The Tesla Code Mastermind Week 5

The Tesla Code Mastermind Week 5 - Amazon S3s3.amazonaws.com/Mentis/TeslaCodeSecrets/foremailwriter/... · 2016-09-07 · You shouldn’t try to escalate the situation further, since

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Page 1: The Tesla Code Mastermind Week 5 - Amazon S3s3.amazonaws.com/Mentis/TeslaCodeSecrets/foremailwriter/... · 2016-09-07 · You shouldn’t try to escalate the situation further, since

The Tesla Code Mastermind

Week 5

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I have this colleague who seems to have it in for me! She's always undermining me about work and

spreading rumors about me, trying to turn others against me. How can I stop her? I don't want to quit

this job because I like what I do. Please help me!

Hey Cassidy,

First of all, I would like to say that I am sorry you have to deal with a colleague that is spreading rumors

about you.

That is never a nice thing to do against anyone, especially your colleague.

It's hard when you find a job you love doing but your surroundings aren't exactly good.

This colleague may have misunderstood something you said or did, or even something you DIDN'T say or

DIDN'T do.

Some people are just sensitive that way.

I would suggest you read up on Lesson 4: How to Use Your Mental Power of Intellectual Leverage to put

yourself in your colleague's shoes.

As mentioned in the book, pretend you are her, and try to see things from her point of view.

You'd be amazed how much insight you can gain from this simple exercise alone.

Oftentimes we think of ourselves as impartial and justified in our reasons for seeing things a certain way.

However, when we truly put ourselves and our egos aside, we can see things in a completely different


Reader to also refer to Lesson 10: Your Secret Cerebral Power to Gain Swift Control Over Others.

This lesson teaches you a higher-level skill that can help you win the affections of this judgmental


You didn’t mention whether anyone else believed the rumors that she has been spreading about you?

Your true friends at work will always have your back and won’t believe silly rumors about you, when

they know the real you.

You seem like a strong individual and someone who takes their work seriously.

Don’t be intimated by the rumors and don’t let your colleague undermine your work.

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Sometimes you do come across people who love dominating other people in the workplace, and this is

another classic example.

The Tesla Code Mastermind is going to help you overcome adverse situations like the one you currently

find yourself in.

However, you will also have to work with the lessons and the techniques that have been mentioned in

the Tesla Code.

It seems that your colleague is a bully and she has picked up on you because you’re well-liked and highly


You shouldn’t try to escalate the situation further, since you can easily solve the problem if you keep

calm and deflect the rumors.

You clearly love your job and this colleague of yours maybe doesn’t like you or is jealous of the work

that you do.

That is why she is trying to turn the tables on you and get other people to dislike you.

One thing that you can do other than the techniques and lessons taught in the Tesla Code Mastermind is

try to find a solution by having a talk.

In most situations like these confrontations aren’t a good idea, since it can escalate the situation further.

However, if things are getting out of hand, then you need to have a word with this colleague.

Let them know that it is definitely not cool and they should stop spreading rumors and trying to

undermine you all the time at work.

You can also contact HR and file a case of harassment against the colleague, since spreading rumors and

disrupting the harmony of the workplace doesn’t fly with the management anywhere.

I really do hope that you’re able to resolve all your issues with the Tesla Code Mastermind and find a

solution to this.

I do believe that you can come to a suitable conclusion with the techniques and lessons that I have told

you to check out.

Sometimes, people who are spreading tend to get bored with their intended target and then move on to

a new target.

You can easily report them to the management if they have crossed a line and nip it in the bud.

Be professional in this situation and don’t wait to hold back about reporting them, since no one likes a

person who is spreading lies in the workplace.

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Remember that no one has got the power and the authority to call you out on anything, and you remain

in complete control over your entire situation.

The workplace is meant to be a professional place, and there is no room for people who spread rumors

about their colleagues.

Don’t stress out about the colleague now and just follow the lessons, advice and techniques that are

mentioned in the Tesla Code Mastermind.

You will be surprised at how easily you will be able to deal with this particular situation.

Good luck for that Cassidy.

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My friend told me that the Tesla Code helped her with her headaches. I suffer from constant

headaches due to my high-stress environment as I'm a lawyer, and these headaches are getting more

frequent. It's gotten to the point where I can no longer function well at work and have to keep using

up my sick days. Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, you name it, I've tried it. They don't work for me at all! I'm

afraid of losing my job, but just thinking about the pile of work on my desk when I get back is inducing

another headache!

Janet, yours is a classic case of too much tension in your mind, and it has manifested itself physically in

the form of headaches.

Headaches that are debilitating enough to stop you from working are something you have to remedy


You mentioned that aspirin, Advil, and all those headache pills.

That's because your headache isn't something that's caused by physical illness.

It's caused by mental exhaustion and stress.

You have reached your limit and are burning yourself out with all the work that you’re doing.

Even if aspirin did work, it would only stop the symptoms momentarily instead of curing the root


Refer reader to Lesson 15: Secret Cerebral Power to Rout Your Nagging Aches and Minor Illnesses.

Doing lots of paperwork and research can produce nagging pain and that seems like what you're going

through right now.

This is a condition that is only going to get worse and you need to realize that your mind and body needs

a rest.

Sitting behind a desk all day and doing a pile of paperwork and cause ever the best of people to get

stressed out.

Use the techniques outlined in Lesson 15 to rectify your posture and nullify your tension!

Reader to also refer to Lesson 8: The Secret Cerebral Power to Control Your Nervous Tension and Worry.

In it, you can learn the art of psycho-feedback, which will help relieve your headaches and stop them

from recurring.

In this case, the fear or dread that keeps you on edge and prone to headaches is your fast-paced, high-

stress work environment.

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Figure out what it is exactly that makes you so afraid of failing: is it a fear of disappointing your boss?

Or is it a fear of letting your clients down?

Could it be that you're dreading the tons of paperwork that every case entails?

Whatever it is, confront it with your conscious mind as described in Lesson 8.

You will quickly realize that what is actually causing your headaches is just too much stress and a work


Your body can only take so much stress and work, and you have to manage it affectively.

The lessons and techniques discussed in the Tesla Code Mastermind are designed to help you get rid of

all the stress, worries and tensions.

This is because stress is something that you simply can’t get rid of with medication.

You will have to let go of all your worries, which is easier said than done.

I know a lot of people who work until they are exhausted and yet they are still trying to get work done.

The big problem that you will have to overcome over here is overworking your mind too much.

Your headaches are a signal from your body that it is being worked a little too hard and you need rest

and time to recuperate.

I would suggest that you take a vacation, if you can afford it, but if that doesn’t seem appealing to you,

then the Tesla Code Mastermind is the best solution for you.

It helps the mind and the body to relax, and you will soon realize you will be able to get much more

done when you’re fresh and have recharged your batteries.

Too much stress and tension are bad for you health, since it can cause you to fall sick often and for

longer time periods.

You should probably discuss this issue with your boss and take some time off your work if they allow you

to have it.

Surely there must be someone who can pick up the slack in your absence?

If there is no one, you will have to rely on the techniques and lessons in the Tesla Code Mastermind.

Remember, to do them correctly, and you will soon notice that your headaches will become less severe

and then eventually disappear.

I know a lot of people who have benefitted from the Tesla Code Mastermind, and now rarely suffer from


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This is because it teaches you to deal with the root cause of the problem and ensures that your mind

and body are healthy.

Too much stress and tension are bad for you, and if you can eliminate them from your body, you will

generally have a much easier time at work.

Good luck.

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Hi X. I just can't seem to get things right. My girlfriend left me because my business went bust. My

parents stopped all contact with me because they invested their retirement savings in my business

and lost it all. I fail at everything I ever touch. I'm a boring person; I don't know how to make myself

more charismatic and likeable.

Hey Jamie,

The first thing that I would like to say is that you have had a rough time of late.

I am sure that you aren’t as bad a person as you’re making it sound through your question.

I do in fact have a solution for you, and it will definitely make your more likable and charismatic as well.

What I am suggesting is that you use the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator.

You have to visualize yourself with a booming business, lots of friends and of course being popular with

the ladies.

It’s a fact that whatever you visualize, you will end up getting, and at the end of the day you will

definitely be able to turn the tables.

Visualization is a very powerful tool and the more you do it, the more it will help you get what you want.

I know that you are in a dark place right now, and the future looks rather bleak.

However, you don’t have to let your past define you or the choices that you will make in the future.

One thing that you can do is check out Lesson 13: Secret Cerebral Power for Wisest Future Action.

It will tell you everything that you need to do to learn from your mistakes.

You need to review your past failures without holding back.

This means that you have to be brutally honest with yourself and review everything in your past.

Figure out where you went wrong, and don't sugar-coat anything or justify your failures.

Know that they were mistakes made and decide with your conscious mind that you will not make them


That is the best way to experience reality.

Know that the decisions that you made were wrong decisions and everything that you suffered from

then, was due to the consequences.

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Once you have cleared your subconscious you will be able to move forward without having anything

clinging to you.

I am sure that you had very grand plans about your future and you wanted to make a difference in the


However, things haven’t according gone to any of your plans, and you’re in a bad place right now.

You shouldn’t despair and definitely not give up on your dreams or your business.

The first step towards a new future is by making new business plans, but do make sure that they are


You can revise the old ones—or toss them out altogether if they're bad from the foundation up.

Listen to your intuition and then go from there.

Read up on economic news and market trends, conduct polls and surveys to find out what your target

market needs, make sure you stay updated in your field.

You can’t just simply give up on life and live the rest of your life like a sad person with nothing to look

forward to.

I also believe that you aren’t a sad or boring person and you can even win back your ex once she sees

how successful you are now.

Your goal is to get back on your feet once again and all you need is a little bit of encouragement.

I am sure that with the right support and trust you will be able to achieve anything that you set your

mind to accomplishing.

Sometimes life gives you difficult tests so that you can reach your true potential.

So you failed a few times in life, but that doesn’t mean that your life is over and meaningless.

It may look that way but you have so much more to give and experience.

You have hit rock bottom in your life, but that doesn’t mean that you just step away and hide from your


Pick yourself back up and get back out there to make things right.

Your parents may have stopped talking to you, but they are your parents and will still love you


You can easily make back the money that you lost through your business as well.

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The Tesla Code Mastermind is a second chance for you, and the lessons and techniques in it are

designed to help you achieve a lot more in your life.

Don’t give up before you reach the finish line, since you can easily accomplish your goals and ambitions.

You say that you can never get things right, but it maybe because you’re trying too hard or doing the

wrong things.

Analyze your whole life and the bad decisions you made, and learn from them.

I hope you get back everything you lost.

Good luck.

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Why is it that everyone around me has a best friend but I can't seem to find one? I used to have one,

but she got another best friend and I prefer best friends to be exclusive. I need someone who can help

me grow and give me advice, someone I can trust. But it's so hard to find someone who understands

me! There are some close friends around me that I considered, but it always turns out to be

something or other that makes me reconsider.

Hey Brooke, it’s sad to know that you don’t have a best friend.

Friends are life and everyone should have a best friend but I can completely understand your thinking.

Not everyone can be your best friend, since you need to have a special connection with that person, and

find out if you are their best friend as well.

I completely agree with you that best friends should be exclusive.

However, it may be hard for you to find someone who fits your needs because this person doesn't really


He or she only exists in your head as an ideal.

Humans are flawed, you can't expect someone who can understand you, help you grow, give you advice,

AND is exclusive to you to fall out of the sky.

It may seem like people find their best friends easily, but the truth is they usually have some strong

history together that made them best friends.

You can focus on Lesson 12: Your Secret Cerebral Power for Most Effective Judgment.

That will allow you to find someone amongst your close friends who can then become a special friend or

a best friend to you.

I sense that there are some causes listed there that are hindering you from finding someone who suits

all you described.

You may be too focused on finding a best friend that you're neglecting the fact that there is not one

person who can do all that for you AND not have their own problems.

You mentioned that you have some close friends but some things made you reconsider.

Perhaps what you need to do is realize that sometimes these close friends have bad days as well.

They don't behave perfectly according to your needs, nor do they understand you 100% on any given


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I can assure you, no one in the world has a best friend that's 100% perfect.

Even though some people may defer to this agreement, but it is true, since there is no such thing as


Lesson 12 will help you recalibrate your mind so that your focus will be on finding someone that can

help you grow, whom you can also help as well.

Doing so will allow you to find a person who is just as much emotionally invested in you, as you are in

them. Every relationship, friendship, is a two-way street.

You need to figure out what you can contribute as well.

Another thing that might be highly beneficial to you is that Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator that will allow

you to have a best friend for life.

It isn’t easy finding a best friend in this day and age, someone who is both loyal and exclusive to you, but

the Tesla Code Mastermind will help you in this regard.

There are lots of people who are out there looking for best friends just as you and I am sure that if you

use the techniques and lessons provided to you above you will find them.

The people around you who have found best friends, didn’t happen to come across them by chance.

Well maybe one or two of them, but it takes more than just luck and chance to find a best friend.

Using the above mentioned techniques and lessons you will be easily able to find a best friend of that I

am sure.

You shouldn’t despair that you don’t have a best friend right now, since it takes a lot to get a best friend.

I am not sure many people have got exclusive best friends, since most people have a ton of friends who

have got other best friends as well.

I get where you’re coming from when you’re talking about an exclusive best friends, but you have to

realize that the best friends that come across in movies and shows.

You have to realize that in the real world people react and interact differently, and that is why you

should be careful and selective when choosing your best friend.

If you’re really interested in finding a best friend then you have come to the right place, because the

Tesla Code Mastermind is going to help you do that.

Best friends are a gift from god and everyone should have one in my opinion.

Here is to hoping you are able to find your own best friend.

Good luck.