. «Ç50 a TliVvesat tVni'l.". Almost nitrht!;«- some residence or piace of ! business is b ihg eiV'-nd by thieves. The j latest wtls that- of Sunday night, whm a | hardware store on Broad between Fourth and Fif'h Streets was «Titered from the ] rear and a number of artices carried off. Extra, effort i-s being made on the part of the police to captor Um thieves. I'ropeiiy Transfers. 'Ihe fo'lowlng prop<trty transfers wero «.·,-·.i"««.'«! yesterday: Richmond-rGeorge W. Lewis, predai cr.mrmss.oner. to A- Ç. C!nrneul, 30 feet on Ninth Street. 102 feet Trom seixhenst in- 1 terse.tlon of the "French Garden" lots, ÎT'O. Mary L. J:T.-k<-Qr.'s trustees to .Tames· H. Terre!.1, 13 Feet on east side SL John Street, 30 feet north oi Hill Street. ,-.»1. A. _*": I'oliard to D. E. Po-iiard, 30 feet on east side Culvert Street, 00 feot from Beverly Street. .500. Martha Washington to Susan "White. dower interest in 20..-__ feet on Thirtieth Street between ? and ? Streets. $30. Henrico.-J. E. A. Gordon from Se-tb Gay.t.. trust-.e. CO feet on east side Twen¬ ty-first Street, southeast corner X Street, ,200. GRAND COMMANDERY. Seventy-Etslith An imi Conc'ave Bc- _.IIIS Ii«!- AfilTII '«DM, The Grand Commanders·. Knights Tem- r>lar, will meet in Masonic Temple this afternoon. It will be the a-venty-elghth annual session, and it is expected- the attendance will be large. »V great deal of business is to come before the m eting. At the same time the tvoyal Arch -Masons of Virginia will gather in the ninety-third annual meeting of the Grand Chapter. The session^ will be held ir» the Masonic ? mple. A meeting of the appointees of the High Priest will also be held. The Executive C »-mittee of the Wash¬ ington centennial c'.ebration held a meet, ing Saturday. Nothing of importance, It -a.» stated after th; meeting. was don-e. The meeting was for tit purpose of wind- ing up affairs in connection with tho celebration, and this object was accom¬ plished. FAILURE OF MR, H0TZE. Ho Filed a iv.ii.i ... in Bankruptcy Y. st.-rday. A potitlon in bankruptcy was filed yes¬ terday oy Mr. Edward Ho'.z», through h.s counsel, «Mr. Bsii T. Barrett. Mr. Hetze traded as Edward ITotze & Co., stock brokers. Hi* liabi.ties a.ro placed ut *_,5 5 38. There are no assets. "ir.i-. following stat ment was made as to the reasons for this act ont "P.apid advario in the .took market the pr..=t week caused th. fa lure. "Many p:tt.rons who wer«? short of the market fated to pay the marginal calls, which w-re carried for therm and inability to collect thf*m was th Immed ate cause. "It ;.- understood, however, tha; »rre-tt .ff-».»» have been and wi'] be made to Ball mak settlement w'th creditors and resumo business as iOrmerly." Tivn (";im*»» A«~S-U«*d, The Un'ted States Circuit Court Ap¬ peals reconvened yesterday at 10 o'clock with Judges Goff, Slmontcn and Waddill on th.-» bench. The following cases were argued: No. 3-S.Wall and Huskem. petitioners, vs. Waiter O. Cox. trustee. On petition for review from the District Court of North Carolina; at Greensboroi The cause was argued by Cement Manly, of Wins¬ ton, N. C., for the petitioners, and by I». te. Swink, 'of Winston, for the respond¬ ents. No. 365.William W. Patton, plaintiff in error, vs. Southern Railway Company, in error to the Circuit Court of North baro- lina- nt ..shevillé. The cause was argued by F. A. Sond'ey and Tr.'o. F. Davidson.·1 of Asheville, N. C, for the plaintiff In er¬ ror and by Charie? Price, of Salisbury, N. C-, for the Southern Railway Company and subm'tted. Tli»· next case in the call for argument is No. 3t5_, Mrs. Marie -C. Cobb, appellant, vs. John P. Overman, trustee in bank¬ ruptcy of G. W. Cobb. appellee. Appeal from the D'strict Court of North Carolina. at Newbern. The court adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. Child Ttcstorod to its Parent·-. A small ch'id was picked up yesterday morning on Broad Street by a colored man and carried to the office of tae Chief of Police. Treasurer Charles -IT. Philips, on»* of the officers or" the Soc'ety for ths Pre¬ vention ,of Cruelty to Children. was' in¬ formed of the fact, and ho turned the child over to the police to- be. held until its partants w».-re found. The father of the little one called at Chief Howard's offic. yesterday afternoon and took the child home. Anal.v/,·nir daini··» Hiver "Water. Prof. Henry Froehl'ng is analyzing James River water from Lynchburg, Buchanan and other points to determine whether or not ir is contaminated by the pulp^-milis and tanneries _ltu«_.t_d on that stream above the Hill C ty. Dr. Froehling de¬ clines at ill's tune to say what the result of his investigations has been, but. his report will soon be forihcom ng. Imi tu-rai Services. The funeral of Mr. Will am X. Gregory took place at 3 o'clock Sunday after¬ noon from Christ Episcopal Church. The interment was in Oakwood. The funeral of Mr. John Beattie was held Sunday at í!:30 o'clock from the residence. No. 2_1 Governor Street. ??? I '.núriin ¡it Home, Rev. J. Calvin Stewart waa to preach at Lawrenceviiie, Va., during this week, but Ì as the church there was not ready for the «service, he w 11 remain at home and con- duct the usual VCednesday night service î at the Church of the Covenant» Qîïll lifle I as Trustee. j Mr. Henry C. Riely qualified 'in the j En ted States D strict Court as trustee ! of the estate of Wm. E. Moran. He gave | bond in the sum of $1,000. j Mr. H. G. Buchanan qualified in the sum of $50 as trustee of the estate of Evan Snead, Jr. Handsome \V*i_*o>i. David A. Ainslie, the well-known car- i riagc builder, Is building a handsome de- i livery wagon for the Gans-Rady Company. ! The wagon, it is expected, will be ready for the »street by the first of next month. Ho W II Not l-etirft. Judge Char:·.·.- H. Simontou emphatically denies the report that he is going to retire from the bench of the United States Cr- i cuit Court of Appeals anytime soon. Stat«· L'enti"«« Now On»·. l The State lie nses for tbe third ciuarter ' of the year were due November 1st, and r the Commissioner of the R venue requests j that prompt payment be made. ' A I.efiirai'*d Wlic* barro... (Speolal Dispatch to The Times.) i WOODSTOCK. VA- Nov. 12..During ! the campaign Captain G«_or__-e W. Kunt'z, county treasurer of Shenandoah county, and J." _*". Davis, post-master or" Woodstock. made a wnger on the election.the loser to carry the winner on a wheelbarrow ; two «_u_u·-- on Main. Street. This wager was paid Saturday evening when Captain K-untz came out witih his pnö-wheeledl-'ve'- hicle, decorated In na fonai colore, and gave Mr. Davis his ride, while a large number ?G peuple enjoyed the occasion to the fullt-st extent. _?-· -._ DA.YIAGE SUM'S. Three in One Family IClied at Dlfi'er- eiil Times in ibe .Mines. (Special Piepatcb to Tho Times.) LTOCiiBUBG. VA-, Nov. n..un Xo- vember"9, 1F.O0, J. H. South was kiUed by the caving in of coal in one of Uie mines of the Southwest Virgin:.«. Improvement Company, and a suit against the company for S10.ÖCO has bsyn ir_5tituted_ftn the C.r- cuit Court of T«tzew«;ll by his adm.nis- trator, James Bandy. In January of this year. John South, a son of J. h. Souta, was kiiicd in a similar way in a m ne of tho Tome Creek Iron,^ Coal and Coke Company, and in May Preston S-.uU«, h.s brother, was kiile-i in the same mine. Their mother, Mrs. Nancy South, has brought suit in each casa for $10,000 in Uie Circuit Court of Lee county. Sam Dingee, a negro driver, has recov¬ ered $2G7 damage;* fro.*n the Southern Rail¬ road. Ths blowing of an eng ne wh'stlë on a trestle frightened his horses, which were pass.ng beneadj ¡t, an,i D¿ngee was bruised in the runaway. ? «; _.r_-.:..... county jury before which ihe case was tred thought Dingee w.is entitled to ré¬ munération. NANSEMOND GRAND JURY. ? Man Who Narrowly Escaped Lynch» ing for Mli'liell As "hi nit, («nos l"rie. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Times.') -SUFFOLK, VA., November 12..A Nanse¬ mond county grand jury to-aa? reiused to indict Jim Copeland, charges! with at¬ tempting a criminal assau.t upon a niní- yehr-old girl, bout colored. Copeland, after tir.· alleged crime, narrowly escaped ven¬ geance from a mob. He was run down by a po.sse of enrag-d negroes, who, after dragging him from under a house, were only prevented from vlolenr.«· by prompt action on a detective's part. The grand jury found a true hi!! against Charles Britk, accusrd of highway rob¬ bery. Britt claimed that Raieigh Old. who lives n*ar Churchland, Va., owed him a ¦bill. He met Oid on a loney read and demanded payment at the point of a gun. He go-t $1. Will M.asscy, against wh«>m hi«*« brother turned «State's evidence ou the charge of burglary, was indicted wliil: the brother went free. s s3 «fa i/*_f i y SIM w ;f.nl\ If you have these, call on ... . L D. JOHNSON, 1013 East fôain Street. tilD 'PUGNE IS7. NEW 'P.'îjNE 521 PORE fi WHOLESOME 1 Ì^ONE BETTER ] ...ASK YOUR GROCER FOR | 8-oz. Can, only 5 cans. 18-oz. Can, !0 cens. ¡J.D. & R. S. CHRISTIAN CO. rïc hjsäond, vä. g ¿MB l____HIC_OP_BCM__IMaanWMMiM>P THE AVERAGE MAU gets a gr 'at deal of comfort out of a GOCD a_r.*r, if it is well wrapped, h-s a pleasant lió vor ar.d draws we!.. This civ. be said of our »EL PRCG :_SS0" Clear îiavana 5c Cigar. It is the equal, if not the superior, of many of ihe lead¬ ing and more expensive brands upon the market to-day. We only ask vou to try this cigar in or¬ der that we may convince you of its ex¬ ceptional merit". Put up in (poxes of 25 and 50 cigars, selling for Si.00 and S2.00 per box, respectively. POLK MiLLER DRUG CO., Cigar Dep'i. HmH AND MA!!*i STS N. B..Come in and look at uur e'etrant lins of PIPES A PAIR OF BASY.SHÛÂS FREE For Eye _' Baby Burn in 1000. Every baby horn this year may have a pair of shoes made to order without any cost. To be made from genuine Viel Kid COMB ??-·'·*« THE BABY HOfHEiLER'S ECO.^OKY <HÜK STOSE, 3UE. BROAD. And she does not understand wily. Her work used to seem «so easy. Yon could teli hei whereabouts as she worked by the snatches cf song which now and again overflowed lier happy lips. And now she can hardly keep up. Her head pains, her back hurts, and she feels entirely worn out. l¿á^e___¿¿«_^___«| What is the mat- F¡y^V.i^vW^^^ te-- The orohc- Kvi--v--·; >'^.W*%-_ it... ÎUL ?«*»-·-.- K«_^-^i.<-;.2i-_¿.i_y !_»:,» bility is that the c^-^^i^^S^. stomach is di sor- «_^_%'";-·_, ^-___|_$?!| dered, the liver is jijjjjgj^i,- *·-·.§? not performing its »]_^_______si V 'JS'ÁmW^'- whole duty. Poi¬ sons are accutnu- S__i^gj lat'ng in the blood, aud unless these are removed, and the stomach î____3§''', and organs of di- gestion and nutri¬ tion str< thert »a i»rt.u.c -«_« ¡___a____r_a>____¡ be a «serious ill- ¡Snl^'i^ì-L ness. There is ito £?^^£? /- medicine can |^tsiw equal Dr. Pierce's e^Mta <**_ dica! i'-Si.fl^^ Discovery for |[-2$,-_*; prompt help and perfect cure for diseases of the stomach and blood. Itstrerrgth- ens the stomach, purifies the blood, noti ri she s the ---?,- nerves, and brings back the happy days of health, when life is all song and sunshine. "I sutTered ten months from a complicated case of liver co:¡i*_l?;*U. constipation, indiges¬ tion, suppression of monthly function, and *_id- nej- disease, too." writes Miss Lula M. Brin.!., of Ivor. Va. «I also sußered exetrudating pain in my back aud h-ad. I am clad to saj* that six bottles of "Golden Medical Disco-eiy.' three vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pcliets, and t_-o t>ott!es of 'Compound Extract of Swart- Weed cured me entirely. I gladly recommend Er. Pierce's medicines to all sußerers." rE have the exclusive selling· agency for Virginia f__ the c Uft-ifkWVîY-fi.mf ft th-EHf-fl SiHi This is the finest writing machine in the world and is a PERFECT MAKIFOLQEB. We desire to prove this, and shall be clad to have you call or write for full in- formation. t. ? Unnf Qïïf Ilio í-íalionery Co., M Easî Moin Street. i_ ace turtains. trj ? o C \c î l,m> I ¡> ï «J·»« S*. Irish Peint. Tambour. Ruffled Bobbinei Curtains. If You Want Novelties, Cíi-ne and See Us. Portieres ß . IN AIL THE N'EWFS. SHARES A\D PATTERNS. . Headquarters for . CARPETS AND CURTAINS. GEO. W. ANDERSON AND SONS, . . . 215E an Broad Street. 0!d Dominion f^Steamship Co. _> Daily Une ícr New York, tae Nort ariu Last FROM RlCHÍaOND. PASSE "su-cna can »c.vv: »-»»VIL».", ex¬ cept Sunday, ai i);oo ?. m. v._ c. and O. Ky., or 0:oo ?. te. and 5:15 p. "U. via ?. and VV. By., connecting at Isorioik with direct steamers sailing sume uay, tito. r. M.''¦¦¦-¦· Steerage passengers can leave by aux- iliatv steamer Monday. Wednesday and Friday, sailing irom Kocketts at 5 P. M., and changing to main-line ship at _.or- FKEIOIIT for ail northern, eastern _. nd foreign ports received and forwarded daily, «except Sunday, a. company's wharf. Kocketts; bhUtñ NE.-/. YORK. i.ASSE-*»»_»_.i»3 ears ita« DAILY, ex¬ cept Sunday, Horn company's pier, Xo. JS'orth River, at _:«'¦- Pr te., ior old Poli.1 Conuort anu ?'-iiotk, connecting with C. and U. and N. aud VV*. trains for Kichmond. ,--_-''·.,''« _fc*Ka¿i__iíE received glia forwaraed daily, except Sunday. Tickets on sale at Company's office. 1212 past Main Street; Klchmond Transfer Company, 'Mi East Main Street; Jefferson Hotel, C. and O. and P.. and P. depots. Richmond. Baggage ch_rt*-ed through ?? all poi_ts. For further information apply to JOHN F. MAYER. Asf-nt. r_l_ East Main Street. Richmond. Va q.nèrtil Otttees: SI Ruac.». *-»íreet. coraer West Street, New York,. ?. Y. J. I. BROWN. ?. ?. WALKER, Gen. Paa*. Agent. 'Xra-üo ____-Ug__- r.tlLROïiM, yams? & Ohio By.v SCHEI) ULE __s* EFFECT OCX. 1. _yoU. !«'_<.·_¦__ RICHMOND. LEAVE _>RO--_D-STR.t_ET STATION. Ü:«A> ?. ]____._ Dully for principal stations. Newport News» Oíd Po.ut, Norioii. ana j^ortamoutn. farwr car. con¬ nects at Noriolk with O. D. S. S. íor New _«..??, except bunday. 3:40 F. sL, Daily Locai, for Newport New., Oiu r-oint and Norfolk. Puil- j roan to Old Foint. l-.iX) ?. 3D, except Sunday, Local train tor Ciltton Forge. Connects at Gordonsville for Orange. Cul¬ peper, Caiverton. Alanassas and .? ashingtor_. connects at Char¬ lottesville for Lynchburg, at Basic City ¡or Hagersiown. aim at Staun¬ ton tor Lexington. 2:45 P. AL, Daay lainued. to Cincinnati. Louisviiie and ut. Louis., Fuiiuian Sleeping cars,. Connects tor Vir¬ ginia Hot Sprin_,s. No. 7, Local Train, lollows No. J. except Sun¬ day, irom i_.oraon_.vHio to Stauiuon. S:_0 i'. AL, Accommodation, except Sun- dav, to Dos weil. 10:4. P. ??.. Daily, F. F. V., to Cincin¬ nati and J__ou'svillf.·. Pullman Sirep- ing car. CONNECTS FOR VIH- Gi.NlA HOT SPRINGS. LEAVü EIGHTH-STREET STATIC«*·.'. 10:_0 A. Al., Daiiy, for Lynchburg, Lc-x- ington and Chiton Forge. Parlor car. Con_r_cts. except Sunday, with Buckingham and Alberene branches. 5:13 P. ??.. except Sunday, to Columbia. TRAINS ARRIVE FROAD-STEEET STATION .-.00 ?. ??., except ounday, from Dos¬ well. S:30 A. AI. and _:,*Î0 F. M.. Daily, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 11:35 A. AI. and 6:50 P. ??., Dailv, from Noriolk and Oid Folnt. H:13 P. ??., except Sunday, from Clifton r orge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION*. S:40 ?. ??., except Sunday, from Co¬ lumbia. G:20 F. At.. Dally, from Lynchburg and Clifton Forge. Except Sunday, from New Castle. Lexington arid Rodney. For detail Information, connections etc., apply at Richmond Transfer <.fn««e' No. O'Xi East Alain Street: Chesapeake and Ohio Passenger Office. No. snfi ira3t Alain Street; Station Ticket Offlc«-s ' or address JOHN* D. POTT«? Assistant General Passenger Agent. òuUììiMìì hl. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE ?G"G 21. ÍCÜO. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. VA. 11:00 P. ??., No. «i. couine« d Express, daiiy for Atlanta- .»ut-usta, Jack¬ sonville an«! point;* So,:ih. Sieeper for Danviiie. ureensooro. Salisbury. and Chanoiie. open at Richmond B::_;o P. AI. Stop;, ior pa.s.'ngers at local stations. Connects ut Danville aud Charlotte i>;_b JNeW York and Florida Express (No. 33>'. carrying through slesp_rs between New York i.nd Tampa, with connections ¡or all Fior.eia points. Also, connects at Danville and Charlotte with Washington and Southwestern Lim¬ ited (No. :*?). carrying throus**« sleepers between New York and Nashville. New York and Memphis, New York and New Orleans; al-^o, Pullman Tou.-st s'iesper Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri.ays Washing ton to San. Francisco without «ii- :i_e, with connections for ail points in Texas. Alexico and Cali¬ fornia. 12:01 P. ??., No. 7. solid train daily for Charlotte, N. C, connects at AIo««e- ley with Farmville anu luv...»...«« Railroad. At Keysville tor Clarks· villa Oxford, Henderson and Dur liara, ana at Greensboro tor Dur¬ ham, Raieigh and Wlnstoh-Salem; at Danviue «.Mr No. .;."·, United States last ir.ai«, solid train, daily for New «.»rieans a.i.J points Soulh, which carr¡-'__ sleepers New York to Xew Orleans and New York to Jacliaonviil-, connecting tor Nassau and Havana. Buffet drawing-room sleeper Richmond to Atlanta and Birmingham. Through sleeper Sal¬ isbury to Memphis. e.00 P. AI. No. li-, local, daily except Sunday, tor Keysville and interme¬ diate pointa. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. G;*_5 P. 31. ) e'vom Atlanta, Augusta and y Asheville and all -joints «,:00 A. AI. ·, South. a:·>0 A. AL From Keysville and local stations. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN'S. Nos*. »·1 and ô-,'. between Alanchester and Neapoiis. YORK RIVER LI.\1_ via WEST POINT. THE FAVORITE ROUTE NORTH. LEAVES RICHMOND. «1:30 P. AL. No. lu, Baltimore Limited, daily except Sundays, for W est Point ana intermediate stations, making close connection at West Point with steamer Lor Baltimore. 2:30 P. AL, No. 10, local express, daily except Sundays, lor West i'oint and intermediate stations. Connects with state at Letter Manor for Walkerton and Tappahannock; also. at West i'oir.t v.ita steamer '«<,r Baltimore. ¡Mops at ail stations. 5:00 A. il-. No. 74, local mixed. Leaves da;.-/ except Sunday tor West Point- and intermediate stations, con¬ necting with stage at Lester Manor for Walkerton an«! Tappahannock. TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND. 9:15 A. AL. daiiy Irom West i'oint. with connection irom Baltimore, except Mondays. 10:45 ?. ??., except Sundays and Mon¬ days. 6*03 P. ??., daily, except Sunday, from West Point and intermediate sta¬ tions. . Steamers leave West Point daily, except Sundays, 5:50 P. At., arriv¬ ing Baltimore 8:00 ?. ??.; returning, leave Baltimore at 5 F. 3D. daily except Sundavs, arriving Richmond t>:15 A. AL Steamers call at Gloucester Point and Almonds Wharf Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays; York- town and Clay Hank Alondcys. Wednesdays and Fridays. C. W. WESTBURY. Traveling Passenger Agent, No. Suo East Main Street. Richmond. Va. J. M- GULP. ??'· ¦*· TURK. Trafile Alanager. Gen. Pas». Agent. F. S. GANNON. Third Vice-President and General Alan¬ ager. Wa-*hb.»'«on, D. C. ___? E| SEABOARI/ AIR LINE RAILWAY". TIIE FAV RITE ROUTE SOUTH. o HEDULE EFFECT JUNE ? ???a "___AV'EÖ 5 &¿ O. JiaOAÛ-SÏKIiLï .>1-_1 ION. 7-.0 ?. ?. Jail«·, except Sunday, for Potersi* rg, Hei.u.i.on, Uurban., Raleigl , Atlanta anu aU points boutn anu *_.uuiwes<_ "··*_ Y &L "r air»ua Mali and Express."* liauy lor fctersuuxg. Henderson, Raieigh. Cheraw. Camden, Colum¬ bia. Suvannan, Jacksonville, Tam¬ pa,' Kerr.ar.dina and all Florida gomery, Alobile. New O. leans, points South and Southwest; Che¬ raw, Camden. Columbia, Savan¬ nah. Jacksonville. Tampa, Feman- dina and ail Florida points. Trains arrive from South at C & O. ."..road-Street Station, -VI·"· ?. ??. and 5:40 F. ?- Daily. Also. -1:00 P. ii. Daily, ex¬ cept Sunday For UCK6M. checking baggage, sleeping- car reservation, etc.. apply tc tn«-· s··.«- board Air Line Railway oft ice. Sib East Main Street; Richmond Transfer com¬ pany, DO» feast Main Street: Jefferson l_otel and to Depot Tlcke^ AsSefn*·^ Dist. Fast. Agent,' S3. East Main Street /-' Li.K STEAMSHIP CO.'Sfj^^ Philadelphia. ZttrvweL RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM- SIHP LINE. Appointed kalilnç ?^?^^ Trrrzs' DAY, FRIDAY and SLNDAi at day¬ light. Freight received daily ti!I 5 P. M. For further information apply to J. W. Mi-CARRICK. Gen. Southern Agent: office Ko^k^ts. VF. P. CLYDE & CO. ^,.^1-**] fe.· accspiabïe ìdsas. ^ ) g «taie if paíected. PATENT SEC3.1D «t-Jüaora. Hi. .i jfSrlii o THE PATENT RECUSO, ka it« ?* o.-»ni Rictand Fredericksöorg ani Potomac Railroad. Schedule in effect JULY '.. 1000. LEAVE BYRD-STREET STATION. S:3U A. 31. Daily lor Washington and points North. Stop» «at Milford, FredericKsDurg and Quantica Sleepers to Washington and Ne« Y orli. 8:20 ?. «\L Sunaay only, tor Washing, ton and pelma North. Stops ai albs. Glen Allen. Ashiand, Tay- ioreviHe. Dosw.il, Rüther Glen, «'enoia, Milford. Wcods.ane. Gui¬ nea. Summiv. Fredericksburg; .r,r.«oke. Wi<sewater and Quantico. Buifet Parlor Car °·01 ?,-. M. Daily except Sunday fof asuington and points North. »lope at Elba. Cien Alien. Ash¬ iand. Dos-well. Miltord. t'redericks- ogg and Quantica Buffet Pariol 12:00 AI. Daiiy. except Sunday, for Wash- _?«.»._ A"""* Po»»** North Stops at vAÎNÏ ·1? «AHen* Chianti. Doe- £._-.«"l"lorr·· hrederieksburg and _5SS^tKBr·^*1 f>'ir,0r Car* i:or>· «f tC-- . { "neres3ionai Limit«·*« at Washington. 7:45 P. AL Daily, tor Washington an* point* North Stops ¦« Elba, a sn- land, «-·';>-,!. MiUord, t-redeiicks- SSSSÄ? 4,t0ps· oli"" "nations su-1'.a.? «. oteepei Richmond t.t ¦SîS" ïrl· SIe*I>er iv^^ ? tS Phllade'oh>u. ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. S:40 A. At. Daiiy. Stops at W iaevrater Brooke Fr.'de.-.ck.-bmg Milford! Doswell. Ashiand ar.d Elba. Stop» other stations Sundays. Slevoee Xew York to Richmond. 3:05 P. 31. Dally, except Sunday, stosa at Fredericksbu··,*. Miltord, Dos- wïH. Ashiand. Glen Allen and Elba. Bu».<»t Parlor Car. C:30 P. M. Dairy. Slous at L'redcrlcks- burg. Dos\»im1. Ashiand and Eiba. Pullman cars from New \urk __.j Vi asbiugxou. b.-»0 P. AL Daily. Steps at Widewatei, Brooke, Fredenckswurg. Summit, Guinea, Wooiisii:!.'. MlU'ord, ttnoia, Rüther Glen, Doswell, TayiorsvUIe, Ashiand, Glen Allen and Eiba. Buffet Parlor «^ar. ACCOMMODATION TUA". Na (Daily, except Sunday.) 8:18 A. At. Leaves ELBA tor Quantico-, 4:00 P. Ai. Leave. BY UD-STREET Sta¬ tion for _*_eü*-rlcKsbur& 8:30 P. Al. Leaves ELBA for Ashiand. tllO -V. AL Arrives E Li'.«. Croia «L-h- land. 8:2r> A. M. Arm·« G. Y HI -«-STREET Station from Frederickstiurg. 6:0. «V. AL Arrives ELLA trom Ash» lari«-.. S A. L. THROUGH TRAINS VIA S, A. L. JUNCTION AND R·. F AND P. R- F.. LEAVE BRO .D-STKEET STATION. C. oc «_'. 5:*_0 A. A!. Du:.y. tot «¦ ashington and points Nor.·-. .-·,- - ? dericks- t>ut_ auu uixt-nt» .. »leupera tu New «u«!«. Dining car. 6:00 P. M. D*»ly. i««; ·.. «... gton and poiuià Noiih. Stops «.: Doawelf, Fredericksburg and y_;«.nüco. Simper to New York. ARRIVE BRuAO-STHEET STATION. u. *_ u«. 2:;î0 F. -J. Daily. Stops only at Fred- ericksburg, Dos-wel* and Ashiand. Sieiper irom New York. 10:30 P. AL Da:!.- Stops o:iiy at Ered- ericksburg, Doswell an.i Ashiand. Sieep'.-rs from Cíe*» York. Dining E. T. D. M VERS. W F. T«\YLOR. President Trafic AL;nager. «·> a«nsj*i r ;? ¿.-^-1*. ««S SÄS Híi?1t>*\i7MW Is!RY.Wtf * .i®&2>aäf60tSl11 ihm.im» ? ScftedttlO i«*5 ?_ñeot LEAVE RICHMOND iD.MLV.. BTRD- STREET ST.VTID.N. J:00 A. AL. NOK-PULK LIMITED. Arrive at .\or«o-¡x .«.-·«> ?, AL ?>???.« o««»y at fetersburg; Waverly and su£- ?????. _eco«ui-ciaos tickets not =«.·- ctspted un ... u.« ... 0:05 A. Ai., THE CHICAGO EXPRESS. for Lynchburg RoauuKe, coiunicus and Chicago. D'.üiet faxtet Car Petersburg to Roanoke. i*uiu...«-i S_*_epor Roanoke to Columbus; also, tor Bristol. KnoxvtU« and Chutta.- noe¿¿~ Fuiiuiaa ibUeper Roanoke to> 3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE HAIITED. Arrive Noriolk ..:;·.> P. AL btop.i oniy at Petersburg Waverly, Suf¬ folk. Seconu-class ticnera not good on Uns train. 6:50 i". __., tor au.ioik. Nortolk and in- tenuediate stano;;:-. arrives at Nor Ioli at ???-?? P. AI. ??? P. it.. íor Lyuchti'.rg arai Roanoke. Connects at Lynchuurs with Wash¬ ington and I ii_:ui.ouü4 Limited tu'.man Sleepers Eyncliourg fl Memphis and New Orleans. e, Parlor and Observation C;«r i.a«i- iorl to Attaii«, ,1..«». PullmaM Sieeper hetween Richmond and Lynchburg. Berths reaay ;or occu¬ pancy at S:::o F, AI. Ais·.·. Pulimsui Sleeper ü'-t.erü'-.·'!^ and Roanoke. Train» arrive Richmond from Lynch«. burs ar.d the West daily at ?:.;.". ?. AL and S.FiÚ F. ??.. : rom Norfolk an.i the East at li :"»¦' ?. AL. ll:¡-· ?. ??. and i-»:5l) P. AL Ofiic«: No. «S."S Alain Street. JNO. E. WAGNER. City Pass, and Ticket A^rnt. C. U. BOSLKY, District PassenKer Asent. W. B. BEVILI- General Passen*;*«r AKenL Atlantic Ooasì Lina «».-._,. «^_ __._. «.»???,???. <_>-T. J.», 1'J«j0. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND.BHU>· .«i.__,'l' öi'ATioN. U:ü0 A- AL. NOKFU__tC LIMITED, Dai.y. Arrive. eU;rí^«.i_ j...j A. ««i-. S»Q"T"* loia 1L:-T A. Ai. siups oiuy at Petersuursr, Waveris ««nd öaüloik» Víu 0:00 ?. ??.. Daily. Arrives _"eteraï>UX*__ .j:«,o ?. ??.. Weldoa ??.?? «\. 31.. F«t>ettevi»»e 4:·^? t'. ?-, Cnaxtesiea 10:05 f. Ai-, ¿a«, atinan 1_:«kJ ?. ?·. Jati_^oi«M,«e »:uo A. M., t'«-rt 'i'am- pa o:_o F. «VL Conti.ct. Vviason with No. 47, arriviiia; Oold_L.Cfo ;i:-5 P. Ai., Wliminston u:uu F. AL Putt- -man íjiceye- New York to j.cKbja- ville. 11:25 A. AL Laiiy, except Sunday. Arrive fetersburu i^.«.o i··. 3D a:..^ Alan- chester. Lravvry"*» i>»uii. C«_uatra«lla aim «.hester on rtiiiiuil. 2:15 P. ??.. o«Ji_,A.N a.iwitE LiAilTED, Daiiy. Arr'Ve8 PeU_»burs -·?·"· *?"« ??., NortoiK A:«i5 P. AL i>L^P« only at Peterauurg, Vvitveriy and Suâuik. 4:30 F. AL Daily, e-teeot öuiiüa.·. Arnvtsa Betersbur-t ¿:_u I'. 31., -.« .¿.l«.ii 7.»-' P. AL, and ciocay AUiuut Saw i'· AL ¿laxes ait ¡n'.eitlie..i.«t«e >r-Oi>c. 0:00 P. __., í__ji¿, i_o.__. Airi.ea Petera«· Dur-J ?:«?? r*. .* _?·«^«? ««.: «--«'?-·. ti:ÓO ?*. 31., ELOKiOA .O.U \i-E*-ii iN- OU L__j.ri_.D, Laiiy. Arri.eS re·- ter.-:>u»s .2^ F. .··.- CoaaeCUi ....«'.it AO.'iOi» alili Aitateti! ··¦¦¦ ,-·· and latermeuiate _··,..·:«-: i^a«i.or«a 1>:1? .(coua-cia Willi --·«- and -->¦ -<>r stat.om? O-twecu il.zz-voi:&. ana Lasvioacevine). v.ekioa S:.«5 ?. «?.. Faiette.xiie lOHO A. Al... '-:i"»««ri. ·>- '.ou C:i-i -V. Ai- Savannan ».?+ At AL. daccsonvule Ji:5o A. 31-, i or. r*SK% :¿N?'fo middle Geor¬ gia. _·«.»'? :·-'·.Arrivas« A_._.->ia 7:55 -a. AL. Ai^coa·. 11:1«. A. Ai. As¬ tenia .-¦«'·"· P M- PulLi-an Sieepers ?«·?· York tt· Wiliatngtoa, Cnarìt-a- tcn, Jackson ..»de. Pert Tampa. Au gusta and ??«.--'* fl-lö F A».. Daily. Arriving Petersburj, 9:53 F. AL. connect üt Petersburg wi'h Norioii*. and HVestern R..l.w_y, arrivins Lynch&urg ·¦.::·.> A. AL. Rootwke 3 a. al. 3rfsto i".y> a. il. Pullman Sleeper Richmond to l.ym1 hours;. il-"iu P- AL. Daily. Arrives Petersburg Liùit A. Al. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 223 A. AL. Daiiy, troia Jacksonville, Sa¬ vannah. Chur.eitoi·. Atlanta. Ma- con, Augusta, ar.ö all points South. 7-35 ?. M-. Daiiy. from Petersburg, Lynchburg and the W eat. S-45 A- AL. Lviiy. except Sunday, Pe¬ tersburg itx-al 11:10 ?. ??.. Daily, except Sunday, from Goldsboro and intermediate sta- tions, Norfolk and S'-.ffo;;:. 11:05 ?. M., Sunday oi ly. :rom Norfolk. Suffolk and Fetcr^urg. tl:42 .*«- AL. Daiiy from Norfolk; Suffolk and Petersburg. ":10 P. AL, Daily, except Sunday, from Petersburg. tj;50 P. M·. D.;iiy, from Noriolk. Suffolk and Petersburg. 7_3 P- AL. Daily, from Miami. Port Tampa. Jacksonville. Savannah, Chariestoa. wiimington. Oo'.dsboro und all r*,in·3 South. ?-.dß ?- M.. Daily. fr»»m Petersburg, Lynch-urs and We.«t. ?. M. EMERSO-V, J. IL KEN LEY, Traffic Manager. Genera! Manaçer. tS. M, EMERSON. General Yas¿eng"r Ag«»nt. C. S». C A AIP SELL. Division p»««»p«.¦ Ac^nt. 838 "Sea* M*ln

The Times.(Richmond, VA) 1900-11-13 [p 7]. · -CORIlECTDRESS FORMENANDBOYS." Neitherby word, nor action do weseek tocurtail yourplain view of the store facts. On the contrary, wii

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Page 1: The Times.(Richmond, VA) 1900-11-13 [p 7]. · -CORIlECTDRESS FORMENANDBOYS." Neitherby word, nor action do weseek tocurtail yourplain view of the store facts. On the contrary, wii

-CORIlECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS."Neither by word, nor action do we seek to curtail your plain view of the store facts.

On the contrary, wii are most anxious you should see our Clothing with the fullestfreedom. Tbe deeper into the making you look.the more closely you scrutinize thevalues and size up. the assortments, the stronger you'll become impressed with itssuuerioritv.

tâfàéEntire Buiidiüg. 1005E. Main St. OppositePostomce.

in the fieldof politics;

Representation of the TWlrd P.s.rict jto Be Consid-erahiy Reduced.

Otbsr News.The representativa «oí Richmond and the

Tli_rd District in t1__ next Dc-moi-rattcState Convention will he considerably cut

down as a result oC the faUlng oil In. theBryun vole th:*-· yetir.

Bas-rt-t the rejir »..-entation upon theDom-LTit!··; ve·*.·.· oa Ft in tb··. last Presi¬dential contest, ax ? he ratio ot one d.lo-

gute ior .--.ich one h-bndrcä votes or theCract-on t; eoi of c**-er iifly, whldi is

usual, S ..p or.«- aloni! velli lose eighteenvotes as c mpared wit h her ??p?ßt repre--·;;.::·:. '*·. v.-..::e the Tjiird Dis-ttici. ¿s ? whole, .v l'i be ooneiderab.yshort of ii-r tor.::¦-.- »Vile in Democrat-»,con ? en t;·: n.". 1 In- ·-_____ ...ona_l__- Jarse iu-crease in the B.yuu v.».-. in the ce-ondand Tenth D.sir.c.s ?-.l. ci.e them many<id_»tiona! votes in Che G«ubernator»al Con-vention next year, and will accordi-iidyei.i.sr.'ze the cilancos of the cund.dates whohai. from those section..-, provided, o:

course, Lhey can control Use soLd .-tren-_:thoí their respective d.S-_ric_s, The localleaders here <ir<s m-Lie-h cLstinrbed ovar theloss Ot |*ir_st-gB which Lie- reduced dele-.»¿-ration will nécessarll-j t _t_.l in the con-

*r«s_t_o*3S from now until th·." next Presi-.·.->.: e'.ecticn-

Cor»eTeïsm_n I_amb wsis at his head-quarters .n the iJ.aj.cr bu .d.-.ag for a snortwhile yesterday wind ng up his cam¬

paign affaira. _nret.ara.ory- to retiring tohis home un Pu..no Hi i p? the intafjxibetween now and tht assembling of Con-Brsss, to work on the bills which beproposes to preps fci tlte fina] days ofthe l-'it '.y-.lst'n Cop.¡__r ss.

He 1e receiving ni.ny letters of con¬

gratulation upon his recent victory fromfriends a·"..' over the State. jAmong Uose thai c.me ¡n yesterday

was one from Rev. A. C. Berryman, of |Manchester, whxû conc'udes; ac i<V.!-»..--:"God bless you and the hit rests com-

ranted to your keep ...".Congressman Lamb Is in rec«.i*n of a

letter from Hon. VS. ?. Jones, of theFirst I» s riet, congratulating- him uponhis magnifie nt victory over GeneralAllan.Many of ihr most promInent local lead-

¦_ thi ;'- :-:;-· ...·¦:: bi «::.· G'.???- j¦::·.!¦ »party.Ono of them, who '"s,")-_Scs the langua.c ]

ctf the tr.':-»-." Said yesterday chat, tn hisjudement, a party that could \.?'? nearly7,000.000 rotea ?a th «country 11»=.·. »led no

reoTsanlzailon. ifiottzh th«j»re in-_*_h¡ besóme

To-night i- Uie result of a wager jon the election of Bryan to the.-"-residen-y. ter. Blair te .t'hëw* w'_ rollMr. V.*. 1". _r.tz hi ti 'whoo'burri-.-w »oivn ;Broad Street from Henry : > S:v-.nthBtr -! and back. Mr. Fitz wl_ carry an ¡umhre*la and p. crow of Mends ot" the twomen will at*coin**any them to jfcen" theloser.A similar election "-.· : betwsen Mr. C.

T__ Wal:;»««* and Mr. Twpbig Te_c_>*e. theletter çett'iiT the ride, was .-a»! Síi.urdayB-fternpon. On a previous electVm "Ir.T'-mp',e "¡ns: and ter. ??..'.',.-. ..- ·*·: _·'.·»! ih·:·*f*hee*harrow.

Mayer & Pettit, Outfitters of the Home.

Is Your Pocketbock Light?You are thinking of Furniture for the Home. Well,

never mind. Don't Worry. We are always read}· ?? as¬

sist vou. Why* just come here, make your selectiou, aud

pav for it when your circumstances permit.

Lace Curtains and Portieres,Fui! Size Lace Curtam.*·,

49C* 1.50 Size Lace Curtains,

98c.$2.50 5«"*e Lac? Cui tains,.

$1.48.Fine Tapestry Portieres,


CARPETSi$ade. Laid and Lined

FREE!SOc Ingrain Carpets, a yard,SBC.'

j 75c Ingrain Can^ets, a yard,5OC.

51 Brussels Carpets,TSC

~~~f¿yj¿~y **««o-r



Massive Golden Oak Bedroom Suite,heavy carving, swelled iront, large Frenchplat«: mirror, 53*" value, íor


In «-ui' .-«ove uepartniuii vvc.cjTycv"-erytbing in Ranees, Cooks, and HeatingStoves íor Wood or Coal. Only the verybest make, are handled by us.

Gash or Credit.

MAYER & PETTIT,Southern Furniture and Carpet Co.,

7 and 9 West Broad Street· Richmond, VaJ

itoli «if Ho« or.

The roll of honor of -Nicholson School,which was omit;cd in the list printed Sun¬day, was as talloyrrS.Fourth Grammar Grade.Wb.teflel-

Black, Erlon Dáxtder.Third «^-nimrnar Grade.Viola Winston,

Lula Tyre«·. Inez Reams, Dora H-cks,James Thompson.Second Grammar Grade.Fred. Bowles,

Neüie Klein.First Orammür Grado.Ida Smith, Willie

Grant, Henry Bullington, Nettie McDow-ell.' Robert Wil«-«xE'ghlh Priman.- Grade.Birdie Childress,

yj...,,., p.. i. ·,},«....... p-^?-.,-h.Sixth Primary Grade.Bertha Austin,S ?· -v.ii Prlmsn* Gnidi·.itena Bau,

jr^-i -_>·-.., ,'.---«n "*-'"-d'ach.Ida Johnson, Willie Kaufelt.Fifth Priman.· Grade.Floyd Carson, j

K<=ftVe R<>sijn«*el«-.. Junis Mer'dew, Ma «-tonHarrison. Lulle Wood. RUa Spencer, Flos¬cio Wood, Annie Scliroder.Fourth Primary Grade-Myrtle Bail, j

Blanche Richard-*. Florence Trent, Jessie jHarden. Henry Murray, James Rice, Er- jnest Wren.Third Primary Grade.Fiori? ?o Bowies, j

Lucy Butta·. Nora Childress, Ruby. Cur- ,

rie. Mary Clarke. Grace Knight·", Nellie jRedford, Florence Minor. Bunn-'e Mur- (ray. A «me MeAuley. J«nnic Rogers, Ma- jmie Schardt. G-ra«-c Throckmort«?n, Calvin jChildrees. Cliarlîe Hughes. Eddie Jordan, j«>rpv LJndeay, Wiley Nowton, JamesW-niame.Sa?oh<] Fr'mary Gr:>d<--.Tom Cobb. Wal¬

ter Bn=hel!, Gn-ee Adams. Raymond R'ce,-Lana Bow'es. Myrüe Eaeho, Edna Jolly,Tr«*'-"* Lv-"-*.. Marian Mitchell.

Fir. st Primary Grade.Robert Bennett.Lester Cbiidrey, Ernest Dunf-«rd. l>v.-_sBr*rod"r. Ann'» Cnbb. Ann'e Enrotirhty,Netta Griffin. Maggie Pease, Ruby Rowe,Eva Spencer.

Cl»r f5tinii<5 K»rc-\Yni«k_s.Dealers in Christmas fire-works axe be-

ginirr.g to lay in their supply.The wholesalers ray they will not reduce

the size any, and will order the samo ias in the past.Only a f w have come in yet, owing

to the heavy in-rurunce they have to c.irryon these goods.Snm° Lime ago the City Council passed !

an ordinane not jj'l-iWnc any lire-crack-t." ov-r 5'.-inches ionir to be fired.The dea'ers have already placed ord rs

for crackrrs a?; ion. a« 12 and 15 inçbe«?, ¡which will be .«-old to their eountry trade,

EîeetMl .-? ? lrol W:>«r'.«ii-nriver, jh; Board of Police Conjm'ssiOTier- met 1t e.vc-n ng and elected John Drake as Ipatrol ??.???p? driver, to succeed the :. Gideon J. Roach. 'Bière were several |licani. for the pia.ee. including· ther substitute drivers. Mr. Drake w:..s

¡senior substitute and was chosen on

Urs, b.iü'jt. The placo pay. «Ç50 a

TliVvesat tVni'l.".Almost nitrht!;«- some residence or piace of !

business is b ihg eiV'-nd by thieves. The jlatest wtls that- of Sunday night, whm a |hardware store on Broad between Fourthand Fif'h Streets was «Titered from the ]rear and a number of artices carried off.Extra, effort i-s being made on the partof the police to captor Um thieves.

I'ropeiiy Transfers.'Ihe fo'lowlng prop<trty transfers wero

«.·,-·.i"««.'«! yesterday:Richmond-rGeorge W. Lewis, predai

cr.mrmss.oner. to A- Ç. C!nrneul, 30 feet on

Ninth Street. 102 feet Trom seixhenst in-1 terse.tlon of the "French Garden" lots,ÎT'O.Mary L. J:T.-k<-Qr.'s trustees to .Tames· H.

Terre!.1, 13 Feet on east side SL John

Street, 30 feet north oi Hill Street. ,-.»1.A. _*": I'oliard to D. E. Po-iiard, 30 feet

on east side Culvert Street, 00 feot from

Beverly Street. .500.Martha Washington to Susan "White.

dower interest in 20..-__ feet on ThirtiethStreet between ? and ? Streets. $30.Henrico.-J. E. A. Gordon from Se-tb

Gay.t.. trust-.e. CO feet on east side Twen¬ty-first Street, southeast corner oí XStreet, ,200.

GRAND COMMANDERY.Seventy-Etslith An imi Conc'ave Bc-

_.IIIS Ii«!- AfilTII '«DM,

The Grand Commanders·. Knights Tem-

r>lar, will meet in Masonic Temple this

afternoon. It will be the a-venty-elghthannual session, and it is expected- theattendance will be large. »V great dealof business is to come before the m eting.At the same time the tvoyal Arch -Masons

of Virginia will gather in the ninety-thirdannual meeting of the Grand Chapter.The session^ will be held ir» the Masonic? mple. A meeting of the appointeesof the High Priest will also be held.The Executive C »-mittee of the Wash¬

ington centennial c'.ebration held a meet,

ing Saturday. Nothing of importance, It-a.» stated after th; meeting. was don-e.The meeting was for tit purpose of wind-ing up affairs in connection with thocelebration, and this object was accom¬


FAILURE OF MR, H0TZE.Ho Filed a iv.ii.i ... in Bankruptcy

Y. st.-rday.A potitlon in bankruptcy was filed yes¬

terday oy Mr. Edward Ho'.z», through h.s

counsel, «Mr. Bsii T. Barrett. Mr. Hetzetraded as Edward ITotze & Co., stockbrokers. Hi* liabi.ties a.ro placed ut

*_,5 5 38. There are no assets.

"ir.i-. following stat ment was made as

to the reasons for this act ont

"P.apid advario in the .took market thepr..=t week caused th. fa lure."Many p:tt.rons who wer«? short of the

market fated to pay the marginal calls,which w-re carried for therm and inabilityto collect thf*m was th Immed ate cause.

"It ;.- understood, however, tha; »rre-tt

.ff-».»» have been and wi'] be made toBall mak settlement w'th creditors andresumo business as iOrmerly."

Tivn (";im*»» A«~S-U«*d,The Un'ted States Circuit Court oí Ap¬

peals reconvened yesterday at 10 o'clockwith Judges Goff, Slmontcn and Waddillon th.-» bench. The following cases were

argued:No. 3-S.Wall and Huskem. petitioners,

vs. Waiter O. Cox. trustee. On petitionfor review from the District Court ofNorth Carolina; at Greensboroi The cause

was argued by Cement Manly, of Wins¬ton, N. C., for the petitioners, and by I».te. Swink, 'of Winston, for the respond¬ents.No. 365.William W. Patton, plaintiff in

error, vs. Southern Railway Company, inerror to the Circuit Court of North baro-lina- nt ..shevillé. The cause was arguedby F. A. Sond'ey and Tr.'o. F. Davidson.·1of Asheville, N. C, for the plaintiff In er¬ror and by Charie? Price, of Salisbury, N.C-, for the Southern Railway Companyand subm'tted.

Tli»· next case in the call for argumentis No. 3t5_, Mrs. Marie -C. Cobb, appellant,vs. John P. Overman, trustee in bank¬ruptcy of G. W. Cobb. appellee. Appealfrom the D'strict Court of North Carolina.at Newbern.The court adjourned until this morning

at 10 o'clock.

Child Ttcstorod to its Parent·-.A small ch'id was picked up yesterday

morning on Broad Street by a colored manand carried to the office of tae Chief ofPolice. Treasurer Charles -IT. Philips, on»*of the officers or" the Soc'ety for ths Pre¬vention ,of Cruelty to Children. was' in¬formed of the fact, and ho turned thechild over to the police to- be. held untilits partants w».-re found. The father of thelittle one called at Chief Howard's offic.yesterday afternoon and took the childhome.

Anal.v/,·nir daini··» Hiver "Water.Prof. Henry Froehl'ng is analyzing James

River water from Lynchburg, Buchananand other points to determine whether ornot ir is contaminated by the pulp^-milisand tanneries _ltu«_.t_d on that streamabove the Hill C ty. Dr. Froehling de¬clines at ill's tune to say what the resultof his investigations has been, but. hisreport will soon be forihcom ng.

Imi tu-rai Services.The funeral of Mr. Will am X. Gregory

took place at 3 o'clock Sunday after¬noon from Christ Episcopal Church. Theinterment was in Oakwood.The funeral of Mr. John Beattie was

held Sunday at í!:30 o'clock from theresidence. No. 2_1 Governor Street.

??? I '.núriin ¡it Home,Rev. J. Calvin Stewart waa to preach at

Lawrenceviiie, Va., during this week, butÌ as the church there was not ready for the

«service, he w 11 remain at home and con-duct the usual VCednesday night service

î at the Church of the Covenant»

Qîïll lifle I as Trustee.

j Mr. Henry C. Riely qualified 'in the

j En ted States D strict Court as trustee! of the estate of Wm. E. Moran. He gave| bond in the sum of $1,000.j Mr. H. G. Buchanan qualified in thesum of $50 as trustee of the estate ofEvan Snead, Jr.

Handsome \V*i_*o>i.David A. Ainslie, the well-known car-

i riagc builder, Is building a handsome de-i livery wagon for the Gans-Rady Company.! The wagon, it is expected, will be readyfor the »street by the first of next month.

Ho W II Not l-etirft.Judge Char:·.·.- H. Simontou emphatically

denies the report that he is going to retirefrom the bench of the United States Cr-

i cuit Court of Appeals anytime soon.

Stat«· L'enti"«« Now On»·.l The State lie nses for tbe third ciuarter' of the year were due November 1st, andr the Commissioner of the R venue requestsj that prompt payment be made.


A I.efiirai'*d Wlic* barro...

(Speolal Dispatch to The Times.)i WOODSTOCK. VA- Nov. 12..During! the campaign Captain G«_or__-e W. Kunt'z,county treasurer of Shenandoah county,and J." _*". Davis, post-master or" Woodstock.made a wnger on the election.the loserto carry the winner on a wheelbarrow

; two «_u_u·-- on Main. Street. This wager

was paid Saturday evening when CaptainK-untz came out witih his pnö-wheeledl-'ve'-hicle, decorated In na fonai colore, andgave Mr. Davis his ride, while a largenumber ?G peuple enjoyed the occasion tothe fullt-st extent._?-· -._

DA.YIAGE SUM'S.Three in One Family IClied at Dlfi'er-

eiil Times in ibe .Mines.(Special Piepatcb to Tho Times.)

LTOCiiBUBG. VA-, Nov. n..un Xo-vember"9, 1F.O0, J. H. South was kiUed bythe caving in of coal in one of Uie minesof the Southwest Virgin:.«. ImprovementCompany, and a suit against the companyfor S10.ÖCO has bsyn ir_5tituted_ftn the C.r-cuit Court of T«tzew«;ll by his adm.nis-trator, James Bandy. In January of thisyear. John South, a son of J. h. Souta,was kiiicd in a similar way in a m ne oftho Tome Creek Iron,^ Coal and CokeCompany, and in May Preston S-.uU«, h.sbrother, was kiile-i in the same mine.Their mother, Mrs. Nancy South, hasbrought suit in each casa for $10,000 in UieCircuit Court of Lee county.Sam Dingee, a negro driver, has recov¬

ered $2G7 damage;* fro.*n the Southern Rail¬road. Ths blowing of an eng ne wh'stlëon a trestle frightened his horses, whichwere pass.ng beneadj ¡t, an,i D¿ngee wasbruised in the runaway. ? «; _.r_-.:.....

county jury before which ihe case wastred thought Dingee w.is entitled to ré¬munération.

NANSEMOND GRAND JURY.? Man Who Narrowly Escaped Lynch»ing for Mli'liell As "hi nit, («nos l"rie.

(Special Dispatch to Tbe Times.')-SUFFOLK, VA., November 12..A Nanse¬

mond county grand jury to-aa? reiused toindict Jim Copeland, charges! with at¬tempting a criminal assau.t upon a niní-yehr-old girl, bout colored. Copeland, aftertir.· alleged crime, narrowly escaped ven¬

geance from a mob. He was run down bya po.sse of enrag-d negroes, who, afterdragging him from under a house, were

only prevented from vlolenr.«· by promptaction on a detective's part.The grand jury found a true hi!! against

Charles Britk, accusrd of highway rob¬bery. Britt claimed that Raieigh Old. wholives n*ar Churchland, Va., owed him a

¦bill. He met Oid on a loney read anddemanded payment at the point of a gun.He go-t $1.Will M.asscy, against wh«>m hi«*« brother

turned «State's evidence ou the charge ofburglary, was indicted wliil: the brotherwent free.

s s3 «fa i/*_fi y SIM w;f.nl\

If you have these, call on ... .

L D. JOHNSON,1013 East fôain Street.

tilD 'PUGNE IS7. NEW 'P.'îjNE 521



8-oz. Can, only 5 cans.

18-oz. Can, !0 cens.

¡J.D. & R. S. CHRISTIAN CO.rïc hjsäond, vä. g


THE AVERAGE MAUgets a gr 'at deal of comfort out of a

GOCD a_r.*r, if it is well wrapped, h-s a

pleasant lióvor ar.d draws we!.. Thisciv. be said of our »EL PRCG :_SS0"Clear îiavana 5c Cigar. It is the equal,if not the superior, of many of ihe lead¬ing and more expensive brands upon themarket to-day.We only ask vou to try this cigar in or¬

der that we may convince you of its ex¬

ceptional merit". Put up in (poxes of 25and 50 cigars, selling for Si.00 andS2.00 per box, respectively.POLK MiLLER DRUG CO.,

Cigar Dep'i. HmH AND MA!!*i STS

N. B..Come in and look at

uur e'etrant lins of PIPES

A PAIR OF BASY.SHÛÂS FREEFor Eye _' Baby Burn in 1000.

Every baby horn this year may have

a pair of shoes made to order without any

cost. To be made from genuine Viel

Kid COMB ??-·'·*« THE BABY


And she does not understand wily. Herwork used to seem «so easy. Yon couldteli hei whereabouts as she worked bythe snatches cf song which now andagain overflowed lier happy lips. Andnow she can hardly keep up. Her headpains, her back hurts, and she feelsentirely worn out. l¿á^e___¿¿«_^___«|What is the mat- F¡y^V.i^vW^^^te-- The orohc- Kvi--v--·; >'^.W*%-_it... ÎUL ?«*»-·-.- K«_^-^i.<-;.2i-_¿.i_y !_»:,»

bility is that the c^-^^i^^S^.stomach is disor- «_^_%'";-·_, ^-___|_$?!|dered, the liver is jijjjjgj^i,- *·-·.§?not performing its »]_^_______si V 'JS'ÁmW^'-whole duty. Poi¬sons are accutnu- S__i^gj

lat'ng in theblood, aud unlessthese are removed,and the stomach î____3§''',and organs of di-gestion and nutri¬tionstr<thert »a i»rt.u.c -«_« ¡___a____r_a>____¡be a «serious ill- ¡Snl^'i^ì-Lness. There is ito £?^^£? /-medicine can |^tsiwequal Dr. Pierce's e^Mta <**_

dica! i'-Si.fl^^Discovery for |[-2$,-_*;prompt help andperfect cure fordiseases of thestomach andblood. Itstrerrgth-ens the stomach,purifies the blood,noti ri she s the


nerves, and brings back the happy daysof health, when life is all song andsunshine."I sutTered ten months from a complicated

case of liver co:¡i*_l?;*U. constipation, indiges¬tion, suppression of monthly function, and *_id-nej- disease, too." writes Miss Lula M. Brin.!.,of Ivor. Va. «I also sußered exetrudating painin my back aud h-ad. I am clad to saj* thatsix bottles of "Golden Medical Disco-eiy.' threevials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pcliets, and t_-o

t>ott!es of 'Compound Extract of Swart- Weedcured me entirely. I gladly recommend Er.Pierce's medicines to all sußerers."

rE have the exclusive selling·agency for Virginia f__ the

c Uft-ifkWVîY-fi.mfft th-EHf-fl SiHi

This is the finest writingmachine in the world and isa PERFECT MAKIFOLQEB.We desire to prove this,

and shall be clad to haveyou call or write for full in-formation.

t. ?

Unnf QïïfIlio

í-íalionery Co.,M Easî Moin Street.

i_ace turtains.trj ?


C\cî l,m>

I ¡>ï «J·»«


Irish Peint. Tambour.Ruffled Bobbinei Curtains.

If You Want Novelties, Cíi-ne and See Us.

Portieres ß .


. Headquarters for .


215E an Broad Street.

0!d Dominionf^Steamship Co.


Daily Une ícr New York, tae Nortariu Last

FROM RlCHÍaOND.PASSE "su-cna can »c.vv: »-»»VIL».", ex¬

cept Sunday, ai i);oo ?. m. v._ c. and O.Ky., or 0:oo ?. te. and 5:15 p. "U. via ?.and VV. By., connecting at Isorioik withdirect steamers sailing sume uay, tito.

r. M.''¦¦¦-¦·Steerage passengers can leave by aux-

iliatv steamer Monday. Wednesday andFriday, sailing irom Kocketts at 5 P. M.,and changing to main-line ship at _.or-

FKEIOIIT for ail northern, eastern_. nd foreign ports received and forwardeddaily, «except Sunday, a. company'swharf. Kocketts;

bhUtñ NE.-/. YORK.i.ASSE-*»»_»_.i»3 ears ita« DAILY, ex¬

cept Sunday, Horn company's pier, Xo.JS'orth River, at _:«'¦- Pr te., ior old Poli.1Conuort anu ?'-iiotk, connecting withC. and U. and N. aud VV*. trains forKichmond. ,--_-''·.,''«_fc*Ka¿i__iíE received glia forwaraed daily,except Sunday.Tickets on sale at Company's office. 1212

past Main Street; Klchmond TransferCompany, 'Mi East Main Street; JeffersonHotel, C. and O. and P.. and P. depots.Richmond. Baggage ch_rt*-ed through ??all poi_ts.For further information apply to

JOHN F. MAYER. Asf-nt.r_l_ East Main Street. Richmond. Vaq.nèrtil Otttees: SI Ruac.». *-»íreet. coraer

West Street, New York,. ?. Y.J. I. BROWN.

?. ?. WALKER, Gen. Paa*. Agent.'Xra-üo ____-Ug__-


yams? & Ohio By.vSCHEI)ULE __s* EFFECT OCX. 1. _yoU.

!«'_<.·_¦__ RICHMOND.LEAVE _>RO--_D-STR.t_ET STATION.Ü:«A> ?. ]____._ Dully for principal stations.

Newport News» Oíd Po.ut, Norioii.ana j^ortamoutn. farwr car. con¬nects at Noriolk with O. D. S. S.íor New _«..??, except bunday.

3:40 F. sL, Daily Locai, for NewportNew., Oiu r-oint and Norfolk. Puil- jroan to Old Foint.

l-.iX) ?. 3D, except Sunday, Localtrain tor Ciltton Forge. Connectsat Gordonsville for Orange. Cul¬peper, Caiverton. Alanassas and.? ashingtor_. connects at Char¬lottesville for Lynchburg, at BasicCity ¡or Hagersiown. aim at Staun¬ton tor Lexington.

2:45 P. AL, Daay lainued. to Cincinnati.Louisviiie and ut. Louis., FuiiuianSleeping cars,. Connects tor Vir¬ginia Hot Sprin_,s. No. 7, LocalTrain, lollows No. J. except Sun¬day, irom i_.oraon_.vHio to Stauiuon.

S:_0 i'. AL, Accommodation, except Sun-dav, to Dos weil.

10:4. P. ??.. Daily, F. F. V., to Cincin¬nati and J__ou'svillf.·. Pullman Sirep-ing car. CONNECTS FOR VIH-Gi.NlA HOT SPRINGS.

LEAVü EIGHTH-STREET STATIC«*·.'.10:_0 A. Al., Daiiy, for Lynchburg, Lc-x-

ington and Chiton Forge. Parlorcar. Con_r_cts. except Sunday,with Buckingham and Alberenebranches.

5:13 P. ??.. except Sunday, to Columbia.TRAINS ARRIVE FROAD-STEEET

STATION.-.00 ?. ??., except ounday, from Dos¬

well.S:30 A. AI. and _:,*Î0 F. M.. Daily, from

Cincinnati and Louisville.11:35 A. AI. and 6:50 P. ??., Dailv, from

Noriolk and Oid Folnt.H:13 P. ??., except Sunday, from Clifton


STATION*.S:40 ?. ??., except Sunday, from Co¬

lumbia.G:20 F. At.. Dally, from Lynchburg and

Clifton Forge. Except Sunday,from New Castle. Lexington aridRodney.

For detail Information, connectionsetc., apply at Richmond Transfer <.fn««e'No. O'Xi East Alain Street: Chesapeakeand Ohio Passenger Office. No. snfi ira3tAlain Street; Station Ticket Offlc«-s


oraddress JOHN* D. POTT«?

Assistant General Passenger Agent.


11:00 P. ??., No. «i. couine« d Express,daiiy for Atlanta- .»ut-usta, Jack¬sonville an«! point;* So,:ih. Sieeperfor Danviiie. ureensooro. Salisbury.and Chanoiie. open at RichmondB::_;o P. AI. Stop;, ior pa.s.'ngers atlocal stations. Connects ut Danvilleaud Charlotte i>;_b JNeW York andFlorida Express (No. 33>'. carryingthrough slesp_rs between New Yorki.nd Tampa, with connections ¡orall Fior.eia points. Also, connectsat Danville and Charlotte withWashington and Southwestern Lim¬ited (No. :*?). carrying throus**«sleepers between New York andNashville. New York and Memphis,New York and New Orleans; al-^o,Pullman Tou.-st s'iesper Mondays,Wednesdays and Fri.ays Washington to San. Francisco without«ii- :i_e, with connections for ailpoints in Texas. Alexico and Cali¬fornia.

12:01 P. ??., No. 7. solid train daily forCharlotte, N. C, connects at AIo««e-ley with Farmville anu luv...»...««Railroad. At Keysville tor Clarks·villa Oxford, Henderson and Durliara, ana at Greensboro tor Dur¬ham, Raieigh and Wlnstoh-Salem;at Danviue «.Mr No. .;."·, UnitedStates last ir.ai«, solid train, dailyfor New «.»rieans a.i.J points Soulh,which carr¡-'__ sleepers New Yorkto Xew Orleans and New York toJacliaonviil-, connecting tor Nassauand Havana. Buffet drawing-roomsleeper Richmond to Atlanta andBirmingham. Through sleeper Sal¬isbury to Memphis.

e.00 P. AI. No. li-, local, daily exceptSunday, tor Keysville and interme¬diate pointa.

TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND.G;*_5 P. 31. ) e'vom Atlanta, Augusta and

y Asheville and all -joints«,:00 A. AI. ·, South.a:·>0 A. AL From Keysville and local

stations.LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN'S.Nos*. »·1 and ô-,'. between Alanchesterand Neapoiis.


LEAVES RICHMOND.«1:30 P. AL. No. lu, Baltimore Limited,

daily except Sundays, for W estPoint ana intermediate stations,making close connection at WestPoint with steamer Lor Baltimore.

2:30 P. AL, No. 10, local express, dailyexcept Sundays, lor West i'oint andintermediate stations. Connectswith state at Letter Manor forWalkerton and Tappahannock; also.at West i'oir.t v.ita steamer '«<,rBaltimore. ¡Mops at ail stations.

5:00 A. il-. No. 74, local mixed. Leavesda;.-/ except Sunday tor West Point-and intermediate stations, con¬necting with stage at Lester Manorfor Walkerton an«! Tappahannock.

TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND.9:15 A. AL. daiiy Irom West i'oint. with

connection irom Baltimore, exceptMondays.

10:45 ?. ??., except Sundays and Mon¬days.

6*03 P. ??., daily, except Sunday, fromWest Point and intermediate sta¬tions. .

Steamers leave West Point daily,except Sundays, 5:50 P. At., arriv¬ing Baltimore 8:00 ?. ??.; returning,leave Baltimore at 5 F. 3D. dailyexcept Sundavs, arriving Richmondt>:15 A. ALSteamers call at Gloucester Point

and Almonds Wharf Tuesdays.Thursdays and Saturdays; York-town and Clay Hank Alondcys.Wednesdays and Fridays.

C. W. WESTBURY.Traveling Passenger Agent,

No. Suo East Main Street.Richmond. Va.

J. M- GULP. ??'· ¦*· TURK.Trafile Alanager. Gen. Pas». Agent.

F. S. GANNON.Third Vice-President and General Alan¬ager. Wa-*hb.»'«on, D. C.

___? E|



o HEDULE -Î EFFECT JUNE ? ???a"___AV'EÖ 5 &¿ O. JiaOAÛ-SÏKIiLï

.>1-_1 ION.7-.0 ?. ?. Jail«·, except Sunday, for

Potersi* rg, Hei.u.i.on, Uurban.,Raleigl , Atlanta anu aU pointsboutn anu *_.uuiwes<_

"··*_ Y &L "r air»ua Mali and Express."*liauy lor fctersuuxg. Henderson,Raieigh. Cheraw. Camden, Colum¬bia. Suvannan, Jacksonville, Tam¬pa,' Kerr.ar.dina and all Florida

gomery, Alobile. New O. leans,points South and Southwest; Che¬raw, Camden. Columbia, Savan¬nah. Jacksonville. Tampa, Feman-dina and ail Florida points.

Trains arrive from South at C & O.."..road-Street Station, -VI·"· ?. ??. and 5:40F. ?- Daily. Also. -1:00 P. ii. Daily, ex¬

cept SundayFor UCK6M. checking baggage, sleeping-

car reservation, etc.. apply tc tn«-· s··.«-

board Air Line Railway oft ice. Sib EastMain Street; Richmond Transfer com¬

pany, DO» feast Main Street: Jeffersonl_otel and to Depot Tlcke^ AsSefn*·^

Dist. Fast. Agent,'S3. East Main Street

/-' Li.K STEAMSHIP CO.'Sfj^^Philadelphia. ZttrvweL


Appointed kalilnç?^?^^ Trrrzs'DAY, FRIDAY and SLNDAi at day¬light.Freight received daily ti!I 5 P. M.For further information apply to

J. W. Mi-CARRICK.Gen. Southern Agent: office Ko^k^ts.VF. P. CLYDE & CO.

^,.^1-**] fe.· accspiabïe ìdsas.^ ) g «taie if paíected.

PATENT SEC3.1D«t-Jüaora. Hi. .ijfSrlii o THE PATENT RECUSO,

ka it« ?* o.-»ni

Rictand Fredericksöorg aniPotomac Railroad.

Schedule in effect JULY '.. 1000.LEAVE BYRD-STREET STATION.

S:3U A. 31. Daily lor Washington andpoints North. Stop» «at Milford,FredericKsDurg and QuanticaSleepers to Washington and Ne«Y orli.

8:20 ?. «\L Sunaay only, tor Washing,ton and pelma North. Stops aialbs. Glen Allen. Ashiand, Tay-ioreviHe. Dosw.il, Rüther Glen,«'enoia, Milford. Wcods.ane. Gui¬nea. Summiv. Fredericksburg;.r,r.«oke. Wi<sewater and Quantico.Buifet Parlor Car

°·01 ?,-. M. Daily except Sunday fof>» asuington and points North.»lope at Elba. Cien Alien. Ash¬iand. Dos-well. Miltord. t'redericks-ogg and Quantica Buffet Pariol

12:00 AI. Daiiy. except Sunday, for Wash-_?«.»._ A"""* Po»»** North Stops atvAÎNÏ ·1? «AHen* Chianti. Doe-£._-.«"l"lorr·· hrederieksburg and

_5SS^tKBr·^*1 f>'ir,0r Car* i:or>·«f tC-- .

{ "neres3ionai Limit«·*«at Washington.

7:45 P. AL Daily, tor Washington an*point* North Stops ¦« Elba, a sn-land, «-·';>-,!. MiUord, t-redeiicks-

SSSSÄ? 4,t0ps· oli"" "nationssu-1'.a.? «. oteepei Richmond t.t

¦SîS" ïrl· SIe*I>er iv^^ ? tSPhllade'oh>u.

ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION.S:40 A. At. Daiiy. Stops at W iaevrater

Brooke Fr.'de.-.ck.-bmg Milford!Doswell. Ashiand ar.d Elba. Stop»other stations Sundays. SlevoeeXew York to Richmond.

3:05 P. 31. Dally, except Sunday, stosaat Fredericksbu··,*. Miltord, Dos-wïH. Ashiand. Glen Allen andElba. Bu».<»t Parlor Car.

C:30 P. M. Dairy. Slous at L'redcrlcks-burg. Dos\»im1. Ashiand and Eiba.Pullman cars from New \urk __.jVi asbiugxou.

b.-»0 P. AL Daily. Steps at Widewatei,Brooke, Fredenckswurg. Summit,Guinea, Wooiisii:!.'. MlU'ord, ttnoia,Rüther Glen, Doswell, TayiorsvUIe,Ashiand, Glen Allen and Eiba.Buffet Parlor «^ar.ACCOMMODATION TUA". Na

(Daily, except Sunday.)8:18 A. At. Leaves ELBA tor Quantico-,4:00 P. Ai. Leave. BY UD-STREET Sta¬

tion for _*_eü*-rlcKsbur&8:30 P. Al. Leaves ELBA for Ashiand.tllO -V. AL Arrives E Li'.«. Croia «L-h-

land.8:2r> A. M. Arm·« G. Y HI-«-STREET

Station from Frederickstiurg.6:0. «V. AL Arrives ELLA trom Ash»




5:*_0 A. A!. Du:.y. tot «¦ ashington andpoints Nor.·-. .-·,- - ? dericks-t>ut_ auu uixt-nt» .. »leupera tu

New «u«!«. Dining car.6:00 P. M. D*»ly. i««; ·.. «... gton and

poiuià Noiih. Stops «.: Doawelf,Fredericksburg and y_;«.nüco.Simper to New York.


2:;î0 F. -J. Daily. Stops only at Fred-ericksburg, Dos-wel* and Ashiand.Sieiper irom New York.

10:30 P. AL Da:!.- Stops o:iiy at Ered-ericksburg, Doswell an.i Ashiand.Sieep'.-rs from Cíe*» York. Dining

E. T. D. M VERS. W F. T«\YLOR.President Trafic AL;nager.

«·> a«nsj*i r ;? ¿.-^-1*.««S SÄS Híi?1t>*\i7MW

Is!RY.Wtf * .i®&2>aäf60tSl11ihm.im» ? ScftedttlO i«*5 ?_ñeotLEAVE RICHMOND iD.MLV.. BTRD-


at .\or«o-¡x .«.-·«> ?, AL ?>???.« o««»yat fetersburg; Waverly and su£-?????. _eco«ui-ciaos tickets not =«.·-

ctspted un ... u.« ...

0:05 A. Ai., THE CHICAGO EXPRESS.for Lynchburg RoauuKe, coiunicusand Chicago. D'.üiet faxtet CarPetersburg to Roanoke. i*uiu...«-iS_*_epor Roanoke to Columbus; also,tor Bristol. KnoxvtU« and Chutta.-noe¿¿~ Fuiiuiaa ibUeper Roanoke to>

3:15 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE HAIITED.Arrive Noriolk ..:;·.> P. AL btop.ioniy at Petersburg Waverly, Suf¬folk. Seconu-class ticnera not goodon Uns train.

6:50 i". __., tor au.ioik. Nortolk and in-tenuediate stano;;:-. arrives atNor Ioli at ???-?? P. AI.

??? P. it.. íor Lyuchti'.rg arai Roanoke.Connects at Lynchuurs with Wash¬ington and I ii_:ui.ouü4 Limitedtu'.man Sleepers Eyncliourg flMemphis and New Orleans. C» e,Parlor and Observation C;«r i.a«i-iorl to Attaii«, ,1..«». PullmaMSieeper hetween Richmond andLynchburg. Berths reaay ;or occu¬

pancy at S:::o F, AI. Ais·.·. PulimsuiSleeper ü'-t.erü'-.·'!^ and Roanoke.

Train» arrive Richmond from Lynch«.burs ar.d the West daily at ?:.;.". ?. ALand S.FiÚ F. ??.. : rom Norfolk an.i theEast at li :"»¦' ?. AL. ll:¡-· ?. ??. and i-»:5l)P. ALOfiic«: No. «S."S Alain Street.

JNO. E. WAGNER.City Pass, and Ticket A^rnt.

C. U. BOSLKY,District PassenKer Asent.

W. B. BEVILI-General Passen*;*«r AKenL

Atlantic Ooasì Lina«».-._,.«^_ __._. «.»???,???. <_>-T. J.», 1'J«j0.


U:ü0 A- AL. NOKFU__tC LIMITED, Dai.y.Arrive. eU;rí^«.i_ j...j A. ««i-. S»Q"T"*loia 1L:-T A. Ai. siups oiuy at

Petersuursr, Waveris ««nd öaüloik»Víu

0:00 ?. ??.. Daily. Arrives _"eteraï>UX*__.j:«,o ?. ??.. Weldoa ??.?? «\. 31..F«t>ettevi»»e 4:·^? t'. ?-, Cnaxtesiea10:05 f. Ai-, ¿a«, atinan 1_:«kJ ?. ?·.Jati_^oi«M,«e »:uo A. M., t'«-rt 'i'am-pa o:_o F. «VL Conti.ct. a« Vviasonwith No. 47, arriviiia; Oold_L.Cfo ;i:-5P. Ai., Wliminston u:uu F. AL Putt--man íjiceye- New York to j.cKbja-ville.

11:25 A. AL Laiiy, except Sunday. Arrivefetersburu i^.«.o i··. 3D a:..^ Alan-chester. Lravvry"*» i>»uii. C«_uatra«llaaim «.hester on rtiiiiuil.

2:15 P. ??.. o«Ji_,A.N a.iwitE LiAilTED,Daiiy. Arr'Ve8 PeU_»burs -·?·"· *?"«??., NortoiK A:«i5 P. AL i>L^P« onlyat Peterauurg, Vvitveriy and Suâuik.

4:30 F. AL Daily, e-teeot öuiiüa.·. ArnvtsaBetersbur-t ¿:_u I'. 31., -.« .¿.l«.ii 7.»-'P. AL, and ciocay AUiuut Saw i'· AL¿laxes ait ¡n'.eitlie..i.«t«e >r-Oi>c.

0:00 P. __., í__ji¿, i_o.__. Airi.ea Petera«·Dur-J ?:«?? r*. .* _?·«^«? ««.: «--«'?-·.

ti:ÓO ?*. 31., ELOKiOA .O.U \i-E*-ii iN-OU L__j.ri_.D, Laiiy. Arri.eS re·-

ter.-:>u»s .2^ F. .··.- CoaaeCUi ....«'.it

AO.'iOi» alili Aitateti! ··¦¦¦ ,-··and latermeuiate _··,..·:«-: i^a«i.or«a1>:1? .(coua-cia Willi --·«- and -->¦ -<>r

stat.om? O-twecu il.zz-voi:&. ana

Lasvioacevine). v.ekioa S:.«5 ?. «?..Faiette.xiie lOHO A. Al... '-:i"»««ri. ·>-

'.ou C:i-i -V. Ai- Savannan ».?+ AtAL. daccsonvule Ji:5o A. 31-, i or.

r*SK% :¿N?'fo middle Geor¬gia. _·«.»'? :·-'·.Arrivas« A_._.->ia7:55 -a. AL. Ai^coa·. 11:1«. A. Ai. As¬tenia .-¦«'·"· P M- PulLi-an Sieepers?«·?· York tt· Wiliatngtoa, Cnarìt-a-tcn, Jackson ..»de. Pert Tampa. Au

gusta and ??«.--'*fl-lö F A».. Daily. Arriving Petersburj,

9:53 F. AL. connect üt Petersburgwi'h Norioii*. and HVestern R..l.w_y,arrivins Lynch&urg ·¦.::·.> A. AL.Rootwke 3 a. al. 3rfsto i".y> a.il. Pullman Sleeper Richmond to

l.ym1 hours;.il-"iu P- AL. Daily. Arrives Petersburg


223 A. AL. Daiiy, troia Jacksonville, Sa¬vannah. Chur.eitoi·. Atlanta. Ma-con, Augusta, ar.ö all points South.

7-35 ?. M-. Daiiy. from Petersburg,Lynchburg and the W eat.

S-45 A- AL. Lviiy. except Sunday, Pe¬tersburg itx-al

11:10 ?. ??.. Daily, except Sunday, fromGoldsboro and intermediate sta-tions, Norfolk and S'-.ffo;;:.

11:05 ?. M., Sunday oi ly. :rom Norfolk.Suffolk and Fetcr^urg.

tl:42 .*«- AL. Daiiy from Norfolk; Suffolkand Petersburg.

":10 P. AL, Daily, except Sunday, fromPetersburg.

tj;50 P. M·. D.;iiy, from Noriolk. Suffolkand Petersburg.

7_3 P- AL. Daily, from Miami. PortTampa. Jacksonville. Savannah,Chariestoa. wiimington. Oo'.dsboround all r*,in·3 South.

?-.dß ?- M.. Daily. fr»»m Petersburg,Lynch-urs and We.«t.

?. M. EMERSO-V,J. IL KENLEY, Traffic Manager.

Genera! Manaçer.tS. M, EMERSON.

General Yas¿eng"r Ag«»nt.C. S». CAAIPSELL.

Division p»««»p«.¦ Ac^nt.838 "Sea* M*ln