The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

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Page 1: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

The Theology of CreationIntroduction to CatholicismFr. Llane Briese

Page 2: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Creation The study of creation is important

because we humans are part of creation as is all that we experience (including Divine Revelation).

Creation is holy because God made it. NOT Pantheism

Page 3: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Visible and Invisible “I believe in one God, the Father

Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.”

“Heaven and Earth”: Biblical language for all that exists.

The invisible includes angels, who are spiritual persons with intellect and will, but are incorporeal.

Archangels and Guardian Angels Saints and Angels are different!!!

Page 4: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Creation and the Bible Genesis 1-3 is a privileged passage on

creation, but not alone. bāra’: Hebrew verb--”to build, construct”

(always has God as its subject); designates that God’s work in creating is entirely unlike the human act of building.

Other Significant Passages: Psalms 8, 104, and 139. The Wisdom Literature in the OT (cf. esp. Prov

8, Wis 9, various passages in Sirach) 2Macc 7:28 — Creatio ex nihilo (Creation out of


Page 5: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Creation and Science The Catholic Church does not oppose the

theory of evolution, and supports the natural sciences in their task of knowing God’s creation better.

2009: The Vatican sponsored a conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome on the 150th anniversary of The Origin of the Species. Your teacher was a student participant at this conference.

Page 6: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Human Beings: “In the Image of God” Genesis 1:26— “Let us make human beings in

our image…” Psalm 8:5-6 What is man that you are mindful

of him, and a son of man that you care for him? 6 Yet you have made him little less than a god, crowned him with glory and honor.

Accents that like God, human beings are free will persons. We are able to transcend our inner desires and urges to be able to reason and love.

Page 7: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Original Sin Original Justice: The original harmony

between: Humans and God Humans and the created world Humans and each other

Original Sin corrupted original justice and is the selfishness that is innate in humanity. It is transmitted “by propagation, and not imitation.” (cf. Council of Trent, Decree on Original Sin, no. 3)

Page 8: The Theology of Creation Introduction to Catholicism Fr. Llane Briese

Original Sin and Redemption The realities of original justice and original

sin are narrated in Gen 1-3. St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans would build

on theme of universal sin to point to the need for a universal Savior (that is one who would be a Savior of all nations).

Gen 3:15 (Protoevangelium): “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. He will strike at your head, and you will strike at his heel.”

And so the story continues…