W. L. Dudley Jr. of this city will also null in the junior shell race. The senior barge race and the senior shell race are the events that are creating the most interest here. In the first named the South Ends, Ariels, Dolphins, Pioneers and Stocktons will have crews. % The local crew has been changed, as it has lost Butler and Bee. Hart has gone to stroke. H. C. Van Meter and Will Chap- man will be in the waist, and John Perrott Jr. will pull the bow oar. The coxswain will be changed, and Will Dolan, who has piloted all the former' Stockton crews to victory will have his hands on the tiller roj^s. The junior crew here is composed of Otto S.dbach, stroke; Will Folger, after- waist: Hueh Braunton, forwardwaist, and Carl Salbach, bow.. Dolan will act as cox- swain. These are a|l finely muscled men and should give an account of themselves. The f.eld games in the afternoon will bring together athletes from all over the coast. The Olympic Club of San Francisco will be well represented. There seems to be a bond of sympathy between the Olym- pic boys and the local athletes. There will be fourteen events and the races will be handicaps. The entries do not close until Monday, but up to date the following have been made: 100-yard dash— Leonard Gill, Fred Butz, R. J. Hancock and Michael Barry, all of the Olym- pic Club: John Brunton of Stanford and Frank Pache ol the Stockton Athletic Association. 220-yard dash— Leonard Gill, R.J. Hancock and Thomas Finneran, O. A. C. ; John Brunton of Stauford, \V. Goldsworthv and Ed Flaherty Of Stockton. 120-yard hurdle race—R. J. Hancock, O. A. Cj \V. E. Dawson, O. H. S., and John Turner and Frank Tache of Stockton. 440-yard dash— John Keilman and 11. M. Ooliirs, O. A.C. ; John Brunton of Stanford, and John Craig, E4 Hueguer and John Turner of Stockton. Pole vault— Charles Lone, O. A. C; John Brunton, Stanford; John Turner and W. Golds- worthy of Stockton. Running high jump—Ben Jones, O. A. C, and Frank Pache, Stockton. Running broad jump— Major Whitesides, O. A. C.| and J. W. Moore of Stockton. Standing broad jump—Frank Houghton and H. M.Collins, O. A. C." One mile walk— Michael Barry, O. A. C. ; R. W. Tully Jr. and Chace Sayre of Stockton. Throwing 16-pound liaiumer— J. J. Coffee, H. M. CoUlni ami ,)oe Coffee, O. A. C, and George l)ohrman, Stockton. Putting IC-pound shot— H. M. Collins, O. A. C; James C. Frastr, Stanford, and Ed Mcln- tyre, Stockton. Bicycle races: Novice—Jlonahan and Mul- vt-y, 0. A. C. ;J. A. Keller, Y. M. C. A. of <iui Francisco, J. W, Moore and J. T. Moore, Sto.'k- tim. Class A—J. A. Keller, Y.M.C.A.of Ban Francisco; Thomas Finneean, O. A. C; W.B. Ulakeloy, 0. If.S. ; HerV.ert Kenvon and Georsre Dohrman, Stockton. Clast, R, Harry Morris, O. AC. There will be a great many riders in the bicycle races ns numbers of the best men in the State vr 131 enter. Stockton has one of the best half-mile tracks in the State, and it is being put incondition. There are a number of (lass A and Class B men who are training hard for the events. SACRAMENTO SPORTING. The Spoonbill Cun Club Winds Up the Season— Wheel and Rod. SACRAMENTO, Cal,, June 28.— The members of the Spoonbill Gun Club have stowed their trap 3 for the season and are busily engaged inpreparations for outing jaunts among the doves and alone the trout streams of the western slope of the Sierras. Reports from all quarters indi- cate there will be excellent dove shooting during the next month, as the birds are plentiful and of full growth. Thomas carried off the first prize at the concluding shoot of the season, held last Sunday, and received a handsome Win- chester rifle; WittenbrocK captured the second prize, a split bamboo rod; Fitz- gerald wa? third on the list, receiving a guncase; Chapman fourth, a revolver; Soule, pair of rubber-boots; Gruhler. a shellcase; Darom, a bunting coat; ]Wor- rison came eighth, Flohr ninth, Schwartz tenth and Oreen'.aw made tlie poorest score and was awarded a keg of beer. The Spoonbill Gun Club has been in existence over live years and contains among its membership some of the best and most enthusiastic sports in Sacra- mento. Cainpinc parties are arranging to leave for tne hills and some are already on the \u25a0way. Frank Smith and wife of Oakland ntend to summer at Cisco. They will be accompanied by Calvin Brown and family of Sacramento, and with tent and camoing outfit will rough it in genuine Gipsy style. In the Intended locality of their'camping prounds are French, Crystal and Fordyce lakes, all of which are excellent fishing grounds, while Rattlesnake Creek is re- ported to be literally alive with brook trout. Fanner's Lake near by is stocked with black bass, but they are difficult to hook, as they lay in deep water some distance from aliore" and there it no boat available. Last season Dr. Wood and C. C. Bonte of this City captured a fine string of bass in these waters by a very unique method. They caught some young frogs, then ran a hook through the skin of tne back, placed them on a Lit of drift wood with a pin through the forefoot sticking into the wood to retain the bait in place and allowed it to drift into deep water. A slight twitch of the line released the pin and tumbled the frog into the pool where bis swimming attracted the attention of the small mouths— the result was a day's royal sport. The salmon catch during the past two weeks has been very small, scarcely aver- aging one fish per day to the boat. The fishermen claim that the salmon are in the back waters. \u25a0The Sacramento Lawn Tennis Club is having* some very spirited games of late, great interest being manifested by the members, who list about fifty. Their courts, which are situated near the Agri- cultural Pavilion, are almost constantly occupied. They expect to hold a tourna- ment in August. The Capital City Wheelmen are making great preparations for their turnout on July 4, and prizes will be awarded for the W-st decorated bicycles ridden by a gentle- man, lady, boy and girl. Thejproprietors of East Park are building asphaltum walks throughout the grounds for the use of wheelmen, and it will become a favorite resort for lovers of the cycle. The Capital City Wheelmen are talking of a team race to take place at Agricultural Park in the near future. There will be ten men on a side, riding in relays. Messrs. Upson. Nicholaus and Yoerk of the Sacramento Bluerock Club leave town Monday for a bout with the doves, and as they are cracK shots they will be sure to give a good account of themselves. Q. Elkus and Doc Fay sent their road- steis on the track at Agricultural Park in 2 mm. 28 sec. and 2 mm. 28% sec. last Thursday afternoon. The field day of the High School pupils resulted as follows : First event: 100-yard dash, W. Ross won in 10 4-5 sec. ;broad jump,H. Smith, 15 feet 8% inches; '220-yard dash, Ross, 26 sec. ; E. Bird- pall threw the 16-pound hammer 58 feet 2 inches; Ross carried the 440-yard dash in 59 1-5 sec; Scott won in the mile race, time 6 min.l9 see.; Merkley put the 16-pound shot r(4 feet 1 Inch ; running high jump Faris made 4 feet 8 inches, and in an attempt for a record be gained tbree inches; tbe two-mile bicycle race wa- won by Bmlsall in 0 mm. 35 2-~> sec: Ruith threw the baseoall 284 feet 9 inches; Ko*s won the pule vault with 8 feet 3 inches to 'lit,and the half-mile race was won by Waring in2:36 1-5. It is the intention of the high-school athletes to attempt record-breaking in the near future. Rutuerfobd. THE SPOON SILL, CLUB OF SACRAMENTO. [From a photograph.] MR. AND MRS. GEORGE OWEN OF SAN JOSE. SAN JOSE SPORTING. Entries for the Races Which Will Be Held on the Fourth. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 23.—The race meet of the California division of the League of American "Wheelmen to be held in this city on the Fourth is arousing a great deal of interest among the wheelmen throughout the State, and from the entries the races promise to be a success. They close 1last nigtit, as follows: One-third mile, scratch, class A: G. C. O.—C. M. Smith, E. J. Sherman, Dick Moody, W. M. Bryan, O. B. Smith, W. K. Jamison, J. A. I Delmas: B. C. \V.— A.Kanzee, S. B. Vincent, H. P. Terrtll, K. E. Languetin, H. B. Ready; 8. J. R. C— Ray Hogg, Ted Belloli, F. A.McFarland; C. C. C— P. G. Alexander; 1. C. C— P. W. Met- calfe, E. C. Bailey. F. M.Byrne, H. N. Sessions; 0. C. W.—J. K. Edwards, E. Chapman; A. C. W—H. Hutchinson, O. L. Pickard: R. A. C—C. D. Bates, J. H. Dieckwan Jr.; P. V. W.—Ed H. Marck; unattached— D. E. Whiteman. Two-thirds mile, handicap, class A—G.C. C— J. A. Delmas, C. M. Smith, E. J. Sherman, Dick Moody, W. M. Bryan, A. W. Gunn, O. B. Smith, Walter Jamison, Roy Walter; B. C. W.—S. B. Vincent, E. E. Languetin, H. B. Ready, A. Kanzee, H. F. Terrill ; 8. J. R. C—Ray Hogg, Ted Bellolt, Vie A. Benson, Floyd A, McFar- land; R. A. C—D. F. Belden, C. D. Bates, J. H. Dieckman Jr.; C. C. C. —P. G. Alexander; 1. C. C—P.W. Mttcalfe, E. C. Bailey, J. 8. Egan, A. E. Masary, A. L.Hollinfj, F. M. Byrne, C. W. Conger, H. H. Sessions; O. C. W.—J. E. Ed- wards, E. Chapmaa, H. Monahan, W. T. Hob- Bon, W. B. Fawcett, W. Christ, H. Tantau; A. O. W.—A.H. Agnew, G. A. Hansen, A. B. Pickard: unattached— H. B. Freeman, J. J. Borree, J. D. Martin, Robert Sherman, Ray Marcus, D. J£. Whiteman, George H. Seig. Mile, handicap, class A— G. C. C, C. M. Smith, E. J. Sherman, Dick Moody. W. M.Bryan, A. W. (Juun, O. B. Smith, W. Jamison, J. A.Delmas, Roy Walters ;B. C. W., 8. B. Vincent, E. E. Latiguetin. H. B. Ready. A. Kanzee, H. F. Ter- rill; 8. J. R. C, Ray Hogg, Ted Belloli, Vie A. Beneon, F. A. McFarland; R. A. C, D. F. Bel- den, C. D. Bates, J. H. Dickman Jr.; C. G. C, P. G.Alexander; I. C. C, P. W. Metcalf, E. C. Bailey, J. S. Egaii, A. E. Mnrgary, A. L. Holline', F. M.Byrne, C. W. Conger; O. C. W., J. E. Edwards, E. Chapman, H. Monahan, W. T. aobson, W. B. Fawcett, W. Christ, H. Tan- tau; A. C. W., A. H. Apnew, H. Hutchinson, O. A. Hanson, A. B. Pickard, O. L.Pickard; unattached, H. B. Freeman, J. J. Borree, J. D. Martin, Robert Sherman, Ray Marcus, D. E. Whiteman, George H. Seig; P. V. W., Ed H. Marck. Mile, handicap, class B—G. C. C, Henry Smith, Russell Clashing, J. C. Smith, Tony/£>el- mas; B. C. W., C. S. Wells, C. N. Langton; A. C. \\\,Casey Castleman, W. A. Burke, G. A. Nis- sen; O. C. W., C. L.Davis, Allan N. Jones, R. L. Long; S. J. R. C, A. Schwall. Two-thirds of a mile, scratch, class B— G. C. C, Henry Smith, Russell Cushinp, J. C. Smith, Tony Del mas; R. V.. W., C. S. Wells, C. N. Lang- ton ;' A. C. W.. Casey Castleman, W. A. Burke, U.A. Nissen; O. C. W., C. L. Davis, Allan N. Jones, 11. L. Long. Floyd McFarland, the Road Club's crack class A rider, recently rode a mile, paced, in 2 :04 4-5. Oscar Osen will ride in a ten-mile race against two horses at Oakland on the Fourth. The Union Rifle Club will hold its prac- tice shoot at Lone Hill Sunday. THE NEW WOMAN AWHEEL. She Is Gliding Along to Better Health of Mind and Body. SAN JOSE, Cal., June 28.—"Where are you going, my pretty maid?" This ques- tion addressed to the up-to-date bicycle- riding young lady seems to be one of im- portance just now. To be Bure it really doesn't matter much where this one individual young lady is going on her wheel. It may be that she's going to the park on pleasure bent, or to the store for a dozen hairpins, or to call on a sick friend at the other *nd of town, or to get a doily pattern of somebody, or a recipe for removing tan and freckles. Let that be as it may. What the interested public wishes to know is. Where are all the women on wheels going? Is there a grand rendezvous somewhere toward whicn they are all headed and where they will some time hold a meet that will cause this wobbly old world t6 wake up and readjust itself? What's the terminal station of the route they are following? Where's the final home base? As was to have been expected various persons are endeavoring to indicate the destination of the woman on the wheel. Some people of supposedly good standing say she is riding to her earthly disgrace and eternal destruction. Others say her chances of final salvation depend on the sort of costume she wears, ana whether or not she rides on Sunday. The dress-reformers are positive she is slipping into an era of freedom from the bondage of garments that have so long shackled and tortured her. The doctors all agree that she is gliding along toward better health of mind and body, and hence to greater happiness. And now comes Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who declares that "women are* riding to the suffrage on the bicycle." This is important, indeed, if true; and why shouldn't it be tr^>; ''Who is bo well informed on this subject as is Mrs. Stan- ton ?" asks the L. A. \V. Bulletin. She says she sees in the bicycle the promise of the emancipation for which she has labored half a century. So after all the inventor is the real reformer. No one can deny that the locomotive is the great center rush of civilization. The invention of the type- writer gave woman a new place in the world of commerce. The bicycle promises to put her at the very front of the political procession, and to give her an advanced standing in all the other fields of thought and endeavor. The bicycle is a pretty bie thing, and the end is not yet. This week I present a picture of Mr. and Mrs. George Owen on their new tandem. They are at present touring Santa Clara County on their vacation. Mr. Owen is a prominent member of the Garden City Cyclers, while Mrs. Owen is considered one of the best wheelwomen in our city. She rides a diamond frame special and weare the rational costume. The Ladies' Cycling Club will receive at the Pratt home on the evening of July 4. An especially pleasing programme is being prepared, and it is hoped that visiting wheelmen will avail themselves of this op- portunity to meet their fair sisters. The ladies will, during the evening, dis- tribute the prizes won at the league meet held on that day, so this should prove an additional attraction. After the "'Glorious Fourth" club business will be at a stand- still for a few weeks, as many of the mem- bers will go to various pleasure resorts for the summer; others will stay at home, breaking the monotony with occasional tours into the country. Among these will be "The Girl." FKTJIT GOING- TO LONDON. Five Carloads of California's Choicest Products Will Be Sold In Eng- lish Markets. The California Fruit Transportation Company has notified the Southern Pacific Company that it expected to send forward from Sacramento on July 2 a special train loaded with green fruits. This train will go direct to New York, where its freight of Californian fruits will be transferred to the American line steamship Paris for trans- portation to London, England. It is the first fruit train of the season to be sent out b3 r the transportation com- pany. There will be five cars laden prin- cipally with peaches and pears of the finest grades and assorted with extreme care so that they may remain in pood con- dition until placed on the English market. As it will be a first experiment in shipping green fruits in carload lots to Europe orchardists and railway men will watch its success with considerable interest. Should the fruit arrive in condition in the English capital shippers have stated that hand- some prices will be secured, and in that event a new opening for the sale of Cali- fornian fruits will be presented. THE KNIGHTS OF CHESS A Grand Tournament Will Commence To-Day in the Mechanics' Institute. Score of Game Played by Telegraph Between Paris and St. Peters- burg—Came by Lovegrove. The recent telegraphic chess matches contested by local players against Victoria and Vancouver are likely to add to the popularity of these intellectual combats between distant points. Already there are two matches of this kind contemplated, one with the Seattle Chess Club and the other with Chicago players. The Victoria Chess Club would not agree to accept a re- turn match at present. A grand chess tournament will com- mence to-day at the Mechanics' Institute. The players have been divided into two classes. Each class will play separately, so that practically there will be a senior and a minor tournament. This arrange- ment will considerably shorten tbe dura- tion of the contest. The following gentlemen will play in the first class: Quiroga, Samuels, Franklin, Thompson, Martin, Palmer and Harding. In the second ciass will be: Fair- weather, Nevill, Cole, Durkin, Johnson, Hirsch, Lazarus, Denton, Asraan, New- man, Thomas, Torres and Spalding. The following well-known gentlemen were elected as judges: Dr. Benjamin Marshall, T. L. Lyons, Joseph Sullivan, Joseph Waldstein and Mr. Heineman. Dr. Lovt-grovo was appointed to divide the players into classes. The secretary is G. O. Johnson, who was mainly instrumental in bringing about the tournament. The eminent chess-player and problem- composer, Joseph Key Babson of Montreal, has been a frequent visitor of late to the Mechanics' chessroom. Mr. Babson has composed nearly 1000 che&s problems, and has gained fame both in Europe and America in this branch of chess literature. One of his problems, which is called the ''Colossue," nnnounces a mate on certain conditions in 18W» moves. Herewith is a good specimen from the chess laboratory of,Dr. W. Lovegrove, the winner of the first prize in the late tourna- ment. The game was recently played at the San Francisco Whist Club.* Dr. Love- grove gave the odds of Q. Kt. and played the Ruy Lopez opening: Dr. Lovpßrove. . -\u25a0\u25a0 White. Black 1P-K4 P-K4 2 KKt-B3 QKt-B3 3 B-Kts P-QRS . . 4 B-K4 .-..-. Kt-KH3 5 Castles B-B4? (a) 6 P-QB3! Castles 7 P-U4 PxP .^. 1 8 VxP . B-Kt3 9 P-Q5 Kt-K'2 10 P-K5 Kt-K5 11 P-Q6 PxP 12 Q-Q5 . Kt-QB4 13 I'xP Ktxß (6) 14 B-Kts BxPch! (C) 15 ltxß «-Kt3 16 B-K7 Q-B3 17 Q-KRS W-B4 18 Kt-Kts P-R8 19 P-Kt4! (d) Q-K4 v ;; 20 Qtt-KB sq PxKt(f) . '.'. 21 KxP 11XR 22 QxK eh and mates in two moves. . KOTJSS BY WALTER S. FBA.NKLIN, (a) This move Is considered weak, as black gets his pawns In the center; KtxPorß-K2 are much stronger. -• (6) 13 Kt-K3 is preferable. ' s « : ('\u25a0) 14 Forced: to sftva the queen. (d) Trying to force black's queen away from pin- ning the rook. (/) If 20 P-B3; 21 RxP, QxR; 22 RxQ, RxR; 23Q-K8 eh; 23 B-Bsq: 24 QxR, mates. (Love- grove). . \u25a0_ ,!•.\u25a0"=; REVENUE AGENT AT WORK. It Is Said That Republicans Will be Removed to Make Rooiu for Democrats. Rumor is rife with the Internal Revenue Agent. Since the advent of B.L. Crom- well, the successor of Agent A. C. Mc- Glachlin, neither Deputy Agent Bert M. Thomas nor Chief Clerk M. Gilchrist have felt at all comfortable. > Both are Repub- licans, but were kept on in office by Major McGlachlin because of their efficiency. Cromwell, however, is a firm believer in the saying "To the victor belongs the spoil" and it is confidently asserted that Thomas and Gilchrist will have to go. The officers whose heads are said to be in danger are two of the most efficient men in the Internal revenue service. Thomas has more individual seizures of opium and contraband goods to his credit than any man in California, and in Chinatown seizures Gilchrist is not far behind him. Even at this early day there are many aspirants for their vacancies, but who will be the lucky Democrats will not be known for some time. All of yesterday Thomas and Gilchrist were engaged in clearing up their offices and putting things in order for a probable successor. The office of the Revenue Agent is entirely in the control of Mr. Cromwell, and he can appoint or dismiss whom he pleases. The Royal Baking Powder Company controls its own cream of tartar factory and the processes for making the only "abso- lutely pure cream of tartar. THE t LABOB BUREAU. Its Free Employment Department to Be Opened About July 15. "We will open our free employment bureau about July 15," said Labor Com- missioner Fitzgerald yesterday afternoon. Cleveland Damm will be in cbarge. Mr. Damm said: "To facilitate matters we are having 30,000 blankß printed, which applicants for work will be required to fill out. This will save a great deal of time and effort that otherwise would be wasted in listening to endless and unnecessary explanations." The evidence >L the Japanese labor in- vestigation is not f being au properly tran- scribed. \ THE BAY DISTRICT RACES Installator Demonstrated That He Is a Very Shifty Racehorse. FOUR FAVORITES SUCCESSFUL. The Six-Furlong Handicap Won by Sir Richard, With Road Runner Second. Many of the form-players went down on Tom Clarke, Charlie Quinn among the num- ber. The two bookmaking firms that were missed in the cut in were Harlan & Co. »nd Jack Atkins. Faro appeared a trifle sore going to the post, bnt he made a bold bid for the money, coming from next to last place. The card yesterday was a very light one, a total of but twenty-six entiies starting in the various events. William L, who has been on the sick list, was backed by his stable connections to win the opening race. He ran creditably, but is some ways from his old form. It was again Chevalier's day, the colored boy tossing Remus, Sir Richard and Raindrop across the plate in front. Piggott rode one winner, and was twice second. The latter's ride on City Girlshows him to be possessed of excellent judgment. Booton, who rode Melanie. is one of the most accommodating boys racegoers hare seen in some time. Getting away from the post third, but a head away, he very accommodat- ingly let Road Runner get ahead of him, which left his mount last, and then rode des- perately to hold his own. Her performance certainly warranted the odds. These are dull days at the Bay District. The crowds are light and there is a marked lack of life and enthusiasm usually mark- ing the race course. The bustle and activ- ity of the earlier part of the meeting has entirely disappeared, giving way to an every-day humdrum air, not unlike the deathlike stillness that pervades the great gambling hall of the Casino at Monte Carlo. In fact, so stolid and indifferent have the majority of the frequenters at the track become that were some mighty racer to break a record of many years' standing, his performance would probably be re- ceived with a few such expressions as "pretty good horse, eh?" and that would settle it. Floral horseshoes, broken canes and crushed hats! not money. Some are inclined to think th*at this lethargy is due to the belief that the Bay Dtstrict Track is doomed; that it is soon to be cut np into town lots, and that the sport will be transferred to some other course. lam told that this fate is immi- nent. The number of bookmakers were reduced to eight yesterday and they were not over- burdened with work. Four out of five favorites won. but it was hard to tell who had the right end of it at that bookies or talent. About the best performance of the day was that cf the Elmwood stock farm's speedy son of imp. Brutus, Installator, in the third event of».the day, a seven-and-a- half furlong purse race, in which he equaled the coast record for that distance with the greatest ease. Starting a 7 to 20 favorite he skimmed out in front opening tip a wide pap and won under a double wrap in I:34'<, two lengths in front of Flirtilla. The best the hard-ridden Charmion could do was to fin- ish third, starting second choice. Kemus, a representative from the same stable, starting favorite at 7 to 5 for the first race on the card over the short six- furlong course, had no trouble in getting the coin, taking the lead in the stretch and winning handily a length in front of Faro, who came from the rear. Ike L, the sec- ond choice, backed from 5 to 1 to 16 to 5, finished third. The five-furlong dash for two-year-olds resulted in a victory for the 8 to 5 favorite City Girl. Veva was a decidedly strong second choice at 9 to 5. When the flag fell Veva and Spry Lark started off at a tremendous clip, fairly losing the others the first part ' oi it. As they struck the stretch the fast pace was beginning to tell, and when Piggott made his move with the favorite he had the two leaders beat. Joe K. also passed the two tired rockets, finishing second, half a length behind City Girl. Veva was third. The gray horse, Sir Richard, went to the post a 3 to 5 chance for the six-furlong handicap, and won cleverly at the end half a length in front of Road Runner, the third choice. Nervosa, with 82 pounds up. who had been making all the running, tired the last sixteenth, finishing third. The distance was run in 1:14 %. Melanie, who opened at 4, and receded to 10 to 1 in the betting, had a stable-boy up who rode her ! about as badly as he knew how, and she finished an inglorious last. The last face, a mile selling affair, the 5 to 2 second choice, Raindrop, with Cheva- lier up. made a runaway race of it, leading all the way and winning away off in 1:42%. Ina drive the 7 to 5 favorite, Tom Clark, downed Sir Walter a short head for the place. ' , Mulhollaxd. SUMMARY.' ' Ran Francisco, June 27, 1895. lftQP FIRST RACE—Seven furlongs: selling: AUt/U. three-year-olds and upward; purse f 300. Ind. Horse, weight.Jockey. St. Vi Btr. Fin. 1075 Hanford. 94, (Chevalier) ...6 It It 11 1080 Mero, 101 (Hlnrichs) ....1 3/ AT IT 1081 Talbot Clifton, 93 (PifJ«ott)..4 4y a 2A HI 1066 Sheridan. 104 (Peter 5 )..... .:".» 5 6 4h 1060 St. Elmo, 93 (E. Jones) 6 2h S3 6 .495 Wicklow 11, 98 (Blley) 2 pullednp Poor start. Won easily. Time, I:29 Va. .Win- ner, br. g., by Imp. Kyrle Daly-Visalia. Batting: Hanford 7 to 10, Mero 25 tol.Talbot Clifton 9 to 2, St. Elmo 7 to 1, Sheridan 8 to 1, Wicklow 11100 to 1. i__ 1HQ7 SECOND RACE-Half a mile; maidens; JLv/«7 i two-year-olds; purse $ 300. Ind. Horse, weight, Jocicey. Ht. 9A Str. Fin. 1082 SancluitOtrl, 105 (Piggott).. 3 1/ II 1/ 108!i Fireman. 10S (K. Jones) 7 7/ 3ft 2iA 1003 Cyrene, 105 (Hlnrichs) 2 3/i 2/ 82 1082 Florence C, 105 (Ames) 6 bt 41 41 1062 Bell Oak, 105 (Mtirtln) 1 R5 71 61 1065 Don Pedro, 108 (Coady) 8 4A 6* ttA Jack Atkins, 109 (Hennessy)4 6/ SS 7V a 1082 Molließawn, 105 (Haymoiid)s 2t 6Vi 87* Castanette, 105 (Burns) 99 9 9 Poor start. Won handily. Time, :49%. Win- ner, b. f., by St. Carlo, by Hyder All. Betting: Dancing (ilrl 10 to 1, Fireman 9 to 5. Cyrene 6 to 1, Don Pedro 13 to 6, Mollie Bawn 20 to 1, Bell Oak 25 to 1, Florence' 0 25 tol.Custa- nette 20 to 1, Jack Atkins 100 to 1. 1 AQQ THIRD RACE—Five and a half fur- iui/Oi longs; three-year-olds and upward ; purse 9300. Ind. Borne, weight, jockey. St. V 2 Str. Fin. 1082 Nelson, 110 (Hennessy) 4 2/< 'ii \h 1090 Howard, 112 (Coady) 1 l/i l/i It (1090) Mt. Air, 101 (Chevallei). .. .2 3Vs H 3* 826 Uuke Stevens, 106 (Peters). 3 4 4 4 Good start. Won handily. Time, 1:08. Win- ner, eh. li., by Duke of Norfo'k-Nielson. Betting : Nelson 19 to 10. Howard 7to 2, Mt. Air 7 to o, Duke Stevens 20 to 1. 1 HQQ FOURTHRACE—One mile and seventy l\hJfJ. yards; selling: purae $300. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. Bt. Mj Btr. Fin. 1089 Commiß«lon, 103 (P!«gott)...3 3; 23 Ha 1089 McFarlane,B6(E. Jonos) 1 13 17 23 1089 Caronel. 104 (Chevalier) 4-2/ SIS 1073 Sympathetlc's Last, 106 (Mar- tin) 2 4 4 4 Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:46 U- Win- ner, b. g., by imp. Baxon-Ix>ulse T. Bettine: Commission 2 to 5. McFarlane 4 to 1, Carmel 5 to 1, Sympathetic's .Last 25 to 1. 11 f\(\ \u25a0FIFTH . s KACE— and a half fur- lIUU. longs; selling; three-year-olds and up- ward ; purse $300. : : \u25a0•;.'\u25a0\u25a0 Ind. Horse, weight, JocSeT. Bt. % Bit. Fin. (1069) Julia Martin filly, 88 (Plg- . g0tt).....:;.....:.........*l at 1% \h (1081)MajorCook,90 (Mclntyre).B 3* 41 ai 1084 Nellie Q,101 (Hinrichs)....4 it '21 3A 1084 Joe Cotton, 100 (Chevailer).s 65 B% ' At 1092 Oracle S, 98 (E.Jones) 3 l/» Si(> 5.50 •-. \u25a0 Dapliantta, 116 (Cuddy).. ..B 6 ; 6 8 , » Fair start. Won driving. Time, 1 ill. Winner, b. f.,by Apache-Julia Martin. - Betting: Julia Martin lilly 8 to 5, Major Cook 7 to 2, Nellie (4 18 to 1, Oracle S 10 to 1, Joe Cotton sto 2,Daphanltft 200 to 1. v - : . r ; ~ .\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' Sat? Fba^cisco, June 28, 1895. 11 HI FIRST RACE— A six furlongs: sell- JLLUJL. ing; three-year-olds and upward: purse $300. , Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. % Str. Fin 1070 Remus, 99 (Chevalier) 5 5/ l/i 1/ 1051 Faro, 101 (Coady). ...3 6J bT 22 596 Ike 1,, 100 (Hlnnchs).. 2 4/ 4ft Si 1081 OBoe, 9!> (Ri1ev).. ........ 6 In 3% 4/i 1087 Josie G. 90 (Pisßott) 1 'AS 2Va 901 Claire, 94 (Steeled ...... ...7 7 7 63 703 Barcaldiie. 84 (E. Jones). . 4 2h 65 7 Goodgtart. Won handily. Time, 1:13%. Win- ner, blk. b., by imp Brutus- Leda. Betting: Remus 7 to 6, Faro 8 to 1, Ike L 16 to 6, O'Bee 12 to 1. Barc»ldine 10 to 1,Josie G 7 to1, Claire 100 to 1. "1 "| f)9 SECOND RACE— Five furlongs; sell- J-I.\JjLj. ing; two-year-olds: purse $300. Ind. Horses, weight, jockeys. St. V 3 Str. Fin. 1082 City Girl, 92 (Ptggott) 4 ft? 23 In 1071 Joe K.105 (Coady) 3 iS 410 2* 1098 Veva, 111 (Peters) 1 2* 1/ 08 (1082)Ppry Lark, 99 (Chevalier).. 2 lft 2i/j470 Rhaetia, 95 (E. Jones) 5 5 8 5 Good start. Won driving. Time, 1:021,4. Win- ner, on. f.. by imp. Trade Wind-Mistletoe. Betting; City Girl 8 to 5, Joe X 7 to 1, Veva 9 to 6, Spry Lark 4 to 1, Rhaetia 20 to 1. I 1 rtQ THIRD RACE—Seven and a half fur- II I/O. longs; purse f 300. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. i/fc Str. Fin. (1095)lnst»Uator, 104 (K. Jones). . 3ln 1/ 1/ 10SS Flirtllla, 95 (Coady) 4 21 '&Va 2V S 1090 Charmion. 103 (L. Lloyd)... ii 3Vi »Va 3* (1087)Ali Baba, 109 (C. Weber). ..1 4 4 4 Oood start. Won easily. Time, 1:84%. Win- ner, b. c, by imp. Brutus-Installation. Betting: "iniuallator 7 to 20, Klirtilla 10 to 1, Charmion 5 to 1- *M Baba 12 to 1. 11 (\<i FOURTH RACK— Six furlongs ; handi- JLJ.U'Xt leap; three-year-olds and upward; purse *350. , Ind. Horse, weight. Jockey. St. V 2 Str. Fin. 1088 Birßichard,ll2(Chevaller)l 'ih 2% In 1088 Road Runner, 104 (Plggott)4 3! M 2/ 1092 Nervoso, 84 (K. Jones) 2 IS 1! 5W (1092)Melanie, 108 (Booton) 4 4 4 4 Good start. Won handily. Time, 1:141,4. Win- ner, (fr. h., by Stratford or imp. Uhlan- Victress. Belting: Sir Richard 3 to 5, Road Runner U to1, Nervoso 4 to 1, Melanie 10 to 1. 11 Ar FIFTH RACE One mile; selling; JLLUt). purse $300. Ind. Horse, weight. Jockey. - St. y a Str. Fin. 1085 Raindrop. 108 (Chevalier).. .. 2IS 18 18 1078 Tom Clarke, 92 (PiKß0tt)... .6 4/ 5/ '2/» 865 Sir Walter, 108 (Hennessy).4 6 4y» 3* 1083 San Luis Key, 100 . (Hin- ricus) ..5 3/ 271 4/ 1083 Outright, 87 (Hiley).. 3 2^3/ 6* 1096 Sheridan, 107 (Peters). 16*. 6. 6 Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:42%. Win- ner, l>. m., by Wildidle-imp.Teardrop. Betting: ilaindrop 5 to 2, Tom Clarke 7 to 5, Sir Walter 8 to 1, Kan Luis Key 7 to 2, Outright 12 to 1, Sheridan »0 to 1. Following are the entries for to-day: First race, five-eighths of a mile, selling—Red Dick 111, Red Rose 104, Reno 96, Auteuil 106, Dolly M 95, Amigo 101, Keene Foxhall 94, Josie G104, Mt. Cnrlos 104. Second race, about three-quarters of a mile, selling— St. Elmo 98, Outrieht 87, Ladameo 86, Connaught 100, Lodi 100, Niagnra 9f), Laurel 34, Little Tough 103, Barcaldine 87, Roga- tion 90. Third race, three-quarters of a mile, handi- cap, two-year-old-— Rebellion 113| Her Majesty 107, Heartsease 101, Zeta 97, Tiberius 80,' Joe KBS. Fourth race, one and a sixteenth miles, handi- cap—Little Cripple 111, Thornhill 110, Com- mission 105, Del Norto 104, Tar and Tartar 100. Malo Diablo 87. Fifth race, one and a half miles, St. Chase handicap— The Lark 152, Three Forks 133, Mestor 130, Mero 130. Esperance 120. Sixth race, about three-quarters of a mile, selling— Regal 190, Silver Htate 102, Bobolink 101, IV liiBun 100, Greenback Jr. 90, Tamalpais 100, Tom Clark 90, Monterey 103, Prince 100, Arno 102. MAY BE A NEW COMSTOCK. President Leonard of the Tun- nel Company Talks of the Brunswick. He Awaits a Final Proposition From the Superintendents of the Mines. Franklin Leonard, president of the Corn- stock Tunnel Company, is at the Palace Hotel, just returned irom an inspection of the company's property and a meeting with the superintendents of the Comstock mines represented in the combine that re- cently purchased the properties on the Brunswick lode lying opposite to their holdings on the Comstock. Mr. Leonard was accompanied on his trip to San Fran- cisco by Herman Zadig, who went to Vir- ginia City last Tuesday to lay before the superintendents the general outlines of a plan for the working of the newly ac- quired Brunswick mines through the Com- stock tunnel. Said Mr. Leonard last night: We hod a very pleasant meeting, and I be- lieve the result will be the consummation of an agreement that will put the mine-owners ina way to develop some rich mines on the Brunswick, and make the tunnel company's property an ultimate paying proposition. I sig- nified to the superintendents the desire of the company to place the tunnel at their disposal at rates that will about cover the expenses. I have such faith in the Brunswick lode proper- ties that with the latitude given me by the company I felt H wise to await the develop- ment of the mine? for our profit in the enter- prise. As matters have stood neither the mine companies nor the tunnel company could profit by their existence, and in opening up what is"practically new ground the mine com- panies cannot afford to pay us a margin on the start. Having thus signified the disposition of the Comstock Tunnel Company, I have left itfor the mine superintendents to formulate a propo- sition which, I think, will be rendy for submis- sion when I return to Virginia City next week. If so, I shall then return to New York and sub- mit the proposition for ratification by the board of directors. I feel pretty well convinced that their proposition will be a satisfactory one. "Will the consummation of an arrange- ment between your company and the mine superintendents affect the removal of stock speculation in those properties from San Francisco to New York? 1 ' was asked. Mr. Leonard replied : You can judge as veil as I upon that propo- sition. I will say, however, that there will re- sult a large buying of stock in those mines by New York people. The raining department of the Consolidated Exchange will do an ex- tended business in them, for there is a good impression of the Brunswick properties among the investors of mining stocks inNew York. My own opinion is that the St. John, Ala- bama, Bailey and the Humboldt will prove to be as great a bonanza as did their opposite^ on the Comstock, namely: The Choliar, Potosi, Hale & Norcroas, Savage, oould &Curry, Best «fc Belcher, Coh. Virginia. If my impression, which has been the opinion of the bupenn- tendentsof those mines for a long time, holds good there is some big money for everybody interested; if not, then the whole proposition is a loser. But the Comstock Tunnel Compßny is ready to risk it, and only awaits the action of the superintendents. Mr. Zadig will accompany Mr. Leonard to Virginia City in the interests of the su- perintendents. THE STANDING OF BANKS. They are to Report What Their Condi- tion Was on June 17. Under the new law the Bank Commis- sioners have the power to require all banks of the State to make reports as to their standing on some past date at least three times a year. Accordingly the Commis sioners held a special meeting yesterday and resolved to call upon all the banks over which they have jurisdiction to sub- mit reports showing what their condition was on June 17. The old law simply re- quired semi-annual statements to be made on June 30 and December 31 of each year. Suicide of Thomas Mcßride. The body of Thomas Mcßride, a carpenter, \u25a0was recovered from the bay yesterday morning. The deceased told a friend named E. Lyons of 2 Montgomery street that he had had trouble with his wife and was going to commit suicide. Nothing but a pawn ticket was found in the deceased's clothing. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1895. 9 NEW TO-DAY. _ _____ FAU c Otlt DOCTOR SWEANY The Old Reliable Specialist. Friend and benefactor of the sick and suffer* ing, whose offices so long established and favorably known, at 737 Market street, San Francisco, where the sick and afflicted can in the future, as they have in the past, receive treatment from the ablest and most successful specialist of the age. The doctor does not allow the names of his patients or their diseases to be published; but he cures them. He observes the strictest con- . fidence and secrecy in aMbis professional deal* ings. He has thousands of private genuine testimonials on file in his office, volunteered from judges, lawyers, doctors and the best men of the world. See them. Genuine, heartfelt, deep, sincere expressions of gratitude pay such high tribute to Dr. Sweany's skill that would make the heart of a sick, and despondent per- son - leap with joy and renewed hope. There- fore, render, if you are aware of any trouble or weakness seek him at once. If you have met with failure or become discouraged don't delay a day longer, but consult Dr. Sweany, Exam* me some of his very grateful and voluntary testimonials and see what he has accomplished in cases just like your*, for he has testimonial! covering nearly every form of disease that man or woman is afflicted with. WHY Do the afflicted of San Francisco and vicinity crowd Doctor Sweany's offices daily? BECAUSE The wondenul cures he has made have created confidence and delight in the hearts of those who have struggled in vain against the ravages of Nervous Debility and other diseases, until this successful doctor (whose picture ap- pears above) cured them. MEN LOST MANHOOD,both of YOUNG, MIDDLE- AGED AND OLDMEN, a specialty. The awful effects of early indiscretions, producing weak* ness, nervousness, night emissions, exhausting drains, bashfulness, stupid ness, loss of energy, ambition and self-confidence, weakness of both body and brain or any organs, unfitting one* for study, business or marriage, treated with, never-failing success. Get well and be a man. ITIIWPV Ml T ft I RI¥\RV aching in small KlUiiLIilili/ lUiA.llll ofback; painful, frequent urination and thick, milky or bloody urine; Bright' disease; bladder, .stomach, heart, liver, lung, throat, and all constitu- tional and internal troubles permanently cured in the shortest possible time. RIAAn Jl\ T ft WkW diseases, sores, spots, DLUUU dill/ MUil pimples, scrofula, syph- ilitic taints, tumors, tetter, eczema and other impurities of the blood thoroughly eradicated, leaving the system in a strong, pure and healthful state. •• PR IVI TV diseases, gleet, gonorrhoea, inflam- I 111 1.1 1 Ii matlons, discharges, stricture, weakness of organs,, sypnilis, hydrocele, varl- cocele, rupture, piles, fistula quickly cured without pain or detention from business. PRIT Poor who Call at office Friday after- lULL noons treated free. I IMPS wlll receive special and careful LAirlLu treatment for all their many ail* ments. 11 1 persons who may be afflicted should con- . /ilili suit him at once, as his great reputation in the past willguarantee to every one kind, honorable and satisfactory treatment, WRITS' your troubles if away from City. II II lib Thousands cured at home by corre- spondence, and medicines sent secure from ob- ' servation. A book of important information sent free to all sick persons who send their address. Office Hours— a. m. to 12 m., 2to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 v. only. . '\u25a0 CAUTlON—Address all letters to F. L. SWEANY, M.D., 787 Market Street, S. F., Gal. CLABRQUGH.GOLCHER&CQ FISHING TACKLE. co ail is tQRwHk i i S § jj^ S3 CO *605 MARKET ST. Send for Catalogue. ,' Grand Hotel Block. R. LIDDLE CO. 110 Montgomery Street, S.F. Guns, Rifles, Pistols and Fishing •' . ,- Tackle. .^TVag&a^rg Powder, shot and Ammunition. * Agents Forehand Arms Company ' Hammerless Guns. WHOLESALE A KKTAJI,. MSf Send S-cent ammo far Catalogue. Bitters yj^^^^rS} The Great Mexican Remedy." \L H&2335&J Give*,health and strength m jft/fijtjl&ifc- tiio Sexual Oraan». ,? Depot, 333 Market St., S. F. - I GAIL BORDEN I [EAGLE Brand! I ..CONDENSED MILK.. p I Has No Equal | | SOLD EVERYWHERE g

THE THE BAY · and tumbled the frog into the pool where bis swimming attracted the attention of the small mouths— theresult was a day's royal sport. The salmon catch during the

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Page 1: THE THE BAY · and tumbled the frog into the pool where bis swimming attracted the attention of the small mouths— theresult was a day's royal sport. The salmon catch during the

W. L.Dudley Jr. of this city willalso nullin the junior shell race. The senior bargerace and the senior shell race are theevents that are creating the most interesthere. Inthe first named the South Ends,Ariels, Dolphins, Pioneers and Stocktonswillhave crews. %

The local crew has been changed, as ithas lost Butler and Bee. Hart has gone tostroke. H. C. Van Meter and Will Chap-man willbe in the waist, and John PerrottJr. willpull the bow oar. The coxswainwillbe changed, and Will Dolan, who haspiloted all the former' Stockton crews tovictory willhave his hands on the tillerroj^s. The juniorcrew here is composedof Otto S.dbach, stroke; WillFolger, after-waist: Hueh Braunton, forwardwaist, andCarl Salbach, bow.. Dolan will act as cox-swain. These are a|l finely muscled menand should give an account of themselves.

The f.eld games in the afternoon willbring together athletes from all over thecoast. The Olympic Club of San Franciscowillbe well represented. There seems tobe a bond of sympathy between the Olym-pic boys and the local athletes. Therewillbe fourteen events and the races willbe handicaps. The entries do not closeuntil Monday, but up todate the followinghave been made:

100-yard dash— Leonard Gill, Fred Butz, R.J. Hancock and Michael Barry, all of the Olym-pic Club: John Brunton of Stanford and FrankPache ol the Stockton Athletic Association.

220-yard dash— Leonard Gill, R.J. Hancockand Thomas Finneran, O. A.C.;John Bruntonof Stauford, \V. Goldsworthv and Ed FlahertyOf Stockton.

120-yard hurdle race—R. J. Hancock, O. A.Cj \V.E.Dawson, O. H.S., and John Turnerand Frank Tache of Stockton.

440-yard dash— John Keilman and 11. M.Ooliirs, O. A.C. ; John Brunton of Stanford, andJohn Craig, E4 Hueguer and John Turner ofStockton.

Pole vault— Charles Lone, O. A. C; JohnBrunton, Stanford; John Turner and W. Golds-worthy of Stockton.

Running high jump—Ben Jones, O. A. C,and Frank Pache, Stockton.

Running broad jump—Major Whitesides, O.A.C.| and J. W. Moore ofStockton.

Standing broad jump—Frank Houghton andH. M.Collins, O. A.C."

One mile walk—Michael Barry,O. A.C.;R.W. TullyJr. and Chace Sayre of Stockton.

Throwing 16-pound liaiumer— J. J. Coffee, H.M.CoUlni ami ,)oe Coffee, O. A.C,and Georgel)ohrman, Stockton.

Putting IC-pound shot— H. M.Collins, O. A.C; James C. Frastr, Stanford, and Ed Mcln-tyre, Stockton.

Bicycle races: Novice—Jlonahan and Mul-vt-y, 0. A.C. ;J. A. Keller, Y.M.C. A.of <iuiFrancisco, J. W,Moore and J. T. Moore, Sto.'k-tim. Class A—J.A. Keller, Y.M.C.A.of BanFrancisco; Thomas Finneean, O. A. C; W.B.Ulakeloy, 0. If.S.;HerV.ert Kenvon and GeorsreDohrman, Stockton. Clast, R, Harry Morris,O. AC.

There will be a great many riders in thebicycle races ns numbers of the best menin the State vr131 enter. Stockton has oneof the best half-mile tracks in the State,and it is being put incondition. There area number of (lass A and Class B men whoare training hard for the events.

SACRAMENTO SPORTING.The Spoonbill Cun Club Winds Up

the Season— Wheel andRod.

SACRAMENTO, Cal,, June 28.— Themembers of the Spoonbill Gun Club havestowed their trap3for the season and arebusily engaged inpreparations for outingjaunts among the doves and alone thetrout streams of the western slope of theSierras. Reports from all quarters indi-cate there willbe excellent dove shootingduring the next month, as the birds areplentiful and of full growth.

Thomas carried off the first prize at theconcluding shoot of the season, held lastSunday, and received a handsome Win-chester rifle; WittenbrocK captured thesecond prize, a split bamboo rod; Fitz-gerald wa? third on the list, receiving aguncase; Chapman fourth, a revolver;Soule, pair of rubber-boots; Gruhler. ashellcase; Darom, a bunting coat; ]Wor-rison came eighth, Flohr ninth, Schwartztenth and Oreen'.aw made tlie poorest scoreand was awarded a keg of beer.

The Spoonbill Gun Club has been inexistence over live years and containsamong its membership some of the bestand most enthusiastic sports in Sacra-mento.

Cainpinc parties are arranging to leavefor tne hills and some are already on the

\u25a0way. Frank Smith and wife of Oaklandntend to summer at Cisco. They willbeaccompanied by CalvinBrown and familyof Sacramento, and with tent and camoingoutfit willrough itin genuine Gipsy style.In the Intended locality of their'campingprounds are French, Crystal and Fordycelakes, all of which are excellent fishinggrounds, while Rattlesnake Creek is re-ported to be literally alive with brooktrout.

Fanner's Lake near by is stocked withblack bass, but they are difficult to hook,as they lay in deep water some distancefrom aliore" and there it no boat available.Last season Dr. Wood and C. C. Bonte ofthis City captured a fine string of bass inthese waters by a very unique method.They caught some young frogs, then ran ahook through the skin of tne back, placedthem on aLit of drift wood with a pinthrough the forefoot sticking into thewood to retain the bait in place andallowed it to drift into deep water. Aslight twitch of the line released the pinand tumbled the frog into the pool wherebis swimming attracted the attention ofthe small mouths— the result was a day'sroyal sport.

The salmon catch during the past twoweeks has been very small, scarcely aver-aging one fish per day to the boat. Thefishermen claim that the salmon are in theback waters.

\u25a0The Sacramento Lawn Tennis Club ishaving* some very spirited games of late,great interest being manifested by themembers, who list about fifty. Theircourts, which are situated near the Agri-cultural Pavilion, are almost constantlyoccupied. They expect to hold a tourna-ment inAugust.

The Capital City Wheelmen are makinggreat preparations for their turnout onJuly 4, and prizes willbe awarded for theW-st decorated bicycles ridden by a gentle-

man, lady, boy and girl. Thejproprietorsof East Park are building asphaltum walksthroughout the grounds for the use ofwheelmen, and it will become a favoriteresort for lovers of the cycle.

The Capital City Wheelmen are talkingof a team race to take place at AgriculturalPark in the near future. There willbe tenmen on a side, riding inrelays.

Messrs. Upson. Nicholaus and Yoerk ofthe Sacramento Bluerock Club leave townMonday for a bout with the doves, and asthey are cracK shots they will be sure togive a good account of themselves.

Q.Elkus and Doc Fay sent their road-steis on the track at Agricultural Park in2 mm. 28 sec. and 2 mm. 28% sec. lastThursday afternoon.

The field day of the High School pupilsresulted as follows:

First event: 100-yard dash, W. Ross won in10 4-5 sec.;broad jump,H.Smith, 15 feet 8%inches; '220-yard dash, Ross, 26 sec. ; E. Bird-pall threw the 16-pound hammer 58 feet 2inches; Ross carried the 440-yard dash in59 1-5 sec; Scott won inthe mile race, time 6

min.l9 see.; Merkley put the 16-pound shotr(4 feet 1Inch;running high jump Faris made4 feet 8 inches, and in an attempt for a recordbe gained tbree inches; tbe two-mile bicyclerace wa- won by Bmlsall in 0 mm.35 2-~> sec:Ruith threw the baseoall 284 feet 9 inches;Ko*s won the pule vault with 8 feet 3 inches to

'lit,and the half-mile race was won byWaring in2:36 1-5.It is the intention of the high-school

athletes to attempt record-breaking in thenear future. Rutuerfobd.




Entries for the Races Which Will BeHeld on the Fourth.

SAN JOSE, Cal., June 23.—The racemeet of the California division of theLeague of American "Wheelmen to be heldin this city on the Fourth is arousing agreat deal of interest among the wheelmenthroughout the State, and from the entries

the races promise to be a success. Theyclose1last nigtit, as follows:

One-third mile, scratch, class A: G. C. O.—C.M. Smith, E. J. Sherman, Dick Moody, W. M.Bryan, O. B. Smith, W. K. Jamison, J. A.

IDelmas: B. C. \V.—A.Kanzee, S.B. Vincent, H.P. Terrtll, K. E. Languetin, H.B. Ready; 8. J.R. C—Ray Hogg, Ted Belloli, F. A.McFarland;C.C. C—P. G. Alexander; 1. C. C—P. W. Met-calfe, E. C. Bailey.F.M.Byrne, H.N. Sessions;0. C. W.—J. K. Edwards, E. Chapman; A.C.W—H.Hutchinson, O.L.Pickard: R. A.C—C.D.Bates, J. H.Dieckwan Jr.; P. V. W.—Ed H.Marck; unattached— D.E.Whiteman.

Two-thirds mile, handicap, class A—G.C. C—J.A. Delmas, C. M.Smith, E. J. Sherman, DickMoody, W. M.Bryan, A. W. Gunn, O. B.Smith,Walter Jamison, Roy Walter; B. C. W.—S. B.Vincent, E. E. Languetin, H. B. Ready, A.Kanzee, H. F. Terrill; 8. J. R. C—Ray Hogg,Ted Bellolt, Vie A. Benson, Floyd A,McFar-land; R. A.C—D.F.Belden, C. D.Bates, J. H.Dieckman Jr.; C. C. C. —P. G. Alexander;1.C. C—P.W. Mttcalfe, E. C. Bailey, J. 8. Egan,A.E. Masary, A.L.Hollinfj,F. M. Byrne, C. W.Conger, H. H. Sessions; O. C. W.—J. E. Ed-wards, E. Chapmaa, H.Monahan, W. T.Hob-

Bon, W. B.Fawcett, W. Christ, H.Tantau; A.O.W.—A.H.Agnew,G. A.Hansen, A. B.Pickard:unattached— H.B. Freeman, J. J. Borree, J. D.Martin,Robert Sherman, Ray Marcus, D. J£.Whiteman, George H.Seig.

Mile, handicap, class A—G. C. C, C. M.Smith,E. J. Sherman, Dick Moody. W. M.Bryan, A.W.(Juun, O.B.Smith, W. Jamison, J. A.Delmas,Roy Walters ;B. C. W., 8. B.Vincent, E. E.Latiguetin. H.B. Ready. A. Kanzee, H.F. Ter-rill;8.J. R. C,Ray Hogg, Ted Belloli, Vie A.Beneon, F. A. McFarland; R. A. C,D. F.Bel-den, C. D.Bates, J. H. Dickman Jr.; C. G. C,P. G.Alexander; I.C. C, P. W. Metcalf, E.C. Bailey, J. S. Egaii, A. E. Mnrgary, A. L.Holline', F. M.Byrne, C. W. Conger; O. C. W.,J. E.Edwards, E. Chapman, H. Monahan, W.T. aobson, W. B. Fawcett, W. Christ, H. Tan-tau; A.C. W., A. H. Apnew, H. Hutchinson,O. A. Hanson, A. B. Pickard, O. L.Pickard;unattached, H.B. Freeman, J. J. Borree, J. D.Martin, Robert Sherman, Ray Marcus, D.E.Whiteman, George H. Seig; P. V. W., Ed H.Marck.

Mile, handicap, class B—G. C. C, HenrySmith, Russell Clashing, J. C. Smith, Tony/£>el-

mas; B. C. W.,C. S. Wells, C. N.Langton; A.C.\\\,Casey Castleman, W. A. Burke, G. A. Nis-sen; O. C. W., C. L.Davis, AllanN.Jones, R.L.Long; S. J. R.C,A.Schwall.

Two-thirds of a mile, scratch, class B—G. C.C, Henry Smith, Russell Cushinp, J. C. Smith,Tony Delmas; R. V.. W., C. S. Wells, C. N.Lang-ton ;'A. C. W.. Casey Castleman, W. A. Burke,U.A. Nissen; O. C. W., C. L. Davis, Allan N.Jones, 11. L.Long.

Floyd McFarland, the Road Club's crackclass A rider, recently rode a mile, paced,in 2:04 4-5.

Oscar Osen will ride ina ten-mile raceagainst two horses at Oakland on theFourth.

The Union Rifle Club willhold its prac-tice shoot at Lone HillSunday.


She Is Gliding Along to BetterHealth of Mind and Body.

SAN JOSE, Cal., June 28.—"Where areyougoing, my pretty maid?" This ques-

tion addressed to the up-to-date bicycle-riding young lady seems to be one of im-portance just now.

Tobe Bure it really doesn't matter muchwhere this one individual young lady isgoing on her wheel. Itmay be that she'sgoing to the park on pleasure bent, or tothe store for a dozen hairpins, or to callon a sick friend at the other *nd of town,or to get a doily pattern of somebody, or arecipe for removing tan and freckles. Letthat be as it may. What the interestedpublic wishes to know is. Where are all thewomen on wheels going?

Is there a grand rendezvous somewheretoward whicn they are all headed andwhere they will some time hold a meetthat willcause this wobbly old world t6wake up and readjust itself?

What's the terminal station of the routethey are following? Where's the finalhome base?

As was to have been expected variouspersons are endeavoring to indicate thedestination of the woman on the wheel.Some people of supposedly good standingsay she is riding to her earthly disgraceand eternal destruction. Others say herchances of final salvation depend on thesort of costume she wears, ana whether ornot she rides on Sunday.

The dress-reformers are positive she isslipping into an era of freedom from thebondage of garments that have so longshackled and tortured her.

The doctors all agree that she is glidingalong toward better health of mind andbody, and hence to greater happiness.And now comes Elizabeth Cady Stanton,who declares that "women are*riding tothe suffrage on the bicycle."

This is important, indeed, iftrue; andwhy shouldn't itbe tr^>; ''Who is bo wellinformed on this subject as is Mrs. Stan-ton ?" asks the L.A. \V. Bulletin. She says

she sees in the bicycle the promise of theemancipation for which she has laboredhalf a century. So after all the inventor isthe real reformer. No one can deny thatthe locomotive is the great center rush ofcivilization. The invention of the type-writer gave woman a new place in theworld ofcommerce. The bicycle promisesto put her at the very front of the politicalprocession, and to give her an advancedstanding inall the other fields of thoughtand endeavor.

The bicycle is a pretty bie thing, and theend is not yet.

This week Ipresent a picture of Mr. andMrs. George Owen on their new tandem.They are at present touring Santa ClaraCounty on their vacation. Mr.Owen is aprominent member of the Garden CityCyclers, while Mrs. Owen is consideredone of the best wheelwomen in our city.She rides a diamond frame special andweare the rational costume.

The Ladies' Cycling Club willreceive at

the Pratt home on the evening of July 4.An especially pleasing programme is beingprepared, and it is hoped that visitingwheelmen willavail themselves of this op-portunity to meet their fair sisters.

The ladies will,during the evening, dis-tribute the prizes won at the league meetheld on that day, so this should prove anadditional attraction. After the "'GloriousFourth" club business will be at a stand-still for a few weeks, as many of the mem-bers willgo to various pleasure resorts forthe summer; others will stay at home,breaking the monotony with occasionaltours into the country. Among thesewillbe "The Girl."

FKTJIT GOING- TO LONDON.Five Carloads of California's Choicest

Products Will Be Sold In Eng-lish Markets.

The California Fruit TransportationCompany has notified the Southern PacificCompany that it expected to send forwardfrom Sacramento on July 2 a special trainloaded with green fruits. This train willgo direct to New York, where its freight ofCalifornian fruits willbe transferred to theAmerican line steamship Paris for trans-portation to London, England.Itis the first fruit train of the season to

be sent out b3r the transportation com-pany. There willbe five cars laden prin-cipally with peaches and pears of thefinest grades and assorted with extremecare so that they may remain in pood con-dition until placed on the English market.As itwillbe a first experiment in shippinggreen fruits in carload lots to Europeorchardists and railway men will watch itssuccess with considerable interest. Shouldthe fruit arrive incondition in the Englishcapital shippers have stated that hand-some prices will be secured, and in thatevent a new opening for the sale of Cali-fornian fruits willbe presented.

THE KNIGHTS OF CHESSA Grand Tournament Will

Commence To-Day in theMechanics' Institute.

Score of Game Played by Telegraph

Between Paris and St. Peters-burg—Came by Lovegrove.

The recent telegraphic chess matchescontested by local players against Victoriaand Vancouver are likely to add to thepopularity of these intellectual combatsbetween distant points. Already there aretwo matches of this kind contemplated,one with the Seattle Chess Club and theother with Chicago players. The VictoriaChess Club would not agree to accept a re-turn match at present.

A grand chess tournament will com-mence to-day at the Mechanics' Institute.The players have been divided into twoclasses. Each class will play separately,so that practically there will be a seniorand a minor tournament. This arrange-ment will considerably shorten tbe dura-tion of the contest.

The followinggentlemen willplay in thefirst class: Quiroga, Samuels, Franklin,Thompson, Martin, Palmer and Harding.

In the second ciass will be: Fair-weather, Nevill, Cole, Durkin, Johnson,Hirsch, Lazarus, Denton, Asraan, New-man, Thomas, Torres and Spalding.

The following well-known gentlemenwere elected as judges: Dr. BenjaminMarshall, T. L. Lyons, Joseph Sullivan,Joseph Waldstein and Mr. Heineman. Dr.Lovt-grovo was appointed to divide theplayers into classes. The secretary is G.O.Johnson, who was mainly instrumental inbringing about the tournament.

The eminent chess-player and problem-composer, Joseph Key Babson of Montreal,has been a frequent visitor of late to theMechanics' chessroom. Mr. Babson hascomposed nearly 1000 che&s problems, andhas gained fame both in Europe andAmerica in this branch of chess literature.One of his problems, which is called the''Colossue," nnnounces a mate on certainconditions in 18W» moves.

Herewith is a good specimen from thechess laboratory of,Dr. W. Lovegrove, thewinner of the first prize in the late tourna-ment. The game was recently played atthe San Francisco Whist Club.* Dr. Love-grove gave the odds of Q. Kt. and playedthe Ruy Lopez opening:

Dr. Lovpßrove. . -\u25a0\u25a0

White. Black1P-K4 P-K4 •2 KKt-B3 QKt-B33 B-Kts P-QRS. .4 B-K4 .-..-. Kt-KH35 Castles B-B4? (a)6 P-QB3! Castles7 P-U4 PxP .^.18 VxP . B-Kt39 P-Q5 Kt-K'2

10 P-K5 Kt-K511 P-Q6 PxP12 Q-Q5 . Kt-QB413 I'xP Ktxß (6)14 B-Kts BxPch! (C)15 ltxß «-Kt316 B-K7 Q-B317 Q-KRS W-B418 Kt-Kts P-R819 P-Kt4! (d) Q-K4 v

;; 20 Qtt-KB sq PxKt(f) . '.'.21 KxP 11XR22 QxK eh and mates intwo moves.. KOTJSS BY WALTER S. FBA.NKLIN,

(a) This move Is considered weak, as black getshis pawns Inthe center; KtxPorß-K2 are muchstronger. -•

(6) 13 Kt-K3is preferable.'s«:

('\u25a0) 14 Forced: to sftva the queen.(d) Tryingto force black's queen away from pin-

ning the rook.(/) If20 P-B3; 21 RxP, QxR; 22 RxQ, RxR;

23Q-K8 eh; 23 B-Bsq: 24 QxR, mates. (Love-grove). . \u25a0_ ,!•.\u25a0"=;

REVENUE AGENT AT WORK.It Is Said That Republicans Will be

Removed to Make Rooiu forDemocrats.

Rumor is rife with the Internal RevenueAgent. Since the advent of B.L. Crom-well, the successor of Agent A. C. Mc-Glachlin, neither Deputy Agent Bert M.Thomas nor Chief Clerk M. Gilchrist havefelt at all comfortable. > Both are Repub-licans, but were kept on in office byMajorMcGlachlin because of their efficiency.Cromwell, however, is a firm believer inthe saying "To the victor belongs thespoil" and it is confidently asserted thatThomas and Gilchrist willhave to go.

The officers whose heads are said to bein danger are two ofthe most efficient menin the Internal revenue service. Thomashas more individual seizures of opium andcontraband goods to his credit than anyman in California, and in Chinatownseizures Gilchrist is not far behind him.Even at this early day there are manyaspirants for their vacancies, but who willbe the lucky Democrats willnot be knownfor some time.

All of yesterday Thomas and Gilchristwere engaged in clearing up their officesand putting things in order for a probablesuccessor. The office of the RevenueAgent is entirely in the control of Mr.Cromwell, and he can appoint or dismisswhom he pleases.

The Royal Baking Powder Companycontrols its own cream of tartar factory andthe processes for making the only "abso-lutely pure cream of tartar.


ItsFree Employment Department to BeOpened About July 15.

"We will open our free employmentbureau about July 15," said Labor Com-missioner Fitzgerald yesterday afternoon.Cleveland Damm will be in cbarge. Mr.Damm said:

"To facilitate matters we are having30,000 blankß printed, which applicants forwork willbe required to fillout. This willsave a great deal of time and effort thatotherwise would be wasted inlistening toendless and unnecessary explanations."

The evidence >L the Japanese labor in-vestigation is notf being au properly tran-scribed. \

THE BAY DISTRICT RACESInstallator Demonstrated That

He Is a Very Shifty



The Six-Furlong Handicap Won by

Sir Richard, With RoadRunner Second.

Many of the form-players went down onTom Clarke, Charlie Quinn among the num-ber.

The two bookmaking firms that were missedin the cut in were Harlan & Co. »nd JackAtkins.

Faro appeared a trifle sore going to the post,bnt he made a boldbid for the money, comingfrom next to last place.

The card yesterday was a very light one, atotal of but twenty-six entiies starting in thevarious events.

William L,who has been on the sick list,was backed by his stable connections to winthe opening race. He ran creditably, but issome ways from his old form.

Itwas again Chevalier's day, the colored boytossing Remus, Sir Richard and Raindropacross the plate in front. Piggott rode onewinner, and was twice second. The latter'sride on City Girlshows him to be possessed ofexcellent judgment.

Booton, who rode Melanie. is one of the mostaccommodating boys racegoers hare seen insome time. Getting away from the postthird, but a head away, he very accommodat-ingly let Road Runner get ahead of him,which left his mount last, and then rode des-perately to hold his own. Her performancecertainly warranted the odds.

These are dull days at the Bay District.The crowds are lightand there is a markedlack of lifeand enthusiasm usually mark-ing the race course. The bustle and activ-ityof the earlier part of the meeting hasentirely disappeared, giving way to anevery-day humdrum air, not unlike thedeathlike stillness that pervades the greatgambling hall of the Casino at MonteCarlo. In fact, so stolid and indifferenthave the majority of the frequenters at thetrack become that were some mighty racerto break a record of many years' standing,his performance would probably be re-ceived with a few such expressions as"pretty good horse, eh?" and that wouldsettle it. Floral horseshoes, broken canesand crushed hats!

—not money.

Some are inclined to think th*at thislethargy is due to the belief that the BayDtstrict Track is doomed; that it is soonto be cut np into town lots, and that thesport will be transferred to some othercourse. lam told that this fate is immi-nent.

The number of bookmakers were reducedto eight yesterday and they were not over-burdened with work. Four out of fivefavorites won. but itwas hard to tell whohad the right end of it at that

—bookies or

talent.About the best performance of the day

was that cf the Elmwood stock farm'sspeedy son of imp. Brutus, Installator, inthe third event of».the day, a seven-and-a-half furlong purse race, in which heequaled the coast record for that distancewith the greatest ease.

Starting a 7 to 20 favorite he skimmedout in front opening tip a wide pap andwon under a double wrap in I:34'<, twolengths in front of Flirtilla. The best thehard-ridden Charmion could do was to fin-ish third, starting second choice.

Kemus, a representative from the samestable, starting favorite at 7 to 5 for thefirst race on the card over the short six-furlong course, had no trouble ingettingthe coin, taking the lead in the stretch andwinning handily a length in front of Faro,who came from the rear. Ike L, the sec-ond choice, backed from 5 to1 to 16 to 5,finished third.

The five-furlong dash for two-year-oldsresulted in a victory for the 8 to 5 favoriteCity Girl. Veva was a decidedly strongsecond choice at 9 to 5.

When the flag fell Veva and Spry Larkstarted off at a tremendous clip, fairlylosing the others the first part

'oi it. As

they struck the stretch the fast pace wasbeginning to tell, and when Piggott madehis move with the favorite he had the twoleaders beat. Joe K. also passed the twotired rockets, finishing second, half a lengthbehind City Girl. Veva was third.

The gray horse, Sir Richard, went to thepost a 3 to 5 chance for the six-furlonghandicap, and won cleverly at the endhalf a length in front of Road Runner, thethird choice. Nervosa, with82 pounds up.who had been making all the running,tired the last sixteenth, finishing third.The distance was run in 1:14%. Melanie,who opened at 4, and receded to 10 to 1 inthe betting, had a stable-boy up who rodeher !about as badly as he knew how, andshe finished an inglorious last.

The last face, a mile selling affair, the 5to 2 second choice, Raindrop, with Cheva-lier up. made a runaway race of it, leadingall the way and winningaway off in1:42%.Ina drive the 7 to 5 favorite, Tom Clark,downed Sir Walter a short head for theplace.

' „,Mulhollaxd.SUMMARY.'

' Ran Francisco, June 27, 1895.

lftQP FIRST RACE—Seven furlongs: selling:AUt/U. three-year-olds and upward; purse f300.Ind. Horse, weight.Jockey. St. Vi Btr. Fin.

1075 Hanford. 94, (Chevalier) ...6 It It 111080 Mero, 101 (Hlnrichs) ....1 3/ AT IT1081 Talbot Clifton, 93 (PifJ«ott)..4 4ya 2A HI1066 Sheridan. 104 (Peter 5 )..... .:".» 5 6 4h1060 St. Elmo, 93 (E. Jones) 6 2h S3 6.495 Wicklow 11, 98 (Blley) 2 pullednp

Poor start. Won easily. Time, I:29Va. .Win-ner, br. g., by Imp.Kyrle Daly-Visalia.

Batting: Hanford 7 to 10, Mero 25 tol.TalbotClifton9 to 2, St. Elmo 7 to 1, Sheridan 8 to 1,Wicklow 11100 to 1.i__

1HQ7 SECOND RACE-Half amile; maidens;JLv/«7i• two-year-olds; purse $300.Ind. Horse, weight, Jocicey. Ht. 9A Str. Fin.1082 SancluitOtrl, 105 (Piggott)..3 1/ II1/108!iFireman. 10S (K.Jones) 7 7/ 3ft 2iA1003 Cyrene, 105 (Hlnrichs) 2 3/i 2/ 821082 Florence C, 105 (Ames) 6 bt 41 411062 Bell Oak, 105 (Mtirtln) 1 R5 71 611065 Don Pedro, 108 (Coady) 8 4A 6* ttA

Jack Atkins,109 (Hennessy)4 6/ SS 7Va1082 Molließawn, 105 (Haymoiid)s 2t 6Vi 87*

Castanette, 105 (Burns) 9 9 9 9Poor start. Won handily. Time, :49%. Win-

ner, b. f., bySt. Carlo, by Hyder All.Betting: Dancing (ilrl 10 to 1, Fireman 9 to 5.

Cyrene 6 to 1, Don Pedro 13 to 6, Mollie Bawn 20to 1, Bell Oak 25 to 1, Florence' 0 25 tol.Custa-nette 20 to 1,Jack Atkins 100 to 1.

1AQQ THIRD RACE—Five and a half fur-iui/Oi longs; three-year-olds and upward;purse9300.Ind. Borne, weight, jockey. St. V 2 Str. Fin.1082 Nelson, 110 (Hennessy) 4 2/< 'ii \h1090 Howard, 112 (Coady) 1 l/i l/i It(1090) Mt.Air,101 (Chevallei). .. .2 3Vs H 3*

826 Uuke Stevens, 106 (Peters). 3 4 4 4Good start. Won handily. Time, 1:08. Win-

ner, eh. li.,by Duke ofNorfo'k-Nielson.Betting:Nelson 19 to 10. Howard 7to 2,Mt.

Air7 to o,Duke Stevens 20 to1.

1HQQ FOURTHRACE—One mile and seventyl\hJfJ. yards; selling: purae $300.Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. Bt. Mj Btr. Fin.1089 Commiß«lon, 103 (P!«gott)...3 3; 23 Ha1089 McFarlane,B6(E. Jonos) 1 13 17 231089 Caronel. 104 (Chevalier) 4-2/ 3» SIS1073 Sympathetlc's Last, 106 (Mar-

tin) 2 4 4 4Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:46 U- Win-

ner, b. g., by imp.Baxon-Ix>ulse T.Bettine: Commission 2 to 5. McFarlane 4 to 1,

Carmel 5 to 1, Sympathetic's .Last 25 to 1.

11f\(\ \u25a0FIFTH. sKACE— and a half fur-lIUU. longs; selling; three-year-olds and up-ward;purse $300. : : \u25a0•;.'\u25a0\u25a0

Ind. Horse, weight, JocSeT. Bt. % Bit. Fin.(1069)Julia Martin filly,88 (Plg-. g0tt).....:;.....:.........*l at 1% \h(1081)MajorCook,90 (Mclntyre).B 3* 41 ai1084 Nellie Q,101 (Hinrichs)....4 it '21 3A1084 Joe Cotton, 100 (Chevailer).s 65 B%


1092 Oracle S, 98 (E.Jones) 3 l/» Si(> 5.50•-. \u25a0 Dapliantta, 116 (Cuddy).. ..B 6 ; 6 8 ,

» Fair start. Won driving. Time,1ill. Winner,b. f.,by Apache-Julia Martin.

-Betting: Julia Martin lilly8 to 5, Major Cook 7

to 2, Nellie (418 to 1,Oracle S 10 to 1, Joe Cottonsto 2,Daphanltft 200 to 1. v

-:. r ; ~

.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' Sat? Fba^cisco, June 28, 1895.11HI FIRST RACE— A six furlongs: sell-JLLUJL. ing; three-year-olds and upward: purse$300. ,Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. % Str. Fin1070 Remus, 99 (Chevalier) 5 5/ l/i 1/1051 Faro, 101 (Coady). ...3 6J bT 22596 Ike 1,, 100 (Hlnnchs).. 2 4/ 4ft Si

1081 OBoe, 9!> (Ri1ev).......... 6 In 3% 4/i1087 Josie G. 90 (Pisßott) 1 'AS 2Va 5»

901 Claire, 94 (Steeled ...... ...7 7 7 63703 Barcaldiie. 84 (E. Jones)..42h 65 7Goodgtart. Won handily. Time,1:13%. Win-

ner, blk.b., by imp Brutus- Leda.Betting: Remus 7 to 6, Faro 8 to 1, IkeL 16 to

6, O'Bee 12 to1. Barc»ldine 10 to 1,Josie G 7 to1,Claire 100 to 1."1 "| f)9 SECOND RACE—Five furlongs; sell-J-I.\JjLj. ing; two-year-olds: purse $300.Ind. Horses, weight, jockeys. St. V 3 Str. Fin.1082 City Girl, 92 (Ptggott) 4 ft? 23 In1071 Joe K.105 (Coady) 3 iS 410 2*1098 Veva, 111 (Peters) 1 2* 1/ 08

(1082)Ppry Lark, 99 (Chevalier).. 2 lft 2i/j470Rhaetia, 95 (E. Jones) 5 5 8 5

Good start. Won driving. Time,1:021,4. Win-ner, on. f..by imp.Trade Wind-Mistletoe.

Betting; City Girl 8 to 5, Joe X7 to 1, Veva 9to 6, Spry Lark4 to 1,Rhaetia 20 to1.

I1rtQ THIRD RACE—Seven and a half fur-III/O. longs; purse f300.Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. i/fc Str. Fin.(1095)lnst»Uator, 104 (K.Jones)..3ln 1/ 1/10SS Flirtllla,95 (Coady) 4 21 '&Va 2VS1090 Charmion. 103 (L. Lloyd)...ii 3Vi »Va 3*

(1087)AliBaba, 109 (C. Weber). ..1 4 4 4Oood start. Won easily. Time,1:84%. Win-

ner, b. c, by imp.Brutus-Installation.Betting: "iniuallator 7 to 20, Klirtilla 10 to 1,

Charmion 5 to 1- *MBaba 12 to 1.

11(\<i FOURTH RACK—Six furlongs;handi-JLJ.U'Xt leap; three-year-olds and upward; purse*350. ,

Ind. Horse, weight. Jockey. St. V 2 Str. Fin.1088 Birßichard,ll2(Chevaller)l 'ih 2% In1088 Road Runner, 104 (Plggott)4 3! M 2/1092 Nervoso, 84 (K.Jones) 2 IS 1! 5W

(1092)Melanie, 108 (Booton) 4 4 4 4

Good start. Won handily. Time, 1:141,4. Win-ner, (fr.h., by Stratford or imp.Uhlan-Victress.

Belting: SirRichard 3 to 5, Road Runner U to1,Nervoso 4 to 1,Melanie 10 to 1.


One mile; selling;JLLUt). purse $300.

Ind. Horse, weight. Jockey.-

St. ya Str. Fin.1085 Raindrop. 108 (Chevalier).... 2IS 18 181078 Tom Clarke, 92 (PiKß0tt)... .6 4/ 5/ '2/»865 Sir Walter, 108 (Hennessy).4 6 4y» 3*

1083 San Luis Key, 100 . (Hin-ricus) ..5 3/ 271 4/

1083 Outright, 87 (Hiley).. 3 2^3/ 6*1096 Sheridan, 107 (Peters). 16*. 6. 6

Good start. Won easily. Time, 1:42%. Win-ner, l>. m., by Wildidle-imp.Teardrop. •Betting: ilaindrop 5 to 2, Tom Clarke 7 to 5,

Sir Walter 8 to 1, Kan Luis Key 7 to2, Outright 12to 1, Sheridan »0 to 1.

Following are the entries for to-day:

First race, five-eighths of a mile,selling—RedDick111, Red Rose 104, Reno 96, Auteuil 106,Dolly M 95, Amigo 101, Keene Foxhall 94,Josie G104, Mt.Cnrlos 104.

Second race, about three-quarters of a mile,selling—St. Elmo 98, Outrieht 87, Ladameo 86,Connaught 100, Lodi 100, Niagnra 9f), Laurel34, Little Tough 103, Barcaldine 87, Roga-tion 90.

Third race, three-quarters of a mile,handi-cap, two-year-old-— Rebellion 113| Her Majesty107, Heartsease 101, Zeta 97, Tiberius 80,' JoeKBS.

Fourth race, one and a sixteenth miles, handi-cap—Little Cripple 111, Thornhill 110, Com-mission 105, Del Norto 104, Tar and Tartar100. Malo Diablo 87.

Fifth race, one and a half miles, St. Chasehandicap— The Lark 152, Three Forks 133,Mestor 130,Mero 130. Esperance 120.

Sixth race, about three-quarters of a mile,selling—Regal 190, Silver Htate 102, Bobolink101, IV liiBun 100, Greenback Jr. 90,Tamalpais100, Tom Clark 90, Monterey 103, Prince 100,Arno102.

MAY BE A NEW COMSTOCK.President Leonard of the Tun-

nel Company Talks of theBrunswick.

He Awaits a Final Proposition Fromthe Superintendents of

the Mines.

Franklin Leonard, president of the Corn-stock Tunnel Company, is at the PalaceHotel, just returned irom an inspection ofthe company's property and a meetingwith the superintendents of the Comstockmines represented in the combine that re-cently purchased the properties on theBrunswick lode lying opposite to theirholdings on the Comstock. Mr. Leonardwas accompanied on his trip to San Fran-cisco by Herman Zadig, who went to Vir-ginia City last Tuesday to lay before thesuperintendents the general outlines of aplan for the working of the newly ac-quired Brunswick mines through the Com-stock tunnel. Said Mr. Leonard last night:

We hod a very pleasant meeting, and Ibe-lieve the result willbe the consummation ofan agreement that will put the mine-ownersina way to develop some rich mines on theBrunswick, and make the tunnel company'sproperty an ultimate paying proposition. Isig-nified to the superintendents the desire of thecompany to place the tunnel at their disposalat rates that will about cover the expenses. Ihave such faith in the Brunswick lode proper-ties that with the latitude given me by thecompany Ifelt H wise to await the develop-ment of the mine? for our profit in the enter-prise. As matters have stood neither the minecompanies nor the tunnel company couldprofit by their existence, and in opening upwhat is"practically new ground the mine com-panies cannot afford to pay us a margin on thestart.

Having thus signified the disposition of theComstock Tunnel Company,Ihave leftitfor themine superintendents to formulate a propo-sition which,Ithink, willbe rendy for submis-sion when Ireturn to Virginia Citynext week.Ifso,Ishall then return toNew York and sub-mit the proposition for ratification by theboard of directors. Ifeel pretty wellconvincedthat their proposition will be a satisfactoryone.

"Willthe consummation of an arrange-ment between your company and the minesuperintendents affect the removal of stockspeculation in those properties from SanFrancisco to New York?1

'was asked. Mr.

Leonard replied:You can judge as veil asIupon that propo-

sition. Iwill say, however, that there willre-sult a large buying of stock in those mines byNew York people. The raining department ofthe Consolidated Exchange will do an ex-tended business in them, for there is a goodimpression of the Brunswick properties amongthe investors of miningstocks inNew York.

My own opinion is that the St. John, Ala-bama, Bailey and the Humboldt willprove tobe as great abonanza as did their opposite^ onthe Comstock, namely: The Choliar, Potosi,Hale & Norcroas, Savage, oould &Curry,Best«fc Belcher, Coh. Virginia. Ifmy impression,which has been the opinion of the bupenn-tendentsof those mines for a long time, holdsgood there is some big money foreverybodyinterested; ifnot, then the whole propositionisa loser. But the Comstock Tunnel Compßny isready to risk it,and only awaits the action ofthe superintendents.

Mr.Zadig will accompany Mr.Leonardto Virginia City in the interests of the su-perintendents.

THE STANDING OF BANKS.They are to Report What Their Condi-

tion Was on June 17.Under the new law the Bank Commis-

sioners have the power to require allbanksof the State to make reports as to theirstanding on some past date at least threetimes a year. Accordingly the Commissioners held a special meeting yesterdayand resolved to call upon all the banksover which they have jurisdiction to sub-mit reports showing what their conditionwas on June 17. The old law simply re-quired semi-annual statements to be madeon June 30 and December 31 of each year.

Suicide of Thomas Mcßride.The body of Thomas Mcßride, a carpenter,

\u25a0was recovered from the bay yesterday morning.The deceased tolda friend named E.Lyons of2 Montgomery street that he had had troublewith his wife and was going to commit suicide.Nothing but a pawn ticket was found in thedeceased's clothing.


NEW TO-DAY. _ _____

FAU cOtlt

DOCTOR SWEANYThe Old Reliable Specialist.

Friend and benefactor of the sick and suffer*ing, whose offices so long established andfavorably known, at 737 Market street, SanFrancisco, where the sick and afflicted can inthe future, as they have in the past, receivetreatment from the ablest and most successfulspecialist of the age.

The doctor does notallow the names of hispatients or their diseases to be published; buthe cures them. He observes the strictest con- .fidence and secrecy inaMbis professional deal*ings. He has thousands of private genuine

testimonials on file in his office, volunteeredfrom judges, lawyers, doctors and the best menof the world. See them. Genuine, heartfelt,deep, sincere expressions of gratitude pay suchhightribute to Dr. Sweany's skill that wouldmake the heart of a sick, and despondent per-son

-leap with joy and renewed hope. There-

fore, render, ifyou are aware of any trouble orweakness seek him at once. Ifyou have metwith failure or become discouraged don't delaya day longer, but consult Dr.Sweany, Exam*me some of his very grateful and voluntarytestimonials and see what he has accomplishedincases just like your*,for he has testimonial!covering nearly every formof disease that manor woman is afflicted with.

WHYDo the afflicted of San Francisco and vicinity

crowd Doctor Sweany's offices daily?

BECAUSEThe wondenul cures he has made have created

confidence and delight in the hearts ofthose who have struggled in vain against theravages of Nervous Debilityand other diseases,untilthis successful doctor (whose picture ap-pears above) cured them.


AGED AND OLDMEN, a specialty. The awfuleffects of early indiscretions, producing weak*ness, nervousness, nightemissions, exhaustingdrains, bashfulness, stupid ness, loss of energy,ambition and self-confidence, weakness of bothbody and brain or any organs, unfitting one*for study, business or marriage, treated with,

never-failing success. Get welland be a man.

ITIIWPV MlT ftIRI¥\RV aching in smallKlUiiLIilili/lUiA.llllofback; painful,frequent urination and thick, milkyor bloodyurine; Bright' disease; bladder, .stomach,heart, liver, lung, throat, and all constitu-tional and internal troubles permanently curedinthe shortest possible time.

RIAAn Jl\Tft WkW diseases, sores, spots,DLUUU dill/MUil pimples, scrofula, syph-ilitic taints, tumors, tetter, eczema and otherimpurities of the blood thoroughly eradicated,leaving the system in a strong, pure andhealthful state. ••PR IVITV diseases, gleet, gonorrhoea, inflam-I1111.11Iimatlons, discharges, stricture,weakness of organs,, sypnilis, hydrocele, varl-cocele, rupture, piles, fistula quickly curedwithout pain or detention from business.

PRIT Poor who Call at office Friday after-lULLnoons treated free.

IIMPS wlll receive special and carefulLAirlLutreatment for all their many ail*ments.

111 persons who may be afflicted should con- ./ilili suit him at once, as his great reputationin the past willguarantee to every one kind,honorable and satisfactory treatment,

WRITS' your troubles if away from City.IIIIlib Thousands cured at home by corre-spondence, and medicines sent secure from ob-



A book of important information sent free toall sick persons who send their address.

Office Hours— a. m. to12 m., 2to 5 and 7 to8 p.m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 v.only. . '\u25a0

CAUTlON—Address all letters to

F. L.SWEANY, M.D.,787 Market Street, S. F., Gal.



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